NCCC31: Ecophysiological Aspects of Forage Management
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Active
SAES-422 Reports
Christine C. Nieman, Kenneth P. Coffey, Elizabeth B. Kegley, P. Hornsby, J. Hollenback, Dirk Philipp. 20XX. Supplementation of different sources and heating of dried distillers grains for lactating beef cows consuming bermudagrass hay. Submitted (J. Anim. Sci.)
Niyigena, V., Coffey, K. P., Coblentz, W. K., Philipp, D., Althaber, C., Diaz Gomez, J., Rhein, R. T., Pruden, M. C. 20XX. Intake, digestibility rumen fermentation and nitrogen balance in sheep offered alfalfa and tall fescue-mixtures harvested and ensiled after a killing frost. Submitted (Anim. Feed Sci. Technol.)
Niyigena, Valens, Ashworth, Amanda J, Nieman, Christine, Acharya, Mohan, Coffey, Ken, Philipp, Dirk, Meadors, Lillian, Sauer, Tom. 20XX. Factors affecting sugar accumulation and fluxes in warm- and cool-season forages grown in a silvopastoral system. Submitted (Crop Sci.)
Amanda J. Ashworth, Tulsi Kharel, Phillip R. Owens, Taylor C. Adams, Dirk Philipp, Andrew L. Thomas, and Tom Sauer. 20XX. Determining how spatially variable landscape attributes impact preferential grazing in silvopasture systems. Submitted (Nature Communications)
A.J. Ashworth, T.C. Adams, T.P. Kharel, D. Philipp, P. Owens, and T. Sauer. 20XX. Forage Root Decomposition in Silvopastoral Systems Influenced by Soil Moisture, Grazing, Fertilization, and Grass Species. Submitted (Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science).
Niyigena, K. P. Coffey, W. K. Coblentz, D. Philipp, R. T. Rhein, J. D. Caldwell, and B. C. Shanks. 20XX. Nitrogen balance and blood urea nitrogen by gestating sheep offered alfalfa silage wrapped with or without an enhanced oxygen barrier plastic after time delays up to three days. Submitted (Small Ruminant Research).
Rocateli, A.C., A.J. Ashworth, C.P. West, K.R. Brye, M. Popp, and J.R. Kiniry. 2020. Simulating switchgrass biomass productivity using ALMANAC. I. Calibration of soil water. Agronomy Journal. 112: 183– 193. doi: 10.1002/agj2.20054
Ashworth, A.J., K. V. Knapp, F.L. Allen, and A.M. Saxton. 2020. Comparing yield trial locations based on their elicited expressions of genetic variance among soybean cultivars. Crop Sci. 60:1313–1324. doi:10.1002/csc2.20066
Ashworth, A.J., P.R. Owens, and F.L. Allen. 2020. Long-term cropping systems management influences soil strength and nutrient cycling. Geoderma. 361. 114062, doi:org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2019.114062
Anderson, K., P.A. Moore, Jr., C. Pilon, J. Martin, D.H. Pote, P.R. Owens, A.J. Ashworth, D. Miller, and P. DeLaune. 2020. Long-term study on the effects of buffer strips and grazing management on phosphorus runoff from pastures. J. Environ. Qual. 49: 85– 96. doi:10.1002/jeq2.20010
Acharya, M., B.S. Howell, J. Burke, A.J. Ashworth, and R.W. Rorie. 2020. Relationship of anti-mullerian hormone to reproductive traits in katahdin ewes bred in late spring or fall. Advances in Reproductive Sciences. 8: 48-56. doi: 10.4236/arsci.2020.81005
Ashworth, A.J., D.H. Pote, D.B. Watts, and T.R. Way. 2020. Effect of seeding distance from subsurface banded poultry litter on corn yield and leaf greenness. Agronomy Journal. 112:1679–1689. doi: 10.1002/agj2.20186
Ashworth, A.J., P.A. Moore, Jr., R. King, J.L. Douglas, D.H. Pote, and A.A. Jacobs. 2020. Switchgrass nitrogen fertility response and nutrient cycling in a hay system. Agronomy Journal. 112:1963–1971. doi:10.1002/agj2.20156. 2020
Amorim, H.C.S., A.J. Ashworth, B.J. Wienhold, M.S. Savin, F.L. Allen, A.M. Saxton, P.R. Owens, and N. Curi. 2020. Soil quality indices based on long-term conservation cropping systems management. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment. 3:e20036. doi.org/10.1002/agg2.20036
Anderson, K., P.A. Moore, Jr., and J. Martin, and A.J. Ashworth. 2020. Effect of a new manure amendment on ammonia emissions from poultry litter. Atmosphere. 11, 225. doi:10.3390/atmos11030257
Kharel, T.P., A.J. Ashworth, A. Shew, M. Popp, and P.R. Owens. 2020. Tractor guidance improves production efficiency by reducing overlaps and gaps. Agricultural & Environmental Letters. 5:e20012. doi.org/10.1002/ael2.20012
Kharel, T.P., A.J. Ashworth, P.R. Owens, and M. Buser. 2020. Spatially and temporally disparate data in systems agriculture: issues and prospective solutions. Agronomy Journal. 112:4498–4510. doi.org/10.1002/agj2.20285
Amorim, H.C.S., A.J. Ashworth, P.A. Moore, Jr., B.J. Wienhold, M.S. Savin, P.R. Owens, S. Jagadamma; T. Carvalho, and S. Xu. 2020. Soil quality indices following long-term conservation pasture management practices. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 301.
- doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2020.107060
Kharel, T.P., P.R. Owens, and A.J. Ashworth. 2020. Tractor path overlap is influenced by field shape and terrain attributes. Agricultural & Environmental Letters. 5:e20027. doi.org/10.1002/ael2.20027
Xu, S., S. Jagadamma, A.J. Ashworth, S. Surendra, P.R. Owens, and P.A. Moore, Jr. 2020. Long-term effects of pasture management and fenced riparian buffers on soil organic carbon content and aggregation. Geoderma. 382, 114666, doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114666.
Ashworth, A.J., K. V. Knapp, F.L. Allen, and A.M. Saxton. 2020. Comparison of discriminatory effects of corn yield test locations based on their genetic variation expression among hybrids. Crop Sci. 60: 3166–3174. doi.org/10.1002/csc2.20298
Gelley, C.H., A.J. Ashworth, P.D. Keyser, R. Nave-Oakes, and J. Reinhart. 2020. Water-use efficiency of forage crops in the Southeastern United States. Agronomy. 10: 9, 1377; doi.org/10.3390/agronomy10091377
Yang, Y., A.J. Ashworth, J. DeBruyn, L.M. Durso, M. Savin, K. Cook, P.A. Moore, Jr., and P.R. Owens. 2020. Antimicrobial resistant gene prevalence in soils due to animal manure deposition and long-term pasture management. PeerJ 8:e10258. doi.org/10.7717/peerj.10258
Amorim, H.C.S., A.J. Ashworth, K.R. Brye, B.J. Wienhold, M.C. Savin, P.R. Owens, and S.H. G. Silva. 2021. Soil quality indices as affected by long-term burning, irrigation, tillage, and fertility management. Soil Science Society of America J. 85:379–395. doi:10.1002/saj2.20188
Ashworth, A.J., P.A. Moore, D.H. Pote, P.R. Owens, J. Martin, and K. Anderson. 2021. Conservation management practices reduce non-point source pollution from grazed pastures. Heliyon. 7, e06238. doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e06238.
Gurmessa, B., A.J. Ashworth, Y. Yang, K. Adhikari, M. Savin, P.R. Owens, T. Sauer, E.F. Pedretti, S. Cocco, and G. Corti. 2021. Soil bacterial diversity based on management and topography in a silvopastoral system. Applied Soil Ecology. 163, 103918. doi.org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2021.103918
Niyigena, V., A.J. Ashworth, C. Nieman, M. Achara, K.P. Coffey, D. Philipp, L. Meadors, and T.J. Sauer. 2021. Factors affecting sugar accumulation and fluxes in warm- and cool-season forages grown in a silvopastoral system. Agronomy. 11, 354. doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11020354
Gurmessa, B., A.J. Ashworth, Y. Yang, M. Savin, P.A. Moore Jr., S. Ricke, G. Corti. E.F. Pedretti, and S. Cocco. 2021.Variations in bacterial community structure and antimicrobial resistance gene abundance in cattle manure and poultry litter. Environmental Research. 97, 111011. doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2021.111011
Acharya, M., A.J. Ashworth, Y. Yang, J.M. Burke, J.A. Lee, and R. Sharma-Acharya. 2021. Soil microbial diversity in organic and non-organic pasture systems. PeerJ 9:e11184. doi.org/10.7717/peerj.11184
Zhou, V., J.A. Larson, V.R. Sykes, A.J. Ashworth, and F.L. Allen. 2021. Crop rotation, cover crop, and poultry litter effects on no-tillage cotton profitability. Agronomy Journal. 113: 2648– 2663. doi.org/10.1002/agj2.20661
Yang, Y., A.J. Ashworth, L.M. Durso, M. Savin, J. DeBruyn, K. Cook, P.A. Moore, Jr., and P.R. Owens. 2021. Do long-term conservation pasture management practices influence microbial diversity and antimicrobial resistant genes in runoff? Frontiers in Microbiology. 12, 617066. doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2021.617066
Popp, M.P., A.J. Ashworth, and C.P. West. 2021. Simulating the feasibility of dual use switchgrass. Energies. 14, 2422. doi.org/10.3390/en14092422
Anderson, K., P.A. Moore, Jr., J. Martin, and A.J. Ashworth. 2021. Evaluation of a novel poultry litter amendment on greenhouse gas emissions. Atmosphere. 12, 563. doi.org/10.3390/atmos12050563
Adams, T.C., A.J. Ashworth, and T. Sauer. 2021. Soil CO2 evolution is driven by forage species, soil moisture, grazing pressure, poultry litter fertilization, and seasonality in silvopastures. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment. 4:e20179. doi.org/10.1002/agg2.20179
Richwine, J.D., P.D. Keyser, D.W. Hancock, and A.J. Ashworth. Using a browntop millet companion crop to aid native grass establishment. Agronomy Journal. 1−12. doi: 10.1002/agj2.20739
- Friesen, G.M.A., R. Smith, D.J. Cattani, and A.T. Phan. 2020. Characterizing genetically diverse blue grama [Bouteloua gracilis (Willd. ex Kunth) Lag. ex Griffiths] seed sources. Can. J. Botany 98:11. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjb-2020-0029
- Gilbert, B., A.S. MacDougall, T. Kadoya, M. Akasaka, J.R. Bennett, E.M. Lind, H. Flores-Moreno, J. Firn, Y. Hautier, E.T. Borer, E.W. Seabloom, P.B. Adler, E.E. Cleland, J.B. Grace, W.S. Harpole, E.H. Esch, J.L. Moore, J. Knops, L. McCulley, B. Mortensen, J. Bakker, and P.A. Fay. Climate and local environment structure asynchrony and the stability of primary production in grasslands. 2020. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29(7):1177-1188. doi: 10.1111/geb.13094.
- Hautier, Y., P. Zhang, M. Loreau, K. Wilcox, E. Seabloom, E. Borer, J. Byrnes, S. Koerner, K. Komatsu, J. Lefcheck, A. Hector, P. Adler, J. Alberti, C. Arnillas, J. Bakker, L. Brudvig, M. Bugalho, M. Cadotte, M. Caldeira, O. Carroll, M. Crawley, S. Collins, P. Daleo, L. Dee, N. Eisenhauer, A. Eskelinen, P. Fay, B. Gilbert, A. Hansart, F. Isbell, J. Knops, A. MacDougall, L. McCulley, J. Moore, J. Morgan, A. Mori, P. Peri, E. Pos, S. Power, J. Price, P. Reich, A. Risch, C. Roscher, M. Sankaran, M. Schueltz, M. Smith, C. Stevens, P. Tognetti, R. Virtanen, G. Wardle, P. Wilfhart, and S. Wang. 2020. General destabilizing effects of eutrophication on grassland productivity at multiple spatial scales. Nature Communications 11:5375. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-19252-4
- Kramer, K.J., I.A. Kagan, L.M. Lawrence, and R. Smith. 2020. Ethanol-soluble carbohydrates of cool-season grasses: prediction of concentration by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) and evaluation of effects of species cultivar and management. J. of Equine Vet. Science 101:10342. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2021.103421
- Kramer, K.J., I.A. Kagan, L.M. Lawrence, B. M. Goff, and R. Smith. 2020. Water-soluble carbohydrates of cool-season grasses: prediction of concentrations by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy and evaluation of effects of genetics, management, and environment. J. of Equine Vet. Science 90: 103014. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2020.103014
- Meyer, Susan, Margaret H. MacDonald, Nathan D. Reetz, Mihail R. Kantor, Lynn Carta, Zafar Ahmad Handoo, Mary J. Camp, and Tim D. Phillips. 2020. Chia: Host status for Meloidogyne incognita and activity of plant extracts. Plant Disease. doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-10-19-2171-RE
- Risch, A., S. Zimmermann, B. Moser, M. Schuetz, F. Hagedorn, J. Firn, P. Fay, P. Adler, L. Biederman, J. Blair, E. Borer, A. Broadbent, C. Brown, M. Cadotte, M. Caldeira, K. Davies, A. di Virgilio, N. Eisenhauer, A. Eskelinen, J. Knops, A. MacDougall, L. McCulley, B. Melbourne, J. Moore, S. Power, S. Prober, E. Seabloom, J. Siebert, M. Silveira, K. Speziale, C. Stevens, P. Tognetti, R. Virtanen, L. Yahdjian, and R. Ochoa-Hueso. 2020. Global impacts of fertilization and herbivore removal on soil net nitrogen mineralization are modulated by local climate and soil properties. Global Change Biology 26(12): 7173-7185. doi: 10.1111/gcb.15308
- Ochoa-Hueso, R., E.T. Borer, E.W. Seabloom, S.E. Hobbie, A.C. Risch, S.L. Collins, J. Alberti, H.A. Bahamonde, C.S. Brown, M.C. Caldeira, P. Daleo, C.R. Dickman, A. Ebeling, N. Eisenhauer, E.H. Esch, A. Eskelinen, V. Fernandez, S. Gusewell, B. Gutierrez-Larruga, K. Hofmockel, R. Laungani, E. Lind, A. Lopez, L. McCulley, J.L. Moore, P.L. Peri, S.A. Power, J.N. Price, S.M. Prober, C. Roscher, J.M. Sarneel, M. Schutz, J. Siebert, R.J. Standish, S. Velasco Ayuso, R. Virtanen, G.M. Wardle, G. Wiehl, L. Yahdjian, and T. Zamin. 2020. Microbial processing of plant remains is co-limited by multiple nutrients in global grasslands. Global Change Biology 26(8):4572-4582. doi: 10.1111/gcb.15146.
- Roberts, C.A., J.G. Andrae, R. Smith, M.H. Poore, C.A. Young, D.W. Hancock, and G.J. Pent. 2020. The alliance for grassland renewal: a model for teaching endophyte technology J. of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 14:50-54. https://publications.waset.org/10011192/pdf
- Seabloom, E., P.B. Adler, J. Alberti, L. Biederman, Y. Buckley, M. Cadotte, S. Collins, L. Dee, P. Fay, J. Firn, N. Hagenah, W.S. Harpole, Y. Hautier, A. Hector, S. Hobbie, F. Isbell, J. Knops, K. Komatsu, F. Laungani, A. MacDougall, L. McCulley, J. Moore, J. Morgan, T. Ohlert, S. Prober, A. Risch, M. Schutz, C. Stevens, and E. Borer. 2020. Increasing effects of chronic nutrient enrichment on plant diversity loss and ecosystem productivity over time. Ecology 102(2): e03218. doi: 10.1002/ecy.3218
- Serson, W., P. Armstrong, E. Maghirang, A. AL-Bakri, D. Phillips, M. AL-Amery, K. Su, and D.F. Hildebrand. 2020. Development of Whole and Ground Seed Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Calibrations for Oil, Protein, Moisture, and Fatty Acids in Salvia hispanica, JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 7(1), 3-13. doi: 10.1002/aocs.12300
- Sitters, J., E.R.J. Wubs, E.S. Bakker, T.W. Crowther, P.B. Adler, S. Bagchi, J.D. Bakker, L. Biederman, E.T. Borer, E.E. Cleland, N. Eisenhauer, J. Firn, L. Gherardi, N. Hagenah, Y. Hautier, S.E. Hobbie, J.M.H. Knops, A.S. MacDougall, L. McCulley, J.L. Moore, B. Mortensen, P.L. Peri, S.M. Prober, C. Riggs, A.C. Risch, M. Schutz, E.W. Seabloom, J. Siebert, C.J. Stevens, and G.F. Veen. 2020. Nutrient availability controls the impact of mammalian herbivores on soil carbon and nitrogen pools in grasslands. Global Change Biology 26(4):2060-2071. doi: 10.1111/gcb.15023.
- Stanton, V.L., E.R. Haramoto, and Phillips. 2020. Biomass potential of drill interseeded cover crops in corn in Kentucky. Agronomy Journal https://doi.org/10.1002/agj2.20609
- Stanton, V.L., E.R. Haramoto, and Phillips. 2020. Summer survival is a major limitation to interseeding Poaceae cover crops in Kentucky. Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Management 6:e20004. https://doi: 10.1002/cft2.20004.
- Tao, B., Y.J. Yang, J. Yang, Smith, J. Fox, A. Ruane, J.Z. Liu, and W. Ren. 2020. Recent shrinkage and fragmentation of bluegrass landscape induced by crop expansion in Kentucky. Remote Sensing: 12(11), https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12111815
Avanesyan, A., and W. Lamp. 2020. Use of molecular gut content analysis to decipher the range of food plants of the invasive spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula. Insects 11, 215.
Avanesyan, A., H. Sutton, and W. Lamp. 2021. Choosing an effective PCR-based approach for diet analysis of insect herbivores: a systematic review. Journal of Economic Entomology doi: 10.1093/jee/toab057.
Avanesyan, A., N. Illahi, and W. Lamp. 2021. Detecting ingested host plant DNA in potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae: potential use of molecular markers for gut content analysis. Journal of Economic Entomology 114: 472-475. doi: 10.1093/jee/toaa247
Eckert, R., H. Halvorson, K. Kuehn, and W. Lamp. 2020. Macroinvertebrate community patterns in relation to leaf-associated periphyton under contrasting light and nutrient conditions in headwater streams. Freshwater Biology 65: 1270-1287. DOI: 10.1111/fwb.13473
Eckert, R., W. Lamp, and G. Marbach-Ad. 2021. Jigsaw dissection activity enhances student ability to relate morphology and ecology in aquatic insects. Journal of Biological Education (in press)
Thompson, M., and W. Lamp. 2021. Herbivory enhances legume-rhizobia symbioses function, increasing aboveground allocation of biologically fixed nitrogen, but only in soils without additional nitrate. Plant Soil https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-021-04999-6.
Wallau, M., A. Lazur, A. Grev, S. Rondon, and J. Robinson. 2021. Organizing virtual field events: opportunities, strategies, and lessons from across the country. Journal of Extension. Submitted April 2021.
Wilson-Ounekeo, R. and W. Lamp. 2020. Perceptions and responses of residents to the nuisance black fly Simulium jenningsi (Diptera: Simuliidae) in the mid-Atlantic United States. Journal of Medical Entomology 57: 1872–1881, DOI: /10.1093/jme/tjaa129
Wilson-Ounekeo, R., and W. Lamp. 2021. Environmental and spatial predictors of the distribution patterns of the host-seeking black fly, Simulium jenningsi. Environmental Entomology (in press)
Yurchak, V., A. Leslie, G.P. Dively, W.O. Lamp, and C.R.R. Hooks. 2021. Degradation of transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis proteins in corn residue to post-harvest management practices. Transgenic Research https://doi.org/10.1007/s11248-021-00273-8
Grabber, J.H., H. Riday, W. Osterholz, A. Cassida, J. Williamson and M. Renz. 2021. Differential survival of alfalfa varieties interseeded into corn silage. Crop Science 61:1797-1808. doi: 10.1002/csc2.20465
Sulc, R.M., A.M. Arnold, A. Cassida, K. Albrecht, M. Hall, D.H. Min, X. Xu; D.J. Undersander, and E. van Santen. 2021. Changes in Forage Nutritive Value of Reduced-Lignin Alfalfa During Regrowth. Crop Sci. 61:1478–1487. doi: 10.1002/csc2.20366
Patel, S., C.A. Bartel, A.W. Lenssen, K.J. Moore, and T. Berti. 2021. Stem density, productivity, and weed community dynamics in corn-alfalfa intercropping. Agronomy 2021, 11,1696. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11091696
Berti, M.T. A. Cecchin, D.P. Samarappuli, S. Patel, A.W. Lenssen, K.J. Moore, S.S. Wells, and M.J. Kazula. 2021. Alfalfa established successfully in intercropping with corn in the US Midwest Agronomy 2021, 11, 1676 https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11081676
Schmitt, M. T. Berti, D. Samarappuli, and J. Ransom. 2021. Factors affecting the establishment and growth of cover crops intersown into maize (Zea mays L.). Agronomy 11: 712. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11040712
Kandel, H. D.P. Samarappuli, K. Johnson, and T. Berti. 2021. Soybean relative maturity, not row spacing affected interseeded cover crops biomass. Agriculture 11 (5): 441 https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture11050441
Berti, M.T., Lukaschewsky, and D.P. Samarappuli. 2021. Intercropping alfalfa into silage maize can be more profitable than maize silage followed by spring-seeded alfalfa. Agronomy 11(6), 1196; https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11061196
Cecchin, A., Pourhashem, G., R.W. Gesch, A.W. Lenssen, S. Patel, Y. Mohammed and T. Berti. 2021. The environmental impact of ecological intensification of a cropping system in the U.S. Upper Midwest. Sustainability 13: 1696. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13041696
Cecchin, A., Pourhashem, G., R.W. Gesch, A.W. Lenssen, S. Patel, Y. Mohamed, and T. Berti. 2021. Environmental trade-offs of relay-cropping winter cover crops within maize and soybean. Agric. Systems 189:103062
Patel, S., A.W. Lenssen, K.J. Moore, Y.A. Mohammed, R.W. Gesch, M.S. Wells, B.L. Johnson, T. Berti, and H.L. Matthees. 2021. Interseeded pennycress and camelina yield and their influence on row crops. Agronomy J. doi: 10.1002/agj2.20655
Quinby, M.P. ; Nave, R.L.G.; Sulc, R.M.; Castillo, M.S.; Bates, G.; McIntosh, D.; Schneider, L. (2021). Comparison of alfalfa mixed with tall fescue and bermudagrass on forage accumulation, botanical composition, and nutritive value. Crop Sci. https://doi.org/10.1002/csc2.20461
Dominschek, R.; Barroso, A.A.M.; Lang, C.R.; Moraes, A; Sulc, R.M.; Schuster, M.Z. (2021). Crop rotations with temporary grassland shifts weed patterns and allows herbicide-free management without crop yield loss. J. of Cleaner Production Volume 306. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.127140.
Sulc*, R.M., A.M. Arnold; K. A. Cassida; K. A. Albrecht; M. H. Hall; D. Min, X. Xu; D. J. Undersander; E. van Santen. 2021. Changes in nutritive value of reduced lignin alfalfa during regrowth. Crop Sci. 61:1478-1487. https://doi.org/10.1002/csc2.20366
Sulc, R.M.; Lamp, W.O.; Buntin, G.D. (2020) Insect management. p. 535-550 In Moore, K.J.; Collins, M.; Nelson, C.J.; Redfearn, D.D. (eds.) Forages: The Science of Grassland Agriculture, Vol. II. 7th ed. Wiley Blackwell, West Sussex, UK.
Szymczak, L.S.; A.de Moraes; R.M. Sulc; A.L.G. Monteiro; C.R. Lang; R.F.; Moraes; D.F.F. da Silva; C. Bremm; P.C.F. Carvalho. (2020). Tall fescue sward structure affects the grazing process of sheep. Sci Rep 10, 11786. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-68827-0.
Casler, M.D.; Lee, D.; Mitchell, R.B.; Adler, P.R.; Sulc, R.M.; Johnson, K.D.; Kallenbach, R.L.; Boe, A.R.; Mathison, R.D.; Cassida, K.A.; Min, D.; Moore, K.J. (2020). Nitrogen demand associated with increased biomass yield of switchgrass and big bluestem: implications for future breeding strategies. Bioenerg. Res. 13:120-131https://doi.org/10.1007/s12155-019-10081-y.
Da Silva, S.C.; Bueno, A.A.O.; Carnevalli, R.A.; Silva, G.P.; Chiavegato, M.B . (2020). Nutritive value and morphological characteristics of Mombaça grass managed with different rotational grazing strategies. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE, 157, 595-598. doi: 10.1017/S0021859620000052.
Congio, G.F.S., Bannink, A., Mogollon, O.L.M., Hristov, A.N., Chiavegato. M.B., et al. 2021. Enteric methane mitigation strategies for ruminant livestock systems in the Latin America and Caribbean region: A meta-analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 321, 127693.
Lin, S., C.A. Medina, S. Norberg, D. Combs, G.J. Wang, G. Shewmaker, S. Fransen, D. Llewellyn & L.X. Yu. 2021. Genome-wide association studies identifying multiple loci associated with alfalfa forage quality. Frontiers in Plant Science/Plant Breeding 12: 648192. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.648192.
Yang, Yungui, Yanyan Lin, Lu Zhao, Xuemei Yang, Ting Guo, and David B. Hannaway. 2021. Influence of ensiling additives on silage quality of several oat cultivars. International Journal of Science 8(2): 23-31. http://www.ijscience.org/download/IJS-8-2-23-31.pdf
Wang, G.J., G. Bobe, S.J. Filley, G.J. Pirelli, M.G. Bohle, T.Z. Davis, G.L. Banuelos & J.A. Hall. 2021. Effects of springtime sodium selenate foliar application and NPKS fertilization on selenium concentrations and selenium species in forages across Oregon. Animal Feed Science and Technology 276: 114944.
Wang, M., R. Gao, M. Franco, D.B. Hannaway, W. Ke, Z. Ding, Z. Yu, X. Guo. 2021. Effect of Mixing Alfalfa with Whole-Plant Corn in Different Proportions on Fermentation Characteristics and Bacterial Community of Silage. Agriculture 11: 174-185. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture11020174
Cicek, Harun, Serkan Ates, Gazi Ozcan, Mehmet Tezel, Jennifer G. Kling, Mounir Louhaichi and Gurhan Keles. 2020. Effect of nurse crop and seeding rate on the persistence, productivity and nutritive value of sainfoin in a cereal-based production system. Grass and Forage Science 75: 86-95.
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