NE1025: Biology, Ecology and Management of Emerging Pests of Annual Bluegrass on Golf Courses
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Crouch, J., B.B. Clarke, and B.I. Hillman. 2005. Biology and Phylogenetic relationships of Colletotrichum isolates from turfgrass in North America. J. Int. Turf Soc. 10:186-195.
Landschoot, P.J., and P.J. Cook. 2005. Sorting out the phosphonate products. Golf Course Management. 73 (11):73-77.
Cook, P.J., P.J. Landschoot, and M. Schlossberg. 2006. Phosphonate products for disease control and putting green quality. Golf Course Management. 74 (4):93-96.
Crouch, J., B.B. Clarke, and B.I. Hillman. 2006. Unraveling the evolutionary relationships among the divergent lineages of Colletotrichum causing anthracnose disease in turfgrass and maize. Phytopathology 96:46-60
Journal articles (refereed)
Crouch, J., B.B. Clarke and B.I. Hillman. 2005. Biology and phylogenetic relationships of Colletotrichum isolates from turfgrass in North America. J. Int. Turf Soc. 10:186-195.
Crouch, J., B.B. Clarke and B.I. Hillman. 2006. Unraveling the evolutionary relationships among the divergent lineages of Colletotrichum causing anthracnose disease in turfgrass and maize. Phytopathology 96:46-60.
Crouch, J.A., B.B. Clarke and B.I. Hillman. 2007. Transposons and sex: What do they mean for Colletotrichum cereale?. Phytopathology (in press).
Crouch, J.A., M.R. Thon, B.B. Clarke, L.J. Vaillancourt and B.I. Hillman. 2007. Genomic architecture of the mating-type gene cluster in graminicolous species of the genus Colletotrichum and across the Ascomycota. Phytopathology (in press).
Diaz, M.D. and D.C. Peck. 2007. Overwintering of annual bluegrass weevils, Listronotus maculicollis (Dietz) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in the golf course landscape. Entomol. Exp. et Appl. (in press).
Hao, L., T. Hsiang and P.H. Goodwin. 2006. Role of two cysteine proteinases in the susceptible response of Nicotiana benthamiana to Colletotrichum destructivum and hypersensitive response to Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato. Plant Science 170:1001-1009.
Journal articles (non-refereed)
Cook, P.J., P.J. Landschoot and M. Schlossberg. 2006. Phosphonate products for disease control and putting green quality. Golf Course Management 74 (4):93-96.
Crouch, J.A., P.R. Johnston and B.I. Hillman. 2007. Species concepts in the genus Colletotrichum: Are we finally moving towards a consistent and accurate system of classification after 50 years of von Arxian generalizations? Innoculum (in press).
Kaminski, J.E. 2006. Anthracnose: a five-year multistate initiative. Connecticut Clippings.
Kaminski, J.E. 2006. Anthracnose: a five-year multistate initiative. Long Island Golf Course Superintendents Newsletter.
Kaminski, J.E. 2006. Anthracnose: a five-year multistate initiative. Vermont Golf Course Superintendents Association Newsletter.
Kaminski, J.E. 2007. The increasing problems with anthracnose basal rot. Bayer GOLF ADVANTAGE.
Kaminski, J.E. and M.G. Keneally. 2007. Preventive control of anthracnose basal rot on an annual bluegrass putting green, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports 1:T012.
Koppenhöfer A.M. and B.A. McGraw. 2006. Management of the annual bluegrass weevil on golf courses: Developing new approaches. Clippings & Green World 61:20-22.
Koppenhöfer A.M. and B.A. McGraw. 2007. Development of new management tools for the annual bluegrass weevil on golf courses. The Greenerside 31(2):4-11.
Landschoot, P.J. and P.J. Cook. 2005. Sorting out the phosphonate products. Golf Course Management 73(11):73-77.
Peck, D.C. and M.D. Diaz. 2007. Dont fear the weevil!: Managing the annual bluegrass weevil. Cornell University Turfgrass Times 18(1): 4 pp.
Swier, S.R., A. Rollins and A. Collins. 2007. Efficacy of DPX E2Y45, Provaunt, and Arena compared to Dylox as a rescue treatment for annual bluegrass weevil, 2006. Arthropod Management Tests 32 (in press).
Clarke, B.B., P.R. Majumdar, D. Fitzgerald, M. Peacos, P. Goldberg, K. Gaugler, L. Jepsen and J. Inguagiato. 2006. Management of anthracnose basal rot on an annual bluegrass green with selected fungicides, p. 193-200. In: Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings, 2005, A.G. Gould, ed. Center for Turfgrass Science and the New Jersey Turfgrass Association, New Brunswick, NJ. Vol. 37.
Crouch, J.A., F. Wong, L.P. Tredway, T. Hsiang, B.B. Clarke and B.I. Hillman. 2006. Assessing population structure among divergent lineages of Colletotrichum cereale pathogenic to cool-season turfgrass species in North America, p. 34. In: Proc. 15th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symp., B. Park and B. Fitzgerald, eds. Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
Crouch, J.A., B.B. Clarke and B.I. Hillman. 2007. Evolution of host specialization in Colletotrichum cereale associated with grasses from golf course greens, cereal crops and native prairies, p. 41. In: Proc. 16th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symp., J. Heckman, M. Provance-bwoley, B. Fitzgerald, eds. Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
Hillman, B.I., J.A. Crouch and B.B. Clarke. 2006. Colletotrichum cereale, the causal agent of turfgrass anthracnose: Some properties of the pathogen in agronomic and wild grasses, p. 26. In: Proc. 15th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symp., B. Park and B. Fitzgerald, eds. Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
Inguagiato, J.C., J.A. Murphy and B. B. Clarke. 2006. Development of best management practices for controlling anthracnose and maintenance of ball roll distance, p. 38. In: Proc. 15th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symp., B. Park and B.
Fitzgerald, eds. Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
Inguagiato, J.C., J.A. Murphy and B.B. Clarke. 2007. Developing best management practices for anthracnose control on annual bluegrass greens: summarizing four years of field research, pp. 26-29. In: Proc. 16th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symp., J. Heckman, M. Provance-bwoley, B. Fitzgerald, eds. Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
Koppenhöfer, A.M. and B.A. McGraw. 2006. Development of new management tools for the annual bluegrass weevil on golf courses, pp. 179-181. In: Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings, 2005, A.G. Gould, ed. Center for Turfgrass Science and the New Jersey Turfgrass Association, New Brunswick, NJ. Vol. 37.
McGraw, B.A. and A.M. Koppenhöfer. 2007. Biological control of the annual bluegrass weevil using entomopathogenic nematodes, pp. 33-34. In: Proc. 16th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symp., J. Heckman, M. Provance-bwoley, B. Fitzgerald, eds. Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
Peck, D.C. and M. Diaz. 2005. Challenges and perspectives for managing the annual bluegrass weevil, pp. 23-24. In: Proc 14th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium, D. Gimenez and B. Fitzgerald, eds. Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
Published abstracts
Crouch, J., B.B. Clarke and B.I. Hillman. 2006. Evolution of host specialization in sympatric species of the fungus Colletotrichum associated with grasses in prairies and monocultured agroecosystems. The Land Institute Natural Systems Agriculture Workshop, June 11-17, 2006, Matfield Green, KS.
Crouch, J., B.B. Clarke and B.I. Hillman. 2006. Evolutionary relationships of fungi in the genus Colletotrichum from diverse grass communities. Innoculum 57(4):14-15. http://www.msafungi.org/57(4).pdf
Crouch, J.A., B.B. Clarke and B.I. Hillman. 2007. Implications of repeat-induced point mutated transposable elements during the evolution of Colletotrichum cereale. Fungal Genetics Newsletter, 24th Fungal Genetics Conference, March 20-25, 2007, Asilomar, CA. http://www.fgsc.net/asil2007/xxivFGCposterAbs.htm
Crouch, J.A., B.B. Clarke and B.I. Hillman. 2007. Implications of repeat-induced point mutated transposable elements during the evolution of Colletotrichum cereale. Theobald Smith Society Waksman Lectureship Meeting, May 3, 2007, New Brunswick, NJ. http://users.tellurian.com/tss/Abstracts.pdf
Crouch, J.A., B.B. Clarke and B.I. Hillman. 2007. Patterns of recombination and population differentiation among Colletotrichum cereale isolates from 27 host plant genera. Fungal Genetics Newsletter, 24th Fungal Genetics Conference, March 20-25, 2007, Asilomar, CA. http://www.fgsc.net/asil2007/xxivFGCposterAbs.htm
Crouch, J.A., P.R. Johnston and B.I. Hillman. 2007. Striking a balance between phylogenetic history, character diagnosis and rank-based systems of taxonomical nomenclature in the genus Colletotrichum. Colletotrichum Workshop, 24th Fungal Genetics Conference, March 26, 2007, Asilomar, CA. http://www.colletotrichum.org/
Crouch, J.A., B.B. Clarke and B.I. Hillman. 2007. Evolution of Colletotrichum associated with grasses from golf course greens, cereal crops and native prairies. Mid-Atlantic States Mycology Conference, Mycological Society of America, April 21-22, 2007, Beltsville, MD.
Crouch, J.A., B.B. Clarke and B.I. Hillman. 2007. Evolution of host specialization in Colletotrichum cereale associated with grasses from golf course greens, cereal crops and native prairies. Microbiology at Rutgers University: Cultivating traditions, current strength, and future frontiers. Theobald Smith Society, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J.
Crouch, J.A., M.R. Thon, M. Groenner-Penna, B.B. Clarke, A. Vilas-Boas, L.J. Vaillancourt and B.I. Hillman. 2007. Characterizing the mating-type locus of the graminicolous Colletotrichum: Patterns of sex, selection and host specialization. Fungal Genetics Newsletter, 24th Fungal Genetics Conference, March 20-25, 2007, Asilomar, CA. http://www.fgsc.net/asil2007/xxivFGCposterAbs.htm
Inguagiato, J.C., J.A. Murphy and B.B. Clarke. 2006. Effect of mowing and rolling practices on anthracnose severity of an annual bluegrass putting green. Phytopathology 96(6):S 96.
Inguagiato, J.C., J.A. Murphy and B.B. Clarke. 2006. Effect of chemical growth regulation strategies on anthracnose severity of annual bluegrass putting green turf. Agronomy Abstracts 98:C0570-22 (http://www.asa-cssa-sssa.org/anmeet).
Manuscripts in review
Crouch, J.A., B.M. Glasheen, M.A. Giunta, B.B. Clarke and B.I. Hillman. Submitted. The evolution of transposon repeat-induced point mutation in the genome of Colletotrichum cereale: Reconciling sex, recombination and homoplasy in an "asexual" pathogen. Fungal Genet. Biol. (in revision, 46 manuscript pages).
Crouch, J.A., B.M. Glasheen, W. Udin, B.B. Clarke and B.I. Hillman. Submitted. Patterns of diversity in lineages of Colletotrichum cereale as revealed by RIP-mutated transposable elements. Fungal Genet. Biol. (in revision, 35 manuscript pages).
Inguagiato, J.C., J.A. Murphy and B.B. Clarke. Submitted. Anthracnose severity on annual bluegrass influenced by nitrogen fertilization, growth regulators, and verticutting. Crop Sci. (in review, 39 manuscript pages).
Diaz, M.D. 2006. Population dynamics, phenology and overwintering behavior of the annual bluegrass weevil, Listronotus maculicollis Dietz (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in the golf course landscape. M.S. thesis, Field of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 92 pp.
Kaminski, J. and T. Hsiang, T. 2007. A Five-Year North American Research Initiative on Annual Bluegrass Pests. http://www.uoguelph.ca/~thsiang/turf/anth2007/ (online as of 2007/5/4).
Peck, D.C., M.D. Diaz & M. Seto. 2007. Annual bluegrass weevil (also known as the Hyperodes weevil), Listronotus maculicollis Dietz. Electronic factsheet (English and Spanish versions), NYS IPM Program Fact Sheet Series (www.nysipm.cornell.edu/factsheets/turfgrass/default.asp).
Clarke, B. B., P. R. Majumdar, A. R. Scholz, M. Peacos, A. Matlack, L. Jepsen, D. Fitzgerald, S. Camuso, J. Inguagiato, and T. J. Lawson. 2007. Influence of fungicides and biorational products on the development of anthracnose basal rot on an annual bluegrass green. Pages 199-207 in: Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings, 2006. A. B. Gould, ed. Center for Turfgrass Science and the New Jersey Turfgrass Association, New Brunswick, N. J. Vol. 38.
Crouch, J.A., Clarke, B.B. and Hillman, B.I 2007. Evolution of Colletotrichum associated with grasses from golf course greens, cereal crops and native prairies. Mid-Atlantic States Mycology Conference, Mycological Society of America, April 21-22, 2007, Beltsville, MD.
Crouch, J.A., Clarke, B.B. and Hillman, B.I. 2007. Evolution of host specialization in Colletotrichum cereale associated with grasses from golf course greens, cereal crops and native prairies. Microbiology at Rutgers University: Cultivating traditions, current strength, and future frontiers. Theobald Smith Society, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J.
Crouch, J.A., Clarke, B.B. and Hillman, B.I. 2007. Evolution of host specialization in Colletotrichum cereale associated with grasses from golf course greens, cereal crops and native prairies. Pg. 41 in: Proc. 16th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symp., B. Park and B. Fitzgerald, eds.Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J.
Crouch, J.A., Clarke, B.B. and Hillman, B.I. 2007. Implications of repeat-induced point mutated transposable elements during the evolution of Colletotrichum cereale. Theobald Smith Soc. Waksman Lect. Mtg, May 3, 2007, New Brunswick, NJ. http://users.tellurian.com/tss/Abstracts.pdf
Crouch, J.A., Clarke, B.B. and Hillman, B.I. 2007. Implications of repeat-induced point mutated transposable elements during the evolution of Colletotrichum cereale. 24th Fungal Genetics Conference, March 20-25, 2007, Asilomar, CA. http://www.fgsc.net/asil2007/xxivFGCposterAbs.htm
Crouch, J.A., Clarke, B.B. and Hillman, B.I. 2007. Patterns of recombination and population differentiation among Colletotrichum cereale isolates from 27 host plant genera. Fungal Genetics Newsletter, 24th Fungal Genetics Conference, March 20-25, 2007, Asilomar, CA. http://www.fgsc.net/asil2007/xxivFGCposterAbs.htm
Crouch, J.A., Clarke, B.B. and Hillman, B.I. 2007. Sex and transposons: What do they mean for Colletotrichum cereale?. Phytopathology 97(7):S178.
Crouch, J.A., Glasheen, B.M., Giunta, M.A., Clarke, B.B., and Hillman, B.I. 2008. The evolution of transposon repeat-induced point mutation in the genome of Colletotrichum cereale: Reconciling sex, recombination and homoplasy in an "asexual" pathogen. Fungal Genet. Biol. 45:190-206. doi:10.1016/j.fgb.2007.08.004
Crouch, J.A., Glasheen, B.M., Uddin, W., Clarke, B.B., and Hillman, B.I. 2008. Patterns of diversity in populations of the turfgrass pathogen Colletotrichum cereale as revealed by transposon fingerprint profiles. Crop Sci. In Press.
Crouch, J.A., Hillman, B.I. and Johnston, P.R. 2007. Species concepts in the genus Colletotrichum: Are we finally moving towards a consistent and accurate system of classification after 50 years of von Arxian generalizations? Mycological Society of America Annual Meeting, August 6-9, 2007, Baton Rouge, LA. http://piast.cbio.psu.edu/mycological
Crouch, J.A., Thon, M.R., Clarke, B.B., Vaillancourt, L.J. and Hillman, B.I. 2007. Genomic architecture of the mating-type gene cluster in graminicolous species of the genus Colletotrichum and across the Ascomycota. Phytopathology 97(7):S25.
Crouch, J.A., Thon, M.R., Groenner-Penna, M., Clarke, B.B., Vilas-Boas, A., Vaillancourt, L.J. and Hillman, B.I. 2007. Characterizing the mating-type locus of the graminicolous Colletotrichum: Patterns of sex, selection and host specialization. 24th Fungal Genetics Conference, March 20-25, 2007, Asilomar, CA. http://www.fgsc.net/asil2007/xxivFGCposterAbs.htm
Diaz, M.D. & D.C. Peck. 2007. Overwintering of annual bluegrass weevils, Listronotus maculicollis (Dietz) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in the golf course landscape. Entomologia Experimental et Applicata 125: 259-268.
Inguagiato, J. C., J. A. Murphy, and B. B. Clarke. 2007. Developing best management practices for anthracnose control on annual bluegrass greens: summarizing four years of field research. Pg. 26-29 in: Proc. 16th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symp., B. Park and B. Fitzgerald, eds.Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J.
Inguagiato, J. C., J. A. Murphy, and B. B. Clarke. 2008. Anthracnose severity on annual bluegrass as influenced by nitrogen fertilization, growth regulators, and verticutting. Crop Sci., In Press
Inguagiato, J.C., Murphy, J.A., and Clarke, B.B. 2007. Developing best management practices for anthracnose control on annual bluegrass putting greens: Summarizing four years of field research. The Greenerside. 31: 6-8, 10, 12, 14-15
Inguagiato, J.C., Murphy, J.A., Clarke, B.B. 2007. Effect of chemical growth regulation strategies on anthracnose severity of annual bluegrass putting green turf. Pg 43 in: Proc. 16th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symp., B. Park and B. Fitzgerald, eds.Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J.
Inguagiato, J.C., Murphy, J.A., Clarke, B.B. 2007. Evaluation of sand topdressing rate and frequency effects on anthracnose severity of an annual bluegrass putting green. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting 2007, New Orleans, LA.
Koppenhöfer A.M., McGraw B.A. 2007. Development of new management tools for the annual bluegrass weevil on golf courses. The Greenerside 31 (2), 4-11.
McGraw B. A., Koppenhöfer A.M. 2007. Biology and management of the annual bluegrass weevil, Listronotus maculicollis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). In: Handbook of Turfgrass Management and Physiology (M. Pessarakli, Ed.), pp.335-350. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
McGraw B.A. & Koppenhöfer A.M. 2007. Biological control of the annual bluegrass weevil using entomopathogenic nematodes. Proc. 16th Ann. Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. 11-12 Jan. 2007, New Brunswick, NJ, p.33-34.
McGraw B.A., Koppenhöfer A.M. 2007. Biological and biorational management options for the annual bluegrass weevil on golf courses. In: 2006 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary, (J.L. Nus, Ed.), p.8. USGA Green Section, Far Hills, NJ.
Murphy, J. A., J. C. Inguagiato, B. B. Clarke, B. S. Park, and T. J. Lawson. 2007. Cultural management of anthracnose disease on annual bluegrass. USGA Green Section Record 45 (6): 8-13.
Peck, D.C. 2007. Interpreting and forecasting phenology of the annual bluegrass weevil in golf course landscapes. In: 2007 USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary (J. L. Nus, ed.), p. 10. USGA Green Section, Far Hills, NJ.
Peck, D.C., M.D. Diaz & M. Seto. 2007. Annual bluegrass weevil (also known as the Hyperodes weevil) Listronotus maculicollis Dietz. Electronic factsheet (English and Spanish versions), NYS IPM Program Fact Sheet Series. www.nysipm.cornell.edu/ factsheets/turfgrass/default.asp
Uddin, W., Benelli, J., Yenez, J. 2008. Control of anthracnose on a putting green with fungicides, 2007. Plant Disease Management Reports 2: In Press.
Full-length Scientific Journal Articles
Bonos, S.A., E.N. Weibel, T.J. Lawson and B.B. Clarke. 2009. Tolerance of Creeping Bentgrass Cultivars and Selections to Anthracnose in New Jersey. Online. App. Turf Sci. DOI:10.1094/ATS-2009-0806-01-BR.
Cook, P.J., P.J. Landschoot, and M.J. Schlossberg. 2009. Suppression of anthracnose basal rot symptoms and improved putting green quality with phosphonate fungicides. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal (11) 181-194.
Cook, P.J., P.J. Landschoot, and M.J. Schlossberg. 2009. Inhibition of Pythium spp. and suppression of Pythium blight of turfgrasses with phosphonate fungicides. Plant Disease (93) 809-814.
Crouch, JA and Beirn, LA. 2009. Anthracnose of cereals and grasses. Fungal Diversity 39:19-44.
Crouch, J.A., L.A. Beirn, L.M. Cortese, S.A. Bonos, and B.B. Clarke. 2009. Anthracnose disease of switchgrass caused by the novel fungal species Colletotrichum navitas. Mycological Res 113:1411-1421.
Crouch, J.A., B.B. Clarke, and B.I. Hillman. 2009. What is the value of ITS sequence data in Colletotrichum systematics and species diagnosis? A case study using the falcate-spored graminicolous Colletotrichum group. Mycologia 101:648-656 (available on-line; DOI: 10.3852/08-231).
Crouch, J.A., B.B. Clarke, J.F. White, and B.I. Hillman. 2009. Systematic analysis of the falcate-spored graminicolous Colletotrichum and a description of six new species from warm season grasses. Mycologia 101:717-732 (available on-line; DOI: 10.3852/08-230).
Crouch, JA, and Inguagiato, JC. 2009. First report of anthracnose disease of ornamental feather reed grass caused by Colletotrichum cereale. Golf Course Mgmt 77:86-87.
Crouch, J.A., L.P. Treadway, B.B. Clarke, and B.I. Hillman. 2009. Phylogenetic and population genetic divergence correspond with habitat for the pathogen Colletotrichum cereale and allied taxa across diverse grass communities. Molecular Ecology 18:123-135.
Fidanza, M.A., J.E. Kaminski, M. Agnew, and D. Shepard. 2009. Evaluation of water droplet size and water carrier volume on fungicide performance for anthracnose control on annual bluegrass. Int. Turfgrass Res. Soc. J. 11:195-205.
Heller, P.R., D. Kline, and A. Houseman. 2009. Application timing study to evaluate Provaunt to suppress first generation annual bluegrass weevil, 2008. Arthropod Management Tests (34) G7.
Heller, P.R., D. Kline, and A. Houseman. 2009. Creative study to evaluate Conserve, Dylox, and Provaunt to suppress first generation annual bluegrass weevil larvae, 2008. Arthropod Management Tests (34) G8.
Heller, P.R., D. Kline, and A. Houseman. 2009. Preventive timing study to evaluate the effectiveness of Acelepryn, Provaunt, Talstar, and experimental formulations to suppress first generation annual bluegrass weevil, 2008. Arthropod Management Tests (34) G9.
Heller, P.R., D. Kline, and A. Houseman. 2009. Preventive application of formulations to suppress first generation annual bluegrass weevil, 2008. Arthropod Management Tests (34) G10.
Hyde, KD, Cai, L, Cannon, PF, Crouch, JA, Crous, PW, Damm, U, Goodwin, PH, Chen, H, Johnston, PR, Jones, EBG, Lui, ZY, McKenzie, EHC, Moriwaki, J, Noireung, P, Pennycook, SR, Pfenning, LH, Phoulivong, S, Prihastuti, H, Sato, T, Shivas, RG, Taylor, PWJ, Tan, YP, Weir, BS, Yang, YL, and Zhang, JZ. 2009. Colletotrichum: Names in current use. Fungal Diversity 39:147-183.
Inguagiato, J.C., J.A. Murphy, and B.B. Clarke. 2010. Anthracnose development on annual bluegrass affected by seedhead and vegetative growth regulators. Applied Turf Sci.: Submitted 1/10/10.
Inguagiato, J.C., J.A. Murphy, and B.B. Clarke. 2009. Anthracnose disease and annual bluegrass putting green performance affected by mowing practices and lightweight rolling. Crop Sci.49: 1454-1462
Inguagiato, J.C., J.A. Murphy, and B.B. Clarke. 2009. Anthracnose of annual bluegrass putting green turf influenced by trinexapac-ethyl application interval and rate. J. Int.Turf Soc. 11: 207-218
McGraw B.A., Koppenhofer A.M. 2009. Binomial sequential sampling plans for forecasting Listronotus maculicollis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) larval damage to golf course turfgrass. J. Econ. Entomol. 102: 1325-1335.
McGraw B.A., Koppenhofer A.M. 2009. Population dynamics and interactions between endemic entomopathogenic nematodes and annual bluegrass weevil populations in golf course turfgrass. Appl. Soil Ecol. 41: 77-89.
Ramoutar, Darryl, Steven R. Alm and Richard S. Cowles. 2009. Pyrethroid resistance in populations of Listronotus maculicollis Kirby, (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from southern New England golf courses. J. Econ. Entomol. 102: 388-392.
Ramoutar, Darryl, Richard S. Cowles and Steven R. Alm. 2009. Pyrethroid resistance mediated by enzyme detoxification in Listronotus maculicollis Kirby, (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from Connecticut. J. Econ. Entomol. 102: 1203-1208.
Ramoutar, Darryl, Ana I. Legrand and Steven R. Alm. 2010. Field performance of Metarhizium anisopliae against Popillia japonica (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) and Listronotus maculicollis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) larvae in turfgrass. J. Entomol. Sci. 45: 1-7.
Soika, M., and Tredway, L.P. 2010. Control of anthracnose and dollar spot on a creeping bentgrass green, 2009. Plant Disease Management Reports 4:T025.
Trade Journal Articles
Crouch, JA, and Inguagiato, JC. 2009. First report of anthracnose disease of ornamental feather reed grass caused by Colletotrichum cereale. Golf Course Mgmt 77:86-87.
Inguagiato, J.C., J. A. Murphy, and B. B. Clarke. 2009. Mowing and rolling strategies to manage anthracnose on annual bluegrass greens. Golf Course Mgmt 77: 111-116.
Inguagiato, J., J. A. Murphy, B. B. Clarke, and J. Roberts. 2009. Effect of topdressing on anthracnose in Poa annua. Golf Course Mgmt 77(12):94
Koppenhofer A.M. 2009. Integrated management of important turfgrass insect pests in New Jersey. Clippings & Green World 72, Spring 2009, 6-7.
McGraw B.A., Koppenhofer A.M. 2009. Biological and biorational management options for the annual bluegrass weevil on golf courses. In: 2008 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary, (J.L. Nus, Ed.), p.4. USGA Green Section, Far Hills, NJ.
McGraw B.A., Koppenhofer A.M. 2009. Exploring biocontrol of annual bluegrass weevil. USGA Green Section Record. 47 (2), 11-13.
Murphy, J., F. Wong, L. Tredway, J. A. Crouch, J. Inguagiato, B. Clarke, et al. 2009. Best management practices for anthracnose on annual bluegrass turf. The Dogwood (The newsletter of the British Columbia GCSA) Fall 2009:36-45
Roberts, J., B.B. Clarke and J.A. Murphy. 2009. Effect of irrigation management on anthracnose of Poa annua greens. Golf Course Mgmt 77(7):103
Young, JR, Tomaso-Peterson, M, and Crouch, JA. 2009. First report of Colletotrichum cereale causing anthracnose foliar blight of creeping bentgrass in Mississippi and Alabama. Golf Course Mgmt 77:88.
Crouch, JA, and Inguagiato, JC. 2009. First report of anthracnose disease of ornamental feather reed grass (Calamagrostis x acutifolia 'Karl Foerster') caused by Colletotrichum cereale. Plant Disease 93: 203 (Referred extended abstract).
Koppenhofer A.M. 2009. Spatio-temporal nematode-host interactions in turfgrass. Program and Abstract, 42nd Ann. Meet. Soc. Invertebr. Pathol., Park City, UT, p.100.
Roberts, J.A., J.C. Inguagiato, B.B. Clarke, and J.A. Murphy. 2009. Effects of foot traffic and sand topdressing on anthracnose severity of annual bluegrass putting green turf. Phytopathology 99 (6):S109
Roberts, J.A., J.C. Inguagiato, B.B. Clarke, and J. A. Murphy. 2009. Influence of irrigation quantity on anthracnose severity of annual bluegrass. Phytopathology 99 (6):S195.
Roberts, J.A.. J.C. Inguagiato, J.A. Murphy, and B.B. Clarke. 2009. Sand topdressing and foot traffic effects on anthracnose severity of annual bluegrass putting green turf. 2009 International Meeting of ASA-CSSA-SSSA Proceedings. p. 104
Roberts, J.A., J.A. Murphy, and B.B. Clarke. 2009. Anthracnose severity of annual bluegrass putting green turf as affected by summer soluble N-fertilization. 2009 International Meeting of ASA-CSSA-SSSA Proceedings. p.102.
Clarke, B. B., P. R. Majumdar, M. Peacos, J. P. Chung Yew, A. Burnett, S. Gunasekera, D. Fitzgerald, T. J. Lawson, J. Roberts, K. E. Clarke, A. Pitonak,
W. K. Dickson, J. B. Clark, and J. Inguagiato. 2009. Preventive control of anthracnose with selected fungicides and biorational products on an annual bluegrass putting green, 2008. Pages 249-265 in: Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings 2008. A. B. Gould, ed. Center for Turfgrass Science and the New Jersey Turfgrass Association, New Brunswick, N. J. Vol. 40.
Crouch, J., B. B. Clarke, and B. I. Hillman. 2009. Does movement of Colletotrichum cereale from natural grasses and cereal crops promote turfgrass anthracnose disease? Pg. 40 in: Proc. 18th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symp. B. B. Clarke and B. Fitzgerald, eds. Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
Crouch, J., L. Cortese, L. A. Beirn, S. A. Bonos, and B. B. Clarke. 2009. Characterization of anthracnose disease of switchgrass (Panicum virgatim) caused by a novel species of the fungus Colletotrichum. Pg. 38-39 in: Proc. 18th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symp. B. B. Clarke and B. Fitzgerald, eds. Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
Inguagiato, J. C., J. A. Murphy, B. B. Clarke, and J. A. Roberts. 2009. Topdressing incorporation and sand particle shape effects on anthracnose severity of annual bluegrass. Pg. 44 in: Proc. 18th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symp. B. B. Clarke and B. Fitzgerald, eds. Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
McGraw B.A., Koppenhofer A.M. 2009. Effect of endemic and released entomopathogenic nematodes on annual bluegrass weevil populations in golf course fairways. Pg.48 in: Proc. 18th Ann. Rutgers Turfgrass Symp. B. B. Clarke and B. Fitzgerald, eds. Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
Roberts, J. A., J. C. Inguagiato, B. B. Clarke, and J. A. Murphy. 2009. Recent advances in determining the influence of cultural practices on anthracnose disease of annual bluegrass putting green turf. Pg. 29-30 in: Proc. 18th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symp. B. B. Clarke and B. Fitzgerald, eds. Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
Roberts, J.A., J.A. Murphy, and B.B. Clarke. 2010. Effect of soluble-N fertilization on anthracnose severity of annual bluegrass turf. Proc. European Turfgrass Soc Intern. Conf., 2nd. Angers France. 11-13 April 2010. http://www.turfgrasssociety.eu. In Press (Refereed)
Wong, F. P. Chemical Control of Anthracnose in Southern California, Summer 2009. UCR Turf and Landscape Field Day Proceedings. September 17, 2009
Inguagiato, J.C. 2009. Anthracnose severity influenced by cultural management of annual bluegrass putting green turf. New Brunswick: Rutgers University, 228 pp. [Doctoral dissertation].
Roberts, J. A. 2009. Impact of Cultural Management on Anthracnose Severity of Annual Bluegrass Putting Green Turf. New Brunswick: Rutgers University, 161 pp. [Masters thesis].