W1150: Exotic Germplasm Conversion and Breeding Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) for Resistance to Abiotic and Biotic Stresses and to Enhance Nu
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Aranda L., Porch T.G., and Bassett M.J. 2006. Initial AFLP tagging of the gene (Cl) for circumlineated pattern. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 49:55-56.
Armenia, A. R. O. 2006. Transformation and in vitro culture studies to enhance white mold resistance in dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). MS Thesis, Michigan State University, East Lansing MI. 116pp.
Asensio-S.-Manzanera, M.C., C. Asensio, and S.P. Singh. 2006. Gamete selection for resistance to common and halo bacterial blights in dry bean intergene pool populations. Crop Sci. 46:131-135.
Baggett, J.R., D. Kean, D. Sullivan, A. Stone, and J. Myers. 2005. Vegetable Gardening in Oregon. OSUES EC871. (revised August 2005).
Beaver, J.S., C.G. Muñoz-Perea, J.M. Osorno, F.H. Ferwerda and P.N. Miklas. 2005. Registration of bean golden yellow mosaic virus resistant dry bean germplasm lines PR9771-3-2, PR0247-49 and PR0157-4-1. Crop Sci. 45:2126.
Blair, M.W., J.S. Beaver, J.C. Nin, E. Prophete, and S.P. Singh. 2006. Registration of PR9745-232 and RMC-3 red mottled dry bean germplasm lines with resistance to bean golden yellow mosaic virus. Crop Sci. 46: 1000-1001.
Blair, M.W., C. Cardona, C. Quintero, R. Garza, N. Weeden, and S.P. Singh. 2006. Development of a SCAR marker for common bean resistance to the bean pod weevil (Apion godmani Wagner). Annu. Rpt. Bean Improv. Coop. 49:181-182.
Brick, M.A., P.F. Byrne, H.F. Schwartz, J.B. Ogg, K. Otto, A.L. Fall, and J. Gilbert. 2006 Reaction to three races of Fusarium wilt in the Phaseolus vulgaris core collection. Crop Sci. 46:1245-1252.
Brick, M.A., M.D. Thompson, and H.J. Thompson. 2006. Defining the Health Benefits of Dry Edible Beans. Abstracts Western Society of Crop Science meeting. June 19-21, Torrington, WY.
Brick, M.A., J. J. Maxwell, P. F. Byrne, X. Shan, H.F. Schwartz, J.B. Ogg, and R. Henson. 2006. Quantitative trait loci linked to white mold resistance in common bean. Abstracts Western Society of Crop Science, 19-21 June 2006. Torrington, WY.
Chipps, T.J., B. Gilmore, J. Myers, H.U. Stotz. 2005. Evidence for oxalate insensitivity and oxalate oxidase in determining partial resistance of Phaseolus coccineus to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Phytopathology 95: 292-299.
Davis, J.W., D. Kean, B. Yorgey,, D. Fourie, P.N. Miklas, and J.R. Myers. 2006. A molecular marker linkage map of snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Annu. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 49:73-74.
Duncan, R.W., H. Terán, S.P. Singh, and R.L. Gilbertson. 2006. Comparison of marker-assisted and direct selection for introgression of common bacterial blight resistance in common bean. Annu. Rpt. Bean Improv. Coop. 49:1-12.
Gonçalves-Vidigal, M.C., and J.D. Kelly. 2006. Inheritance of anthracnose resistance in the common bean cultivar Widusa. Euphytica 151:411-419.
Hang, A.N., Compiler. 2005. Common Dry Bean Nursery Report, www.prosser.wsu.edu/Documents/2005cdbnreport2906.pdf. 56th Annual Report, National Cooperative Dry Bean Nurseries. Information contributed by members of the W1150 Multistate Regional Committee and ARS, USDA.
Hang, A. N., P. N. Miklas, M. J. Silbernagel, and G. L. Hosfield. 2006. Registration of Silver Cloud white kidney bean. Crop Sci. 46:491-492.
Harveson, R. M., Schwartz, H. F., Vidaver, A. K., Lambrecht, P. A., and Otto, K. L. 2006. New outbreaks of bacterial wilt of dry bean in Nebraska observed from field infections. Plant Disease 90:681.
Hang, A. N., P. N. Miklas, M. J. Silbernagel, and G. L. Hosfield. 2006. Registration of Quincy pinto bean. Crop Sci. 46:991.
Jochua, C.N., J.R. Steadman, X. Xue, K.M. Eskridge and M.I.V. Amane. 2006. Pathogenic Variability of Populations of Uromyces appendiculatus, Cause of Bean Rust in Individual Bean Fields and Development of Bean Rust Sampling Plans Based on Costs of Sampling. Ann. Rpt. Bean Improvement Cooperative. 49:225-226.
Kelly, J.D., G.L. Hosfield, G.V. Varner, M.A. Uebersax, and J. Taylor. 2006. Registration of Capri cranberry bean. Crop Sci 46:2706-2707.
Kelly, J.D., G.L. Hosfield, G.V. Varner, M.A. Uebersax, and J. Taylor. 2006. Registration of Sedona pink bean. Crop Sci 46:2707-2708.
Kusolwa, P.M. and J.R. Myers. 2006. Arcelin-like and a-amylase-like inhibitor DNA sequences cosegregate with a novel seed storage protein in Phaseolus vulgaris x P. acutifolius hybrids. Annu. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 49:75-76.
Lanier, W. T., M. J. Brewer, F. B. Peairs, G. L. Hein, H. F. Schwartz, J. B. Campbell, and S. Blodgett. 2006. Development and assessment of an on-line High Plains Integrated Pest Management Guide for a regional audience. American Entomologist 52: 30-35.
Lema, M., H. Terán, M. Dennis, C. Robinson, and S.P. Singh. 2006. Drought resistance in different market classes of dry bean. Annu. Rpt. Bean Improv. Coop. 49:241-242.
Lema, M., H. Terán, and S.P. Singh. 2006. Effect of isolates and concentrations of Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli on dry bean genotypes. Annu. Rpt. Bean Improv. Coop. 49:9-10.
Luthria, D. L and M. A. Pastor-Corrales. 2005. Phenolic acid profiles of three cultivars of black beans. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 48: 50-51.
Luthria, D. L. and M.A. Pastor-Corrales. 2006. Phenolic acids content of fifteen dry edible bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) varieties. Journal of Composition and Analysis 19: 205-211.
Luthria, D. L and M. A. Pastor-Corrales. 2006. Phenolic acid profiles of beans commonly consumed in the United States. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 49: 6-8.
Maxwell, J., Brick, M., Byrne, P., Schwartz, H., Shan, X., Ogg, J. B., and Henson, R. 2006. Quantitative trait loci for resistance to white mold in common bean. Ann. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 49:63-64.
Mejia E. and de Lumen, B.O. 2006. Soybean bioactive peptides: A new horizon in the prevention of chronic diseases. Sexuality, Reproduction and Menopause 4: 91-95.
Miklas, P. N., K. F. Grafton, D., Hauf, and J. D. Kelly. 2006. Registration of partial white mold resistant pinto bean germplasm line USPT-WM-1. Crop Sci. 46:2339.
Miklas, P. N., J. Hu, N. J. Grünwald, and K. M. Larsen. 2006. Potential application of TRAP (targeted region amplified polymorphism) markers for mapping and tagging disease resistance traits in common bean. Crop Sci. 46:910-916.
Miklas, P. N., J. D. Kelly, S. E. Beebe, and M. W. Blair. 2006. Common bean breeding for resistance against biotic and abiotic stresses: from classical to MAS breeding. Euphytica 147:105-131.
Miklas, P. N., J. R. Smith, and S. P. Singh. 2006. Registration of USDK-CBB-15 dark red kidney bean germplasm line with improved resistance to common bacterial blight. Crop Sci. 46:1005-1006.
Miklas, P. N., J. R. Smith, and S. P. Singh. 2006. Registration of common bacterial blight resistant white kidney bean germplasm line USWK-CBB-17. Crop Sci. 46:2338-2339.
Miles, M.R., M.A. Pastor-Corrales, G.L. Hartman and R.D. Frederick. 2006. Differential Response of common bean cultivars to Phakopsora pachyrhizi. In Press. Plant Disease.
Monteagudo, A.B., A. P. Rodiño, M. Santalla, A.M. De Ron, and S.P. Singh. 2006. Resistance to fungal, bacterial, and viral pathogens in a common bean core collection from the Iberian Peninsula. HortScience 41:319-322.
Muñoz-Perea, C.G., H. Terán, R.G. Allen, J.L. Wright, D.T. Westermann, and S.P. Singh. 2006. Selection for drought resistance in dry bean landraces and cultivars. Crop Sci. 46:2111-2120.
Mutlu, N., P. N. Miklas, and D. P. Coyne. 2006. Resistance gene analog polymorphism (RGAP) markers co-localize with disease resistance genes and QTL in common bean. Molecular Breeding 17:127-135.
O Boyle, P. D., W.W. Kirk, and J. D. Kelly. 2007. Use of marker-assisted selection to breed for resistance to common bacterial blight (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli) in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. (in press).
Otto-Hanson, L.K. and J.R. Steadman. 2006. Characterization of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum isolates used to screen for white mold resistance in US bean production areas. Phytopathology 96:S88.
Otto-Hanson, L.K., J.R. Steadman, C. Kurowski, R. Mainz, J. Kelly, P. Griffiths, K. Grafton, J. Myers, P. Miklas, H. Schwartz, S. Singh, K. Kmiecik, R. Felix, E. Kee, and A. Oppelaar. 2006. Use of multi-sites to identify partial resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in common bean over multiple years. Annu. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 49: 91-92.
Pastor-Corrales, M. A. 2005. Genetics of resistance to Uromyces appendiculatus in a unique common bean plant introduction from the Andean gene pool. Phytopathology 95: S80.
Pastor-Corrales, M.A. 2005. Resistance of PI 260418 an Andean bean resistant to most races of the bean rust pathogen. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 48: 134-135.
Pastor-Corrales, M.A. 2006. Diversity of the rust pathogen and common bean guides gene deployment for development of bean cultivars with durable resistance. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 49: 51-52.
Pastor-Corrales M.A., A.C. Aime, and J. R. Steadman J.R. 2005. Guiding the development of common bean cultivars with durable rust resistance based on the diversity of the rust pathogen and its common bean hosts. International Edible Legume Conference in conjunction with IV World Cowpea Congress. Durban, South Africa. 17-21 April 2005.
Pastor-Corrales, M.A., J.D. Kelly, and J. R., Steadman, D.P. Coyne, and D.T. Lindgren. 2005. Release of BelMineb-RMR-8, -9, -10, -11, -12, and -13, erect, short vine, rust and mosaic resistant great northern bean germplasm lines. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 48: 194-196.
Pastor-Corrales, M.A., J.D. Kelly, J.R. Steadman, D.T. Lindgren, J.R. Stavely and D. P. Coyne. 2006. Registration of Six Great Northern Bean Germplasm Lines with Enhanced Resistance to Rust and Bean Common Mosaic and Necrosis Potyviruses. In Press. Crop Science.
Pastor-Corrales, M.A., M.M. Liebenberg, A. Sartorato, and P.A Pereira. Reaction of common bean cultivars to the Asian soybean rust pathogen, Phakopsora pachyrhizi, under field conditions in South Africa and Brazil. 2006. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 49: 31- 32.
Pastor-Corrales, M. A. and H.F. Schwartz. 2005. Anthracnose. Pages 25-27 in: Compendium of Bean Diseases , 2nd ed. H. F. Schwartz, J. R. Steadman, R. Hall, and R. Forster, Ed. The American Society of Phytopathology. St. Paul, Minnesota. ISBN: 0-89054-327-5.
Pastor-Corrales, M. A. and J.R. Stavely. 2005. Soybean Rust. Pages 40-41 in: Compendium of Bean Diseases , 2nd ed. H. F. Schwartz, J. R. Steadman, R. Hall, and R. Forster, Ed. The American Society of Phytopathology. St. Paul, Minnesota. ISBN: 0-89054-327-5.
Pastor-Corrales, M. A., J.R. Steadman, and J. R. Stavely, J. R. 2005. Rust. Pages 38-39 in: Compendium of Bean Diseases , 2nd ed. H. F. Schwartz, J. R. Steadman, R. Hall, and R. Forster, Ed. The American Society of Phytopathology. St. Paul, Minnesota. ISBN: 0-89054-327-5.
Porch T.G. 2006. Application of stress indices for heat tolerance screening of common bean. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 192:390-394.
Rainey, K. M. and P. D. Griffiths. 2005. Inheritance of heat tolerance during reproductive development in snap beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). J. ASHS 130(5):700-706.
Rainey, K. M. and P. D. Griffiths. 2005. Diallel analysis of yield components of snap beans exposed to two temperature stress environments. Euphytica 142:43-53.
Rainey, K. M. and P. D. Griffiths. 2005. Identification of heat tolerant Phaseolus acutifolius A. Gray plant introductions following exposure to high temperatures in a controlled environment. Gen. Res. Crop. Evol. 52:117-120.
Rainey, K. M. and P. D. Griffiths. 2005. Differential responses of common bean genotypes to high temperatures. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 130(1):18-23.
Schwartz, H. F., Otto, K., Teran, H., Lema, M., and Singh, S. P. 2006. Inheritance of white mold resistance in Phaseolus vulgaris x P. coccineus crosses. Plant Dis. 90:1167-1170.
Schwartz, H. F., Steadman, J. R., and Pastor-Corrales, M. A. 2006. Challenges to and priorities for management of rusts of common bean. Ann. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 49:53-54.
Singh, S.P. Slow aging, darkening, or oxidizing dry bean. Annu. Rpt. Bean Improv. Coop. 49:175-176.
Singh, S.P., H. Terán, D.T. Westermann, R. Hayes, C.G. Muñoz, M. Lema, M. Dennis, D. Fullmer, R. Parrott, K. Mulberry, and J. Smith. 2006. On-farm dry bean breeding for high- and low- input conventional and organic farming systems. Annu. Rpt. Bean Improv. Coop. 49:117-118.
Steadman, J.R., L.K. Otto-Hanson, J. Breathnach, C. Kurowski, R. Mainz, J. Kelly, P. Griffiths, J. Myers, P. Miklas, H. Schwartz, S. Singh and A. Oppelaar. 2006. Identification of partial resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in common bean at multiple locations in 2005. Annu. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 49:223-224.
Teran, H., Lema, M., Schwartz, H. F., Duncan, R., Gilbertson, R., and Singh, S. P. 2006. Modified Petzoldt and Dickson scale for white mold rating of common bean. Ann. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 49:115-116.
Zapata, M. 2006. A proposal for a uniform screening procedure for the greenhouse evaluation of variability of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli and resistance on leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris. Ann. Rep. of the Bean Improv. Coop. 49:213-214.
Acosta-Gallegos, J.A., J.D. Kelly, and P. Gepts. 2007. Pre-breeding in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and use of genetic diversity from wild germplasm. Int. Plant Breeding Symposium. Crop Sci. 47: supplement (in press).
Ando, K., R. Grumet, K. Terpstra, and J. D. Kelly. 2007. Manipulation of plant
architecture to enhance crop disease control. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition, and Natural Resources. Vol. 2. No. 026. 8pp.
Aranda L. 2007. Desarrollo de métodos para la transformación genética de frijol común a través de electroporación. Thesis, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez.
Chung, Y.S. 2007. Heritability of resistance to white mold in snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) based on field evaluation, oxalic acid, ans straw test and validation with RAPD markers. M.S. Thesis, Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.
Chung, Y.S., M.E. Sass and J. Nienhuis. 2007. Correlations of white mold resistance in snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) among field evaluations, oxalic acid test, and straw test. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative. 50:129-130.
CSA. 2007. Business & People: North Dakota State University. CSA News 52:29.
Duncan, R.W. Duncan, R.W., M. Lema, S.P. Singh, and R.L. Gilbertson. 2007. Linkage between a Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli resistance SCAR marker and flower and seed color in common bean. Phytopathology 97:S30.
Duncan, R.W., S.P. Singh and R.L. Gilbertson. 2007. The dilemma of recurrent backcrossing for introgressing common bacterial blight resistance in common bean. Annu. Rpt. Bean Improv. Coop. 50:105-106.
Duncan, R.W., S.P. Singh and R.L. Gilbertson. 2007. Two cycles of recurrent selections for pyramiding common bacterial blight resistance in common bean. Annu. Rpt. Bean Improv. Coop. 50:107-108.
Ender, M., K. Terpstra, and J.D. Kelly. 2007. Marker-assisted selection for white mold resistance in common bean. Mol. Breed. (online:10.1007/s11032-007-9115-9).
Gelin, J.R., S. Forster, K.F. Grafton, P.E. McClean and G.A. Rojas-Cifuentes. 2007. Analysis of Seed Zinc and Other Minerals in a Recombinant Inbred Population of Navy Bean. Crop Sci. [accepted].
Gelin, J.R., K.F. Grafton, and G.A. Rojas-Cifuentes, and A.J. Vander Wal. 2007. Breeding for high seed-Zn as a value added trait in navy bean. Bean Improv. Coop. 50:47-48.
Gilmore, B.S. 2007. Genetic resistance to white mold (Sclerotinia scleotiorum (Lib.) De Bary) in Scarlet Runner Beans (Phaseolus coccineus L.). Ph.D. dissertation, Oregon State University.
Haggard, J.E. 2007. Characterization of physiological resistance to white mold and search for molecular markers linked to resistance via advanced backcross QTL analysis in an interspecific cross between Phaseolus coccineus and P. vulgaris. M.S. thesis, Oregon State University.
Haggard, J.E. and J.R. Myers. 2007. Interspecific hybrid derived-lines developed by Herbert Lamprecht: A source of disease resistance for common bean. Annu. Rep. Bean Impr. Coop. 50:7-8.
Hang, A.N. 2007. CDBN 2006 report. www.prosser.wsu.edu/pdf%20files/2006cdbnreport.pdf. (25pp).
Harveson, R. M., and Schwartz, H. F. 2007. Bacterial diseases of dry edible beans in the central high plains. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2007-0125-01-DG.
Harveson, R. M., Schwartz, H.,F., and Vidaver, A. K. 2007. New reports of bacterial wilt form dry bean and soybean in the Central High Plains. Phytopathology 97:S161.
Langham, M., Tolin, S., Sutula, C., Schwartz, H., Wisler, G., Karasev, A., Hershman, Gisler, L., Golod, J., Ratcliffe, S., and Cardwell, K. 2007. Legume/virus PIPE "A new tool for disease management in legumes. Phytopathology 97:S61.
Lema, M. H. Terán and S.P. Singh. 2007. Selecting common bean with genes of different evolutionary origins for resistance to Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli. Crop Sci. 47:1367-1374.
Long-Ze Lin, James M. Harnly, Marcial A. Pastor-Corrales, and Devanand L. Luthria. 2008. The polyphenolic profiles of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Food Chemistry 107:399-410.
Maxwell, J., Brick, M., Byrne, P., Schwartz, H., Shan, X., Ogg, J. B., and Henson, R. 2006. Quantitative trait loci for resistance to white mold in common bean. Ann. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 49:63-64.
Miklas, P. N., K. M. Larsen, K. Terpstra, D. C. Hauf, K. F. Grafton, and J. D. Kelly. 2007. QTL analysis of ICA Bunsi-derived resistance to white mold in a pinto x navy bean cross. Crop Sci. 47:174-179.
Miklas, P. N. 2007. Marker-assisted backcrossing QTL for partial resistance to Sclerotinia white mold in dry bean. Crop Sci. 47: 935-942.
Miklas, P.N. and S.P. Singh. 2007. Common Bean. p. 1-31. In C. Kole (ed) Genome Mapping and Molecular Breeding in Plants Vol. 3 Pulses, Sugar and Tuber Crops. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.
Miles, M.R., M.A. Pastor-Corrales, G.L. Hartman and R.D. Frederick. 2007. Differential response of common bean cultivars to Phakopsora pachyrhizi. Plant Dis. 91:698-704.
Mutlu, N., C.A. Urrea, P.N. Miklas, J.R. Steadman, M.A. Pastor-Corrales, D.T. Lindgren, J. Reiser, A.K. Vidaver and D.P. Coyne. 2007. Release of ABC-Weihing Common Bacterial Blight, Rust and Mosaic Resistant, Semi-Upright, High Seed Quality Great Northern Bean Germplasm Line. Ann. Rpt. Bean Improvement Cooperative. 50:211-212.
Mutlu, N., C.A. Urrea, P.N. Miklas, J.R. Steadman, A.K. Vidaver, D.T. Lindgren, and M.A. Pastor-Corrales. 2007. Notice of Release of Common Bacterial Blight Resistant Great Northern Bean Germplasm Line ABC-Weihing. The University of Nebraska and Agr. Res. Serv.-U.S. Dept. of Agric. Germplasm Release Notice. 4 p.
Mutlu, N., C.A. Urrea, P.N. Miklas, J.R. Steadman, M.A. Pastor-Corrales, D.T. Lindgren, J. Reiser, A.K. Vidaver and D.P. Coyne. 2007. Registration of Common Bacterial Blight, Rust and Bean Common Mosaic Resistant Great Northern Bean Germplasm Line ABC-Weihing. J. Plant Registrations 1:(In Press).
Muñoz-Perea, C.G., R.G. Allen, D.T. Westermann, J.L. Wright and S.P. Singh. 2007. Water use efficiency among dry bean landraces and cultivars in drought-stressed and non-stressed environments. Euphytica 155:393-402.
Navarro, F.M., P. Skroch, G. Jung and J. Nienhuis. 2007. Quantitative trait loci associated with bacterial brown spot in Phaseolus vulgaris L. Crop Sci. 47:1344-1353.
Nienhuis, J. and M.E. Sass. 2006. Development of root rot resistant snap beans adapted to organic production. In: Processing Crops CD and Proceedings, Appleton, WI. 29-30 Nov. 2006. Midwest Food Processors Association, Inc., Madison, WI.
Nienhuis, J. and M.E. Sass. 2007. Root rot resistant snap beans adapted to organic production. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative. 50:145-146.
O Boyle, P. D., W. W. Kirk, and J. D. Kelly. 2007. Use of marker-assisted selection to breed for resistance to common bacterial blight in common bean. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.
Osorno, J. M., C. G. Muñoz, J. S. Beaver, F. H. Ferwerda, M. J. Bassett, P. N. Miklas, T. Olczyk, and B. Bussey. 2007. Two genes from Phaseolus coccineus L. confer resistance to Bean golden yellow mosaic virus in common bean. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 132:530-533.
Otto-Hanson, L.K. and J.R. Steadman. 2007. Identification of Partial Resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in Common Bean at Multiple Locations In 2006. Ann. Rpt. Bean Improvement Cooperative. 50:133-134.
Otto-Hanson, L.K. and J.R. Steadman. 2007. Multi-site screening for identification of small effect disease resistance traits: White mold of bean as a case study. Abstr. 059 - Proceedings of Latinamerican and Caribbean Phytopathological Societies Meeting. Cancun, Mexico, May 20-24, 2007. p. 70.
Pandya, N, J.S. Beaver and C. Harper. 2007. Modified atmosphere packaging of green-shelled common beans. Ann. Rep. of the Bean Improv. Coop. 50:57-58.
Pastor-Corrales, M.A., J.D. Kelly, J.R. Steadman, D.T. Lindgren, J.R. Stavely, and D.P. Coyne. 2007. Registration of six great northern bean germplasm lines developed for enhanced resistance to rust and bean common mosaic and necrosis potyviruses: BelMiNeb-RMR-8,-9,-10,-11,-12,-and -13. J. Plant Registrations 1:77-79.
Porch T.G., Bernsten R., Rosas J.C., Jahn M. 2007. Cost benefit analysis of the introduction of heat tolerant bean varieties in Atlántida, Honduras. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 50:199-200.
Porch T.G., Bernsten R., Rosas J.C., Jahn M. 2007. Climate change and the potential economic benefits of heat tolerant bean varieties for farmers in Atlántida, Honduras. (Accepted, Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico).
Rivera-Vargas L.I., V. Bracero-Acosta and J. S. Beaver. 2007. Temporal and spatial dissemination of bean golden yellow mosaic virus (Begomovirus) in Phaseolus vulgaris Jamaica Red. J. of Agric. of the Univ. Puerto Rico 91(3-4):In press
Rodiño, A.P., M. Santalla, A.M. González, A.M. De Ron and S.P. Singh. 2006. Novel genetic variation in common bean from the Iberian Peninsula. Crop Sci. 46:2540-2546.
Sass, M.E., T. German and J. Nienhuis. 2006. Assessing germplasm resistance to the soybean aphid virus complex. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative. 49:179-180.
Sass, M.E., T. German and J. Nienhuis. 2006. Introgression of resistance to the soybean aphid virus complex into snap beans. In: Processing Crops CD and Proceedings, Appleton, WI. 29-30 Nov. 2006. Midwest Food Processors Association, Inc., Madison, WI.
Sass, M.E., T. German and J. Nienhuis. 2007. Introgression of CMV resistance into snap bean. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative. 50:79-80.
Sayler, T. 2007. NDSU Has a New Dry Bean Breeder. Northarvest BeanGrower Mag. 13(1):39-41.
Sayler, T. 2007. Bean Day 2007 Highlights: A New Chapter in Bean Breeding. Northarvest BeanGrower Mag. 13(3):5.
Schwartz, H. F. 2007. Legume PIPE A time sensitive resource for the American bean industry. Ann. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 50:185-186.
Schwartz, H. F., Brick, M. A., Ogg, J. B., Otto, K. L., and McMillan, M. S. 2006. Tillage, pesticide and resistance management of white mold in dry bean. Ann. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 49:59-60.
Singh, S., Teran, H., Lema, M., Schwartz, H., and Miklas, P. 2007. Registration of white mold resistant dry bean germplasm line A 195. J. Plant Registration 1:62-63.
Singh, S. P, H. Teran, M. Lema, D. M. Webster, C. A. Stausbaugh, P. N. Miklas, H. F. Schwartz, and M. A. Brick. 2007. Seventy-five years of breeding dry bean of the Western U.S. Crop Sci. 47: 981-989.
Singh, S.P. 2007. Drought resistance in the race Durango dry bean landraces and cultivars. Agron. J. 99:1219-1225.
Singh, S.P., H. Terán, M. Lema, M. Dennis and R. Hayes. 2006. Registration of slow darkening pinto bean germplasm line SDIP-1. Crop Sci. 46:2726.
Singh, S.P., H. Terán, M. Dennis, M. Lema, H. Hayes and C. Robinson. 2007. Release of great northern Hungerford dry bean. Annu. Rpt. Bean Improv. Coop. 50:213-214.
Singh, S.P., H. Terán, M. Dennis, M. Lema, H. Hayes and C. Robinson. 2007. Release of pinto Kimberly dry bean. Annu. Rpt. Bean Improv. Coop. 50:215-216.
Singh, S.P., H. Terán, M. Dennis, M. Lema, H. Hayes and C. Robinson. 2007. Release of great northern Sawtooth dry bean. Annu. Rpt. Bean Improv. Coop. 50:217-218.
Singh, S.P., H. Terán, M. Dennis, M. Lema, H. Hayes and C. Robinson. 2007. Release of pinto Shoshone dry bean. Annu. Rpt. Bean Improv. Coop. 50:219-220.
Singh. S.P., H. Terán, M. Lema, M. Dennis, H. Hayes and D. Fullmer. 2007. On-farm participatory breeding of the common bean. Annu. Rpt. Bean Improv. Coop. 50:201-202.
Singh, S.P., H. Terán, H.F. Schwartz, K. Otto and M. Lema. 2007. Developing white mold resistant interspecific breeding lines from the secondary gene pool of common bean. Annu. Rpt. Bean Improv. Coop. 50:135-136.
Smith J. R., S. J. Park, J. S. Beaver, P. N. Miklas, C. H. Canaday, and M. Zapata. 2007. Registration of TARS-SR05 multiple disease-resistant dry bean germplasm. Crop Sci. 47:457-458.
Steadman, J.R. and L.K. Otto-Hanson. 2007. White mold resistance identified in multi-site tests and choice of pathogen isolates for resistance screening matters. Abstr. NDSU/USDA-ARS Sclerotinia Initiative Ann. Mtg., Bloomington, MN. January 17-19, 2007. p. 35.
Vidigal Filho, P.S., M.C. Gonçalves-Vidigal, J.D. Kelly, and W.W. Kirk. 2007. Sources of resistance to anthracnose in traditional common bean cultivars from Paraná, Brazil. J. Phytopathology 155:108-113.
Vorwald, J. 2007. Optimal popping and genetic variance in Nuña beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). M.S. Thesis, Department of Horticulture, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.
Zapata M., Beaver J., and Porch T. 2007. Foliage, pod and internal seed infection of selected common bean lines when inoculated with two strains of Xanthomonas axonopodis Pv. phaseoli. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 50:117-118.
Acevedo, M., J.R. Steadman, J.C. Rosas and J. Venegas. 2008. Coevolution of the bean rust pathogen Uromyces appendiculatus with its wild, weedy and domesticated hosts (Phaseolus spp.) at a center of diversity. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 51:22-23.
Alleyne, A.T., J.R. Steadman and K.M. Eskridge. 2008. Rep-PCR molecular markers characterize Uromyces appendiculatus pathotypes associated with Ur-6 resistance gene in Phaseolus vulgaris. European J. Plant Path. (In Press).
Beaver, J.S., M. Alameda and J.C. Rosas. 2008. Breeding beans for resistance to web blight. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 51:30-31.
Beaver, J.S., T.G. Porch and M. Zapata. 2008. Registration of 'Verano' white bean. J. Plant Registrations 2:187-189.
Brick, M.A., M.A. Newell, P.F. Byrne, H.F. Schwartz, J.B. Ogg and J. Myers. 2008. Introgression of QTL for white mold resistance from common and scarlet runner bean. Bean Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 51:212-213.
Brick, M.A., Newell, M.A., Byrne, P.F., Schwartz, Ogg, J.B., and Myers, J. 2008. Introgression of QTL for white mold resistance from common and scarlet runner bean. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 51:212-213.
Brick, M.A., Newell, M.A., Byrne, P.F., Schwartz, Ogg, J.B., and Myers, J. 2008. Introgression of QTL for white mold resistance from common and scarlet runner bean. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 51:212-213.
Brick, M.A., Ogg, J. B., Schwartz, H.F., Johnson, J.J., Judson, F., Miklas, P., and Singh, S.P. 2008. Release of Croissant Pinto Bean. Ann Rppt. Bean Improv. Coop. 51:271.
Brick, M.A., J.B. Ogg, S.P. Singh, H.F. Schwartz, J.J. Johnson, and M.A.Pastor-Corrales. 2008. Registration of drought tolerant, rust resistant, high yielding pinto bean germplasm line CO46348. J. Plant Registrations 2:120-124.
Brick, M. A., Ogg, J.B., Singh, S.P., Schwartz, H.F., Johnson, J.J., and M.A. Pastor-Corrales. 2008. Registration of drought tolerant, rust resistant, high yielding pinto bean germplasm line CO46348. J. Plant Registrations 2: 120-124.
Brown, J.K., Rehman, M. and Idris, A.M. 2009. Infectious clones and characterization of a previously unreported bean-infecting begomovirus from Rynchosia minima (L.), an endemic legume from Puerto Rico, APS-CD Meeting, Orlando, FL, May 16-19, 2009.
Chung, Y.S., M.E. Sass and J. Nienhuis. 2008. Validation of RAPD markers for white mold resistance in two snap bean populations based on field and greenhouse evaluations. Crop Sci. 48:2265-2273.
Godoy-Lutz, G., S. Kuninaga, J.R. Steadman and K. Powers. 2008. Phylogenetic analysis of Rhizoctonia solani subgroups associated with web blight symptoms on common bean based on ITS-5.8s r DNA. J. Gen. Plant Path. 74:32-40.
Gonçalves-Vidigal, M.C., P.S. Vidigal Filho, A.F Medeiros, and M.A. Pastor-Corrales. 2009. Common Bean Landrace Jalo Listras Pretas is the Source of a New Andean Anthracnose Resistance Gene. Crop Sci. 49: 133-138.
González, N., J. Beaver, J.C. Rosas, G. Godoy-Lutz and J. Steadman. 2008. Development of a differential set of common bean lines to screen for web blight pathogen virulence. Annu. Rep. of the Bean Improv. Coop. 51:32-33.
Griffiths, P.D. 2009. Release of Cornell 601-606: Common bean breeding lines with resistance to white mold. HortScience 44:463-465.
Griffiths, P.D. 2009. Development of snap beans resistant to cucumber mosaic virus. Proc. of the Empire State Fruit and Vegetable Expo. 88-90.
Griffiths, P.D., M. Jahn, B. Tracy and M. A. Mutschler. 2008. Report of the vegetable breeding programs. Cornell Veg. Breeding Inst., Cornell University, NY.
Griffiths, P.D. 2008. Breeding snap beans for resistance to viruses and white mold. Pennsylvania Res. Assoc. Rep.
Hang A.N., and J. Rayapati. 2009. 59th Annual Report National Cooperative Dry Bean Nurseries - 2008. www.prosser.wsu.edu/pdf%20files/2008-CDBN-Report.pdf. 20p.
Halseth, D.E., Sandsted, E.R., Hymes, W.L., MacLaury, R.L., Kelly, J.M., Rich, B., and Hoy, D. 2009. 2008 New York State dry bean variety trials. Cornell University, Department of Horticulture Report No. 55, 30 pages.
Halseth, D.E., Sandsted, E.R., Hymes, W.L., MacLaury, R.L., Kelly, J.M., Rich, B., and Hoy, D. 2009. 2008 New York State dry bean variety fact sheet. Cornell University, Department of Horticulture Report No. 54, 22 pages.
Jochua, C., M.I.V. Amane, J.R. Steadman, X. Xue and K.M. Eskridge. 2008. Virulence Diversity of the Common Bean Rust Pathogen Within and Among Individual Bean Fields and Development of Sampling Strategies. Plant Dis. 92:401-408.
Johnson J.J., M.A. Brick, H.F. Schwartz, J. Hain, A. Davisson, M.M. McMillan, J.B. Ogg, and K. Otto. 2008. Dry Bean Variety Performance Trials. Colorado State Univ. Agric. Exp. Stn. Tech. Rep. TR 08-12, 24 pp.
Kandel, H. 2008. North Dakota dry bean performance testing - 2007. Bull. A-654. North Dakota State University. Ext. Serv. Fargo, ND.
Knodel J., J. Luecke, P. Beauzay, D. Franzen, H. Kandel, S. Markell, J. Osorno, and R. Zollinger. 2008. Dry bean grower survey of pest problems and pesticide use in Minnesota and North Dakota. NDSU Extension Service, North Dakota State University, in coop. with Northarvest bean growers Ass. Fargo, ND.
Kusolwa, P.M. and J.R. Myers. 2008. Phylogenetic relationship of lectin-like proteins expressed in tepary bean and common bean. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 51:78-79.
Kusolwa, P.M. and J.R. Myers. 2008. APA locus proteins from tepary accession G40199 confers resistance to Acanthoscelides obtectus in common bean interspecific backcross lines. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 51:16-17.
Langham, M.A.C., S.A. Tolin, C. Sutula, H.F. Schwartz, G. Wisler, A. Karasev, D. Hershman, L. Giesler, J. Golod, S.T. Ratcliffe, and K.F. Cardwell. 2008. Legume PIPE, A new tool for disease management in legumes. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 51:60-61.
Larsen, R.C., P.N. Miklas, K.C. Eastwell, and C.R. Grau. 2008. A strain of Clover yellow vein virus that causes severe pod necrosis disease in snap bean. Plant Dis. 92:1026-1032.
Lee, J., J. Feng, K. Campbell, B.E. Scheffler, W.M.Garrett, S. Thibivilliers, G. Stacey, D.Q. Naiman, M.L. Tucker, M.A. Pastor-Corrales, and B. Cooper. 2009. Quantitative Proteonomic Analysis of Bean Plants Infected by a Virulent and Avirulent Obligate Rust Pathogen. Molecular and Cellular Proteonomics 8:19-31.
Lin L.Z., J.M. Harnly, M.A. Pastor-Corrales, and D.L. Luthria. 2008. The polyphenolic profiles of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Food Chem. 107:399-410.
Miklas, P.N., D. Fourie, J. Wagner, R.C. Larsen, and C.M.S. Mienie. 2009. Tagging and mapping Pse-1 gene for resistance to halo blight in common bean host differential cultivar UI-3. Crop Sci. 49:41-48.
Mutlu, N., C.A. Urrea, P.N. Miklas, J.R. Steadman, M.A. Pastor-Corrales, D.T. Lindgren, J. Reiser, A.K. Vidaver, and D.P. Coyne. 2008. Registration of Common Bacterial Blight Resistant Great Northern Bean Germplasm Line ABC-Weihing. J. Plant Registrations 2: 53-55.
Mutlu, N., A.K. Vidaver, D.P. Coyne, J.R. Steadman and P.A. Lambrecht. 2008. Differential Pathogenicity of Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli and X. fuscans subsp. fuscans Strains on Bean Genotypes with Common Blight Resistance. Plant Dis. 92:546-554.
Myers, J.R. 2008. BIC - the next 50 years: A public breeders perspective. Annu. Rep. Bean Impr. Coop. http://www.css.msu.edu/bic/PDF/2007%20BIC%20Workshop.pdf
Myers, J.R., B.S. Gilmore and J.E. Haggard. 2008. Progress in the characterization and transfer of white mold resistance from runner to common bean. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 51:80-81.
Myers, J.R., B.S. Gilmore, J.E. Haggard, M. Barrett, S. Zimmerman, & J. Davis. 2008. Transfer of Sclerotinia resistance from Phaseolus coccineus to P. vulgaris: An assessment. National Sclerotinia Initiative meetings, Minneapolis MN, Jan 23-25.
Navarro, F., M.E. Sass, and J. Nienhuis. 2008. Identification and confirmation of quantitative trait loci for root rot resistance in snap bean. Crop Sci. 48:962-972.
Nchimbi-Msolla, S., R. Misangu, R. Mabagala, F. Magayane, S. Kweka, L. Michael Butler, and J.R. Myers. 2008. Mshindi Kablanketi Dry Bean. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 51:278-279.
Nchimbi-Msolla, S., R. Misangu, R. Mabagala, F. Magayane, S. Kweka, L. Michael Butler, and J.R. Myers 2008. Pesa Large Red Dry Bean Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 51:280-281.
Osorno, J.M., K.F Grafton, G.A. Rojas-Cifuentes, R. Gelin, and A.J. Vander-Wal. 2008. Avalanche, a new navy bean for the northern plains. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 51:282-283.
Osorno, J.M., K.F. Grafton, G.A. Rojas-Cifuentes, R. Gelin, and A.J. Vander-Wal. 2008. Release of 'Lariat' and 'Stampede' pinto beans. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 51:284-285.
Osorno, J.M., G.A. Rojas-Cifuentes. 2008. Dry bean breeding program research report 2007. Northarvest mag. 14:16-17.
Osorno, J.M., G.A. Rojas-Cifuentes, S. Zwinger, and B. Schatz. 2008. Assessment of drought tolerance in dry bean varieties under dryland and irrigated conditions in the northern plains. Poster. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Joint Meetings. Houston, Texas October 5-10.
Otto-Hanson, L.K., J.R. Steadman, S. Singh, P. Miklas, J. Kelly, J. Myers, B. Schatz, H. Schwartz, P. Griffiths, and K. Kmiecik. 2008. Use of multi-site screening to identify parital resistance to white mold in common bean in 2007. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 51:214-215.
Otto-Hanson, L.K. and J.R. Steadman. 2008. Improvement in screening for resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in common bean through characterization of the pathogen and utilization of multi-state nurseries. Phytopathology 98:118.
Otto-Hanson, L.K., J.R. Steadman. 2008. Multi-site screening for identification of small effect disease resistance traits: White mold of bean as a case study. Phytopathology: 98:199.
Otto-Hanson, L.K. and J.R. Steadman. 2008. White mold resistance identified in multi site tests and choice of pathogen isolates for resistance screening matters. NDSU/USDA-ARS. p.23. National Sclerotinia Initiative Annu. Mtg, Minneapolis, MN. January 23-25.
Park, S.O., J.R. Steadman, D.P. Coyne and K.M. Crosby. 2008. Development of a Coupling-Phase SCAR Marker Linked to the Ur-7 Rust Resistance Gene and its occurrence in Diverse Common Bean Lines. Crop Sci. 48:357-363.
Pastor-Corrales, M.A. and R.D. Frederick. 2008. Resistance to the soybean rust pathogen (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) in common bean cultivar CNC. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 51: 20-21.
Pastor-Corrales, M.A., P.A. Arraes-Pereira, L. Lewers, R. Vianello-Brondani, G. Cortopassi-Buso, M.A. Ferreira, and W. Santos-Martins. 2008. Identification of SSR markers linked to rust resistance in Andean common bean PI 260418. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 51: 46-47.
Sass, M.E., T.L. German and J. Nienhuis. 2008. Progress in the identification of genetic variation for tolerance to cucumber mosaic virus in Phaseolus vulgaris L. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 51:88-89.
Schwartz, H.F. and M.A.C. Langham. 2008. PIPE, Pest Information Platform for Extension and Education. Annu. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 51:4-5.
Terán, H., C. Strausbaugh, I. Eujayl, J.S. Beaver, P.N. Miklas and S.P. Singh. 2008. Response of BGYM resistant common bean to Beet Curly Top Virus. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 51:168-169.
Thompson, M.D, H.J. Thompson, M.A Brick, J.N. McGinley, W. Jiang, Z. Zhu and P. Wolfe. 2008. Mechanisms associated with dose dependent inhibition of rat mammary carcinogenesis by dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). J. Nutrition 138:2091-2097.
Tonneson, L. 2008. Breeding program ramps up. Northarvest Mag. 14(1):18-19.
Urrea, C.A., R.M. Harveson, K. Nielsen, and J. Venegas. 2008. Identification of sources of bacterial wilt resistance in dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 51:56-57.
Urrea, C.A., C.D. Yonts, R. Higgins, D. Reichert, and D-M. Khu. 2008. Screening exotic dry bean drought tolerant germplasm in western Nebraska. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 51:72-73.
Urrea, C.A., C.D. Yonts, and D. Lyon. 2008. Breeding for drought resistance in dry beans. ASA meeting. Houston, TX.
Vandemark, G.J., D. Fourie, and P.N. Miklas. 2008. Genotyping with real-time PCR reveals recessive epistasis between independent QTL conferring resistance to common bacterial blight in dry bean. Theor. Appl. Genet. 117:513-522.
Venegas, J.,G. Godoy-Lutz, J.R. Steadman, C.A. Urrea, and R.M. Harveson. 2008. Morphological and molecular characterization from western Nebraska dry beans. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 51: 86-87.
Versdahl, K. 2008. Dry bean research yields new varieties. Northarvest Mag. 14:7.
Wasonga, C., P.D. Griffiths, M.A. Pastor-Corrales, T. Porch. 2008. Combining rust resistance and heat tolerance in snap beans. HortScience 43:1151.
2009 W-1150 Publications:
Barrett, M. 2009. Marker assisted selection and transfer of white mold QTL into snap beans. M.S. thesis, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
Barrett, M., J. Davis, S. Zimmerman and J.R. Myers. 2009. Pyramiding QTL conditioning partial resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum into a bush blue lake green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) background. (abstract) HortSci. 44:1144-1145.
Bassett, M. J., and P. N. Miklas. 2009. Blue pattern flower in common bean expressed by
interaction of Prpi-2 with a new gene tbp. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 134:423-427.
Beaver, J.S., and J.M. Osorno. 2009. Achievements and limitations of contemporary common bean breeding using conventional and molecular approaches. Euphytica 168:145-176.
Bewley, M. 2009. Winning the rust race. AgWeek. 25:9
Cichy, K.A., M. W. Blair, C. H. Galeno-Mendoza, S. S. Snapp, and J. D. Kelly. 2009. QTL analysis of root architecture traits and low phosphorus tolerance in an Andean bean population. Crop Sci. 49:59-68.
Davis, J., J.R. Myers, P. McClean, and R. Lee. 2009. STAYGREEN is a Candidate for the Persistent Color (pc) in Common Bean. Bean Improv. Coop. Biennial Meeting, Ft. Collins, CO, Oct. 25-28, 2009.
Davis, J., J.R. Myers, P. McClean, and R. Lee. 2009. Staygreen (sgr), a candidate gene for the persistent color phenotype in common bean. Acta Hort (in press).
Dorcinvil, R., A. Ramirez, D. Sotomayor, and J.S. Beaver. 2009. Performance of dry bean lines in a low N soil in Puerto Rico. Annu. Rept. Bean Coop. 52:124-125.
Gambhir, A., R.S. Lamppa, J.B. Rasmussen, and R.S. Goswami. 2009. Fusarium species associated with root rot of dry beans in North Dakota. Proceedings of the North Dakota Academy of Science. 63:46.
Goswami, R.S., A. Gambhir, Y.W. Chang, R.S. Lamppa. 2009. Dry edible bean pathogens prevalent in North Dakota with special emphasis on root rots. Proceedings of the Twentieth Biennial meeting of The Bean Improv. Coop. pp32 Fort Collins, CO Oct 25-28.
Goswami, R.S., R.S. Lamppa, A. Gambhir, and S.G. Markell. 2009. Assessment of foliar and root pathogens of dry beans currently prevalent in North Dakota. Annu. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 52: 98-99.
Hergert, M. 2009. Breeding breakthrough. Northarvest Bean Grower Mag. 15:6-7.
Kelly, J.D., G.V.Varner, P. OBoyle, and B. Long. 2009. Registration of Zorro black bean. J. Plant Reg. 3:226-230.
Kelly, J.D., G.V.Varner, B. Roman, and B. Long. 2009. Registration of Fuji Otebo bean. J. Plant Reg. 3:223-225.
Kelly, J.D., G.V. Varner, and C.L. Sprague. 2009. Zorro. A new black bean for Michigan. Ext. Bull. E-3069.
Kelly, J.D., G.V. Varner, and C.L. Sprague. 2009. Santa Fe. A new pinto bean for Michigan. Ext. Bull. E-3070.
Kelly, J.D., G.V. Varner, and C.L. Sprague. 2009. Fuji. New Otebo (Tebo) bean for Michigan. Ext. Bull. E-3071.
Lamppa, R.S., Y.W.Chang, S.G. Markell, F.M. Mathew, and R.S. Goswami. 2009. Potential ability of bacterial blight pathogens to move between soybean and dry edible bean. Proceedings of the Twentieth Biennial meeting of The Bean Improv. Coop. pp42 Fort Collins, CO Oct 25-28.
Markell, S., and R. Goswami. 2009. Dry bean rust found in ND. Northarvest Bean Grower. Vol. 15, Issue 1.Winter 2009. pp. 11.
Markell, S.G, M.A. Pastor-Corrales, J.G. Jordahl, R.S. Lamppa, F.M. Mathew, J.M. Osorno, and R.S. Goswami. 2009. Virulence of Uromyces appendiculatus to the resistance gene ur-3 identified in North Dakota in 2008. Annu. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 52: 82-83.
Markell, S.G., M.A. Pastor-Corrales, J.G. Jordahl, R.S. Lamppa, F.M. Mathew, J.M. Osorno, and R.S. Goswami. 2009. Virulence of Uromyces appendiculatus to the resistance gene Ur-3 identified in North Dakota. Annu. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 52:82-83.
McCoy, S., and J.R. Steadman. 2009. Use of Multi-Site Screening to Identify Partial Resistance to White Mold in Common Bean in 2008. Annu. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 52:158-159.
Mentor-Marcel, R.A., G. Bobe, K. Barret, M.R. Young, P.S. Albert, M.R. Bennink, E. Lanza, and N.H. Colburn. 2009. Inflammation-associated serum and colon markers as indicators of dietary attenuation of colon carcinogenesis in ob/ob mice. Cancer Prev. Res. 2(1):60-69.
Miklas, P.N., Y.-S. Seo, and R.L. Gilbertson. 2009. Quantitative resistance to Bean dwarf mosaic virus in common bean is associated with the Bct gene for resistance to Beet curly top virus. Plant Dis. 93:645-648.
Myers, J.R. 2009. Transfer and characterization white mold resistance from Phaseolus coccineus into P. vulgaris. 2009 Sclerotinia Initiative Annual Meeting Bloomington, MN January 21-23, 2009. (http://www.whitemoldresearch.com/files/2009AnnualMeeting01.pdf).
Navarro, F.M. M.E. Sass, and J. Nienhuis. 2009. Marker-facilitated selection for a major QTL associated with root rot resistance in snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Crop Sci. 49:850-866.
Newell, M.A., M.A. Brick, P.F. Byrne, H.F. Schwartz, B. Gilmore, J. Myers. 2009. QTL for white mold resistance in an interspecific backcross dry bean population. 2009 Sclerotinia Initiative Annual Meeting Bloomington, MN January 21-23, 2009. (http://www.whitemoldresearch.com/files/2009AnnualMeeting01.pdf).
Osorno, J.M., K.F. Grafton, J.B. Rasmussen, G.A. Rojas-Cifuentes, J.R. Gelin JR, and A.J. Vander-Wal. 2009. Release of Eclipse black bean. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 52:160-161.
Otto-Hanson, L.K., S. McCoy, and J.R. Steadman. 2009. Improvement in screening for resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in common bean through characterization of the pathogen. 14th International Sclerotinia Workshop. Wilmington, NC. May 31 June 4, 2009. Abstract 13.
Otto-Hanson, L.K., J. R. Steadman, and S. McCoy. 2009. Multi-site screening for Sclerotinia sclerotiorum: A successful approach to identifying resistance in dry and snap beans. 14th International Sclerotinia Workshop. Wilmington, NC. May 31 June 4, 2009. Abstract 27.
Pastor-Corrales, M.A., J.D. Kelly, S.G. Markell, E.M. Wright, H.E. Awale, J.G. Jordahl, R.S. Lamppa, F.M. Mathew, J.M. Osorno, and R.S Goswami. 2009. New races of the bean rust pathogen from Michigan and North Dakota. 20th biennial meeting of the Bean Improv. Coop. Oct. 25-28. Hilton Garden Inn, Fort Collins CO.
Porch, T.G., M.W. Blair, P. Lariguet, C. Galeano, C.E. Pankhurst, and W.J. Broughton. 2009. Generation of a mutant population for TILLING common bean genotype BAT 93. J. of the Amer. Soc. for Hort. Sci 134:348-355.
Porch, T.G., V.H. Ramirez, D. Santana, and E.W. Harmsen. 2009. Evaluation of common bean for drought tolerance in Juana Diaz, Puerto Rico. J. of Agr. and Crop Sci. 195:328-334.
Sass, M.E., R.L. Groves, and J. Nienhuis. 2009. Management of seed corn maggot for organic snap bean production. Annu. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 52:142-143
Ronquillo-Lopez, M.G. 2009. Characterization of field-based resistance to specific root rot and wilt pathogens in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). M.S. Thesis, Plant Breeding & Plant Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
Schild, J., B. Hawley, and C. Urrea. 2009. 2008 dry edible variety trials, Scottsbluff and Mitchell Ag Labs. The Bean Bag 27(1): 6, 11, 12, 14, and 15.
Schwartz, H. F. 2009. Bacterial wilt of common bean. pp. 182-184. In T.A. Coutinho, S.N. Venter, T. Goszczynska, and C.L. Lennox (eds) Bacterial Diseases of Plants in South Africa. Briza Publications, Pretoria, South Africa.
Schwartz, H. F., M.A.C. Langham, J. Golod, S.A. Tolin, J. LaForest, and K.F. Cardwell. 2009. Legume ipmPIPE The next evolution of web-based interactive tools for disease management and extension outreach. APSnet - http://www.apsnet.org/online/feature/ipmPIPE/
Schwartz, H. F., K. Otto, M.A. Brick, and J.B. Ogg. 2009. Resistance to bacterial wilt in the Phaseolus core collection. Annu. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 52:68-69.
Singh, S.P., H. Teran, H.F. Schwartz, K. Otto, and M. Lema. 2009. White mold-resistant interspecific common bean germplasm lines VCW 54 and VCW 55. J. of Plant Reg. 3:191-197.
Singh, S.P., H. Teran, H.F. Schwartz, K. Otto, and M. Lema. 2009. Introgressing white mold resistance from two Phaseolus species of the secondary gene pool into common bean. Crop Sci. 49:1629-1637.
Singh, S.P., H. Teran, C.G. Munoz-Perea, M. Lema, M. Dennis, R. Hayes, R. Parrott, K. Mulberry, D. Fullmer, and J. Smith. 2009. Dry bean landrace and cultivar performance in stressed and non-stressed organic and conventional production systems. Crop Sci. 49:1859-1866.
Singh, S.P., H. Teran, H.F. Schwartz, K. Otto, M. Lema. 2009. Introgressing white mold resistance from Phaseolus species of the secondary gene pool into common bean. Crop Sci. 49:1629-1637.
Singh, S.P., H. Teran, H.F. Schwartz, K. Otto, and M. Lema. 2009. White mold resistant interspecific common bean germplasm lines VCW 54 and VCW 55. J. Plant Reg. 3:191-197.
Singh, S.P., H. Teran, and S. Beaver. 2009. Scarlet runner bean germplasm accessions G 35006 and G 35172 possess resistance to multiple diseases of common bean. Annu. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 52:22-23.
Tako, E., R.P. Glahn, J. M. Laparra, R.M. Welch, X. Lei, J.D. Kelly, M.A. Rutzke and D.D. Miller. 2009. Iron and zinc bioavailabilities to pigs from red and white beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are similar. J. Agric. Food Chem. 57: 31343140.
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