NC1004: Genetic and Functional Genomic Approaches to Improve Production and Quality of Pork
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Bidwell, C.A., M. Spurlock, and D. Moody. 2003. Serial analysis of gene expression of pig adipose and muscle tissue. Plant and Animal Genomes XI Conference, San Diego, CA. www.intl-pag.org/11/abstracts/P01_P69_XI.html.
Berg, E. P., E. L. McFadin, K. R. Maddock, R. N. Goodwin, T. J. Baas, and D. H. Keisler. 2003. Serum concentrations of leptin in six genetic lines of swine and relationship with growth and carcass characteristics. J. Anim. Sci. 81:167-171.
Chaiwong, N., J.C.M. Dekkers, R.L. Fernando and M.F. Rothschild. 2003. Introgressing Multiple QTL through Backcross Breeding Programs. Swine Research Reports. Iowa State University.
Chen, P., T. J. Baas, J. W. Mabry, J. C. M. Dekkers, and K. J. Koehler. 2002. Genetic parameters and trends for lean growth rate and its components in U. S. Yorkshire, Duroc, Hampshire, and Landrace pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 80:2062-2070.
Chen, P., T. J. Baas, J. W. Mabry, J. C. M. Dekkers, and K. J. Koehler. 2003. Genetic parameters and trends for litter traits in U. S. Yorkshire, Duroc, Hampshire, and Landrace pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 81:46-53.
Ciobanu, D.C., S.M. Lonergan, M. Malek, J.R. Woollard, E.J. Lonergan and M.F. Rothschild. 2003. New Alleles in the Calpastatin Gene Associated with Improved Tenderness in Pigs. Swine Research Reports. Iowa State University
Crock, A.M., D.S. Casey, and J.C.M. Dekkers. 2003. Feeding behavior of finishing boars and gilts on electronic feeders. J. Anim. Sci. 81 (Suppl. 2):
Kim, K.S., N. T. Nguyen, J. M Reecy, L. L. Anderson, and M. F. Rothschild. 2003. Molecular genetic studies of porcine genes for obesity. Swine Research Reports. Iowa State University.
Kulak, K., J. Wilton, G. Fox and J. Dekkers. 2003. Comparisons of economic values with and without risk for livestock trait improvement Livestock Production Science, 79: 183-191.
Malek, M., D. C. Ciobanu, and M. F. Rothschild. 2003. Genetic and physical mapping of ACACB, PPP1CC and GPR49 genes on porcine chromosomes 5 and 14 help to define a break point on human chromosome 12. Proceedings Plant & Animal Genome XI meeting, January 11-15, San Diego, CA.
Moeller, S. J., T. J. Baas, T. D. Leeds, R. S. Emnett, and K. M. Irvin. 2003. Rendement Napole gene effects and a comparison of glycolytic potential and DNA genotyping for classification of Rendement Napole status in Hampshire-sired pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 81:402-410.
Newcom, D. W., T. J. Baas, and J. W. Lampe. 2002. Prediction of intramuscular fat percentage in live swine using real-time ultrasound. J. Anim. Sci. 80:3046-3052.
Newcom, D. W., T. J. Baas, and R. N. Goodwin. 2003. Relationship between intramuscular fat percentage predicted from real-time ultrasound and meat quality traits in pigs. Midwest ASAS Abstracts, p. 5.
Newcom, D. W., T. J. Baas, J. W. Mabry, and R. N. Goodwin. 2002. Genetic parameters for pork carcass components. J. Anim. Sci. 80:3099-3106.
Nguyen, N-T, K.-S. Kim, H. Thomsen, J. Helm and M. F. Rothschild 2003. Investigation of candidate gene for growth and fatness QTL on the pig chromosome 7. Proceedings Plant & Animal Genome XI meeting, January 11-15 San Diego, CA.
Otieno, C.J., S. Vleck, C. Jelks, K.-S. Kim, N. T. Nguyen and M. F. Rothschild. 2003. Mapping of diabetes-related genes in the pig. Proceedings Plant & Animal Genome XI meeting, January 11-15, San Diego, CA.
Rothschild, M.F. 2002. Approaches and limitations to measuring genetic diversity. EEC sponsored Conference on Swine Genetic Diversity, November 7, Cordoba, Spain.
Rothschild, M.F. 2002. Transferring Biotechnology to Swine Genetic Programs: From Lab to Pork. Spanish Swine Breeders Conference. November 5, Barcelona, Spain
Rothschild, M.F. and S. Newman. 2002. Intellectual property rights in animal breeding and genetics. CABI Press. 272 pages
Schwab, C. R., T. J. Baas, S. J. Moeller, and D. W. Newcom. 2003. Accuracy of prediction in the National Swine Improvement Federation (NSIF) Ultrasound Certification Program. Midwest ASAS Abstracts, p. 14.
Shi, X.W., Y.D. Zhang, and C.K. Tuggle. 2002. Linkage mapping of porcine STCH further refines the HSA3/21 breakpoint on pig chromosome 13. Anim. Genet. 33:395-396.
Sun, H.S., C.K. Tuggle, A. Goureau, C.J. Fitzsimmons, P. Chardon, P. Pinton, and M. Yerle. 2002. Precise mapping of breakpoints in conserved synteny between human chromosome 1 and pig chromosomes 4, 6, and 9. Anim. Gen. 33:91-96.
Sun, H.S., L. L. Anderson, T.-P. Yu, K.S. Kim, J. Klindt, and C. K. Tuggle. 2002. Neonatal Meishan pigs show POU1F1 genotype effects on plasma GH and PRL concentration. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 69:223-237.
Thomsen, H., J. C. M. Dekkers, and M. F. Rothschild. 2003. Detection and characterization of QTL for growth and meat quality traits in the Berkshire-Yorkshire cross. Swine Research Reports. Iowa State University.
Wang, J., J. Fulton, and J. Dekkers. 2003. Accuracy of detecting quantitative trait loci by selective DNA pooling. J. Anim. Sci. 81 (Suppl. 2):
Wang, J., K. Koehler, M. Soller, and J.C.M. Dekkers. 2003. Least squares interval mapping to detect QTL with selective DNA pooling. Plant and Animal Genome XI: 69.
Farber, C.R., N.E. Raney, D.L. Kuhlers, K. Nadarajah and C.W. Ernst. 2003. Mapping of porcine genetic markers generated by representational difference analysis. Anim. Biotech. 14:87-102.
Yao, J., P.M. Coussens, P. Saama, S. Suchyta and C.W. Ernst. 2002. Generation of expressed sequence tags from a normalized porcine skeletal muscle cDNA library. Anim. Biotech. 13:211-202.
Zhao, S-H., D. Nettleton, W. Liu, C.W. Fitzsimmons, C.W. Ernst N.E. Raney, and C.K. Tuggle. 2003. cDNA macroarray analysis of differential gene expression in porcine fetal and postnatal muscle. J. Anim. Sci. (Accepted)
Allison, C.P., R.O. Bates, A.M. Booren, R.C. Johnson and M.E. Doumit. 2003. Pork quality is not explained by activity of rate-limiting glycolytic enzymes. Meat Science 93:17-22.
Bates, R.O., D.B. Edwards and R.L. Korthals. 2003. Sow performance when housed in groups with electronic sow feeders or stalls. Livestock Production Science 79:29-35.
Bates, R.O., M.D. Hoge. B.E. Edwards and B. Straw. 2003. The influence of canine teeth clipping on nursing and nursery pig performance. Swine Health and Production 11(2):75-80.
Edwards, D.B., R.O. Bates and W.N. Osburn. 2003. Evaluation of Duroc- vs Pietrain-sired pigs for carcass and meat quality measures. J. Anim. Sci. 81: (Accepted).
Pagan, M. M.E. Davis, D.A. Stick, R.C.M. Simmen, N.E. Raney, R.J. Tempelman and C.W. Ernst. 2003. Evaluation of serum insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGFBP) in Angus cattle divergently selected for serum IGF-I concentration. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol. (Accepted).
Holl, J. W. and O. W. Robison. 2003. Results from nine generations of selection for increased litter size in swine. J. Anim Sci. 81:624629, March 2003.
Blowe, C. D., E. J. Eisen, O. W. Robison, and J. P. Cassady. Characterization of a line of pigs selected for increased litter size for genes known to affect reproduction. J. Anim. Sci. 81(Suppl 1): 56, March 2003.
Walker, S., O. W. Robison, C. S. Whisnant, and J. P. Cassady. Effect of selection for testosterone production on testicular morphology and daily sperm production in pigs. J. Anim Sci.. 81(Suppl 1): 5, March 2003.
Cassady, J. P., K. A. Leymaster, and L. D. Young. Heterosis and recombination effects on pig reproductive traits. J. Anim Sci. 80(9):2286-2302, Sept. 2002
Cassady, J. P., K. A. Leymaster, and L. D. Young. Heterosis and recombination effects on pig growth and carcass traits. J. Anim Sci. 80(9):2303-2315, Sept. 2002.
Stoller G. M., H. N. Zerby, S. J. Moeller, T. J. Baas, C. Johnson, and L. E. Watkins. 2003. The effect of feeding Ractopamine (Payleand) on muscle quality and sensory characteristics in three diverse genetic lines of swine. J. Anim. Sci. 81:1508-1516.
Moeller, S. J., T. J. Baas, T. D. Leeds, R. S. Emnett, and K. M. Irvin. 2003. Rendement Napole gene effects and a comparison of glycolytic potential and DNA genotyping for classification of Rendement Napole status in Hampshire-sired pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 81:402-410.
Isler, B. J., K. M. Irvin, S. M. Neal, S. J. Moeller, and M. E. Davis. 2002. Examination of the relationship between the estrogen receptor gene and reproductive traits in swine. J. Anim. Sci. 80:2334-2339.
Bertani G, Johnson RK, Pomp D (2003) Mapping of porcine ESTs putatively differentially expressed in anterior pituitary Animal Genetics 34:132-134.
Caetano A, RK Johnson, D Pomp (2003) Generation and Sequence Characterization of a Normalized cDNA Library from Swine Ovarian Follicles. Mammalian Genome 14:65-70.
Childs KD, DW Goad, MF Allan, D Pomp, C Krehbiel, RD Geisert, JB Morgan, JR Malayer (2002) Expression of the NAT1 translational repressor in intramuscular adipocytes of Angus X Hereford steers. Physiological Genomics 10:49-56.
Chiang, C. F., R. K. Johnson, and M. K. Nielsen. 2002. Maternal Behavior in Mice Selected for Large Litter Size. Appl. Anim. Behavior Sci. 79: 63-73.
Chiang, C. F., R. K. Johnson, and M. K. Nielsen. 2002. Selection for Maternal Behavior in Mice Direct and Correlated Responses. Appl. Anim. Behaviour Sci. 79: 311-323.
Gladney C, G Bertani, MK Nielsen, D Pomp (2003) Evaluation of gene expression in pigs selected for enhanced reproduction. I: Ovarian Follicles. J Anim Sci (In Revision).
Leamy L, Pomp D, Eisen EJ, Cheverud J (2002) Pleiotropy of quantitative trait loci for organ weights and limb bone lengths in mice. Physiol. Genomics 10:21-29.
Mesa, H. t. J. Safranski, R. K. Johnson, and W. R. Lamberson. 2003. Correlated response in placental efficiency in swine selected for an index of components of litter size. J. Anim. Sci. 81: 74-79.
Risatti GR, D Pomp, RO Donis (2003) Patterns of cellular gene expression in cells infected with cytopathic or non-cytopathic bovine diarrhea virus. Animal Biotechnology (In Press).
Tuggle C, Green JA, Fitzsimmons C, Woods R, Prather RS, Malchenko S, Soares MB, Tack D, Robinson N, O‘Leary B, Scheetz T, Casavant T, Pomp D, Edeal JB, Zhang Y, Rothschild MF, Garwood K, Beavis W (2003) EST-Based Gene Discovery in Pig: Virtual Expression Patterns and Comparative Mapping to Human. Mammalian Genome (In Press).
Wesolowski S, Allan MF, Nielsen MK, Pomp D (2003) Evaluation of hypothalamic gene expression in mice selected for heat loss. Physiological Genomics 13:129-137.
Williams RW, Broman KW, Cheverud JM, Churchill GA, Hitzemann RW, Hunter Kw, Muntz
JD, Pomp P, Reeves RH, Schalkwyk LC, Threadgill DW (2002) A collaborative cross for high
precision complex trait analysis. www.complextrait.org/Workshop1.pdf
Ziemba EA, R. K. Johnson, and g. E. Duhamel. 2002. Identification of Brachyspira pilosicoli attachment phenotypes among purebred and crossbred pigs as determined by epithelial cell brush border adhesion. CRWAD, St. Louis, MO.
Ziemba EA, E. M. Berberov, C. J. Stryker, R. Zhang, R. K. Johnson, and G. E. Duhamel. Attachment of Brachyspira pilosicoli to Pig Intestinal Brush Borders: Identification of Three Pig Phenotypes. CRWAD. Nov 12-13, St. Louis, MO.
C. R. Krehbiel, S. R. Rust, G. Zhang, and S. E. Gilliland. 2003. Bacterial Direct-Fed Microbials in Ruminant Diets: Performance Response and Mode of Action. J. Anim. Sci. (In press).
Lunney, J.K. 2003. In Search of Disease-Resistant Pigs. National Hog Farmer, Apr 15, 2003, pp.30-34.
Martens G W, Lunney J K, Baker J E, Smith D M. 2003. Rapid Assignment of Swine Leukocyte Antigen (SLA) Haplotypes in Pedigreed Herds using a Polymerase Chain Reaction Based Assay. Immunogenetics. In Press.
Lunney JK, Fossum C, Alm GV, Steinbach F, Wattrang E. 2002. Veterinary immunology: opportunities and challenges. Trends Immunol. 23: 4-6.
Solano-Aguilar, G.I., Zarlenga, D., Beshah, E., Vengroski, K, Gasbarre, L., Junker, D., Cochran, M., Weston, C., Valencia, D., Chiang, C., Dawson H, Urban J, and Lunney, J.K. 2002. Limited effect of recombinant porcine Interleukin-12 on porcine lymphocytes due to a low expression of IL-122 receptor. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 89: 133-148.
Publications: * Indicates joint publication of institutions within NC1004 project
Bidwell, C.A., M. Spurlock, and D. Moody. 2003. Serial analysis of gene expression of pig adipose and muscle tissue. Plant and Animal Genomes XI Conference, San Diego, CA. www.intl-pag.org/11/abstracts/P01_P69_XI.html.
*Baas, T. J., R. N. Goodwin, L. L. Christian, R. K. Johnson, O. W. Robison, J. W. Mabry, K. Clark, M. Tokach, S. Henry, and P. J. Berger. 2003. Design and standards for genetic evaluation of swine seedstock populations. J. Anim Sci. 81:2409-2418.
Chen, P., T. J. Baas, J. C. M. Dekkers, K. J. Koehler, and J. W. Mabry. 2003. Evaluation of strategies for selection for lean growth rate in pigs. J. Anim Sci. 81:1150-1157.
Chen, P., T. J. Baas, J. W. Mabry and K. J. Koehler. 2003. Genetic correlations between lean growth and litter traits in U.S. Yorkshire, Duroc, Hampshire and Landrace pigs. J. Anim. Sci. J. Anim. Sci. 81:1700-1705.
Chen, P., T. J. Baas, J. W. Mabry, K. J. Koehler, and J. C. M. Dekkers. 2003. Genetic parameters and trends for litter traits in U.S. Yorkshire, Duroc, Hampshire, and Landrace pigs. J. Anim Sci. 81:46-53.
Dekkers, J.C.M. 2003. Commercial application of marker-assisted selection: strategies and lessons. J. Anim. Sci. 81 (Suppl. 1): 5
Dekkers, J.C.M. 2003. Commercial application of marker-assisted selection: strategies and lessons. Eur. Assoc. Anim. Prod.
Lampe, J. F., T. J. Baas and J. W. Mabry. 2003. Comparison of grain sources (barley, white corn, yellow corn) for swine diets and their effect on meat and eating quality traits. J. Anim. Sci. 81: 55 (Suppl. 2).
Lampe, J. F., T. J. Baas and J. W. Mabry. 2003. Comparison of grain sources (barley, white corn, yellow corn) for swine diets and their effect on fatty acid composition and fat quality. J. Anim. Sci. 81: 76 (Suppl. 1).
Liviu R. Totir, R.L. Fernando, J.C.M. Dekkers, S.A. Fernandez, and B. Guldbrandtsen. 2003. A comparison of alternative methods to compute conditional genotype probabilities for genetic evaluation with finite locus models. Genet. Sel. Evol. 35:1-20
Mabry, J. W. Closed herd production systems: Genetic systems and genetic cost of production. Proceedings of the 2003 NPB Pork Academy, June 4, 2003, Des Moines, IA.
N.-T. Nguyen, K.-S. Kim, H. Thomsen, J. Helm and M. F. Rothschild 2003. Investigation of candidate gene for growth and fatness QTL on the pig chromosome 7. Proceedings Plant & Animal Genome XI meeting, January 11-15 San Diego, CA.
Newcom, D. W., and T. J. Baas. 2003. Comparison of two models to estimate breeding values for intramuscular fat percentage in Duroc pigs. J. Anim Sci 82 (Suppl 1).
Rothschild, M.F. 2003. Advances in pig genomics and functional gene discovery. Comp. Funct. Genom. 4:266-277.
Rothschild, M.F. 2003. Approaches and Challenges in Measuring Genetic Diversity in Pigs. Archivos de Zootecnia 52:129-135
Spike, P.L., R. R. Benson, R. L. Fernando, J. C. M. Dekkers, P. J. Berger, and B. R. Skaar. 2003. A simulation program using finite loci with infinite possibilities, FLIP. J. Anim. Sci. 81 (Suppl. 1): 113
*Stoller, G. M., H. N. Zerby, S. J. Moeller, T. J. Baas, C. Johnson, and L. E. Watkins. 2003. The effect of feeding ractopamine (Paylean) on muscle quality and sensory characteristics in three diverse genetic lines of swine. J. Anim Sci. 81:1508-1516.
Totir, L.R., R. L. Fernando, and J.C.M. Dekkers. 2003. Response to selection by marker assisted BLUP with use of approximate gametic variance covariance matrices. J. Anim. Sci. 81 (Suppl. 1): 113
*Tuggle, C.K., J. A. Green, C. Fitzsimmons, R. Woods, R. S. Prather, S. Malchenko, M. B. Soares, D. Tack, N. Robinson, B. O'Leary, T. Scheetz, T. Casavant, D. Pomp, J. B. Edeal, Y. Zhang, M. F. Rothschild, K. Garwood, W. Beavis .2003. EST-Based Gene Discovery in Pig: Virtual Expression Patterns and Comparative Mapping to Human, Mammal. Genome 14:565-579
Zhao, H., M. F. Rothschild, R. L. Fernando, J. C.M. Dekkers 2003. Tests of candidate genes in QTL mapping resource populations. Mammal. Genome 14:472-482.
*Zhao, S.-H., D. Nettleton, W. Liu, C. Fitzsimmons, C.W. Ernst, N.E. Raney, and C.K. Tuggle. 2003. Complementary DNA macroarray analyses of differential gene expression in porcine fetal and postnatal muscle. J. Anim. Sci. 81:2179-2188.
*Ernst, C.W., N.E. Raney, V.D. Rilington, G.A. Rohrer, J.A. Brouillette and P.J. Venta. 2004. Mapping of the FES and FURIN genes to porcine chromosome 7. Anim. Genet. In Press.
Farber, C.R., N.E. Raney, V.D. Rilington, P.J. Venta and C.W. Ernst. 2004. Comparative mapping of genes flanking the human chromosome 12 evolutionary breakpoint in the pig. Cytogenet. Genome Res. In Press.
Wesolowski, S.R., N.E. Raney and C.W. Ernst. 2004. Developmental changes in the fetal pig transcriptome. Physiol. Genomics. In Press.
*Zhao, S-H., D. Nettleton, W. Liu, C.W. Fitzsimmons, C.W. Ernst, N.E. Raney and C.K. Tuggle. 2003. Complementary DNA macroarray analysis of differential gene expression in porcine fetal and postnatal muscle. J. Anim. Sci. 81:2179-2188.
Bertani G, Gladney C, Johnson RK, Pomp D (2004) Evaluation of gene expression in pigs selected for enhanced reproduction. II: Anterior Pituitary. J Anim Sci (In Press).
Gladney C, G Bertani, MK Nielsen, D Pomp (2004) Evaluation of gene expression in pigs selected for enhanced reproduction. I: Ovarian Follicles. J Anim Sci (In Press).
*Rocha J, Eisen EJ, Van Vleck DL, Pomp D (2004) A large sample QTL study in mice. I: Growth. Mammalian Genome (In Press)
*Rocha J, Eisen EJ, Van Vleck DL, Pomp D (2004) A large sample QTL study in mice. II: Body Composition. Mammalian Genome (In Press)
Pomp D, Allan MF, Wesolowski S. Quantitative Genomics: Exploring the genetic architecture of complex trait predisposition. J Anim Sci (In Press).
Walker, S. E., O.W. Robison, C.S. Whisnant, and J.P. Cassady. Effect of selection for testosterone production on testicular morphology and daily sperm production in pigs. J. Anim Sci.. 81(Suppl. 1), 23 Jun 2003
Walker, S. E., O.W. Robison, C.S. Whisnant, and J.P. Cassady. Effect of selection for testosterone production on testicular morphology. (Submitted)
Patil, A., Y. Sang, K. Rune, F. Blecha, J.E. Minton, and G. Zhang. 2003. Porcine Innate Immunity: Distinct Tissue Expression and Transcriptional Regulation Patterns of Porcine Beta-Defensin-1 and 2. Proceedings of the 84th Annual Meeting of the Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases (CRWAD), Chicago, IL.
Xiao, Y., S. Eicher, H.-W. Cheng, J.-F. Cheng, D. Skinner-Noble, and G. Zhang. 2003. Identification and Characterization of a Beta-Defensin Gene Cluster in the Chicken. Proceedings of the 84th Annual Meeting of the Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases (CRWAD), Chicago, IL.
Zhang, G. 2003. Genome-wide analysis of rat _- and _-defensin gene loci: evidence for the existence of four syntenic defensin gene clusters. 2004 Experimental Biology Meeting abstracts. FASEB J. (in press)
Martens G W, Lunney J K, Baker J E, Smith D M. 2003. Rapid Assignment of Swine Leukocyte Antigen (SLA) Haplotypes in Pedigreed Herds using a Polymerase Chain Reaction Based Assay. Immunogenetics. 55: 395-401.
Dawson HD, Beshah E, Nishii S, Solano-Aguilar G, Morimoto M, Zhao A, Madden KB, Ledbetter TK, Dubey JP, Shea-Donohue T, Lunney JK, Urban, JF Jr. Localized multi-gene expression patterns support an evolving Th1/Th2-like paradigm in response to infections with Toxoplasma gondii and Ascaris suum in pigs. Submitted.
Lunney, J.K. 2003. Are there immune gene alleles that determine whether a pig will be healthy? Genetics of Pig Health Symposium, Des Moines, IA.
Bannerman, D., Paape, M.J., Lunney, J.K. 2004.Immunity: Innate. In Encyclopedia of Animal Science; Pond, W.G., Bell, A.W. Eds.; Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.
Lunney, J.K., Paape, M.J., Bannerman, D. 2004. Immunity: Acquired. In Encyclopedia of Animal Science; Pond, W.G., Bell, A.W. Eds.; Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.
Royaee AR. Zuckermann FA, Husmann R, Calzada-Nova G, Schnitzlein W, Lunney JK, T cell cytokine response and gene expression profile of porcine lymphoid cells in response to vaccination with PRRS virus. Proceedings Conf. of Research Workers in Animal Disease 2003.
*Smith DM, Martens GW, Lunney JK, Ando A, Lee J-H, Ho C-S, Schook L, Renard C, Chardon P. 2004. Nomenclature for Factors of the SLA Class I System, 2004. Tissue Antigens. Submitted.
Dawson HD, Royaee AR, Nishii S, Kuhar D, Schnitzlein WM, Zuckermann F, Urban JF, Lunney JK. 2004. Identification of Key Immune Mediators Regulating T helper 1 Responses in Swine. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. Submitted.
Harry Dawson, Sandra Nishi, Ethiopia Beshah, Gloria Solano-Aguilar, Dante Zarlenga, Joseph F. Urban, Joan Lunney. 2003. Use of real-time assays of immune gene expression to assess the genetic basis of disease resistance. http://www.intl-pag.org/11/abstracts/W52_W330_XI.html
Nishi, S., Dawson, H., Dubey, J.P., Urban, J.F., Lunney, J. 2003. Immune responses controlling Toxoplasma gondii infection in pigs. Proceedings of the American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists, 2003. v.48. Abstract. p.52.
* Indicates joint publications of stations within NC1004 project
*Baas, T. J., K. J. Stalder, J. W. Mabry, and M. T. See. 2004. Effect of off test backfat, loin muscle area, and days to 114 kg on the genetic merit of Yorkshire females for reproductive traits. 15th International Congress on Animal Reproduction, Porto Seguro, Brazil.
*Cassady, J. P., O. W. Robison, R. K. Johnson, J. W. Mabry, L. L. Christian, M. D. Tokach, R. K. Miller, and R. N. Goodwin. 2004. National Pork Producers Council Maternal Line Genetic Evaluation: A comparison of growth and carcass traits in terminal progeny. J. Anim. Sci. 82:3482-3485.
Ciobanu, D.C., J.W.M. Bastiaansen, S.M. Lonergan, H. Thomsen, J.C.M. Dekkers, G.S. Plastow, and M.F. Rothschild. 2004. New alleles in calpastatin gene are associated with meat quality traits in pigs. J. Animal Sci. 82:2829-2839.
Ciobanu, D.C., Lonergan, S.M., Bastiaansen, J.W.M.,Mileham, Miculinich,, Schultz-Kaster, C., Sosnicki, A.A., Plastow , G.S. and M.F. Rothschild. 2004. Association of new Calpastatin alleles with meat quality traits in commercial pigs. 50th Int. Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Helsinki, Finland.
Dekkers, J.C.M. 2004. Commercial application of marker- and gene-assisted selection in livestock: strategies and lessons. J. Anim. Sci. 82: E313-328E
Dekkers, J.C.M., and R. Chakraborty. 2004. Optimizing purebred selection for crossbred performance using QTL. Genet. Sel. Evol. 36: 297-324.
Fernando, R.L., B. R. Southey, J.C.M. Dekkers, M.F. Rothschild, and M. Soller. 2004. Controlling the proportion of false positives (PFP) in a multiple test situation. Genetics 166: 611-619.
Gaboreanu, A.M., L. Grapes, A. M. Ramos, J.-J. Kim and M. F. Rothschild. 2004. Characterization of an X-chromosome PCR-RFLP marker associated with fat deposition and growth in the pig. Animal Genetics 35: 401-403.
Grapes, L., J.C.M. Dekkers, M.F. Rothschild, and R.L. Fernando. 2004. Comparing linkage disequilibrium-based methods for fine mapping quantitative trait loci. Genetics 166: 1561-1570.
Grapes, L., M. Z. Firat, J. C. M. Dekkers, M. F. Rothschild, and R. L. Fernando. 2004. Optimal haplotype structure for linkage disequilibrium-based fine mapping of quantitative trait loci. American Association of Animal Science Midwest Region, Mar 15-17, Des Moines, IA
Grapes, L., S. Rudd, R. L. Fernando, and M. F. Rothschild. 2004. In silico SNP identification from porcine EST sequences and comparative analysis with human SNP density. Plant and Animal Genome XII, Jan 10-14, San Diego, CA
Grindflek, E, N Hoen, H Sundvold, MF Rothschild, G Plastow, and S Lien. 2004. Investigation of a Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor gamma (PPARG) haplotype effect on meat quality and carcass traits in pigs. Anim. Genet 35:238-241.
Houser, T. A., J. G. Sebranek, B. J. Thacker, T. J. Baas, D. Nilubol, E. L. Thacker, and F. Kruse. 2004. Effectiveness of transdermal, needle-free injections for reducing pork carcass defects. Meat Science 68:329-332.
Hu, Z-L, K. Glenn, A. M. Ramos, C. J. Otieno, and M. F. Rothschild. 2004. Expeditor: A Pipeline for Designing Pig Primers Using Human Gene Structure and Pig EST Information. Plant and Animal Genome XII, Jan 10-14, San Diego, CA
*Johnson, R. K., E. P. Berg, R. Goodwin, J. W. Mabry, R. K. Miller, O. W. Robison, H. Sellers and M. D. Tokach. 2004. Evaluation of procedures to predict fat-free lean in swine carcasses. J. Anim. Sci. 82:2428-2441.
Kim, J.-J. and J. C. M. Dekkers. 2004. A combined line-cross and halfsib model to detect and characterize QTL in an F2 outbred cross population. American Society of Animal Science Annual meeting (Abstract). http://www.fass.org/2004/abstracts/414.PDF
Kim, K.S., J. J. Kim, J. C. M. Dekkers, and M. F. Rothschild. 2004. Polar overdominant inheritance of a DLK1 polymorphism is associated with growth and fatness in pigs. Mammalian Genome 15:552-559.
Kim, K.S., J.J. Kim, J.C.M. Dekkers, and M.F. Rothschild. 2004. Polar overdominance imprinting is associated with growth and fat deposition in pigs. PAG XII p240
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