NC1012: Improved Crop and Livestock Management for Protecting the Non-Glaciated Upper Mississippi Valley

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


Affeldt, R.P. 2003. Annual warm-season grass production in intercrop and living mulch systems with kura clover. M.S. thesis. Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison.

Affeldt, R.P., K.A. Albrecht, C.M. Boerboom, and E.J. Bures. 2004. Integrating herbicide-resistant corn technology in a kura clover living mulch system. Agron. J. 96:247-251.
Aglime & Pest Management Conference, 21-23 January 2003, Madison, WI.

Albrecht, K.A., and K.A. Beauchemin. 2003. Alfalfa and other perennial legume silage. P. 633-664. In Silage science and technology. Agron. Monogr. 42. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI.

Albrecht, K.A., R.A. Zemenchik, F. Mourino, and R.P. Affeldt. 2003. Performance of
Contreras-Govea, F.E. 2003. Forage production and quality characteristics of cereals and ryegrass in monoculture or binary mixture with kura clover. Ph.D. dissertation. Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison.

Contreras-Govea, F.E. and K.A. Albrecht. 2004. Mixtures of kura clover with small grains or annual ryegrass to extend the forage production season in the northern USA. Agron. J. (in press)

Fischer-Brown, A.E., R.L. Monson, D.L. Northey, J.J. Rutledge, K.A. Albrecht and D.M. Schaefer. 2003. Reduced dietary protein improves pregnancy rates following transfer of in vitro produced bovine embryos. Theriogenology 59(1):364.

Hedtcke, J., J. Posner, K. Albrecht. 2003. Using cattle to restore oak savanna/woodland in southern Wisconsin. p. 61. In Abstracts, 30th Natural Areas Conference, 24-27 September 2003, Madison, WI.

Kura clover-based agricultural systems. P. 281-285. In Proc. Wisconsin Fertilizer

Milofsky, T.S. 2003. Use of legumes to benefit grass-based production systems in Wisconsin and Ecuador. M.S. thesis. Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison.

Mourino, F., K.A. Albrecht, D.M. Schaefer, and P. Berzaghi. 2003. Steer performance on kura clovergrass and red clovergrass mixed pastures. Agron. J. 95:652-659.

Randall, G. W. 2003. Phosphorus placement in various tillage systems. 10 pp. Section 2. In Proc. 53rd Annual Minn. AG Short Course and Trade Show. Minneapolis, MN. 9 Dec. 2003.

Randall, G. W., and J. A. Vetsch. 2003. Optimum placement of P for reduced tillage corn-soybean rotations. p. 189-208. In Proc. Fluid Fertilizer Foundation Forum. Scottsdale, AZ. 16-18 Feb. 2003.

Renne, I.J., B.G. Rios, J.S. Fehmi and B.F. Tracy. 2004. Low allelopathic potential of an invasive forage grass on native grassland plants: a cause for encouragement? Basic and Applied Ecology 5:261-269.

Sabalzagaray, A. 2003. Zone tillage and nitrogen fertilization response in a corn-kura clover living mulch system. M.S. thesis. Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison.

Sanderson, M.A., R.H. Skinner, D.J. Barker, G.R. Edwards, B.F. Tracy, and D.A. Wedin. 2004.
Plant species diversity and management of temperate forage and grazing land ecosystems. Crop Science.44:1132-1144.

Sheaffer, C.C., N.J. Ehlke, K.A. Albrecht, and P.R. Peterson. 2003. Forage legumes. Station Bulletin 608-2003, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Minnesota.

Tracy, B.F. and M.A. Sanderson. 2004. Productivity and stability relationships in mowed pastures of varying species composition. Crop Science. 44:XX-XX (In Press)

Tracy, B.F. and M.A. Sanderson. 2004. Relationships between forage plant diversity and weed invasion in pasture communities. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment. 102:175-183.

Vetsch, J. A., and G. W. Randall. 2004. Corn production as affected by nitrogen application timing and tillage. Agron. J. 96:502-509.



Albrecht, K.A., A. Sabalzagaray. 2006. Maize silage production in a kura clover living mulch. Grassland Science in Europe. 11: 59-61.

Al-Kaisi, M., X. Yin, and M. Licht. 2005. Soil carbon and nitrogen changes as affected by tillage system and crop biomass in a corn-soybean rotation. Applied Soil Eco. J. 30:174-191.

Al-Kaisi, M. and X. Yin. 2005. Tillage and crop residue effects on soil carbon and CO2 emission in corn-soybean rotations. J. Environ. Qual. 34:437-445.

Al-Kaisi, M., X. Yin, and M. Licht. 2005. Soil carbon and nitrogen changes as influenced by tillage and cropping systems in some Iowa soils. Agric. Ecosys. Environ. J. 105:635-647.

Al-Kaisi, M., M. Licht, and D. Kwaw-Mensah. 2005. Scale comparison and nitrogen management effects on corn yield response. Agronomy Abstracts, Madison, WI. ASA Annual Conference, Salt Lake, Utah, Nov. 6-10.

Al-Kaisi, M., M. Licht, H. Hanna, M. Helemers, S. Padgett, and M. Duffy. 2005. Iowa Learning Farm: Educational concept for promoting conservation systems. Agronomy Abstracts, Madison, WI. ASA Annual Conference, Salt Lake, Utah, Nov. 6-10.

Al-Kaisi, M., M. Licht, and X. Yin. 2005. Agricultural production practices effect on soil carbon dynamics and carbon dioxide emission. Third USDA Symposium on Greenhouse Gases and Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture and Forestry, Baltimore, Maryland. March 22-24.

Al-Kaisi, M., and D. Kwaw-Mensah. 2005. Integrated conservation tillage and N management effects on soil productivity. Ag. and Environment Conference Proceedings, Ames, IA. March 8-9.

Al-Kaisi, M., and X. Yin. 2005. Tillage effects on soil carbon dioxide emission in corn-soybean rotation. Ag. and Environment Conference Proceedings, Ames, Iowa. March 8-9.

Al-Kaisi, M.M., H.M. Hanna, and M.A. Licht. 2005. Manure and tillage management. PM-1901g, 6pp., Extension Publication Service, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.

Al-Kaisi, M.M. and M.A. Licht. 2005. Tillage, manure management, and water quality. PM-1901h, 6pp., Extension Publication Service, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.

Al-Kaisi, M.M. and M.A. Licht. 2005. Tillage management and soil organic matter. PM-1901i, 6 pp., Extension Publication Service, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.

Armstrong, K.L., K. A. Albrecht, J. G. Lauer, and H. Riday. 2005. Nutritional improvement of corn for silage by intercropping with climbing beans. In Annual meeting abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI.

Armstrong, K.L., K.A. Albrecht, J.G. Lauer, H. Riday. 2005. Intercropping climbing beans with corn for silage. In Proc. American Forage and Grassland Conference [DC-ROM], Bloomington, IL. 12-15 June 2005. AFGC, Georgetown, TX.

Armstrong, K. L. 2006. Intercropping climbing beans with corn for forage. M.S. thesis. University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Brokman, A.M., J.W. Lehmkuhler, A.E. Crooks, and D.J. Undersander. 2005. Supplemental phosphorus removal for grazing Holstein steers. ASAS Midwestern Sectional Meeting. J. Anim. Sci. 83 Suppl 2.

Contreras-Govea, F.E., K.A. Albrecht, and R.E. Muck. 2006. Spring yield and silage characteristics of kura clover, winter wheat, and in mixtures. Agron. J. 98:781-787.

Contreras-Govea, F.E. and K.A. Albrecht. 2006. Forage production and nutritive value of oat harvested in autumn and spring. Crop Sci. (in press).

Grabber, J. H. Intercropping clovers with corn silage shows promise. In Midwest Forage Association Forage Focus Magazine, 2005; pp 15.

Jaynes, D.B., and D.L. Karlen. 2005. Sustaining soil resources while managing nutrients. Proc. Gulf Hypoxia and Local Water Quality Concerns Workshop, Sept. 26-28, 2005. Ames, IA.

Kammes, K., G. Heemink, K. Albrecht, D. Combs. 2006. Utilization of kura clover-reed canarygrass silage vs. alfalfa silage by lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 89, Suppl. 1.

Karlen, D.L., M.D. Tomer, J. N, and C.A. Cambardella. Assessing Soil Quality at a Watershed Scale in North Central Iowa, USA. Proc. 17th Triennial Conference. August 28  September 3, 2006. Kiel, Germany.

Karlen, D. L., E. G. Hurley, S. S. Andrews, C. A. Cambardella, D. W. Meek, M. D. Dujffy, and A. P. Mallarino. Crop rotation effects on soil quality at three northern corn/soybean belt locations. Agron. J. 98:484-495. 2006

Kim, B. and K. Albrecht. 2005. Kura clover spreading ability with grass competition. J. Dairy Sci. 88:32, Suppl. 1.

Kwaw-Mensah, D. and M. Al-Kaisi. 2006. Effects of tillage, nitrogen source and rate on corn response in corn-soybean rotation. Agron. J. 98:507-513.

Lehmkuhler, J.W., A.E. Crooks, and D.J. Undersander. 2005. Supplementation of grazing Holstein steers with dried distillers grains in combination with monensin. ASAS Midwestern Sectional Meeting. J. Anim. Sci. 83 Suppl 2.

Licht, M. and M. Al-Kaisi. 2005. Corn response, N uptake, and water use in strip-tillage as compared with no-tillage and chisel plow. Agron. J. 97:705-710.

Licht, M. and M. Al-Kaisi. 2005. Strip-tillage effect on seedbed soil temperature and other soil physical properties. Soil Tillage Res. J. 80:233-249.

Milofsky, T., F. Calispa, K. Albrecht, E. Molina, S. Erazo, and A. Torres. 2005. Cultivo de maiz sobre cobertura de trebol lotus en Cosanga. p. 186-190. In K. Hernandez et al. (ed.) Contribuciones de la investigacion participativa al desarrollo sustentable de las comunidades de montana. NINA Communications, Quito, Ecuador.

Mikolayunas, C., D. Thomas, K. Albrecht. 2005. The effect of supplementation and stage of lactation on performance of grazing dairy ewes. p. 1-10. In D. Thomas (ed.) Proc. 51st Annual Spooner Sheep Day, Spooner, WI. 27 Aug. 2005.

Powell, J.M., McCrory, D.F., Jackson-Smith, D.B., and Saam, H. 2005. Manure collection and distribution on Wisconsin dairy farms. J. Environ. Qual. 34:2036-2044.

Powell, J.M., D.B Jackson-Smith, M. Mariola and H. Saam. 2006. Validation of feed and manure management data collected on Wisconsin dairy farms. J. Dairy Sci. 89:2268-2278.

Powell, J.M., Wattiaux, M.A., Broderick, G.A., Moreria, V., and Casler, M.D. Dairy diet impacts on fecal chemical properties and nitrogen cycling in soils. 2006. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70: 786-794.

Renne, I.J., B.F. Tracy and I.A. Colonna. 2006. Grassland invisibility: environmentally driven opportunities, nutrient-induced reversals and its shifting mosaic structure. Ecology
(In Press).

Renne, I.J. and B.F. Tracy. 2006. Disturbance persistence in managed grasslands: shifts in aboveground community structure and the weed seed bank. Plant Ecol. (In Press).

Renne, I.J. and B.F. Tracy. 2005. Timing and intensity of disturbance interact with disturbance history to affect grassland weed invasions. Ecological Society of America Abstr. p. 531

Skinner, R.H., M.A. Sanderson, B.F. Tracy, C.J. Dell. 2006. Above- and belowground productivity and soil carbon dynamics of pasture mixtures. Agronomy Journal 98:320-326.

Sulc, R.M. and B.F. Tracy. 2005. Integrated crop-livestock systems in humid, cool temperate environments of North America. Agronomy Abstr. # 145-2. CD-ROM.

Tracy, B.F. and D.B. Faulkner. 2006. Pasture and cattle responses in rotationally stocked grazing systems sown with differing levels of species richness. Crop Sci. (In Press).

Tracy, B.F. and I.J. Renne. 2005. Persistence of endophtye-infected tall fescue (E+) in renovated endophyte-free (E-) pastures. American Forage and Grassland Council Abstr. p.71.

Tracy, B.F. 2005. Soil compaction in cropland pastures used for winter grazing. p. 450. In XX International Grassland Congress. Wageningen Academic Publishers. The Netherlands.

Tracy, B.F. 2005. Forage and livestock productivity on pastures of differing plant diversity. p. 640. In XX International Grassland Congress. Wageningen Academic Publishers. The Netherlands.

Tracy, B.F. and I.J. Renne. 2005. Re- infestation of endophtye-infected tall fescue (E+) in renovated endophyte-free (E) pastures under rotational stocking. Agronomy Journal 97:1473-1477.

Vadas, P.A., and P.J.A. Kleinman. 2006. Effect of methodolgy in estimating and interpreting water-extractable phosphorus in animal manures. J. Environ. Qual. 35: 1151-1159.

Vadas, P.A. 2006. Distribution of phosphorus in manure slurries and its infiltration upon application to soils. J. Environ. Qual. 35: 542-547.

Vadas, P.A., B.E. Haggard, and W.J. Gburek. 2005. Predicting phosphorus in runoff from manured field plots. J. Environ. Qual. 34:1347-1353.

Vadas, P.A., P.J.A. Kleinman, and A.N. Sharpley. 2004. A simple method to predict dissolved phosphorus in runoff from surface applied manures. J. Environ. Qual. 33:749-756.

Vadas, P.A., P.J.A. Kleinman, and A.N. Sharpley. 2005. Relating soil phosphorus to dissolved phosphorus in runoff: A single extraction coefficient for water quality modeling. J. Environ. Qual. 34:572-580.

Vadas, P.A., R.D. Harmel, and P.J.A. Kleinman. 2006. Transformations of soil and manure phosphorus after surface application of manure to field plots. Nut. Cycling Agroeco. (Submitted).

Vadas, P.A., T. Krogstad, and A.N. Sharpley. 2006. Modeling phosphorus transfer between labile and non-labile soil pools: Updating the EPIC model. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70: 736-743.

Vadas, P.A., A.P. Mallarino, and A.M. McFarland. 2006. The importance of sampling depth when testing soils for their potential to supply phosphorus to surface runoff. SERA-17 Policy and Management workgroup position paper. Available at Soil_Sampling_Depth_for_P.pdf. Verified 6/2006.

Wilson, H. and M. Al-Kaisi. 2005. Nitrogen fertilization effects on CO2 emission and microbial biomass in corn-soybean rotation. Ag. and Environment Conference Proceedings, Ames, IA. March 8-9.

Wolkowski, R. P. 2006. Tillage management for the corn/soybean rotation on erodible soils. Proc. of the Wisconsin Fertilizer, Aglime, and Pest Management Conference. 45:267-275.

Zhang, Y. and B.F. Tracy. 2005. Soil respiration dynamics in an integrated livestock and grain crop agroecosystem. Agronomy Abstr. #162-11. CD-ROM.

Lancaster Crossbreeding Demonstration Project. Beef Cattle Research Report-2005. pg. 18-23.

Investigating Silphium perfoliatum (cup plant) silage as an ingredient in diets for growing cattle. Beef Cattle Research Report-2005. pg 3-6.

Feeding Optaflexx® to Yearling Holstein Steers. Beef Cattle Research Report-2005. pg 7-8.

Comparison of Jersey, Holstein and Twinner Steers Offered a High Energy Diet Continuously or Managed Using a Phase Feeding Strategy. Beef Cattle Research Report-2005. pg 13-18.

Pasture Finishing: Effect of Normande Influence and Supplementation. Beef Cattle Research Report-2005. pg.7-12.



Albrecht, K.A. 2006. Clover: Opportunities and potential in the North. In Proc. 40th NAAIC and 19th Trifolum Conference, 16-19 July, 2006, Bloomington, MN.

Albrecht, K.A., F.E. Contreras-Govea, and R.E. Muck. 2006. Nutritive value and silage characteristics of kura clover-reed canarygrass mixtures and alfalfa. In Annual meeting abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI.

Albrecht, K.A., A. Sabalzagaray. 2006. Maize silage production in a kura clover living mulch. Grassland Science in Europe. 11: 59-61.

Albrecht, K.A. and E.J. Bures. 2006. Kura clover rhizomes compensate for sparse initial stands. 2006. In Annual meeting abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI.

Al-Kaisi, M. and J. Grote. 2007. Cropping Systems Effects on Improving Soil Carbon Stocks of Exposed Subsoil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 71: 1381-1388.

Al-Kaisi, M. and D. Kwaw-Mensah. 2007. Effect of Tillage and Nitrogen Fertilization on Corn N and P Uptake in a Corn-Soybean Rotation. Agron. J. (In-Press).

Al-Kaisi, M., M. Licht, M. Hanna, M. Helmers, M. Duffy, and J. Comito. 2006. An interactive learning approach for promoting conservation systems in Iowa. Agronomy Abstract, Madison, WI. ASA Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, Nov. 12-16.

Al-Kaisi, M., J. Guzman, B. Larabee, and M. Licht. 2006. Topo and chrono-sequence effects of native and reconstructive parries on soil physical and biological activities. Agronomy Abstract, Madison, WI. ASA Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, Nov. 12-16.

Al-Kaisi, M. and T. Fenton. 2006. Iowa carbon index development and potential use to evaluate soil carbon stocks. Agronomy Abstract, Madison, WI. ASA Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, Nov. 12-16.

Allen, B.L., and A.P. Mallarino. 2006. Relationships between extractable soil phosphorus and phosphorus saturation after long-term fertilizer or manure application. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70:454-463.

Allen, B.L., A.P. Mallarino, J.G. Klatt, J.L. Baker, and M. Camara. 2006. Soil and surface runoff phosphorus relationships for five typical USA Midwest soils. J. Env. Qual. Am. J. 35:599-610.

Armstrong, K.L., K.A. Albrecht, J.G. Lauer, and H. Riday. 2007. Intercropping corn with lablab bean, velvet bean, and scarlet runner bean for forage. Crop Sci. (in press).

Armstrong, K. L. 2006. Intercropping climbing beans with corn for forage. M.S. thesis. University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Canepa, M., T.J. Vyn and A. Kline. 2006. Strip-Till Corn Response to Deep Banding Versus Broadcast Application of Phosphorus and Potassium. American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, Indianapolis, IN.

Contreras-Govea, F.E., K.A. Albrecht, and R.E. Muck. 2006. Spring yield and silage characteristics of kura clover, winter wheat, and in mixtures. Agron. J. 98:781-787.

Contreras-Govea, F.E. and K.A. Albrecht. 2006. Forage production and nutritive value of oat harvested in autumn and spring. Crop Sci. 26:2382-2386.

Contreras-Govea, F.E., R.E. Muck, and K.A. Albrecht. 2006. Silage quality of corn-climbing bean mixtures. In Annual meeting abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI.

Gàl, A., T.J. Vyn, E. Michéli, E.J. Kladivko, and W.W. McFee. 2007. Soil carbon and nitrogen accumulation with long-term no-till versus moldboard plowing overestimated with tilled-zone sampling depths. Soil Tillage Research. In Press, Corrected Proof. Available on-line March 27,2007.

Grote, J. and M. Al-Kaisi. 2007. Topsoil Placement Effect on Soil Carbon Stock Improvement of Exposed Subsoil in Iowa. Soil and Water Cons. J. 62:86-93.

Hall, M.H., R.B. Radhakrishna, K.J. Moore, A.J. Ciha, J.J. Volenec, C.C. Sheaffer, R.H. Leep, M.H. Weidenhoeft, S.K. Barnhart, K.A. Albrecht. 2006.
Models to complement grasslands curricula. In Annual meeting abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI.

Janovicek, K. J., W. Deen, T. J. Vyn. 2006. Soybean response to zone tillage, twin-row planting, and row spacing. Agron. J. 98:800:807.

Kammes, K., K. A. Albrecht, D. Combs. 2007. Changes in chemical composition and vertical distribution of kura clover-reed canarygrass swards relative to days of regrowth J. Dairy Sci. 90, Suppl. 1.

Karlen, D.L., E.G. Hurley, S.S. Andrews, C.A. Cambardella, D.W. Meek, M.D. Duffy, and A.P. Mallarino. 2006. Crop rotation effects on soil quality at three northern corn/soybean belt locations. Agron. J. 98: 484-495.

Kim, B.W. and K.A. Albrecht. 2007. Yield and species composition of binary mixtures of kura clover with Kentucky bluegrass, smooth bromegrass, and orchardgrass. Aust. Asian J. Anim. Sci. (in press).

Lehmkuhler, J., M. Ramos, and K.A. Albrecht. 2007. Cupplant silage as a replacement for corn silage in beef cattle diets. Forage and Grazinglands (in press).

Mallarino, A.P., and R. Borges. 2006. Phosphorus and potassium distribution in soil following long-term deep-band fertilization in different tillage systems. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70:702-707.

Mallarino, A.P. 2007. Increasing the frequency of corn in crop sequences: Grain yield and response to nitrogen - a research update. In The Integrated Crop Management Newsletter. IC-498 (1). Iowa State Univ. Extension.

Mallarino, A.P. 2006. Changing potassium recommendations in Iowa and the Corn Belt. In Proceedings (CD-ROM). Fluid Fertilizer Foundation Forum. February 12-14, 2006. Scottsdale, AZ.

Mallarino, A.P. 2006. Poultry manure: A valuable fertilizer source. p. 58-60. In Proceedings. Poultry industry symposium. Nov. 8, 2006. Ames, IA. Iowa State Univ. Extension and Iowa Egg Council.

Mallarino, A.P., and E. Ortiz-Torres. 2006. A long-term look at crop rotation effects on corn yield and response to N fertilization. p.209-213. In The Integrated Crop Management Conf. Proceedings. Nov. 29-30, 2006. Ames, IA. Iowa State Univ. Extension.

Mallarino, A.P., and K. Pecinovsky. 2006. Effect of four tillage systems and placement of phosphorus and potassium mixtures on grain yield in corn-soybean rotations and continuous corn. p. 41-43. In Annual progress reports-2005. Northeast Research and Demonstration Farm. ISRF05-13. Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA.

Mallarino, A.P., and D.J. Wittry. 2006. Variable-rate application for phosphorus and potassium: impacts on yield and nutrient management. p.219-224. In The Integrated Crop Management Conf. Proceedings. Nov. 29-30, 2006. Ames, IA. Iowa State Univ. Extension.

Mallarino, A.P., B. Havlovic, and J. Butler. 2006. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizer placement for corn and soybeans managed with no-till and chisel-disk tillage. p. 27-28. In Annual progress reports-2005. Armstrong Research and Demonstration Farm. ISRF05-12. Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA.

Mallarino, A.P., J.E. Sawyer, D. Kaiser, D. Ruiz-Diaz, D. Barker, D. Wittry, and B.L. Allen. 2006. Agronomic and environmentally sound utilization of nutrients in poultry manure. Overview of an ongoing project. In Agriculture and the Environment Conf. Proceedings [CD-ROM]. March 7, 2006. Iowa State Univ. Extension, Ames, IA.

Mallarino, A.P., and K. Van Dee. 2006. Phosphorus and potassium management for corn and soybeans managed with no-till and chisel-plow tillage. p. 30-31. In Annual progress reports-2004. Northwest Research and Demonstration Farm. ISRF05-34. Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA.

Mikolayunas, C., S. Eckerman, D. Thomas, K. Albrecht. 2006. Estimating pasture forage availability. p. 26-27. In Proc. 52nd Biennial Spooner Sheep Day, 26 Aug. 2006, Spooner, WI.

Mikolayunas, C.M., D.L. Thomas, K.A. Albrecht, Y.M. Berger. 2006. Effect of supplementation and stage of lactation on performance of grazing dairy ewes. p. 267-268. J. Anim. Sci. 84 (Suppl. 1)/J. Dairy Sci. 89(Suppl. 1).

Mikolayunas, C.M., D.L. Thomas, K.A. Albrecht, Y.M. Berger. 2006. Effect of supplementation and stage of lactation on performance of grazing dairy ewes. SARE National Conference. 15-17 Aug. 2006, Oconomowoc, WI. On line:

Omonode, R.A., T.J. Vyn, D.R. Smith, P. Hegymegi, and A. Gal. 2007. Soil carbon dioxide and methane fluxes from long-term tillage systems in continuous corn and corn-soybean rotations. Soil and Tillage Research, In Press, Corrected Proof, article available on-line Feb. 20, 2007.

Omonode, R.A., A. Gàl, D.E. Stott, S.A. Abney, and T.J. Vyn. 2006. Intermittent Chisel Tillage Effects on Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen Relative to Continuous No-Till and Chisel Plow Systems. 18th World Congress of Soil Science (July 9-15, 2006), Philadelphia, PA.

Ramos, M.H., J.W. Lehmkuhler, S.C. Arp, and K.A. Albrecht. 2006. Investigating Silphium perfoliatum (cupplant) silage for growing cattle. p. 261-262. Anim. Sci. Vol. 84 (Suppl. 1)/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 89 (Suppl. 1).

Riday, H., and K.A. Albrecht. 2007. Intercropping tropical vine legumes and maize for silage in temperate climates. J. Sustain. Agric. (in press).

Russell, A.E., D.A. Laird, and A. P. Mallarino. 2006. Nitrogen fertilization and cropping system impacts on soil quality in Midwestern Mollisols. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70:249-255.

Sawyer, J.E., and A.P. Mallarino. 2006. Applying fertilizer and lime to CRP land. Conservation reserve program: issues and options. Iowa State Univ. Extension Publ. CRP-5 (rev.).

Seo, J.H., S.D. Kim1, J.C. Shin1 and T. J. Vyn2. 2006. Effects of Fall- and Spring-seeded Cover Crops with Conservation Tillage on Weed Suppression and Soybean Growth. American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, Indianapolis, IN

Vyn, Tony J., R.A. Omonode, D.R. Smith, A. Gal, and P. Hegymegi. 2006.
Soil equestration and gas emissions of carbon after 3 decades of tillage systems for corn and soybean production in Indiana. Proceedings CD for the 17th International Soil Tillage Research Organization Conference, Kiel Germany, August 28 to Sept. 3, 2006.

Vyn, T. J., 2006. Meeting the ethanol demand: Compromises and consequences associated with more corn on corn in Indiana. Purdue Extension ID-336.

Vyn, T.J., 2006. Making the best of corn-corn monoculture in the Eastern Corn-Belt. Indiana Crop Adviser Conference Proceedings, Indianapolis, IN, Purdue Extension CD-AY-7 (pages 1-5)

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