W4150: Breeding Phaseolus Beans for Resilience, Sustainable Production, and Enhanced Nutritional Value
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Active
SAES-422 Reports
Refereed Publications
Bassett, A., Hooper, S.D., and Cichy, K.A. (2020) Genetic variability of cooking time in dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) related to seed coat thickness and the cotyledon cell wall. Food Research International. 10:109886. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2020.109886
Bassett, A., Katuuramu, D., Song, Q., and Cichy, K. (2021) QTL mapping of seed quality traits including cooking time, flavor, and texture in a yellow dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) population. Frontiers in Plant Science DOI=10.3389/fpls.2021.670284
Bassett, A, Kamfwa, K, Ambachew, D, and Cichy, K. (2021) Genetic variability and genome-wide association analysis of flavor and texture in cooked beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics.: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00122-020-03745-3.
Beaver J.S., A. González, G. Godoy-Lutz, J.C. Rosas, O.P. Hurtado-González, M.A. Pastor-Corrales and T.G. Porch. 2020. Registration of PR1572-19 and PR1572-26 pinto bean germplasm lines with broad resistance to rust, BGYMV, BCMV, and BCMNV. J. Plant Regist. 4:424–430.
Beaver, J.S., A. Gonzalez, G. Godoy De Luz, J.C. Rosas, O.P. Hurtado-Gonzales, M.A. Pastor Corrales, and T.G. Porch. 2020. Registration of PR1572-19 and PR1572-26 pinto bean germplasm lines with broad resistance to rust, BGYMV, BCMV, and BCMNV. J. of Crop Reg. 14:424-430. https://doi.org/10.1002/plr2.20027.
Beaver, J.S., González, A. Godoy-Lutz, G., Rosas, J.C., Hurtado-Gonzales, O.P., Pastor-Corrales, M.A., Porch, T.G. 2020. Registration of PR1572-19 and PR1572-26 pinto bean germplasm lines with broad resistance to rust, BGYMV, BCMV, and BCMNV. J Plant Reg.: 424-430.
Beiermann, C., C. Creech, S. Knezevic, A. Jhala, R. Harveson, and N.C. Lawrence. 2021. Influence of planting date and herbicide program on Amaranthus paleri control in drybean. Weed Technol. (Accepted).
Beiermann, C., C. Creech, S. Knezevic, A. Jhala, R. Harveson, and N.C. Lawrence. 2021. Critical Timing of Weed Removal in Dry Bean as Influenced by the Use of PRE Herbicides. Weed Technol. (Accepted).
Carvalho Costa, L., Storto Nalin, R.; Andrade Dias, M., Elias Ferreira, M., Song, Q., Pastor-Corrales, M.A., Hurtado Gonzales, O.P., Elaine Aparecida de Souza, E.A. 2021. Different loci control resistance to different isolates of the same race of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum in common bean. Theor. Appl. Genet. 134: 543-556.
Cirak, Melike and James R. Myers 2021. The cosmetic stay-green trait in snap bean and the event cascade that reduces seed germination and emergence. Journal of the American Society of Horticultural Science. https://doi.org/10.21273/JASHS05038-20.
Dahan, J., Orellana, G.E., Feng, X., Kong, A.T., Hamasaki, R.T., Melzer, M.J., and Karasev, A.V. 2020. First report of clover yellow vein virus in Crotalaria micans in Hawaii. Plant Disease 104: 3276 (https://dx.doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-06-20-1195-PDN).
Davitt, E.D., Winham, D.M., Heer, M.M., Shelley, M.C. and Knoblauch, S.T., 2021. Predictors of Plant-Based Alternatives to Meat Consumption in Midwest University Students. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 53(7), pp.564-572.
Delfini J, Moda-Cirino V, Dos Santos Neto J, Ruas PM, Sant’Ana GC, Gepts P, Gonçalves LSA (2021) Population structure, genetic diversity and genomic selection signatures among a Brazilian common bean germplasm. Scientific Reports 11:2694 doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-82437-4
Delfini J, Moda-Cirino V, Dos Santos Neto J, Zeffa DM, Nogueira AF, Ribeiro LAB, Ruas PM, Gepts P, Gonçalves LSA (2021) Genome-wide association study for grain mineral content in a Brazilian common bean diversity panel. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 134: 2795-2811 doi: 10.1007/s00122-021-03859
Delfini J, Moda-Cirino V, Neto JDS, Zeffa DM, Nogueira AF, Ribeiro LA, Ruas PM, Gepts P, Gonçalves LS (2021) Genome-wide association study identifies genomic regions for important morpho-agronomic traits in Mesoamerican common bean. Front Plant Sci 12: 748829 doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.748829
Elias JCF, Gonçalves-Vidigal MC, Ariani A, Valentini G, Martiniano-Souza MDC, Vaz Bisneta M, Gepts P (2021) Genome-environment association analysis for bio-climatic variables in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) from Brazil. Plants 10:1572 doi: 10.3390/plants10081572
Fernandes, S., G. Godoy-Lutz, J.R. Steadman, K. Eskridge, C. Urrea, C. Jochua and J.R. Herr. 2021. Root and crown rot pathogens found on dry beans grown in Mozambique. J. of Tropical Plant Pathol. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40858-021-00422-8
Garcia T, Duitama J, Smolenski Zullo S, Gil J, Ariani A, Dohle S, Palkovic A, Skeen P, Bermudez-Santana C, Debouck DG, Martinez-Castillo J, Gepts P, Chacón-Sánchez MI (2021) Comprehensive genomic resources related to domestication and crop improvement traits in Lima bean. Nature Communications 12:702 doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-20921-1
Garcia, C., A. Campa, A. Soler Garzon, P. N. Miklas, and J. J. Ferreira. 2021. GWAS of pod morphological and color characters in common bean. BMC Plant Biol. 21:184 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-021-02967-x
Geravandi M, Cheghamirza K, Farshadfar E, Gepts P (2020) QTL analysis of seed size and yield-related traits in an inter-genepool population of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Scientia Horticulturae 274, 109678 doi: 10.1016/j.scienta.2020.109678
Gilio, T.A.S., Hurtado-Gonzales, O.P., Gonçalves-Vidigal, M.C., Valentini, G., Elias, J.C.F., Song, Q., and Pastor-Corrales, M.A. 2020. Fine mapping of an anthracnose-resistance locus in Andean common bean cultivar Amendoim Cavalo. PLOS ONE 15 (10): e0239763.
Haus, MJ, Pierz, LD, Jacobs, JL, Wiersma, AT, Awale, HE, Chilvers, MI, Buell, CR, Cichy, K (2021) Preliminary evaluation of wild bean (Phaseolus spp.) germplasm for resistance to Fusarium cuneirostrum and Fusarium oxysporum. Crop Science. 2021; 61: 3264– 3274. https://doi.org/10.1002/csc2.20495
Hooper, S.D., Bassett, A.N., Sadohara, R., and Cichy, K.A. (2021) Elucidation of the low resistant starch phenotype in Phaseolus vulgaris exhibited in the yellow bean Cebo Cela. Journal of Food Science
Huster, A.R., L.T. Wallace and J.R. Myers. 2021. Associated SNPs, heritabilities, trait correlations, and genomic breeding values for resistance in snap beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to root rot caused by Fusarium solani (Mart.) f. sp. phaseoli (Burkholder). Frontiers in Plant Science. 12:697615. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.697615
Kamfwa K, Gepts P, Hamabwe S, Nalupya ZK, Mukuma C, Lungu D Characterization of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum races in Zambia and evaluation of the CIAT Phaseolus core collection for resistance to anthracnose. Plant Disease: published online doi: 10.1094/pdis-02-21-0363-re
Katuuramu, D.N., Wiesinger, J.A., Luyima, G.B., Nkalubo, S., Glahn, R.P., and Cichy, K.A. (2021) Investigation of genotype by environment interactions for seed zinc and iron concentration and iron bioavailability in common bean. Frontiers in Plant Science 12: 670965 doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.670965
Kelly, J.D., Awale, H.E., Wiersma, A.T., Cichy, K.A., and Wright, E.M. (2021) Registration of ‘Yellowstone’ Yellow Bean. Journal of Plant Registrations https://doi.org/10.1002/plr2.20075
Kelly, J. D., Awale, H. E., Wiersma, A. T., & Wright, E. M. (2021a). Registration of ‘Adams’ black bean. Journal of Plant Registrations, 15(2). https://doi.org/10.1002/plr2.20063
Kelly, J. D., Awale, H. E., Wiersma, A. T., & Wright, E. M. (2021b). Registration of ‘Charro’ pinto bean. Journal of Plant Registrations, 15(2). https://doi.org/10.1002/plr2.20071
Kelly, J. D., Awale, H. E., Wiersma, A. T., & Wright, E. M. (2021c). Registration of ‘Eiger’ great northern bean. Journal of Plant Registrations, 15(2). https://doi.org/10.1002/plr2.20090
Lo S, Parker T, Muñoz-Amatriaín M, Berny Mier y Teran JC, Jernstedt J, Close TJ, Gepts P (2021). Genetic, anatomical, and environmental patterns related to pod shattering resistance in domesticated cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp). Journal of Experimental Botany
MacQueen, A.H., White, J.W., Lee, R., Osorno, J.M., Schmutz, J., Miklas, P.N., Myers, J., McClean, P.E. and Juenger, T.E., 2020. Genetic Associations in Four Decades of Multi-Environment Trials Reveal Agronomic Trait Evolution in Common Bean. Genetics 215:267-284. https://doi.org/10.1534/genetics.120.303038
MafiMoghaddam, S., A. Oladzad, C. Koh, L. Ramsay, J. Hart, S. Mamidi, G. Hoopes, A. Sreedasyam, A. Wiersma, D. Zhao, J. Grimwood, J.P. Hamilton, J. Jenkins, B. Vaillancourt, J.C. Wood, D. Rokhsar, J. Schmutz, S. Kagale, T. Porch, K.E. Bett, C.R. Buell, and P.E. McClean. 2021. Genome sequences of wild and landrace tepary bean provide insight into evolution and domestication under heat stress. Nat. Commun. 12:2638. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-22858-x
Maldonado-Mota, C.R., Moghaddam S.M., Schröder S., Hurtado-Gonzales O.P., McClean P.E., Pasche J., Lamppa R., Pastor-Corrales M.A., Tobar-Piñón M.G., Osorno J.M. 2020. Genomic regions associated with resistance to Anthracnose in the Guatemalan climbing bean germplasm collection. Genetic Res. and Crop Evol. 68, 1073–1083. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10722-020-01050-y
Maldonado-Mota, C.R., Moghaddam, S.M., Schröder, S., Hurtado-Gonzales, O.P., McClean, P.E., Pasche, J., Lamppa R., Pastor-Corrales M.A., Tobar-Piñón, M.G., Osorno, J.M. 2021. Genomic regions associated with resistance to anthracnose in the Guatemalan climbing bean germplasm collection. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 68:1073–1083.
Martín-Rodríguez JÁ, Ariani A, Leija A, Elizondo A, Fuentes SI, Ramirez M, Gepts P, Hernández G, Formey D (2020) Phaseolus vulgaris MIR1511 genotypic variations differentially regulate plant tolerance to aluminum toxicity. The Plant Journal 105:1521-1533 doi: 10.1111/tpj.15129
Miklas, P.N., Osorno, J.M., Cichy, K. 2020. Agronomic performance and cooking quality characteristics for slow darkening pinto beans. Crop Sci. https://doi.org/10.1002/csc2.20220
Oladzad A., A. González, R. Macchiavelli, C.E. Estévez de Jensen, J.S. Beaver, T.G. Porch and P. McClean. 2020. Genetic factors associated with nodulation and nitrogen derived from atmosphere in a Middle American common bean panel. Front. Plant Sci. 11:576078. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.576078.
Oladzad, A., A. González, R. Macchiavelli, C. Estevez de Jensen, J. Beaver, T. Porch, P. McClean. 2020. Genetic factors associated with nodulation and nitrogen derived from atmosphere in a Middle American common bean panel under low soil fertility. Front. Plant Sci. 10.3389/fpls.2020.576078
Osorno, J.M., Vander Wal, A.J., Posch, J., Simons, K., Grafton K.F., Pasche, J.S., D. Nelson, B.D., Jain, S., and Pastor-Corrales, M.A. 2020. ‘ND Falcon’ a new pinto bean with combined resistance to rust and soybean cyst nematode: J. Plant Reg. 14:117-125.
Osorno, J.M., Vander Wal, A.J., Posch, J., Simons, K., Grafton K.F., Pasche, Valentini, G., and Pastor-Corrales, M.A. 2021. A New Black Bean with Resistance to Bean Rust: Registration of ‘ND Twilight’. J. Plant Reg., 15: 28-36.
Osorno, J.M., Vander Wal, A.J., Posch, J., Simons, K., Grafton, K.F., Pasche, J.S., Valentini, G. and Pastor‐Corrales, M., 2021. A new black bean with resistance to bean rust: Registration of ND Twilight’. J. Plant Registrations, 15(1), pp.28-36. https://doi.org/10.1002/plr2.20094
Osorno, J.M., Vander Wal, A.J., Posch, J., Simons, K., Grafton, K.F., Pasche, J.S. 2020. A New White Kidney Bean with High Seed Yield and Intermediate Resistance to White Mold and Bacterial Blights: Registration of ‘ND Whitetail’. J. Plant Reg. 14:102-109.
Osorno, J.M., Vander Wal, A.J., Posch, J., Simons, K., Grafton, K.F., Pasche, J.S. 2020. A New Great Northern Bean with Upright Plant Architecture and High Seed Yield: Registration of ‘ND Pegasus’. J. Plant Reg. 14:110-116.
Osorno, J.M., Vander Wal, A.J., Posch, J., Simons, K., Grafton, K.F., Pasche, J.S. Nelson, B.D., Jain, S., Pastor-Corrales, M.A. 2020. A New Pinto Bean with Combined Resistance to Rust and Soybean Cyst Nematode: Registration of ‘ND Falcon’. J. Plant Reg. 14:117-125.
Parker T, Palkovic A, Brummer EC, Gepts P (2020) Registration of ‘UC Tiger’s Eye’ heirloom-like dry bean. J Plant Registrations 15: 16-20 doi: 10.1002/plr2.20084
Parker T, Palkovic A, Brummer EC, Gepts P (2020) Registration of ‘UC Rio Zape’ heirloom‐like dry bean. Journal of Plant Registrations 15: 37-42 doi: 10.1002/plr2.20095
Parker T, Palkovic A, Brummer EC, Gepts P (2020) Registration of ‘UC Southwest Gold’ heirloom‐like gold and white mottled bean. Journal of Plant Registrations 15: 48-52, published online doi: 10.1002/plr2.20117
Parker T, Palkovic A, Brummer EC, Gepts P (2021) Registration of 'UC Sunrise' heirloom-like orange and white mottled bean. Journal of Plant Registrations 15: 43-47 doi: 10.1002/plr2.20096
Parker T, Palkovic A, Brummer EC, Gepts P (2021) Registration of 'UC Southwest Red' heirloom-like red and white mottled bean. Journal of Plant Registrations 15: 21-27 doi: 10.1002/plr2.20092
Parker TA, De Sousa LL, De Oliveira Floriani T, Palkovic A, Gepts P (2020) Toward the introgression of PvPdh1 for increased resistance to pod shattering in common bean. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 134:313-325 doi: 10.1007/s00122-020-03698-7
Parker TA, Gepts P (2021) Population genomics of Phaseolus spp.: A domestication hotspot. In: Rajora OP (ed) Population Genomics. Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, pp 1-83 doi: 10.1007/13836_2021_89
Parker TA, Lo S, Gepts P (2021) Pod shattering in grain legumes: Emerging genetic and environment-related patterns. The Plant Cell 33:179-199 doi: 10.1093/plcell/koaa025
Porch T.P., Barrera, S., Berny Mier y Teran, J.C., Díaz-Ramírez, J., Pastor-Corrales, M.A., Gepts, P., Urrea, C.A., Rosas, J.C. 2021. Release of tepary bean TARS-Tep 23 germplasm with broad abiotic stress tolerance and rust and common bacterial blight resistance.
Porch, T.G., S. Barrera, J.C. Berny Mier y Teran, J. Díaz-Ramírez, M.A. Pastor-Corrales, P. Gepts, C.A. Urrea, and J.C. Rosas. 2021. Release of tepary bean TARS-Tep 23 germplasm with broad abiotic stress tolerance and rust and common bacterial blight resistance. J of Plant Reg. (Accepted).
Restrepo-Montoya, D., Brueggeman, R., McClean, P.E. and Osorno, J.M., 2020. Computational identification of receptor-like kinases “RLK” and receptor-like proteins “RLP” in legumes. BMC Genomics, 21:1-17.
Restrepo-Montoya, D., McClean, P.E. and Osorno, J.M., 2021. Orthology and synteny analysis of Receptor-Like Kinases “RLK” and Receptor-Like Proteins “RLP” in legumes. BMC Genomics. 22:113. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-021-07384-w
Richard, M. M. S., A. Gratias, J.C. Alvarez Diaz, V. Thareau, S. Pflieger, C. Meziad, S. Blanchet, W. Marande, E. Bitocchi, R. Papa, P. N. Miklas, and V. Geffroy. 2021. A common bean truncated CRINKLY4 kinase controls gene-for-gene resistance to the fungal pathogen Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. J. Exp. Botany 72:3569-3581.
Sanyal, D., Osorno J.M., Chatterjee, A. 2020. Influence of Rhizobium inoculation on dry bean yield and symbiotic nitrogen fixation potential. J. Plant Nutrit. DOI: 10.1080/01904167.2020.1711946
Simons KJ, Oladzad A, Lamppa R, Maniruzzaman, McClean PE, Osorno JM, and Pasche JS 2021. Using Breeding Populations With a Dual Purpose: Cultivar Development and Gene Mapping—A Case Study Using Resistance to Common Bacterial Blight in Dry Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Front. Plant Sci. 12:621097. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.621097
Soler-Garzón A., Oladzad A., Beaver J., Beebe S., Lee R., Lobaton J.D., Macea E., McClean P., Raatz B., Rosas J.C., Song Q. and Miklas P.N. 2021. NAC candidate gene marker for bgm-1 and interaction with QTL for resistance to Bean Golden Yellow Mosaic Virus in common bean. Front. Plant Sci. 12:628443.
Soler-Garzón, A., P. E. McClean, and P. N. Miklas. 2021. Genome-wide association mapping of bc-1 and bc-u reveals candidate genes and new adjustments to the host-pathogen interaction for resistance to Bean common mosaic necrosis virus in common bean. Front. Plant Sci. 12:699569. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.699569
Soltani, A., K.A. Walter, A.T. Wiersma, J.P. Santiago, M. Quiqley, D. Chitwood, T.G. Porch, P. Miklas, P.E. McClean, J.M. Osorno and D.B. Lowry. 2021. The genetics and physiology of seed dormancy, a crucial trait in common bean domestication. BMC Plant Biol. 21:58.
Shi A, Gepts P, Song Q, Xiong H, Michaels TE, Chen S (2021) Genome-wide association study and genomic prediction for soybean cyst nematode resistance in USDA common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) core collection. Frontiers in Plant Science 12:1087 doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.62415
Soltani, A., Walter, K.A., Wiersma, A.T., Santiago, J.P., Quiqley M., Chitwood, D., Porch, T.G., Miklas, P.N., McClean, P.E., Osorno, J.M., and Lowry, D.B. 2021. The genetics and physiology of seed dormancy, a crucial trait in common bean domestication. BMC Plant Biology. 21:1-17. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-021-02837-6
Tobar-Piñon, M.G., Moghaddam S.M., Lee, R., Villatoro-Merida, J.C., Osorno, J.M., McClean, P.E. 2020. Genetic Diversity of Guatemalan Climbing Bean Collections. Genetic Res. and Crop Evol. 68, 639-656. doi: 10.1007/s10722-020-01013-3
Urrea, C.A., M.A. Pastor-Corrales, G. Valentini, L.F.S.,& E. Sanchez-Betancourt, E. 2021. Registration of ‘White Pearl’ great northern common bean cultivar with upright plant architecture and high yield. J. Plant Regist., 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1002/plr2.20167
Urrea, C.A., M.A. Pastor-Corrales, G. Valentini, L.F.S.,& E. Sanchez-Betancourt, E. 2021. Registration of the slow darkening pinto common bean cultivar ‘Wildcat’. J. Plant Regist.
Urrea, C.A., Pastor-Corrales, M.A., Valentini, G., Xavier, L.F.S., and Sanchez-Betancourt, E. 2021. Registration of ‘White Pearl’ great northern common bean cultivar with upright plant architecture and high yield. Submitted to the Journal of Plant Registrations.
Urrea, C.A., Pastor-Corrales, M.A., Valentini, G., Xavier, L.F.S., and Sanchez-Betancourt, E. 2021. Registration of the Slow Darkening Pinto Common Bean Cultivar ‘Wildcat’. Submitted to the: Journal of Plant Registrations.
Vaz Bisneta M, Gonçalves-Vidigal MC, Vidigal Filho PS, Elias JCF, Valentini G, Lemos Lima LR, Martiniano-Souza MDC, Ariani A, Gepts P (2021) New genomic regions for resistance to anthracnose (Colletotrichum lindemuthianum) through GBS-based genome-wide association study in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews 12:020-040 doi: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.12.1.0493
Vidigal Filho, P.S., Gonçalves-Vidigal, M.C., Bisneta, M.V., Souza, V.B., Gilio, T.A.S., Calvi, A. A., Lima, L.R.L., Pastor-Corrales, M.A., Melotto, M. 2020. Genome-wide association study of resistance to the anthracnose and angular leaf spot diseases in Brazilian Mesoamerican and Andean common bean cultivars. Crop Sci. 60: 2931-2950.
Viscarra-Torrico, R. C., A. Pajak, A. Soler Garzón, B-L. Zhang, S. Pandurangan, M. Diapari, Q. Song, Qijian; P. Cregan, R. Conner, J. House, P. N. Miklas, A. Hou, and F. Marsolais. 2021. Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) with increased cysteine and methionine concentration. Legume Sci. 3: e103. doi: 10.1002/leg3.103
Wiesinger, J., Osorno, J.M., McClean, P.E., Hart, J.J., and Glahn, R.P. 2021. Faster cooking times and improved iron bioavailability are associated with the down regulation of procyanidin synthesis in slow-darkening pinto beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). J. Functional Foods. 82-104444. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jff.2021.104444.
Winham, D.M., Davitt, E.D., Heer, M.M. and Shelley, M.C., 2020. Pulse knowledge, attitudes, practices, and cooking experience of Midwestern US university students. Nutrients, 12(11), p.3499.
Xavier, L. F. S.; Poletine, J. P.; Gonçalves-Vidigal, M. C.; Valentini, G.; Vidigal Filho, P. S.; Pastor-Corrales, M. A. 2021. Characterization of diversity in Colletotrichum lindemuthianum in Parana, Brazil, suggest breeding strategies for anthracnose resistance in common bean. Eur J Plant Pathol (2021) 160:757–770.
Zeffa DM, Moda-Cirino V, Delfini J, Arruda Medeiros I, Koltun A, Nogueira AF, Scapim CA, Gepts P, Gonçalves LSA (2021) Genetic diversity among Brazilian carioca common bean cultivars for nitrogen use efficiency. Crop Science: published online doi: 10.1002/csc2.20444
Zeffa DM, Moda-Cirino V, Nogueira AF, Delfini J, Arruda Medeiros I, Neto JdS, Gepts P, Scapim CA, Gonçalves LSA (2021) Genetic variability and nitrogen response indices in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars under contrasting nitrogen environments. Plant Breeding, published online doi: 10.1111/pbr.12916
Zitnick-Anderson, K., Oladzadabbasabadi, A., Jain, S., Modderman, C., Osorno, J.M., McClean, P., Pasche, J. 2020. Sources of Resistance to Fusarium solani and Associated Genomic Regions in Common Bean Diversity Panels. Frontiers in Plant Sci. 16 June 2020. https://doi.org/10.3389/fgene.2020.00475
Non-Refereed Publications
Alhasan, A. and J. Heitholt. 2020. Summary of N-by-genotype interactions on different traits in dry bean. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Days Bulletin. p. 5-7. https://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/publications/field-days-bulletin/2020-field-day-bulletins-web.pdf.
Barrera, S., Tamang, P., Urrea. C.A., and. Pastor-Corrales, M.A.2020. Reaction of tepary beans to races of the bean rust pathogen that overcome all common bean rust resistance genes. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 63: 43-44.
Beaver J.S. 2020. The production and genetic improvement of beans in the Caribbean. Ann. Rep. of the Bean Improv. Coop. 63:7-12.
Beaver, J.S., C. Estévez de Jensen, P.N. Miklas and T.G. Porch. 2020. Contributions in Puerto Rico to bean, Phaseolus spp., research. J. Agric. Univ. P.R. 104:43-111.
Harveson, R M., and L. Porter. 2021. A new pulse crop disease in Nebraska? Bean Bag, Summer Issue.
Harveson, R. M., and Urrea, C. A. 2021. The Evolution of Dry Bean Research in Nebraska. Bean Bag, Autumn Issue.
Harveson, R.M. 2021. Specialty crops update. Proceedings of the Crop Production Clinic, University of Nebraska, Cooperative Extension, pages 46-48.
Harveson, R.M. 2021. A brief history of dry bean production in Nebraska. Business Farmer, Sept., 2021.
Heitholt, J., C. Eberle, B. Magnuson, J. Keith. 2020. Cooperative dry bean nursery (CDBN) report – SAREC Lingle 2019. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Days Bulletin. p. 61-63. https://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/publications/field-days-bulletin/2020-field-day-bulletins-web.pdf.
Heitholt, J., C. Hoyt, J. Sloan, S.C. Reynolds. 2020. Response of six recombinant inbred dry bean lines and released cultivars to withholding N and P. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Days Bulletin. p. 32-34. https://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/publications/field-days-bulletin/2020-field-day-bulletins-web.pdf https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-021-02837-6
Hurtado-Gonzales, O.P., Valentini1, G., Gilio, T.A.S., Song, Q., and Pastor-Corrales, M.A.2020. Development and validation of a Marker linked to the Ur-4 rust resistance gene in common bean. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 63: 49-50.
Keith, J., J. Heitholt, J. Bolak, and A. Samet-Brown. 2020. Impact of maturation stage and pod color at harvest on popping percentage of popping bean lines of Phaseolus vulgaris. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Days Bulletin. p. 35-37. https://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/publications/field-days-bulletin/2020-field-day-bulletins-web.pdf.
Miklas, P. Chilagane, L., Fourie, D., Nchimbi, S., Soler-Garzon, A., Hart, J., McClean, P., Pastor-Corrales, M., Song. Q., and Porch, T. 2020. QTL for resistance to angular leaf spot and rust in Tanzania vs South Africa for the Andean diversity panel & Rojo/CAL 143 RIL population. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 63: 83-84.
Moore, M., J. Heitholt, S.C. Reynolds, J. Sweet, K. Webber. 2020. 2019 dry bean performance evaluation. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Days Bulletin. p. 30-31. https://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/publications/field-days-bulletin/2020-field-day-bulletins-web.pdf
Myers, J.R., P.M. Kusolwa and J.S. Beaver 2021. Breeding the common bean for weevil resistance. Chronica Horticulturae 61:16-20.
Myers, J.R., P.M. Kusolwa and J.S. Beaver. 2021. Breeding the common bean for weevil resistance. Chronica Horticulturae 61:16-20.
Pastor-Corrales, M.A. 2020. Epistasis between rust resistance genes in two common beans of Andean origin. Ann. Rep. Bean I
Porch, T.G., J.S. Beaver, J. Arias, G. Godoy-Lutz. 2021. Response of tepary beans to Bean golden yellow mosaic virus and powdery mildew. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Coop. 64:73-74. Rosas, J.C., J.S. Beaver and T.G. Porch. 2020. Bean cultivars and germplasm released in Central America and the Caribbean. Ann. Rep. of the Bean Improv. Coop. 63:107-110.
Sandra E. Branham, John Hart, Phillip Griffiths, Timothy Porch, Michael Mazourek, Michael Gore, and Jim Myers. 2021. Genetic diversity, population structure and linkage disequilibrium in a SnAP bean association panel and its potential for genome-wide association studies. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. Nov. 7-10, 2021 (Abstract).
Soler-Garzón A., Oladzad A., Lee R., Macea E., Rosas J.C., Beaver J., McClean P., Beebe S., Raatz B., and Miklas P. 2020. GWAS and fine mapping of the bgm-1 gene and other QTLs for resistance to BGYMV in dry beans. Ann. Rep. of the Bean Improv. Coop. 63:87-88.
Urrea, C.A. 2021. Great northern dry bean cultivar ‘White Pearl’. The Bean Bag. 39(2): 9.
Urrea, C.A. 2021. Slow darkening pinto dry bean cultivar ‘Wildcat’. The Bean Bag. 39(2): 11
Urrea, C.A. 2021. Two new bean varieties. Colorado Bean News. 34(1): 9-11 & 12.
Urrea, C.A. 71st Annual Report National Cooperative Dry Bean Nursery. http://cropwatch.unl.edu/varietytest-Drybeans/2020.
Urrea, C.A., and E. Valentin-Cruzado. 2021. 2020 Nebraska dry bean variety trials. Nebraska Extension MP111. 10 p.
Urrea, C.A., and E.V. Cruzado. 2021. 2020 Dry Bean Variety Trials. http://cropwatch.unl.edu/varietytest-Drybeans/2020.
Urrea, C.A., and E.V. Cruzado. 2021. 2020 Nebraska dry bean variety trials. The Bean Bag 39(1): 8-14.
Vidigal Filho, P.S., Goncalves-Vidigal, M.C., Sousa, V.B., Vaz Bisneta, M., Pastor-Corrales, M.A., Oblessuc, P.M, Melotto, M., 2020. Genome wide association analysis reveals markers tagging anthracnose and angular leaf spot resistance in common bean from Brazil. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 63: 81-82.
Xavier, L. F. S.; Valentini, G.; Pastor-Corrales, M. A. 2020. Simultaneous inoculation of common bean cultivars with multiple races of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 63: 115-116.
Xavier, L. F. S.; Valentini, G.; Poletine, J. P; Gonçalves-Vidigal, M. C.; Silva, J. B.; Calvi, A. C.; Song, Q.; Pastor-Corrales, M. A. 2020. Phenotype and SNPs revealed an anthracnose resistance locus in Andean common bean landrace Beija Flor. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 63: 117-118.
Refereed Publications
Beaver, J.S., González-Vélez, A., Lorenzo-Vázquez, G., Macchiavelli, R., Porch, T.G., Estevez-de-Jensen, C. (2021). Performance of Mesoamerican bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) lines in an unfertilized oxisol. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 32:701-718.
Beaver, J.S., Martínez Figueroa, H., Godoy Lutz, G., Estévez de Jensen, C., Porch, T.G., Rosas, J.C. (2022). Breeding for resistance and integrated management of web blight in common bean. Crop Science, 62:20-35.
Beiermann, C., Creech, C., Knezevic, S., Jhala, A., Harveson, R., Lawrence, N.C. (2022). Influence of planting date and herbicide program on Amaranthus palmeri control in dry bean. Weed Technology, 36:79-85.
Beiermann, C., Miranda, J.W.A., Creech, C., Knezevic, S., Jhala, A., Harveson, R., Lawrence, N.C. (2022). Critical timing of weed removal in dry bean as influenced by the use of preemergence herbicides. Weed Technology, 36:168-176.
Brick, M.A., Kleintop, A., Echeverria, D., Kammlade, S., Brick, L.A., Osorno, J.M., McClean, P. Thompson, H.J. (2022). Dry Bean: A Protein-Rich Superfood With Carbohydrate Characteristics That Can Close the Dietary Fiber Gap. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13.
Choe, U., Osorno, J. M., Ohm, J. B., Chen, B., Rao, J. (2022). Modification of physicochemical, functional properties, and digestibility of macronutrients in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) flours by different thermally treated whole seeds. Food Chemistry, 382:132570.
Cichy, K.A., Chiu, C., Isaacs, K., Glahn, R.P. (2022). Dry bean biofortification with iron and zinc. In: Kumar, Shiv, Dikshit, Harsh Kumar, Mishra, Gyan Prakash, Singh, Akanksha, editors. Biofortification of Staple Crops. Singapore. Springer. p.225-270. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-3280-8_10.
Escobar, E.G., Oladzad, A., Simons, K., Miklas, P., Lee, R., Schroeder, S., Bandillo, N., Wunsch, M., McClean, P.E., Osorno, J.M. (2022). New genomic regions associated with white mold resistance in dry bean using a MAGIC population. Plant Genome, 15:e20190. http://doi.org/10.1002/tpg2.20190
Geng, P., Hooper, S., Sun, J., Chen, P., Cichy, K.A., Harnly, J.M. (2022). Contrast Study on Secondary Metabolite Profile between Pastas Made from Three Single Varietal Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and Durum Wheat (Triticum durum). ACS Food Science & Technology. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsfoodscitech.2c00050
Keller, B., Ariza-Suarez, D., Portilla-Benavides, A.E., Buendia, H.F., Aparicio, J.S., Amongi, W., Mbiu, J., Nchimbi Msolla, S., Miklas, P., Porch, T.G., Burridge, J., Mukankusi, C., Studer, B., Raatz, B. (2022). Improving association studies and genomic predictions for climbing beans with data from bush bean populations. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13:830896. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.830896
Lin, J., Arief, V., Jahufer, Z., Osorno, J., McClean, P., Jarquin, D., Hoyos-Villegas, V. (2022). Simulations of rate of genetic gain in dry bean breeding programs.
MacQueen, A.H., Khoury, C.K., Miklas, P., McClean, P.E., Osorno, J.M., Runck, B.C., White, J.W., Kantar, M., Ewing, P.M. (2021). Local to continent-scale variation in fitness and heritability in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) cultivars. Crop Science.
MacQueen, A.H., White, J.W., Lee, R., Osorno, J.M., Schmutz, J., Miklas, P.N., Myers, J., McClean, P.E., Juenger, T.E. (2021). Genetic associations in four decades of multienvironment trials reveal agronomic trait evolution in common bean. GENETICS, 219.
McClean, P.E., Lee, R., Howe, K., Osborne, C., Grimwood, J., Levy, S., Haugrud, A.P., Plott, C., Robinson, M., Skiba, R.M. and Tanha, T. (2022). The common bean v gene encodes flavonoid 3′ 5′ hydroxylase: a major mutational target for flavonoid diversity in angiosperms. Frontiers in Plant Science, p.967.
Montejo Domínguez, L.D.M.A., McClean, P.E., Steadman, J., McCoy, S., Markell, S., Osorno, J.M. (2022). Bean rust resistance in the Guatemalan climbing bean germplasm collection. Legume Science, p.e149.
Miklas, P.N., Kelly, J.D., Cichy, K.A. (2022). Dry Bean Breeding and Production Technologies. In Dry Beans and Pulses Production, Processing, and Nutrition, Second Edition. Edited by Muhammad Siddiq and Mark A. Uebersax. John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Myers, J.R., Kusolwa, P.M., Beaver, J.S. (2021). Breeding the common bean for weevil resistance. Chronica Horticulturae, 61:16-20.
Parker, T., Cetz, J., de Sousa, L., Kuzay, S., Lo, S., Floriani, T., Njau, S., Arunga, E., Duitama, J., Jernstedt, J., Myers, J., Llaca, V., Herrera-Estrella, A., Gepts, P. (2022). Loss of pod strings in common bean is associated with gene duplication, retrotransposon insertion, and overexpression of PvIND. New Phytologist, 235:2454
Parker, T.A., Gepts, P. (2021). Population genomics of Phaseolus spp.: A domestication hotspot. In: Rajora OP (ed) Population Genomics: Crop Plants. Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, pp 1-83.
Restrepo-Montoya, D., McClean, P.E., Osorno, J.M. (2021). Orthology and synteny analysis of receptor-like kinases “RLK” and receptor-like proteins “RLP” in legumes. BMC genomics, 22:1-17.
Saballos, A.I., Soler-Garzón, A., Brooks, M., Hart, J.P., Lipka, A.E., Miklas, P.N., Peachey, R.E., Tranel, P.J., Williams, M. (2022). Multiple genomic regions govern tolerance to sulfentrazone in snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Frontiers in Plant Science, https://doi.org/10.3389/fagro.2022.869770
Sadohara, R. Izquierdo, P., Couto Alves, F., Porch, T.G., Beaver, J.S., Urrea, C.A., Cichy, K.A. (2022). The Phaseolus vulgaris L. Yellow Bean Collection: genetic diversity and characterization for cooking time. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 69:1627-1648.
Sadohara, R., Winham, D.M., Cichy, K.A. (2022). Food Industry Views on Pulse Flour—Perceived Intrinsic and Extrinsic Challenges for Product Utilization. Foods, 11:2146.
Soler-Garzón A., Oladzad A., Beaver J., Beebe S., Lee R., Lobaton J.D., Macea E., McClean P., Raatz, B., Rosas J.C., Song Q., Miklas P.N. (2021). NAC candidate gene marker for bgm-1 and interaction with QTL for resistance to Bean Golden Yellow Mosaic Virus in common bean. Front. Plant Science, 12:628443.
Soler-Garzón, A., McClean, P.E., Miklas, P.N. (2021). Coding mutations in vacuolar protein-sorting 4 AAA+ ATPase endosomal sorting complexes required for transport protein homologs underlie bc-2 and new bc-4 gene conferring resistance to Bean common mosaic virus in common bean. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12:769247. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.769247
Soltani, A, Walter K.A., Wiersma, A.T., Santiago, J.P., Quiqley, M., Chitwood, D., Porch, T.G., Miklas, P., McClean, P.E., Osorno, J.M., Lowry, D.B. (2021). The genetics and physiology of seed dormancy, a crucial trait in common bean domestication. BMC Plant Biology, 21:58.
Subramani, M., Urrea, C.A., Kalavacharla, V. (2022). comparative analysis of untargeted metabolomics in tolerant and sensitive genotypes of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seeds exposed to terminal drought stress. Metabolites, 12:944. https://doi.org/10.3390/metabo12100944
Uebersax, M.A., Cichy, K.A., Gomez, F.E., Porch, T.G., Heitholt, J., Osorno, J.M., Kamfwa, K., Snapp, S.S., Bales, S. (2022). Dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) as a vital component of sustainable agriculture and food security—A review. Legume Science, e155. https://doi.org/10.1002/leg3.155
Wang, W., Wright, E., Uebersax, M., Cichy, K.A. (2021). A Pilot-scale Dry Bean Canning and Evaluation Protocol. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation: https://doi.org/10.1111/jfpp.16171
Winham, D.M., Thompson, S.V., Heer, M.M., Davitt, E.E., Hooper, S.D., Cichy, K.A., Knoblauch, S.T. (2022). Black Bean Pasta Meals with Varying Protein Concentrations Reduce Postprandial Glycemia and Insulinemia Similarly Compared to White Bread Control in Adults. Foods, 11:1652. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods11111652
Non-Refereed Publications
Branham SE, Hart J, Griffiths P, Porch T, Maz M, Gore M, Myers J. (2021). Genetic Diversity, Population Structure, and Linkage Disequilibrium of a Snap Bean Association Panel and Its Potential for Genome-Wide Association Studies. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting.
Harveson, R.M. (2022). Stratosphere bacterial wilt isolates. Bean Bag, Winter Issue.
Harveson, R.M. (2022). A new project with Rhizoctonia root rot in pulse crops. Bean Bag, Spring Issue.
Harveson, R.M. (2022). Specialty crops update. Guide for weed, disease, and insect management in Nebraska. University of Nebraska Extension, EC 130, 366 pp.
Harveson, R.M. (2022). What’s going on at pulse corner? Bean Bag, Summer Issue.
Porch, T.G., Beaver, J.S. (2022). Response of tepary bean breeding lines and entries of the tepary diversity panel (tdp) when infested with the common bean weevil (Acanthoscelides obtectus) Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative, 65:117-118.
Porch, T.G., Beaver, J.S., Arias, J., Godoy-Lutz, G. (2021). Response of tepary beans to Bean golden yellow mosaic virus and powdery mildew. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative, 64:73-74.
Rodriguez, O.J., McClean, P.M., Osorno, J.M. (2021). November. Stem Diameter and Its Relationship to Agronomic Traits in Dry Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). In ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. ASA-CSSA-SSSA.
Torres-González, Y., Estévez de Jensen, C., Beaver, J.S., Porch, T.G. (2022). Resistance of common bean lines to root rot caused by Fusarium solani. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative, 65:25-27.
Urrea, C.A. (2021). 2020 Nebraska dry bean variety trials. The Bean Bag 40:10-17.
Urrea, C.A. (2022). 2021 Nebraska dry bean variety trials. Nebraska Extension MP116. 10 p.
Urrea, C.A. 72nd Annual Report National Cooperative Dry Bean Nursery. http://cropwatch.unl.edu/varietytest-Drybeans/2021.
Urrea, C.A., E.V. Cruzado. (2022). 2021 Dry Bean Variety Trials. http://cropwatch.unl.edu/varietytest-Drybeans/2021.
Amongi, W., Nkalubo, S., Ochwo-Ssemakula, M., Arfang, B., Dramadri Onziga, I., Odongo Lapaka, T., Nuwamanya, E., Tukamuhabwe, P., Izquierdo, P., Cichy, K., Kelly, J., Mukankusi, C. (2023) Phenotype based clustering, and diversity of common bean genotypes in seed iron concentration and cooking time. (Submitted to PLOS ONE) https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0284976
Arkwazee HA, Wallace LT, Hart JP, Griffiths PD, Myers JR. (2022) Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) of White Mold Resistance in Snap Bean. Genes. 13(12):2297. https://doi.org/10.3390/genes13122297
Awale, A.E., Wiersma, A.T., Wright, E.M., Buell, C.R., Kelly, J.D., Cichy, K.A., Haus, M.J. (2023) Anthracnose and bean common mosaic necrosis virus resistance in wild and landrace Phaseolus vulgaris (L.) genetic stocks. Crop Science (submitted).
Bornowski, N., Hart, J.P., Vargas Palacios, A., Ogg, B., Brick, M.A., Hamilton, J.P., Beaver, J.S., Buell, C.R. and Porch, T.G. (2023) Genetic variation in a tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius A. Gray) diversity panel reveals loci associated with biotic stress resistance. The Plant Genome, e20363. https://doi.org/10.1002/tpg2.20363.
Cabrera-Asencio, I. and Consuelo Estevez de Jensen, C. (2023) First Report of the exotic species Megalurothrips usitatus (Thysanoptera; Tripidae) pest of Fabaceae in Puerto Rico. Florida Entomologist, Accepted.
Celebioglu, B., J.P. Hart, T. Porch P. Griffiths and J.R. Myers (2023) Phenotypic Variability for Leaf and Pod Color within the Snap Bean Association Panel. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. (in press).
Didinger, C., Cichy, K., Urrea, C. A., Scanlan, M., & Thompson, H. (2023) The effects of elevation and soaking conditions on dry bean cooking time. Legume Science. https://doi.org/10.1002/leg3.207
Fu, M., Z. Qu, N. Pierre-Pierre, D. Jiang, F. L. Souza, P. N. Miklas, L. D. Porter, G. J. Vandemark, and W. Chen (2023) Exploring the mycovirus SsHADV-1 as a biocontrol agent of Sclerotinia white mold. Plant Disease https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-07-23-1458-RE
Gomez, F.E., Kelly, J.D., Wright, E.M., Awale, H.E., Bales, S (2023) Registration of ‘Denali’ kidney bean. JPR (submitted).
Gomez, F.E., Kelly, J.D., Wright, E.M., Awale, H.E., Bales, S. (2023) Registration of ‘Coral’ pink bean. JPR (submitted).
Hooper, S.D., Bassett, A., Wiesinger, J.A., Glahn, R.P. and Cichy, K.A. (2023) Extrusion and drying temperatures enhance sensory profile and iron bioavailability of dry bean pasta. Food Chemistry Advances, p.100422. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.focha.2023.100422
Izquierdo, P., Kelly, J.D., Beebe, S.E., Cichy, K. (2023) Combination of meta-analysis of QTL and GWAS to uncover the genetic architecture of seed yield and seed yield components in common bean. The Plant Genome https://doi.org/10.1002/tpg2.20328
Jeffery, H.R., Mudukuti, N., Buell, C.R., Childs, K.L. and Cichy, K. (2023) Gene expression profiling of soaked dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) reveals cell wall modification plays a role in cooking time. The Plant Genome, p.e20364. https://doi.org/10.1002/tpg2.20364
Kamfwa, K., N. Otiento, A. Soler-Garzón, P. N. Miklas, T. Parker, A. Chattopadhyay, P. Cheelo, K. Kuwabo, and S. M. Hamabwe. 2023. Identification of quantitative trait loci for drought tolerance in Bukoba/ Kijivu Andean mapping population of common bean. Theor. Appl. Genet. 136:222. doi.org/10.1007/s00122-023-04463-2
Kapayou, D.G., Herrighty, E.M., Hill, C.G. et al. Reuniting the Three Sisters: collaborative science with Native growers to improve soil and community health. Agric Hum Values 40, 65–82 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10460-022-10336-z
Kuwabo, K., Hamabwe, S. M., Kachapulula, P., Cichy, K., Parker, T., Mukuma, C., & Kamfwa, K. (2023) Genome-wide association analysis of anthracnose resistance in the Yellow Bean Collection of Common Bean. PLOS ONE, 18(11), e0293291. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0293291
Lin, J., Arief, V., Jahufer, Z., Osorno, J., McClean, P., Jarquin, D., & Hoyos-Villegas, V. (2023) Simulations of rate of genetic gain in dry bean breeding programs. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 136(1), 14.
McClean, P. E., Roy, J., Colbert, C. M., Osborne, C. O., Lee, R., Miklas, P., & Osorno, J. (2023). T and Z, Partial Seed Coat Patterning Genes in Common Bean, Provide Insight into the Structure and Protein Interactions of a Plant MBW Complex. bioRxiv, 2023-09.
Myers, J. and A. Agir. 2022. Bean-Garden. In: Mou, B. (ed.) Vegetable cultivar descriptions for North America List 28. HortScience 57:958-964. (https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI.57.8.949)
Oladzad, A., J. Roy, S. Mamidi, P. N. Miklas, R. Lee, J. Clevenger, Z. Myers, and P. McClean. 2023. Linked candidate genes of different functions for white mold resistance in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) are identified by multiple QTL mapping approaches. Front. Plant Sci. 14:1233285. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1233285
Ortiz V., Chang H-X., Sang H., Jacobs J., Malvick D.K., Baird R., Mathew F.M., Estévez de Jensen C., Wise K.A., Mosquera G.M. and Chilvers M.I. 2023. Population genomic analysis reveals geographic structure and climatic diversification for Macrophomina phaseolina isolated from soybean and dry bean across the United States, Puerto Rico, and Colombia. Front. Genet. 14:1103969. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2023.1103969.
Osorno, J. M., Simons, K. J., Erfatpour, M., Vander Wal, A. J., Posch, J., & Grafton, K. F. (2023). Seed yield improvement in navy bean: Registration of ‘ND Polar’. Journal of Plant Registrations.
Park, H.E., L. Nebert, R. King, P. Busby and J. Myers. 2023. Influence of organic plant breeding on the rhizosphere microbiome of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Frontiers in Plant Science. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1251919. (in press).
Parker, T.A. Parker, J.A. Gallegos, J. Beaver, M. Brick, J.K. Brown, K. Cichy, D.G. Debouck, A. Delgado-Salinas, S. Dohle, E. Ernest, C. Estevez de Jensen, F. Gomez, B. Hellier, A.V. Karasev, J.D. Kelly, P. McClean, P. Miklas, J.R. Myers, J.M. Osorno, J.S. Pasche, M.A. Pastor-Corrales, T. Porch, J.R. Steadman, C. Urrea, L. Wallace, C.H. Diepenbrock, and P. Gepts. 2023. Genetic resources and breeding priorities in Phaseolus beans: vulnerability, resilience, and future challenges. Plant Breeding Reviews. Vol 6: 289-420. I. Goldman (Ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc. https://doi.org:10.1002/9781119874157
Porch, T. G., Rosas, J. C., Cichy, K., Lutz, G. G., Rodriguez, I., Colbert, R. W., Demosthene, G., Hernández, J. C., Winham, D. M., & Beaver, J. S. (2023). Release of tepary bean cultivar ‘USDA Fortuna’ with improved disease and insect resistance, seed size, and culinary quality. Journal of Plant Registrations, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1002/plr2.20322.
Reyero-Saavedra, R., Fuentes, S.I., Leija, A., Jiménez-Nopala, G., Peláez, P., Ramírez, M., Girard, L., Porch, T.G., and Hernández, G. (2023) Identification and characterization of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) non-nodulating mutants altered in Rhizobial infection. Plants 12(6):1310. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12061310.
Rezaey M, Heitholt J, Miles C, and Ganjyal GM. 2023. Physicochemical Characteristics and Popping Efficiencies of Nuña Beans from Different Breeding Lines. Cereal Chemistry. https://doi.org/10.1002/cche.10733.
Rosas, J.C., Rodriguez, I.Y., Beaver, J.S., and Porch, T.G. (2023) Comportamiento agronómico de germoplasma de frijol común en condiciones de altas temperaturas en el Sur de Honduras. Ceiba 56(1):31-49.
Roy, J., A. Soler-Garzón, P. N. Miklas, J. Clevenger, R. Lee, and P. E. McClean. (2023) Integrating de novo QTL-seq and linkage mapping to identify quantitative trait loci conditioning physiological resistance and avoidance to white mold disease in dry bean. The Plant Genome, e20380. doi.org/10.1002/tpg2.20380
Soler-Garzón, A., A. Thornton, J. Hart, K. D. Swisher-Grimm, Q. Song, C. A. Strausbaugh, and P. N. Miklas (2023) A robust SNP-haplotype assay for Bct gene region conferring resistance to beet curly top virus in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Front. Plant Sci. 14:1215950. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1215950
Subramani, M., C.A. Urrea, R. Habib, K. Bhide, J. Thimmapuram, and V. Kalavacharla (2023) Comparative transcriptome analysis of tolerant and sensitive genotypes of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) in response to terminal drought stress. Plants 2023, 12(1), 210. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12010210
Uebersax, M. A., Cichy, K. A., Gomez, F. E., Porch, T. G., Heitholt, J., Osorno, J. M., ... & Bales, S. (2023) Dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) as a vital component of sustainable agriculture and food security—A review. Legume Science, 5(1), e155.
Volpato, L., Gomez, F.E., Wright, E.M., Bales, S (2023) A retrospective analysis of historical data of multi-environment trials for dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Michigan. Crop Science (accepted).
Wang, W., & Cichy, K. A. (2023) Genetic variability for susceptibility to seed coat mechanical damage and relationship to end‐use quality in kidney beans. Crop Science. https://doi.org/10.1002/csc2.21122
Winham, D., Doina, A., & Glick, A. (2023) Anti-Flatulence Supplements Raise Blood Glucose After Bean-Based Meals. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 123(10), A29.
Witt, T.W., B.K. Northup, T.G. Porch, S. Barrera, and C.A. Urrea (2023) Effect of cutting management on the forage production and quality of tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius A. Gray). Sci Rep 13, 12875. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-39550-3
Zaleski-Cox, M., P. N. Miklas, A. Soler-Garzón, and V. Hoyos-Villegas (2023) Automating high-throughput screening for anthracnose resistance in common bean using allele specific PCR. BMC Plant Methods 19:102. doi:10.1186/s13007-023-01071-5
Non-Refereed Publications
Arkwazee, H.A., T.A. Parker, P. Gepts, and J.R. Myers (2022) Pod strings map to region flanking pvind on Pv02 in common bean. Annu. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 65:91-92.
Cabrera-Asencio, I. and Consuelo Estevez de Jensen, C. (2023) Asian bean thrips of Fabaceae in Isabela, Puerto Rico. Ann. Rep. of the Bean Improv. Coop. 66:43.
Guzman, C. (2023) UNL and USDA collaborators breeding a climate-smart bean. The Bean Bag 41(4): 12-13.
Guzman, C. (2023) Bean breeders scout fields for desirable bean traits. The Bean Bag 41(4): 16-17.
Harveson, R.M., and C. Urrea (2023) Fuscous blight, a new bacterial disease in dry beans in Nebraska. The Bean Bag 41(1): 20-21.
Harveson, R.M., and C. Urrea (2023) The astonishing story of Selection #27. The Bean Bag 41(2): 19-20.
Higgins, R., E. Wright, H. Awale, V. Hoyos-Villegas, P. Miklas, J. Myers, J. Osorno, C. Urrea, M. Wunsch, S. Everhart, and F.E. Gomez (2022) New sources of white mold resistance derived from wide crosses in common bean and evaluated in the greenhouse and field using multi-site screening nurseries. Annu. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 65:77-78.
Mazala, M., McClean, P., Lee, R., Erfatpour, M., Kamfwa, K., Chinji, M., Hamabwe, S., Kuwabo, K., Urrea, C.A. Beaver, J.S. and J.M. Osorno (2023) Agronomic and cooking characteristics of common bean genotypes with bruchid resistance and molecular marker validation. Ann. Rep. of the Bean Improv. Coop. 66:44-46.
Park, H.E., R.M. King, and J.R. Myers (2022) A case for breeding organic snap beans in an organic selection environment. Annu. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 65:31-32.
Sadohara, R., Cichy, K., Fourie, D., Nchimbi Msolla, S., Song, Q., Miklas, P. and Porch, T. (2023) Phaseolus improvement cooperative (PIC) populations developed via intercrossing of stress-tolerant germplasm and their performance under drought conditions. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 66:33-34.
Urrea, C.A. (2023) UNL dry bean varieties. The Bean Bag 41(1): 7.
Urrea, C.A., and C. Kaarstad (2023) 2022 Nebraska dry bean variety trials. Nebraska Extension EC3064. 11 p.
Urrea, C.A., and C. Kaarstad (2023) 2022 Nebraska dry bean variety trials. The Bean Bag 41(1): 11-19.
Urrea, C.A. (2023) Zambia visit. The Bean Bag 41(1): 22-23.
Urrea, C.A. (2023) Release of the slow-darkening pinto line NE4-17-10. The Bean Bag 41(3): 14-15.
Urrea, C.A. (2023) Contest to name the new bean releases. The Bean Bag 41(4): 5.
Volpato, L., Wright, E.M., Gomez, F.E. (2023) Digital phenotyping in plant breeding: Evaluation relative maturity, stand count, and plant height in dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) via RGB drone-based imagery and deep learning approaches. Research Square (pre-print). https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-3160633/v1
Çelebioğlu, Burcu (2023) Color and Photosynthetic Variability of Leaves and Pods, and Genome Wide Association Studies Using the Snap Bean Association Panel (SnAP). Ph.D., Oregon State University.
Ağır, Ahmet (2023) Development of a multi-parent advanced generation inter-cross (MAGIC) population and analysis of a nested association mapping (NAM) population for improvement of genetic resistance to white mold in snap bean. M.S. Oregon State University.
Park, Hayley (2023) Breeding Snap Beans for organic agriculture: Quantification and application of key traits. M.S. Oregon State University.
Torres González, Y.E. (2023) Análisis fenotípico y genético de la resistencia a la pudrición de raíz en el frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) causada por Fusarium solani. M.S. Thesis. Univ. of Puerto Rico. 112 p.
Abstracts and Presentations
Branham SE. (2023) Genomics-assisted vegetable breeding to develop new varieties for South Carolina. Clemson University, AGSC 4100/6100 Newman Seminar and Lecture Series.
Branham SE. (2023) Marker-assisted vegetable breeding for production in the Southeastern US. Guest lecture, Clemson University, PES 6050 Plant Breeding.
Branham SE, Ganaparthi V, Kaur K, Stone M, Ward B, Levi A, Robinson S, Wechter WP. (2023) Genomics-enabled vegetable breeding for production in the Southeastern US. National Association of Plant Breeders Annual Meeting.
Branham SE. (2023) Snapbean quality trials. Coastal Research and Education Center Field Day.
Branham SE. (2023) Snapbean quality trials. Vegetable Research Advisory Council Meeting.
Branham SE. (2023) Breeding snapbeans for production in the Southeastern US. Pea and Bean Growers meeting.
Branham SE. (2023) Vegetable breeding program overview. Vegetable Research Advisory Council Meeting.
Celebioglu, B., J.P. Hart, P. Griffiths, T. Porch and J.R. Myers. (2023) Genome-wide association studies of vegetative color and photosynthesis in Phaseolus vulgaris. Plant & Animal Genome Conference 13-18 Jan. 2022, San Diego, CA. (poster)
Hershberger JM. (2023) Sowing seeds for a quality-focused vegetable breeding and genetics program. Annual James Brewbaker Lecture in Plant Genetics. 2023 February 17; University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
Hershberger JM. (2022) Envisioning a quality-focused vegetable breeding program for South Carolina. Lecture given in Clemson University course AGSC 6100. 2022 November 11; Virtual
Hershberger JM. (2023) Butter bean breeding at the PDREC, Oral presentation at the Clemson Extension Butter bean and Pea Production Meeting.
Hershberger JM. (2023) Butter bean breeding at the PDREC, Oral presentation at the Clemson Extension Pee Dee Vegetable Production Meeting.
Peer-reviewed publications:
Awale, H., Wiersma, A., Wright, E., Buell, R.C., Kelly, J., Cichy, K.A., Haus, M. 2024. Anthracnose and bean common mosaic necrosis virus resistance in wild and landrace Phaseolus vulgaris (L.) genetic stocks. Crop Science. https://doi.org/10.1002/csc2.21252.
Awale, H.E., Wright, E.M., Kelly, J.D., Bales, S. 2024. Registration of Yukon Gold’ yellow bean. JPR (accepted).
Baidhe, E., Clementson, C.L., Osorno, J.M. and Urrea, C., 2024. Use of thermophysical properties to characterize cooking trends of slow-and regular-darkening pinto beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). CyTA-Journal of Food 22(1), p.2399157.
Barrera, S., J.C. Berny Mier y Teran, J. Aparicio, J. Diaz, R. Leon, S. Beebe, C.A. Urrea, and P. Gepts. 2024. Identification of drought and heat tolerant tepary beans in a multi-environment trial study. Crop Science (Accepted).
Beaver, J. S., González, A., Mateo, B., Lutz, G. G., Miranda, A., Rosas, J. C., & Porch, T. G. 2024. Release of multiple virus and bruchid resistant Mesoamerican bean germplasm lines PR1303-129 and PR1743-44. Journal of Plant Registrations 18: 149-156. doi: 10.1002/plr2.20344
Bornowski, N., Hart, J. P., Palacios, A. V., Ogg, B., Brick, M. A., Hamilton, J. P., Beaver, J. S., Buell, C. R., & Porch, T. 2023. Genetic variation in a tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius A. Gray) diversity panel reveals loci associated with biotic stress resistance. The Plant Genome: e20363. doi: 10.1002/tpg2.20363
Celebioglu B., J.R. Myers, J.P. Hart, T. Porch, P. Griffiths. 2024. Phenotypic variability for leaf and pod color within the snap bean association panel. J. Am. Soc. Hortic. Sci. 149(1):15-26. doi: 10.21273/JASHS05326-23.
Celebioglu, B., Porch, T., Hart, J., Griffiths, P. and Myers, J. 2023. Genome-wide association study to identify possible candidate genes of snap bean leaf and pod color. Genes 14(12): 2234.
Chiaravallotti, I., Lin, J., Arief, V., Jahufer, Z., Osorno, J.M., McClean, P., Jarquin, D. and Hoyos‐Villegas, V., 2024. Simulations of multiple breeding strategy scenarios in common bean for assessing genomic selection accuracy and model updating. The Plant Genome, p.e20388. https://doi.org/10.1002/tpg2.20388
Chinji, M., Hamabwe, S., Kuwabo, K., Mugovu, I., Thole, R., Mazala, M., Osorno, J.M., McClean, P., Jochua, C., Urrea, C., Mukuma, C., Chisale, V. and Kamfwa, K. 2024. Introgression and Stability of Common Bean Weevil (Acanthoscelides obtectus [Say]) Resistance in Diverse Market Classes From the Andean Gene Pool of Common Bean. Legume Science, 6: e223. doi: 10.1002/leg3.223
Didinger, C., Cichy, K.A., Urrea, C., Scanlan, M.M., Thompson, H. 2023. The effects of elevation and soaking conditions on dry bean cooking time. Legume Science. 5(4). Article e207. doi: 10.1002/leg3.207
Fu, M., Z. Qu, N. Pierre-Pierre, D. Jiang, F. L. Souza, P. N. Miklas, L. D. Porter, G. J. Vandemark, and W. Chen. 2024. Exploring the mycovirus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum hypovirulence-associated DNA virus 1 as a biocontrol agent of white mold caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Plant Disease 108: 624-634. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-07-23-1458-RE
Gepts, P. 2023. Biocultural diversity and crop improvement. Emerging Topics in Life Sciences 7: 151-196. doi: 10.1042/ETLS20230067
Glick, A. A., Winham, D. M., Heer, M. M., Shelley, M. C., & Hutchins, A. M. 2024. Health belief model predicts likelihood of eating nutrient-rich foods among US adults. Nutrients 16(14): 2335.
Gomez, F.E., Kelly, J.D., Wright, E.M., Awale, H.E., Bales, S. 2024. Registration of ‘AuSable’ navy bean. Journal of Plant Registrations. doi: 10.1002/plr2.20374
Gomez, F.E., Kelly, J.D., Wright, E.M., Awale, H.E., Bales, S. 2024. Registration of ‘Black Pearl’ black bean. Journal of Plant Registrations. doi: 10.1002/plr2.20377
Hooper, S.D., Basset, A., Wiesinger, J.A., Glahn, R.P., Cichy, K.A. 2023. Extrusion and drying temperatures enhance sensory profile and iron bioavailability of dry bean pasta. Food Chemistry Advances. (3):100422. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.focha.2023.100422
Kamfwa, K., N. Otiento, A. Soler-Garzón, P. N. Miklas, T. Parker, A. Chattopadhyay, P. Cheelo, K. Kuwabo, and S. M. Hamabwe. 2023. Identification of quantitative trait loci for drought tolerance in Bukoba/ Kijivu Andean mapping population of common bean. Theor. Appl. Genet. 136: 222. doi: 10.1007/s00122-023-04463-2
Kuwabo, K., Hamabwe, S., Kachapulula, P., Cichy, K.A., Parker, T., Mukuma, C., Kamfwa, K. 2023. Genome-wide association analysis of anthracnose resistance in the Yellow Bean Collection of Common Bean. PLOS ONE. 18(11). Article e0293291. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0293291
Lin, J., Arief, V., Jahufer, Z., Osorno, J., McClean, P., Jarquin, D., & Hoyos-Villegas, V. (2023). Simulations of rate of genetic gain in dry bean breeding programs. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 136(1): 14.
McClean, P. E., J. Roy, C. L. Colbert, C. Osborne, R. Lee, P. N. Miklas, and J. M. Osorno. 2024. T and Z, two partial seed coat color patterning genes in common bean, provide insight into the structure and protein interactions of a MBW complex in plants. G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics: jkae184. doi: 10.1093/g3journal/jkae184
Meziadi, C., J. C. Alvarez-Diaz, V. Thareau, A. Gratias-Weill, W. Marande, A. Soler-Garzon, P. N. Miklas, S. Pflieger, and V. Geffroy. 2024. Fine-mapping and evolutionary history of R-BPMV, a dominant resistance gene to Bean pod mottle virus in Phaseolus vulgaris L. Theor. Appl. Genet. 137: 8. doi: 10.1007/s00122-023-04513-9
Miklas, P. N., A. Soler-Garzón, G. Valentini, and M. Pastor-Corrales. 2023. Registration of ‘USDA-Rattler’ pinto bean. Journal of Plant Registrations 17: 271-279. doi: 10.1002/plr2.20289
Miklas, P. N., A. Soler-Garzon, K. A. Cichy, and M. Pastor-Corrales. 2024. Registration of ‘USDA-Diamondback’ slow-darkening pinto bean. Journal of Plant Registrations 18: 52-60. doi: 10.1002/plr2.20334
Modreen, C., S. Hamabwe, K. Kuwabo, I. Mugovu, R. Thole, M. Mazala, J.M. Osorno, P. McClean, C. Jochua, C. Urrea, C. Mukuma, V. Chisale, and K. Kamfwa. 2024. Introgression and stability of common bean weevil (Acanthoscelides obtectus [Say]) resistance in diverse market classes from the Andean gene pool of common bean. Legume Science 6: e223. doi: 10.1002/leg3.223
Mwense, B. P., S. M. Hamabwe, K. Kuwabo, M Mataa, P. N. Miklas, C. Mukuma, and K. Kamfwa. 2024. Evaluation of pinto genotypes of common bean for resistance to anthracnose. Legume Science 6: e228. doi: 10.1002/leg3.228
Nchimbi-Msolla, S., C.A. Urrea, M. Kilango, A. Soler-Garzón, T.G. Porch, and P. N. Miklas. 2024. Release of ‘Kikatiti’ a multiple disease resistant pinto cultivar with superior productivity in Tanzania identified from evaluation of the Durango Diversity Panel. Journal of Plant Registrations 18: 512-522. doi: 10.1002/plr2.20387
Oladzad, A., J. Roy, S. Mamidi, P. N. Miklas, R. Lee, J. Clevenger, Z. Myers, W. Korani, and P.E. McClean. 2023. Linked candidate genes of different functions for white mold resistance in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) are identified by multiple QTL mapping approaches. Front. Plant Sci. 14:1233285. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1233285
Osorno, J.M., Erfatpour, M., Simons, K.J., Maisonneuve, M., Posch, J. and Vander Wal, A.J. 2024. Seed yield improvements in slow‐darkening pinto bean: Registration of ‘ND Rodeo’. Journal of Plant Registrations, 18(2): 270-278.
Osorno, J.M., Erfatpour, M., Simons, K.J., Maisonneuve, M., Posch, J. and Vander Wal, A.J. 2024. Improved disease tolerance, higher seed yield and shape in dark red kidney bean: Registration of ‘ND Redbarn’. Journal of Plant Registrations, 18(2): 262-269.
Osorno, J. M., Simons, K. J., Erfatpour, M., Vander Wal, A. J., Posch, J., & Grafton, K. F. 2023. Seed yield improvement in navy bean: Registration of ‘ND Polar’. Journal of Plant Registrations.
Parker, T., Bolt, T., Williams, T., Penmetsa, R. V., Mulube, M., Celebioglu, B., Palkovic, A., Jochua, C. N., del Mar Rubio Wilhelmi, M., Lo, S., Bornhorst, G., Tian, L., Kamfwa, K., Farmer, A., Diepenbrock, C., and Gepts, P. (2024). Seed color patterns in domesticated common bean are regulated by MYB-bHLH-WD40 transcription factors and temperature. The Plant Journal, n/a. doi: 10.1111/tpj.16947
Porch, T.G., J.C. Rosas, K. Cichy, G. Godoy Lutz, I. Rodriguez, R.W. Colbert, G. Demosthene, J.C. Hernández, D.M. Winham, and J.S. Beaver. 2024. Release of tepary bean cultivar ‘USDA Fortuna’ with improved disease and insect resistance, seed size, and culinary quality. Journal of Plant Registrations 18(1): 42-51. doi: 10.1002/plr2.20322
Rosas, J.; Rodriguez, I.Y., Beaver, J. S., and Porch, T. G. 2023. Comportamiento agronómico de germoplasma de frijol común en condiciones de altas temperaturas en el Sur de Honduras. Ceiba 56: 31-49.
Roy, J., A. Soler-Garzón, P. N. Miklas, R. Lee, J. Clevenger, Z. Myers, W. Korani, and P. E. McClean. 2023. Integrating de novo QTL-seq and linkage mapping to identify quantitative trait loci conditioning physiological resistance and avoidance to white mold disease in dry bean. The Plant Genome 16: e20380. doi: 10.1002/tpg2.20380
Sadohara, R., K. Cichy, D. Fourie, S. N. Msolla, Q. Song, P. Miklas, and T. Porch. 2024. Andean common bean bulk breeding lines selected on multiple continents exhibit broad genetic diversity and stress adaptation. Crop Science 1-22. doi: 10.1002/csc2.21309
Soler-Garzón, A., A. Thornton, J. Hart, K. D. Swisher-Grimm, Q. Song, C. A. Strausbaugh, and P. N. Miklas. 2023. A robust SNP-haplotype assay for Bct gene region conferring resistance to beet curly top virus in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Front. Plant Sci. 14:1215950. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1215950
Soler-Garzón, A., M. Mulube, K. Kamfwa, D. M. Lungu, S. Hamabwe, J. Roy, V. Salegua, D. Fourie, T. G. Porch, P. E. McClean, and P. N. Miklas. 2024. GWAS of resistance to three bacterial diseases in the Andean common bean diversity panel. Front. Plant Sci. 15:1469381. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2024.1469381
Soler-Garzón, A., P. E. McClean, and P. N. Miklas. 2024. The alleles bc-ud and bc-ur (previously bc-4 gene), representing coding mutations within Vps4 AAA+ ATPase ESCRT protein, interact with other genes to condition resistance to BCMV and BCMNV in common bean. The Plant Genome 17: e20421. doi: 10.1002/tpg2.20421
Subramani, M., C.A. Urrea, S.R. Tamatamu, V.R. Sripathi, K. Williams, L.K. Chintapenta, A. Todd, and G. Ozbay. 2024. Comprehensive proteomic analysis of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seeds reveal shared and unique proteins involved in terminal drought stress response in tolerant and sensitive genotypes. Biomolecules 14: 109. doi: 10.3390/biom14010109
Traverso ER, Ernest EG, Emanuel IB, Betts AK. 2024. Building accelerated plant breeding pipelines: Screening to evaluate lima bean resistance to root-knot nematode in diverse inbred lines and segregating breeding populations. Phytopathology. doi: 10.1094/PHYTO-11-23-0441-KC. Epub ahead of print.
Uebersax, M. A., Cichy, K. A., Gomez, F. E., Porch, T. G., Heitholt, J., Osorno, J. M., ... & Bales, S. (2023). Dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) as a vital component of sustainable agriculture and food security—A review. Legume Science 5(1): e155.
Urrea, C.A., and C. Kaarstad. 2024. 2023 Nebraska dry bean variety trials. The Bean Bag 42(1): 12-22.
Volpato, L., Wright, E.M., Gomez, F.E. 2024. Drone-based digital phenotyping for evaluating relative maturity, stand count, and plant height in dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Plant Phenomics (in review).
Wang, W., Cichy, K.A. 2023. Genetic variability for susceptibility to seed coat mechanical damage and relationship to end-use quality in kidney beans. Crop Science. 1-11. doi: 10.1002/csc2.21122
Wang, W., Siddiq, M., Dolan, K., Cichy, K.A. 2024. Processing and quality valuation of dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) in flexible pouches. Legume Science. Article e213. doi: 10.1002/leg3.213
Wiersma, A.T., Hamilton, J.P., Vaillancourt, B., Brose, J., Awale, H.E., Wright, E.M., Kelly, J.D., Buell, C.R. 2024. K-mer Genome-wide Association Study for Anthracnose and BCMV Resistance in a Phaseolus vulgaris Andean Diversity Panel. Plant Genome (accepted).
Wright, E.M., Kelly, J.D., Awale, H.E., Bales, S. 2024. Registration of ‘Kona’ black bean. JPR (accepted).
Zaleski-Cox, M., P. N. Miklas, A. Soler-Garzón, and V. Hoyos-Villegas. 2023. Automating high-throughput screening for anthracnose resistance in common bean using allele specific PCR. BMC Plant Methods 19: 102. doi: 10.1186/s13007-023-01071-5
Bolt, T.M., M. Riggs, W. Sun, L. Tian, P. Gepts, A. Palkovic, T. Parker, G.M. Bornhorst, C. Diepenbrock. An empirical evaluation of simulated gastrointestinal digestion platforms for use in plant breeding, using common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) as a model. bioRxiv 2024.05.09.592089.
doi: 10.1101/2024.05.09.592089
Stone M, Branham S, Ward B. 2023. Clemson University Thesis: Genome-wide association study of heat tolerance in snap beans.
Extension bulletin:
Uebersax, M.A., Bales, S., Siddiq, M., Wright, E.M. 2024. Critical food safety and quality elements in the dry bean supply chain. MSU Extension Bulletin E-3492.
Contributions to BIC annual report (Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. vol. 67):
- Adaskaveg, J.A., Penmetsa, V.R., Hershberger, J., Wallace, L., Subedi, S., Heer, M., Hanifin, R., Warburton, M.L., Hokin, S., Farmer, A., Winham, D., Ernest, E., Dohle, S., Palkovic, A., Parker, T., Gepts, P., & Diepenbrock, C. 2024. A collaboration towards the comprehensive improvement of lima beans: addressing consumer information, pre-breeding, and germplasm information/utilization bottlenecks. Pages 3-5.
- Adaskaveg, J.A., Murray, C., Wallace, L., Subedi, S., Hershberger, J., Ernest, E., Palkovic, A., Gepts, P., & Diepenbrock, C. 2024. Utilizing benchtop near-infrared spectroscopy to predict lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus) nutritional composition. Pages 29-30.
- Beaver, J.S., Porch, T.G., Rosas, J.C., Kamfwa, K., Osorno, J.M. & Mazala, M. 2024. Breeding common beans for resistance to bruchids. Pages 165-179.
- Berlingeri, J.M., Lo, S., Williams, T., Riggs, M., Cortes, E., Khan, A., Palkovic, A., Parker, T., Gepts, P., Porch, T., Barrera Lemus, S., Urrea, C., Cichy, K., Miklas, P., Assefa, T., Mukankusi, C., Bailey, B., Earles, J.M., Diepenbrock, C. 2024. Integration of sensing, crop modeling, and genomics in a common bean/tepary interspecific population to improve productivity and quality traits in US and African breeding contexts. Pages 19-20.
- Parker, T.A., H.A. Arkwazee, B. Celebioglu, P. Gepts, & J.R. Myers. 2024. Loci mapped to Pv04 and Pv01 are required for round pod shape in snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Pages 141-142.
- Porch, T. & Estevez de Jensen, C. 2024. Response of the tepary diversity panel to combined Asian bean flower thrip and leafhopper pressure. Pages 117-118.
- Porch, T., Fourie, D., & Miklas, P.N. 2024. Andean lines selected for heat tolerance from bulk breeding Phaseolus improvement cooperative (PIC) populations. Pages 73-74.
- Soler-Garzón, A., Porch, T.G., McClean, P.E., Geffroy, V. & Miklas, P.N. 2024. Candidate genes and markers for resistance in the BCMV/BCMNV host-pathogen interaction in common bean. Pages 43-44.
- Stone M, Ward B, Robinson S, Bridges W, Branham SE. 2024. A genome-wide association study of snap bean pod production under ideal and heat-stressed conditions. Pages 25-26.
- Usman, M., Zhang, X., Yadav, S.A., & Porch, T. 2024. Synergistic approach for drought/non-drought classification of beans: Harnessing the potential of multisource datasets using machine learning. Pages 127-128.
- Wang, Y.-W., Wood, J.C., Hamilton, J.P., Mailloux, K., Vaillancourt, B., Estévez de Jensen, C., Porch, T., & Buell, C.R. 2024. Genome-enabled breeding across Phaseolus Pages 57-58.