NCCC_OLD170: Research Advances in Agricultural Statistics
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Gbur, E.E., B.A. Craig and H. Zhang (2004). A simulation study of exponential semivariogram estimation. In Proceedings of the 2003 Kansas State University Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture. G.A. Milliken (ed). Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University. 121-136.
Kaspar, T., D. Pulido, T. Fenton, T. Colvin, D. Karlen, D. Jaynes, and D. Meek (2004). Relationship of corn and soybean yield to soil and terrain properties. Agronomy Journal, 96, 700-709.
Kaspar, T.C., T.S. Colvin, D.B. Jaynes, D.L. Karlen, D.E. James, D.W. Meek, D. Pulido, and H. Butler (2003). Estimating corn yield using six years of yield data and terrain attributes. Journal of Precision Agriciculture, 4, 87-101.
Meek, D.W. and T.J. Sauer (2004). Suggestions for presenting kriging data. In Proceedings of the 2003 Kansas State University Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture. G.A. Milliken (ed). Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University. 258-276.
Tempelman, R.J. (2004). Experimental design and statistical methods for classical and bioequivalence hypothesis testing with an application to dairy nutrition studies. Journal of Animal Science, 83 (E suppl.), E162-E172.
Russek-Cohen, E. and M. Christman (2004). Statistical methods in environmental monitoring and assessment. In Environmental Monitoring. G.B. Wiersma (ed). CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL.
Zhang, H. (2004). Inconsistent estimation and asymptotically equal interpolations in model-based geostatistics. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 99, 250-261.
Zhu, J., C.L.S. Morgan, J.M. Norman, W. Yue and B. Lowery (2004). Combined mapping of soil properties using a multi-scale tree-structured spatial model. Geoderma, 118, 321-334.
Ives, A.R. and J. Zhu (2005). Statistics for correlated data: phylogenies, space, and time. Ecological Applications. In press.
Hartsock, N.J., T.G. Mueller, A.D. Karathanasis and P.L Cornelius (2005). Interpreting soil electrical conductivity and terrain attribute variability with soil surveys. Journal of Precision Agriculture, 6, 53-72.
Jaynes, D.B., D.L. Dinnes, D.W. Meek, D.L. Karlen, C.A. Cambardella, and T.S. Clovin (2004). Using the late spring nitrate test to reduce nitrate loss within a watershed. Journal of Environmental Quality, 33, 669-677.
Kladivko, E., J. Frankenberger, D. Jaynes, D. Meek, B. Jenkinson, and N. Fausey (2004). Nitrate leaching to subsurface drains as affected by drain spacing and changes in crop production system. Journal of Environmental Quality, 33,1803-1813.
Malone, R.W., M.J. Shippilato, and D.W. Meek (2004). Relationship between herbicide concentration in percolate, percolate breakthrough time, and number of active macropores. Transactions of ASAE, 47(5), 1453-1456.
Meek, D.W., J.H. Prueger, W.P. Kustas, and J.L. Hatfield (2005). Determining meaningful differences for SMACEX eddy covariance measurements. Journal of Hydrometorology. In press.
Meek, D.W. and J.W. Singer (2004). Estimation of duration indices for repeated tensiometer readings. Agronomy Journal, 96, 1787-1790.
Meek, D.W. and J.W. Singer (2005). An example of developing covariates for problems in precision agriculture. In Proceedings of the 2004 Kansas State University Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture. G.A. Milliken (ed). Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University. 270-278.
Mueller, T.G., N.B. Pusuluri, P.L. Cornelius, K.K. Mathias, R.I. Barnhisel, and S.A. Shearer (2004). Map quality for ordinary kriging and inverse distance weighted interpolation. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 68, 2042-2047.
Mueller, T.G., N.B. Pusuluri, K.K. Mathias, P.L. Cornelius, and R.I. Barnhisel (2004). Site-specific fertility management: A model for map quality. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 68, 2031-2041.
Rosa, G.J.M, J.P. Steibel and R.J. Tempelman (2005). Reassessing design and analysis of two colour microarray experiments using mixed effects models. Comparative and Functional Genomics, 6, 123-131.
Singer, J.W., R.W. Malone, D.W. Meek, and D. Drake (2004). Predicting yield loss in indeterminate soybean from pod density using simulated damage studies. Agronomy Journal, 96, 584-589.
Singer, J.W. and D.W. Meek (2004). Repeated biomass removal affects soybean resource utilization and yield. Agronomy Journal, 96, 1382-1389.
Tempelman, R.J. (2004). Experimental design and statistical methods for classical and bioequivalence hypothesis testing with an application to dairy nutrition studies. Journal of Animal Science, 82 (E. Suppl.), E162-E172.
Tempelman, R.J. and G.J.M. Rosa (2004). Empirical Bayes approaches to mixed model inference in quantitative genetics. In Genetic Analysis of Complex Traits Using SAS. A. Saxton, (ed). Cary, NC: SAS Institute, Inc.149-178.
Tempelman, R.J. (2005). Assessing statistical precision, power, and robustness of alternative experimental designs for two color microarray platforms based on mixed effects models. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 105, 175-186.
Tomer, M.D., D.W. Meek, and L.A. Kramer (2005). Agricultural practices influence flow regimes of headwater streams in Western Iowa. Journal of Environmental Quality. In press.
Zhu, J., Huang, H.-C., and Wu, C.T. (2005). Modeling spatial-temporal binary data using Markov random fields. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 10, 212-225.
Aukema, B.H., A.L. Carroll, J. Zhu, K.F. Raffa, T.A. Sickley and S.W. Taylor (2006). Landscape level population dynamics of mountain pine beetle in British Columbia, Canada: Searching for origins and possible mechanisms of the present outbreak. Ecography, 29, 427-441.
Christman, M. C., D.C. Culver, M.K. Madden and D. White (2005). Patterns of endemism of the Eastern North American cave fauna. Journal of Biogeography, 32, 1441-1452.
Christman, M. C. and E.N.H. Leone (2006). Statistical aspects of the analysis of group size effects in confined animals. Applied Animal Behavior Science. Corrected proofs available at doi:10.1016/j.applanim.2006.05.020.
Christman, M. C. and D. Lewis (2005). The spatial distribution of dominant animals within a group: Comparison of four tests. Animal Behaviour, 70, 73-82.
Ericksena, A., M.S. Gustin, M. Xina, P.J. Weisberga and G.C.J. Fernandez (2006). Airsoil exchange of mercury from background soils in the United States. Science of the Total Environment, 366, 851-863.
Estevez, I. and M.C. Christman (2006). Analysis of the movement and use of space by animals in confinement. Applied Animal Behavior Science, 97, 221-240.
Hartle, .R.T, G.C.J. Fernandez and R.S. Nowak (2005). Horizontal and vertical zones of influence for root systems of four Mojave Desert shrubs. Journal of Arid Environments, 64,586-603.
Ives, A.R. and J. Zhu (2006). Statistics for correlated data: phylogenies, space, and time. Ecological Applications, 16, 20-32.
Johnson, D., H. Zhang and R. Alldrege (2006). Spatial pattern of verticillium wilt in commercial mint fields. Plant Disease, 90, 789-797.
Jensen, O. P., M. C. Christman, and T. J. Miller (2006). Landscape-based geostatistics: A case study of the distribution of blue crab in Chesapeake Bay. Environmetrics, 17, 605-621.
Karlen, D.L., E.G. Hurley, S.S. Andrews, C.A. Cambardella, D.W. Meek, M.D. Duffy, and A.P. Mallarino (2006). Crop rotation effects on soil quality at three northern corn/soybean belt locations. Agronomy Journal, 98, 484-495.
Kaspar, T.C., T.B. Parkin, D.B. Jaynes, C.A. Cambardella, D.W. Meek, and Y.S. Jung (2006). Examining changes in soil organic carbon with oat and rye cover crops using terrain covariates. Soil Science Society of America Journal,70, 1168-1177.
Medina, R. F., P. Barbosa, M.C. Christman and A. Battisti (2006). Number of individuals and molecular markers to use in genetic differentiation studies. Molecular Ecology Notes. Corrected proofs available online at doi:10.1111/j.1471-8286.2006.01476.x.
Meek, D.W., J.H. Prueger, W.P. Kustas, and J.L. Hatfield (2005). Determining meaningful differences for SMACEX eddy covariance measurements. Journal of Hydrometorology, 6(6), 805-811.
Pascual, J. and H. Zhang (2006). Estimation of linear correlation coefficient of two correlated spatial processes. Sankhya. In press.
Pipan, T., M.C.Christman and D.C. Culver (2006). Dynamics of epikarstic communities: Microgeographic pattern and environmental determinants of epikarstic copepods in Organ Cave, West Virginia. American Midland Naturalist, 156, 75-87.
Sauer, T.J., C.A. Cambardella, and D.W.Meek (2006). Spatial variation of soil properties relating to vegetation changes, Plant and Soil, 280, 1-5.
Smithwick, E.A.H., M.C. Mack, M.G. Turner, F.S. Chapin III, J. Zhu, and T.C. Balser (2005). Spatial heterogeneity of ecosystem processes after severe fire in a black spruce (Picea mariana) forest, Alaska. Biogeochemistry, 76, 517-537.
Tomer, M.D., D.W. Meek, and L.A. Kramer (2005). Agricultural practices influence flow regimes of headwater streams in Western Iowa. Journal of Environmental Quality, 34, 1547-1558.
Zhang, H. and D. Zimmerman (2005). Toward reconciling two asymptotic frameworks in spatial statistics. Biometrika, 92, 921-936.
Zhang, H. (2006). Maximum likelihood estimation for multivariate spatial linear coregionalization models. Environmetrics. In press.
Zhu, J., H.-C. Huang and C.T. Wu (2005). Modeling spatial-temporal binary data using Markov random fields. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 10, 212-225.
Zhu, Z. and H. Zhang (2006). Spatial sampling design under the infill asymptotic framework. Environmetrics, 17, 323-337.