NECC2001: Sustainable Farm Energy Production and Use
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Active
SAES-422 Reports
Non-Refereed Conference Publications (Published)
- Singh, A.K., R. McAvoy and Yang, 2021. An experimental study on GREENBOX technology: feasibility and performance. ASABE Paper No. 2100453. ASABE, St. Joseph, MI
- Singh, A.K. R. McAvoy and Yang. 2021. Comparison of environmental condition, productivity, and resources use between GREENBOX and greenhouse for growing lettuce. ASABE Paper No. 2100455. ASABE, St. Joseph, MI
Books (Published)
- Regional Perspectives on Farm Energy, Editor Daniel Ciolkosz, 2021, Springer Nature.
Refereed Journal Articles (Published)
- Zilong Zhao, Yanwen Xu, Yu-Feng Lin, Xinlei Wang, Pingfeng Wang. 2021. Probabilistic modeling and reliability-based design optimization of a ground source heat pump system. Applied Thermal Engineering 197. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2021.117341.
Dissertations, Theses (Published):
- Michael Ilardi, M.S. 2021 (University of Georgia). Thesis title: Supplemental lighting time best justifies the efficacy of transition from HPS lighting to LED lighting in greenhouses. A.J. Both served as an external member of the thesis advisory committee.
- Masaki Kurosaki, M.S. 2021 (Cornell University). Thesis title: Optimizing lighting and carbon dioxide enrichment for controlled environment production of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and tomato (Solanum esculentum L.). A.J. Both served as an external member of the thesis advisory committee.
- Matthew Patterson, Ph.D. 2021 (Rutgers University). Dissertation title: Characterization and analysis of three-dimensional flow processes in soils: Laboratory and field applications. A.J. Both served as a member of the dissertation advisory committee.
Refereed Journal Articles (Published):
- Shelford, T.J. and A.J. Both. 2021. On the technical performance characteristics of horticultural lamps. AgriEngineering 3:716–727. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriengineering3040046
Other Creative Works:
- Ayeni, A., J. Dmitruck, W. Sciarappa, A.J. Both, D. McNamara, and A.M. Lotfi. 2021. Indoor cultivation instruction at the Rutgers University School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, New Brunswick, NJ. RCE Bulletin E-360.
- Both, A.J. 2021. The science and art of crop irrigation. In Ball Redbook (19th Edition), C. Beytes (ed.), Volume 1: Greenhouse Structures, Equipment, and Technology. Ball Publishing. pp. 64-68.
- Both, A.J. 2021. Glazing: It’s what makes the greenhouse. In Ball Redbook (19th Edition), C. Beytes (ed.), Volume 1: Greenhouse Structures, Equipment, and Technology. Ball Publishing. pp. 26-30.
- Fathel, S.L., A.J. Both. D. Ciolkosz, K. DiMarco, A. Go, M.C. Gould, S. Guran, F.J. Hay, J. Ignosh, E. Johnstonbaugh, S. Sanford, D. Specca, X. Wang. 2021. Farm energy Extension material development from a multi-institutional team. Poster presented at the Annual International Meeting of the ASABE. Virtual meeting, July 12-16.
- Both, A.J. 2021. Plant lighting for CEA crop production. Presentation for the Plant Production Lunch and Learn Webinar Series for Green Industries, hosted by the University of New Hampshire. March 2.
- Murphy, J., C. Ripberger, M. Westendorf, and A.J. Both. 2021. Developing an extension program (presentation and panel discussion). Rutgers Cooperative Extension Annual Conference (virtual). January 14.
- Shelford, T.S. and A.J. Both. 2020. Plant lighting fact sheet. Published by Greenhouse Lighting and Systems Engineering (GLASE; https://glase.org/). 4 pp.
Workshop Sponsor:
- Sciarappa, W., A.J. Both, and A. Ayeni. 2021. Hydroponics/Controlled Environment Systems. Four-hour virtual workshop that was part of the 66th New Jersey Agricultural Convention and Trade Show. February 22-25.
Refereed Journal Articles (Pending):
- Brumfield, R.G., D. Greenwood, M. Flahive DiNardo, A.J. Both, J.R. Heckman, R. Govindasamy, N. Polanin, A.A. Rouff, A. Rowe, R. VanVranken, and S. Arumugam. 202x. A non-parametric approach to evaluate a risk management-training program designed to empower women farmers in New Jersey. Submitted for publication to Vimarsh Journal.
- Greenwood, D., R.G. Brumfield, M. Flahive DiNardo, A.J. Both, J.R. Heckman, N. Polanin, A. Rouff, A. Rowe, and R. VanVranken. 202x. Annie’s Project: Farming in New Jersey’s Cities and the Urban Fringe. Submitted for review to the Journal of Extension.
- Llewellyn, D., T.J. Shelford, Y. Zheng, and A.J. Both. 202x. Measuring and reporting lighting characteristics important for controlled environment plant production. Submitted for publication to Acta Horticulturae. Presented at LightSym, Malmö, Sweden, June 2021.
- Shelford, T.J., A.J. Both, and N. Mattson. 202x. A greenhouse daily light integral control algorithm that takes advantage of day ahead market electricity pricing. Submitted for publication to Acta Horticulturae. Presented at LightSym, Malmö, Sweden, June 2021.
Book Chapters (Pending):
- Both, A.J. 202x. Greenhouse energy efficiency and management, Chapter 11. Submitted for publication in Regional Perspectives on Farm Energy. 10 pp.
- Both, A.J. 202x. On-farm energy production – Solar, wind, geothermal, Chapter 12. Submitted for publication in Regional Perspectives on Farm Energy. 13 pp.
Refereed Journal Articles (Published)
- Valentin, M., Smeets, A., Ciolkosz, D., Onalan, M., Dulay, A., Dumalhin, L., Sudaypan, C., Launio, C., Galad, M., Suclad, R., and K. Pagnas. Concept Design of a Portable Carrot Seeder. Journal of Engineering Research and Reports. 131-141. DOI: 10.9734/jerr/2021/v20i417302.
- Dummapi, F., Liniasan, J. I., Valentin, M. T., Onalan, M. B., Dumalhin, L. D., Galad, M. N., Ciolkosz, D., Jasinskas, A., and E. Kelly. Processing of Wild Sunflower with Different Moisture Contents into Solid Bio Fuel. Journal of Energy Research and Reviews. 7(2): 1-9.
- Nunes, L., Matias, J., Loureiro, L., Silva, L., Rodrigues, A., Causer, T., DeVallance, D., Ciolkosz, D. Evaluation of the potential agroforestry waste recovery: energy densification as a factor for biomass logistics optimization. Applied Sciences. 11 (20). 23pp.
- Tripathi, J., Arya, A., and D. Ciolkosz. Switchgrass as oil and water-spill sorbent: Effect of particle size, torrefaction, and regeneration methods. Journal of Environmental Management. 201(2021). 7pp. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111908.
- Chahal, A., Ciolkosz, D., Puri, V., Jacobson, M., and J. Liu. Mechanical Characteristics of Wood Bark Interface of Shrub Willow. Industrial Crops and Products. 162 (2021). 7pp. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2020.113236.
- Ciolkosz, D., Kukharets, S., and J. Tripathi. Torrefied Biomass in a Ukranian Biofuel Production System. Proceedings of IV International Scientific and Practical Conference on Bio-Energy Systems. May 29, 2020. Zhytomer, Ukraine. 5pp.
- Chahal, A., Ciolkosz, D., Jacobson, M., Liu, J., and V. Puri. Factors Affecting Wood-Bark Adhesion for Debarking of Shrub Willow. Biosystems Engineering. 196(2020). 202-209.
Popular Articles (Published)
- Ciolkosz, D. Grass to Gas – for Digester Biogas. Penn State Extension Renewable and Alternative Energy Newsletter (online). http://energy.extension.psu.edu – published 16 March, 2021.
- Ciolkosz, D. Penn State to Host National Energy Summit. Penn State Extension Renewable and Alternative Energy Newsletter (online). http://energy.extension.psu.edu – published 16 March, 2021.
- Ciolkosz, D. Penn State Extension to Explore New Frontiers in Biogas. Penn State Extension Renewable and Alternative Energy Newsletter (online). http://energy.extension.psu.edu – published 10 November, 2020.
- Chahal, A., and Ciolkosz, D. Debarking to Increase Value of Short-Rotation Woody Crops. Penn State Extension Renewable and Alternative Energy Newsletter (online). http://energy.extension.psu.edu – published 10 November, 2020.
- Ciolkosz, D. Biomass Heat Records Another "Win" in Pennsylvania. Penn State Extension Renewable and Alternative Energy Newsletter (online). http://energy.extension.psu.edu – published 10 November, 2020.
- Fathel, S. Drip Irrigation can Save Energy and Money. Penn State Extension (online). https://extension.psu.edu/drip-irrigation-can-save-energy-and-money - published 20 October, 2020.
- Nair, A., Fathel, S., and D. Ciolkosz. Understanding and Analyzing Your Utility Bills. Penn State Extension (online). https://extension.psu.edu/understanding-and-analyzing-your-utility-bills
Presentations (Papers)
- Fathel, S., Both, A., Ciolkosz, D., DiMarco, K., Go, A., Gould, M., Guran, S., Hay, F., Ignosh, J., Johnstonbaugh, E., Sanford, S., Specca, D., and X. Wang. Farm Energy Extension Material Development from a Multi-Institutional Team. Presented at ASABE 2021 Annual International Meeting (online). 11-14 July, 2021.
- Tripathi, J., and D. Ciolkosz. 2020. Effect of Torrefaction and Alkaline Pretreatment on Glucose Yield of Wheat Straw. Presented at Virtual NABEC Conference, July 28, 2020.
Other Creative Works
- Causer, T., Johnstonbaugh, E., and D Ciolkosz. Biochar Business Opportunities for Railroad Tie Re-Use. Extension Project Report. August, 2020. Penn State Extension. University Park, PA.
- Fathel, S. and E. Johnstonbaugh. 2020. Home Energy Log: A Tool for Tracking your Energy Usage. Penn State Extension (Online Resource). https://extension.psu.edu/home-energy-log-a-tool-for-tracking-your-energy-usage
- Johnstonbaugh, E., Fetter, J., and D. Ciolkosz. Biochar for Water Quality – A Prospectus. Penn State Extension. University Park, PA.
- Musgrave, G., and D. Ciolkosz. Dairy Vacuum Pump VSD Energy Calculator. Penn State Extension (Online Resource). https://extension.psu.edu/dairy-vacuum-pump-vsd-energy-calculator
- Musgrave, G., and D. Ciolkosz. Well Water Precooler Energy Calculator. Penn State Extension (Online Resource). https://extension.psu.edu/dairy-well-water-precooler-energy-calculator
- Musgrave, G., and D. Ciolkosz. Barn Ventilation Energy Calculator. Penn State Extension (Online Resource). https://extension.psu.edu/barn-ventilation-energy-calculator
- Musgrave, G., and D. Ciolkosz. Farm Motor Upgrade Energy Calculator. Penn State Extension (Online Resource). https://extension.psu.edu/farm-motor-upgrade-energy-calculator
- Musgrave, G., and D. Ciolkosz. Tractor Engine Block Heater Timer Calculator. Penn State Extension (Online Resource). https://extension.psu.edu/tractor-engine-block-heater-timer-calculator
- Musgrave, G., and D. Ciolkosz. Field Operations Energy Calculator. Penn State Extension (Online Resource). https://extension.psu.edu/field-operations-energy-calculator
- Nair, A. and S. Fathel. 2021. Utility Bill Analysis Tool. Penn State Extension (Online Resource). https://extension.psu.edu/utility-bill-analysis-tool
- Nair, A. and S. Fathel. Comparison Tool for Fixed and Tiered Energy Rates (Online Resource.) https://extension.psu.edu/comparison-tool-for-fixed-and-tiered-energy-rates
Workshop Sponsor
Farm Energy Day Webinar Series (8 Events). 18 March – 06 May, 2021. Penn State Extension.
- https://extension.psu.edu/farm-energy-day-analyzing-your-farms-utility-bills
- https://extension.psu.edu/farm-energy-day-dairy-farm-energy-efficiency-opportunities
- https://extension.psu.edu/farm-energy-day-poultry-farm-energy-efficiency-opportunities
- https://extension.psu.edu/farm-energy-day-solar-power-on-the-farm
- https://extension.psu.edu/farm-energy-day-high-efficiency-lighting
- https://extension.psu.edu/farm-energy-day-making-the-most-of-your-heating-options
- https://extension.psu.edu/farm-energy-day-biogas-digesters-for-heat-and-power
Workshop Participant
- Fathel, S. Farms, Energy, Irrigation Efficiency, and Project Drawdown. Delaware County Institute of Science (DCIS) Drawdown Series (online). 27 May 2021. https://sites.google.com/view/drawdowndcis/schedule/food?authuser=0
Refereed Journal Articles (Pending)
- Chahal, A., Ciolkosz, D., Jacobson, M., Liu, J., and V. Puri. Techno-Economic Analysis for Assessing the Supply Chain Associated with debarking of bioenergy crop: Shrub Willow. Biomass and Bioenergy. Submitted for Publication.
- Fathel, S., Herbstitt, S., Reinford, B., and T. Richard. 2021. Waste to Worth: A Case Study of the Renewable Natural Gas Circular Economy in Pennsylvania. Transactions of ASABE, 2022 Circular Food and Agricultural Systems Special Collection. Submitted for Publication.
- Memis, B., Ciolkosz, D., Richard, T., and M. Hall. Impact of Alkali Pretreatment and Torrefaction on Glucose Production From Wheat Straw. Bioenergy Research. Submitted for Publication.
- Chahal, A., Tripathi, J., Ciolkosz, D., Wurzbacher, S., and M. Jacobson. Perceptions of Debarking Small Stems in the Wood Products Community. Forest Products Journal. Accepted for Publication.
Refereed Journal Articles (Published)
- Choudhury, A., Lansing, S., 2021. Absorption of hydrogen sulfide in biogas using a novel iron-impregnated biochar scrubbing system. J. Environmental Chemical Engineering. doi: 10.1016/j.jece.2020.104837
- Choudhury, A., Felton, G., Moyle, J., Lansing, S., 2020. Fluidized bed combustion of poultry litter at farm-scale: Environmental impacts using a life cycle approach. Journal of Cleaner Production 276, 124231/. doi: 10.1016/j.clepro.2020.124231.
- Hassanein, A., Kumar, A. N., Lansing, S., 2021. Impact of Electro-Conductive Nanoparticles Additives on Anaerobic Digestion Performance-A review. Bioresource Technology. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2021.126023
- Hassanein, A., Keller, E., Lansing, S., 2021. Effect of metal nanoparticles in anaerobic digestion production and plant uptake from effluent fertilizer. Bioresource Technology. doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2020.124455
- Hassanein, A., Witarsa, F., Lansing, S., Qiu, L. Yong, L., 2020. Bio-electrochemical enhancement of hydrogen and methane production in a combined anaerobic digester (AD) and microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) from dairy manure. Sustainability 12, 8491: doi: 10.3390/su12208491.
- Huertas, J.K., Quipuzco, L., Hassanein, A., Lansing, S., 2020. Comparing hydrogen sulfide removal efficiency in a field-scale digester using microaeration and iron filters. Energies 13, 4793. doi: 10.3390/en13184793.
- Oliver, J., Gooch, C., Lansing, S., Schueler, J., Hurst, J., Sassoubre, L., Crossette, E., Aga, D., 2020. Invited Review: Fate of antibiotic residues, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and antibiotic resistance genes in US dairy manure management systems. Journal of Dairy Science 103:1051-1071. doi: 10.3168/jds.2019-16778.
- Schueler, J., Lansing, S., Crossette, E., Naas, K., Hurst, J., Raskin, L., Wigginton, K., Aga, D.S., 2021. Tetracycline, sulfadimethoxine, and antibiotic resistance gene dynamics during anaerobic digestion of dairy manure. Journal of Environmental Quality 50(3): 694-705. doi: 10.1002/jeq2.20211
- Schueler, J., Lansing, S., Naas, K., Hurst, J., Aga, D.D., Lansing, S*., 2021. Effects of on-farm dairy manure composting on tetracycline content and nutrient composition. Journal of Antibiotics 10 (4): 443. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics10040443
- Wind, L., Briganti, J.S., Brown, A.M., Neher, T.P., Davis, M.F., Durso, L.M., Spicer, T., Lansing, S*., 2021. Finding what is inaccessible: Antimicrobial resistance language use among the One Health domains. Journal of Antibiotics 10 (4): 385. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics10040385
- Witarsa, F., Lupitskyy, R., Moss, A., Kulow, A., Lansing, S., 2021. Ammonia capture with biogas purification from anaerobically digested poultry litter. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. doi: 10.1002/jctb.6557
Extension Publications (Published)
- Lansing, S., Hassanein, A., 2020. Anaerobic Digestion and Nutrient Capture from Poultry Litter on the Maryland Eastern Shore: Case Study: University of Maryland Extension, Fact Sheet.
Popular Articles (Published)
- Schiavone, D., 2021. Agrivoltaics: adding solar to your farm. University of Maryland Extension, Maryland Energy Extension Newsletter. College Park, MD. July 15, 2021.
- Schiavone, D., 2021. Conserving energy with seasonal tractor maintenance. University of Maryland Extension, Maryland Energy Extension Newsletter. College Park, MD. April 15, 2021.
- Schiavone, D., 2021. Winter energy tips for farms. University of Maryland Extension, Maryland Energy Extension Newsletter. College Park, MD. January 13, 2021.
- Schiavone, D., 2020. Simple ways to save farm energy. University of Maryland Extension, Maryland Energy Extension Newsletter. College Park, MD. October 15, 2020.
Invited Presentations (without Proceedings)
- Hassanein, A., Innovation in Waste to Energy Technology, Zayed International foundation for The Environment, Feb 7, 2021.
- Hassanein, A., University of Maryland anaerobic digestion research, Dairy Digester Roundtable, Center for Dairy Excellence Foundation of Pennsylvania, March 2, 2021.
- Lansing, S., 2021. Keynote: Carbon cycling and sequestration through digestion: Effects of policy, food waste and co-substrate inclusion, and leakage on climate change. Progress in Biogas V (Virtual). September 24, 2021.
- Lansing, S., 2021. Interdisciplinary teams, conflicts, and personalities. CONSERVE Internship Seminar Series. Virtual Meeting. July 28, 2021.
- Lansing, S., 2021. Quantifying cattle manure-AMR perceptions and treatment system variabilities to develop a novel communication framework for conveying AMR science and mitigation opportunities: A4171 Food Safety Challenge Area Mitigating Antimicrobial Resistance. USDA-AFRI Project Directors Meeting. Virtual Meeting. May 3-5, 2021.
- Lansing, S., 2021. Lansing lab anaerobic digestion research potential. UMD Research Leaders and WGL Leadership. Virtual Meeting. March 3, 2021.
- Lansing, S., Hassanein, A., 2021. University of Maryland anaerobic digestion research and extension outreach. Pennsylvania Dairy Digester Roundtable. Virtual. March 2, 2021.
- Lansing, S., 2021. Waste to energy and sustainable products. UMD Research Leaders and WGL Leadership. Virtual Meeting. January 25, 2021.
- Lansing, S., 2020. Project-based data practicum at the nexus of the food, energy, and water systems. University of Maryland Global STEWARDS Annual Meeting. Virtual Meeting. January 24, 2020.
- Lansing, S., 2020. Poultry litter anaerobic digestion in the US. C-Change Conference: Why are we missing the boat on biogas? Virtual Conference. October 19, 2020.
- Schiavone, D., 2021. Maryland Energy Extension program update. Maryland Association of County Agricultural Agents. College Park, MD. Online. June 24, 2021.
Presentations (without Proceedings)
- Lansing, S., Hassanein, A., Moss, A., Cloyd, N., Witarsa, W. 2021. Farm-scale poultry litter anaerobic digestion (AD) combined nutrient capture system (NCS) and prototype ammonia scrubber for energy production and nutrient recovery. Progress in Biogas V (Virtual). September 24, 2021.
- Schiavone, D., 2021. On-farm solar energy opportunities and training. Northeast Agricultural and Biological Engineering Conference (NABEC). Virtual. July 27, 2021.
Posters (without Proceedings)
- Schiavone, D., 2021. On-farm solar photovoltaic training through Maryland Extension. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Virtual. July 14, 2021.
- Schiavone, D., 2021. Opportunities and barriers to energy extension in Maryland. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Virtual. July 14, 2021.
- Schiavone, D., 2020. Opportunities and barriers to energy Extension in Maryland. NACAA Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference, Virginia Beach, VA. (Online). September 30, 2020.
Other Creative Works
- Schiavone, D., 2021. Solar-Clips: How to perform a load assessment for a solar electric system. University of Maryland. College Park, MD. September 3, 2021. Video (14:07).
- Schiavone, D., 2021. Solar-Clips: How to assess power and shading on solar modules. University of Maryland. College Park, MD. August 2, 2021. Video (10:47).
- Schiavone, D., 2021. Solar-Clips: How to test and replace diodes in solar modules. University of Maryland. College Park, MD. June 30, 2021. Video (10:50).
- Schiavone, D., 2021. Solar-Clips: How to use a multimeter with solar modules. University of Maryland. College Park, MD. May 31, 2021. Video (11:27).
- Maryland Energy Extension Newsletter. (Quarterly). University of Maryland Extension. (1 Edition). 67 list serve recipients and 17 direct downloads. Available at: https://extension.umd.edu/energy/mee-newsletters-and-briefs
- Lansing, S., 2021. Surveys and communication of AMR: Human dimensions conference. Final Report USDA-AFRI. 6 pages.
- Lansing, S., Hassanein, A., 2020. Demonstration of an anaerobic digester processing poultry litter with a nutrient capture system. Final Report to Maryland Department of Agriculture. 20 pages.
Workshop Sponsor
- On-Farm Solar Webinar Training Series. University of Maryland, Extension. College Park, MD. September 30, 2020 – December 2, 2020 (9 sessions). Online, 59 participants.
Workshop Speaker
- Schiavone, D., 2020. On-Farm Solar PV Training Series: Solar and battery storage. University of Maryland. College Park, MD. December 2, 2020. Online, 18 attendees.
- Schiavone, D., 2020. On-Farm Solar PV Training Series: Utility-scale solar leasing. University of Maryland. College Park, MD. November 18, 2020. Online, 14 attendees.
- Schiavone, D., 2020. On-Farm Solar PV Training Series: Community solar and solar co-ops. University of Maryland. College Park, MD. November 11, 2020. Online, 15 attendees.
- Schiavone, D., 2020. On-Farm Solar PV Training Series: Solar financial options. University of Maryland. College Park, MD. November 4, 2020. Online, 11 attendees.
- Schiavone, D., 2020. On-Farm Solar PV Training Series: Solar installation and maintenance. University of Maryland. College Park, MD. October 28, 2020. Online, 18 attendees.
- Schiavone, D., 2020. On-Farm Solar PV Training Series: Solar regulations and zoning. University of Maryland. College Park, MD. October 21, 2020. Online, 22 attendees.
- Schiavone, D., 2020. On-Farm Solar PV Training Series: Solar planning and design. University of Maryland. College Park, MD. October 14, 2020. Online, 25 attendees.
- Schiavone, D., 2020. On-Farm Solar PV Training Series: Solar PV basics. University of Maryland. College Park, MD. October 7, 2020. Online, 26 attendees.
- Schiavone, D., 2020. On-Farm Solar PV Training Series: Maryland’s solar market. University of Maryland. College Park, MD. September 30, 2020. Online, 30 attendees.
Popular Articles (Published)
- Reiter M, Ignosh J, Neill C, Zimmerman E, Hughes-Evans K & Morris V. 2021. Financial Feasibility and Market Analysis of Poultry Litter Ash Fertilizer Granules. SPES-330NP. 08 Jun 2021. Virginia Cooperative Extension.
- Ignosh J, Reiter M, Ogejo J. & Neill C. 2021. Evaluation of an On-farm Bioenergy System with Value-added Nutrient Recovery & Reuse: An Opportunity for Circular Agricultural Systems? Poster. ASABE 2021, Virtual, 11 Jul 2021-14
Other Creative Works
- Webinar: Ignosh J., Booher M., Pent. G. 2020. Solar-Powered Water Pumping Systems for Livestock: Some Experiences & Considerations for Moveable Systems. Presentation date: 10 Nov 2020
- Ignosh J., Reiter M., Moss A., Mulkey A., Zimmerman, E.R. & Chesnik P. 2021. Innovative Technologies for Poultry Litter, Manure-to-energy webinar for Delmarva Land and Litter Challenge committee. Presentation date: 02 Jun 2021
Refereed Journal Articles (Published)
- Chung H, J Li, Y Kim, JM Van Os, SH Brounts, CY Choi (2020) Using implantable biosensors and wearable scanners to monitor dairy cattle’s core body temperature in real-time, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 174, 105453.
Popular Articles (Published)
- Energy On Wisconsin – Monthly newsletter about renewable energy issues, policy, incentives, local energy projects, clean energy jobs, national projects and policy. Editor: Sherrie Gruder (https://energyonwi.extension.wisc.edu/)
- Sanford, Can you lower energy costs for field crop production?
- Sanford, How to increase profits making maple syrup?