NC1005: Landscape Ecology of Whitetailed Deer in Agro-Forest Ecosystems: A Cooperative Approach to Support Management
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
None at this time.
Bigalke, B. J., J. A. Jenks, and C. S. DePerno. 2003. An efficient lower jaw removal technique for large mammals. South Dakota Academy of Science 82:67-72.
Brinkman, T. J. 2003. Movement and mortality of white-tailed deer in southwest Minnesota. M.S. Thesis, South Dakota State University, Brookings. 135pp.
Brinkman, T. J., J. A. Jenks, C. S. DePerno, and B. S. Haroldson. 2004. Survival of white-tailed deer in an intensively farmed region of Minnesota. Wildlife Society Bulletin 32: In Press.
Brinkman, T. J., J. A. Jenks, C. S. DePerno, and B. S. Haroldson. 2004. Clostridium perfringens Type A induced disease in a free ranging white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) fawn in Minnesota? The Prairie Naturalist 35:In Press.
Brinkman, T. J., K. L. Monteith, J. A. Jenks, and C. S. DePerno. 2004. Predicting neonatal age of white-tailed deer in the Northern Great Plains. The Prairie Naturalist 35:In Press.
Gilsdorf, J.M., S.E. Hygnstrom, and K.C. VerCauteren. 2003. The use of frightening devices in wildlife damage management. IPM Reviews 7:29-45.
Gilsdorf, J.M., S.E. Hygnstrom, K.C. VerCauteren, E. Blankenship, and R.M. Engeman. 2004. Evaluation of propane cannons and electronic guards to reduce deer damage in cornfields. Wildlife Society Bulletin. (in press)
Gilsdorf, J.M., S.E. Hygnstrom, K.C. VerCauteren, E. Blankenship, and R.M. Engeman. 2004. Evaluation of a deer-activated bioacoustic frightening device to reduce deer damage in cornfields. Wildlife Society Bulletin. (in press)
Riley, S.J., D.J. Decker, J.W. Enck, and P.D. Curtis. 2003. Deer populations up, hunter populations down: implications of interdependence of deer and hunter population dynamics on management. Ecoscience 10(4): 356-362. http://www.fw.msu.edu/people/riley/publications_files/RileyetalEcoscience.pdf
VerCauteren, K.C. and S.E. Hygnstrom. White-tailed deer. in D. Wishart, ed., Great Plains Encyclopedia. Center for Great Plains Studies. UN, Lincoln, NE. (in press)
VerCauteren, K.C., S.E. Hygnstrom, M.J. Pipas, P.B. Fioranelli, S.J. Werner, and B.F. Blackwell. 2003. Red lasers are ineffective for dispersing deer at night. Wildlife Society Bulletin 31:247-252.
Zimmerman, T. J., J. A. Jenks, L. D. Holler, C. N. Jacques, and W. W. Morlock. 2004. Congenital Hypotrichosis in a white-tailed deer fawn from South Dakota. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (in press).
Brinkman, T. J., K. L. Monteith, J. A. Jenks, and C. S. DePerno. 2004. Predicting neonatal age of white-tailed deer in the Northern Great Plains. The Prairie Naturalist 36:75-81.
Brinkman, T. J., J. A. Jenks, C. S. DePerno, and B. S. Haroldson. 2004. Survival of white-tailed deer in an intensively farmed region of Minnesota. Wildlife Society Bulletin 32: 726-731.
Brinkman, T. J., J. A. Jenks, C. S. DePerno, and B. S. Haroldson. 2004. Clostridium perfringens Type A induced disease in a free ranging white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) fawn in Minnesota? The Prairie Naturalist 36:181-185.
Gilsdorf, J.M., S.E. Hygnstrom, K.C. VerCauteren, E. Blankenship, and R.M. Engeman. 2004. Evaluation of a deer-activated bioacoustic frightening device for reducing deer damage in cornfields. Wildlife Society Bulletin 32:515-523.
Gilsdorf, J.M., S.E. Hygnstrom, K.C. VerCauteren, E. Blankenship, and R.M. Engeman. 2004. Propane exploders and electronic guards were ineffective at reducing deer damage in cornfields. Wildlife Society Bulletin 32:524-531.
Zimmerman, T. J., J. A. Jenks, L. D. Holler, C. N. Jacques, and W. W. Morlock. 2004. Congenital Hypotrichosis in a white-tailed deer fawn from South Dakota. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40:145-149.
Skuldt, L. 2005. Influence of landscape pattern, deer density, and deer harvest on white-tailed deer behavior in south-central Wisconsin. Unpublished M.S. Thesis. University of Wisconsin-Madison. 137 p.
Oyer, A. M., N. E. Mathews, L. H. Skuldt. Long-range movement of a female white-tailed deer from a Chronic Wasting Disease-infected area. (Accepted J. Wildlife Management).
Skuldt, L. H., N. E. Mathews, and A. M. Oyer. Influence of habitat, harvest and deer density on movements and dispersal of white-tailed deer in South-Central Wisconsin. (Submitted to Journal of Wildlife Management).
Skuldt, L. H., N. E. Mathews, and A. M. Oyer. Homerange characteristics of white-tailed deer in relation to landscape features, deer density and deer harvest in a Chronic Wasting Disease management area. (In Prep for Journal of Wildlife Management).