NCCC_OLD170: Research Advances in Agricultural Statistics (new proposal)
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Christman, M.C. and E.N.H. Leone (2007). Statistical aspects of the analysis of group size effects in confined Animals. Applied Animal Behavior Science, 103, 265-283.
Christman, M.C (2007). Statistical modeling of observational data with spatial dependencies. Journal of Wildlife Management. In press.
Christman, M. C. (2007). Comment on "Model-assisted estimation of forest resources with generalized additive models" by J.D. Opsomer, F. J. Breidt, G.G. Moisen and G. Kauermann. Journal of the American Statistical Association. In press.
DeFalco L.A , G.C.J Fernandez and R.S. Nowak (2007). Variation in the establishment of a non-native annual grass influences competitive interactions with Mojave Desert perennials. Biological Invasions, 9, 293-307.
Dharmalingam S.P., J.M. Frantz, J.C. Locke, C.R. Krause and G.C.J. Fernandez (2007). Impact of applied nitrogen concentration on growth of Elatior Begonia and New Guinea Impatiens and susceptibility of Begonia to Botrytis cinerea. Journal of American Society of Horticultural Science, 132, 193 - 201.
Estevez, I. and M.C. Christman (2006). Analysis of the movement and use of space by animals in confinement. Applied Animal Behavior Science, 97, 221-240.
Fernandez, G. (2007). Design and analysis of commonly used comparative horticultural experiments. HortScience, 42(5), 1052-1069 (PDF at http//www.crda.unr.edu/crda/publications/hort%20paper%20design.pdf )
Fleming-Waddell, J.N., L.M. Wilson, G.R. Olbricht, T. Vuocolo, K. Byrne, B.A. Craig, R.L. Tellam, N.E. Cockett and C.A. Bidwell (2007). Analysis of gene expression during the onset of muscle hypertrophy in callipyge lambs. Animal Genetics. In press.
Grobbel, J.P., M.E. Dikeman, E.J. Yancey, J.S. Smith, D.H. Kropf, and G.A. Milliken. (2006). Effects of ascorbic acid, rosemary, and OriganoxTM in preventing bone marrow discoloration in beef lumbar vertebrae in aerobic and anaerobic packaging systems. Meat Science, 72, 47-56.
Henry, W.B., D.L. Shaner and M.S. West, M.S. (2007). Shikimate accumulation in sunflower, wheat, and proso millet after glyphosate application. Weed Science, 55,1-5.
Jensen, O.P., M. C. Christman and T. J. Miller (2006). Landscape-based geostatistics:A case study of the distribution of blue crab in Chesapeake Bay. Environmetrics, 7, 605-621.
Leone, E. H., I. Estevez and M.C. Christman (2007). Environmental complexity and group size effects on the use of space by domestic fowl. Applied Animal Behavior Science, 102, 39-52.
Milliken, G. A., K. A. Garrett, and S. E. Travers (2007). Experimental design for two-color microarrays applied in a pre-existing split-plot experiment. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, 6(1), Article 20.
Morgan, J.A., D.G. Milchunas, D.R. LeCain, M. West, and A.R. Mosier (2007). Carbon dioxide enrichment alters plant community structure and accelerates shrub growth in the shortgrass steppe. PNAS, 104: 14724-14729 (online September 4 2007, 10.1073/pnas.0703427104).
North, E. W., J.H. Vølstad, M.C. Christman, R.R. Hood, L. Zhong, Z. Schlag, T.F. Gross, D. Lewis, J. Dew, M. Li, J.L. Manuel, R.I. Newell and V.S. Kennedy (2007). Investigating the influence of environmental variability and larval behavior on juvenile recruitment to oyster populations with linked larval transport and fisheries demographic models. ICES Journal. Special issue. In press.
Russell, R.E., R.K. Swihart and B.A. Craig (2007). Vole movements in complex environments: The effects of matrix structure on movement behavior of meadow voles. Journal of Mammalogy. In press.
Settle, D. M., J. D. Fry, G. A. Milliken, N. A. Tisserat and T. C. Todd (2007). Quantifying the effects of lance nematode parasitism in creeping bentgrass. Plant Disease, 91, 1170-1179.
Sexauer Gustin a, M., P.V. Chavan, K.E. Dennett, S. Donaldson, E. Marchand, G.C.J Fernandez (2006). Use of constructed wetlands with four different experimental designs to assess the potential for methyl and total Hg outputs. Applied Geochemistry, 21, 2023-2035.
Singer, J., S. Logsdon, and D. Meek (2007). Tillage and compost effects on corn growth, nutrient accumulation, and grain yield. Agronomy Journal, 99, 80-87.
Singer, J. T. Sauer, B. Blaser, and D. Meek (2007). Radiation use efficiency in dual winter cereal-forage production systems. Agronomy Journal, 99, 1175-1179.
Thalacker-Mercer, A.E., J.C. Fleet, B.A. Craig, N.S. Carnell and W.W. Campbell (2007). Inadequate protein intake affects skeletal muscle gene expression in older humans. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. In press.
Toscano, M., D.C. Lay, B.A. Craig and E.A. Pajor (2007). Assessing the adaptation of swine to 57 hours of feed deprivation in terms of behavioral and physiological responses. Journal of Animal Science. In press.
Walter, J., M.C. Christman, J. Hoenig and R. Mann (2007). Combining data from multiple years or areas to improve variogram estimation. Environmetrics 18, 583-598.
Zhang, H. and D. Zimmerman (2007). Hybrid estimation of semivariogram parameters. Mathematical Geology. In press.
Zhang, H. (2007). Maximum likelihood estimation for multivariate spatial linear coregionalization models. Environmetrics, 18, 125-139.
Zhu, J., J.G. Rasmussen, J. Moeller, B.H. Aukema and K.F. Raffa (2007). Spatial-temporal modeling of forest gaps generated by colonization from below- and above-ground bark beetle species. Journal of the American Statistical Association. In press.
Zhu, J., Y. Zheng, A.L. Carroll and B.H. Aukema (2007). Autologistic regression analysis of spatial-temporal binary data via Monte Carlo maximum likelihood. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics. In press.
Aleong, C. and J. Aleong (2008). Are summer institutes funded by FHWA and state Departments of Transportation effective? College Teaching Methods & Styles Journal 4(5), 41-49.
Aleong, C. and J. Aleong John (2007). Evaluation and accountability of programs matter: Case studies of evaluation and learning strategies. ASA Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meetings, 2221-2228.
Bennett, K.E., M.A. Stuart, J.E. Hopper, M.S. West, and B.S. Drolet (2008). Blood feeding behavior of vesicular stomatitis virus infected culicoides sonorensis (DipteraCeratopogonidae). In press.
Breazeale, D., G. Fernandez and R. Narayanan (2008). Modeling pollination factors that influence alfalfa seed yield in North-Central Nevada. Journal of Central European Agriculture 9(1), 107-115.
Burgueno, J., J. Crossa, P.L. Cornelius and R-C. Yang (2008). Using factor analytic models for joining environments and genotypes without crossover genotype x environment interaction. Crop Science 48, 1291-1305.
Christman, M. C. (2008). Statistical modeling of observational data with spatial dependencies. Journal of Wildlife Management 72(1), 2333.
Christman, M. C. (2008). Sampling of rare populations. In Handbook of Statistics No. 29, Sample Surveys: Theory, Methods and Inference. Danny Pfefferman and C. R. Rao (ed.) Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Gharibvand, L. and G. Fernandez (2007). Survival analysis plots using SAS ® ODS graphics. Proceedings of the 2007 Western SAS Users Group Conference.
Gharibvand, L. and G. Fernandez (2008). Advanced statistical and graphical features of SAS® PHREG. Proceedings of the 2008 SAS GLOBAL Forum. Online paper 375-2008.
Gustin, M.S., M. Xin, J. Ericksen and G. Fernandez (2008). Determination of the potential for release of mercury from combustion product amended soils: Part 1Simulations of beneficial use. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 58(5), 673-683.
Guttormsen J., M.I. Koster, J.R. Stevens, D. Roop, T. Williams, and Q.A. Winger (2008). Disruption of epidermal specific gene expression and delayed skin development in AP-2gamma mutant mice. Developmental Biology 317, 187-195.
Knapp, S. and B. A. Craig (2008). Incorporating genotyping error into non-invasive DNA-based mark-recapture population estimates. Journal of Wildlife Management. In press.
Kulmatiski A., K.H. Beard, J.R. Stevens, and S.M. Cobbold (2008). Plant-soil feedbacks: A meta-analytical review. Ecology Letters 11, 980-992.
Jarecki, M.K., T.B. Parkin, A.S. Chan, J.L. Hatfield, D.W. Meek, and R. Jones (2008). Greenhouse gases emission from two soils under N fertilizer and swine slurry. Journal of Environmental Quality 37, 1432-1438.
Malone, R.W., L. Ma, D.L. Karlen, T.G. Meade, D.W. Meek, P. Heilman, R.S. Kanwar, and J.L. Hatfield (2007). Empirical analysis and prediction of nitrate loading and crop yield for corn-soybean rotations. Geoderma 140, 223-234.
Meek, D., J. Prueger, M. Tomer, and R. Malone (2008). Spectral procedures enhance the analysis of three agricultural time series. In Proceedings of the 2007 Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture, J. Boyer (ed.). Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University Department of Statistics. 154-170.
Meek, D. (2007). A macro for producing graphs used in assessing a spectrum. In Data Visualization and Graphics Section (Paper D2), MidWest SAS Users Group Annual Conference Proceedings, A. Katschke (ed.). Cary, NC: SAS Inst. Inc., Cary, NC. 6 pp.
Meek, D. (2007). Two macros for producing graphs to assess agreement between two variables. In Data Visualization and Graphics Section (Paper D6), MidWest SAS Users Group Annual Conference Proceedings, A. Katschke (ed.). Cary, NC: SAS Inst. Inc., Cary, NC. 5 pp
Ristic, Z., U. Bukovnik, P. Prasad, and M.S. West (2008). A model for prediction of heat stability of photosynthetic membranes. Crop Science 48, 1513-1522.
Sigman-Grant, M. , E. Christiansen, G. Fernandez, J. Fletcher, S. L. Johnson, L. J. Branen and B. Price (2008). Hungry Mondays: Low-income children. Childcare Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition 2(4), 19 38.
Singer, J.W., S.D. Logsdon, and D.W. Meek (2008). Soybean growth and seed yield response to tillage and compost. Agronomy Journal 100, 1039-1046.
Steibel, J.P., G.J.M. Rosa, and R.J. Tempelman (2008). Optimizing two-stage experiments for transcriptional profiling. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (in press). doi 10.1016/j.csda.2008.03.032
Tempelman, R.J. (2008). Statistical analysis of efficient unbalanced two color microarray experiments. International Journal of Plant Genomics Vol. 2008, Article ID 584360, 16 pages. doi 10.1155/2008/584360.
Zhu, J., J.G. Rasmussen, J. Moller, B.H. Aukema, and K.F. Raffa (2008). Spatial-temporal modeling of forest gaps generated by colonization from below- and above-ground bark beetle species. Journal of the American Statistical Association 103, 162-177.
Zhu, J., Y. Zheng, A.L. Carroll, and B.H. Aukema (2008). Autologistic regression analysis of spatial-temporal binary data via Monte Carlo maximum likelihood. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 13, 84-98.
Aston K.I., Li G.P., Hicks B.A., Sessions B.R., Davis A.P., Winger Q.A., Rickords L.F., Stevens J.R. and White K.L. (2009). Global gene expression analysis of bovine somatic cell nuclear transfer blastocysts and cotyledons. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 76, 471-482.
Andrews, G.L., S. Tanglao, W. T. Farmer, S. Morin, S. Brotman, M.A. Berberoglu, H. Price, G.C. Fernandez, G.S. Mastick, F. Charron and T. Kidd (2008). Dscam guides embryonic axons by Netrin-dependent and -independent functions. Development, 135, 3839-3848.
Bangarwa, S.K., J.K. Norsworthy and E.E. Gbur (2009). Integration of a brassicaceae cover crop with herbicides in plasticulture tomato. Weed Technology, 19, 405-410.
Cardoso, F.F., G.J.M. Rosa, J.P. Steibel, C.W. Ernst, R.O. Bates, and R.J. Tempelman (2008). Selective transcriptional profiling and data analysis strategies for eQTL mapping in outbred F2 populations. Genetics, 180, 1679-1690.
Checa, M. F., Barragán, A., Rodríguez, J. and Christman, M. C. (2009). Temporal abundance patterns of butterfly communities (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in the Ecuadorian Amazonia and their relationship with climate. Annales de la Societe Entomologique Francaise. In press.
Christensen, B.W., M.H.T. Troedsson, M.H. Gluck, L.J. Young, M. Oliva and L.M. Penfold (2009). Effects of sociosexual environment on serum testosterone in captive male African rhinoceros. Theriogenology. DOI: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2008.12.003.
Gibert, J., Culver, D. C., Dole-Olivier, J-C., Malard, F., Christman, M. C. and Deharveng, L. (2009). Assessing and conserving groundwater biodiversity: Synthesis and perspective. Freshwater Biology. In press.
Gotway, C.A. and L.J. Young (2008). Geostatistics: Whats hot, whats not and other food for thought. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences. Shanghai, China.
Karlen, D.L., D.L. Dinnes, M.D. Tomer, D.W. Meek, C.A. Cambardella, and T.B. Moorman (2009). Is no-tillage enough? A field-scale watershed assessment of conservation effects. Electronic Journal of Integrative Biosciences, 7(2), 1-24. (On-line: http//clt.astate.edu/electronicjournal/Articles/Karlen
%20et%20al%2005-2 009.pdf.
Kulmatiski A., K. H. Beard, J.R. Stevens and S.M. Cobbold (2008). Plant-soil feedbacks: A meta-analytical review. Ecology Letters, 11, 980-992. Malone, R., D. Meek, J. Hatfield, M. Mann, R. Jaquis, and L. Ma (2009). Quasi-biennial corn yield cycles in Iowa. Agric. For. Meteorology, 149, 1087-1094.
Mallapur, A., Miller, C. P., Christman, M. C. and Estevez, I. (2009). Short-term and long-term movement patterns in confined environments by domestic fowl: Influence of group size and enclosure size. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. In press.
Malone, R., D. Meek, J. Hatfield, M. Mann, R. Jaquis and L. Ma (2009). Quasi-biennial corn yield cycles in Iowa. Agric. For. Meteorol., 149, 1087-1094.
Meek, D.W., T.A. Howell, and C.J. Phene (2009). Concordance correlation for model performance assessment. An example with reference evapotranspiration observations. Agronomy Journal, 101, 1012-1018.
Menjoulet, B.C., K.R. Brye, A.L. Pirani, B.E. Haggard and E.E. Gbur (2009). Runoff water quality from broiler-litter amended tall fescue in broiler litter amended tall fescue in response to natural precipitation in the Ozark Highlands. Journal of Environmental Quality, 38, 1005-1017.
Parvataneni, S., B. Gonipeta, R.J. Tempelman, and V. Gangur (2009). Allergic and anaphylactic reactions to cashew nut protein in micecomparison of relative potency with hazelnut. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology, 149, 299-304.
Phlips, E. J., Badylak, S., Christman, M. C. and Lasi, M. A. (2009). Climatic trends and temporal patterns of phytoplankton composition, abundance and succession in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida, USA. Estuaries and Coasts. In press.
Reynolds, S. M., Christman, M. C., Uy, J. A. C., Patricelli, G. L., Braun, M. J., and Borgia, G. (2008). Aggregation of related males mitigates the effect of bower destruction in satin bowerbirds. Behavioral Ecology, DOI: 10.1093/beheco/arn146.
Russell, A.E., C.A. Cambardella, D.A. Laird, D.B. Jaynes, and D.W. Meek (2009). Nitrogen fertilizer effects on soil carbon balances in Midwestern U.S. agricultural systems. Ecological Applications, 19, 1102-1113.
Sauer, T.J., S.R. Compston, C.P. West, G.Hernandez-Ramirez, E.E. Gbur and T.B. Parkin (2009). Nitrous oxide emissions from a bermudagrass pasture: Interseeded winter rye and poultry litter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 41, 1417-1424.
Seversike, T.M., L.C. Purcell, E.E. Gbur, P. Chen and R. Scott (2009). Radiation interception and yield response to increased leaflet number in early maturing soybean genotypes. Crop Science, 49, 281-289.
Singer, J.W., S.D. Logsdon, and D.W. Meek (2008). Soybean growth and seed yield response to tillage and compost. Agronomy Journal, 100, 1039-1046.
Staed, J., D.M. Miller, K.R. Brye, T.C. Daniel, C. Rom and E.E. Gbur (2009). Land use effects on near surface soil arsenic in the Ozark Highlands. Soil Science, 174(3), 121-129.
Steibel, J.P., G.J.M. Rosa, and R.J. Tempelman (2009). Optimizing two-stage experiments for transcriptional profiling. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 53, 1639-1649.
Stevens J.R. and G. Nicholas (2009). Metahdep: Meta-analysis of hierarchically dependent gene expression studies. Bioinformatics (advance access July, 2009).
Tomaszycki, M., C. Peabody, K. Replogle, D.F. Clayton, R.J. Tempelman and J. Wade (2009). Sexual differentiation of the zebra finch song system. Potential roles for sex chromosome genes. BMC Neuroscience, 10, 24.
Tempelman R.J. (2009). Assessing experimental designs for research conducted on commercial dairies. Journal of Dairy Science, 92, 1-15.
Young, L. J., C.A. Gotway, G. Kearney and C. DuClos (2009). Assessing uncertainty in support-adjusted spatial misalignment problems. Communications in StatisticsTheory and Methods, 27, 3998-4015.
Young, L.J. and C.A. Gotway (2008). Using geostatistical methods in the analysis of public health data: the final frontier? Proceedings of geoENV 2008, the 7th International Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications. Southampton, UK.
Young, L.J., C.A. Gotway, G. Kearney and C. DuClos (2009). Models for assessing uncertainty for local regression. Proceedings of the 6th St. Petersburg Workshop on Simulation. 4. Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Aston K.I., Li G.P., Hicks B.A., Sessions B.R., Davis A.P., Rickords L.F., Stevens J.R.,and White K.L. (2010). Abnormal levels of transcript abundance of developmentally important genes in various stages of preimplantation bovine somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos. Cellular Reprogramming 2(1):23-32.
Bangarwa, S.K., J.K. Norsworthy and E.E. Gbur (2009). Cover crop and herbicide combinations for weed control in polyethylene-mulched bell pepper. Hort Technology 19: 405-410.
Bathke, A. C., O. Schabenberger, R.D. Tobias and L.V. Madden (2009). Greenhouse-Geisser adjustment and the ANOVA-type statistic: Cousins or twins? The American Statistician 63: 239-246.
Bello, N.M., J.P. Steibel and R.J. Tempelman (2010). A hierarchical Bayesian approach to mixed effects modeling of random and residual variance-covariance matrices in bivariate mixed effects models. Biometrical Journal 52: 297-313.
Brazil, S.M., C.D. Steelman, A.L. Szalanski and E.E. Gbur (2009). Detection of Cochlosoma anatis (Kotlan) in Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae) collected from commercial turkey farms in Arkansas. Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology 24(4): 217-225.
Burris, E., D. Burns, K.S. McCarter, C. Overstreet and M. Wolcott (2010). Evaluation of the effects of Telone II (fumigation) on nitrogen management and yield in Louisiana delta cotton. Precision Agriculture 11: 239-257.
Caesar, TC, S.E. Wright, U.M. Sainju, R.L. Kolberg and M.S. West (2010). Impacts of long-term no-tillage and conventional tillage management of spring wheat-lentil cropping systems in dryland Eastern Montana, USA, on fungi associated to soil aggregation. World Congress of Soil Science.
Dominigue MJ, Kramer M, Feldlaufer MF (2010). Sexual dimorphism of arrestment and gregariousness in the bed bug (Cimex lectularius) in response to cuticular extracts from nymphal exuviae. Physiological Entomology. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3032.2010.00738.x
Ehlenfeldt MK, Polashock JJ, Stretch AW, Kramer M (2010). Mummy berry fruit rot and shoot blight incidence in blueberry: prediction, ranking, and stability in a long-term study. HortScience 45(1): 9297.
Fernando, F.F., G.J.M. Rosa, R.J. Tempelman and R.A.D. Torres (2009). Hierarchical Bayesian models for robust estimation and censored data analysis in animal breeding. Revista Brasileira de Zootechnia (Brazilian Journal of Animal Science) 38: 72-80.
Fleming-Waddell JN, Olbricht GR, Taxis TM, White JD, Vuocolo T, Craig BA, Tellam RL, Neary MK, Cockett NE, and Bidwell CA (2009). Effect of DLK1 and RTL1 but not MEG3 or MEG8 on muscle gene expression in callipyge lambs. Plos ONE 4(10), e7399.
Gerard, P. D. and Sharp, J. L. (2010). Testing for co-directional interactions using union-intersection and intersection-union methods. Journal of Applied Statistics. In press.
Gilbert-Norton L., Wilson R., Stevens J.R. and Beard K.H. (2010). A meta-analytic review of corridor effectiveness. Conservation Biology 24(3):660-668.
Greene SN, Ramos-Vara JA, Craig BA, Hooser SB, Anderson C, Fourez LM, Johnson BM, Stewart JC and Knapp DW (2009). Effects of cyclooxygenase inhibitor treatment on the renal toxicity of cisplatin in rats. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 10.1007/s00280-009-1061-2.
Hammack, l., J.L. Pikul and M.S. West (2010). Phenology and abundance of bean leaf beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in eastern South Dakota on alfalfa and soybean relative to tillage, fertilization and yield. Environmental Entomology. In press.
Kabara, E., C.C. Kloss, M. Wilson, R.J. Tempelman, S. Sreevatsan, H. Janagama, and P.M. Coussens (2010). A large-scale study of differential gene expression in monocyte derived macrophages infected with several strains of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis. Briefings in Functional Genomics 9: 220-237.
Kramer M, Weldon PJ and Carroll JF (2009). Canonical discriminant analysis for constructing composite scores for concurrently measured behaviours. Animal Behaviour 77: 763-768.
Kramer M, Feldlaufer MF and Chauhan KR (2010). Mosquito biting behavior: Statistical power and sources of variation in toxicity and repellent bioassays. Journal of Medical Entomology 47: 199-204.
Lopiano, K.K., C.A. Gotway and L.J. Young (2010). A comparison of errors in variables methods for use in regression models with spatially misaligned data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. OnlineFirst as Doi:10.1177/0962280210370266.
Madden, L.V. and P.A. Paul (2009). Assessing heterogeneity in the relationship between wheat yield and Fusarium head blight intensity using random-coefficient mixed models. Phytopathology 99: 850-860.
Malone, R., D. Jaynes, L. Ma, T. Nolan, D. Meek and D. Karlen (2010). Soil-test N recommendations augmented with PEST optimized RZWQM simulations. Journal of Environmental Quality. In press.
McCarter, K. and E. Burris (2010). Accounting for spatial correlation using radial smoothers In statistical models used for developing variable-rate treatment prescriptions. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Precision Agriculture.
McDonald, M., K.R. Brye, D.M. Miller and E.E. Gbur (2009). Broiler litter application history and soil depth effects on arsenic adsorption in soil. Soil Science 174: 661-675.
Miller, M.M., C.M. Murrieta, K.E. Bennett, M.A. Stuart and M.S. West (2010). Comparison of hamster anesthetics and their effect on mosquito blood feeding. Journal of Entomological Science. In press.
Milliken, G., J. Willers, K. McCarter and J. Jenkins (2009). Designing experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of precision agricultural practices on research fields: Part 1 Concepts for their formulation. Operational Research, Business and Economics, 1109-2858 (Print) 1866-1505 (Online).
Norman, R.J., C.E. Wilson, N.A. Slaton, B.R. Griggs, J.T. Bushong and E.E. Gbur (2009). Nitrogen fertilizer sources and timing before flooding dry-seeded, delayed-flood rice. Soil Science Society of America Journal 73: 2184-2190.
Njuho, P.M. and G.A. Milliken (2009). Analysis of linear models with two factors having both fixed and random levels. Communications in StatisticsTheory and Methods 38: 23482365.
Olbricht GR, Sardesai N, Gelvin SB, Craig BA and Doerge RW (2010). Statistical methods for affymetrix tiling array data. Proceedings of the 2009 Kansas State University Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture, Manhattan, KS.
Shappell, N.W., K.H. Elder and M.S. West (2010). Estrogenicity and nutrient concentration of surface waters surrounding a large confinement dairy operation using best management practices for land application of animal wastes. Environmental Science and Technology. In press.
Shivrain, V.K., N.R. Burgos, R.C. Scott, E.E. Gbur, L.E. Estorninos and M.R. McClelland (2010). Diversity of weedy red rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Arkansas, U.S.A. in relation to weed management. Crop Protection 29: 721-730.
Singer, J., K. Kohler, K, Moore and D. Meek (2009). Living mulch forage yield and botanical composition in a corn-soybean-forage rotation. Agronomy Journal 101:1249-1257.
Stevens J.R., Bell J.L., Aston K.I. and White K.L. (2010). A comparison of probe-level and probeset models for small-sample gene expression data. BMC Bioinformatics 11:281.
Suwonsichon, S., E. Chambers, IV, D.H. Chambers and G.A. Milliken (2009). Effects of oral rinsing on the perception of residual cooling and burn in highly mentholated toothpaste. Journal of Sensory Studies 24: 290-300.
Yang, W. and R.J. Tempelman (2010). A Bayesian antedependence model to account for linkage disequilibrum in whole genome selection. Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. Leipzig, Germany.
Yocum, G.D., J.P. Rinehart, M.S. West and W.P. Kemp (2010). Interrupted incubation and short-term storage of the alfalfa pollinator, Megachile rotundata (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae): A potential tool for synchronizing bees with bloom. Journal of Economic Entomology. In press.
Young, L.J., C.A. Gotway, J. Yang, G. Kearney and C. DuClos (2009). Linking health and environmental data in geographical analysis: Its so much more than centroids. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology 1: 73-84.
Young, L.J. and C.B. Fisher (2010). Advancing the science of EPA guidelines for sponsor-financed topical insect repellent efficacy studies. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 56: 51-53.
Young, L.J., C.A. Gotway and K.K. Lopiano (2010). Challenges associated with integrating data from multiple scales to assess relationships. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Leicester, UK.
Young, L.J., C.A. Gotway, K.K. Lopiano. G. Kearney and C. DuClos (2010). Assessing the association between environmental exposures and human health. 19th International Conference on Computational Statistics. Paris, France.
Bangarwa, S.K., J.K. Norsworthy, E.E. Gbur and J.D. Mattice (2010). Phenyl isothiocyanate performance on purple nutsedge under virtually impermeable film mulch. HortTech, 20, 402-408.
Boykin, D., M. Camp, L. Johnson, M. Kramer, D. Meek,. D. Palmquist, B. Vinyard, and M. West (2011). Generalized linear mixed model estimation using Proc GLIMMIX: Results from simulations when the data and model match, and when the model is misspecified. In: W.Song and G.L. Gadbury (eds.), Proceedings of the Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture, Department of Statistics, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS. 137-170.
Brando, P. M., Goetz, S., Baccini, A., Nepstad, D. C., Beck, P. S. A., and Christman, M. C. (2010). Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Climate and Vegetation Indices across the Amazon. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107, 14685-14690.
Brooks, S.A., Anders, M.M., Yeater, K.M. (2010). Effect of furrow irrigation on the severity of false smut in susceptible rice varieties. Plant Disease 94(5):570-574.
Brooks, S.A, Anders, M.M., and Yeater, K.M. (2011). Influences from long-term crop rotation, soil tillage and fertility on the severity of rice grain smuts. Plant Disease. In press.
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