NC1142: Regulation of Photosynthetic Processes (Rev. NC-142)

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


1. Abad, MC, Binderup, K, Preiss, J & Geiger, J H (2002) Crystallization & preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of Escherichia coli Branching Enzyme. Acta Crystallographica. D series. D58 359-361.

2. Abad, MC, Binderup, K, Rios-Steiner, Jorge, Preiss, J & Geiger, J H (2002) The X-ray. Crystallographic structure of Escherichia coli Branching Enzyme. J Biol. Chem. 277: 42164-42170.

3. Abebe T, Guenzi AC, Martin B, Cushman JC (2002) Tolerance of mannitol-accumulating transgenic wheat to water stress & salinity. Plant Phys. In press.

4. Adam, Z, I Adamska, K Nakabayashi, O Ostersetzer, K Haussuhl, A Manuell, B Zheng, O Vallon, SR Rodermel, K Shinozaki & A K Clarke. 2001. Chloroplast & mitochondrial proteases in Arabidopsis thaliana: a proposed nomenclature. Plant Phys. 125: 1912-1918.

5. Ainsworth EA, Davey PA, Bernacchi CJ, Dermody OC, Heaton EA, Moore DJ, Morgan PB, Naidu SL, RA Hsy, Zhu XG, Curtis PS & Long SP (2002) A meta-analysis of elevated [CO2] effects on soybean (Glycine max) physiology, growth & yield. Global Change Biol., 8, 695-709.

6. Ainsworth EA, Davey PA, Hymus GJ, Drake BG, Long SP (2002) Long-term response of photosynthesis to elevated carbon dioxide in a Florida scrub-oak ecosystem. Ecol. Applications 12: 1267-1275.

7. Ainsworth EA, Davey PA, Hymus GJ, Osborne CP, Rogers A, Blum H, Nosberger J, Long SP (2003) Is stimulation of leaf photosynthesis by elevated carbon dioxide concentration maintained in the long term? A test with Lolium perenne grown for ten years at two nitrogen levels under Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE). Plant, Cell & Environment (in press).

8. Ainsworth EA, Tranel PJ, Drake BG, Long SP (2003) The clonal structure of Quercus geminata revealed by conserved microsatellite loci. Molecular Ecology (in press).

9. Aluru, M, H Bae, D Wu & S Rodermel. 2001. The Arabidopsis immutans mutation affects plastid differentiation & the morphogenesis of white & green sectors in variegated plants. Plant Phys. 127: 67-77.

10. Andersen MN, F Asch, Y Wu, CR Jensen, H Naested, VO Morgensen, & KE Koch (2002) Soluble invertase expression is an early target of drought stress during the critical, abortion-sensitive phase of young ovary development in maize. Plant Phys. 130: 591-604

11. Athwal, GS & Huber, SC 2002. Divalent cations & polyamines bind to loop 8 of 14-3-3 proteins, modulating their interaction with phosphorylated nitrate reductase. Plant J 29: 1-14.

12. Ballicora, MA, Sesma, JI, Iglesias, A A & Preiss, J (2002) Characterization of. Chimeric adpglucose Pyrophosphorylases of Escherichia coli & Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Importance of the C-terminal Domain on the Selectivity for Allosteric Regulators. Biochemistry, 41: 9431-9437.

13. Bassman JH, GE Edwards & R Robberecht. 2002 Long-term exposure to enhanced UV-B radiation is not detrimental to growth & photosynthesis in Douglas-fir. New Phytol. 154: 107-120.

14. Bassman, J, R Robberecht, GE Edwards. Photosynthesis & growth in seedlings of five forest tree species with contrasting leaf anatomy submected to supplemental UV-B radiation. Forest Science, In Press.

15. Below FE, Seebauer JR, Uribelarrea M, Schneerman MC, Moose SP (2002) Accompanying changes in crop physiology from long-term selection for grain protein in maize. Plant Breeding Rev. (in press)

16. Bernacchi CJ, Portis A R, Nakano, H, Von Caemmerer S & Long SP (2002) Temperature response of mesophyll conductance; implications for the determination of Rubisco enzyme kinetics & limitations to photosynthesis in vivo. Plant Phys. (in press).

17. Bernacchi CJ, SINGSAAS EL, PIMENTEL C, Portis A R & Long SP (2001) Improved temperature response functions for models of Rubisco-limited photosynthesis. Plant Cell & Environment, 24, 253-259.

18. Bernacchi CJ, Portis AR, Nakano H, von Caemmerer S, & Long, S P (2002) Temperature response of mesophyll conductance; implications for the determination of Rubisco enzyme kinetics & limitations to photosynthesis in vivo. Plant Phys., (in press).

19. Binderup K, Mikkelsen R & Preiss, J (2002) Truncation of the Amino-Terminus of. Branching Enzyme changes in Branching Pattern. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 397: 279-285.

20. Blauth SL, Kim K-N, Klucinec J, Shannon JC, Thompson D & Guiltinan MJ 2002. Identification of Mutator insertional mutants of starch branching enzyme I (Sbe1) in Zea mays L, Plant Molecular Biol. 48: 287-297.

21. Bohnert HJ, Ayoubi P, Borchert C, Bressan RA, Burnap RL, Cushman JC, Cushman MA, Deyholos M, Galbraith DW, Hasegawa PM, Jenks M, Kawasaki S, Koiwa H, Kore-eda S, Lee B-H, Michalowski CB, Misawa E, Nomura M, Ozturk M, Postier B, Prade R, Song C-P, Tanaka Y, Wang H, Zhu J-K (2001) A genomics approach towards salt stress tolerance. Plant Phys. Biochem 39: 295-311.

22. Bohnert HJ, Cushman JC (2002) Plants & environmental stress adaptation strategies. In Plant Biotechnology & transgenic plants, Oksman-Caldentey K-M, & Barz WH, eds. Marcel Dekker, New York, NY pp, 635-664.

23. Chastain CJ, JP Fries, JA Vogel, CL Randklev, AP Vossen, SK Dittmer, EE Watkins, LJ Fiedler, SA Wacker, KL Meinhover, G Sarath, & R Chollet (2002a) Pyruvate, orthophosphate dikinase in leaves & chloroplasts of C3 plants undergoes light-/dark-induced reversible phosphorylation. Plant Physiol 128: 1368-1378. [also featured in this issues On the Inside section on pages 1163-1164]

24. Clifton-Brown JC, Long SP, Jorgensen U (2001). Miscanthus productivity. In: Miscanthus for Energy & Fibre. (Jones, MB, Walsh, M, eds). London, James & James, 46-67.

25. Cushman JC (2001a) Crassulacean Acid metabolism (CAM): A plastic photosynthetic adaptation to arid environments. Plant Phys. 127: 1439-1448.

26. Cushman JC (2001b) Osmoregulation in plants: implications for agriculture. Amer Zoologist. 41:758-769.

27. Cushman JC (2003) Functional genomics of plant abiotic stress tolerance. In: Genomics of Plants & Fungi. Ed. RA Prade & HJ Bohnert. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, NY In press.

28. Cushman JC, Bohnert HJ (2002) Induction of CAM by salinity molecular aspects. In: Salinity: Environment - Plants - Molecules. Eds. A Lduchli & U L|ttge. Kluwer Academic. Publishers, Inc., Boston, MA, pp. 361-393.

29. Cushman JC, Borland AM (2002) Induction of CAM by water limitation. Plant Cell Environ. 25:295-310.

30. Daley Larry S 2002 3.7 SENSITIVE ECOSYSTEMS Caribbean Gallery Forests. A preliminary look at their germplasm diversity, ecology, climatic effects of evapo-transpiration & restoration. (submitted).

31. Dirk,L, Williams,M, & Houtz,R (2002). Specificity of chloroplast-localized peptide deformylases as determined with peptide analogs of chloroplast-translated proteins. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 406, 135.

32. Dodd AN, Griffiths H, Taybi T, Cushman JC, Borland AM (2002) Integrating diel starch metabolism with the circadian & environmental regulation of CAM in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. Planta Submitted.

33. Ermolova EV, Cushman MA, Taybi T, Condon SA, Cushman JC, Chollet R (2003) Expression, purification, & initial characterization of a recombinant form of plant PEP-carboxylase kinase from CAM-induced Mesembryanthemum crystallinum with enhanced solubility in Escherichia coli. Protein Express Purific. (in press).

34. DELETE A Cushman, T Taybi, SA Condon, JC Cushman, & R Chollet (2002) Expression, purification & initial characterization of a recombinant form of plant PEP-carboxylase kinase from CAM-induced Mesembryanthemum crystallinum with enhanced solubility in Escherichia coli. Protein Express Purif (submitted for publication).

35. Esquivel MG, Anwaruzzaman M, & Spreitzer RJ 2002. Deletion of nine carboxy-terminal residues of the Rubisco small subunit decreases thermal stability but does not eliminate function. FEBS Lett. 520: 73-76.

36. Spreitzer RJ & Salvucci, ME 2002. Rubisco: Structure, regulatory interactions, & possibilities for a better enzyme. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 53: 449-475.

37. Fay, PA, JD Carlisle, BT Danner, MS Lett, JK mccarron, C Stewart, A K Knapp, JM Blair & SL Collins. 2002. Altered rainfall patterns, gas exchange & growth in C3 & C4 grassland species. International Journal of Plant Sciences 163: 549-557.

38. Freuauf, JB, Ballicora, MA & Preiss, J (2002) ADP glucose Pyrophosphorylase from potato tuber. Site-Directed Mutagenesis of Homologous Aspartic Acid Residues in the Small & Large Subunits. Plant J In press review Chapters in Books, Journals, Proceedings

39. Freuauf, JB, Ballicora, MA & Preiss, J (2002) adpglucose Pyrophosphorylase from potato tuber. Site-Directed Mutagenesis of Homologous Aspartic Acid Residues in the Small & Large Subunits. Plant J In PRESS

40. Frueauf, JB, Ballicora, A M & Preiss, J (2001) Aspartate residue 142 is important for catalysis by adpglc pyrophosphorylase from Escherichia coli. J Biol. Chem. 276: 46319-46325.

41. Frueauf, JB, Ballicora, A M & Preiss, J (2002) Alteration of inhibitor specificity by site-directed mutagenesis of Arg294 in the ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase from Anabaena PCC 7120. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 400: 208-214.

42. Gao, Z, & WH Loescher. 2003. Expression of a celery mannose 6-phosphate reductase in Arabidopsis thaliana enhances salt tolerance & induces biosynthesis of both mannitol & a mannitol glucose dimer. Plant Cell Environ. In Press

43. Geider RJ, Delucia EH, Falkowski PG, Finzi A C, Grime JP, Grace J, Kana TM, La Roche J, Long SP, Osborne BA, Platt T, Prentice IC, Raven JA, Schlesinger WH, Smetacek V, Stuart V, Sathyendranath S, Thomas RB, Vogelmann TC, Williams P & Woodward FI (2001) Primary productivity of planet earth: biological determinants & physical constraints. Global Change Biol. 7, 849-882.

44. Gentry LE, Below FE, David MB, Bergerou JA (2001) Source of the soybean N credit in maize production. Plant & Soil 236:175-184.

45. Guralnick LJ, GE Edwards, MSB Ku, B Hockema, VR Franceschi. 2002 Photosynthetic & anatomical characteristics in the C4-CAM-cycling plant, Portulaca grandiflora. 2002 Functional Plant Biol. 29: 763-773.

46. HA Ramberg, BJSC Olson, JN Nishio, J Markwell & JC Osterman (200X) The role of methanol in promoting plant growth: an update. Rev. Plant Biochem. Biotechnol. (in press).

47. Hardin, SC, Tang, G-Q, Scholz, A, Winter, H & Huber, SC 200X Phosphorylation of serine-170, an unrecognized secondary site, is implicated in proteasome-mediated degradation of maize sucrose synthase. Plant J in review.

48. HARRISON EP, OLCER H, LLOYD JC, Long SP & RAINES CA (2001) Small decreases in sbpase cause a linear decline in the apparent rubp regeneration rate, but do not affect Rubisco carboxylation capacity. Journal of Experimental Botany, 52, 1779-1784.

49. Huber, SC, mackintosh, C & Kaiser, WM 2002. Metabolic enzymes as targets for 14-3-3 proteins. Plant Mol. Biol.,. In press (accepted 10/25/01).

50. Hymus GJ, Dijksteraijkstra P, Baker NR, Drake BG & Long SP (2001) Will rising CO2 protect plants from the midday sun? A study of photoinhibition of Quercus myrtifolia in a scrub-oak community in two seasons. Plant Cell & Environment, 24, 1361-1368.

51. Hymus GJ, Baker NR, Long SP (2001) Growth in elevated CO2 can both increase & decrease photochemistry & photoinhibition of photosynthesis in a predictable manner. Dactylis glomerata Grown in Two Levels of Nitrogen Nutrition. Plant Phys. 127, 1204-1211.

52. Isopp, H, Frehner, M, Long, SP, Nvsberger, J (2000) Sucrose-phosphate synthase responds differently to source-sink relations & to photosynthetic rates: Lolium perenne L growing at elevated p(CO2) in the field. Plant Cell & Environment, 23, 597-607.

53. Kavakli, HI, C Kato, S-B Choi, K-H Kim, PR Salamone, H Ito, & TW Okita (2002) Generation, characterization, & heterologous expression of up-regulated Arabidopsis thaliana leaf ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylases. Planta 215: 430-439

54. Kiirats O, P Lea, VR Franceschi, & GE Edwards. 2002 Bundle sheath diffusive resistance to CO2, & effectiveness of C4 photosynthesis & refixation of photorespired CO2, in a C4 cycle mutant & wild type Amaranthus edulis. Plant Phys. 130: 964-976.

55. Kim, K & Portis, A R (2002) Oligomerization state of Rubisco activase revealed by dynamic light scattering. Plant Biol. 2002 Program, pg. 140 ASPP annual meeting, Denver CO

56. Knapp, A K, PA Fay, JM Blair, S L Collins, M D Smith, J D Carlisle, C W Harper, B T Danner, MS Lett & J K mccarron. 2002. Rainfall variability, carbon cycling & plant species diversity in a mesic grassland. Science, in press.

57. Komina O, Y Zhou, G Sarath, & R Chollet (2002b) In vivo & in vitro phosphorylation of membrane & soluble forms of soybean nodule sucrose synthase. Plant Physiol 129: 1664-1673.

58. Kramer DM, B Ivanov, GE Edwards, A Kanazawa, JA Cruz. The relationship between photosynthetic electron transfer & its regulation. Review: Advances in Photosynthesis. In press.

59. Loescher, WH 2003. Cherries. Encyclopedia of Food Sciences & Nutrition, 2nd Ed. Academic Press, London. In Press

60. Long SP & NAIDU SL (2002) Effects of oxidants at the biochemical, cell & physiological levels, with particular reference to ozone. In: Air Pollution & Plant Life 3rd Edn. (eds B JNB & T M), pp. 69-88. John Wiley, Chichester.

61. Long, JC, Zhao, W, Rashotte, A M, Muday, GK & Huber, SC 2002. Gravity stimulated changes in auxin & invertase gene expression in Zea mays L pulvinal cells. Plant Phys. 128: 591-602.

62. Long, SP, Beale, CV (2001) Resource capture by Miscanthus. In: Miscanthus for Energy & Fibre (Jones, MB, Walsh, M, eds). .London, James & James, 10-20.

63. Martin, MJ, Farage,PK, Humphries, SW, Long, SP (2000) Can the stomatal changes caused by acute ozone exposure be predicted by changes occurring in the mesophyll: A simplification for models of vegetation response to the global increase in tropospheric ozone episodes. Australian Journal of Plant Phys. 27, 211-219.

64. Martin, MJ, Sterling, CM, Humphries, SW, Long, SP (2000) A process-based model to predict the effects of. Climatic change on leaf isoprene emission rates. Ecol. Modelling 131, 161-174.

65. Mazarei, M, DP Puthoff, JK Hart, SR Rodermel & TJ Baum. 2002. Identification & characterization of a soybean ethylene-responsive element-binding protein gene whose mrna expression changes during soybean cyst nematode infection. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 15: 577-586.

66. MCKEE IF & Long SP (2001) Plant growth regulators control ozone damage to wheat yield. New Phytologist, 152, 41-51.

67. Mckee, IF, Mulholland, BJ, J Craigon, J, Black, CR, Long, SP (2000) Elevated concentrations of atmospheric CO2 protect against & compensate for O3 damage to photosynthetic tissues of field grown wheat. New Phytologist 146, 427-435.

68. Mooney, BP, Miernyk, JA, Randall, DD,. 2002. The Complex Fate of Alpha-Ketoacids. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 53: 357-375.

69. Moore B, Zhou L, Rolland F, Hall Q, Cheng W-H, Liu Y-X, Hwang I, Jones T, Sheen J. (2003) The Arabidopsis glucose sensor HXK1 integrates nutrient, light,

70. Morison JIL, Piedade MTF, Muller E, Long SP, Junk WJ, Jones MB (2000) Very high productivity of the C4 aquatic grass Echinochloa polystachya in the Amazon floodplain confirmed by net ecosystem CO2 flux measurements. Oecologia. 125, 400-411.

71. Rolland F, Moore B, Sheen J (2002) Invited Review: Sugar sensing & signaling in plants. Plant Cell (Special Issue on Signal Transduction) 14: S185-S205.

72. Outlaw WH, Jr, Z Du, FX Meng, K Aghoram, KA Riddle, & R Chollet (2002) Requirements for activation of the signal-transduction network that leads to regulatory phosphorylation of leaf guard-cell PEP carboxylase during fusicoccin-stimulated stomatal opening. Arch Biochem Biophys 407: 63-71. [also featured as the cover article for the December 15th issue of this journal]also featured as a cover article in this journal]

73. PA Herman, HA Ramberg, RD Baack, J Markwell & JC Osterman (2002) Formate dehydrogenase in Arabidopsis thaliana: overexpression & subcellular localization in leaves. Plant Sci. 163: 1137-1145.

74. Pinto, M GE Edwards, AA Riquelme, MSB Ku. 2002 Enhancement of nodulation in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) by ultraviolet-B radiation. Functional Plant Biol. 29: 1189-1196.

75. Portis, A R Jr. & Salvucci, ME (2002) The discovery of Rubisco activase  yet another story of serendipity. Photosynth. Res. 73:257-264.

76. Portis, A R Jr. (2002) Rubisco activase  Rubiscos catalytic chaperone. Photosynth. Res., in press.

77. Poulson ME, GE Edwards & J Browse. 2002 Photosynthesis is limited at high leaf to air vapor pressure deficit in a mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana that lacks trienoic fatty acids. Photosynthesis Research. 72: 55-63.

78. Preiss, J (2002) Glycogen Synthesis & its Regulation in Bacteria. In biopolymers, Vol. 8 Polysaccharides II (Steinb|chel, A, ed.). Wiley-VCH Verlag GMBH, Weinheim, Germany. Pp. 21-35.

79. RD Baack,. J Markwell, PL Herman & JC Osterman (200X). Kinetic behavior of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf formate dehydrogenase is thermally sensitive. J Plant Phys. (in press).

80. Rizhsky, L, E Hallak-Herr, F Van Breusegem, S Rachmilevitch, J Barr, S Rodermel, D Inze & R Mittler. 2002. Double antisense plants lacking ascorbate peroxidase & catalase are less sensitive to oxidative stress than single antisense plants lacking ascorbate peroxidase or catalase. Plant Journal (in press).

81. Rodermel, S 2001. Arabidopsis variegation mutants. In The Arabidopsis Book. C Somerville & EM Meyerowitz, eds. (American Society of Plant Biologists, Rockville, MD)

82. Rodermel, S 2001. Pathways of plastid-to-nucleus signaling. Trends Plant Sci. 6: 471-478.

83. Rodermel, S 2002. (Invited book review). Crop Science (in press).

84. Rodermel, S 2002. Regulation of photosynthesis. (Invited book review). Plant Science 162: 1019-1020.

85. Rodermel, S, A Miller & M Spalding. 2001. Influence of source strength on leaf developmental programming. In Handbook of Plant & Crop Phys. M Pessarakli, ed. (Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York), pp. 117-126.

86. Rolland F, Moore B, Sheen J (2002) Invited Review: Sugar sensing & signaling in plants. Plant Cell (Special Issue on Signal Transduction) 14: S185-S205.

87. S-D Yoo, Gao, Z, C Cantini, W Loescher, & S van Nocker. 2003. Fruit ripening in sour cherry (Prunus cerasus): Changes in expression of genes expressing expansins & other cell-wall modifying enzymes. J Amer Soc Hort Sci, In Press

88. Sakulsingharoj, C S-B Choi, jbork, CR Meyer, GE Edwards, J Preiss, & TW Okita. 2003. Manipulating starch & storage protein biosynthesis during endosperm development to increase rice yield. International Rice Research Institute, In Press.

89. Sakulsingharoj, C, S-B Choi, & TW Okita (2002) Manipulation of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase in starch biosynthesis during rice seed development. In Rice Genetics IV Proceedings of the Fourth International Rice Genetics Symposium International Rice Research Institute, Rice Genetics III, PO Box 933, Manila, Philippines. In Press.

90. Schoefs, B, E Darko & S Rodermel. 2001. Photosynthetic pigments, photosynthesis & plastid ultrastructure in rbcs antisense DNA mutants of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). Z Naturforsch 56c: 1067-1074.

91. Shen, W, Clark, A C & Huber, SC 200X The C-terminal tail of Arabidopsis 14-3-3 omega functions as an autoinhibitor & may contain a tenth a-helix. Plant J in review.

92. Silletti, A M & A K Knapp. 2002. Long-term responses of the grassl& co-dominants &ropogon gerardii & Sorghastrum nutans to changes in climate & management. Plant Ecology 163: 15-22.

93. Singh, S, CJ Slattery, S-B Choi & TW Okita. 2002. Molecular cloning, expression, kinetics & regulatory properties of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase from chickpea. (Provisionally accepted  under revision).

94. Singh, S, Sang-Bong Choi, Mahendra K Modi, & Thomas W Okita, 2001. Isolation & characterization of cdna clones encoding ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase large & small subunits from chickpea (Cicer arietinum L). Phytochem. 59:261-268.

95. Soulages JL, Kim K, Arrese EL, Walters C, Cushman JC (2002) Conformation of a Group 2 Late Embryogenesis Abundant (LEA) Protein from Soybean: Evidence of Poly (L-Proline)-type II (PII) Structure. Plant Phys. In press.

96. Soulages JL, Kim K, Walters C, Cushman JC (2002) Temperature-induced extended helix/random coil transitions in a Group 1 Late Embryogenesis Abundant Protein from Soybean. Plant Phys. 128: 822-832.

97. Spreitzer, RJ, & Salvucci, ME 2002. Rubisco: Structure, regulatory interactions, & possibilities for a better enzyme. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 53: 449-475.

98. Stessman, D, A Miller, M Spalding & S Rodermel. 2002. Regulation of photosynthesis during Arabidopsis leaf development in continuous light. Photosynthesis Research 72: 27-37.

99. Sun J, KM Gibson, O Kiirats, TW Okita, GE Edwards. Interactions of nitrate & CO2 enrichment on growth, carbohydrates & Rubisco in Arabidopsis starch mutants  significance of starch & hexose. Plant Phys. 130:1573-1583.

100. T M Heng-Moss, X Ni, T Macedo, J P Markwell, F P Baxendale, S S Quisenberry, & V Tolmay (200X) Comparison of chlorophyll & carotenoid concentrations among Russian wheat aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae)-infested wheat isolines. J Econ. Entomol. (in press).

101. Takemoto, Y, SJ Coughlan, TW Okita, H Sato, M Ogawa, T Kumamaru. 2002 Protein disulfide isomerase is essential for the localization of prolamin & glutelin storage proteins to separate intracellular compartments. Plant Phys. 128:1212-1222.

102. Tang, G-Q, Hardin, SC, Dewey, R & Huber, SC 200X A novel C-terminal proteolytic processing of cytosolic pyruvate kinase, its phosphorylation & degradation by the proteasome in developing soybean seeds. Plant J in review.

103. Taybi T, Cushman JC (2002) Abscisic acid Signaling & Protein Synthesis Requirements for CAM Induction in the Common Ice Plant. J Plant Phys. In press:

104. Taybi T, Cushman JC, BorlandAM (2002) Environmental, hormonal, & circadian regulation of CAM expression. Functional Plant Biol. 29:669-678.

105. Taybi T, Patil S, Chollet R, Cushman JC (2000) A mininal Ser/Thr protein kinase circadianly regulates phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity in CAM-induced leaves of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. Plant Phys. 123: 1471-1482.

106. Taybi T, Patil S, Chollet R, Cushman JC (2000) A mininal Ser/Thr protein kinase circadianly regulates phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity in CAM-induced leaves of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. Plant Phys. 123: 1471-1482.

107. Taylor, TC, Backlund, A, Bjorhall, K, Spreitzer, RJ, & Andersson, I 2001. First crystal structure of Rubisco from a green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Biol. Chem. 276: 48159-48164.

108. Taylor, TC, Backlund, A, Bjorhall, K, Spreitzer, RJ, & Andersson, I 2001. First crystal structure of Rubisco from a green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Biol. Chem. 276: 48159-48164.

109. Tovar-Mendez, A, Miernyk, JA, Randall, DD, 2002. Histidine mutagenesis of Arabidopsis thaliana pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase. Eur.J Biochem. 269: 2601-2606.

110. Trievel,R, Beach,B, Dirk,L, Houtz,R, & Hurley,J (2002). Structure & Catalytic Mechanism of a SET Domain Protein Methyltransferase. Cell 111, 91.

111. US Patent No. 6, 416,985. Issued July 9, 2002. Title: DNA Encoding Mannose 6-Phosphate Reductase & Recombinants Produced Therefrom. Inventors: WH Loescher, J Everard, & R Grumet.

112. Voznesenskaya EV, VR Franceschi, O Kiirats, EG Artyusheva, H Freitag, GE Edwards. 2002 Proof of C4 photosynthesis without Kranz anatomy in Bienertia cycloptera (Chenopodiaceae). The Plant Journal. 31: 649-662.

113. Walker D & G Edwards. Photosynthetic Carbon Assimilation. In: Molecular to Global Photosynthesis. Eds. MD Archer & J Barber. Invited chapter. In press.

114. Warren JM, JH Bassman, S Mattinson, JK Fellman, GE Edwards, R Robberecht. 2002 Alteration of foliar flavonoid chemistry induced by enhanced UV-B radiation Pinus ponderosa, Quercus rubra, Pseudotsuga menziessii & Populus trichocarpa. J Photochemistry & Photobiology B: Biol. 66: 125-133.

115. Wubben, JE, H Su, SR Rodermel & TJ Baum. 2001. Susceptibility to the sugar beet cyst nematode is modulated by ethylene signal transduction in Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 14: 1206-1212.

116. X Ni, SS Quisenberry, J Markwell, T Heng-Moss, L Higley, F Baxendale, G Sarath & R Klucas (2001) In vitro enzymatic chlorophyll catabolism in wheat elicited by cereal aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) feeding. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 101: 159-166.

117. Yao, Y, Guiltinan, MJ, & Thompson, D Single Kernel Sampling Method for Maize starch Analysis While Maintaining Kernel Vitality. Cereal Chem. 79(6):757762.

118. 118a. Xu, W, Y Zhou, & R Chollet (2003) Identification and expression of a soybean nodule-enhanced PEP-carboxylase kinase gene (NE-PpcK) that shows striking up-/down-regulation in vivo. The Plant J. (in press).

119. YOUNG, KJ, Long, SP (2000) Crop Ecosystem Responses to Climatic Change: Maize & Sorghum. In: Climate Change & Global Crop Productivity (Reddy, KK, Hodges, H, eds.) CAB International, Wallingford. (in press).

120. Zeng Y & KE Koch (2002) Molecular approaches to altered C partitioning: Genes for sucrose use. Jour. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 127: 474-483.

121. Zhang, N, Kallis, RP, Ewy, RG & Portis, A R Jr. (2002) Light modulation of Rubisco in Arabidopsis requires redox regulation of the larger Rubisco activase isoform. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99:3330-3334.

122. Zhang, X-H, Ewy, RG, Widholm, JM, & Portis, A R Jr. (2002) Complementation of the nuclear antisense rbcs-induced photosynthesis deficiency by introducing a rbcs gene into the tobacco plastid genome. Plant Cell Phys., in press

123. Zheng, Ping, Karim Ammar, Anne-Marie Michelle Girard, Carolyn Wetzel, Steve Rodermel, David R Thomas, Li Ning, James B Callis, Gerry E Edwards & Larry Daley# 2002 Tests of in vivo method to detect chloroplast division in crop plants: Part 1 discovery of the phenomena Spectroscopy 17 (4): 16-25

124. Zheng, Ping, Karim Ammar, Anne-Marie Michelle Girard, Carolyn Wetzel, Steve Rodermel, David R Thomas, Li Ning, James B Callis, Gerry E Edwards & Larry Daley# 2002 Tests of in vivo method to detect chloroplast division in crop plants: Part 2. Verification of phenomena by germplasm methods & confocal microscopy. Spectroscopy 17 (9): 14-18.



Abad, M.C., Binderup, K., Preiss, J. and Geiger, J. H. (2002) Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of Escherichia coli Branching Enzyme. Acta Crystallographica D series. D58 359-361.

Abad, M.C., Binderup, K., Rios-Steiner, Jorge, Preiss, J. and Geiger, J. H. (2002) The X-ray Crystallographic structure of Escherichia coli Branching Enzyme. J. Biol. Chem. 277: 42164-42170.

Abebe T, Guenzi AC, Martin B, Cushman JC (2002) Tolerance of mannitol-accumulating transgenic wheat to water stress and salinity. Plant Physiol. In press.

AINSWORTH E.A., DAVEY P.A., BERNACCHI C.J., DERMODY O.C., HEATON E.A., MOORE D.J., MORGAN P.B., NAIDU S.L., RA H.S.Y., ZHU X.G., CURTIS P.S. & LONG S.P. (2002) A meta-analysis of elevated [CO2] effects on soybean (Glycine max) physiology, growth and yield. Global Change Biology, 8, 695-709.

AINSWORTH EA, DAVEY PA, HYMUS GJ, DRAKE BG, LONG SP (2002) Long-term response of photosynthesis to elevated carbon dioxide in a Florida scrub-oak ecosystem. Ecological Applications 12: 1267-1275.

AINSWORTH EA, DAVEY PD, HYMUS GJ, OSBORNE CP, ROGERS A, BLUM H, NOSBERGER J, LONG SP (2003) Is stimulation of leaf photosynthesis by elevated carbon dioxide concentration maintained in the long term? A test with Lolium perenne grown for ten years at two nitrogen levels under Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE). Plant, Cell & Environment (in press).

AINSWORTH EA, TRANEL PJ, DRAKE BG, LONG SP (2003) The clonal structure of Quercus geminata revealed by conserved microsatellite loci. Molecular Ecology (in press).

Andersen MN, F Asch, Y Wu, CR Jensen, H Naested, VO Morgensen, and KE Koch (2002) Soluble invertase expression is an early target of drought stress during the critical, abortion-sensitive phase of young ovary development in maize. Plant Physiol. 130: 591-604

Athwal, G.S. and Huber, S.C. 2002. Divalent cations and polyamines bind to loop 8 of 14-3-3 proteins, modulating their interaction with phosphorylated nitrate reductase. Plant J. 29: 1-14.

Baack, R.D., J. Markwell, P.L. Herman and J.C. Osterman (200X) Kinetic behavior of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf formate dehydrogenase is thermally sensitive. J. Plant Physiol. (in press).

Ballicora, M.A., Sesma, J.I., Iglesias, A.A. And Preiss, J. (2002) Characterization of Chimeric ADPglucose Pyrophosphorylases of Escherichia coli and Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Importance of the C-terminal Domain on the Selectivity for Allosteric Regulators. Biochemistry, 41: 9431-9437.

Bassman JH, GE Edwards and R. Robberecht. 2002 Long-term exposure to enhanced UV-B radiation is not detrimental to growth and photosynthesis in Douglas-fir. New Phytol. 154: 107-120.

Bassman, J, R Robberecht, GE Edwards. Photosynthesis and growth in seedlings of five forest tree species with contrasting leaf anatomy submected to supplemental UV-B radiation. Forest Science, In Press.

Below FE, Seebauer JR, Uribelarrea M, Schneerman MC, Moose SP (2002) Accompanying changes in crop physiology from long-term selection for grain protein in maize. Plant Breeding Rev. (in press).

BERNACCHI C.J., PORTIS A.R., NAKANO, H., VON CAEMMERER S. & LONG S.P. (2002) Temperature response of mesophyll conductance; implications for the determination of Rubisco enzyme kinetics and limitations to photosynthesis in vivo. Plant Physiology (in press).

BERNACCHI C.J., SINGSAAS E.L., PIMENTEL C., PORTIS A.R. & LONG S.P. (2001) Improved temperature response functions for models of Rubisco-limited photosynthesis. Plant Cell and Environment, 24, 253-259.

Bernacchi, C.J., Portis, A.R., Nakano, H., von Caemmerer, S., and Long, S. P. (2002) Temperature response of mesophyll conductance; implications for the determination of Rubisco enzyme kinetics and limitations to photosynthesis in vivo. Plant Physiol., in press.

Binderup, K., Mikkelsen, R. And Preiss, J. (2002) Truncation of the Amino-Terminus of Branching Enzyme changes in Branching Pattern. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 397: 279-285.

Blauth, S.L., Kim, K-N, Klucinec, J., Shannon, J.C., Thompson, D. and Guiltinan, M.J. 2002. Identification of Mutator insertional mutants of starch branching enzyme I (Sbe1) in Zea mays L., Plant Molecular Biology 48: 287-297.

Bohnert HJ, Ayoubi P, Borchert C, Bressan RA, Burnap RL, Cushman JC, Cushman MA, Deyholos M, Galbraith DW, Hasegawa PM, Jenks M, Kawasaki S, Koiwa H, Kore-eda S, Lee B-H, Michalowski,CB, Misawa E, Nomura M, Ozturk M, Postier B, Prade R, Song C-P, Tanaka Y, Wang H, Zhu J-K (2001) A genomics approach towards salt stress tolerance. Plant Physiol. Biochem 39: 295-311.

Chastain CJ, JP Fries, JA Vogel, CL Randklev, AP Vossen, SK Dittmer, EE Watkins, LJ Fiedler, SA Wacker, KL Meinhover, G Sarath, and R Chollet (2002a) Pyruvate,orthophosphate dikinase in leaves and chloroplasts of C3 plants undergoes light-/dark-induced reversible phosphorylation. Plant Physiol 128: 1368-1378. [also featured in this issues On the Inside section on pages 1163-1164]

CLIFTON-BROWN, J.C., LONG, S.P., JXRGENSEN, U. (2001). Miscanthus productivity. In: Miscanthus for Energy and Fibre (Jones, M.B., Walsh, M., eds).. London, James & James, 46-67.

Cushman JC (2001a) Crassulacean Acid metabolism (CAM): A plastic photosynthetic adaptation to arid environments. Plant Physiol. 127: 1439-1448.

Cushman JC (2001b) Osmoregulation in plants: implications for agriculture. Amer Zoologist. 41:758-769.

Cushman JC, Borland AM (2002) Induction of Crassulacean acid metabolism by water limitation. Plant Cell Environ. 25:295-310.

Daley Larry S. 2002 3.7 SENSITIVE ECOSYSTEMS Caribbean Gallery Forests. A preliminary look at their germplasm diversity, ecology, climatic effects of evapo-transpiration and restoration. In press.

Dirk,L., Williams,M., and Houtz,R. (2002). Specificity of chloroplast-localized peptide deformylases as determined with peptide analogs of chloroplast-translated proteins. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 406, 135.

Dodd AN, Griffiths H, Taybi T, Cushman JC, Borland AM (2002) Integrating diel starch metabolism with the circadian and environmental regulation of CAM in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. Planta Submitted.

Ermolova EV, Cushman MA, Taybi T, Condon SA, Cushman JC, Chollet R (2003) Expression, purification, and initial characterization of a recombinant form of plant PEP-carboxylase kinase from CAM-induced Mesembryanthemum crystallinum with enhanced solubility in Escherichia coli. Protein Express Purific. Submitted.

Esquivel, M.G., Anwaruzzaman, M., and Spreitzer, R.J. 2002. Deletion of nine carboxy-terminal residues of the Rubisco small subunit decreases thermal stability but does not eliminate function. FEBS Lett. 520: 73-76.

Fay, P.A., J.D. Carlisle, B.T. Danner, M.S. Lett, J.K. McCarron, C. Stewart, A.K. Knapp, J.M. Blair and S.L. Collins. 2002. Altered rainfall patterns, gas exchange and growth in C3 and C4 grassland species. International Journal of Plant Sciences 163: 549-557.

Freuauf, J.B. , Ballicora, M.A. And Preiss, J. (2002) ADPglucose Pyrophosphorylase from potato tuber. Site-Directed Mutagenesis of Homologous Aspartic Acid Residues in the Small and Large Subunits. Plant J. IN PRESS.

Frueauf, J.B., Ballicora, A.M. And Preiss, J. (2001) Aspartate residue 142 is important for catalysis by ADPGlc pyrophosphorylase from Escherichia coli. J. Biol. Chem. 276: 46319-46325.

Frueauf, J.B., Ballicora, A.M. And Preiss, J. (2002) Alteration of inhibitor specificity by site-directed mutagenesis of Arg294 in the ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase from Anabaena PCC 7120. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 400: 208-214.

Gao, Z., and W.H. Loescher. 2003. Expression of a celery mannose 6-phosphate reductase in Arabidopsis thaliana enhances salt tolerance and induces biosynthesis of both mannitol and a mannitol dimer. Plant Cell Environ In Press

Gao, Z., L. Maurousset, R. Lemoine, S.-D. Yoo, S. van Nocker, and W. Loescher. 2003. Cloning, expression, and characterization of sorbitol transporters from developing sour cherry (Prunus cerasus) fruit and leaf sink tissues. Submitted

GEIDER R.J., DELUCIA E.H., FALKOWSKI P.G., FINZI A.C., GRIME J.P., GRACE J., KANA T.M., LA ROCHE J., LONG S.P., OSBORNE B.A., PLATT T., PRENTICE I.C., RAVEN J.A., SCHLESINGER W.H., SMETACEK V., STUART V., SATHYENDRANATH S., THOMAS R.B., VOGELMANN T.C., WILLIAMS P. & WOODWARD F.I. (2001) Primary productivity of planet earth: biological determinants and physical constraints. Global Change Biology 7, 849-882.

Gentry LE, Below FE, David MB, Bergerou JA (2001) Source of the soybean N credit in maize production. Plant and Soil 236:175-184.

Guralnick LJ, GE Edwards, MSB Ku, B Hockema, VR Franceschi. 2002 Photosynthetic and anatomical characteristics in the C4-Crassulacean acid metabolism-cycling plant, Portulaca grandiflora. 2002 Functional Plant Biology 29: 763-773.

Hardin, S.C., Tang, G.-Q., Scholz, A., Winter, H. and Huber, S.C. 200X. Phosphorylation of serine-170, an unrecognized secondary site, is implicated in proteasome-mediated degradation of maize sucrose synthase. Plant J. in review.

HARRISON E.P., OLCER H., LLOYD J.C., LONG S.P. & RAINES C.A. (2001) Small decreases in SBPase cause a linear decline in the apparent RuBP regeneration rate, but do not affect Rubisco carboxylation capacity. Journal of Experimental Botany, 52, 1779-1784.

Heng-Moss, T.M., X. Ni, T. Macedo, J. P. Markwell, F. P. Baxendale, S. S. Quisenberry, and V. Tolmay (200X) Comparison of chlorophyll and carotenoid concentrations among russian wheat aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae)-infested wheat isolines. J. Econ. Entomol. (in press).

Herman, P.A., H.A. Ramberg, R.D. Baack, J. Markwell and J.C. Osterman (2002) Formate dehydrogenase in Arabidopsis thaliana: overexpression and subcellular localization in leaves. Plant Sci. 163: 1137-1145.

Huber, S.C., MacKintosh, C. and Kaiser, W.M. 2002. Metabolic enzymes as targets for 14-3-3 proteins. Plant Mol. Biol., in press (accepted 10/25/01).

HYMUS G.J., DIJKSTRA P., BAKER N.R., DRAKE B.G. & LONG S.P. (2001) Will rising CO2 protect plants from the midday sun? A study of photoinhibition of Quercus myrtifolia in a scrub-oak community in two seasons. Plant Cell and Environment, 24, 1361-1368.

HYMUS GJ, BAKER NR, LONG SP (2001) Growth in elevated CO2 can both increase and decrease photochemistry and photoinhibition of photosynthesis in a predictable manner. Dactylis glomerata Grown in Two Levels of Nitrogen Nutrition. Plant Physiology 127, 1204-1211.

ISOPP, H., FREHNER, M., LONG, S.P., NVSBERGER, J. (2000) Sucrose-phosphate synthase responds differently to source-sink relations and to photosynthetic rates: Lolium perenne L. growing at elevated p(CO2) in the field. Plant Cell and Environment, 23, 597-607.

Kavakli, H.I., C. Kato, S.-B. Choi, K.-H. Kim, P.R. Salamone, H. Ito, and T.W. Okita (2002) Generation, characterization, and heterologous expression of up-regulated Arabidopsis thaliana leaf ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylases. Planta 215: 430-439

Kiirats O, P Lea, VR Franceschi, and GE Edwards. 2002 Bundle sheath diffusive resistance to CO2, and effectiveness of C4 photosynthesis and refixation of photorespired CO2, in a C4 cycle mutant and wild type Amaranthus edulis. Plant Physiology. 130: 964-976.

Knapp, A.K., P.A. Fay, J.M. Blair, S. L. Collins, M. D. Smith, J. D. Carlisle, C. W. Harper, B. T. Danner, M.S. Lett and J. K. McCarron. 2002. Rainfall variability, carbon cycling and plant species diversity in a mesic grassland. Science, in press.

Komina O, Y Zhou, G Sarath, and R Chollet (2002b) In vivo and in vitro phosphorylation of membrane and soluble forms of soybean nodule sucrose synthase. Plant Physiol 129: 1664-1673.

Kramer DM, B Ivanov, GE Edwards, A Kanazawa, JA Cruz. The relationship between photosynthetic electron transfer and its regulation. Review: Advances in Photosynthesis. In press.

Loescher, W.H. 2003. Cherries. Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2nd Ed. Academic Press, London. In Press

LONG S.P. & NAIDU S.L. (2002) Effects of oxidants at the biochemical, cell and physiological levels, with particular reference to ozone. In: Air Pollution and Plant Life 3rd Edn. (eds B. JNB & T. M), pp. 69-88. John Wiley, Chichester.

Long, J.C., Zhao, W., Rashotte, A.M., Muday, G.K. and Huber, S.C. 2002. Gravity stimulated changes in auxin and invertase gene expression in Zea mays L. pulvinal cells. Plant Physiol. 128: 591-602.

LONG, S.P., BEALE, C.V. (2001) Resource capture by Miscanthus. In: Miscanthus for Energy and Fibre (Jones, M.B., Walsh, M., eds)... London, James & James, 10-20.

Mao C, Cushman JC, May G, Weller JW (2003) ESTAP: EST Analysis Pipeline. Bioinformatics. Submitted.

MARTIN, M.J., FARAGE, P.K, HUMPHRIES, S.W., LONG, S.P. (2000) Can the stomatal changes caused by acute ozone exposure be predicted by changes occurring in the mesophyll: A simplification for models of vegetation response to the global increase in tropospheric ozone episodes. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 27, 211-219.

MARTIN, M.J., STIRLING, C.M., HUMPHRIES, S.W., LONG, S.P. (2000) A process-based model to predict the effects of climatic change on leaf isoprene emission rates. Ecological Modelling 131, 161-174.

MCKEE I.F. & LONG S.P. (2001) Plant growth regulators control ozone damage to wheat yield. New Phytologist, 152, 41-51.

McKEE, I.F., MULHOLLAND, B.J, J. CRAIGON, J., BLACK, C.R., LONG, S.P. (2000) Elevated concentrations of atmospheric CO2 protect against and compensate for O3 damage to photosynthetic tissues of field grown wheat. New Phytologist 146, 427-435.

Monteros A., T. Chen, K. Ahern, Ping Zheng, L. Daley#2002. Theoretical considerations on CAM evolution and its consequences to plant germplasm and plant breeding studies (in preparation).

Mooney, B.P., Miernyk, J.A., Randall, D.D., 2002. The Complex Fate of Alpha-Ketoacids. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 53: 357-375.

MORISON JIL, PIEDADE MTF, MULLER E, LONG SP, JUNK WJ, JONES MB. (2000) Very high productivity of the C4 aquatic grass Echinochloa polystachya in the Amazon floodplain confirmed by net ecosystem CO2 flux measurements. Oecologia 125, 400-411.

Ni, X., S.S. Quisenberry, J. Markwell, T. Heng-Moss, L. Higley, F. Baxendale, G. Sarath and R. Klucas (2001) In vitro enzymatic chlorophyll catabolism in wheat elicited by cereal aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) feeding. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 101: 159-166.

Outlaw WH, Jr, Z Du, FX Meng, K Aghoram, KA Riddle, and R Chollet (2002) Requirements for activation of the signal-transduction network that leads to regulatory phosphorylation of leaf guard-cell PEP carboxylase during fusicoccin-stimulated stomatal opening. Arch Biochem Biophys 407: 63-71. [also featured as a cover article in this journal]

Ping, Z, K Ammar, AM Girard, C Wetzel, S Rodermel, DR Thomas, L Ning, JB Callis, GE Edwards and L Daley. 2002 Test of an in vivo method to detect chloroplast division in crop plants: Part 1. Discovery of the phenomenon. Spectroscopy. 17: 16-25.

Ping, Z, K Ammar, AM Girard, C Wetzel, S Rodermel, DR Thomas, L. Ning, JB Callis, GE Edwards and L Daley. Tests of in vivo method to detect chloroplast division in crop plants: Part 2. Verification of phenomena by germplasm methods and confocal microscopy. Spectroscopy In Press.

Pinto, M. GE Edwards, AA Riquelme, MSB Ku. 2002 Enhancement of nodulation in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) by ultraviolet-B radiation. Functional Plant Biology. 29: 1189-1196.

Portis, A. R. Jr. and Salvucci, M.E. (2002) The discovery of Rubisco activase  yet another story of serendipity. Photosynth. Res. 73:257-264.

Portis, A.R. Jr. (2002) Rubisco activase  Rubiscos catalytic chaperone. Photosynth. Res., in press.

Poulson ME, GE Edwards and J Browse. 2002 Photosynthesis is limited at high leaf to air vapor pressure deficit in a mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana that lacks trienoic fatty acids. Photosynthesis Research. 72: 55-63.

Ramberg, H.A., B.J.S.C. Olson, J.N. Nishio, J. Markwell and J.C. Osterman (200X) The role of methanol in promoting plant growth: an update. Rev. Plant Biochem. Biotechnol. (in press).

Rolland F., Moore B., Sheen J. (2002) Invited Review: Sugar sensing and signaling in plants. Plant Cell (Special Issue on Signal Transduction) 14: S185-S205.

Sakulsingharoj, C. S.-B. Choi, J.Bork, C.R. Meyer, G.E. Edwards, J. Preiss, and T.W. Okita 2003 Manipulating starch and storage protein biosynthesis during endosperm development to increase rice yield. International Rice Research Institute, In Press.

Sakulsingharoj, C., S.-B. Choi, and T.W. Okita (2002) Manipulation of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase in starch biosynthesis during rice seed development. In "Rice Genetics IV. Proceedings of the Fourth International Rice Genetics Symposium" International Rice Research Institute, Rice Genetics III, P.O. Box 933, Manila, Philippines. In Press.

Sheen J. (2003) The Arabidopsis glucose sensor HXK1 integrates nutrient, light, and hormonal signaling. (submitted 11/02)

Shen, W., Clark, A.C. and Huber, S.C. 200X. The C-terminal tail of Arabidpsis 14-3-3 omega functions as an autoinhibitor and may contain a tenth -helix. Plant J. in review.

Silletti, A.M. and A.K. Knapp. 2002. Long-term responses of the grassland co-dominants Andropogon gerardii and Sorghastrum nutans to changes in climate and management. Plant Ecology 163: 15-22.

Singh, S., C.J. Slattery, S.-B. Choi and T.W. Okita 2002 Molecular cloning, expression, kinetics and regulatory properties of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase from chickpea. (Provisionally accepted  under revision).

Singh, S., Sang-Bong Choi, Mahendra K. Modi, and Thomas W. Okita, 2001 Isolation and characterization of cDNA clones encoding ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase large and small subunits from chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Phytochem. 59:261-268.

Soulages JL, Kim K, Arrese EL, Walters C, Cushman JC (2002) Conformation of a Group 2 Late Embryogenesis Abundant (LEA) Protein from Soybean: Evidence of Poly (L-Proline)-type II (PII) Structure. Plant Physiol. In press.

Soulages JL, Kim K, Walters C, Cushman JC (2002) Temperature-induced extended helix/random coil transitions in a Group 1 Late Embryogenesis Abundant Protein from Soybean. Plant Physiol. 128: 822-832.

Spreitzer, R.J., and Salvucci, M.E. 2002. Rubisco: Structure, regulatory interactions, and possibilities for a better enzyme. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 53: 449-475.

Sun J, KM Gibson, O Kiirats, TW Okita, GE Edwards. Interactions of nitrate and CO2 enrichment on growth, carbohydrates and Rubisco in Arabidopsis starch mutants  significance of starch and hexose. Plant Physiol. 130:1573-1583.

Takemoto, Y., S.J. Coughlan, T.W. Okita, H. Sato, M. Ogawa, T. Kumamaru. 2002 Protein disulfide isomerase is essential for the localization of prolamin and glutelin storage proteins to separate intracellular compartments. Plant Physiol. 128:1212-1222.

Tang, G.-Q., Hardin, S.C., Dewey, R. and Huber, S.C. 200X. A novel C-terminal proteolytic processing of cytosolic pyruvate kinase, its phosphorylation and degradation by the proteasome in developing soybean seeds. Plant J. in review.

Taybi T, Cushman JC (2002) Abscisic acid Signaling and Protein Synthesis Requirements for CAM Induction in the Common Ice Plant. J Plant Physiol. In press.

Taybi T, Cushman JC, Borland AM (2002) Environmental, hormonal, and circadian regulation of Crassulacean acid metabolism expression. Functional Plant Biology. 29:669-678.

Taybi T, Patil S, Chollet R, Cushman JC. (2000) A mininal Ser/Thr protein kinase circadianly regulates phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity in CAM-induced leaves of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. Plant Physiol. 123: 1471-1482.

Taylor, T.C., Backlund, A., Bjorhall, K., Spreitzer, R.J., and Andersson, I. 2001. First crystal structure of Rubisco from a green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J. Biol. Chem. 276: 48159-48164.

Tovar-Mendez, A., Miernyk, J.A., Randall, D.D., 2002. Histidine mutagenesis of Arabidopsis thaliana pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase. Eur.J. Biochem. 269: 2601-2606.

Trievel,R., Beach,B., Dirk,L., Houtz,R., and Hurley,J. (2002). Structure and Catalytic Mechanism of a SET Domain Protein Methyltransferase. Cell 111, 91.

U.S. Patent No. 6, 416,985. Issued July 9, 2002. Title: DNA Encoding Mannose 6-Phosphate Reductase and Recombinants Produced Therefrom. Inventors: W.H. Loescher, J. Everard, and R. Grumet.

Voznesenskaya EV, VR Franceschi, O Kiirats, EG Artyusheva, H Freitag, GE Edwards. 2002 Proof of C4 photosynthesis without Kranz anatomy in Bienertia cycloptera (Chenopodiaceae). The Plant Journal. 31: 649-662.

Walker D and G Edwards. Photosynthetic Carbon Assimilation. In: Molecular to Global Photosynthesis. Eds. MD Archer and J Barber. Invited chapter. In press.

Warren JM, JH Bassman, S Mattinson, JK Fellman, GE Edwards, R Robberecht. 2002 Alteration of foliar flavonoid chemistry induced by enhanced UV-B radiation Pinus ponderosa, Quercus rubra, Pseudotsuga menziessii and Populus trichocarpa. J. Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biol. 66: 125-133.

Yao, Y, Guiltinan, M.J., and Thompson, D. Single Kernel Sampling Method for Maize starch Analysis While Maintaining Kernel Vitality. Cereal Chem. 79(6):757762

Yoo, S.-D., Gao, Z., C. Cantini, W. Loescher, and S. van Nocker. 2003. Fruit ripening in sour cherry (Prunus cerasus): changes in expression of genes expressing expansins and other cell-wall modifying enzymes. J Amer Soc Hort Sci, In Press

YOUNG, K.J., LONG, S.P. (2000) Crop Ecosystem Responses to Climatic Change: Maize and Sorghum. In: Climate Change and Global Crop Productivity (Reddy, K.K., Hodges, H., eds.) CAB International, Wallingford. (in press).

Zeng Y and KE Koch (2002) Molecular approaches to altered C partitioning: Genes for sucrose use. Jour. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 127: 474-483

Zhang, N., Kallis, R.P., Ewy, R.G. and Portis, A.R. Jr. (2002) Light modulation of Rubisco in Arabidopsis requires redox regulation of the larger Rubisco activase isoform. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99:3330-3334.

Zhang, X.-H., Ewy, R.G., Widholm, J.M., and Portis, A.R. Jr. (2002) Complementation of the nuclear antisense rbcS-induced photosynthesis deficiency by introducing a rbcS gene into the tobacco plastid genome. Plant Cell Physiol., in press

Zheng, Ping, Jun Zhang, Angela Hoffman, Douglas Barofsky and Larry Daley 2002. Nutritional effects on Ginkgo metabolites of commercial interest. (in preparation).

Zheng, Ping, Karim Ammar, Anne-Marie Michelle Girard, Carolyn Wetzel, Steve Rodermel, David R. Thomas, Li Ning, James B. Callis, Gerry E. Edwards and Larry Daley 2002 Tests of in vivo method to detect chloroplast division in crop plants: part 1 discovery of the phenomena Spectroscopy 17 (4): 16-25

Zheng, Ping, Karim Ammar, Anne-Marie Michelle Girard, Carolyn Wetzel, Steve Rodermel, David R. Thomas, Li Ning, James B. Callis, Gerry E. Edwards and Larry Daley 2002 Tests of in vivo method to detect chloroplast division in crop plants: Part 2. Verification of phenomena by germplasm methods and confocal microscopy. Spectroscopy 17 (9): 14-18.

Zheng, Ping; David R. Thomas, and Larry Daley 2002 Tests of in vivo method to detect chloroplast division in crop plants: Part 3. Statistical methods used to define multiple populations of chloroplast efficiencies (in preparation).

Abstracts: (incomplete list)

Biochemical characterization of a stress-induced calcium-dependent protein kinase and its interacting proteins. EW Chehab, OR Patharkar, JC Cushman. American Society of Plant Biologists. August 3-7, 2002. Denver, CO.

EST database for stressed Chardonnay (Vitis vinifera L.) leaves, roots, and berries. Elizabeth Tattersall, Fadi Alkayal, Jennifer Weller, Chunhong Mao, John Cushman, Grant Cramer. Xth Plant, Animal, and Microbial Genome Conference. Jan. 11-16, 2002.

ESTAP: a shared informatics resource for EST projects. JW Weller, C Mao, A Dickerman, S Hoops, O Brazhnik, SX Hao, Q Nguen, JC Cushman, GD May. Xth Plant, Animal, and Microbial Genome Conference. Jan. 11-16, 2002.

Expressed sequence tags for gene discovery and gene expression profiling of abiotic stress responses in Vitis vinifera L. leaves and berries. EA Tattersall, F Alkayal, JC Cushman, GR Cramer. American Society of Plant Biologists. August 3-7, 2002. Denver, CO.

Functional analysis of hydrophilins (LEA proteins) from soybean and ice plant. Y Yang, JC Cushman. American Society of Plant Biologists. August 3-7, 2002. Denver, CO.

Gene expression profiling of salinity stress responses using expressed sequence tag (EST)-based microarrays in the common ice plant, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. Sakae Agarie, MaryAnn Cushman, Shin Kore-eda, Michael Deyholos, David Galbraith, John Cushman. 3rd International CAM Congress, Coconut Beach Resort, Queensland, Australia, August 24-25, 2001.

Improved temperature response functions for modeling photosynthetic carbon assimilation. Plant Biology 2002 Program, pg. 140 ASPP annual meeting, Denver CO. Bernacchi, C.J. Long, S.P., Singsaas, E.L., Pimentel, C., and Portis, A.R. (2002)

Light modulation of Rubisco activation in species without a larger activase isoform  existence of an activase regulatory protein? Plant Biology 2002 Program, pg 138. ASPP annual meeting, Denver CO. Wang, D. and Portis, A.R. (2002)

Mutational analysis of Crassulacean acid metabolism in the common ice plant, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. Sakae Agarie, Joao Maroco, John Cushman. 3rd International CAM Congress, Coconut Beach Resort, Queensland, Australia, August 24-25, 2001.

Oligomerization state of Rubisco activase revealed by dynamic light scattering. Plant Biology 2002 Program, pg. 140 ASPP annual meeting, Denver CO. Kim, K. and Portis, A.R. (2002)

Reversible phosphorylation of photosynthetic PEP carboxylase: Studies on C4-leaf PP2A and recombinant PEPC-kinase from CAM-induced Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. Longying Dong, Natalia V. Ermolova, Mary Ann Cushman, Tahar Taybi, John C. Cushman and Raymond Chollet. Plant Protein Phosphorylation.

Systematic identification of calcium-dependent protein kinase (CDPK) substrates and interacting proteins in Arabidopsis. Y Uno, EA Maher, AC Harmon, JC Cushman. American Society of Plant Biologists. August 3-7, 2002.

Towards an understanding of the molecular events underlying the circadian control of CO2 fixation during Crassulacean acid metabolism using the model CAM plant Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. SF Boxall, HJ Bohnert, JC Cushman, HG Nimmo, J Hartwell, American Society of Plant Biologists. August 3-7, 2002. Denver, CO.

Transcript profiling of environmental stress responses through expression categores and microarrays. HJ Bohnert, RA Bressan, R Burnap, JC Cushman, DW Galbraith, PM Hasegawa, R Prade, JK Zhu. Xth Plant, Animal, and Microbial Genome Conference. Jan. 11-16, 2002.

Transcript profiling of salinity stress responses by large-scale analysis of ESTs in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. Shin Kore-eda, Mary Ann Cushman, Sakae Agarie, Elizabeth Clark, and John Cushman.. 3rd International CAM Congress, Coconut Beach Resort, Queensland, Australia, August 24-25, 2001.

Book Chapters:

Bohnert HJ, Cushman JC (2002) Plants and environmental stress adaptation strategies. In Plant Biotechnology and transgenic plants, Oksman-Caldentey K-M, and Barz WH, eds. Marcel Dekker, New York, NY. pp, 635-664.

Cushman JC (2003) Functional genomics of plant abiotic stress tolerance. In: Genomics of Plants and Fungi. Ed. R.A. Prade and H.J. Bohnert. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, NY. In press.

Cushman JC, Bohnert HJ (2002) Induction of Crassulacean acid metabolism by salinity molecular aspects. In: Salinity: Environment - Plants - Molecules." Eds. A. Lduchli and U. L|ttge. Kluwer Academic. Publishers, Inc., Boston, MA., pp. 361-393.

Review Chapters in Books, Journals, Proceedings:

Preiss, J. (2002) Glycogen Synthesis and its Regulation in Bacteria. In BioPolymers, Vol. 8 Polysaccharides II (Steinb|chel, A., ed.). Wiley-VCH Verlag GMBH, Weinheim, Germany. Pp. 21-35.


Abebe T, Guenzi AC, Martin B, Cushman JC (2003) Tolerance of mannitol-accumulating transgenic wheat to water stress and salinity. Plant Physiol. 131: 1748-1755.

Aiken RM, Tuinstra MR, Kofoid KD, Stockton RD. (2003) Cold tolerance components in grain sorghum seedlings: Male and female contributions. Agronomy Abstracts. C02-aiken557267-oral.

Aluru MR, Rodermel SR. (2003) Control of chloroplast redox by the IMMUTANS terminal oxidase. (Refereed review, Cover article). Physiologia Plantarum (in press)

Aluru MR, Rodermel SR. (2003) Identification of IMMUTANS as a plastid terminal oxidase: its role in differentiation, carotenoid biosynthesis and chlororespiration. Recent Res. Devel. Plant Mol. Biol. 1: 39-55.

Andersen MN, Asch F, Wu Y, Jensen CR, Naested H, Morgensen VO, Koch KE (2002) Soluble invertase expression is an early target of drought stress during the critical, abortion-sensitive phase of young ovary development in maize. Plant Physiol. 130: 591-604

Artyusheva EG, Edwards GE, Pyankov VI. (2003) Photosynthesizing tissue development in C4 cotyledons of two Salsola species (Chenopodiaceae). Russian J. Plant Physiol. 50: 4-18.

Baack R., Markwell J, Herman PL, Osterman JC. (2003) Kinetic behavior of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf formate dehydrogenase is thermally sensitive. J. Plant Physiol. 160: 445-450.

Ballicora MA, Iglesias AA, Preiss J. (2003) ADP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase; a Regulatory enzyme for Bacterial Glycogen Synthesis. Microbial & Molec. Biol. Rev. 67: 213-225

Ballicora MA, Iglesias, AA, Preiss J. (2003) ADP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase; a Regulatory enzyme for Plant Starch Synthesis. Photosynthesis Research, In Press.

Bassman J, Robberecht R, Edwards GE. (2003) Photosynthesis and growth in seedlings of five forest tree species with contrasting leaf anatomy subjected to supplemental UV-B radiation. Forest Science, 49: 176-187.

Below FE, Seebauer JR, Uribelarrea M, Schneerman MC, Moose SP (2004) Physiological changes accompanying long-term selection for grain protein in maize. Plant Breeding Rev. (in press).

Bergerou JA, Gentry LE, David MB, and Below FE, (2004) Role of N2 fixation in the soybean N credit in maize production. Plant and Soil (in press).

Boxall SF, Bohnert HJ, Cushman JC, Hugh G. Nimmo HG, Hartwell J. (2003) Circadian clock-associated genes CCA1/LHY, TOC1, ELF4, ZTL, FKF1, GI, and ELF3 from Mesembryanthemum crystallinum during a stress-induced CAM shift. Submitted. [NC-142 collaborative research with IL-AES].

Brugiere N, Jiao S, Hantke S, Zinselmeier C, Roessler J, Niu X, Jones RJ, Habben JE. (2003) Ctokinin oxidase (Ckx1-2) gene expresssion in Zea mays is localized to the vasculature, and is induced by cytokinins, abiotic stress and abscisic acid. Plant Physiol. 132: 1228-1240.

Burger BT, Cross JM, Shaw JR, Caren JR, Greene TW, Okita TW, Hannah LC (2003) Relative turnover numbers of maize endosperm and potato tuber ADP glucose pyrophosphorylases in the absence and presence of 3-PGA. Planta 217: 449-456

Chastain CJ, Chollet R. (2003) Regulation of pyruvate,orthophosphate dikinase by ADP-/Pi-dependent reversible phosphorylation in C3 and C4 plants. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 41: 523-532.

Chollet R, Spreitzer RJ, Eds. (2003) The C-fixing enzymes in plants. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 414: 129-222. [an invited Highlight Section in the June 15th issue]

Crevillén P, Ballicora MA, Mérida Á, Preiss J, Romero J. (2003) The different large subunit isoforms of Arabidopsis thaliana ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase confer distinct kinetic and regulatory properties to the heterotetrameric enzyme. J. Biol. Chem. 278: 28508-2515.

Cushman JC (2003a) C3 photosynthesis to Crassulacean acid metabolism shift in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum: A stress tolerance mechanism. Encyclo. Plant Crop Sci. In press. [Invited review].

Cushman JC (2003b) Functional Genomics of Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance. In: Genomics of Plants and Fungi. Ed. R.A. Prade and H.J. Bohnert. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, NY. 18: 315-357. [Invited review].

Danner BT, Knapp AK. (2003) Abiotic constraints on the establishment of Quercus seedlings in grassland. Global Change Biology 9: 266-275.

Devillirs CH, Piper ME, Ballicora MA, Preiss J. (2003) Characterization of the branching patterns of glycogen branching enzyme truncated on the N-terminus. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 418: 34-38.

Dodd AN, Griffiths H, Taybi T, Cushman JC, Borland AM. (2003) Integrating diel starch metabolism with the circadian and environmental regulation of Crassulacean acid metabolism in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. Planta 216: 789-797

Du YC, Peddi SR, Spreitzer RJ. (2003) Assessment of structural and functional divergence far from the large-subunit active site of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/ oxygenase. J. Biol. Chem. (in press).

Edwards GE, Franceschi VR, Voznesenskaya EV. (2004) Single cell C4 photosynthesis. Annual Review of Plant Biology. Invited review. In press.

Ermolova NV, Cushman MA, Taybi T, Condon SA, Cushman JC, Chollet R (2003) Expression, purification, and initial characterization of a recombinant form of plant PEP-carboxylase kinase from CAM-induced Mesembryanthemum crystallinum with enhanced solubility in Escherichia coli. Protein Express Purific. 29:123-131. [collaborative regional research between NE-AES and NV-AES].

Fay PA, Carlisle JD, Knapp AK, Blair JM, Collins SL. (2003) Productivity responses to altered rainfall patterns in a C4-dominated grassland. Oecologia 137: 245-251.

Freuauf JB, Ballicora MA, Preiss J. (2003) ADP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase from potato tuber. Site-Directed Mutagenesis of Homologous Aspartic Acid Residues in the Small and Large Subunits. Plant J. 33: 503-511.

Gao Z, Maurousset L, Lemoine R, Yoo S-D, van Nocker S, Loescher W. (2003) Cloning, expression, and characterization of sorbitol transporters from developing sour cherry (Prunus cerasus) fruit and leaf sink tissues. Plant Physiol 131: 1566-1575.

Gao Z, Loescher WH. (2003) Expression of a celery mannose 6-phosphate reductase in Arabidopsis thaliana enhances salt tolerance and induces biosynthesis of both mannitol and a glucosyl-mannitol dimer. Plant Cell and Environment 26: 275-283

Gao Z, Jayanty S, Beaudry R, Loescher W. (2003) Watercore and sorbitol transporters in apple fruit. HortScience 38:863 abstract.

Gehrig HH, Aranda J, Cushman MA, Virgo A, Cushman JC, Hammel BE, Winter K. (2003) Cladogram of Panamanian Clusia based on nuclear DNA: Implications for the origins of Crassulacean Acid Metabolism. Plant Biol. 5:59-70.

Gibson KM, Hwang S-K, Edwards GE, Okita TW, Kato C, Mitsui H, Ito H. (2003) Metabolic engineering of starch for enhanced plant productivity and yields. J. Appl. Glycosci. 50: 201-205.

Hardin SC, Tang G-Q., Scholz A, Holtgraewe D, Winter H, Huber SC. (2003) Phosphorylation of sucrose synthase at serine-170: occurrence and possible role as a signal for proteolysis. Plant J. 35: 588-603.

Hardin SC, Huber SC. (2003) Proteasome activity and the post-translational control of sucrose synthase stability in maize leaves. Plant Physiol. Biochem. In press.

Heng-Moss T, Mni X, Macedo T, Markwell JP, Baxendale FP, Quisenberry SS, Tolmay V. (2003) Comparison of chlorophyll and carotenoid concentrations among Russian wheat aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae)-infested wheat isolines. J. Econ. Entomol. 96: 475-481.

Houtz RL, Portis AR Jr. (2003) The life of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase  posttranslational facts and mysteries. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 414: 150-158.

Knapp AK, Fay PA, Blair JM, Collins SL,. Smith MD, Carlisle JD, Harper CW, Danner BT, Lett MS, McCarron JK. (2002) Rainfall variability, carbon cycling and plant species diversity in a mesic grassland. Science 298: 2202-2205.

Koch KE (2004) Sucrose breakdown: Dual role in C-use and sugar signals. Curr. Op. Plant Biol. 7: 5-13

Kramer DM, Johnson G, Kiirats O, Edwards GE. (2003) New fluorescence parameters for the determination of excitation energy fluxes in connected photosystems. Photosynthesis Research. In press.

Kramer DM, Ivanov B, Edwards GE, Kanazawa A, Cruz JA. (2003) The relationship between photosynthetic electron transfer and its regulation. Review: Advances in Photosynthesis. In press.

Loescher WH. (2003) Cherries. Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2nd Ed. Academic Press, London.

Lonosky P, Zhang X, Honavar V, Dobbs D, Fu A, Rodermel S. (2003) A proteomic analysis of maize chloroplast biogenesis. Plant Physiology (in press).

Mao C, Cushman JC, May G, Weller JW (2003) ESTAP-an automated system for the analysis of EST data. Bioinformatics. 19:1720-1722.

Mazarei M, Puthoff DP, Hart JK, Rodermel SR, Baum TJ. (2002) Identification and characterization of a soybean ethylene-responsive element-binding protein gene whose mRNA expression changes during soybean cyst nematode infection. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 15: 577-586.

Mazarei M, Lennon KA, Puthoff DP, Rodermel SR, Baum TJ. (2003). Expression of an Arabidopsis phosphoglycerate mutase homologue is localized to apical meristems, regulated by hormones, and induced by sedentary plant-parasitic nematodes. Plant Mol. Biol. (in press)

Moore B. (2003) Bifunctional and moonlighting proteins: efficacious solutions to lifes problems. (Submitted)

Moore B, Zhou L, Rolland F, Hall Q, Cheng W-H, Liu Y-X, Hwang I, Jones T, Sheen J. (2003) Role of the Arabidopsis glucose sensor HXK1 in nutrient, light, and hormonal signaling. Science 300: 332-336.

Okita TW, Sakulsingharoj C, Choi S-B, Ogawa M, Singh S, Gupta HS, Bork J, Meyer CR, Edwards GE, Preiss J. (2003) Metabolic engineering starch and protein biosynthesis in developing rice seeds. Proceedings of the International Conference BioThailand 2003: Technology for Life. BIOTEC, PEACH, Pattaya, Thailand.

Portis AR. Jr. (2003) Rubisco activase  Rubiscos catalytic chaperone. Photosynth. Res. 75:11-27.

Portis AR. Jr. (2004) Rubisco Activase. Encyclopedia of Plant and Crop Science. R.M. Goodman, ed. Marcel Dekker, Inc.

Puthoff DP, Nettleton D, Rodermel SR, Baum TJ. (2003) Arabidopsis gene expression changes during cyst nematode parasitism revealed by statistical analyses of microarray expression profiles. Plant Journal 33: 1-11.

Ramberg HA, Olson BJSC, Nishio JN, Markwell J, Osterman JC. (2002) The role of methanol in promoting plant growth: an update. Rev. Plant Biochem. Biotechnol. 1: 113-126.

Rodermel S. (2002) Regulation of Photosynthesis. Plant Science 162: 1019-1021. [Invited book review].

Rizhsky L, Hallak-Herr E, Van Breusegem F, Rachmilevitch S, Barr J, Rodermel S, Inze D, Mittler R. (2002) Double antisense plants lacking ascorbate peroxidase and catalase are less sensitive to oxidative stress than single antisense plants lacking ascorbate peroxidase or catalase. Plant Journal 32: 329-342.

Rodermel S. (2002) Redesigning Rice Photosynthesis to Increase Yield Crop Science 42: 3-4. [Invited book review].

Rodermel S, Park S. (2003) Pathways of intracellular communication: tetrapyrroles and plastid-to-nucleus signaling. BioEssays 25: 631-636.

Roychaudhuri R, Sarath G, Zeece M, Markwell J. (2003) Reversible denaturation of the soybean Kunitz trypsin inhibitor. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 412: 20-26.

Sakulsingharoj C, Choi S-B, Okita TW. (2003) Manipulation of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase in starch biosynthesis during rice seed development. In "Rice Genetics IV. Proceedings of the Fourth International Rice Genetics Symposium" International Rice Research Institute, Rice Genetics III, P.O. Box 933, Manila, Philippines. In Press.

Satoh H, Nishi A, Fujita N, Kubo A, Nakamura Y, Kawasaki T, Okita TW. (2003) Isolation and Characterization of Starch Mutants in Rice. J. Applied Glycoscience. 50:225-230.

Singh S, Slattery, Choi SB, Okita TW. (2003) Molecular cloning, expression, kinetics and regulatory properties of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase from chickpea. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 41:399-405.

Sakulsingharoj C, Choi SB, Ogawa M, Singh S, Bork J, Meyer CR, Edwards GE, Preiss J, Okita TW (2003) Manipulating starch and storage protein biosynthesis during endosperm development to increase rice yield. Proceedings of the 24th International Rice Research Conference, International Rice Research Institute, In Press.

Shen W, Clark AC, Huber SC. (2003) The C-terminal tail of Arabidopsis 14-3-3 omega functions as an autoinhibitor and may contain a tenth alpha-helix. Plant J. 34: 473-484.

Soulages JL, Kim K, Arrese EL, Walters C, Cushman JC (2003) Conformation of a Group 2 Late Embryogenesis Abundant (LEA) Protein from Soybean: Evidence of Poly (L-Proline)-type II (PII) Structure. Plant Physiol. 131:963-975.

Spreitzer RJ. (2003) Role of the Rubisco small subunit. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 414: 141-149.

Stessman D, Miller A, Spalding M, Rodermel S. (2002) Regulation of photosynthesis during Arabidopsis leaf development in continuous light. Photosynthesis Research 72: 27-37.

Szurmak B, Mooney BP, Miernyk JA, Randall DD. (2003) Expression and assembly of Arabidopsis thaliana pyruvate dehydrogenase in insect cell cytoplasm. Prot. Purif. & Express. 28:357-361

Tang G-Q, Hardin SC, Dewey R, Huber SC. (2003) A novel C-terminal proteolytic processing of cytosolic pyruvate kinase, its phosphorylation and degradation by the proteosome in developing soybean seeds. Plant J. 34: 77-95.

Tovar-Mendez A, Miernyk JA, Randall DD. (2002) Histidine mutagenesis of Arabidopsis thaliana pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase. Eur.J. Biochem. 269: 2601-2606.

Tovar-Mendez A, Miernyk JA, Randall DD (2003) Regulation of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex activity in plant cells. Eur. J. Biochem. 270: 1043-1049.

Voznesenskaya EV, GE Edwards, O Kiirats, EG Artyusheva, VR Franceschi. (2003) Development of biochemical specialization and organelle partitioning in the single celled C4 system in leaves of Borszczowia aralocaspica (Chenopododiaceae). Am. J. Bot. In press.

Voznesenskaya, EV, VR Franceschi, EG Artyusheva, CC Black, VI Pyankov and GE Edwards. (2003) Development of the C4 photosynthetic apparatus in cotyledons and leaves of Salsola richteri (Chenopodiaceae). Int. J. Plant Sci. 164: 471-487.

Voznesenskaya EV, VR Francheschi, GE Edwards. Light dependent development of single cell C4 photosynthesis in cotyledons of Borszczowia aralocaspica (Chenopodiaceae) during transformation from a storage to a photosynthetic organ. Annals of Botany. In press.

Wachter R, Langhans M, Aloni R, Gotz S, Weilmunster A, Koops A, Temguia L, Mistrik I, Pavlovkin J, Rascher U, Schwalm K, Koch KE, Ulrich CI. (2003) Vascularization, high-volume solution flow, and localized roles for enzymes of sucrose metabolism during tumorigenesis by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Plant Physiology (In Press)

Walker D, Edwards G. (2004) Photosynthetic Carbon Assimilation. In: Molecular to Global Photosynthesis. Eds. MD Archer and J Barber. Invited chapter. In press.

Xu W, Zhou Y, Chollet R. (2003) Identification and expression of a soybean nodule-enhanced PEP-carboxylase kinase gene (NE-PpcK) that shows striking up-/down-regulation in vivo. Plant J. 34: 441-452.

Yep A, Bejar CM, Ballicora MA, Dubay J, Iglesias AA, Preiss J. (2003) An assay for the ADP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase that measures the synthesis of radioactive ADP-glucose with glycogen synthase. Analytical Biochemistry. In Press.

Yoo S-D, Gao ., Cantini C, Loescher W, van Nocker S. (2003) Fruit ripening in sour cherry (Prunus cerasus): changes in expression of genes expressing expansins and other cell-wall-modifying enzymes. J Amer Soc Hort Sci 128: 16-22.

Yu F, Park S, Rodermel SR. (2003) The Arabidopsis FtsH metalloprotease gene family: interchangeability of subunits in chloroplast oligomeric complexes. Plant Journal (in press).

Yao Y, Guiltinan MJ, Shannon JC, Thompson DB. (2003) Single kernel sampling method for maize starch analysis while maintaining kernel vitality. Cereal Chem. 79: 757762.

Zeng Y, Koch KE (2002) Molecular approaches to altered C partitioning: Genes for sucrose use. Jour. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 127: 474-483

Zheng P, Wetzel C, Ammar K, Girard A-M, Rodermel S, Thomas DR, Ning L, Callis JB, Edwards GE, Daley L. (2002) Test of an in vivo method to detect chloroplast division in crop plants. Part I: Discovery of the phenomenon. Spectroscopy 17: 16-25.

Zheng P, Wetzel C, Ammar K, Girard A-M, Rodermel S, Thomas DR, Ning L, Callis JB, Edwards GE, Daley L. (2002). Test of an in vivo method to detect chloroplast division in crop plants. Part II: Verification of the phenomenon by germplasm methods and confocal microscopy. Spectroscopy 17: 14-18.

Zhu X-G, Portis AR Jr., Long SP. (2004) Would transformation of C3 crop plants with Foreign Rubisco increase productivity? A computational analysis extrapolating from kinetic properties to canopy photosynthesis. Plant Cell Environ., in press.


Akhani, H, J Barroca, N Koteyeva, E Voznesenskaya, V Franceschi, G Edwards, SM Ghaffari, W Stichler, H Ziegler 200X) Bienertia sinuspersici (Chenopodiaceae): a new species from SW Asia and discovery of a third terrestrial C4 plant without Kranz anatomy. Systematic Botany, submitted.

Aluru, M., S.R. Rodermel (2003) Identification of IMMUTANS as a plastid terminal oxidase: its role in differentiation, carotenoid biosynthesis and chlororespiration. Recent Res. Devel. Plant Mol. Biol. 1: 39-55.

Aluru, M.R, S.R. Rodermel (2004) Control of chloroplast redox by the IMMUTANS terminal oxidase. (Refereed review). Physiologia Plantarum 120: 4-11 (Cover Article).

AINSWORTH EA, DAVEY PA, HYMUS GJ, OSBORNE CE, ROGERS A, BLUM H, NOSBERGER J, LONG SP (2003) Is stimulation of leaf photosynthesis by elevated carbon dioxide concentration maintained in the long term? A test with Lolium perenne grown for 10 years at two nitrogen fertilization levels under Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE). Plant, Cell Environment 26: 705-714.

AINSWORTH E.A., ROGERS A., BLUM H., NOSBERGER J., LONG S.P. (2003) Variation in acclimation of photosynthesis in Trifolium repens after eight years of exposure to Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE). J Exp Botany 54: 2769-2774.

AINSWORTH E.A., ROGERS A., NELSON R. & LONG S.P. (2004) Testing the "source-sink" hypothesis of down-regulation of photosynthesis in elevated CO2 in the field with single gene substitutions in Glycine max. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 122: 85-94.

AINSWORTH EA, TRANEL PJ, DRAKE BG, LONG SP (2003) The clonal structure of Quercus geminata revealed by conserved microsatellite loci. Molecular Ecology 12: 527-532.

Ballicora, M.A., A.A. Iglesias, J. Preiss (2004) ADP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase; a Regulatory enzyme for Plant Starch Synthesis. Photosynthesis Research, 79: 1-24.

Barr, J., W.S. White, L. Chen, H. Bae, S. Rodermel (2004) The GHOST terminal oxidase regulates developmental programming in tomato fruit. Plant, Cell Environment 27: 840-852. (Cover article)

Barroca, J, LR Murphy, VR Franceschi, R Lee, E Roalson, GE Edwards, MS Ku. (200X) Diversification and plasticity of C4 photosynthetic pathway in Eleocharis (Cyperaceae). In: Proceedings of the 13th International Photosynthesis Congress. Springer. In press.

Baxter I, et al., J. Young, J.F. Harper (2004) Evidence for an endomembrane function of a plasma membrane proton pump. PNAS (in revision).

Bejar, C.M., M.A. Ballicora, D.F. Gomez-Casati, A.A. Iglesias, J. Preiss (2004) The ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase from Escherichia coli comprises two tightly bound distinct domains. FEBS Letters, 573: 99-104.

Below FE, JR Seebauer, M Uribelarrea, MC Schneerman, SP Moose (2004) Physiological changes accompanying long term selection for grain protein in maize. Plant Breed. Rev. 24(1):133-151.

Bergerou JA, LE Gentry, MB David, FE Below (2004) Role of N2 fixation in the soybean N credit in maize production. Plant and Soil 262:383-394.

BERNACCHI C.J., CALFAPIETRA C., DAVEY P.A., WITTIG V.E., SCARASCIA-MUGNOZZA G.E., RAINES C.A., LONG S.P. (2003) Photosynthesis and stomatal conductance responses of poplars to free-air CO2 enrichment (PopFACE) during the first growth cycle and immediately following coppice. New Phytologist 159: 609-621.

BERNACCHI C.J., MORGAN P.B., ORT D.R., LONG S.P. (2004) The growth of soybean under free air [CO2] enrichment (FACE) stimulates photosynthesis while decreasing in vivo Rubisco capacity. Planta 219 (in press).

BERNACCHI CJ, PIMENTEL C, LONG SP (2003) In vivo temperature response functions of parameters required to model RuBP-limited photosynthesis. Plant, Cell Environment 26: 1419-1430.

Boxall SF, Foster JM, Bohnert HJ, Cushman JC, Nimmo HG, Hartwell J. (2005) Conservation and divergence of the central circadian clock in the stress-inducible CAM plant Mesembryanthemum crystallinum: clock operation in a CAM halophyte reveals clock compensation against abiotic stress. Plant Physiol. In press.

Chehab EW, Patharkar OR, Hegeman AD, Taybi T, Cushman JC. (2004) Autophosphorylation and subcellular dynamics of a salt- and water deficit stress-induced calcium-dependent protein kinase from Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. Plant Physiol. 135: 1430-1446.

Christodoulou, J., A. Malmendal, J.F. Harper, W.J. Chazin (2004) The N-terminal lobe of the CaM-like domain functions as the Ca2+ Sensor for the activation of a calcium-dependent protein kinase (CDPK) from Arabidopsis J. Biol Chem 279:29092-100.

Cross, J.M., M. Clancy, J.R. Shaw, S. Boehlein, T.W. Greene, R.R. Schmidt, T.W. Okita and L.C. Hannah (2004) A polymorphic motif in the small subunit of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase modulates interactions between the small and large subunits. Plant J. In Press.

Cross, JM, M. Clancy, J.R. Shaw, T.W. Greene, R.R. Schmidt, T.W. Okita, L.C. Hannah (2004) Both subunits of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase are regulatory. Plant Physiol. 135:137-144.

Cruz JA, TJ Avenson, A Kanazawa, K Takizawa, GE Edwards, DM Kramer (200X) Plasticity in light reactions of photosynthesis from energy production and photoprotection. J Exp Bot., In Press.

DAVEY P, HUNT S, HYMUS G, DRAKE B, DELUCIA E, KARNOSKY, D, LONG, SP (2004) Respiratory oxygen uptake is not decreased by an instantaneous elevation of [CO2], but is increased by long-term growth in the field at elevated [CO2]. Plant Physiology 134: 520-527.

Davletova, S., L. Rizhsky, H. Liang, Z. Shengqiang, D.J. Oliver, J. Coutu, V. Shulaev, K. Schlauch, R. Mittler (2004) Cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase 1 is a central component of the reactive oxygen gene network of Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, in press.

Dhingra, A., Portis A.R. Jr, Daniell H. (2004) Enhanced translation of a chloroplast-expressed RbcS gene restores small subunit levels and photosynthesis in nuclear RbcS antisense plants. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101:6315-6320.

Dinkins, R.D., H.M. Conn, L.M.A. Dirk, M.A. Williams, R.L. Houtz (2003) The Arabidopsis thaliana peptide deformylase 1 protein is localized to both mitochondria and chloroplasts. Plant Sci 165: 751-758.

Du, Y.C., Peddi S.R., Spreitzer R.J. (2003) Assessment of structural and functional divergence far from the large subunit active site of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/ oxygenase. J. Biol. Chem. 278: 49401-49405.

Edwards GE, VR Franceschi, EV Voznesenskaya (2004) Single-cell C4 photosynthesis versus the dual-cell (Kranz) paradigm. Annual Review of Plant Biology 55: 173-196.

Fay, P.A., A.K. Knapp, J.M. Blair, J.D. Carlisle, J.K. McCarron, B.T. Danner (2003) Rainfall timing, soil moisture dynamics, and plant responses in a mesic tallgrass prairie ecosystem. Pages 147-163 In Changing Precipitation Regimes and Terrestrial Ecosystems. A North American Perspective. (J.F. Weltzin and G.R. McPherson, eds.) University of Arizona Press.
Hardin, S.C., S.C. Huber (2004) Proteasome activity and the post-translational control of sucrose synthase stability in maize leaves. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 42: 197-208.

Hardin, S.C., H. Winter, S.C. Huber (2004) Phosphorylation of the amino-terminus of maize sucrose synthase in relation to membrane association and enzyme activity. Plant Physiol. 134: 1427-1438.

Harper, C.W., J.M. Blair, P.A. Fay, A.K. Knapp, J.D. Carlisle (200X) Increased rainfall variability and reduced rainfall amount decreases soil CO2 flux in a grassland ecosystem. Global Change Biology, In press.

Harper J, G Breton, A Harmon (2004) Decoding CA signals through plant protein kinases Annual Reviews of Plant Biology. 55: 263-88.

Hegeman A.D., A.C. Harms, M.R. Sussman, A.E. Bunner, J.F.Harper (2004) An isotope labeling strategy for quantifying the degree of phosphorylation at multiple sites in proteins. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 15: 647-53.

Hirani, T.A., Tovar-Mendez A., Miernyk J.A., Randall D.D. (2004). Asp-295 is important for phosphorylation of the pyruvate dehydrogenase E1-alpha active-site loop by pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase. Submitted-in revision.

Houtz, R.L., A.R. Portis Jr. (2003) The life of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase  post-tranlational facts and mysteries. Minireview. Arch Biochem Biophys 414: 150-158 (special issue on C-fixing enzymes).

Huber, S.C. S.C. Hardin (2004) Numerous post-translational modifications provide opportunities for the intricate regulation of metabolic enzymes at multiple levels. Current Opinion Plant Biology 7: 318-322.

Hussain,D., M.J. Haydon, Y. Wang, E. Wong, S.M. Sherson, J. Young, J. Camakaris, J.F. Harper, C.S. Cobbett (2004) P-type ATPase heavy metal transporters with roles in essential zinc metabolism in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 16: 1327-1339.

Hwang, S.-K., P.R. Salamone, H.Kavakli, C.J. Slattery, T.W. Okita (2004) Rapid purification of the potato ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase by poly-histidine mediated chromatography. Protein Purif. Express. 38: 99-107.

Ivanov B, K Asada, D Kramer, GE Edwards (200X) The properties of photosynthetic electron transport in bundle sheath cells of maize. Ascorbate can effectively charge cyclic electron flow. Planta, In Press.

Karkehabadi, S., Taylor, T.C., Spreitzer, R.J., Andersson, I. (2004) Altered intersubunit interactions in crystal structures of catalytically-compromised ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase. Biochemistry (in press).

Kim, K., Portis, A.R. Jr. (2004) Oxygen-dependent H2O2 production by Rubisco. FEBS Letters 571: 124-128.

Koch, K.E. (2004) Sucrose metabolism: Regulatory mechanisms and pivotal roles in sugar sensing and plant development. Current Opin Plant Biol 7: 235-246.

Kore-eda S, Cushman MA, Akselrod I, Bufford D, Fredrickson M, Clark E, Cushman JC (2004) Transcript Profiling of Salinity Stress Responses by Large-Scale Expressed Sequence Tag Analysis in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. Gene 341:83-92.

Kore-eda S, Noake C, Ohishi M, Ohnishi J, Cushman JC (2005) Transcriptional regulation of organellar metabolite transporters during induction of crassulacean acid metabolism in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. Functional Plant Biology. Submitted.
Kramer DM, TJ Avenson, GE Edwards (2004) Dynamic flexibility in the light reactions of photosynthesis governed by both electron and proton transfer reactions. Trends Plant Science 9: 339-348.

Kramer DM, TJ Avenson, GE Edwards (2004) Response to Johnson: Controversy remains: regulation of pH gradient across the thylakoid membrane. Trends Plant Science 9 571-572.

Kramer DM, G Johnson, O Kiirats, GE Edwards (2004) New fluorescence parameters for the determination of QA redox status and excitation energy fluxes. Photosynthesis Res 79:209-218.

Kramer DM, A Kanazawa, JA Cruz, B Ivanov, GE Edwards (200X) The relationship between photosynthetic electron transfer and its regulation. In: Govindjee, GC Papageorgiou, eds, Chlorophyll Fluorescence: The Signature of Green Plant Photosynthesis. The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. In Press.

LEAKEY A.D.B., BERNACCHI C.J., DOHLEMAN F.G., ORT D.R. & LONG S.P. (2004) Will photosynthesis of maize (Zea mays) in the US Corn Belt increase in future CO2 rich atmospheres? An analysis of diurnal courses of CO2 uptake under free-air concentration enrichment (FACE). Global Change Biology 10: 951-962.

LONG SP, AINSWORTH EA, ROGERS A, ORT DR (2004) Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide: Plants Face The Future. Annual Reviews of Plant Biology 55: 591-628.

LONG S.P., BERNACCHI C.J. (2003) Gas exchange measurements, what can they tell us about the underlying limitations to photosynthesis? Procedures and sources of error. J Exp Botany 54: 2393-2401.

Lonosky, P., X. Zhang, V. Honavar, D. Dobbs, A. Fu, S. Rodermel (2004) A proteomic analysis of maize chloroplast biogenesis. Plant Physiology 134: 560-574.

Mamedov, T.G., Moellering E.R., Chollet R. (2004) Identification and expression analysis of two genes encoding novel and distinct molecular forms of eukaryotic PEP carboxylase in the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant J.. submitted.

Mazarei, M., K.A. Lennon, D. P. Puthoff, S. R. Rodermel, T. J. Baum (2004) Homologous soybean and Arabidopsis genes share responsiveness to cyst nematode infection. Molecular Plant Pathology 5: 409-423.

Mazarei, M., K.A. Lennon, D. P. Puthoff, S. R. Rodermel, T. J. Baum (2004) Expression of an Arabidopsis phosphoglycerate mutase homologue is localized to apical meristems, regulated by hormones, and induced by sedentary plant-parasitic nematodes. Plant Mol. Biol. 53: 513-530.

Mittler, R., S. Vanderauwera, M. Gollery, F. Van Breusegem (2004) The reactive xxygen gene network of plants. Trends Plant Science 9: 490-498.

MIYAZAKI S, FREDRICKSEN M, HOLLIS KC, POROYKO V, SHEPLEY D, GALBRAITH DW, LONG SP, BOHNERT HJ (2004) Transcript expression profiles of Arabidopsis thaliana grown under controlled conditions and open-air elevated concentrations of CO2 and of O3. Field Crops Research 90: 47-59.

Moore B.d. (2004) Bifunctional and moonlighting enzymes: lighting the way to regulatory control. Trends Plant Science 9: 221-228. (cover article)

MORGAN PB, AINSWORTH EA, LONG SP (2003) How does elevated ozone impact soybean? A meta-analysis of photosynthesis, growth and yield. Plant, Cell Environment 26: 1317-1328.

MORGAN PB, BERNACCHI CJ, ORT DR, LONG SP (2004) An in vivo analysis of the effect of season-long open-air elevation of ozone to anticipated 2050 levels on photosynthesis in soybean. Plant Physiology 135, 2348-2357.

MORGAN P.B., BOLLERO G., NELSON R.L., LONG S.P. (2005) Season-long elevation of ozone concentration by 20 % under fully open-air conditions decreases the growth and production of Midwest soybean crops by ca. 20 %. Environmental Pollution (in press).

MORGAN P.B., BOLLERO G., NELSON R.L., DOHLEMAN F.G., LONG S.P. (2005) Smaller than predicted increase in above-ground net primary production and yield of field-grown soybean was found when [CO2] is elevated in fully open-air. Global Change Biology 11 (in press).

NAIDU SL, LONG, SP (2004) Potential mechanisms of low-temperature tolerance of C4 photosynthesis in Miscanthus x giganteus: an in vivo analysis. Planta 219 (in press).

NAIDU SL, MOOSE SP, AL-SHOAIBI AK, RAINES CA, LONG SP (2003) Cold tolerance of C4 photosynthesis in Miscanthus x giganteus: Adaptation in amounts and sequence of C4 photosynthetic enzymes. Plant Physiology 132: 1688-1697.

Park, S., S. Rodermel (2004) Mutations in ClpC2/Hsp100 suppress the requirement for FtsH in thylakoid membrane biogenesis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101: 12765-12770.

Peddi, S.R., Karkehabadi, S., Anwaruzzaman, M., Andersson, I., Spreitzer, R.J. (2004) Evolutionary divergence in the structure of the small-subunit bA-bB loop of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase is not essential for assembly but influences large-subunit catalysis. In Photosynthesis: Fundamental Aspects to Global Perspectives, eds. A. van der Est and D. Bruce. Allen Press, Lawrence, Kansas (in press).

Portis, A.R. Jr. (2004) Rubisco activase. Encylopedia of Plant and Crop Science, R.M. Goodman ed., Marcel Dekker, Inc, New York, NY, pp. 1117-1119.

Preiss, J. (2004) The Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Starch synthesis. IN Starch in Food. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, In Press.
Puthoff, D.P., D. Nettleton, S.R. Rodermel, T.J. Baum (2003) Arabidopsis gene expression changes during cyst nematode parasitism revealed by statistical analyses of microarray expression profiles. Plant Journal 33: 1-11.

Rodermel, S., S. Park. 2003. Pathways of intracellular communication: tetrapyrroles and plastid-to-nucleus signaling. BioEssays 25: 631-636.

Rodriguez Milla MA, Uno Y, Townsend J, Maher E, Cushman JC (2005) Identification of potential substrates of AtCPK11, a calcium-dependent protein kinase induced by water-deficit and salt stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. Submitted.

ROGERS A., ALLEN D.J., DAVEY P.A., MORGAN P.B., AINSWORTH E.A., BERNACCHI C.J., CORNIC G., DERMODY O., DOHLEMAN F.G., HEATON E.A., MAHONEY J., ZHU X.G., DELUCIA E.H., ORT D.R., LONG S.P. (2004) Leaf photosynthesis and carbohydrate dynamics of soybeans grown throughout their life-cycle under Free-Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment. Plant Cell Environment 27: 449-458.

Roychaudhuri, R., Sarath G., Zeece M., Markwell, J. (2004) Stability of the allergenic soybean Kunitz trypsin inhibitor. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1699: 207-212.

Sakulsinghharoj, C., S.-B. Choi, S.-K. Hwang, G.E. Edwards, J. Bork, C.R. Meyer, J. Preiss, T.W. Okita (2004) Engineering starch biosynthesis for increasing rice seed weight: the role of the cytoplasmic ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase. Plant Science 167: 1323-1333

Satagopan, S., Spreitzer R.J. (2004) Substitutions at the Asp-473 latch residue of Chlamydomonas ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase cause decreases in carboxylation efficiency and CO2/O2 specificity. J. Biol. Chem. 279: 14240-14244.

Schiøtt, M., S. Romanowsky, M.K. Jakobsen, L. Bækgaard, M.G. Palmgren, J.F. Harper (2004) A plant plasma membrane Ca2+ pump is required for normal pollen tube growth and fertilization. PNAS 101: 9502-9507.

Sebastia, C.H., S.C Hardin, S.D.Clouse, J.J. Kieber, S.C. Huber (2004) Identification of a new motif for CDPK phosphorylation in vitro that suggests ACC synthase may be a CDPK substrate. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 428: 81-91.

Sebastia, C.H., F. Marsolais, C. Saravitz, D.W. Israel, R. Dewey, S.C. Huber (200X) Possible role of amino acids in the control of storage product accumulation in developing soybean seeds. J. Exp. Botany, submitted.

Seebauer JR, SP Moose, BJ Fabbri, LD Crossland, FE Below (2004) Amino acid metabolism in maize earshoots: Implications for assimilate preconditioning and nitrogen signaling. Plant Physiol. (in press).

Stessman, D., M. Spalding, S. Rodermel (2004) Short and long term regulation of photosynthesis during leaf development. In Handbook of Photosynthesis. M. Pessarakli, ed. (Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York) (in press).
Tovar-Mendez, A., Hirani T.A., Miernyk J.A., Randall D.D. (2004). Analysis of the catalytic mechanism of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. In press.

Trievel, R.C., E.M. Flynn, R.L. Houtz, J.H. Hurley (2003) Mechanism of multiple lysine methylation by the SET domain enzyme Rubisco LSMT. Nature Structural Biology 10: 545-552.

Uribelarrea, M, FE Below, SP Moose (2004) Grain composition and productivity of maize hybrids derived from the Illinois protein strains in response to variable nitrogen supply. Crop Sci. 44:1593-1600.

Voznesenskaya, EV, S Choung, GE Edwards, VR Franceschi (200X) Distribution of components of C4 photosynthesis in the triple layered chlorenchyma of Aristida (Poaceae). Functional Plant Biology, In press.

Voznesenskaya EV, S Chuong, O Kiirats, VR Franceschi, GE Edwards (200X) Evidence that C4 species in genus Stipagrostis, family Poaceae, is NADP-malic enzyme subtype with nonclassical type of Kranz anatomy (Stipagrostoid). Plant Science. In press.

Voznesenskaya EV, VR Francheschi, GE Edwards (2004) Light dependent development of single cell C4 photosynthesis in cotyledons of Borszczowia aralocaspica (Chenopodiaceae) during transformation from a storage to a photosynthetic organ. Annals of Botany 93: 1-11.

Wachter, R., M. Langhans, R. Aloni, S. Gotz, A. Weilmunster, A. Koops, L. Temguia, I. Mistrik, J. Pavlovkin, U. Rascher, K. Schwalm, K. E. Koch, C. I. Ulrich (2003) Vascularization, high-volume solution flow, and localized roles for enzymes of sucrose metabolism during tumorigenesis by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Plant Physiology. 133:1024-1037.

Walker D, G Edwards (2004) Photosynthetic Carbon Assimilation. In: Molecular to Global Photosynthesis. Series on Photoconversion of Solar Energy, v. 2. Eds. MD Archer and J Barber. pp. 189-220. Invited chapter. Singapore: World Scientific Pres.

Weltzin, J.F. M.E. Loik, S. Schwinning, D.G. Williams, P. Fay, B. Haddad, J. Harte, T.E. Huxman, A.K. Knapp, G. Lin, W.T. Pockman, M.R. Shaw, E. Small, M.D. Smith, D.T. Tissue, J.C. Zak (2003) Assessing the response of terrestrial ecosystems to potential changes in precipitation. BioScience 53: 941-952.

Wubben, M.J.E., S.R. Rodermel, T.J. Baum (2004) Mutation of a UDP-glucose-4-epimerase alters root ethylene responses and nematode susceptibility in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal (in press).

Yep, A., M. A. Ballicora, M. N. Sivak, J. Preiss (2004) Identification and characterization of a critical region in the glycogen synthase from Escherichia coli. J. Biol. Chem. 279: 8359-8367.

Yep, A., M. A. Ballicora, M. N. Sivak, J. Preiss (2004) The active site of the Escherichia coli glycogen synthase is similar to the active site of retaining GT-B glycosyltransferases. (2004) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 316: 960-966.
Yep, A., C.M. Bejar, M.A. Ballicora, J.Dubay, A.A. Iglesias, J. Preiss, (2004) An assay for the ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase that measures the synthesis of radioactive ADP-glucose with glycogen synthase. Analytical Biochemistry. 324: 52-59.

Yu, F., S. Park, S.R. Rodermel (2004) The Arabidopsis FtsH metalloprotease gene family: interchangeability of subunits in chloroplast oligomeric complexes. Plant Journal 37: 864-876.

Zheng, P., K. Ammar, A.-M. Girard, S. Rodermel, D.R. Thomas, L. Ning, J.B. Callis, G.E. Edwards, L. Daley (2003) Test of an in vivo method to detect chloroplast division in crop plants. Part III: Statistical proofs of observation and general utility of the method. Spectroscopy 18: 102-105.

ZHU X, PORTIS AR, LONG SP (2004) Would transformation of C3 plants with foreign Rubisco increase productivity? Plant Cell Environment 27: 155-165.

ZHU X.G., ORT D.R., WHITMARSH J., LONG S.P. (2004) The slow reversibility of photosystem II thermal energy dissipation on transfer from high to low light may cause large losses in carbon gain by crop canopies: a theoretical analysis. J Exp Botany 55: 1167-1175.


H. Winter, S.C. Huber, C. Larabell (Filed Oct 17, 2004) (LBNL Docket No. JIB-1571) Synthetic peptides that cause F-actin bundling and block actin depolymerization.


Randall, D.D., Mooney B.P., Johnston M.L, Luethy M.H., Miernyk J.A. (2004) U.S. Patent No. 6,773,917 entitlted: Use of DNA encoding plastid pyruvate dehydrogenase and branched-chain oxoacid dehydrogenase components to enhance polyhydroxyalkanoate biosynthesis in Plants.


2005 NC-1-142 Refereed Publications

Ainsworth EA, Long SP (2005) What have we learned from 15 years of free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE)? A meta-analytic review of the responses of photosynthesis, canopy. New Phytol165: 351-371

Ainsworth EA, Rogers A, Nelson R, Long SP (2004) Testing the "source-sink" hypothesis of down-regulation of photosynthesis in elevated CO2 in the field with single gene substitutions in Glycine max. Agricul Forest Meteorology 122: 85-94

Akhani H, Barroca J, Koteyeva N, Voznesenskaya E, Franceschi V, Edwards G, Ghaffari SM, Stichler W, Ziegler H (2005) Bienertia sinuspersici (Chenopodiaceae): a new species from SW Asia and discovery of a third terrestrial C4 plant without Kranz anatomy. Systematic Bot 30: 290-301

Amtmann A, Bohnert HJ, Bressan RA (2005) Abiotic stress and plant genome evolution: the search for new models. Plant Physiol 138: 127-130

Ballicora MA, Dubay JR, Devillers CH, Preiss J (2005) Resurrecting the ancestral enzymatic role of a modulatory subunit. J Biol Chem 280: 10189-10195 [Cited by J.B.C. as paper of the week (March 18, 2005 issue)]

Barroca J, Murphy LR, Franceschi VR, Lee R, Roalson E, Edwards GE, Ku MS (2005) Diversification and plasticity of C4 photosynthetic pathway in Eleocharis (Cyperaceae). In van der Est A, Bruce D, eds, Photosynthesis: Fundamental Aspects to Global Perspectives. Springer, pp 646-648

Baxter I, Young JC, Armstrong G, Foster N, Bogenschutz N, Cordova T, Peer WA, Hazen SP, Murphy AS, Harper JF (2005) A plasma membrane H+-ATPase is required for the formation of proanthocyanidins in the seed coat endothelium of Arabidopsis thaliana. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 102: 2649-2654

Bernacchi CJ, Morgan PB, Ort DR, Long SP (2005) The growth of soybean under free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) stimulates photosynthesis while decreasing in vivo Rubisco capacity. Planta 220: 434-446

Bohnert HJ (2004) Functional genomics of plant salinity tolerance. In Leister D, ed, Functional Plant Genomics. Haworth Press, New York, pp 451-484

Bohnert HJ, Bressan RA, Hasegawa PM (2005) Ion homeostasis and water deficit. In Ribaut JM, ed, Drought Tolerance in Cereals. Haworth Press, New York, In press

Boxall SF, Bohnert HJ, Cushman JC, Nimmo HG, Hartwell J (2005) Circadian clock-associated genes CCA1/LHY, TOC1, ELF4, ZTL, FKF1, GI and ELF3 in the stress-inducible CAM plant M. crystallinum. Plant Physiol 137: 969-982

Boxall SF, Foster JM, Bohnert HJ, Cushman JC, Nimmo HG, Hartwell J (2005) Conservation and divergence of the central circadian clock in the stress-inducible CAM plant Mesembryanthemum crystallinum: clock operation in a CAM halophyte reveals clock compensation against abiotic stress. Plant Physiol 137: 969-982

Bressan RA, Bohnert HJ, Hasegawa PM (2005) Bioengineering for plant abiotic stress tolerance. In Nguyen H, Bohnert HJ, eds, Engineering of Plant Metabolic Pathways. Elsevier, Netherlands, In press

Chiang YJ, Stushnoff C, McSay AE, Jones, ML, Bohnert HJ (2005) Overexpression of mannitol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase increases mannitol production and enhances chilling tolerance in Petunia. J Amer Soc Hort Sci 130: 605-610

Crafts-Brandner SJ, Salvucci ME (2004) Analyzing the impact of high temperature and CO2 on net photosynthesis: biochemical mechanisms, models and genomics. Field Crops Res 90: 75-85

Cruz JA, Avenson TJ, Kanazawa A, Takizawa K, Edwards GE, Kramer DM (2005) Plasticity in light reactions of photosynthesis for energy production and photoprotection. J Exp Bot. 56: 395-406

Cushman JC (2005) Crassulacean acid metabolism: recent advances and future opportunities. Functional Plant Biol 32: 375-380

Davey PA, Hunt S, Hymus GJ, DeLucia EH, Drake BG, Karnosky DF, Long SP (2004) Respiratory oxygen uptake is not decreased by an instantaneous elevation of CO2 , but is increased with long-term growth in the field at elevated CO2. Plant Physiol 134: 520-527

Davletova S, Rizhsky L, Liang H, Shengqiang Z, Oliver DJ, Coutu J, Shulaev V, Schlauch K, Mittler R (2005) Cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase 1 is a central component of the reactive oxygen gene network of Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 17: 268-281

Davletova S, Schlauch K, Coutu J, Mittler R (2005) The zinc-finger protein Zat12 plays a central role in reactive oxygen and abiotic stress signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 139: 847-856

Ehsan H, Ray WK, Phinney B, Wang X, Hube, SC, Clouse SD (2005) Interaction of Arabidopsis BRASSINOSTEROID-INSENSITIVE 1 receptor kinase with a homolog of mammalian TGF-b receptor interacting protein. Plant J 43: 251-261

Eide D, Gehl M, Nair M, Gribskov M, Guerinot M, Harper JF (2005) Characterization of the yeast ionome; a genome-wide analysis of nutrient mineral and trace element homeostasis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genome Biol 6: R77

Ercetin ME, Gillaspy GE (2004) Molecular characterization of an Arabidopsis phospholipid-specific inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase. Plant Physiol 135: 938-946

Gao Z, Jayanty S, Beaudry R, Loescher W (2005) Watercore and sorbitol transporters in apple sink tissues: implications for fruit sugar accumulation and watercore development. J Amer Soc Hort Sci 130: 2:261-268

Gao Z, Loescher WH (2003) Expression of a celery mannose 6-phosphate reductase in Arabidopsis thaliana enhances salt tolerance and induces biosynthesis of both mannitol and a glucosyl-mannitol dimer. Plant Cell Environ 26: 275-283

Gao Z, Maurousset L, Lemoine R, Yoo S-D, van Nocker S, Loescher W (2003) Cloning, expression, and characterization of sorbitol transporters from developing sour cherry (Prunus cerasus) fruit and leaf sink tissues. Plant Physiol 131: 1566-1575

Gehrig HH, Wood J, Cushman MA, Virgo A, Cushman JC, Winter K (2005) Large gene family of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase in the crassulacean acid metabolism plant Kalanchoe pinnata (Crassulaceae). Functional Plant Biol 32: 467-472

Gillaspy GE, Ercetin ME, Burnette RN (2004) Inositol metabolism in plant cells: a genomics perspective, In Hemantaranjan A, ed, Advances in Plant Physiology, Volume 7. India, pp 145-158

Gong Q, Li P, Ma S, Rupassara SI, Bohnert HJ (2005) Stress adaptation competence in Arabidopsis thaliana and its extremophile relative Thellungiella halophila. Plant J, In press

Harper JF, Harmon A (2005) Plants, symbiosis and parasites: a Ca2+-signalling connection. Nature Rev Mol Cell Biol 6: 555-566

Heaton E, Voigt T, Long SP (2004) A quantitative review comparing the yields of two candidate C-4 perennial biomass crops in relation to nitrogen, temperature and water. Biomass Bioenergy 27: 21-30

Hwang S-K, Salamone PR, Okita TW (2005) The higher plant ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase subunits modulate the regulatory and catalytic properties through their synergistic interactions. FEBS Lett 579: 983-9

Hwang S-K, Salamone PR, Kavakli H, Slattery CJ, Okita TW (2004) Rapid purification of the potato ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase by poly-histidine mediated chromatography. Protein Purif Express 38: 99-107

Ivanov B, Asada K, Kramer D, Edwards GE (2005) Characterization of photosynthetic electron transport in bundle sheath cells of maize. Ascorbate can effectively charge cyclic electron flow. Planta 220: 572-581

Jin X, Ballicora MA, Preiss J, Geiger JH(2005) Crystal structure of potato tuber ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase. Embo J 24: 694-704

Karkehabadi S, Taylor T C, Spreitzer RJ, Andersson I (2005) Altered intersubunit interactions in crystal structures of catalytically-compromised ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase. Biochemistry 44: 13-120

Karkehabadi S, Peddi SR, Anwaruzzaman M, Taylor TC, Cederlund A, Genkov T, Andersson I, Spreitzer RJ (2005) Chimeric small subunits influence catalysis without causing global conformational changes in the crystal structure of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase. Biochemistry 44: 9851-9861

Kim K, Portis AR Jr (2005) Temperature dependence of photosynthesis in Arabidopsis plants with modifications in Rubisco activase and membrane fluidity. Plant Cell Physiol 46: 522-530

Kim K, Portis AR Jr (2005) Kinetic analysis of the slow inactivation of Rubisco during catalysis: Effects of temperature, O2 and Mg++. Photosyn Res, In press

Kore-eda S, Noake C, Ohishi M, Ohnishi J, Cushman JC (2005) Transcriptional regulation of organellar metabolite transporters during induction of crassulacean acid metabolism in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. Functional Plant Biol 32: 451-466

Kramer DM, Kanazawa A, Cruz JA, Ivanov B, Edwards GE (2005) The relationship between photosynthetic electron transfer and its regulation. In Papageorgiou GC, Govindjee, eds, Chlorophyll a Fluorescence: A Signature of Photosynthesis. Springer, New York, NY. pp 251-278

Leakey ADB, Bernacchi CJ, Dohleman FG, Ort DR, Long SP (2004) Will photosynthesis of maize (Zea mays) in the US corn belt increase in future CO2 rich atmospheres? An analysis of diurnal courses of CO2 uptake under free-air concentration enrichment (FACE). Global Change Biol 10: 951-962

Li C, Salvucci ME, Portis AR Jr (2005) Two residues of Rubisco activase involved in recognition of the Rubisco substrate. J Biol Chem 280: 24864-24869

Li J-H, Guiltinan MJ, Thompson DB (2005) The use of laser differential interference contrast microscopy for the characterization of starch granule ring structure. Starch/Starke, In press

Li P, Mane SP, Sioson AA, Heath LS, Bohnert HJ, Grene R (2005) Effects of chronic ozone exposure on gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes and in Thellungiella halophila. Plant Cell Environ, In press

Li P, Sioson AA, Mane SP, Ulanov A, Grothaus G, Heath LS, Murali TM, Bohnert HJ, Grene R (2006) Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes and Thellungiella halophila grown in FACE rings  Response diversity and signature genes in elevated CO2. Plant J, revised, submitted

Loescher W, Johnson T, Beaudry R, Jayanty S (2005) Sorbitol transport, sorbitol, and watercore in apple cultivars differing in watercore susceptibility. HortScience 40: 993-994

Long SP, Ainsworth EA, Rogers A, Ort DR (2004) Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide: Plants face the future. Annu Rev Plant Biol 55: 591-628

Lynnette M, Dirk A, Trievel RC, Houtz RL (2005) Non-histone protein lysine methyltransferases - structure and catalytic roles. In Tamanoi F, Clarke S, eds, Protein Methyltransferases. The Enzymes. Academic Press, In press

Ma S, Quist T, Ulanov A, Quigley F, Joly R, Bohnert HJ (2004) Suppression of gTIP in Arabidopsis leads to cell and plant death. Plant J 40: 845-859

Mamedov TG, Moellering ER, Chollet R (2005) Identification and expression analysis of two genes encoding novel and distinct molecular forms of eukaryotic PEP carboxylase in the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant J 42: 832-843

Maricle BR, Kiirats O, Edwards GE, Lee R (2005) Effects of salinity on photosynthesis in C4 estuarine grasses. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Invasive Spartina. Cambridge Publications, In press

McCarty DR, Settles AM, Suzuki M, Tan BC, Latshaw S, Porch T, Robin K, Baier J, Avigne W T, Lai J, Messing J, Koch KE, Hannah LC (2005) Steady-state transposon mutagenesis in inbred maize. Plant J 44: 52-61

Mittler R (2005) Abiotic stress, the field environment and stress combination. Trends Plant Sci, In press

Mittler R, Vanderauwera S, Gollery M, Van Breusegem F (2004) The reactive oxygen gene network of plants. Trends Plant Sci 9: 490-498

Miyazaki S, Fredricksen M, Hollis KC, Poroyko V, Shepley D, Galbraith DW, Long SP, Bohnert HJ (2004) Transcript expression profiles of Arabidopsis thaliana grown under controlled conditions and open-air elevated concentrations of CO2 and of O3. Field Crops Res 90: 47-59

Morgan PB, Bernacchi CJ, Ort DR, Long SP (2004) An in vivo analysis of the effect of season-long open-air elevation of ozone to anticipated 2050 levels on photosynthesis in soybean. Plant Physiol 135: 2348-2357

Morgan PB, Bollero GA, Nelson RL, Dohleman FG, Long SP (2005) Smaller than predicted increase in aboveground net primary production and yield of field-grown soybean under fully open-air CO2 elevation. Global Change Biol 11: 1856-1865

Naidu SL, Long SP (2004) Potential mechanisms of low-temperature tolerance of C-4 photosynthesis in Miscanthus x giganteus: an in vivo analysis. Planta 220: 145-155

Obana Y, Omoto D, Kato C, Matsumoto K, Nagai Y, Kavakli IH, Hamada S, Edwards GE, Okita TW, Matsui H, Ito H (2006) Enhanced turnover of transitory starch by expression of up-regulated ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylases in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Sci 170:1-11

Peddi SR, Karkehabadi S, Anwaruzzaman M, Andersson I, Spreitzer RJ (2005) Evolutionary divergence in the structure of the small-subunit ²A-²B loop of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase is not essential for assembly but influences large-subunit catalysis. In van der Est A, Bruce D, eds, Photosynthesis: Fundamental Aspects to Global Perspectives. Allen Press, Lawrence, Kansas, pp 828-830

Pimentel C, Davey PA, Juvik JA, Long SP (2005) Gene loci in maize influencing susceptibility to chilling dependent photoinhibition of photosynthesis. Photosyn Res 85: 319-326

Platten DJ, Cotsaftis O, Berthomieu P, Bohnert H, Davenport RJ, Fairbairn DJ, Horie T, Leigh R, Lin H-X, Luan S, Mäser P, Pantoja O, Rodríguez-Navarro A, Rus A, Schachtman DP, Schroeder JI, Sentenac H, Uozumi N, Véry A-A, Zhu J-K, Dennis ES, Tester M (2006) Nomenclature for HKT genes, central for plant salinity tolerance. Science (nomenclature section)

Poroyko V, Hejlec LG, Spollen W, Springer G, Nguyen HT, Sharp R, Bohnert HJ (2005) The maize root transcriptome by serial analysis of gene expression. Plant Physiol 138: 1700-1710

Preiss J (2004) Plant starch synthesis. In Eliasson A-C,ed, Starch in Food, Structure, Function and Applications. CRC Press and Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK, pp 3-56Yoo S-D, Gao Z, Cantini C, Loescher W, van Nocker S (2003) Fruit ripening in sour cherry (Prunus cerasus): changes in expression of genes expressing expansins and other cell-wall-modifying enzymes. J Amer Soc Hort Sci 128: 16-22

Rogers A, Allen DJ, Davey PA, Morgan PB, Ainsworth EA, Bernacchi CJ, Cornic G, Dermody O, Dohleman FG, Heaton EA, Mahoney J, Zhu XG, Delucia EH, Ort DR, Long SP (2004) Leaf photosynthesis and carbohydrate dynamics of soybeans grown throughout their life-cycle under Free-Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment. Plant Cell Environ 27: 449-458

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