S1007: The Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry and Economy
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Brune, D.E., Hong Wei-Yen, J.C. Van Olst, M.J. Massingill, J.M. Carlberg and J.R. Benemann. 2002. Integrated Production of Biofuel, Biofertilizer, and High Value Aquatic Biomass in a Controlled Eutrophication Process. The International Conference: Bioenergy, Boise, Idaho 2002.
Brune, D.E., G. Schwartz, J.R. Benemann, M.J. Massingill, J.C. Van Olst, J.A. Carlberg. 2003. Large-Scale Microalgae Cultivation in Agricultural Wastewaters for Biofixation of CO2 and Greenhouse Gas Abatement, Proceedings of DOE Second Annual Carbon Sequestration Conference, Washington, DC, May 2003.
Chiparus, O. and Y. Chen. 2003. An Image Method to Evaluate Bagasse Fiber Dimensions. Bioresource Technology. 90: 305-309.
Chen, Y., Chiparus, O., Sun, L., Negulescu, I., Parikh, D.V., and Calamari, T.A. 2004.
Waste bagasse for production of nonwoven composites. International Sugar Journal.
106(2): 86-92.
Guan, J. and M.A. Hanna. 2004. Functional properties of extruded foam composites of
starch acetate and corn cob fiber. Ind. Crops and Products. 19(3):255-269.
Guan, J., Q. Fang and M.A. Hanna. 2004. Selected functional properties of extruded
starch acetate-natural fiber foams. Cereal Chemistry. 81(2):199-206.
Guan, J., Q. Fang and M.A, Hanna. 2004. Functional properties of extruded starch acetate
blends. J. Polymers and the Environment. 12(2):57-63.
Hwang, K.T., C.L. Weller, S.L. Cuppett and M.A. Hanna. 2004. Changes in composition and thermal transition temperatures of grain sorghum wax during storage. Ind. Crops Prod. 19(2):125-132.
Hwang, K.T., C.L. Weller, S.L. Cuppett and M.A. Hanna. 2004. Policosanol contents and composition of grain sorghum kernels and dried distillers grains. Cereal Chem. 81(3):345-349.
Lakkakula, N.R., Lima, M., Walker, T.H. 2004. Rice bran stabilization and rice bran oil extraction using ohmic heating. Bioresource Technol. 92: 157-161.
Walker, T.H. 2002. Bioprocessing Technologies for Production of Nutraceuticals from
Food and Agricultural Byproducts. Proceedings of the AIT International Conference on
Innovations in Food Processing Technology and Engineering. Bangkok, TH.
Peer-reviewed journal articles:
Belyea, R.L., K. D. Rausch and M.E. Tumbleson. 2004. Composition of corn and distillers dried grains with solubles from dry grind ethanol processing Biores. Technol. 94:293-298.
Calvo, L.R., M. Otero, B.M. Jenkins, A. Moran and A.I. Garcia. 2004. Heating process characteristics and kinetics of rice straw in different atmospheres. Fuel Processing Technology 85:279-291.
Chen, Y., O. Chiparus, L. Sun, I. Negulescu, D.V. Parikh and T.A. Calamari. 2004. Waste bagasse for production of nonwoven composites. International Sugar Journal. 106(2): 86-92.
Crofcheck, C. L. and M. D. Montross. 2004. Effect of stover fraction on glucose production using enzymatic hydrolysis. Trans. ASAE. 47(3):841-844.
Datar, R.P., R.M. Shenkman, B.G. Cateni, R.L. Huhnke, and R.S. Lewis. 2004. Fermentation of Biomass-Generated Producer Gas to Ethanol. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 86(5):587-594.
Dien, B.S., N. Nagel, V. Singh, R.A. Moreau, M.P. Tucker, N.N. Nichols, D.B. Johnston, M.A. Cotta, K.B. Hicks, N. Quang and R.J. Bothast. 2004. Fermentation of quick fiber produced from a modified corn milling process into ethanol and recovery of corn fiber oil. Appl. Biochem. Biotech. 115:937-949.
Duan, L., D.J. Carrier and E. Clausen . 2004. Extraction of health beneficial compounds from milk thistle using hot/liquid water. Appl. Biochem. Biotech. 114:559-568.
Ganjyal, G. and M.A. Hanna. 2004. Effects of extruder die nozzle dimensions on expansion and micrographic characteristics of acetylated starch. Starke. 56(3-4):108-117.
Ganjyal, G.M., Reddy, N., Yang, Y. and Hanna M.A. 2004. Biodegradable packaging foams of starch acetate blended with corn stalk fibers. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 93(6): 2627-2633.
Guan, J., K. Eskridge and M.A. Hanna. 2004. Functional properties of extruded acetylated starch-cellulose foams. J. of Polymers and the Environment. 12(3): 113-121.
Guan. J., Q. Fang and M.A. Hanna. 2004. Marcomolecular characteristics of starch acetate extruded with natural fibers. Trans. of ASAE. 47(1):205-212.
Johnston, D.B. and V. Singh. 2004. Enzymatic milling of corn: optimization of soaking, grinding and enzyme incubation steps. Cereal Chem. 81:626-632.
Kohli, N., P.R. Dvornic, S.N. Kaganove, R.M. Worden, and I. Lee. 2004. Nanostructured cross-linkable micropatterns via amphiphilic dendrimer stamping. Macromolecular Rapid Communications. 25:935941.
Lau, S., D.J. Carrier, L. Howard, J. Lay, J. Archambault and E. Clausen . 2004. Extraction of antioxidant compounds from energy crops. Appl. Biochem. Biotech. 114:569-584.
Maupin-Furlow, J. A., M. A. Gil, I. M. Karadzic, P. A. Kirkland, and C. J. Reuter. 2004. Proteasomes: perspectives from the archaea [update 2004]. Front Biosci. 9:1743-1758.
Montross, M. D. and C. Crofcheck. 2004. Effect of stover fraction and storage method on glucose production during enzymatic hydrolysis. Bioresource Tech. 92:269-274.
Patel, M., M. Ou, L.O. Ingram, and K.T. Shanmugam. 2004. Fermentation of sugar cane bagasse hemicelluose hydrolysate to L(+)-lactic acid by a thermotolerant acidophilic Bacillus sp. Biotechnol. Lett. 26:865-868.
Rausch, K.D., C.I. Thompson, R.L. Belyea and M.E. Tumbleson. 2003. Characterization of light gluten and light steep water from a wet milling plant. Biores. Technol. 90:49-54.
Singh, V. and D.B. Johnston. 2004. An enzymatic process for corn wet milling. Adv. Food and Nutr. Res. 48:151-171.
Singh, V., D.B. Johnston, R.A. Moreau, K.B. Hicks, B.S. Dien, and R.J. Bothast. 2003. Pre-treatment of wet-milled corn fiber to improve recovery of corn fiber oil and phytosterols. Cereal Chem. 80:118-122.
Shukla, V.B., S. Zhou, L.P. Yomano, K.T. Shanmugam, J.F. Preston, and L.O.Ingram. 2004. Production of D(-)-lactate from sucrose and molasses. Biotechnol. Lett. 26:689-693.
Thorsell, S., F.M. Epplin, R.L. Huhnke and C.M. Taliaferro. 2004. Economics of a coordinated biorefinery feedstock harvest system: lignocellulosic biomass harvest cost. Biomass and Bioenergy. 27(4):327-337.
Ulmer, J.D., R.L. Huhnke, D.D. Bellmer, and D.D. Cartmell. 2004. Acceptance of ethanol-blended gasoline in Oklahoma. Biomass and Bioenergy. 27(5):437-444.
Underwood, S.A., M.L. Buszko, K.T. Shanmugam, and L.O. Ingram. 2004. Lack of protective osmolytes limits cell growth and volumetric productivity of ethanologenic Escherichia coli KO11 during xylose fermentation. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 70:2734-2740.
Other communications:
Jenkins, B.M., V. Tiangco, Z. Zhang, G. Simons, G.C. Matteson, R.B. Williams, H.I. vonBernath, L. Yan and M. Gildart. 2004. Biomass energy and power development in California: resources, generation, and future potentials. Paper V8.50, Proceedings 2nd World Conference and Technology Exhibition on Biomass for Energy, Industry, and Climate Protection, 10-14 May 2004, Rome, Italy.
Johnson, D. 2004. Canola: Applications in high performance lubricants. Encyclopedia of Plant and Crop Science.
Ulmer, J., R. Huhnke, B. Parr, and D. Bellmer. 2004. Alternative Energy. Educational video. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service. Oklahoma State University.
Theses and Dissertations:
Yu, M. 2004. Ultimate strength characteristics of switchgrass stem cross-sections at representative processing conditions. Thesis - MS in Biosystems Engineering. Univ. of Tennessee. August 2004.
Zhuang, J. 2004. Economic Analysis of Cellulase Production by Clostridium thermocellum in Solid State and Submerged Fermentation. Thesis. University of Kentucky.
Patent disclosure filed on soy oil-based home heating fuel. Purdue University. 2003.
Patent disclosure filed on urea fractionation of fatty acid methyl esters. Purdue University. 2003.
Patent disclosure filed on soy-based jet aviation fuels. Purdue University. 2003.
Patent disclosure filed on aqueous separation processing of lipids. Purdue University. 2003.