NE172: Nutritional Risk and Antioxidant Status in the Elderly
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Bernstein MA, Nelson ME, Tucker KL, Layne J, Johnson E, Neurenberger A,
Judge J, Buchner D, Fiatarone Singh M. Home-based nutrition
intervention to increase consumption of fruits, vegetables, and
calcium-rich foods in community dwelling elders. (2002) JADA 102:1421-1427.
Bernstein MA, Tucker KL, Ryan ND, ONeill EF, Clements KM, Nelson ME,
Evans WJ, Fiatarone Singh MA. Higher dietary variety is
associated with better nutritional status in frail elderly people. (2002) JADA102:1096-1104.
Dutram K, Cook RA, Bagnulo JD, Lincoln WL. Trends in nutritional risk and effect of nutrition education among low-income elderly in Maine.(2002) J Nut Elderly. 21(4):3-19.
Fey-Yensan, N., English, C., Museler, H.R., and Caldwell, M. Evaluation of
a nutrition education newsletter for home-delivered meal participants.(2002)
J Nutr Elderly 21(4):39-60.
Fey-Yensan, N., McCormick, LM and English, C. Body image and weight
preoccupation in older women: A review. (2002) Healthy Weight J16:68-71.
Fey-Yensan, N., English, C., and Museler, H.R. Nutrition to Go: A
nutrition newsletter for older, limited resource, home-delivered meal
participants. (2002) J Nutr Ed 34: S69-S70.
(Supplement Issue: Nutrition Education and Older Adults)
Ledikwe JH, Hiersch JL, Smiciklas-Wright H. Accuracy and completeness of diabetes self care information detection searching the internet (2002). J Nutr Elderly 22(2):1-13.
Newby K, Hallfrisch J, Qiao N, Muller D, Andres R, Tucker KL. Dietary
patterns and changes in body mass index and waist circumference among
adults participating in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study on Aging. (2002) Am J
Clin Nutr 77:1417-25.
Prior, R.L. 2003. Fruits and vegetables in the prevention of cellular oxidative damage. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. (in press)
Prior, RL, Hoang, H., Gu, L., Wu, X., Bacchiocca, M., Howard, L., Hampsch-Woodill, M., Huang, D., Ou, B., Jacob, RA. Assays for hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidant capacity (oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORACFL) of plasma and other biological and food samples. (2003) J. Agric. Food Chem. 51:3273-3279.
Seale JL, Klein GL, Friedmann JM, Jensen GL, Mitchell DC, Smiciklas-Wright H. Energy expenditure measured by doubly labeled water, activity recall and diet records in rural elderly (2002). Nutrition. 18:568-573.
Tucker KL, Chen H, Hannan MT, Cupples LA, Wilson PWF, Felson D, Kiel DP
Bone mineral density and dietary patterns in older adults: The
Framingham Osteoporosis Study (2002) Am J Clin Nutr 76:245-252.
Smiciklas-Wright H, Mitchell DC, Mickle SJ, Cook A, Goldman J. Foods commonly eaten in the United States: quantities consumed per eating occasion and in a day 1994-96. (2003). JADA 103:41-47.
Wu, X., G. Cao, R.L. Prior. Absorption and metabolism of anthocyanins in elderly women after consumption of elderberry or blueberry. (2002) J. Nutr. 132:1865-1871.
Bakun P, Maras J, Bermudez O, Qiao N, Boody-Alter E, Tucker KL (2002).
Intake and sources of alpha-tocopherol in US adults. 26th National
Nutrient Databank Conference, Baton Rouge, LA.
Bagnulo JD, Cook RA, Prior RI. 2002. Antioxidant assessment of Western Maine elderly women following 30 days of wild blueberry consumption. J Am Diet Assoc 102(suppl.2(9):A-11.
Bailey RL, Ledikwe JH, Smiciklas-Wright H, Mitchell DC, Jensen GL. (2003) Persistent oral health problems associated with comorbidity and impaired diet quality in older adults. FASEB J 17:A284.
Bermudez OI, Ribaya-Mercado JD, Russel1 RM, Tucker KL (2002). Food
Sources and Intake of Carotenoids among Hispanic Elders of
Massachusetts. Faseb J 16(4): A750, abstract 570.7.
Fey-Yensan, N., English, C., and Pacheco, H. Food Intake, Nutrition Risk
and Perceived Food Insecurity in Older Food Stamp Participants. Abstracts
of the 55th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of
America, November 2002, Boston, MA.
Ledikwe J, Smiciklas-Wright H, Mitchell DC, Miller CK, Jensen GL, Still CD. (2003) FASEB J 17:A286.
Mitchell DC, Ledikwe JH, Smiciklas-Wright H, Whitehead K, Rolls BJ. (2003) Identifying food groupings that contribute to energy density of diets of women in the Geisinger Rural Aging Study. FASEB J. 17:A298.
Mitchell DC, Ledikwe J, Smiciklas-Wright H, Jensen GL, Tucker KL, Still
C (2002). The validity of using a food frequency questionnaire (ffq) to
assess nutritional risk in older adults Faseb J 16(4): A660, abstract
Moeller SM, Jacques, PF, Chylack LT Jr, Tucker KL, Hankinson SE, Willett
WC, Taylor A (2002). Adherence to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
and Prevalence of Age-Related Nuclear Lens Opacities. Faseb J 16(4):
A375, abstract 306.1.
Roy MA, Friedman JM, Jensen GL, Smiciklas-Wright H, Still CD. Nutrition risk status community dwelling older persons who report being homebound in comparison to age and gender matched controls subjects. (2003) FASEB J. 17:A283.
Tucker KL, Lin P_H, Qiao N, Hallfrisch J, Andres R, Moore TJ (2003). A
DASH dietary index and association with systolic blood pressure. . Fifth
International Conference on Dietary Assessment Methods. Chiang Rai,
Theses and Dissertations:
Bagnulo, JD. Antioxidant assessment in Western Maine elderly women following 30 days of wild blueberry consumption. PhD Thesis, University of ME. May 2003, 115p (major professor R. Cook)
Genova, L. Nutrition Knowledge and Self-Care Practices of Older Adults with
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. MS thesis, Department of Nutrition and Food
Sciences, University of Rhode Island, December 2002 (major professor = N.
Lewis, C. A Preliminary Study of the Relationship of Eating Problems and
Food-Related Compensatory Strategies to Dietary Quality in Community
Dwelling Elders with Parkinson‘s Disease. MS thesis, Department of
Nutrition and Food Sciences, University of Rhode Island, August 2002 (major
professor - N. Fey-Yensan).
Chapter in Book:
Smiciklas-Wright H, Ledikwe JH, Jensen GL, Friedman JM. Older women: nutritional considerations. In: Nutritional Concerns for Women. Klimis-Zacas D, Wolinsky J eds. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL (in press).
Bernstein MA, Nelson ME, Tucker KL, Layne J, Johnson E, Neurenberger A,
Judge J, Buchner D, Fiatarone Singh M (2002). Home-based nutrition
intervention to increase consumption of fruits, vegetables, and
calcium-rich foods in community dwelling elders. Am J Dietet Assoc
Bernstein MA, Tucker KL, Ryan ND, ONeill EF, Clements KM, Nelson ME,
Evans WJ, Fiatarone Singh MA (2002). Higher dietary variety is
associated with better nutritional status in frail elderly people. J Am
Dietet Assoc 102:1096-1104.
Fey-Yensan, N., English, C., Museler, H.R., and Caldwell, M. Evaluation of
a nutrition education newsletter for home-delivered meal participants.
Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly 21(4):39-60, 2002.
Fey-Yensan, N., McCormick, LM., and English, C. Body image and weight
preoccupation in older women: A review. Healthy Weight Journal 16:68-71,
Fey-Yensan, N., English, C., and Museler, H.R. Nutrition to Go: A
nutrition newsletter for older, limited resource, home-delivered meal
participants. Journal of Nutrition Education 34: S69-S70, 2002.
(Supplement Issue: Nutrition Education and Older Adults)
Ledikwe JH, Hiersch JL, Smiciklas-Wright H. Accuracy and completeness of diabetes self care information detection searching the internet (2002). J Nutr Elderly 22(2):1-13.
Newby K, Hallfrisch J, Qiao N, Muller D, Andres R, Tucker KL. Dietary
patterns and changes in body mass index and waist circumference among
adults participating in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study on Aging Am J
Clin Nutr 2003 77:1417-25.
Prior, R.L. 2003. Fruits and vegetables in the prevention of cellular oxidative damage. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. (in press)
Prior, RL, Hoang, H., Gu, L., Wu, X., Bacchiocca, M., Howard, L., Hampsch-Woodill, M., Huang, D., Ou, B., Jacob, RA. Assays for hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidant capacity (oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORACFL) of plasma and other biological and food samples. J. Agric. Food Chem. 51:3273-3279, 2003.
Seale JL, Klein GL, Friedmann JM, Jensen GL, Mitchell DC, Smiciklas-Wright H. Energy expenditure measured by doubly labeled water, activity recall and diet records in rural elderly (2002). Nutrition. 18:568-573.
Tucker KL, Chen H, Hannan MT, Cupples LA, Wilson PWF, Felson D, Kiel DP
(2002). Bone mineral density and dietary patterns in older adults: The
Framingham Osteoporosis Study. Am J Clin Nutr 76:245-252.
Smiciklas-Wright H, Mitchell DC, Mickle SJ, Cook A, Goldman J. Foods commonly eaten in the United States: quantities consumed per eating occasion and in a day 1994-96. (2003). JADA 103:41-47.
Wu, X., G. Cao, R.L. Prior. 2002. Absorption and metabolism of anthocyanins in elderly women after consumption of elderberry or blueberry. J. Nutr. 132:1865-1871.
Bakun P, Maras J, Bermudez O, Qiao N, Boody-Alter E, Tucker KL (2002).
Intake and sources of alpha-tocopherol in US adults. 26th National
Nutrient Databank Conference, Baton Rouge, LA.
Bagnulo JD, Cook RA, Prior RI. 2002. Antioxidant assessment of Western Maine elderly women following 30 days of wild blueberry consumption. J Am Diet Assoc 102(suppl.2(9):A-11.
Bailey RL, Ledikwe JH, Smiciklas-Wright H, Mitchell DC, Jensen GL. (2003) Persistent oral health problems associated with comorbidity and impaired diet quality in older adults. FASEB J 17:A284.
Bermudez OI, Ribaya-Mercado JD, Russel1 RM, Tucker KL (2002). Food
Sources and Intake of Carotenoids among Hispanic Elders of
Massachusetts. Faseb J 16(4): A750, abstract 570.7.
Dutram K, Cook RA, Bagnulo JD, Lincoln WL. 2002. Trends in nutritional risk and effect of nutrition education among low-income elderly in Maine. J Nut Elderly. 21(4):3-19.
Fey-Yensan, N., English, C., and Pacheco, H. Food Intake, Nutrition Risk
and Perceived Food Insecurity in Older Food Stamp Participants. Abstracts
of the 55th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of
America, November 2002, Boston, MA.
Ledikwe J, Smiciklas-Wright H, Mitchell DC, Miller CK, Jensen GL, Still CD. (2003) FASEB J 17:A286.
Mitchell DC, Ledikwe JH, Smiciklas-Wright H, Whitehead K, Rolls BJ. (2003) Identifying food groupings that contribute to energy density of diets of women in the Geisinger Rural Aging Study. FASEB J. 17:A298.
Mitchell DC, Ledikwe J, Smiciklas-Wright H, Jensen GL, Tucker KL, Still
C (2002). The validity of using a food frequency questionnaire (ffq) to
assess nutritional risk in older adults Faseb J 16(4): A660, abstract
Moeller SM, Jacques, PF, Chylack LT Jr, Tucker KL, Hankinson SE, Willett
WC, Taylor A (2002). Adherence to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
and Prevalence of Age-Related Nuclear Lens Opacities. Faseb J 16(4):
A375, abstract 306.1.
Roy MA, Friedman JM, Jensen GL, Smiciklas-Wright H, Still CD. Nutrition risk status community dwelling older persons who report being homebound in comparison to age and gender matched controls subjects. (2003) FASEB J. 17:A283.
Tucker KL, Lin P_H, Qiao N, Hallfrisch J, Andres R, Moore TJ (2003). A
DASH dietary index and association with systolic blood pressure. . Fifth
International Conference on Dietary Assessment Methods. Chiang Rai,
Theses and Dissertations:
Bagnulo, JD. Antioxidant assessment in Western Maine elderly women following 30 days of wild blueberry consumption. PhD Thesis, University of ME. May 2003, 115p (major professor R. Cook)
Genova, L. Nutrition Knowledge and Self-Care Practices of Older Adults with
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. MS thesis, Department of Nutrition and Food
Sciences, University of Rhode Island, December 2002 (major professor = N.
Lewis, C. A Preliminary Study of the Relationship of Eating Problems and
Food-Related Compensatory Strategies to Dietary Quality in Community
Dwelling Elders with Parkinson‘s Disease. MS thesis, Department of
Nutrition and Food Sciences, University of Rhode Island, August 2002 (major
professor - N. Fey-Yensan).
Chapter in Book:
Smiciklas-Wright H, Ledikwe JH, Jensen GL, Friedman JM. Older women: nutritional considerations. In: Nutritional Concerns for Women. Klimis-Zacas D, Wolinsky J eds. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL (in press).
Curran Celentano J, Burke JD, Hammond Jr. BR.(2002) In vivo assessment of retinal carotenoids: macular pigment detection techniques and their impact on monitoring pigment status. J Nutr. 132: 535S-539S.
Dutram, K., Cook RA, Bagnulo J. Lincoln,W. (2002) Trends in nutritional risks and effects of nutrition education among low-income elderly in Maine. J. Nutr. Elderly. 21 (4) (in press)
Fey-Yensan, N., English, C., Caldwell, M., and Museler, H.R. (2002) Evaluation of a nutritioneducation newsletter for home-delivered meal participants. Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly. 21(4), summer.
Fey-Yensan, N., English, C., Pacheco, H.R., Belyea, M., Schuler, D. Elderly food stamp recipients are different from eligible non-participants by level of nutrition risk but not nutrient i- intake. Journal of the American Dietetic Association (accepted for publication, 2002).
Jensen, G., Friedman J. Coleman, C. Smiciklas Wright, H. (2001) Nutrition risk screening modification to predict hospitilization in rural older adults. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 74: 201-205, 2001.
Jugdaohsingh R, Anderson SHC, Tucker KL, Elliott H, Kiel DP, Thompson RPH, and Powell JJ (2002). Dietary silicon intake and bioavailability. Am J Clin Nutr 75:887-93.
Kwan L, Bermudez OI, Tucker KL (2002). Vitamin B12 deficiency is more common among Hispanic elders than among neighborhood based non-Hispanic white elders. J Nutr 132:2059-2064.
McKeown NM, Jacques PF, Gundberg CM, Peterson JW, Tucker KL, Dawson-Hughes B, Kiel DP, Wilson PWF, Booth S (2002). Dietary and non-dietary determinants of biochemical measures of vitamin K in men and women. J Nutr 132: 1329-1334.
Mitchell, D.C. (2001) Database requirements to meet food grouping needs. J. of Food Comp Ana14: 279-285
Smiciklas Wright, H., Mitchell, D.C., Harris, J. (2001). Dietary intake assessment: methods for aduls. Handbook of Nutrition, Food and Dietetics, Berdainer, C. ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Pp 477-493,
Sontag, TJ and Parker, RS (2002). Cytochrome P450 w-hydroxylase pathway of tocopherol catabolism: Novel mechanism of regulation of vitamin E status. J. Biol. Chem. Jul 12: 277(28): 25290-25296.
Tucker KL, Chen H, Hannan MT, Cupples LA, Wilson PWF, Felson D, Kiel DP (2002). Dietary Patterns Are Associated with Bone Mineral Density in Elderly Men and Women: The Framingham Osteoporosis Study. Am J Clin Nutr 76:245-252
Wu X, Cao, G., Prior RL (2002). Absorption and metabolism of anthyocyanins in elderly women after consumption of elderberry or blueberry. J. Nutr. 132: 1865-1871.
C. Lariviere, J. Curran-Celentano, J. Burke, B. Gowdy-Johnson. The influence of lutein supplementation and diet on serum carotenoid concentration and macular pigment optical density profiles in participants aged 21-48. Association of Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), 2002.
J. Curran-Celentano, J. Burke, C. Lariviere, and B. Gowdy-Hohnson. The Influence of plasma lipid status on macular pigment optical density in healthy adults. ARVO, 2002
J. Burke, J. Curran-Celentano, C. Lariviere, B. Gowdy-Johnson. Macular pigment optical density (MPOD) profiles and body mass index in adults. Association of Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), 2002.
Smiciklas-Wright, H. Mitchell, D.C., Ledikwe, J.H., Whitehead, K.L, Jensen, G.L, Still, C.D., (2002). The stability of energy density , fat and food weight by gender in rural older adults. The FASEB J 16: A631.
Whitehead, K.L., Smiciklas-Wright, H., Mitchell, D.C., Ledikwe, J.H., Jensen, G.L., Still, C.D. (2002) Energy density and food weight are related to weight status in older women but not men. The FASEB J. 16: A631.
Ledikwe, J.H., Smiciklas-Wright, H., Mitchell, D.C., Friedmann, J.M., Jensen, G., Still, C.D. (2002) Body mass index more associated with nutrition risk in rural older women than men. The FASEB J. 16: A249.
Mitchell, D.C., Ledikwe, J.H., Smiciklas-Wright, H., Jensen, 0., Tucker, K.I., Still, C.D. (2002) The validity of using a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) to assess nutrition risk in rural older adults. The FASEB J. 16: A660.
Lancaster, K.J., Hayman, L.L., Smiciklas-Wright, H., Ahern, F. (2002) Characteristics influencing daily consumption of fruits an vegetables and low fat dairy products in older adults with hypertension. The FASEB J. 16: A 638.
McCormick, L. ( 2001) Ivestigation of the Factors Contributing to Body Image Perception and Subsequent Food Behavior in an Aging Population MS thesis, Department of Nutrition andFood Sciences, University of Rhode Island, Auguast (major professor = N. Fey-Yensan).
Museler, H. R. (2001)Evaluation of a Nutrition Education Newsletter for a Population of Elderly Meals on Wheels Participants. MS thesis, Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences, University of Rhode Island, December (major professor = N. Fey-Yensan).
Pacheco, Holly. (2001) Impact of Food Stamp Program Participation on Dietary Quality in an Aging Population MS thesis, Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences, University of Rhode Island, December (major professor = N. Fey-Yensan).
Joanne D. Burke. (2001) Investigating Determinants of Macular Pigment Optical Density and Distribution in Adults aged 45-73: Can enhanced detection techniques improve the ability to predict macular pigment status? Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Animal and Nutritional Sciences, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, December. (academic advisor, Joanne Curran-Celentano)
Crystal Lariviere, (2002). The influence of lutein supplementation and diet on serum carotenoid concentrations and macular pigment optical density profiles in participants aged 21-28. , MS. Thesis, Department of Animal and Nutritional Sciences, University of New Hampshire, Durhan, NH, May. (academic advisor, Joanne Curran-Celentano)
Akobunbu, U. and Cohen, N. 2002. Increasing fruit and vegetable intakes for better health. V Nutritiongate Spotlight, April, www.nutritiongate.com, CAB Publishing.
Belury M, Ip C, and Lammi-Keefe, CJ, (2001) Conjugated linoleic acid: recent advances in breast cancer prevention and diabetes management . American Dietetic Association. Food and Nutrition Conference & Exhibition 2001 October 20-23. P 36.
Akobundu, U., Laus, M.J., Cohen, N., Soussloff, M. (2002) Factors related to the perceived availability of fruits and vegetables at Food Pantries in Central & Western Massachusetts. Massachusetts Dietetics Association, May.
Cohen, N, Laus, M.J., Akobundu, U., Soussloff, M., Bradley, B., and Zechello, C. (2002) Factors related to the perceived availability of fruits and vegetables at Food Pantries in Central & Western. SPHHS Poster Day, University of Massachusetts, April.
Cohen, N.L., Laus, M.J., Akobundu, U.,Schulte, M., and Soussloff, M. (2001) Factors Related to Food Security Among Pantry Users in Western Massachusetts. Massachusetts Dietetic Association Conference, Springfield, MA. November.
Laus, M.J., Cohen, N.L., Akobundu, U.,Schulte, M., and Soussloff, M. (2001) Factors Related to Food Security Among Pantry Users. Society for Nutrition Education Annual Conference, Oakland, CA. July.