NRSP11: Building Collaborative Research Networks to Advance the Science of Soil Fertility: Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool (FRST)
(National Research Support Project Summary)
Status: Active
SAES-422 Reports
Publications: The NRSP11 Project produced one (1) peer-reviewed paper published in the Soil Science Society of America Journal; one (1) fact sheet published on the FRST website; two (2) datasets, and one (1) user guide for the FRST Decision Support Tool. Note the listed publications are efforts exclusive or directly related to the FRST activities and do not include publications of individual member research projects.
- Filippi, D., Gatiboni, L., Crozier, C., Osmond, D., & Hardy, D. (2024). Corn response to potassium rates during three cropping years in North Carolina. Ag Data Commons. Dataset. https://doi.org/10.15482/USDA.ADC/25035980.v1
- Slaton, N. A., Pearce, A. W., Gatiboni, L., Osmond, D. L., Bolster, C., Clark, J., Dhillon, J., Farmaha, B., Kaiser, Lyons, S., Margenot, A., Miguez, F., Moore, A., Ruiz Diaz, D., Sotomayor, D., Spackman, J., Spargo, J., & Yost, M. (2024). Models and sufficiency interpretation for estimating critical soil test values for the Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool. Soil Science Society of America, XX, https://doi.org/10. 10.1002/saj2.20704
- Slaton, N. A.; Uthman, Q. (2024). Bermudagrass forage response to phosphorus and potassium fertilization. Ag Data Commons Dataset. https://doi.org/10.15482/USDA.ADC/24978027.v1
- Slaton, N.A., Pearce, A., Gatiboni, L., & Osmond. (2024) Fact Sheet #6 – Modeling Soil Test Correlation Data. https://soiltestfrst.org/resources/critical-soil-test-value/
- Buol, G., Osmond, D., Slaton, N., Spargo, J., Lyons, S., Pearce, A., Uthman, Q., Yost, M., & Kaiser, D. (2024). Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool, V 1.0. 0.0. https://frst.scinet.usda.gov/manual