W170: Chemistry and Bioavailability of Waste Constituents in Soils
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Meyer, V.F., E.F. Redente, K.A. Barbarick, and R. Brobst. 2001. Biosolids application affect runoff water quality following forest fire. J. Environ. Qual. 30:1528-1532.
Barbarick, K.A. and J.A. Ippolito. 2001. Wheat grain and soil changes following termination of sewage biosolids application. Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin. TB01-1.
Tiffany, M.E., L.R. McDowell, G.A. O‘Connor, H. Nguyen, F.G. Martin, N.S. Wilkinson, and N.A. Katowitz. 2001. Effects of residual and reapplied biosolids on forage and soil concentrations over a grazing season in north Florida.I Macrominerals, crude protein, and in vitro digestibility. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 32:2189-2209.
Tiffany,M.E.,et al. 2001. Effects of residual and reapplied biosolids on forage and soil concentrations over a grazing season in north Florida. II. Microminerals. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 32:2211-2226.
O‘Connor, G.A., T.C. Granato, and R.H. Dowdy. 2001. Bioavailability of biosolids-Mo to corn. J. Environ. Qual. 30:140-146.
Lu, Peng, and G.A. O‘Connor. 2001. Biosolids effects on P retention and release in some sandy FL soils. J. Environ. Qual. 30:1059-1063.
Anjos, J.T., D. Sarkar, and G.A. O‘Connor. 2001. Extractable-P in biosolids and biosolids-amended soils: an incubation study. Revista de Estudos Ambientais (Environ. Studies J.) 2 (2-3):68-76.
O‘Connor, G.A., T.C. Granato, and N.T. Basta. 2001. Bioavailability of biosolids-Mo to soybean grain. J. Environ. Qual. 30:1653-1658.
Sarkar, D. and G.A. O‘Connor. 2001. Using the Pi soil test to estimate available P in biosolids-amended soils. Commun. Soil Sci. Plt. Anal. 32:2049-2063.
Sarkar, D. and G.A. O‘Connor. 2001. Estimating available Mo in a biosolids-amended soil using iron oxide impregnated filter paper. Commun. Soil Sci. Plt. Anal. 32:2033-2048.
O‘Connor, G. A., R.B. Brobst, R.L. Chaney, R.L. Kincaid, L.R. McDowell, G.M. Pierzynski, A. Rubin, and G.G. Van Riper. 2001. A modified risk assessment to establish molybdenum standards for the land applications of biosolids. J. Environ. Qual. 30:1490-1507.
O‘Connor, G.A., T.C. Granato, and N.T. Basta. 2001. Bioavailability of biosolids molybdenum to soybean grain. J. Environ. Qual. 30:1653-1658.
Acosta-Martinez, V. and M.A. Tabatabai. 2001. Arylamidase activity of soils: effect of trace elements and relationships to soil properties and activities of amidohydrolases. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 33:17-23.
O‘Connor, G.A., R.B. Brobst, R.L. Chaney, R.L. Kincaid, L.R. McDowell, G.M. Pierzynski, A. Rubin, and G. G. VanRiper. 2001. Molybdenum standards for the land application of biosolids. J. Environ. Qual. 30: 1490-1507.
Hettiarachchi, G.M., G.M. Pierzynski, and M.D. Ransom. 2001. In-situ stabilization of soil lead using phosphorus. J. Environ. Qual. 30: 1214-1221.
Pearson, M.S., K. Maenpaa, G.M. Pierzynski, and M.J. Lydy. 2000. Effects of soil amendments on the bioavailability of lead, zinc, and cadmium to earthworms. J. Environ. Qual. 29:1611-1617.
Vance, G.F. and G.M. Pierzynski. 2001. Bioavailability and fate of trace elements in long-term residual amended soil studies. P. 3-19. I.K. Iskander and M.B. Kirkham (ed.), Bioavailability, Fluxes and Transfer of Trace Elements in Soils and Soil Components. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Knox, A.S., J. Seaman, G.M. Pierzynski, and D.C. Adriano. 2000. Chemophytostabilization of metals in contaminated soils. p. 811-836. In D.L. Wise et al. (eds). Bioremediation of contaminated soils, Mercel Dekker Inc., NY.
Jacobs, L.W. and A.S. Go. 2001. Michigan State University Nutrient Management (MSUNM) microcomputer program, Windows version. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences and Department of Agricultural Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
Jacobs, L.W. and D.S. McCreary. 2001. Utilizing Biosolids on agricultural land. Exten. Bull. E-2781 Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. 32 p.
Jacobs, L.W. and D.S. McCreary. 2001. Applying Biosolids to land in Michigan. Exten. Bull. E-2780, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 8 p.
O‘Connor, G.A., T.C. Granato, and R.H. Dowdy. 2001. Bioavailability of Biosolids Molybdenum to Corn, Journal of Environmental Quality 30:140-146.
O‘Connor, G.A., T.C. Granato, and N.T. Basta. 2001. Bioavailability of Biosolids Molybdenum to Soybean Grain, Journal of Environmental Quality 30:1653-1658.
Basta, N.T., R. Gradwohl, K.L. Snethen, and J.L. Schroder. 2001. Chemical immobilization of lead, zinc, and cadmium in smelter-contaminated soils using biosolids and rock phosphate. J. Environ. Qual. 30:1222-1230.
Basta, N.T., R.R. Rodriguez, and S.W. Casteel. 2001. Bioavailability and risk of arsenic exposure by the soil ingestion pathway. In W.T. Frankenberger (ed.) Environmental Chemistry of Arsenic. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.
Condor, J.M., R.P. Lanno, and N.T. Basta. 2001. Assessment of metal availability in smelter soil using earthworms and chemical extractions. J. Environ. Qual. 30:1231-1237.
Dayton, E.A. and N.T. Basta. 2001. Characterization of drinking water treatment residuals for use as a soil substitute. Water Environ. Res. 73:52-57.
O‘Connor, G.A., T.C. Granato, and N.T. Basta. 2001. Bioavailability of biosolids-Mo to soybean grain. J. Environ. Qual. 30:1653-1658.
Zhang, H., T.H. Dao, N.T. Basta, E.A. Dayton, and T.C. Daniel. 2001. Remediation techniques for manure nutrient loaded soils. The National Center for Manure and Animal Waste Management, Wash., DC.
Sullivan, D.M. and R.O. Miller. 2001. Compost quality attributes, measurements and variability. p. 95-120. In: P.J. Stofella and B.A. Kahn (eds.). Compost utilization in horticultural cropping systems. CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL.
Bary, A.I., D.M. Sullivan, S.C. Fransen, and C.G. Cogger. 2001. Supercow: a liquid manure applicator for small-plot research. Agron. J. 93:1344-1345.
Cogger, C.G., A.I. Bary, S.C. Fransen, and D.M. Sullivan. 2001. Seven years of biosolids vs. inorganic nitrogen applications to tall fescue. J. Environ. Qual 30:2188-2194.
Zartman, R.E, R.H. Ramsey, and A. Huang. 2001. Variability of total and dissolved elements in Lubbock, Texas playa lakes. J. Soil Water Cons. 56(3):262-265
Bendfeldt,E. S., J. A. Burger, and W. L. Daniels. 2001. Quality of amended mine soils after sixteen years. SSSAJ 65:1736-1744.
Bulluck, L.R. III, M. Brosius, G.K. Evanylo, and J.B. Ristaino. 2002. Organic and synthetic fertilizer amendments influence soil microbial, physical and chemical properties on organic and conventional Farms. Applied Soil Ecology: (In Press).
Pierson, S.T., M.L. Cabrera, G.K. Evanylo, H.A. Kuykendall, C.S. Hoveland, M.A. McCann, and L.T. West. 2001. Phosphorus and ammonium concentrations in surface runoff from grasslands fertilized with broiler litter. J. Environ. Qual.30:1784-1789.
Pierson, S.T., M.L. Cabrera, G.K. Evanylo, P.D. Schroeder, D.E. Radcliffe, H.A. Kuykendall, V.W. Benson, J.R. Williams, C.S. Hoveland, and M.A. McCann. 2001. Phosphorus losses from grasslands fertilized with broiler litter: EPIC simulations. J. Environ. Qual.30:1790-1795.
Stewart, B.R., W.L. Daniels, L.W. Zelazny, and M.L. Jackson. 2001. Evaluation of leachates from coal refuse blended with fly ash at different rates. J. Env. Qual. 30:1382-1391.
Kuo, S. 2001. Factors to consider in managing cover crop residue. PNW sustainable Agriculture 12:5-7.
Kuo, S., B. Huang, and R. Bembenek. 2001. Effects of winter cover crops on soil nitrogen availability, corn yield, and nitrate leaching. The Scientific World Journal 1(S2):22-29.
Vance, G.F. and G.M. Pierzynski. 2001. Chapter 1 "Bioavailability and Fate of Trace Elements in Residual-Amended Soil Studies" In: I.K. Iskandar and M.B. Kirkham (eds.) Trace Elements in Soils: Bioavailability, Flux, and Transfer. CRC Publishers Inc., Boca Raton, FL. pp. 1-17. (Invited).
You, Y., G.F, Vance and H. Zhao. 2001. Selenium adsorption on Mg-Al and Zn-Al Layered Double Hydroxides. Applied Clay Science 20:13-25.
You, Y., H. Zhao and G.F. Vance. 2001. Removal of arsenite from aqueous solutions by anionic clays. Environmental Technology Vol. 22: 11 pp.
Vance, G.F. and K.L. Panter. 2001. Backyard composting: Simple small-scale methods. Agricultural Experiment Station Research Publication B-974R. University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY. 8 pp.
Young, J.A., G.F. Vance, L.C. Munn, B.M. Christensen, and M.S. Schaad. 2001. Identification of potential alternative crops using a geographic information system in the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin B-1109. University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY. 19 pp.
Vance, G.F. 2001. Selenium Chemistry in Agriculture. Infography, Fields of Knowledge, Vershire, Vermont. http://www.infographyu.com/content/195132980679.html
JA Pan, G., A. C. Chang, and A. L. Page. 2002.Modeling transfer and partitioning of potentially toxic pollutants in soil-crop system for human food security. Chinese Jour. Appl. Ecology 13 (7): 854 858. (In Chinese)
BC Chang, A. C., A. L. Page, and Bonjun Koo. 2001. Biogeochemistry of phosphorus, iron, and trace elements in soils as influenced by soil-plant-microbial interaction. Pp. 43 58. In: A. Violante, P. M. Huang, J. M. Bollag, and L. Gianfreda (Eds.), Soil Mineral-Organic Matter Interactions and Ecosystem Health, Ecological Significance of the Interactions Among Clay Minerals, Organic Matter and Soil Biota. Development in Soil Science 28B. Elsevier, Amsterdam. 434pp.
TH Koo, Bonjun. 2001. Assessing Bioavailability of Metals in Biosolids-treated Soils: Root Exudates and Their Effects on Solubility of Metals. Ph.D. Dissertation. Department of Environmental Sciences, University of California, Riverside, CA 261pp.
TH Krage, N. J. 2002. The Role of Fertilizers on Arsenic, Cadmium and Lead Accumulation in California Cropland Soils. M.S. Thesis. Department of Environmental Sciences, University of California, Riverside, CA 120pp.
TB Mantovani, P., T. Asano, A. C. Chang, and D. A. Okun. 2001. Management Practices for Nonpotable Water Reuse. Project 97 IRM 6 Final Report. Water Environment Research Foundation, Alexandria, VA. 230pp.
TB Chang, A. C., D. E. Crowley, and A. L. Page, and M. R. Matsumoto. 2002. Assessing Bioavailability of Metals in Biosolid-treated Soils: Root Exudates and Their Effects on Solubility of Metals. Final Report Submitted to Water Environment Research Foundation, Alexandria, VA. 178pp.
TB Chang, A. C., G. Pan, A. L. Page, and T. Asano. 2002. Developing Human Health-related Chemical Guidelines for Reclaimed Wastewater and Sewage Sludge Applications in Agriculture. Final Report submitted to World Health Organization, Community Water Supply and Sanitation Unit, Division of Environmental Health, Geneva, Switzerland. 105pp.
CO AES Barbarick
AB Green, C.H., K.A. Barbarick, G. Butters, D.M. Heil. 2002. The impact of vegetative filter strips and water treatment residuals on phosphorus runoff. Agron. Abstracts. American Society of Agronomy. Madison, WI.
JA Al-Wabel, M.A., D.M. Heil, D.G. Westfall, and K.A. Barbarick. 2002. Solution chemistry influence on metal mobility in biosolids-amended soils. J. Environ. Qual. 31:1157-1165.
JA Ippolito, J.A., K.A. Barbarick, and E.F. Redente. 2002. Combinations of water treatment residuals and biosolids affect on two range grasses. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 33:831-844.
TR Ippolito, J., K.A. Barbarick, and T. Gourd. 2002. Application of anaerobically digested biosolids to dryland winter wheat. Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Report. TR02-5.
AB Ippolito, J.A., and K.A. Barbarick. 2002. Phosphorus extraction methods from water treatment residual-amended soil. Agron. Abstracts., American Society of Agronomy. Madison, WI.
FL AES OConnor
JA Elliott, H.A., G.A. OConnor, and S.R. Brinton. 202. Phosphorus leaching from biosolids-amended sandy soils. J. Environ. Qual. 31:681-689.
JA Elliott, H.A., G.A. OConnor, P. Lu, and S.R. Brinton. 2002. Influence of water treatment residuals on phosphorus solubility and leaching. J. Environ. Qual. 31: 1362-1369.
JA Tiffany, M.E., L.R. McDowell, G.A. OConnor, F.G. Martin, N.S. Wilkinson, S.S. Percival, and P.A. Rabiansky. 2002. Effects of residual and reapplied biosolids on performance and mineral status of grazing beef steers. J. Anim. Sci. 80:260-269.
PR OConnor, G.A., H.A. Elliott, and P. Lu. 2002. Characterizing water treatment residuals phosphorus retention. Soil Crop Sci. Proc. 61:67-73.
PR Brandt, R.C., H.A. Elliott, and G.A. OConnor. 2002. Comparative evaluation of water extractable P in biosolids and animal manures. WEF Biosolids Conf. Proc. (CD). 16th Annual Residuals and Biosolids Management Conf., 3-6 March 2002, Austin, TX.
PR OConnor, G.A. and H.A. Elliott. 2002. Co-application of biosolids and water treatment residuals. Trans. World Congress Soil Sci. (CD). 14-21 Aug 2002, Bangkok, Thailand.
AB Makris, K.C., G.A. OConnor, W.G. Harris, and T.A. Obreza. 2002. Thermally-induced physicochemical changes in iron and aluminum gels. SSSA Abstracts. 2002. pp244.
AB Makris, K.C., G.A. OConnor, W.G. Harris, and T.A. Obreza. 2002. Phosphorus sorption by water treatment residuals: kinetics and mechanisms. SSSA Abstracts. 2002. pp385.
TH Lane, C.T. 2002. Water treatment residuals effects on phosphorus in soils amended with dairy manure. MS Thesis. Univ. FL, Gainesville, FL.
University of Hawaii - Hue
JA Hue, N. V., S. Campbell, Q. X. Li, C. R. Lee, and J. Fong. 2002. Reducing salinity and organic contaminants in the Pearl Harbor dredged material using soil amendments and plants. Remediation J. Autumn 2002:45-63.
JA Hue, N. V. and Y. Mai. 2002. Manganese toxicity in watermelon as affected by lime and compost amended to a Hawaiian soil. Hort Sci. 37: 656-661.
AB Hue, N.V, C.R. Lee, R. Price, A. Palazzo, D. Nakamura, and P. Adam. 2002. Phyto-engineering of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated dredged material. In Annual meeting Abst. (CD rom), ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI.
IA AES Tabatabai
JA Ekenler, M. and M.A. Tabatabai. 2002. Effects of trace elements on B-glucosaminidase activity in soils. Soil Biol. Biochem. 34:1829-1832.
TH Lacorbiniere-Jn Baptiste, M. 2002. Nutrient-enriched mixtures of exogenous humic substances as organic fertilizers. M.S. Thesis. Iowa State University, Ames. 108 p.
KS AES Pierzynski
JA Pierzynski, G.M., M. Lambert, B.A D. Hetrick, D.W. Sweeney, and L.E. Erickson. 2002. Phytostabilization of metal mine tailings using tall fescue. Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste Management 6: 212-217.
JA Pierzynski, G.M., J.L. Schnoor, A. Youngman, L. Licht and L. Erickson. 2002. Poplar trees for phytostabilization of an abandoned zinc-lead smelter. Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste Management 6: 177-188.
JA Hettiarachchi, G.M., and G.M. Pierzynski. 2002. In-situ stabilization of soil lead using phosphorus and manganese oxide: influence of plant growth. J. Environ. Qual. 31: 564-572.
BC McLaughlin, M.J., R.E. Hamon, D.R. Parker, G.M. Pierzynski, E. Smolders, I. Thorton, and G. Welp. 2002. Soil Chemistry. In A. Fairbrother et al. (eds.), Test Methods to Determine Hazards of Sparingly Soluble Metal Compounds in Soils. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Pensacola, FL.
AB DeSutter, T.M., G.M. Pierzynski, and J.M. Ham. Soil Chemical Properties Beneath Swine and Cattle Waste Lagoons. 2002 National American Society of Agronomy meetings (November, Indianapolis, IN).
AB Sonmez, O., and G.M. Pierzynski. A Field-Based Assessment Tool for Phosphorus Losses in Runoff in Kansas. 2002 National American Society of Agronomy meetings (November, Indianapolis, IN).
AB Heitman, J.L., G.M. Pierzynski, P.A. Kulakow, and G.J. Kluitenberg. Revegetation Strategies for a Fly-Ash Disposal Site in a Semi-arid Region. 2002 National American Society of Agronomy meetings (November, Indianapolis, IN).
MI AES Jacobs
EB Ess, D., S. Hawkins, C. Gould, and L.W. Jacobs. 2002. Manure applicator calibration. Purdue U./MI State U. publication series on Best Environmental Management Practices. Exten. Bull. E-2825, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. 8 p.
EB Frankenberger, J.R., D.D. Jones, C. Gould, and L.W. Jacobs. 2002. Land applicaion of manure and environmentally sensitive field characteristics. Purdue U./MI State U. publication series on Best Environmental Management Practices. Exten. Bull. E-2821, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. 8 p.
AB Jacobs, L.W., J.T. Gilmour, C.G. Cogger, G.K. Evanylo, and D.M. Sullivan. 2002. New N mineralization factors for estimating plant-available N in biosolids. Agronomy Abstracts, CD-ROM, Am. Soc. Agronomy/Crop Sci. Soc. America/Soil Sci. Soc. America, Madison, WI.
MWRGDC Granato, Hundal
AB Cox, A.E., T.C. Granato, R.I. Pietz, and P. Tata, Comparison of phosphorus release characteristics in Chicago biosolids, SSSA Abstracts. 2002.
PR Cox, A.E., T.C. Granato, R.I. Pietz, and P. Tata, Uptake of Cd and Zn by garden vegetables grown in NuEarth biosolids amended soil, Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference, Austin,Texas, March 3 through 6, 2002.
TR Hundal, L., A. E. Cox, T. C. Granato, and R. I. Pietz, USX Research and Demonstration Project Results for 2000, Research and Development Environmental Monitoring and Research Division 2000 Annual Report, Report Number 02-1, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, January 2002.
OK AES Basta
JA Schroder, J.L., N.T. Basta, M. Payton, J.A. Wilson, R. I. Carlson, D. M. Janz, and R.L. Lochmiller. 2003. Ecotoxicological risks associated with land treatment of petrochemical waste: I. Residual soil contamination and bioaccumulation by cotton rats (Sigmodon Hispidus). J. Tox. Environ. Health Part A 66:305-325.
JA Wilson, J.A., J.L. Schroder, N.T. Basta, D. Janz, R.I. Carlson, and R.L. Lochmiller. 2003. Abandoned petrochemical landfarms and wildlife in Oklahoma. II. Effects of contaminants on the immune system and hematology of cotton rats inhabiting abandoned petroleum landfarms. J. Tox. Environ. Health Part A. 66:345-363.
JA Carlson, R.I., J.A. Wilson, R.L. Lochmiller, D.M. Janz,, J.L. Schroder, and N.T. Basta, 2003. Ecotoxicological risks associated with land treatment of petrochemical wastes: III. Immune function and hematology of cotton rats. J. Tox. Environ. Health Part A, 66:327-343.
JA Yang, J.K., M.O. Barnett, P.M. Jardine, N.T. Basta, and S.W. Casteel. 2002. Adsorption, sequestration, and bioaccessibility of As (V) in soils. Environ. Sci. Technol. 36:4562-4569.
AB Basta, N.T., J.L. Schroder, K. Bradham, J. Si, and R.P. Lanno. 2002. The effect of soil spiking procedures on heavy metal availability during earthworm and plant bioassays. Abstract Book. p. 84. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23rd Annual Meeting in North America, Salt Lake City, UT, Nov. 16-20.
AB Bradham, K.D., R.P. Lanno, N.T. Basta, J. Schroder, and M. Payton. 2002. Effects of soil properties on the bioavailability and toxicity of metals in contaminated soils to earthworms. Abstract Book. p. 84. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23rd Annual Meeting in North America, Salt Lake City, UT, Nov. 16-20.
AB Basta, N.T., S.W. Casteel, J.L. Schroder, F.P. Armstrong, R.R. Rodriguez, and D.C. Ward. 2002. Application and limitations of in vitro gastrointestinal methods for estimating bioavailable Cd, Pb, and As in contaminated soil. Soil Sci. Soc. of Am. Abstracts (CD-ROM), Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, Nov. 10-14.
TH Snethen, K.L. 2002. Chemical immobilization of lead, zinc, and cadmium based on risk and contaminant extractability. MS Thesis. Oklahoma State Univ. Stillwater, OK.
OR AES Sullivan
AB Sullivan, D.M. 2002. Biological stability assessment methods for compost. In: 2002 Agronomy Abstracts, SSSA, Madison, WI.
AB Jacobs, LW., J.T. Gilmour, C.G. Cogger, G.K. Evanylo and D.M. Sullivan. 2002. New N mineralization factors for estimating plant-available N in biosolids. In: 2002 Agronomy Abstracts, SSSA, Madison, WI.
JA Sullivan, D.M., A.I. Bary, D.R. Thomas, S.C. Fransen, and C.G. Cogger. 2002. Food waste compost effects on fertilizer nitrogen efficiency, available nitrogen, and tall fescue yield. Soil Sci. Soc. Am J. 66:154-161.
PR Brewer, L.J. and D.M. Sullivan. 2002. Maturity and stability evaluation of composted yard trimmings. p. 682-704. In: F.C. Michel, Jr., R.F. Rynk, and H.A.J. Hoitink (ed) 2002 Intl Symposium on Composting and Compost Utilization. 6-8 May 2002. Columbus, OH. JG Press. Emmaus, PA.
PENNSYLVANIA AES Elliot, Stehouwer
JA Elliott, H.A., G.A. OConnor, and S.R. Brinton. 202. Phosphorus leaching from biosolids-amended sandy soils. J. Environ. Qual. 31:681-689.
JA Elliott, H.A., G.A. OConnor, P. Lu, and S.R. Brinton. 2002. Influence of water treatment residuals on phosphorus solubility and leaching. J. Environ. Qual. 31: 1362-1369.
PR Brandt, R.C., H.A. Elliott, and G.A. OConnor. 2002. Comparative evaluation of water extractable P in biosolids and animal manures. WEF Biosolids Conf. Proc. (CD). 16th Annual Residuals and Biosolids Management Conf., 3-6 March 2002, Austin, TX.
PR OConnor, G.A., H.A. Elliott, and P. Lu. 2002. Characterizing water treatment residuals phosphorus retention. Soil Crop Sci. Proc. 61:67-73.
PR Womer, J., H.A. Elliott, R.C. Brandt. 2002. Determining phosphorus in biosolids using neutral ammonium citrate extraction. Proc.16th Annual Residuals and Biosolids Conference. March 3-6, 2002. Austin, TX.
AB OConnor, G.A. and H.A. Elliott. 2002. Co-application of biosolids and water treatment residuals. Trans. World Congress Soil Sci. (CD). 14-21 Aug 2002, Bangkok, Thailand.
AB Stehouwer, R.C., and K.E. Macneal. 2002. Water quality effects of surface mine reclamation with biosolids. Soil Science Society of America Meetings, Indianapolis, IN, November 10-14, 2002. Annual Mtg. Abstracts, ASA, CSSA, SSSA
AB Stehouwer, R.C. and K.E. Macneal. 2002. Nutrient and trace element flux following surface mine reclamation with biosolids. Northeastern Branch ASA and SSSA Meeting, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV., July 14-17, 2002.
TH Shober, A.L. 2002. Assessing the effects of biosolids application on soil and crop quality. M.S. Thesis. The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. 255 p.
TH von Willert, F.J. 2002. Chemical processes affecting the subsoil during reclamation of highly acidic minespoil. Ph.D. Thesis. The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA., 158 p.
Purdue, Indiana- Schwab
JA Pu, XZ, Y.J. Zhao, L.S. Lee, A.P. Schwab, G.P. Carlson. 2002. Bioavailablity of Pentachlorophenol from Different Types of Soils, 41st Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology, March 18-22, 2002, The Toxicologist-Supplement of Toxicological Sciences. Vol. 66(1-S):138.
BC Hutchinson, S.L., A.P. Schwab, and M.K. Banks. 2002. Bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons in the rhizosphere. In Phytoremediation: Transformation and Control of Contaminants. Steven C. McCutcheon and Jerry L. Schnoor (eds.)
AB Lee, L.S. 2002. Bioavailability of Organic Chemicals and Implications. Invited to be presented at the Bouyoucos Conference "Molecular Level Processes on Availability of Chemical Species to Plants and Microbes in Soil", Sani Halkidiki, Greece, June 23-28, 2002.
AB Lee, L.S., P.S.C. Rao. 2002. Sorption and Transport of Hormonally Active Agents in Soils. Annual American Society of Agronomy Conference, Indianapolis, IN, November 10-14, 2002.
AB Oliveira, M., A.K. Sarmah, L.S. Lee, P.S.C. Rao. 2002. Fate of Tylosin in Aqueous Manure-Soil Systems, Annual American Society of Agronomy Conference, Indianapolis, IN, November 10-14, 2002.
Texas AMU- Sloan
AB: Wang, D., K. Huang, J.J. Sloan. 2002. Changes in heavy metal chemistry during accelerated organic matter mineralization. Presented at: Urban Agriculture: Emerging Opportunities in Science, Education, and Policy. Dallas, Texas May 20-22, 2002.
AB: J.T. Spargo, J.J. Heitholt, J.B. Farr, J.J. Sloan, and C.T. MacKown. 2002. Evaluation of the utility of dairy manure in a soybean-wheat rotation in Northeast Texas. Agronomy Abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
TT- Zartman
JA Reed, R.L., M. A. Sanderson, V. G. Allen, and R. E Zartman. 2002. Cadmium application and pH effects on growth and Cadmium accumulation in switchgrass. Commun. Soil Science Plant Anal. 33(7&8):1187-1203.
JA Wester, D. B., R. E Sosebee, R. E Zartman, E. B. Fish, and J. C. Villalobos. 2003. Biosolids in a Chihuahuan desert ecosystem: Biosolids can improve semiarid rangelands in many ways. Rangelands. (In press).
PR Perez, S. D. and R. E Zartman. 2002. Infiltration along a playa basin-outer basin transect. Great Plains Symposium: Protection and utilization of air and water resources of the Great Plains. 1-3 April 2002, Amarillo, TX.
PR Green, C. J., R. E Zartman, J. C. Zak, and M. J. San Francisco. 2002. An update of ricin research at Texas Tech University. Meeting of the Consortium of Biological Defense Researchers, 17-19 April 2002, Tampa, FL.
PR Zartman, R., C. Green, M. San Francisco, J. Zak, W. Jaynes and E. Boroda. 2002. Mitigation of ricin contamination in soils: sorption and degradation. Joint Service Scientific Conference on Chemical and Biological Defense Research. 19-21 November 2002, Hunt Valley, MD.
AB Basinger, A. J., R. E Zartman, J. Borrelli, C. McKenney, and R. Sosebee. 2002. Frequency and mowing height influence on root density distribution along Texas Highways. Agron Abs. (S06-basinger135056).
AB Boroda, E., R. E Zartman, C.J. Green, M. J. San Francisco, and J. C. Zak. 2002. Extraction, detection and quantification of ricin in agricultural soils. Agron Abs. (S03-boroda125458).
AB Jaynes, F., R. E Zartman, C.J. Green, M. J. San Francisco, and J. C. Zak. 2002. Sorption of castor toxin by soil components and other materials. Agron Abs. (S02-jaynes104122).
AB Weeaks, J. D., M. A. Maurer and R. E Zartman. 2002. Seeded Bermudagrass establishment using subsurface drip irrigation. Agron. Abs. (C05-weeaks115421).
TH Boroda, Eli. 2002. Quantifying ricin in agricultural soils. Ph.D. dissertation. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
TH Weindorf, David. 2002. The effect of compost on soil physical properties in the Dallas metropolitan area. Ph.D. dissertation. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
VA AES Evanylo, Daniels
JA Bulluck, L.R. III, M. Brosius, G.K. Evanylo, and J.B. Ristaino. 2002. Organic and synthetic fertilizer amendments influence soil microbial, physical and chemical properties on organic and conventional Farms. Applied Soil Ecology 19:147-160
JA Evanylo, G.K. 2003. Effects of biosolids application timing and soil texture on nitrogen availability for corn. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 34(1&2): 127-145.
PR Daniels, W.L., S.M. Nagle, G.R. Whittecar, and G.K. Evanylo. 2002. Effects of biosolids application on ground water nitrate-N levels in sand and gravel mine reclamation in Virginia. p. 645-674 In: Proc., 2002 National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation, Lexington, KY, June 9-13, 2002. Published by ASMR, 3134 Montavesta Rd., Lexington, KY, 40502.
PR Daniels, W.L., P. Schroeder, S. Nagle, L. Zelazny and M. Alley. 2002. Reclamation of prime farmland following mineral sands mining in Virginia. Preprint 02-132 for 2002 SME Annual Meeting, Feb. 25-27, Phoenix. SME, Littleton, Co., 12 p.
PR Evanylo, G.K. and C.A. Sherony. 2002. Agronomic and environmental effects of compost, manure, and fertilizer use. p. 730-740. In 2002 International Symposium: Composting and Compost Utilization. May 6-8. Columbus, OH.
PR Evanylo, G.K., C.A. Sherony, and G.L. Mullins. 2002. Water quality effects of compost, manure, and fertilizer use for vegetables. Composting in the Southeast Conference, Palm Harbor, FL. October 6-9.
PR Orndorff, Z.W., W.L. Daniels and L.E. Dias. 2002. Evaluation of sulfidic materials in Virginia highway corridors. p. 866-879 In: Proc., 2002 National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation, Lexington, KY, June 9-13, 2002. Published by ASMR, 3134 Montavesta Rd., Lexington, KY, 40502.
PR Sherony, C.A., G.K. Evanylo, and J.W. Pease. 2002. Yield differences and economic implications of compost, poultry litter, and fertilizer amended soils. Composting in the Southeast Conference, Palm Harbor, FL. October 6-9.
AB Abaye, A.O., R. Lemus, G. Evanylo, C. Zipper, and S. Hutton. 2002. Extending the Potential of Forages into Partially Reclaimed Soils. In 2002 Agronomy abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
AB Coale, F.J., J.T. Sims, J.W. White, M-F Lavahun, and G.K. Evanylo. 2003. Phosphorus fate and transport in biosolids amended soils: III. Phosphorus forms in soils and losses in runoff from fescue pastures. WEF/AWWA/CWEA Joint Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference. Residuals and Biosolids Management Partnering for a Safe, Sustainable Environment. Baltimore, MD. February 19-22.
AB Jacobs, L.W., J.T. Gilmour, C.G. Cogger, G.K. Evanylo, and D.M. Sullivan. 2002. New N mineralization factors for estimating plant available N in biosolids. In 2002 Agronomy abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
AB Sims, J.T., F.J. Coale, M-F Lavahun, J.W. White, and G.K. Evanylo. 2003. Phosphorus fate and transport in biosolids amended soils: I. Phosphorus forms in soils used for corn production. WEF/AWWA/CWEA Joint Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference. Residuals and Biosolids Management Partnering for a Safe, Sustainable Environment. Baltimore, MD. February 19-22.
AB Sims, J.T., F.J. Coale, M-F Lavahun, J.W. White, and G.K. Evanylo. 2003. Phosphorus fate and transport in biosolids amended soils: II. Phosphorus losses in runoff from soils used for corn production. WEF/AWWA/CWEA Joint Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference. Residuals and Biosolids Management Partnering for a Safe, Sustainable Environment. Baltimore, MD. February 19-22.
AB Sukkariyah, B., G.K. Evanylo, and L.W. Zelazny. 2003. Bioavailability of heavy metals from biosolids. WEF/AWWA/CWEA Joint Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference. Residuals and Biosolids Management Partnering for a Safe, Sustainable Environment. Baltimore, MD. February 19-22.
TH Orndorff, Z. W. 2001. Evaluation of Sulfidic Materials in Virginia Highway Corridors. Ph.D. Dissertation. 187 p.
TR Sims, J.T., S. Dentel, F.J. Coale, and G.K. Evanylo. 2002. Agricultural phosphorus management for biosolids: Developing sustainable management practices for the mid-Atlantic states. Final research report to the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. 60p.
TR Sims, J.T., F.J. Coale, G.K. Evanylo, J. White, and A. Leytem. 2002. Field and on-farm evaluation of the effects of biosolids on phosphorus in soils and runoff. Final Project Report to the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments and the Environmental Protection and Improvement Company. 135p.
U WA Brown Henry
JA Brown, S., C.L. Henry, R.Chaney, H. Compton, and P.S. DeVolder. 2003. Using municipal biosolids in combination with other residuals to restore metal-contaminated mining areas. Plant and Soil, 249:203-215.
JA Brown , S. , R. Chaney J. Halfrisch, and Q. Xue. 2003. Effect of Biosolids Processing on Lead Bioavailability in an Urban Soil. J. Environ. Qual. 32:100-108.
JA Brown, S.L., R. Chaney, M. Sprenger, and H. Compton. 2002. Soil remediation using biosolids. Biocycle June: 40-44
JA Brown, S.L., R. Chaney, M. Sprenger, and H. Compton. 2002. Assessing impact to wildlife at biosolids remediated sites. Biocycle August: 51-58.
JA Grey, M., and C. Henry. 2002. Phosphorus and nitrogen runoff from a forested watershed fertilized with biosolids. J. Environ. Qual. 31:926-936.
AB Chaney, R L, JA Ryan, S Brown C Henry, T Stuczynski, T Siebielec and W R Berti. 2002. Ecosystem restoration on metal-toxic soils using biosolids and alkaline byproducts. SETAC 23rd Annual Meeting in North America. Salt Lake City Nov 16-20. 011.
AB Brown, S, B Christiansen, S McGrath, E Lombi, M McLaughlin, and J Vagronsveld. 2002. Ability of soil amendments to reduce metal bioavailability on zinc and lead mine tailings. SETAC 23rd Annual Meeting in North America. Salt Lake City Nov 16-20. 012.
AB McGrath, S, E Lombi, M McLaughlin, S Brown and J Vangronsveld. 2002. Comparison of biological and chemical indicators to evaluate soil remediation. SETAC 23rd Annual Meeting in North America. Salt Lake City Nov 16-20. 013.
AB Vagronsveld, J, J Colpaert, A Ruttens, E Lombi, B. Christiansen, S McGrath, S Brown, and M McLaughlin. 2002. Use of cyclonic ashes to remediate metal contaminated soils. 2002. SETAC 23rd Annual Meeting in North America. Salt Lake City Nov 16-20. 014.
AB Lombi, E, R Hamon, M McLaughlin, S McGrath, S Brown, J Vangronsveld, B Christiansen, J Colpaert and V Ferguson. 2002. Importance of sorption versus fixation reactions in decreasing metal bioavailability for in situ remediation. 2002. SETAC 23rd Annual Meeting in North America. Salt Lake City Nov 16-20. 015.
AB Maxemchuk, A, H Compton, M Sprenger, S Brown, and M Zimmerman. 2002. Reducing bioavailability and toxicity of metals at mining sites using biosolids and lime soil amendments. SETAC 23rd Annual Meeting in North America. Salt Lake City Nov 16-20. 017.
AB Brown, S, D Mosby, J Yang, R Chaney, W Berti. 2002. In situ field tests to reduce metal bioavailability: site characterization and treatment selection, installation and performance. 2002. SETAC 23rd Annual Meeting in North America. Salt Lake City Nov 16-20. 018.
AB Ryan, J, W Berti, S Brown, S Casteel, R Chaney, P Grevatt, J Hallfrisch, M Maddaloni and K Scheckel. 2002. Reducing childrens risk to soil lead: Summary of a field experiment to reduce soil lead bioavailability. 2002. SETAC 23rd Annual Meeting in North America. Salt Lake City Nov 16-20. 020.
TH Svenson, Alex. 2002 The Use of Biosolids in Combination with Lime to Ameliorate Subsoil Acidity in Mine Tailings. MS thesis 117 p.
WY AES Vance
TH Youwen, You. 2002. Use of Layered Double Hydroxides and Their Derivatives as Adsorbents for Inorganic and Organic Pollutants. Ph.D. in Soil and Environmental Chemistry. University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY.
JA You, Y.W., H. Zhao and G.F. Vance. 2002. Adsorption of dicamba (3,6 dichloro-2-methoxy benzoic acid) in aqueous solution by calcined-layered double hydroxides. Applied Clay Science 21(5/6):217-226.
JA Sharmasarkar, S. and G.F. Vance. 2002. Selenite-selenate sorption in a surface coal mine environment. Advances in Environmental Research 7(1):89-97.
JA You, Y.W., H. Zhao and G.F. Vance. 2002. Hybrid organic-inorganic derivatives of layered double hydroxides and dodecylbenzenesulfonate: Preparation and adsorption characteristics. Journal of Material Chemistry 12:907-912.
JA Sharmasarkar, S. and G.F. Vance. 2002. Soil and plant selenium at a reclaimed uranium mine. Journal of Environmental Quality 31:1516-1521.
JA You, Y.W., H. Zhao and G.F. Vance. 2002. Surfactant-enhanced adsorption of organic compounds by layered double hydroxides. Colloids and Surfaces: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 205:161-172.
JA You, Y.W. and G.F. Vance. 2002. Sodium-Zinc exchange selectivity on Wyoming montmorillonite in different background anion solutions. Pedosphere 12:289-299.
PR Skinner, C.P. and G.F. Vance. 2002. Plant-soil selenium in disturbed and native ecosystems. In: R. Barnhisel (ed.) Reclamation with a Purpose. American Society of Mining and Reclamation, Lexington, KY. Issue 19:141-162.
PR Vance, G.F. 2002. Undergraduate minor and graduate certificate programs in Reclamation and Restoration Ecology. In: R. Barnhisel (ed.) Reclamation with a Purpose. American Society of Mining and Reclamation, Lexington, KY. Issue 19:1173-1182.
PR Schladweiler, B.K., G.F. Vance and R. Haroian. 2002. Influence of variable topsoil replacement depths on soil and plant characteristics at a coal mine in northeastern Wyoming. In: R. Barnhisel and B. Buchanan (eds.) Land Reclamation - A Different Approach. American Society for Surface Mining and Reclamation, Lexington, KY. Issue 19 CD-ROM
PR Vance, G.F. 2002. Potential impacts and alternatives to land application of coalbed methane product water. Western Society of Soil Science Proceedings p.18
AB You, Y.W., H. Zhao and G.F. Vance. 2002. Surfactant-enhanced adsorption of organic compounds by layered double hydroxides. Clay Minerals Society Abstracts 39:181.
AB Skinner-Martin, C.P. and G.F. Vance. 2002. Soil-geology selenium relationships in disturbed and native ecosystems. Agronomy Abstracts CD-ROM
AB Hoobler, B.M. and G.F. Vance. 2002. Applications of the land evaluation and site assessment technique and a geographic information system in east Park County, Wyoming. Agronomy Abstracts CD-ROM
AB Hayward, J.A. and G.F. Vance. 2002. Modeling alternative crops using GIS in northwestern Wyoming. Agronomy Abstracts CD-ROM
AB Vance, G.F. 2002. Wyoming Reclamation Ecology Center: A new research, education and outreach initiative. Agronomy Abstracts CD-ROM
AB Schladweiler, B.K., R. Haroian and G.F. Vance. 2002. Influence of variable topsoil replacement depth on soil and plant characteristics at a coal mine in northeastern Wyoming. Agronomy Abstracts CD-ROM
AB Zhao, H., Y.W. You, and G.F. Vance. 2002. Hybrid organic-inorganic derivatives of LDHs and dodecylbenzenesulfonate: Preparation and adsorption characteristics. Agronomy Abstracts CD-ROM
AB Skinner-Martin, C.P. and G.F. Vance. 2002. Use of GIS for predicting areas with seleniferous soils and plants. Agronomy Abstracts CD-ROM
AB Vance, G.F. 2002. Soil carbon database for Wyoming. Soil Carbon Accounting Systems: I. Carbon Accounting and Monitoring Systems Symposium. Agronomy Abstracts CD-ROM
AB You, Y.W., H. Zhao and G.F. Vance. 2002. Characteristics of arsenite adsorption-desorption on layered double hydroxides. Agronomy Abstracts CD-ROM
AB You, Y.W., H. Zhao and G.F. Vance. 2002. Surfactant-enhanced adsorption of organic compounds by layered double hydroxides. Agronomy Abstracts CD-ROM
AB Qi, J., Y.W. You,, G.F. Vance, J. Zhuang and Y. Jin. 2002. Removal of bacteriophages from aqueous systems by an anionic clay. Agronomy Abstracts CD-ROM
AB = abstract, BK=book, BC=book chapter, EB=extension bulletin, JA=journal article, PR = proceedings,TB=technical bulletin, TH= thesis.
Wright, M.T., D.R. Parker, C. Amrhein. 2003. Critical evaluation of the ability of sequential extraction procedures to quantify discrete forms of selenium in sediments and soils. E.S.&T. 37:4709-4716.
Thompson, A., D.R. Parker. C. Amrhein. 2003. Selenate partitioning in field-situated constructed wetland mesocosms. Ecological Engineering. 20:17?30.
Goodson, C.C., D.R. Parker, C. Amrhein, Y. Zhang. 2003. Soil selenium and root system development in plant taxa differing in Se-accumulating capability. New Phytologist. 159:391-401.
Lee, B.D., S.K. Sears, R.C. Graham, C. Amrhein, and H. Vali. 2003. Secondary mineral genesis from chlorite and serpentine in an ultramafic soil toposequence. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 67:1309-1317.
Barbarick, K.A., and J.A. Ippolito. 2003. Termination of sewage biosolids application affects wheat yield and other agronomic characteristics. Agron. J. 95:1288-1294.
Ippolito, J.A., K.A. Barbarick, D.M. Heil, J.P. Chandler, and E.F. Redente. 2003. Possible phosphorus retention mechanisms of a water treatment residual. J. Environ. Qual. 32:1857-1864.
Meyer, V.F., E.F. Redente, K. A. Barbarick, R.B. Brobst, M.W. Paschke, and A.L. Miller. 2004. Plant and soil responses to biosolids application following forest fire. J. Environ. Qual. (In press).
Eghball, B., and K.A. Barbarick. 2002. Manure, Compost, and Biosolids. In Encyclopedia of Soil Science. R. Lal (ed.). Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York.
Barbarick, K.A., J.A. Ippolito, and G.A. Peterson. 2003. Biosolids application to no-till dryland crop rotations. Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Report. TR03-5.
Ippolito, J., K.A. Barbarick, and T. Gourd. 2003. Application of anaerobically digested biosolids to dryland winter wheat. Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Report. TR03-6.
Green, C.H., K.A. Barbarick, R.E. Smith, G.L. Butters, J.G. Davis, D.M. Heil, and J.A. Ippolito. 2003. Impact on phosphorus runoff and leaching by water treatment residuals and vegetative filter strips. Western Soil Science Meeting. San Francisco State University. June 15-19.
Green, C.H., K.A. Barbarick, R.E. Smith, G.L. Butters, J.G. Davis, D.M. Heil, and J.A. Ippolito. 2003. Water treatment residual and vegetative filter strip impact on phosphorus runoff. Phosphorus dynamics I the soil-plant continuum. 2nd International Symposium. Perth, Australia, September 21-26.
Green, C.H., K.A. Barbarick, R.E. Smith, G.L. Butters, J.G. Davis, D.M. Heil, J.A. Ippolito, and J. Loftis. 2003. Water treatment residual and vegetative filter strip effects on phosphorus runoff dynamics. Agronomy Abstracts. American Society of Agronomy. Madison, WI.
Ippolito, J.A., and K.A. Barbarick. 2003. Soil phosphorus chemistry and testing. Nutrient Management Planning Update Workshop. Colorado State Univ. Cooperative Extension and the NRCS.
Ippolito, J.A., and K.A. Barbarick. 2003. Co-Application of WTR and Biosolids to Blue Grama and Western Wheatgrass. RMSAWWA/RMWEA. Denver, CO.
Ippolito, J.A., K.A. Barbarick, and C.H. Green. 2003. Can water treatment residuals adsorb selenium? Agronomy Abstracts. American Society of Agronomy. Madison, WI.
Brinton, S.R., and G.A. O?Connor. 2003. Sorption of molybdenum in soils field-equilibrated with biosolids. Commun. Soil Sci. Plt. Anal. 34:1331-1346.
Brandt, R.C., H.A. Elliott, and G.A. O?Connor. 2004. Water extractable phosphorus in biosolids: implications for land-based recycling. Water Environ. Res. (In press).
Sarkar, D. and G.A. O?Connor. 2004. Plant and soil responses to biosolids-P in two Florida soils with high P content. Commun. Soil Sci. Plt. Anal. (In press).
O?Connor, G.A., D. Sarkar, S.R. Brinton, H.A. Elliott, and F.G. Martin. 2004. Phytoavailability of biosolids-P. J. Environ. Qual. (In press).
Makris, K.C., W.G. Harris, G.A. O?Connor, T.A. Obreza, and H. El-Shall. 2003.Three-dimensional P sorption by drinking water residuals. SSSA Abstracts. 2003. p 134.
Porter, G., J. Bajista, N.V. Hue, and D. Strand. 2004. Manganese solubility and phytotoxicity affected by soil moisture/O2 levels and green manure additions. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 35:99-116 (In press).
Pierzynski, G.M., and K.A. Gehl. 2004. An alternative method for remediating lead-contaminated soils in residential areas: A decision case study. J. Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education. (accepted)
Pierzynski, G.M., J.L. Heitman, P. Kulakow, G.J. Kluitenberg, and J.R. Carlson. 2004. Revegetation of waste fly ash landfills in a semi-arid environment. J. Range Management (accepted).
Hettiarachchi, G.M., and G.M. Pierzynski. 2004. Soil lead bioavailability and in situ remediation of lead-contaminated soils: a review. Environ. Progr. (accepted).
Hettiarachchi, G.M., G.M. Pierzynski, F.W. Oehme, O. Sonmez, and J.A. Ryan. 2003. treatment of contaminated soil with phosphorus and manganese oxide reduces absorption of lead by Sprague-Dawley rats. J. Environ. Qual 32:1335-1345.
Zwonitzer, J.C., G.M. Pierzynski, and G.M. Hettiarachchi. 2003. Effects of phosphorus additions on lead, cadmium and zinc bioavailabilities on a metal-contaminated soil. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 143:193-209.
Pierzynski, G.M., and K.A.Gehl. 2003. In situ remediation of lead contaminated soils: a decision case study. Agronomy Abstracts, Am. Soc. of Agron., Madison, WI (CD-ROM).
Novak, A.B., G.M. Pierzynski, and W. Fick. 2003. Zinc phytotoxicity in the Tri-State Mining region. Agronomy Abstracts, Am. Soc. of Agron., Madison, WI (CD-ROM).
DeSutter, T., and G.M. Pierzynski. 2003. Evaluation of soils for use as liner materials: a soil chemistry approach. Agronomy Abstracts, Am. Soc. of Agron., Madison, WI (CD-ROM).
Baum, K., G.M. Pierzynski, P. Kleinman, R.O. Maguire, J.T. Sims, G.S. Toor, and T. Zhang. 2003. Water-extractable P in animal waste. Agronomy Abstracts, Am. Soc. of Agron., Madison, WI (CD-ROM).
Sonmez, O., and G.M. Pierzynski. 2003. Assessment of zinc bioavailability using diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT). Agronomy Abstracts, Am. Soc. of Agron., Madison, WI (CD-ROM).
Gilmour, J.T., C.G. Cogger, L.W. Jacobs, G.K. Evanylo, and D.M. Sullivan. 2003. Decomposition and plant-available nitrogen in biosolids: Laboratory studies, field studies, and computer simulation. J. Environ. Qual. 32:1498-1507.
Jacobs, L.W. 2003. Effect of alum WTR amendments to phosphorus-enriched soils on soil test phosphorus levels in a field experiment. 26 p. In Proc. WEF/AWWA/CWEA Joint Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference, Feb. 19-22, 2003, Baltimore, MD. CD-ROM, Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, VA.
Jacobs, L.W. 2003. Evaluation of N-Viro products for environmental impact and P availability. Agronomy Abstracts, CD-ROM, Am. Soc. Agronomy/Crop Sci. Soc. America/Soil Sci. Soc. America, Madison, WI.
Jacobs, L.W. 2003. WinMSUNM: A computer program to help producers manage nutrients and keep pesticide application records. Agronomy Abstracts, CD-ROM, Am. Soc. Agronomy/Crop Sci. Soc. America/Soil Sci. Soc. America, Madison, WI.
Rodriquez-Minguela, C.M., J.M. Tiedje, and L.W. Jacobs. 2003. Detection of novel tetracycline resistance gene sequences in soil treated with swine manure. Am. Soc. Microbiology 103rd General Meeting, Washington, DC.
Fortuna, A., P.E. Rieke, and L.W. Jacobs. 2003. Turfgrass sod response to amendment with aquatic plants. Agronomy Abstracts, CD-ROM, Am. Soc. Agronomy/Crop Sci. Soc. America/Soil Sci. Soc. America, Madison, WI.
Basta, N.T., and S.L. McGowen. 2003. Evaluation of chemical immobilization treatments for reducing heavy metal transport in a smelter-contaminated soil. Environ. Pollut. 2004. 127(1):73-82.
Mullen, R. W., W.R. Raun, N.T. Basta, J.L. Schroder, and K.W. Freeman. 2003. Effect of long-term application of biosolids on molybdenum content and quality of winter wheat forage. J. Plant Nutr. In Press.
N.T. Basta, R.R. Rodriguez, D.C. Ward, S.W. Casteel, and L.W. Pace. 2003. Chemical extraction methods to assess bioavailable As in contaminated soil and solid media. J. Environ. Qual. 32:876-884.
Schroder, J.L., N.T. Basta, S.W. Casteel, and J. Si. 2003. An in vitro method to estimate bioavailable cadmium in contaminated soil. Environ. Sci. Technol. 37:1365-1370.
Dayton, E.A., N.T. Basta, C.A. Jakober, and J.A. Hattey. 2003. Using water treatment residuals to reduce phosphorus in agricultural runoff. J. AWWA 95(4):151-158.
Schroder, J.L., N.T. Basta, M. Payton, J.A. Wilson, R. I. Carlson, D. M. Janz, and R.L. Lochmiller. 2003. Ecotoxicological risks associated with land treatment of petrochemical waste: I. Residual soil contamination and bioaccumulation by cotton rats (Sigmodon Hispidus). J. Tox. Environ. Health Part A 66:305-325.
Wilson, J.A., J.L. Schroder, N.T. Basta, D. Janz, R.I. Carlson, and R.L. Lochmiller. 2003. Abandoned petrochemical landfarms and wildlife in Oklahoma. II. Effects of contaminants on the immune system and hematology of cotton rats inhabiting abandoned petroleum landfarms. J. Tox. Environ. Health Part A. 66:345-363.
Carlson, R.I., J.A. Wilson, R.L. Lochmiller, D.M. Janz,, J.L. Schroder, and N.T. Basta, 2003. Ecotoxicological risks associated with land treatment of petrochemical wastes: III. Immune function and hematology of cotton rats. J. Tox. Environ. Health Part A, 66:327-343.
Dayton, E.A. and N.T. Basta. 2003. Combating excess P in manure with alum sludge. Great Lakes By-Products Management Association 4th Annual Conference, East Lansing, MI, Dec. 2-3, 2003.
Basta, N.T., E.A. Dayton,, R.P. Lanno, and J.L. Schroder, 2003. Effect of soil properties on bioavailability and phytotoxicity of Cd, Pb, and Zn. Abstract Book. p. 193. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24th Annual Meeting in North America, Austin, TX, Nov. 9-13.
Dayton, E,A. Basta, N.T., M.E. Payton and R..P. Lanno, 2003. Using path analysis to augment traditional regression analysis to test mechanistic hypotheses. Abstract Book. p. 193. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24th Annual Meeting in North America, Austin, TX, Nov. 9-13.
Friend, M.S., N.T. Basta, and S.L. Brown. 2003. Using diammonium phosphate fertilizer to reduce risk from incidental ingestional of lead contaminated soils. Abstract Book. p.195. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24th Annual Meeting in North America, Austin, TX, Nov. 9-13.
Bradham, K.D., N.T. Basta, R.P. Lanno, E.A. Dayton, M. Payton, and J.L. Schroder. Effect of soil modifying factors on the bioavailability and toxicity of metal contaminated soils. Abstract Book. p. 195. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24th Annual Meeting in North America, Austin, TX, Nov. 9-13.
Si, J., N.T. Basta, R.P. Lanno, and J.L. Schroder, 2003. Effect of soil properties on bioavailability and phytotoxicity of As, Cd, Pb, and Zn. Abstract Book. p. 252. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24th Annual Meeting in North America, Austin, TX, Nov. 9-13.
Armstrong, F.P., and N.T. Basta. 2003. The reduction of arsenic bioavailability in soils using various iron immobilization treatments. Abstract Book. p. 313. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24th Annual Meeting in North America, Austin, TX, Nov. 9-13.
Schroder, J.L., N.T. Basta, M.E. Payton, T.J. Evans, S.W. Casteel. An in vitro gastrointestinal (IVG) methods to estimate relative bioavailable cadmium and mead in contaminated soils. Abstract Book. p. 191. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24th Annual Meeting in North America, Austin, TX, Nov. 9-13.
Dayton, E,A. Basta, N.T., and J.R. DeWolfe. 2003. Beneficial use of drinking water treatment residuals to protect surface water quality. Annual Water Management Association of Ohio, Nov. 6, 2003.
Basta, N.T. 2003. Advances in Biosolids Research: Use of Biosolids for Land Remediation. Second Annual OWEA Biosolids Workshop, Newark, OH., Oct. 28, 2003.
Basta, N.T. 2003. State of existing and potential biosolids research outside the NRC scope. WERF/USEPA Biosolids/Treated Sewage Sludge Research Summit. Alexandria, VA. July 27-30. Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, VA.
Basta, N.T., S.W. Casteel, and R.P. Lanno. 2003. Bioavailability assays for risk based remediation in contaminated ecosystems. p. 308-309. Proc. 7th ICOBTE, Uppsala, Sweden, June 15-19.
Basta, N.T., F.P. Armstrong, and R.P. Lanno. 2003. In situ remediation of arsenic contaminated soil based on reducing terrestrial ecological risk. p. 40-41. Proc. 7th ICOBTE, Uppsala, Sweden, June 15-19.
Dayton, E.A., N.T. Basta, and M. Payton. 2003. Using path analysis to augment correlation analysis and partition the modifying effects of soil properties on ecotoxicity. p. 30-31. Proc. 7th ICOBTE, Uppsala, Sweden, June 15-19.
Bradham, K.D., N. T. Basta, R. P. Lanno, J. Schroder, and M. Payton. 2003. Effect of soil properties on the toxicity and bioavailability of metals. p. 28-29. Proc. 7th ICOBTE, Uppsala, Sweden, June 15-19.
Lanno, R.P., B. Gunadi, N.T. Basta, K. Bradham, M. Vijver, W. Peijnenburg, and J. Condor. 2003. p. 32-33. Proc. 7th ICOBTE, Uppsala, Sweden, June 15-19.
Basta, N.T., E.A. Dayton, D.E. Storm, and J.R. DeWolfe. Advances in WTR research to manage P, in soil, runoff, manure, and biosolids. 2003. Joint Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference (CD-ROM), Water Environment Federation, Baltimore, MD, Feb. 19-22.
Dayton, E.A., N.T. Basta, L. Dehass. 2003. All drinking water residuals are not created equal. Joint Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference (CD-ROM), Water Environment Federation, Baltimore, MD, Feb. 19-22.
Friend, Michael S. , N.T. Basta, and E.A. Dayton. 2003. Using water treatment residuals to reduce runoff P entering urban waters. 2003. Joint Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference (CD-ROM), Water Environment Federation, Baltimore, MD, Feb. 19-22.
DeWolfe, J.R., and N.T. Basta. 2003. Use of water treatment residuals to reduce soil P loss and protect surface water quality: An interregional study. 2003. Joint Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference (CD-ROM), Water Environment Federation, Baltimore, MD, Feb. 19-22.
Dayton, E.A. 2003. Ph.D. Dissertation. Relative contribution of soil properties to modifying the phytotoxicity and bioaccumulation of cadmium, lead and zinc to lettuce.
Schroder, J.L. 2003. Ph.D. Dissertation. Bioavailability and toxicity of heavy metals in contaminated soils to human and ecological receptors.
Armstrong, F.P. 2003. Ph.D. Dissertation. Extractability and bioavailability of arsenic in soils and the effect of iron remediation efforts.
Friend, M. S. 2003. M.S. Thesis. Chemical processes controlling soluble phosphorus in soil fertilized with poultry litter and using diammonium phosphate fertilizer to reduce risk from incidental ingestion of lead contaminated soil.
Brewer, L.J. and D.M. Sullivan. 2003. Maturity and stability evaluation of composted yard trimmings. Compost Sci. Util. 11(2): 96-112
Gilmour, J.T., C. Cogger, L.W. Jacobs, G.K. Evanylo, and D.M. Sullivan. 2003. Decomposition and plant available N in biosolids: laboratory studies, field studies and computer simulation. J. Environ. Qual. 32:1498-1507.
Sullivan, D.M., A.I. Bary, T.J. Nartea, E.A. Myrhe, C.G. Cogger, and S.C. Fransen. 2003. Nitrogen availability seven years after a high-rate food waste compost application. Compost Sci. Util. 11(3): 265-275.
Staben, M.L., J.W. Ellsworth, D.M. Sullivan, D. Horneck, B.D. Brown and R.G. Stevens. 2003. Monitoring soil nutrients using a management unit approach. PNW 570-E. Oregon State University Extension Service. Corvallis, OR.
Sullivan, D.M and C.G. Cogger. 2003. Post-harvest soil nitrate testing for manured cropping systems in west of the Cascades. EM 8832. Oregon State University Extension Service. Corvallis, OR
Sullivan, D.M and R.G. Stevens. 2003. Agricultural phosphorus management using the Oregon/Washington Phosphorus Indexes. EM 8848-E. Oregon State University Extension Service. Corvallis, OR
Brandt, R.C., Elliott, H.A., and G.A. O?Connor. 2004. Water extractable phosphorus in biosolids: Implications for land-based recycling. Water Environ. Research. 76:(in press).
O?Connor, G.A., D. Sarkar, S.R. Brinton, H.A. Elliott, and F.G. Martin. 2004. Phytoavailability of biosolids-phosphorus. J. Environ. Qual. 33: (accepted).
Shober, A.L., R.C. Stehouwer, and K.E. Macneal. 2003. On-farm assessment of biosolids effects on soil and crop tissue quality. J. Environ. Qual. 32:1873-1880.
Stehouwer, R.C. and K.E. Macneal. 2004. Effect of alkaline stabilized biosolids on alfalfa tissue copper and molybdenum content. J. Environ. Qual. 33: (in press).
von Willert, F.J. and R.C. Stehouwer. 2003. Compost and calcium surface treatment effects on subsoil chemistry in acidic minespoil columns. J. Environ. Qual. 32:781-788.
von Willert, F.J. and R.C. Stehouwer. 2003. Compost, CaCO3, and gypsum effects on Ca and Al transport in acidic minespoil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 67:778-786.
Brandt, R.C. and H.A. Elliott. 2003. Phosphorus runoff losses from surface-applied biosolids and dairy manure. Joint Residuals and Biosolids Mgmt Conf. Water Environ. Federation. February 19-22, Baltimore, MD.
O?Connor, G.A. and H.A. Elliott. 2003. Water treatment residual effects on biosolids-P reactions. Joint Residuals and Biosolids Mgmt Conf. Water Environ. Federation. February 19-22, Baltimore, MD.
Stehouwer, R.C and A.L. Shober. 2003. Effects of agronomic biosolids utilization on soil quality. Joint Residuals and Biosolids Mgmt Conf. Water Environ. Federation. February 19-22, Baltimore, MD.
Stehouwer, R.C. and K.E. Macneal. 2003. Biosolids incinerator ash as a P source for turf soils. Soil Science Society of America Meetings. Denver, CO. November 2 ? 6, 2003. Annual Mtg. Abstracts, ASA, CSSA, SSSA.
Brandt, R.C. 2003. Land application of biosolids under phosphorus-based nutrient management. Ph.D. Thesis. Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA., 216 p.
Abou-Shanab, R. A., Angle, J. S., Delorme, T. A., Chaney, R. L., van Berkum, P., Moawad, H., Ghanem, K. and Ghozlan, H. A. Rhizobacterial effects on nickel extraction from soil and uptake by Alyssum murale. New Phytol. 158:219-224. 2003. [ARS-150925]
Abou-Shanab, R. A., Delorme, T. A., Angle, J. S., Chaney, R. L., Ghanem, K., Moawad, H., and Ghozlan, H. A. Phenotypic characterization of microbes in the rhizosphere of Alyssum murale. Int. J. Phytoremediation 5:367-379. 2003. [ARS-]
Alexander, M., Hughes, J. B., Chaney, R. L., Cunningham, S. D., Harmsen, J., and Gestel, H. van. Chemical Measures of Bioavailability. p. 345-362. In Lanno, R. P. (eds.) Contaminated Soils: From Soil-Chemical Interactions to Ecosystem Management.? Soc. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., Pensacola, FL. 2003. [ARS-]
Angle, J.S., Baker, A.J.M., Whiting, S.N. and Chaney, R.L. Soil moisture effects on uptake of metal by Thlaspi, Alyssum and Berkheya. Plant Soil 256:325-332. 2003. [ARS-157902]
Brown, S.L., Chaney, R.L., Hallfrisch, J.G. and Xue, Q. Effect of biosolids processing on the bioavailability of lead in urban soils. J. Environ. Qual. 32:100-108. 2003. [ARS-135545]
Brown, S. L., Chaney, R. L. and Hill, D. M. Biosolids compost reduces lead bioavailability in urban soils. BioCycle 44(6):20-24. 2003. [ARS-]
Brown, S. L., Henry, C. L., Chaney, R. L., Compton, H. and DeVolder, P. S. Using municipal biosolids in combination with other residuals to restore metal-contaminated mining areas. Plant Soil 249:203-215. 2003. [ARS-134475]
Chaney, R. L., Kukier, U. and Siebielec, G. Risk assessment for soil Ni, and remediation of soil-Ni phytotoxicity in situ or by phytoextraction. Proc. Sudbury-2003 (Mining and the Environment III.) May 27-31, 2003. Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. 2003. http://www.sudbury2003.ca/English/RufusChaney.pdf [ARS-148666]
Delorme, T. A., Gagliardi, J. V., Angle, J. S., van Berkum, P. and Chaney, R. L. Phenotypic and genetic diversity of Rhizobia isolated from nodules of clover grown in a zinc and cadmium contaminated soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 67:1746-1754. 2003. [ARS-127893]
Green, C. E., Chaney, R. L. and Bouwkamp, J. Interactions between cadmium uptake and phytotoxic levels of zinc in hard red spring wheat. J. Plant Nutr. 26:417-430. 2003. [ARS-120178]
Hettiarachchi, G. M., Ryan, J. A., Chaney, R. L. and La Fleur, C. M. Sorption and desorption of cadmium by different fractions of biosolids-amended soils. J. Environ. Qual. 32:1684-1693. 2003. [ARS-141577]
Langmuir, D. L., Chrostrowski, P., Chaney, R. L. and Vigneault, B. Issue Paper on Environmental Chemistry of Metals. 114 p. In US-EPA Risk Assessment Forum: Papers Addressing Scientific Issues in the Risk Assessment of Metals. http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/raf/recordisplay.cfm?deid=59052 [ARS-155637]
Li, Y. -M., Chaney, R. L., Brewer, E. P., Angle, J. S. and Nelkin, J. P. Phytoextraction of nickel and cobalt by hyperaccumulator Alyssum species grown on nickel-contaminated soils. Environ. Sci. Technol. 37:1463-1468. 2003. [ARS-151144]
Li, Y. -M., Chaney, R. L., Brewer, E., Roseberg, R. J., Angle, J. S., Baker, A. J. M., Reeves, R. D. and Nelkin, J. Development of a technology for commercial phytoextraction of nickel: Economic and technical considerations. Plant Soil 249:107-115. 2003. [ARS-135546]
Simmons, R. W., Pongsakul, P., Chaney, R. L., Saiyasitpanich, D., Klinphoklap, S. and Nobuntou. W. The comparative exclusion of zinc and iron from rice grain in relation to rice grain cadmium: Implications for human health. p. In Extended Abstract for the Seventh Int. Conf. on Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (June 15-19, 2003, Uppsala, Sweden). 2003. [ARS-]
Simmons, R. W., Pongsakul, P., Chaney, R. L., Saiyasitpanich, D, Klinphoklap, S. and Nobuntou, W. The comparative exclusion of zinc and iron from rice grain in relation to rice grain cadmium: Implications for human health. Plant Soil 257:163-170. 2003. [ARS-144283]
Evanylo, G.K. 2003. Effects of biosolids application timing and soil texture on nitrogen availability for corn. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 34(1&2): 127-145.
Gilmour, J.T., C.G. Cogger, L.W. Jacobs, G.K. Evanylo, and D.M. Sullivan. 2003. Decomposition and plant-available nitrogen in biosolids: Laboratory studies, field studies, and computer simulation. J. Environ. Qual. 32:1498-1507.
Evanylo, G.K., W.L. Daniels, and S. Nagle. 2004. Suitability of fresh and aged paper sludge as soil amendments. Journal of Residuals Science and Technology 1(1):27-34.
Daniels, W.L., P.D. Schroeder, S.M. Nagle, L.W. Zelazny, and M.M. Alley. 2003. Reclamation of prime farmland following mineral sands mining in Virginia. Mining Engineering (In Press).
Coale, F.J., J.W. White, J.T. Sims, and G.K. Evanylo. 2003. Phosphorus fate and transport in biosolids amended soils: II. Phosphorus losses in runoff from soils used for corn production. WEF/AWWA/CWEA Joint Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference. Residuals and Biosolids Management ? Partnering for a Safe, Sustainable Environment. Baltimore, MD. February 19-22.
Sims, J.T., F.J. Coale, and G.K. Evanylo. 2003. Phosphorus fate and transport in biosolids amended soils: III. Phosphorus forms in soils and losses in runoff from fescue pastures. WEF/AWWA/CWEA Joint Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference. Residuals and Biosolids Management ? Partnering for a Safe, Sustainable Environment. Baltimore, MD. February 19-22.
Sukkariyah, B., G.K. Evanylo, and L.W. Zelazny. 2003. Bioavailability of heavy metals from biosolids. WEF/AWWA/CWEA Joint Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference. Residuals and Biosolids Management ? Partnering for a Safe, Sustainable Environment. Baltimore, MD. February 19-22.
Daniels, W.L. 2003. Strategies for the return of heavy mineral sands mines to productive agricultural uses. In: Z. Agioutantis, (ed.). Proceedings, Conf. on Sustainable Indicators in the Minerals Industry, SDIMI - 03. May 13-17, 2003, Milos, Greece. Pub. by Milos Conf. Center ? George Eliotopous, Milos Island, Greece. ISBN: 960-87054-1-X.
Daniels, W.L., Z.W. Orndorff, and P.D. Schroeder. 2003. Chemical and physical properties of mineral sands mine soils in southeastern Virginia. p. 209-227 In: R.I. Barnhisel, (ed.) Proc., 2003 National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation, Lexington, KY, June 3-6, 2003, Billings, MT. Published by ASMR, 3134 Montavesta Rd., Lexington, KY, 40502.
Daniels, W.L., G.K. Evanylo, S.M. Nagle and J.M. Schmidt. 2003. Effects of biosolids loading rate on nitrate leaching potentials in sand and gravel mine reclamation in Virginia. WEFTEC, Los Angeles, CA. October 14.
Daniels, W.L., G.K. Evanylo, S.M. Nagle and J.M. Schmidt. 2003. Effects of biosolids loading rate on nitrate leaching potentials in sand and gravel mine reclamation in Virginia. Virginia Water Research Resources Conference, Blacksburg, VA. October 7-10.
Evanylo, G.K., J.T. Spargo, C.A. Sherony, M.R. Brosius, G.L. Mullins, and D Starner. 2003. Effects of soil amendments on N and P transport in surface and subsurface water. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. Nov. 2-6.
Sukkariyah, B., G.K. Evanylo, and L.W. Zelazny. 2003. Recovery and distribution of biosolids-derived trace metals in a clay loam soil. ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. Nov. 2-6.
Sukkariyah, B., G.K. Evanylo, and L.W. Zelazny. 2003. Trace metals availability in biosolids-amended soil. ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. Nov. 2-6.
Daniels, W.L., 2003. Pyrite oxidation: Mitigation of environmental effects. 2003 Annual Meeting Abstracts CD, Amer. Soc. Agronomy/Crop Sci. Soc. Amer./Soil Sci. Soc. Amer., Madison, WI.
Beck, M.A., L.W. Zelazny, W.L. Daniels and G.L. Mullins. 2003. A proposed laboratory ponding/leaching method for the assessment of potential runoff and subsurface P losses from agricultural fields. 2003 Annual Meeting Abstracts CD, Amer. Soc. Agronomy/Crop Sci. Soc. Amer./Soil Sci. Soc. Amer., Madison, WI.
Kukier, U., R.L. Chaney, J.A. Ryan, W. L. Daniels, R.H. Dowdy and T. Granato. 2003. Effect of biosolids on phytoavailability of Cd in long-term amended soils. 2003 Annual Meeting Abstracts CD, Amer. Soc. Agronomy/Crop Sci. Soc. Amer./Soil Sci. Soc. Amer., Madison, WI.
Daniels, W.L, B.R. Stewart, K.C. Haering and C.E. Zipper. 2002. The Potential for Beneficial Reuse of Coal Fly Ash in Southwest Virginia Mining Environments. Va. Coop. Ext. Serv. Pub. 460-134; Reclamation Guidelines. Powell River Project, Virginia Tech Research Div., Blacksburg. 19 p..
Sukkariyah, B. 2003. Trace metals mobility in soils and availability to plants in a long-term biosolids amended soil. Ph.D. Dissertation. Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.
Evanylo, G.K., C.A. Sherony, J.H. May, T.W. Simpson, and A.H. Christian. 2003. The Virginia Yard-Waste Management Manual. Second Edition. Virginia Coop. Ext. Publ. No. 452-055.
Brown, S., C.L. Henry, R.Chaney, H. Compton, and P.S. DeVolder. 2003. Using municipal biosolids in combination with other residuals to restore metal-contaminated mining areas. Plant and Soil, 249:203-215.
Brown , S. , R. Chaney J. Halfrisch, and Q. Xue. 2003. Effect of Biosolids Processing on Lead Bioavailability in an Urban Soil. J. Environ. Qual. 32:100-108.
DeVolder, P., S.L. Brown, D. Hesterberg and K. Pandya. 2003. Metal bioavailability and speciation in a wetland tailings repository amended with biosolids compost, wood ash, and sulfate. J. Environ. Qual. 32 (3): 851-864..
Brown, S., M. Sprenger, A. Maxemchuk and H. Compton. 2004. An evaluation of ecosystem function following restoration with biosolids and lime addition to alluvial tailings deposits in Leadville, CO. J. Environ. Qual. In review.
Brown, S.L., W. Berti, R.L. Chaney J Halfrisch and J Ryan. 2004. In situ use of soil amendments to reduce the bioaccessibility and phytoavailibility of soil lead. J. Environ Qual. In Print.
Ryan, J.A., W.R. Berti, S.L. Brown, S.W. Casteel, R.L. Chaney, M. Doolan, P. Grevatt, J. Hallfrisch, M. Maddaloni, D. Moseby, and K. Scheckel. 2004. Reducing children?s risk to soil lead: summary of a field experiment. Environ. Sci. and Tech. 38:19a-24a.
Brown, S. L., R.L. Chaney, R. L. and D.M. Hill. 2003. Biosolids compost reduces lead bioavailability in urban soils. BioCycle 44(6):20-24.
National Research Council. 2003. Bioavailabililty of Contaminants in Soils and Sediments. National Academy of Sciences. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC.
Brown, S., C.L. Henry, A. Svendson, and P. DeVolder. 2003. Use of biosolids and lime to restore a native plant cover on metal mine tailings. Soil Science Society of America annual meetings, Denver, CO Nov 2-6.
Henry, C.L., P. DeVolder, and S. Brown. 2003. Restoring a native plant cover to metal mine tailings amended with biosolids. Soil Science Society of America annual meetings, Denver, CO Nov 2-6.
Sprenger, M., H. Compton, A. Maxemchuk, and S. Brown. 2003. An evaluation of ecosystem restoration following biosolids application in Leadville, CO. Soil Science Society of America annual meetings, Denver, CO Nov 2-6.
Brown, S, D Hesterberg, P DeVolder, H Compton, M Sprenger, and K Pandya. 2003. Metal bioavailability and speciation in a wetland tailings repository amended with biosolids compost wood ash and sulfate. International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements Uppsala, Sweden, June
Brown, S, R Chaney, J Hallfrisch, Q Xue, J Ryan, W Berti. 2003. Use of soil amendments to reduce the bioavailability of lead, zinc and cadmium in situ. International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements Uppsala, Sweden, June
Severtson, S. P. Effects of biosolids and gypsum amendments on metal bioavailability and plant growth when added to mine tailings. MS thesis University of Washington, Seattle, WA 103 pp.