NCERA_OLD208: Response to Emerging Threat: Soybean Rust

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles:
Bonde, M. R., Nester, S. E., Austin, C. N., Stone, C. L., Frederick, R. D., Hartman, G. L., and Miles, M. R. 2006. Evaluation of virulence of Phakopsora pachyrhizi and P. mebomiae isolates. Plant Dis. 90:708-716.

Del Ponte, E. M., Godoy, C. V., Li, X., and Yang, X. B. 2006. Predicting severity of Asian soybean rust epidemics with empirical rainfall models. Phytopathology 96:797-803.

Harmon, C. L., Harmon, P. F., Mueller, T. A., Marois, J. J., and Hartman, G. L. 2006. First report of Phakopsora pachyrhizi telia on kudzu in the United States. Plant Dis. 90:380.

Hershman, D. E., Bachi, P. R., Harmon, C. L., Harmon, P. F., Palm, M. E., McKemy, J. M., Zeller, K. A., and Levy, L. 2006. First report of soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi on kudzu (Pueraria montana var. lobata) in Kentucky. Plant Dis. 90:834.

Hyten, D. L., Hartman, G. L., Nelson, R. L., Frederick, R. D., Concibido, V. C, and Cregan, P. B. 2007. Map location of the Rpp1 locus that confers resistance to Phakopsora pachyrhizi (soybean rust) in soybean. Crop Sci. (in press).

Isard, S. A., DeWolf, E. D., and Russo, J. M. 2006. The establishment of a national pest information platform for extension and education. Plant Health Progress (on-line) doi: 10.1094/PHP-2006-0915-01-RV.

Isard, S. A., Dufault, N. S., Miles, M. R., Hartman, G. L. , Russo, J. M., DeWolf, E. D., and Morel, W. 2006. The effect of solar irradiance on the mortality of Phakopsora pachyrhizi urediniospores. Plant Dis. 90:941-945.

Isakeit, T., M.E. Miller, R. SaldaHa, L.W. Barnes, J.M. McKemy, M.E. Palm, K.A. Zeller, R. DeVries-Paterson, and L. Levy. 2006. First report of rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi on soybean and kudzu in Texas. Plant Dis. 90:971.

Koenning, S. R., Moore, A. D., Creswell, T. C., Abad, G. Z., Palm, M. E., McKemy, J. M., Hernandez, J. R., Levy, L., and DeVries-Paterson, R. 2006. First report of soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi in North Carolina. Plant Dis. 90:973.

Krupa, S., Bowersox, V., Claybrooke, R., Barnes, C., Szabo, L., Harlin, K., and Kurle, J.E. 2006. Introduction of soybean rust spores into theMidwestern United States  A Case Study. Plant Dis. 90:1254-1259.

Lynch, T. N., Marois, J. J., Wright, D. L., Harmon, P. F., Harmon, C. L., Miles, M. R., and Hartman, G. L. 2006. First report of soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi on Phaseolus spp. in the United States. Plant Dis. 90:970.

Miles, M. R., Frederick, R. D., and Hartman, G. L. 2006. Evaluation of soybean germplasm for resistance to Phakopsora pachyrhizi. Plant Health Progress (on-line) doi 10.1094/PHP-2006-0104-01-RS.

Miles, M. R., Pastor-Corrales, M. A., Hartman, G. L., and Frederick, R. D. 2006. Differential response of common bean cultivars to Phakopsora pachyrhizi. Plant Dis. (in press).

Mullen, J. M., Sikora, E. J., McKemy, J. M., Palm, M. E., Levy, L., and Devries-Paterson, R. 2006. First report of Asian soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi on soybean in Alabama. Plant Dis. 90:112.

Pan, Z., Yang, X. B., Pivonia, S., Xue, L., Pasken, R., and Roads, J. 2006. Long-term prediction of soybean rust entry into the continental United States. Plant Dis. 90:840-846.

Patzoldt, M. E., Tyagi, R. K., Hymowitz, T., Miles, M. R., Hartman, G. L., and Frederick, R. D. 2006. Soybean rust resistance derived from Glycine tomentella in amphiploid hybrid lines. Crop Sci. (in press).

Pivonia, S., and Yang, X. B. 2006. Relating epidemic progress from a general disease model to seasonal appearance time of rusts in the United States: Implications for soybean rust. Phytopathology 96:400-407.

Rupe, J. and Sconyers, L. 2006. Asian soybean rust. American Phytopathological Society Disease Lesson. To be published on-line in Plant Health Instructor.

Sconyers, L. E., Kemerait, R. C., Jr., Brock, J. H., Gitaitis, R. D., Sanders, F. H., Phillips, D. V., and Jost, P. H. 2006. First report of Phakopsora pachyrhizi, the causal agent of Asian soybean rust, on Florida beggarweed in the United States. Plant Dis. 90:972.

Sikora, E. J. and M. Delaney. 2006. Kudzu in the City: Detection of Asian Soybean Rust on Kudzu in Urban Environments in Alabama during the winter of 2006. Soybean Rust Symposium, St. Louis, MO. (abstract)

Wrather, J. A. and Koenning, S. R. 2006. Estimates of disease effects on soybean yields in the United States 2003-2005. J. Nematology 38:173-180.

Abstracts, Edited Scientific Reports, and Proceedings:
Bandyopadhyay, R., Paul, C., Twizeyimana, M., Adeleke, R., Miles, M. R., and Hartman, G. L. 2006. Identification and development of resistance to soybean rust in Nigeria. Phytopathology 96S (in press) (abstract).

Barnes, C.W., L.J. Szabo, J.J. Johnson, Kim Ngueyen, C. Floyd, and J.E. Kurle. Detection of Phakopsora pachyrhizi DNA in rain using qPCR and a portable rain collector. American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting. 29 July-3 August. Quebec City, Quebec, CA (abstract).

Buck, J. W. and Mueller, D. S. 2006. Effect of light exposure on germination and germ tube growth of urediniospores of Phakopsora pachyrhizi and Puccinia triticina. North Central APS Meeting (abstract).

Clements, G., and S. Kumudini. 2006. Use of vegetation index to determine potential yield loss: A risk management tool for Asian soybean rust. Abstract submitted to 2006 ASA Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN (abstract).

Hartman, G. L. 2006. Soybean rust research in the United States, p. 19-23, Mercosoja 2006. Proceedings of the 3rd Mercosur Soybean Congress, Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.

Hershman, D. E. 2006. SBR Monitoring and Forecasting. In: Proc. American Seed Trade Assoc. 36th Annual Soybean Seed Research Conference, Chicago, IL.

Hershman, D. E. and L. J. Giesler. 2006. Overview of the Asian Soybean Rust Sentinel Network for 2005. On-line:

Jost, P. H., Kemerait, R. C., Sconyers, L. E., and Clark, J. E. 2006. Evaluation of fungicides for control Asian soybean rust in Appling Co., Georgia, 2005. F&N Tests 61:FC071.

Kemerait, R. C., Jost, P. H., Kichler, J. M., and Sconyers, L. E. 2006. Evaluation of fungicides for control of Asian soybean rust in Macon County, Georgia, 2005. F&N Tests 61:FC073.

Kemerait, R. C., Jost, P. H., and Sconyers, L. E. 2006. Evaluation of fungicides for control of Asian soybean rust in Lang Farm (Trial 1), Georgia, 2005. F&N Tests 61:FC074.

Kemerait, R. C., Jost, P. H., and Sconyers, L. E. 2006. Evaluation of fungicides for control of Asian soybean rust in Lang Farm (Trial 2), Georgia, 2005. F&N Tests 61:FC075.

Kemerait, R. C., Sconyers, L. E., Jost, P. H., and Mills, W. A. 2006. Evaluation of fungicides for control of Asian soybean rust in Attapulgus, Georgia, 2005. F&N Tests 61:FC072.

Kemerait, R. C., Jr., Sconyers, L. E., Jost, P. H., Kichler, J., and Clark, J. 2006. Management of Asian soybean rust with fungicides in Georgia. Southern Division APS Meeting (abstract).

Kumudini, S., C.V. Godoy, J. Board, and J. Omielan. 2006. Developing a Yield Loss prediction Model for Asian Soybean Rust - A Crop Physiology Approach. Epidemiology section. 2006 National Soybean Rust Symposium, St. Louis, MO. (abstract)

Kumudini, S., C.V. Godoy, J. Board, and J. Omielan. 2006. Asian soybean rust: The role of defoliation injury in yield loss. Abstract submitted to 2006 ASA Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. (abstract)

Lawrence, K. S., D. P. Delaney, E. J. Sikora and S. P. Nightengale. 2006. Evaluation of Absolute, Folicur and Stratego on soybean foliar disease and yield in Alabama, 2005. Fungicide and Nematicide tests, on-line publication

Lawrence, K. S., E. J. Sikora D. P. Delaney, and R. M. Durbin. 2006. Evaluation of Punch, Charisma, Folicur and Manzate on soybean foliar disease and yield in Alabama, 2005. Fungicide and Nematicide tests, on-line publication

Miles, M. R., Hartman, G. L., and Levy, C. 2006. Control of soybean rust in a determinate cultivar at the Rattray Arnold Research Station, Zimbabwe, 2004-05. F&N Tests 61:FC003.

Miles, M. R., Hartman, G. L., van Rij, N. C., Tweer, S., du Preez, E. D., and Lawrence, K. F. 2006. Evaluations of fungicides for control of soybean rust in the cultivar Prima 2000 near Cedara, South Africa, 2004-05. F&N Tests 61:FC002.

Mueller, T. A., Miles, M. R., Hartman, G. L., and Morel, W. 2006. Evaluations of fungicides for the control of soybean rust at Bella Vista, Paraguay, 2004-05. F&N Tests 61:FC007.

Mueller, T. A., Morel, W., and Hartman, G. L. 2006. Effect of timing of fungicide applicatgions on development of soybean rust. Phytopathology (in press) (abstract).

Omielan, J., S. Kumudini, C. V. Godoy. 2006. Development of a yield loss prediction model for Asian Soybean Rust. Abstract submitted to 2006 ASA Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. (abstract)

Paul, C., Bandyopadhyay, R., Twizeyimana, M., Hill, C. B., and Hartman, G. L. 2006. Potential of detached soybean leaves for evaluation of rust resistance. Molecular and Cellular Biology of the Soybean. Lincoln, NE.

Rupe, J. C., Wiglesworth, M. D., Smith, S., and Wickizer, S. 2006. Asian soybean rust: Syngenta spore trap project. Southern Division of The American Phytopathological Society (abstract).

Sikora, E. J. D. P. Delaney, K. S. Lawrence, A. Gutierrez-estrada and R. Durbin. 2006. Evaluation of Ballad for control of foliar diseases of soybeans, 2005. 2005 Soybean Research Report 29, pg.12.

Sikora, E. J., K. S. Lawrence, A. Gutierrez-estrada, D. P. Delaney and M. Pegues. 2006. Evaluation of Ballad for control of foliar diseases of soybeans, 2005. Fungicide and Nematicide tests, on-line publication

Sikora, E. J., K. S. Lawrence, A. Gutierrez-estrada, D. P. Delaney and M. Pegues. 2006. Evaluation of fungicide spray programs for Asian soybean rust in Alabama, 2005. Fungicide and Nematicide tests, on-line publication

Sconyers, L. E., Kemerait, R. C., Brock, J., Phillips, D. V., Jost, P. H., Sikora, E. J., Gutierrez-Estrada, A., Mueller, J. D., Marois, J. J., Wright, D. L., and Harmon, C. L. 2006. Asian soybean rust development in 2005: A perspective from the southeastern United States. APSnet Feature Article. Online publication:

Sconyers, L. E., Kemerait, R. C., Jr., Jost, P. H., and Phillips, D. V. 2006. Sentinel plot and commercial field monitoring of Asian soybean rust in Georgia in 2005. Southern Division APS Meeting. (abstract)

Van de Mortel, M., Rucknor, J. C., Godoy, C. V, Abdelnoor, R. V., Almeida, A. M. R., Nettleton, D. S., Whitham, S. A., and Baum, T. J. Molecular characterization of the Asian soybean rust disease. Soybean Molecular Biology Meeting, Lincoln, NE (abstract).

Bradley, C. 2006. Foliar fungicides for soybean. North Dakota State University Crop and Pest Report, Issue 9, pg 6.

Bradley, C. 2006. Soybean rust update. North Dakota State University Crop and Pest Report, Issue 9, pg 7.

Dunphy, J., Holshouser, D., Howle, D., Jost, P., Kemerait, R., Koenning, S., Mueller, J., Phipps, P., Rideout, S., Sconyers, L., Stromberg, E., Wiatrak, P., and Wood, A. 2006. Soybean Rust Management in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Clemson University Extension Service, North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension, South Carolina Department of Agriculture, South Carolina Soybean Board, Virginia Cooperative Extension, University of Georgia Extension.

Dunphy, J., and S. Koenning. 2006. Recommendations for managing soybean rust in 2006. Clemson University Extension Service, North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension, South Carolina Department of Agriculture, South Carolina Soybean Board, Virginia Cooperative Extension, and the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. PP 21-22.

Grau, C., and Jensen, B. 2006. Soybean rust update. Wisconsin Crop Manager.

Grau, C., and Jensen, B. 2006. Soybean rust in Mexico: an update. Wisconsin Crop Manager.

Hershman, D.. 2006 KY Soybean Rust Spray Decision Aid. On-line pub:

Hershman, D., A. Dorrance, and M. Draper. 2006 Soybean Rust Fungicide Use Guidelines. On-line Pub: (click on Tactics-USA). A. Draper, and D. E. Hershman, eds. Ohio State University Ext. Bull. SR-2005.

Jost, P. H., Clark, J., Kemerait, R. C., Sconyers, L. E., and Montgomery, B. 2006. Controlling Asiatic soybean rust with variable rate fungicide applications. 2005 Soybean Research-Extension Report for Georgia. Online publication:

Jost, P. H., Kemerait, R. C., Sconyers, L. E. 2006. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Soybean Newsletter. 3 March 2006. Online publication:

Jost, P. H., Kemerait, R. C., Sconyers, L. E. 2006. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Soybean Newsletter. 13 April 2006. Online publication:

Jost, P. H., Kemerait, R. C., Sconyers, L. E. 2006. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Soybean Newsletter. 16 May 2006. Online publication:

Jost, P. H., Kemerait, R. C., Sconyers, L. E. 2006. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Soybean Newsletter. 15 June 2006. Online publication:

Jost, P. H., Kemerait, R. C., Sconyers, L. E. 2006. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Soybean Newsletter. 18 July 2006. Online publication:

Jost, P. H., Kemerait, R. C., Sconyers, L. E. 2006. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Soybean Newsletter. 18 September 2006. Online publication:

Kemerait, R.C., Jost, P. H., Sconyers, L. E., Kichler, J., and Clark, J. 2006. Assessment of select fungicides for management of Asian soybean rust. 2005 Soybean Research-Extension Report for Georgia. Online publication:

Kemerait, R., S. Koenning, J. Dunphy, J. Mueller, and P. Phipps. 2006. Spray decisions based on rust movements. Clemson University Extension Service, North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension, South Carolina Department of Agriculture, South Carolina Soybean Board, Virginia Cooperative Extension, and the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. PP 23-25.

Kemerait, R. C., Sconyers, L. E., and Jost, P. H. Soybean disease and nematode control. In: 2006 Soybean Production Guide. University of Georgia Extension Publication CSS-06-02.

Koenning, S. R. and E. J. Dunphy. Asiatic soybean rust in 2006. 2006. North Carolina Pest News 21(1).

Koenning, S. R. and E. J. Dunphy. Current status of Asiatic soybean rust in the US May 2006. 2006.Soybean rust in South America in 2005-2006. North Carolina Pest News 21(8).

Koenning, S. R. and E. J. Dunphy. 2006.Asiatic soybean rust update. Section 18 fungicides for management of Asiatic soybean rust. Web Resources for Soybean Rust. North Carolina Pest News 21(16).

Koenning, S. R. and E. J. Dunphy. 2006.Current soybean disease situation. Soybean rust outlook. Fungicide applications for North Carolina soybeans. Section 18 fungicides for management of Asiatic soybean rust. Web Resources for Soybean Rust. Target spot of soybean. North Carolina Pest News 21(18).

Koenning, S. R. and E. J. Dunphy. 2006. Current soybean disease situation. Asiatic soybean rust outlook. Management of soybean diseases with fungicides: to spray or not to spray. Are all fungicides equal? Web resources for Asiatic soybean rust. North Carolina Pest News 21(20).

Koenning, S. R. and E. J. Dunphy. 2006. Current soybean disease situation. Asiatic soybean rust outlook: new rust find in South Carolina. Web resources for Asiatic soybean rust. North Carolina Pest News 21(22).

Koenning, S., D. Howlie, and P. Phipps. 2006. Management of soybean rust. Clemson University Extension Service, North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension, South Carolina Department of Agriculture, South Carolina Soybean Board, Virginia Cooperative Extension, and the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. PP 27.

Lawrence, K. S., D. P. Delaney, E. J. Sikora and S. P. Nightengale. 2006. Evaluation of Absolute, Folicur and Stratego on soybean foliar disease and yield in Alabama, 2005. 2005 Soybean Research Report 29, pg. 10.

Lawrence, K. S., D. P. Delaney, E. J. Sikora and S. P. Nightengale. 2006. Evaluation of Punch, Charisma, Folicur and Manzate on soybean foliar disease and yield in Alabama, 2005. 2005 Soybean Research Report 29, pg. 11.

Mueller, D. S. Fungicides. Iowa State University Extension: In Press. November 2006

Mueller, D. S., Robertson, A. E., and Pedersen, P. Asian soybean rust  management strategy 2006. Iowa State University Extension: PM 2028. May 2006

Mueller, J., R. Kemerait, S. Koenning, P. Phipps, and L. Sconyers. 2006. Monitoring rust movements. Soybean Rust Management in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Clemson University Extension Service, North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension, South Carolina Department of Agriculture, South Carolina Soybean Board, Virginia Cooperative Extension, and the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. PP 7-8.

Phipps, P., S. Koenning. S. Rideout, and E. Stromberg. 2006. Common diseases of soybean in the mid-atlantic region. Clemson University Extension Service, North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension, South Carolina Department of Agriculture, South Carolina Soybean Board, Virginia Cooperative Extension, and the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. PP 9-15.

Sconyers, L., Kemerait, R., Jost, P., and Phillips, D. 2006. 2005 review of Asian soybean rust in Georgia. 2005 Soybean Research-Extension Report for Georgia. Online publication:

Sconyers, L. and S. Koenning. 2006. A brief history of rust in the western hemisphere. In Soybean Rust Management in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Clemson University Extension Service, North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension, South Carolina Department of Agriculture, South Carolina Soybean Board, Virginia Cooperative Extension, and the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. PP 1-2


Peer reviewed journal articles:
Bandyopadhyay, R., Ojiambo, P. S., Twizeyimana, M., Asafo-Adjei, B., Frederick, R. D., Pedley, K. F., Stone, C. L., and Hartman, G. L. 2007. First report of soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi in Ghana. Plant Disease 91:1057.

Bradley, C. A., Chesrown, C. D., and Hofman, V. L. 2007. Evaluation of foliar fungicide application methods on soybean. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 29:197-202.

Daniel, S. L., Hartman, G. L., Wagner, E. D., and Plewa, M. J. 2007. Mammalian cell cytotoxicity analysis of soybean rust fungicides. Bulletin Environmental Contamination Toxicology 78:474-478.

Dennis, J.S., M.G. Dennis, and G.C. Bergstrom. 2007. Evaluation of foliar fungicides for soybean disease management in New York, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports 1:FC115.

Bergstrom, G.C., M.E. McKellar, M. Swartwood, P.Clement, and K. Snover-Clift. 2007. New York State soybean rust sentinel plot network: Two years of cooperative scouting efforts. Proceedings 2007 National Soybean Rust Symposium. December 12-14, 2007. Louisville, KY.

Hartman, G. L., Hines, R. A., Faulkner, C. D., Lynch, T. N., and Pataky, N. 2007. Late season occurrence of soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi on soybean in Illinois. Plant Disease 91:466.

Hyten, D. L., Hartman, G. L., Nelson, R. L., Frederick, R. D., Concibido, V. C., and Cregan, P. B. 2007. Map location of the Rpp1 locus that confers resistance to Phakopsora pachyrhizi (soybean rust) in soybean. Crop Science 47:837-838.

Krupa, S., Bowersox, V., Claybrooke, R., Barnes, C., Szabo, L.,
Harlin, K., and Kurle, J.E. 2006. Introduction of soybean rust spores
into the Midwestern United States  A Case Study. Plant Disease. 90:

Miles, M. R., Levy, C., Morel, W., Mueller, T., Steinlage, T., van Rij, N., Frederick, R. D., and Hartman, G. L. 2007. International fungicide efficacy trials for the management of soybean rust. Plant Disease 91:1450-1458.

Miles, M. R., Pastor-Corrales, M. A., Hartman, G. L., and Frederick, R. D. 2007. Differential response of common bean cultivars to Phakopsora pachyrhizi. Plant Disease 91:698-704.

Ojiambo, P. S., Bandyopadhyay, R., Twizeyimana, M., Lema, A., Frederick, R. D., Pedley, K. F., Stone, C. L., and Hartman, G. L. 2007. First report of rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi on soybean in Democratic Republic of Congo. Plant Disease 91:1204.

Patzoldt, M. E., Tyagi, R. K., Hymowitz, T., Miles, M. R., Hartman, G. L., and Frederick, R. D. 2007. Soybean rust resistance derived from Glycine tomentella in amphiploid hybrid lines. Crop Science 47:158-161.

Twizeyimana, M., Ojiambo, P. S., Ikotun, T., Paul, C., Hartman, G. L., and Bandyopadhyay, R. 2007. Comparison of field, greenhouse, and detached-leaf evaluations of soybean germplasm for resistance to Phakopsora pachyrhizi. Plant Disease 91:1161-1169.

Abstracts, Edited Scientific Reports, and Proceedings:

Bandyopadhyay, R., Paul, C., Twizeyimana, M., Adeleke, R., Miles, M. R., and Hartman, G. L. 2006. Identification and development of resistance to soybean rust in Nigeria [Abst.]. Phytopathology 96S:8.

Bergstrom, G.C., M.E. McKellar, M. Swartwood, P.Clement, and K. Snover-Clift. 2007. New York State soybean rust sentinel plot network: Two years of cooperative scouting efforts. Proceedings 2007 National Soybean Rust Symposium. December 12-14, 2007. Louisville, KY.

Delaney, D., E. Sikora, M. Delaney, K. Lawrence, R. Dawkins, R. Durbin and B. Norris. 2007. Strobilurin fungicide greening effects on soybeans in Alabama, 2006 and 2007: application timing and dessicants. 2007. Proceedings of the 2007 National Soybean Rust Symposium, Louisville, KY, December 12-14, 2007. Available at

Delaney, M., E. Sikora and D. Delaney. 2007. The effect of drought on Asain soybean rust in Alabama. 2007. Proceedings of the 2007 National Soybean Rust Symposium, Louisville, KY, December 12-14, 2007. Available at

Dennis, J.S., M.G. Dennis, and G.C. Bergstrom. 2007. Evaluation of foliar fungicides for soybean disease management in New York, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports 1:FC115.

Floyd, C., Tao, Z., Spoden, G., Malvick, D., Kurle, J., Bernacchi, C.
and Krupa, S. 2007. Minnesota soybean rust forecast model
(MinnSoyRustMod). National Soybean Rust Symposium. Louisville, KY. 12-14
Dec. 2007.

Haudenshield, J. S., Steinlage, T. A., and Hartman, G. L. 2007. Quantification and single-spore detection of Phakopsora pachyrhizi. Proceedings of the 2007 National Soybean Rust Symposium, Louisville, KY, December 12-14, 2007. Available at

Koenning, J. W. Frye, S. C. Butler, and T. C. Creswell. 2007. First Report of Phakopsora pachyrhizi on Kudzu (Pueraria montana var. lobata) in North Carolina and Increased Incidence of Soybean Rust on Soybean in 2006. Plant Dis. 91: 637, 2007; published on-line as doi:10.1094/PDIS-91-5-0637A.
Lawrence, K. S., Delaney, M. A., Sikora, E. J., Delaney, D. P., Lawrence, G. W., and Pegues, M. 2007. Efficacy of foliar fungicides Punch and Charisma for Asian soybean rust disease management and yield enhancement in Alabama, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports (online). Report 1:FC042. DOI:10.1094/PDMR01. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.

Lawrence, K. S., Delaney, M. A., Sikora, E. J., Delaney, D. P., Lawrence, G. W., and Pegues, M. 2007. Evaluation of Absolute, Folicur, and Stratego on Asian soybean rust and yield in Alabama, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports (online). Report 1:FC078. DOI:10.1094/PDMR01. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.

Miles, M. R., Morel, W., Ray, J. D., Smith, J. R., Hartman, G. L., and Frederick, R. D. 2007. Evaluation of potential soybean rust resistant sources in Paraguay during the 2005-06 season. Proceedings of the APS-SON Joint Meeting, San Diego, California, July 28 - August 1, 2007. Available at

Mueller, T. A., Miles, M. R., Hartman, G. L., and Levy, C. 2007. Evaluation of fungicides and fungicide timing for the control of soybean rust in Zimbabwe, 2005-2006. Plant Disease Management Reports 1:FC103.

Mueller, T. A., Miles, M. R., Hartman, G. L., and Morel, W. 2007. Evaluation of fungicides and fungicide timing for the control of soybean rust at Bella Vista, Paraguay, 2005-2006. Plant Disease Management Reports 1:FC104.

Mueller, T. A., Miles, M. R., Hartman, G. L., and Morel, W. 2007. Evaluation of fungicides and fungicide timing for the control of soybean rust at Pirapo, Paraguay, 2005-2006. Plant Disease Management Reports 1:FC063.

Mueller, T. A., Miles, M. R., Hartman, G. L., and Morel, W. 2007. Evaluation of fungicides and fungicide timing for the control of soybean rust at Capitán Meza, Paraguay, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports 1:FC062.

Padgett, G.B., and Purvis, M.A. 2008. Selected fungicide treatments for managing Asian soybean rust and Cercospora foliar blight, 2007. Plant Disease Management Reports (online). In review.

Padgett, G.B., Purvis, M.A., Hogan, A., and Martin, S. 2007. The Impact of Asian Soybean Rust and Other Diseases on Soybean Treated with Selected Fungicides. Proceedings, 2006 National Soybean Rust Symposium, Dec. 12-14, 2007. Louisiville, KY

Schwartz, H. F., Steadman, J. R., and Pastor-Corrales, M. A. 2006. Challenges to and priorities for management of rusts of common bean. Ann. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 49:53-54.

Schwartz, H. F. 2007. Legume PIPE  A time sensitive resource for the American bean industry. Ann. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 50:185-186.

Shields, E.J., M.E. McKellar, G.C. Bergstrom, M. Swartwood, and P. Clement. 2007. High volume aerial sampling for low incidence detection of Phakopsora pachyrhizi spores in the planetary boundary. Proceedings 2007 National Soybean Rust Symposium. December 12-14, 2007. Louisville, KY.

Sikora, E. J., D. Delaney, M. Delaney, K. Lawrence and M. Pegues. 2007. Evaluation of fungicide spray programs for conrol of Asain soybean rust in Alabama. . Proceedings of the 2007 National Soybean Rust Symposium, Louisville, KY, December 12-14, 2007. Available at

Smith, D., Paul, C., Steinlage, T. A., Miles, M. R., and Hartman, G. L. 2007. Isolation, purification, and characterization of Phakopsora pachyrhizi isolates. Proceedings of the 2007 National Soybean Rust Symposium, Louisville, KY, December 12-14, 2007. Available at

Twizeyimana, M., Ojiambo, P., Paul, C., Hartman, G. L., and Bandyopadhyay, R. 2007.
Pathogenic variation of Phakopsora pachyrhizi in Nigeria. Proceedings of the 2007 National Soybean Rust Symposium, Louisville, KY, December 12-14, 2007. Available at


Brouder SM, et al. 2007. Corn & Soybean Field Guide, 2007 Edition. ID-179, Purdue University Extension.
Dorrance, A.E., Draper, M., and Hershman, D. (Editors) 2008. Using Foliar Fungicides to Manage Soybean Rust.
Hanna, S. et al. 2007. Managing Fungicide Applications in Soybean. SPS-103-W, Purdue University Extension.

Koenning, S. R. and E. J. Dunphy. March perspective on Asiatic soybean rust in 2007. 2007. North Carolina Pest News 22(1)

Koenning, S. R. and E. J. Dunphy. Current status of Asiatic soybean rust in the United States June 2007. 2007. North Carolina Pest News 22(9)

Koenning, S. R. and E. J. Dunphy. Current status of Asiatic soybean rust in the United States in late June 2007. 2007. North Carolina Pest News 22(11)

Koenning, S. R. and E. J. Dunphy. Soybean rust update. 2007. North Carolina Pest News 22(12)

Koenning, S. R. and E. J. Dunphy. Soybean rust update. 2007. North Carolina Pest News 22(14)

Koenning, S. R. and E. J. Dunphy. Soybean rust update. 2007. North Carolina Pest News 22(15)

Koenning, S. R. and E. J. Dunphy. Soybean rust update. 2007. North Carolina Pest News 22(17)

Koenning, S. R. and E. J. Dunphy. Soybean rust update. 2007. North Carolina Pest News 22(19)

Koenning, S. R. and E. J. Dunphy. Soybean rust update. 2007. North Carolina Pest News 22(20)

Montgomery, M., Bissonnette, S., Nordby, D., and Bradley, C. 2007. Utilizing Fungicide Site of Action to Combat Resistance. University of Illinois Extension, Urbana, IL.

Mueller, D., Giesler, L., Bradley, C., Tenuta, A., and Brown-Rytlewski, D. 2007. Soybean Rust: What is Your Risk? National circular printed by the ipmPIPE.

Shaner, G., et al. 2007. Preparing for Asian Soybean Rust. ID-324, Purdue University Extension.

Sikora, E. J., D. Delaney, M. Delaney and J. Mullen. 2007. Asian Soybean Rust in Alabama. Alabama cooperative Extension System ANR-1310.


Peer reviewed journal articles:

Baysal-Gurel, F., Lewis Ivey, M.L., Dorrance, A., Luster, D., Frederick, R., Czarnecki, J., Boehm, M., and Miller, S.A. 2008. An immunofluorescence assay to detect urediniospores of Phakopsora pachyrhizi. Plant Dis. 92: 1387-1393.

Gevens, A. J., Nequi, N., Vitoreli, A., Marois, J. J., Wright, D. L., Harmon, C. L., and Harmon, P. F. 2008. First report of soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi on Erythrina herbacea (Coral Bean). Plant Disease 92:1472.

Hartman, G. L., and Haudenshield, J. S. 2008. Movement of Phakopsora pachyrhizi (soybean rust) urediniospores by non-conventional means. European Journal of Plant Pathology DOI 10.1007/s10658-008-9352-8.

Jurick, W. M., II1, Narvaez, D. F., Brennan, M. M., Harmon, C. L., Marois, J. J., Wright, D. L., and. Harmon, P. F. 2008. Winter Survival of the Soybean Rust Pathogen, Phakopsora pachyrhizi, in Florida. Plant Disease. In Press

Li, X., Engelbrecht, C. J., Mueller, D. S., and Yang, X. B. 2008. First report of soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi in Iowa and its statewide occurrence. Plant Disease

Lynch, T. N., Steinlage, T. A., Miles, M., Marois, J. J., Wright, D. L.; Hartman, G. L. 2008. New legume hosts infected by Phakopsora pachyrhizi in Florida. Plant Health Progress. In Press.

Miles, M. R., Morel, W., Ray, J. D., Smith, J. R., Frederick, R. D., and Hartman, G. L. 2008. Adult plant evaluation of soybean accessions for resistance to Phakopsora pachyrhizi in the field and greenhouse in Paraguay. Plant Disease 92:96-105.

Sikora, E. J., D. Delaney, and M. Delaney. 2008. Developing an innovative team approach to address a newly introduced disease of soybeans in the United States. Journal of Extension (in press).

Slaminko, T. L., Miles, M. R., Frederick, R. D., Bonde, M. R., and Hartman, G. L. 2008. New legume hosts of Phakopsora pachyrhizi based on greenhouse evaluations. Plant Disease 92:767-771.

Slaminko, T. L., Miles, M. R., Marios, J. J., Wright, D. L., and Hartman, G. L. 2008. Hosts of Phakopsora pachyrhizi identified in field evaluations in Florida. Plant Health Progress (in press).

Twizeyimana, M., Ojiambo, P. S., Ikotun, T., Ladipo, J. L., Hartman, G. L., and Bandyopadhyay, R. 2008. Evaluation of soybean germplasm for resistance to soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) in Nigeria. Plant Disease 92:947-952.

Abstracts, Edited Scientific Reports, and Proceedings:

Barnes, C.W., Szabo, L. J., Isard, Ariatti, A., Tenuta, A. U, Hambleton, S., Tropiano, R., Bowersox, V. C., Claybrooke, R., and Lehmann, C. Phytopathology 98:S18

Chang, S., Steinlage, T. A., Hymowitz, T., and Hartman, G. L. 2008. Characterizing soybean rust resistance in Glycine tomentella. Phytopathology 98:S34.

Dufault, N. S., Isard, S. A., Marois, J. J., and Wright, D. L. 2008. The removal of Phakopsora pachyrhizi urediniospores from soybean leaves by rainfall. Phytopathology 98:S48.

Floyd, C., Tao, Z., Spoden, G., Malvick, D., Kurle, J., Bernacchi, C., and Krupa, S. 2007. Minnesota soybean rust forecast model (MinnSoyRustMod). Presented at the National Soybean Rust Symposium, December 2007

Harmon, P. F., Jurick, W. M., Marois, J. J., and Wright, D. L. 2008. Survival of the soybean rust pathogen in kudzu vine is Florida, USA. Journal of Plant Pathology 90: S2.161.

Haudenshield, J. S., and Hartman, G. L. 2008. Synthetic internal control sequences to increase negative call veracity in multiplexed, quantitative PCR assays for Phakopsora pachyrhizi. Phytopathology 98:S66.

Hambleton, S., Tropiano, R., and Tenuta, A. (2007). "The Soybean Rust Sentinel Plot
Program: Molecular identification, screening and tracking of Phakopsora pachyrhizi." Saskatoon, SK, Canada, June 10-14. Abstract (Conference proceeding, pp. 106, C1-4).

Lawrence, K. S., E. J. Sikora, E. J., D. P. Delaney and M. Pegues. 2008. Evaluation of LEM17, Punch, and Headline for soybean rust management and yield in Alabama, 2007. Plant Disease management Reports 2FC052.

Lawrence, K. S., E. J. Sikora, E. J., D. P. Delaney and M. Pegues. 2008. Evaluation of Topsin, Headline, Tebuzol and ACT Plus on soybean rust and yield in Alabama, 2007. Plant Disease management Reports 2FC053.

Malvick, D. Floyd, C., Krupa, S., and Kurle. J. 2008. Monitoring atmospheric transport of soybean rust spores into Minnesota. Phytopathology 98:S97.

Mueller, T. A., O'Brien, G. K., Wright, D. L., and Marois, J. J. 2008. Evaluation of Cheminova fungicides for the management of soybean rust in northwest Florida, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports. 2:FC091.

Mueller, T. A., O'Brien, G. K., Wright, D. L., and Marois, J. J. 2008. Evaluation of Valent fungicides for the management of soybean rust in northwest Florida, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports. 2:FC090.

Mueller, T. A., O'Brien, G. K., Wright, D. L., and Marois, J. J. 2008. Evaluation of Cerexagri fungicides for the management of soybean rust in northwest Florida, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports. 2:FC089.

Mueller, T. A., O'Brien, G. K., Wright, D. L., and Marois, J. J. 2008. Evaluation of Dow fungicides for the management of soybean rust in northwest Florida, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports. 2:FC088.

Mueller, T. A., O'Brien, G. K., Wright, D. L., and Marois, J. J. 2008. Evaluation of fungicides for the control of soybean rust in northwest Florida, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports. 2:FC087.

Mueller, T. A., O'Brien, G. K., Wright, D. L., and Marois, J. J. 2008. Evaluation of chlorine and other nutrients for the control of soybean rust at the NFREC, Quincy, FL, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports. 2:FC002.

Mueller, T. A., O'Brien, G. K., Wright, D. L., and Marois, J. J. 2008. Evaluation of BTN+ for the control of soybean rust, Quincy, FL, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports. 2:FC037

Mueller, T. A., Miles, M.R., Hartman, G.L., O'Brien, G. K., Marois, J. J., and Wright, D. L. 2008. Evaluations of fungicides and fungicide timing for the control of soybean rust in northwest Florida, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports. 2:FC086.

Mueller, T. A., O'Brien, G. K., Wright, D. L., and Marois, J. J. 2008. Evaluation of fungicides and adjuvants for the control of soybean rust in northwest Florida, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports. 2:FC085

Padmanaban, A., Chang, S., Rosales-Mendoza, S., Hartman, G. L., Korban, S. S., and Ghabrial, S. 2008. Virus-induced gene silencing of soybean rust resistance genes in Glycine tomentella. Phytopathology 98:S119.

Paul, C., and Hartman, G. L. 2008. Evaluation of sources of soybean rust resistance using detached leaves. Phytopathology 98:S123

Sikora, E. J., K. S. Lawrence, M. A. Delaney, D. P. Delaney and M. Pegues. Evaluation of fungicides for control of Asian soybean rust and rarget spot in Alabama, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports 2:FC109.

Sikora, E. J., K. S. Lawrence, M. A. Delaney, D. P. Delaney and M. Pegues. Evaluation of Tebuzol to control Asian soybean rust and target spot in Alabama, 2007. Plant Disease Management Reports 2:FC110.

Sikora, E. J., K. S. Lawrence, M. A. Delaney, D. P. Delaney and M. Pegues. Evaluation of fungicide spray programs for Asian soybean rust, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports 2:FC111.

Sikora, E. J., K. S. Lawrence, M. A. Delaney, D. P. Delaney and M. Pegues. Evaluation of Topguard fungicide at various rates for Asian soybean rust management and target spot in Alabama, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports 2:FC112.

Sikora, E. J., K. S. Lawrence, M. A. Delaney, D. P. Delaney and M. Pegues. Evaluation of Topguard fungicide at various rates for Asian soybean rust management in Alabama, 2007. Plant Disease Management Reports Plant Disease Management Reports 2:FC113.

Sikora, E. J., D. P. Delaney, M. A. Delaney, K. S. Lawrence, and M. Pegues. Evaluation of TOPGUARD for control of Asian soybean rust in Alabama. Proceedings of the APS Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2008.

Sikora, E. J., D. P. Delaney, M. A. Delaney, K. S. Lawrence, and M. Pegues. Control of Asian soybean rust using sequential fungicide applications. Proceedings of the APS Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2008.

Slaminko, T. L., and Hartman, G. L. 2008. Host range of Phakopsora pachyrhizi, the causal agent of soybean rust. Phytopathology 98:S147.

Walker, D. R., Nelson, R. L., Hartman, G. L., Blair, B., Moore, S., Schneider, R. W., Shipe, E., Mueller, J., and Boerma, R. H. 2008. Identification and characterization of soybean rust resistance in plant introductions from the USDAs soybean germplasm collection. Phytopathology 98:S195.

Walker, D. R., Nelson, R. L., Hartman, G. L., Buckley, B. J., Moore, S. H., Schneider, R. W., Weaver, D. B., Shipe, E. R., Mueller, J. D., and Boerma, R. H. 2008. Evaluation of soybean germplasm accessions for resistance to soybean rust in the southeastern United States and efforts to develop rust-resistant lines. Int Crop Sci Conf.

Extension Publications:

Dorrance, A.E., Draper, M., and Hershman, D (editors) 2008. Using Foliar Fungicides to Manage Soybean Rust. Bulletin SR-2008. 111pp.

Allen, T., D. Poston, W.F. Moore, T. Koger, H. Fulton, B. Graves, A. Henn, T. McDaniel, and G. Sciumbato. 2008. Suggested Guidelines to Manage Soybean Rust Using Fungicides, Mississippi.

Bradley, C. A. 2008. Fungicide resistance management in soybean. Pages 57-60 in: Using Foliar Fungicides to Manage Soybean Rust. A. E. Dorrance, M. A. Draper, and D. E. Hershman, eds. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.

Grybauskas, A.P. 2008. Sampling for suspected soybean rust cases in Maryland (revised 2008). Maryland Extension Information leaflet.

Grybauskas, A.P. 2008. Maryland soybean rust risk assessment August 28, 2008. E-newsletter.

Grybauskas, A.P. 2008. Maryland soybean rust risk assessment Sept. 11, 2008. E-newsletter.

Grybauskas, A.P. 2008. Maryland soybean rust risk assessment Sept. 15, 2008. E-newsletter.

Howlie , D., R. Kemerait, S. Koenning, J. Dunphy, J. Mueller, and P. Phipps. 2008. Management of soybean rust. Clemson University Extension Service, North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension, South Carolina Department of Agriculture, South Carolina Soybean Board, Virginia Cooperative Extension, and the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. Pps. 31-34.

Koenning, S. R. 2008. Soybean rust in North Carolina in 2007. In Mueller, J.D., S. R. Koenning, R.C. Kemerait, and P.M. Phipps Eds. Soybean Rust Management in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Clemson University Extension Service, North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension, South Carolina Department of Agriculture, South Carolina Soybean Board, Virginia Cooperative Extension, and the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. PP 7.

Koenning, S. R., and E. J. Dunphy. 2008. First Find of Asiatic Soybean Rust in North Carolina October 1, 2008. Pest Alert.

Koenning, S. R., and E. J. Dunphy. 2008. Current Status of Soybean Rust in North America. Soybean Rust Summary for North Carolina: Reflections on 2005-2007. Soybean Rust Prospects for 2008. Resources for Soybean Rust in 2008. Pest News 33:(1).

Koenning, S. R., and E. J. Dunphy. 2008. Current Status of Soybean Rust in North America, Mid June. Inoculation of Soybean in Florida at Quincy. Another Host for Soybean Rust. 2008. Pest News 23(11).

Mueller, D. S. and Bradley, C. A. 2008. Field crop fungicides for the North Central United States. North Central Integrated Pest Management Center Educational Monograph.

Mueller, D. S., Robertson, A., Pederson, P., and Bradley, C. 2008. Soybean rust management with foliar fungicides. IPM PIPE Educational Circular.

Mueller, D. S., Robertson, A. E., and Tylka, G. L. Common Soybean Leaf Diseases and Soybean Rust - updated. Iowa State University Extension: PM 1989. February 2008

Mueller, D. S., Tylka, G. L., Engelbrecht, C., and Jesse, L. Submitting Soybean Samples to the Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic. Iowa State University Extension: PM 2054. April 2008

Mueller, J.D., S. R. Koenning, R.C. Kemerait, and P.M. Phipps. 2008. Soybean rust management in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Clemson University, North Carolina State University, University of Georgia, and Virginia Cooperative Extension Services. 38 Pps.

Mueller, J., R. Kemerait, S. Koenning, P. Phipps, and L. Sconyers. 2008. Monitoring rust movements. Soybean Rust Management in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Clemson University Extension Service, North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension, South Carolina Department of Agriculture, South Carolina Soybean Board, Virginia Cooperative Extension, and the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. Pps 15-16.

Phipps, P., S. Koenning. S. Rideout, and E. Stromberg. 2008. Common diseases of soybean in the mid-atlantic region. Clemson University Extension Service, North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension, South Carolina Department of Agriculture, South Carolina Soybean Board, Virginia Cooperative Extension, and the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. PP 17-23.

Schneider, R., E. Sikora, B. Padgett and G. Sciumbato. Managing Late-Season Soybean Diseases and Soybean Rust: A Southern Perspective. in Using Foliar Fungicides to Manage Soybean Rust. Dorrance, A. E., Draper, M. A., and Hershman, D. E., eds. 2008. NC-504 Land Grant Universities Cooperating. Bulletin SR-2008.

Sconyers, L. and S. Koenning. 2008. A brief history of rust in the western hemisphere. In Mueller, J.D., S. R. Koenning, R.C. Kemerait, and P.M. Phipps Eds. Soybean Rust Management in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Clemson University Extension Service, North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension, South Carolina Department of Agriculture, South Carolina Soybean Board, Virginia Cooperative Extension, and the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. Pps. 1-2.

Sikora, E. and D. Hershman. 2008. Soybean Rust In Review: 2004-2007. in Using Foliar Fungicides to Manage Soybean Rust. Dorrance, A. E., Draper, M. A., and Hershman, D. E., eds. 2008. NC-504 Land Grant Universities Cooperating. Bulletin SR-2008.

Tenuta, A., Hershman, D., Draper, M., and Dorrance, A. 2008. Fungicide Basics in Using Foliar Fungicides to Manage Soybean Rust. Dorrance, A. E., Draper, M. A., and Hershman, D. E., eds. 2008. NC-504 Land Grant Universities Cooperating. Bulletin SR-2008.

Tenuta, A.U., Hambleton, S., and Devitt, C. Soybean Rust Spores Found In Ontario Spore Traps Again in 2008. Ontario Soybean Growers (July 25, 2008).

Extension Presentations:

Bradley, C. A. 2008. Foliar fungicides for soybean and corn. Presentation at University of Illinois Extension Crop Management Conferences conducted at Rend Lake, Springfield, and Malta, IL, January and February 2008.

Bradley, C. A. 2008. Disease management of soybean and corn diseases. Presentation at FS Growmark Training Meeting, Tuscola, IL, February 2008.

Bradley, C. A. 2008. Foliar fungicides for soybean, corn, and wheat. Presentation at University of Illinois Extension, Montgomery and Macoupin Counties Agronomy Day. Litchfield, IL, February 2008.

Bradley, C. A. 2008. Soybean and corn disease management with foliar fungicides. Presentation at University of Illinois Extension, Ford and Iroquois Agronomy Day. Buckley, IL, February 2008.

Bradley, C. A. 2008. Soybean Rust in the United States. Presentation at Muscatine Junior College, Muscatine, IA, July 2008.

Bradley, C. A. 2008. Soybean Rust Update and Outlook. University of Illinois Extension. Shabbona, IL, July 2008.

Bradley, C. A. and Tedford, E. Foliar fungicides for disease management in soybean. Online Webinar hosted by DTN. June 2008.

Dias, A. P. S., Yang, X. B. and Li, X. Modeling light intensity patterns to estimate soybean rust outbreaks: Comparative analysis in Brazil and South Africa. 2007 Southern Soybean Disease Workers annual meeting. Jan 2007. St. Louis, Missouri

Hartman, G. L. 2008. Resistance genes to fight against soybean diseases and pests. Agronomy Day. University of Illinois.

Haudenshield, J. S., Smith, D. A., Twizeyimana, M., Slaminko, T. L., Steinlage, T. A., and Hartman, G. L. 2008. Sampling and analysis of Phakopsora pachyrhizi: Spanning the globe and twelve decades. Presented at the Illinois Soybean Association Soy Symposium, March 2008.

Li, X. and Yang, X. B. 2007. Analysis of the occurrence and the western pathway of soybean rust in 2007. 2007 National Soybean Rust Symposium. Dec 2007. Louisville, Kentucky.

Li, X. and Yang, X. B. 2007. Assessing effects of temperatures on occurrence of Asian soybean rust with biogeography information of rust diseases in North America. APS North Central Division annual meeting. Jun 2007. Lafayette, Indiana.

Markell, S. Soybean Diseases. Syngenta Seed Growers Meeting. Fargo, ND. 8/27/08. 30 people.

Markell, S. Wheat and Soybean Disease Update. Grand Forks County Plot Tour. Thompson, ND. 7/21/08. 50 people

Markell, S. Soybean and Corn Fungicide Applications. NDSU Extension Service Spring Conference. Bismarck, ND. 3/31/08. 15 people.

Markell, S. Soybean Root Rots and Soybean Rust. Buxton Area Growers Meeting. Hatton, ND. 3/25/08. 25 people.

Markell, S. Soybean Root Rots and Soybean Rust. Reynolds Area Growers Meeting. Reynolds, ND. 3/25/08. 15 people.

Markell, S. Broadleaf Crop Diseases. Eastern Crop Scout School. Fargo, ND. 2/27/08. 65 people.

Markell, S. Soybean and Dry Bean Disease Updates. I.C.E. Ag Show. Grand Forks, ND. 50 people.

Markell, S. Advanced Ag Consultants. To Spray or Not To Spray. Fargo, ND. 2/20/08. 50 people.

Markell, S. Soybean Rust and Fungicides. ND Soybean Expo. Fargo, ND. 2/12/08. 125 people.

Markell, S. Fungicide Resistance and Updates. Pesticide Re-certification Training. Mandan, ND. 2/6/08. 83 people.

Markell, S. Anthracnose and Other Bean Threats. Northarvest Bean Day. Fargo, ND. 1/18/08. 600 people.

Markell, S. To Spray of Not to Spray. Barnes County Row Crop Expo. Valley City, ND. 1/10/08. 100 people.

Mo, J., Guo, T., Li, X., and Yang, X. B. 2007. Effects of light intensity and darkness period on infection of soybean rust in controlled conditions. 2007 Southern Soybean Disease Workers annual meeting. Jan 2007. St. Louis, Missouri.

Mueller, D.S. Soybean rust biology, management, and update. Sheldon, IA, January 7, 2008. Crop Advantage Series.

Mueller, D.S. Soybean rust biology, management, and update. Spirit Lake, IA, January 16, 2008. Crop Advantage Series.

Mueller, D.S. Soybean rust biology, management, and update. Osceola, IA, January 17, 2008. Crop Advantage Series.

Mueller, D.S. Soybean rust update. Ames, IA, February 13, 2008, Agrilliance.
Mueller, D.S. Soybean rust update. Ames, IA, February 14, 2008, Hamilton County Series.

Mueller, D.S. Soybean rust update. Ames, IA, February 19, 2008, Iowa Independent Crop Consultant Association

Mueller, D.S. Soybean rust update. Ames, IA, March 27, 2008, ISU Farm Supervisors

Mueller, D.S. Soybean rust update. Boone, IA, July 15, 16, 21, 2008, ISU FEEL
Tenuta, A.U., Pest Alert 2008 - Soybean rust plans and outlook. Southwest Agricultural Conference, Ridgetown, ON. Jan. 3-4, 2008. 400 people in sessions.

Pan, Z. T., Xue, L., Li, X., and Yang, X. B. 2007. Medium-range forecasts of soybean rust spore dispersal in 2007. 2007 National Soybean Rust Symposium. Dec 2007. Louisville, Kentucky.

Radio Interviews:
Markell, S. - Dakota Radio-Valley City, KOVC, KDDR, KDAC. - Steve Urness. Topic: Fungicides, Plant Health and Diseases. 1/10/08.

Markell, S.- KMAV 105.5 Mayville. Ayanava Mujamdar. Topic: Sunflower, Dry Bean, and Soybean Diseases. 1/7/08

Markell, S.- KMAV 105.5 Mayville. Ayanava Mujamdar. Topic: Soybean IPM and Soybean Rust. 1/7/08

Markell, S.- KQLX  Mick Kjar. Topic: Soybean, Pulse, and Sunflower Diseases. 4/4/08.

Markell, S. - KQLX  Mick Kjar. Topic: Soybean, Pulse, and Sunflower Diseases. 4/8/08.

Markell, S.- KFYR  Al Gustan. Topic: Soybean Rust Scouting. 6/27/08.
Markell, S. - RRV Radio Network  Randy Koenen. Topic: Soybean Diseases in 2007, Root Rots. 9/6/08.

Print Interviews:

Markell, S. - Northarvest Magazine  Marlene. Topic: Legume PIPE Website Launch. 3/19/08.

Markell, S. - Northarvest Magazine  Kris Versdahl. Topic: Clean Seed, Anthracnose, Soybean Rust, and Bacterial Diseases. 2/29/08.


Selected Publications
(Full Listing Available in Combined State Report Document attached in the Minutes Summary Section):

Peer reviewed journal articles:

Sikora, E. J., D. P. Delaney, M. A. Delaney, K. S. Lawrence and M. Pegues. 2009. Evaluation of sequential fungicide spray programs for control of soybean rust. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2009-03XX-01-RS.

Sikora, E. J., D. Delaney, and M. Delaney. 2009. Developing an innovative team approach to address a newly introduced disease of soybeans in the United States. Journal of Extension:

Schwartz, H. F., Langham, M.A.C., Golod, J., Tolin, S.A., LaForest, J., and Cardwell, K.F. 2009. Legume ipmPIPE: The next evolution of web-based interactive tools for disease management and extension outreach. APSnet:

Mueller, T. A., Miles, M. R., Morel, W., Marois, J. J., Wright, D. L., Kemerait, R. C., Levy, C.,and Hartman, G. L. 2009. Effect of fungicide and timing of application on soybean rust severity and yield. Plant Disease 93:243-248.

Panthee, D.R., Marois, J.J., Wright, D.L., Narváez, D. Yuan, J. S., and Stewart, C. N. Jr. 2009. Differential expression of genes in soybean in response to the causal agent of Asian soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sydow) is soybean growth stage specific. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 118:359-370.

Chakraborty, N., J. Curley, R.D. Frederick, D.L. Hyten, R.L. Nelson, G.L. Hartman, and B.W. Diers. 2009. Mapping and confirmation of a new allele at Rpp1 from soybean PI 504538A conferring RB lesion type resistance to soybean rust. Crop Science 49:783-790.

Cui, D., Q. Zhang, M. Li, Y. Zhao, and G.L. Hartman. 2009. Detection of soybean rust using a multispectral image sensor. Sens. Instrum. Food Qual. Saf. or Sens. & Instrumen. Food Qual. DOI 10.1007/s11694-009-9070-8.

Hartman, G.L., and J.S. Haudenshield. 2009. Movement of Phakopsora pachyrhizi (soybean rust) urediniospores by non-conventional means. European Journal of Plant Pathology 123:225-228.

Paul, C., and G.L. Hartman. 2009. Sources of soybean rust resistance challenged with single-spored isolates of Phakopsora pachyrhizi collected from the USA. Crop Science 49:1781-1785.

Pham, T.A., M.R. Miles, R.D. Frederick, C.B. Hill, and G.L. Hartman. 2009. Differential responses of resistant soybean genotypes to ten isolates of Phakopsora pachyrhizi. Plant Disease 93:224-228.

Twizeyimana, M., P.S. Ojiambo, K. Sonder, T. Ikotun, G.L. Hartman, and R. Bandyopadhyay. 2009. Pathogenic variation of Phakopsora pachyrhizi infecting soybean in Nigeria. Phytopathology 99:353-361.

Ivey, M.L.L., Baysal-Gurel, F., Frederick, R., Luster, D., Czarnecki, J., Dorrance, A. and Miller, S.A. 2009. Immunofluorescence assay detection of the soybean rust pathogen. Ohio State University Extension Fact sheet SBR-2-09.

Morales, M.J.Y., Martinez, M.A., Malvick, D.M., Kurle, J.E., Floyd, C.M., and Krupa, S.V. Soybean Rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) Detected in the state of Campeche on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Plant Disease. 93.847.

Tao, Z., Malvick, D., Claybrooke, R., Floyd, C., Bernacchi, C., Spoden, G., Kurle, J., Gay, D., Bowersox, V., Krupa, S. Predicting the risk of soybean rust in Minnesota. Published online 14 June 2009. DOI 10.1007/s00484-009-0239-y

Bradley, C. A., Horn, V., Allen, T. W., Dorrance, A. E., Dunphy, J., Giesler, L. J., Hershman, D. E., Hollier, C. A., and Wrather, J. A. 2010. Evaluation of the Soybean Rust Pest Information Platform for Extension and Education (PIPE) public website's impact on Certified Crop Advisers. Plant Health Progress (submitted for review).

Abstracts, Edited Scientific Reports, and Proceedings:

Delaney, D. P., E. J. Sikora, K. S. Lawrence, M. A. Delaney, M. Pegues and J. Jones. 2009. Evaluating foliar fungicides for control of Asian soybean rust in Alabama, 2008-2009. Submitted as an abstract for the 2009 National Soybean Rust Symposium.

Schwartz, H. F., Langham, M.A.C., Tolin, S.A., Golod, J., LaForest, J., and Cardwell, K.F. 2009. ipmPIPE: Legume PIPE new option for generating, summarizing, and disseminating real-time pest data to stakeholders. APS Annual Meeting, Aug. 1-5, 2009, Portland, OR, S167, invited Oral Presentation.
Jordon, S. A., Harmon, P. F., Marois, J. J., Wright, D. L., Harmon, C. L., Gevens, A. J. 2009. Characterization of kudzu (Pueraria spp.) resistance to Phakopsora pachyrhizi, the causal agent of soybean rust. Phytopathology 99:S59.

Srivastava, P., Marois, J., Leandro, L., Wright, D., Walker, D. R., 2009. Effect of plant age and leaf maturity on the susceptibility to soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi. Phytopathology 99:S123.

Young, H. M., Marois, J. J., Wright, D. L., Narvaez, D. F., and O'Brien, G. K. 2009. Epidemiology of soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) in soybean (Glycine max) in sentinel plots in Florida. Phytopathology 99:S148.

Young, H. M., Marois, J. J., Wright, D. L., Narvaez, D. F. 2009. Epidemiology of soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) in soybean (Glycine max) sentinel plots in Florida. Florida Phytopathological Society and APS Caribbean Division May 16-19, 2009, Orlando, FL.

Allen, T. W., Moore, W. F., Milling, A. R., Broome, M. L., and Bridgers, J. 2009. 2009 soybean rust monitoring in Mississippi. 2009 National Soybean Rust Symposium. December 9-11, 2009. New Orleans, Louisiana.

Allen, T. W., Bonde, M. R., Moore, W. F., Milling, A. R., Broome, M. L., and Bridgers, J. 2009. Tracking soybean rust susceptible kudzu in Mississippi. 2009 National Soybean Rust Symposium. December 9-11, 2009. New Orleans, Louisiana.

Extension Publications:

Schwartz, H.F. et al., 2009. Bacterial Brown Spot; Bacterial Wilt; Common Bacterial Blight; Halo Blight; White Mold; Root Rots; Common Rust; and Legume Insect Pests.

Bradley, C. A. 2009. Get to know the common foliar diseases of soybean. University of Illinois Pest Management and Crop Development Bulletin, Issue no. 19.

Bradley, C. A. 2009. Soybean disease update. University of Illinois Pest Management and Crop Development Bulletin, Issue no. 21.

Bradley, C. A. 2009. Soybean rust confirmed in thirteen counties so far in 2009. University of Illinois Pest Management and Crop Development Bulletin, Issue no. 23.

Wise, K. 2009. Field Crop Diseases Recap for 2009 and Forecast for 2009. Purdue Pest and Crop Newsletter. Issue 1, March 6th, 2009.

Wise, K. 2009. Soybean rust forecast for 2009. Purdue Pest and Crop Newsletter. Issue 4, April 24th, 2009.

Wise, K. 2009. Soybean rust update. Purdue Pest and Crop Newsletter. Issue 4, July 17th, 2009.

Wise, K. 2009. Soybean rust update. Purdue Pest and Crop Newsletter. Issue 21, August 21, 2009.

Extension Presentations:

A Soybean Disease field day was held at the Research and Education Center at Milan (RECM) Tennessee on Sept. 9, 2009. Approximately 250 producers and county agents attended the 12 presentations on diseases, SBR, weeds and insects. It was centered on variety and fungicide test plots. Dr. Cliff Coker came from the Univ. of Arkansas to give an update on SBR.

A 1.5 day Soybean Rust Class was held at the North Florida Research and Education Center in Quincy, Fl in which over 100 people attended to hear experts from across the nation and Brazil.

There where also numerous extension presentations across the country in which soybean rust was addressed but not the sole topic.

Soybean Rust Education efforts in Illinois.

University of Illinois Extension newsletter articles were written about the identification, spread, and risk of soybean rust to Illinois growers. Several presentations were given during the winter meeting season and during the summer field day tours that presented information on soybean rust.
Bradley, C. A. 2009. Fungicide use on corn and soybean. Northern Illinois Farm Show. DeKalb, IL, January 8.

Bradley, C. A. 2009. Managing corn and soybean diseases with fungicides. University of Illinois Corn and Soybean Classics Meeting Series. Mt. Vernon, Champaign, Bloomington, Springfield, Moline, and Malta, IL, January.

Bradley, C. A. 2009. Managing corn, soybean, and wheat diseases with fungicides. University of Illinois Crop Management Conference Meeting Series. Mt. Vernon, Champaign, Jacksonville, and Malta, IL, February.

Bradley, C. A. 2009. Managing corn, soybean, and wheat diseases with fungicides. University of Illinois Field Day. Ewing, IL, June 11.

Bradley, C. A. 2009. Effect of foliar and seed treatment fungicides on soybean disease control and yield. Illinois Soybean Association Summer Research Forum. Champaign, IL, July 14.

Bradley, C. A. 2009. Managing corn, soybean, and wheat diseases with fungicides. University of Illinois Field Day. Brownstown, IL, July 30.

Bradley, C. A. 2009. Managing corn and soybean diseases with fungicides. University of Illinois Crop Training Center. Shabbona, IL, August 11, 2009.

Bradley, C. A. 2009. Managing corn and soybean diseases with fungicides. University of Illinois Field Day. Perry, IL, August 19, 2009.

Bradley, C. A. 2009. Managing corn and soybean diseases with fungicides. University of Illinois Field Day. Monmouth, IL, August 20, 2009.



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