WCC11: Turfgrass Research

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

WCC11: Turfgrass Research

Duration: 10/01/1999 to 09/30/2004

Administrative Advisor(s):

NIFA Reps:

Non-Technical Summary

Statement of Issues and Justification

The Turfgrass Research Committee was formed in 1972 to coordinate turfgrass research efforts specific to the Western United States. The WCC-11 members conduct research intended to help facilitate positive response to changing demographics and increasing resource limitations. Limited potable water sources for increasing populations is one example of economic and physical resource considerations and constraints. The committee has been very successful in assuring the complementarity of research by individuals of diverse specialities, working under the varied environmental conditions of the region. The WCC-11 accomplishments show active and positive influence on the Western Region of the United States, nationally and internationally.


  1. To coordinate improved water use and management practices.
  2. To coordinate development of efficient cultural and maintenance practices for use in an integrated plant management (IPM) system.
  3. To coordinate breeding and genetic improvement for adapted cultivars.
  4. To coordinate stress tolerance research using cultural and genetic manipulation.

Procedures and Activities

Expected Outcomes and Impacts

  • The annual meeting of the WCC?11 is an effective, well?proven means for interaction among scientists who are separated by large geographic distances, with turfgrass research programs having diverse research emphases. The annual WCC?11 meeting is an essential method for exchange and review of ongoing research, to prevent duplication of efforts and thus maximize use of limited research funds. Turfgrass researchers are housed in Agronomy, Crop and Soil Sciences, Entomology, Horticulture, Plant Physiology, Plant Science, and Plant Pathology departments in academic institutions and professional societies. The WCC?11 meeting fosters cooperative research efforts and shared ideas that would be difficult to achieve without the varied disciplines present. The WCC?11 has active participation from private researchers and interacts with other regional groups, such as the NCR?192. Coauthored publications and cultivar releases have been direct products of the WCC?11 for Turfgrass Research. The challenges that face the Western States emphasize the importance of collaboration, interaction and cooperation of the WCC?11 members to maximize research efforts. We therefore respectfully request that the Western Directors renew the WCC?11 from 1 October 1999 to 30 September 2004.

Projected Participation

View Appendix E: Participation

Educational Plan

Teaching programs include strong undergraduate and graduate training to prepare students for both industry and academic positions. Information is disseminated via WCC??11 members through both extension education and resident teaching programs. Programs include, but are not limited to, extension bulletins, newsletters, trade journals, refereed journals, TV programs, radio programs, newspaper columns, field days, videotape, master gardeners, state, national, and international turf conferences, and internet home pages. As computer resources grow, WCC?11 will be dispersing more information via internet and long distance learning.


Administrative Advisor: Steve Wallner; 2000 Chair: D. Floyd NTEP Rep.: T. Koski; Past Chair: D. Kopec; Historian: G. Stahake; 1999 Secretary: R. Gaussoin

Literature Cited


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