NRSP9: National Animal Nutrition Program

(National Research Support Project Summary)

Status: Active

SAES-422 Reports


Peer-reviewed papers:

  • Tedeschi, Luis O., et al. "ASAS-NANP SYMPOSIUM: Mathematical modeling in animal nutrition: training the future generation in data and predictive analytics for sustainable development. A Summary." Journal of Animal Science2 (2021): skab023.

  • Stephens, Emma C. "ASAS-NANP SYMPOSIUM: Review of systems thinking concepts and their potential value in animal science research." Journal of Animal Science2 (2021): skab021.

  • Gerrits, Walter JJ, et al. "ASAS-NANP symposium: digestion kinetics in pigs: the next step in feed evaluation and a ready-to-use modeling exercise." Journal of animal science2 (2021): skab020.

  • Morota, Gota, et al. "ASAS-NANP SYMPOSIUM: prospects for interactive and dynamic graphics in the era of data-rich animal science." Journal of animal science2 (2021): skaa402.

  • Wang, Zhuoyi, et al. "ASAS-NANP SYMPOSIUM: Applications of machine learning for livestock body weight prediction from digital images." Journal of Animal Science2 (2021): skab022.

  • Hanigan, Mark D., and Veridiana L. Daley. "Use of mechanistic nutrition models to identify sustainable food animal production." Annual Review of Animal Biosciences8 (2020): 355-376.

  • Daley, V. L., et al. "Modeling fatty acids for dairy cattle: Models to predict total fatty acid concentration and fatty acid digestion of feedstuffs." Journal of Dairy Science8 (2020): 6982-6999.

  • Hanigan, M. D., et al. "Predicting ruminally undegraded and microbial protein flows from the rumen." Journal of Dairy Science8 (2021): 8685-8707.

  • Li, Meng M., and Mark D. Hanigan. "A revised representation of ruminal pH and digestive reparameterization of the Molly cow model." Journal of Dairy Science12 (2020): 11285-11299.

  • Lawrence, Laurie. "The nutrient requirements of horses: historical perspectives." Translational Animal Science1 (2022): txac021.

  • Robertson, Isaiah, et al. "Nitrogen Management Criteria System (NMCS)."


  • Menendez, Hector M., Benjamin L. Turner, and Luis O. Tedeschi. "144 A modeling framework to assess the impact of the texas beef cattle water footprint on livestock sustainability." Journal of Animal ScienceSupplement_3 (2019): 147-147.

  • Daley, V. L., and M. D. Hanigan. "Prediction of total milk fat of dairy cows: a multi-model approach." EAAP Scientific Series. Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2019. 409-411.


Jacobs, M., A. Remus, C. Gaillard, H. M. Menendez, III, L. O. Tedeschi, S. Neethirajan, and J. L. Ellis. 2022. ASAS-NANP SYMPOSIUM: MATHEMATICAL MODELING IN ANIMAL NUTRITION: Limitations and potential next steps for modeling and modelers in the animal sciences. J. Anim. Sci. 100 (6):1-15. doi: 10.1093/jas/skac132


Menendez, H. M., III, J. R. Brennan, C. Gaillard, K. Ehlert, J. Quintana, S. Neethirajan, A. Remus, M. Jacobs, I. A. M. A. Teixeira, B. L. Turner, and L. O. Tedeschi. 2022. ASAS-NANP SYMPOSIUM: MATHEMATICAL MODELING IN ANIMAL NUTRITION: Opportunities and challenges of confined and extensive precision livestock production. J. Anim. Sci. 100 (6):1-19. doi: 10.1093/jas/skac160


Tedeschi, L. O. 2022. ASAS-NANP SYMPOSIUM: MATHEMATICAL MODELING IN ANIMAL NUTRITION: The progression of data analytics and artificial intelligence in support of sustainable development in animal science. J. Anim. Sci. 100 (6):1-11. doi: 10.1093/jas/skac111


Four peer-reviewed publications have been submitted and accepted by the Journal of Animal Science from the 2022 ASAS-NANP Symposium.

  • Brennan, Menendez, Ehlert, Tedeschi. ASAS-NANP symposium: mathematical modeling in animal nutrition: Making sense of big data and machine learning: How open-source code can advance training of animal scientists.

  • Kaniyamattam and Tedeschi. ASAS-NANP symposium: mathematical modeling in animal nutrition: Agent-based modeling for livestock systems: the mechanics of development and application.

  • Munoz-Tamayo and Tedeschi. ASAS-NANP symposium: mathematical modeling in animal nutrition: the power of identifiability analysis for dynamic modeling in animal science - a practitioner approach.

  • Tedeschi, Menendez III, and Remus. ASAS-NANP symposium: mathematical modeling in animal nutrition: training the future generation in data and predictive analytics for sustainable development. A summary of the 2021 and 2022 symposia.


Four peer-reviewed publications resulting from the 2022 ASAS-NANP Symposium were published.

  • Brennan, J., H. M. Menendez, III, K. Ehlert, and L. O. Tedeschi. 2023. ASAS-NANP symposium: mathematical modeling in animal nutrition—Making sense of big data and machine learning: how open-source code can advance training of animal scientists. J. Anim. Sci. 101:skad317. doi: 10.1093/jas/skad317

  • Kaniyamattam, K., and L. O. Tedeschi. 2023. ASAS-NANP symposium: mathematical modeling in animal nutrition: Agent-based modeling for livestock systems: the mechanics of development and application. J. Anim. Sci. 101:skad321. doi: 10.1093/jas/skad321

  • Muñoz-Tamayo, R., and L. O. Tedeschi. 2023. ASAS-NANP symposium: Mathematical modeling in animal nutrition: the power of identifiability analysis for dynamic modeling in animal science - a practitioner approach. J. Anim. Sci. 101:skad320. doi: 10.1093/jas/skad320

  • Tedeschi, L. O., H. M. Menendez, III, and A. Remus. 2023. ASAS-NANP SYMPOSIUM: Mathematical modeling in animal nutrition: Training the future generation in data and predictive analytics for sustainable development. A summary of the 2021 and 2022 symposia. J. Anim. Sci. 101:skad318. doi: 10.1093/jas/skad318


Two publications resulting from the 2023 NANP Summit were published by Scientia. These communicate key concepts related to the NANP’s mission highlighted by Summit presenters. These can be used broadly with policy makers, government officials and other audiences.

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