WCC11: Turfgrass Research
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Abernathy, S. D.; White, R. H.; Colbaugh, P. F.; Engelke, M. C.; Taylor, G. R. II; Hale, T. C. 2001. Dollar spot resistance among blends of creeping bentgrass cultivars. Crop Sci. 41:806-809.
Backman, P. A.; Miltner, E. D.; Stahnke, G. K.; Cook, T. W. 2001. Effects of cultural practices on earthworm casting on golf course fairways. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:823-827.
Brown, P. W.; Mancino, C. F.; Young, M. H.; Thompson, T. L.; Wierenga, P. J.; Kopec, D. M. 2001. Penman Monteith crop coefficints for use with desert turf systems. Crop Sci. 41:1197-1206.
Carrow, R. N.; Duncan, R. R.; Shearman, R. C. 2001.Providing relevant information to turfgrass managers: Challenges and implications. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:53-60.
Carrow, R. N.; Duncan, R. R.; Worley, J. E.; Shearman, R. C. 2001. Turfgrass traffic (soil compaction plus wear) simulator: Response of paspalum tum and cynodon spp. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:253-258.
Ervin, E. H. and Koski, A. J. 2001. Trinexapac-ethyl effects of Kentucky bluegrass evapotranspiration. Crop Sci. 41:247-250.
Ervin, E. H. and Koski, A. J. 2001. Kentucky bluegrass growth responses to trinexapac-ethyl, traffic, and nitrogen. Crop Sci. 41:1871-1877.
Ervin, E. H. and Koski, A. J. 2001. Trinexapac-ethyl increases Kentucky bluegrass leaf cell density and chlorophyll concentration. HortSci. 36:787-789.
Fei, S.; Bishnoi, U. S.; Riordan, T.; Read, P. 2001. Embryogentic callus induction and plant regeneration of buffalograss through leaf base and seedling segment culture. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:162-164.
Fei, S.; Yu, T.; Clemente, T.; Riordan, T. 2001. Nodal segment explant as a potential target for the genetic engineering of buffalograss. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:165-168.
Frank, K. W.; Gaussoin, R. E.; Riordan, T. P.; Stroup, W. W.; Bloom, M. H. 2001. Nitrogen allocation of turfgrasses: I. Recovery of 15 N-labeled ammonium nitrate applied to buffalograss [Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Englem]. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:268-276.
Frank, K. W.; Gaussoin, R. E.; Riordan, T. P.; Stroup, W. W.; Bloom, M. H. 2001. Nitrogen allocation of turfgrasses: II. Recovery of 15N-labeled ammonium nitrate applied to Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) and tall fescue (Fescue arundinacea Schreb.). International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:277-286.
Green, R. L., Wu, L., Klein, G. J. 2001. Summer cultivation increases field infiltration rates of water and reduces soil electrical conductivity on annual bluegrass golf greens. HortSci. 36:776-779.
Harivandi, M. A., Hagan, W. L., Elmore, C. L. 2001.Recycling mower effects on biomass, nitrogen recycling, weed invasion, turf quality, and thatch. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:882-885.
Johnson, P. G. and Riordan T. P. 2001.Unbalanced chromosome number and inbreeding effects on fertility and plant vigor in buffalograss. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:176-179.
Johnson, P. G., Kenworthy, K. E., Auld, D. L., Riordan, T. P. 2001.Distribution of buffalograss polyploid variation in the southern Great Plains. Crop Sci. 41:909-913.
Johnston, W. J., Golob, C. T., Kleene, C. M., Pan, W. L., Miltner, E. D. 2001. Nitrogen leaching through a floating sand-based golf green under golf course play and management. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:19-24.
Keeley, S. J. and Koski, A. J. 2001. Dehydration avoidance of diverse Poa pratensis cultivars and cultivar groups in a semi-arid climate. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:311-316.
Miltner, E. D.; Stahnke, G. K.; Backman, P. A. 2001. Leaf tissue N content and soil N status following monthly applications of nitrogen fertilizer to fairway turf. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:409-415.
Qian, Y. L.; Ball, S.; Tan, Z.; Koski, A. J.; Wilhelm, S. J. 2001. Freezing tolerance of six cultivars of buffalograss. Crop Sci. 41:1174-1178.
Qian, Y. L.; Koski, A. J.; Welton, R. 2001. Amending sand with isolite and zeolite under saline conditions: Leachate composition and salt deposition. HortSci. 36:717-720.
Reinert, J. A.; Engelke, M. C. 2001. Resistance in zoysiagrass, Zoysia spp., to the tropical sod webworm, Herpetogramma phaeopteralis Guenee. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:798-801.
Richie, W. E.; Green, R. L.; Merino, F. 2001. Trinexapac-ethyl does not increase total nonstructural carbohydrate content in leaves, crowns, and roots of tall fescue. HortSci. 36:772-775.
Ruemmele, B. A.; Engelke, M. C.; White, R. H.; Lehman, V. 2001. Alternate sod production method for zoysiagrass. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:910-916.
Shearman, R. C.; Carrow, R. N.; Wit, L. A.; Duncan, R. R.; Trenholm, L. E.; Worley, J. E. 2001. Turfgrass traffic simulators: A description of two self-propelled devices simulating wear and compaction stress injury. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:347-352.
Shearman, R. C.; Turner, T. R.; Morris, K. N.; Gaussoin, R. E.; Vaitkus, M. R.; Wit, L. A. 2001. Sod strength and lateral spread of Poa pratensis cultivars and experimental lines. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:928-933.
Stahnke, G. K.; Miltner, E. D.; Johnston, W. J. 2001. Specialty instructional modules on the internet for students and turfgrass professionals.International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:95-97.
Watkins, J. E.; Shearman, R. C.; Gaussoin, R. E.; Cecil, W. K.; Vaitkus, M.; Wit, L. A. 2001. An integrated approach to dollar spot management on a bentgrass fairway. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:729-735.
White, R. H.; Engelke, M. C.; Anderson, S. J.; Ruemmele, B. A.; Marcum, K. B.; Taylor, G. R. 2001. Zoysiagrass water relations. Crop Sci. 41:133-138.
Abernathy, S. D.; White, R. H.; Colbaugh, P. F.; Engelke, M. C.; Taylor, G. R. II; Hale, T. C. 2001. Dollar spot resistance among blends of creeping bentgrass cultivars. Crop Sci. 41:806-809.
Backman, P. A.; Miltner, E. D.; Stahnke, G. K.; Cook, T. W. 2001. Effects of cultural practices on earthworm casting on golf course fairways. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:823-827.
Brown, P. W.; Mancino, C. F.; Young, M. H.; Thompson, T. L.; Wierenga, P. J.; Kopec, D. M. 2001. Penman Monteith crop coefficints for use with desert turf systems. Crop Sci. 41:1197-1206.
Carrow, R. N.; Duncan, R. R.; Shearman, R. C. 2001.Providing relevant information to turfgrass managers: Challenges and implications. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:53-60.
Carrow, R. N.; Duncan, R. R.; Worley, J. E.; Shearman, R. C. 2001. Turfgrass traffic (soil compaction plus wear) simulator: Response of paspalum tum and cynodon spp. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:253-258.
Ervin, E. H. and Koski, A. J. 2001. Trinexapac-ethyl effects of Kentucky bluegrass evapotranspiration. Crop Sci. 41:247-250.
Ervin, E. H. and Koski, A. J. 2001. Kentucky bluegrass growth responses to trinexapac-ethyl, traffic, and nitrogen. Crop Sci. 41:1871-1877.
Ervin, E. H. and Koski, A. J. 2001. Trinexapac-ethyl increases Kentucky bluegrass leaf cell density and chlorophyll concentration. HortSci. 36:787-789.
Fei, S.; Bishnoi, U. S.; Riordan, T.; Read, P. 2001. Embryogentic callus induction and plant regeneration of buffalograss through leaf base and seedling segment culture. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:162-164.
Fei, S.; Yu, T.; Clemente, T.; Riordan, T. 2001. Nodal segment explant as a potential target for the genetic engineering of buffalograss. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:165-168.
Frank, K. W.; Gaussoin, R. E.; Riordan, T. P.; Stroup, W. W.; Bloom, M. H. 2001. Nitrogen allocation of turfgrasses: I. Recovery of 15 N-labeled ammonium nitrate applied to buffalograss [Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Englem]. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:268-276.
Frank, K. W.; Gaussoin, R. E.; Riordan, T. P.; Stroup, W. W.; Bloom, M. H. 2001. Nitrogen allocation of turfgrasses: II. Recovery of 15N-labeled ammonium nitrate applied to Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) and tall fescue (Fescue arundinacea Schreb.). International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:277-286.
Green, R. L., Wu, L., Klein, G. J. 2001. Summer cultivation increases field infiltration rates of water and reduces soil electrical conductivity on annual bluegrass golf greens. HortSci. 36:776-779.
Harivandi, M. A., Hagan, W. L., Elmore, C. L. 2001.Recycling mower effects on biomass, nitrogen recycling, weed invasion, turf quality, and thatch. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:882-885.
Johnson, P. G. and Riordan T. P. 2001.Unbalanced chromosome number and inbreeding effects on fertility and plant vigor in buffalograss. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:176-179.
Johnson, P. G., Kenworthy, K. E., Auld, D. L., Riordan, T. P. 2001.Distribution of buffalograss polyploid variation in the southern Great Plains. Crop Sci. 41:909-913.
Johnston, W. J., Golob, C. T., Kleene, C. M., Pan, W. L., Miltner, E. D. 2001. Nitrogen leaching through a floating sand-based golf green under golf course play and management. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:19-24.
Keeley, S. J. and Koski, A. J. 2001. Dehydration avoidance of diverse Poa pratensis cultivars and cultivar groups in a semi-arid climate. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:311-316.
Miltner, E. D.; Stahnke, G. K.; Backman, P. A. 2001. Leaf tissue N content and soil N status following monthly applications of nitrogen fertilizer to fairway turf. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:409-415.
Qian, Y. L.; Ball, S.; Tan, Z.; Koski, A. J.; Wilhelm, S. J. 2001. Freezing tolerance of six cultivars of buffalograss. Crop Sci. 41:1174-1178.
Qian, Y. L.; Koski, A. J.; Welton, R. 2001. Amending sand with isolite and zeolite under saline conditions: Leachate composition and salt deposition. HortSci. 36:717-720.
Reinert, J. A.; Engelke, M. C. 2001. Resistance in zoysiagrass, Zoysia spp., to the tropical sod webworm, Herpetogramma phaeopteralis Guenee. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:798-801.
Richie, W. E.; Green, R. L.; Merino, F. 2001. Trinexapac-ethyl does not increase total nonstructural carbohydrate content in leaves, crowns, and roots of tall fescue. HortSci. 36:772-775.
Ruemmele, B. A.; Engelke, M. C.; White, R. H.; Lehman, V. 2001. Alternate sod production method for zoysiagrass. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:910-916.
Shearman, R. C.; Carrow, R. N.; Wit, L. A.; Duncan, R. R.; Trenholm, L. E.; Worley, J. E. 2001. Turfgrass traffic simulators: A description of two self-propelled devices simulating wear and compaction stress injury. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:347-352.
Shearman, R. C.; Turner, T. R.; Morris, K. N.; Gaussoin, R. E.; Vaitkus, M. R.; Wit, L. A. 2001. Sod strength and lateral spread of Poa pratensis cultivars and experimental lines. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:928-933.
Stahnke, G. K.; Miltner, E. D.; Johnston, W. J. 2001. Specialty instructional modules on the internet for students and turfgrass professionals.International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:95-97.
Watkins, J. E.; Shearman, R. C.; Gaussoin, R. E.; Cecil, W. K.; Vaitkus, M.; Wit, L. A. 2001. An integrated approach to dollar spot management on a bentgrass fairway. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9:729-735.
White, R. H.; Engelke, M. C.; Anderson, S. J.; Ruemmele, B. A.; Marcum, K. B.; Taylor, G. R. 2001. Zoysiagrass water relations. Crop Sci. 41:133-138.
Asay, Kay H.; Johnson, Douglas A.; Waldron, Blair L.; Jensen, Kevin B. 2002. Carbon isotope discrimination in orchardgrass and ryegrasses at four irrigation levels. Crop Science. 42:1498-1503.
Ball, S., Qian, Y.L., and Stushnoff, C. 2002. Soluble carbohydrates in two buffalograss cultivars with contrasting freezing tolerance. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 127:45-49.
Braman, S. K.; Duncan, R. R.; Engelke, M. C.; Hanna, W. W.; Hignight, K.; Rush, D. 2002. Grass species and endophyte effects on survival and development of fall armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Journal of Economic Entomology. 95:487-492.
Erusha, K. S. and R. C. Shearman. 2002. Kentucky bluegrass cultivar rooting responses measured in hydroponics. Crop Sci. 42:848-852.
Frank, Kevin W.; Gaussoin, Roch E.; Fry, Jack D.; Frost, Michael D.; Baird, James H. 2002. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium effects on seeded buffalograss establishment. HortScience. 37:371-373.
Heckman, N.L., G.L. Horst, and R.E. Gaussoin. 2002. Planting depth effect on emergence and morphology of buffalograss seedlings. HortScience. 37(3):506-507.
Heckman, Neil L.; Horst, Garald L.; Gaussoin, Roch E. 2002. Planting depth effect on emergence and morphology of buffalograss seedlings. HortScience. 37:506-507.
Heckman, N.L., G.L. Horst, R.E. Gaussoin, and B.T. Tavener. 2002. Trinexapac-ethyl influence on cell membrane thermostability of Kentucky bluegrass leaf tissue. Scientia Horticulturae 92:183-186.
Heckman, N.L., T.E. Elthon, G.L. Horst, and R.E. Gaussoin. 2002. Influence of trinexapac-ethyl on respiration of isolated wheat mitochondria. Crop Sci. 42:423-427.
Heng-Moss, Tiffany M.; Baxendale, Frederick P.; Riordan, Terrance P.; Foster, John E. 2002. Evaluation of buffalograss germplasm for resistance to Blissus occiduus (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae). Journal of Economic Entomology. 95:1054-1058.
Kerek, M., R. A. Drijber, W. L. Powers, R. C. Shearman, R. E. Gaussoin, and A. M. Streich. 2002. Accumulation of microbial biomass within particulate organic matter of aging golf greens. Agron. J. 94:455-461.
Klein, Grant J.; Green, Robert L. 2002. A survey of professional turfgrass managers in southern California concerning their use of turfgrass best management practices. HortTechnology. 12:498-504.
Qian, Y. and Follett, R.F. 2002. Assessing soil carbon sequestration in turfgrass systems using long-term soil testing data. Agron. J. 94:930-935.
Shearman, R. C. and Beard, J.B. 2002. Potassium nutrition effects on Agrostis palustris Huds. wear tolerance. World Congress of Golf Journal. 4:667-675.
Shortman, S. L.; Braman, S. K.; Duncan, R. R.; Hanna, W. W.; Engelke, M. C. 2002. Evaluation of turfgrass species and cultivars for potential resistance to twolined spittlebug (Hemiptera: Cercopidae). Journal of Economic Entomology. 95:478-486.
Suplick-Ploense, M. R., Qian, Y. L., Read, J. C. 2002. Relative NaCl tolerance of Kentucky bluegrass, Texas bluegrass, and their hybrids. Crop Sci. 42:2025-2030.
Wu, L.; Green, R. L.; Liu, G.; Yates, M. V.; Pacheco, P.; Gan, J.; Yates, S. R. 2002. Partitioning and persistence of trichlorfon and chlorpyrifos in a creeping bentgrass putting green. J. Env. Qual. 31:889-895.
Wu, L.; Liu, G.; Yates, M. V.; Green, R. L.; Pacheco, P.; Gan, J.; Yates, S. R. 2002. Environmental fate of metalaxyl and chlorothalonil applied to a bentgrass putting green under southern California climatic conditions. Pest Management Science. 58:335-342.
Yuen, G. Y.; Jochum, C. C.; Giesler, L. J.; Shulski, M. D.; Walter-Shea, E. A.; Hubbard, K. G.; Horst, G. L. 2002. UV-B biodosimetry in turfgrass canopies. Crop Science. 42:859-868.
Blunt, T.D., Hill, J.P., Brunk, G., Koski, T. and Tisserat, N. 2006.
Relationship of gray snow mold development in Kentucky bluegrass to peristence of chlorothalonil under snow. 2006 APS Ann. Meeting. Phytopathology. 96 (6) p. 13.
Blunt, T., Koski, T. and Tisserat, N. 2006. Effect of snow removal on gray snow mold development at high altitude golf courses in Colorado. 2006 APS Ann. Meeting. Phytopathology. 96 (6) p. 13.
Bunderson, Landon, Paul Johnson, and Kelly Kopp. 2006. Evaluation of native and adapted grass species and their management for turfgrass applications in the Intermountain West. In Agronomy Abstracts. American Society of Agronomy. Madison, WI.
Dougher, Tracy, Toby Day, Paul Johnson, Kelly Kopp, and Mark Majerus. 2006. Intermountain West native and adapted grass species and their management for turfgrass applications. HortScience 41(4):1037.
Gaussoin, R., R. Shearman, L. Wit, T. McClellan and J. Lewis. 2006. Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Aging Golf Greens. Green Section Record. U. S. Golf Assoc.44(6):26-30.
Gaussoin, R., R. Shearman, L. Wit, T. McClellan, and J. Lewis. 2006. Soil physical and chemical characteristics of aging golf greens. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online Journal. 5(14):1-11.
Goss, R. M., J. H. McCalla, R. E. Gaussoin, and M. D. Richardson. 2006. Herbicide tolerance of buffalograss. [Online]Appl. Turfgrass Sci. p. [1-7].
Hanks, J.D., P.G. Johnson, and B.L. Waldron. 2006. Recommended seeding rates for reduced maintenance, turf-type wheatgrasses. Applied Turfgrass Science Online at: http://www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/ats/ [doi:10.1094/ats-2006-0808-01-rs].
Johnson, G.A., Davis, J.G. and Qian, Y.L. 2006. Topdressing turf with composted manure improves soil quality and protects water quality. Soil Sci. Soc. of Amer. J. 70:2114-2121.
Johnson, G. A., Qian, Y. L., and Davis, J. G. 2006. Effects of compost topdressing on turf quality and growth of Kentucky bluegrass. J. Appl. Turf. Sci. (Online) January 2006. pp. 1-7.
Johnson, P.G., S.R. Larson, A.L. Anderton, J.T. Patterson, D.J. Cattani, and E.K. Nelson. 2006. Pollen-mediated gene flow from Kentucky bluegrass under cultivated field conditions. Crop Science 46:1990-1997. [doi:10.2135/cropsci2005.09.0316]
Koski, A., Ray, J., Kopec, D., Christensen, D., Qian, Y. and Wilhelm, S. 2006. Saltgrass plug production and establishment of saltgrass turf using plugs. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Int. Meetings. Presentation 2128a.
Kratsch, Heidi A., Kelly Kopp, Paul Johnson, and Roger Kjelgren. 2006. Native and adapted plants for water-efficiency in urban Utah landscapes. HortScience 41(4):909.
Marcum, K. B.; Pessarakli, M. 2006. Salinity tolerance and salt gland excretion efficiency of bermudagrass turf cultivars. Crop Sci. 46:2571-2574.
Pessarakli, M., Kopec, D. Gilbert, J.J. and Koski, A.J. 2006. Interactive effects of salinity and mowing heights on the growth of various inland saltgrass clones. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Int. Meetings. Presentation 316-2.
Qian, Y.L. Urban landscape irrigation with recycled wastewater. 2006. Colorado Water Resource Research Institute. Research Report No. 204.
Qian Y.L, J.A. Cosenza, S.J. Wilhelm, and D. Christensen. 2006. Techniques for enhancing saltgrass seed germination and establishment. Crop Sci. 46:2613-2616.
Qian, Y.L, Cosenza, J.A., Wilhelm, S.J. and Christensen, D. 2006. Techniques for enhancing saltgrass seed germination and establishment. Crop Sci. 46:2613-2616.
Qian, Y., Fu, J., Wilhelm, S., Christensen, D., Koski, A.J., Pessarakli, M. and Kopec, D.M. 2006. Relative salinity tolerance of turf type saltgrass selections. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Int. Meetings. Presentation 2028a.
Qian, Y., Shahba, M., Wilhelm, S., Christensen, D., Hughes, H. and Koski, T. 2006. Cold hardiness of inland saltgrass. USGA Turf. and Env. Res. Online. 5(1):1-9.
Roesner, Larry, Yaling Qian, Melanie Criswell, Mary Atromberger, Stephen Klein. 2006. Long-term effects of landscape irrigation using household graywater - literature review and synthesis. A report for the Water Environment Research Foundation. Available online: http://www.cleaning101.com/files/SDA WERF Graywater 2006.pdf
Rukavina, H., Hughes, H. and Qian, Y. 2006. Freezing tolerance of twenty-seven saltgrass ecotypes was similar in 2004 and 2005. HortScience. 41:1038.
Shahba, M., Wilhelm, S., Qian, Y. and Koski, A. 2006. Cold hardiness of southern and northern saltgrass ecotypes. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Int. Meetings. Presentation 1829b.
Shearman, R. C. 2006. Fifty years of splendor in the grass. Crop Sci. 46(5):p. 2218-2229.
Slavens, M.R. 2006. Influence of water stress on biotype selection of Poa annua L. on simulated golf course greens. MS Thesis. Utah State University.
Van Dyke, Adam, Paul Johnson, Paul Grossl, and Kelly Kopp. 2006. Influence of humic substances on moisture retention and phosphate absorption of creeping bentgrass putting greens. In Agronomy Abstracts. American Society of Agronomy. Madison, WI.
Zollinger, Nickolee, Roger Kjelgren, Teresa Cerny-Koenig, Kelly Kopp, and Rich Koenig. 2006. Drought responses of six ornamental herbaceous perennials. Scientia Horticulturae. 109:267-274.