WERA_OLD202: Climatic Data Applications in Irrigation Scheduling and Water Conservation
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 10/04/2004
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 11/03/2001
- 11/03/2001
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2001 - 12/01/2002
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2001 - 12/01/2002
Joe Henggeler, University of MissouriNeal Israelsen, Campbell Scientific
Bart Nef, Campbell Scientific
Rick Allen, University of Idaho
Tom Spofford, USDA-NRCS
Allen Powers, US Bureau of Reclamation (sitting in for Peter Palmer)
Ed Martin, University of Arizona
Dale Heermann, USDA/ARS
Terry Howell, USDA/ARS
Tod Trooien, South Dakota State University
Steve Evett, USDA/ARS
Tim Jacobson, Center for Irrigation Technology
Brief Summary of Minutes
Due to personal circumstances, Ted Sammis (Chair), was unable to organize the meeting that was originally scheduled around spring 2001. Ted asked Joe Henggeler to fill in and get this meeting rescheduled in San Antonio.The meeting was opened at 7:00 PM on Saturday, Novebmer 3, 2001. Materials passed out were today's agenda, Appendix H, minutes from the last meeting, committee member list, original WCC petition drafted after 1st meeting, reports (MO, US Bureau).
Ed Martin reported on Objective 1 (dissemination methods).
Tom Spofford reported on Objective 2 (identifying existing methods). Ted Sammis had been putting more URLs on his website. High Plains used a FAX method that was reported as working well. Discussions to clarify objectives took place. Two or three versions of the objectives existed (the original petition document, the submitted petition document and the agenda notes). Objective 1 was meant to deal with the medium or general methodology used to evaluate various methods in terms of rate of adoption (e.g., FAXing information, websites, computer programs internal to a user's computer, charts, radio PSAs, etc.). Objective 2 was to locate specific methods/tools being currently employed (e.g. the USDA/ARS and TAEX's High Plains FAX service, the AZSCHED program, US Bureau program, WATERRIGHT (with SIMIS), etc.) There were discussions to combine the two objectives.
Further discussions on the objectives were tabled and will be discussed at the next meeting to get a concensus.
The group discussed Objective 3. Tom Spofford reported that he, Terry Howell and Rick Allen had been in touch with the Irrigation Association in regard to the standard ET method. Neil Israelsen said that Campbell Scientific had FAO-59 coding that could be used to directly calculate ETo and be output in the .dat files. Some of the bigger weather station users like Rainbird and Toro had their own methods of calculating ETo. Objective 3 was something the group was going to keep abreast of, and support when adopted. The group was not going to actively evaluate ET methods being used and how they predicted water use of crops.
Ed Martin was nominated as secretary and asked to organize another meeting sometime in March 2002 in the Reno, NV area.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Individual state reports from MO and the US Bureau of Reclamation were on hand, but not discussed due to time constraints.
Objective 1<br /> - Presentation of dissemination methods<br /> ~ Develop an interactive Internet site to construct Woodruff irrigation charts<br /> ~ Disseminate PC-generated Woodruff charts to growers<br /> ~ The USBR is working with CSU Fresno Center for Irrigation Technology on "Wateright: An Educational and Irrigation Scheduling Resource for Water Managers" (http://www.wateright.org). This website (under development) allows the user to input specific information about their crops and irrigation systems while tying into AgriMet or CIMIS for crop ET information.<br /> <br /> Objective 2<br /> - Review of medium or general methodology and identification of currently used methods and tools<br /> ~ Conduct research on cotton and soybean using 8 scheduling methods (computer program [Arkansas Scheduler], Woodruff charts, infra-red temperature, gypsum blocks,tensiometers, tub evaporation, visual symptoms and graphical shape of soil moisture data. A dryland check was also included.<br /> ~ Conducted research on corn using Arkansas Scheduler, Woodruff charts and "traditional" method with a dryland check.<br /> ~ Survey irrigators regarding irrigation scheduling data: 18% of respondents are using scheduling methods and 14-bushel per acre yield increase for corn irrigators using Woodruff method over those irrigators that did not.<br /> ~ Conduct research on watering post-flowering soybeans with ideal amount, drought amount, or excessive amount of irrigation.<br /> <br /> Objective 3<br /> - Contacts with Irrigation Association on Standard ET methods<br /> - FAO-59 coding used to directly calculate ET<br /> - Review of ET calculations by weather stations<br /> <br /> Objective 4<br /> - Conducted research on corn (3 Relative Maturities) with 3 planting dates, soybean (row-planted and drilled)with 3 planting dates, and cotton (row-planted and drilled) with 3 planting dates to develop crop coefficients for ETo.<br /> - AgriMet, with the assistance of USDA ARS, implemented a new crop curve in 2001 for grass hay. AgriMet crop curves are available on the internet at http://mac1.pn.usbr.gov/agrimet/cropcurves/About_Crop_Curves.html.<br /> <br />Publications
NoneImpact Statements
- The committee reviewed currently used methods for ET calculations and scheduling methods and conducted research on verifications. Effectiveness of alternate medium of dissemination in terms of ease of adoption are also being demonstrated.
Date of Annual Report: 08/30/2002
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 05/29/2002
- 05/30/2002
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2002 - 12/01/2002
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2002 - 12/01/2002
Alam, Mahbub (malam@ksu.edu) - Kansas State University; Gay, Lloyd (lgay@ag.arizona.edu - University of Arizona; Heneggeler, Joe (HenggelerJ@missouri.edu) - University of Missouri; Howell, Terry (tahowell@ag.gov) - USDA ARS; Jacobs, Jim (aes@uwyo.edu) - University of Wyoming; Martin, Ed (edmartin@ag.arizona.edu) - University of Arizona; Palmer, Peter (ppalmer@pn.usbr.gov) - Bureau of Reclamation; Sammis, Ted (tsammis@nmsu.edu)- New Mexico State University; Spofford, Tom (tspofford@wcc.nrcs.usda.gov) - USDA NRCSBrief Summary of Minutes
Some of members are not on the current list, Jim Jacobs will straighten this out. Joe Henggeler will send Jim the updated list. The announcement e-mail list is still very big; it needs to be parsed down. Joe Henggeler will do this.The procedure to get on the WCC-202 list is to complete the Appendix E electronically through the National Information Management and Support System (NIMSS) at http://www.lgu.umd.edu/menu.cfm . Check with personnel at your Ag Experiment Station office for procedures and authorization. If you are a researcher, you will be familiar with the lingo. If you‘re not a researcher, Jim Jacobs‘s secretary Kathleen (KathBert@uwyo.edu) will help with the CRIS codes. A copy will automatically be e-mailed to Jim via NIMSS. Congratulations, now you are a member of WCC-202!
Ted Sammis will continue to use the NMSU website for the WCC-202 tools and activities
Objective 1 (Coordinate the development of delivery methods for the dissemination of climate based irrigation scheduling). Establish a committee to evaluate what is the best scheduling dissemination method to use.
A questionnaire should be developed and go to farmers and consultants and other users. The questionnaire should be brief, be kept to one page or even a 3X5 card. Jim Jacobs will ask Tom Marek to be on this committee. Committee will include: Ted Sammis, Tom Spofford, Mahbub Alam, and Tom Marek. Can we get info from the USDA Ag Statistics 5-year irrigation survey? Ed Martin will interact with the USDA in this regard. Ed Martin will ask Four-Corners group what sort of tools do they want to view to help learn. Did the Las Cruces meeting on irrigation scheduling post the talks on the web? Ted Sammis will check to see if the talks are on line.
Objective 2 (Coordinate the identification of existing climate-based irrigation scheduling methods or tools). All members of the committee are asked to provide information regarding their states method of calculating ET. Data needed are (1) methodology used and (2) graphical comparison of the results (using actual daily weather from their state) to the standardized Penman-Monteith method. The comparison should include pan data, if available. The pan comparison is in deference to those regions still using pan data.
Objective 3 (Coordinate the acceptance of standardized reference evapotranspiration equation). Ed Martin will head up a fact sheet dealing with ET methods, water use & crop coefficients.
Jim Jacobs will disseminate a task list to all members.
Objective 4 (Coordinate the identification and documentation of crop coefficients used in irrigation scheduling and the method by which coefficients are moved forward in time [accumulated heat units, % crop cover, time, etc.]). Ed Martin will contact California counterparts to help them get involved. Joe Henggeler will investigate use of Doppler rainfall as a method of scheduling. Ted Sammis will talk to WCC-102 about Doppler, send out a spreadsheet for each of us to do KC re-calculations, and contact Dan Smeal.
Peter Palmer was elected secretary of the WCC-202. The 2003 WCC-202 meeting be held in the Kansas City, Missouri area with target dates of May 13 and 14, 2003 (Tuesday and Wednesday).
Ted Sammis & Joe Henggeler, in post-meeting discussion: we need to initiate a 4-H Irrigation Scheduling Project. Joe Henggeler will look into this.