NE1025: Biology, Ecology and Management of Emerging Pests of Annual Bluegrass on Golf Courses
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 06/20/2006
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 04/19/2006
- 04/20/2006
Period the Report Covers: 11/01/2005 - 04/01/2006
Period the Report Covers: 11/01/2005 - 04/01/2006
Steven R. Alm (RI);Stacy Bonos (NJ);
Bruce B. Clarke (NJ);
Richard S. Cowles (CT);
Peter H. Dernoeden (MD);
Paul Heller (PA);
Bradley Hillman (NJ);
Tom Hsiang (ON, Canada);
Bingru Huang (NJ);
David Huff (PA);
John Kaminski (CT);
Albrecht Koppenhöfer (NJ);
Vera Krischik (MN);
Peter Landschoot (PA);
Alan R. Langille (ME);
James A. Murphy (NJ);
Daniel C. Peck (NY);
Frank S. Rossi (NY);
Bridget A. Ruemmele (RI);
Paula Shrewsbury (MD);
Stanley R. Swier (NH);
Lane Tredway (NC);
Wakar Uddin (PA);
Joseph Vargas (MI);
Pat Vittum (MA);
Frank Wong (CA)
Brief Summary of Minutes
Objective 1. Fill critical knowledge gaps in our understanding of the biology, ecology, and impact of ABW and anthracnose associated with annual bluegrass on golf courses in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic.<br /> <br /> In the area of geographic distribution, data was collected from the disease diagnostic lab at UC Riverside for over 100 golf course locations in the US that had confirmed cases of anthracnose on greens in 2004 and 2005 (Wong). Pertinent environmental and cultural management data associated with disease epidemics at these sites were obtained for later use in identifying additional factors that affect anthracnose development.<br /> <br /> In the area of overwintering and reproductive biology, data are currently being analyzed from three studies conducted in NY: distribution surveys to assess preferences of ABW with respect to distance from the fairway and type of surface microhabitat, a choice experiment to determine microhabitat preferences, and a no-choice experiment to assess overwintering success under differing scenarios including the timing and conditions of spring emergence (Peck). Initial results show that adults do not overwinter on the fairway, that they tend to overwinter at the edge of wooded areas, and that they will travel as far as 60 m to access those sites. When given no option, adults are capable of overwintering under fairway conditions. When given options of where to overwinter, adults exhibit preferences for different surface microhabitats.<br /> <br /> In the area of population biology and ecology, a detailed study of the population fluctuations and phenology of ABW was conducted over two consecutive seasons in two sites of Upstate NY (Peck). Head capsule width measurements were made to confirm five larval instars and their differentiation along with other life stages captured in surveys based on soap flushes, pitfall traps and soil core extractions. Results confirmed that these protocols are adequate to gauge geographical and yearly variation in number of generations, insect load (abundance), population synchrony and timing. Phenograms were constructed to visualize population development. Data are currently being assessed from captures in linear pitfall traps in two sites over one year to reveal the patterns and directionality of movement. Additional population surveys were conducted at a golf course in downstate NY (Vittum) and central NJ (Koppenhöfer) for a comparative assessment of seasonal development and are currently being summarized.<br /> <br /> The population structure and demographic history of C. cereale in turfgrass ecosystems were investigated by means of detailed spatial sampling of contemporary populations (Hillman). An extensive culture collection of C. cereale, catalogued according to longitude and latitude coordinates, has been assembled from 97 stands of cultivated turf from the U.S. and Canada (with the assistance of Dernoeden, Hsiang, Kaminski, Tredway, Uddin and Wong), with 530 strains currently in pure culture (Hillman). Four main lineages of C. cereale have been recognized through multi-locus nucleotide sequence analysis, and a single haplotype has been identified as the ancestral genotype for the numerically dominant lineage in North America. A set of novel simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers (microsatellites) has been developed using a hybrid capture protocol to generate hypervariable genotypic data for fine-scale population analyses: 54 SSR loci have been identified, and primer pairs from 21 polymorphic loci have been prepared (Hillman).<br /> <br /> Over 967 single-spore isolates of C. cereale from 17 locations in CA and surrounding states have been collected since 2002 and sent to Hillman for analysis in population studies.<br /> <br /> In the area of host plant selection, strains of C. cereale obtained by project collaborators from cultivated and native cool-season grasses were evaluated as inoculants on an annual bluegrass (Poa annua) green in NJ (Clarke and Hillman). Isolates obtained from P. annua were most pathogenic, but several native grass and Agrostis (bentgrass) strains also caused visual symptoms of disease.<br /> <br /> Objective 2. Identify and develop new cultural, biological, chemical, and genetic control options for suppressing ABW and anthracnose on golf courses.<br /> <br /> In the area of new control options, field efficacy trials were conducted in MA on traditional insecticides and spinosad (Conserve), confirming that spinosad has promising results when timed to target active ABW larvae (Vittum).<br /> <br /> Field efficacy trials were conducted in NH on conventional products and new chemistries (Swier). Anthranilic diamide (DPXE2Y45) (0.2 lb/a) gave 93% control of ABW when applied May 18 to adults (1 week after peak Forsythia bloom). This level of control was equivalent to the standard bifenthrin (Talstar). If properly timed, the neonicotinoids also exhibited good control. Imidacloprid (Merit) gave 86% control when applied June 10 to small larvae. Clothianidin (Arena) (0.4 lb/a) gave 93% control when applied June 20 to mid sized larvae.<br /> <br /> Field efficacy trials were conducted in PA on registered conventional and biorational products and new chemistries (Heller). Pyrethroids and DPXE2Y45 gave excellent control of ABW when applications were timed within several days of full bloom of Downy serviceberry, Amelanchier arborea. To date, this phenological indicator has correlated well with the timing of pesticide applications targeting adult populations.<br /> <br /> A field efficacy trial was conducted in NJ on various biorational products and new chemistries (Koppenhöfer). Only DPXE2Y45 showed a level of ABW control comparable to the pyrethroid standard bifenthrin (~93%).<br /> <br /> Field efficacy trials conducted in RI have assessed biological and chemical options for suppressing ABW on golf courses (Alm). Early studies (1994) showed 76 and 98% control at two sites with Steinernema carpocapsae (1 billion/a) applied 15 June. Laboratory experiments with Steinernema glaseri showed 57 and 58% control at 0.5 and 1 billion per acre rates. More recently, numerous trials have been initiated with various conventional products including bifenthrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, deltamethrin, halofenozide, imidacloprid, clothianadin, trichlorfon, chlorpyrifos and carbaryl.<br /> <br /> A survey for entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) was conducted on 11 golf courses in central and northern NJ (Koppenhöfer). ABW life stages were sampled at 103 areas along with soil samples baited with wax moth larvae to isolate any endemic insect pathogens. ABW was recovered in 49% of the samples and 8% of those insects were positive for EPN. Of the 50 EPN-infected ABW stages collected (mostly large larvae, the remainder pupae), 49 were infected with Heterorhabditis bacteriophora and one with Steinernema carpocapsae. EPN were baited from soil samples at 29% of the sites; 34% of the isolated EPN were H. bacteriophora and 66% S. carpocapsae.<br /> <br /> The seasonal dynamics of ABW and EPN were observed across nine fairway transects on a golf course in central NJ (Koppenhöfer). H. bacteriophora, but not S. carpocapsae, was regularly found infecting ABW stages during the spring generation. Due to dry conditions both ABW and EPN populations were very low after early July. No adults were found to be infected with EPN. In a laboratory bioassay of six commercial and two field-isolates of EPN, none caused high mortality against adult ABW. Observations suggest that future efforts should focus on ABW larvae.<br /> <br /> A field efficacy trial was conducted in NJ to evaluate the influence of conventional fungicides and biorational products on anthracnose on a P. annua green (Clarke). Products and tank mixtures containing chlorothalonil, fosetyl- Al, polyoxin-D, fludioxonil, propiconazole, and tebuconazole were most efficacious, whereas resistance was identified for all QoI and benzimidazole fungicides tested. Similar trials were conducted in CA on golf course greens (Wong). Results from these studies confirmed good to excellent control of anthracnose with, polyoxin-D, fludioxonil, and mixtures containing fosetyl- Al + chlorothalonil and fosetyl- Al + iprodione. In vitro, ED50 values were calculated for 60 isolates of C. cereale grown on media amended with DMI fungicides or fludioxonil (Wong). Results from this study confirmed that isolates were most sensitive to tebuconazole and propiconazole (two DMIs that have consistently performed well in field efficacy studies throughout the country). There was a wide variation in the ED50 values obtained for fludioxonil.<br /> <br /> An efficacy trial was conducted in PA with various phosphonate fungicides (fosetyl-Al and phosphite-based products) on anthracnose basal rot and quality of a mixed P. annua/creeping bentgrass (A. stolonifera.) putting green (Landschoot). Only fosetyl-Al (Chipco Signature) and reagent-grade phosphorous acid/potassium hydroxide reduced anthracnose severity relative to the untreated control. Phosphonate fungicides and a reagent-grade phosphorous acid/potassium hydroxide treatment typically provided better turfgrass quality than untreated turf. Similar trials were conducted in NC to evaluate the phosphonate fungicides fosetyl-Al (Chipco Signature) and potassium phosphite (Alude) for preventive control of anthracnose basal rot on A. stolonifera and anthracnose foliar blight on P. annua putting greens (Tredway). On P. annua, fosetyl-Al and potassium phosphite provided excellent control of anthracnose foliar blight when applied alone or tank-mixed with chlorothalonil. On Agrostis, fosetyl-Al provided an acceptable level of anthracnose basal rot control, whereas potassium phosphite only reduced the disease 10% compared to untreated turf.<br /> <br /> Two multi-year field studies examining the impact of management practices on anthracnose were concluded in 2005 (Clarke and Murphy). The first study assessed the influence of nitrogen, the plant growth regulators (PGRs) mefluidide and trinexapac-ethyl, and verticutting on anthracnose of P. annua maintained as putting greens. Results confirmed that weekly low rate N fertilization reduced the severity of anthracnose 25 73% during the three year study compared to monthly N applications, verticutting had little effect on anthracnose severity, and PGRs were most effective in reducing disease when mefluidide (a seedhead suppressant) was used in April followed by sequential applications of trinexapac-ethyl (a vegetative suppressant) throughout the growing season. In the second study, the effect of mowing and rolling practices on anthracnose severity and ball roll distance (a standard measure of quality on golf course putting greens) was evaluated (Clarke and Murphy). This research confirmed that increasing mowing height as little as 0.4-mm resulted in a meaningful reduction in disease severity, lightweight vibratory rolling reduced anthracnose under moderate disease pressure and, contrary to expectations, that more frequent mowing (double-cutting) did not increase the incidence or severity of anthracnose. The principle conclusion of this two year study was that golf course superintendents can significantly reduce the severity of anthracnose and still maintain acceptable ball roll distance and turfgrass quality on P. annua putting greens by increasing mowing height and adjusting the frequency of their mowing and/or rolling practices.<br /> <br /> A field study was established in NY to assess the effect of various walk behind putting green mowers and mowing frequencies on anthracnose basal rot (Rossi). Results confirmed that front weight biased, fixed head mowers increased anthracnose severity compared to floating or flexible head mowers. Increasing the frequency of clip on electric mowers reduced disease incidence and improved turfgrass quality, however some performance factors such as ball roll distance were reduced.<br /> <br /> A field study was conducted in PA to evaluate the effect of nitrogen rate and source on the severity of anthracnose basal rot on a mixed sward of A. stolonifera cv. Penncross and P. annua maintained as a putting green (Uddin). Although disease severity in plots that received a low rate (4.9 kg N ha-1) of IBDU was significantly lower in 2005 compared to the same rate of urea or methylene urea, no difference in disease was observed between nitrogen sources when application rates were increased to the middle (14.7 kg N ha-1) or high rate (24.5 kg N ha-1) of nitrogen.<br /> <br /> A study was initiated in 2005 to further evaluate the impact of PGR type, rate, and frequency of application on anthracnose, seedhead expression and quality of P. annua maintained at greens height (Clarke and Murphy). The seedhead suppressants mefluidide and ethephon reduced anthracnose 10 50% and 24 77%, respectively, relative to untreated turf. Trinexapac-ethyl alone did not affect anthracnose severity. The use of mefluidide or ethephon in April plus sequential applications of trinexapac-ethyl throughout the growing season provided better disease control than either seedhead suppressant alone.<br /> <br /> In the area of conservation biological control, no accomplishments are reported. <br /> <br /> In the area of host plant resistance, greens-type P. annua evaluation trials were established in the field and greenhouse in PA (Huff). Mapping populations have been constructed for evaluating traits of annual and perennial biotypes and for detecting resistance to anthracnose, dollar spot, and saline soils. Seed from some 20 varieties of P. annua are now available to project collaborators for small-scale greenhouse and field trials to assess resistance to ABW and anthracnose.<br /> <br /> In the summer of 2005, 38 cultivars and 380 germplasm selections of A. stolonifera and velvet bentgrass (Agrostis canina) were inoculated with five isolates of Colletotrichum cereale obtained from A. stolonifera and P. annua (Bonos). Unfortunately, no infection occurred in 2005.<br /> <br /> Objective 3. Develop improved IPM decision tools for managing ABW and anthracnose on golf courses.<br /> <br /> In the area of rearing techniques and economic thresholds, efforts at rearing ABW in the laboratory have only started to show some limited promise (Koppenhöfer). These procedures need to be further pursued before sufficient numbers of ABW developmental stages can be reared for bioassays.<br /> <br /> In the area of prediction models, an approach is being evaluated to establish a preliminary degree-day model to predict ABW phenology (Peck). Based on field data obtained from two years of population surveys in NY (Obj. 1), various models are being assessed to establish the best minimum temperature threshold and the degree of predictive power.<br /> <br /> Insecticide resistance management was identified as an additional area of research activity based on the results of preliminary studies from CT (Cowles). Several golf courses in CT experienced dramatic control failures in 2005. A dose-response curve with the pyrethroid Scimitar, was established for adults at one of these sites. With three repetitions of 15 weevils, mortality after 6 days was 36, 33, 27, 49, 47, 78 and 60% for concentrations that were 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 8 times the field rate. These data suggest that ABW populations at this golf course are functionally resistant to pyrethroid insecticides, with significant mortality only observed at dosages at least four times the normal field rate. To help golf course superintendents determine whether pyrethroids are still useful at a site, a bioassay test kit featuring a disposable Petri dish and pretreated filter paper was developed. With this system, a range of dosages can be tested for dose-response analysis in the laboratory, or a normal field dosage of pyrethroids can be used by golf course superintendents as a discriminating dosage to support their own decision-making.<br /> <br /> Objective 4. Develop best management practices for annual bluegrass on golf courses that will help reduce the economic and environmental costs associated with pesticides currently used to control ABW and anthracnose. <br /> <br /> An adhoc committee (Heller, Murphy, and Wong) was created to summarize project results on a yearly basis into a dynamic best management practices document that will be updated each year to reflect new advances.<br /> <br /> An outline for a pre-project survey was developed by attendees at the annual project meeting held at Rutgers from 19-20 April 2006.<br /> <br /> <br /> Brief Overview of Work Planned for 2006 and Plan for Assessing Progress/Impact of Research on this Project<br /> <br /> Objective 1<br /> <br /> In the area of geographic distribution, we will establish a common ABW database to coalesce distribution data from the region (Peck). In states where the insect is widespread and prevalent, only representative locality data will be required; but in states or areas where the insect is localized or recently problematic (e.g. MD), more extensive surveys will be conducted to explicitly establish its presence or absence on golf courses (Alm, Cowles, Koppenhöfer, Heller, Peck, Shrewsbury, Swier, Vittum). In MN, where the insect has yet to be cited as a turfgrass pest, surveys will be conducted to confirm presence of the insect and make an initial assessment of its incidence on golf courses and on P. annua (Krischik). Adult specimens will be collected from representative geographic regions of each state, preserved in 95% ethyl alcohol, and held in repository in NY (Peck) until funding can be found to confirm, via molecular techniques, that ABW is a single species (rather than a species complex).<br /> <br /> The detailed examination of C. cereale in turf, cereal crops and natural grassland communities by Hillman will be expanded in 2006 to include other cultivated (e.g., golf course) and natural sites (with the contribution of isolates from Clarke, Dernoeden, Hsiang, Kaminski, Tredway, Uddin, Vargas, and Wong), significantly advancing our current understanding of how this important pathogen is distributed across North America. Isolations from turf samples suspected of being infested with C. cereale will be made at the UConn (Kaminski) and Rutgers (Clarke) Disease Diagnostic Centers as well as by Clarke, Dernoeden, Hsiang, Kaminski, Tredway, Uddin, Vargas, and Wong and sent to a repository in NJ (Hillman) for strain identification using DNA fingerprint, microsatellite, and nucleotide sequence analysis. Attempts will be made to monitor anthracnose epidemics at specific golf courses throughout the Northeast region during the 2006 season to gain a better understanding of the disease cycle (Kaminski).<br /> <br /> In the area of overwintering biology and reproductive biology, we will continue studies to describe ABWs overwintering strategy by establishing the factors that affect site selection and success (Peck). New studies in 2006 will build on the results from 2004-2005 and these will be broadened to include overwintering site surveys in RI (Alm).<br /> <br /> The overwintering biology of C. cereale will be studied in CA under field conditions (Wong).<br /> <br /> In the area of population biology and ecology, we will continue studies to document the relationship between overwintering sites and developmental sites for ABW and to describe the patterns of variation in population fluctuations and phenology (Peck). Population studies in Upstate NY will continue for a third year. Weekly sampling will also take place on a course in Downstate NY and in CT (Vittum).<br /> <br /> Using traditional measures of population diversity we will continue to assess effective population size, migration, patterns of dispersal and local demes, recombination rates and gene flow across the four extant C. cereale lineages (Hillman in collaboration with Hsiang, Tredway, Uddin, and Wong). Results will be compared against similar data drawn from a sample of ~800 C. cereale strains collected from cool-season grass species in 15 wheat fields and 18 prairie grasslands across 7 states providing an excellent contrast of pathogenic vs. non-pathogenic C. cereale populations.<br /> <br /> Attempts will be made to transform additional strains of C. cereale with the constitutively expressed GFP protein (Kaminski in collaboration with Hillman and Hsiang who have already successfully transformed several isolates). Upon successful transformation, isolates will be used to conduct growth chamber studies investigating the infection and overwintering processes of C. cereale in P. annua (Kaminski).<br /> <br /> In the area of host plant selection, studies will continue to establish protocols adequate for maintaining ABW life stages on P. annua in the laboratory/greenhouse (Koppenhöfer and Peck). Strains of C. cereale obtained by project collaborators from cultivated and native cool-season grasses will be evaluated as inoculants on P. annua greens in NJ (Clarke and Hillman). <br /> <br /> Progress/impact will be assessed by:<br /> " Number of ABW localities entered into the geographic distribution database and the number of states and counties represented<br /> " Number and diversity of C. cereale strains obtained from cultivated and native grasses that can be used to clarify the relationship between strains of this pathogen from different geographic regions in North America<br /> " Number of adult ABW voucher specimens preserved and the number of regions and states represented<br /> " Completion of M.S. or Ph.D. theses and initiation of Ph.D. dissertations in the areas of ABW population phenology and anthracnose population biology and ecology.<br /> <br /> Objective 2<br /> <br /> In the area of new control options, field efficacy trials will be conducted in MA with an emphasis on conventional insecticides and spinosad targeting the first generation (Vittum). Trials in NH will focus on DPXE2Y45, imidacloprid, clothianidin and indoxacarb, with an emphasis on refining rates, timing and efficacy (Swier). Trials in PA will consist of two curative and two preventive studies on two golf courses to test a range of products including DPXE2Y45 (Heller). Trials in RI will focus on DPXE2Y45, Steinernema carpocapsae and S. kraussei (Alm). Field trials in NJ will focus on commercial and field-isolated entomopathogenic nematodes along with biorationals and new synthetic compounds (Koppenhöfer). Laboratory bioassays will be conducted with a focus on pathogens, particularly nematodes, against developmental stages of ABW (Koppenhöfer)<br /> <br /> Field trials are underway at one site in CT, from which putatively pyrethroid-resistant adult weevils were obtained in 2005 (Cowles). Products being tested include representatives of conventional products (pyrethroids +/- neonicotinoids), insect pathogenic nematodes (Steinernema carpocapsae and S. kraussei), insect growth regulators (azadirachtin, dimilin, novaluron), fungal pathogens (Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae), and new chemistries (DPXE2Y45 and indoxacarb).<br /> <br /> Studies on the dynamics of ABW and pathogens will encompass two additional sites in NJ (Koppenhöfer).<br /> <br /> Field efficacy trials will be conducted in CA, CT, MI, NC, NJ, ON and PA with an emphasis on conventional fungicides and biorational products. Trials in NJ will focus on the benzimidazole (thiophanate methyl), DMI (propiconazole and tebuconazole), dicarboximide (iprodione), nitrile (chlorothalonil), phenylpyrrole (fludioxonil), phosphonate (fosetyl Al), QoI (azoxystrobin, fluoxastrobin, pyraclostrobin) and antibiotic (polyoxin-D) chemistries as well as biorational products containing Bacillus licheniformis SB3086, B. subtilus, and several nitrogen fertility programs, with emphasis on refining rates, timing and efficacy of tank mixtures (Clarke). Field trials in CT will assess the effectiveness of many of the fungicides tested in NJ, as well as phosphite products, to help determine effective chemical management strategies for suppressing anthracnose in the region (Kaminski).<br /> <br /> Tredway will examine the distribution of fungicide resistance in C. cereale populations. Isolates will continue to be collected as epidemics occur in NC to track the development and spread of resistance over time The sensitivity of these isolates and strains collected by project participants to benzimidazole, DMI, and QoI fungicides will be determined in 2006. One A. stolonifera and one P. annua site will be selected in NC for intensive sampling (30 to 50 isolates). These isolates will be sent to Hillman (NJ) for analysis of population structure using molecular techniques. Wong (CA) will continue to establish baseline sensitivity of C. cereale isolates from CA and other states to fludioxonil. In vitro sensitivity of isolates to this fungicide will be confirmed with in vivo testing and molecular methods.<br /> <br /> In vitro tests, phosphorous acid and formulated phosphonate fungicides will be evaluated for their ability to control anthracnose using several isolates of C. cereale (Landschoot). Fungicide trials will continue in NC to assess the efficacy of phosphonate fungicides for control of anthracnose diseases on A. stolonifera and P. annua greens (Tredway).<br /> <br /> Several studies will be initiated in 2006 to expand upon our current understanding of how management practices influence the incidence and severity of anthracnose on P. annua greens (Clarke, Huang and Murphy). The impact of sand topdressing rate, frequency, particle size and incorporation method, as well as the effect of irrigation and different types of rolling and mowing practices on anthracnose will be studied over the next two years <br /> <br /> A study initiated in 2005 to evaluate the impact of PGR type, rate, and frequency of application on anthracnose, seedhead expression and quality of P. annua will be continued to assess the influence of main effects on this disease and to identify potential interactions that may occur between seedhead and vegetative growth regulation practices (Clarke and Murphy).<br /> <br /> We will continue a field study in NY for another two years assessing the impact of various walk behind mowers, mowing frequencies, and frequency of clip (at two nitrogen rates) on anthracnose basal rot of putting green turf (Rossi).<br /> <br /> A field study conducted in PA to evaluate the effect of nitrogen rate and source on anthracnose severity in a mixed sward of A. stolonifera and P. annua maintained as a putting green will be repeated in 2006 (Uddin).<br /> <br /> In the area of conservation biological control, surveys of natural enemies (predators, parasitoids, pathogens) of ABW will be continued to obtain information on potential agents of curative biological control and on naturally occurring enemies that will be the focus of studies on habitat manipulations for conservation biological control (Alm, Koppenhöfer, Shrewsbury). NJ will serve as the repository for strains of entomopathogenic nematodes (Koppenhöfer), NY for entomopathogenic fungi (Peck), and MD for information and observations on parasitoids and predators (Shrewsbury).<br /> <br /> In the area of host plant resistance, protocols will be established to maintain ABW life stages on P. annua in the greenhouse in order to measure certain biological characters such as fecundity and longevity (Peck). Once developed, different P. annua varieties developed in PA (Huff) will be established in pots and screened for effects on any aspect of ABW biology with the goal of obtaining positive evidence for genetic variation in host plant resistance (Peck). Protocols will also be tested for challenging small plots of P. annua varieties with ABW adults (Alm) and C. cereale (Bonos, Clarke and Murphy) to evaluate resistance potential in the field.<br /> <br /> Field inoculations of A. stolonifera with C. cereale are planned for 2006 (Bonos). The protocol successfully developed by Uddin and modified by Clarke and Hillman for the inoculation of P. annua in the field will be adjusted to enhance infectivity on Agrostis cultivars and selections. Isolates of C. cereale with proven pathogenicity to Agrostis in greenhouse studies will be used for inoculations.<br /> <br /> Technical expertise and methodology from a genetic linkage map and Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) identified in A. stolonifera for dollar spot resistance (Bonos) will be shared with Huff and coworkers working on a genetic linkage map of P. annua and the identification of QTLs for resistance to anthracnose. Bonos will share markers, mapping techniques, software programs and expertise to support the linkage map and marker development in P. annua coordinated by Huff.<br /> <br /> Poa annua will continue to be collected, selected, and bred to develop additional genetically-stable and phenotypically-uniform cultivars (Huff) for on-site testing at commercial golf courses and research sites of project participants. Huff will assist project collaborators in the development of techniques to screen large numbers of progenies and germplasm accessions for resistance to anthracnose and tolerance to ABW.<br /> <br /> Working with Huff (PA) and Bonos (NJ), Langille (ME) will adapt a protocol developed on potato to challenge protoplasts of P. annua and Agrostis with toxins extracted from cultures of C. cereale to identify potentially disease resistant clones of both species for use in the PA and NJ breeding programs.<br /> <br /> Progress/impact will be assessed by:<br /> " Number of field trials conducted on ABW and anthracnose control products and number of reports submitted as publications to Arthropod Management Tests, Fungicide and Nematicide Tests and other print or online journals.<br /> " Number of control products evaluated with efficacy superior to conventional insecticide (e.g., pyrethroids) and fungicide (e.g., QoI) chemistries.<br /> " Number of new ABW pathogen strains isolated and evaluated in laboratory bioassays.<br /> " Survey results (i.e., dollars saved, pesticide use reduced, and enhanced levels of control obtained) from commercial golf course superintendents who implement cultural, chemical, biological, biorational, or genetic (e.g., new pest resistant cultivars of P. annua or Agrostis) practices identified by project collaborators to reduce anthracnose and/or ABW. <br /> " Variation across P. annua cultivars identified for one or more ABW or anthracnose biological parameters.<br /> <br /> Objective 3<br /> <br /> In the area of rearing techniques and economic thresholds, work will continue to establish techniques for maintaining ABW life stages in the laboratory/greenhouse in order to produce sufficient material to support controlled laboratory/greenhouse trials (Koppenhöfer, Peck).<br /> <br /> In the area of prediction models, the preliminary degree-day model established in 2005 for the ABW will be strengthened in 2006 after acquiring a third year of data from two sites in Upstate NY (Peck). Studies will continue to assess Downy serviceberry, Amelanchier arborea, as a plant phenological indicator for the timing of ABW control applications (Heller).<br /> <br /> A P. annua putting green is currently being constructed in CT to establish a permanent location for studies investigating the influence of environmental parameters and key management factors on anthracnose (Kaminski).<br /> <br /> In the area of insecticide resistance management, studies will be conducted to confirm resistance by comparing dose-response curves from less intensively selected populations as a baseline for comparison (Cowles, Swier). Contributing resistance studies are also contemplated in MA (Vittum). Insecticide resistance test kits will be distributed to a subgroup of golf course superintendents for field testing (Cowles).<br /> <br /> Progress/impact will be assessed by:<br /> " Procedure adequate for maintaining ABW in the laboratory/greenhouse year round<br /> " Robustness (i.e. predictive power) of a degree-day model to predict the timing of ABW phenology based on two sites across three years<br /> " Robustness (i.e. predictive power) of a predictive model for forecasting anthracnose epidemics based on environmental factors that can be validated in the field at various locations throughout the region.<br /> " Number of superintendents to field test a diagnostic kit for assessing ABW susceptibility to pyrethroids<br /> <br /> Objective 4<br /> <br /> A survey instrument is being developed to collect preliminary data regarding the management and prevalence of anthracnose (Kaminski and Landschoot) and ABW (Cowles, Peck, and Ruemmele) on golf courses throughout the country. The University of Connecticut (Kaminski) will be responsible for hosting the survey on a soon to be developed project website. Golf course superintendents from all states participating in the project will be enlisted to take part in a general and extensive pre-project survey on the management of ABW and anthracnose in P. annua. The project website will help participants disseminate research results to golf course superintendents throughout North America (Kaminski). The website will serve as a central clearinghouse for project accomplishments, periodic updates, publications, and the working version of a best management practices publication to be developed by the NE 1025 participants. The site will also serve as the host for pre- and post-project surveys thus enabling the group to periodically assess the impact that this project is having on stakeholders throughout the Country.<br /> <br /> Progress/impact will be assessed by:<br /> " Number of golf course superintendents responding to the pre- and post-project surveys and the number of states represented.<br /> " Data obtained from the pre- and post project surveys to assess quantitative (e.g., dollars saved and pesticide usage reduced) and qualitative (e.g., management practices changed and plant health improved) impacts from this project.<br /> " Number of hits on the project website and the number of downloads of archived ABW and anthracnose research and extension based publications developed by project collaborators.<br /> <br /> Expected Tangible Outputs or Products from the Research<br /> <br /> By end of Year 1 (09/30/06):<br /> " Centralized repositories established for ABW geographic locality information, isolates of entomopathogenic nematodes and fungi, information and observations on parasitoids and predators, and taxonomic voucher specimens<br /> " Initial working draft of a best management practices document incorporating the latest research results from project participants for posting on the NE 1025 website <br /> " Map of the current known and confirmed distribution of ABW, at the level of county, established for at least four states, including MD and NY <br /> " Preliminary degree-day model to predict ABW phenology is developed and ready for regional validation<br /> " Improved procedures for maintaining, manipulating and rearing ABW in the laboratory/greenhouse<br /> " Protocols established for screening P. annua varieties to ABW and anthracnose, and Agrostis varieties to anthracnose in the greenhouse and field<br /> " Protocols established for rapidly assessing the development of fungicide resistant stains of C. cereale<br /> " Diagnostic test kits to assess pyrethroid susceptibility are field-tested by a subpopulation of golf course superintendents in CT<br /> " Isolation and identification of C. cereale strains from North America for use in breeding programs, population studies, and management research<br /> " New strains/species of ABW pathogens isolated and available for studies on biological control<br /> " New information generated on the occurrence of parasitoids and predators and available for studies on conservation biological control through habitat manipulation<br /> " Survey of pre-project management practices conducted<br /> " Launch of project website to include research progress updates, survey results, refereed and non-refereed publications, extension fact sheets and bulletins, conference proceedings, and minutes from regional project meetings<br /> " Results of research examining the impact of cultural practices (nitrogen, growth regulators, mowing, rolling and verticutting) on anthracnose published in refereed and trade journals<br /> " Results of field efficacy trials for ABW and anthracnose published in Arthropod Management Tests, Fungicide and Nematicide Tests, and other print and online journals.<br /> " Research results shared via multiple presentations to diverse stakeholder audiences across the United States and Canada.<br />Publications
Crouch, J., B.B. Clarke, and B.I. Hillman. 2005. Biology and Phylogenetic relationships of Colletotrichum isolates from turfgrass in North America. J. Int. Turf Soc. 10:186-195.<br /> <br /> Landschoot, P.J., and P.J. Cook. 2005. Sorting out the phosphonate products. Golf Course Management. 73 (11):73-77.<br /> <br /> Cook, P.J., P.J. Landschoot, and M. Schlossberg. 2006. Phosphonate products for disease control and putting green quality. Golf Course Management. 74 (4):93-96.<br /> <br /> Crouch, J., B.B. Clarke, and B.I. Hillman. 2006. Unraveling the evolutionary relationships among the divergent lineages of Colletotrichum causing anthracnose disease in turfgrass and maize. Phytopathology 96:46-60 <br /> <br />Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 03/15/2008
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 05/08/2007
- 05/09/2007
Period the Report Covers: 05/01/2006 - 04/01/2007
Period the Report Covers: 05/01/2006 - 04/01/2007
Alm, Steve (stevealm@uri.edu) - University of Rhode Island;;Bonos, Stacy (Bonos@AESOP.Rutgers.edu) - Rutgers University;;
Clarke, Bruce (clarke@AESOP.Rutgers.edu) - Rutgers University;;
Cowles, Richard (Richard.Cowles@po.state.ct.us) - Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station;;
DaCosta, Michelle (mdacosta@psis.umass.edu) - University of Massachussets;;
Dernoeden, Peter (pd@umd.edu) - University of Maryland;;
Haith, Douglas (dah13@cornell.edu) - Cornell University;;
Heller, Paul (prh@psu.edu) - Pennsylvania State University;;
Hillman, Brad (Hillman@AESOP.Rutgers.edu) - Rutgers University;;
Hsiang, Tom (thsiang@uoguelph.ca) - University of Guelph;;
Huang, Bingru (huang@AESOP.Rutgers.edu) - Rutgers University;;
Huff, David (drh15@psu.edu) - Pennsylvania State University;;
Kaminski, John (john.kaminski@uconn.edu) - University of Connecticut;;
Jung, Geunhwa (jung@psis.umass.edu) - University of Massachussets;;
Koppenhöfer, Albrecht (koppenhofer@AESOP.Rutgers.edu) - Rutgers University;;
Krischik, Vera (krisc001@umn.edu) - University of Minnesota;;
Landschoot, Peter (pjl1@psu.edu) - Pennsylvania State University;;
Murphy, James (murphy@AESOP.Rutgers.edu) - Rutgers University;;
Peck, Daniel (dp25@cornell.edu) - Cornell University;;
Rossi, Frank (fsr3@cornell.edu) - Cornell University;;
Shrewsbury, Paula (pshrewsbury@umd.edu) - University of Maryland;;
Swier, Stan (stan.swier@unh.edu) - University of New Hampshire;;
Tredway, Lane (lane_tredway@ncsu.edu) - North Carolina State University;;
Uddin, Wakar (wxu2@psu.edu) - Pennsylvania State University;;
Vargas, Joseph (vargas@msu.edu) - Michigan State University;;
Vittum, Pat (pvittum@ent.umass.edu) - University of Massachussets;;
Wick, Robert (rwick@microbio.umass.edu) - University of Massachussets;;
Wong, Frank (frank.wong@ucr.edu) - University of California, Riverside
Brief Summary of Minutes
Objective 1. Fill critical knowledge gaps in our understanding of the biology, ecology, and impact of annual bluegrass weevil (ABW) and anthracnose associated with annual bluegrass on golf courses in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic.<br /> <br /> In the area of impact, a survey for anthracnose and ABW was developed and made available to golf course superintendents in the U.S. and Canada via the World Wide Web (Hsiang, Kaminski). A total of 313 turfgrass professionals participated in the survey to date. Of the participants, 71 and 46% stated that they have had troubles with anthracnose or ABW, respectively. For anthracnose, participants estimated that they spent d$20,000 (48%), between $20,000-40,000 (31%), or e$40,000 (18%) on fungicides specifically targeting this disease. Near half of the respondents (49%) stated that the total dollars spent managing anthracnose accounted for e20% of their total fungicide budget. A total of 31 participants stated that they spent e50% of their total fungicide budget on anthracnose control. Of the survey participants, 85% stated that they spent d$20,000 for control of all insects on their golf course. For ABW control, 39% estimated that >10% of their total insecticide budget was used specifically to control this insect, and 6% of the respondents spent >50% of their budget controlling ABW. Based on responses, the most severe damage was observed along the edges of fairways and the turf surrounding collars and approaches of the golf course putting greens. Moderate to severe damage to golf course putting greens was observed by approximately 17% of respondents.<br /> <br /> In the area of geographic distribution, 30 isolates of C. cereale were collected from a single P. annua putting green in NC and were submitted to Rutgers (Hillman) for inclusion in their study of C. cereale population structure (Tredway). Fifty-two isolates of C. cereale from 10 locations were tested for their sensitivity to benzimidazole and QoI fungicides in vitro. All isolates were insensitive to 10 ppm of the benzimidazole fungicide thiophanate-methyl. Mycelial growth of 48 isolates was uninhibited by 8 ppm of azoxystrobin, which is indicative of the G143L mutation that confers complete insensitivity to the QoI fungicides. Four isolates were completely inhibited by 8 ppm but were not inhibited by 0.3 ppm. These isolates may possess the F129L mutation that confers partial insensitivity. Further investigation is needed to confirm which mutations are present in the sample population. Our conclusion is that benzimidazole and QoI resistance is widespread in NC, VA and TN populations of C. cereale (Tredway). Isolates of C. cereale were collected from golf courses in New England and submitted to Rutgers for further genetic analyses (Kaminski). <br /> <br /> Reports on ABW occurrence were gathered from USGA agronomists active in the Mid-Atlantic region, which represents the southern boundary of known ABW occurrence (Shrewsbury). ABW infestations were reported from localities that include Annapolis, Baltimore, Edgewater, Park Heights and Towson, MD; Berkeley Springs and Morgantown, WV; and Washington D.C. <br /> <br /> In the area of overwintering and reproductive biology, results were fully analyzed from a series of studies designed to identify factors that influence ABW overwintering site selection and to document the nature of flux between overwintering and developmental sites (Peck). Surveys of natural populations were conducted early spring over 2 yr to test how abundance of overwintered adults depends on microhabitat and distance from developmental habitat. The influence of microhabitat on overwintering preference and success was further tested in a multiple choice and no-choice field experiment by relocating overwintering weevils into experimental arenas where 4 microhabitats were presented together or singly. The timing and direction of dispersal by walking adults was assessed using paired linear pitfall traps. Results showed that adults could overwinter e60 m from the fairway 10 m into the woods. They were most abundant near the tree line; none were detected within 5 m of the fairway. Microhabitat had a significant effect on abundance in 1 yr, being highest in mixed tree litter followed by moss, high-cut grass, and pine litter. Under multiple choice conditions, high-cut grass was preferred over low-cut grass and leaf litter, followed by pine litter. Pitfall trap captures showed a peak of activity in the spring, and at one site this was directional toward the fairway. There was no directionality or increase in activity in the fall. Based on these results, a new conceptual model of flux between habitats was proposed based on orientation of flying adults to defined tree lines in the fall. Defining this behavior will strengthen our ability to target control tactics in space and time. <br /> <br /> In the area of population biology and ecology, questions have been addressed at several levels. In FIrst, the evolutionary relationship of C. cereale to other species of Colletotrichum associated with grasses was investigated (Clarke, Crouch, Hillman). An analysis of 147 strains of Colletotrichum isolated from 45 grass species from 12 countries (61 isolates from C4 and 86 samples from C3 grasses) was performed from a four-gene, 3,400 nucleotide sequence dataset. We determined that this morphologically similar group of organisms is actually quite diverse on the molecular level, and has evolved in a pattern suggestive of ecological speciation, likely driven by host plant specialization. Although the results suggest sympatric speciation, the data are insufficient to exclude the possibility of initial allopatric segregation and subsequent dispersal. There is a clear difference between the highly specialized species that are pathogens of C4 grasses, and the lineages of C. cereale found on C3 grasses, both on turf and non-turf hosts. The grass-inhabiting Colletotrichum group has evolved along a distinct trajectory, with the earliest species adapted to non-grasses, then moving onto C4 hosts, and finally onto C3 grasses (C. cereale), with the most closely related C3- and C4-infecting lineages separated by ~41 million years of divergence. The C. cereale lineage is subdivided into nine subpopulations that correspond to lifestyle (turfgrass pathogen vs. non-turf pathogen); 89% of the pathogenic isolates from turf are members of only three populations. Thus, C. cereale may be currently undergoing ecological specialization leading to speciation, but the data provided strong evidence in support of gene flow between the subgroups. Five new species of grass-inhabiting Colletotrichum have been identified from this research. A manuscript detailing these results is in preparation (Clarke, Crouch, Hillman).<br /> <br /> Second, an examination of the C. cereale mating-type gene clusters was conducted, focusing on sexuality in the graminicolous species of Colletotrichum (Clarke, Crouch, Hillman). In order to explore the mating strategy of C. cereale, we cloned and characterized the entire ~30-kb MAT gene cluster and compared it to 10 additional grass-associated species of Colletotrichum. Using a combination of transposon-mediated cosmid sequencing, cosmid chromosome walking and PCR amplification, 8 genes were identified at the Colletotrichum MAT locus. Locus organization was identical in the grass-inhabiting Colletotrichum group, irrespective of homothallism (e.g. C. falcatum) or heterothallism (e.g. C. graminicola), with no evidence for a MAT1-1 idiomorph. Comparison of the Colletotrichum MAT gene cluster with homologous sequences of 10 ascomycetes whose genomes have been sequenced, showed that both gene composition and order has been broadly conserved in this region across evolutionary time, although several differences in gene length, as well as insertions, deletions and inversions were detected. An examination of polymorphism, divergence and selection pressures on the locus are near completion, and a manuscript describing this research is in preparation (Clarke, Crouch, Hillman).<br /> <br /> Third, an analysis of C. cereale population biology through the use of transposable genetic elements was completed and a manuscript is in review (Clarke, Crouch, Hillman). For fungi, repeat-induced point mutation (RIP) silencing minimizes the deleterious effects of transposons by mutating multicopy DNA during meiosis. In this study we identified five transposon species from the mitosporic fungus C. cereale and reported the signature pattern of RIP acting in a lineage-specific manner on 21 of 35 unique transposon loci, providing the first evidence for sexual recombination for this species. Sequence analysis of genomic populations of the retrotransposon Ccret2 showed repeated rounds of RIP mutation acting on different copies of the element. In the RIPped Ccret2 population, there were multiple inferences of incongruence primarily attributed to RIP-induced homoplasy. These results provide an initial picture of the transposon diversity of C. cereale, both within a single genome and between lineages, and highlight the potential for intragenomic populations of transposable elements to expand our understanding of fungal evolution.<br /> <br /> Fourth an investigation into the potential for recombination in populations of C. cereale using transposons was recently completed and is in review (Clarke, Crouch, Hillman, Uddin). We investigated how four repeat-induced point (RIP) mutated transposons, in conjunction with multi-locus phylogenetic analysis of non-repetitive sequence data, can be used to detect recombination and population structure from isolates representing both of the major C. cereale lineages. Low but significant levels of linkage disequilibrium, combined with reticulate network topologies, high genotypic diversity, and high levels of incompatible loci failed to support the presumption of strict clonality for C. cereale. These observations lend credence to a hypothesis suggesting that a sexual stage played an important role in the recent evolution of this pathogen.<br /> <br /> Results were fully analyzed from a 3-yr study designed to develop an understanding of the spatial and temporal association of ABW with golf course landscapes (Peck). Patterns of variation in certain population parameters were described across site, year and management habitat. In weekly surveys along fairway transects, larvae were sampled by soil core extraction and adults by hand collection. Five instars were confirmed based on head capsule width measurements; there was no overlap among instars despite certain differences in size among sites and years. Sex ratio was significantly male-skewed on the intermediate rough (1.55) and rough (1.57) versus the fairway (0.98). Insect load, a measure of population size based on cumulative insect-days, varied from 3.0- to 18.5-fold across sites and years, and averaged 8.7- and 8.0-fold greater on the fairway than rough for larvae and adults, respectively. Visual assessment of stage-specific population fluctuation curves revealed no divergence in adult males and females. Variation was greater by year than by site in terms of overall shape of the fluctuation curves, relative abundance of overwintered to spring and summer adults, population synchrony and number of generations (2-3). Evidence of bimodal spring generations demonstrated that early season population synchrony may be linked to the pattern of adults transitioning from overwintering to developmental habitats. These results are meaningful in establishing patterns of variation in seasonal dynamics across the geographic range where ABW occur as pests. In addition, the results offer prospects for assessing how phenology might be better predicted to improve the targeting of controls in space and time.<br /> <br /> In a second study, the seasonal dynamics of ABW were observed across fairway transects on three golf courses in northern and central NJ from April to October 2006 (Koppenhöfer). Two generations of ABW were documented at two sites while three generations were documented at the third. Sampling of roughs and leaf litter adjacent to infested fairways revealed that the adults from populations experiencing two generations migrated to overwintering sites in the first week of August. <br /> <br /> In a third study, the seasonal dynamics of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) were studied in tandem with their insect host (Koppenhöfer). ABW from all three populations were infected. The generational mortality caused by EPNs was similar between sites although ABW phenology and relative abundance differed. EPNs were observed infecting all stages between 3rd instar and pupae, although 4th and 5th instars were infected most often. The vast majority of infections occurred during the first generation of larvae, when densities were highest. Both Steinernema carpocapsae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora infected ABW at all three sites. No other EPN species has been detected in the soils thus far. EPN populations proved to be highly variable in relative density between sampling dates and sites, yet consistently varying with the season on an annual basis. EPN peak densities correlated with the increase in first generation in the soil (4th instar to pupae). Drastic declines in EPN densities were observed during July (second generation) when densities of ABW in the soil were low (relative to the first generation) and soil temperatures increased. <br /> <br /> Objective 2. Identify and develop new cultural, biological, chemical, and genetic control options for suppressing ABW and anthracnose on golf courses.<br /> <br /> In the area of new chemical control options, a field efficacy trial was conducted in NJ to evaluate the influence of conventional fungicides and biorational products on anthracnose on a P. annua putting green (Clarke). Disease pressure was very high throughout the study (32-98% turf area infested with C. cereale on untreated turf). Only chlorothalonil (76 g a.i. 90 m-2) and tebuconazole (10.6 g a.i. 90 m-2) provided acceptable disease control (>90% control) during the test (28 June 17 August 2006). Thiophanate-methyl, propiconazole, and the QoIs azoxystrobin, fluoxastrobin, and pyraclostrobin were ineffective (not commercially acceptable) in suppressing anthracnose (0-79% control) when applied at standard label rates. Fosetyl- Al, polyoxin-D, Alude (mono- and di-potassium salts of phosphorous acid or potassium phosphite), iprodione, fludioxonil, and a tank mixture of chlorothalonil (42 g a.i. 90 m-2) + a biorational product (an experimental mixture of several N, P, K and Si sources) suppressed anthracnose early in the epidemic (91, 87, 85, 80, 78 and 96% control, respectively, from 28 June -18 July), but were less effective when disease severity increased from 27 July 17 August. The microbial fungicides B. subtilus (Rhapsody) and Bacillus licheniformis (Ecoguard) did not provide acceptable levels of disease suppression (0-59% control) during the study.<br /> <br /> A field efficacy trial was conducted in CT to evaluate the influence of existing and experimental fungicides on anthracnose on P. annua (Kaminski). Anthracnose pressure was severe in the study and 50% of untreated plots were damaged by the disease. Excellent control (d5% disease) was provided by tebuconazole, chlorothalonil and a fungicide program incorporating various products throughout the season. Good control was observed within plots treated with fludioxinil + fosetyl-Al. Thiophanate-methyl, propiconazole, Alude, and pyraclostrobin were unable to provide commercially acceptable levels of control (0-48% control). To generate research space to conduct future anthracnose studies, approximately 18,000 sq ft of putting green turf was constructed using core aerification plugs and/or sod from golf courses. Putting green turf will be available for field evaluations in 2007.<br /> <br /> The phosphonate fungicides fosetyl-Al and potassium phosphite were evaluated for preventative control of anthracnose in creeping bentgrass (A. stolonifera) and P. annua putting greens (Tredway). Trials were conducted in Raleigh, NC on Dominant creeping bentgrass and in Blowing Rock, NC on P. annua putting greens. Applications were initiated early June and repeated on 14-day intervals through late August. The incidence and severity of anthracnose basal rot or anthracnose foliar blight were evaluated on 14-day intervals prior to each application. On bentgrass, fosetyl-Al (Chipco Signature, 4 oz/1000 ft2) gave moderate suppression of disease, but potassium phosphite (Alude, 6 fl oz/1000 ft2) provided none. On P. annua, both fosetyl-Al and potassium phosphite provided moderate suppression. Based on 2 yr of experimentation, fosetyl-Al and potassium phosphite products provide good to excellent control of anthracnose diseases in P. annua, while only fosetyl-Al is effective in creeping bentgrass.<br /> <br /> An efficacy trial was conducted in PA with various phosphonate fungicides (fosetyl-Al and potassium phosphite products) on anthracnose basal rot and quality of a mixed P. annua/creeping bentgrass putting green (Landschoot). Only fosetyl-Al (Chipco Signature) and reagent-grade phosphorous acid/potassium hydroxide reduced anthracnose severity relative to the untreated control. Phosphonate fungicides and a reagent-grade phosphorous acid/potassium hydroxide treatment typically provided better turfgrass quality than untreated turf. <br /> <br /> Attempts were made to induce anthracnose on the creeping bentgrass/ P. annua research green at the Guelph Turfgrass Institute, but no disease was observed (Hsiang). A better protocol is needed for disease induction in order to be able to study this disease in the field under controlled conditions.<br /> <br /> A study initiated in 2005 to evaluate growth regulation strategies that reduce seedhead formation in the spring (mefluidide or ethephon), suppress vegetative growth (trinexapac-ethyl) throughout the season, or combine both forms of suppression on anthracnose development was continued in 2006 on a P. annua green in NJ (Clarke, Inguagiato, Murphy). Although trinexapac-ethyl (TE) did not affect anthracnose severity in the first year, it reduced disease in 2006 at rates ranging from 0.32-0.64 L ha-1 applied every 7 or 14 days. Turf incurred 29-60% less anthracnose when treated with TE than untreated turf. More frequent application of TE (i.e., 7 vs. 14 days) reduced disease on 3 and 21 July 2006 at both 0.40 and 0.64 L ha-1. There was no interaction between application interval and rate of TE. The average mefluidide (ME) treatment effect reduced anthracnose 14-39% relative to untreated turf in 2006, whereas ME-alone had 19-71% more disease compared to combinations of ME and TE. The use of ME or ethephon (ET) with repeated TE applications provided improved disease control. ME+TE reduced disease 29 and 42% on 23 June and 3 July 2006 compared to TE alone. The average ET treatment effect reduced anthracnose 24-77% relative to untreated turf on all but one date in 2006. ET+TE reduced disease compared to either growth regulator alone on 3 July 2006, and provided better control of anthracnose than ET alone on 21 July 2006. The average ET treatment had less disease than turf treated with ME in 2006. <br /> <br /> A variety of field trials were conducted across the region in 2006 to test a range of chemical and biological insecticides for suppressing ABW populations on golf course turf. In CT, two attempts were made to conduct efficacy trials on a course with a population known to be resistant to pyrethroids, but these were abandoned due to flooding and low populations (Cowles). In RI, trials on a golf course fairway were unsuccessful for the same reasons (Alm).<br /> <br /> In MA, efficacy trials were conducted on registered conventional and biorational products and one experimental product (chlorantraniliprole) (Vittum). Applications in early spring (after Forsythia full bloom but before dogwood full bloom) targeted adults and those in late spring (late May) targeted larvae. All sites were sampled in early June and some were resampled in early July to determine whether any products could reduce larval populations for more than one generation. Heavy rains compromised results at some sites. A combination product of imidacloprid and bifenthrin applied early spring reduced populations when sampled in early June but not early July. Split applications (April and early June) of the same product reduced populations when sampled in July (second generation). Among several curative products applied late spring, spinosad provided >75% control at all rates tested. In comparison, the more traditional curative products did not perform as well; acephate and trichlorfon provided 43 and 20-55% control, respectively.<br /> <br /> In NH, two trials in May were unsuccessful due to heavy rainfall (Swier). A curative trial on June 15 targeted larvae. The fairway was already showing damage. Rated 11 DAT, indoxacarb (0.22 lb a.i./a) provided 87% control, the same as the standard trichlorfon (8.17 lb a.i./a). Chlorantraniliprole gave 67% control (0.5 lb a.i./a) and clothianidin gave 58%, but was not significantly different from the untreated check. <br /> <br /> In PA, four efficacy trials were conducted on experimental and registered insecticide formulations to suppress ABW (Heller). Preventive spring applications of chlorantraniliprole, lambda cyhalothrin and bifenthrin gave >96% control of adults, but clothianidin was not effective. Curative spring applications of spinosad and trichlorfon gave >90% control of larvae. <br /> <br /> In NJ, field efficacy trials were conducted in early and late May (Koppenhöfer). Results from early May applications were chlorantraniliprole 85-100%, bifenthrin 85-93%, clothianidin 78% and indoxacarb 56-71%. Results from late May applications were bifenthrin 54-69% and clothianidin 63%.<br /> <br /> In the area of biological control, the distribution of naturally occurring entomopathogenic nematodes in the soil profile were studied in tandem with ABW populations (Obj. 2) (Koppenhöfer). Vertical soil sampling of two transects revealed that neither H. bacteriophora nor S. carpocapsae were found in the uppermost soil profile (0-5 cm) 3 wk following infection when second generation ABW larvae were likely to be present at this depth (Koppenhöfer). H. bacteriophora was found as deep as 15 cm during this period, returning to the surface in the end of August when conditions improved. S. carpocapsae went undetected between the middle of July and early August, suggesting that this species recolonizes golf course fairways from surrounding areas. The results suggest that inundative applications of nematodes against the first generation ABW larvae is unlikely to have a residual effect on the second generation larvae since the nematodes do not persist at the soil surface. <br /> <br /> In laboratory assays against adult ABW, EPNs provided only moderate control, even under optimal conditions (Koppenhöfer). Evaluation of EPNs in laboratory assays and field trials against first generation larvae provided high levels of control. EPNs were applied to field infested turf cores containing 4th and 5th instars and pupae in laboratory assays. Significant reductions in numbers were observed against 4th instars, yet low numbers in the following assays made it difficult to determine pathogenicity to 5th instars and pupae. Field trials using one endemic and four commercially available EPNs indicate that high levels of control can be achieved with well timed applications against first generation soil stages. However, due to variability in the data and somewhat different ranking between laboratory and field experiments, further experiments will have to be conducted to determine which EPN species may be the most promising for ABW control.<br /> <br /> In the area of new cultural control options, four field studies were initiated in 2006 to examine the impact of irrigation, equipment operation and topdressing practices on anthracnose on P. annua greens in NJ. The first study sought to identify irrigation practices that predispose P. annua putting green turf to anthracnose (Clarke, Huang, Inguagiato, Murphy). Treatments included daily replacement of evapotranspiration (ET) with irrigation at 100, 80, 60 and 40% of ET, resulting in plots that ranged from excessively wet to very dry soil water contents. Anthracnose severity was greatest in plots maintained with 40% ET replacement on 28 July 2006. Irrigation at 60% ET on this date had less disease than 40%, but more than 80 and 100% replacement which did not differ from each other. By 25 August, turf at 100% ET had as much anthracnose as turf receiving 40% ET replacement; moderate irrigation levels of 60 and 80% had the least disease on 25 August. These data illustrate that both over- and under- watering turf can increase this disease and that drought stress may predispose turf to anthracnose more rapidly than liberal irrigation (100% ET).<br /> <br /> A second field study was conducted in 2006 to determine whether lightweight vibratory or sidewinder rollers differentially affect anthracnose severity and if the location of equipment operation (putting green center versus perimeter) influences the disease (Clarke, Inguagiato, Murphy). The 2006 experiment was arranged as a 3 x 2 factorial using a split-block design with eight replications. Rolling treatments (sidewinder roller, vibratory roller and no roller) were oriented as strips perpendicular to the location blocks. Plots were mowed daily (7 days wk-1) with a John Deere 220B walk behind mower bench-set at 3.2-mm. The perimeter block treatment also received daily clean-up passes with the mower. Rolling was done every other day after mowing in the morning. Disease intensity was low in this study during 2006, as were the number of disease observations. Three observations of disease incidence were made during the 2006 growing season. Both forms of rolling increased disease on 11 September compared to non-rolled turf. Anthracnose was greater in plots treated as the center of a putting green on 18 August. However, anthracnose was 13-17% greater in perimeter plots than center plots on the last two rating dates. More data will be required in 2007 and 2008 before any conclusions can be drawn from this research trial.<br /> <br /> The third study was established to evaluate the effect of sand topdressing rate and frequency on anthracnose (Clarke, Inguagiato, Murphy). Three sand rates (0 , 0.3 and 0.6 L m-2) and three topdressing frequencies (7, 14 and 28 days) were applied in a factorial arrangement to P. annua putting green turf maintained according to standard management practices for the Northeast. Sand rate affected anthracnose on 12 July, where 0.3 L m-2 increased severity compared to no sand, indicating that topdressing may initially encourage disease. However, less disease was observed in topdressed plots compared to non-topdressed plots from 7 to 16 August. As sand rate increased, disease was reduced from 28 August to 6 September. Topdressing frequency had no effect on disease until 7 August. From this date until the end of the study (9 September), anthracnose was reduced in plots topdressed every 7 days compared to either the 14- or 28-day intervals. An interaction between rate and frequency in August and September indicated a cumulative benefit of sand topdressing. In early August, there was no effect of topdressing rate on a 28-d schedule, 0.6 L m-2 had less disease than no sand but was not different than 0.3 L m-2 on a 14-d schedule; and both 0.6 and 0.3 L m-2 had less anthracnose than no sand on a 7-d schedule. By late August, plots topdressed every 28-d at 0.6 L m-2 had less anthracnose than either the 0.3 L m-2 or non-topdressed plots. A reduction of disease was also apparent at 0.6 L m-2 every 14 days and at 0.6 and 0.3 L m-2 every 7 days compared to the respective lower rate treatments. By September, anthracnose was less severe in plots receiving 0.6 L m-2 of sand at all topdressing intervals, or 0.3 L m-2 of sand at both the 7- and 14-day intervals but not every 28 days. Contrary to the initial hypothesis, this first year of data indicated that sand topdressing had a cumulative beneficial effect and that light frequent applications provided the most rapid and substantial reduction of anthracnose. Topdressing practices using increased sand rates (1.2 L ha-1) on a less frequent interval (21 and 42 days) were also evaluated in this study. The addition of 1.2 L ha-1 every 21 or 42 days reduced disease compared to non-topdressed turf by 7 August. The cumulative amount of sand applied on 3 August for the 21- and 42-day schedules was comparable to the amount of sand applied by the 0.3 L ha-1 treatment on a 7-day schedule and the 0.6 L ha-1 treatment on a 14-day schedule. Topdressing on 21-day schedule reduced anthracnose to a greater extent (28 August) than topdressing on a 42-day schedule.<br /> <br /> The new fourth study initiated in 2006 examined the effect of topdressing sand particle shape (sub-angular vs. rounded) and incorporation method on anthracnose of a P. annua putting green (Clarke, Inguagiato, Murphy). The experiment was arranged as 4 x 3 factorial using a split-plot design with incorporation method as the main plot and sand type as sub-plot. Topdressing was applied using dried sand after dew and gutation water had dried from the turf canopy. Eight passes were made with either soft- or stiff-bristled brushes to incorporate the sand and to achieve variable degrees of turf bruising. Incorporation with vibratory rolling was done with one pass over plots immediately after sand application and two additional passes (once each afternoon for 2 days after sand application). The entire area was hand watered on the day of topdressing immediately after the other incorporation techniques (brushing and rolling) were completed. There were no differences among the four incorporation methods evaluated in this study. A differential response of anthracnose to sand type was observed in July compared to August and September. On 7 July, plots topdressed with round sand had more disease than plots treated with sub-angular or no sand. Greater disease was still observed in plots topdressed with rounded sand on 14 July, however there was no longer a difference between non-topdressed and sub-angular sand plots. The anthracnose response to sand topdressing changed from 7 August to 13 September when there was no difference between sub-angular and rounded sands and each of these sands reduced anthracnose by 14-47% and 14-48%, respectively, compared to non-topdressed plots. Results from this study corroborate the findings of the previous study that anthracnose may be initially enhanced by sand topdressing, but the cumulative effect of light-frequent sand topdressing provided a beneficial reduction in anthracnose severity and that brushing did not enhance disease.<br /> <br /> In the area of new genetic control options, 12 cultivars and selections and 150 germplasm selections of creeping bentgrass were inoculated during the summer of 2006 with five isolates of C. cereale (Bonos). The isolates from bentgrass were chosen specifically for their virulence to creeping bentgrass. Inoculations were conducted on three consecutive evenings in early August (after 5:30 pm) with a conidial suspension (50,000 conidia/ml) applied with a backpack sprayer. The test area was covered each night with plastic that was removed the next morning. Verticutting and grooming were conducted immediately prior to inoculations. Unfortunately, no infection occurred in 2006. <br /> <br /> In the area of host plant resistance, 28 selections of P. annua from Penn State University (Huff) were planted in a randomized complete block design (three replicates) on a research farm at the University of RI on 13 June 2006 (Alm). These plots were managed in order to have material on hand to study the interaction of turf and landscape cultural practices on ABW biology, in particular feeding preference studies planned for 2007-2009.<br /> <br /> Results were summarized from a survey of ABW densities stemming from a widespread natural infestation on field plots at Cornells Turf and Landscape Research Center (Peck, Rossi). This was a first opportunity to collect data on variation in incidence across replicated plots of 20 cultivars and combinations. Results showed a significant effect of cultivar on the abundance of ABW life stages extracted from soil cores. Abundance varied from 0 to 37 individuals/ft2. <br /> <br /> Objective 3. Develop improved IPM decision tools for managing ABW and anthracnose on golf courses.<br /> <br /> In the area of rearing techniques and economic thresholds, some progress has been made with rearing ABW in the laboratory on its natural hosts and on artificial diet (Koppenhöfer, Peck). We are presently testing artificial diets on which the larvae are feeding and appear to be developing. These procedures need to be further pursued and refined.<br /> <br /> In the area of prediction models, data from 3 yr of population data are being coalesced to establish a preliminary degree-day model to predict ABW phenology (Peck). Various models are being assessed to establish the best minimum temperature threshold and the degree of predictive power. Results indicate a good correspondence between the timing of the larvae and adults of the spring generation with growing degree-days, but not with calendar date. <br /> <br /> With respect to monitoring tools, we are testing whether larval density can be predicted by adult density based on collections made with an inverted leaf blower (Koppenhöfer). Initial observations indicate that this may be a useful monitoring method, but ongoing experiments will have to confirm and further refine this approach. In addition, 12 pitfall traps were designed and built for studies on developing better monitoring tools for ABW adults (Alm). These traps will be installed and evaluated during the 2007-2009 field seasons.<br /> <br /> In the area of insecticide resistance management, collections of adult populations were made from golf courses in NH where pyrethroids still are providing effective control (Swier). Those insects were tested to gather additional information about differences among populations with respect to adult ABW sensitivity to pyrethroids (Cowles). Results reveal that some populations are functionally resistant to pyrethroids and that the spatial variation in susceptibility is quite fine-grained. For instance, susceptible populations in Somers, CT are only ~25 miles from other CT courses where populations are pyrethroid-resistant. At the field rate dosage, populations experiencing <20% mortality can be classified as resistant, while those experiencing nearly 100% mortality would be classified as susceptible. Populations with an intermediate level of resistance, where pyrethroid resistance is in the process of developing, have not been encountered. Additional funds were secured to address this area through a joint research-extension proposal funded by the Northeast Regional IPM Program (Cowles, with Alm, Heller, Koppenhöfer, Peck, Vittum).<br /> <br /> Objective 4. Develop best management practices for annual bluegrass on golf courses that will help reduce the economic and environmental costs associated with pesticides currently used to control ABW and anthracnose. <br /> <br /> An adhoc committee (Heller, Murphy, Peck, Wong) was created to summarize project results into a dynamic best management practices document that will be updated yearly to reflect new advances. An outline has been developed.<br />Publications
Journal articles (refereed)<br /> <br /> Crouch, J., B.B. Clarke and B.I. Hillman. 2005. Biology and phylogenetic relationships of Colletotrichum isolates from turfgrass in North America. J. Int. Turf Soc. 10:186-195.<br /> <br /> Crouch, J., B.B. Clarke and B.I. Hillman. 2006. Unraveling the evolutionary relationships among the divergent lineages of Colletotrichum causing anthracnose disease in turfgrass and maize. Phytopathology 96:46-60.<br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., B.B. Clarke and B.I. Hillman. 2007. Transposons and sex: What do they mean for Colletotrichum cereale?. Phytopathology (in press).<br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., M.R. Thon, B.B. Clarke, L.J. Vaillancourt and B.I. Hillman. 2007. Genomic architecture of the mating-type gene cluster in graminicolous species of the genus Colletotrichum and across the Ascomycota. Phytopathology (in press).<br /> <br /> Diaz, M.D. and D.C. Peck. 2007. Overwintering of annual bluegrass weevils, Listronotus maculicollis (Dietz) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in the golf course landscape. Entomol. Exp. et Appl. (in press).<br /> <br /> Hao, L., T. Hsiang and P.H. Goodwin. 2006. Role of two cysteine proteinases in the susceptible response of Nicotiana benthamiana to Colletotrichum destructivum and hypersensitive response to Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato. Plant Science 170:1001-1009.<br /> <br /> Journal articles (non-refereed)<br /> <br /> Cook, P.J., P.J. Landschoot and M. Schlossberg. 2006. Phosphonate products for disease control and putting green quality. Golf Course Management 74 (4):93-96.<br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., P.R. Johnston and B.I. Hillman. 2007. Species concepts in the genus Colletotrichum: Are we finally moving towards a consistent and accurate system of classification after 50 years of von Arxian generalizations? Innoculum (in press).<br /> <br /> Kaminski, J.E. 2006. Anthracnose: a five-year multistate initiative. Connecticut Clippings.<br /> <br /> Kaminski, J.E. 2006. Anthracnose: a five-year multistate initiative. Long Island Golf Course Superintendents Newsletter.<br /> <br /> Kaminski, J.E. 2006. Anthracnose: a five-year multistate initiative. Vermont Golf Course Superintendents Association Newsletter.<br /> <br /> Kaminski, J.E. 2007. The increasing problems with anthracnose basal rot. Bayer GOLF ADVANTAGE.<br /> <br /> Kaminski, J.E. and M.G. Keneally. 2007. Preventive control of anthracnose basal rot on an annual bluegrass putting green, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports 1:T012.<br /> <br /> Koppenhöfer A.M. and B.A. McGraw. 2006. Management of the annual bluegrass weevil on golf courses: Developing new approaches. Clippings & Green World 61:20-22.<br /> <br /> Koppenhöfer A.M. and B.A. McGraw. 2007. Development of new management tools for the annual bluegrass weevil on golf courses. The Greenerside 31(2):4-11.<br /> <br /> Landschoot, P.J. and P.J. Cook. 2005. Sorting out the phosphonate products. Golf Course Management 73(11):73-77.<br /> <br /> Peck, D.C. and M.D. Diaz. 2007. Dont fear the weevil!: Managing the annual bluegrass weevil. Cornell University Turfgrass Times 18(1): 4 pp.<br /> <br /> Swier, S.R., A. Rollins and A. Collins. 2007. Efficacy of DPX E2Y45, Provaunt, and Arena compared to Dylox as a rescue treatment for annual bluegrass weevil, 2006. Arthropod Management Tests 32 (in press).<br /> <br /> Proceedings<br /> <br /> Clarke, B.B., P.R. Majumdar, D. Fitzgerald, M. Peacos, P. Goldberg, K. Gaugler, L. Jepsen and J. Inguagiato. 2006. Management of anthracnose basal rot on an annual bluegrass green with selected fungicides, p. 193-200. In: Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings, 2005, A.G. Gould, ed. Center for Turfgrass Science and the New Jersey Turfgrass Association, New Brunswick, NJ. Vol. 37.<br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., F. Wong, L.P. Tredway, T. Hsiang, B.B. Clarke and B.I. Hillman. 2006. Assessing population structure among divergent lineages of Colletotrichum cereale pathogenic to cool-season turfgrass species in North America, p. 34. In: Proc. 15th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symp., B. Park and B. Fitzgerald, eds. Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.<br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., B.B. Clarke and B.I. Hillman. 2007. Evolution of host specialization in Colletotrichum cereale associated with grasses from golf course greens, cereal crops and native prairies, p. 41. In: Proc. 16th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symp., J. Heckman, M. Provance-bwoley, B. Fitzgerald, eds. Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.<br /> <br /> Hillman, B.I., J.A. Crouch and B.B. Clarke. 2006. Colletotrichum cereale, the causal agent of turfgrass anthracnose: Some properties of the pathogen in agronomic and wild grasses, p. 26. In: Proc. 15th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symp., B. Park and B. Fitzgerald, eds. Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.<br /> <br /> Inguagiato, J.C., J.A. Murphy and B. B. Clarke. 2006. Development of best management practices for controlling anthracnose and maintenance of ball roll distance, p. 38. In: Proc. 15th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symp., B. Park and B. <br /> Fitzgerald, eds. Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.<br /> <br /> Inguagiato, J.C., J.A. Murphy and B.B. Clarke. 2007. Developing best management practices for anthracnose control on annual bluegrass greens: summarizing four years of field research, pp. 26-29. In: Proc. 16th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symp., J. Heckman, M. Provance-bwoley, B. Fitzgerald, eds. Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.<br /> <br /> Koppenhöfer, A.M. and B.A. McGraw. 2006. Development of new management tools for the annual bluegrass weevil on golf courses, pp. 179-181. In: Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings, 2005, A.G. Gould, ed. Center for Turfgrass Science and the New Jersey Turfgrass Association, New Brunswick, NJ. Vol. 37.<br /> <br /> McGraw, B.A. and A.M. Koppenhöfer. 2007. Biological control of the annual bluegrass weevil using entomopathogenic nematodes, pp. 33-34. In: Proc. 16th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symp., J. Heckman, M. Provance-bwoley, B. Fitzgerald, eds. Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.<br /> <br /> Peck, D.C. and M. Diaz. 2005. Challenges and perspectives for managing the annual bluegrass weevil, pp. 23-24. In: Proc 14th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium, D. Gimenez and B. Fitzgerald, eds. Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.<br /> <br /> Published abstracts<br /> <br /> Crouch, J., B.B. Clarke and B.I. Hillman. 2006. Evolution of host specialization in sympatric species of the fungus Colletotrichum associated with grasses in prairies and monocultured agroecosystems. The Land Institute Natural Systems Agriculture Workshop, June 11-17, 2006, Matfield Green, KS.<br /> <br /> Crouch, J., B.B. Clarke and B.I. Hillman. 2006. Evolutionary relationships of fungi in the genus Colletotrichum from diverse grass communities. Innoculum 57(4):14-15. http://www.msafungi.org/57(4).pdf <br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., B.B. Clarke and B.I. Hillman. 2007. Implications of repeat-induced point mutated transposable elements during the evolution of Colletotrichum cereale. Fungal Genetics Newsletter, 24th Fungal Genetics Conference, March 20-25, 2007, Asilomar, CA. http://www.fgsc.net/asil2007/xxivFGCposterAbs.htm <br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., B.B. Clarke and B.I. Hillman. 2007. Implications of repeat-induced point mutated transposable elements during the evolution of Colletotrichum cereale. Theobald Smith Society Waksman Lectureship Meeting, May 3, 2007, New Brunswick, NJ. http://users.tellurian.com/tss/Abstracts.pdf <br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., B.B. Clarke and B.I. Hillman. 2007. Patterns of recombination and population differentiation among Colletotrichum cereale isolates from 27 host plant genera. Fungal Genetics Newsletter, 24th Fungal Genetics Conference, March 20-25, 2007, Asilomar, CA. http://www.fgsc.net/asil2007/xxivFGCposterAbs.htm <br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., P.R. Johnston and B.I. Hillman. 2007. Striking a balance between phylogenetic history, character diagnosis and rank-based systems of taxonomical nomenclature in the genus Colletotrichum. Colletotrichum Workshop, 24th Fungal Genetics Conference, March 26, 2007, Asilomar, CA. http://www.colletotrichum.org/ <br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., B.B. Clarke and B.I. Hillman. 2007. Evolution of Colletotrichum associated with grasses from golf course greens, cereal crops and native prairies. Mid-Atlantic States Mycology Conference, Mycological Society of America, April 21-22, 2007, Beltsville, MD.<br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., B.B. Clarke and B.I. Hillman. 2007. Evolution of host specialization in Colletotrichum cereale associated with grasses from golf course greens, cereal crops and native prairies. Microbiology at Rutgers University: Cultivating traditions, current strength, and future frontiers. Theobald Smith Society, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J. <br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., M.R. Thon, M. Groenner-Penna, B.B. Clarke, A. Vilas-Boas, L.J. Vaillancourt and B.I. Hillman. 2007. Characterizing the mating-type locus of the graminicolous Colletotrichum: Patterns of sex, selection and host specialization. Fungal Genetics Newsletter, 24th Fungal Genetics Conference, March 20-25, 2007, Asilomar, CA. http://www.fgsc.net/asil2007/xxivFGCposterAbs.htm <br /> <br /> Inguagiato, J.C., J.A. Murphy and B.B. Clarke. 2006. Effect of mowing and rolling practices on anthracnose severity of an annual bluegrass putting green. Phytopathology 96(6):S 96.<br /> <br /> Inguagiato, J.C., J.A. Murphy and B.B. Clarke. 2006. Effect of chemical growth regulation strategies on anthracnose severity of annual bluegrass putting green turf. Agronomy Abstracts 98:C0570-22 (http://www.asa-cssa-sssa.org/anmeet).<br /> <br /> Manuscripts in review<br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., B.M. Glasheen, M.A. Giunta, B.B. Clarke and B.I. Hillman. Submitted. The evolution of transposon repeat-induced point mutation in the genome of Colletotrichum cereale: Reconciling sex, recombination and homoplasy in an "asexual" pathogen. Fungal Genet. Biol. (in revision, 46 manuscript pages).<br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., B.M. Glasheen, W. Udin, B.B. Clarke and B.I. Hillman. Submitted. Patterns of diversity in lineages of Colletotrichum cereale as revealed by RIP-mutated transposable elements. Fungal Genet. Biol. (in revision, 35 manuscript pages).<br /> <br /> Inguagiato, J.C., J.A. Murphy and B.B. Clarke. Submitted. Anthracnose severity on annual bluegrass influenced by nitrogen fertilization, growth regulators, and verticutting. Crop Sci. (in review, 39 manuscript pages).<br /> <br /> Others<br /> <br /> Diaz, M.D. 2006. Population dynamics, phenology and overwintering behavior of the annual bluegrass weevil, Listronotus maculicollis Dietz (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in the golf course landscape. M.S. thesis, Field of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 92 pp.<br /> <br /> Kaminski, J. and T. Hsiang, T. 2007. A Five-Year North American Research Initiative on Annual Bluegrass Pests. http://www.uoguelph.ca/~thsiang/turf/anth2007/ (online as of 2007/5/4).<br /> <br /> Peck, D.C., M.D. Diaz & M. Seto. 2007. Annual bluegrass weevil (also known as the Hyperodes weevil), Listronotus maculicollis Dietz. Electronic factsheet (English and Spanish versions), NYS IPM Program Fact Sheet Series (www.nysipm.cornell.edu/factsheets/turfgrass/default.asp).<br /> <br /> <br />Impact Statements
- Based on the disease research results, practitioners are learning that active ingredient and formulation of phosphonate fungicides influences their efficacy against anthracnose basal rot. Additionally, increasing the rate of nitrogen (from 45 to 22g N per 93 sq m) provides significantly greater suppression of anthracnose, particularly when quick-release forms are used. Application of slow-release N may also be used as a component of integrated management of anthracnose basal rot in mixed bentgrass and Poa putting greens.
- Colletotrichum cereale is developing resistance to the QoI fungicides. While this has been reported from Georgia and California, it has not been widely reported in the North Central and Northeastern United States. Our data supports that C. cereale is developing resistance to the QoI fungicides, as shown by Heritage and Disarm lacking efficacy against the pathogen. Further, our data support that while showing resistance to the QoI fungicides, effective control of crown rot anthracnose is achieved using DMI fungicides in a field setting.
- The project has helped improve the exchange of information about annual bluegrass pests between turfgrass entomologists, pathologists, management specialists, breeders and plant physiologists in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States. To date, the results from this research project have enhanced our understanding of the general biology and ecology of the annual bluegrass weevil and anthracnose disease.
- The results of mowing research to date have led superintendents to adjust their putting green mowing programs, which is reducing overall levels of basal rot anthracnose.
- Our understanding of the association between the annual bluegrass weevil and the golf course landscape has improved in three ways: (1) revealing two new approaches for suppressing adult populations: manipulating the overwintering habitat and intercepting adults as they reinvade turfgrass, (2) articulating a new conceptual model of overwintering site selection and the flux between overwintering and developmental habitats, and (3) developing a model showing potential for predicting when the life stages of the insects are active, and thereby, when to target control tactics.
- New knowledge that pyrethroid resistance in ABW is largely mediated by involvement of the cytochrome p450 system is of immediate practical importance, because this form of resistance can be blocked with the insecticide synergist piperonyl butoxide. Superintendents are preparing to use piperonyl butoxide to counteract pyrethroid-resistant weevil populations. The filter paper diagnostic kit for pyrethroid resistance has been used for some golf courses, and has confirmed the involvement of cytochrome p450 at each site where resistance has been detected.
- Identification of pathogen resistance to chemistries through fungicide evaluations will assist in the proper selection and implementation of chemical control measures for controlling anthracnose. Proper selection and a better understanding of cultural and chemical management strategies will assist in reduction of total inputs currently required to control the disease. Solutions resulting in a reduction in input will lead to a smaller environmental footprint as well as an increase in the economic viability of the green industry.
Date of Annual Report: 07/25/2008
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 04/02/2008
- 04/03/2008
Period the Report Covers: 05/01/2007 - 04/01/2008
Period the Report Covers: 05/01/2007 - 04/01/2008
Brief Summary of Minutes
A. Filling critical gaps in understanding pest biology<br /> <br /> Annual bluegrass weevil component<br /> <br /> " The geographical distribution of ABW includes 13 states and 2 provinces reporting outbreaks, and 18 other states and 2 provinces where it is not yet damaging. Ohio reported outbreaks and damage for the first time in 2007.<br /> " Visually assessed damage by ABW has a low correlation with population abundance, pointing interaction with other stresses leading to injury.<br /> " Phenology of ABW adult emergence from overwintering sites may not be predicted well from degree-day models.<br /> <br /> Anthracnose component<br /> <br /> " Colletotrichum cereale forms 10 highly specialized populations corresponding to ecosystem or host plant species, all derived from one founder population.<br /> " Asymptomatic non-turf hosts are unlikely reservoirs<br /> " Gene flow may still happen between races, through interbreeding with the founder population<br /> <br /> B. Find new control options for annual bluegrass pests<br /> <br /> Annual bluegrass weevil component<br /> <br /> " New products that are less toxic to applicators and the environment can be effective.<br /> " Acelepryn (chlorantraniliprole) can target young larvae.<br /> " Provaunt (indoxacarb) can target mid- to late-instar larvae.<br /> " Conserve can target all stages of larvae and adults.<br /> " Product mixtures containing a pyrethroid plus a neonicotinoid can be effective against larvae, even where adults are resistant to pyrethroids.<br /> " Insect pathogenic nematodes are ineffective against adult weevils<br /> " Insect pathogenic nematodes may be most useful as a mixture of two species, directed against late-instar larvae and pupae<br /> <br /> Anthracnose component<br /> <br /> " Excellent control with metconazole, tebuconazole, or chlorothalonil<br /> " Excellent control with mixtures or rotations of fosetyl-Al, tebuconazole, polyoxin-D or propiconazole<br /> " Excellent control with biocontrol bacteria, Bacillus licheniformis (Ecoguard) applied on a 7 d schedule, or in a 14-d schedule with pyraclostrobin<br /> " Poorer (but still acceptable control) with tebuconazole, tebuconazole + fosetyl-Al, chlorothalonil, tritoconazole, pyraclostrobin + tritoconazole, thiophanate methyl, and boscalid applied at 14-d intervals<br /> " Differences were found in the usefulness of phosphite salt for combating anthracnose in annual bluegrass (where it is helpful) and in creeping bentgrass (where it is not). In both cases, fosetyl-Al is useful.<br /> " Growth regulators trinexepac-ethyl and ethephon were not found to influence disease<br /> " Irrigation to avoid wilt stress, but not overwatering, was found optimal for reducing anthracnose.<br /> " Light-weight vibratory and sidewinder rolling subtly decreased anthracnose severity.<br /> " Topdressing with sand reduces anthracnose development, especially when measured from mid-July to early October.<br /> " Specific application frequencies, volumes, and types of sand used in topdressing can influence the suppression of anthracnose.<br /> " 65 Poa annua accessions were identified with resistance to anthracnose<br /> <br /> C. IPM decision tools for pests of annual bluegrass<br /> <br /> Annual bluegrass weevil component<br /> <br /> " Suction sampling of adults were correlated with larval population densities.<br /> " Laboratory filter paper assays were developed for pyrethroid resistance detection<br /> " Pyrethroid resistance was largely caused by mixed function oxidases, along with at least one other mechanism <br /> <br /> Anthracnose component<br /> <br /> " 71 isolates tested for sensitivity to benzimidazole, DMI, and QoI fungicides<br /> " All isolates were insensitive to thiophanate-methyl<br /> " 90% of isolates were insensitive to the QoI fungicide azoxystrobin<br /> " DMI sensitivity varies<br /> " Two mutations were identified that confer resistance to thiophanate-methyl and QoI fungicides<br />Publications
Clarke, B. B., P. R. Majumdar, A. R. Scholz, M. Peacos, A. Matlack, L. Jepsen, D. Fitzgerald, S. Camuso, J. Inguagiato, and T. J. Lawson. 2007. Influence of fungicides and biorational products on the development of anthracnose basal rot on an annual bluegrass green. Pages 199-207 in: Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings, 2006. A. B. Gould, ed. Center for Turfgrass Science and the New Jersey Turfgrass Association, New Brunswick, N. J. Vol. 38.<br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., Clarke, B.B. and Hillman, B.I 2007. Evolution of Colletotrichum associated with grasses from golf course greens, cereal crops and native prairies. Mid-Atlantic States Mycology Conference, Mycological Society of America, April 21-22, 2007, Beltsville, MD.<br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., Clarke, B.B. and Hillman, B.I. 2007. Evolution of host specialization in Colletotrichum cereale associated with grasses from golf course greens, cereal crops and native prairies. Microbiology at Rutgers University: Cultivating traditions, current strength, and future frontiers. Theobald Smith Society, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J.<br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., Clarke, B.B. and Hillman, B.I. 2007. Evolution of host specialization in Colletotrichum cereale associated with grasses from golf course greens, cereal crops and native prairies. Pg. 41 in: Proc. 16th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symp., B. Park and B. Fitzgerald, eds.Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J.<br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., Clarke, B.B. and Hillman, B.I. 2007. Implications of repeat-induced point mutated transposable elements during the evolution of Colletotrichum cereale. Theobald Smith Soc. Waksman Lect. Mtg, May 3, 2007, New Brunswick, NJ. http://users.tellurian.com/tss/Abstracts.pdf <br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., Clarke, B.B. and Hillman, B.I. 2007. Implications of repeat-induced point mutated transposable elements during the evolution of Colletotrichum cereale. 24th Fungal Genetics Conference, March 20-25, 2007, Asilomar, CA. http://www.fgsc.net/asil2007/xxivFGCposterAbs.htm <br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., Clarke, B.B. and Hillman, B.I. 2007. Patterns of recombination and population differentiation among Colletotrichum cereale isolates from 27 host plant genera. Fungal Genetics Newsletter, 24th Fungal Genetics Conference, March 20-25, 2007, Asilomar, CA. http://www.fgsc.net/asil2007/xxivFGCposterAbs.htm <br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., Clarke, B.B. and Hillman, B.I. 2007. Sex and transposons: What do they mean for Colletotrichum cereale?. Phytopathology 97(7):S178.<br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., Glasheen, B.M., Giunta, M.A., Clarke, B.B., and Hillman, B.I. 2008. The evolution of transposon repeat-induced point mutation in the genome of Colletotrichum cereale: Reconciling sex, recombination and homoplasy in an "asexual" pathogen. Fungal Genet. Biol. 45:190-206. doi:10.1016/j.fgb.2007.08.004<br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., Glasheen, B.M., Uddin, W., Clarke, B.B., and Hillman, B.I. 2008. Patterns of diversity in populations of the turfgrass pathogen Colletotrichum cereale as revealed by transposon fingerprint profiles. Crop Sci. In Press. <br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., Hillman, B.I. and Johnston, P.R. 2007. Species concepts in the genus Colletotrichum: Are we finally moving towards a consistent and accurate system of classification after 50 years of von Arxian generalizations? Mycological Society of America Annual Meeting, August 6-9, 2007, Baton Rouge, LA. http://piast.cbio.psu.edu/mycological<br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., Thon, M.R., Clarke, B.B., Vaillancourt, L.J. and Hillman, B.I. 2007. Genomic architecture of the mating-type gene cluster in graminicolous species of the genus Colletotrichum and across the Ascomycota. Phytopathology 97(7):S25.<br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., Thon, M.R., Groenner-Penna, M., Clarke, B.B., Vilas-Boas, A., Vaillancourt, L.J. and Hillman, B.I. 2007. Characterizing the mating-type locus of the graminicolous Colletotrichum: Patterns of sex, selection and host specialization. 24th Fungal Genetics Conference, March 20-25, 2007, Asilomar, CA. http://www.fgsc.net/asil2007/xxivFGCposterAbs.htm <br /> <br /> Diaz, M.D. & D.C. Peck. 2007. Overwintering of annual bluegrass weevils, Listronotus maculicollis (Dietz) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in the golf course landscape. Entomologia Experimental et Applicata 125: 259-268.<br /> <br /> Inguagiato, J. C., J. A. Murphy, and B. B. Clarke. 2007. Developing best management practices for anthracnose control on annual bluegrass greens: summarizing four years of field research. Pg. 26-29 in: Proc. 16th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symp., B. Park and B. Fitzgerald, eds.Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J.<br /> <br /> Inguagiato, J. C., J. A. Murphy, and B. B. Clarke. 2008. Anthracnose severity on annual bluegrass as influenced by nitrogen fertilization, growth regulators, and verticutting. Crop Sci., In Press <br /> <br /> Inguagiato, J.C., Murphy, J.A., and Clarke, B.B. 2007. Developing best management practices for anthracnose control on annual bluegrass putting greens: Summarizing four years of field research. The Greenerside. 31: 6-8, 10, 12, 14-15<br /> <br /> Inguagiato, J.C., Murphy, J.A., Clarke, B.B. 2007. Effect of chemical growth regulation strategies on anthracnose severity of annual bluegrass putting green turf. Pg 43 in: Proc. 16th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symp., B. Park and B. Fitzgerald, eds.Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J.<br /> <br /> Inguagiato, J.C., Murphy, J.A., Clarke, B.B. 2007. Evaluation of sand topdressing rate and frequency effects on anthracnose severity of an annual bluegrass putting green. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting 2007, New Orleans, LA.<br /> <br /> Koppenhöfer A.M., McGraw B.A. 2007. Development of new management tools for the annual bluegrass weevil on golf courses. The Greenerside 31 (2), 4-11.<br /> <br /> McGraw B. A., Koppenhöfer A.M. 2007. Biology and management of the annual bluegrass weevil, Listronotus maculicollis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). In: Handbook of Turfgrass Management and Physiology (M. Pessarakli, Ed.), pp.335-350. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.<br /> <br /> McGraw B.A. & Koppenhöfer A.M. 2007. Biological control of the annual bluegrass weevil using entomopathogenic nematodes. Proc. 16th Ann. Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. 11-12 Jan. 2007, New Brunswick, NJ, p.33-34.<br /> <br /> McGraw B.A., Koppenhöfer A.M. 2007. Biological and biorational management options for the annual bluegrass weevil on golf courses. In: 2006 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary, (J.L. Nus, Ed.), p.8. USGA Green Section, Far Hills, NJ.<br /> <br /> Murphy, J. A., J. C. Inguagiato, B. B. Clarke, B. S. Park, and T. J. Lawson. 2007. Cultural management of anthracnose disease on annual bluegrass. USGA Green Section Record 45 (6): 8-13.<br /> <br /> Peck, D.C. 2007. Interpreting and forecasting phenology of the annual bluegrass weevil in golf course landscapes. In: 2007 USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary (J. L. Nus, ed.), p. 10. USGA Green Section, Far Hills, NJ.<br /> <br /> Peck, D.C., M.D. Diaz & M. Seto. 2007. Annual bluegrass weevil (also known as the Hyperodes weevil) Listronotus maculicollis Dietz. Electronic factsheet (English and Spanish versions), NYS IPM Program Fact Sheet Series. www.nysipm.cornell.edu/ factsheets/turfgrass/default.asp<br /> <br /> Uddin, W., Benelli, J., Yenez, J. 2008. Control of anthracnose on a putting green with fungicides, 2007. Plant Disease Management Reports 2: In Press.<br /> <br />Impact Statements
- NE-1025 scientists have determined that effective alternatives exist to broad spectrum insecticides for managing annual bluegrass weevils.
- NE-1025 scientists have developed and distributed diagnostic test kits for superintendents to test for pyrethroid resistant ABW.
- NE-1025 scientists have provided guidelines to superintendents, leading to more effective management of ABW, as measured by reduced damage to turf.
- NE-1025 scientists have identified important mutations leading to resistance of anthracnose to commonly used fungicides.
- NE-1025 scientists have identified the population structure and gene flow of anthracnose, allaying concerns of asymptomatic alternate hosts.
- NE-1025 scientists have identified effective fungicide and biological control product application programs for managing anthracnose.
- NE-1025 scientists have discovered topdressing programs that reduce anthracnose development.
- NE-1025 scientists have identified irrigation programs that reduce the incidence of anthracnose.
Date of Annual Report: 05/05/2010
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 03/03/2010
- 03/04/2010
Period the Report Covers: 04/01/2009 - 03/01/2010
Period the Report Covers: 04/01/2009 - 03/01/2010
Steve Alm; Bruce Clark; Rich Cowles; David Huff; John Inguagiato; Geunhwa Jung; John Kaminski; Albrecht Koppenhöfer; Peter Landschoot; Adam Moeller; Jim Murphy; Dan Peck; James Popko; Joseph Roberts; Chas Schmid; Jim Skorulski; Stan Swier; Patricia Vittum; Frank Wong; Stan ZontekBrief Summary of Minutes
Day 1The meeting was called to order at 1:07 p.m. on March 3, 2010
John Kaminski welcomed us to the meeting, and complimented Bruce Clark for the excellent job done in preparing the annual report.
A slate of officers was offered:
Chair: John Kaminsik
Vice Chair: Albrecht Koppenhöfer
Secretary: Frank Wong (elected at this meeting)
Outgoing Chair: Richard Cowles
Administrative Advisor: Rich Rhodes
Administrative Liaison: Rick Meyer
A motion to accept the slate was offered and seconded, and approved by unanimous vote.
State reports:
The meeting then proceeded to state reports, summaries of which are given below.
New York: Peck presented an overview of his program's research on annual bluegrass (ABW) ecology, in particular the scope of studies on overwintering behavior, directional movement and population fluctuations that are leading to the development of a degree day model for the prediction of insect phenology. An initial degree day model has been developed based on data collected over three years from two sites in western NY. This is being further strengthened and validated based on the collection of spring generation population and temperature data over two years from eight sites over a wider geographic region of the state. Definitive analyses have not yet been finalized.
Frank Rossi was unable to attend.
California: Wong presented his studies on efficacy of fungicides vs. anthracnose basal rot (ABR) including data on the effect of various products based on nutrients and their combinations.
- DMI fungicides like propiconazole (Banner MAXX), triticonazole (Trinity or Triton), and metconazole (Tourney) appear to be very effective in 2009 field trials. Some summer injury caused by triticonazole and metconazole occurred in the trial, consistent with observations from other researchers.
- Nitrogen and phosphite comabinations appear to be effective for disease reduction.
- Pigmented fosetyl-Al tank mixes appear to continue to give good control of the disease.
Canada: Hsiang was unable to attend. Wong presented Hsiang's report on sequencing of the Colletotrichum cereale genome, on which progress has been limited. An attempt to do a rapid sequencing of the C. cereale genome based on a C. graminicola template was not successful on the first attempt. A DNA library was constructed from C. cereale, and sequencing performed. But It appeared that there was not sufficient similarity between the C. graminicola genome and C. cereale genome to successfully assemble the C. cereale sequences together.
Connecticut: Cowles presented his studies on the efficacy vs. pyrethroid-resistant ABW populations of various insecticides and their combinations with potential synergists that are supposed to interfere with the detoxification of the active ingredients in the resistant ABW. Overall, he found little benefits in the combinations relative to the use of a mostly still effective insecticide (spinosad).
-Inguagiato announced that funding has been obtained from the NERTF to initiate a new study to guide nitrogen fertilization applications for managing anthracnose. Foliar nitrate levels will be related to anthracnose incidence and severity in annual bluegrass putting green turf. Nitrate will be assessed in the field with an instant output, hand-held device. Results from this study will provide a technique and a recommended range of foliar nitrate that superintendents can utilize to manage N fertilization on putting greens to reduce anthracnose.
Massachusetts: Vittum gave an overview on research conducted including involvement in the tracking of ABW seasonal development (WeevilTrak) on several golf courses in 2009 and the planned expansion in 2010 and her studies on the field efficacy of ABW insecticides, in particular larvicides.
Decosta was not able to attend.
Maryland: Peter Dernoeden and Paula Shrewsbury were unable to attend.
Michigan: Joe Vargas was unable to attend.
Minnesota: Vera Krischik was unable to attend.
New Hampshire: Swier gave an overview on his research on ABW seasonal development (WeevilTrak) and ABW insecticide field efficacy.
New Jersey: Murphy presented data on the effect of topdressing, mowing, fertility, irrigation, and plant growth regulators on ABR incidence.
Koppenhöfer gave an overview on ABW studies on the field efficacy of insecticides and entomopathogenic nematodes against pyrethroid-susceptible aBW populations, ABW larvae extraction methods, fine scale larval distribution, and behavioral studies. He stated that presently used nematode product do not provide reliable ABW control, especially at very high ABW densities.
Clarke presented data on the effect of fungicides on ABR.
Bonos was unable to attend but Clarke presented for her data on the ABR incidence in creeping bentgrass variety trials with ranged in ratings from 8.7 to 1.8 (max. = 9).
Crouch was unable to attend but Clarke presented her data on the development of molecular markers for C. cereale.
The meeting adjourned at 5:02 pm.
Day 2
The meeting was called to order at 8:10 am by Kaminski and continued with the state reports.
North Carolina: Lane Tredway was unable to attend.
Rhode Island: Alm gave an overview about his students (Darryl Ramoutar) completed studies on incidence/distribution of ABW pyrethroid resistance, mechanisms responsible for the resistance (detoxification), and use of synergists to disable the detoxification systems in resistant ABW.
Pennsylvania: Landschoot gave an overview about fungicide testing vs. ABR.
Kaminski gave a overview about fungicide test vs. ABR.
USGA: Zontek gave an overview of observations of USGA agronomists in the field. He concluded that ABR incidence had significantly decreased in the field and attributed this in large part to the successful implementation of ABR BMPs by the project members. In contrary, ABW is still an expanding problem with many superintendents spraying insecticides up to every 3 weeks with no real monitoring of ABW. There are still no reliable management methods/tools for ABW.
A discussion ensued about the need to develop clear BMPs. Unfortunately, superintendents listen much more to chemical industry reps than scientists/extension folks despite the obvious bias of the former. To have at least a decent chance to get the end-users to listen we need to respond to peoples enquiries with a unified voice. BMPs for different situations need to be offered, e.g., for different ABW pressures, pyrethroids-resistant vs. susceptible populations. Obviously, people would need to test their ABW populations before being able to correctly select the appropriate BMP. The need for better spread of ABW-resistance kits was discussed, including a better rate of return of results. It was suggested that asking for a fee might increase the subjective value perceived by users which may increase the return rate. Distribution through USGA, e.g., by their agronomists, was suggested, also in combination with a fee.
Administrator updates: Rick Rhodes, administrative advisor, was unable to attend the meeting.
Industry survey and deployment of extended survey:
Kaminski reported on the outcomes of the survey and passed through a hardcopy. It was discussed how the results of the survey should be published. Because the Journal of Extension is very slow (1.5 years) to get papers published it was suggested to use Applied Turfgrass Science. Kaminski and Inguagiato will work on the publication with the help of Cowles and Peck from the entomology side.
Kaminski and Inguagiato will also be completing the final version of the extended survey for release to golf course superintendents this spring. They will be working with the GCSAA to determine if this survey can be administered through them. Extra efforts will be made to get completed surveys back from the 284 participants from the original survey to assess changes in management practices prior to the start of the project.
Long survey: Murphy proposed employing the expertise of the GCSAA staff to host and conduct an on-line version of the long (second) survey. Questions asked in this survey would need to be provided by the NE-1025 group. Further discussion with GCSAA is needed to determine if this is a feasible option.
Best Management Practices:
Murphy led the discussion on the development and publication of BMPs. It was agreed that it should not be necessary (at least for now) to have a separate publication on BMPs (such as an extension bulletin) and that Golf Course Management would be a good outlet for BMPs as long as the paper(s) would contain a clear listing of BMPs such as in the form of a table or bullet list at the end of an article. The latter should then also satisfy administrative needs with respect to project output on BMP publications.
Due to limited length allowed for GCM articles there was consensus that two separate articles be presented, one for ABR and one for ABW, in preference to one article that integrated recommendations for both pests. However, the two articles should be in the same format and written in parallel fashion as much as possible. At this point, BMPs, at least for ABW are not defined, yet, so that development of a unified and comprehensive BMP publication would be premature, anyway. Frank Wong and Rich Cowles volunteered to take the lead on the ABR and ABW articles, respectively.
Again, given the limited length of GCM articles, it was found that at first two article, one for ABW and one for ABR, following a similar format as for the previous two articles in GCM, should be published. More detailed descriptions of the findings could then be published in series of additional follow-up articles
Renewal / extension of NE-1025 Project
As the original 5-year period of the project ends on September 30, 2010, and there is consensus in the group on the need for the continuation of our research, we have two options. First, submit a request for a new project which would leave us with a short period of having no project. Second, request a 1-year extension, and follow that up with a request for a new project. The general consensus of the group is to pursue the second option. The extension of the project is due asap within the week of March 8, 2010, and will be spearheaded by Koppenhöfer and Wong. The proposal for a new project will be due by November 2010.
Reasons and needs for an extension were discussed and summarized:
a. Still need to gather results of impact survey to determine the impacts of the projects and needs of the stakeholder.
b. It has taken this long to gather the information and we need the extension to finalize the best management practices for the stakeholder.
c. To develop a final draft of our ongoing and continuously updated BMPs, survey information is still being gathered and should be integrated into the BMP documents. Survey information was developed based on ongoing collection of data in the research.
d. Revolution in chemistry and discovery of resistance for ABW during the project has taken this amount of time to get our handle on the scope of the problem which has driven the project in the last four years.
Frank Wong was elected new secretary of the project for the 2010 meeting and will serve as Vice-Chair for the 2010-2011 year.
The scope of a new project was discussed. On the ABW side, it was obvious that there was still a lot of work to be finished; due to the greater progress on the ABR side, it was not so clear how to continue on this side of the project and some more discussion will be necessary.
There was a consensus for the expansion of the project from just looking further into the management of ABW and ABR to also include management (i.e., reduction) of the host, annual bluegrass. Reduction of the host density would require the participation of weed scientists and would also open a whole new perspective on the management of the pests: i.e., at sufficiently low annual bluegrass densities, ABW (ABR?) could actually be maintained as a biological control agent of the weed annual bluegrass.
Next meeting
Assuming a successful 1-year extension of the current project, the group then discussed the scheduling of the next meeting, which will be held in early 2011 at Rutgers University. Kaminski agreed to put together a Doodle online survey to find the best time for the group.
-Everyone was reminded to keep in mind the impact reporting that will be needed. These impacts need to be quantitative estimates of how we have changed superintendents' practices.
-There was a reminder that the minutes and the Annual Technical Reports will be due 60 days from the meeting.
-We discussed the problem of non-participants in our project: people that 'signed on' but have showed no signs of contributing.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:42 pm.
A. Filling critical gaps in understanding pest biology<br /> Annual bluegrass weevil component<br /> <ul><li>Overwintered adult ABW populations colonize fairways and move within randomly entering from the edges and deposited eggs over several weeks.<br /> <li>No effect of host species on adult or larval distribution was observed.<br /> <li>The prevalence of visual damage at the edge of susceptible fairways is not fully explained by insect load, host plant availability or drought stress, but may be linked to thatch accumulation and nitrogen availability.<br /> <li>As measured by the survival of adult ABW, there is significant variation in host plant suitability across Poa annua accessions.<br /> <li>The magnitude of injury to Poa annua by adult feeding is greater than previously thought.<br /> <li>ABW continues to expand its distribution within and across states in the Northeast and mid-Atlantic.<br /> </ul><br /> <p>Anthracnose component<br /> <ul><li>Using Illumina sequenced restriction-associated DNA (RAD) tags, over 20,000 highly variable, multi-allelic SNP loci were identified from Colletotrichum pathogenic to grasses, blueberry and cranberry hosts. Approximately 4,000 of the loci were mapped back to the C. graminicola reference genome, allowing SNPs to be developed into high-density molecular markers for population studies.<br /> <li>An attempt was made to obtain the full genome sequence of C. cereale was made using a Illumina Solexa approach and using the recently completed C. gramincola sequence as a template. Four terabytes of sequence data was obtained from the C. cereale genome (30-fold coverage of 36bp reads), but it was found that the genomes of C. gramincola and C. cereale were divergent enough such that a complete assembly of the C. cereale genome was not possible. This suggest that other sequencing approaches are needed and reinforces that C. cereale is a distinct species.<br /> </ul><br /> <p>Anthracnose and ABW components<br /> <ul><li>Results from the user survey for anthracnose were compiled - key findings include:<br /> <br>-Anthracnose is a widespread disease; influencing management of putting greens from the Mid-Atlantic throughout the Northern U.S. and Canada. <br /> <br>-The total cost of managing anthracnose on putting green turf is approximately $5,100 to $28,000 per year based on superintendent responses on the cost of fungicides and labor. <br /> <br>-Eighty-four percent of superintendents aware of anthracnose research found information generated by NE-1025 scientists helpful in reducing the disease.<br /> <br>-The Northeast (CT, MA, NH, ME, NY, VT and RI) had the greatest occurrence of ABW damage on golf courses, followed by the Mid-Atlantic states. Reports of damage were low in other parts of the United States and Canada.<br /> <br>-On average, courses affected by ABW, spend an estimated $5,000 to $9,000 per year to control the pest, with greater expenditures likely in the Northeastern U.S., where this insect is more prevalent. <br /> <br>-For superintendents aware of ABW research, 71% found information generated by NE-1025 scientists helpful in reducing damage.<br /> </ul><br /> <p>B. Find new control options for annual bluegrass pests<br /> <br>Annual bluegrass weevil component<br /> <ul><li>In field tests against the spring generation of ABW, preventive applications provided 60-100% control for chlorantraniliprole, 50-88% for indoxacarb, and 60-100% for bifenthrin, and 96% for a combination of clothianidin and bifenthrin. <br /> <li>Curative applications provided 75-88% for indoxacarb, 98% reduction for trichlorfon, 85% for spinosad, 88% for a combination of clothianidin and bifenthrin<br /> <li>Combinations of preventively applied chlorantraniliprole and curatively applied indoxacarb provided 88-100%for control.<br /> <li>The demethylation inhibitor (DMI) fungicide propiconazole and gibberellin inhibitor plant growth regulators are able to synergize bifenthrin through blocking P450 enzymes. The effect, however, is not significant enough to make these combinations practical for controlling pyrethroid resistant ABW populations.<br /> <li>Combining DMI fungicides with indoxacarb could be counterproductive because this insecticide requires activation by esterase enzymes, which may also be inhibited.<br /> <li>The most consistently effective product to target ABW larvae from pyrethroid-resistant populations appears to be spinosad.<br /> </ul><br /> <p>Anthracnose component<br /> <ul><li>In field trials on putting green turf under severe disease pressure, excellent control (< 10% disease) was provided by chlorothalonil, fludioxonil, iprodione, an isoparaffin mineral oil, metaconazole, propiconazole, triticonazole, and fungicide programs incorporating mixtures or rotations of chlorothalonil, fosetyl-Al, potassium phosphite, propiconazole or triticonazole. Slight to moderate phytotoxicity was observed with the application of metaconazole or triticonazole during hot weather (> 28 C).<br /> <li>Tank mixes or pre-mixed products containing chlorothalonil or fosetyl-Al with triticonazole or propiconizole provided greater anthracnose control than treatments containing a single active ingredient.<br /> <li>Field tests examined the efficacy of phosphonate fungicides on anthracnose. Chipco Signature (fosetyl Al) provided some control of anthracnose and performed better than Aliette, another fosetyl Al-containing product. Other phosphonate fungicides were ineffective. In vitro studies revealed no meaningful inhibition of C. cereale with phosphorous acid, confirming that any efficacy obtained with these fungicides is not due to direct inhibition of the causal agent. <br /> <li>DMI fungicides were effective against anthracnose and should continue to be integrated into control programs. Injury due to phytotoxicity could be a problem for some some new DMI-fungicides such as triticonazole and metconazole when applied in mid-summer.<br /> <li>The effect of cumulative, low rate soluble-N fertilization on anthracnose applied during the summer was studied on ABG greens. Turf receiving the greatest total N quantity (58.8 kg/ha) over 12 wks had the least anthracnose. A negative linear response of cumulative N to anthracnose severity was observed. Treatments initiated prior to disease development resulted in greater total N accumulation and reduced anthracnose severity compared to N treatments started at disease inception. The lowest disease severity was observed on plots treated with N at 9.8 kg/ha/wk; however, anthracnose intensified at the higher N rates tested (19.6 and 24.5 kg/ha/wk). Disease severity was reduced when granular N was applied during the spring compared to autumn. Generally, greater N rates applied by granular fertilization reduced disease severity compared to lower N rates. Soluble-N rates applied during the summer interacted with granular N rate in the spring.<br /> <li>Sand topdressing reduced disease severity but did so more effectively and consistently in summer rather than spring. Lower topdressing rates initially increased disease when applied at the onset of symptoms, while greater rates either had no effect or reduced disease severity. Topdressing applied on a biweekly basis was more likely to reduce disease severity than the single applications made after the initiation of disease.<br /> <li>Verticutting (3 mm depth) and scarifying (6 mm depth) produced the greatest mechanical damage and increased anthracnose severity.<br /> <li>250 half-sib bentgrass progeny were screened in the field for anthracnose resistance, the best performing plants with high seed yield potential moved to crossing blocks, and seed from those blocks planted in the field (fall 2009) for further evaluation.<br /> <li>Completed one year of a multi-year field experiment and conducted three other field efforts focused on mower type, mower set-up, frequency of clip, and turfgrass fertility and mowing interactions.<br /> </ul><br /> <p>C. IPM decision tools for pests of annual bluegrass<br /> <br>Annual bluegrass weevil component<br /> <br>No new results and activities to report.<br /> <br /> Anthracnose component<br /> No new results and activities to report.<br /> <br /> D. Best management practices for annual bluegrass<br /> The final version of the best management practices for anthracnose and ABW is being written based on the results from NE-1025 participants. Publication is expected in 2011.<br />Publications
Full-length Scientific Journal Articles<br /> Bonos, S.A., E.N. Weibel, T.J. Lawson and B.B. Clarke. 2009. Tolerance of Creeping Bentgrass Cultivars and Selections to Anthracnose in New Jersey. Online. App. Turf Sci. DOI:10.1094/ATS-2009-0806-01-BR.<br /> <br /> Cook, P.J., P.J. Landschoot, and M.J. Schlossberg. 2009. Suppression of anthracnose basal rot symptoms and improved putting green quality with phosphonate fungicides. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal (11) 181-194.<br /> <br /> Cook, P.J., P.J. Landschoot, and M.J. Schlossberg. 2009. Inhibition of Pythium spp. and suppression of Pythium blight of turfgrasses with phosphonate fungicides. Plant Disease (93) 809-814.<br /> <br /> Crouch, JA and Beirn, LA. 2009. Anthracnose of cereals and grasses. Fungal Diversity 39:19-44.<br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., L.A. Beirn, L.M. Cortese, S.A. Bonos, and B.B. Clarke. 2009. Anthracnose disease of switchgrass caused by the novel fungal species Colletotrichum navitas. Mycological Res 113:1411-1421.<br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., B.B. Clarke, and B.I. Hillman. 2009. What is the value of ITS sequence data in Colletotrichum systematics and species diagnosis? A case study using the falcate-spored graminicolous Colletotrichum group. Mycologia 101:648-656 (available on-line; DOI: 10.3852/08-231).<br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., B.B. Clarke, J.F. White, and B.I. Hillman. 2009. Systematic analysis of the falcate-spored graminicolous Colletotrichum and a description of six new species from warm season grasses. Mycologia 101:717-732 (available on-line; DOI: 10.3852/08-230).<br /> <br /> Crouch, JA, and Inguagiato, JC. 2009. First report of anthracnose disease of ornamental feather reed grass caused by Colletotrichum cereale. Golf Course Mgmt 77:86-87.<br /> <br /> Crouch, J.A., L.P. Treadway, B.B. Clarke, and B.I. Hillman. 2009. Phylogenetic and population genetic divergence correspond with habitat for the pathogen Colletotrichum cereale and allied taxa across diverse grass communities. Molecular Ecology 18:123-135. <br /> <br /> Fidanza, M.A., J.E. Kaminski, M. Agnew, and D. Shepard. 2009. Evaluation of water droplet size and water carrier volume on fungicide performance for anthracnose control on annual bluegrass. Int. Turfgrass Res. Soc. J. 11:195-205.<br /> <br /> Heller, P.R., D. Kline, and A. Houseman. 2009. Application timing study to evaluate Provaunt to suppress first generation annual bluegrass weevil, 2008. Arthropod Management Tests (34) G7.<br /> <br /> Heller, P.R., D. Kline, and A. Houseman. 2009. Creative study to evaluate Conserve, Dylox, and Provaunt to suppress first generation annual bluegrass weevil larvae, 2008. Arthropod Management Tests (34) G8.<br /> <br /> Heller, P.R., D. Kline, and A. Houseman. 2009. Preventive timing study to evaluate the effectiveness of Acelepryn, Provaunt, Talstar, and experimental formulations to suppress first generation annual bluegrass weevil, 2008. Arthropod Management Tests (34) G9.<br /> <br /> Heller, P.R., D. Kline, and A. Houseman. 2009. Preventive application of formulations to suppress first generation annual bluegrass weevil, 2008. Arthropod Management Tests (34) G10.<br /> <br /> Hyde, KD, Cai, L, Cannon, PF, Crouch, JA, Crous, PW, Damm, U, Goodwin, PH, Chen, H, Johnston, PR, Jones, EBG, Lui, ZY, McKenzie, EHC, Moriwaki, J, Noireung, P, Pennycook, SR, Pfenning, LH, Phoulivong, S, Prihastuti, H, Sato, T, Shivas, RG, Taylor, PWJ, Tan, YP, Weir, BS, Yang, YL, and Zhang, JZ. 2009. Colletotrichum: Names in current use. Fungal Diversity 39:147-183.<br /> <br /> Inguagiato, J.C., J.A. Murphy, and B.B. Clarke. 2010. Anthracnose development on annual bluegrass affected by seedhead and vegetative growth regulators. Applied Turf Sci.: Submitted 1/10/10.<br /> <br /> Inguagiato, J.C., J.A. Murphy, and B.B. Clarke. 2009. Anthracnose disease and annual bluegrass putting green performance affected by mowing practices and lightweight rolling. Crop Sci.49: 1454-1462<br /> <br /> Inguagiato, J.C., J.A. Murphy, and B.B. Clarke. 2009. Anthracnose of annual bluegrass putting green turf influenced by trinexapac-ethyl application interval and rate. J. Int.Turf Soc. 11: 207-218<br /> <br /> McGraw B.A., Koppenhofer A.M. 2009. Binomial sequential sampling plans for forecasting Listronotus maculicollis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) larval damage to golf course turfgrass. J. Econ. Entomol. 102: 1325-1335.<br /> <br /> McGraw B.A., Koppenhofer A.M. 2009. Population dynamics and interactions between endemic entomopathogenic nematodes and annual bluegrass weevil populations in golf course turfgrass. Appl. Soil Ecol. 41: 77-89.<br /> <br /> Ramoutar, Darryl, Steven R. Alm and Richard S. Cowles. 2009. Pyrethroid resistance in populations of Listronotus maculicollis Kirby, (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from southern New England golf courses. J. Econ. Entomol. 102: 388-392.<br /> <br /> Ramoutar, Darryl, Richard S. Cowles and Steven R. Alm. 2009. Pyrethroid resistance mediated by enzyme detoxification in Listronotus maculicollis Kirby, (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from Connecticut. J. Econ. Entomol. 102: 1203-1208.<br /> <br /> Ramoutar, Darryl, Ana I. Legrand and Steven R. Alm. 2010. Field performance of Metarhizium anisopliae against Popillia japonica (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) and Listronotus maculicollis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) larvae in turfgrass. J. Entomol. Sci. 45: 1-7.<br /> <br /> Soika, M., and Tredway, L.P. 2010. Control of anthracnose and dollar spot on a creeping bentgrass green, 2009. Plant Disease Management Reports 4:T025.<br /> <br /> Trade Journal Articles<br /> Crouch, JA, and Inguagiato, JC. 2009. First report of anthracnose disease of ornamental feather reed grass caused by Colletotrichum cereale. Golf Course Mgmt 77:86-87.<br /> <br /> Inguagiato, J.C., J. A. Murphy, and B. B. Clarke. 2009. Mowing and rolling strategies to manage anthracnose on annual bluegrass greens. Golf Course Mgmt 77: 111-116.<br /> <br /> Inguagiato, J., J. A. Murphy, B. B. Clarke, and J. Roberts. 2009. Effect of topdressing on anthracnose in Poa annua. Golf Course Mgmt 77(12):94<br /> <br /> Koppenhofer A.M. 2009. Integrated management of important turfgrass insect pests in New Jersey. Clippings & Green World 72, Spring 2009, 6-7.<br /> <br /> McGraw B.A., Koppenhofer A.M. 2009. Biological and biorational management options for the annual bluegrass weevil on golf courses. In: 2008 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary, (J.L. Nus, Ed.), p.4. USGA Green Section, Far Hills, NJ.<br /> <br /> McGraw B.A., Koppenhofer A.M. 2009. Exploring biocontrol of annual bluegrass weevil. USGA Green Section Record. 47 (2), 11-13.<br /> <br /> Murphy, J., F. Wong, L. Tredway, J. A. Crouch, J. Inguagiato, B. Clarke, et al. 2009. Best management practices for anthracnose on annual bluegrass turf. The Dogwood (The newsletter of the British Columbia GCSA) Fall 2009:36-45<br /> <br /> Roberts, J., B.B. Clarke and J.A. Murphy. 2009. Effect of irrigation management on anthracnose of Poa annua greens. Golf Course Mgmt 77(7):103<br /> <br /> Young, JR, Tomaso-Peterson, M, and Crouch, JA. 2009. First report of Colletotrichum cereale causing anthracnose foliar blight of creeping bentgrass in Mississippi and Alabama. Golf Course Mgmt 77:88.<br /> <br /> Abstracts<br /> Crouch, JA, and Inguagiato, JC. 2009. First report of anthracnose disease of ornamental feather reed grass (Calamagrostis x acutifolia 'Karl Foerster') caused by Colletotrichum cereale. Plant Disease 93: 203 (Referred extended abstract).<br /> <br /> Koppenhofer A.M. 2009. Spatio-temporal nematode-host interactions in turfgrass. Program and Abstract, 42nd Ann. Meet. Soc. Invertebr. Pathol., Park City, UT, p.100.<br /> <br /> Roberts, J.A., J.C. Inguagiato, B.B. Clarke, and J.A. Murphy. 2009. Effects of foot traffic and sand topdressing on anthracnose severity of annual bluegrass putting green turf. Phytopathology 99 (6):S109<br /> <br /> Roberts, J.A., J.C. Inguagiato, B.B. Clarke, and J. A. Murphy. 2009. Influence of irrigation quantity on anthracnose severity of annual bluegrass. Phytopathology 99 (6):S195.<br /> <br /> Roberts, J.A.. J.C. Inguagiato, J.A. Murphy, and B.B. Clarke. 2009. Sand topdressing and foot traffic effects on anthracnose severity of annual bluegrass putting green turf. 2009 International Meeting of ASA-CSSA-SSSA Proceedings. p. 104 <br /> <br /> Roberts, J.A., J.A. Murphy, and B.B. Clarke. 2009. Anthracnose severity of annual bluegrass putting green turf as affected by summer soluble N-fertilization. 2009 International Meeting of ASA-CSSA-SSSA Proceedings. p.102.<br /> <br /> Proceedings<br /> Clarke, B. B., P. R. Majumdar, M. Peacos, J. P. Chung Yew, A. Burnett, S. Gunasekera, D. Fitzgerald, T. J. Lawson, J. Roberts, K. E. Clarke, A. Pitonak, <br /> W. K. Dickson, J. B. Clark, and J. Inguagiato. 2009. Preventive control of anthracnose with selected fungicides and biorational products on an annual bluegrass putting green, 2008. Pages 249-265 in: Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings 2008. A. B. Gould, ed. Center for Turfgrass Science and the New Jersey Turfgrass Association, New Brunswick, N. J. Vol. 40.<br /> <br /> Crouch, J., B. B. Clarke, and B. I. Hillman. 2009. Does movement of Colletotrichum cereale from natural grasses and cereal crops promote turfgrass anthracnose disease? Pg. 40 in: Proc. 18th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symp. B. B. Clarke and B. Fitzgerald, eds. Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ <br /> <br /> Crouch, J., L. Cortese, L. A. Beirn, S. A. Bonos, and B. B. Clarke. 2009. Characterization of anthracnose disease of switchgrass (Panicum virgatim) caused by a novel species of the fungus Colletotrichum. Pg. 38-39 in: Proc. 18th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symp. B. B. Clarke and B. Fitzgerald, eds. Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ <br /> <br /> Inguagiato, J. C., J. A. Murphy, B. B. Clarke, and J. A. Roberts. 2009. Topdressing incorporation and sand particle shape effects on anthracnose severity of annual bluegrass. Pg. 44 in: Proc. 18th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symp. B. B. Clarke and B. Fitzgerald, eds. Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.<br /> <br /> McGraw B.A., Koppenhofer A.M. 2009. Effect of endemic and released entomopathogenic nematodes on annual bluegrass weevil populations in golf course fairways. Pg.48 in: Proc. 18th Ann. Rutgers Turfgrass Symp. B. B. Clarke and B. Fitzgerald, eds. Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.<br /> <br /> Roberts, J. A., J. C. Inguagiato, B. B. Clarke, and J. A. Murphy. 2009. Recent advances in determining the influence of cultural practices on anthracnose disease of annual bluegrass putting green turf. Pg. 29-30 in: Proc. 18th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symp. B. B. Clarke and B. Fitzgerald, eds. Center for Turfgrass Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.<br /> <br /> Roberts, J.A., J.A. Murphy, and B.B. Clarke. 2010. Effect of soluble-N fertilization on anthracnose severity of annual bluegrass turf. Proc. European Turfgrass Soc Intern. Conf., 2nd. Angers France. 11-13 April 2010. http://www.turfgrasssociety.eu. In Press (Refereed)<br /> <br /> Wong, F. P. Chemical Control of Anthracnose in Southern California, Summer 2009. UCR Turf and Landscape Field Day Proceedings. September 17, 2009<br /> <br /> Dissertations:<br /> Inguagiato, J.C. 2009. Anthracnose severity influenced by cultural management of annual bluegrass putting green turf. New Brunswick: Rutgers University, 228 pp. [Doctoral dissertation].<br /> <br /> Roberts, J. A. 2009. Impact of Cultural Management on Anthracnose Severity of Annual Bluegrass Putting Green Turf. New Brunswick: Rutgers University, 161 pp. [Masters thesis].<br />Impact Statements
- This multi-state regional research project (NE-1025) has helped improve the exchange of information about annual bluegrass pests between turfgrass entomologists, pathologists, management specialists, breeders and plant physiologists throughout North America.
- Results from this research project have enhanced our understanding of the general biology and ecology of the annual bluegrass weevil (ABW) and anthracnose disease.
- Findings have been disseminated to stakeholders via state, regional, national and international conferences, newsletters, trade and professional publications, blogs, podcasts, websites and webcasts. Two feature articles (one on ABW and another on anthracnose biology and control) were published in Golf Course Management Magazine (an international trade journal with a readership of 23,000 turf managers) in August 2008 to widely disseminate our research results from the first three years of this project. The anthracnose feature was reprinted in Canada in The Dogwood (a publication of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of British Columbia) in 2009.
- Results from a survey of turfgrass managers in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region conducted in 2006-2007 to document early impacts (year 1 and 2) were used to develop a more detailed follow up survey that was conducted in 2010 to document additional program impacts from years 3 and 4.
- Adoption and implementation of our research results by practitioners will result in improved management practices that are sustainable, cost-effective and provide excellent control of ABW and anthracnose with reduced pesticide inputs.
- The research and dissemination of the results enhanced the dialogue with manufacturers and practitioners around mower design (head design), bedknife set-up and frequency of clip. In fact, one mower manufacturer altered a product line as a direct result of the Cornell research.
- The molecular component of this project will further highlight the potential of our research to expand the basic understanding of fungal population biology and evolution within the genus Colletotrichum.
- NE 1025 researchers contributed observations to the website WeevilTrak allowing Golf course superintendents across the NE US to access weekly ABW life stage data which improved application timing.