WERA_OLD1007: Curly Top virus Biology, Transmission, Ecology, and Management
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Strausbaugh, C. A., Rearick, E., and Camp, S. 2008. Influence of curly top and Poncho Beta on storability of sugarbeet. J. Sugar Beet Res. 45:31-47.
Strausbaugh, C. A., Gillen, A. M., Camp, S., Shock, C. C., Eldredge, E. P., and Gallian, J. J. 2007. Relationship of beet curly top foliar ratings to sugar beet yield. Plant Dis. 91:1459-1463.
Singh, S., Terán, H., Lema, M., Webster, D., Strausbaugh, C. A., Miklas, P. M., Schwartz, H. F., and Brick, M. A. 2007. Seventy-five years of breeding dry bean of the Western USA. Crop Sci. 47:981-989.
Strausbaugh, C. A., Gillen, A. M., Gallian, J. J., Camp, S., and Stander, J. R. 2006. Influence of host resistance and insecticide seed treatments on curly top in sugar beets. Plant Dis. 90:1539-1544.
Valasquez-Valle, R, Creamer, R., Medina-Aquillar, MM. 2008. First report of beet mild curly top virus infection in chile pepper in North Central Mexico. Plant Disease 92:650.
Wintermantel, WM. 2007. Mapping of curly top incidence and determination of genetic variation among viruses responsible for curly top in California. Journal of Sugarbeet Research 44:163-164.
Wintermantel, WM. 2007. Development of novel sources of resistance to beet curly top virus through virus-induced gene silencing. Journal of Sugarbeet Research 44:136-137.
No publications for 10/2006 to 8/2007.
Stafford, C. A., Walker, G. P., Creamer, R. 2009. Stylet penetration behaviour resulting in inoculation of beet severe curly top virus by beet leafhopper, Circulifer tenellus. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 130:130-137.
Wintermantel, William. 2009. Beet curly top virus. Pages 51-53 in: Compendium of Beet Diseases and Pests, 2nd ed. RM Harveson and LE Hanson, eds., APS Press, St. Paul, MN.
Wintermantel, William. 2009. Resistance to curly top viruses through virus induced gene silencing. Proceedings of the 35th Biennial Mtg American Society of Sugar Beet Technologists.
Miklas, P. N., Seo, Y.-S., Gilbertson, R. L. 2009. Quantitative resistance to bean dwarf mosaic virus in common bean is associated with the Bct gene for resistance to beet curly top virus. Plant Disease 93:645-648.
Lam, N., Creamer, R., Rascon, J., and Belfon, R. 2009. Characterization of a new curtovirus, Pepper yellow dwarf virus, from chile pepper and distribution in weed hosts in New Mexico. Archives of Virology 154:429-436.
Stafford, C. A., Walker, G. P., and Stafford, C. A. 2009. Characterization and correlation of DC electrical penetration graph waveforms with feeding behavior of beet leafhopper, Circulifer tenellus. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 130:113-129.
Chen, L,-F. and Gilbertson, R. 2009. Curtovirus-cucurbit interaction: acquisition host plays a role in leafhopper transmission in a host-dependent manner. Phytopathology 99:101-108.
Durrin, J. S., Nikolaeva, O.V., Strausbaugh, C. A., and Karasev, A. V. 2010. Immunodetectionof two curtoviruses infecting sugar beet. Plant Disease 94:972-976.
Chen, L-F., Brannigan, K., Clark, R., Gilbertson, R. L. 2010. Characterization of curtoviruses associated with curly top disease of tomato in California and monitoring for these viruses in beet leafhoppers. Plant Disease 94:99-108.