WERA_OLD203: Animal Utilization of Products from Processing Agricultural Commodities
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Journal Articles:
Bohnert, D. W., C. S. Schauer, M. L. Bauer, and T. DelCurto. 2002. Influence of rumen protein degradability and supplementation frequency on steers consuming low-quality forage: I. Site of digestion and microbial efficiency. J. Anim. Sci. 80:2967-2977.
Callison, S.L., J.L. Firkins, M.L. Eastridge, and B.L. Hull. 2001. Site of nutrient digestion by dairy cows fed corn of different particle sizes or steam-rolled. J. Dairy Sci. 84:1458-1467.
Eastridge, M.L., and J.L. Firkins. 2002. Nutrition concentrate feeds: cereal grains. Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences, H. Roginski, J.W. Fuquay, and P.F. Fox, eds. Vol. I, pgs 478-483. Elsevier Science Ltd., Academic Press, St. Louis, MO.
Firkins, J.L., M.L. Eastridge, N.R. St-Pierre, and S.M. Noftsger. 2001. Effects of grain variability and processing on starch utilization by lactating dairy cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 79 (E. Suppl.): E218-E238.
Firkins, J.L., D.I. Harvatine, J.T. Sylvester, and M.L. Eastridge. 2002. Lactation performance by dairy cows fed wet brewers grains or whole linted cottonseed to replace forage. J. Dairy Sci. 85:2662-2668.
Harvatine, D.I., J.L. Firkins, and M.L. Eastridge. 2002. Whole linted cottonseed as a forage substitute fed with ground or steam-flaked corn: digestibility and performance. J. Dairy Sci. 85:1976-1987.
Harvatine, D.I., J.E. Winkler, M. Devant-Guille, J.L. Firkins, N.R. St-Pierre, B.S. Oldick, and M.L. Eastridge. 2002. Whole linted cottonseed as a forage substitute: fiber effectiveness and digestion kinetics. J. Dairy Sci. 85:1988-1999.
Loe, E. R., M. L. Bauer, G. P. Lardy, and J. S. Caton. 2002. Dietary inclusion of concentrated separator by-product fed to newly received feedlot steers. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. 100:43-52.
Loy, T. W., G. P. Lardy, M. L. Bauer, W. D. Slanger, and J. S. Caton. 2002. Effects of supplementation on intake and growth of nursing calves grazing native range in southwestern North Dakota. J. Anim. Sci. 80:2717-2725.
Wang, Z., M.L. Eastridge, and X. Qiu. 2001. Effects of forage neutral detergent fiber and yeast culture on performance of cows during early lactation. J. Dairy Sci. 84:204-212.
Wiedmeier, R.D., F.D. Provenza, and E.A. Burritt. 2002. Exposure to ammoniated wheat straw as suckling calves improves performance of mature beef cows wintered on ammoniated wheat straw. J. Anim. Sci. 80:2340-2348.
Zhang, R., Li, X., and J. G. Fadel. 2002. Oyster mushroom cultivation with rice and wheat straw. Bioresource Technology. 82:277-284.
Block, H., C. Macken, T. Klopfenstein, R. Cooper, and R. Stock 2002. Crude Protein and Wet Corn Gluten Feed Levels for Steam Flaked Corn Finishing Diets. Neb. Beef Rep. MP 79-A: 68-71.
Bowman, B.R., R.D. Wiedmeier, D.Y. Kim, B.A. Kent, and J.L. Walters. 2001. Effects of direct-fed viable yeast culture on productivity of beef cows wintered on low-quality forages. Western Section ASAS 52:321-325.
Eastridge, M.L. 2002. Effects of feeding fats on rumen fermentation and milk composition. Pages 47-57 in Proceedings of the Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition Conference, October 8-10, Vancouver, Canada.
Eastridge, M.L. 2002. The use of fats in feeding dairy cattle and the effects of supplemental fat on ruminal fermentation. Pages 136-148 in Proceedings of the California Animal Nutrition Conference, May 8-9, Fresno.
Eastridge, M.L., and X. Qiu. 2001. Conjugated linoleic acid in milk from cows on pasture. Department of Animal Sciences Research and Reviews, OARDC Special Circular #182, p. 37-40.
Eastridge, M.L., and X. Qiu. 2001. Effects of two sources of calcium soaps on performance of lactating cows. Department of Animal Sciences Research and Reviews, OARDC Special Circular #182, p. 57-59.
Erickson, G., T. Klopfenstein, and T. Milton. 2002. Corn Bran Level in Finishing Diets and N Losses from Open-dirt Pens. Neb. Beef Rep. MP 79-A: 54-57.
Firkins, J.L., D.I. Harvatine, S. Ivan, and M.L. Eastridge. 2001. Effectiveness of whole cottonseeds and wet brewers grains to replace forage in dairy rations. Department of Animal Sciences Research and Reviews, OARDC Special Circular #182, p. 53-56.
Jordon, D. J., T. Klopfenstein, and T. Milton. 2001. Wet Corn Gluten Feed Supplementation of Calves Grazing Corn Residue. Neb. Beef Rep. MP 76-A: 41-43.
Loy, T., D. Adams, T. Klopfenstein, D. Feuz, J. Musgrave, and B. Teichert. 2003. Comparison of Two Heifer Development Systems on a Commercial Nebraska Ranch. Neb. Beef Rep. MP 80-A: 5-7.
Loy, T., T. Klopfenstein, G. Erickson, and C. Macken. 2003. Value of Dry Distillers Grains in High-forage Diets and Effect of Supplementation Frequency. Neb. Beef Rep. MP 80-A: 8-10.
Macken, C., G. Erickson, T. Klopfenstein, R. Cooper, and R. Stock. 2003. Wet Corn Gluten Feed Levels for Steam-flaked Corn Based Finishing Diets. Neb. Beef Rep. MP 80-A: 24-25.
Macken, C., G. Erickson, T. Klopfenstein, R. Stock, S. Jaeger. 2003. Effects of Corn Processing Method and Crude Protein Level with the Inclusion of Wet Corn Gluten Feed on Finishing Steer Performance. Neb. Beef Rep. MP 80-A: 25-27.
Macken, C., G. Erickson, T. Klopfenstein, R. Cooper, and R. Stock 2003. Corn Steep and Bran:Germ Meal Ratio in Steam-flaked Corn Based Finishing Diets. Neb. Beef Rep. MP 80-A:28-29.
Macken, C., T. Klopfenstein, G. Erickson, and R. Stock. 2002. Type of Corn Bran and Corn Processing Method in Beef Finishing Diets. Neb. Beef Rep. MP 79-A:72-73.
Mass, R., D. J. Jordon, T. Milton, T. Klopfenstein, and R. Stock. 2001. Urinary Allantoin Excretion of Finishing Steers: Effects of Grain Adaptation and Wet Milling Byproduct Feeding. Neb. Beef Rep. MP 76-A:47-49.
Nelson, M. L. 2002. Research Roundup. Adding processed fat to finishing diets. Beef. 38:80.
Palmer, K., R.D. Wiedmeier, B.A. Kent, C.A. Fitzgerald, and J.L. Walters. 2001. Alfalfa versus grass hay as supplements for beef cows wintered on ammoniated wheat straw. Western Section ASAS 52:333-335.
Park, J., I. Rush, T. Milton, and B. Weichenthal. 2001. The Effect of Feeding Pressed Sugar Beet Pulp in Beef Cattle Feedlot Finishing Diets. Neb. Beef Rep. MP 76-A: 67-69.
Perrin, R., and T. Klopfenstein. 2001. Economic Returns of Wet Byproducts as Cattle Feed. Neb. Beef Rep. MP 76-A: 45-47.
Qiu, X., M.L. Eastridge, and J.L. Firkins. 2001. Factors affecting the production of conjugated linoleic acid in dairy cows. Department of Animal Sciences Research and Reviews, OARDC Special Circular #182, p. 29-36.
Scott, T., T. Milton, and T. Klopfenstein. 2001. Programmed Gain Finishing Systems in Yearling Steers Fed Dry-rolled Corn or Wet Corn Gluten Feed Finishing Diets. Neb. Beef Rep. MP 76-A: 49-51.
Scott, T., T. Milton, T. Klopfenstein, and R. Stock. 2001. Corn Processing Method in Finishing Diets Containing Wet Corn Gluten Feed. Neb. Beef Rep. MP 76-A: 59-63.
Spratling, B.M., R.D. Wiedmeier, C.A. Fitzgerald, and B.A. Kent. 2001. Exogenous cellulose enhances the utilization of ammoniated wheat straw in pregnant and lactating beef cows. Western Section ASAS 52:349-352.
Trenkle, A. 2001. Effects of feeding a live microbial product on feedlot performance and carcass value of finishing steers fed wet corn gluten feed. Iowa State Univ. Coop. Ext. Serv. A.S. Leaflet R1742, p 22-24.
Trenkle, A. 2002. Relative feeding value of wet corn distillers solubles as a feed for finishing cattle. 2002 Beef Research Report. A.S. Leaflet R1772. Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
Trenkle, A. 2002. Relative feeding value of wet corn steep liquor when fed to finishing cattle. 2002 Beef Research Report. A.S. Leaflet R1773. Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
Trenkle, A. 2002. Evaluation of proteferm as a nitrogen supplement for finishing steers. 2002 Beef Research Report. A.S. Leaflet R1776. Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
Watson, M.L., R.D. Wiedmeier, B.A. Kent, and J.L. Walters. 2001. Developing replacement beef heifers using diets based on ammoniated low-quality forages. Western Section ASAS 52:357-359.
Wiedmeier, R.D., P.R. Schmidt, C.A. Stonecipher, B.A. Kent and D.R. ZoBell. 2003. Apparent digestible dry matter intake of ammoniated wheat straw diets in beef cows as affected by wheat middlings and biotin supplementation. Western Section ASAS 54:216-219.
Wiedmeier, R.D., K.C. Olson, B.A. Kent, and P.R. Schmidt. 2002. Utilization of low-quality forages as affected by beef cow body condition score. Western Section ASAS 53:593-595.
Wiedmeier, R.D. , K.C. Olson, B.A. Kent, and P.R. Schmidt. 2002. Performance of beef cows wintered on ammoniated wheat straw as affected by limiting intake. Western Section ASAS 53:606-609.
ZoBell, D.R., K.C. Olson, C.A. Stonecipher, and R.D. Wiedmeier. 2001. The effect of feeding wheat middlings to growing and finishing beef steers on production, digestibility, and carcass characteristics. Western Section ASAS 52:577-579.
Symposia/Meeting presentations
Erickson, G. and T. Klopfenstein. 2003. Distillers solubles and wet byproducts. AFIA Liquid Feed Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Erickson, G., and T. Klopfenstein. 2003. Distillers grains for beef cattle. 33rd Annual Beef Days, DeKalb Feeds.
Erickson, G., and T. Klopfenstein. 2002. Distillers grains for beef cattle. National Corn Growers Association, North Central Distillers Grains Conference, Prior Lake, MN.
Nelson, M. L. 2002. Animal Fats as an important ingredient in feedlot rations. National Renderers Association and Fats and Proteins Research Foundation. Emerging Issues and Opportunities Seminar, Vancouver, BC.
Nelson, M. L. 2002. Altering ruminal fermentation with a byproduct feed. Yakima, WA.
Nelson, M. L. 2002. Nutrition, body condition, and reproductive performance of beef cows. Klickitat County Cattlemens Association.
Nelson, M. l. 2002. Impact of nutrition on reproductive performance of beef cows. Spokane Ag Expo.
Trenkle, A. 2002. Corn distillers coproducts : Feeding value for beef cattle. National Corn Growers Association North Central Distillers Grains Conference, Prior Lake, MN., Aug 2002.
Trenkle, A. 2002. Corn distillers coproducts : Feeding value for beef cattle. National Corn Growers Association Southern Distillers Grains Conference, Amarillo, TX., Nov 2002.
Firkins, J.L., D.I. Harvatine, J.T. Sylvester, and M.L. Eastridge. 2002. Lactation performance by dairy cows fed wet brewers grains (WBG) or whole linted cottonseed (WCS) to replace forage. Page 67 in Abstracts from Midwest Branch of Amer. Dairy Sci. Assoc.
Qiu, X., M.L. Eastridge, J.L. Firkins, K.E. Griswold, and G.A. Apgar. 2002. Effects of DMI, addition of buffer, and source of fat on duodenal flow and milk concentration of conjugated linoleic acid and trans-C18:1 in dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 85 (Suppl. 1): 313.
Ribeiro-Filho, C.C. and A. Trenkle. 2002. Evaluation of feeding value of corn steep liquor as an energy and protein source for finishing cattle. J. Anim Sci. 80(Suppl. 1):232.