S1072: U.S. Agricultural Trade and Policy in An Uncertain Global Market Environment
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Active
SAES-422 Reports
University: University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Reporting Participants: Karen DeLong
Project No. TEN00535 S1072
Members: T. Edward Yu, Karen DeLong, and Andrew Muhammad FY20 covers October 1, 2022 – September 30, 2023
Journal Articles
- Reed, C.2, E. Yu1, and D.W. Hughes. 2023. “Evaluating the factors influencing the location strategies of specialty grocers versus traditional supermarkets in the United States.” Applied Geography, 158, 103034. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2023.103034
- Martinez, , P. Li2, C.N. Boyer, T.E. Yu, and J. Maples. 2023. “Beef Price Spread Relationship with Processing Capacity Utilization.” Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, 2(1):133-145.
- Marks, L.3, J. Thompson, S. Upendram, and T.E. Yu. 2022. “Global Animal Protein Trade Impacts of Large-scale Human Health Events.” Western Economics Forum, 20(2):36-49.
- Velandia, M., R. Denton, J. Yenerall, L. DeLong, C.J.O. Trejo-Pech, K. Tanaka, K. Rignall, X. Chen, S. Schexnayder. 2023. “Evaluating Factors Influencing Tennessee and Kentucky Farmers’ Willingness to Sell Produce Through Fresh Stop Markets.” Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 28(7): 1-9. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2023.1212764
- Muhammad, A., J. Yenerall, T. Malone, and L. DeLong. 2023. “Formula for Disaster: Exploring the Links Between Federal Policies and the Infant Formula Crisis.” Choices, 38(3):1-7. https://www.choicesmagazine.org/choices-magazine/submitted-articles/formula- for-disaster-exploring-the-links-between-federal-policies-and-the-infant-formula-crisis
- Smith, 1, K.L. DeLong, A.P. Griffith, C. Boyer, C. Martinez, and K.L. Jensen. 2023. “Cow-Calf Producer Preferences for Bull Genomic-Enhanced Expected Progeny Differences.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 48(3): 520-539. https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.322848
- Gao, , C. Grebitus, and K.L. DeLong. 2023. “Chinese Consumers’ Preferences for Beef Quality Labeling.” European Review of Agricultural Economics, 50(3):1,064-1,102. https://doi.org/10.1093/erae/jbad009
- DeLong, L., K.L. Jensen, C.N. Boyer, A.P. Griffith, and C. Martinez. 2023. “Feeder Cattle Genomic Tests: Analyzing Cattle Producer Adoption Decisions.” Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, 2(2): 334-349. https://doi.org/10.1002/jaa2.61
- Trejo-Pech, C.J.O., L. DeLong, and R. Johansson. 2023. “How Does the Financial Performance of Sugar-Using Firms Compare to other Agribusinesses? An Accounting and
Economic Profit Rates Analysis.” Agricultural Finance Review, 83(3): 453:477. https://doi.org/10.1108/AFR-08-2022-0103
- Muhammad, , M. Prince., K.L. DeLong, and T Gill. 2023. “The Effects of Timing, Customer, and Location on Smallholder Broiler Sales in Rwanda.” Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 32(2): 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.japr.2022.100268
- Muhammad, A, C Sicko, & TC Olsson (2023) “African Americans and Federal Land Policy: Exploring The Homestead Acts of 1862 and 1866” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy (In Press). http://doi.org/10.1002/aepp.13401
- Muhammad, A, and Trejo-Pech (2023) “Uncovering the Impacts of Steel Tariffs on the Canned Foods Sector: Reevaluating Trade Policy Winners and Losers” Choices 38(4).
- Muhammad, A, C Martinez, & A Lawani (2023) “Why Are Eggs so Expensive? Understanding the Recent Spike in Egg Prices” Choices 38(2).
- Hirasuna, D, D Thilmany, A Muhammad, D Fields, & S Stefanou (2023) “Perspectives on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Agricultural and Applied Economics Profession” Applied Economics Teaching Resources 5(2) doi:10.22004/ag.econ.333520.
University: University of Georgia
Reporting Participants: Gopinath Munisamy
2023 Progress Report - Multistate Hatch Project S1072
Georgia Report – Gopinath Munisamy
Journal Articles (*student coauthor)
Jeong*, S., M. Gopinath, A. Kulkarni* and F. Batarseh. 2023. “Deploying Machine Learning
Methods to Predict Global Trading Patterns: The Case of Beef.” Journal of the
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, forthcoming.
Poudel*, D., and M. Gopinath. 2023. “Regional Heterogeneity in Undernourishment: The
Case of Nepal. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging
Economies, forthcoming.
Khadka*, S., M. Gopinath and F. Batarseh. 2023. “Anomalies in Agricultural Trade: A
Bayesian Classifier Approach,” Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics
Association, Volume 2, Issue 3: 402-427. https://doi.org/10.1002/jaa2.69.
Adhikari*, S., D. Poudel* and M. Gopinath. 2023. Is Policy Greasing the Wheels of Global
Palm Oil Trade,” Research on World Agricultural Economy, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp 62-77.
Annual Meeting of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.
Adhikari, S., Poudel, D., and M. Gopinath. “Policy Effects on Global Palm Oil Trade: A Gravity Model Approach.” Selected Presentation, July 2023, Washington DC.
Balaji, S.J., and M. Gopinath. “Spatial Growth and Convergence in Indian Agriculture.” Selected Presentation, July 2023, Washington DC
Khanal, A., and M. Gopinath. “Impact of Fresh Blueberry Imports on Domestic Industry.” Selected Presentation, July 2023, Washington DC
Khadka, S., and M. Gopinath. “Anomalies and Recoveries in Agricultural Trade” Selected Presentation, July 2022, Anaheim, CA.
Annual Meeting of the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium
Khadka, S., M. Gopinath and F. Batarseh. “Shifting Alliances – Friendshoring in Agricultural Trade.” December 2023, Clearwater Beach, FL.
Poudel, D., and M. Gopinath. “Political Instability and Undernourishment: Nepal’s
Decade-Long Insurgency.” December 2023, Clearwater Beach, FL.
Interviewed for “From Georgia to the World.” Georgia Trend, July 2023: https://www.georgiatrend.com/2023/06/27/from-georgia-to-the-world/
University: University of Florida
Reporting Participants: Andrew Schmitz
Author of the book "Agricultural Policy, Agribusiness, and Rent-Seeking Behaviour."
By Andrew Schmitz, Charles B. Moss, Troy G. Schmitz, G. Cornelis van Kooten and H. Carole Schmitz.
University: UC Davis
Reporting Participants: Jens Hilscher
Hilscher, Jens, Alon Raviv and Ricardo Reis, "Inflation Risks are on the Rise" ARE Update, January-February 2022.
Gafarov, Bulat, Tengda Gong, and Jens Hilscher, "What Price is Right? Cigarette Demand Has Become More Responsive to Prices" ARE Update, March-April 2022.
Gafarov, Bulat and Jens Hilscher, "Too Little Too Late? The Two-Pronged Approach of the Federal Reserve" ARE Update, May-June 2022.
University: Purdue University
Reporting Participants: Holly Wang
Journal articles:
- Ma, M., M. Delgado, and H. H. Wang. “Risk, Arbitrage, and Spatial Price Relationships: Insights from China’s Hog Market under the African Swine Fever.” Journal of Development Economics,165(2023) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdeveco.2023.103200.
- Hao, N., H. H. Wang, X. Wang, and M. Wetzstein. “Will the “nouveau-riche” (new-rich) waste more food? Evidence from China.” China Agricultural Economics Review, (2023) accepted https://doi.org/10.1108/CAER-07-2022-0139.
- Moon, D., H. H. Wang and N. Hao. “Consumer behavior in choosing microplastic contaminated seafood across different countries: The role of cultural and attitudinal factors.” Economic Analysis and Policy, 78 (2023):290-306. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eap.2023.03.009.
- Wang, H. H. “The Perspective of Meat and Meat-Alternative Consumption in China.” Meat Science, 194 (2022), 108982. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2022.108982.
- Jiang, Y., H. H. Wang, and S. Jin. “Mobilizing the Public to Fight Poverty Using Anti-Poverty Labels in Online Food Market: Evidence from Real Experimental Auction.” Journal of Agricultural Economics, 74(2022):168-190. https://doi.org/10.1111/1477-9552.12502.
- Wang, H. H., J. Yang, and N. Hao. “Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Rice from Remediated Soil: Potential from the Public in Sustainable Soil Pollution Treatment.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (15), (2022), 8946. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19158946.
- Katare, B., H. Yim, A. Byrne, H. H. Wang, M. Wetzstein. “Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Environmentally Sustainable Meat and a Plant-Based Meat Substitute.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, (2022) https://doi.org/10.1002/aepp.13285.
- Wang, H. H., X. Han, Y. Jiang, and G. Wu. “Revealed Consumers’ Preferences for Fresh Produce Attributes in Chinese Online Markets: A Case of Domestic and Imported Apples.” PloS One, 17(6) (2022), e0270257. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0270257.
Book Chapters:
- Delgado, M., M. Ma and H. H. Wang. “Exploring Spatial Price Relationships: The Case of African Swine Fever in China.” Risks in Agricultural Supply Chains, Eds by P. Antras, and D. Zilberman, University of Chicago Press, 2023. pp. 139-157.
- Wang, H. H. and L. Liu. “Small Holders’ Willingness-to-Pay for Alternative Types of Crop Insurance in China.” Managing Risk in Agriculture: A Development Perspective. Eds by A. Mishra, S. C. Kumbhakar and G. Lein, CABI, 2023. pp155-166.
- Delgado, M. S., M. Ma, and H. H. Wang. Exploring Spatial Price Relationships: The Case of African Swine Fever in China. Working Paper, w29141. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2021. https://www.nber.org/papers/w29141
University: Ohio State University
Reporting Participants: Ian Sheldon
- M. Sheldon, “The US’s Power-Based Bargaining and the WTO: Has Anything Really Been Gained?”, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 44(3) 2022.
- Heerman and I.M. Sheldon, “Sustainable Agricultural Production, Income and Eco-Labelling: What Can Be Learned from a Modern Ricardian Approach,” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 44(4) 2022.
- C.K. Chow and I.M. Sheldon, “A Private Bargaining and Efficient Breach Approach to the Problem of U.S.-China Trade: Bringing a Non-Violation Case in the WTO,” Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 56(3) 2023.
- C.K. Chow and I.M. Sheldon, "Combatting a Crisis of Global Food Protectionism Sparked by the War in Ukraine," Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 56(5) 2023.
- M. Sheldon, “Filing WTO Violation and Non-Violation Complaints: A Possible Solution to China’s Market Access Commitments?” in The Future of Trade: A North American Perspective. Eds. A. Payan and D. Gantz. Elgar, December 2023.
- M. Sheldon and S. McCorriston, “Vertical Markets, Carbon Border Tax Adjustments and ‘Dirty Inputs’”, Working Paper, Andersons Program in International Trade, May 2023.
- M. Sheldon, “The United States’ Challenge(s) to Canada’s Dairy Import Tariff Rate Quotas: What is all the Fuss About?” Working Paper, Andersons Program in International Trade, July 2023.
Extension Publications 2023:
- I.M. Sheldon, S. Lee, and C. Zoller, “Where Could the U.S.-Mexico GM Corn Dispute End Up?” Ohio Ag Manager, March 13, 2023.
- I.M. Sheldon, and C. Zoller, “Will Price Volatility Continue in the World Wheat Market?” Ohio Ag Manager, April 6, 2023.
- I.M. Sheldon, S. Lee, and C. Zoller, “Where Could the U.S.-Mexico GM Corn Dispute End Up?” farmdocDAILY, April 7, 2023.
- I.M. Sheldon, and C. Zoller, “What are the Implications of the Black Sea Grain Deal Breaking Down?” Ohio Ag Manager, July 18, 2023.
- I.M. Sheldon, and C. Zoller, “Post-Black Sea Grain Deal: What’s Happening to Wheat Prices?” Ohio Ag Manager, October 10, 2023.
University: North Dakota State University
Reporting Participants: Sandro Steinbach
Referred Publication
- Sandro Steinbach and Xiting Zhuang (2023). “U.S. Agricultural Exports and the 2022 Mississippi River Drought,” Agribusiness, first published online.
- Sandro Steinbach and Xiting Zhuang (2023). “Global Container Shipping Disruptions, Pop-Up Ports, and U.S. Agricultural Exports,” Applied Economic Perspectives & Policy, first published online.
- Sandro Steinbach and Xiting Zhuang (2023). “Retaliatory Tariffs and Container Shipping Disruptions Cause Considerable Trade Damages to California’s Almond Industry,” Choices, 38(2): 1–9.
- Colin A. Carter, Sandro Steinbach and Xiting Zhuang (2023). “Supply Chain Disruptions and Containerized Agricultural Exports from California Ports,” Applied Economic Perspectives & Policy, 45(2): 1051–1071.
- Soojung Ahn and Sandro Steinbach (2023). “The Impact of COVID-19 Trade Measures on Agricultural and Food Trade,” Applied Economic Perspectives & Policy, 45(2): 911–927.
- Sandro Steinbach and Xiting Zhuang (2023). “The Impact of Maritime Shipping Disruptions on U.S. Tree Nut Exports and Inventories,” Agribusiness, 39 (3): 904–911.
- Sandro Steinbach (2023). “The Russia-Ukraine War and Global Trade Reallocations,” Economics Letters, 226: 111075.
- Soojung Ahn and Sandro Steinbach (2023). “Agri-Food Trade Resilience among Food-Deficit Countries during the COVID-19 Pandemic,” International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 26(3): 397–408.
- Soojung Ahn, Dongin Kim and Sandro Steinbach (2023). “The Impact of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine on Grain and Oilseed Trade,” Agribusiness, 39(1): 291–299.
- Heidi Schweizer, Sandro Steinbach and Xiting Zhuang (2022). “A Portrait of Firms that Trade in Meat Products,” Western Economics Forum, 20(2): 6–18.
- Sandro Steinbach (2022). “Port Congestion, Container Shortages, and U.S. Foreign Trade,” Economics Letters, 213: 110392.
University: Michigan State University
Reporting Participants: David L Ortega
Journal Article Publications
- Farris, J., Maredia, M., Mason-Wardell, N., Ortega, D.L. (2023). Farmer Personality and Community-Based Extension Effectiveness in Tanzania. World Development, accepted.
- Maredia, M., Porter, M., Nakasone, E., Ortega, D.L., Caputo, V. (2023). Does increasing the availability of a nutritious food produced by a SME increase its consumption? Evidence from a field experiment in Kenya. Applied Economic Perspective and Policy, accepted.
- Ufer, D.J., Ortega, D.L. (2023). Right on the money? U.S. dairy farmers’ varied understanding of consumer preferences and attitudes towards animal health, welfare, and biotechnology. Journal of Dairy Research, accepted.
- Ufer, D.J., Ortega, D.L. (2023). The Complexity of Food Purchase Motivations: Impacts of Key Priorities, Knowledge, and Information Sources on Active Purchase of Food Labels. Food Quality and Preference, accepted.
- Lin, W., Ortega, D. L., & Caputo, V. (2023). Experimental quantity, mental budgeting and food choice: a discrete choice experiment application. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 50 (2), 457-496.
- Herrington, C., Maredia, M., Ortega, D.L., Taleon, V., Birol, E., Sarkar, A.R., Rahaman, S. (2023). Rural Bangladeshi Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Rice with Improved Nutrition via Zink Biofortified Rice and Decreased Milling Practices. Agricultural Economics, 54(1), 5-22.
- Sun, J., Ortega, D. L., & Lin, W. (2023). Food values drive Chinese consumers' demand for meat and milk substitutes. Appetite, 181, 106392.
- Ortega, D. L., Caputo, V., & Maredia, M. (2023). Effectiveness of nutritional information in increasing demand for enriched yoghurt among poor households in Kenya: Implications for agribusiness marketing strategies. Agribusiness, 39 (1), 285-290.
University: Mississippi State University
Reporting Participants: Juyoung Lee
Lee, J. & Karpova, E. (submitted). Chapter 3. Textile and apparel supply chains. Global global: The textile and apparel industry, 5th edition. Bloomsbury Publishing USA.
University: Louisiana State University
Reporting Participants: Sunghun Lim
Bullock, David W., Sunghun Lim, and Sandro Steinbach. “Southern Economic Impacts of Premium-to-Liability Ratio Limits in U.S. Crop Insurance.” Southern Ag Today 3(25.4). June 22, 2023.
Lim, Sunghun (2023). “Global Agricultural Value Chains and Structural Transformation,” David Zilberman and Pol Antràs (Editors), NBER Book series, Risks in Agricultural Supply Chains, the University of Chicago Press.
Lim, Sunghun (2023), “Risk Aversion, Crop Diversity, and Food Security,” Applied Economics.
Lim, Sunghun & Anh Nguyen (2023), "Shifting Trade Winds: Southeast Asia’s Response to the US-China Trade War," Asian Development Review (forthcoming).
Afesorgbor, Sylvanus K. and Sunghun Lim (2023). “Food Security, Agri-Food Trade and COVID-19: Evidence from South Asia,” Journal of Agricultural & Applied Economics Association.
Yu, Jisang & Sunghun Lim (2024), "Understanding Inequality in US Farm Subsidy Using a Large-scale Administrative Data," revision requested at American Journal of Agricultural Economics (AJAE), forthcoming.
University: Kansas State University
Reporting Participants: Jisang Yu
Lobell, David and Nelson B. Villoria (2023) “Reduced benefits of climate-smart agricultural policies from land use spillovers.” Nature Sustainability, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-023-01112-w.
Hendricks, Nathan, Aaron Smith, Nelson B. Villoria, Matthieu Stigler (2023). "The Effects of Agricultural Policy on Supply and Productivity: Evidence from Differential Changes in Distortions." Agricultural Economics. DOI: 10.1111/agec.12741.
Chen, Bowen and Nelson B. Villoria (2022). “Foreign Yield Shocks and Domestic Price Variability: The Case of Maize in Developing Countries.” Environmental Research Letters. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/aca7d5
Villoria, Nelson, Rachael Garrett, Florian Gollnow, and Kimberly Carlson (2022). “Leakage Does Not Fully Offset Soy Supply-Chain Efforts to Reduce Deforestation in Brazil.” Nature Communications 13, no. 1 (September 17, 2022): 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-33213-z. (Fifth Edition Mapbiomas First Place General Category Award for Best Research Article, 2023.)gma
Yu, Jisang, Nelson B. Villoria, and Nathan Hendricks (2022). “The Incidence of Foreign Market Accessibility on Farmland Rental Rates.” Food Policy, 112, DOI: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2022.102343
Arnold, Chelsea, et al. (Yu, Jisang) "The Role of Risk in Farmland Contract Choices." Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 48.2 (2023): 398-411.
Janzen,Joseph P., Bryn Swearingen, and Jisang Yu. "Buying time: The effect of Market Facilitation Program payments on the supply of grain storage." Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2023).
Yu, Jisang, and Georgi T. Gabrielyan. "Do large farms make better choices: Evidence from dairy margin coverage program participation patterns." Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 45, no. 4 (2023): 2235-2254.
Goh, Gyuhyeong, and Jisang Yu. "Causal inference with some invalid instrumental variables: A quasi‐Bayesian approach." Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 84, no. 6 (2022): 1432-1451.
University: Iowa State University
Reporting Participants: E. Kwan Choi
Choi, Yoonho, and E. Kwan Choi. "Why exchange rate pass-through matters in forward exchange markets." Economic Modelling 110 (2022): 105795.
University: Colorado State University
Reporting Participants: Amanda Countryman
de Menezes*, T.C., J.B. de Souza Ferreira Filho, and A.M. Countryman. 2023. Potential economic impacts of foot-and-mouth disease in Brazil: A case study for Mato Grosso and Paraná.” Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. 2(3): 481-496. https://doi.org/10.1002/jaa2.73
University of Tennessee
Project No. TEN00535 S1072
Members: Karen DeLong, Andrew Muhammad, and T. Edward Yu
FY24 covers October 1, 2023 – September 30, 2024
Target Audience
Our research aims to help national and state policy makers, local and regional agricultural producers, agribusiness and rural communities. We also expect to contribute to the literature in related research areas.
Journal Articles
Dahal, B.R.1, L. DeLong, S. Gao, C. Grebitus, and A. Muhammad. 2024. “Factors Affecting Chinese Consumers’ Beef Purchase Frequency.” Accepted and Forthcoming. Agribusiness: An International Journal. https://doi.org/10.1002/agr.21906
Dahal, B.R.1, L. DeLong, S. Gao, and C. Grebitus. 2024. “Consumers’ Beef Purchasing Behavior Across Countries.” Meat Science, 217: 109611. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2024.109611
Boyer, C.N., L. DeLong, A.P. Griffith, and C.C. Martinez. 2024. “The Impact of Risk Preferences and Information on Livestock Risk Protection Use.” Agricultural Economics, 4(55):677-689. https://doi.org/10.1111/agec.12838
Ray, B.1, L. DeLong, K. Jensen, S. Burns, and C. Luckett. 2024. “Consumer Preferences for Foods with Varying Best if Used-By Dates: An Experimental Auction and Sensory Evaluation Analysis.” Food Policy, 125:102650. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2024.102650
Gao, S.2, C. Grebitus, and L. DeLong. 2024. “Explaining Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Country-of-Origin Labeling for Beef with Ethnocentrism. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 72(2): 149-166. https://doi.org/10.1111/cjag.12359
Yenerall, J., A. Muhammad, L. DeLong, and T. Malone. 2024. “Navigating the Challenges of Building More Resilient Infant Formula Industry.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 46(2): 499-513. https://doi.org/10.1002/aepp.13416
Forgenie, D, SD Hutchinson, & A Muhammad (2024) “Welfare implications of rising imported food costs in the Caribbean” Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 18: 101489. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jafr.2024.101489
Muhammad, A, SL Stewart, & MD Hossen (2024) “U.S. Timber Trade and Vietnam: Exploring the Impacts of the Trade War and Environmental Policies” Choices 39(3).
Forgenie, D, S Hutchinson, & A Muhammad (2024) “Dynamic Analysis of Caribbean Food Import Demand” Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 15: 100989. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jafr.2024.100989
Hossen, MD, A Muhammad, B Kenner, & J Kaufman (2024) “Unraveling the Impacts of Freight Rates on U.S. Containerized Agricultural Trade” Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association 3(1): 199-211 https://doi.org/10.1002/jaa2.105
Ahles, A, A Muhammad, JN Yenerall…& D Mozaffarian (2024) “How Price and Income Influence Global Patterns in Saturated Fat Intake by Age, Sex, and Geographic Region: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of 160 countries” BMJ Open 14: e074562. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-074562.
Jiang, B, & A Muhammad (2024) “Trade War Fallout: Exploring the Altered Landscape of U.S. Wooden Furniture Imports” Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. 3(1): 100-116. https://doi.org/10.1002/jaa2.99
Muhammad, A, C Sicko, & TC Olsson (2024) “African Americans and Federal Land Policy: Exploring the Homestead Acts of 1862 and 1866” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 46(1): 95-110. http://doi.org/10.1002/aepp.13401
Reed, C., E. Yu, and D.W. Hughes. (2023) “Evaluating the Factors Influencing the Location Strategies of Specialty Grocers versus Traditional Supermarkets in the United States.” Applied Geography, 158, 103034. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2023.103034
Referred Electronic Publications
Deliberto, M., L. DeLong, and B.L. Fischer. 2024. “Analyzing World and U.S. Sugar Price Dynamics.” Southern Ag Today. May 20, 2024. https://southernagtoday.org/2024/05/17/analyzing-world-and-u-s-sugar-price-dynamics/
Deliberto, M., L. DeLong, and B.L. Fischer. 2024. “Navigating U.S. Sugar Imports From 70 Countries.” Southern Ag Today. April 18, 2024. https://southernagtoday.org/2024/04/18/navigating-us-sugar-imports-from-70-countries/
Deliberto, M. andL. DeLong. 2024. “The 2024 Sugar Market Domestic Supply and Outlook.” Southern Ag Today. April 1, 2024. https://southernagtoday.org/2024/04/02/the-2024-sugar-market-domestic-supply-and-outlook/
Deliberto, M. andL. DeLong. 2023. “Examining Sugarcane and Sugarbeet Production Costs.” Southern Ag Today. December 11, 2023. https://southernagtoday.org/2023/12/11/examining-sugarcane-and-sugarbeet-production-costs/
DeLong, K.L., M. Deliberto, and B.L. Fischer. 2023. “Evaluation of the Recent Government Accountability Office Sugar Program Report.” Southern Ag Today. November 30, 2023. https://southernagtoday.org/2023/11/30/evaluation-of-the-recent-government-accountability-office-sugar-program-report/
Muhammad, A, RJ Menard, DW Hughes, & A Taylor. Economic Impact of Tennessee Forest Product Exports in 2023. UT Extension Publication W 1262 (2024).
Hossen, MD, & A Muhammad. USDA Projects a Widening Trade Deficit for Fiscal Year 2025. Southern Ag Today September (2024).
Muhammad, A, & MD Hossen. Understanding the Growing U.S. Agricultural Trade Deficit (Part 2): What’s Happening with Imports? Southern Ag Today July (2024).
Muhammad, A, & MD Hossen. Understanding the Growing U.S. Agricultural Trade Deficit: The Fall in Exports Southern Ag Today June (2024).
Muhammad, A. China lifts ban on Australian beef: Is there cause for concern in the U.S.? Southern Ag Today June (2024).
Muhammad, A. Unpacking the Success of U.S. Beef in Japan Southern Ag Today May (2024).
Kessler, L.M., et al., & A Muhammad. An Economic Report to the Governor of the State of Tennessee 2024.
Presentations (* denotes presenter)
Trejo-Pech, C.*, L. DeLong, R. Johansson. Accepted and Forthcoming. “The Accuracy, Bias, and Dispersion in Financial Analysts’ Earnings Per Share Forecasts of Sugar-Using Firms.” Selected Presentation. Food Distribution Research Society Annual Conference 2024. October 20-22, 2024. Puerto Rico.
DeLong, K.L.*, Gao2, C. Grebitus, and T.G. Schmitz. 2024. “German and British Consumer Preferences for Country of Origin Labeled Beef throughout the Decade.” Selected Presentation. 2024 Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. July 28-30, 2024.
Hagan, A.G.*,2, Yenerall, K.L. DeLong, E. Yu, and R. Chen. 2024. “Can Grocery Store Food Loss and Waste Reduction Practices Attract Shoppers?” Selected Presentation. 2024 Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. July 28-30, 2024.
Boyer, C.N.*, DeLong, K.L., A.P. Griffith, and C. Martinez. 2024. “Examining How Risk Preferences and Information Affect Livestock Risk Protection Use.” Selected Presentation. 2024 Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. July 28-30, 2024.
DeLong, K.L.* “USDA AMS Federal-State Marketing Improvement Wine Grant.” Invited Presentation. Tennessee Wine and Grape Board Meeting (was supposed to be on Zoom but lightning knocked out their power, so it was over the phone). Nashville, TN. July 10, 2024.
DeLong, K.L.* “Drivers of Beef Purchase Behavior Across Countries.” Invited Presentation. Assessing the Competitiveness of U.S. Beef in Major Global Markets Zoom Seminar. June 17, 2024.
DeLong, K.L., Trejo-Pech*, and R. Johansson. 2024. “An Evaluation of How Forecasting Efficiency Leads to Reduced Firm Risks.” Selected Presentation. NCCC-134 Conference on Applied Commodity Price Analysis, Forecasting, and Market Risk Management. April 22-23, 2024. St. Louis, MO.
DeLong, K.L.* “University of Tennessee Food Loss/Food Waste Research.” Invited Presentation. Joint Southern Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors and Association of Southern Rural Extension Directors Conference 2024. Lexington, KY, March 26, 2024.
Dahal, B.1, L. DeLong*, S. Gao, and C. Grebitus. “Consumers’ Beef Purchasing Behavior Across Countries.” Selected Presentation. Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA. February 4-6, 2024.
Barua, S.*,2, C. Boyer, L. DeLong, A. Griffith, and C. Martinez. “Price Risk Management Use Impact on Technical Efficiency for Cattle Producers.” Selected Presentation. Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA. February 4-6, 2024.
Rihn, A., H.E. Williams*, X. Chen, and L. DeLong. “Factors Impacting Tennesseans' Purchase of Local Products.” Selected Presentation. Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA. February 4-6, 2024.
DeLong, K.L.* “Evaluating Potential Land Use of Utility-Scale Photovoltaics on Farmland in Tennessee.” Invited Presentation. Tennessee Valley Solar Conference. Chattanooga, TN. October 18, 2023.
Muhammad, A, & S Stewart “Trade War Fallout: The Curious Case of American Peanut Butter in the EU” International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL, December 2024.
Muhammad, A “Trade War Fallout and Value Chains: Exploring the Altered Landscape of Wood Products” Council on Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics (C-FARE) Webinar (virtual), November 2024.
Muhammad, A “The Economics of Global Food Demand: Challenges and Sustainable Diets Solutions” Morrison School of Agribusiness Seminar, Arizona State University, Mesa, AZ, October 2024.
Muhammad, A “The Economics of Global Food Demand” USDA, Office of the Chief Economist (OCE) and Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) Seminar, (Virtual) October 2024.
Muhammad, A, & C Sichko “African Americans and federal land policy: Exploring the Homestead Acts of 1862 and 1866” Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, July 2024.
Nzayiramya, Savant, & A Muhammad “Economics of Global Food Demand: How Income Growth and Prices Influence Food Spending Across Countries” Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, February 2024.
Hagan, A., J. Yenerall, K.L. DeLong, R. Chen, and E. Yu. “Can Grocery Store Food Loss and Waste Reduction Practices Attract Shoppers?” Selected presentation, 2024 AAEA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, July 28-30.
Extension Presentations
Muhammad, A “Tennessee Agricultural and Forestry Trade Update” Tennessee Department of Agriculture and Agricultural Industry Partners (Virtual) (April and December), 2024.
Muhammad, A “International Trade and Forest Products” Morgan County Forestry Association, Wartburg, TN, November 21, 2024.
Muhammad, A “U.S. and Tennessee Agricultural Trade Outlook” Regional Agricultural and Resource Economics In-Service Trainings (2), Murfreesboro, and Trenton, TN, November 6-7, 2024.
Muhammad, A “Outlook for U.S. and Global Citrus Trade” American Society of Agricultural Consultants, Fort Myers, FL, November 5, 2024
Muhammad, A “U.S. Agricultural Trade Outlook: The Growing Agricultural Trade Deficit” 2024 Southern Outlook Conference Agenda, Knoxville, TN, October 7-8, 2024.
Muhammad, A “Understanding the U.S. Agricultural Trade Deficits” Master Farm Manager, Trousdale and Smith County, TN, October 3, 2024.
Muhammad, A “Understanding the U.S. Agricultural Trade Deficits” Master Farm Manager, Carter County, TN, September 19, 2024.
Muhammad, A “Outlook for Global Soybean Trade: A Focus on U.S. Exports and Global Demand” 2024 Natto Summit (USSEC), Norfolk, VA, August 5, 2024.
Muhammad, A “Situation and Outlook for U.S. and Louisiana Agricultural Exports and Imports” 2024 Louisiana Rural Economic Development Summit, Marksville, LA, July 23, 2024.
Muhammad, A “Understanding the Growing U.S. Agricultural Trade Deficit” American Soybean Association Trade Policy and International Affairs Advocacy Team (Virtual), July 8, 2024.
Muhammad, A “Situation and Outlook for U.S. Beef Exports” Cumberland and Fentress County Livestock Producers (Virtual), May 13, 2024.
Muhammad, A “2024 Agricultural Trade Outlook” 2024 Mid-South Agricultural Trade Conference and Farm and Gin Show, Memphis, TN, March 1, 2024.
What was accomplished under these goals?
Impact Statement
International markets account for a considerable portion of U.S. agricultural products sales; thus, our project serves U.S. producers and agribusiness by providing them updated and relevant information and analysis related to the impacts of domestic and international polices on trade. Further, many policies affect food consumption and agricultural production. Thus, we study both international trade and agricultural and food policies. In the short term, our project outputs enhance the knowledge of U.S. agricultural producers and agribusiness regarding the potential impact of policies or regulations on marketing their products. In the medium term, U.S. producers and agribusiness could identify the potential markets and make more adequate investment decisions based on the knowledge provided from our outputs. Enhancing the knowledge of policy impacts on trade could also help producers and investors reduce the uncertainties and risk of counting on a single/dominant market and make a more comprehensive and long-term investment plan. In the long term, our study could benefit the society from developing a stronger agricultural sector through the improvement in the decision process and related financial condition of U.S. agricultural producers and agribusiness. Consumers will benefit from acquiring low-cost and diverse agricultural products when producers and agribusiness gain more knowledge in allocating resources more effectively.
Mississippi State University
Results Summary
In 2-3 sentences, briefly describe the issue or problem that your project addresses. (The ISSUE)
The current project addresses issues about the U.S. market structure for agricultural trade, specifically textile and apparel products. In addition, the project looked at the impact of industrialization and changing policies in developing and newly developing countries in relation to their domestic textile and apparel industries on U.S. textile and apparel trade and domestic industry competitiveness. Specifically, my project looks at the changing dynamic of consumer behaviors in textile and apparel products, resulting in global textile and apparel trade changes.
Briefly describe, in non-technical terms, how your major activities helped you achieve, or make significant progress toward, the goals and objectives described in your non-technical summary. (The ACTIVITIES)
This project examines the structure and dynamics of the U.S. agricultural trade market, focusing on textile and apparel products. It explores how industrialization and evolving policies in developing countries have influenced their domestic industries, reshaping global trade and impacting U.S. competitiveness. Key activities include research on consumer behavior during global health crises (Nam et al., submitted), which provides insights into market dynamics during disruptive events, and a study on the balance between functionality and sustainability in sportswear (Lee et al., accepted), revealing evolving consumer priorities. The forthcoming book Going Global: The Textile and Apparel Industry offers a comprehensive analysis of trade policies, sourcing strategies, sustainability challenges, and technological advancements, equipping stakeholders to navigate the global marketplace. Research on workforce competency gaps (Kobia et al., submitted) highlights the need for curriculum updates to align with industry demands. Collectively, these efforts provide a robust framework to address global trade changes, sustainability challenges, and workforce readiness, supporting U.S. competitiveness in a rapidly evolving textile and apparel industry.
Briefly describe, how your target audience benefited from your project’s activities.
The target audience for this project includes policymakers, industry professionals, educators, and students in the textile and apparel sectors. They benefited from these activities through insights into global trade dynamics and consumer behavior, enabling better-informed decision-making and strategic planning. Policymakers gained valuable knowledge on the impact of global trade agreements and sustainability challenges, which can guide policy development. Industry professionals benefited from the analysis of evolving consumer priorities, such as the balance between functionality and sustainability, helping them adapt to market demands. Educators and students were equipped with up-to-date knowledge on global trade structures and workforce competency needs, fostering the development of a skilled workforce ready to meet the challenges of the rapidly evolving textile and apparel industry. These activities collectively contributed to enhancing the competitiveness and sustainability of the U.S. textile and apparel market.
Briefly describe how the broader public benefited, or may benefit in the future, from your project's activities. (The PUBLIC VALUE)
The broader public benefited by gaining insights into how global trade dynamics, sustainability challenges, and consumer behavior influence the availability, quality, and affordability of textile and apparel products. This project’s focus on sustainability and ethical practices helps promote environmentally friendly and socially responsible production methods, contributing to a healthier planet and improved labor conditions. Additionally, research on consumer behavior during crises offers valuable guidance for public preparedness and response to future global disruptions. By fostering a competitive and sustainable U.S. textile and apparel industry, the project also supports economic growth and job creation, ensuring long-term benefits for consumers and communities alike.
Nam, C., Yu, H., Lee, J., & Wachira, E. (submitted). Willingness of wearing a face covering: Protection motivation to inform future pandemic response efforts. Journal of Health Psychology.
Lee, J., Son, J., & Lim, S. (accepted). Consumer’s contradictory needs: Functionality and sustainability on purchase intentions for sportswear. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing.
Lee, J., Karpova, E., Kunz, G. I., & Garner, M. B. (draft). Going global: The textile and apparel industry. Bloomsbury Publishing USA.
Kobia, C., Lee, J., & Howell, M. (submitted). Are students equipped? Exploring competency gaps due to changing retail and fashion industry. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education.
Impact statement (write a 2-3 sentence impact statement that is “headline ready”, include economic impact, or at least quantify impact, whenever possible)
This project strengthened the competitiveness of the U.S. textile and apparel market, valued at $70 billion, by addressing global trade dynamics, sustainability challenges, and workforce readiness, with a particular focus on the U.S. cotton industry. By promoting sustainable practices and consumer-driven innovation, the research supports the demand for U.S. cotton in global supply chains, enhancing its market position. These efforts contribute to economic growth, benefiting cotton producers, manufacturers, and other stakeholders, while fostering a resilient and sustainable future for the industry.
North Dakota State University
SAES-422 Multistate Research Accomplishments Report
Project/Activity Number
ND-01337, Hatch/Multistate S-1072
Project/Activity Title
U.S. Agricultural Trade and Policy in An Uncertain Global Market Environment
Period Covered
January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024)
Date of This Report
January 12, 2025
Annual Meeting Date
December 8, 2024
Sandro Steinbach (sandro.steinbach@ndsu.edu) – North Dakota State University
Research at North Dakota State University has made a tangible difference across several key areas. Helping stakeholders adopt smarter trade strategies has supported higher farm incomes and created more efficient export routes for North Dakota’s soybean producers.
Collaborative work on climate risks and transportation challenges has provided practical insights, saved costs, and improved decisions in agricultural supply chains.
Studies on market disruptions—like container shipping delays and trade policy changes—have guided adaptive strategies that reduce risks for exporters and provide better access to global markets for North Dakota agriculture.
Short-Term Outcomes
Research on trade policy impacts enabled stakeholders to adopt advanced strategies, boosting farm income and improving market positioning for North Dakota producers.
Collaborative studies on climate disruptions and transportation challenges identified cost-saving measures and enhanced supply chain resilience.
Research addressing trade disruptions and logistical bottlenecks, such as container shortages, helped minimize export delays and expand market access for North Dakota agricultural products.
- Steinbach, S. (2024). Balancing Environmental Policies and Food Security Goals in the Face of Shifting U.S. Rail Transportation Regulations. Food Policy, 128, 102724.
- Steinbach, S., & Zhuang, X. (2024). Global Container Shipping Disruptions, Pop-Up Ports, and U.S. Agricultural Exports. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 46(2), 553–571.
- Awokuse, T., Lim, S., Santeramo, F., & Steinbach, S. (2024). Robust Policy Frameworks for Strengthening the Resilience and Sustainability of Agri-Food Global Value Chains. Food Policy, 127, 102714.
- Goyal, R., Mensah, E., & Steinbach, S. (2024). The Interplay of Geopolitics and Agricultural Commodity Prices. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 46(4), 1533–1562.
- Steinbach, S., Yildirim, Y., & Zurita, C. (2024). Potential Implications of Trade Policy Shifts after the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election for the Agri-Food Sector. Food Policy, 129, 102741.
- Steinbach, S., & Yildirim, Y. (2024). Agricultural Commodity Market Response to Russia’s Withdrawal from the Grain Deal. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 75(3), 1004–1016.
- Goyal, R., Steinbach, S., Zhuang, X., & Yildirim, Y. (2024). U.S. Agricultural Trade Challenges Amid Climate and Geopolitical Disruptions. Choices, 39(3), 1–7.
- Steinbach, S., & Zurita, C. (2024). Unwinding the Trade Facilitation Agreement: Agri-Food GVC Integration, Implementation Challenges, and WTO Prospects. IATRC Commissioned Paper.
- Kim, D., & Steinbach, S. (2024). The Impact of the WTO on Virtual Water Trade and Global Water Reallocation. IATRC Commissioned Paper.
- Steinbach, S. (2024). How Global Trade and Innovation Shape the Future of Farming: Lessons from Golden Rice. GAP Report 2024, Virginia Tech GAP Initiative.
- At North Dakota State University, research focused on analyzing trade policy impacts, climate risks, and market disruptions using advanced econometric models and machine learning.
- This work included creating tools to improve agricultural risk management and collaborating with experts from different fields to study global value chains.
- The findings were shared through workshops and policy reports, providing practical insights that helped stakeholders increase farm income, refine trade strategies, and build more resilient supply chains.
Milestones Achieved
- Published six peer-reviewed articles in high-impact journals, including Food Policy and Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, advancing knowledge in agricultural trade and policy.
- Delivered two IATRC-commissioned technical reports on global trade facilitation and virtual water trade, addressing critical policy issues (December 2024).
- Organized a workshop on agricultural sustainability and global trade at the IATRC Annual Meeting, fostering collaboration among researchers and policymakers (December 2024).
- Completed an analysis of soybean trade opportunities in Canada, providing actionable insights for market development (May 2024).
- Secured $800,000 in new grant funding to study climate shocks and agricultural trade resilience, expanding research capacity (March 2024).
- Strengthened global value chains and agricultural trade resilience through actionable insights on climate shocks, trade disruptions, and supply chain risks, ensuring stability for North Dakota producers.
- Expanded capacity to study the impacts of climate change on agricultural trade by securing $800,000 in funding, benefiting stakeholders with evidence-based strategies for resilience and sustainability.
- Provided practical recommendations that supported the expansion of North Dakota soybean exports to Canadian markets, contributing to increased farm income and diversified trade opportunities.
- Informed national and regional agricultural policies by delivering policy briefs and technical reports that addressed trade facilitation, geopolitical risks, and sustainability in agri-food systems.
- Recipient(s): Sandro Steinbach, Colin A. Carter, William Nganje, Carlos Zurita
Funding Source: National Institute of Food and Agriculture, AFRI Program
Amount: $800,000
Term: 2024–2028 - Recipient(s): Sandro Steinbach, Anne Denton, Simone Ludwig, Ruilin Tian, Cheryl Wachenheim, Mingao Yuan
Funding Source: National Institute of Food and Agriculture, NNF Program
Amount: $262,500
Term: 2024–2028 - Recipient(s): Sandro Steinbach, Raghav Goyal, Lynn Kennedy, Siew Lim, Zhulu Lin
Funding Source: National Institute of Food and Agriculture, AFRI Program
Amount: $800,000
Term: 2024–2028 - Recipient(s): Sandro Steinbach, Carlos Zurita
Funding Source: Agricultural Marketing Service, Cooperative Agreement
Amount: $135,000
Term: 2024–2025 - Recipient(s): Sandro Steinbach, Dongin Kim, Carlos Zurita
Funding Source: North Dakota Soybean Council, Market Development Program
Amount: $50,000
Term: 2024–2025
- Steinbach, S. (2024). Balancing Environmental Policies and Food Security Goals in the Face of Shifting U.S. Rail Transportation Regulations. Food Policy, 128, 102724.
- Steinbach, S., & Zhuang, X. (2024). Global Container Shipping Disruptions, Pop-Up Ports, and U.S. Agricultural Exports. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 46(2), 553–571.
- Awokuse, T., Lim, S., Santeramo, F., & Steinbach, S. (2024). Robust Policy Frameworks for Strengthening the Resilience and Sustainability of Agri-Food Global Value Chains. Food Policy, 127, 102714.
- Goyal, R., Mensah, E., & Steinbach, S. (2024). The Interplay of Geopolitics and Agricultural Commodity Prices. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 46(4), 1533–1562.
- Steinbach, S., Yildirim, Y., & Zurita, C. (2024). Potential Implications of Trade Policy Shifts after the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election for the Agri-Food Sector. Food Policy, 129, 102741.
- Kim, D., & Steinbach, S. (2024). The WTO’s Impact on Virtual Water Trade and Global Water Reallocation. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 75(3), 1004–1016.
- Carter, C. A., & Steinbach, S. (2024). Did Grain Futures Prices Overreact to the Russia-Ukraine War Due to Herding? Journal of Commodity Markets, 35, 100422.
- Steinbach, S., & Zurita, C. (2024). Unwinding the Trade Facilitation Agreement: Agri-Food GVC Integration, Implementation Challenges, and WTO Prospects. IATRC Commissioned Paper.
- Steinbach, S., & Yildirim, Y. (2024). Grain Futures Market Response to the Black Sea Grain Initiative. German Journal of Agricultural Economics, 73(2), 1–22.
- Kim, D., Steinbach, S., & Zurita, C. (2024). Deep Trade Agreements and Agri-Food Global Value Chain Integration. Food Policy, 127, 102686.
- Goyal, R., Steinbach, S., Zhuang, X., & Yildirim, Y. (2024). U.S. Agricultural Trade Challenges Amid Climate and Geopolitical Disruptions. Choices, 39(3), 1–7.
- Steinbach, S., & Zhuang, X. (2024). U.S. Agricultural Exports and the 2022 Mississippi River Drought. Agribusiness, 41(1), 289–303.
- Gordeev, S., & Steinbach, S. (2024). Determinants of PTA Design: Insights from Machine Learning. International Economics, 178, 100504.
- Steinbach, S., & Zurita, C. (2024). Unlocking Livestock Opportunities for North Dakota Soybean Meal in Canada. CAPTS Report 2024-01.
- King, M., & Steinbach, S. (2024). How Global Trade and Innovation Shape the Future of Farming: Lessons from Golden Rice. GAP Report 2024, Virginia Tech GAP Initiative.
University of Georgia
Journal Articles (*student coauthor)
Khanal*, A., D. Poudel* and M. Gopinath. 2024. “The Imported Challenge: Economic Impact
of Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Imports on U.S. Producers.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, https://doi.org/10.1017/aae.2024.17 November issue.
Dorfman, J.H., S. Irwin, M. Gopinath and D. Zilberman. 2024. “The Future of Agricultural and Applied Economics Departments.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, Volume 46, Issue 3: 834-844. https://doi.org/10.1002/aepp.13432.
Poudel*, D., and M. Gopinath. 2024. “Political Instability and Undernourishment: Nepal’s Decade-Long Insurgency.” Global Food Security, March Issue. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gfs.2024.100741.
International Conference of Agricultural Economists, New Delhi
Gopinath, M., “The Future of Publishing in Agricultural Economics” Panel of Editors, International Association of Agricultural Economists, New Delhi, August 4, 2024.
Corong, E. and M. Gopinath. 2024. “Options for SAFTA: Within or Outside.” IATRC Summer Symposium (IAAE Pre-Conference Workshop), New Delhi, August 2, 2024.
Annual Meeting of the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium
Gopinath, M., A. Khanal and D. Poudel. “The Imported Challenge: Economic Impact of Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Imports on U.S. Producers.” December 2024, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Varma, P., A. Issar and M. Gopinath. “Exchange Rate Pass Through in Net Food Importing Countries.” December 2024, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Georgia Ag Economy Outlook, January 26, 2024. https://extension.uga.edu/publications/detail.html?number=AP130-2-02
Students and Trainees
- D. - Savin Khadka (Summer 2024)
Michigan State University
2024 Progress Report S1072 -- U.S. Agricultural Trade and Policy in a Dynamic Global Market Environment
Journal Article Publications
- Zamani, O., Bittmann, T., & Ortega, D. L. (2024). The effect of avian influenza outbreaks on retail price premiums in the United States poultry market. Poultry Science, 103(10), 104102.
- Chen, K. Z., Yu, L., Lin, W., & Ortega, D. L. (2024). What does it take to revolutionize Chinese diets: evidence from a choice experiment on urban Chinese consumers. China Agricultural Economic Review.
- Chen, K. Z., Yu, L., Lin, W., & Ortega, D. L. (2024). Information framing effects on diet choices among Chinese urban residents.
- Villacis, A.H., Bruns, S., Martin Paul, TO., Ortega, D.L., Mishra, A.K. (2024). Gender dynamics and aspirational disparities in agriculture. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy.
- Maredia, M. K., et al. (2024). Using novel multi-method evaluation approaches to understand complex food system interventions: Insights from a supply chain intervention intended to improve nutrition. Current Developments in Nutrition, 103776.
- Farris, J., Maredia, M., Mason-Wardell, N., Ortega, D.L. (2024). Farmer Personality and Community-Based Extension Effectiveness in Tanzania. World Development, 173.
- Maredia, M., Porter, M., Nakasone, E., Ortega, D.L., Caputo, V. (2024). Does increasing the availability of a nutritious food produced by a SME increase its consumption? Evidence from a field experiment in Kenya. Applied Economic Perspective and Policy, 46(2), 414-434.
Congressional Testimony & Policy Presentations
- Congressional Testimony before the U.S. House Agriculture Committee Hearing on “ The Danger China Poses to American Agriculture”. March 20, 2024 (Statement Submitted for the Congressional Record).
Invited Presentations and Seminars
- Why is food so expensive? Duke University’s The Leading Voices in Food podcast, October 31, 2024.
- Food Prices and the 2024 Election. Civil Eats Salon, September 17th, 2024.
- The effectiveness of misinformation corrective strategies and implications for consumer food choices and policy attitudes. South African Association for Food Sciences and Technology (SAAFOST), October 1st, 2024.
- Exploring experimental methods in academic research. University of Pretoria, October 2nd, 2024.
- Shocks, Supply Chain Disruptions and Food Prices. Keynote at AAEA Post Conference Workshop on Food Prices and Forecasting. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, July 21-August 1st, 2024.
- The effectiveness of misinformation corrective strategies and implications for consumer food choices and policy attitudes. National Taiwan University, May 24th, 2024.
- Shocks, Supply Chain Disruptions and Food Prices. Keynote at Agri-food Policy Analysis Workshop, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand, January 11-12, 2024
Organized Symposia and Workshops
- Workshop on Policy Preference Analysis of Post-Harvest Crop Burning Issues in the Mekong Subregion hosted by Kasetsart University, Thailand. November 2024.
- Workshop on Post-Harvest Crop Burning Issues in the Mekong Subregion hosted by Kasetsart University, Thailand. August 2024.
- Workshop on Food security challenges in marginalized and vulnerable littoral areas of Southeast Asia hosted by Can Tho University, Vietnam. August 2024.
Select Popular Press Appearances and Media Consultancies
Over 100 media interviews and popular press features including The New York Times, NPR, Time Magazine, NBC News, ABC News, Washington Post, Associated Press, Newsweek, The Hill, Detroit Free Press, Agri-Pulse, Brownfield Ag News, etc.
Colorado State University
Refereed Journal Articles
(* indicates graduate student)
- Countryman, A.M., T.C. de Menezes*, D.L. Pendell, J. Rushton, and T.L. Marsh. 2024. “Economic effects of livestock disease burden in Ethiopia: a computable general equilibrium analysis.” PLoS ONE.: 19(2): e0310268 . https://doi.org/1371/journal.pone.0310268.
- Countryman, A.M., V. Litvinov*, I. Kolodiazhnyi, M. Bogonos, and O. Nivievskyi. 2024. “Global Economic Effects of War-Induced Agricultural Export Declines from Ukraine.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. https://doi.org/1002/aepp.13468.
- Story*, K., S. Gerlt, and A.M. Countryman. 2024. “U.S. Soy Exports Could Crush it in ASEAN.” Choices: 39(3).
- de Menezes*, T.C., and A.M. Countryman. 2024. “U.S. Meat Export Potential in ASEAN.” Choices: 39(3).
- de Menezes*, T.C., A.M. Countryman, A. Hagerman, and S.H.G. Miranda. 2024. “Economy-Wide Effects of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy in Brazil.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics: 49(3). https://doi.org/22004/ag.econ.342181.
- Thies, A., BA. Altmann, A.M. Countryman, C. Smith*, M.N. Nair, 2024. “Consumer willingness to pay (WTP) for beef based on color and price discounts.” Meat Science, 217. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2024.109597
Refereed Conference Paper Presentations
(º indicates presenter, * indicates graduate student)
- Ikeme*º, A.M. Countryman, D.T. Manning, and Charlton, D. “WTO vs. TRAINS: A Quantitative Comparison of Ad-Valorem Equivalents for Non-Tariff Trade Measures.” ASSA Annual Meeting. San Francisco, California. January, 2025.
- Wang, M.*º, S. Kim*, and A.M. Countryman. ‘Global Economic Effects of Trade Restrictions on Seafood from Japan.” International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium Annual Meeting. Fort Lauderdale, Florida. December, 2024.
- Charlton, D.º, A.M. Countryman, D.T. Manning, and S. Ikeme*. 2024. “U.S. Employment Exposure to Domestic and Foreign Tariff Changes under NAFTA.” International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium Annual Meeting. Fort Lauderdale, Florida. December, 2024.
- Ikeme*º, A.M. Countryman, D.T. Manning, and Charlton, D. “WTO vs. TRAINS: A Quantitative Comparison of Ad-Valorem Equivalents for Non-Tariff Trade Measures.” International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium Annual Meeting. Fort Lauderdale, Florida. December, 2024.
- de Menezes, T.C. *º, A.M. Countryman, D. Pendell, J. Rushton, H. Engleking, J. Tickel. “Economic Effects of African swine fever on U.S. and Global Agricultural Markets.” International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium Annual Meeting. Fort Lauderdale, Florida. December, 2024.
- de Menezes, T.C.*, A.M. Countrymanº, D. Pendell, J. Rushton, H. Engleking, J. Tickel. “Economic Effects of African swine fever on U.S. and Global Agricultural Markets.” International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics. Sydney, Australia. November, 2024.
- Tozooneyi, T.*, D. Pendellº, A.M. Countryman, J. Rushton, H. Simmons, and J. Tickel. “Evaluating the Economic Impacts of African Swine Fever on the U.S. Pork Supply Chain.” International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics. Sydney, Australia. November, 2024.
- Charlton, D., A.M. Countrymanº, D.T. Manning, and S. Ikeme*. 2024. “U.S. Employment Exposure to Domestic and Foreign Tariff Changes under NAFTA.” AAEA Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Lousiana. July, 2024.
- Wang, M.*º, A.M. Countryman, D.T. Manning. "The International Leakage Effects of Land Retirement: Evidence from The Conservation Reserve Program." Conference on Global Economic Analysis. Fort Collins, Colorado. June, 2024.
- Thies, A.J.º, B.A. Altmann, A.M. Countryman, C. Smith*, and M.N. Nair. “Consumer Preferences for Beef Based on Color.” Conference on Global Economic Analysis. Fort Collins, Colorado. June, 2024.
- Shakil, G.S.º, A.M. Countryman, and T.L. Marsh. “Economic Impacts of Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) in Ethiopia.” Conference on Global Economic Analysis. Fort Collins, Colorado. June, 2024.
- de Menezes*º, T.C., A.M. Countryman, D. Pendell, J. Rushton, H. Simmons, J. Tickel. “Economic Effects of African Swine Fever in the U.S.” Conference on Global Economic Analysis. Fort Collins, Colorado. June, 2024.
- Charlton, D.º, A.M. Countryman, D.T. Manning, and S. Ikeme*. 2024. “U.S. Employment Exposure to Domestic and Foreign Tariff Changes under NAFTA.” Conference on Global Economic Analysis. Fort Collins, Colorado. June, 2024.
- Ikeme*º, A.M. Countryman, D.T. Manning, and Charlton, D. “WTO vs. TRAINS: A Quantitative Comparison of Ad-Valorem Equivalents for Non-Tariff Trade Measures.” Conference on Global Economic Analysis. Fort Collins, Colorado. June, 2024.
- Charlton, Dº., A.M. Countryman, D.T. Manning, and S. Ikeme*. “U.S. Employment Exposure to Domestic and Foreign Tariff Changes under NAFTA.” ASSA Annual Meeting. January, 2024.
Ohio State University
Project Director Name Ian Sheldon
Project Director’s Department Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics
Co-PI(s) Name
Issue or Problem
Briefly describe the issue or problem that your project addresses. Please write for those without a science background and be Brief. Be as concise and as informative as possible. (Maximum of 8,000 characters with spaces)
Major focus of project concerns impact of climate policy in the context of value chains. Specifically, if carbon policies (taxes/cap-and-trade) are targeted at carbon-intensive production of say fertilizers, how should imported fertilizers be treated at the border if they are produced in countries that have weaker carbon policies, and the objective of policymakers is to prevent carbon leakage, as well as maintain competitiveness of domestic fertilizer producers. Fertilizer production has been targeted due to the extent of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) from production of synthetic nitrogen in the form of either ammonium nitrate or urea.
The European Union (EU) has already introduced carbon border adjustment mechanisms (CBAMs) to address this issue, with fertilizer importers eventually having to purchase emissions permits in the EU, reflecting their direct (ammonia production) and indirect (electricity usage) carbon emissions. The use of such a climate policy instrument is also being considered by US policymakers. Key to the project is providing industrial organization and trade analysis of the impact of CBAMs in a multi-market setting that captures the complexity of the fertilizer input component of the agricultural and food value chain.
Additional focus of project is contributing to objectives of S-1072, especially relating to economic and legal analysis of trade policy as it affects the food and agricultural sector.
Major Activities
Briefly describe in non-technical terms how your major activities helped you achieve, or make significant progress toward, the goals and objectives described in your non-technical summary. (Maximum of 8,000 characters with spaces)
Progress has been made in developing a vertical market model, consisting of domestic upstream electricity generation subject to a carbon tax, and downstream domestic fertilizer production also subject to a carbon tax. Domestic fertilizer producers also compete with imported fertilizer producers, the latter being subject to a CBAM. So far the model has been used to derive the impact of both domestic climate policies and CBAMs, focusing on changes in domestic fertilizer output and prices, the level of imports, as well as the impact on carbon leakage. The model has also been designed to evaluate how the extent of competition in the fertilizer industry affects both pass-through and pass-back of climate policies.
Eventually, the model will be calibrated with industry data for counterfactual policy simulations, progress already having been made on collecting data on direct and indirect carbon emissions by EU fertilizer producers, as well as cross-country data on EU fertilizer imports.
Work completed on evaluating the impact of competition and standards on upgrading of food product quality, results indicating products further from the quality frontier are deterred from upgrading as standards increase due to compliance costs.
Work completed on legal-economic analysis of USMCA dispute concerning Canada’s dairy tariff-rate quotas, the conclusion being that effective lobbying by the Canadian dairy industry has resulted in a system offering robust resistance to trade liberalization pressures.
Work completed on legal-economic analysis of future of trade dispute resolution given the current impasse over nominating new members to the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Appellate Body. Key conclusion is that the EU is following both multilateral and regional paths to dispute resolution, while the United States is following either bilateral or regional approaches. Proposal that there be opt-in clauses in regional trade agreements whereby non-members can utilize their dispute resolution mechanisms.
Target Audience
Briefly describe how your target audience benefited from your project’s activities. (Maximum of 8,000 characters with spaces)
Based on a working paper, an early version of the model was presented in an organized session on CBAMs held at a key professional meeting (Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, AAEA). Here, other researchers interested in CBAMs were shown the critical importance of capturing the complexity of value chains impacted by both domestic climate policy(ies), and the use of CBAMs. Much of the analysis of CBAMs focuses only on direct emissions by downstream fertilizer production, ignoring indirect emissions upstream that are embodied in imported fertilizers. Also, much of the analysis of CBAMs ignores the nature of horizontal and vertical competition in a value chain, where both can affect passthrough of both upstream and downstream policy instruments – this matters in terms of whether CBAMs might be considered trade-distorting or not by the World Trade Organization (WTO), i.e., they could provide hidden protection for domestic producers, and also affect the extent to which CBAMs reduce carbon leakage.
Analysis of future of trade dispute resolution presented in invited session held at AAEA meetings highlighted to other researchers extent of breakdown of WTO’s Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU), and how the EU and United States are adopting different approaches to addressing trade disputes.
Broader Public
Briefly describe how the broader public benefited from your project’s activities. (Maximum of 8,000 characters with spaces)
As part of a broader presentation on the impact of trade policy on global value chains (GVCs) for the Council on Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics (CFARE), discussion was included on the potential impact of environmental (climate) policies such as CBAMs on food and agricultural GVCs.
Multiple outreach and extension presentations have been made to the broader public (farmers and other agricultural stakeholders) concerning current and future impact of agricultural trade policy. Focus has covered global economic outlook, deglobalization and trade policy, farm margins and potential impact of renewal of the US-China trade war.
Multiple media interactions relating to trade and trade policy issues, including US dock strike, and potential impact of tariffs on agriculture.
Comments (Optional)
Describe and explain any major changes or problems encountered in approach. Additionally, note opportunities for training and professional development provided, how results have been disseminated to communities of interest, and any new details regarding what the project or program plans to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals. You may also include publications here. (Maximum of 8,000 characters including spaces)
In setting up the vertical markets model, potential was allowed for CBAMs to divert fertilizers away from the EU to third country markets with weaker climate policies. However, complexity of the model’s solution prevented direct evaluation of policy outcomes, except through crude calibration and simulation. This has resulted in a simplification where third-country markets are ruled out for the moment, thereby allowing closed form solution of the model, and derivation of clean comparative static results.
Initial results of the project have been written up as a working paper, and presented at meetings of the AAEA. The next step of the project is to extend analysis of the model in its current form, with a key focus on evaluating passthrough and pass-back of carbon policies/CBAMs, as well as calibrating the model and using it for counterfactual policy simulation, with a view to evaluating their impact on fertilizer prices.
I.M. Sheldon and S.McCorriston, “Alternative Market Structures and CBAMs”, Working Paper, Andersons Program in International Trade, Ohio State University, May 2024
(Paper also presented at AAEA Annual Meetings in New Orleans, August 2024, as part of track session, “Agri-Food Trade: Is There A Role for Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms (CBAMs)?”)
D.C.K. Chow and I.M. Sheldon, “The United States’ Challenge(s) to Canada’s Dairy Import Tariff Rate Quotas: What is all the Fuss About?” Ohio State Business Law Journal, 18(2) 2024.
- Eum, I. M. Sheldon, H. Shin, and S. Thompson, “Upgrading Food Product Quality: Evaluating the Impact of Competition and Standards,” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 49(3) 2024.
I.M. Sheldon and D.C.K. Chow, “The Future of Dispute Resolution in International (Agricultural) Trade”, Working Paper, Andersons Program in International Trade, Ohio State University, June 2024.
(Paper also presented at AAEA Annual Meetings in New Orleans, August 2024, as part of invited paper session, “Burning Issues in Agricultural Trade Policy”.)
D.C.K. Chow and I.M. Sheldon, “The Future of International Trade Dispute Resolution in a Post-WTO World”, Ohio State Legal Studies Research Paper No.872, Moritz School of Law, Ohio State University, July 2024.
(Paper also presented at annual meetings of International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium (IATRC) in Fort Lauderdale, December 2024, as part of session, “Trade Disputes and Resolution”.)
Louisiana State University
Peer-reviewed Publication
Gao, Guilhoto, Lim, Li, Meng, Tong, Uno, & Yamano (2025), "Inequitable Distribution of Heat Exposure Risks Driven by Trade," Nature Communications.
Sunghun Lim & Wisarut Suwanprasert (2025), "Post-Coup Sanctions and Thailand's Agricultural Trade,” The World Economy (forthcoming).
Jisang Yu & Sunghun Lim (2024), "Understanding Inequality in US Farm Subsidy Using a Large-scale Administrative Data," American Journal of Agricultural Economics (AJAE).
Anne Beck, Sunghun Lim & Daria Taglioni (2024), "Network Dynamics of Firms in Global Agricultural Value Chains," Food Policy (World Bank Policy Research Working Paper - 10774).
Sunghun Lim & Saera Oh (2024), "Geopolitical Risks and Agricultural Value Chains: A Port-Level Analysis," Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (JAAEA).
Reem Hashad, Sunghun Lim & Kibrom Abay (2024), "Food Global Value Chains and Obesity in Low-and-Middle Income Countries," Food Policy.
Kyunghun Kim & Sunghun Lim (2024), “Foreign Aid, Exchange Rate, and Agricultural Trade in Developing Countries," Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy (AEPP).
Titus Awokuse, Sunghun Lim, Fabio Santeramo, and Sandro Steinbach (2024). "Robust Policy Frameworks for Strengthening the Resilience and Sustainability of Agri-Food Global Value Chains," Food Policy.
Sunghun Lim & Anh Nguyen (2024), "Shifting Trade Winds: United States–People’s Republic of China Trade Dispute," Asian Development Review, invited manuscript from Asian Development Bank.
Sunghun Lim, Sandro Steinbach, & Xiting Zhuang (2024), “Panama Canal Traffic Delays Threaten Southern Ag Global Supply Chains”, Southern Ag Today.