WERA_OLD202: Climatic Data Applications in Irrigation Scheduling and Water Conservation
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Bockhold, D.L., Henggeler, J.C., Sudduth, K.A., Thompson, A.L. Comparison of eight irrigation scheduling tools on soybean and cotton.
Howell, T.A. Enhancing water use efficiency in irrigated agriculture. Agron. J. 93(2):281-289.
Evett, S.R., Howell, T.A., and Schneider, A.D. Water use efficiency regulated by automated drip irrigation control. pp. 49-56. In Proceedings of the International Irrigation Show, Irrigation Assoc., Falls Church, VA.
Howell, T.A. Irrigation systems and management to meet future food/fiber needs and to enhance water use efficiency. pp. 10-14. In Proceedings of the INIFAP-ARS Joint Meetings: A Framework for Cooperation, Nov. 6-7, 2001 Weslaco, TX/Rio Bravo, Tam. (Mexico). [on CD-Rom along with PowerPoint presentation], USDA-ARS, Sothern Plains Area, College Station, TX.
Tolk, J.A., and Howell, T.A. Measured and predicted evapotranspiration of grain sorghum grown with full and limited irrigation in three High Plains soils. Trans. ASAE 44(6):1553-1558.
Schneider, A.D. and Howell, T.A. Scheduling deficit wheat irrigation with data from an evapotranspiration network. Trans. ASAE 44(6)1617-1623.
Evett, S.R., Ruthardt, B.B., Kottkamkp, S.S., Tolk, J.A., and Howell, T.A. Profiling soil water probes compared in three soils. Agron. Abstr. [CD-Rom].
Howell, T.A., Copeland, K.S., Evett, S.R., and Tolk, J.A. Radiation balance of irrigated turf grass. Agron. Abstr. [CD-Rom].
Tolk, J.A., Howell, T.A., and Evett, S.R. Measured and modeled plant and soil water evaporation of cotton. Agron. Abstr. [CD-Rom].
Schneider, A.D., Howell, T.A., and Evett, S.R. SDI, LEPA, and spray irrigation of grain sorghum. 2001 Intl. ASAE Meeting. Paper No. 012019 presented at Sacramento, CA, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.
Bean, B.W., New, L. Amosson, S., Patrick, C., Rush, C., Payne, B., Howell, T., and Baumhardt, L. Increasing Northern High Plains profitability through education, demonstration, and applied research. In Proc. 22nd Biennial Grain Sorghum Research and Utilization Conference, Feb 18-20, Nashville, TN.
Howell, T.A., Schneider, A.D., and Dusek, D.A. Effects of furrow diking on maize response to limited and full sprinkler irrigation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 66(1):222-227.
Ahuja, L.R., Ma, Liwang, and Howell, T.A. (eds.). Agricultural System Models in Field Research and Technology Transfer. Lewis Publishers (CRC Press, Inc.), Boca Raton, FL. 357 p.
Evett, S.R., Ruthardt, B.B., Kottkamp, S.T., Howell, T.A. Schneider, A.D., and Tolk, J.A. Accuracy and precision of soil water measurements by neutron, capacitance, and TDR methods. Proc. 17th World Congress of Soil Science.
Piccinni, G., Marek, T., Jett, M., Schneider, A., Dusek, D., and Howell, T. Construction of three weighing lysimeters for the determination of crop coefficients for improving water use efficiency and managing irrigation of row and vegetable crops in the Winter Garden. UREC-02-018, Uvalde Research and Extension Center Report, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, College Station, TX.
Allen, R,G., Walter, I.A., Elliott, R., Itenfiisu, D., Brown, P., Jensen, M.E., Mecham, B., Howell, T.A., Snyder, R., Eching, S., Spofford, T., Hattendorf, M., Martin, D., Cuenca, R.H., and Wright, J.L. 2003. The ASCE standardized reference evapotranspiration equation. pp. 593-602. In A.J. Clemens and S.S. Anderson (eds.), Proc. 2nd Intl. Conf. on Irrig. and Drain., May 12-15, 2003, Phoenix, AZ, Water for a Sustainable World Limited Supplies and Expanding Demand. U.S. Committee on Irrigation and Drainage, Denver, CO.
Auvermann, B., T. Marek and D. Parker. 2002. Assessing the Water Demand for Sprinkler Dust Control on High Plains Feedyard. 2002 North Plains Research Field Ag Day. TAES-AREC 02-33. 1-2 pp.
Colaizzi, Paul D.; Edward M. Barnes; Thomas R. Clarke; Christopher Y. Choi; Peter M. Waller; J. Haberland; and Michael Kostrzewski. 2003. Water Stress Detection under High Frequency Sprinkler Irrigation with Water Deficit Index. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Vol. 129, No. 1, pp. 36-43.
Colaizzi, Paul D., Edward M. Barnes; Thomas R. Clarke; Christopher Y. Choi, and Peter M. Waller. 2003. Estimating Soil Moisture under Low Frequency Surface Irrigation Using Crop Water Stress Index. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Vol.129, No., pp. 27-35. February 1, 2003.
Evett, S. R. 2002. Water use in crop production. Vadose Zone J. 1:204-206.
Evett, S.R., N. Ibragimov, B. Kamilov, Y. Esanbekov, M. Sarimsakov, J. Shadmanov, R. Mirhashimov, R. Musaev, T. Radjabov, and B. Muhammadiev. 2002. Soil moisture neutron probe calibration and use in five soils of Uzbekistan. 7th World Congress of Soil Science, August 14-21, 2002, Bangkok, Thailand, Transactions, pp. 839-1-839-10. (CD-ROM).
Evett, Steven, Jean-Paul Laurent, Peter Cepuder, and Clifford Hignett. 2002. Neutron Scattering, Capacitance, and Tdr Soil Water Content Measurements Compared on Four Continents. 7th World Congress of Soil Science, August 14-21, 2002, Bangkok, Thailand, Transactions, pp. 10211-102110. (CD-ROM).
Evett, S.R., J.A. Tolk, and T.A. Howell. 2003. Sensors for Soil Profile Water Content Measurement: Accuracy, Axial Response and Temperature Dependence. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, 09944.
Evett, S.R., T.A. Howell, A.D. Schneider, D.F. Wanjura, and D.R. Upchurch. 2002. Automatic drip irrigation control regulates water use efficiency. International Water and Irrigation, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 32-37.
Evett, S.R., B.B. Ruthardt, S.T. Kottkamp, T.A. Howell, A.D. Schneider, and J.A. Tolk. 2002. Accuracy and precision of soil water measurements by neutron, capacitance, and TDR methods. 17th World Congress of Soil Science, August 14-21, 2002, Bangkok, Thailand, Transactions, pp. 318-1-318-8. (CD-ROM).
Henggeler, J. 2002. Irrigation Scheduling Works. Integrated Pest and Crop Management. University of MO. 12:6:24.
Henggeler, J. 2002. Woodruff Irrigation Chart does good job on corn. MidAmerica Farmer/Grower. Jan 11.
Henggeler, J. 2002. Adequate moisture needed during final irrigation. MidAmerica Farmer/Grower. Aug. 2.
Henggeler, J. 2002. Programs Available for Irrigation Scheduling. Proc. of The Improving Irrigation Efficiency in Agriculture Conf. Las Cruces, NM, Mar. 20-21.
Henggeler, J. 2002. Software Programs Currently Available for Irrigation Scheduling. Proc. of Irrigation Association. New Orleans, Oct. 24-26.
Hignett, C., and S.R. Evett. 2002. Thermalization. Section In Jacob H. Dane and G. Clarke Topp (eds.) Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 4 - Physical Methods. pp. 501-521.
Howell, T.A. 2002. Irrigation efficiency. pp. 736-741. In R. Lal (ed.), Encyclopedia of Soil Science. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY.
Howell, T.A. 2002. Irrigation system efficiencies. In. Proc. of the Central Plains Irrigation Short Course & Exposition, Colorado State University, Kansas State University, University of Nebraska, and Central Plains Irrigation Assn., Lamar, CO. pp. 80-92.
Howell, T.A., S.R. Evett, J.A. Tolk, and A.D. Schneider. 2002. Evapotranspiration of full-, deficit-irrigated and dryland cotton on the northern Texas High Plains. pp. 321-339. In C.M Burt and S.S. Anderson (eds.) Proceedings 2002 USCID/EWRI Conference. Energy, Climate, Environment and Water - Issues and Opportunities for Irrigation and Drainage. U.S. Committee on Irrigation and Drainage, Denver, CO.
Kamilov, B., N. Ibragimov, S. Evett, and L. Heng. 2002. Use of neutron probe for investigations of winter wheat irrigation scheduling in automorphic and semi-hydromorphic soils of Uzbekistan. Accepted for publication In Proc. International Workshop on Conservation Agriculture for Sustainable Wheat Production in Rotation with Cotton in Limited Water Resource Areas, October 13-18, 2002, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Kamilov, Bakhtiyor; Ibragimov, Nazirbay; Esanbekov, Yusupbek; Evett, Steven; and Heng, Lee. 2002. Irrigation Scheduling Study of Drip Irrigated Cotton by use of Soil Moisture Neutron Probe. In Proceedings of the UNCGRI/IAEA National Workshop "Optimization of water and fertilizer use for major crops of cotton rotation," December 24-25, 2002, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Kamilov, Bakhtiyor; Ibragimov, Nazirbay; Esanbekov, Yusupbek; Evett, Steven; and Heng, Lee. 2003. Drip Irrigated Cotton: Irrigation Scheduling Study by Use of Soil Moisture Neutron Probe. International Water and Irrigation. Vol. 23. No. 1. pp. 38-41.
Kostrzewski, M., Waller, P., Guertin, P., Haberland, J., Colaizzi, P., Barnes, E.,Thompson, T., Clarke, T., Riley, E., Choi, C. 2003. Ground-based remote sensing of water and nitrogen stress. Transactions of the ASAE. Vol. 46(1): 29-38.
Marek, T. 2002. The 2002 Drought? 2002 North Plains Research Field Ag Day. TAES-AREC 02-33. 11-12 pp.
Marek, T. 2002. The Texas A&M Statewide EvapoTranspiration Network. 2002 North Plains Research Field Ag Day. TAES-AREC 02-33. p. 13.
Thompson, A.L., J.C. Henggeler, D.L Bockhold, and K.A. Sudduth. 2002. Comparison of Eight Irrigation Scheduling Tools on Soybean and Cotton. International Water and Irrigation. 22:3:24-30.