NCCC97: Regulation of Adipose Tissue Accretion in Meat-Producing Animals (NCR97)
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
2005 Publications (see attachment below for 2004 publications):
Behlke, K., E. Behlke, P. Robinson, J. Takacs, R. Dumitru, S. Ragsdale, P. Newsome, and J. Miner. 2005. Inhibition of methanogenesis in free living vs. protozoa-associated ruminal methanogens. J. Anim. Sci. (Midwest Section).
Bergen, W.G., Mersmann, H.J. 2005. Comparative aspects of lipid metabolism: impact on contemporary research and use of animal models. J. Nutr. 135: 2499-2502.
Bohan, M.M., G. Janda, L. Anderson, A. Trenkle, and D. Beitz. 2005. Effect of dietary macronutrients on appetite-related hormones in blood on body composition of lean and obese rats. FASEB J. 19:A76.
Brewer, M. S., Peterson, W. J., Carr, T., Mccusker, R., and Novakofski, J. 2005. Thermal gelation properties of myofibrillar protein and gelatin combinations. J. Muscle Foods. 16(2):126-140.
Burrin, D.G. and H.J. Mersmann (Eds.). Biology of Metabolism in Growing Animals. Elsevier 2005.
Carey, G.B. 2005. Integrative metabolism: an interactive learning tool for biochemistry, physiology, and nutrition. FASEB J. 19:A222.
Carnagey, K.M., S.M. Lonergan, E.J. Huff-Lonergan, R.L. Horst, A.H. Trenkle, and D.C. Beitz. 2005. Effect of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and dietary calcium on calpastatin activity in beef muscles. FASEB J. 19:A991.
Carnagey, K.M., A.E. Wertz, T.J. Knight, R.L. Horst, E.J. Huff-Lonergan, A.H. Trenkle, and D.C. Beitz. 2005. Effects of orally administered 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and vitamin E on calcium and vitamin D metabolites in plasma and on vitamin D metabolites in beef longissimus dorsi muscle. Abstr. 100 of Midwestern Section ADSA and Midwest Branch ADSA 2005 meeting.
Corl, B.A., J.M. Rhoads, R.J. Harrell, A.T. Blikslager, O.T. Phillips, L.A. Gatlin, X.M. Niu and J. Odle. 2005. Rotaviral enteritis stimulates ribosomal p70 s6 kinase and increases intestinal protein synthesis in neonatal pigs. FASEB J.
Cota, D.E., B.A. Corl and J. Odle. 2005. Isolation of feline stromal-vascular cells and differentiation into adipocytes. Undergraduate Research Symposium. NCSU. Aug. 5.
Dodson, M.V., M.E. Fernyhough, J.L. Vierck, and G.J. Hausman. 2005. Adipocytes may not be a terminally differentiated cell type: Implications for animal production. Animal Science 80(3):239-240.
Ebert, A.R., A.S. Berman, R.J. Harrell, A.M. Kessler, S.G. Cornelius and J. Odle. 2005. Vegetable proteins enhance growth of milk fed piglets, despite lower apparent ileal digestibility. J. Nutr. 135:2137-2143.
Ele, J., S. Meers, M. Azain, and R. Dove. 2005. Evaluation of canola meal as an alternative plant protein source in nursery pig diets. J. Anim. Sci. 88 (Suppl 1): 334.
Fernyhough, M.E., D.I. Helterline, J.L. Vierck, G.J. Hausman, R.A. Hill, and M.V. Dodson. 2005. Dedifferentiation of mature adipocytes to form adipofibroblasts: More than a possibility. Adipocytes 1:17-24.
Fernyhough, M.E., J.L. Vierck, G.J. Hausman, P.S. Mir, E.K. Okine and M.V. Dodson. 2005. Primary adipocyte culture: Adipocyte purification methods may lead to a new understanding of adipose tissue growth and development. Cytotechnology 46:163-172
Fernyhough, M., L. Bucci, G. Hausman, J. Antonio, J. Vierck,and M.V. Dodson. 2005. Gaining a Solid Grip on Adipogenesis. Tissue and Cell 37(4):335-338.
Gatlin, L.A., M.T. See and J. Odle. 2005. Effects of chemical hydrogenation of supplemental fat on relative apparent lipid digestibility in finishing swine.
J. Anim. Sci. 83:1890-1898.
Hadenfeldt, T.J., K.M. Hargrave, and J. L. Miner. 2005. The interaction of dietary CLA and fat source on triglyceride turnover in adipose tissue of mice. J. Anim. Sci. (Midwest Section).
Hargrave, K. M., M.J. Azain, M.G. Obukowicz, and J.L. Miner. 2005. Effect of conjugated linoleic acid and/or a specific delta6-desaturase inhibitor on body composition of mice. J. Anim. Sci. (Midwest Section).
Hargrave, K.M., T.J. Hadenfeldt, M.J. Azain, and J.L. Miner, 2005. Coconut oil and fat free diets enhance conjugated linoleic acid-induced lipolysis and body fat loss in mice. FASEB J. 19:A447.
Hart, H.A., M. J. Azain, G. J. Hausman, D. E. Reeves, and C. R. Barb. 2005. Failure of short term feed restriction to effect leptin secretion and subcutaneous adipose tissue expression of leptin or long form leptin receptor (Ob-r) in the prepuberal gilt. J. Anim Sci. 88 Suppl 1: 167.
House, R.L., J.P. Cassady, E.J. Eisen, T.E. Eling, J.B. Collins, S.F. Grissom and J. Odle. 2005. Functional genomic characterization of the delipidative effects of trans 10, cis12 conjugated linoleic acid (t10c12 CLA) in a polygenic obese line of mice. Physiol. Genomics. 21:351-361.
House, R.L, J.P. Cassady, E.J. Eisen, M.K. McIntosh, and J. Odle. 2005. Conjugated linoleic acid evokes delipidation through the regulation of genes controlling lipid metabolism in adipose and liver tissue. Obesity Reviews. 6:247-258.
Kinkel, A.D., M.E. Fernyhough, D.L. Helterline, J.L. Vierck, K.S. Oberg, T.J. Vance, G.J. Hausman, R.A. Hill and M.V. Dodson. 2005. Oil red-O stains non-adipogenic cells: A precautionary note. Cytotechnology 46(1):49-56.
Kokta, T.A., A.L. Strat, M.R. Papassani, J.I. Szasz, M.V. Dodson, and R.A. Hill. 2005. Regulation of lipid accumulation in 3T3-L1 cells: Effects of oleic and linoleic acids and insulin. The Endocrine Societys 87th Annual Meeting.
Lin, X., R.L. House and J. Odle. 2005.Ontogeny and kinetics of carnitine palmitoyltransferase in liver and skeletal muscle of the domestic felid (Felis domestica). J. Nutr. Biochem. 16:331-338.
Lin, X., P. Lyvers-Peffer, J. Woodworth and J. Odle. 2005. Ontogeny of carnitine biosynthesis in pigs, inferred from gamma-butyrobetaine hydroxylase activity. FASEB J.
Lin, X., M.T. See, K.N. Wentz, J. Odle, B.A. Belstra, T.A. Armstrong, P.D. Matzat, P.J. Pincker, F.K. McKeith, M. Culbertson, W. Herring, and J. Hansen. 2005. The effect of ractopamine feeding level on fatty acid profiles in belly and clearplate fat of finishing pigs. Midwest Animal Science, DesMoines, IA.
Meers, S. A., C. R. Dove, and M. J. Azain. 2006. The effect of omega-3 fatty acids on sow and litter performance. J. Animal Science 88 (Suppl. 1): 31.
Mersmann, H.J., 2005. Mechanisms for modification of porcine growth by beta-adrenergic receptor agonists. In; Manipulating Pig Production X, JE Patterson, Ed. Australasian Pig Science Association, Werribee, Victoria, 3030, Australia. pp. 76-89.
Mersmann, H.J. and S.B. Smith. Development of white adipose tissue metabolism. In: Biology of Metabolism in Growing Animals. D.G. Burrin and H.J. Mersmann, Eds. Elsevier, Edinburgh.pp. 275-302. 2005.
Mersmann, H.J. and S.B. Smith. Adipose tissue development. IN: Encyclopedia of Meat Science. W. Jensen, C. Devine and M. Dikemann, Eds. Elsevier, Oxford. Pp.530-538. 2004.
Mersmann, H.J. Body composition: chemical analysis. IN: Encyclopedia of Animal Science. W.G. Pond and A.W. Bell, Eds. Marcel Dekker, New York, NY. pp.159-162. 2005.
Mersmann, H.J. Body composition: genetic influence. IN: Encyclopedia of Animal Science. W.G. Pond and A.W. Bell, Eds. Marcel Dekker, New York, NY. pp. 163-165. 2005.
Mersmann, H.J. Body composition: technical options for change. IN: Encyclopedia of Animal Science. W.G. Pond and A.E. Bell, Eds. Marcel Dekker, New York, NY.pp.177-179. 2005.
Mersmann, H.J. Lipids. IN: Encyclopedia of Animal Science. W.G. Pond and A.E. Bell, Eds. Marcel Dekker, New York, NY. pp. 578-581. 2005.
Mersmann, H.J. Contributions to society: biomedical research models. IN: Encyclopedia of Animal Science. W.G. Pond and A.E. Bell, Eds. Marcel Dekker, New York., NY. pp.239-241. NY 2005.
McNeel, R.L. and H.J. Mersmann. 2005. Low- and high-carbohydrate diets: body composition differences in rats. Obes. Res. 13: 1651-1660.
Moutsiolis, A.A., D.C. Rule, C.M. Murrieta, D.E. Bauman, A.L. Lock, D.M. Barbano, and Carey, G.B. 2005. Conjugated linoleic acid appearance in human breast milk. FASEB J. 19:A436.
Odle, J., P. Lyvers Peffer, X. Lin. 2005. Hepatic fatty acid oxidation and ketogenesis in young pigs. In: Biology of metabolism in growing animals. (Eds D.G. Burrin and H.J. Mersmann) Elsevier Limited, New York. pp. 221-234.
Oliver, W.T., K.J. Touchette, C.S. Whisnant, J.A. Brown, S.A. Mathews, J. Odle, and R.J. Harrell. 2005. Pigs weaned from the sow at 10 days of age respond to dietary energy source of manufactured liquid diets and exogenous porcine somatotropin (pST). J. Anim. Sci. 83:1002-1009.
Peffer, P.A., X. Lin and J. Odle. 2005. Hepatic ß oxidation and carnitine palmitoyltransferase I in neonatal pigs following dietary treatments of clofibric acid, isoproterenol and medium chain triglycerides . Am. J. Physiol. (Regul, Integr. Comp. Physiol.) 288:R1518-R1524.
Rhoads, J.M., X.M. Niu, J. Odle, and L. Graves. 2005. Role of mTOR signaling in intestinal cell migration. J. Pediatr. Gastroent. Nutr. 41:514-515.
Rhoads, J.M., B. Harrell, B. Corl, X.M. Niu, L. Gatlin, O. Phillips, A. Blikslager, and J. Odle. 2005. mTOR signaling is a component of intestinal repair in piglet rotavirus enteritis. J. Pediatr. Gastroent. Nutr. 41:514.
Rhoads, J.M., X.M. Niu, B. Corl, R.J. Harrell, L.A. Gatlin, and J. Odle. 2005. Ribosomal p70s6k coordinately changes with intestinal and muscle protein synthesis rates during viral diarrhea. J. Invest. Med., S205 (meeting of Southern region of Amer. Physiol. Assoc.).
Rincker,P.J., M.T. See, T.A. Armstrong, P.D. Matzat, B.A. Belstra, F.K. McKeith, L. Xi, J. Odle, M. Culbertson, W. Herring, and J. Hansen. 2005. Effects of ractopamine feeding level on carcass cutting yield and loin quality measurements. Midwest Animal Science, DesMoines, IA.
See, M.T., T.A. Armstrong, P.D. Matzat, B.A. Belstra, F.K. McKeith, P.J. Rincker, L. Xi, J. Odle, M. Culbertson, W. Herring, and J. Hansen. 2005. Effect of ractopamine feeding level on growth performance and carcass composition. Midwest Animal Science, DesMoines, IA.
Strouch, M.B., E.K. Jackson, Z. Mi, N.A. Metes, and Carey, G.B. (2005) Extracellular cyclic AMP-adenosine pathway in isolated adipocytes and adipose tissue. Obes. Res. (In press).
Wentz, K., X. Lin, T. See and J. Odle. 2005. Effects of ractopamine on pork fatty acid composition. Undergraduate Research Symposium. NCSU. April 28.
Adams, S.H., C. Lei, C.M. Jodka, S.E. Nikoulina, J.A. Hoyt, B. Gedulin, C.M. Mack, and E.S. Kendall. 2006. PYY[3-36] administration decreases the respiratory quotient and reduces adiposity in diet-induced obese mice. J. Nutrition, 136: 195-201.
Adams, V.L., C.D. Gilbert, H.J. Mersmann, and S.B. Smith. 2005. Conjugated linoleic acid depresses [3H]-thymidine incorporation into stromal-vascular cells of adipose tissue from postweanling pigs. Adipocytes 1:65-72.
Azain, M. J., J. R. Broderson, and R. J. Martin. 2006. Effect of long-term somatotropin treatment on body composition and lifespan in aging obese Zucker rats. Experimental Biology and Medicine. 231: 76-83.
Brewer, M.S., J. Novakofski and K. Freise.2006. Instrumental evaluation of pH effects on ability of pork chops to bloom. Meat Science 72( 4):596-602.
Fernyhough, M.E., J.L. Vierck and M.V. Dodson. 2006. Assessing a non-traditional view of adipogenesis: adipocyte dedifferentiation mountains or molehills? Cells, Tissues, Organs 182(3-4): [accepted 10 April]
Jablonski, E. A., R. D. Jones, and M.J. Azain. 2006. Evaluation of pet food by-product as an alternative feedstuff in weanling pig diets. J. Anim. Sci. 84: 221-228.
Novakofski, J. and M. S. Brewer. 2006. The Paradox of Toughening During The Aging of Tender Steaks, Journal of Food Science. In press.
Schlegel, M.L., Bergen, W.G., Schroeder, A.L., VandeHaar, M.J., Rust, S.R. 2006. Use of bovine somatotropin for increased skeletal and lean tissue growth of Holstein steers. J. Anim. Sci. 84:1176-1187.
Strat, A.L., T.J. Kokta, M.V. Dodson, A. Gertler, Z. Wu and R.A. Hill. 2005. Early signaling interactions between the insulin and leptin pathways in bovine myogenic cells. Biochemica et Biophysica ACTA (Molecular Cell Research) 1744(2):164-175.
Wang, H.C., Y.K. Ko, H.J. Mersmann, C.L. Chen and S.T. Ding. 2006. The expression of genes related to adipocyte differentiation in pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 84:1059-1066.
Averette, Gatlin, L., M.T. See, D.K. Larick and J. Odle. 2006. Descriptive flavor analysis of bacon and pork loin from lean-genotype gilts fed conjugated linoleic acid and supplemental fat. J. Anim. Sci. 84:3381-3386.
Barioni, L. G., J. W. Oltjen, and R. D. Sainz. 2006. Iterative development, evaluation and optimal parameter estimation of a dynamic simulation model: A case study. In: Nutrient Digestion and Utilization in Farm Animals: Modelling Approaches (Kebreab, E., J. Dijkstra, A. Bannink, W. J. J. Gerrits, and J. France, Eds.) pp. 251-256. CAB International, Wallingford, UK.
Barnes, K.M., and J.L. Miner. 2008. Role of resistin in insulin sensitivity in rodents and humans. Curr. Prot. Peptide Sci. (Accepted.
Barnes, K.M., and J.L. Miner. 2008. Role of resistin in insulin sensitivity in rodents and humans. Curr. Prot. Peptide Sci. (Accepted.
Bergen WG. Contributions of research with farm animals to protein metabolism concepts: A historical perspective. 2007. J Nutrition 137: 706-710.
Bergen WG. Measuring in vivo intracellular protein degradation rates in animal systems. 2007. J Animal Sci.doi:10.2527/jas..2007-0430.
Blikslager, A.T., A. Moser, J. Gookin, S. Jones and J. Odle. 2007. Restoration of barrier function in injured intestinal mucosa. Physiol. Rev. 87:545-564
Castro-Bulle, F. C. P., P. V. Paulino, A. C. Sanches, and R. D. Sainz. 2007. Growth, carcass quality, protein and energy metabolism in beef cattle with different growth potentials and residual feed intakes. Journal of Animal Science 85:928-936.
Corl, B.A., R.J. Harrell, H.K. Moon, O. Phillips, E.M. Weaver, J.M. Campbell, J.A. Arthington and J. Odle. 2007. .Effects of animal plasma proteins on intestinal recovery of neonatal pigs infected with rotavirus. J. Nutr. Biochem. 18:778-784.
Cummins KA, SG Solaiman, and WG Bergen. The effect of dietary copper supplementation on fatty acid profile and oxidative stability of adipose depots in Boer X Spanish goats. 2007. J Animal Sci. doi: 10.2527
Deiuliis, J.A., J. Shin, D. Bae, M. J. Azain, R. Barb, and K.Lee. 2008. Developmental, Hormonal, and Nutritional Regulation of Porcine Adipose Triglyceride Lipase (ATGL). Lipids 43:215_25.
Dicklin, M.E., J.L. Robinson, X. Lin and J. Odle. 2006. Ontogeny and chain-length specificity of gastrointestinal lipases affect medium-chain triacylglycerol utilization by newborn pigs. J. Anim Sci. 84:818-825.
Dodson, M.V. 2007. Codger and computers: to "unplug" or not to "unplug?" NACTA Journal 51(2):72.
Dodson, M.V. 2007. In order to recruit animal sciences students into the university, you need to teach them about animal science jobs. NACTA Journal 51(2):72-73.
Dodson, M.V. 2008. A simplistic view of impact factors: From science to teaching. NACTA Journal
Dodson, M.V. 2008. Practical ways to measure teaching success. NACTA Journal
Dodson, M.V. 2008. Alumni associations help teaching efforts on many different levels. NACTA Journal 52(1):66
Dodson, M.V. 2008. Diversity in academia leads to academic progress. NACTA Journal
Dodson, M.V. 2008. Funding for enhanced teaching in agriculture. NACTA Journal 52(1):67
Dodson, M.V. 2008. Relax.....a little, and then move on. NACTA Journal
Dodson, M.V. and A.M. VanDerZanden. 2008. Contributions of science education journals are enhanced by categorizing (journal) impact factors. NACTA Journal
Dodson, M.V. and M.E. Fernyhough. 2008. Mature adipocytes: Are there still novel things that we can learn from them? Tissue and Cell [in press]
Dodson, M.V., A. Kinkel, J.L. Vierck, K. Cain, M. Wick and J. Ottobre. 2008. Undefined cells reside in fish skeletal muscle. Cytotechnology [in press]
Fernyhough, M.E., E. Okine, G. Hausman, J.L. Vierck and M.V. Dodson. 2007. Invited review: PPAR-gamma and GLUT-4 expression as differentiation markers for preadipocyte conversion to become an adipocyte Domestic Animal Endocrinology 33:367-378
Fernyhough, M.E., G.J. Hausman and M.V. Dodson. 2008. Progeny from dedifferentiated adipocytes display protracted adipogenesis. Cells, Tissues, Organs [in press]
Fernyhough, M.E., G.J. Hausman, L.L. Guan, E. Okine, S.S. Moore and M.V. Dodson. 2008. Mature adipocytes may be a source of stem cells for tissue engineering. Biochemical Biophysical Research Communications 368(3):455-457
Garcia, F., R. D. Sainz, J. Agabriel and J. W. Oltjen. 2007. Dynamic integration of biological processes into models: contribution to prediction of cattle growth and body composition. In: Ortigues-Marty, I., N. Miraux, W. Brand-Williams, Eds.) Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition. European Federation of Animal Sciencepublication No. 124, pp. 489-490. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Garcia, F., R. D. Sainz, J. Agabriel, L. G. Barioni, and J. W. Oltjen. 2008. Comparative analysis of two dynamic mechanistic models of beef cattle growth. Animal Feed Science and Technology (in press).
Hargrave, K.M., and J.L. Miner. 2008. Conjugated linoleic acid-induced apoptosis in adipose tissue and 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. Adipocytes.
Hargrave, K.M., and J.L. Miner. 2008. Conjugated linoleic acid-induced apoptosis in adipose tissue and 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. Adipocytes.
Hargrave-Barnes, K.M., M.J. Azain, and J.L. Miner. 2008. Conjugated linoleic acid-induced fat loss dependence on D6-desaturase or cyclooxygenase. Obesity .
Hargrave-Barnes, K.M., M.J. Azain, and J.L. Miner. 2008. Conjugated linoleic acid-induced fat loss dependence on D6-desaturase or cyclooxygenase. Obesity.
Hausman, G. J., Barb, C. R., and Dean, R. G. Patterns of gene expression in pig adipose tissue: transforming growth factors, interferons, interleukins, and apolipoproteins. J. Anim Sci., 85: 2445-2456, 2007.
Hausman, G. J., Poulos, S. P., Pringle, T. D., and Azain, M. J. The influence of thiazolidinediones on adipogenesis in vitro and in vivo: Potential modifiers of intramuscular adipose tissue deposition in meat animals. J. Anim Sci., (In press). 2007.
Hausman, G. J., Barb, C. R., and Dean, R. G. Patterns of gene expression in pig adipose tissue: Insulin-like growth factor system proteins, neuropeptide Y (NPY), NPY receptors, neurotrophic factors and other secreted factors. Domest. Anim Endocrinol.,(In press) 2008.
Hoppe, Andrea A. and Carey, Gale B. (2007) Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) as endocrine disruptors of adipocyte metabolism. Obesity 15:2942-2950.
J. Novakofski and S. Brewer. 2006. The Paradox of Toughening During the Aging of Tender Steaks. Journal of Food Science 71(6): S473 479.
Jones, D. I., F. R. C. Araujo, F. R. B. Ribeiro, M. J. Yokoo, A. C. Sanches, J. W. Oltjen, and R. D. Sainz. 2006. The effects of breed type and growing program on feedlot performance and fat gains in beef steers. Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science 57:201-204.
Kelly A, Mateus Pinilla N, Diffendorfer J, Killefer J, Shelton P, Beissel T, and Novakofski J. 2006. Sequence Variation within the Prion Protein Gene from White tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) of Northern Illinois. Conference for Workers in Animal Diseases.
Kokta, T.A., A.L. Strat, M.R. Papasani, J. Szasz, M.V. Dodson and R.A. Hill. 2008. Regulation of lipid accumulation in 3T3-L1 cells: Insulin-independent and combined effects of fatty acids and insulin. Animal 2(1):92-99
Lin, X., B. Corl and J. Odle. 2007. Idiosyncrasies of piglet lipid metabolism and their relationship to postnatal mortality. In: Paradigms in pig science (Edited by J Wiseman et al.) Nottingham University Press. pp 187-206.
Lkhagvadorj S., Qu L., Cai W., Couture O.P., Wang Y., Barb C.R., Hausman G.J.,Rekaya R., Anderson L.L., Dekkers J.C.M., Nettleton D.S., C.K. Tuggle. 2008. Use of Transcriptional Profiling to Understand Genetic Mechanisms Responding to Fasting in Pigs. Midwest Animal Science Meeting, Des Moines, IA.
Lkhagvadorj S., Qu L., Cai W., Couture O.P., Wang Y., Barb C.R., Hausman G.J., Rekaya R., Anderson L.L., Dekkers J.C.M., Nettleton D.S., C.d Tuggle. 2008. Sterol Regulatory Transcription Factor-1: Key regulator of Fasting Response in the Adipose Tissue in Pigs?. Experimental Biology Meeting, San Diego, CA. Abstract # 8249 (Accepted)
Lyvers-Peffer, P.A., X. Lin, S. Jacobi, L.A. Gatlin, J. Woodworth and J. Odle. 2007. Ontogeny of carnitine palmitoyltransferase I activity, carnitine-Km, and mRNA abundance in pigs throughout growth and development. J. Nutr. 137:898-903.
M. S. Brewer, J. Novakofski and K. Freise. 2006. Instrumental evaluation of pH effects on ability of pork chops to bloom. Meat Science 72( 4):596 602.
Mateus Pinilla, NE, J Novakofski, J Diffendorfer, J Killefer. Genetic Relatedness and Gene flow of White tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in the Chronic Wasting Disease prevalent region of Illinois". Illinois Department of Natural Resources and International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (IAFWA). March 2006.
McPhee, M. J., J. W. Oltjen, J. G. Fadel, D. G. Mayer, and R. D. Sainz. 2007. Parameter Estimation of fat deposition models in beef steers. In Oxley, L. and Kulasiri, D. (eds) MODSIM 2007 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2007, pp. 115-120. ISBN : 978-0-9758400-4-7. http:/www.mssanz.au/modsim07/Papers/DegreeofSite_s44_Basenet_.pdf
McPhee, M. J., J. W. Oltjen, T. R. Famula and R. D. Sainz. 2006. Factors affecting carcass characteristics. California Cattleman 89(9):30-31.
McPhee, M. J., J. W. Oltjen, T. R. Famula, and R. D. Sainz. 2006. Factors affecting carcass characteristics of feedlot steers: a meta-analysis. Journal of Animal Science 84:3143-3154.
Meers, S. A., C. R. Dove, and M. J. Azain. 2007. The effect of omega-3 fatty acids on adipose tissue cellularity in grower/finisher pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 85 (Suppl 1): 437.
Mir, P.S., K. Schwartzhoph-Genswein, E. Okine and M.V. Dodson. 2008. Effect of a short duration feed withdrawal followed by full feeding on marbling fat in beef carcasses. Livestock Science [in press]
Moutsiolis, Athena A., Rule, Daniel C., Murrieta, Charles M., Bauman, Dale E., Lock, Adam L., Barbano, David M., and Carey, Gale. B. (2008) Human breast milk enrichment in conjugated linoleic acid after consumption of a conjugated linoleic acid-rich food product:: a pilot study. Nutrition Research, in press.
Novakofski, J. and M. S. Brewer. 2007. Consumer Sensory Evaluations of Aging Effects on Beef Quality," Journal of Food Science (JFS 2007 0542.R1).
NRC. 1996. Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle. 7th rev. ed. National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
Oltjen, J. W., A. C. Bywater, R. L. Baldwin, and W. N. Garrett. 1986. Development of a dynamic model of beef cattle growth and composition. Journal of Animal Science 62:86-97.
Oltjen, J. W., R. D. Sainz, A. B. Pleasants, T. K. Soboleva, and V. H. Oddy. 2006. Representation of fat and protein gain at low levels of growth and improved prediction of variable maintenance requirement in a ruminant growth and composition model. In: Nutrient Digestion and Utilization in Farm Animals: Modelling Approaches (Kebreab, E., J. Dijkstra, A. Bannink, W. J. J. Gerrits, and J. France, Eds.) pp. 144-169. CAB International, Wallingford, UK.
P.J. Oort, C.H. Warden, T.K. Baumann, T.A. Knotts, and S.H. Adams. Characterization of Tusc5, an adipocyte gene co-expressed in peripheral neurons. Mol. Cell. Endocrinol., 276(1-2):24-35, 2007
P.J. Oort, T.A. Knotts, M. Grino, N. Naour, J-P. Bastard, K. Clément, N. Ninkina, V.L. Buchman, P.A. Permana, X. Luo, G. Pan, T.N. Dunn, and S.H. Adams. ³-Synuclein is an Adipocyte-Neuron Gene Coordinately-Expressed with Leptin and Increased in Human Obesity. in press, J. Nutrition
Paulino, P .V. R., S. C. Valadares Filho, M. L. Chizzotti, E. Detmann, M. A. Fonseca, M. I. Marcondes and R. D. Sainz. 2007. Net partial efficiencies of metabolizable energy utilization for protein and fat gain in Nellore cattle. In: Ortigues-Marty, I., N. Miraux, W. Brand-Williams, Eds.) Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition. European Federation of Animal Sciencepublication No. 124, pp. 601-602. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Ramsay, T.G., and M. J. Azain. 2007. Comparison of Gene Expression in Lean Contemporary and Crossbred Obese Swine. Adipocyte:2:133-142.
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Rhoads, J.M., B. Corl, R. Harrell, X. Niu, L. Gatlin, O. Phillips, A.T. Blikslager, A. Moeser, G. Wu and J. Odle. 2007. Intestinal ribosomal p70s6k signaling is increased in piglet rotavirus enteritis. Am. J. Physiol Gastrointest. Liver Physiol 292:G913-G922.
Rhoads, J.M., X. Niu, J. Odle, and L.M. Graves. 2006. Role of mTOR signaling in intestinal cell migration. Am. J. Physiol Gastrointest. Liver Physiol. 291:G510-G517.
Sainz, R. D., F. C. P. Castro Bulle, P. R. V. Paulino, and J. F. Medrano. 2007. Residual feed intake, energy and protein metabolism in beef steers. In: Ortigues-Marty, I., N. Miraux, W. Brand-Williams, Eds.) Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition. European Federation of Animal Sciencepublication No. 124, pp. 603-604. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Sainz, R. D., L. G. Barioni, P. V. Paulino, S. C. Valadares Filho, and J. W. Oltjen. 2006. Growth patterns of Nellore vs. British beef cattle breeds assessed using a dynamic, mechanistic model of cattle growth and composition. In: Nutrient Digestion and Utilization in Farm Animals: Modelling Approaches (Kebreab, E., J. Dijkstra, A. Bannink, W. J. J. Gerrits, and J. France, Eds.) pp. 160-170. CAB International, Wallingford, UK.
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Smith, K.R., S. K. Duckett, M. J. Azain, R. N. Sonon, Jr., and T. D. Pringle. 2007. The effect of anabolic implants on intramuscular lipid deposition in finished beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 85: 430-440.
Taniguchi, M., L. Guan, J. Basarab, M.V. Dodson and S.S. Moore. 2008. Comparative analysis on gene expression profiles in subcutaneous fat tissues of beef cattle. Biochemical Biophysical Research Communications
Taniguchi, M., L.L. Guan, B. Zhang, M.V. Dodson, E. Okine and S.S. Moore. 2008. Adipogenesis of bovine perimuscular adipocytes. Biochemical Biophysical Research Communications 366:54-59
Taniguchi, M., L.L. Guan, B. Zhang, M.V. Dodson, E. Okine and S.S. Moore. 2008. Gene expression patterns of bovine perimuscular adipocytes during adipogenesis. Biochemical Biophysical Research Communications 366:346-351
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Tsai, T. C., C. R. Dove, M. J. Azain, and M. R. Bedford. 2007. The effect of varied levels of E. Coli phytase on phosphorus balance in weanling pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 85 (Suppl 1.): 156.
Zumbach, B, I. Misztal, S. Tsurata, J. P. Sanchez, M. J. Azain, W. Herring, J. Holl, and T. Long. 2007. Breeding for robust pigs across the year in heat stress affected areas. J. Anim. Sci. 85 (Suppl. 1): 627.
Adams, T.H., R. L. Walzem, D. R. Smith, S. Tseng, and S. B. Smith. 2009. Hamburger high in total, saturated and trans-fatty acids decreases HDL cholesterol and increases plasma triacylglycerols by stimulating apparent hepatic de novo lipogenesis and stearoyl-CoA desaturase activity in mildly hypercholesterolemic men. Br. J. Nutr. (Accepted with revision).
Adams, S.H., C.L. Hoppel, K.H. Lok, L. Zhao, S.W. Wong, P.E. Minkler, D.H. Hwang, J.W. Newman, and W.T Garvey*. Plasma acylcarnitine profiles suggest incomplete long chain fatty acid ²-oxidation and altered tricarboxylic cycle activity in type 2 diabetic African-American women. J. Nutr. 2009 Apr 15. [Epub ahead of print]
Adedokun, Adetayo; Olayiwola Adeola, Michael Sturek, Kolapo Ajuwon. 2009. Obesity Alters Proteoglycan mRNA Abundance in the Subcutaneous Fat Depot of the Ossabaw Miniature Swine. 42nd Midwest Sectional Scientific Sessions. ASAS, 3/16-3/18, 2009, Des Moines, Iowa.
Ajuwon KM, Banz W, Winters TA. Stimulation with Peptidoglycan induces interleukin 6 and TLR2 expression and a concomitant downregulation of expression of adiponectin receptors 1 and 2 in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. J Inflamm (Lond). 2009 Apr 6;6:8.
Ajuwon, K. M., Winters, T.A. Whisenhunt, B, Banz, W. Alpha-linolenic acid exerts anti-inflammatory effect in 3T3-L1 adipocytes through mechanisms that involve activation of AMPK. Presented at the Joint ASAS-ADSA Meeting, Indianapolis July 7-11, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Allen, D. L., and M. Du. (2008). Comparative functional analysis of the cow and mouse myostatin genes reveals novel regulatory elements in their upstream promoter regions. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 150: 432-439.
Banz, W.J., H Bryce James, and Kolapo M Ajuwon. Investigating potential anti-diabetic effects of specific soy isoflavones and metabolites in female obese Zucker rats FASEB J. 2008 22:889.10.
Barb, C. R., G. J. Hausman, and C. A. Lents. 2008. Effects on neuroendocrine regulation of reproduction in the gilt and sow. 30.
Barnes, K.M. and J.L. Miner. 2009. The role of resistin in insulin sensitivity in rodents and humans. Curr. Prot. Pept. Sci. 10:96-107.
Barnes, K.M., J.K. Evenson, A.M. Raines, and R.A. Sunde. 2009. Selenium regulation of the selenoproteome in rats. J. Nutr. 139:199-206.
Basu, U., M. Taniguchi, Y. Zhao, M.V. Dodson and L.L. Guan. (submitted). Application of 'omics' technologies on improvement of meat quality in livestock species. In Nutritional Biochemistry: Genomics, Metabolomics and Food Supply. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Hauppauge, NY. [new for 2009]
Bergen WG, Wu G. Intestinal Nitrogen Recycling and Utilization in Health and Disease. J Nutr. 2009 Mar 12. [Epub ahead of print].
Bergen WG. J Nutr. 2009 Milk-Fat Depression and Lipid Repartitioning in Lactating Dairy Cows. Mar 12. [Epub ahead of print].
Blikslager, A.T., A. Moser, J. Gookin, S. Jones and J. Odle. 2007. Restoration of barrier function in injured intestinal mucosa. Physiol. Rev. 87:545-564
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Broome, A.I., R.J. Harrell, J. Odle, K.E. Sullivan, and J.H. Eisemann. 2008. Determination of the order of limiting amino acids in milk-based liquid diets for pigs from 1.5 to 5.5 kg. American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.
Brown K.R., R.D. Goodband, M.D. Tokach, S. S. Dritz, J.L. Nelssen, J.E. Minton, J.J. Higgins, X. Lin, J. Odle, J.C. Woodworth, and B.J. Johnson. 2008. Effects of feeding L-carnitine to gilts through day 70 of gestation on litter traits and the expression of insulin-like growth factor system components and L-carnitine concentration in foetal tissues. J. Anim. Physiol. Anim. Nutr. 92:660-667.
Burkett, J.L., T.J. Baas, D.C. Beitz, C.R. Schwab, N.L. Berry, and S. Zhang. 2008. Genetic parameter estimates of fatty acid composition and meat quality traits in Duroc pigs selected for intramuscular fat content for six generations. Abst. 116, Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci., Midwest Section, p 37-38.
Burnett, Derris D., Lisa A. Kriese Anderson, Dwight F. Wolfe and Werner G. Bergen
Transcriptomic signature of performance efficiency in finishing beef cattle.
EXPO BIOL 2009 (ASN5104).
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Chae, S. H., J. T. Keeton, R. K. Miller, D. Johnson, J. Maxim, and S. B. Smith. 2009. The triacylglycerol preparation of conjugated linoleic acid reduces lipid oxidation in irradiated, cooked ground beef patties. Meat Sci. 81:647-652.
Chen, J., M. Guridi, M.E. Fernyhough, Z. Jiang, L.L. Guan, E. Okine, G.J. Hausman and M.V. Dodson (resubmitted after revision). Lipid extrusion prior to pig-derived mature adipocyte dedifferentiation. Tissue and Cell [new for 2009]
Chen, J., M. Guridi, M.E. Fernyhough, Z. Jiang, L.L. Guan, G.J. Hausman and M.V. Dodson. (submitted). Clonal mature adipocyte production of proliferative-competent daughter cells requires lipid export prior to cell division. International Journal of Stem Cells [new for 2009]
Corl, B.A., J. Odle, X. Niu, A.J. Moeser, L.A. Gatlin, O.T. Phillips, A.T. Blikslager, and J. M. Rhoads. 2008. Arginine activates intestinal p70S6k and protein synthesis in piglet rotavirus enteritis. J. Nutr. 138: 24-29.
Corl, B.A., R.J. Harrell, H.K. Moon, O. Phillips, E.M. Weaver, J.M. Campbell, J.A. Arthington and J. Odle. 2007. .Effects of animal plasma proteins on intestinal recovery of neonatal pigs infected with rotavirus. J. Nutr. Biochem. 18:778-784.
Corl, B.A., S.A. Mathews Oliver, X. Lin, W.T. Oliver, Y. Ma, R.J. Harrell, and J. Odle 2008. Conjugated linoleic acid reduces body fat accretion and lipogenic gene expression in neonatal pigs fed low- or high-fat formulas. J. Nutr. 138:449-454.
Cummins KA, Solaiman SG, Bergen WG. J The effect of dietary copper supplementation on fatty acid profile and oxidative stability of adipose depots in Boer x Spanish goats. Anim Sci. 2008 Feb;86(2):390-6.
Davidson, S., B.A. Hopkins, J. Odle, C. Brownie, V. Fellner and L.W. Whitlow, 2008. Supplementing limited methionine diets with rumen-protected methionine, betaine, and choline in early lactation holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. 91:1552-1559.
Deiuliis JA, Shin J, Bae D, Azain MJ, Barb R, Lee K. Developmental, Hormonal, and Nutritional Regulation of Porcine adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL). Lipids. 2008 43(3):215-25.
Dodson, M.V. 2008. A simplistic view of impact factors: From science to teaching. NACTA Journal 52(3):52-53 [listed as "in press" on the 2008 report]
Dodson, M.V. 2008. Alumni associations help teaching efforts on many different levels. NACTA Journal 52(1):66 [as on 2008 report]
Dodson, M.V. 2008. Diversity in academia leads to academic progress. NACTA Journal 52(3):54 [listed as "in press" on the 2008 report]
Dodson, M.V. 2008. Funding for enhanced teaching in agriculture. NACTA Journal 52(1):67 [as on 2008 report]
Dodson, M.V. 2008. Practical ways to measure teaching success. NACTA Journal 52(2):62-63 [listed as "in press" on the 2008 report]
Dodson, M.V. 2008. Relax&.a little, and then move on. NACTA Journal 52(2):60-61 [listed as "in press" on the 2008 report]
Dodson, M.V. 2008. Research paper citation record keeping: It is not for wimps. Journal of Animal Science 86:2795-2796 [listed as "submitted on the 2008 report]
Dodson, M.V., A. Kinkel, J.L. Vierck, K. Cain, M. Wick, and J. Ottobre. 2008. Unidentified cells reside in fish skeletal muscle. Cytotechnology 56:171-178 [listed as "in press" on the 2008 report]
Dodson, M.V. and A.M. VanDerZanden. 2008. Contributions of science education journals are enhanced by categorizing (journal) impact factors. NACTA Journal 52(4): [listed as "in press" on the 2008 report]
Dodson, M.V. and M.E. Fernyhough. 2008. Mature adipocytes: Are there still novel things that we can learn from them? Tissue & Cell 40:307-308 [listed as "in press" on the 2008 report]
Dodson, M.V., Z. Jiang, J. Chen, G.J. Hausman, L.L. Guan, J. Novakofski, D. Thompson, C.L. Lorenzen, M.E. Fernyhough and J.M. Reecy. (submitted). Thinking outside the animal: Applying the genetics and cell/molecular biology observations with adipocytes to alter intramuscular fat content and composition. Meat Science [new for 2009]
Du, M., and M. J. Zhu. (2008). Developmental programming of fetal skeletal muscle by maternal nutrition. In Developmental Programming of Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome. Edited by Marlon E. Cerf. Transworld Research Network.
Du, M., and Meijun Zhu. (2009). Fetal programming of skeletal muscle development. In Applied Muscle Biology and Meat Science. Edited by M. Du and R. J. McCormick. CRC press, Boca Raton, FL.
Du, M., and R. J. McCormick. (2009). Applied Muscle Biology and Meat Science. Pp336. CRC press, Boca Raton, FL.
Du, M., Q. W. Shen, K. R. Underwood, J. F. Tong, and M. J. Zhu. (2009). AMP-activated protein kinase in muscle growth, fat deposition and meat quality. In Applied Muscle Biology and Meat Science Edited by M. Du and R. J. McCormick. CRC press, Boca Raton, FL.
Fernyhough, M. E., G. J. Hausman, and M. V. Dodson. 2008. Progeny from dedifferentiated bovine adipocytes display protracted adipogenesis.
Fernyhough, M.E., G.J. Hausman, L.L. Guan, E. Okine, S.S. Moore and M.V. Dodson. 2008. Mature adipocytes may be a source of stem cells for tissue engineering. Biochemical Biophysical Research Communications 368(3):455-457 [same as on 2008 report]
Fernyhough, and W. G. Bergen. 2009. The biology and regulation of preadipocytes and adipocytes in meat animals. 46.
Fernyhough, M.E., G.J. Hausman and M.V. Dodson. 2008. Progeny from dedifferentiated adipocytes display protracted adipogenesis. Cells, Tissues, Organs 188:359-372 [listed as "in press" on the 2008 report]
Forhead, A. J., Q. W Shen, Min Du, and A. L. Fowden. (2008). Cortisol suppresses the anabolic signalling proteins, p-mTOR and p-S6 kinase, in skeletal muscle of fetal sheep near term. The Physiological Society Annual Meetiing, University of Cambridge, UK, July 14-16, 2008.
Forhead, A.J., C. A. Lamb, K. L. Franko, D. M. O'Connor, F. B. P. Wooding, R. L. Cripps, S. Ozanne, D. Blache, Q. W Shen, M. Du, and A. L. Fowden. (2008). Role of leptin in the regulation of growth and carbohydrate metabolism in the ovine fetus during late gestation. Journal of Physiology, 586: 2393-2403.
Han, B. , Junfeng Tong, C. Ma, M. J. Zhu, and M. Du. (2008). Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and leucine stimulate mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling in pig myogenic satellite cells. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 75: 810-817.
Hargrave-Barnes, K.M., M.J. Azain, and J.L. Miner. 2008. Conjugated linoleic acid-induced fat loss dependence on D6-desaturase or cyclooxygenase. Obesity 16:2245-2252.
Hausman GJ, Dodson MV, Ajuwon K, Azain M, Barnes KM, Guan LL, Jiang Z, Poulos SP, Sainz RD, Smith S, Spurlock M, Novakofski J, Fernyhough ME, Bergen WG.Board-invited review: the biology and regulation of preadipocytes and adipocytes in meat animals. J Anim Sci. 2009, 87(4):1218-46.
Hausman, D. B., H. J. Park, and G. J. Hausman. 2008. Isolation and culture of preadipocytes from rodent white adipose tissue. 19.
Hausman, G. J., C. R. Barb, and R. G. Dean. 2008. Insulin-like growth factor system proteins, neuropeptide Y (NPY), NPY receptors, neurotrophic factors and other secreted factors. 34.
Hausman, G. J., M. V. Dodson, K. Ajuwon, M. Azain, K. M. Barnes, L. L. Guan, Z. Jian, S. P. Poulos, R. D. Sainz, S. Smith, M. Spurlock, J. Novaski, M. E. Fernyhough, and H. J. Mersmann. 2008. Board-invited review: The biology and regulation of preadipocytes and adipocytes in meat animals. J. Anim. Sci. 87:1218-1246. doi:10.2527/jas.2008-1427 (e-publication).
Hausman, G. J., M. V. Dodson, K. Ajuwon, M. Azain, K. M. Barnes, L. L. Guan, Z. Jiang, S. P. Poulos, R. D. Sainz, S. Smith, M. Spurlock, J. Novakofski, M. E.
Hausman, G. J., S. P. Poulos, T. D. Pringle, and M. J. Azain. 2008. TI - The influence of thiazolidinediones on adipogenesis in vitro and in vivo: potential modifiers of intramuscular adipose tissue deposition in meat animals. 43.
Hausman, G.J., M.V. Dodson, K. Ajuwon, M. Azain, K.M. Barnes, L.L. Guan, Z. Jiang, S.P. Poulos, R.D. Sainz, S. Smith, M. Spurlock, J. Novakofski, M.E. Fernyhough and W.G. Bergen. 2009. Board Invited Review: The biology and regulation of preadipocytes and adipocytes in meat animals. Journal of Animal Sciences doi: 10.2527 [listed as "in preparation" on the 2008 report]
Hausman, G.L., M.V. Dodson, K. Ajuwon, M. Azain, K.M. Barnes, L.L. Guan, Z. Jiang, S.P. Poulos, R.D. Sainz, S. Smith, M. Spurlock, J. Novakofski, M.E. Fernyhough, and W.G. Bergen. 2009. Board Invited Review: The biology and regulation of preadipocytes and adipocytes in meat animals. J. Anim. Sci. 87:1218-1246.
He, M.L., R. Sharma, P. Mir, E. Okine and M.V. Dodson. (submitted). Feed withdrawl regimens affect retroperitoneal adipocyte number and diameter, thus glucose tolerance in rats. Metabolism--Clinical and Experimental [new for 2009]
Herfel, T., S. Jacobi, X. Lin and J. Odle. 2008. Stabilized rice bran improves weaning pig growth performance when fed in an antibiotic free diet. American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.
Herfel, T.M., S.K. Jacobi, X. Lin, D.C. Walker, Z.E. Jouni, and J. Odle. 2008. Polydextrose enrichment of infant formula elicits prebiotic effects without altering systemic growth and development of suckling piglets. FASEB J.
Hess, H.A., B.A. Corl, X. Lin, S.K. Jacobi, R.J. Harrell, A.T. Blikslager and J. Odle. 2008. Enrichment of intestinal mucosal phospholipids with arachidonic and eicosapentaenoic acids fed to suckling piglets is dose and time dependent. J. Nutr. 138:2164-2171.
Huang, Y., J. P. Schoonmaker, S. L. Oren, A. Trenkle, and D. C. Beitz. 2009. Calcium salts of CLA improve availability of dietary CLA for intestinal absorption in sheep. Accepted for publication in Livestock Prod. Sci.
Hugo, E.R., Brandebourg T.D. and N. Ben-Jonathan. Characterization of LS14 Human Adipocytes. Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Obesity (in press).
Hugo, E.R., Brandebourg, T.D., Woo, J.G., Loftus, J., Alexander, J.W., and N. Ben-Jonathan. Bisphenol A at Environmentally Relevant Doses Inhibits Adiponectin Release from Human Adipose Tissue Explants and Adipocytes. Environ Health Perspect 116: 16421647, 2008.
Ikard, A.E., R.J. Harrell, J. Odle, L.R. Gast, and J.H. Eisemann. 2007. Response to partial replacement of total lysine with synthetic lysine in pigs from 1.5 to 5.5 kg fed liquid diets. American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX. J. Nutr. 138:2356-2362.
Jacobi, S.K., A.J. Moeser, B.A. Corl, K. Ryan, A.T. Blikslager, R.J. Harrell and J. Odle. 2007. Prophylactic enrichment of ileal enterocyte phospholipids with polyunsaturated fatty acids facilitates acute repair following ischemic injury in suckling piglets. Digestive Disease Week. Am. Gastroent. Assn. Washington DC.
Jacobi, S.K., A.J. Moeser, B.A. Corl, K. Ryan, A.T. Blikslager, R.J. Harrell and J. Odle. 2007. Prophylactic enrichment of ileal enterocyte phospholipids with polyunsaturated fatty acids facilitates acute repair following ischemic injury in suckling piglets. Center for Gastrointestinal Biology and Disease. Annual meeting. Chapel Hill, NC.
Jacobi, S.K., A.J. Moeser, B.A. Corl, K. Ryan, A.T. Blikslager, R.J. Harrell and J. Odle. 2008. Prophylactic enrichment of ileal enterocyte phospholipids with polyunsaturated fatty acids facilitates acute repair following ischemic injury in suckling piglets. Exp. Biol., San Diego.
Jobgen, W., C. J. Meininger, S. C. Jobgen, P. Li, M. J. Lee, S. B. Smith, T. E. Spencer, S. K. Fried, and G. Wu. 2009. Dietary L-arginine supplementation reduces white fat gain and enhances skeletal muscle and brown fat masses in diet-induced obese rats. J. Nutr. 139:230-237.
Jobgen, W., W. J. Fu, H. Gao, P. Li, C. J. Meininger, S. B. Smith, T. E. Spencer, and G. Wu. 2009. High fat feeding and dietary L-arginine supplementation differentially regulate gene expression in rat white adipose tissue. Amino Acids 37:187-198. doi:10.1007/s00726-009-0246-7 (e-publication).
Kelly, A., N. Mateus-Pinilla, J. Diffendorfer, E. Jewell, M. Ruiz, J. Killefer, P. Shelton, T. Beissel, and J. and Novakofski. 2008. Prion sequence polymorphisms and chronic wasting disease resistance in illinois white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus). Prion 2:28-28-36.
Kim, Y. H., J. T. Keeton, H. S. Yang, S. B. Smith, J. E. Sawyer, and J. W. Savell. 2009. Colour stability and biochemical characteristics of different bovine muscle when enhanced with L- or D-potassium lactate in high-oxygen modified atmosphere. Meat Sci. 82:234-240.
Kim, Y. H., J. T. Keeton, S. B. Smith, J. E. Maxim, H. S. Yang, and J. W. Savell. 2009. Evaluation of antioxidant capacity and colour stability of calcium lactate enhancement on fresh beef under highly oxidizing conditions. Food Chem. 119:272-278.
Kim, Y. H., J. T. Keeton, S. B. Smith, L. R. Berghman, and J. W. Savell. 2009. Role of lactate dehydrogenase in metmyoglobin reduction and color stability of different bovine muscles. Meat Sci. (In press).
Kimzey, J. M., and M. Du. (2008). Ovis aries AMP-activated protein kinase g3 subunit cDNA complete coding sequence. Genbank accession number: EU477214.
Kimzey, J. M., R. J. McCormick, M. M. Stayton, and M. Du. (2008). Development of AMP-activated protein kinase fluorescence constructs for monitoring pluripotential cell differentiation. Western Section of ASAS Annual Meeting, Laramie, WY, June 24-26, 2008.
Kolapo M Ajuwon, Meliza Cruz, and Kimberly Buhman. 2009. Changes in ECM proteins, decorin and biglycan, during adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 cells and in adipose tissue of mice on a high fat diet FASEB J. 23:1022.12.
Kolapo Matthew Ajuwon, Dru M Franklin, William J Banz, and Todd A Winters.2008.Metabolic Consequences of Diets with Varying Levels of Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids in Zucker Rats FASEB J. 22:1226.1232.
Kokta, T.A., A.L. Strat, M.R. Papasani, J. Szasz, M.V. Dodson and R.A. Hill. 2008. Regulation of lipid accumulation in 3T3-L1 cells: Insulin-independent and combined effects of fatty acids and insulin. Animal 2(1):92-99 [same as on 2008 report]
Lee K, Shin J, Latshaw JD, Suh Y, Serr J. Cloning of adipose triglyceride lipase complementary deoxyribonucleic acid in poultry and expression of adipose triglyceride lipase duri Liu LF, Purushotham A, Wendel AA, Koba K, Deiuliis J, Lee K, Belury MA. Regulation of adipose triglyceride lipase by rosiglitazone. 2009. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2009. 11(2):131-42.
Lee K, Shin J, Latshaw JD, Suh Y, Serr J. Cloning of adipose triglyceride lipase complementary deoxyribonucleic acid in poultry and expression of adipose triglyceride lipase during development of adipose in chickens. 2009. Poult Sci. 88(3):620-30.
Lewis, H.E, O. Phillips, R. Cabrera, R.D. Boyd, J. Usry, J. Odle, and R. J. Harrell. 2007. Lysine requirements of neonatal pigs fed manufactured liquid diets. Midwest Animal Science Meeting, Des Moines, IA.
Li B, Shin J, Lee K. Interferon-Stimulated Gene ISG12b1 Inhibits Adipogenic Differentiation and Mitochondrial Biogenesis in 3T3-L1 Cells. Endocrinology. 2009. J. 150(3):1217-1224.
Lin, X., B. Corl and J. Odle. 2007. Idiosyncrasies of piglet lipid metabolism and their relationship to postnatal mortality. In: Paradigms in pig science (Edited by J Wiseman et al.) Nottingham University Press. pp 187-206.
Lin, X., B. Corl and J. Odle. 2007. Idiosyncrasies of piglet lipid metabolism and their relationship to postnatal mortality. Paradigms in pig science. University of Nottingham, UK.
Lin, X., S. Jacobi and J. Odle. 2008. Transplacental induction of fatty acid oxidation in newborn pigs by clofibrate. FASEB J.
Long, N. M., M. J. Zhu, M. Du, P. W. Nathanielsz, and S. P. Ford. (2009). Effects of maternal obesity and high nutrient intake on fetal adiposity and associated fatty acid and glucose transporter expression. Society for the Study of Reproduction 42nd Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA. July 18-22, 2009.
Lyvers-Peffer, P.A., X. Lin, S. Jacobi, L.A. Gatlin, J. Woodworth and J. Odle. 2007. Ontogeny of carnitine palmitoyltransferase I activity, carnitine-Km, and mRNA abundance in pigs throughout growth and development. J. Nutr. 137:898-903.
Mateo, R.D., J. A. Carroll, Y. Hyun, S. B. Smith and S. W. Kim. 2009. Effect of dietary supplementation of n-3 fatty acids and elevated concentrations of dietary protein on performance of sows. J. Anim. Sci. 87:948-949.
Mir, P.S., K. Schwartzhoph-Genswein, E. Okine and M.V. Dodson. 2008. Effect of a short duration feed withdrawal followed by full feeding on marbling fat in beef carcasses. Livestock Science 116:22-29 [listed as "in press" on the 2008 report]
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