NCCC_OLD170: Research Advances in Agricultural Statistics
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Participant List
Participant Name | Is Head | Contact Info |
Zhu, Jun jzhu@stat.wisc.edu |
Yes |
Wisconsin - University of Wisconsin Statistics 608-263-3615 |
Yandell, Brian yandell@stat.wisc.edu |
Wisconsin - University of Wisconsin Horticulture 608-262-1157 |
Craig, Bruce bacraig@purdue.edu |
Indiana - Purdue University Statistics 765-494-6043 |
Douglass, Larry ld26@umail.umd.edu |
Maryland - University of Maryland Dept. of Animal and Avian Science 301-405-1405 |
Momen, Bahram bmomen@umd.edu |
Maryland - University of Maryland Environmental Science and Technology 301-405-1332 |
Russek-Cohen, Estelle er19@umail.umd.edu |
Maryland - University of Maryland Dept. of Animal and Avian Sciences 301-405-1403 |
Christman, Mary mc276@umail.umd.edu |
Maryland - University of Maryland Dept. of Animal and Avian Sciences 301-405-8867 |
Bailey, Theodore tbbailey@iastate.edu |
Yes |
Iowa - Iowa State University Statistics 515-294-8253 |
Gbur, Edward egbur@uark.edu |
Arkansas - University of Arkansas Agricultural Statistics Laboratory 479-575-5677 |
, |
South Dakota - South Dakota State University |
Nordheim, Rick nordheim@facstaff.wisc.edu |
Wisconsin - University of Wisconsin Forest Ecology and Management |
Bullock, Donald dbullock@uiuc.edu |
Illinois - University of Illinois Crop Sciences 217-244-8221 |
Tempelman, Robert tempelma@msu.edu |
Yes |
Michigan - Michigan State University Animal Science 517-355-8445 |
, |
Kentucky - University of Kentucky |
Madden, Lawrence V. madden.1@osu.edu |
Yes |
Ohio - Ohio State University Plant Pathology 330-263-3833 |
Nettleton, Daniel dnett@iastate.edu |
Iowa - Iowa State University Statistics 515-294-7754 |
Park*, Timothy tpark@agecon.uga.edu |
Georgia - University of Georgia Agricultural and Applied Economics 706 542 0731 |
Meek, *David meek@nstl.gov |
USDA, ARS USDA-ARS-MWA National Soil Tilth Lab 515-294-2246 |
Aleong, *John john.aleong@uvm.edu |
Vermont - University of Vermont Plant & Soil Science |
Bollero, German gbollero@uiuc.edu |
Yes |
Illinois - University of Illinois 217-333-9475 |
Stroup, Walt watroup@unl.edu |
Nebraska - University of Nebraska Statistics 402-472-1149 |
Bishop, Bert L. bishop.11@osu.edu |
Ohio - Ohio State University Computing & Statistical Services 330-263-3772 |
Hinds, Mark mark.hinds@pioneer.com |
Pioneer Hi-Bred International unknown |
Alldredge, Richard alldredg@wsu.edu |
Yes |
Washington - Washington State University |
Milliken, George milliken@ksu.edu |
Yes |
Kansas - Kansas State University Statistics 785 532 0514 |
Christman, Mary C mcxman@ifas.ufl.edu |
Yes |
Florida - University of Florida |
Zhang, Hao zhanghao@wsu.edu |
Washington - Washington State University Statistics (509)335-295 |
, |
Yes |
Kentucky - University of Kentucky |
Durham, Susan L sdurham@biology.usu.edu |
Yes |
Utah - Utah State University |
Momen, Bahram bmomen@umd.edu |
Yes |
Maryland - University of Maryland Environmental Science and Technology 301-405-1332 |
Song, Jiuzhou songj88@umd.edu |
Yes |
Maryland - University of Maryland |