NCDC202: Soybean Rust

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports



Dorrance, A.E., Draper, M., A. and Hershman, D.E. (ED) 2005. Using Foliar Fungicides to Manage Soybean Rust. Ohio State University Extension Bulletin SR-2005. 50pp.

Boerboom, C.M., Cullen, E.M., Doll, J.D., Flashinski, R.A., Grau, C.R., and Jensen, B.M. Field Crops Pest Management in Wisconsin. UWEX Bulletin No. A3646

Chapters in Bulletins and Books:

Dorrance, A. E., Hershman, D. E., and Draper, M. A., 2005 Intoduction. Pages 8-15 in: Using Foliar Fungicides to Manage Soybean Rust.Dorrance, A.E., Draper, M., A. and Hershman, D.E. (Eds.). Ohio State University Extension Bulletin SR-2005. 50pp.

Tenuta, A. E., Hershman, D. E., Draper, M. A., and Dorrance, A. E. 2005 Fungicide Basics. Pages 22-29 in: Using Foliar Fungicides to Manage Soybean Rust.Dorrance, A.E., Draper, M., A. and Hershman, D.E. (Eds.). Ohio State University Extension Bulletin SR-2005. 50pp.

Fact Sheets:

Hershman, D. E. 2005. 2005 Soybean Rust Fungicide Use Guidelines. University of Kentucky Cooperative Exten. Svs. Publication PPFS-AG-S-23. 2pp.

Dorrance, D. E. Mills, D. Hershman, D. E. and Draper, M. A. 2005. 2005 Soybean Rust Fungicide Use Guidelines for Ohio. Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheet. 2 pp.

Giesler, L.J., Wilson, J.A. and Rees, J.M. 2005. Soybean Rust
Fungicide Use Guidelines for Nebraska. NF05-652. University of
Nebraska-Lincoln Extension.

Giesler, L.J. and Weissling, T.J. 2005. Fungicides to Manage
Soybean Rust: What are the Product Differences? NF05-634. University of
Nebraska-Lincoln Extension.

Giesler, L.J. 2005. Soybean Rust: How Great is the Threat for
Nebraska? NF05-633. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension.


Giesler, L.J. and Wilson, J.A. 2005. Soybean Rust and Other Foliar
Diseases of Soybean, pp. 83-88, In Proceedings 2005 Crop Protection
Clinics. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension.

Giesler, L.J. and Hunt, T. 2005. Soybean Aphids and Rust, pp.
12-16, In Proceedings 2005 Soybean Management Field Days. University of
Nebraska-Lincoln Extension.

M. P. Sama, P. Needham, Manager, D. E. Hershman, T. Stombaugh, S. G. McNeill. 2005 An analysis of sprayer droplets using matlab. Proc. National Soybean Rust Symposium, December 14-16, 2005, Nashville, TN. The American Phytopathological Society on-line publication:

Giesler, L. J. and Hershman, D. E. 2005 An Overview of the Sentinel Monitoring System for 2005: How Well Did We Do? Proc. National Soybean Rust Symposium, December 14-16, 2005, Nashville, TN. The American Phytopathological Society on-line publication:


Mullen, J. M., E. J. Sikora, J. M. McKemy, M. E. Palm, L. Levy, and R. DeVries Paterson. 2005. First Report of Asian Soybean Rust Caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi on Soybean in Alabama.. Page 112. DOI: 10.1094/PD-90-0112C. (Plant Disease Note)

Bonde, M. R., S. E. Nester, G. L Hartman, M. R. Miles, C.N., Austin, C.L. Stone, and R. D. Frederick. 2005. Evaluation of virulence of Phakopsora pachyrhizi and P. meibomiae isolates. Plant Dis. (in press).

DuPreez, E.D., N.C. van Rij, K.F. Lawrence, M.R. Miles, and R.D. Frederick. 2005. First report of soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) on dry beans in South Africa. Plant Disease: 89:206.

Harmon, P.F., C.L. Harmon, T.A. Mueller, J.J. Marois, and G.L. Hartman. 2006. First report of Phakopsora pachyrhizi telia in the United States
Hartman, G.L., M.R. Miles, and R.D. Frederick. 2006. Breeding for resistance to soybean rust. Plant Dis 89:664-666.

Isard, S.A., N.S. Dufault, M.R. Miles, G.L. Hartman, J.M. Russo, E.D. De Wolf, and W. Morel. 2006. The effect of solar irradiance on the mortality of Phakopsora pachyrhizi urediniospores. Plant Dis. (in press).

Miles, M.R., G.L. Hartman, and C Levy. 2005 Control of soybean rust in an indeterminate cultivar at the Gwebi Variety Testing Center, Zimbabwe, 2004-05. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 60: accepted for publication.

Miles, M.R., G.L. Hartman, and C Levy. 2005. Control of soybean rust in a determinate cultivar at the Rattray Arnold Research Station, Zimbabwe, 2004-05. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 60: accepted for publication.

Miles, M.R., G.L. Hartman, and R.D. Frederick. 2005. Management of Asian Soybean Rust. Pages 23-27 in Proceedings: 2005 Illinois Crop Protection Technology Conference. University of Illinois Extension, Urbana.

Miles, M.R., G.L. Hartman, N. van Rij, S. Tweer, E. du Preez, and K. Lawrance. 2005. Evaluations of fungicides for control of soybean rust in the cultivar Prima 2000 near Cedara, South Africa, 2004-05. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 60: accepted for publication.

Miles, M.R., R. D. Frederick, and G. L. Hartman. 2006. Evaluation of soybean germplasm for resistance to Phakopsora pachyrhizi. Plant Health Progress (in press).

Mueller, T.A., M.R. Miles, G.L. Hartman, and W. Morel. 2005. Evaluations of fungicides for the control of soybean rust at Bella Vista, Paraguay, 2004-2005. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 60: accepted for publication.

Yorinori, J.T., W.M. Paiva, R.D. Frederick, L.M. Costamilan, P.F. Bertagnolli, G.L. Hartman, C.V. Godoy, and J. Nunes Jr. 2005. Epidemics of soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) in Brazil and Paraguay from 2001 to 2003. Plant Disease 89:675-677.

Koval, N.C., and Grau, C.R. 2005. Soybean Rust Management in Wisconsin. Proceedings of the 2004 Wisconsin Fertilizer, Aglime, and Pest Management Conference. Vol 44:86-94.

Abstracts for Posters:

K. Koch, D. Ragsdale, B. Potter, and J. Kurle. Suppression of Entomopathogens of Soybean Aphid by Foliar Fungicides. National Soybean Rust Symposium. Sponsored by the American Phytopathological Society. Nashville, TN. 14-16 Nov. 2005. (

J. Kurle, V. Bowersox, R. Claybrooke, S.V. Krupa, C. Barnes, and L. Szabo. 2005: Introduction and spread of soybean rust spores in the North Central United States. National Soybean Rust Symposium. Sponsored by the American Phytopathological Society. Nashville, TN. 14-16 Nov. 2005. (

Sikora, E. J. and J. Mullen. 2005. Distribution of Asian soybean rust in Alabama in 2004. Phytopathology 95:S97. (Abstract from APS meeting)

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