NC1012: Improved Crop and Livestock Management for Protecting the Non-Glaciated Upper Mississippi Valley

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports

Annual/Termination Reports:

[07/06/2005] [01/16/2006] [09/05/2006] [09/12/2007]

Date of Annual Report: 07/06/2005

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 07/08/2004 - 07/09/2004
Period the Report Covers: 07/01/2003 - 07/01/2004


Brief Summary of Minutes


a. Tillage plots were established in Waseca, MN focusing on corn hybrid early vigor rating and planting date on performance effects. <br /> b. The newly developed Minnesota P Index was used to estimate the environmental risk associated with four tillage systems.<br /> c. Tillage study with fall chisel/spring field cultivator, spring field cultivator, strip-till, and no-till strip treatments was installed in 2003. <br /> d. Passive runoff collectors were placed in one replication of chisel and strip-till system shortly after planting to collect runoff and sediment from natural events.<br /> e. Research on eight Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms evaluating different tillage systems and two crop rotations and their effect on soil and water quality parameters and production.<br />


Affeldt, R.P. 2003. Annual warm-season grass production in intercrop and living mulch systems with kura clover. M.S. thesis. Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison.<br /> <br /> Affeldt, R.P., K.A. Albrecht, C.M. Boerboom, and E.J. Bures. 2004. Integrating herbicide-resistant corn technology in a kura clover living mulch system. Agron. J. 96:247-251.<br /> Aglime & Pest Management Conference, 21-23 January 2003, Madison, WI.<br /> <br /> Albrecht, K.A., and K.A. Beauchemin. 2003. Alfalfa and other perennial legume silage. P. 633-664. In Silage science and technology. Agron. Monogr. 42. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI.<br /> <br /> Albrecht, K.A., R.A. Zemenchik, F. Mourino, and R.P. Affeldt. 2003. Performance of<br /> Contreras-Govea, F.E. 2003. Forage production and quality characteristics of cereals and ryegrass in monoculture or binary mixture with kura clover. Ph.D. dissertation. Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison.<br /> <br /> Contreras-Govea, F.E. and K.A. Albrecht. 2004. Mixtures of kura clover with small grains or annual ryegrass to extend the forage production season in the northern USA. Agron. J. (in press)<br /> <br /> Fischer-Brown, A.E., R.L. Monson, D.L. Northey, J.J. Rutledge, K.A. Albrecht and D.M. Schaefer. 2003. Reduced dietary protein improves pregnancy rates following transfer of in vitro produced bovine embryos. Theriogenology 59(1):364.<br /> <br /> Hedtcke, J., J. Posner, K. Albrecht. 2003. Using cattle to restore oak savanna/woodland in southern Wisconsin. p. 61. In Abstracts, 30th Natural Areas Conference, 24-27 September 2003, Madison, WI.<br /> <br /> Kura clover-based agricultural systems. P. 281-285. In Proc. Wisconsin Fertilizer <br /> <br /> Milofsky, T.S. 2003. Use of legumes to benefit grass-based production systems in Wisconsin and Ecuador. M.S. thesis. Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison.<br /> <br /> Mourino, F., K.A. Albrecht, D.M. Schaefer, and P. Berzaghi. 2003. Steer performance on kura clovergrass and red clovergrass mixed pastures. Agron. J. 95:652-659. <br /> <br /> Randall, G. W. 2003. Phosphorus placement in various tillage systems. 10 pp. Section 2. In Proc. 53rd Annual Minn. AG Short Course and Trade Show. Minneapolis, MN. 9 Dec. 2003. <br /> <br /> Randall, G. W., and J. A. Vetsch. 2003. Optimum placement of P for reduced tillage corn-soybean rotations. p. 189-208. In Proc. Fluid Fertilizer Foundation Forum. Scottsdale, AZ. 16-18 Feb. 2003. <br /> <br /> Renne, I.J., B.G. Rios, J.S. Fehmi and B.F. Tracy. 2004. Low allelopathic potential of an invasive forage grass on native grassland plants: a cause for encouragement? Basic and Applied Ecology 5:261-269.<br /> <br /> Sabalzagaray, A. 2003. Zone tillage and nitrogen fertilization response in a corn-kura clover living mulch system. M.S. thesis. Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison.<br /> <br /> Sanderson, M.A., R.H. Skinner, D.J. Barker, G.R. Edwards, B.F. Tracy, and D.A. Wedin. 2004. <br /> Plant species diversity and management of temperate forage and grazing land ecosystems. Crop Science.44:1132-1144. <br /> <br /> Sheaffer, C.C., N.J. Ehlke, K.A. Albrecht, and P.R. Peterson. 2003. Forage legumes. Station Bulletin 608-2003, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Minnesota.<br /> <br /> Tracy, B.F. and M.A. Sanderson. 2004. Productivity and stability relationships in mowed pastures of varying species composition. Crop Science. 44:XX-XX (In Press)<br /> <br /> Tracy, B.F. and M.A. Sanderson. 2004. Relationships between forage plant diversity and weed invasion in pasture communities. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment. 102:175-183.<br /> <br /> Vetsch, J. A., and G. W. Randall. 2004. Corn production as affected by nitrogen application timing and tillage. Agron. J. 96:502-509.<br />

Impact Statements

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Date of Annual Report: 01/16/2006

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 07/07/2005 - 07/08/2005
Period the Report Covers: 07/01/2004 - 07/01/2005


Brief Summary of Minutes


Objective 1. Quantify the change in crop sequences and animal production during the past 25 years within these regions to determine the appropriate conservation strategies for protecting soil and water quality.<br /> <br /> A preliminary assessment using the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) database shows the following changes between 1930 and 2000 in crop production within the 29 counties of the "Driftless Area" (MLRA 105) in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, and Illinois. Corn for grain increased from 0.46 to 0.99 million ha while hay production went up from 0.24 to 0.47 million ha. Acreage devoted to both crops peaked around 1980 at 1.15 and 0.70 million ha, respectively, but declined thereafter. Oat for grain decreased from 0.51 to 0.08 million ha while soybean became the important rotational crop increasing from 0 to 0.51 million ha. <br /> <br /> Objective 2. Evaluate strip tillage against other soil and water conservation tillage systems for these karst region goals of: erosion control, water quality, and crop production.<br /> <br /> A field study to examine tillage and K management for first-year corn after soybean was established in 2004 at the Lancaster Agricultural Research Station. Tillage treatments included fall chisel, spring field cultivator, strip-till, and no-till with K fertilizer either broadcast, applied with the planter, or side dressed to emerged corn at rate of 30 and 60 lb potash/a. No significant yield differences were observed. Runoff was measured in the strip-till and chisel treatments. Soil erosion losses for chisel plowing were approximately four times greater than that observed for strip tillage, with both planted on the contour of about 6% slope. Water runoff losses followed similar patterns. Observation also indicated that residue movement with runoff water was considerably greater with chisel plowing than with strip tillage. Other similar research in Iowa also addresses several tillage systems including Strip-tillage. <br /> <br /> Phosphorus delivery to surface waters is an important component to the sustainability of cropping practices in the non-glaciated regions of MN, WI, IL, and IA. The recently developed P Indexes of WI, IA, and MN allow a quantitative estimate of the risk of P loss to surface water. A study was conducted to contrast the indexes. This effort identified the unique characteristics of the P indexes as well as similarities by using data describing the same 200 farm fields for each index. The most striking differences were found to be in the way manure application was considered. The WI index estimates the risk of acute loss of winter applied manure due to precipitation after application while the MN index uses an algorithm which considered losses with snowmelt. The IA index doesnt consider P loss risk directly from unincorporated manure but instead considers the effect of the change in soil levels. All three indexes estimate the P loss risk based on total P. WI and MN use soil organic matter to estimate total P but IA does not. The WI P index values were about 3 times MN values and MN values about 3 times IA values. This is not entirely accounted for in the recommended break points for risk categories. Although there has been considerable collaboration in the development of the three indexes more needs to be done to ensure consistency across state boundaries within a similar geomorphic region such as the driftless area. <br /> <br /> Objective 3. Develop and quantify the role of cover crops, living mulches, and alternative crops for mixed crop-livestock operations in MLRA 105.<br /> <br /> In replicated plots in southern Wisconsin, yields and soil N levels were compared for continuous corn grown with relay-seeded Italian ryegrass, fall-seeded rye, or no cover to a 2-year rotation of corn grown with kura clover living-mulch or relay-seeded red clover followed by one year of clover production. Manure slurry was applied on a P-basis in November or April to all plots and additional fertilizer was applied to continuous corn plots at planting in early May to supply 180 kg/ha of available N. In 2003 (dry summer), corn silage yields ranged from 18.4 to 23 Mg/ha and were greatest with red clover and lowest with ryegrass. In 2004 (wet spring, cool summer), corn silage yields ranged from 16.6 to 20 Mg/ha and were greater with clovers and no cover than with rye and ryegrass. Cover crop/living mulch growth by late October was greatest with ryegrass (1 Mg/ha); spring growth by early May was similar for rye, kura and red clovers in 2003 (1 Mg/ha) and greatest for rye in 2004 (3.5 Mg/ha). June soil nitrate (0-30 cm) ranged from 21 to 43 mg/kg in 2003 and from 7 to 12 mg/kg in 2004 and was highest for corn grown with ryegrass. In both years, soil nitrate levels (0-120 cm) after corn ranged from 31 to 54 kg/ha and were greatest with clovers and lowest with ryegrass. Fall nitrate levels dropped to 10 to 37 kg/ha when a year of clover production followed corn. In the year following corn, yields of red clover were greater than kura clover in 2003 (11.4 vs. 8.6 Mg/ha); yields of both clovers were similar in 2004 (8.3 Mg/ha) even though red clover was reseeded in April due to relay seeding failure in 2003. Timing of manure application did not influence yields or soil N levels. <br /> <br /> Ruminants often use protein and fiber in red clover more efficiently than alfalfa. Increased adoption of red clover in feeding systems will be limited unless cropping systems are developed to take advantage of the aggressive establishment, slower maturation, and high productivity of red clover in short rotations with cereal crops. In 2002 and 2003 at Prairie du Sac Wisconsin, Marathon red clover and leaf-hopper resistant 54H91 alfalfa were seeded alone in April or August or seeded in April into winter wheat fertilized with a high rate of N (85 kg/ha) to maximize the yields of wheat silage or wheat grain and straw. During two production years, red clover and alfalfa were harvested under two cutting managements. During the 2002 and 2003 establishment years, red clover dry matter yield was 1.0 to 2.8 Mg/ha greater than alfalfa when spring seeded alone or with wheat. Red clover and alfalfa established in 2002 had similar total yields over two production years (22.9 Mg/ha) but August seedings produced the greatest yields of red clover (24.8 Mg/ha) and the lowest yields of alfalfa (21.4 Mg/ha). Production year cutting management did not affect red clover yields but shifting from 4- to 3-cut management increased alfalfa yields by 18%. After two production years, stand density of red clover was marginal compared to alfalfa (57 vs. 116 plants/square meter); stand densities of both species were 35% greater with August seedings than with April seedings. Stands established in 2003 were abandoned in 2004 due to excessive rodent damage. Starting in 2005, this study will be repeated using newer red clover and alfalfa varieties. Forage quality of the red clover and alfalfa production systems is also being evaluated. <br /> <br /> Orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) tiller production has an impact on pasture productivity and is strongly influenced by N fertilization. Our objective was to determine seasonal tillering patterns in orchardgrass managed under a typical intensive, rotational grazing system. Beginning in May, a 1.5 ha paddock composed equally of orchardgrass and Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) on an area basis was grazed by lactating dairy cattle every 30 d to a 15-cm stubble. Before grazing each month, orchardgrass plants were sampled (10-cm diameter section) at six random locations, and number of tillers, tiller dry wt., tiller length, and number of leaves per tiller were measured. Nitrogen (56 kg ha-1) was applied by the producer in late June. Number of tillers were similar in May and June (2020 tillers m-2), but increased to 6350 tillers m-2 in July following N application. Mean tiller length declined throughout the grazing season. Mean tiller dry wt. increased through June, but declined in July due to the production of new, smaller tillers. Number of tillers declined during the fall. Further study is needed to determine N application dates that provide optimum pasture DM production and tiller density.<br /> <br /> A diverse group of temperate grasses are intensively grazed by dairy and beef producers. Our objective was to determine dry matter and quality profiles within swards of bluegrass, ryegrass, orchardgrass, quackgrass, reed canarygrass, smooth bromegrass, timothy, meadow fescue, tall fescue, and soft-leaf tall fescue. When each grass reached 25 to 30 cm height during the spring, summer, and fall, forage contained within three sward layers (greater than 20 cm, 15 to 20 cm, and 10 to 15 cm) was harvested. In the spring, DM density decreased from upper to lower layers in quackgrass, smooth bromegrass, and timothy, while DM density increased from upper to lower layers in meadow fescue, reed canarygrass, ryegrass, and both tall fescues. Within bluegrass and orchardgrass, DM density was similar across layers. Crude protein (CP) decreased and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) increased from upper to lower layers in all grasses. Meadow fescue, orchardgrass, and reed canarygrass had greater CP than other grasses at greater than 20 cm, but meadow fescue, ryegrass, and timothy had lower NDF.<br /> <br /> Partitioning roots for studying cropping systems containing more than one species is important since root growth interaction could influence system performance. The study objective was to test a method for segregating plant species roots from soil samples taken in a mixed stand of corn (Zea mays L.), a C4, and kura clover (Trifolium ambiguum M. Bieb.), a C3 plant. Soil cores containing both corn and kura clover roots were obtained at three distances from the corn row and at two depths in a Rozetta silt loam soil (moderately well drained, fine-silty, mixed, superactive, mesic Typic Hapludalf). Root composition of these C4 and C3 species was based on 13C/12C ratios expressed as d13C . A significant linear relationship (r2 = 0.99) was found between the d13C and the percentage of corn roots in samples containing known ratios of corn and kura clover roots. This relationship was used to determine corn and kura clover root percentages in field samples. Ratios of 13C/12C effectively segregated corn and kura clover root materials obtained from soil samples and seem to be a powerful tool for partitioning roots of C3 and C4 plants in similar studies.<br /> <br /> Corn silage is an important source of forage for dairy cattle in the USA because of its relatively consistent nutritive value, high yield, and high energy density compared to other forage crops. Low crude protein (CP) concentration in corn silage is its major limitation in dairy rations. Climbing beans are grown with corn for grain in the tropics and subtropics, and similar intercropping in the northern USA could result in silage with greater CP concentration than corn alone. In this experiment corn was intercropped with three climbing beans: lablab bean [Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet], velvet bean [Mucuna pruriens (L.) D.C.], and scarlet runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.), or grown in monoculture near Arlington and Lancaster, WI. Corn was sown at 33,000 (high density) or 22,000 (low density) plants/acre in early May. Beans were sown in rows six inches beside corn rows at 33,000 plants/acre 2 or 4 weeks after corn planting. Effects of corn density, bean planting date, and bean species on the yield and nutritive value of these mixtures were evaluated and mixture yield and nutritive value were compared to monoculture corn. Averaged over locations and management treatments the lablab bean-corn mixture produced 8.9 tons/acre of whole plant dry matter compared to 8.7 tons/acre in monoculture corn with no detectable differences (P=0.1373) among mixture treatments. Early bean planting decreased total mixture yield 0.22 tons/acre (P=0.0065) while the high density corn treatment yielded 2.1 tons/acre more than the low corn density treatment. Mean percentages of beans in the mixtures were: lablab bean 8.8%, scarlet runner bean 5%, and velvet bean 3.4%. Although addition of bean had no effect on total yield there was an effect on yield of the corn component of mixtures. Whole plant corn yield was 0.45 tons/acre less in mixture with lablab bean compared to when it was grown alone. This shift in species composition of mixtures was great enough to alter laboratory measures of forage nutritive value. Addition of lablab bean increased neutral detergent fiber concentration from 37.9 to 39.2% (P=0.0072) and acid detergent fiber concentration from 19.6 to 21.2% (P<0.0001) in mixtures. Bean planting date had no significant effect on mixture CP concentrations however mixtures with lower corn density contained a half percentage unit more CP (P<.0001) than the high density corn treatment. Beans increased (P<0.0001) the CP concentration of all mixtures, with lablab bean-corn mixtures containing 7.4% CP compared to 6.5 in monoculture corn. This experiment showed that lablab bean has the greatest potential of the three beans to increase CP concentration without compromising silage yield. <br /> <br /> Objective 4. Develop alternative forage based livestock management strategies for these karst areas and determine their impact on profitability; soil, water, and air quality; and nutrient balances.<br /> <br /> The utilization of Silphium perfoliatum L. (cup plant) as an alternative forage component in back grounding diets for cattle is being investigated. Cup plant silage is replacing corn silage with diet treatments consisting of 100% corn silage, 67%:33% corn silage and cup plant silage, and 33%:67% corn silage and cup plant silage. Beef steers are offered these diets for a minimum of 84 d to study performance, intake, and efficiency. It was observed in the first trial that the inclusion of cup plant reduces performance of back grounding cattle due to its lower energy value in comparison to corn silage. A follow-up trial is planned. Another trial was designed to investigate the performance responses for rotationally grazed Holstein steers offered a trace mineralized salt supplement containing no additional phosphorus or 6% phosphorus (2/3 trace mineralized salt and 1/3 dicalcium phosphate). Mineral intakes were recorded at each paddock rotation. Pasture samples were taken every other week during the grazing season for estimation of forage availability and nutrient analysis. Based upon the forage phosphorus content, the animals requirement could be met by the forage alone. Removing phosphorus from managed pastures on soils with adequate phosphorus does not appear to negatively impact performance of grazing Holstein steers. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <b>Impacts</b><br /> <br /> <i>Objective 1. </i>Quantify the change in crop sequences and animal production during the past 25 years within these regions to determine the appropriate conservation strategies for protecting soil and water quality.<br /> <br /> The quantitative inventory of changes in crop acreage emphasizing a corn-soybean rotation, driven largely by economics, has shown the importance of developing conservation cropping/animal systems suited for this rotation within the karst regions of Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota to protect this vulnerable landscape and water resources. <br /> <br /> <i>Objective 2. </i>Evaluate strip tillage against other soil and water conservation tillage systems for these karst region goals of: erosion control, water quality, and crop production.<br /> <br /> The preliminary data suggests strip tillage could reduce erosion losses and increase soil carbon substantially in this region if adopted on a large scale. Elimination of all tillage resulted in similar yields to the other systems on this landscape. Producers could save substantial money by omitting most tillage. This could save approximately $37 per ha. For example Grant Co. Wisconsin produced about 22,000 ha of soybean in 2003, most of which would be rotated to corn. Using a no-till approach could save farmers in this county alone at least $825,000, which could be invested in other components of the farming operations.<br /> <br /> The comparison of the P indexes illustrates the limitations and effectiveness of the P loss risk tools of IA, WI, and MN. The people that advise farmers on this issue in these neighboring states need to be aware of the differences in the philosophy used in the development of each index as well as interpretation of the results obtained. This can have significant impact on the ability of farmers to demonstrate effective soil and water management techniques and in some cases qualify for cost share dollars and/or stay within regulatory guidelines. <br /> <br /> <i>Objective 3.</i>Develop and quantify the role of cover crops, living mulches, and alternative crops for mixed crop-livestock operations in MLRA 105.<br /> <br /> Studies of cover crops and intercrops of forage grasses and legumes with cereal crops to improve yields and nutrient use, and to reduce soil loss from cropland were conducted. A system to produce corn in a living mulch of kura clover, resulting in 112 to 168 kg per ha reduction in nitrogen fertilizer inputs. Preliminary results demonstrate similar amounts of water runoff from living mulch and conventionally produced corn on hillsides, but lower amounts of soil and phosphorous moving off of the field. Sowing climbing beans (velvet bean, lablab bean, or scarlet runner bean) with corn for silage increases crude protein concentrations by 14% compared to corn silage alone. This increase in crude protein will reduce purchased protein concentrate costs for dairy farmers. Results of these studies have been published in popular press articles. <br /> <br /> <i>Objective 4.</i> Develop alternative forage based livestock management strategies for these karst areas and determine their impact on profitability; soil, water, and air quality; and nutrient balances.<br /> <br /> It was observed in the first trial that the inclusion of cup plant reduces performance of back grounding cattle due to its lower energy value in comparison to corn silage. This may impact adoption of this approach. A follow-up trial is planned. In another study, based upon the forage phosphorus content, the animals requirement could be met by the forage alone. Removing phosphorus from managed pastures on soils with adequate phosphorus does not appear to negatively impact performance of grazing Holstein steers. Animal producers using this information to reduce dietary P will also reduce P content of manure and subsequently risk of loss to surface water. <br />


Impact Statements

  1. Refer to above section.
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Date of Annual Report: 09/05/2006

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 07/06/2006 - 07/07/2006
Period the Report Covers: 08/01/2005 - 07/01/2006


Albrecht, Ken (, University of Wisconsin;Al-Kaisi, Mahdi (, Iowa State University;Baxter, Chris (, University of Wisconsin;Compton, Peggy (, University of Wisconsin;Cox, Tom (, University of Wisconsin;Grabber, John (, USDA-ARS Dairy Forage
;Guzman, Jose (, Iowa State University;Lehmkuhler, Jeff (, University of Wisconsin;Leverich, Jim (, University of Wisconsin;Moncrief, John (, University of Minnesota;Morrison, Jim (, University of Illinois;Norman, John (, University of Wisconsin
;Rozum, Mary Ann (, USDA/CSREES;Straub, Richard (, University of Wisconsin;Tracy, Ben (, University of Illinois;Vadas, Peter (, USDA-ARS Dairy Forage;Vetsch, Jeff (, University of Minnesota ;Tony Vyn, Purdue University

Brief Summary of Minutes

(6 July) The meeting was called to order by Chair John Grabber at 1:00 PM in the Agriculture Technology Center of the UW-Platteville Pioneer Farm, Platteville, WI. Mahdi Al-Kaisi served as Secretary. Participants introduced themselves.

John Grabber presented the following agenda.

Thursday, 6 July at Pioneer Farm

Call to order

Update from CSREES Advisor Mary Ann Rozum and Administrative Advisor Richard Straub

Discussion of Midterm Review/Recommendations and future of NC-1012

Discussion of Outcomes, Impact Statements, and submission of Annual and Impact Reports

Pioneer farm presentations and tour of research activities

Friday, 7 July at Lancaster Agricultural Research Station

State Reports

Other Business

Pass Gavel


Update from CSREES Advisor Mary Ann Rozum and Administrative Advisor Richard Straub

The President's FY06 budget suggested phasing out formula /Hatch funding and switching to multi-state competitive grant process. Directors convinced Congress that this was not practical and Hatch funding actually increased slightly for FY06. Funding levels in FY07 are expected to be comparable to FY06. Presidential proposal for FY07 is that 55% of Hatch would be multi-state over next five years with balance being distributed as in the past. Challenge with this proposal is that multi-state funds would go into new competitive grant program at end of project. AES Directors are working with the administration to resolve some of these issues and manage long-term sustainable funding in partnership with the federal government, particularly since AES directors are generally very supportive of multi-state activities since they help minimize duplication of efforts. Directors at various universities distribute Hatch funds differently. The new under secretary of USDA is calling for increase funding in Bioenergy research. Environmental groups are focusing on the farm subsidy program and asking for accountability and documentations for practices improvements. Also, there is a focus on a market base and ecosystem services as a new direction for evaluating practices effectiveness. The NC1012 next proposal needs to be focused to assess impact and changes for the next 5 years.

Discussion of Midterm Review/Recommendations and future of NC-1012

The midterm review highlighted three areas that need to be addressed by the NC1012 committee. 1) Clarify that there is true collaboration between researchers, not merely each team member fulfilling discrete roles. 2) Provide evidence of leveraging this substantial progress (preliminary data) towards external funding or efforts/plans to submit proposals for funding. 3) Provide evidence for multidisciplinary joint publication. In response to the review, on July 6 and 7 the committee discussed factors hindering multi-state collaborative research and options for overcoming these barriers. Most members indicated that State funding was insufficient to support meaningful regional collaborative research and outreach. Since NC1012 has traditionally focused on agricultural and water quality issues in the karst areas mainly in WI, MN, and IA, the committee at times lacks a "critical mass" of active participants. This is because direct tangible support is usually limited to travel expenses for one representative per state to attend NC1012 meetings. Due to a lack of travel support, many participants do not regularly attend annual meetings. Enlisting participants from additional states and other groups and governmental agencies with similar agricultural and environmental interests was identified as one means of strengthening the committee. Many participants also felt the current objectives and activities of the committee were too broad and not amenable to multi-state collaborative efforts. To address this, two subcommittees were formed to develop outlines of future NC1012 projects with strong potential for multi-state collaboration, external funding, and impact with policy makers. The subcommittees were asked to distribute their outlines to NC1012 participants in the fall of 2006 to stimulate further discussion and the development of full proposals. Since tillage research is one of the stronger aspects of multi-state collaborate work in the current project, participants from WI, IA, and MN agreed to organize a regional Tillage Management Conference for the summer of 2007 in NE Iowa for farmers, farm implement manufactures, extension agents, and consultants.

Pioneer farm presentations and tour of research activities

Faculty, staff, and USGS scientists gave presentations and a tour of livestock, forage, and water quality research at the Pioneer Farm. Chris Baxter and colleagues at the Pioneer Farm were thanked for their efforts in hosting the 1st day of the meeting.

State Reports See minutes attachment for detailed State Reports

  • Jeff Vetsch, Mahdi Al-Kaisi, and Tony Vyn reported on tillage research in MN, IA, and IN.
  • John Moncrief described P-index research in MN, WI, and IA.
  • Ken Albrecht reported on cropping systems work in WI.
  • Ben Tracy presented an overview of research on integrated livestock and farming systems work in IL.
  • Jeff Lehmkuhler described work on P supplementation of grazing steers in WI.
  • John Norman described progress with the PALMS soil erosion model in WI.
  • Peter Vadas described models for predicting P loss from manure and soil for the USDA-ARS.

Other business

Mahdi Al-Kaisi will serve as Chair in 2007. Ken Albrecht will serve as Secretary in 2007 and Chair in 2008.

The next meeting will be in Lancaster on July 26-27, 2007.


Accomplishments and Impacts (listed according to NC1012 objectives) <br /> <br /> 1. Quantify the change in crop sequences and animal production during the past 25 years within the karst region to determine appropriate conservation strategies for protecting soil and water quality considering existing production systems.<br /> <br /> Title: Cropping system changes contribute to hypoxia problem. Accomplishment: A review of National Agricultural Statistics Service data covering the past 50 years showed that in Major Land Resource Area (MLRA) 105 and elsewhere throughout the Upper Mississippi River sub-Basin, corn and soybean production has expanded at the expense of alfalfa and oat production. Role: Scientists contributing to the NC-1012 reviewed this information and prepared multiple reports. The information was also used to guide many of the new studies initiated by NC1012 participants. Impact: Shifts in cropping practices within MLRA 105 have reduced the portion of the year that steeply sloping soils are covered with living, transpiring plants, thus affecting the hydrology, soil quality, and type of conservation practices needed. Documenting these changes provides the basis for multi-location studies addressing crop management, soil quality, tillage practices and crop utilization by scientists associated with this regional project. The research information is also being used for Extension guidelines, presentations, and technical publications reaching multiple stakeholders throughout MLRA 105 and elsewhere within the Upper Mississippi River Watershed.<br /> <br /> 2. Evaluate strip till against other soil and water conservation tillage systems. <br /> <br /> Title: Integrated tillage, N source, and N rate effects on corn response and N and P use in North east Iowa. Problem: There is a great concern about the impact of tillage and manure management on the efficient use of nutrients and the potential impact on surface water quality in Iowa. Accomplishment/Role: This project was a 4-year project involving 38 research trails in Northeast Iowa. The research team from the Agronomy and Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering Departments developed a research protocol to examine the interaction effect of tillage and manure management on crop response and on soil and water quality. Impact: The results of this 4-yr project helped producers to understand the proper way to manage tillage and manure for reducing adverse impacts on the environment. Eighty-two percent of the cooperators involved in this project began applying manure as the only source of nutrients. Seventy-nine percent of the cooperators indicated that they now manage their tillage and manure more efficiently because of their involvement in this project. The project helped farmers to reduce their cost input by $10-20/acre.<br /> <br /> Title: Strip and no-till systems give comparable corn yields with less cost and soil erosion than conventional tillage systems. Problem: Intensive row-crop production has expended on unglaciated soils in the Upper Mississippi Valley and Southern Indiana karst areas. This has lead to high soil erosion of fragile landscapes which already have degraded soil and water quality. Accomplishment/Role: A three-year study by NC1012 investigators at the Lancaster Agricultural Research Station demonstrated that corn silage and grain yields were similar for fall chisel/spring field cultivator, spring field cultivator, strip-till, and no-till systems. Measured soil loss was greater in the chisel system compared to the strip-till system, especially in 2004 when heavy early-season rains occurred. Impact: An economic analysis of this research demonstrated that no-till and strip-till systems produced yields similar to conventional tillage but with lower cost and less soil loss.<br /> <br /> 3. Develop and quantify the role of cover crops, living mulches, and alternative crops for mixed crop-livestock operations.<br /> <br /> Title: Integrating beef cattle production with grain crops: Dudley Smith Farming Systems Experiment in Illinois. Problem: A critical need exists for long-term research in alternative cropping systems that are conducted at realistic farm size spatial scales. Accomplishment/Role: In 2002, a multi-disciplinary group of research scientists, extension educators and stakeholders helped to convert a 225-acre corn and soybean farm (Dudley Smith Farm) into a farming system that directly integrates cattle with grain crop production. Impact: Since 2003, more than 1100 farmers, agribusiness professionals, teachers, and students from14 states and 4 continents have visited our experimental farm to learn about integrated livestock-grain production systems. At least 10 local producers have adopted methods developed at our research farm. We have also collected unique agronomic data on soil compaction, carbon sequestration, cover crops and weed populations associated with winter cropland pasture grazing systems.<br /> <br /> Title: Corn silage production in kura clover living mulch. Problem: The role of corn silage in dairy cow rations has increased at a time of concern about high N fertilizer prices and erosive soil losses from sloping fields. Accomplishment/Role: Corn silage yield in kura clover living mulch ranged from 4.5 to 9.1 tons dry matter per acre over six environments and was equal to silage produced in monoculture. Silage yield in kura clover living mulch did not respond to nitrogen fertilizer application indicating that maize silage nitrogen requirements were fully met by the suppressed kura clover. Impact: In addition to saving $50 per acre on nitrogen fertilizer costs and reducing opportunity for N fertilizer movement into surface and ground water, corn silage production in kura clover living mulch allows permanent ground cover on erosion prone landscapes. <br /> <br /> Title: Forage production and nutritive value of oat harvested in autumn or early summer. Problem:Options for late-season, high-quality, forage production either in planned rotations with short season crops or in emergency when corn silage and alfalfa production are reduced by drought, are limited. Accomplishment/Role: Oat sown in August produced 3 tons per acre of forage when harvested 77 days later, slightly less than spring sown oat harvested 77 days after sowing. Fiber digestibility of autumn produced oat forage is very high, as is water-soluble carbohydrate concentration, making this "dairy quality" forage. Oat sown in late summer, and especially the leafy, late maturing cultivar ForagePlus, can supplement high quality forage production in autumn. Impact: This information is being used by county agents to advise farmers in drought-affected areas of Wisconsin and surrounding states in summer 2006 who are in need of emergency dairy quality forage.<br /> <br /> 4. Develop alternative forage-based livestock management strategies and determine impacts on profitability, soil, water, and air quality, and nutrient balances.<br /> <br /> Title: Reed canarygrass-kura clover silage as an alternative to alfalfa for dairy cattle. Problem: In 3 of the last 10 years loss of alfalfa to winter damage was widespread throughout states that encompass the driftless region, highlighting the need to identify persistent alternative forages. Accomplishment/Role: We discovered that silage yield and milk production from kura clover-reed canarygrass mixtures and alfalfa are similar, however the mixture is much more persistent than alfalfa. Impact: The reed canarygrass-kura clover mixture is an alternative to alfalfa for high producing livestock such as diary cattle in areas where alfalfa persistence is a problem, offering opportunity to reduce risk in livestock operations. Long-term persistence also reduces re-establishment costs and tillage on erosion prone landscapes.<br /> <br /> 5. Model surface water quality impacts of current and alternative land management strategies.<br /> <br /> Title: Reliable methods to assess feed and manure management on dairy farms.<br /> Problem: With regulations pertaining to environmental impacts of animal agriculture, dairy farmers seek new ways to track and improve the management of nutrients contained in feed and manure. Accomplishment/Role: A research team of USDFRC scientists and University of Wisconsin faculty developed methods with dairy farmers to rapidly assess relationships between dairy feed nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) consumption, N and P secretions in milk, N and P excretions in manure, and how much manure is collected and land-applied. Impact: Team findings provided an accurate snap-shot of Wisconsin industry practices, as well as the range of feed and manure management practices on individual dairy farms. Information is being used to revise Wisconsin's Nutrient Management Curriculum and Wisconsin's Code 590 Nutrient Management Standards. The on-farm survey instruments have been requested and adapted for use in Iowa, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Australia.<br /> <br /> <br /> Plans for the upcoming year<br /> " In WI, a rain simulator will be used to estimate the runoff potential of soil and phosphorus from kura clover and other companion crop systems for corn silage. <br /> " NC1012 members from WI, IA, and MN are organizing a Tillage Management Conference to be held in NE Iowa for farmers, farm implement manufactures, extension agents, and consultants. <br /> " In the Illinois Dudley Smith Farming Systems Experiment, we will convert our spring calving system into a fall calving system to make more efficient use of available forage within the system. This calving system will be evaluated for the next five years.<br /> <br /> <br /> Outreach activities<br /> " Pasture Walk and Grazing Research Discussion at Arlington Research Station in WI, May 16, 2006. (about 30 people attended)<br /> " Illinois Extension Pasture/Grazing In-Service to Wisconsin at Lancaster Research Station, June 28, 2006. (about 30 people attended)<br /> " Presentation on cropping system changes and practices needed to sustain soil resources at the Hypoxia Conference, Sept. 26-28, 2005. (~250 people attended)<br /> " Three radio interviews and four popular press articles regarding crop rotation effects on soil quality indicators. The interviews and articles included data from the Lancaster research site.<br /> " Tillage research in Iowa led to the development of several extension and referee journals publications for tillage and manure best management practices that are utilized by extension specialists and other agricultural professionals in the state. Over the 4-yr project, several field days and workshops were conducted. Press releases and news letters articles were published in the printed press and websites<br /> " Illinois Dudley Smith Farming Systems Experiment-annual fall field day in late is typically attended by 100-130 people. <br />


Albrecht, K.A., A. Sabalzagaray. 2006. Maize silage production in a kura clover living mulch. Grassland Science in Europe. 11: 59-61.<br /> <br /> Al-Kaisi, M., X. Yin, and M. Licht. 2005. Soil carbon and nitrogen changes as affected by tillage system and crop biomass in a corn-soybean rotation. Applied Soil Eco. J. 30:174-191. <br /> <br /> Al-Kaisi, M. and X. Yin. 2005. Tillage and crop residue effects on soil carbon and CO2 emission in corn-soybean rotations. J. Environ. Qual. 34:437-445. <br /> <br /> Al-Kaisi, M., X. Yin, and M. Licht. 2005. Soil carbon and nitrogen changes as influenced by tillage and cropping systems in some Iowa soils. Agric. Ecosys. Environ. J. 105:635-647. <br /> <br /> Al-Kaisi, M., M. Licht, and D. Kwaw-Mensah. 2005. Scale comparison and nitrogen management effects on corn yield response. Agronomy Abstracts, Madison, WI. ASA Annual Conference, Salt Lake, Utah, Nov. 6-10.<br /> <br /> Al-Kaisi, M., M. Licht, H. Hanna, M. Helemers, S. Padgett, and M. Duffy. 2005. Iowa Learning Farm: Educational concept for promoting conservation systems. Agronomy Abstracts, Madison, WI. ASA Annual Conference, Salt Lake, Utah, Nov. 6-10.<br /> <br /> Al-Kaisi, M., M. Licht, and X. Yin. 2005. Agricultural production practices effect on soil carbon dynamics and carbon dioxide emission. Third USDA Symposium on Greenhouse Gases and Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture and Forestry, Baltimore, Maryland. March 22-24.<br /> <br /> Al-Kaisi, M., and D. Kwaw-Mensah. 2005. Integrated conservation tillage and N management effects on soil productivity. Ag. and Environment Conference Proceedings, Ames, IA. March 8-9.<br /> <br /> Al-Kaisi, M., and X. Yin. 2005. Tillage effects on soil carbon dioxide emission in corn-soybean rotation. Ag. and Environment Conference Proceedings, Ames, Iowa. March 8-9.<br /> <br /> Al-Kaisi, M.M., H.M. Hanna, and M.A. Licht. 2005. Manure and tillage management. PM-1901g, 6pp., Extension Publication Service, Iowa State University, Ames, IA. <br /> <br /> Al-Kaisi, M.M. and M.A. Licht. 2005. Tillage, manure management, and water quality. PM-1901h, 6pp., Extension Publication Service, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.<br /> <br /> Al-Kaisi, M.M. and M.A. Licht. 2005. Tillage management and soil organic matter. PM-1901i, 6 pp., Extension Publication Service, Iowa State University, Ames, IA. <br /> <br /> Armstrong, K.L., K. A. Albrecht, J. G. Lauer, and H. Riday. 2005. Nutritional improvement of corn for silage by intercropping with climbing beans. In Annual meeting abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI.<br /> <br /> Armstrong, K.L., K.A. Albrecht, J.G. Lauer, H. Riday. 2005. Intercropping climbing beans with corn for silage. In Proc. American Forage and Grassland Conference [DC-ROM], Bloomington, IL. 12-15 June 2005. AFGC, Georgetown, TX.<br /> <br /> Armstrong, K. L. 2006. Intercropping climbing beans with corn for forage. M.S. thesis. University of Wisconsin-Madison.<br /> <br /> Brokman, A.M., J.W. Lehmkuhler, A.E. Crooks, and D.J. Undersander. 2005. Supplemental phosphorus removal for grazing Holstein steers. ASAS Midwestern Sectional Meeting. J. Anim. Sci. 83 Suppl 2.<br /> <br /> Contreras-Govea, F.E., K.A. Albrecht, and R.E. Muck. 2006. Spring yield and silage characteristics of kura clover, winter wheat, and in mixtures. Agron. J. 98:781-787.<br /> <br /> Contreras-Govea, F.E. and K.A. Albrecht. 2006. Forage production and nutritive value of oat harvested in autumn and spring. Crop Sci. (in press).<br /> <br /> Grabber, J. H. Intercropping clovers with corn silage shows promise. In Midwest Forage Association Forage Focus Magazine, 2005; pp 15.<br /> <br /> Jaynes, D.B., and D.L. Karlen. 2005. Sustaining soil resources while managing nutrients. Proc. Gulf Hypoxia and Local Water Quality Concerns Workshop, Sept. 26-28, 2005. Ames, IA.<br /> <br /> Kammes, K., G. Heemink, K. Albrecht, D. Combs. 2006. Utilization of kura clover-reed canarygrass silage vs. alfalfa silage by lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 89, Suppl. 1.<br /> <br /> Karlen, D.L., M.D. Tomer, J. N, and C.A. Cambardella. Assessing Soil Quality at a Watershed Scale in North Central Iowa, USA. Proc. 17th Triennial Conference. August 28  September 3, 2006. Kiel, Germany.<br /> <br /> Karlen, D. L., E. G. Hurley, S. S. Andrews, C. A. Cambardella, D. W. Meek, M. D. Dujffy, and A. P. Mallarino. Crop rotation effects on soil quality at three northern corn/soybean belt locations. Agron. J. 98:484-495. 2006<br /> <br /> Kim, B. and K. Albrecht. 2005. Kura clover spreading ability with grass competition. J. Dairy Sci. 88:32, Suppl. 1.<br /> <br /> Kwaw-Mensah, D. and M. Al-Kaisi. 2006. Effects of tillage, nitrogen source and rate on corn response in corn-soybean rotation. Agron. J. 98:507-513. <br /> <br /> Lehmkuhler, J.W., A.E. Crooks, and D.J. Undersander. 2005. Supplementation of grazing Holstein steers with dried distillers grains in combination with monensin. ASAS Midwestern Sectional Meeting. J. Anim. Sci. 83 Suppl 2.<br /> <br /> Licht, M. and M. Al-Kaisi. 2005. Corn response, N uptake, and water use in strip-tillage as compared with no-tillage and chisel plow. Agron. J. 97:705-710. <br /> <br /> Licht, M. and M. Al-Kaisi. 2005. Strip-tillage effect on seedbed soil temperature and other soil physical properties. Soil Tillage Res. J. 80:233-249. <br /> <br /> Milofsky, T., F. Calispa, K. Albrecht, E. Molina, S. Erazo, and A. Torres. 2005. Cultivo de maiz sobre cobertura de trebol lotus en Cosanga. p. 186-190. In K. Hernandez et al. (ed.) Contribuciones de la investigacion participativa al desarrollo sustentable de las comunidades de montana. NINA Communications, Quito, Ecuador.<br /> <br /> Mikolayunas, C., D. Thomas, K. Albrecht. 2005. The effect of supplementation and stage of lactation on performance of grazing dairy ewes. p. 1-10. In D. Thomas (ed.) Proc. 51st Annual Spooner Sheep Day, Spooner, WI. 27 Aug. 2005.<br /> <br /> Powell, J.M., McCrory, D.F., Jackson-Smith, D.B., and Saam, H. 2005. Manure collection and distribution on Wisconsin dairy farms. J. Environ. Qual. 34:2036-2044.<br /> <br /> Powell, J.M., D.B Jackson-Smith, M. Mariola and H. Saam. 2006. Validation of feed and manure management data collected on Wisconsin dairy farms. J. Dairy Sci. 89:2268-2278.<br /> <br /> Powell, J.M., Wattiaux, M.A., Broderick, G.A., Moreria, V., and Casler, M.D. Dairy diet impacts on fecal chemical properties and nitrogen cycling in soils. 2006. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70: 786-794.<br /> <br /> Renne, I.J., B.F. Tracy and I.A. Colonna. 2006. Grassland invisibility: environmentally driven opportunities, nutrient-induced reversals and its shifting mosaic structure. Ecology <br /> (In Press).<br /> <br /> Renne, I.J. and B.F. Tracy. 2006. Disturbance persistence in managed grasslands: shifts in aboveground community structure and the weed seed bank. Plant Ecol. (In Press).<br /> <br /> Renne, I.J. and B.F. Tracy. 2005. Timing and intensity of disturbance interact with disturbance history to affect grassland weed invasions. Ecological Society of America Abstr. p. 531<br /> <br /> Skinner, R.H., M.A. Sanderson, B.F. Tracy, C.J. Dell. 2006. Above- and belowground productivity and soil carbon dynamics of pasture mixtures. Agronomy Journal 98:320-326.<br /> <br /> Sulc, R.M. and B.F. Tracy. 2005. Integrated crop-livestock systems in humid, cool temperate environments of North America. Agronomy Abstr. # 145-2. CD-ROM.<br /> <br /> Tracy, B.F. and D.B. Faulkner. 2006. Pasture and cattle responses in rotationally stocked grazing systems sown with differing levels of species richness. Crop Sci. (In Press).<br /> <br /> Tracy, B.F. and I.J. Renne. 2005. Persistence of endophtye-infected tall fescue (E+) in renovated endophyte-free (E-) pastures. American Forage and Grassland Council Abstr. p.71.<br /> <br /> Tracy, B.F. 2005. Soil compaction in cropland pastures used for winter grazing. p. 450. In XX International Grassland Congress. Wageningen Academic Publishers. The Netherlands. <br /> <br /> Tracy, B.F. 2005. Forage and livestock productivity on pastures of differing plant diversity. p. 640. In XX International Grassland Congress. Wageningen Academic Publishers. The Netherlands.<br /> <br /> Tracy, B.F. and I.J. Renne. 2005. Re- infestation of endophtye-infected tall fescue (E+) in renovated endophyte-free (E) pastures under rotational stocking. Agronomy Journal 97:1473-1477.<br /> <br /> Vadas, P.A., and P.J.A. Kleinman. 2006. Effect of methodolgy in estimating and interpreting water-extractable phosphorus in animal manures. J. Environ. Qual. 35: 1151-1159.<br /> <br /> Vadas, P.A. 2006. Distribution of phosphorus in manure slurries and its infiltration upon application to soils. J. Environ. Qual. 35: 542-547.<br /> <br /> Vadas, P.A., B.E. Haggard, and W.J. Gburek. 2005. Predicting phosphorus in runoff from manured field plots. J. Environ. Qual. 34:1347-1353.<br /> <br /> Vadas, P.A., P.J.A. Kleinman, and A.N. Sharpley. 2004. A simple method to predict dissolved phosphorus in runoff from surface applied manures. J. Environ. Qual. 33:749-756.<br /> <br /> Vadas, P.A., P.J.A. Kleinman, and A.N. Sharpley. 2005. Relating soil phosphorus to dissolved phosphorus in runoff: A single extraction coefficient for water quality modeling. J. Environ. Qual. 34:572-580.<br /> <br /> Vadas, P.A., R.D. Harmel, and P.J.A. Kleinman. 2006. Transformations of soil and manure phosphorus after surface application of manure to field plots. Nut. Cycling Agroeco. (Submitted).<br /> <br /> Vadas, P.A., T. Krogstad, and A.N. Sharpley. 2006. Modeling phosphorus transfer between labile and non-labile soil pools: Updating the EPIC model. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70: 736-743.<br /> <br /> Vadas, P.A., A.P. Mallarino, and A.M. McFarland. 2006. The importance of sampling depth when testing soils for their potential to supply phosphorus to surface runoff. SERA-17 Policy and Management workgroup position paper. Available at Soil_Sampling_Depth_for_P.pdf. Verified 6/2006.<br /> <br /> Wilson, H. and M. Al-Kaisi. 2005. Nitrogen fertilization effects on CO2 emission and microbial biomass in corn-soybean rotation. Ag. and Environment Conference Proceedings, Ames, IA. March 8-9.<br /> <br /> Wolkowski, R. P. 2006. Tillage management for the corn/soybean rotation on erodible soils. Proc. of the Wisconsin Fertilizer, Aglime, and Pest Management Conference. 45:267-275.<br /> <br /> Zhang, Y. and B.F. Tracy. 2005. Soil respiration dynamics in an integrated livestock and grain crop agroecosystem. Agronomy Abstr. #162-11. CD-ROM.<br /> <br /> Lancaster Crossbreeding Demonstration Project. Beef Cattle Research Report-2005. pg. 18-23.<br /> <br /> Investigating Silphium perfoliatum (cup plant) silage as an ingredient in diets for growing cattle. Beef Cattle Research Report-2005. pg 3-6.<br /> <br /> Feeding Optaflexx® to Yearling Holstein Steers. Beef Cattle Research Report-2005. pg 7-8.<br /> <br /> Comparison of Jersey, Holstein and Twinner Steers Offered a High Energy Diet Continuously or Managed Using a Phase Feeding Strategy. Beef Cattle Research Report-2005. pg 13-18.<br /> <br /> Pasture Finishing: Effect of Normande Influence and Supplementation. Beef Cattle Research Report-2005. pg.7-12.<br />

Impact Statements

  1. Please see the Accomplishments section
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Date of Annual Report: 09/12/2007

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 07/31/2007 - 08/01/2007
Period the Report Covers: 07/01/2006 - 07/01/2007


Al-Kaisi, Mahdi ( Iowa State University;

Albrecht, Ken ( University of Wisconsn-Madison;

Jokela, Bill ( USDA-ARS USDFRC (for John Grabber);

Moncrief, John ( University of Minnesota;

Vetsch, Jeffery ( University of Minnesota;

Wolkowski, Dick ( University of Wisconsn-Madison;

Rozum, Mary Ann (MROZUM@CSREES.USDA.GOV) USDA-CSREES (by phone);

Dick Straub ( University of Wisconsin-Madison (by phone);

Guests: Les Everett MN Water Resource Center;

George Cummins ISU Extension;

Brief Summary of Minutes

Brief Summary of Minutes of Annual Meeting:

The meeting was called to order at Hawkeye Community College, Waterloo, IA at 4:00 by chairman Mahdi Al-Kaisi. Initial discussion focused on the success of the Midwest Strip Tillage Expo co-sponsored by the NC1012 Committee earlier in the day. The expo attracted 500+ attendees, mostly from the four-state driftless region. Feedback from participants was positive and it was agreed to explore holding a similar program at the University of Wisconsin Arlington Agricultural Research Station in summer 2008. Dick Wolkowski agreed to explore feasibility of this. Mahdi will send a thank you letter to Hawkeye Community Collage president to thank him for allowing use of these excellent facilities for the tillage expo and meeting.

MaryAnn Rozum, CSREES representative, joined the meeting by phone at 4:30. She provided the group with an overview of CSREES opportunities and programs and budget updates. Especially relevant to the committee are rising concerns about environmental damage associated with biofuel feedstock production and possible future grant programs to work in this area.

Mahdi led discussion on future direction of our committee. The current NC1012 project runs through September 2008 and a new or revised project proposal must be prepared this fall. It was agreed that we have made progress in minimizing negative environmental impacts of agriculture in the driftless region and that there are still many challenges to address. Limiting the scope of the project to the driftless region has historically allowed the committee to focus on issues unique to this environment in the past, but it also limits that size of the committee to four states that encompass the driftless region. It was agreed that the scope of future NC1012 research and participation should be greater than the driftless region, but that alleviation of surface water quality and ground water quality problems caused by agriculture should remain the focus. A contemporary issue that requires immediate attention is the rapid development of the biofuel industry with minimal understanding of the environmental impacts that could result from expanding biofeedstock production. Meeting was adjourned at 6:15 and continued informally over dinner.

The meeting was reconvened at 8:00 a.m., 1 Ausust. Ken Albrecht (current secretary) will serve as chair and Dick Wolkowski will serve as secretary for the coming year. The 2008 meeting will be held at the Agricultural Research Station in Lancaster, WI in the first or second week of July. Albrecht and Wolkowski will finalize the date.

Dick Straub, administrative advisor, joined the meeting by phone at 8:20. Dick encouraged redefining our project to include understanding and alleviating environmental impacts of expanded biofeedstock production on agriculture lands. Increased corn acreage for grain ethanol production, that could replace alfalfa or pasture on marginal lands in the North Central Region, is an issue. Wisconsin leads a new $125 million DOE project to improve efficiency of conversion of cellulosic materials to ethanol. This is expected to provide financial incentive to remove crop residues from agricultural lands and increase risk of soil erosion and surface water quality degradation. Dick reviewed progress of Rapid Response Committee 506 and encouraged us to be aware of their efforts as we prepare our new NC-1012 project. Ken Albrecht will be in contact with Randy Fortenbery (chair of NC 506) and Ken Cassman (chair of the subcommittee exploring environmental impacts).

State reports were presented from 9:00 to noon.

Meeting was adjourned at noon.


Accomplishments:<br /> <br /> Objective 1. Quantify the change in crop sequences and animal production during the past 25 years within these regions to determine the appropriate conservation strategies for protecting soil and water quality.<br /> <br /> Title: Crop Rotation with Grain and Forage Legumes and N Fertilization for Corn Managed with Chisel-Plow Tillage. Continued evaluating a long-term rotation study at the Northeast Research Farm to assess effects of various cropping sequences on crop yield and the corn response to N fertilization. The rotations are continuous corn for grain or silage, continuous soybean, several corn-soybean sequences with one to three corn crops for every soybean crop, and corn-corn-oats/alfalfa. Alfalfa is under sown with oats, oats grain is harvested the 1st year and alfalfa is harvested the 2nd year. Tillage practices are chisel-plowing in the fall and field cultivation in spring. The N treatments are 0, 80, 160, and 240 lb N/acre applied only for corn (granulated urea incorporated in spring). Continuous corn has shown very large grain yield increases up to the 160 lb N/acre rate and small to moderate additional increases up to the 240-lb rate, and responses were not consistently different for grain or silage harvest. Yield of 1st-year corn after soybean or alfalfa has been higher than for continuous corn, even at N rates that maximized yield for each rotation, which can be explained by improved soil physical properties or reduced incidence of pests for corn in rotation. First-year corn after soybean usually has responded up to 160-lb N rate, but in a few years only to 80-lb or 240-lb rates. First-year corn after oats/alfalfa has been much less than for other 1st-year corn crops. Yields and yield responses to N of 2nd or 3d-year corn after soybean have been almost equal to results for continuous corn. Oats responded almost linearly up to the highest N rate used for the previous corn crop. Soybean yield has not been affected by N applied to the previous corn crop, but increased with the frequency of corn in the rotation.<br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 2. Evaluate strip tillage against other soil and water conservation tillage systems for these karst region goals of: erosion control, water quality, and crop production.<br /> <br /> Titl: Long-term tillage and crop rotation effects on yield and soil carbon changes. This long-term tillage study was established at eight sites across the state of Iowa including one site in Northeast Iowa at Nashua in 2002. The objectives of this study are to evaluate the impact of five tillage systems including, no-tillage, strip-tillage, chisel plow, deep-tillage, and moldboard plow on corn and soybean yields and soil carbon dynamics with corn-corn-soybean and corn-soybean rotations. This study established as a long-term tillage study by dividing the state into five major regions according to soil formation and climate conditions in order evaluate the site specific effect of tillage systems on crop production and soil quality parameters. The Northeast Iowa site is highly related to objective 2 of this regional project of Non-glaciated soil formation. In addition to the yield and soil carbon evaluation of these sites, economical analysis will be conducted on crop response to different tillage systems. The soil carbon changes are evaluated on bi-yearly basis by taking soil samples for soil organic carbon change, bulk density, and microbial biomass of all tillage systems of the two crop rotations. Preliminary results of yield response and economic returns are summarized for the past three years. The results of the past 4 years showed that ST corn yield over-preformed NT by 10% and it has economical advantages over all tillage systems of 10-18% in the Karst region within the state.<br /> <br /> Title: Iowa Learning Farm: Field Scale research and demonstration of Conservation systems. This project was established in 2005 to conduct research and education on different conservation systems including strip-tillage system. The objective of this project is to promote and demonstrate conservation systems across the state including the Karsts soil formation area. The project includes large scale research plots of 5-10 sites in each of the five regions within the state. Within each region 0ne or two sites are selected to document in details data collection on soil and water quality. This project is jointly funded by IDALS, DNR, and NRCS. This project has been lead by team of faculty and Extension specialists from the Agronomy Department, Agriculture and Biosystem Engineering Department, Economic Department, and Sociology Department. The main goal of this project is to increase awareness and adoption of conservation systems by farmers as well as educating the general public about the water quality concerns and potential solution in the state. Over the past 3 years this program significant number of outreach activities across the state and presentation of preliminary findings have ee presented in state and national meetings. <br /> <br /> Title: Tillage and P-K Fertilizer Placement Methods for Corn-Soybean Rotations. A long-term tillage by P-K fertilizer placement study continued to be evaluated at five locations, with one at the Northeast Research Farm (NERF). Each trial evaluates tillage systems and P-K fertilizer placement methods for corn-soybean rotation in two separate trials, one for P and one for K, with three replications. The tillage systems are no-till and chisel-plow/disk with cornstalks chisel-plowed in the fall and field cultivated in spring whereas soybean residues only are field cultivated in spring. At the NERF site, the fertilizer placement methods are broadcast in the fall, deep bands combined with strip tillage in fall, and planter bands. Deep bands are applied at a 30-inch spacing and 5 to 7 inches deep with a toolbar equipped with coulters and knives that strip till the soil. A strip-tillage check also is included. Planter bands are applied about 2 inches below and besides the seeds with dry fertilizer attachments. At the other four sites treatments are similar, but the strip-tillage/deep-band treatment is not being evaluated since 2001. Fertilization rates are a check, annual rates applying about one-half or the full average maintenance needs for the rotation (28 lb P2O5/acre or 35 lb K2O/acre, 56 lb P2O5/acre or 70 lb K2O/acre), and the full rates applied once every 2 years before corn or soybean. Tillage seldom has influenced soybean yield, but corn yield has been lower for no-till for all fertilizer treatments (long-term average are 2 to 10 bu/acre less for the five sites). However, in a few dry years corn yield was higher for no-till. Strip-tillage alone has not improved yield consistently compared with no-till. Fertilization with P or K has increased crop yield only when check plots tested Optimum or less (< 21 ppm Bray-1 P test or < 171 ppm K). The P placement methods have not affected yield consistently. However, corn yield responses to K sometimes were higher for the deep-band method compared with broadcast or planter-band methods, which was in addition to any small strip-tillage effect.<br /> <br /> Purdue University personnel (T.J. Vyn, G. Steinhardt and T.D. West) continued strip tillage research on sandy loam and clay loam soils, but not directly on karst topography because of funding and transportation constraints. Some of the research involved alternate planting dates, and alternate methods of fertilizer application (i.e. deep band versus broadcast application of P and K). Measurements varied by site, but included soil temperature, residue cover, plant populations, and corn or soybean yields. Strip-till corn resulted in over 50% residue cover, and grain corn yields after fall strip tillage were statistically similar to that after fall chisel plowing whether corn followed corn or soybean. Automatic guidance using RTK precision resulted in higher strip-till corn yields than a visual-guided strip-till planting system in 2006. We will continue research on comparisons of strip-tillage with chisel, moldboard plow, and single-pass spring cultivation options for both corn and soybean. We plan to continue to investigate the possible advantages of precise automatic guidance systems (RTK) for strip-till corn production in early April versus late April planting dates. Our P and K fertilizer banding research for strip tillage may continue if funding is received. Numerous extension presentations are likely.<br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 3. Develop and quantify the role of cover crops, living mulches, and alternative crops for mixed crop-livestock operations in MLRA 105.<br /> <br /> Title: Kura Clover Living Mulch Replaces Nitrogen Fertilizer for Corn Silage and Grain Production. Nitrogen fertilizer is one of the most significant input costs in conventional corn production, with N fertilizer prices closely tied to unstable energy costs. An experiment was conducted over 2 years and at two Wisconsin locations to determine if kura clover living mulch would meet some or all of the N fertilizer requirement of corn. Glyphosate resistant corn was no-till planted directly over a band-killed strip of kura clover, and glyphosate was used to suppress inter-row clover. Nitrogen treatments of 0, 22, 45, 67, and 90 kg N/ha were applied as side-dress and compared to a control treatment of killed kura clover with N rate of 90 kg/ha. Whole plant corn yield, harvested at 50% kernel milkline, as for silage, ranged from 17.3 to 19.4 Mg/ha in living mulch treatments with the only significant difference existing between the 0 and 90 kg N/ha fertilizer rates, however the yield was 15.0% greater in the control plots than in living mulch. Corn grain yield ranged from 10.2 to 11.7 Mg/ha in living mulch with significant differences between 0 kg N/ha and all other N fertilizer rates, but no differences among the remaining fertilizer rates. Corn grain yield was 11.4% greater in the control treatment than in living mulch treatments. Reduced silage and grain yields in living mulch compared to the control treatment are likely associated with an unusually cool spring and cooler soil temperature under the mulch. Lack of yield response to N fertilizer rates above 22 kg N/ha is evidence that kura clover living mulch satisfies nearly the entire N requirement of corn grown for silage or grain.<br /> <br /> Title: Cellulosic ethanol production with a living mulch: effect on nitrate leaching. <br /> Large-scale production of cellulosic ethanol from corn stover may become a reality soon. Complete stover harvest may maximize short-term economic gain but could cause serious losses of soil organic matter and increases in soil erosion. Growing corn in a kura clover living mulch may permit complete stover harvest with minimal erosion hazard while providing extra organic inputs to maintain soil organic matter. We hypothesized that the living mulch may also reduce nitrate leaching, a serious concern associated with conventional corn production. In the first year of a 2-yr experiment, nitrate concentrations under corn grown in kura clover living mulch were 20 to 50% of those under monoculture corn. Two possible causes for the reduction are 1) reduced annual drainage beneath the root zone due to water use by the living mulch outside of the short corn growing season and 2) lower N rates applied due to N fixation by the kura clover. <br /> <br /> Objective 4. Develop alternative forage based livestock management strategies for these karst areas and determine their impact on profitability; soil, water, and air quality; and nutrient balances.<br /> <br /> Title: Nutritive value and silage characteristics of kura clover-reed canarygrass mixtures and alfalfa. Kura clover -reed canarygrass (KRC) mixtures are much more persistent than alfalfa in Wisconsin. Our objective was to compare yield, nutritive value, and silage characteristics of KRC and alfalfa in late spring and early summer. First and second growth forage were sampled in four replicates near Arlington, WI. Alfalfa and KRC were harvested and ensiled four times, at one-week intervals, in both May and June. First growth KRC yielded 1.3 to 1.5 Mg/ha more dry matter than alfalfa over the four sample dates, while no differences were found in second growth. Neutral detergent fiber concentration increased each week of sampling and was greater in KRC (423 to 549 g/kg DM) than in alfalfa (300 to 407 g/kg DM). Averaged over the four harvests, pH was lower in alfalfa than in KRC silage in spring (4.41 vs. 4.66), but greater in early summer (4.87 vs. 4.56). Alfalfa silage from both spring and summer growth contained about 21% greater lactic acid than KRC. This finding indicates that both forages had good fermentation, but KRC silage apparently had lower buffering capacity than alfalfa silage. Yield and silage fermentation characteristics of KRC are comparable to alfalfa, but NDF concentrations are also greater.<br /> <br /> Objective 5. Model surface water quality impacts of current and alternative land management strategies.<br /> <br /> Title: Management Practices Impacts on P loss through Surface Runoff and Subsurface. Field rainfall simulations were conducted to study P loss with surface runoff and also evaluated P loss with subsurface tile drainage in a cropping and nutrient management experiment at the Northeast Research Farm. The systems are manure for both crops based on N removal (MNR), fall N-based manure (MNFC), spring N-based manure and no-till (MSNC), P-based manure for corn and P fertilizer for soybean (MPC), and P fertilizer for both crops (FP). The manure was injected while fertilizer P was spread in fall and incorporated in fall for corn or in spring for soybean. The N-based manure application increased surface (6 inches) soil P more than P-based fertilizer or manure applications, and also increased P in the 6 to 12 inchl layer. Soil P [Bray-1, Mehlich-3, Olsen, Fe-oxide impregnated paper (BAP), and total P] ranking (high to low) was MNR, MNFC or MSNC, and MPC or FP. Simulated rainfall was applied once in fall and spring. Runoff P loss (dissolved, BAP, and total P) ranking was MNR, MNFC, FP, MPC, and MSNC. High loss for FP was explained by fall rainfall immediately after application and before incorporation. However, the probability of fall or winter runoff events in Iowa is very small. Runoff P increased linearly with increasing soil P. Controlling erosion, runoff, and P rate are major factors for reducing P loss from corn and soybean fields. The yearly average P concentration in tile drainage was very low and unrelated to the treatments (< 1/2 oz/acre of P2O5 was lost), which agrees with no treatment effects on soil profile P below a 1-foot depth. Plots with soil-test P four times the optimum level for crops lost as little P as plots testing near optimum. Increased tile-draingae P was observed only at Bray-1 or Mehlich-3 values higher than about 80 ppm (6-inch depth). The tile drainage study will continue because prolonged N-based manure application will increase soil-test P further and may increase P loss.<br /> <br /> Title: Cupplant silage as a replacement for corn silage in growing beef cattle diets. Forage and grain crops utilized by the livestock industry are subject to failure under some environmental conditions. The objective of this trial was to investigate the potential for cupplant (Silphium perfoliatum L.) to fill gaps in livestock feed resource chains. Dietary treatments investigated were 0%, 30% and 60% cupplant silage replacing corn silage. Increasing the inclusion level of cupplant silage from 0 to 30% and 60% resulted in a decline in average daily gain (ADG) for weaned beef calves of 12% and 44%, respectively. However, with yearling beef cattle, no differences in ADG or gain efficiency were observed as cupplant silage level increased in diets. Diet dry matter (DM) and organic matter (OM) intakes and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) digestibilities were reduced with increasing levels of cupplant silage. Our results show that cupplant silage can be utilized as an alternative forage source to replace a portion of the corn silage in beef calf rations, however it will reduce ADG.<br /> <br /> Impacts: <br /> <br /> Objective 1. Quantify the change in crop sequences and animal production during the past 25 years within these regions to determine the appropriate conservation strategies for protecting soil and water quality.<br /> <br /> Changes in crop rotation by introducing an extended rotation of small grains and alfalfa within traditional corn soybean rotation have shown significant economic and conservation benefits suited for the karst regions of Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota to minimize reduce soil erosion and improve water quality.<br /> <br /> Objective 2. Evaluate strip tillage against other soil and water conservation tillage systems for these karst region goals of: erosion control, water quality, and crop production.<br /> <br /> Strip-tillage system is well accepted by producers in the karst region of Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Studies in the karst region of these state demonstrated an economic and environmental advantage of strip-tillage over conventional tillage systems by a range of $20-35 per ha of economic return and cut in input cost of approximately $20 per ha. These benefits have significant impact on the rate of adoption of strip-tillage by framers and improve soil and water quality. In recent ST Expo held by the NC1012 committee in collaboration with the Hawkeye Community College in Waterloo, Iowa on July 31, 2007, over 50 farmers and agricultural professionals attended the event. Out of 500 attendees approximately 374 were farmers from over the Midwest. Stronger links between farmers and this regional research committee will be developed. Improved production methods for both animal and crop production systems will occur. Farmers have been increasingly adopting strip tillage in the karst region states. It is now estimated in Indiana that at least 25% of the crop area that is categorized as no-till (note that not all states survey tillage systems) is actually in a strip-till system. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 3. Develop and quantify the role of cover crops, living mulches, and alternative crops for mixed crop-livestock operations in MLRA 105.<br /> <br /> Corn grown in kura clover living mulch has produced yields of silage and grain similar to conventional management. Kura clover living mulch supplies all or most of the N required by corn, a savings of $75 per acre at current N prices, and provides permanent groundcover thereby reducing risk of soil erosion and nutrient runoff. Preliminary research suggests that the living mulch will reduce nitrate contamination of groundwater. <br /> <br /> Objective 4. Develop alternative forage based livestock management strategies for these karst areas and determine their impact on profitability; soil, water, and air quality; and nutrient balances.<br /> <br /> Unexpected and frequent winter damage to alfalfa in the North Central Region is a substantial risk faced by livestock producers. Cupplant, a native prairie plant that is prized for wildlife habitat and seed for birds, persists indefinitely and can be managed to produce high quality silage for beef or dairy cattle. Likewise, mixtures of reed canarygrass and kura clover survive indefinitely and can be managed to produce similar yields as alfalfa. Silage fermentation and milk production from reed canarygrass-kura clover mixtures are similar to alfalfa. Greater persistence of these two silage alternatives will minimize establishment frequency thereby reducing production costs and opportunities for soil erosion.<br /> <br /> Objective 5. Model surface water quality impacts of current and alternative land management strategies.<br /> <br /> Significant effort for modeling and simulating different tillage and nutrient management practices have been carried in the karst region states in Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, which led to the development of nutrient management and erosion models, such as the P-index. Over the past few years tools and web-based models developed to simulate and determine the impact of different management using P-index approach in managing P application from manure and fertilizer sources. The P-index models have been adopted by different agencies in developing conservation plans and manure management plans in the karst region to reduce sediment and P load to water bodies. <br /> <br />


Publications:<br /> <br /> Albrecht, K.A. 2006. Clover: Opportunities and potential in the North. In Proc. 40th NAAIC and 19th Trifolum Conference, 16-19 July, 2006, Bloomington, MN.<br /> <br /> Albrecht, K.A., F.E. Contreras-Govea, and R.E. Muck. 2006. Nutritive value and silage characteristics of kura clover-reed canarygrass mixtures and alfalfa. In Annual meeting abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI.<br /> <br /> Albrecht, K.A., A. Sabalzagaray. 2006. Maize silage production in a kura clover living mulch. Grassland Science in Europe. 11: 59-61.<br /> <br /> Albrecht, K.A. and E.J. Bures. 2006. Kura clover rhizomes compensate for sparse initial stands. 2006. In Annual meeting abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI.<br /> <br /> Al-Kaisi, M. and J. Grote. 2007. Cropping Systems Effects on Improving Soil Carbon Stocks of Exposed Subsoil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 71: 1381-1388. <br /> <br /> Al-Kaisi, M. and D. Kwaw-Mensah. 2007. Effect of Tillage and Nitrogen Fertilization on Corn N and P Uptake in a Corn-Soybean Rotation. Agron. J. (In-Press).<br /> <br /> <br /> Al-Kaisi, M., M. Licht, M. Hanna, M. Helmers, M. Duffy, and J. Comito. 2006. An interactive learning approach for promoting conservation systems in Iowa. Agronomy Abstract, Madison, WI. ASA Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, Nov. 12-16. <br /> <br /> Al-Kaisi, M., J. Guzman, B. Larabee, and M. Licht. 2006. Topo and chrono-sequence effects of native and reconstructive parries on soil physical and biological activities. Agronomy Abstract, Madison, WI. ASA Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, Nov. 12-16.<p><br /> <br /> Al-Kaisi, M. and T. Fenton. 2006. Iowa carbon index development and potential use to evaluate soil carbon stocks. Agronomy Abstract, Madison, WI. ASA Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, Nov. 12-16.<p><br /> <br /> Allen, B.L., and A.P. Mallarino. 2006. Relationships between extractable soil phosphorus and phosphorus saturation after long-term fertilizer or manure application. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70:454-463.<br /> <br /> Allen, B.L., A.P. Mallarino, J.G. Klatt, J.L. Baker, and M. Camara. 2006. Soil and surface runoff phosphorus relationships for five typical USA Midwest soils. J. Env. Qual. Am. J. 35:599-610.<br /> <br /> Armstrong, K.L., K.A. Albrecht, J.G. Lauer, and H. Riday. 2007. Intercropping corn with lablab bean, velvet bean, and scarlet runner bean for forage. Crop Sci. (in press).<br /> <br /> Armstrong, K. L. 2006. Intercropping climbing beans with corn for forage. M.S. thesis. University of Wisconsin-Madison.<br /> <br /> Canepa, M., T.J. Vyn and A. Kline. 2006. Strip-Till Corn Response to Deep Banding Versus Broadcast Application of Phosphorus and Potassium. American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, Indianapolis, IN.<br /> <br /> Contreras-Govea, F.E., K.A. Albrecht, and R.E. Muck. 2006. Spring yield and silage characteristics of kura clover, winter wheat, and in mixtures. Agron. J. 98:781-787.<br /> <br /> Contreras-Govea, F.E. and K.A. Albrecht. 2006. Forage production and nutritive value of oat harvested in autumn and spring. Crop Sci. 26:2382-2386.<br /> <br /> Contreras-Govea, F.E., R.E. Muck, and K.A. Albrecht. 2006. Silage quality of corn-climbing bean mixtures. In Annual meeting abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI.<br /> <br /> Gàl, A., T.J. Vyn, E. Michéli, E.J. Kladivko, and W.W. McFee. 2007. Soil carbon and nitrogen accumulation with long-term no-till versus moldboard plowing overestimated with tilled-zone sampling depths. Soil Tillage Research. In Press, Corrected Proof. Available on-line March 27,2007.<p><br /> <br /> Grote, J. and M. Al-Kaisi. 2007. Topsoil Placement Effect on Soil Carbon Stock Improvement of Exposed Subsoil in Iowa. Soil and Water Cons. J. 62:86-93.<br /> <br /> Hall, M.H., R.B. Radhakrishna, K.J. Moore, A.J. Ciha, J.J. Volenec, C.C. Sheaffer, R.H. Leep, M.H. Weidenhoeft, S.K. Barnhart, K.A. Albrecht. 2006.<br /> Models to complement grasslands curricula. In Annual meeting abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI.<br /> <br /> Janovicek, K. J., W. Deen, T. J. Vyn. 2006. Soybean response to zone tillage, twin-row planting, and row spacing. Agron. J. 98:800:807. <br /> <br /> Kammes, K., K. A. Albrecht, D. Combs. 2007. Changes in chemical composition and vertical distribution of kura clover-reed canarygrass swards relative to days of regrowth J. Dairy Sci. 90, Suppl. 1.<br /> <br /> Karlen, D.L., E.G. Hurley, S.S. Andrews, C.A. Cambardella, D.W. Meek, M.D. Duffy, and A.P. Mallarino. 2006. Crop rotation effects on soil quality at three northern corn/soybean belt locations. Agron. J. 98: 484-495.<p><br /> <br /> Kim, B.W. and K.A. Albrecht. 2007. Yield and species composition of binary mixtures of kura clover with Kentucky bluegrass, smooth bromegrass, and orchardgrass. Aust. Asian J. Anim. Sci. (in press).<br /> <br /> Lehmkuhler, J., M. Ramos, and K.A. Albrecht. 2007. Cupplant silage as a replacement for corn silage in beef cattle diets. Forage and Grazinglands (in press).<br /> <br /> Mallarino, A.P., and R. Borges. 2006. Phosphorus and potassium distribution in soil following long-term deep-band fertilization in different tillage systems. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70:702-707.<br /> <br /> Mallarino, A.P. 2007. Increasing the frequency of corn in crop sequences: Grain yield and response to nitrogen - a research update. In The Integrated Crop Management Newsletter. IC-498 (1). Iowa State Univ. Extension.<br /> <br /> Mallarino, A.P. 2006. Changing potassium recommendations in Iowa and the Corn Belt. In Proceedings (CD-ROM). Fluid Fertilizer Foundation Forum. February 12-14, 2006. Scottsdale, AZ.<br /> <br /> Mallarino, A.P. 2006. Poultry manure: A valuable fertilizer source. p. 58-60. In Proceedings. Poultry industry symposium. Nov. 8, 2006. Ames, IA. Iowa State Univ. Extension and Iowa Egg Council.<br /> <br /> Mallarino, A.P., and E. Ortiz-Torres. 2006. A long-term look at crop rotation effects on corn yield and response to N fertilization. p.209-213. In The Integrated Crop Management Conf. Proceedings. Nov. 29-30, 2006. Ames, IA. Iowa State Univ. Extension.<br /> <br /> Mallarino, A.P., and K. Pecinovsky. 2006. Effect of four tillage systems and placement of phosphorus and potassium mixtures on grain yield in corn-soybean rotations and continuous corn. p. 41-43. In Annual progress reports-2005. Northeast Research and Demonstration Farm. ISRF05-13. Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA.<br /> <br /> Mallarino, A.P., and D.J. Wittry. 2006. Variable-rate application for phosphorus and potassium: impacts on yield and nutrient management. p.219-224. In The Integrated Crop Management Conf. Proceedings. Nov. 29-30, 2006. Ames, IA. Iowa State Univ. Extension.<br /> <br /> Mallarino, A.P., B. Havlovic, and J. Butler. 2006. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizer placement for corn and soybeans managed with no-till and chisel-disk tillage. p. 27-28. In Annual progress reports-2005. Armstrong Research and Demonstration Farm. ISRF05-12. Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA.<br /> <br /> Mallarino, A.P., J.E. Sawyer, D. Kaiser, D. Ruiz-Diaz, D. Barker, D. Wittry, and B.L. Allen. 2006. Agronomic and environmentally sound utilization of nutrients in poultry manure. Overview of an ongoing project. In Agriculture and the Environment Conf. Proceedings [CD-ROM]. March 7, 2006. Iowa State Univ. Extension, Ames, IA.<br /> <br /> Mallarino, A.P., and K. Van Dee. 2006. Phosphorus and potassium management for corn and soybeans managed with no-till and chisel-plow tillage. p. 30-31. In Annual progress reports-2004. Northwest Research and Demonstration Farm. ISRF05-34. Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA.<br /> <br /> Mikolayunas, C., S. Eckerman, D. Thomas, K. Albrecht. 2006. Estimating pasture forage availability. p. 26-27. In Proc. 52nd Biennial Spooner Sheep Day, 26 Aug. 2006, Spooner, WI.<br /> <br /> Mikolayunas, C.M., D.L. Thomas, K.A. Albrecht, Y.M. Berger. 2006. Effect of supplementation and stage of lactation on performance of grazing dairy ewes. p. 267-268. J. Anim. Sci. 84 (Suppl. 1)/J. Dairy Sci. 89(Suppl. 1).<br /> <br /> Mikolayunas, C.M., D.L. Thomas, K.A. Albrecht, Y.M. Berger. 2006. Effect of supplementation and stage of lactation on performance of grazing dairy ewes. SARE National Conference. 15-17 Aug. 2006, Oconomowoc, WI. On line:<br /> <br /> Omonode, R.A., T.J. Vyn, D.R. Smith, P. Hegymegi, and A. Gal. 2007. Soil carbon dioxide and methane fluxes from long-term tillage systems in continuous corn and corn-soybean rotations. Soil and Tillage Research, In Press, Corrected Proof, article available on-line Feb. 20, 2007.<br /> <br /> Omonode, R.A., A. Gàl, D.E. Stott, S.A. Abney, and T.J. Vyn. 2006. Intermittent Chisel Tillage Effects on Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen Relative to Continuous No-Till and Chisel Plow Systems. 18th World Congress of Soil Science (July 9-15, 2006), Philadelphia, PA.<br /> <br /> Ramos, M.H., J.W. Lehmkuhler, S.C. Arp, and K.A. Albrecht. 2006. Investigating Silphium perfoliatum (cupplant) silage for growing cattle. p. 261-262. Anim. Sci. Vol. 84 (Suppl. 1)/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 89 (Suppl. 1).<br /> <br /> Riday, H., and K.A. Albrecht. 2007. Intercropping tropical vine legumes and maize for silage in temperate climates. J. Sustain. Agric. (in press).<br /> <br /> Russell, A.E., D.A. Laird, and A. P. Mallarino. 2006. Nitrogen fertilization and cropping system impacts on soil quality in Midwestern Mollisols. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70:249-255.<br /> <br /> Sawyer, J.E., and A.P. Mallarino. 2006. Applying fertilizer and lime to CRP land. Conservation reserve program: issues and options. Iowa State Univ. Extension Publ. CRP-5 (rev.).<br /> <br /> Seo, J.H., S.D. Kim1, J.C. Shin1 and T. J. Vyn2. 2006. Effects of Fall- and Spring-seeded Cover Crops with Conservation Tillage on Weed Suppression and Soybean Growth. American Society of Agronomy Annual Meetings, Indianapolis, IN<br /> <br /> Vyn, Tony J., R.A. Omonode, D.R. Smith, A. Gal, and P. Hegymegi. 2006.<br /> Soil equestration and gas emissions of carbon after 3 decades of tillage systems for corn and soybean production in Indiana. Proceedings CD for the 17th International Soil Tillage Research Organization Conference, Kiel Germany, August 28 to Sept. 3, 2006.<br /> <br /> Vyn, T. J., 2006. Meeting the ethanol demand: Compromises and consequences associated with more corn on corn in Indiana. Purdue Extension ID-336.<br /> <br /> Vyn, T.J., 2006. Making the best of corn-corn monoculture in the Eastern Corn-Belt. Indiana Crop Adviser Conference Proceedings, Indianapolis, IN, Purdue Extension CD-AY-7 (pages 1-5)<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />

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