NC1030: Sustainable and Resilient Systems: Transformative Response to Disruptions by Families, Businesses, and Communities

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Active

SAES-422 Reports



Jorgensen, J. J., Zuiker, V. S., Manikowske, L., & LeHew, M. (2022). Impact of communication technologies on small business success. Journal of Small Business Strategy, 32(3), 142-157.

Katare, B., M.I. Marshall, C.B. Valdivia. 2021. Bend or Break? Small Business Strategies and the CARES Act during the COVID-19 Shock. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction JIF 4.32 SNIP 1.756

Katare, B., S. Zhao, J. Cuffey, M.I. Marshall, C. Valdivia. 2022. Preferences toward COVID-19 Diagnostic Testing Features: Results from a National Cross-Sectional Survey. American Journal of Health Promotion, 36(1): 185-189. JIF 2.87

Torres, A.B., M.S. Delgado, and M.I. Marshall. 2021 The Economic Implications of Social Capital on Hispanic Entrepreneurship. Journal of Small Business Strategy, 31(3): 72-87.

Edobor, E.W. and M.I. Marshall. 2021. Earth, Wind, Water, Fire, and Man: How Disasters Impact Firm Births in the USA. Natural Hazards, 107 (1): 395-421.   JIF 3.656 SNIP 1.31

Edobor, E.W., R. Wiatt, and M.I. Marshall. 2021. Keeping the Farm Business in the Family: The Case of Farm and Non-Farm Family Businesses in the Midwestern United States. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. DOI: 10.22434/IFAMR2020.0138

Day, J. S. Sydnor, M.I. Marshall, and S. Noakes. 2021. Ecotourism, Regenerative Tourism, and the Circular Economy: Emerging Trends and Ecotourism, Handbook for Ecotourism. Ed David Fennell. Routledge.

Wiatt, R.D., M.I. Marshall, and R. Musselman. 2022. Management and Ownership Transfer in Small and Medium Family Farms. Agricultural Finance Review, 82(3): 505-521.

Marshall, M.I., Katare, B., and Valdivia, C.B. Small Business Recovery: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina and the Coronavirus Pandemic. Handbook on the Economics of Disasters. Book Chapter.

Norton, A., Kim, H-Y., & Zuiker, V. S. (Accepted). Consumer embeddedness and motivations for farmers market patronage: A qualitative exploration in Minnesota, USA. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension.

Book Chapters

Marshall, M.I., B. Katare, and C.B. Valdivia. (2022). Small Business Recovery: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina and the Coronavirus Pandemic. In. M. Skidmore (Ed), Handbook on the Economics of Disasters. Routledge.

Manuscripts Submitted (under review)

Lee, Y., H. Kelley, R. Wiatt, and M.I. Marshall. Work-Family Balance and Perceived Business Outcomes Among Copreneurial and Noncopreneurial Small Business Owners. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. September 2022.

Valdivia, A., A. Morales, O. F. Rojas Perez, L. Y. Flores, V. Zuiker. (under review) Latinos and Latinas Subjective wellbeing in Midwestern Non-Metro Towns. Submitted to Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, April, 2022

Sorensen, K.  & Johnson Jorgensen, J. (In Revision).  Millennial Perceptions of Private Label and National Brand Clothing: An Exploration of Clothing Preferences Using Q Methodology. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management.

Spilinek, M. & Johnson Jorgensen, J. (In Review).  Creepy or Convenient?: Consumer Perceptions of Privacy and Ad Exposure on Social Media. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.

Johnson Jorgensen, J., & Sorensen, K. (In Review). Millennial Perceptions of Augmented Reality in Retail: A Q Methodology Study.  International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management.

Lee, J. M., & Zuiker, V. S. (In Review). Exploring financial capability and the self-employed: Focusing on financial education.

Manuscripts Under Development

Cheang, M., Valdivia, C. B., Zuiker, V. S., Bhagryashree, K., & Martinez Palomares, J. C. (Manuscript in Preparation). Resilience and coping strategies during COVID-19 for small business owners and non-small business owners.

Sydnor, S. B., Marshall, M. I., Haynes, G. W., Valdivia, C. B., Jasper, C., Zuiker, V. S. (in process). The Impact of Family Business Culture and Wellbeing (or Balance or Self-Care) on Functioning and Profitability.

Sydnor, S., Zuiker, V.S., Jorgensen, J.J., Jasper, C., and Visser, M.AWealth & well-being: Perceptions from family-owned and diverse businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Wiatt, R. D., Marshall, M. I., Haynes, G., Zuiker, V. S., & Lee, Y. (Manuscript in Preparation). In the depths of despair: Lost income and recovery for small businesses during COVID-19.

Grants Awarded

Clare, G., Johnson Jorgensen, J., Lee, J., Manikowske, L., LeHew, M., & Lyons, N. (2021). Merchandising Program Industry Advisory Board.  Great Plains Interactive Distance Alliance.  Funded: $5,860.00

Clare, G., Johnson Jorgensen, J., Lee, J., Manikowske, L., LeHew, M., & Lyons, N. (2021). Synchronous Online Recruiting Event Proposal.  Great Plains Interactive Distance Alliance.  Funded: $7,595.00

 Johnson Jorgensen, J. (2021).  Diversity and Equity in Merchandising the Omnichannel Product Assortment and Retail Workspace.  Center for Transformative Teaching Incubation Fund.  Funded: $975.60

 Marshall, M., Katare, B. and Valdivia, C. (6/2019-5/2022). USDA-NIFA-AFRI: Rural Small Business Recovery and Resilience to Natural Hazards: A Focus on Women and Minority Owned Small Businesses. Funded: $499,999.84

Feng, B. Langenhoven, P., Shoaf, N. and Wiatt, R. (2022). USDA-NIFA-AFRI: Taking the Next Step as a Small and Medium Sized Farm: Understanding the Integration of Production, Food Safety, and Profitability. Funded: $500,000

Wiatt, R., Torres, A., Marshall, M., Langemeier, M., Nees, J., Farris, E., Heckaman, K., and Mandeville, K. (2021-2022).  North Central Extension Risk Management Education. “The Pillars of Contingency Planning: An Integrated Approach to Managing Risk for Farms and Agribusinesses”. Funded: $50,000.

INDIANA AUTHORS? USDA-NIFA-AFRI: Workplace Stressors, Conflict Resolution, Worker Productivity: A Field Experiment on Employee Wellness Training Program in Rural Small Businesses, $500,000, Co-PI.

Diddi, S., LeHew, M. L. A., Hiller Connell, K. Y., & Yan, L. (2022). Preparing Fiber, Textiles, and Clothing Educators for the Industry’s Transformation to Circular Economy: Expanding Discipline Competencies to Enhance Workforce Preparedness. Submitted to USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Higher Education Challenge grant (CG2) program. Funded: ?

Grants submitted

Diddi, S., LeHew, M. L. A., Hiller Connell, K. Y., & Yan, L. (2022). Preparing Fiber, Textiles, and Clothing Educators for the Industry’s Transformation to Circular Economy: Expanding Discipline Competencies to Enhance Workforce Preparedness. Submitted to USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Higher Education Challenge grant (CG2) program.

Bednarikova, Z. & Sydnor, S. (2021). Corporate community development initiatives of small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Submitted to AgSEED — Agricultural Research and Extension Leading to Economic Development in Indiana Agriculture and Rural Communities.

Conference Presentations

Martinez Palomares, J., C. Valdivia and M. Marshall. 2022. Finding resilience: How small businesses and people survive and succeed during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Ordered Probit

Model Approach. Cambio de Colores Annual Conference Floreciendo-Resilience and Changing Communities in Uncertain Times. June 22-24, Saint Louis, MO. June 22.

Marshall, M.I., R.D. Wiatt, and Y. Lee. SEW and Exit Intentions. Small Business Institute Conference, February 2022.

Wiatt, R.D., M.I. Marshall, Y. Lee. Love of Work or Love and Work? Predicting Workaholism among Small Business Owners in the United States. Work Family Researchers Network Conference, June 2022.

Archila-Godínez, J.C., Marshall, M.I., Wiatt, R., Deering, A., and Feng, Y. (2022). “Consumers’ food safety perception of fresh produce from small- and medium-sized farms”. Abstract at International Association of Food Protection (IAFP) Annual Meeting.

LeHew, M. L. A., Hiller, K. Y., & Doty, K. (2021, November). Exploring barriers to a sustainable and regional fibershed in the Central Plains of the United States. Poster presented at the International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, November 3-6.

Doty, K., LeHew, M. L. A., Hiller, K., & Haar, S. (2021, November). Advancing the fibershed movement: Building relationships among scholars and community organizers. Salon session presented at the International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, November 3-6.

Zimbroff, A., & Johnson Jorgensen, J. (2022, January). A Mixed Methods Instrument to Assess Entrepreneurship Ecosystems. United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Raleigh, NC.

Johnson Jorgensen, J., & Sorensen, K. (2021, November).  Should A Retailer Take a Political Stance on Social Media? A Case Study of A Small Retailers’ Struggle Over Time.  International Textile and Apparel Association, Virtual Conference

Extension Publications

Johnson Jorgensen, J., Zuiker, V. S., Manikowske, L., & LeHew, M.  (July 2022). The use of communication technologies in small businesses.  Purdue Agricultural Economics Report. Available at:

Lee, Y.G., Kelley, H.H., Wiatt, R., and Marshall, M.I. (2022). “Social Media Use and Business Profitability among Small Businesses”. Purdue Institute for Family Business Quarterly Newsletter, Summer Special Edition on Research 2022. Available at:

Wiatt, R. and Marshall, M.I. (2022). “Retirement or Training the Next Generation? Framing Succession in the Family Business”. Purdue Institute for Family Business Quarterly Newsletter, Spring Edition 2022. Available at:

Pullen, K., Wiatt, R., and Marshall, M.I. (2022). “First Steps in Succession Planning”. Purdue Institute for Family BusinessQuarterly Newsletter, 2022 Winter Succession Special Edition. Available at:

Wiatt, R. and Marshall, M. (2021). “Maintaining Family Bonds: Different Approaches to Conflict”. Purdue Institute for Family Business Quarterly Newsletter, Fall Edition 2021. Available at:

Wiatt, R. and Marshall, M. (2021). “Special Questions on COVID-19”. Purdue Institute for Family Business Quarterly Newsletter, Fall Edition 2021. Available at:

Extension Presentations

Wiatt, R. and Marshall, M.I. (August 2, 2022). Taking the First Steps in Succession Planning. Morgan County Beef Cattle Association Annual Producer Meeting.

 Marshall, M.I. and Wiatt, R.D. (November 3, 2021). Marketing and Sales: Communicating Value and Making the Sale. Gary Urban Farmer Initiative Presentation.

Wiatt, R. and Marshall, M.I. (October 5, 2021). Management Transfer in Farm and Family Businesses. Purdue Women in Ag Lunch ‘n Learn Presentation Series. 

Johnson Jorgensen, J. (2021, December). Sustainability + Fashion. Joslyn Institutes for Sustainable Communities Sustainable Leadership Presentation Series.  (Invited Presentation)

Johnson Jorgensen, J. (2021, September). Using Q Methodology to Measure Rural Entrepreneurial Perceptions. North Central Regional Center for Rural Development Webinar Series. (Invited Presentation)

Presentations (Non-refereed)

Haynes, G. W. (2022). Managing Risk, Fort Peck Community College Webinar, 3/21/22.

Haynes, G. W. (2022). Montana Innovation Hub for Agricultural Technology, Montana Agricultural Business Association, 3/22/22.

Haynes, G. W. (2022). Bridging the Gap: Financial Reports to Enterprise Livestock Budgets, Stone Child Community College, 4/5/22.

Haynes, G. W. (2022). Agricultural Programs for Socially Disadvantaged Ranchers and Farmers, 4/6/22.

Haynes, G. W. (2022). Financial Planning and Management, Certified Farm Startup Program, virtual meeting, 5/25/22.

Haynes, G. W. (2022). Financial Planning and Management, Fort Peck Community College, 6/8/22.

Haynes, G. W. (2022). Agricultural Subsidies for Agricultural Producers, Little Big Horn Community College, 9/13/22.




Lee, Y., H. Kelley, R. Wiatt, and M.I. Marshall. 2023. Work-Family Balance and Perceived Business Outcomes Among Copreneurial and Noncopreneurial Small Business Owners. Journal of Family and Economic Issues.

Manuscripts Submitted/ In Review/Under Revision

Edobor, Edeoba W, Maria I. Marshall, Bhagyashree Katare, and Corinne Valdivia. Insuring for Cyclone Events: What Matters Most to Small Business Owners? International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.

Marshall, M.I., Y.G. Lee, and R.D. Wiatt. Does socioemotional wealth impact owner exit intention? The case of small businesses in the U.S. under revision.

Valdivia, C., Morales, A., Perez, O. F. R., Flores, L. Y., & Zuiker, V. S. (Revise and Resubmit). Latinos and Latinas subjective wellbeing in Midwestern non-metro towns.

Wiatt, R., M.I. Marshall, and Y.G. Lee. Love of Work or Love and Work: Does Small Business Owners Compulsion to Work Payoff? Journal of Family and Economic Issues.

Wiatt, R., M.I. Marshall, Y.G. Lee, and G. Haynes. In the Depths of Despair: Lost Income and Recovery for Small Businesses During COVID-19. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.

Sorensen, K.  & Johnson Jorgensen, J. (In Press).  Millennial Perceptions of Private Label and National Brand Clothing: An Exploration of Clothing Preferences Using Q Methodology.

Johnson Jorgensen, J., Sorensen, K. & Spilinek, M.  (Under Revision).  Motivations to Collect: How Consumers are Socialized to Build Product Collections. 

Spilinek, M. & Johnson Jorgensen, J. (In Review).  Creepy or Convenient?: Consumer Perceptions of Privacy and Ad Exposure on Social Media.

Johnson Jorgensen, J., & Sorensen, K. (In Review).  Millennial Perceptions of Augmented Reality in Retail: A Q Methodology Study. 

Johnson Jorgensen, J. (In Review).  The Socialization of Baby Boomer Consumers through Visual Social Media. 

Peer Reviewed Extension Publications

Fitzgerald, M. and Muske, G. (2023, August). “Couples in Business Together”. Purdue Institute for Family Business Newsletter. Newsletter 2:


USDA-NIFA-AFRI: Rural Small Business Recovery and Resilience to Natural Hazards: A Focus on Women and Minority Owned Small Businesses, 6/2019-5/2022, $499,999.84, PI and Project Director M.I. Marshall, Co-PIs: B. Katare (Purdue) and C. Valdivia (University of Missouri).

Jung, N. Y., & Johnson Jorgensen, J. (2023).  The Effects of Human Inclusive SSRT (Self Service

Retail Technology) on Consumers’ Patronage.  Layman Award. Funded: $9,907.50.


Johnson Jorgensen, J. (2022).  Constructing the Fabric of a Sustainability-Focused Future

Fashion Workforce.  Grants-In-Aid.  Funded: $7,465.72.

Submitted/Not funded

LeHew, M., Doty, K., Niehm, L., Johnson Jorgensen, J., Zuiker, V., Jasper, C., Sydnor, S., Diddi, S., Lee, Y., Das, D., & Manchiraju, S. (2022).  Resilient Communities and Economies Supported by Sustainable and Regenerative Fiber Systems.  North Central Regional Center for Rural Development Thematic Workgroups Grant.  Unfunded: $48,050.00.

Conference Presentations

Diddi, S., LeHew, M. L. A., Hiller Connell, K. Y., & Li, Y. (2022, October). Educator preparedness to incorporate Circular Economy principles in undergraduate fiber, textiles, and clothing curricula. Poster presented at the International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, October 27-30.

Diddi, S., Hiller Connell, K. Y., LeHew, M. L. A., & Li, Y. (2022, October). Knowledge and skills required to advance Circular Economy in the fashion industry: Perspectives from industry professionals. Poster presented at the International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, October 27-30.

Doty, K., LeHew, M. L. A., Hiller, K. Y., & Crane, A. (2022, October). Farm  to Fashion Camp: Educating students on animal fiber production for the fashion supply chain. Poster presented at the International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, October 27-30.

Doty, K., LeHew, M. L. A., Hiller Connell, K., & Crane , A. (2023, April 14). Engaged Scholarship through the Flint Hills Farm to Fashion Camp. Presented at the Fashion and Circular Economy Symposium, Ft. Collins, CO.

LeHew, M. L. A., & Diddi, S. (2023, April 14). Exploring consumers as supply chain partners within a circular system and the need for a paradigm shift in consumer behavior education. Visioning Session at the Fashion and Circular Economy Symposium, Ft. Collins, CO.

Marshall, M., Lee, Y., Haynes, G., Valdiva, C., Doty, K., Cheang, M., and Wiatt, R. (2023). Use of family business adjustment strategies during COVID: A comparison between homebased and non-homebased businesses, United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Annual Meeting, January, 2023.

Marshall, M., Lee, Y., Haynes, G., and Wiatt, R. (2023). Small Businesses during COVID-19: Funding strategies to expedite recovery and minimize Income Loss, United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, January, 2023.

Martinez-Palomares, Jorge, Corinne Valdivia, and Maria Marshall. 2023. Who got it worse? The implications of decreasing income on mental health by gender and race during the Covid-19 pandemic. Cambio de Colores Conference, June 18, Columbia, MO.

Niehm, L. S., Das, D., Manchiraju, S., Wiatt, R., LeHew, M. L. A., & Diddi, S. (2023, January). Work-life balance and perceived economic success of small US businesses: Exploring the moderating effect of family adjustment strategies. Research paper presented at USASBE Annual Conference, January 18-22.

Sydnor, S., Jorgensen, J. J., Jasper, C., Zuiker, V. S., & Visser, M. A. (2023). Wealth & well-being: Perceptions from diverse family-owned businesses. Presentation presented at the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) annual conference, Orlando, Florida.

Sydnor, S., Jorgensen, J. J., Jasper, C., Zuiker, V. S., & Visser, M. A. (2023). The role gender and family play in businesses’ perceptions of wealth & wellbeing under sudden shocks. Poster presented at the 2023 Annual International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education (ICHRIE) Summer Global Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

Wiatt et al. Depths of Despair USASBE, January 2023

Manuscripts- Work in Progress

Cheang, M., Palomares, J. C. M., Valdivia, C., Katare, B., & Zuiker, V. S. (Submitted, Rejected, Manuscript in Preparation). Families' and small businesses' efforts to cope with income reduction or loss in times of a public health crisis.

Sydnor, S., Jorgensen, J. J., Jasper, C., Zuiker, V. S., & Visser, M. A.   Perceptions of Wealth and Well-being Of (Diverse) Family-Owned Businesses. (Manuscript in Preparation).

Wiatt, R. D., Marshall, M. I., Zuiker, V. S., Haynes, G., Jasper, C. R., Sydnor, S., & Valdivia, C. (Manuscript in Preparation). The Impact of Family Business Culture and Wellbeing (or Balance or Self-Care) on Functioning and Profitability.

Extension Presentations

Haynes, G. (2022). Fibershed presentation on small business, Montana Fibershed, Bozeman, Montana.  October, 2022

Haynes, G. (2022).  Economic Impact of Covid-19 and Stimulus Programs, Agricultural Economics Conference, Montana State University, October, 2022.

Haynes, G. (2022).  Local rural development - financial planning and management and agricultural subsidies. Hamilton, Montana, October, 2022

Haynes, G. (2023).  More Agricultural Price and Production Uncertainty and Volatility in 2022. Bureau of Business and Economic Research. January through March, 2023.

Haynes, G. (2023). Agricultural policy:  Stimulus, IRA, and farm Bill, Stone Child workshop, webinar, April, 2023.

Haynes, G. (2023). Finance, Tax and Asset Protection (FTAP), Stone Child workshop, webinar, April, 2023.

Haynes, G. (2023). Agricultural Economics of Montana Hutterites.  MSU, June, 2023

Haynes, G. (2023).  Financial Stimulus Update:  Past, Present, and Future, Montana Farmer’s Union, webinar, June, 2023


Hiller Connell, K. Y., LeHew, M. L. A., Doty, K., & Crane, A. (2022, June). Flint Hills Farm to Fashion Camp. Youth summer camp at Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS.




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