NCCC65: Indicators of Social Change in the Marketplace: Producers, Retailers and Consumers
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Active
SAES-422 Reports
Chen Y, & Chi T. (2021). How does channel integration affect consumers’ selection of omni-channel shopping methods? an empirical study of U.S. consumers. Sustainability, 13(16), 8983-9012
Creighton, R., Jestratijevic, I., Lee, D. (2021). Sustainability Supplier Scorecard Assessment Tools: A Comparison Between Apparel Retailers. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing. Doi. 10.1080/20932685.2021.1987289 2.
Corovic E, Jestratijevic I. (2021). Assessing the Competitiveness of Serbian Textiles and Apparel Industry Exports Using RCA Index and TPI Indicators. Fibers & Textiles in Eastern Europe; 29, 4(148): 15-23. Doi: 10.5604/01.3001.0014.8226
Hawley, J.M. (2021) Right-Sized Consumption: Should Doughnut Economics Inform the Textile and Apparel Industry? Journal of Textile Science Fashion and Technology. Open Access: https://irispublishers.com/jtsft/pdf/JTSFT.MS.ID.000707.pdf. [ISSN: 2641-192X] (Impact Factor: 0.549) DOI: 10.33552/JTSFT.2021.09.000707
Hawley, J. M. and Frater, J. (2021). Honoring Artisanship over Skilled Labor: The Secret to Sustaining Indian Handloom. In Sustainability, Culture and Handloom. Gardetti, M.A. and Muthu, S. S. (Eds.)
Joo, B. R. & Wu, J. (2021). The impact of plus-size models in fashion advertisements: The mediation effect of brand warmth. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, https://doi.org/10.1080/20932685.2021.1905021
Maldini, I., Iran, S., Laitala, K., Vittersø, G., Jestratijevic, I., Amaral, M., Vladimirova, K. (2021). Dress and the city: a comparative study of clothing and textiles environmental policy in six European cities. European Roundtable for Sustainable Consumption and Production, Conference 2021 Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.3217/978-3-85125-842-4-19
McCoy L, Wang Y. T. & Chi T. (2021). Why is collaborative apparel consumption gaining popularity? an empirical study of US gen z consumers. Sustainability, 13(15), 8360-8378.
Wu, J., Song, S. & Whang, C. H. (2021). Personalize 3D virtual fashion stores: Exploring modularity with a typology of atmospherics based on user input. Information & Management, 58(4), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.im.2021.103461
Wu, J., Joo, B.R., Sina, A.S., Song, S., & Whang, C. H. (2021). Personalizing 3D virtual fashion stores: An action research approach to modularity development. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJRDM-08-2020-0298
Wu, J. (2021). Designing Fashion Relations? Looking Through the S-O-R Lens, in Delong, M., A. Asojo, S. Chu, T. Fisher, B. Hokanson, and C. Strohecker (eds.) Design: Thinking and Making at a Community-Engaged University (The College of Design Anniversary Compendium). Minneapolis and St. Paul, College of Design, UMN, MN. 117-125.
Wu, J. & Song, S.* (2020). Older adults’ online shopping continuance intentions: Applying the Technology Acceptance Model and the Theory of Planned Behavior. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, https://doi.org/10.1080/10447318.2020.1861419
Wu, J. & Delong, M. (2021). Fashion and Aging special issue (ed.) of Fashion Practice: The Journal of Design, Creative Process & the Fashion Industry, 13(1).
Jestratijevic, I. (2021). Sustainability in Fashion Industry- Open source book development grant. $10,000$ (Awarded Sept. 1)
Gam Hae Jin (PI), Jestratijevic, I. Mean Green Fix & Wear. (2021). Internal grant. Two workshops were organized during 2021.
Wu, J., CFDA and Columbus Fashion Council: Invited Panel Speaker.: Topic Sustainable Fashion. Columbus, Ohio.
Karpova, E., Jestratijevic, I., Lee, J., Wu, J. (2021, Nov.). An ethnographic study of collaborative consumption: Examining clothing swapping. 2021 International Textile and Apparel Association annual conference (virtual).
Wu, J., Wesley, S., Karpova, E., Chi, T., Diddi, S., & Bye, E. (2020, Nov.). Visible thinking for a data-driven experiential ecosystem in a disruptive marketplace. The 2020 International Textile and Apparel Association annual conference.
Wu, J. & Sina, A. (2021). Retail Design Experience Using Virtual Reality: New London Grocery Store Designs by Students in the Visual Merchandising Class. RM Rep. of the College of Design 15th Anniversary Open House Celebration, UMN, Minneaplis, MN.
Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Projects (Supports partial salary and graduate research assistant each year)
Wu, J., Retail Virtual Reality Technology Adoption by and Applications for Aging Consumers in Minnesota, Oct. 2019 – Sept. 2022.
Wu, J., Designing and Building a Cooperative Food Model during an Extended Crisis, Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships, University of Minnesota Extension, MN, 2020-2021: $32,560 (including approx. $30,000 in-kind support from an outside funding institution; $1,850 directly allocated for our students and my travel), PI: Lacktorin, J. Partners: Wu, J., Dybsetter, A., Pesch, R., Linscheid, N., Ray, S.S., Olive, R.
Invited Lectures & Talks (presenters underlined)
Wu, J. (2021, Nov.). Designing fashion relations in retail. 15th Anniversary Compendium Discussion Series: Design Process, College of Design, UMN, St. Paul, MN.
Wu, J. (2021, Jun. as a co-dialogist). KDI June 4 Exchange: Design Toolkits and Democratization, College of Design, MN.
Wu, J. (2021, Jan.). New Lond Food Coop store design, New London Food Coop membership, New London, MN.
Frattali, A., Ling, M.* & Chi, T. (2021). Live streaming ecommerce is transforming apparel shopping: a study of U.S. consumers. 2021 International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA) annual meeting, Virtual Conference, November 3-6, 2021.
Chen, Y., McCracken V. & Chi, T. (2021). The impact of COVID-19 on apparel consumers' channel selections and omni-channel shopping behaviors. 2021 International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA) annual meeting, Virtual Conference, November 3-6, 2021.
Henninger, C.E, Joyner-Martinez, C, Iran; S., Diddi, S., Durrani, M., Iyer, K., Jestratijevic, I., McCormick, H., Niinimaki, K., Thangavelu, P., Sadílek, T., Sauerwein, M., Simek, P., Singh, R., Wallaschkowski, S. (2022). Fashion consumption during COVID-19: Comparative analysis of changing practices across nine countries and implications for sustainability. Cleaner and Responsible Consumption 5, 100056. DOI: 10.1016/j.clrc.2022.100056
Jestratijevic, I., Sonali, D. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on sustainable fashion consumption values among US Gen Z consumers: Implications for Marketers. ITAA, 2022.
Karpova, E., Jestratijevic, I., Lee, J. & Wu, J. (2022). An ethnographic study of collaborative fashion consumption: The case of temporary clothing swapping. Sustianability, 14(5), 2499. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14052499
Lee, J., Wu, J., Liu, C., & Chi, T. (2022, Mar.). Develop retail curriculum using virtual reality (VR) – SketchUp teaching panel and workshop. Annual Conference of American Collegiate Retailing Association, New Orleans, LA.
Wu, J., Lee, J., Chi, T., & Liu, C. (2022, May). Applications of virtual reality in fashion courses and museum exhibitions: Ideating together. 48th Annual National Symposium of Costume Society of America. Minneapolis, MN.