W170: Chemistry and Bioavailability of Waste Constituents in Soils
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 04/08/2002
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 01/06/2002
- 01/07/2002
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2001 - 12/01/2001
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2001 - 12/01/2001
Ajwa, H.A. (haajwa@ucdavis.edu)- USDA-ARS (CA); Basta, Nick (bastan@okstate.edu)- Oklahoma State University (OK-AES); Elliot, H.A. (hae1@psu.edu)- The Pennsylvania State University (PA-AES); Evanylo, G. (gevanylo@vt.edu) Virginia Tech University (VA-AES);Hue, N.V. (nvhue@hawaii.edu)- University of Hawaii (HI-AES); Jacobs, L. (jacobsl@msu.edu) (MI-AES); Page, A.L. (albert.page@ucr) -University of California at Riverside (CA-AES); Pierzynski, G. M. (gmp@ksu.edu) - Kansas State University (KS-AES); Schwab, A.P. (pschwab@purdue.edu) - Purdue University (IN-AES); Sommers, Lee (lsommers@lamar.colostate.edu) - Admin Adviser; Sullivan, Dan (dan.sullivan@orst.edu) - Oregon State University (OR AES).
Brief Summary of Minutes
Committee chair, Nick Basta, called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. Dr. Hue welcomed us to Hawai‘i, and gave us instructions about the logistics of the meeting.General Business
Lee Sommers presented a report from the Directors. He stressed that the trend for regional projects is for a web-based reporting system, as implemented by the Northeast. To help reduce paperwork, all reports and proposals eventually will be placed on their respective websites. Drafts will be placed there and available for editing online. Reporting will become form-driven and submitted electronically as the 422 Report. Once the report is submitted, an email will be sent to the regional committee listserver to allow the membership to review the report.
The committee meeting minutes must be condensed for submission, or a link submitted to the website connecting the user to the long version of the minutes.
USDA funding is flat for 2002. NRI funding is the same, and IFAS was not funded. It is possible that IFAS will be refunded in the upcoming Farm Bill
Bob Heil retired this past year, and Mike Harrington has replaced him in Fort Collins.
Nick Basta discussed the web presence of W170. Our current website (in the University of Washington server) appears to be completely inactive. We can and should utilize the web server available at the Western Regional site, but the Western Regional personnel will be unable to provide support. Our website needs enhancement because in its current state, it only contains the proposal and the latest reports.
The website should have all of our reasonable information to provide the public some understanding. We will not be able to reproduce all reports and publications, but summaries with links would be very appropriate. Lee Sommers indicated that guidelines have been issued for the development of electronic publications and should be used to tailor our approach to putting information on the website.
The big problem with our website is that it has been orphaned. Nick made an appeal to the committee to have someone volunteer to take over the site, develop it, and solicit materials from members to post. Schwab volunteered to take a look at it and would handle the responsibilities pending approval from his department head. Ajwa suggested we refer to the California Strawberry Commission as an excellent example of such an approach.
Gary Pierzynski presented an announcement for George O‘Connor. Dr. O‘Connor and Bob Bastian are organizing a conference in Florida on the "Application of Nonhazardous Wastes to Soils." It will be a 3-day conference in January, 2003 and could coincide with our regional meeting. We could meet before or after the conference. The consensus of the group was to meet in Florida (assuming that O‘Connor can pull it off) with Las Vegas as a possible backup.
Lee Wolf reminded the group that the executive committee, as outlined in the proposal, has five members: two co-chairs, a secretary, and two other members. The secretary and the two other members must be re-elected annually. Schwab was re-affirmed by the membership. Greg Evanylo and Hussein Ajwa were nominated and voted in.
Station Reports
Holding with the tradition of W-170, attendees presented oral station reports. The reports were given a 20-minute time limit, and all reports generated extended discussion.
Experiment Station Tour
N.V. Hue, our gracious host, arranged a tour of one of Hawai‘i‘s experiment stations. After a scenic drive, we were treated to a unique walk to view the ongoing experiments. We were educated on the culturing of tropical fruits, nuts, and other crops.