NCCC97: Regulation of Adipose Tissue Accretion in Meat-Producing Animals (NCR97)

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

NCCC97: Regulation of Adipose Tissue Accretion in Meat-Producing Animals (NCR97)

Duration: 10/01/2004 to 09/30/2009

Administrative Advisor(s):

NIFA Reps:

Non-Technical Summary

Statement of Issues and Justification

Members of NCR-97 continue to be dedicated to understanding regulation and mechanisms for control of adipose tissue (fat) deposition in animals raised for meat production. Adipose tissue is necessary for survival to supply and store energy and as an endocrine organ. Excess fat is costly to produce and is unwanted by the consumer of lean meat. Growth of animals can be modified to decrease fat production by nutritional, pharmacological and physiological manipulation of intrinsic or extrinsic processes. Members have been major contributors to this area for over 25 years. Today the scope of NCR-97 is national and includes participants from the entire country and from USDA/ARS. Industry representatives are invited to each meeting. Members represent most of those actively researching regulation of fat accretion in meat-producing animals in the USA. This inclusiveness provides total awareness of and supports integration of research. No other multi-state project includes the objectives/goals of those proposed for NCR-97. Thirty years ago, members of NCR-97 were major publishers about carcass composition, adipocyte anabolic and catabolic lipid metabolism, and fatty acid composition. Twenty years ago, members focused on nutritional/pharmacological treatment to change body composition. Ten years ago, mechanisms controlling adipocyte hyperplasia, differentiation, and growth (hypertrophy), and effects of somatotropin and beta-adrenergic agonists were emphasized. Currently, members address problems using cutting edge biology for the 21st century. For example, control of adipocyte differentiation is studied using DNA and immunological technology to probe the chronology of gene expression. Members cloned full or partial sequences for many porcine and bovine genes associated with adipocyte differentiation. The effect of various hormones, growth factors and nutrients on differentiation continues to be of primary interest. A member cloned the porcine beta-adrenegic receptors (BAR); porcine adipocytes have mostly B1AR and not B3AR, as in rodents. The cloned receptors allow research to understand the unique adrenergic biology of the porcine adipocyte. One member studies the role of the negative adenosine receptor in modulating catabolic porcine adipocyte lipid metabolism. Members continue to delve into signal transduction mechanisms for regulation of adipocyte lipid metabolism and growth. The role of fatty acid oxidation in young pigs and the development and function of brown adipose tissue in newborn cattle and sheep are ongoing interests of two members. Seven members study mechanisms for conjugated linoleic acid modification of growth. Members provide expertise and major contributions to the knowledge base for regulation of adipocyte differentiation and growth, and lipid metabolism. Classical measurements of enzyme activities, fatty acid composition, and adipocyte size and number are used, but are supplemented by new technologies such as immunological and nucleic acid methods, cellular signal transduction measurements, and microdialysis (to measure metabolites and blood flow in vivo). Molecular, cellular, tissue, organ, or whole animal designs are used as mandated by the question posed. The group has a very strong publication record to disseminate results to scientists of the world. Over the last 4+ years, there are >160 journal articles, >150 abstracts, 11 book chapters, 2 books, and many technical reports. There are 9 joint publications by members representing 4 joint projects. A symposium, "Alternative Aspects of Adipocyte Function" was organized and presented by members of NCR-97 at ASAS-2003. Members have hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants each year from USDA/NRI, commodity groups, industry, and state funds. They serve on multiple journal editorial boards (J. Anim. Sci., J. Nutr., Dom. Anim. Endocrin., Exp. Biol. Med.), serve as Editor and section editors for J. Anim. Sci., review multiple grants, present numerous seminars and symposium talks, and organize and chair meeting sessions and symposia. With the explosion of obesity in humans from developed countries, research results from members impact the biology of adipose tissue growth; some results can be extrapolated to humans or can be used as background for using the pig or other species as biomedical models.


  1. Share and critique new techniques, experimental designs, and recent unpublished data regarding adipocyte biology through the interactive process at the annual Project Committee meetings to improve experimental designs and to develop mutual interests toward joint research projects to include application to human obesity, as well as appropriate in vitro models for use in clinical applications of tissue regeneration/reconstruction
  2. Plan a symposium presented by members of the Project Committee that focuses on our studies pertaining to the following areas of current relevance to adipose tissue biology (see attachment for more details)
  3. The Project Committee has published two volumes of Biology of Fat in Meat Animals, first in 1976 and again in 1995. The Project Committee plans to compile in text form an appendix of methods of specific relevance to adipose tissue biology to encompass morphology, chemistry, biochemistry, and molecular biology of this tissue.
  4. Members of the Project Committee plan to develop research proposal(s) for coordinated study of one or more of the areas of relevance listed above in Objective 2. The annual interaction of all members, as well as more frequent interaction of select members will enhance the opportunities for extramural funding shared between our institutions to further research and discovery in the biology of adipose tissue in meat animals and humans.
  5. Develop continued coordination of the Project Committee through planning based on outcomes of the current renewal tenure.

Procedures and Activities

Expected Outcomes and Impacts

  • Exchange of ideas, information, techniques, experimental design, and data. The open and extensive exchange of information and ideas at the annual meeting provides helpful suggestions to investigators about design of experiments and new approaches not previously considered. Input from mutiple persons with expertise about experiments and data interpretation heightens the level of the science.
  • Initiate new and relevant individual and collaborative research projects. Although much of the experimentation by members precludes exchange of materials because of sample fragility, co-operative projects arise from the intense research discussions between members at the annual meeting. Current and planned co-operative projects are between Azain and Miner studying CLA effects in mice, Rule and Carey studying CLA in milk, and Azain and Hausman studying CLA in cells from rats & pigs.
  • Publication of original research and review articles pertaining to adipocyte biology and lipid metabolism, including joint publications with other members. Members continue to be at the forefront of modern approaches to the biology of growth of the adipocyte, with emphasis on domestic species.
  • Authoritative presentation of concepts of adipocyte biology and lipid metabolism at lectures, symposia, conferences, etc. The publication record of NCR-97 has been superlative over the last thirty years. As the original members retired, they were replaced by equally prolific scientists. The publication of journal articles, symposium proceedings, reviews, book chapters, and books about adipocyte growth by members is expected to continue at the same pace in the future.
  • Organize and present a symposium on new concepts in adipocyte biology and lipid metabolism (about 2007).
  • Continue to provide expertise and national leadership for research in modern concepts of adipocyte biology and animal growth.
  • Prepare an adipocyte/lipid metabolism methods booklet for use by members, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows, including those not asociated with NCR-97. There is a need because many new approaches are being used by various members; journal publications do not provide the detail necessary to execute most procedures. The last methods booklet in about 1992.
  • Prepare a catalogue of research materials available for sharing among members. With the abundance of genes/proteins being studied by members, a catalogue (kept current) will provide a reference source for available and tested gene probes, proteins and antibodies. This will greatly reduce duplication of effort and aborted efforts to save time and enhance research progress.
  • Prepare a syllabus for an adipocyte biology course. An extensive outline plus figures, tables, charts, flow diagrams, micrographs, drawings, etc. contributed by multiple members will provide a valuable resource for all members to use in teaching and lecturing about adipocyte biology. Individual members have unique materials resulting from their own research and teaching.
  • A website for NCR-97 will be thoroughly investigated and discussed. If the cost can be met, this site will provide a list of the membership, a synopsis of individual expertise, a summary of the annual meeting, a listing of relevant new books and reviews, selected special data, etc.

Projected Participation

View Appendix E: Participation

Educational Plan

The annual meeting is attended by graduate students and postdoctoral fellows associated with members. These young scientists are encouraged to actively participate and to present results to the group. A representative from industry is invited to perticipate/present at the meeting allowing members to make contacts and discuss funding opportunities. New members are solicited, as current members become aware of persons doing research on adipose tissue growth. The results from the research of members is disseminated in a multiplicity of reviewed journal articles coupled with numerous published symposia proceedings and book chapters.


The Governance for NCR-97 includes the election of a Chair, a Chair-elect, and a Secretary. All officers are elected for one year. The Chair-elect arranges the meeting for the next year. Continuity is provided by the stable membership and excellent attendance. Administrative guidance is provided by an assigned Administrative Advisor and a CSREES Representative.

Literature Cited

Journal Articles - NCR-97 (1999 to July 2003) Zijlstra, R.T., B.A. McCracken, J. Odle, S.M. Donovan, H.B. Gelberg, B.W. Petschow, F.A. Zuckerman and H.R. Gaskins. 1999. Malnutrition modifies pig small intestinal inflammatory responses to rotavirus. J. Nutr. 129: 838-843. Heo, K.N., J. Odle, W. Oliver, J.H. Kim, I.K. Han and E. Jones. 1999. Effects of milk replacer and ambient temperature on growth performance of 14-day-old early-weaned pigs. Asain-Austr. J. Anim. Sci. 12:12:980-913. Cho, W.T., J.H. Kim, I.K. Han, Y.K. Han, K.N. Heo and J. Odle. 1999. Effects of L-carnitine with different lysine levels on growth and nutrient digestibility in pigs weaned at 21 days of age. Asain-Austr. J. Anim. Sci. 12:799-805. Averette, L.A., J. Odle, M.H.. Monaco and S.M. Donovan. 1999. Dietary fat during pregnancy and lactation increases milk fat and insulin-like growth factor I concentrations and increases neonatal growth rates in swine. J. Nutr. 129:2123-2129. Heo, K., J. Odle, I.K. Han, W. Cho, S. Seo, E. VanHeugten, D.H. Pilkington. 2000. Dietary L-carnitine improves nitrogen utilization in growing pigs fed low energy, fat-containing diets. J. Nutr. 130:1809-1814. Engle, T.E., J.W. Spears, T.A. Armstrong, C.L. Wright, and J. Odle . 2000. Effects of dietary copper source and concentration on carcass characteristics and lipid and cholesterol metabolism in growing and finishing steers. J. Anim. Sci. 78:1053-1059. Cho, W.T., I.K. Han, B.J. Chae, Y.K. Han, J.K. Ha and J. Odle. 2000. Effects of chromium picolinate, L-carnitine and thyroxine on the performance, nutrient digestibility and nitrogen balance in pigs weaned at 21 days of age. J. Anim. Feed Sci. 9: 633-645. Engle, T.E., J. W. Spears, V. Fellner and J. Odle. 2000. Effects of soybean oil and dietary copper on ruminal and tissue lipid metabolism in finishing steers. J. Anim. Sci. 78:2713-2721. Heo, K.N., J. Odle and I.K. Han. 2000. Effects of dietary L- carnitine and protein level on plasma carnitine, energy and carnitine balance, and carnitine biosynthesis of 20 kg pigs. Asain-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 13: 1568-1575. Heo, K., X. Lin, J. Odle and I.K. Han. 2000. Kinetics of carnitine palmitolytransferase-I are altered by dietary variables and suggest a metabolic need for supplemental carnitine in young pigs. J. Nutr. 130:2467-2470. Odle, J., K.N. Heo and X. Lin. 2000. The role of carnitine and betaine in lean growth modulation of swine. Asain-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 13:386-395. Heo, K.N., J. Odle, X. Lin, T.A.T.G. van Kempen and I.K. Han. 2001. Determination of carnitine renal threshold and effect of medium-chain triglycerides on carnitine profiles in newborn pigs. Asain-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 14:237-242. Kim, J.H., K.N. Heo, J. Odle, I.K. Han and R.J. Harrell. 2001. Liquid diets accelerate the growth of early-weaned pigs and the effects are maintained to market weight. J. Anim. Sci. 79:427-434. Yu, X. X., J. Odle and J.K. Drackley. 2001. Differential induction of peroxisomal beta-oxidation enzymes by clofibric acid and aspirin in piglet tissues. Am. J. Physiol Regul. Integr. Comp. Physiol. 281: R1553 -R1561. Oliver, W.T., S.A. Mathews, O. Phillips, E.E. Jones, J. Odle and R.J. Harrell. 2002. Efficacy of partially hydrolyzed corn syrupe solids as a replacement for lactose in manufactured liquid diets for neonatal pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 80:143-153. Averette Gatlin, L., J. Odle, J. Soede and J. A. Hansen. 2002. Dietary medium- or long-chain triglycerides improve body condition of lean-genotype sows and increase suckling pig growth. J. Anim. Sci. 80:38-44. Evans, M., X. Lin, J. Odle and M. McIntosh. 2002. Trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid increases fatty acid oxidation in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. J. Nutr. 132:450-455. Heo, K.N., X. Lin, I.K. Han, and J. Odle. 2002. Medium-chain fatty acids but not L-carnitine accelerate the kinetics of [14C]triacylglycerol utilization by colostrum-deprived newborn pigs. J. Nutr. 132:1989-1994. Averette Gatlin, L.A., M.T. See, J. Hansen, D. Sutton and J. Odle. 2002. The effects of dietary fat sources, levels, and feeding intervals on pork fatty acid composition. J. Anim. Sci. 80:1606-1615. Averette Gatlin, L.A., M.T. See, D.K. Larick, X. Lin, and J. Odle. 2002. Conjugated linoleic acid in combination with supplemental dietary fat alters pork fat quality. J. Nutr. 132: 3105-3112. Mathews, S.A., W.T. Oliver, O.T. Phillips, J. Odle, D.A. Diersen-Schade, and R.J. Harrell. 2002. Comparison of triglycerides and phospholipids as supplemental sources of dietary long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in piglets. J. Nutr. 132: 3081-3089. Averette Gatlin, L.A., M.T. See, J.A. Hansen and J. Odle. 2003. Hydrogenated dietary fat improves pork quality of pigs from two lean genotypes. J. Anim. Sci. (in press). Lin, X. and J. Odle. 2003. Kinetics of carnitine palmitoyltransferase in liver and skeletal muscle of the dog (Canis familiaris) change throughout growth and development. J. Nutr. (in press). Ji, S.Q.*, G.M. Willis, G.R. Frank, S.G. Cornelius, and M.E. Spurlock*. 1999. Soybean isoflavones genistein and genistin inhibit myoblast proliferation, fusion, and myotube protein synthesis. J. Nutr. 129:1291-1297. McCracken, B.A.*, M.E. Spurlock*, M.A. Roos, F.A. Zuckermann, and H.R. Gaskins*. 1999. Weaning anorexia induced local inflammation in the piglet small intestine. J. Nutr. 129:613-619. Spurlock, M.E.*, K.L. Houseknecht*, C.P. Portocarrero, S.G. Cornelius, G.M. Willis, and C.A. Bidwell*. 2000. Regulation of PPARg but not obese gene expression by dietary fat supplementation. J. Nutr. Biochem. 11:260-266. Houseknecht, K.L.*, C.P. Portocarrero, S.Q. Ji, R. Lemenager*, and M.E. Spurlock*. 2000. Growth hormone regulates leptin gene expression in bovine adipose tissue:correlation with adipose IGF-1 expression. J. Endocrinol 164:51-57. Leininger, M.T.*, C.P. Portocarrero, A.P. Schinckel, M.E. Spurlock*, C.A. Bidwell, J.N. Nielsen, and K.L. Houseknecht*. 2000. Physiological response to acute endotoxemia in swine: effect of genotype on energy metabolites and leptin. Dom. Anim. Endo. 18:71-82. Leininger, M.T.*, C.P. Portocarrero, C.A. Bidwell, M.E. Spurlock*, and K.L. Houseknecht*. 2000. Leptin expression is reduced with acute endotoxemia in the pig: correlation with glucose, insulin, and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). J. Interferon Cytokine Res. 20:99-106. Spurlock, M.E.*, S.Q. Ji*, J.L. Kuske*, S.G. Cornelius, G.R. Frank, and G.M. Willis. 2001. Changes in the expression of uncoupling proteins and lipases in porcine adipose tissue and skeletal muscle during feed deprivation. J. Nutr. Biochem. 12:81-87. Miner, J.L.*, K.J. Hahn, M.E. Spurlock*, and N.R. Staten*. 2001. Expression and complement D activity of porcine adipsin. Protein Expression and Purification. 23:14-21. Spurlock, M.E.*, C.A. Bidwell*, K.L. Houseknecht*, J.L. Kuske*, C. Camacho-Rea*, G.R. Frank, and G.M. Willis. 2002. Nutritionally Induced Adipose Hypertrophy in Young Pigs is Transient and Independent of Changes in the Expression of the Obese and Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Genes. J. Nutr. Biochem. 13:112-120 Mills SE, Spurlock ME, Smith DJ. Beta-adrenergic receptor subtypes that mediate ractopamine stimulation of lipolysis. J Anim Sci 2003 Mar;81(3):662-8 Houseknecht, K.L., and M.E. Spurlock. 2003. The regulation of lipid metabolism in peripheral tissues by leptin. Invited Review, Nutrition Reviews International (in press). Ajuwon, K.M.*, J.L. Kuske*, D.B. Anderson, D.L. Hancock, K.L. Houseknecht, O. Adeola, and M.E. Spurlock*. Chronic leptin administration increases serum NEFA in the pig and differentially regulates PPAR expression in adipose tissue. J. Nutr. Biochem. (in press) ARP # 16748. Ajuwon, K.M.*, J.L. Kuske*, D.M. Ragland, L. Adeola*, D.L. Hancock, D.B. Anderson, and M.E. 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Osweiler, L. Knipe, G.W. Beran, and D.C. Beitz. 1999. Effects of Eubacterium coprostanoligenes and Lactobacillus on pH, lipid content, and cholesterol of fermented pork and mutton sausage-type mixes. J. Food Sci. 64:903-908. Lewis, D.S., S. Oren, X. Wang, M.L. Moyer, D.C. Beitz, T.J. Knight, and G.E. Mott. 2000. Developmental changes in cholesterol 7a-and 27-hydroxylases in the piglet. J. Anim. Sci. 78:943-951. Montgomery, J.L., F.C. Parrish, Jr., D.C. Beitz, R.L. Horst, E.J. Huff-Lonergan, and A.H. Trenkle. 2000. The use of vitamin D3 to improve beef tenderness. J. Anim. Sci. 78:2615-2621. Beckerbauer, L.M., R. Thiel-Cooper, D.U. Ahn, J.L. Sell, F.C. Parrish, Jr., and D.C. Beitz. 2001. Influence of two dietary fats on the composition of emu oil and meat. Poult. Sci. 80:187-194. Stewart, J.W., M.L. Kaplan, and D.C. Beitz. 2001. Pork with a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids lowers LDL cholesterol in women. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 74:179-187. Wiegand, B.R., J.C. Sparks, D.C. Beitz, F.C. Parrish, Jr., R.L. Horst, A.H. Trenkle, and R.C. Ewan. 2002. Short-term feeding of vitamin D3 improves color but does not change tenderness of pork-loin chops. J. Anim. Sci. 80:2116-2121. Boylston, T.D. and D.C. Beitz. 2002. Conjugated linoleic acid and fatty acid composition of yogurt produced from milk of cows fed soy oil and conjugated linoleic acid. J. Food Sci. 67:1973-1978. Ametaj, B.N., G. Bobe, Y. Lu, J.W. Young, and D.C. Beitz. 2003. Effect of sample preparation, length of time, and sample size on quantification of total lipids from bovine liver. J. Agr. Food Chem. 51:2105-2110. Bassaganya-Riera, J., R. Hontecilles, and D.C. Beitz. 2002. Colonic anti-inflammatory mechanisms of conjugated linoleic acid. Clin. Nutr. 21:451-459. Chen, X. L., R. G. Dean, and G. J. Hausman. 1999. Expression of leptin mRNA and CCAAT-enhancer binding proteins in response to insulin deprivation during preadipocyte differentiation in primary cultures of porcine stromal-vascular cells. Domest Anim Endocrinol 17:389-401. Kras, K. M., D. B. Hausman, G. J. Hausman, and R. J. Martin. 1999. Adipocyte development is dependent upon stem cell recruitment and proliferation of preadipocytes. Obes Res 7:491-497. Hausman, G. J. 1999. The interaction of hydrocortisone and thyroxine during fetal adipose tissue differentiation: CCAAT enhancing binding protein expression and capillary cytodifferentiation. J Anim Sci 77:2088-2097. Chen, X. L., D. L. Hartzell, R. A. McGraw, G. J. Hausman, and R. G. Dean. 1999. Analysis of a 762-bp proximal leptin promoter to drive and control regulation of transgene expression of growth hormone receptor in mice. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 262:187-192. Qian, H., C. R. Barb, M. M. Compton, G. J. Hausman, M. J. Azain, R. R. Kraeling, and C. A. Baile. 1999. Leptin mRNA expression and serum leptin concentrations as influenced by age, weight, and estradiol in pigs. Domest Anim Endocrinol 16:135-143. Hausman, D. B., G. J. Hausman, and R. J. Martin. 1999. Endocrine regulation of fetal adipose tissue metabolism in the pig: interaction of porcine growth hormone and thyroxine. Obes Res 7:76-82. Tchoukalova, Y. D., D. B. Hausman, R. G. Dean, and G. J. Hausman. 2000. Enhancing effect of troglitazone on porcine adipocyte differentiation in primary culture: a comparison with dexamethasone. Obes Res 8:664-672. Tchoukalova, Y. D., A. Grider, M. F. Mouat, and G. J. Hausman. 2000. Priming with magnesium-deficient media inhibits preadipocyte differentiation via potential upregulation of tumor necrosis factor-alpha. Biol Trace Elem Res 74:11-21. Hausman, G. J., R. L. Richardson, and F. A. Simmen. 2000. Expression of insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGFBPs) before and during the hormone sensitive period of adipose tissue development in the fetal pig. Growth Dev Aging 64:51-67. Chen, X., J. Lin, D. B. Hausman, R. J. Martin, R. G. Dean, and G. J. Hausman. 2000. Alterations in fetal adipose tissue leptin expression correlate with the development of adipose tissue. Biol Neonate 78:41-47. Hausman, G. J. 2000. The influence of dexamethasone and insulin on expression of CCAAT/enhancer binding protein isoforms during preadipocyte differentiation in porcine stromal-vascular cell cultures: evidence for very early expression of C/EBPalpha. J Anim Sci 78:1227-1235. Kim, H. S., D. B. Hausman, M. M. Compton, R. G. Dean, R. J. Martin, G. J. Hausman, D. L. Hartzell, and C. A. Baile. 2000. Induction of apoptosis by all-trans-retinoic acid and C2-ceramide treatment in rat stromal-vascular cultures. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 270:76-80. Kim, H. S., G. J. Hausman, D. B. Hausman, R. J. Martin, and R. G. Dean. 2000. The expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma in pig fetal tissue and primary stromal-vascular cultures. Obes Res 8:83-88. Poulos, S. P., M. Sisk, D. B. Hausman, M. J. Azain, and G. J. Hausman. 2001. Pre- and postnatal dietary conjugated linoleic acid alters adipose development, body weight gain and body composition in sprague-dawley rats. J Nutr 131:2722-2731. Kim, H. S., G. J. Hausman, D. B. Hausman, R. J. Martin, and R. G. Dean. 2001. The expression of cyclin d1 during adipogenesis in pig primary stromal-vascular cultures. Obes Res 9:572-578. Tchoukalova, Y. D., D. B. Hausman, K. Angelova, and G. J. Hausman. 2001. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha binding in porcine primary stromal-vascular cell cultures. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim 37:303-309. Chen, X. L., K. Lee, D. L. Hartzell, R. G. Dean, G. J. Hausman, R. A. McGraw, M. A. Della-Fera, and C. A. Baile. 2001. Adipocyte insensitivity to insulin in growth hormone-transgenic mice. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 283:933-937. Hausman, D. B., DiGirolamo M., Bartness, T.J., G. J. Hausman, and R. J. Martin. 2001. The biology of white adipocyte proliferation. Obesity Reviews 2:239-254. Barb, C. R., G. J. Hausman, and K. L. Houseknecht. 2001. Biology of leptin in the pig. Domest Anim Endocrinol JID - 8505191 21:297-317. Hausman, G. J., L. R. Richardson, and F. A. Simmen. 2002. Secretion of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I and II and IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs) in fetal stromal-vascular (S-V) cell cultures obtained before and after the onset of adipogenesis in vivo. Growth Dev Aging 66:11-26. Azain, M.J., T.R. Kasser, and C. A. Baile. 1999. A method for the determination of glucose synthesis in isolated bovine hepatocytes. J. Nutritional Biochemistry 10:205-209. Azain, M.J., T. Wang, M.G. Hulsey, H. Qian, D. L. Hartzell, and C. A. Baile. 1999. Effects of intracerebroventricularly administered leptin on protein selection in the rat. Physiology and Behavior 66:537-541. Qian, H., C.R. Barb, M.M. Compton, G.J. Hausman, M.J. Azain, R.R. Kraeling, C.A. Baile. 1999. Leptin mRNA expression and serum leptin concentrations as influenced by age, weight, and estradiol in pigs, Domestic Animal Endocrinology 16: 135-143. Courchaine, J.K., R.D. Jones, J. Gasa, and M.J. Azain. 1999. Use of real-time ultrasound in pigs during the early finishing phase to predict carcass composition at slaughter. Professional Animal Scientist, 15:100-105. Lee, K., C. R. Barb, R. R. Kraeling, R. T. Riley, D. L. Hartzell, R. A. McGraw, M. J. Azain, R. G. Dean, and C. A. Baile. 1999. Expression of Beta-Galactosidase and Pig Leptin Gene In Vitro by Recombinant Adenovirus. Animal Biotechnology 10:37-48. Azain, M. J., D. B. Hausman, M.B. Sisk, W.P. Flatt, and D.E. Jewell. 2000. Dietary conjugated linoleic acid reduces rat adipose tissue cell size. J. Nutr.130:1548-1554. Lee, K.C., M. J. Azain, D.B. Hausman, and T.G. Ramsay. 2000. Somatotropin and adipose tissue metabolism: Substrate and Temporal Effects. J. Animal Science 78:1236-1246. Estienne, M. J., A. F. Harper, C.R. Barb, and M. J. Azain. 2000. Concentrations of leptin in serum and milk collected from sows differing in body condition. Domest. Anim. Endo. 19:275-280. 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