NCERA193: NCR-193: IPM Strategies for Arthropod Pests and Diseases in Nurseries and Landscapes
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Publications are in the link to the attached pdf file.
Doccola, J.J., D.R. Smitley, T.W. Davis, J.J. Aiken and P. W. Wild. 2011. Tree wound responses following systemic insecticide trunk injection treatments in green as (Fraxinus pennnsylvanica Marsh.) as determined by destructive autopsy. Arboriculture and Urban Forestry 37: 6 12.
Smitley, D.R., J.J. Doccola and D.L. Cox. 2010. Multiple-year protection of ash trees from emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), with a single trunk injection of emamectin benzoate and single-year protection with an imidacloprid basal drench. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 36: 206 - 211.
Smitley, D.R., E.J. Rebek, R.N. Royalty, T.W. Davis and K.F. Newhouse. 2010. Protection of individual ash trees from emerald ash borer (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) with basal soil applications of imidacloprid. J. Econ. Entomology 103: 119 126.
Smitley, David R., Young-Ki Jo and Ian Hudson. 2011. Association of Ovavesicula popilliae (Microsporida: Ovavesculidae) with winter mortality of larvae and reduced fecundity of female Japanese beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Environ. Entomol. 40: 516 522.
Whitehill JGA, Popova-Butler A, Green-Church KB, Koch JL, Herms DA and Bonello P (2011) Interspecific proteomic comparisons reveal ash phloem genes potentially involved in constitutive resistance to the emerald ash borer. PLoS ONE 6(9): e24863. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0024863.
Rivera-Vega L, Mamidala P, Bonello P, Herms DA, Mittapalli O (2011) Evaluation of reference genes for gene expression studies in ash (Fraxinus spp.). Plant Molecular Biology Reporter. Accepted.
Chen Y, Whitehill JGA, Bonello P and Poland TM (2011) Feeding by emerald ash borer larvae induces systemic changes in black ash foliar chemistry. Phytochemistry 72:1990-1998.
Cipollini D, Wang Q, Whitehill JGA, Powell JR, Bonello P and Herms DA (2011) Distinguishing defensive characteristics in the phloem of ash species resistant and susceptible to emerald ash borer. Journal of Chemical Ecology 37:450-459.
Rajarapu SP, Mamidala P, Herms DA, Bonello P and Mittapalli O (2011) Antioxidant genes of the emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis): Gene characterization and expression profiles. Journal of Insect Physiology. Available on line: doi:10.1016/j.jinsphys.2011.03.017.
Chen Y, Whitehill JGA, Bonello P and Poland TM (2011) Differential response in foliar chemistry of three ash species to emerald ash borer adult feeding. Journal of Chemical Ecology 37:29-39.
Bai X, Rivera-Vega L, Mamidala P, Bonello P, Herms DA and Mittapalli O (2011) Transcriptomic signatures of ash (Fraxinus spp.) phloem. PLoS ONE 6, e16368
Nagle AM, McPherson BA, Garbelotto M, Wood DL and Bonello P (2011) Relationship between resistance to Phytophthora ramorum and constitutive phenolic chemistry in coast live oak. Forest Pathology. Available online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1439-0329.2010.00703.x.
Wallis C, Eyles A, Chorbadjian RA, Riedl K, Schwartz S, Hansen R, Cipollini D, Herms DA, Bonello P (2011) Differential effects of nutrient availability on the secondary metabolism of Austrian pine (Pinus nigra) phloem and resistance to Diplodia pinea. Forest Pathology 41:52-58
Mittapalli O, Bai X, Mamidala P, Rajarapu SP, Bonello P and Herms DA (2010) Tissue-specific transcriptomics of the exotic invasive insect pest emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis). PLoS ONE 5, e13708.
Schofield, K., B. M. Drees, and B. Summerlin. 2010. Worker ant foraging response on and near mounds of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren. Southwestern Entomologist 35(4):533-538.
Drees, B. M. 2010. Plaster beetles. EEE-00046.The Texas AgriLife Extension Service. Texas A&M System, College Station, Texas. Fact sheet, posted on http://insects.tamu.edu/extension/publications/epubs.
Drees, B. M. 2010. Booklice. EEE-00043. The Texas AgriLife Extension Service. Texas A&M System, College Station, Texas. Fact sheet, posted on http://insects.tamu.edu/extension/publications/epubs.
Reinert, J. and B. M. Drees. 2011. The hunting billbug: an emerging pest of Texas turfgrass. The Pallet, April 2011 issue, pages 6-10.
Drees, B. M. 2009. Raspberry crazy ant - a new threat to nurseries. American Nurseryman 11(209):6-8.
Calixto, A., C. Valencia, J. Fihe, B. Drees and K. Knopp. 2011. Relative attractiveness and efficacy of toxic baits to Argentine ants (Linepithema humile) in Lake Somerville, Texas in Proceedings of the Imported Fire Ant Conference (P. Nester, ed.), Galveston, Texas, April 4-7, 2011. Pages 47-51.
Keck, M., B. Drees, A. Calixto, N. Cervantes. 2011. Target-specific lure and switch grid spot treatment approach for fire ants: Camp Bullis Karst Caves Project in Proceedings of the Imported Fire Ant Conference (P. Nester, ed.), Galveston, Texas, April 4-7, 2011. Page 60.
Shackelford, P., B. Drees, A. Calixto, P. Nester. 2011. Pasture renovation by dragging ant mounds and broadcast baiting to eliminate red imported fire ants in Proceedings of the Imported Fire Ant Conference (P. Nester, ed.), Galveston, Texas, April 4-7, 2011. Pages 66-74.
Camerino, A., P. Nester, B. Drees, A. Calixto. 2011. Two year evaluation of ARINIX® for limiting invasion of fire ants into irrigation controller boxes at Bear Creek Gold World, Houston, TX in Proceedings of the Imported Fire Ant Conference (P. Nester, ed.), Galveston, Texas, April 4-7, 2011. Page 75.
Calixto, A., A. Birt, B. Drees, M. Keck, N. Cervantes, L. Calixto, M. Harris. 2011. Developing and delivering decision support systems for use in fire ant management: Fort Sam Houston case study in Proceedings of the Imported Fire Ant Conference (P. Nester, ed.), Galveston, Texas, April 4-7, 2011. Page 76.
Nester, P., A. Calixto, B. Drees. 2011. Imported fire ant treatment strategies in larger landscaped areas in Proceedings of the Imported Fire Ant Conference (P. Nester, ed.), Galveston, Texas, April 4-7, 2011. Page 77.
Drees B., and K. Flanders. 2011. Update on the Fire Ant Community of Practice (part of the National eXtension initiative) in Proceedings of the Imported Fire Ant Conference (P. Nester, ed.), Galveston, Texas, April 4-7, 2011. Pages 81-82.
Flanders, K. and B. Drees. 2011. eXtension Fire Ant Community of Practice Work Session in Proceedings of the Imported Fire Ant Conference (P. Nester, ed.), Galveston, Texas, April 4-7, 2011. Page 84.
Smith, J., M. Harris, A. Calixto, B. Drees, K. Snowden and B. Vinson. 2011. PCR screening for microsporidian and social form in red imported fire ants Solenopsis invicta Buren): Recommendations for collecting and DNA extraction in Proceedings of the Imported Fire Ant Conference (P. Nester, ed.), Galveston, Texas, April 4-7, 2011. Page 85.
Calixto, A., M. Harris, B. Drees, and J. Johnson. 2011. Impact of toxic baits on field populations of the two social forms of the fire ant and other ecological implications in Proceedings of the Imported Fire Ant Conference (P. Nester, ed.), Galveston, Texas, April 4-7, 2011. Pages 95-98.
Schofield, K., W. Brown and B. Drees. 2011. University based research on the effectiveness of home remedies to control red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Proceedings of the Imported Fire Ant Conference (P. Nester, ed.), Galveston, Texas, April 4-7, 2011. Page 99.
Johnson, J., A. Calixto, M. Harris and B. Drees. 2011. Common ant fauna observed at lures when sampling for fire ants in Proceedings of the Imported Fire Ant Conference (P. Nester, ed.), Galveston, Texas, April 4-7, 2011. Page 102.
Drees, B. M., D. McDonald, P. Nester, A. Calixto, C. Bowen and R. Gold. 2010. Applied Research Update: Rasberry Crazy Ant. Proc. 2010 Annual Imported Fire Ant Conf., April 19-22, Little Rock, AR. page10 posted on http://www.eXtension.org/fire+ants.
Dieckmann, R., and B. M. Drees. 2010. Coachella Valley Golf Course Red Imported Fire Ant Treatment Program Evaluation. Proc. 2010 Annual Imported Fire Ant Conf., April 19-22, Little Rock, AR. pages 61-68 posted on http://www.eXtension.org/fire+ants.
Schofield, K., B. M. Drees, and B. Summerlin 2010. Worker Ant Foraging Response on and Near Mounds of the Red Imported Fire Ant. Proc. 2010 Annual Imported Fire Ant Conf., April 19-22, Little Rock, AR. page 102 posted on http://www.eXtension.org/fire+ants.
Nester, P. R., A. Camerino, B. Drees, and A. Calixto. 2010. Evaluation of ARINIX® Permethrin Impregnated Nylon Plastic Strips in Preventing Fire Ant Invasion in RainBird Par + ES Irrigation Boxed at Bear Creek Golf World, Houston, Texas. Proc. 2010 Annual Imported Fire Ant Conf., April 19-22, Little Rock, AR. pages 126-134 posted on http://www.eXtension.org/fire+ants.
Jacobi, W.R., B.A. Goodrich, R. D. Koski. 2009. Environmental effects of magnesium chloride based dust suppression products on roadside soils, vegetation and stream water chemistry. Colorado State University, Agricultural Experiment Station, Technical Report, TR09-04, 185pp.
Goodrich, B. A., Koski, R.D. and W.R. Jacobi. 2009. Monitoring surface water chemistry near magnesium chloride dust suppressant treated roads in Colorado. J. Environ. Qual. 38(6):2373-81.
MacDonald, J., Allen, C., Gadoury, D., Jacobi, W., Kelemu, S., Moyer, J., Murray, T., Ong, K., Pearson, C., Sherwood, J., and Vidaver, A. 2009. Education in Plant Pathology, Present Status and Future Challenges. Plant Disease 93: 1238-1251.
Egan, J.M., Jacobi W.R., Negron J.F., Smith, S.L. and Cluck, D. R. 2010. Forest thinning and subsequent bark beetle-caused mortality in Northeastern California. Forest Ecol. Management. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2010.08.030
Costello, S.L., Negron, J.F and Jacobi, W.R. 2011. Wood-boring insect abundance in fire-injured ponderosa pine. Agriculture and Forest Entomology. DOI: 10.1111/j/1461-9563.2011.00531.x
Crump, A. Jacobi, W.R. Lundquist, J. E. 2011. Dissemination of forest health research information in the Rocky Mountains. Journal of Forestry. 43-49.
Jacobi, W. R., Goodrich, B.A. and Cleaver, C. M. 2011. Firewood transport by National and State Park campers: A risk for native and exotic tree pest movement. Arboriculture and Urban Forestry. 37: 126-138
Klutsch, J. G., Kallas-Ricklefs, M. A., Reich R. M. Harris, J. L. and. Jacobi W. R. 2011. Relationship of site and stand characteristics to Armillaria root disease incidence on ponderosa pine in the Black Hills. Forest Pathology- Accepted.
Crump, A., Jacobi, W. R., Burns, K. S., and Howell, B. S. 2011. Pruning to manage white pine blister rust in the southern Rocky Mountains. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Res Station. Res. Note RMRS-RN-44. 10 p.
G. A. Hoover, G. W. Moorman, K. M. Richards, and S. I. Gripp. 2011. Insect, Mite, and Disease Management on Woody Ornamentals, Pennsylvania State University, College of Agricultural Sciences, 114 pp.
Herath, P., Hoover, G. A., Angelini, E., and Moorman, G. W. 2010. Detection of elm yellows phytoplasma using real-time PCR. Plant Disease 94: 1355-1360.
Zeleznik, J, and Walla, J. 2011. Diseases of apple trees - black rot. North Dakota State University Crop & Pest Report 2011 (12):. Online at: http://www.ag.ndsu.edu/cpr/forestry/diseases-of-apple-trees-black-rot
Zeleznik, J., and Walla, J.A. 2011. Storm damaged trees. North Dakota State University Crop and Pest Report 2011 (2):11-12. Online at:
Muilenburg, V.L., P.L. Phelan, P. Bonello, and D.A. Herms. Inter- and Intra-specific variation in stem phloem phenolics of paper birch (Betula papyrifera) and European white birch (Betula pendula). Journal of Chemical Ecology. In press.
Hahn, J., D.A. Herms, D.G. McCullough. 2011. Frequently asked questions regarding potential side effects of systemic insecticides used to control emerald ash borer. University of Minnesota,Michigan State University, and The Ohio State University Extension Emerald Ash Borer Fact Sheet. 4 pp.
Whitehill, J.G.A., A. Popova-Butler, K.B. Green-Church, J.L. Koch, D.A. Herms, and P.Bonello. 2011. Interspecific Proteomic Comparisons Reveal Ash Phloem Genes Potentially Involved in Constitutive Resistance to the Emerald Ash Borer. PLoS ONE 6(9): e24863 doi:10.13171/journal.pone.0024863.
Ulyshen, M.D., W.S. Klooster, W.T. Barrington, and D.A. Herms. 2011. Impacts of emeraldash borer-induced tree mortality on leaf litter arthropods and exotic earthworms. Pedobiologia. In press.
Chorbadjian, R.A., P. Bonello, and D.A. Herms. 2011. Effect of the growth regulator paclobutrazol and fertilization on defensive chemistry and herbivore resistance of Austrian pine and paper birch. Arboriculture and Urban Forestry, In press.
Kleczewski, N.M, D.A. Herms, and P. Bonello. 2011. Nutrient and water availability alter belowground patterns of biomass allocation, carbon partitioning, and ectomycorrhizal abundance in Betula nigra. Trees - Structure and Function. doi: 10.1007/s00468-011-0613-3.
Cipollini, D., Q. Wang, J.G.A. Whitehill, J.R. Powell, P. Bonello, and D.A. Herms. Distinguishing defense characteristics in the phloem of ash species resistant and susceptible to emerald ash borer. Journal of Chemical Ecology 37:450-459.
Rajarapu, S.P., P. Mamidala, D.A. Herms, P. Bonello, and O. Mittapalli. 2011. Antioxidant genes of the emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis): gene characterization and expression profiles. Journal of Insect Physiology 57:819-824.
Nielsen, D.G., V.L. Muilenburg, and D.A. Herms. 2011. Interspecific variation in resistance of Asian, European, and North American birches (Betula spp.) to bronze birch borer (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). Environmental Entomology 40:648-653.
Ranger, C.M., M.E. Reding, K..J.K. Gandhi, J.B. Oliver, P.B. Schultz, and D.A. Herms. 2011.Species dependent influence of (-)-±-pinene on attraction of ambrosia beetles to ethanol-baited traps in nursery agroecosystems. Journal of Economic Entomology 104:574-579.
Cardina, J., C.P. Herms, and D.A. Herms. 2011. Phenological indicators for emergence of large and smooth crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis and D. ischaemum) Weed Technology 25:141-150.
Bai, X., L. Rivera-Vega, P. Mamidala, P. Bonello, D.A. Herms, O. Mittapalli. 2011. Transcriptomic signatures of ash (Fraxinus spp.) phloem. PLoS ONE, 6(1):1-12
Wallis, C. A. Eyles, R.A. Chorbadjian, K. Riedl, S. Schwartz, R. Hansen, D. Cipollini, D.A. Herms, and P. Bonello. 2011. Differential effects of nutrient availability on the secondary metabolism of Austrian pine (Pinus nigra) phloem and resistance to Diplodia pinea. Forest Pathology 41:52-58.
Poland, T.M., D.G. McCullough, D.A. Herms, L.S. Bauer, J.R. Gould, and A.R. Tluczek. 2011. Management tactics for emerald ash borer: chemical and biological control. In: K. McManus and K.W. Gottschalk, eds., Proceedings 21st U.S. Department of Agriculture Interagency Research Forum on Invasive Species 2010, pp. 46-49. USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-75.
Herms, D.A. and D.G. McCullough. 2010. Pesticides and insect eradication. In: D. Simberloff and M. Rejmánek, eds. Encyclopedia of Invasive Introduced Species, pp. 528-535. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
Herms, D.A.. 2010. Multiyear evaluations of systemic insecticides for control of emerald ash borer. In: D. Lance, J. Buck, D. Binion, R. Reardon, and V. Mastro, compilers, Proceedings of the Emerald Ash Borer Research and Technology Development Meeting, October 20-21, 2009,Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, pp. 71-75.
USDA Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team,FHTET-2010-01. 136 pp.
Mittapalli, O., X. Bai, P. Mamidala, S.P. Rajarapu, P. Bonello, and D.A. Herms. 2010. Tissuespecific transcriptomics of the exotic invasive insect pest emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis). PLoS ONE 5(10)1-12.
Gandhi, K.J.K., A.I. Cognato, D.M. Lightle, B.J. Mosley, D.G. Nielsen, and D.A. Herms. 2010.Species composition, semiochemical responses, and seasonal activity of bark and ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) in northeastern Ohio. Journal of Economic Entomology 103:1187-1195.
Kleczewski, N.M., D.A. Herms, and P. Bonello. 2010. Effects of soil type, fertilization, and drought on carbon allocation to root growth, and partitioning between secondary metabolism,and ectomycorrhizae of Betula papyrifera (Marsh). Tree Physiology 30:807-813.
Figueroa, R., D.A. Herms, J. Cardina, and D. Doohan. 2010. Maternal environment effects on common groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) seed dormancy. Weed Science 58:160-166.
Goebel, P.C., M.S. Bumgardner, D.A. Herms, and A. Sabula 2010. Failure to phytosanitize firewood infested with emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) in a small dry kiln using ISPM-15 standards. Journal of Economic Entomology 103:597-602.
Ranger, C.M., M.E. Reding, A.B. Persad, and D.A. Herms. 2010. Ability of stress-related volatiles to attract and induce attacks by Xylosandrus germanus and other ambrosia beetles. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 12:177-185.
Raupp, M.J., P.M. Shrewsbury, and D.A. Herms. 2010. Ecology of herbivorous arthropods in urban landscapes. Annual Review of Entomology 55:19-38.
Gandhi, J.K.J., and D.A. Herms. 2010. North American arthropods at risk due to widespread Fraxinus mortality caused by the alien emerald ash borer. Biological Invasions 12:1839-1846.
Gandhi, J.K.J., and D.A. Herms. 2010. Direct and indirect effects of alien insect herbivores on ecological processes and interactions in forests of eastern North America. Biological Invasions 12:389-405.
Muilenburg, V.L, and D.A. Herms. In press. A review of bronze birch borer (Agrilus anxius,Coleoptera: Buprestidae) life history, ecology, and management. Environ. Entomol.
Boggs, F., A. Stone, and D.A. Herms. 2012. Asian longhorned beetle: a killer in black and white. American Nurseryman 212(10):18-20, 22.
Raupp, M.J., P.M. Shrewsbury, and D.A. Herms. 2012. Disasters by design: outbreaks along urban gradients. In: P. Barbosa, D.K. Letourneau, and A. Agrawal (eds.), Insect Outbreaks Revisited, pp. 311-340. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, West Sussex, UK.
Ulyshen, M., W. Barrington, R. Hoebeke, and D.A. Herms. 2012. Vertically stratified ash-limb beetle fauna in northern Ohio. Psyche 2012, Article ID 215891, 5 pp.,doi:10.1155/2012/215891.
Whitehill, J.G.A., S.O. Opiyo, J.L. Koch, D.A. Herms, D.F. Cipollini, and P. Bonello. 2012. Interspecific comparison of constitutive ash phloem phenolic chemistry reveals compounds unique to Manchurian ash, a species resistant to emerald ash borer. Journal of Chemical Ecology 38:499-511.
Suckling, D.M, P.C. Tobin, D.G. McCullough, and D.A. Herms. 2012. Combining tactics to exploit Allee effects for eradication of alien insect populations. Journal of Economic Entomology 105:1-13.
Kleczewski, N.M, D.A. Herms, and P. Bonello. 2012. Nutrient and water availability alter belowground patterns of biomass allocation, carbon partitioning, and ectomycorrhizal abundance in Betula nigra. Trees - Structure and Function 26:525533.
Muilenburg, V.L., and D.A. Herms. 2011. European Plant Pest Organization (EPPO) data sheets on pests recommended for regulation: Agrilus anxius. EPPO Bulletin 40:409-413.
Muilenburg, V.L., P.L. Phelan, P. Bonello, and D.A. Herms. 2011. Inter- and Intra-specific variation in stem phloem phenolics of paper birch (Betula papyrifera) and European white birch (Betula pendula). Journal of Chemical Ecology 37:1193-1202.
Hahn, J., D.A. Herms, D.G. McCullough. 2011. Frequently asked questions regarding potential side effects of systemic insecticides used to control emerald ash borer. University of Minnesota, Michigan State University, and The Ohio State University Extension Emerald Ash Borer Fact Sheet. 4 pp.
Whitehill, J.G.A., A. Popova-Butler, K.B. Green-Church, J.L. Koch, D.A. Herms, and P.Bonello. 2011. Interspecific Proteomic Comparisons Reveal Ash Phloem Genes Potentially Involved in Constitutive Resistance to the Emerald Ash Borer. PLoS ONE 6(9): e24863 doi: 10.13171/journal.pone.0024863.
Ulyshen, M.D., W.S. Klooster, W.T. Barrington, and D.A. Herms. 2011. Impacts of emerald ash borer-induced tree mortality on leaf litter arthropods and exotic earthworms. Pedobiologia. In press.
Chorbadjian, R.A., P. Bonello, and D.A. Herms. 2011. Effect of the growth regulator paclobutrazol and fertilization on defensive chemistry and herbivore resistance of Austrian pine and paper birch. Arboriculture and Urban Forestry, In press.
Kleczewski, N.M, D.A. Herms, and P. Bonello. 2011. Nutrient and water availability alter belowground patterns of biomass allocation, carbon partitioning, and ectomycorrhizal abundance in Betula nigra. Trees - Structure and Function. doi: 10.1007/s00468-011-0613-3.
Cipollini, D., Q. Wang, J.G.A. Whitehill, J.R. Powell, P. Bonello, and D.A. Herms. Distinguishing defense characteristics in the phloem of ash species resistant and susceptible to emerald ash borer. Journal of Chemical Ecology 37:450-459.
Rajarapu, S.P., P. Mamidala, D.A. Herms, P. Bonello, and O. Mittapalli. 2011. Antioxidant genes of the emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis): gene characterization and expression profiles. Journal of Insect Physiology 57:819-824.
Nielsen, D.G., V.L. Muilenburg, and D.A. Herms. 2011. Interspecific variation in resistance of Asian, European, and North American birches (Betula spp.) to bronze birch borer (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). Environmental Entomology 40:648-653.
Ranger, C.M., M.E. Reding, K..J.K. Gandhi, J.B. Oliver, P.B. Schultz, and D.A. Herms. 2011. Species dependent influence of (-)-±-pinene on attraction of ambrosia beetles to ethanol-baited traps in nursery agroecosystems. Journal of Economic Entomology 104:574-579.
Cardina, J., C.P. Herms, and D.A. Herms. 2011. Phenological indicators for emergence of large and smooth crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis and D. ischaemum) Weed Technology 25:141-150.
Bai, X., L. Rivera-Vega, P. Mamidala, P. Bonello, D.A. Herms, O. Mittapalli. 2011. Transcriptomic signatures of ash (Fraxinus spp.) phloem. PLoS ONE, 6(1):1-12.
Wallis, C. A. Eyles, R.A. Chorbadjian, K. Riedl, S. Schwartz, R. Hansen, D. Cipollini, D.A. Herms, and P. Bonello. 2011. Differential effects of nutrient availability on the secondary metabolism of Austrian pine (Pinus nigra) phloem and resistance to Diplodia pinea. Forest Pathology 41:52-58.
Poland, T.M., D.G. McCullough, D.A. Herms, L.S. Bauer, J.R. Gould, and A.R. Tluczek. 2011.Management tactics for emerald ash borer: chemical and biological control. In: K. McManus and K.W. Gottschalk, eds., Proceedings 21st U.S. Department of Agriculture Interagency Research Forum on Invasive Species 2010, pp. 46-49. USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-75.
Costello, S.L., Negron, J.F and Jacobi, W.R. 2011. Wood-boring insect abundance in fire-injured ponderosa pine. Agriculture and Forest Entomology. DOI: 10.1111/j/1461-9563.2011.00531.x
Crump, A. Jacobi, W.R. Lundquist, J. E. 2011. Dissemination of forest health research information in the Rocky Mountains.
Jacobi, W. R., Goodrich, B.A. and Cleaver, C. M. 2011. Firewood transport by National and State Park campers: A risk for native and exotic tree pest movement. Arboriculture and Urban Forestry. 37: 126-138
Klutsch, J. G., Kallas-Ricklefs, M. A., Reich R. M. Harris, J. L. and. Jacobi W. R. 2011. Relationship of site and stand characteristics to Armillaria root disease incidence on ponderosa pine in the Black Hills. Forest Pathology- Accepted.
Crump, A., Jacobi, W. R., Burns, K. S., and Howell, B. S. 2011. Pruning to manage white pine blister rust in the southern Rocky Mountains. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Res Station. Res. Note RMRS-RN-44. 10 p.
Goodrich, B.A. and Jacobi, W.R. 2012. Foliar damage, ion content, and mortality rate of five common roadside tree species treated with soil applications of magnesium chloride Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 223847-862.
Jacobi, W. R., Hardin, J. B., Goodrich, B. A. and Cleaver, C. M. 2012. Retail firewood can transport live tree pests. J of Economic Entomology. 105: 1645-1658.
Conrad, A.O., Bonello, P., and Bienemann, D.S. 2011. An Introduction To Sudden Oak Death and Upcoming Research. City Trees Magazine, no. Sept./Oct. 2011. http://read.dmtmag.com/issue/41336
Hill AL, Whitehill JGA, Opiyo SO, Phelan P, Bonello P (2012) Nutritional attributes of ash (Fraxinus spp.) stem phloem and their relationships to resistance against the emerald ash borer. Tree Physiology. In press.
Villari C, Battisti A, Chakraborty S, Michelozzi M, Bonello P, Faccoli M (2012) Nutritional and pathogenic fungi associated with the pine engraver beetle trigger comparable defenses in Scots pine. Tree Physiology 32: 867-879.
LeBoldus, J.M. Zhang, Q. and Kinzer, K. (2012). First report of dollar spot caused by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa on Agrostis stolonifera in North Dakota. Plant Disease 96: 1071.