NCCC_OLD170: Research Advances in Agricultural Statistics (new proposal)
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 10/22/2007
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 07/26/2007
- 07/27/2007
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2006 - 09/01/2007
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2006 - 09/01/2007
R. Alldredge (WA), T. Bailey (IA), B. Bishop (OH), J. Boyer (KS, Admin), D. Bullock (IL), M. Christman (FL), B. Craig (IN), S. Duke (USDA-ARS), S. Durham (UT), G. Fernandez (NV), E. Gbur (AR), M. Hinds (Pioneer), K. McCarter (LA), M. Nemeth (Monsanto), D. Schmoldt (USDA-CSREES, Admin.), B. Shafii (ID), W. Stroup (NE), R. Tempelman (MI), M. West (USDA-ARS), K. Yeater (USDA-ARS), L. Young (FL), J. Zhu (WI)Brief Summary of Minutes
Annual meeting held July 26-27, 2007 at Utah State UniversityJoint meeting with SCC-13
Official Members Present: R. Alldredge (WA), T. Bailey (IA), B. Bishop (OH), J. Boyer (KS, Admin), D. Bullock (IL), M. Christman (FL), B. Craig (IN), S. Duke (USDA-ARS), S. Durham (UT), G. Fernandez (NV), E. Gbur (AR), M. Hinds (Pioneer), K. McCarter (LA), M. Nemeth (Monsanto), D. Schmoldt (USDA-CSREES, Admin.), B. Shafii (ID), W. Stroup (NE), R. Tempelman (MI), M. West (USDA-ARS), K. Yeater (USDA-ARS), L. Young (FL), J. Zhu (WI)
Official Members Absent: G. Bollero (IL), P. Cornelius (KY), K. Koehler (IA), L. Madden (OH), D. Meek (USDA-ARS), G. Milliken (KS), B. Momen (MD), C. Ren (SD), H. Zhang (WA)
SCC-13 members/Guests/Participants: J. Aleong, A. Bakian, J. Davis, J. Geaghan, C. Goad, H. Hill, D. Johnson, A. Mauromoustakos, J. Osborne, A. Saxton, J. Stevens, E. Van Santen, B. Vinyard
2006 Officers: E. Gbur, Chair; M. Hinds, Program Chair; S. Durham, Local Arrangements Chair; S. Durham, Secretary
NCCC-170 web site: www.uark.edu/misc/ncr170
Technical program: The meeting began at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, July 26 with opening remarks by Paul Rasmussen, Director of the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station. Walt Stroup gave a three part presentation on generalized linear mixed models in agriculture and their analysis using SAS. The morning session presentations were entitled "GLMM's in agriculture and an introduction to PROC GLIMMIX" and "GLIMMIX: Applications, examples and experiences." The third part of his presentation entitled "Unresolved GLIMMIX issues and new features in SAS Version 9.2" was presented as the first afternoon session. The final session of the afternoon featured a group discussion of generalized linear models in service courses. The session began with short presentations by Ted Bailey, Ed Gbur and Edzard Van Santen.
On Friday morning Dan Schmoldt was introduced as the new CSREES representative replacing Larry Miller who retired. Prior to a slide presentation about the organizational structure of CREES within the USDA and its partnership with universities, he responded to the previous day's discussion about statistical involvement in science and education. He encouraged participants to serve on grant review committees for entities like NSF and AES. He noted budget issues and the potential impact of the in-progress farm bill on CREES organization and funding priorities. As he looks to the future, he sees several research areas that are ripe for increased statistical involvement including bioenergy, specialty crops, plant breeding/genetics, precision agriculture, invasive species, and establishment of log-term agro-ecological research sites.
Dan's presentation was followed by a group discussion about the linear models and spatial workshops. Discussion centered on whether or not the linear models workshop needed to be updated in include more material on mixed models and generalized linear mixed models. Rob Tempelman said that the animal science societies might be interested again. Entomology would likely be receptive to GLIMMIX modifications dealing with count data. It was generally agreed that the workshop should be updated both in terms of using GLIMMIX and in including material on generalized linear models. Rob, Bruce Craig and Linda Young expressed an interest in working on the update, including modifications to include more material on non-normal responses.
Business meeting: The business meeting was held Friday, July 27 immediately after the first session. Ed Gbur presided. Mark Hinds and Susan Durham were thanked for providing an enjoyable meeting. The following items were discussed.
(1) Next year's meeting will be held the Ohio State OARDC in Wooster, Ohio on July 21-22. The local arrangements chair will be Bert Bishop and program chair will be Kevin McCarter. Discussion of the 2008 program centered on whether or not it should include sessions on varied topics related to all project objectives; i.e., (i) continuing research in mixed models, (ii) continuing work in spatial statistics, (iii) new technologies, e.g., PLS and remote sensing applications, and (iv) incorporating GLIMMIX into the MIXED workshop and revising the content. The 2009 meeting will be in College Station, Texas hosted by Sara Duke.
(2) Project members were reminded to send their contributions for the accomplishment, output and impact sections of the annual report to Ed (egbur@uark.edu) as soon as possible. The reporting period for this years annual report is October 1, 2006 through September 30, 2007. The reporting period coincides with the Federal fiscal year. The target completion date for the report is the end of August.
(3) People who volunteered to contact various societies about workshops reported on their success. Sara Duke approached the Society for Range Management. Although they expressed interest, nothing was finalized. She will try again. Walt Stroup was unsuccessful with the Horticulture Society. Initially there was strong interest but it waned in the face of details such as registration fees to cover presenters' expenses. In his opinion, they need something more basic than the mixed model or spatial workshops. Rob Tempelman will try Animal Science again. Larry Douglass had agreed to approach the Entomological Society, but he retired and was not at this meeting to report. Linda Young said she would contact the society to determine whether or not they are interested in mixed and/or spatial workshops. Mary Christman had expected to be in contact with the Wildlife Society but did not attend their annual meeting this year. She will approach them this year, although she anticipates their interest level may be low due to the predominance of non-experimental approaches in wildlife studies.
Sara Duke raised the question of whether or not we can give CEU credit for our workshops. It is unlikely that we will be able to charge more than needed to recover workshop materials and presenters' travel costs. She will investigate what would be required and will report to the group at next years meeting.
Ed asked whether the spatial workshop is not as popular as the mixed workshop or whether we need to push it harder. He noted that some scientists think spatial statistics is about making maps, not statistical analyses. Linda thought that interest in spatial modeling might be strongest in ANOVA-like contexts. Mary noted that we statisticians focus on incorporating spatial covariance in modeling with less emphasis on the statistical component in mapping.
In response to a question about what had happened with the project's precision agriculture efforts, Mark Hinds commented that commercial solutions are now available and may be all that users feel is needed.
(4) As the Technical Editor for Crop Science, Don Bullock is soliciting papers to address statistical problems faced by his readers. He envisions a paper, or possibly a series of papers, that outline the transitions from GLM to MIXED to GENMOD/GLIMMIX. He inquired whether or not project members would be interested in writing such papers as a coherent set. Ed noted that our production of these sorts of papers qualifies as continuing education activities under the project. It was agreed that this type of papers have a reach far beyond that of a workshop. Since the meeting, interested project members have begun to sort out responsibilities for preparing a series of manuscripts.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:20 a.m.
Statisticians who consult and do research in an Agricultural Experiment Station environment enable land grant institutions to perform their agricultural research missions more effectively and efficiently than would otherwise be possible. However, most stations have at most one or two professional statisticians who are not, and can not be expected to be, experts in every area of statistics. This multi-state committee brings together statisticians to work cooperatively to determine the best current approaches to common statistical problems and to help guide future directions of sound statistical practice. In addition to group outputs such as workshops, it serves as a resource for its members and a sounding board for new ideas in their applied statistical research. As a result, all members are able to provide more effective assistance to agricultural researchers addressing national research priorities than they would without NCCC-170.<br /> <br /> Outputs:<br /> <br /> Workshops:<br /> The spatial statistics workshop was presented to a group of 40 participants at the Joint Meeting of the American Society of Agronomy, the Crop Science Society and the Soil Science Society of America in Indianapolis in November 2006 by Ed Gbur and Mary Christman. Ed Gbur also presented the workshop to a group of approximately 45 faculty and graduate students at the University of Arkansas in January 2007.<br /> <br /> John Aleong organized, cohosted and team taught part of a four week National Summer Transportation Institute workshop sponsored by U.S. DOT held at the University of Vermont. Topics covered included GIS and GPS in June and July, 2007 <br /> <br /> Rob Tempelman presented a half-day workshop entitled "Design and analysis of gene expression studies using microarrays" at the Center for Statistical Consulting and Training, Michigan State University in May, 2007.<br /> <br /> Mary Christman presented a two-day workshop on incorporating random effects and dependencies into general linear models at The Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute in St. Petersburg, FL in May, 2007.<br /> <br /> Presentations:<br /> Selected presentations at the 2007 Kansas State Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture were made by:<br /> <br /> David Meek (with D., J. Prueger. M. Tomer, and R. Malone). Spectral procedures enhance the analysis of three agricultural time series.<br /> <br /> Bruce Craig (with S. M. Knapp). Adjusting for genotyping error in non-invasive DNA-based mark-recapture populations.<br /> <br /> Contributed presentations at the Joint Statistics Meetings in Salt Lake City in August, 2007 were made by:<br /> <br /> John Aleong. Climate change models and impacts.<br /> <br /> Mary Christman. Design-based, model-based, and model-assisted sampling and inference in natural resources.<br /> <br /> <br /> John Aleong presented a paper entitled "Predictions for large datasets" at a workshop on Global Climate Change: Science, Policy, and Curriculum in January, 2007 in San Juan, Puerto Rico.<br /> <br /> Mary Christman presented an invited paper entitled "Model-based inference using data with many zeroes" at the annual Forest Inventory Analysis Symposium in Monterey, CA in October, 2006. She also served as a discussant for an invited session at the symposium.<br /> <br /> Mary Christman presented an invited paper entitled "Modelling non-linear mixture experiments in stream ecology" at the Spring ENAR Meeting in Atlanta in March, 2007.<br /> <br /> Mary Christman presented a paper entitled "Mathematical modeling and analysis of use of space" at the joint ADSA-PSA-AMPA-ASAS Meeting in San Antonio in July, 2007.<br /> <br /> R.P. Ewing and David Meek presented a paper entitled "One line or two? A framework for segmented regression" at the Tri-Society (ASA-CSSA-SSSA) Annual Meetings in November, 2006.<br /> <br /> Rob Tempelman presented an invited paper entitled "Inferential statistical analysis of microarray experiments" at the International Microarray Workshop at the University of Arizona in January, 2007.<br /> <br /> Rob Tempelman presented an invited paper entitled "Statistical issues pertaining to on-farm and experiment station research" at the Midwestern Section meetings of the American Society of Animal Science in March, 2007 in Des Moines, IA.<br /> <br /> Mark West made a presentation entitled "Fitting Models to Your Experimental Design with GLIMMIX" to researchers at the Roman L. Hruska U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, Clay Center, NE and at the Northern Grain Insects Research Laboratory, Brookings, S.D. in October, 2006.<br /> <br /> Mark West made a presentation entitled "Introduction to mixed model analysis" to researchers at the Grain Marketing and Production Research Center, Manhattan, KS. in May, 2007.<br /> <br /> Hao Zhang presented an invited paper entitled "Spatial prediction with spatial count data" at annual meeting of the International Environmetrics Society in Mikulov, Czech Republic in August, 2007.<br /> <br /> Hao Zhang presented an invited paper entitled "Infill asymptotics in spatial statistics" at the 2007 Taipei International Statistical Symposium and ICSA International Conference in, Taipei in June, 2007.<br /> <br /> Hao Zhang presented an invited paper entitled "A public agricultural weather system at Washington State" as part of a workshop on agroclimate risk in Regina, Canada in June, 2007. <br /> <br /> Jun Zhu presented an invited paper entitled "Statistical modeling of multivariate spatial-temporal data in a forest entomology study" at the Conference of Multivariate Methods in Environmetrics in Chicago in October, 2006.<br /> <br /> Jun Zhu presented an invited paper entitled "Markov chain Monte Carlo for a spatial-temporal autologistic regression model" at the Conference of Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Statistics at the University of Arkansas in April, 2007.<br /> <br /> Technical Reports:<br /> Miller, C. P. and M.C. Christman (2006). A random walk model for animal movement in confined regions. University of Florida, Department of Statistics, Technical Report 2006-028. <br /> <br /> Secor, D., M.C. Christman, F. Curriero, D. Jasinski, E. Perry, S. Preston, K. Rechkow and M. Trice (2006). The cumulative frequency diagram method for determining water quality attainment. Report of the Chesapeake Bay Program STAC Panel to Review of Chesapeake Bay Program Analytical Tools. 2006.<br /> <br /> Other project related activities:<br /> George Fernandez served as an associate editor for statistics for American Society for Horticultural Sciences Journal, Hort Science and American Potato Research Journal.<br /> <br /> Don Bullock serves as technical editor for Crop Science.<br /> <br /> John Stevens received a one year grant from the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station for a project entitled "Probe-level statistical models for differential expression of genes in bovine NT studies." Funding for grant which began in September, 2007 totals $18,500. The project is associated with the W1112 regional committee "Reproductive performance in domestic ruminants" and was motivated in part by discussions at the 2006 NCCC-170 meetings in Madison, WI.<br /> <br /> A committee has been formed to write a series of papers of a tutorial nature that will describe the basic concepts and issues associated with the analysis of generalized linear mixed models. Numerical examples will be used to illustrate each topic. The committee has outlined five papers and assigned a person or persons to lead the writing for each paper.<br /> <br /> Don Bullock and several other project members have incorporated ideas and examples from the annual meetings into the classes which they teach at both the undergraduate and graduate level.<br /> <br /> Specific goals for the next three years:<br /> (1) Educate project members in statistical issues and methodology related to statistical problems in which large number of variables are collected on relatively few experimental units. Application areas include biotechnology, precision agriculture and chemometrics. (2) Develop additional modules for spatial workshops, refine the current modules and offer versions tailored to specific subject matter audiences. (3) Continue to develop methodology to address both spatial and general statistical problems in the area of precision agriculture. (4) Revise the mixed model workshop to include generalized linear mixed models and the use of new software. (5) Offer the mixed model workshop upon request from subject matter groups.Publications
Christman, M.C. and E.N.H. Leone (2007). Statistical aspects of the analysis of group size effects in confined Animals. Applied Animal Behavior Science, 103, 265-283.<br /> <br /> Christman, M.C (2007). Statistical modeling of observational data with spatial dependencies. Journal of Wildlife Management. In press.<br /> <br /> Christman, M. C. (2007). Comment on "Model-assisted estimation of forest resources with generalized additive models" by J.D. Opsomer, F. J. Breidt, G.G. Moisen and G. Kauermann. Journal of the American Statistical Association. In press.<br /> <br /> DeFalco L.A , G.C.J Fernandez and R.S. Nowak (2007). Variation in the establishment of a non-native annual grass influences competitive interactions with Mojave Desert perennials. Biological Invasions, 9, 293-307.<br /> <br /> Dharmalingam S.P., J.M. Frantz, J.C. Locke, C.R. Krause and G.C.J. Fernandez (2007). Impact of applied nitrogen concentration on growth of Elatior Begonia and New Guinea Impatiens and susceptibility of Begonia to Botrytis cinerea. Journal of American Society of Horticultural Science, 132, 193 - 201.<br /> <br /> Estevez, I. and M.C. Christman (2006). Analysis of the movement and use of space by animals in confinement. Applied Animal Behavior Science, 97, 221-240.<br /> <br /> Fernandez, G. (2007). Design and analysis of commonly used comparative horticultural experiments. HortScience, 42(5), 1052-1069 (PDF at http//www.crda.unr.edu/crda/publications/hort%20paper%20design.pdf )<br /> <br /> Fleming-Waddell, J.N., L.M. Wilson, G.R. Olbricht, T. Vuocolo, K. Byrne, B.A. Craig, R.L. Tellam, N.E. Cockett and C.A. Bidwell (2007). Analysis of gene expression during the onset of muscle hypertrophy in callipyge lambs. Animal Genetics. In press.<br /> <br /> Grobbel, J.P., M.E. Dikeman, E.J. Yancey, J.S. Smith, D.H. Kropf, and G.A. Milliken. (2006). Effects of ascorbic acid, rosemary, and OriganoxTM in preventing bone marrow discoloration in beef lumbar vertebrae in aerobic and anaerobic packaging systems. Meat Science, 72, 47-56.<br /> <br /> Henry, W.B., D.L. Shaner and M.S. West, M.S. (2007). Shikimate accumulation in sunflower, wheat, and proso millet after glyphosate application. Weed Science, 55,1-5.<br /> <br /> Jensen, O.P., M. C. Christman and T. J. Miller (2006). Landscape-based geostatistics:A case study of the distribution of blue crab in Chesapeake Bay. Environmetrics, 7, 605-621.<br /> <br /> Leone, E. H., I. Estevez and M.C. Christman (2007). Environmental complexity and group size effects on the use of space by domestic fowl. Applied Animal Behavior Science, 102, 39-52.<br /> <br /> Milliken, G. A., K. A. Garrett, and S. E. Travers (2007). Experimental design for two-color microarrays applied in a pre-existing split-plot experiment. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, 6(1), Article 20.<br /> <br /> Morgan, J.A., D.G. Milchunas, D.R. LeCain, M. West, and A.R. Mosier (2007). Carbon dioxide enrichment alters plant community structure and accelerates shrub growth in the shortgrass steppe. PNAS, 104: 14724-14729 (online September 4 2007, 10.1073/pnas.0703427104).<br /> <br /> North, E. W., J.H. Vølstad, M.C. Christman, R.R. Hood, L. Zhong, Z. Schlag, T.F. Gross, D. Lewis, J. Dew, M. Li, J.L. Manuel, R.I. Newell and V.S. Kennedy (2007). Investigating the influence of environmental variability and larval behavior on juvenile recruitment to oyster populations with linked larval transport and fisheries demographic models. ICES Journal. Special issue. In press.<br /> <br /> Russell, R.E., R.K. Swihart and B.A. Craig (2007). Vole movements in complex environments: The effects of matrix structure on movement behavior of meadow voles. Journal of Mammalogy. In press.<br /> <br /> Settle, D. M., J. D. Fry, G. A. Milliken, N. A. Tisserat and T. C. Todd (2007). Quantifying the effects of lance nematode parasitism in creeping bentgrass. Plant Disease, 91, 1170-1179.<br /> <br /> Sexauer Gustin a, M., P.V. Chavan, K.E. Dennett, S. Donaldson, E. Marchand, G.C.J Fernandez (2006). Use of constructed wetlands with four different experimental designs to assess the potential for methyl and total Hg outputs. Applied Geochemistry, 21, 2023-2035.<br /> <br /> Singer, J., S. Logsdon, and D. Meek (2007). Tillage and compost effects on corn growth, nutrient accumulation, and grain yield. Agronomy Journal, 99, 80-87.<br /> <br /> Singer, J. T. Sauer, B. Blaser, and D. Meek (2007). Radiation use efficiency in dual winter cereal-forage production systems. Agronomy Journal, 99, 1175-1179.<br /> <br /> Thalacker-Mercer, A.E., J.C. Fleet, B.A. Craig, N.S. Carnell and W.W. Campbell (2007). Inadequate protein intake affects skeletal muscle gene expression in older humans. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. In press.<br /> <br /> Toscano, M., D.C. Lay, B.A. Craig and E.A. Pajor (2007). Assessing the adaptation of swine to 57 hours of feed deprivation in terms of behavioral and physiological responses. Journal of Animal Science. In press.<br /> <br /> Walter, J., M.C. Christman, J. Hoenig and R. Mann (2007). Combining data from multiple years or areas to improve variogram estimation. Environmetrics 18, 583-598. <br /> <br /> Zhang, H. and D. Zimmerman (2007). Hybrid estimation of semivariogram parameters. Mathematical Geology. In press.<br /> <br /> Zhang, H. (2007). Maximum likelihood estimation for multivariate spatial linear coregionalization models. Environmetrics, 18, 125-139.<br /> <br /> Zhu, J., J.G. Rasmussen, J. Moeller, B.H. Aukema and K.F. Raffa (2007). Spatial-temporal modeling of forest gaps generated by colonization from below- and above-ground bark beetle species. Journal of the American Statistical Association. In press.<br /> <br /> <br /> Zhu, J., Y. Zheng, A.L. Carroll and B.H. Aukema (2007). Autologistic regression analysis of spatial-temporal binary data via Monte Carlo maximum likelihood. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics. In press.Impact Statements
- In addition to group outputs such as workshops and the planned series of mixed model methods papers, the project serves as a resource for its members and a sounding board for new ideas in their applied statistical research. As a result, all members are able to provide more effective assistance to agricultural researchers addressing national research priorities than they would without NCCC-170.
- The project‘s spatial workshop presentation at the joint annual meeting of the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America and Soil Science Society of America adds another group to the list of subject matter disciplines to whom it has been presented. Project members have begun to offer workshops to their local clientele, the first such offering being to a group of faculty and graduate students in Arkansas. The spatial workshop educates attendees in the fundamental statistical concepts associated with the modeling and analysis of data having a spatial component in a wide variety of situations. The workshop dispels the notion that spatial statistics is the same as GIS map-making.
Date of Annual Report: 11/21/2008
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 07/21/2008
- 07/22/2008
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2007 - 09/01/2008
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2007 - 09/01/2008
Bert Bishop (OH), John Boyer (KS, Admin), Don Bullock (IL), Mary Christman (FL), Bruce Craig (IN), Sara Duke (USDA-ARS), Susan Durham (UT), George Fernandez (NV), Ed Gbur (AR), Ken Koehler (IA), Larry Madden (OH), Kevin McCarter (LA), David Meek (USDA-ARS), Rob Tempelman (MI), Mark West (USDA-ARS), Jun Zhu (WI)Brief Summary of Minutes
Annual meeting held at OARDC, Wooster, Ohio on July 21-22, 2008Official Members Present: Bert Bishop (OH), John Boyer (KS, Admin), Don Bullock (IL), Mary Christman (FL), Bruce Craig (IN), Sara Duke (USDA-ARS), Susan Durham (UT), George Fernandez (NV), Ed Gbur (AR), Ken Koehler (IA), Larry Madden (OH), Kevin McCarter (LA), David Meek (USDA-ARS), Rob Tempelman (MI), Mark West (USDA-ARS), Jun Zhu (WI)
Official Members Absent: Rich Alldredge (WA), Ted Bailey (IA), German Bollero (IL), Paul Cornelius (KY), Mark Hinds (Pioneer Hi-Bred), George Milliken (KS), Bahram Momen (MD), Margaret Nemeth (Monsanto), Cuirong Ren (SD), Dan Schmoldt (UDSA-CREES, Admin.), Bahman Shafii (ID), Linda Young (FL), Hao Zhang (IN)
Other Participants: John Aleong, Kevin Armstrong, Larry Douglass, John Stevens, Kathy Yeater
2008 Officers: Ed Gbur, Chair; Kevin McCarter, Program Chair; Bert Bishop and Larry Madden, Local Arrangements Co-chairs; Susan Durham, Secretary
NCCC-170 Website: http://www.uark.edu/misc/ncr170/
Technical program:
The meeting began at 9:00 am on Monday, July 21, 2008, with opening remarks by Dave Benfield, OARDC Associate Director. The technical program consisted of the following presentations. Group discussion followed each presentation.
John Stevens. Recent software tools for preprocessing mass spectrometry data.
Bruce Craig. Introduction to partial least squares.
Mark West. Evaluating PROC GLIMMIX for fitting a binomial model with random effects: Transformation and power issues.
Rob Tempelman. Power analysis for research conducted at commercial dairy farms.
Mary Christman. Estimating total Abundance (N) in depletion experiments.
George Fernandez. User-friendly statistical analyses using SAS Enterprise Guide.
Business meeting:
The business meeting began at 9:10 am on Tuesday, July 22, 2008. Ed Gbur presided. Kevin McCarter, Bert Bishop and Larry Madden were thanked for organizing a productive and enjoyable meeting. Ed noted that Bert is retiring and that the group will miss his participation but that he should follow the example set by Larry Douglass and feel free to attend future meetings. The following items were discussed:
(1) The status of the reorganization of the USDA is largely unknown.
(2) The group considered whether or not to make the technical presentations available to participants and, if so, in what form (i.e., emailed directly to participants or posted to the NCCC-170 website). Security limiting public availability for material available on the website is a concern. It was decided to add a password protected page to the project website to which speakers could voluntarily submit their presentations.
(3) Photos taken during the meeting will be posted on the website unless speakers notify Ed otherwise.
(4) The 2009 meeting will be held in College Station, TX, at the USDA facility and hosted by Sara Duke. The date is tentatively set for sometime during the week of July 20-24. Sara will check on the availability of the facility. Mary Christman volunteered to serve as program chair.
(5) Possible locations were discussed for the 2010 meeting. Rich Alldredge tentatively agreed to host the meeting in Washington. Meeting dates would be coordinated with the Joint Statistics Meetings in Vancouver.
(6) The annual report is due shortly after the annual meeting. Participants need to send Ed (egbur@uark.edu) accountings of all activities (workshops, papers, presentations, teaching related, etc.) from October 1, 2007 to September 30, 2008 (or since last years report) that are related to or inspired by their participation in NCCC-170 as soon as possible.
(7) This years annual report will serve as a summary of activities for the past three years for the projects mid-term review. The group reviewed last year's report and determined appropriate revisions of the review. Specific Goals (1), (3), (4), and (5) are ongoing. Goal (2) has been accomplished and no further work is needed. The series of papers on transitions from general linear models (GLM and MIXED procedures in SAS) to generalized linear models (GLIMMIX procedure in SAS) which are currently in development for submission to a peer-reviewed journal (e.g., Agronomy Journal) will be added to Specific Goals.
For the Impact Nugget document, an item will be added to reflect the efforts of project members in organizing a Biometry Section in the Agronomy Society. Under Impacts, self-training (broadening expertise) will be added as a third point. Under Research Needs, the second bullet will be deleted, and an item addressing emerging technologies (e.g., precision agriculture, various "omics" research) will be added, as will an item addressing the development of software tools in conjunction with the paper series.
Ed will draft the mid-term report and send it to group members for review. He will need quick turnaround.
(8) The deadline for drafts of papers for Agronomy Journal is November 15, 2008. Drafts will be sent to group members with the understanding that they are not to be distributed outside the group and that comments will be needed quickly. Reviewers should consider overlap and consistency of level among the papers.
The group thanked Ed for his leadership and, especially, report preparation.
(1) Mary Christman reminded the group about the Workshop on Environmetrics to be held October 22-24, 2008, at NCAR, Boulder, CO (http://www.stat.purdue.edu/envr/).
(2) Larry Madden distributed a position announcement for Berts replacement at OARDC.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:30 am.
Accomplishments:<br /> <br /> Statisticians who consult and do research in an Agricultural Experiment Station environment enable land grant institutions to perform their agricultural research missions more effectively and efficiently than would otherwise be possible. However, most stations have at most one or two professional statisticians who are not, and can not be expected to be, experts in every area of statistics. This multi-state committee brings together statisticians to work cooperatively to determine the best current approaches to common statistical problems and to help guide future directions of sound statistical practice. In addition to group outputs such as workshops, it serves as a resource for its members and a sounding board for new ideas in their applied statistical research. As a result, all members are able to provide more effective assistance to agricultural researchers addressing national research priorities than they would without NCCC-170.<br /> <br /> Outputs:<br /> Workshops:<br /> <br /> Rob Tempelman, Bruce Craig, Larry Douglass and Nora Bello presented a one and a half day mixed model workshop in July, 2008 at the Joint American Dairy Science Association and American Society of Animal Science Meetings in Indianapolis. There were 100 registrants, which again was the maximum possible enrollment. This workshop has been presented a number of times at these meetings and has been updated to reflect current practice.<br /> <br /> Mary Christman presented a two hour workshop entitled "Too many zeroes? Methods for analyzing zero-inflated datasets" to the Environmental Science and Policy Program at Michigan State University in December, 2007. <br /> <br /> Mary Christman and Linda Young gave a full day workshop entitled "Statistical spatial data analysis for GIS" at The Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute in January, 2008 in St. Petersburg.<br /> <br /> Rob Tempelman presented an invited paper entitled "Inferential statistical analysis of microarray experiments" at the International Microarray Workshop at the University of Arizona in January, 2008.<br /> <br /> Rob Tempelman presented two invited half-day workshops entitled "Mixed model analysis of research data" (November, 2007) and "Design and analysis of gene expression studies using microarrays" (May, 2008) for CSTAT (The Center for Statistical Consulting and Training) at Michigan State University.<br /> <br /> Jun Zhu presented a workshop entitled "Introduction to spatial statistics using R" at the Program for Interdisciplinary Mathematics, Ecology, and Statistics at Colorado State University, November, 2007.<br /> <br /> Sara Duke and Kathy Yeater presented a workshop entitled "There's gotta be a better way to design this experiment!" in February, 2008 at the 32nd Rice Technical Working Group Meeting in San Diego.<br /> <br /> George Fernandez presented a series of three day workshops in Reno entitled "Exploratory graphical analysis and predictive modeling" (April, 2008), "Introduction to SAS programming" (May, 2008) and "Statistical analyses of experimental data" (August, 2008).<br /> <br /> Presentations:<br /> <br /> Jun Zhu organized a topic contributed session entitled "Generalized linear mixed effects models with applications in biometry" in August, 2008 at the Joint Statistical Meetings in Denver. NCCC-170 members participating in the session were:<br /> <br /> Linda Young (with R. H. Zimmerman). Modeling mosquito abundance in Thailand using GLMMs.<br /> <br /> Kevin McCarter (with Y. Qi). Analysis of hatch data in poultry science: Moving from the arcsine square root transformation to generalized linear mixed modeling with SAS PROC GLIMMIX.<br /> <br /> Bruce Craig. Modeling the regeneration of grass in golfing divots using GLMMs.<br /> <br /> Jun Zhu (with Y. Zheng and B. Aukema). Spatial-temporal generalized linear mixed models.<br /> <br /> Mary Christman gave an invited presentation on "Modeling non-linear mixture experiments" in December, 2007 at the Department of Statistics, Michigan State University.<br /> <br /> Mary Christman gave an invited presentation entitled "Modeling mixtures of three states of a count process: Application to estimating species richness" in August, 2008 at the Joint Statistical Meetings in Denver.<br /> <br /> Mary Christman coauthored an invited presentation with T. Bohrmann on "A demographic population model of Chesapeake Bay oysters to evaluate potential management and restoration strategies" in August, 2008 at the Joint Statistical Meetings in Denver.<br /> <br /> John Stevens gave an invited presentation entitled "Statistical issues in gene expression analysis" to participants in the Gene Expression and Microarray Analysis Training Program hosted by the Center for Integrated Biosystems at Utah State University in June, 2008.<br /> <br /> Rob Tempelman gave an invited paper entitled "Utilizing appropriate statistical designs and techniques for data collected from commercial dairies" in July, 2008 at the Joint American Dairy Science Association and American Society of Animal Science Meetings in Indianapolis.<br /> <br /> John Stevens coauthored two selected presentations in April, 2008 at the Kansas State Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture entitled "Statistical issues in the normalization of multi-species microarray data" with B. Ganesan, P. Desai, S. Rajan, and B. Weimer and "Probe-level statistical models for differential expression of genes in bovine NT studies" with J. Bell.<br /> <br /> Mary Christman gave a talk on "Spatially-explicit stochastic modeling of oyster population dynamics in Chesapeake Bay, USA" at the International Statistical Ecology Conference in July, 2008 at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland.<br /> <br /> John Aleong presented two contributed papers entitled "Modeling of strategic planning related to land use" (coauthor C. Aleong) and "The generalized linear model with spatial variation and multiple covariates" in August, 2008 at the Joint Statistical Meetings in Denver.<br /> <br /> John Aleong coauthored a presentation with C. Aleong entitled "Are summer institutes funded by FHWA and state Departments of Transportation effective? Case studies of evaluation and learning strategies" in January, 2008 at the Transportation Research Board Conference in Washington, D.C.<br /> <br /> David Meek gave a presentation entitled "Concordance correlation for model performance assessment. An example with reference evapotranspiration observations" in November, 2007 at the American Society of Agronomy Meetings in New Orleans.<br /> <br /> David Meek gave two presentations entitled "Graphs to aid in spectral analysis" and "Graphs to aid in concordance analysis" in the Data Visualization and Graphics Section at the Mid-West SAS Users Group Annual Conference in Des Moines in October, 2007.<br /> <br /> Mary Christman was a discussant for a session entitled "The role of statisticians in understanding climate change" at the 2008 Joint Statistical Meetings in Denver.<br /> <br /> John Stevens made a presentation entitled "Probe-level statistical models for differential expression of genes in bovine NT studies" to the annual meeting of the W-1112 Multi-State Research Project, Reproductive Performance in Domestic Ruminants, in Laramie WY, in June, 2008.<br /> <br /> George Fernandez made two presentations in the CRDA Seminar series entitled "A gentle introduction to SAS software" (February, 2008) and "Getting started with the point and click SAS® Enterprise Guide® : An introductory tutorial" (March, 2008) at the University of Nevada, Reno.<br /> <br /> Other project related activities:<br /> <br /> John Stevens received funding from the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station to continue a project entitled "Probe-Level Statistical Models for Differential Expression of Genes in Bovine NT Studies." This is in association with the W-1112 Multi-State Research Project "Reproductive Performance in Domestic Ruminants." The $18,500 award is for the period October, 2008 through September, 2009.<br /> <br /> John Aleong was a member of a group headed by L.A. Dupigny-Giroux who received a grant entitled "Satellites, weather and climate (SWAC) - Contributing to geospatial climate education and literacy" from the National Science Foundation. The $149, 997 award is for 2008 through 2010.<br /> <br /> <br /> Specific goals for the next three years:<br /> <br /> (1) Educate project members in statistical issues and methodology related to statistical problems in which large number of variables are collected on relatively few experimental units. Application areas include biotechnology, precision agriculture and chemometrics.<br /> <br /> (2) Continue to develop methodology to address both spatial and general statistical problems in the area of precision agriculture.<br /> <br /> (3) Revise the mixed model workshop to include generalized linear mixed models and the use of new software.<br /> <br /> (4) Offer the mixed model workshop upon request from subject matter groups.<br /> <br /> (5) Publish a series of papers targeted to agricultural scientists on transitioning from general linear models (GLM and MIXED procedures in SAS) to generalized linear models (GLIMMIX procedure in SAS).<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Summary of 2006-2008 activities (for mid-term review):<br /> <br /> NCCC-170 has produced workshops on mixed models and spatial statistics specifically targeted at researchers in the agricultural, environmental and natural resources sciences. Both workshops have been presented multiple times at national meetings of subject matter societies with much success as judged by attendance levels and feedback from participants. These and workshops on related topics have been presented at regional, local and stand alone meetings a total of 21 times in the last three years.<br /> <br /> USDA-ARS statisticians at Beltsville organized and co-hosted a two day spatial statistics workshop with USGS and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in March, 2006. The impetus for the workshop came in part from the interaction between NCCC-170 and the ARS statisticians, some of whom are project members. In addition, four of the 15 presentations were authored project members.<br /> <br /> Several members of NCCC-170 have been instrumental in the recent development of a new Biometry Division within the American Society of Agronomy.<br /> <br /> During the last three years, NCCC-170 members reported that they have authored or coauthored 75 publications and two technical reports and have made 49 presentations (of which 19 were invited) which were connected in some way to their participation in this project.<br /> <br /> In the academic area, project participation has led to the development of one new course and the updating of material in many others in members home institutions.Publications
Aleong, C. and J. Aleong (2008). Are summer institutes funded by FHWA and state Departments of Transportation effective? College Teaching Methods & Styles Journal 4(5), 41-49.<br /> <br /> Aleong, C. and J. Aleong John (2007). Evaluation and accountability of programs matter: Case studies of evaluation and learning strategies. ASA Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meetings, 2221-2228.<br /> <br /> Bennett, K.E., M.A. Stuart, J.E. Hopper, M.S. West, and B.S. Drolet (2008). Blood feeding behavior of vesicular stomatitis virus infected culicoides sonorensis (DipteraCeratopogonidae). In press.<br /> <br /> Breazeale, D., G. Fernandez and R. Narayanan (2008). Modeling pollination factors that influence alfalfa seed yield in North-Central Nevada. Journal of Central European Agriculture 9(1), 107-115.<br /> <br /> Burgueno, J., J. Crossa, P.L. Cornelius and R-C. Yang (2008). Using factor analytic models for joining environments and genotypes without crossover genotype x environment interaction. Crop Science 48, 1291-1305.<br /> <br /> Christman, M. C. (2008). Statistical modeling of observational data with spatial dependencies. Journal of Wildlife Management 72(1), 2333.<br /> <br /> Christman, M. C. (2008). Sampling of rare populations. In Handbook of Statistics No. 29, Sample Surveys: Theory, Methods and Inference. Danny Pfefferman and C. R. Rao (ed.) Amsterdam: Elsevier.<br /> <br /> Gharibvand, L. and G. Fernandez (2007). Survival analysis plots using SAS ® ODS graphics. Proceedings of the 2007 Western SAS Users Group Conference.<br /> <br /> Gharibvand, L. and G. Fernandez (2008). Advanced statistical and graphical features of SAS® PHREG. Proceedings of the 2008 SAS GLOBAL Forum. Online paper 375-2008.<br /> <br /> Gustin, M.S., M. Xin, J. Ericksen and G. Fernandez (2008). Determination of the potential for release of mercury from combustion product amended soils: Part 1Simulations of beneficial use. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 58(5), 673-683.<br /> <br /> Guttormsen J., M.I. Koster, J.R. Stevens, D. Roop, T. Williams, and Q.A. Winger (2008). Disruption of epidermal specific gene expression and delayed skin development in AP-2gamma mutant mice. Developmental Biology 317, 187-195.<br /> <br /> Knapp, S. and B. A. Craig (2008). Incorporating genotyping error into non-invasive DNA-based mark-recapture population estimates. Journal of Wildlife Management. In press.<br /> <br /> Kulmatiski A., K.H. Beard, J.R. Stevens, and S.M. Cobbold (2008). Plant-soil feedbacks: A meta-analytical review. Ecology Letters 11, 980-992.<br /> <br /> Jarecki, M.K., T.B. Parkin, A.S. Chan, J.L. Hatfield, D.W. Meek, and R. Jones (2008). Greenhouse gases emission from two soils under N fertilizer and swine slurry. Journal of Environmental Quality 37, 1432-1438.<br /> <br /> Malone, R.W., L. Ma, D.L. Karlen, T.G. Meade, D.W. Meek, P. Heilman, R.S. Kanwar, and J.L. Hatfield (2007). Empirical analysis and prediction of nitrate loading and crop yield for corn-soybean rotations. Geoderma 140, 223-234.<br /> <br /> Meek, D., J. Prueger, M. Tomer, and R. Malone (2008). Spectral procedures enhance the analysis of three agricultural time series. In Proceedings of the 2007 Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture, J. Boyer (ed.). Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University Department of Statistics. 154-170.<br /> <br /> Meek, D. (2007). A macro for producing graphs used in assessing a spectrum. In Data Visualization and Graphics Section (Paper D2), MidWest SAS Users Group Annual Conference Proceedings, A. Katschke (ed.). Cary, NC: SAS Inst. Inc., Cary, NC. 6 pp.<br /> <br /> Meek, D. (2007). Two macros for producing graphs to assess agreement between two variables. In Data Visualization and Graphics Section (Paper D6), MidWest SAS Users Group Annual Conference Proceedings, A. Katschke (ed.). Cary, NC: SAS Inst. Inc., Cary, NC. 5 pp<br /> <br /> Ristic, Z., U. Bukovnik, P. Prasad, and M.S. West (2008). A model for prediction of heat stability of photosynthetic membranes. Crop Science 48, 1513-1522.<br /> <br /> Sigman-Grant, M. , E. Christiansen, G. Fernandez, J. Fletcher, S. L. Johnson, L. J. Branen and B. Price (2008). Hungry Mondays: Low-income children. Childcare Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition 2(4), 19 38.<br /> <br /> Singer, J.W., S.D. Logsdon, and D.W. Meek (2008). Soybean growth and seed yield response to tillage and compost. Agronomy Journal 100, 1039-1046. <br /> <br /> Steibel, J.P., G.J.M. Rosa, and R.J. Tempelman (2008). Optimizing two-stage experiments for transcriptional profiling. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (in press). doi 10.1016/j.csda.2008.03.032 <br /> <br /> Tempelman, R.J. (2008). Statistical analysis of efficient unbalanced two color microarray experiments. International Journal of Plant Genomics Vol. 2008, Article ID 584360, 16 pages. doi 10.1155/2008/584360.<br /> <br /> Zhu, J., J.G. Rasmussen, J. Moller, B.H. Aukema, and K.F. Raffa (2008). Spatial-temporal modeling of forest gaps generated by colonization from below- and above-ground bark beetle species. Journal of the American Statistical Association 103, 162-177.<br /> <br /> Zhu, J., Y. Zheng, A.L. Carroll, and B.H. Aukema (2008). Autologistic regression analysis of spatial-temporal binary data via Monte Carlo maximum likelihood. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 13, 84-98.Impact Statements
- NCCC-170 fosters research to identify and develop statistical methodology applicable to agricultural research and provides a forum for sharing and educating both statisticians and subject-matter scientists in the agricultural, environmental and natural sciences. As a result, all members are able to provide more effective assistance to agricultural researchers addressing national research priorities than they would without NCCC-170.
- Several members of NCCC-170 are also members of the American Society of Agronomy and its sister societies (Crop Science Society of America and Soil Science Society of America). Within the ASA, these members have been instrumental in the development of a new division devoted to the topics of biometry and statistics in the Tri-Societies. The goal of the Biometry Division is to provide a forum for members interested in statistics and experimental design from the research and/or teaching points of view. The Division will serve as a resource and provide training for the larger tri-societies by sponsoring symposia and workshops on statistical techniques and experimental design at the national and regional meetings. It will also solicit review and methodology manuscripts for the society journals.
Date of Annual Report: 09/11/2009
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 07/23/2009
- 07/24/2009
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2008 - 09/01/2009
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2008 - 09/01/2009
Ted Bailey (IA), John Boyer (KS, Admin), Mary Christman (FL), Bruce Craig (IN), Sara Duke (USDA-ARS), Susan Durham (UT), George Fernandez (NV), Ed Gbur (AR), Kevin McCarter (LA), David Meek (USDA-ARS), Mark West (USDA-ARS), Linda Young (FL)Brief Summary of Minutes
Annual meeting held at ARS Southern Plains Area facility, College Station, TexasJuly 23-24, 2009
Official Members Present: Ted Bailey (IA), John Boyer (KS, Admin), Mary Christman (FL), Bruce Craig (IN), Sara Duke (USDA-ARS), Susan Durham (UT), George Fernandez (NV), Ed Gbur (AR), Kevin McCarter (LA), David Meek (USDA-ARS), Mark West (USDA-ARS), Linda Young (FL)
Official Members Absent: Rich Alldredge (WA), Bert Bishop (OH), German Bollero (IL), Don Bullock (IL), Paul Cornelius (KY), Mark Hinds (Pioneer Hi-Bred), Ken Koehler (IA), Larry Madden (OH), George Milliken (KS), Bahram Momen (MD), Margaret Nemeth (Monsanto), Cuirong Ren (SD), Dan Schmoldt (UDSA-CREES, Admin.), Bahman Shafii (ID), Rob Tempelman (MI), Hao Zhang (IN), Jun Zhu (WI)
Other Participants Present: Matt Kramer, Kathy Yeater
2008 Officers: Ed Gbur, Chair; Mary Christman, Program Chair; Sara Duke, Local Arrangements Chair; Susan Durham, Secretary
NCCC-170 Website: http://www.uark.edu/misc/ncr170/
Technical program:
The meeting began at 8:30 am on Thursday, July 23, 2009, with opening remarks by Dan Upchurch, Southern Plains Area Director.
The morning session and working lunch were devoted to presentation and discussion of the drafts of the GLIMMIX papers.
Mary Christman and Ed Gbur -- Introductory paper
Linda Young and Kevin McCarter -- Repeated measures in space and time
Kevin McCarter and Walt Stroup -- Power and sample size calculations
Prior to the actual presentations, it was agreed that each of the drafts was already much too long for a journal article. Discussion turned to the possibility of creating a monograph based on the above drafts. In addition, the possibility of producing several related journal articles was discussed. Specific journal article material included (i) a comparison of the probability function versus simulation approaches to power calculations, (ii) a discussion of the use of transformations versus generalized linear model analyses, and (iii) an example of a multi-year, multi-location generalized linear mixed model analysis.
The afternoon session consisted of the following presentations along with group discussion of each.
Kathy Yeater -- Using GLIMMIX to assess multi-year, multi-crop system experiments
David Meek -- A view of model performance assessment procedures
Ted Bailey -- Randomization of factors in a multi-phase experiment
Bruce Craig -- Diffusion test breakpoint determination
George Fernandez -- Issues with some GLIMMIX examples
Business meeting:
The business meeting began at 8:45 am on Friday, July 24, 2009. Ed Gbur presided. Mary Christman and Sara Duke were thanked for organizing a productive and enjoyable meeting. The following items were discussed:
(1) The 2010 meeting will be held in Ames, Iowa and co-hosted by David Meek and Ted Bailey. The date was set for July 8-9. Kathy Yeater will serve as program chair. The USSES group (SCC-13) will be invited to meet jointly next year. Kevin McCarter will serve as the contact person. Bruce Craig volunteered to host the 2011 meeting at Purdue.
(2) The group reviewed and discussed specific goals for the next three years and impacts. The annual report and impact statement are due shortly after the annual meeting. Participants need to send Ed (egbur@uark.edu) accountings of all activities (workshops, papers, presentations, teaching related, etc.) from October 1, 2008 to September 30, 2009 (or since last year's report) that are related to or inspired by their participation in NCCC-170 as soon as possible.
(3) It was decided to proceed with the writing of a monograph as well as some journal articles as discussed during the Thursday morning technical session. Don Bullock and Kathy Yeater will approach the Tri-Societies (Agronomy, Crop Science and Soil Science) to determine if they would be interested in publishing the monograph. If they are not interested, another publisher would be sought.
Ed Gbur agreed to coordinate the writing and to edit the final draft to ensure consistency of style and notation throughout the monograph. The following deadlines were established.
August 15 Revisions of the three drafts presented during the Thursday morning session are due to Ed.
October 1 Final drafts of all additional material are due to Ed.
December 1 Final draft of the entire monograph is ready for submission.
Various individuals agreed to provide additional material on
(1) transformations versus generalized linear mixed models
(2) chi-squared tests
(3) diagnostics for residuals
(4) overdispersion
(5) tests of covariance structures
(6) additional examples
(7) a section on other software, including the analysis of a few of the GLIMMIX examples using the alternative software.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:25 a.m.
Statisticians who consult and do research in an Agricultural Experiment Station environment enable land grant institutions to perform their agricultural research missions more effectively and efficiently than would otherwise be possible. However, most stations have at most one or two professional statisticians who are not, and can not be expected to be, experts in every area of statistics. This multi-state committee brings together statisticians to work cooperatively to determine the best current approaches to common statistical problems and to help guide future directions of sound statistical practice. In addition to group outputs such as workshops, it serves as a resource for its members and a sounding board for new ideas in their applied statistical research. As a result, all members are able to provide more effective assistance to agricultural researchers addressing national research priorities than they would without NCCC-170.<br /> <br /> Outputs:<br /> <br /> Workshops:<br /> <br /> Rob Tempelman, Bruce Craig and Larry Douglass presented a one and a half day mixed model workshop in July, 2009 at the Joint American Dairy Science Association - American Society of Animal Science - Canadian Society of Animal Scienc Meetings in Montreal. There were 92 registrants.<br /> <br /> Linda Young presented a one day workshop entitled "Applied mixed models" for the Cleveland Chapter of the American Statistical Association in May, 2009 in Cleveland, Ohio.<br /> <br /> George Fernandez presented a three day professional continuing education workshop in collaboration with UNR Extended studies entitled "Statistical analyses of experimental data" in August, 2008 in Reno, NV.<br /> <br /> Mary Christman presented a two hour workshop entitled "Too many zeroes? Methods for analyzing zero-inflated datasets" to the Program in Environmental Statistics, Department of Statistics- IFAS, University Of Florida in October, 2008. <br /> <br /> Mary Christman and J. Colee presented two one-day workshops entitled "Introduction to SAS" and "Introduction to regression using SAS" in August, 2009 at the University of Florida.<br /> <br /> Presentations:<br /> <br /> Kathy Yeater. "Survival analysis methods for aquaculture research at Statistics in aquaculture research," a symposium held in conjunction with the Aquaculture America meeting in February, 2009 in Seattle. (Invited)<br /> <br /> John Stevens. "Statistical issues in gene expression analysis" to the Utah State University Center for Integrated Biosystems Gene Expression and Microarray Analysis Training Program in June, 2009 in Logan, UT. (Invited)<br /> <br /> C. Gotway and Linda Young. "Geostatistics: What's hot, what's not and other food for thought" at the 8th International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences in June, 2008 in Shanghai, China. (Invited)<br /> <br /> C. Gotway and Linda J. Young. "Linking environmental data and health data for environmental public health tracking" at the XXIV International Biometric Conference in July, 2008 in Dublin, Ireland. (Invited)<br /> <br /> Linda Young and C. Gotway. "Using geostatistical methods in the analysis of public health data: the final frontier?" at the 7th International Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications in September, 2008 in Southampton, UK. (Invited)<br /> <br /> C. Gotway and Linda Young. "Environmental public health tracking: A case study from Florida" at the Joint Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology and the International Society of Exposure Analysis in October, 2008 in Pasadena, CA. (Invited)<br /> <br /> Mary Christman. "Modeling mixtures of three states of a count process: Application to estimating species richness" at the Joint Statistical Meetings in August, 2008 in Denver. (Invited)<br /> <br /> <br /> T. Bohrmann and Mary Christman. "A demographic population model of Chesapeake Bay oysters to evaluate potential management and restoration strategies" at the Joint Statistical Meetings in August, 2008 in Denver. (Invited)<br /> <br /> Mary Christman. "Modeling scales of variability of harmful algae blooms in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida" at the Joint Statistical Meetings in August, 2009 in Washington, D.C. (Invited)<br /> <br /> Kathy Yeater. "Design and analysis of augmented designs in agricultural experimentation" at "New Statistical Techniques for the Analysis of Agricultural Experimentation," a symposium held in conjunction with the ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meetings in October, 2008 in Houston.<br /> <br /> David Meek, D. Laird, D. Dinnes, D. Jaynes, C.A. Cambardella, T. Colvin, J. Hatfield and D. Karlen. "Three analysis examples for time series data" at "New Statistical Techniques for the Analysis of Agricultural Experimentation," a symposium held in conjunction with the ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meetings in October, 2008 in Houston.<br /> <br /> Mark West. "Fitting models to your experimental data when they are counts or proportions. An introduction to generalized linear mixed models" at "New Statistical Techniques for the Analysis of Agricultural Experimentation," a symposium held in conjunction with the ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meetings in October, 2008 in Houston.<br /> <br /> David Meek. "Some of my SAS and statistical procedure resources" in November, 2008 and "Some new features in SAS 9.2" in July, 2009 at Iowa SAS User Group monthly meetings in Des Moines, IA.<br /> <br /> Don Bullock. "Contrast statements vs the slice option" at "Advanced statistical procedures for production agronomists," a symposium held in conjunction with the ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meetings in October, 2008 in Houston.<br /> <br /> German Bollero, F. Miguez and Don Bullock. "Understanding statistical modeling of combined experiments" at "Advanced statistical procedures for production agronomists," a symposium held in conjunction with the ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meetings in October, 2008 in Houston.<br /> <br /> George Fernandez. "Quick and complete statistical analyses using SAS Enterprise Guide" at the Western Users of SAS Software annual conference in 2008 in Universal City, CA.<br /> <br /> George Fernandez. "User-friendly SAS® Macro application for performing all possible mixed model selection - An update" at the Western Users of SAS Software annual conference in 2008 in Universal City, CA.<br /> <br /> John Stevens and G.N. Nicholas. "Statistical and numerical dependence in gene expression summaries" at the Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture in April, 2009 in Manhattan, KS.and the; also at Joint Statistical Meetings, August 2009.<br /> <br /> John Stevens and G.N. Nicholas. "Statistical and numerical dependence in gene expression summaries" at the Joint Statistics Meetings in August, 2009 in Washington, D.C.<br /> <br /> John Aleong. "The generalized linear model with spatial variation" at the Faculty Resource Network in January, 2009 in San Juan, Puerto Rico.<br /> <br /> John Aleong. "On satellites, weather and climate (SWAC)" at the Faculty Resource Network in January, 2009 in San Juan, Puerto Rico.<br /> <br /> John Aleong "The general linear mixed model with multinomial data" at the Joint Statistics Meetings in August, 2009 in Washington, D.C.<br /> <br /> C. Aleong and John Aleong. "An integrated approach to land use policy" at the Joint Statistics Meetings in August, 2009 in Washington, D.C.<br /> <br /> David Meek gave an in-house demonstration to scientists at the National Soil Tilth Laboratory on SASGraph in SAS version 9.2 in April, 2009.<br /> <br /> Technical Reports:<br /> <br /> Christman, M. C. (2008). Sampling design for bald eagle nesting project in Florida. Report to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, FWRI. Gainesville Lab. 36 pp. <br /> <br /> Christman, M. C., Volstad, J. H., Sharov, A. F., Davis, G. R. and Fegley, L. W. (2008). Statistical analyses of crab dredge efficiency. Final Report to Virginia Institute of Marine Science, July 2008. 42 pp. <br /> <br /> Christman, M. C. and Colee, J. (2009). Statistical analyses of coral reef data collected between 1996 and 2007 in the Dry Tortugas and Florida Keys. A Report for the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project (FKNMS CREMP). 610 pp. <br /> <br /> Christman, M. C. and Holt, N. (2009). Comparability of the FHAP and DERM sampling designs. A Report to the South Florida Water Management District. 90 pp. <br /> <br /> Other project related activities:<br /> <br /> Bruce Craig served as Chair of the Statistical Consulting Section of the American Statistical Association for the past year.<br /> <br /> David Meek is Chair-Elect of the A11 section (Biometry) of the American Society of Agronomy.<br /> <br /> Linda Young received a grant entitled "Spatial modeling of environmental hazard and health outcomes" from the Florida Department of Health for 2008 to 2009. $132,309.<br /> <br /> John Stevens received funding from the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station to continue a project entitled "Probe-Level Statistical Models for Differential Expression of Genes in Bovine NT Studies." This is in association with the W-1112 Multi-State Research Project "Reproductive Performance in Domestic Ruminants." October, 2009 - September, 2010. $18,500.<br /> <br /> John Boyer organized an invited session on the topic of current statistical advances in agriculture on behalf of the American Statistical Association at the International Indian Statistical Association Joint Statistical Meetings to be held in January, 2010 in Visakhapatnam, India. Kevin McCarter, George Fernandez and Dallas Johnson will be presenters in the session.<br /> <br /> Mary Christman served as the discussant for a session entitled "The role of statisticians in understanding climate change" at the Joint Statistical Meetings in August, 2008 in Denver. <br /> <br /> Mary Christman serves as Eastern North American Region Liaison to the American Association for the Advancement of Science Agricultural Working Group. Her term is from 2009 to 2012.<br /> <br /> Mary Christman was an invited participant on the Statistical Advisory Panel for the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee of the Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) to address the adequacy of the approach for development of measures of compliance of estuaries in the CBP water quality criteria attainment program. Sponsored by the Chesapeake Bay Program Office. August, 2009.<br /> <br /> Mary Christman received a grant entitled "Independent statistical evaluation of Florida Bay and Biscayne Bay submerged aquatic vegetation monitoring efforts" from SFWMD for January to September, 2009. $47,062.<br /> <br /> A. Ogram, R. Reddy and Mary Christman received a grant entitled "Controls on methanogenesis in the Florida Everglades" from NSF for 2009 to 2013. $1,169,223.<br /> <br /> P. Carlson, P. Kubilis and Mary Christman received a grant entitled "Enhancing the Seagrass Monitoring Program manager's tolkit - Evaluating seagrass abundance measures, sampling designs, and statistical analysis models to determine best practices for characterizing status and trend of seagrass abundance in Florida" from the Florida's State Wildlife Grants Program 2008, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, FWRI for 2009 to 2012. $91,500.<br /> <br /> Mary Christman received a grant entitled "Statistical analyses of 2008 CREMP, SECREMP, and NPS Dry Tortugas Coral monitoring data" from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, FWRI for April, 2009 to August, 2009. $35,000.Publications
Aston K.I., Li G.P., Hicks B.A., Sessions B.R., Davis A.P., Winger Q.A., Rickords L.F., Stevens J.R. and White K.L. (2009). Global gene expression analysis of bovine somatic cell nuclear transfer blastocysts and cotyledons. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 76, 471-482.<br /> <br /> Andrews, G.L., S. Tanglao, W. T. Farmer, S. Morin, S. Brotman, M.A. Berberoglu, H. Price, G.C. Fernandez, G.S. Mastick, F. Charron and T. Kidd (2008). Dscam guides embryonic axons by Netrin-dependent and -independent functions. Development, 135, 3839-3848.<br /> <br /> Bangarwa, S.K., J.K. Norsworthy and E.E. Gbur (2009). Integration of a brassicaceae cover crop with herbicides in plasticulture tomato. Weed Technology, 19, 405-410.<br /> <br /> Cardoso, F.F., G.J.M. Rosa, J.P. Steibel, C.W. Ernst, R.O. Bates, and R.J. Tempelman (2008). Selective transcriptional profiling and data analysis strategies for eQTL mapping in outbred F2 populations. Genetics, 180, 1679-1690.<br /> <br /> Checa, M. F., Barragán, A., Rodríguez, J. and Christman, M. C. (2009). Temporal abundance patterns of butterfly communities (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in the Ecuadorian Amazonia and their relationship with climate. Annales de la Societe Entomologique Francaise. In press.<br /> <br /> Christensen, B.W., M.H.T. Troedsson, M.H. Gluck, L.J. Young, M. Oliva and L.M. Penfold (2009). Effects of sociosexual environment on serum testosterone in captive male African rhinoceros. Theriogenology. DOI: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2008.12.003.<br /> <br /> Gibert, J., Culver, D. C., Dole-Olivier, J-C., Malard, F., Christman, M. C. and Deharveng, L. (2009). Assessing and conserving groundwater biodiversity: Synthesis and perspective. Freshwater Biology. In press.<br /> <br /> Gotway, C.A. and L.J. Young (2008). Geostatistics: Whats hot, whats not and other food for thought. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences. Shanghai, China.<br /> <br /> Karlen, D.L., D.L. Dinnes, M.D. Tomer, D.W. Meek, C.A. Cambardella, and T.B. Moorman (2009). Is no-tillage enough? A field-scale watershed assessment of conservation effects. Electronic Journal of Integrative Biosciences, 7(2), 1-24. (On-line: http//clt.astate.edu/electronicjournal/Articles/Karlen<br /> %20et%20al%2005-2 009.pdf.<br /> <br /> Kulmatiski A., K. H. Beard, J.R. Stevens and S.M. Cobbold (2008). Plant-soil feedbacks: A meta-analytical review. Ecology Letters, 11, 980-992. Malone, R., D. Meek, J. Hatfield, M. Mann, R. Jaquis, and L. Ma (2009). Quasi-biennial corn yield cycles in Iowa. Agric. For. Meteorology, 149, 1087-1094.<br /> <br /> Mallapur, A., Miller, C. P., Christman, M. C. and Estevez, I. (2009). Short-term and long-term movement patterns in confined environments by domestic fowl: Influence of group size and enclosure size. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. In press.<br /> <br /> Malone, R., D. Meek, J. Hatfield, M. Mann, R. Jaquis and L. Ma (2009). Quasi-biennial corn yield cycles in Iowa. Agric. For. Meteorol., 149, 1087-1094.<br /> <br /> Meek, D.W., T.A. Howell, and C.J. Phene (2009). Concordance correlation for model performance assessment. An example with reference evapotranspiration observations. Agronomy Journal, 101, 1012-1018.<br /> <br /> Menjoulet, B.C., K.R. Brye, A.L. Pirani, B.E. Haggard and E.E. Gbur (2009). Runoff water quality from broiler-litter amended tall fescue in broiler litter amended tall fescue in response to natural precipitation in the Ozark Highlands. Journal of Environmental Quality, 38, 1005-1017.<br /> <br /> Parvataneni, S., B. Gonipeta, R.J. Tempelman, and V. Gangur (2009). Allergic and anaphylactic reactions to cashew nut protein in micecomparison of relative potency with hazelnut. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology, 149, 299-304.<br /> <br /> Phlips, E. J., Badylak, S., Christman, M. C. and Lasi, M. A. (2009). Climatic trends and temporal patterns of phytoplankton composition, abundance and succession in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida, USA. Estuaries and Coasts. In press. <br /> <br /> Reynolds, S. M., Christman, M. C., Uy, J. A. C., Patricelli, G. L., Braun, M. J., and Borgia, G. (2008). Aggregation of related males mitigates the effect of bower destruction in satin bowerbirds. Behavioral Ecology, DOI: 10.1093/beheco/arn146.<br /> <br /> Russell, A.E., C.A. Cambardella, D.A. Laird, D.B. Jaynes, and D.W. Meek (2009). Nitrogen fertilizer effects on soil carbon balances in Midwestern U.S. agricultural systems. Ecological Applications, 19, 1102-1113.<br /> <br /> Sauer, T.J., S.R. Compston, C.P. West, G.Hernandez-Ramirez, E.E. Gbur and T.B. Parkin (2009). Nitrous oxide emissions from a bermudagrass pasture: Interseeded winter rye and poultry litter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 41, 1417-1424.<br /> <br /> Seversike, T.M., L.C. Purcell, E.E. Gbur, P. Chen and R. Scott (2009). Radiation interception and yield response to increased leaflet number in early maturing soybean genotypes. Crop Science, 49, 281-289.<br /> <br /> Singer, J.W., S.D. Logsdon, and D.W. Meek (2008). Soybean growth and seed yield response to tillage and compost. Agronomy Journal, 100, 1039-1046.<br /> <br /> Staed, J., D.M. Miller, K.R. Brye, T.C. Daniel, C. Rom and E.E. Gbur (2009). Land use effects on near surface soil arsenic in the Ozark Highlands. Soil Science, 174(3), 121-129.<br /> <br /> Steibel, J.P., G.J.M. Rosa, and R.J. Tempelman (2009). Optimizing two-stage experiments for transcriptional profiling. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 53, 1639-1649.<br /> <br /> Stevens J.R. and G. Nicholas (2009). Metahdep: Meta-analysis of hierarchically dependent gene expression studies. Bioinformatics (advance access July, 2009).<br /> <br /> Tomaszycki, M., C. Peabody, K. Replogle, D.F. Clayton, R.J. Tempelman and J. Wade (2009). Sexual differentiation of the zebra finch song system. Potential roles for sex chromosome genes. BMC Neuroscience, 10, 24.<br /> <br /> Tempelman R.J. (2009). Assessing experimental designs for research conducted on commercial dairies. Journal of Dairy Science, 92, 1-15.<br /> <br /> Young, L. J., C.A. Gotway, G. Kearney and C. DuClos (2009). Assessing uncertainty in support-adjusted spatial misalignment problems. Communications in StatisticsTheory and Methods, 27, 3998-4015.<br /> <br /> Young, L.J. and C.A. Gotway (2008). Using geostatistical methods in the analysis of public health data: the final frontier? Proceedings of geoENV 2008, the 7th International Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications. Southampton, UK.<br /> <br /> Young, L.J., C.A. Gotway, G. Kearney and C. DuClos (2009). Models for assessing uncertainty for local regression. Proceedings of the 6th St. Petersburg Workshop on Simulation. 4. Saint Petersburg, Russia.Impact Statements
- NCCC-170 fosters research to identify and develop statistical methodology applicable to agricultural research and provides a forum for sharing and educating both statisticians and subject-matter scientists in the agricultural, environmental and natural sciences. As a result, all members are able to provide more effective assistance to agricultural researchers addressing national research priorities than they would without NCCC-170.
- Several members of NCCC-170 have been instrumental in the development of a Section A11 (Biometry) of the American Society of Agronomy. The goal of the section is to provide a forum for members interested in statistics and experimental design from the research and/or teaching points of view. The section serves as a resource and provides training for the larger Tri-Societies‘ membership by sponsoring symposia and workshops at the national and regional meetings. It will also solicit review and methodology manuscripts for the society journals.
Date of Annual Report: 08/23/2010
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 07/08/2010
- 07/09/2010
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2009 - 09/01/2010
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2009 - 09/01/2010
Ted Bailey (IA); John Boyer (KS, Admin); Bruce Craig (IN); Susan Durham (UT); Ed Gbur (AR); Mark Hinds (Pioneer Hi-Bred); Ken Koehler (IA); Kevin McCarter (LA); David Meek (USDA-ARS); George Milliken (KS); Margaret Nemeth (Monsanto); Rob Tempelman (MI); Mark West (USDA-ARS)Brief Summary of Minutes
Annual meeting held at the National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment on the campus of Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, July 8-9, 2010. Joint meeting with SCC-013 (USSES)Official Members Present: Ted Bailey (IA), John Boyer (KS, Admin), Bruce Craig (IN), Susan Durham (UT), Ed Gbur (AR), Mark Hinds (Pioneer Hi-Bred), Ken Koehler (IA), Kevin McCarter (LA), David Meek (USDA-ARS), George Milliken (KS), Margaret Nemeth (Monsanto), Rob Tempelman (MI), Mark West (USDA-ARS)
Official Members Absent: Rich Alldredge (WA), Bert Bishop (OH), German Bollero (IL), Don Bullock (IL), Mary Christman (FL), Paul Cornelius (KY), Sara Duke (USDA-ARS), George Fernandez (NV), Larry Madden (OH), Bahram Momen (MD), Cuirong Ren (SD), Dan Schmoldt (UDSA-CREES, Admin.), Bahman Shafii (ID), Linda Young (FL), Hao Zhang (IN), Jun Zhu (WI)
Other NCCC-170 Participants Present: Matt Kramer (USDA-ARS), John Stevens (UT), Kathy Yeater (USDA-ARS)
SCC-013 Members and Visitors: Philip Dixon, Brian Fergen, Andy Mauromoustakos, Fernando Miguez, Ben Mullinix, Dan Nettleton, Long Qu, Julia Sharp, Man-Yu Yum
2009 Officers: Ed Gbur, Chair; Kathy Yeater, Program Chair; David Meek and Ted Bailey, Local Arrangements Chairs; Susan Durham, Secretary
NCCC-170 Website: http://www.uark.edu/misc/ncr170/
Technical program:
The meeting began at 8:30 am on Thursday, July 8, 2010, with opening remarks by Jerry Hatfield (NLAE Director), Wendy Wintersteen (Dean of the College), and Ken Koehler (Chair of the ISU Statistics Department).
The technical program consisted of the following presentations.
David Meek -- Graphics for paired observations
John Stevens -- Recent statistical tools for Next-Gen Sequencing data
Long Qu -- A hierarchical semi-parametric model for incorporating inter-gene information for analysis of gene expression profiling data
Andy Mauromoustakos -- New analytics and features in upcoming JMP Version 9
Ben Mullinix -- Analysis of the Uniform Peanut Performance Tests using mixed models
Julia Sharp -- Testing for co-directional interactions in two-factor factorial experiments using union-intersection and intersection-union methods
Fernando Miguez -- BioCro: An R package for crop simulation and statistics
Business meeting:
The business meeting began at 9:00 am on Friday, July 9, 2010. Ed Gbur presided. Kathy Yeater, Kevin McCarter (SCC-013 program chair), Ted Bailey and David Meek were thanked for organizing a productive and enjoyable meeting.
The following items were discussed:
(1) The 2011 meeting will be held at Purdue and hosted by Bruce Craig. The date was set for July 7-8. John Stevens will serve as program chair. Rob Tempelman volunteered to host the 2012 meeting at Michigan State.
(2) The group reviewed and discussed specific goals for the next three years and impact statements. The annual report and impact statement are due shortly after the annual meeting. Participants need to send Ed (egbur@uark.edu) accountings of all activities (workshops, papers, presentations, teaching related, etc.) from October 1, 2009 to September 30, 2010 (or since last year's report) that are related to or inspired by their participation in NCCC-170 as soon as possible.
(3) Mary Christman, Kevin McCarter and Walt Stroup will present a workshop on generalized linear mixed models and will participate in a related symposium organized by Kathy Yeater at the ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting in Long Beach in November. Workshops have been offered several times at the Animal and Dairy Science Societies annual meetings. Tentative plans are to do so again. Approaching other professional societies to offer workshops was discussed. The possible use of a webinar format was also mentioned.
(4) Following the discussion at last year's annual meeting, the American Society of Agronomy was contacted and agreed to publish a book on generalized linear mixed models written by project members and participants. The project members involved in the writing are Mary Christman, Susan Durham, Ed Gbur, Matt Kramer, Kevin McCarter, Walt Stroup, Mark West and Linda Young. The manuscript is due to the publishers by October 1, 2010. Ed gave a brief progress report. Six of the seven chapters have been through at least one draft and revision. Outside reviewers have been lined up. George Milliken asked about the possibility of sharing the material with group members. Kathy Yeater volunteered to set up a Sharepoint web site. Ed will check with the Agronomy Society to see if this would be permissible under the contract.
(5) The current project is scheduled to end in September, 2011. The renewal process must be completed this Fall. Projects must make a special request to keep the same number. Otherwise a new number will be assigned. Current members will not automatically be rolled over into the new project. Everyone must submit a new Appendix E form. John Boyer agreed to continue to serve as our Administrative Advisor. Deadlines are as follows.
September 15 -- Initial request due. Includes issues, justification, administrative advisor, and request to retain same project number.
October 15 -- Objectives due.
November 15 -- New Appendix E for everyone (no automatic rollover). Enough forms must be filed to demonstrate sufficient interest.
December 1 -- Complete proposal due.
The current project proposal was reviewed and changes, additions and deletions for the new project were discussed.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:35 a.m. A group photograph for the project web site was taken immediately afterward.
Statisticians who consult and do research in an Agricultural Experiment Station environment enable land grant institutions to perform their agricultural research missions more effectively and efficiently than would otherwise be possible. However, most stations have at most one or two professional statisticians who are not, and can not be expected to be, experts in every area of statistics. This multi-state committee brings together statisticians to work cooperatively to determine the best current approaches to common statistical problems and to help guide future directions of sound statistical practice. In addition to group outputs such as workshops, it serves as a resource for its members and a sounding board for new ideas in their applied statistical research. As a result, all members are able to provide more effective assistance to agricultural researchers addressing national research priorities than they would without NCCC-170.<br /> <br /> Outputs:<br /> <br /> Workshops:<br /> <br /> George Milliken presented a half day work shop entitled "Mixed models analysis using SAS" at the 11th Scientific Conference of Sub-Saharan Africa Network of the International Biometric Society in August, 2009 at Kabarak University, Nakuru, Kenya.<br /> <br /> Larry Madden presented a half-day workshop entitled "Regression Analysis with SAS" at the Annual Meeting of the American Phytopathological Society in Portland OR in August 2009. <br /> <br /> Rob Tempelman presented a half-day workshop entitled "Mixed model analysis of research data" for the Center for Statistical Consulting and Training at Michigan State University (www.cstat.msu.edu) in December, 2009.<br /> <br /> Rob Tempelman presented workshop lectures at the 10th International Microarray Workshop (http://ag.arizona.edu/microarray/workshopJan2010.html) on experimental design, data normalization and statistical inference in January, 2010.<br /> <br /> Linda Young presented workshops entitled "Applied linear and generalized linear mixed models" to the San Diego Chapter of the American Statistical Association and the El Paso Chapter of the American Statistical Association in April, 2010. The workshops were one and two days, respectively.<br /> <br /> Linda Young presented a two day workshop on applied linear mixed models for researchers at the University of Florida's Agricultural Experiment Station in May, 2010.<br /> <br /> Linda Young presented a two day workshop on applied generalized linear mixed models for researchers at the University of Floridas Agricultural Experiment Station in May, 2010.<br /> <br /> Presentations:<br /> <br /> Kathy Yeater. "Design and analysis of augmented designs in screening trials" at 3rd Curators Workshop for USDA-ARS germplasm curators and their collaborators in February, 2010 in Atlanta (Invited).<br /> <br /> John Stevens. "Statistical issues in the normalization of multi-species microarray data" at the Brigham Young University Statistics Department Seminar in October, 2009 and to the BYU-Idaho Mathematics Department Seminar in November, 2009. (Invited)<br /> <br /> Kevin McCarter. "Using semi-parametric models to account for spatial variability in developing variable rate treatment prescriptions for applications in precision agriculture" at the International Conference on Statistics, Probability, Operations Research, Computer Science, and Allied Areas. in January, 2010 at Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India. (Invited)<br /> <br /> Julia Sharp and P.D. Gerard. "Testing for co-directional interactions using union-intersection and intersection union tests" at the International Indian Statistical Association Joint Statistical Meeting in January, 2010 at Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India. (Invited)<br /> <br /> Rob Tempelman. "Addressing scope of inference for global genetic evaluation of livestock" at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Animal Science in July, 2010 in Salvador, Brazil. (Invited)<br /> <br /> C.A. Gotway, Linda Young, K.K. Lopiano, G. Kearney and C. DuClos. "Models for assessing uncertainty in local regression" at GeoMED in November, 2009 in Charleston, SC. (Invited)<br /> <br /> Linda Young, C.A. Gotway, X. Xu, G. Kearney and M. Hyman. "Assessing the association between public health and environmental factors" at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis in December, 2009 in Baltimore. (Invited)<br /> <br /> Linda Young, C.A. Gotway, K.K. Lopiano, G. and C. DuClos. "Relating public health to environmental factors: Assessing uncertainty in the presence of predicted environmental factors" at the Fields Workshop on Modeling Indirectly and Imprecisely Observed Data in December, 2009 in London, Ontario. (Invited keynote address)<br /> <br /> Linda Young, C.A. Gotway and K.K. Lopiano. "Challenges associated with integrating data from multiple scales to assess relationships" at Accuracy 2010 in July, 2010 in Leicester, UK. (Invited)<br /> <br /> Linda Young, D. Abreu, P. Arroway, A.C. Lamas and K.K. Lopiano. "Precise estimates of the number of farms in the United States" in August, 2010 at the Joint Statistical Meetings in Vancouver. (Invited) <br /> <br /> Kevin McCarter and E. Burris. "Accounting for spatial correlation using radial smoothers In statistical models used for developing variable-rate treatment prescriptions" at the 10th International Conference on Precision Agriculture in July, 2010 in Denver.<br /> <br /> Kathy Yeater, M. Anders and S. Brooks. "Resolving disease severity in 4ice within a multi-year, multi-cropping system experiment" at the Biometry Symposium entitled "Design and analysis of complex cropping system experiments" held in conjunction with the ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meetings in November, 2009 in Pittsburgh.<br /> <br /> D. Boykin, M. Camp, L. Johnson, Matt Kramer, David Meek, D. Palmquist, B. Vinyard, and Mark West. "Generalized mixed model estimation using PROC GLIMMIX, Part 1: Results when data and models match" at the Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture in April, 2010 in Manhattan, KS.<br /> <br /> Mark West, B. Vinyard, D. Palmquist, David Meek, Matt Kramer, L. Johnson, M. Camp and D. Boykin. "Generalized mixed model estimation using PROC GLIMMIX, Part 2: Results under model misspecification" at the Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture in April, 2010 in Manhattan, KS.<br /> <br /> David Meek. "Modern statistical graphics that provide insight" at the Biometry Symposium entitled "Design and analysis of complex cropping system experiments" held in conjunction with the ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meetings in November, 2009 in Pittsburgh.<br /> <br /> John Stevens. "Statistical issues in the normalization of multi-species microarray data" at the Mathematical Association of America Intermountain Section Meeting in March, 2010.<br /> <br /> A.A. Masud and John Stevens. "A comparison of weighted p-value and multi-stage analyses in multiple hypothesis testing" at the Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture in April, 2010 in Manhattan, KS.<br /> <br /> John Stevens and G.N. Nicholas. "Assessing and accounting for dependence in gene expression summaries" at the ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium in June, 2010.<br /> <br /> Larry Madden. "What is meta-analysis and how is it used for evidence synthesis" at the Annual Meeting of the American Phytopathological Society in August, 2009 in Portland, OR.<br /> <br /> Larry Madden. "Analysis of temporal observations in epidemics when there is no definable functional relationship between the variable and time: An argument for the use of radial smoothing" at the International Epidemiology Workshop in June 2009 at Cornell University.<br /> <br /> Matthew Kramer, S.C. Chen, S.K. Gebauer and D.J. Baer. "Estimating the subject by treatment interaction in non-replicated crossover diet studies" at the Joint Statistical Meetings in August, 2010 in Vancouver.<br /> <br /> Mark West. "Fitting mixed models with spatial data" at the Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory in Sidney, MT in April, 2010.<br /> <br /> Mark West. "Fitting linear models to experimental data" at the Center for Grain and Animal Health Research in Manhattan, KS in April, 2010.<br /> <br /> N.M. Bello, Rob Tempelman and J.P. Stieibel. "A hierarchical bivariate generalized linear mixed model for inferring upon heterogeneous covariances: Application in dairy production systems" at the Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture in April, 2010 in Manhattan, KS.<br /> <br /> W. Yang and Rob Tempelman. "A Bayesian antedependence model to account for linkage disequilibrum in whole genome selection" at the 9th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production in Leipzig, Germany in August, 2010.<br /> <br /> G.R. Olbricht, Bruce Craig and R.W. Doerge. "Modeling DNA methylation tiling array data" at the Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture in April, 2010 in Manhattan, KS.<br /> <br /> John Aleong. "The generalized linear mixed model with spatial-temporal data" at the Joint Statistics Meetings in August, 2010 in Vancouver.<br /> <br /> Other project related activities:<br /> <br /> David Meek is the incoming Chair of the A11 Section (Biometry) of the American Society of Agronomy. <br /> <br /> George Milliken taught a class on design of experiments, mixed models and analysis of messy data in February, 2009 for the African Centre for Crop Improvement, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.<br /> <br /> John Stevens received funding from the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station to continue a project entitled "Probe-Level Statistical Models for Differential Expression of Genes in Bovine NT Studies." This is in association with the W-1112 Multi-State Research Project Reproductive Performance in Domestic Ruminants. July 2010 - June 2011.<br /> <br /> Rob Tempelman was Chair and Organizer of "Statistical methods: Linear and nonlinear models" section at the 9th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production in August, 2010 in Leipzig, Germany.<br /> <br /> Specific goals for the next three years:<br /> <br /> (1) Publish a monograph/book targeted to agricultural scientists on transitioning from general linear models to generalized linear models.<br /> <br /> (2) Complete the revision of the mixed model workshop to include generalized linear mixed models and the use of new software.<br /> <br /> (3) Offer the mixed model workshop upon request from subject matter groups.<br /> <br /> (4) Educate project members in statistical issues and methodology related to statistical problems in which large number of variables are collected on relatively few experimental units. Application areas include biotechnology, precision agriculture and chemometrics.Publications
Aston K.I., Li G.P., Hicks B.A., Sessions B.R., Davis A.P., Rickords L.F., Stevens J.R.,and White K.L. (2010). Abnormal levels of transcript abundance of developmentally important genes in various stages of preimplantation bovine somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos. Cellular Reprogramming 2(1):23-32.<br /> <br /> Bangarwa, S.K., J.K. Norsworthy and E.E. Gbur (2009). Cover crop and herbicide combinations for weed control in polyethylene-mulched bell pepper. Hort Technology 19: 405-410.<br /> <br /> Bathke, A. C., O. Schabenberger, R.D. Tobias and L.V. Madden (2009). Greenhouse-Geisser adjustment and the ANOVA-type statistic: Cousins or twins? The American Statistician 63: 239-246.<br /> <br /> Bello, N.M., J.P. Steibel and R.J. Tempelman (2010). A hierarchical Bayesian approach to mixed effects modeling of random and residual variance-covariance matrices in bivariate mixed effects models. Biometrical Journal 52: 297-313.<br /> <br /> Brazil, S.M., C.D. Steelman, A.L. Szalanski and E.E. Gbur (2009). Detection of Cochlosoma anatis (Kotlan) in Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae) collected from commercial turkey farms in Arkansas. Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology 24(4): 217-225.<br /> <br /> Burris, E., D. Burns, K.S. McCarter, C. Overstreet and M. Wolcott (2010). Evaluation of the effects of Telone II (fumigation) on nitrogen management and yield in Louisiana delta cotton. Precision Agriculture 11: 239-257.<br /> <br /> Caesar, TC, S.E. Wright, U.M. Sainju, R.L. Kolberg and M.S. West (2010). Impacts of long-term no-tillage and conventional tillage management of spring wheat-lentil cropping systems in dryland Eastern Montana, USA, on fungi associated to soil aggregation. World Congress of Soil Science.<br /> <br /> Dominigue MJ, Kramer M, Feldlaufer MF (2010). Sexual dimorphism of arrestment and gregariousness in the bed bug (Cimex lectularius) in response to cuticular extracts from nymphal exuviae. Physiological Entomology. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3032.2010.00738.x<br /> <br /> Ehlenfeldt MK, Polashock JJ, Stretch AW, Kramer M (2010). Mummy berry fruit rot and shoot blight incidence in blueberry: prediction, ranking, and stability in a long-term study. HortScience 45(1): 9297.<br /> <br /> Fernando, F.F., G.J.M. Rosa, R.J. Tempelman and R.A.D. Torres (2009). Hierarchical Bayesian models for robust estimation and censored data analysis in animal breeding. Revista Brasileira de Zootechnia (Brazilian Journal of Animal Science) 38: 72-80.<br /> <br /> Fleming-Waddell JN, Olbricht GR, Taxis TM, White JD, Vuocolo T, Craig BA, Tellam RL, Neary MK, Cockett NE, and Bidwell CA (2009). Effect of DLK1 and RTL1 but not MEG3 or MEG8 on muscle gene expression in callipyge lambs. Plos ONE 4(10), e7399.<br /> <br /> Gerard, P. D. and Sharp, J. L. (2010). Testing for co-directional interactions using union-intersection and intersection-union methods. Journal of Applied Statistics. In press.<br /> <br /> Gilbert-Norton L., Wilson R., Stevens J.R. and Beard K.H. (2010). A meta-analytic review of corridor effectiveness. Conservation Biology 24(3):660-668.<br /> <br /> Greene SN, Ramos-Vara JA, Craig BA, Hooser SB, Anderson C, Fourez LM, Johnson BM, Stewart JC and Knapp DW (2009). Effects of cyclooxygenase inhibitor treatment on the renal toxicity of cisplatin in rats. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 10.1007/s00280-009-1061-2.<br /> <br /> Hammack, l., J.L. Pikul and M.S. West (2010). Phenology and abundance of bean leaf beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in eastern South Dakota on alfalfa and soybean relative to tillage, fertilization and yield. Environmental Entomology. In press.<br /> <br /> Kabara, E., C.C. Kloss, M. Wilson, R.J. Tempelman, S. Sreevatsan, H. Janagama, and P.M. Coussens (2010). A large-scale study of differential gene expression in monocyte derived macrophages infected with several strains of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis. Briefings in Functional Genomics 9: 220-237.<br /> <br /> Kramer M, Weldon PJ and Carroll JF (2009). Canonical discriminant analysis for constructing composite scores for concurrently measured behaviours. Animal Behaviour 77: 763-768. <br /> <br /> Kramer M, Feldlaufer MF and Chauhan KR (2010). Mosquito biting behavior: Statistical power and sources of variation in toxicity and repellent bioassays. Journal of Medical Entomology 47: 199-204.<br /> <br /> Lopiano, K.K., C.A. Gotway and L.J. Young (2010). A comparison of errors in variables methods for use in regression models with spatially misaligned data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. OnlineFirst as Doi:10.1177/0962280210370266.<br /> <br /> Madden, L.V. and P.A. Paul (2009). Assessing heterogeneity in the relationship between wheat yield and Fusarium head blight intensity using random-coefficient mixed models. Phytopathology 99: 850-860.<br /> <br /> Malone, R., D. Jaynes, L. Ma, T. Nolan, D. Meek and D. Karlen (2010). Soil-test N recommendations augmented with PEST optimized RZWQM simulations. Journal of Environmental Quality. In press.<br /> <br /> McCarter, K. and E. Burris (2010). Accounting for spatial correlation using radial smoothers In statistical models used for developing variable-rate treatment prescriptions. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Precision Agriculture.<br /> <br /> McDonald, M., K.R. Brye, D.M. Miller and E.E. Gbur (2009). Broiler litter application history and soil depth effects on arsenic adsorption in soil. Soil Science 174: 661-675.<br /> <br /> Miller, M.M., C.M. Murrieta, K.E. Bennett, M.A. Stuart and M.S. West (2010). Comparison of hamster anesthetics and their effect on mosquito blood feeding. Journal of Entomological Science. In press.<br /> <br /> Milliken, G., J. Willers, K. McCarter and J. Jenkins (2009). Designing experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of precision agricultural practices on research fields: Part 1 Concepts for their formulation. Operational Research, Business and Economics, 1109-2858 (Print) 1866-1505 (Online).<br /> <br /> Norman, R.J., C.E. Wilson, N.A. Slaton, B.R. Griggs, J.T. Bushong and E.E. Gbur (2009). Nitrogen fertilizer sources and timing before flooding dry-seeded, delayed-flood rice. Soil Science Society of America Journal 73: 2184-2190.<br /> <br /> Njuho, P.M. and G.A. Milliken (2009). Analysis of linear models with two factors having both fixed and random levels. Communications in StatisticsTheory and Methods 38: 23482365.<br /> <br /> Olbricht GR, Sardesai N, Gelvin SB, Craig BA and Doerge RW (2010). Statistical methods for affymetrix tiling array data. Proceedings of the 2009 Kansas State University Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture, Manhattan, KS.<br /> <br /> Shappell, N.W., K.H. Elder and M.S. West (2010). Estrogenicity and nutrient concentration of surface waters surrounding a large confinement dairy operation using best management practices for land application of animal wastes. Environmental Science and Technology. In press.<br /> <br /> Shivrain, V.K., N.R. Burgos, R.C. Scott, E.E. Gbur, L.E. Estorninos and M.R. McClelland (2010). Diversity of weedy red rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Arkansas, U.S.A. in relation to weed management. Crop Protection 29: 721-730.<br /> <br /> Singer, J., K. Kohler, K, Moore and D. Meek (2009). Living mulch forage yield and botanical composition in a corn-soybean-forage rotation. Agronomy Journal 101:1249-1257.<br /> <br /> Stevens J.R., Bell J.L., Aston K.I. and White K.L. (2010). A comparison of probe-level and probeset models for small-sample gene expression data. BMC Bioinformatics 11:281.<br /> <br /> Suwonsichon, S., E. Chambers, IV, D.H. Chambers and G.A. Milliken (2009). Effects of oral rinsing on the perception of residual cooling and burn in highly mentholated toothpaste. Journal of Sensory Studies 24: 290-300.<br /> <br /> Yang, W. and R.J. Tempelman (2010). A Bayesian antedependence model to account for linkage disequilibrum in whole genome selection. Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. Leipzig, Germany.<br /> <br /> Yocum, G.D., J.P. Rinehart, M.S. West and W.P. Kemp (2010). Interrupted incubation and short-term storage of the alfalfa pollinator, Megachile rotundata (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae): A potential tool for synchronizing bees with bloom. Journal of Economic Entomology. In press.<br /> <br /> Young, L.J., C.A. Gotway, J. Yang, G. Kearney and C. DuClos (2009). Linking health and environmental data in geographical analysis: Its so much more than centroids. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology 1: 73-84.<br /> <br /> Young, L.J. and C.B. Fisher (2010). Advancing the science of EPA guidelines for sponsor-financed topical insect repellent efficacy studies. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 56: 51-53.<br /> <br /> Young, L.J., C.A. Gotway and K.K. Lopiano (2010). Challenges associated with integrating data from multiple scales to assess relationships. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Leicester, UK.<br /> <br /> Young, L.J., C.A. Gotway, K.K. Lopiano. G. Kearney and C. DuClos (2010). Assessing the association between environmental exposures and human health. 19th International Conference on Computational Statistics. Paris, France.Impact Statements
- NCCC-170 fosters research to identify and develop statistical methodology applicable to agricultural research and provides a forum for sharing and educating both statisticians and subject-matter scientists in the agricultural, environmental and natural sciences. As a result, all members are able to provide more effective assistance to agricultural researchers addressing national research priorities than they would without NCCC-170.
Date of Annual Report: 10/12/2011
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 07/07/2011
- 07/08/2011
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2010 - 09/01/2011
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2010 - 09/01/2011
Nora Bello (KS), John Boyer (KS, Admin), Bruce Craig (IN), Xin Dai (UT), Susan Durham (UT), Ed Gbur (AR), Raul Macchiavelli (PR), Bahman Shafii (ID), Julia Sharp (SC), Rob Tempelman (MI), Linda Young (FL), John Stevens (UT), Walter Stroup (NE)Brief Summary of Minutes
Technical program:The meeting began at 8:30 am on Thursday, July 7, 2011 with opening remarks by Marshall Martin, Associate Director of Agricultural Research Programs, and Bruce Craig.
The technical program consisted of the following presentations.
Nora Bello Hierarchical Bayesian modeling of heterogeneity in the association between milk production and reproduction in dairy cattle
Bryan Pijanowski Studying soundscape dynamics: How 3 TB of acoustic information at a point can be overwhelming to analyze
Linda Young Assessing uncertainty in a spatial setting when both Berkson and classical measurement error are present
Julia Sharp Statistically inferring protein-protein associations from affinity isolation LC-MS/MS experiments
Walt Stroup GLMM: Insights & unfinished business - some reflections from the GLIMMIX book experience
Business meeting:
The business meeting began at 9:00 am on Friday, July 8, 2011. Ed Gbur presided. Bruce Craig and John Stevens were thanked for organizing a productive and enjoyable meeting. Minutes from the 2010 meeting were approved.
Ed invited the speakers to send their presentations for posting on the project web site and all participants to send any photographs taken during the meeting.
The following items were discussed:
(1) Julia Sharp presented a proposal from SCC-013 (USSES) to meet jointly with them next year at SAS Institute. Their meeting is tentatively scheduled for June 28-29, 2012. The content of the technical program was discussed. It was decided that if the SAS personnel associated with the development of GLIMMIX and their high performance module would give presentations, then NCCC-170 would be in favor of a joint meeting. Julia will find out if SAS is agreeable to this proposal and report back to the group sometime in August. Rob Tempelman agreed to host the 2013 meeting at Michigan State if we met jointly next year with USSES. If we do not meet jointly, the meeting at Michigan State would be held on July 12-13, 2012. Bruce Craig agreed to serve as program chair.
(2) Ed Gbur reported that the NCCC-170 was renewed for another five years, beginning October 1, 2011. The project number will be retained under the renewal. Current project members were not automatically rolled over into the renewed project. Anyone who has not filled out a new Appendix E to become an official member is encouraged to do so as soon as possible.
(3) The group reviewed and discussed specific goals for the next three years and impact statements. The annual report and impact statement are due shortly after the annual meeting. Participants need to send Ed (egbur@uark.edu) accountings of all activities (workshops, papers, presentations, teaching related items, etc.) from October 1, 2010 to September 30, 2011 (or since last year's report) that are related to or inspired by their participation in NCCC-170 as soon as possible.
(4) Ed Gbur reported that the completed generalized linear mixed model monograph manuscript was sent to the Agronomy Society at the end of June. The title is Analysis of Generalized Linear Mixed Models in the Agricultural and Natural Resources Sciences. Project members involved in the writing are Mary Christman, Susan Durham, Ed Gbur, Matt Kramer, Kevin McCarter, Walt Stroup, Mark West and Linda Young. Publication is scheduled to coincide with the Society's annual meeting in October.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:35 a.m. A group photograph for the project web site was taken immediately afterward.
Accomplishments: Statisticians who consult and do research in an Agricultural Experiment Station environment enable land grant institutions to perform their agricultural research missions more effectively and efficiently than would otherwise be possible. However, most stations have at most one or two professional statisticians who are not, and can not be expected to be, experts in every area of statistics. This multi-state committee brings together statisticians to work cooperatively to determine the best current approaches to common statistical problems and to help guide future directions of sound statistical practice. In addition to producing group outputs such as workshops, the committee serves as a resource for its members and a sounding board for new ideas in their applied statistical research. As a result, all members are able to provide more effective assistance to agricultural researchers addressing national research priorities than they would be without NCCC-170.<br /> <br /> Outputs:<br /> Workshops:<br /> <br /> Nora Bello, Bruce Craig and Rob Tempelman presented a "Mixed Model Workshop" at the Joint Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science Association and the American Association of Animal Science in New Orleans in July 2011 (day and a half workshop). There were 80 registrants.<br /> <br /> Larry Madden presented a half-day workshop entitled "Mixed Models for Data Analysis in Plant Pathology" at the Annual Meeting of the American Phytopathological Society in Charlotte, NC, in August 2010. <br /> <br /> Rob Tempelman presented a workshop entitled "Introduction to SAS" for faculty, post-doctoral associates and graduates at Michigan State University, MSU Center for Statistical Consulting and Training (CSTAT) in November 2010. There were 40 participants.<br /> <br /> Walt Stroup, Mary Christman, and Kevin McCarter presented a one day workshop entitled "The Next Generation of Statistics in our Sciences - Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMM); A one-day workshop using SAS PROC GLIMMIX with data examples from the plant and natural resources sciences" at the American Society of Agronomy annual meeting in Long Beach, CA in October 2010.<br /> <br /> Presentations:<br /> <br /> Christman, MC. Generalized Linear Mixed Models to Analyze Weekly counts in a Split Plot Design at a symposium entitled "Biometry and Statistical Computing" at the ASA, CSSA, and SSSA international annual meetings in Long Beach, CA in November 2010 (Invited).<br /> <br /> Madden, L.V. Contemporary approaches to plant disease forecasting: A case study with Fusarium head blight of wheat at China Agricultural University (CAU) and Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), Beijing (Invited seminars), March 2010.<br /> <br /> McCarter, K. Using Semi-Parametric Models to Account for Spatial Variability in Developing Variable-Rate Treatment Prescriptions for Applications in Precision Agriculture at a symposium entitled "Biometry and Statistical Computing" at the ASA, CSSA, and SSSA international annual meetings in Long Beach, CA in November 2010 (Invited).<br /> <br /> Shafii, B., W. J. Price, and S.S. Seefeldt. Estimation techniques for dose-response functions at a symposium at the fifty-first annual meeting of the Weed Science Society of America, February 2011, Portland, OR (Invited).<br /> <br /> Stevens, J. Making the Most of Missing Data in Dose-Response Modeling (A Story of Beetles Down Under) at the ASA Utah Chapter Annual Meeting in November, 2010 in Salt Lake City (Chapter President's Address).<br /> <br /> Stevens, J. Statistical Issues in the Normalization of Multi-Species Microarray Data at Myriad Genetics in December, 2010 in Salt Lake City (Invited).<br /> <br /> Stroup, W.W. From ANOVA to GLM to GLIMMIX: Eighty Years of Statistical Modeling in Agronomic Research at a symposium entitled "Biometry and Statistical Computing" at the ASA, CSSA, and SSSA international annual meetings in Long Beach, CA in November 2010. (Invited).<br /> <br /> Yeater, K. and S. Duke. Statistical Considerations for On-Farm Research at a symposium entitled "Developing On-Farm Research and Education Plots" at the ASA, CSSA, and SSSA international annual meetings in Long Beach, CA in November 2010. (Invited).<br /> <br /> Gbur, E.E. The role of data and statistics in agricultural research at the Non-classified Support Staff Professional Development Workshop (University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture) in Stuttgart, AR in February, 2011.<br /> <br /> Kramer, M., S.C. Chen, S. Gebauer and D. Baer. Estimating the subject by treatment interaction in non-replicated crossover diet studies at the 2010 Joint Statistical Meetings in Vancouver.<br /> <br /> Kramer, M., S.C. Chen, S. Gebauer and D. Baer. Estimating the subject by treatment interaction in non-replicated crossover diet studies at the Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture in Manhattan, KS, April 2011.<br /> <br /> <br /> Macchiavelli, R. and J. A. Chavarría-Carvajal. Fitting disease progress curves to describe Black Sigatoka (Mycosphaerellafijiensis) epidemics on banana in Puerto Rico at the Joint annual meeting of American Phytopathological Society - Caribbean Division and Entomological Society of America, 2011.<br /> <br /> Madden, L.V. Data mining of weather and climatic data to improve risk prediction of Fusarium head blight at the National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, December 2010, Milwaukee, WI.<br /> <br /> Madden, L.V. Contemporary approaches to forecasting Fusarium head blight of wheat: The cost of decision making at a Symposium at University Federal De Vicosa, Brazil, April 2010.<br /> <br /> Madden, L.V. Meta-Analysis in Plant Pathology at the Plant Disease Epidemiology Conference in Bento Gonçalves, Brazil, October 2010.<br /> <br /> Madden, L.V. Sampling for Detecting Fungicide Resistance at the Annual Meeting of the American Phytopathological Society, Honolulu, HI, August 2011.<br /> <br /> Meek, D. Some graphical analysis for time response curves at the Iowa SAS® Users Group annual conference in Des Moines, IA, May 2011. <br /> <br /> Meek, D. Are eddy covariance series stationary? at the ASA, CSSA, and SSSA international annual meetings in Long Beach, CA in November 2010.<br /> <br /> Meek, D. Two EDF Graphs for Assessing Agreement between Paired Data at the MidWest SAS® Users Group annual conference in Milwaukee, WI in October 2010.<br /> <br /> Stevens, J., J. Rounds, and D.I. Schlipalius. Penalized EM in Binomial Models with Missing Categorical Covariates at the 2010 Joint Statistical Meetings in Vancouver.<br /> <br /> West, M. Repeated measures analysis at the USDA-ARS Center for Grain and Animal Health Research, Manhattan, KS, May 2011.<br /> <br /> Technical Reports:<br /> <br /> Christman, M. C. and Colee, J. 2011. Statistical Analyses for Status and Trend of Coral Reef Data Collected Between 1996 and 2009 in The Dry Tortugas, Florida Keys and Biscayne Bay. A Report for the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project (FKNMS CREMP). 550 pp.<br /> <br /> Other project related activities:<br /> <br /> John Stevens received funding from the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station for a project involving statistical methods for next-generation sequencing data. This is in association with the W-1112 Multi-State Research Project "Reproductive Performance in Domestic Ruminants." July 2011 - June 2012.<br /> <br /> John Stevens (with his co-authors) received the 2010 "Outstanding Paper in Landscape Ecology" award from the U.S. International Association for Landscape Ecology for "A Meta-Analytic Review of Corridor Effectiveness", published in Conservation Biology 24(3):660-668.<br /> <br /> David Meek served as Chair of the Biometry and Statistical Computing Section of the American Society of Agronomy. Kathy Yeater is Chair-elect of the section.Publications
Bangarwa, S.K., J.K. Norsworthy, E.E. Gbur and J.D. Mattice (2010). Phenyl isothiocyanate performance on purple nutsedge under virtually impermeable film mulch. HortTech, 20, 402-408. <br /> <br /> Boykin, D., M. Camp, L. Johnson, M. Kramer, D. Meek,. D. Palmquist, B. Vinyard, and M. West (2011). Generalized linear mixed model estimation using Proc GLIMMIX: Results from simulations when the data and model match, and when the model is misspecified. In: W.Song and G.L. Gadbury (eds.), Proceedings of the Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture, Department of Statistics, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS. 137-170.<br /> <br /> Brando, P. M., Goetz, S., Baccini, A., Nepstad, D. C., Beck, P. S. A., and Christman, M. C. (2010). Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Climate and Vegetation Indices across the Amazon. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107, 14685-14690.<br /> <br /> Brooks, S.A., Anders, M.M., Yeater, K.M. (2010). Effect of furrow irrigation on the severity of false smut in susceptible rice varieties. Plant Disease 94(5):570-574.<br /> <br /> <br /> Brooks, S.A, Anders, M.M., and Yeater, K.M. (2011). Influences from long-term crop rotation, soil tillage and fertility on the severity of rice grain smuts. Plant Disease. In press.<br /> <br /> Brye, K.R. and E.E. Gbur (2010). Regional differences in soil carbon and nitrogen storage as affected by landuse and soil moisture regime. Soil Science, 175, 339-348.<br /> <br /> Brye, K.R. and E.E. Gbur (2011). Near-surface soil property changes over time as affected by grassland management in the Ozark Highlands. Soil Science, 176(3), 129-135.<br /> <br /> Bushman, B. S., Larson, S. R., Tuna, M., West, M. S., Hernandez, A. G., Vullaganti, D., et al. (2011). Orchardgrass (dactylis glomerata L.) EST and SSR marker development, annotation, and transferability. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 123(1), 119-129.<br /> <br /> Caesar-TonThat, T., Sainju, U. M., Wright, S. F., Shelver, W. L., Kolberg, R. L., and West, M. (2011). Long-term tillage and cropping effects on microbiological properties associated with aggregation in a semi-arid soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 47(2), 157-165.<br /> <br /> Conles, M., C. Cragnolini, V. Yossen, M. Balzarini, R. Macchiavelli (2011). Estimación de curvas de progreso de la incidencia de podredumbre blanca (Sclerotiumcepivorum) en cultivos de ajo mediante un modelo no lineal mixto. Agriscientiea XXVIII: 61-74 (Estimation of incidence progress curves of white rot (Sclerotiumcepivorum Berk.) in garlic crops using a nonlinear mixed model.) <br /> <br /> Culver, D. C., Holsinger, J. R., Christman, M. C., Pipan, T. (2010). Morphological Differences Among Eyeless Amphipods in the Genus Stygobromus Dwelling in Different Subterranean Habitats. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 30(1), 68-74.<br /> <br /> Daigh, A.L., K.R. Brye, A.N. Sharpley and E.E. Gbur (2010). Broiler litter composition as affected by water extractant, dilution ratio and extraction time. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 41, 2340-2357.<br /> <br /> Estevez, I. , Mallapur, A., Miller, C. P., and Christman, M. C. (2010). Short- and long-term movement patterns in complex confined environments in broiler chickens: The effects of distribution of cover panels and food resources. Poultry Science, 89(4), 643-650.<br /> <br /> French S.S., Gonzalez-Suarez M., Young J.K., Durham S., and Gerber L.R. (2011). Human disturbance influences reproductive success and growth rate in California sea lions (Zalophus californianus). PLoS ONE 6(3): e17686. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0017686.<br /> <br /> Gerard, P. D. and Sharp, J. L. (2011). Testing for Co-Directional Interactions Using Union-Intersection and Intersection-Union Methods. Journal of Applied Statistics 38(7): 1347. DOI: 10.1080/02664763.2010.498506<br /> <br /> Gitau, M.W., I. Chaubey, E.E. Gbur and J.H. Pennington (2010). Impacts of land use change and BMP implementation in a CEAP watershed: Northwest Arkansas. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 65, 353-368.<br /> <br /> Hinchliffe, D.J., Meredith Jr, W.R., Yeater, K.M., Kim, H. (2010). Near-Isogenic Cotton Germplasm Lines that Differ in Fiber-Bundle Strength have Temporal Differences in Fiber Gene Expression Pattern as Revealed by Comparative High-Throughput Profiling. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 120:1347-1366.<br /> <br /> Horax, R., N. Hettiarachchy, K. Over, P.Y. Chen and E. Gbur (2010). Extraction, fractionation and characterization of bitter melon seed proteins. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 83, 1892-1897. <br /> <br /> Huwe, J. K., and West, M. (2011). Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in U.S. meat and poultry from two statistically designed surveys showing trends and levels from 2002 to 2008. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59(10), 5428-5434.<br /> <br /> Jerez Rico, M., Ana Moret Barillas, O. Carrero Gámez, R. Macchiavelli, A. Quevedo Rojas (2011). Site index curves based on mixed models for teak plantations in the Venezuelan plains. Agrociencia 45:135-145.<br /> <br /> Jia, L., Yan, W., Agrama, H.A., Yeater, K.M., Li, X., Hu, B., Moldenhauer, K., Mcclung, A.M., Wu, D. (2011). Searching for Germplasm Resistant to Sheath Blight from the USDA Rice Core Collection. Crop Science 51:1507-1517. <br /> <br /> Kriss, A. B., Paul, P. A., and Madden, L. V. (2010). Relationship between yearly fluctuations in Fusarium head blight intensity and environmental variables: A window-pane analysis. Phytopathology 100: 784-797. <br /> <br /> Leone, E., Christman, M. C., Douglass, L., and Estevez, I. (2010). Separating the Impact of Group Size, Density, and Enclosure Size on Broiler Movement and Space Use at a Decreasing Perimeter to Area Ratio. Behavioural Processes. 83, 16-22.<br /> <br /> Li, X., Yan, W., Agrama, H., Jia, L., Shen, X., Jackson, A.K., Moldenhauer, K., Yeater, K.M., Mcclung, A.M., Wu, D.( 2011). Mapping QTLs for improving grain yield using the USDA rice mini-core collection. Planta. DOI 10.1007/s00425-011-1405-0. <br /> <br /> Madden, L. V., and Paul, P. A. (2010). An assessment of mixed-modeling approaches for characterizing profiles of time-varying response and predictor variables. Phytopathology 100: 1015-1029.<br /> <br /> Madden, L. V., and Paul, P. A. (2011). Meta-analysis for evidence synthesis in plant pathology: An overview. Phytopathology 101: 16-30. <br /> <br /> McRoberts, N., Hall, C., Madden, L.V., and Hughes, G. (2011). Perceptions of disease risk: From social construction of subjective judgments to rational decision making. Phytopathology 101: 654-665.<br /> <br /> Morgan, J. A., Lecain, D. R., Pendall, E., Blumenthal, D. M., Kimball, B. A., Carrillo, Y., Williams, D.G., Heisler-White, J., Dijkstra, F.A., and West, M. (2011). C4 grasses prosper as carbon dioxide eliminates desiccation in warmed semi-arid grassland. Nature, 476(7359), 202-205.<br /> <br /> Nelson, J.C., Mcclung, A.M., Fjellstrom, R.G., Moldenhauer, K.K., Boza, E., Jodari, F., Oard, J.H., Linscombe, S., Scheffler, B.E., Yeater, K.M. (2011). Mapping QTL main and interaction influences on milling quality in elite U.S. rice germplasm. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 122(2):291-309. <br /> <br /> <br /> Ngugi, H.K., Lehman, B.L., and Madden, L.V. (2011). Multiple treatment meta-analysis of products evaluated for control of fire blight in the Eastern United States. Phytopathology 101: 512-522.<br /> <br /> Paul, P. A., Hershman, D. E., McMullen, M. P., and Madden, L. V. (2010). Meta-analysis of the effects of triazole-based fungicides on wheat yield and test weight as influenced by Fusarium head blight intensity.Phytopathology 100: 160-171.<br /> <br /> Phlips, E. J., Badylak, S., Christman, M. C., Wolny, J., Brame, J., Garland, J., Hall, L., Hart, J., Landsberg, J., Lasi, M., Lockwood, J., Paperno, R., Scheidt, D., Staples, A., Steidinger, K. (2011). Scales of temporal and spatial variability in the distribution of harmful algae species in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida, USA. Harmful Algae 10, 277-290.<br /> <br /> Phlips, E. J., Badylak, S., Christman, M. C. and Lasi, M. A. (2010). Climatic trends and temporal patterns of phytoplankton composition, abundance and succession in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida, USA. Estuaries and Coasts. 33(2), 498-512.<br /> <br /> Rinehart, J. P., Yocum, G. D., West, M., and Kemp, W. P. (2011). A fluctuating thermal regime improves survival of cold-mediated delayed emergence in developing megachile rotundata (hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Journal of Economic Entomology, 104(4), 1162-1166.<br /> <br /> Rogovska, N., D. Laird, R. Cruise, P. Fleming, T. Parkin, and D. Meek (2011). Impact of Biochar on Manure Carbon Stabilization and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Sci. Soc. Am. J. 75(3): 871-879.<br /> <br /> Schneider, K., Christman, M. C. and Fagan, W. F. (2011). How resource subsidies affect invertebrate communities in caves: Results from an ecosystem-level manipulation experiment. Ecology, 92(3), 765-776.<br /> <br /> Schörgendorfer, A., Madden, L. V., and Bathke, A. C. (2011). Choosing appropriate covariance matrices in a nonparametric analysis of factorials in block designs. Journal of Applied Statistics: 38: 833-850.<br /> <br /> Singer, J.S., K.A. Kohler, and D.W. Meek (2011). Minimizing inter-specific competition in soybean by optimizing cover crop self-seeding. Agron. J. 103 (4) 1186-1191.<br /> <br /> Singer, J.W., D.W. Meek, T.J. Sauer, J.H. Prueger, and J.L. Hatfield (2011). Variability of light interception and radiation use efficiency in maize and soybean. Field Crops Rsrch. 121: 147-152.<br /> <br /> <br /> Sivy K.J., Ostoja S.M., Schupp E.W., and Durham S. (2011). Effects of rodent species, seed species, and predator cues on seed fate. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology 37:321-328.<br /> <br /> Warnock, M. K. Davis, D. Wolf and E. Gbur (2011). Soil burial effects on biodegradation and properties of three cellulosic fabrics. AATCC Review, 11(1), 53-57.<br /> <br /> Wendland, L. D., Wooding, J., White, C. L., Demcovitz, D., Littell, R., Berish, J. D., Ozgul, A., Oli, M. K., Klein, P. A., Christman, M. C. and Brown, M. B. (2010). Social Behaviour Drives the Dynamics of Respiratory Disease in Threatened Tortoises. Ecology, 91, 1257-1262.<br /> <br /> <br /> Xiao X., White E.P., Hooten M.B., and Durham S.L. (2011). On the use of log-transformation vs. nonlinear regression for analyzing biological power laws. Ecology. In press.<br /> <br /> Zagmajster, M., Culver, D. C., Christman, M. C., Sket, B. (2010). Using information on sampling intensity for exploring species richness patterns - can we trust what we see and where can we expect more? Biological Conservation, 19, 3035-3048.Impact Statements
- NCCC-170 fosters research to identify and develop statistical methodology applicable to agricultural research and provides a forum for sharing and educating both statisticians and subject-matter scientists in the agricultural, environmental and natural sciences. As a result, all members are able to provide more effective assistance to agricultural researchers addressing national research priorities than they would be without NCCC-170.