S1010: Dynamic Soybean Pest Management for Evolving Agricultural Technologies and Cropping Systems (S-281)
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
None at this time. Project just began.
Jones, D. C. and R. M. McPherson. 2003. Insect Management. Georgia Soybean Production Guide. CSS 03-02:58-66.
Seagraves, M. P. and R. M. McPherson. 2003. Residual susceptibility of the red imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) to four agricultural insecticides. J. Econ. Entomol. 96:645-648.
McPherson, R. M., W. C. Johnson, B. G. Mullinix, Jr., W. A. Mills, III, and F. S. Peebles. 2003. Influence of herbicide tolerant soybean production systems on insect pest populations and pest-induced crop injury. J. Econ. Entomol. 96:690-698.
McPherson, R. M., D. C. Jones, J. C. Garner, and G. K. Douce. 2003. Soybean insect pest alert: Soybean aphid now established in Georgia. Univ Georgia Coop. Ext. Serv. Misc. Publ. 105 (also @www.ces.uga.edu/pubcd/MP105.htm).
McPherson, R. M., M. L. Wells, W. A. Mills, III, and S. R. Jones. 2003. Control of velvetbean caterpillars on soybean, 2003. Arthropod Management Tests 28: F103.
McPherson, R. M. and W. A. Mills, III. 2003. Control of stink bugs on soybeans in Georgia, and impact on velvetbean caterpillar populations, 2002. Arthropod Management Tests 28: F104.
McPherson, R. M., J. D. Taylor and N. J. Roberson. 2003. Control of velvetbean caterpillars on soybean and impact on soybean loopers and threecornered alfalfa hoppers, 2002. Arthropod Management Tests 28: F105.
McPherson, R. M. and D. C. Jones. 2003. Soybean insects, pp. 37-38, in P. Guillebeau, N. Hinkle, and P. Roberts (eds.), Summary of losses from insect damage and costs of control in Georgia, 2001. Ga. Agric. Expt. Stn., Misc. Publ. 106.
Voegtlin, D., R. J. O?Neil and W. Graves. 2004. Tests of suitability of overwintering hosts of Aphis glycines: identification of a new host association with Rhamnus alnifolia L?Hér. Annals Ent. Soc. Amer. (In press).
Ragsdale, D., R.J. O?Neil and D.. Voegtlin. 2004. Soybean aphid biology in North America. Annals Ent. Soc. Amer. (In press).
Rutledge, C. E., R., J. O?Neil, T. B. Fox and D. A. Landis. 2004. Soybean aphid predators and their use in IPM. Annals Ent. Soc. Amer. (In press).
Heimpel, G. E., D. W. Ragsdale, R. Venette, K. R. Hopper, R. J. O?Neil, C. Rutledge and Z. Wu. 2004. Prospects for importation biological control of the soybean aphid: anticipating potential costs and benefits. Annals Ent. Soc. Amer. (In press).
Wu, Z., K.R. Hopper, R. J. O?Neil, , D. Voegtlin, D. R. Prokrym, and G. E. Heimpel. Reproductive Compatibility and Genetic Variation between Two Strains of Aphelinus albipodus (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), a Parasitoid of the Soybean Aphid, Aphis glycines (Homoptera: Aphididae). Submitted to Biological Control.
Edwards, C. R., J. L. Obermeyer and L. W. Bledsoe. 2003. Soybean Insect Control Recommendations. Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service Publication E-77W. http://www.entm.purdue.edu/entomology ext/targets/e-series/EseriesPDF/E-77.htm. West Lafayette, IN. 7 pp.
Allard, C. M. 2003. Diel activity patterns and distribution of Phalangium opilio in soybean and the effect of diet on female reproduction. M.S. Thesis, University of Kentucky. 68 pp.
Baur, M.E., J. Ellis, K. Hutchinson, and D.J. Boethel. 2003. Contact toxicity of selective insecticides for non-target predaceous hemipterans in soybeans. J. Entomol. Sci. 38: 269-277.
Baur, M.E., and D.J. Boethel. 2003. Effect of Bt-cotton expressing Cry1Ac on the survival and fecundity of two hymenopteran parasitoids (Braconidae, Encyrtidae) in the laboratory. Biological Control 26: 325-332.
Baur, M.E., B.J. Fitzpatrick, and D.J. Boethel. 2003. Insect-resistant, transgenic soybeans: a new IPM tool. La. Agricult. 46 (4): 32-33
Baur, M.E., and D.J. Boethel. 2003. Tracking loopers with DNA. La. Agricult. 46 (4): 34.
Hunt, T. E., L.G. Higley, and F. J. Haile. 2003. Imported Longhorned Weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Injury to Soybean: Physiological Response and Injury Guild-Level Economic Injury Levels. J. Econ. Entomol. 96: 1168-1173.
Peterson, R.K.D., and T. E. Hunt, 2003. The Probabilistic Economic Injury Level: Incorporating Uncertainty Into Pest Management Decision-Making. J. Econ. Entomol. 96: 536-543.
Ziems, A., Giesler, L.J., and Hunt, T. 2003. Effect of foliar insecticide timing on incidence of bean pod mottle virus. Phytopathology 93:S95.
Echtenkamp, J., and T. E. Hunt. 2003. NK S24-K4 Control of bean leaf beetle on soybean, 2002. Arthropod Mgt. Tests. F95. Vol. 28.
Madsen, R. A. 2003. Host responses of soybeans and alfalfa to simulated insect defoliation and the development of economic injury levels. M.S. thesis, University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
Gewal, S. K., P. S. Grewal, and R. B. Hammond. 2003. Susceptibility of North American native and non-native slugs (Mollusca: Gastropoda) to Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita (Nematoda: Rhabditidae). Biocontrol Sci. Tech. 13:119-125.
Hammond, R. B. 2003. Gray garden slug control in field corn, 2002. Arthropod Management Tests. 28: F20.
Hammond, R. B. 2003. Seed treatments for control of insects in soybeans, 2002. Arthropod Management Tests. 28: F98.
Malone, S., D. A. Herbert, Jr., and S. Pheasant. Determining adoption of integrated pest management practices by grains farmers in Virginia. J. of Extension (Accepted for publication, Jan. 2004).
Bradshaw, J. D, M. E. Rice, and J. H. Hill. 2004. Efficacy of a pyrethroid and a systemic seed-treated insecticide to manage an insect-pathogen complex in soybean. Entomological Society of America Meeting, Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah. URL address: http://esa.confex.com/esa/2004/techprogram/paper_16070.htm
Bradshaw, J. D, M. E. Rice, and J. H. Hill. 2004. Efficacy of a pyrethroid and a systemic seed-treated insecticide to manage a pest and a pathogen. International Congress of Entomology, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Echtenkamp, Gerald W., T. E. Hunt. 2004. Control of bean leaf beetle in soybeans, 2003. ESA Arthropod Management Tests 2004, Volume 2, F74.
Echtenkamp, Gerald W., T. E. Hunt. 2004. Control of soybean aphid in soybeans, 2003. ESA Arthropod Management Tests 2004, Volume 2, F75.
Hajimorad, M. R., A. L. Eggenberger, and J. H. Hill. 2004. Elicitor function of Soybean mosaic virus-G7 provoking Rsv1-mediated lethal systemic hypersensitive response maps to P3. Phytopathology 94:S38.
Hammond, R. B. 2004. Seed treatments in soybean, 2003. Arthropod Management Tests. 29: F79.
Hammond, R. B. 2004. Potato leafhopper control in alfalfa, 2003. Arthropod Management Tests. 29: F1.
Hammond, R. B. 2004. Foliage treatments in soybean, 2003. Arthropod Management Tests. 29: F78.
Heimpel, G. E., D. W. Ragsdale, R. Venette, K. R. Hopper, R. J. ONeil, C. Rutledge and Z. Wu. 2004. Prospects for importation biological control of the soybean aphid: anticipating potential costs and benefits. Annals Ent. Soc. Amer. 97: 249-258.
Herbert, D., A., Jr. and S. Malone. 2004. Update on resistance monitoring efforts with corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea. In Proc. of the Northeast Regional Crops Conf., New Haven, CT http://www.udel.edu/IPM/nerfcic2004index.html
Hodgson, E. W., E. C. Burkness, W. D. Hutchison, and D. W. Ragsdale. 2004. Enumerative and Binomial Sequential Sampling Plans for Soybean Aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae) in Soybean. J. Econ. Entomol. 97(6): 2127-2136.
Hunt, Thomas. 2004. Soybean Aphid Management in Nebraska. NF04-599, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension. Lincoln, NE.
Jones, D. C. and R. M. McPherson. 2004. Insect Management. Georgia Soybean Production Guide. CSS 04-05.
Krell, R. K., Pedigo, L. P., Hill, J. H., and Rice, M. E. 2004. Bean leaf beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) management for reduction of bean pod mottle virus. J. Econ. Entomol. 97:192-202.
MacRae, T.C., D.J. Boethel, A. Gao, D.C. Gamundi, L.A. Harrison, V.T. Kabuye, R.M. McPherson, J.A. Miklos, M.S. Parodise, A.S. Toedebusch, and A. Viegas. Laboratory and field evaluations of transgenic soybean exhibiting high dose expression of a synthetic Bacillus thuringiensis cry 1 Ac like gene for broad-spectrum lepidopteran resistance. J. Econ. Entomol. (accepted).
Malone, S., D. A. Herbert, Jr., and S. Pheasant. 2004. Determining adoption of integrated pest management practices by grains farmers in Virginia. J. of Extension (http://joe.org/joe/2004august/rb6.shtml).
McCornack, B., D. W. Ragsdale, and R. C. Venette. 2004. Demography of Soybean Aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae) at Summer Temperatures. J. Econ. Entomol. 97(3): 854-861.
McPherson, R. M. and D. C. Jones. 2004. Soybean insects, pp. 35-36, in P. Guillebeau, N. Hinkle, and P. Roberts (eds.), Summary of losses from insect damage and costs of control in Georgia, 2002. Ga. Agric. Expt. Stn., Misc. Publ. 106.
McPherson, R.M., S.R. Jones, and W.A. Mills III. 2004. Control of velvetbean caterpillars and soybean loopers on soybeans in Georgia, 2003. Arthropod Management Tests 29: F82.
McPherson, R.M., W.A. Mills III, and S.R. Jones. 2004. Control of stink bugs on soybeans in Georgia, 2003. Arthropod Management Tests 29: F81.
Payne, G., G. Dively, S. Fleischer, A. Herbert, J. Ingerson-Mahar, T. Kuhar, and J. Whalen. 2004. Susceptibility of bollworm (Helicoverpa zea) adults from across the mid Atlantic states to pyrethroid insecticides. Beltwide Cotton Confs. Pp. 1900 http://www.cotton.org/beltwide/proceedings/2004/abstracts/H046.cfm
Ragsdale, D. W, D. J. Voegtlin, and R. J. ONeil 2004. Soybean aphid biology in North America. Annals. Ent. Soc. Amer. 97:204-208.
Rice, M. E., Bradshaw, J. D., and Hill, J. H. 2004. "Bean leaf beetle and bean pod mottle virus research and management in soybean: Two pests, one crop, several options, many questions." North Central Branch meeting of the Entomological Society of America. URL address: http://esa.ent.iastate.edu/stories/storyReader$218
Rutledge, C. E., R. J. ONeil, T. B. Fox and D. A. Landis. 2004. Soybean aphid predators and their use in IPM. Annals Ent. Soc. Amer. 97:240-248.
Seagraves, M.P., R.M. McPherson, and J.R. Ruberson. 2004. Impact of Solenopsis invicta Buren suppression on arthropod ground predators and pest species in soybean. J. Entomol. Sci. 39: 433-443.
Sloderbeck, Phil, Larry Buschman, and Randy Higgins. 2004. Soybean Stem Borer Management Trials 2001-2003. Southwest Kansas Research-Extension Center 2004 Field Day, Kansas State University, Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. Report of Progress 927. pp 41-44. http://www.oznet.ksu.edu/swao/Entomology/Reports2004/SRP927%20SBSB.pdf
Sloderbeck, P. E., M. Kaczmarek, L. L. Buschman, R. A. Higgins, W. T. Schapaugh, M. Witt and D. J. Jardine. 2003. The Soybean Stem Borer. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. MF-2581 http://www.oznet.ksu.edu/library/entml2/MF2581.pdf;
Sloderbeck, P. E., J. C. Reese, R. J. Whitworth, C. M. Smith, R. A. Higgins, W. T. Schapaugh, R. E. Wolf and Doug J. Jardine. 2003. The Soybean Aphid. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. MF-2582 http://www.oznet.ksu.edu/library/entml2/mf2582.pdf
Gustafson, Travis, Thomas E. Hunt, Stevan Z. Knezevic 2004. Effects of Early Season Defoliation of Soybean on Weed Management. XX Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia-Programa e Livro de Resumos, 553.
Venette, R. C and D. W. Ragsdale. 2004. Assessing the invasion by soybean aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae): where will it end? Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 97: 219-226.
Voegtlin, D., R. J. ONeil and W. Graves. 2004. Tests of suitability of overwintering hosts of Aphis glycines: identification of a new host association with Rhamnus alnifolia LHér. Annals Ent. Soc. Amer. 97: 233-234.
Wu, Z., K. R. Hopper, R. J. O'Neil, D. J. Voegtlin, D. R. Prokrym, and G. E. Heimpel. 2004. Reproductive compatibility and genetic variation between two strains of Aphelinus albipodus (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), a parasitoid of the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines (Homoptera: Aphididae). Biological Control 31:311-319
Wu, Z., D. Schenk-Hamlin, W. Zhan, D. W. Ragsdale and G. E. Heimpel. 2004. The soybean aphid in China an historical review. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 97: 209-218
Ziems, A.D., L.J. Giesler and T.E. Hunt 2004. Effect of foliar insecticide timing on the incidence of Bean pod mottle virus in soybean. Phytopathology, Phytopathology 94: S117
Ziems, A.D., L.J. Giesler and T.E. Hunt 2004. Managing Bean pod mottle virus in soybeans with cultural and chemical methods. VII World Soybean Research Conference, VII World Soybean Research Conference , 228-228.
Costamagna, A. and D. Landis. 2006. Predators exert top-down control of soybean aphid across a gradient of agricultural management systems. Ecol. Appl.: Vol. 16 (4): 1619-1628.
Desneux, N., R. J. ONeil, and H. J. S. Yoo. 2006. Suppression of population growth of the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura, by predators: the identification of a key predator, and the effects of prey dispersion, predator density and temperature. Env. Entomol. 35: 1342-1349.
Diaz-Montano, J., J.C. Reese, W.T. Schapaugh, and L.R. Campbell. 2006. Characterization of antibiosis to the soybean aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in several soybean genotypes. J. Econ. Entomol. 99: 1884-1889.
Herbert, D.A., Jr. and S. Malone. 2006. Insect Pest Management in Virginia Cotton, Peanut and Soybean. Virginia Cooperative Extension Publ. No.444-380, Blacksburg, Virginia. http://www.ext.vt.edu/pubs/entomology/444-380/444-380.html
Hammond, R. B. 2006a. Foliage treatments against soybean aphid in soybean, 2005. Arthropod Management Tests. 30: F34
Hammond, R. B. 2006b. Foliage treatments against the bean leaf beetle in soybean, 2005. Arthropod Management Tests. 30: F35
Hammond, R. B. 2006c. Seed treatments in soybean, 2005. Arthropod Management Tests. 30: F36
Herbert, D.A., Jr. and S. Malone. 2006a. Evaluation of selected foliar applied insecticides for control of soybean aphid in Virginia soybean. Arthropod Management Tests, 31:F37.
Herbert, D.A., Jr. and S. Malone. 2006b. Evaluation of selected foliar applied insecticides for control of soybean looper in Virginia soybean. Arthropod Management Tests, 31:F38.
Herbert, D.A., Jr. and S. Malone. 2006c. Evaluation of selected foliar applied insecticides for control of stink bug in Virginia soybean. Arthropod Management Tests, 31:F39.
Hesler, L. S., K. E. Dashiell and J. G. Lundgren. 2006. Characterization of resistance to Aphis glycines in soybean accessions. Euphytica 154: 91-99.
Hobbs, H.A., Hill, C.B., Grau, C.R., Koval, N.C., Wang, Y., Pedersen, W.L., Domier, L.L., and Hartman, G.L. 2006. Green stem disorder of soybean. Plant Dis. 90:513-518
McCornack, B. P. and D. W. Ragsdale. 2006. Efficacy of registered and experimental rates of thiamethoxam for soybean aphid control, 2005. Arthropod Management Tests 31: F42.
McCornack, B. P., and D. W. Ragsdale. 2006. Efficacy of thiamethoxam to suppress soybean aphid populations in Minnesota soybean. J. Crop Management [online: doi:10.1094/CM-2006-0915-01-RS].
McPherson, R. M. and E. Prostki (eds.). 2006. Soybean Research-Extension Report for 2005. www.griffin.uga.edu/caes/soybeans/2005rer/index.htm
McPherson, R. M., P. Roberts, and G. Buss. 2006. Advanced screening of soybean breeding lines and varieties for stink bug resistance. Soybean Research-Extension Report 2005. 6pp. www.griffin.uga.edu/caes/soybeans/2005rer/index.htm
McPherson, R. M. and P. Roberts. 2006. Evaluation of selected insecticides for control of various soybean insect pests. Soybean Research-Extension Report 2005. 8pp. www.griffin.uga.edu/caes/soybeans/2005rer/index.htm
Myers, S.W. and Gratton, C. 2006. Influence of potassium fertility on soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae) population dynamics at a field and regional scale. Environmental Entomology. 35: 219-227
Prasifka, J.R., N.P. Schmidt, K.A. Kohler, M.E. ONeal, R.L. Hellmich, and J.W. Singer. 2006. Effects of living mulches on predator abundance and sentinel prey in a corn-soybean-forage rotation. Environ. Entomol. 35: 1423-1431.
Ragsdale, D.W., E.W. Hodgson, B.P. McCornack, K.A. Koch, R.C. Venette, and B.D. Potter. 2006. Soybean aphid and the challenge of integrating recommendations within an IPM system. In: Illinois Crop Protection Technology Conference 2006 Proceedings. pp. 103-110.
Roberts, P. and R. M. McPherson. 2006. Insect Management. Georgia Soybean Production Guide. CSS 06-02:5pp.
Roberts, P. and R. M. McPherson. 2006. Soybean insect control. Georgia Soybean Production Guide. CSS 06-02:6pp.
Rodas, S. and R. J. ONeil. 2006. A survey of Indiana soybean producers following the introduction of a new invasive pest, the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura. Amer. Entomologist 52: 146- 149.
Ruberson, J. R., R. J. Ottens, R. M. McPherson, D. Jones, P. M. Roberts, J. Clark, J. Jacobs, E. McGriff, H. Paradice, D. Stanaland, and T. Varnedore. 2006. Insecticide resistance in the tobacco budworm, Heliothis virescens, in Georgia. 2005 Georgia Tobacco Research-Extension Report. UGA-CAES Coop. Res.-Ext. Publ. 1-2006:59-65.
Seagraves, M. P. and R. M. McPherson. 2006. Monitoring red imported fire ant foraging behavior and impact on foliage-dwelling arthropods on soybean produced under three ant suppression regimes. J. Entomol. Sci. 41: 374-384.
Song, F., S. M. Swinton, C. DiFonzo, M. ONeal and D. W. Ragsdale. 2006. Profitability analysis of soybean aphid control treatments in three Northcentral states. MSU Dept of Agricultural Economics. Staff Paper 2006-24.
Spencer, J., D.A. Herbert, Jr, E. Lewis, C. Brewster and R. Huckaba. 2006. Toxicity of three acaricides to Tetranychus urticae (Tetranychidae: Acari) and Orius insidiosus (Anthochoridae: Hemiptera). J. Econ. Entomol. 41:147-154.
Wang, Dechun, Clarice Mensah, and Christina DiFonzo. 2006. Methods on conferring soybean aphid resistance in soybean. Patent officially signed on 6 July 2006.