WERA_OLD20: Virus and Virus-Like Diseases of Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, and Grapevines.
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Chisholm, J., G. Zhang, A. Wang, and H. Sanfacon. 2007. Peripheral association of a polyprotein precursor form of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase of Tomato ringspot virus with the membrane-bound viral replication complex. Virology. (In Press)
Eastwell, K.C., P.L. Sholberg, and R.J. Sayler. 2006. Characterizing potential bacterial biocontrol agents for suppression of Rhizobium vitis, causal agent of crown gall disease in grapevines. Crop Protection. 25:1191-1200.
Gibson, P.G., G.L. Reighard, S.W. Scott, and D. Marini. 2006. Phenotypical Variation in Peach Trees Inoculated with Defined Mixtures of Viruses and Peach Latent Mosaic Viroid. Acta Horticulturae.
Halgren, A.B., I.E. Tzanetakis, and R.R. Martin. 2007. Identification, characterization, and detection of Black raspberry necrosis virus. Phytopathology. 97:44-50.
Jones, A.T., W.J. Mcgavin, V. Gepp, S.W. Scott, and M.T. Zimmerman. 2006. Purification and properties of Blackberry chlorotic ringspot, a new virus species in Subgroup 1 of the genus Ilarvirus found naturally infecting blackberry in the UK. Annals of Applied Biology. 149:125-135.
Joyce, P.A., F.E. Constable, J. Crosslin, K. Eastwell, W.E. Howell, and B.C. Rodini. 2006. Characterisation of Pear blister canker viroid isolates from Australian pome fruit orchards. Australasian Plant Pathology. 35:465-471.
Lima, M.F., R. Alkowni, J.K. Uyemoto, D. Golino, F. Osman, and A. Rowhani. 2006. Molecular analysis of a Californian strain of Grapevine rupestris stem pitting associated virus isolated from declining Syrah grapevines. Archive of Virology. 151:1889-1894.
Liu, Z., R. Scorza, J-M Hily, S.W. Scott, and D. James. 2007. Engineering Resistance to Multiple Prunus Fruit Viruses Through Expression of Chimeric Hairpins. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 132:407-414.
Martin, R.R. and I.E. Tzanetakis. 2006. Characterization, detection and management of strawberry viruses. Plant Disease. 90:384-396.
Martin, R.R., I.E. Tzanetakis, M. Sweeney, and L. Wegener. 2006. A virus associated with blueberry fruit drop disease. Acta Horticulturae. 715:497-501.
Melzer, M.J., W.B. Borth, F. Zee, M.E. Hilf, S.M. Garnsey, and J.S. Hu. 2006. Incidence and diversity of Citrus tristeza virus in the Hawaii. Phytopathology. 96:77.
Melzer, M.J., W.B. Borth, F. Zee, M.E. Hilf, S.M. Garnsey, and J.S. Hu. 2006. Incidence, distribution, and diversity of Citrus tristeza virus in the Hawaiian islands. In: Proc. 16th Conf. IOCV. Pages 179-186.
Osman, F., C. Leutenegger, D. Golino, and A. Rowhani. Real-time RT-PCR (TaqMan®) assays for the detection of grapevine leafroll associated virus 1, 2, 2-Redglobe strain, and 3. J. Virol. Methods. (In Press)
Raghupathy, M.B., J.S. Griffiths, L.W. Stobbs, D.C.W. Brown, J.E. Brandle, and A. Wang. 2006. Transfection of Arabidopsis protoplast with a Plum pox virus (PPV) infectious clone for studying early molecular events associated with PPV infection. J. of Virological Methods. 136:147-153.
Scott, S.W. and M.T. Zimmerman. 2006. The complete nucleotide sequence of the genome of Humulus japonicus latent virus. Archives of Virology. 151:1683-1687. DOI 10.1007/s00705-006-0771-6.
Scott, S.W. and M.T. Zimmerman. 2006. Production of Full-length Copies of the Genomic RNAs of Prunus necrotic ring spot virus. Acta Horticulturae.
Soule, M.J., K.C. Eastwell, and R.A. Naidu. 2006. First report of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-3 in American Vitis grapevines in Washington State. Plant Disease. 90:1461.
Susaimuthu, J., I.E. Tzanetakis, R.C. Gergerich, and R.R. Martin. 2006. Yellow vein-affected blackberries and the presence of a novel Crinivirus. Plant Pathology. 55:607-613.
Tzanetakis, I.E., and R.R. Martin. 2007. Strawberry chlorotic fleck: Identification and characterization of a novel Closterovirus associated with the disease. Virus Research. 124:88-94.
Tzanetakis, I.E., J.D. Postman, and R.R. Martin. 2007. First report of Blackberry chlorotic ringspot virus in Rubus sp. in the United States. Plant Disease. 91:463.
Tzanetakis, I.E., A.B. Halgren, N. Mosier, and R.R. Martin. 2007. Identification and characterization of Raspberry mottle virus, a novel member of the Closteroviridae. Virus Research. 127:26-33.
Tzanetakis, I.E., J.D. Postman, R.C. Gergerich, and R.R. Martin. 2006. A virus between families: nucleotide sequence and evolution of Strawberry latent ringspot virus. Virus Research. 121:199-204.
Tzanetakis, I.E., J. Suisumathu, R.C. Gergerich, and R.R. Martin. 2006. Nucleotide sequence of blackberry yellow vein associated virus, a novel member of the Closteroviridae. Virus Research. 116:196-200.
Tzanetakis, I.E., W.M. Wintermantel, A.A. Cortez, J.E. Barnes, S.M. Barrett, M.P. Bolda, and R.R. Martin. 2006. Epidemiology of Strawberry pallidosis associated virus and occurrence of pallidosis disease in North America. Plant Disease. 90:1343-1346.
Wang, A., H. Sanfacon, L.W. Stobbs, D. James, D. Thompson, A.M. Svircev, and D.C.W. Brown. 2006. Plum pox virus in Canada: Progress in research and future prospects for diseases control. Canadian J. of Plant Pathology. 28:1-10.
Wegener, L.A., R.R. Martin, M.G. Bernardy, L. Macdonald, and Z.K. Punja. 2007. Epidemiology and strain identification of Blueberry scorch virus on highbush blueberry in British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology. 28:250.
Wegener, L.A., Z.K. Punja, and R.R. Martin. 2007. First report of Blueberry scorch virus in black huckleberry in British Columbia. Plant Disease. 91:328.
Almeida, R.P.P. 2008. Ecology of emerging vector-borne plant diseases. pp. 70-77. In: Institute of Medicine Forum on Vector-borne diseases: Understanding the environmental, human health, and ecological connections. The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C. 350p.
Almeida, R.P.P., Bennett, G.M., Anhalt, M.D., Tsai, C.W. and O'Grady, P. 2008. Spread of an introduced vector-borne banana virus in Hawaii. Molecular Ecology (accepted).
Almeida, R.P.P., Nascimento, F.E., Chau, J., Prado, S.S., Tsai, C.W., Lopes, S.A. and Lopes, J.R.S. 2008. Genetic structure and biology of Xylella fastidiosa causing disease in citrus and coffee in Brazil. Applied and Environ. Microbiology 74:3690-3701.
Anhalt, M.D. and Almeida, R.P.P. 2008. Effect of temperature, vector life stage and plant access period on transmission of Banana bunchy top virus to banana. Phytopathology 98:743-748.
Chatterjee, S., Almeida, R.P.P. and Lindow, S.E. 2008. Living in two worlds: the plant and insect lifestyles of Xylella fastidiosa. Ann. Rev. of Phytopath. 46:243-271.
Gibson , P.G. Reighard, G.L. Scott, S.W. , and Marini, D. 2008. Phenotypical Variation in Peach Trees Inoculated with Defined Mixtures of Viruses and Peach Latent Mosaic Viroid. Acta Horticulturae,781:541-546.
Hooks, C.R.R., Wright, M.G., Kabasawa, D.S., Manandhar, R. and Almeida, R.P.P. 2008. Effect of Banana bunchy top virus infection on morphology and growth characteristics of banana. Ann. of Applied Biol. 153:1-9.
Hu, J.S., D. M. Sether, M.J. Melzer, C. V. Subere, K. Cheah, Y. Chen, Qi Li, W. Borth, I. C. Wang, C. Nagai, and M.L. Wang. 2007. Characterization and Management of Pineapple Mealybug Wilt Associated Viruses. VI International Pineapple Symposium in Brazil.
Hu, J.S., M.J. Melzer, D. M. Sether, C.V. Subere, W. Borth, and A.V. Karasev. 2008. The nucleotide sequence and genome organization of Pineapple mealybug wilt associated virus-1 and PMWaV-3 support a new genus in the family Closteroviridae. ASVAnnual Meeting at Cornell University.
Jarugula, S., Soule, M.J., Rowhani, A. and Naidu, R.A. 2008. First report of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-9 in Washington State vineyards. Plant Disease 92:485.
Li, R. and Mock, R. 2008. Characterization of a flowering cherry strain of Cherry necrotic rusty mottle virus. Arch. Virology 153:973-978.
Marini, D.B., Gibson, P.G. and Scott, S.W. 2008. The complete nucleotide sequence of an isolate of apple chlorotic leaf spot virus from peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batch). Arch. Virol. 153:1003-1005.
Mekuria, T., Martin, R.R. and Naidu, R. A. 2008. First report of the occurrence of Grapevine fanleaf virus in Washington State vineyards. Plant Disease 92:1250.
Melzer, M.J., Sether, D.M., Karasev, A.V. and Hu, J.S. 2008. Complete nucleotide sequence and genome organization of Pineapple mealybug wilt-associated virus-1. Arch. Virology. 153:707-714.
Prado S.S. and Almeida, R.P.P. 2008. Phylogenetic placement of pentatomid stink bug gut symbionts. Current Microbiology. (in press)
Prado, S.S., Lopes, J.R.S., Demetrio, C.G.B., Borgatto, A.F. and Almeida, R.P.P. 2008. Host colonization differences between citrus and coffee isolates of Xylella fastidiosa in reciprocal inoculation. Scientia Agricola 65:251-258.
Sether, D.M., Melzer, M.J., Subere, C.V.Q., Borth, W.B., and Hu, J.S. 2008. Genome organization, phylogenetic relationships, and distribution of Pineapple mealybug wilt associated virus-3 in Hawaii. Virus Genes. (Manuscript submitted)
Subere, C.V.Q., Sether, D.M., Zee, F. and Hu, J.S. 2007. Diversity and distribution of pineapple mealybug wilt-associated viruses (PMWaVs) and pineapple badnaviruses in Hawaii. American Phytopathological Society Meeting. Phytopathology 97:S112.
Tsai, C.W., Chau, J., Fernandez, L., Bosco, D., Daane, K.M., and Almeida, R.P.P. 2008. Transmission of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 by the vine mealybug (Planococcus ficus). Phytopathology 98:1093-1098.
Almeida, R.P.P. 2008. Ecology of emerging vector-borne plant diseases. p70-77. In: Instititute of Medicine Forum on Vector-borne diseases: Understanding the environmental, human health, and ecological connections. The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C. 350p.
Almeida, R.P.P., Bennett, G.M., Anhalt, M.D., Tsai, C.W. and O'Grady, P. 2009. Spread of an introduced vector-borne banana virus in Hawaii. Molecular Ecology 18:136-146.
Almeida, R.P.P., Nascimento, F.E., Chau, J., Prado, S.S., Tsai, C.W., Lopes, S.A. and Lopes, J.R.S. 2008. Genetic structure and biology of Xylella fastidiosa causing disease in citrus and coffee in Brazil. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 74:3690-3701.
Anhalt, M.D. and Almeida, R.P.P. 2008. Effect of temperature, vector life stage and plant access period on transmission of Banana bunchy top virus to banana. Phytopathology 98:743-748.
Chatterjee, S., Almeida, R.P.P. and Lindow, S.E. 2008. Living in two worlds: the plant and insect lifestyles of Xylella fastidiosa. Annual Review of Phytopathology 46:243-271.
Daugherty, M.P. and Almeida, R.P.P. 2009. Estimating Xylella fastidiosa transmission parameters: decoupling sharpshooter number and feeding period. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 132:84-92.
Daugherty, M.P., Bosco, D. and Almeida, R.P.P. 2009. Temperature mediates vector transmission efficiency: inoculum supply and plant infection dynamics. Annals of Applied Biology in press.
Eastwell KC, du Toit LJ, Druffel KL. 2009. Helleborus net necrosis virus: A new Carlavirus associated with black death of Helleborus spp. Plant Disease. 93:332-338.
Eastwell KC, Glass JR, Druffel KL. 2008. First report of infection of poison hemlock and celery by Apium virus Y in Washington State. Plant Disease. 92:1710.
Golino, D.A. and Almeida, R.P.P. 2008. Studies needed of vectors spreading leafroll disease in California vineyards. California Agriculture 62: 174.
Hooks, C.R.R., Fukuda, S., Perez, E.A., Manandhar, R., Wang, K.H., Wright, M.G. and Almeida, R.P.P. 2009. Aphid transmission of Banana bunchy top virus to banana after treatment with a bananacide. Journal of Economic Entomology 102: 493-499.
Hooks, C.R.R., Manandhar, R., Perez, E.A., Wang, K.H. and Almeida, R.P.P. 2009. Comparative susceptibility of two banana cultivars to Banana bunchy top virus under laboratory and field environments. Journal of Economic Entomology 102: 897-904.
Hooks, C.R.R., Wright, M.G., Kabasawa, D.S., Manandhar, R. and Almeida, R.P.P. 2008. Effect of Banana bunchy top virus infection on morphology and growth characteristics of banana. Annals of Applied Biology 153:1-9.
Isaacs, R., Schilder, A., Miles, T., and Longstroth, M. 2008. Blueberry Aphid and Blueberry Shoestring Virus. Michigan Blueberry Facts. Michigan State University Extension Bulletin E-3050.
Isaacs, R., Schilder, A., Zabadal, T., and Weigle. T. 2007. A pocket guide for grape IPM scouting in the North Central and Eastern U.S. Michigan State University Extension Bulletin E-2889. 3rd Edition.
Isaacs, R., Schilder, A., Zabadal, T., and Weigle. T. 2008. Guía de Bolsillo para la Inspección de la Vid bajo Manejo Integrado de Plagas en el Centro Norte y el Este de los EEUU. Michigan State University Extension Bulletin E-2889SP.
Kiliny, N. and Almeida, R.P.P. 2009. Xylella fastidiosa afimbrial adhesins mediate cell transmission to plants by leafhopper vectors. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 75:521-528.
Lopes, J.R.S., Daugherty, M.P. and Almeida, R.P.P. 2009. Context-dependent transmission of a generalist plant pathogen: host species and pathogen strain mediate insect vector competence. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 131: 216-224.
Prado, S.S. and Almeida, R.P.P. 2009. Phylogenetic placement of pentatomid stink bug gut symbionts. Current Microbiology 58:64-69.
Prado, S.S. and Almeida, R.P.P. 2009. Role of symbiotic gut bacteria in the development of Acrosternum hilare and Murgantia histrionica (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae). Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 132:21-29.
Prado, S.S., Golden, M., Follett, P.A., Daugherty, M.P. and Almeida, R.P.P. 2009. Demography of gut symbiotic and aposymbiotic Nezara viridula (L.) (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae). Environmental Entomology 38:103-109 .
Prado, S.S., Lopes, J.R.S., Demetrio, C.G.B., Borgatto, A.F. and Almeida, R.P.P. 2008. Host colonization differences between citrus and coffee isolates of Xylella fastidiosa in reciprocal inoculation. Scientia Agricola 65:251-258.
Schilder, A. C., and Miles, T. D. 2008. Virus and Viruslike Diseases of Blueberries. Michigan Blueberry Facts. Michigan State University Extension Bulletin E-3048.
Schilder, A. M. C., Isaacs, R., Hanson, E., Cline, B. 2008. A Pocket Guide to IPM Scouting in Highbush Blueberries, 2nd edition. Michigan State University Extension Bulletin E-2928.
Schilder, A. M. C., Isaacs, R., Hanson, E., Cline, B., Wise, J., Garcia Salazar, C., and France, A. 2008. Guía de Bolsillo para la Inspección de Plagas en Arandanos Highbush bajo Manejo Integrado de Plagas. Michigan State University Extension Bulletin E-2928SP.
Schilder, A., Wharton, P., Cline, W., Isaacs, R., Hanson, E., Longstroth, M., Svoboda, D., Thompson, R., Landis, J., and Duynslager, L. 2005 (updated 2009). MSU blueberry website (www.blueberries.msu.edu).
Tsai, C.W., Chau, J., Fernandez, L., Bosco, D., Daane, K.M., and Almeida, R.P.P. 2008. Transmission of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 by the vine mealybug (Planococcus ficus). Phytopathology 98:1093-1098.
Al Rwahnih M, Daubert S, Golino D, Rowhani A. 2009. Deep sequencing analysis of RNAs from a grapevine showing Syrah decline symptoms reveals a multiple virus infection that includes a novel virus. Virology 387, 395-401.
Alabi OJ, Martin RR, Naidu RA. 2010. Sequence diversity, population genetics and potential recombination events in Grapevine rupestris stem pitting-associated virus in Pacific Northwest Vineyards. Journal of General Virology 91:265-276.
Crosslin JM, Eastwell KC, Davitt CM, Abad JA. 2010. First report of seedborne Cherry leaf roll virus in wild potato, Solanum acaule, from South America. Plant Disease 94:782-783.
Eastwell KC, Howell WE. 2010. Characterization of Cherry leaf roll virus in sweet cherry in Washington State. Plant Disease 94:1067.
Gutha LR, Casassa LF, Harbertson JF, Naidu RA. 2010. Modulation of flavonoid biosynthetic pathway genes and anthocyanins due to virus infection in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) leaves. BMC Plant Biology 2010, 10:187
Hajeri S, Ramadugu C, Keremane M, Vidalakis G, Lee R. 2010. Nucleotide Sequence and Genome Organization of Dweet mottle virus and Its Relationship to Members of the Family Betaflexiviridae. Archives of Virology. 155, 1523-1527.
Jarugula S, Alabi OJ, Martin RR, Naidu RA. 2010. Genetic variability of natural populations of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-2 in Pacific Northwest vineyards. Phytopathology 100:698-707.
Jarugula S, Gowda S, Dawson WO, Naidu RA. 2010. 3'-coterminal subgenomic RNAs and putative cis-acting elements of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 reveals 'unique' features of gene expression strategy in the genus Ampelovirus. Virology Journal 2010. 7:180.
Martin RR, Zhou J, TzanetakisIE. 2010. Blueberry latent virus: An amalgam of the Partitiviridae and the Totiviridae. Virus Research, doi:10.1016/j.virusres.2010.09.020
Mekuria TA, Naidu RA. 2010. First report of grapevine virus sequences highly similar to Grapevine Syrah virus-1 from Washington vineyards Plant Disease, 94: 787.
Naidu RA, Mekuria TA. 2010. First report of Grapevine fleck virus from Washington vineyards. Plant Disease 94:84.
Riga E, Larsen R, Eastwell KC, Guerra N, Guerra L, Crosslin JM. 2009. Rapid detection of Tobacco rattle tobravirus in viruliferous Paratrichodorus allius from greenhouse and field specimens. Journal of Nematology 41:60-63.
Tzanetakis IE, Guzmán-Baeny TL, VanEsbroeck ZP, Fernandez GE, Martin RR. 2009. First report of Impatiens necrotic spot virus in blackberry Southeastern United States. Plant Disease 93:432.
Tzanetakis IE, Laney AG, Keller KE, Martin RR. 2010. New viruses found in fig exhibiting mosaic symptoms. Julius-Kühn-Archiv 427:79-82.
Tzanetakis IE, Martin RR, Scott SW. 2010. .Genomic sequences of blackberry chlorotic ringspot virus and strawberry necrotic shock virus and the phylogeny of viruses in subgroup 1 of the genus Ilarvirus. Archives of Virology 155:557-561.
Vidalakis G, Pagliaccia D, Bash JA, Semancik JS. 2010. Effects of mixtures of citrus viroids as Transmissible small nuclear RNA (TsnRNA) on tree dwarfing and commercial scion performance on Carrizo citrange rootstock. Annals of Applied Biology.157, 415-423.
Coneva, E., J. Murphy, and R. Boozer, and N. Velasquez. 2010. Incidence and distribution of viruses in blackberry (Rubus sp.) in Alabama. International Journal of Fruit Science 10:87-95.
Coneva, E., J. Murphy, R. Boozer, N. Velasquez. 2008. First report of Tobacco ringspot virus in Blackberry (Rubus sp.) in Alabama. Plant Disease 92:1708.
Donglin Xu , Ray Mock , Gary Kinard , and Ruhui Li. 2011 Molecular analysis of the complete genomic sequences of four isolates of Gooseberry vein banding associated virus . Virus Genes 43:130-137.
Eastwell KC, Villamor DV, McKinney CV, Druffel KL. 2010. Characterization of an isolate of Sowbane mosaic virus. Archives of Virology 155:2065-2067.
Gibson, P.G. Reighard, G., Marini, D., and Scott, S.W. (2010). Effects associated with graft-transmissible agents found in peach variety 'Ta Tao 5'. Julius-Kuhn-Archiv. 427:284-288.
James, D., Varga, A., Leippi, L., Godkin, S., and Masters, C. 2010. Sequence analysis of RNA 2 and RNA 3 of Lilac leaf chlorosis virus: a putative new member of the genus Ilarvirus. Archives of Virology. 155:993-998.
James, D., Croft, H., Malinowski, T., and Reed, C. 2009. Production of antisera and evaluation of serology-based techniques for the detection of Blackcurrant reversion virus. 21st International Conference on Virus and Other Graft Transmissible Diseases of Fruit Crops. Neustadt, Germany, July 5 - 10, 2009. JKI Annual Report 148:21 (Abstr.).
Karthikeyan, G., Alabi, O.J., and Naidu, R.A. 2011. Occurrence of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 1 in two ornamental grapevine cultivars in Washington State. Plant Disease 95:613.
Kim, B.T., Gibson, P.G. and Scott, S.W. (2010). Expression of the coat protein genes of PNRSV and PDV in the synergistic disease peach stunt. Julius-Kuhn-Archiv. 427:114-117.
Li, Ruhui , Mock, Ray , Fuchs, Marc , Halbrendt, John , Howell, Bill and Liu, Zongrang (2011) Characterization of the partial RNA1 and RNA2 3' untranslated region of Tomato ringspot virus isolates from North America', Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 33:1, 94-99.
Liming Lin, Ruhui Li, Ray Mock, Gary Kinard, 2011. Development of a polyprobe to detect six viroids of pome and stone fruit trees. Journal of Virological Methods 17: 91-97.
Ma, X., Coneva, E., H. Fadamiro, J.F. Murphy, Charles Ray, and F. Dane. 2010. Seasonal occurrence and abundance of sharpshooter leafhoppers in Alabama Orchards and Vineyards. International Journal of Fruit Science 10:341-354.
Martin, R.R., Zhou, J. and Tzanetakis, I.E. 2011. Blueberry latent virus: An amalgam of the Partitiviridae and the Totiviridae. Virus Research 155: 175-180.
Melzer, MJ, Sether, DM, Borth, WB, Hu, JS. 2011. Characterization of a virus infecting Citrus volkameriana (Ten. & Pasq.) with citrus leprosis-like symptoms. Phytopathology (accepted for publication)
Melzer, MJ, Nelson, SC, Hu, JS. 201X. Tristeza and blight diseases of citrus in Hawaii. CTAHR Cooperative Extension Services publication (in preparation)
Melzer, M.J., Sether, D.M., Alvarez, A, Hu, J.S. 2011. Huanglongbing CTAHR Cooperative Extension Services publication
Quito-Avila, D.F., Jelkmann, W., Tzanetakis, I.E., Keller, K. and Martin, R.R. 2011. Complete sequence and genetic characterization of Raspberry latent virus, a novel member of the family Reoviridae. Virus Research 155: 397-405.
Sabanadzovic, S., Abou Ghanem-Sabanadzovic, N. and Tzanetakis, I.E. 2011. Blackberry virus E: an unusual flexivirus. Archives of Virology 156:1665-1669
Schilder, A. Blueberry Scorch Virus. Regional pest Alert, USDA NIFA Integrated Pest Management Program, the North Central IPM Center and the Land Grant Universities.
Schilder, A. Blueberry Scock Virus. Regional pest Alert, USDA NIFA Integrated Pest Management Program, the North Central IPM Center and the Land Grant Universities.
Tzanetakis, I.E., Martin, R.R., Scott, S.W. 2010 Genomic sequences of Blackberry chlorotic ringspot virus and Strawberry necrotic shock virus and the phylogeny of viruses in subgroup 1 of the genus Ilarvirus. Archives of Virology 155:557-561