W3012: Optimizing and Characterizing Sustainable Beef Cattle Production in Forage Based Systems on Western Rangelands
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
W3012 Publications: 2019-2020
Publications – California Polytechnic State University, Zach McFarlane
Refereed Journals
McFarlane, Z. D., T. K. Schohr, K. D. Peterson, C. Stevenson, and K DeAtley. Bull selection and management in extensive rangeland production systems of California: A producer survey. (In Preparation, Journal of Animal Science)
Factors influencing bull selection and management in extensive rangeland production systems of California, K.D. Peterson, T.K. Schohr, K. DeAtley, and Z. D. McFarlane, WSASAS Undergraduate Poster Competition 2020
Retrospective analysis of growth performance and carcass ultrasound data of yearling Angus bulls enrolled at the Cal Poly Bull Test, C.E. Field, M. Abo-Ismail, M.K. Chavez, and Z. D. McFarlane, WSASAS Undergraduate Poster Competition 2020
Foot and hair shedding scores of crossbred cattle grazing native rangeland differ by age group, N. M. Eiguren, K. D. Peterson, and Z. D. McFarlane, WSASAS Undergraduate Poster Competition 2020
Retrospective analysis of semen quality characteristics from bulls in the Cal Poly Bull Test, P. Thomas, M. Abo-Ismail, and Z. D. McFarlane, WSASAS Annual Meeting 2020
Publications – Montana State University, Timothy DelCurto
Refereed Journals & Book Chapters
Daalkhaijav Damiran , Timothy DelCurto , Scott L. Findholt , Bruce K. Johnson & Martin Vavra. 2019.
The Effects of Previous Grazing on the Subsequent Nutrient Supply of Ungulates Grazing Late-summer Mixed-Conifer Rangelands. Sustainable Agriculture Research. 8(4):13-27. Doi:10.5539/sar.v6n4p13
Putman, D., DelCurto, T. Forage systems for Arid Regions. 2020. In: R. F. Barnes, C. J. Nelson, K. J. Moore, and M. Collins (Eds) Forages, Volume II. The Science of Grassland Agriculture (7 th edition). Iowa State Press, In Press. Forages: The Science of Grassland Agriculture. Blackwell
Wyffels, S. A., Williams, A. R., Parsons, C. T., Dafoe, J. M., Boss, D., DelCurto, T., Davis, N. G., Bowman, J. 2018. The influence of age and environmental conditions on supplement intake by beef cattle winter grazing northern mixed-grass rangelands. J. Anim. Sci. 98:1-8. doi:10.1093/jas/skaa217
Samuel A. Wyffels, Darrin L. Boss, Bok F. Sowel, Timothy DelCurto, Janice G.P. Bowman, Lance B. McNew. 2020. Dormant season grazing on northern mixed grass prairie agroecosystems: Does protein supplementation impact beef cattle resource use, vegetation, and residual cover? PlosONE in review
Wyffels, S. A., and T. DelCurto. 2020. Influence of beef cattle stocking density on utilization of vegetative communities in a late-spring, early-summer native bunchgrass prairie. J. Agric. Studies. In Press.
- M. Dafoe, S. A. Wyffels, C. T. Parsons, T. DelCurto, D. L. Boss. 2020. Techniques to estimate colostrum quality and the effects of cow age and pre-partum supplement intake levels on colostrum quality and serum IgG levels. J. Agric. Studies. In Press.
- M. DelCurto-Wyffels, J. M. Dafoe, C. T. Parsons, D. L. Boss, T. DelCurto, S. A. Wyffels, M. L. Van Emon and J. G. P. Bowman. 2020. Effect of corn or barley in feedlot diets on steer performance and feeding behavior. Animal Feed Sci. & Tech. Submitted
Western Section American Society of Animal Sciences Proceedings
Parsons, C. T., Dafoe, J. M., Wyffels, S. A., DelCurto, T., Boss, D. (2019). Impacts of heifer post-weaning residual feed intake classification on reproductive and performance measurement of first, second, and third parity Angus beef females (Supplement 1 ed., vol. 3, pp. 1782-1785). Translational Animal Science/Oxford.
Wyffels, S. A., McClain, T. P., Dafoe, J. M., Parsons, C. T., Boss, D., DelCurto, T. (2019). An evaluation of the relationship between supplement intake behavior, performance, and grazing behavior by beef cattle grazing northern mixed-grass rangelands (Supplement 1 ed., vol. 3, pp. 1802-1806). Translational Animal Science/Oxford.
Davis, N. G., Wyffels, S. A., Damiran, D., Darambazar, E., Vavra, M., Riggs, R. A., DelCurto, T. (2019). Influence of forest series and stand age on the growing season nutritional dynamics of plant growth forms in a mixed-conifer forest (Supplement 1 ed., vol. 3, pp. 1724-1727). Translational Animal Science/Oxford.
DelCurto, T., Davis, N., Wyffels, S., Damiran, D., Darambazar, E., Vavra, M., Riggs, R. A. The influence of forest series and stand age on individual plant species nutritional quality in a mixed-conifer forest (Supplement 1 ed., vol. 3, pp. 1728-1732). Translational Animal Science/Oxford.
White, H. C., Davis, N., Van Emon, M., Wyffels, S., DelCurto, T. (2019). Impacts of increasing levels of salt on intake, digestion, and rumen fermentation with beef cattle consuming low-quality forages. Translational Animal Science, 3(Supplement 1), 1818-1821.
White, H., Van Emon, M., DelCurto, H., Wyffels, S., DelCurto, T. (2019). Salt Limited Intake: Impacts of form of supplement on intake and variability of supplement intake in beef cattle. Translational Animal Science, 3(Supplement 1), 1650-1654.
DelCurto, T., Damiran, D., Findholt, S. L., Johnson, B. K., Vavra, M. (2019). The effects of previous grazing on the subsequent nutrient supply of ungulates grazing late-summer mixed-conifer rangelands. Sustainable Agriculture Research, 8(4), 13-27.
- T. Parsons, J. M. Dafoe, S. A. Wyffels, M. Van Emon, T. DelCurto, D. L. Boss. 2020. The Influence of RFI classification and cow age on body weight and body condition change, supplement intake and grazing behavior of beef cattle winter grazing mixed-grass rangelands. Translational Animal Science/Oxford. In Press
- M. Dafoe, S. A. Wyffels, C. T. Parsons, B. H. Carter, T. DelCurto, D. L. Boss. 2020. Techniques to estimate colostrum quality and the effects of cow age and pre-partum supplement intake levels on colostrum quality and serum IgG levels. Translational Animal Science/Oxford. In Press
- F. Nack, H. M. DelCurto, S. A. Wyffels, and T. DelCurto. 2020. Relationship of gene markers to residual feed intake, ADG, and marbling of four years of MSU Steer-a-Year Steers. Translational Animal Science/Oxford. In Press
- A. Wyffels, C. T. Parsons, J. M. Dafoe, D. L. Boss, T. P. McClain, B. H. Carter, T. DelCurto. 2020. The influence of age and winter environment on Rumax Bovibox and Bovibox HM supplement intake behavior of winter grazing beef cattle on mixed-grass rangelands. Translational Animal Science/Oxford. In Press
- P. McClain, S. A. Wyffels, S. R. Larsen, A. L. Müller, N. G. Davis, B. H. Carter, J. G. P. Bowman, D. L. Boss, and T. DelCurto. 2020. Supplement intake variation, weight, and body condition change in yearling heifers grazing late-summer dryland pastures with Rumax BoviBox versus Rumax BoviBox HM protein supplements. Translational Animal Science/Oxford. In Press
- G. Davis, S. A. Wyffels, C. Sanford, and T. DelCurto. 2020. Influence of three times weekly alfalfa supplementation on the behavior of beef cows grazing dormant Montana rangeland. Translational Animal Science/Oxford. In Press
- M. DelCurto-Wyffels, J. M. Dafoe, C. T. Parsons, D. L. Boss, T. DelCurto, S. A. Wyffels, M. L. Van Emon and J. G. P. Bowman. 2020. Effect of corn or barley in feedlot diets on steer performance and feeding behavior. Translational Animal Science/Oxford. In Press
Publications – New Mexico State University, Shanna Ivey and Eric Scholljegerdes
Refereed Journals
Van Emon, M. L., P. J. Gunn, M. K. Neary, R. P. Lemenager, E. J. Scholljegerdes, and S. L. Lake. 2020. Effects of added dietary protein and fat on subcutaneous adipose tissue and longissimus muscle fatty acid profiles of finishing lambs when fed differing levels of dried distillers grains with solubles. Sheep and Goat J. 35:10-16.
Hendrickson, J. R., S. L. Kronberg, and E. J. Scholljegerdes. 2020. Can targeted grazing reduce abundance of invasive perennial grass (Kentucky bluegrass) on native mixed-grass prairie? Range. Ecol. Mangmt. In Press. doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2020.04.001.
Stewart, W. C., T. R. Whitney, E. J. Scholljegerdes, D. L. Waldron, J. W. Walker, R. P. Adams and J. M. B. Musser. 2018. Ruminal fermentation characteristics of goats selectively bred to have greater consumption of juniper foliage. Anim. Feed Sci. Technology. 256:(In Press).
Beard, J. K., G. A. Silver, E. J. Scholljegerdes, and A. F. Summers. 2019. The effect of precipitation received during gestation on progeny performance in Box indicus influenced beef cattle. Trans. Anim. Sci. 3:256-262.
Smythe, B. G., M. E. Wise, A. Cibils, D. VanLeeuwen, A. Summers, and E. J. Scholljegerdes. 2019. Growth and reproductive performance of beef-cattle as influenced by controlled and uncontrolled populations o horn flies (Diptera:Muscidae). J. Econ. Ento. 112: 969-973.
Summers, A. F., and E. J. Scholljegerdes. 2019. Developmental Resiliency: In utero adaptation to environmental stimuli. Vet. Clinic. Food Anim. Pract. 35:365-378.
Rosasco, S. L., E. A. Melchior, S. H. Cox, R. L. Dunlap, J. A. Hernandez-Gifford, E. J. Scholljegerdes, R. A. Cushman, and A. F. Summers. 2020. Effects of stair-step nutritional programming on ovarian development in replacement beef heifers. Transl. Anim. Sci. 3 (Suppl. 1): In press.
Rosasco, S. L., C. J. Kassetas, S. H. Cox, R. L. Dunlap, J. A. Hernandez Gifford, E. J. Scholljegerdes, and A. F. Summers. 2019. Effects of growth-promoting implants administered during either the suckling phase or at weaning on growth and reproduction in replacement beef heifers grazing native range. Trans. Anim. Sci. 3 (Suppl.1): 1774-1778.
Castillo-Castillo, Y., M. Ontiveros, E. J. Scholljegerdes, R. Anderson, C. Arzola-Alvarez, J. Salinas-Chavira, M. Hume, R. C. Beier, T. L. Poole, D. Nisbet, P. L. Ordonez, and O. Ruiz-Barrera. 2020. Laurate and its glycerol monester, monolaurin, as potential additives to control Listeria monocytogenes and tetracycline resistant Enterococcus faecalis in air-exposed silage. Transl. Anim. Sci. 3 (Suppl. 1): In Press.
Birkenstock, B., M. Catey, S. McIntosh, F. Lopez, L. Klump, R. Ashley, E. J. Scholljegerdes, and C. A. Loest. 2020. Leucine supplementation alters immune responses and blood metabolites of lambs exposed to endotoxin. Transl. Anim. Sci. 3 (Suppl. 1): In Press.
Selman, A, B. L. Lemke, J. Woodbury, S. L. Rosasco, E. J. Scholljegerdes, J. K. Beard, and A. F. Summers. 2020. Effects of maternal supplementation of ruminally undegradable protein during early gestation on subsequent progeny performance in beef cattle. Transl. Anim. Sci. 3(Suppl. 1): In Press.
Melchior, E. A., S. L. Rosasco, S. L. Lodge-Ivey, S. H. Cox, R. L. Dunlap, J. C. Wenzel, D. L. Hallford, A. F. Summers, and E. J. Scholljegerdes. 2020. Evaluation of reproductive performance and herd longevity when heifers grazing native range are vaccinated with a lifetime regimen of a killed viral or modified live viral vaccine. Trans. Anim. Sci. 3 (Suppl. 1): In Press
Lujan, L. A., E. A. Melchior, S. L. Rosasco, R. L. Dunlap, S. H Cox, E. J. Scholljegerdes, J. C. Wenzel, and S. L. Lodge-Ivey. 2020. Evaluation of calf performance when cows grazing native rangeland are vaccinated for bovine viral diarrhea virus and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis using either a modified live or killed vaccine. Trans. Anim. Sci. 3 (Suppl. 1): In press.
Melchior, E. A., S. L. Rosasco, S. L Ivey, R. L. Dunlap, S. H. Cox, E. J. Scholljegerdes, and J. C. Wenzel. 2019 Evaluation of serum neutralization titers and calf weaning weights when cows grazing native rangeland are vaccinated for infectious bovine rhinotracheitis using either a modified live or killed vaccine. Trans. Anim. Sci. 3: Abstract
Publications – Oregon State University, David Bohnert
Refereed Journals
Brandão, A. P., R. F. Cooke, K. M. Schubach, B. Rett, O. A. Souza, C. L. Schachtschneider, G. A. Perry, S. A. Arispe, D. B. Jump, K. G. Pohler, D. W. Bohnert, and R. S. Marques. 2020. Supplementing Ca salts of soybean oil to late-gestating beef cows: Impacts on performance and physiological responses of the offspring. J. Anim. Sci. 98:Skaa247, https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skaa247. Schubach, K. M., R. F. Cooke, A. P. Brandão, O. A. de Sousa, T. F. Schumaher, D. B. Jump, K. G. Pohler, D. W. Bohnert, and R. S. Marques. 2019. Supplementing calcium salts of soybean oil to beef steers early in life to enhance carcass development. J. Anim. Sci. 97: 4182-4192. https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skz272. |
Schubach, K. M., R. F. Cooke, A. P. Brandão, T. F. Schumaher, K. G. Pohler, D. W. Bohnert, and R. S. Marques. 2019. Impacts of post-weaning growth rate of replacement beef heifers on their reproductive development and productivity as primiparous cows. J. Anim. Sci. 97: 4171-4181. https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skz262. |
Schumaher, T. F., R. F. Cooke, A. P. Brandão, K. M. Schubach, O. A. de Sousa, D. W. Bohnert, and R. S. Marques. 2019. Effects of vaccination timing against respiratory pathogens on performance, antibody response, and health in feedlot cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 97:620-630. https://doi:10.1093/jas/sky466 |
Marques, R. S., D. W. Bohnert, O. A. de Sousa, A. P. Brandão, T. F. Schumaher, K. M. Schubach, M. P. Vilela, B. Rett, and R. F. Cooke. 2019. Impact of twenty-four hour feed, water, or feed and water deprivation on feed intake, metabolic, and inflammatory responses in beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 97:398-406. https://doi:10.1093/jas/sky397 |
De Sousa, O. A., R. F. Cooke, A. P. Brandão, K. M. Schubach, T. F. Schumaher, D. W. Bohnert, and R. S. Marques. 2019. Productive and physiological responses of feeder cattle supplemented with Yucca schidigera extract during feedlot receiving. J. Anim. Sci. 97:208-219. https://doi:10.1093/jas/sky412
Bohnert, D. W., and J. Ranches. 2020. Management considerations for beef cows with emphasis on offspring performance and cow nutrient requirements. Proceedings of the 55th Annual Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition Conference. Boise, ID (January 13-14, 2020). Pages 107-118.
Schroeder, V., D. Johnson, D. Bohnert, C. Boyd, T. Miller, K. Davies., and J. Dinkins. 2020. Sagebrush-Obligate Songbird Nest Success Relative to Short-Term Moderate Rotational Cattle Grazing. Oregon Chapter of the Wildlife Society; Eugene, OR. |
Schubach, K., R. F. Cooke, A. Brandão, T. Schumaher, O. Souza, D. Bohnert, and R. Marques. 2019. Altering the time of vaccination against respiratory pathogens enhanced antibody response and health of feedlot cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 97:Supplement 1, Pages 39–40, https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skz053.089 |
Schubach, K., R. F. Cooke, A. Brandã:, R. marques, and D. Bohnert. 2019. Impacts of post-weaning growth rate on reproductive development and maternal productivity of replacement beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 97:Supplement 3, Pages 151–152: https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skz258.311 |
Schubach, K., R. F. Cooke, A. Brandão, D. Bohnert, and R. Marques. 2019. Supplementing Ca salts of soybean oil to enhance carcass quality of beef cattle via metabolic imprinting events. J. Anim. Sci. 97: Supplement 3, Pages 98–99; https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skz258.203 |
Schroeder, V., J. B. Dinkins, D. D. Johnson, W. D. Robinson, C. Boyd, T. Miller, K. Davies, F. Brummer, and D. W. Bohnert. 2019. Thinking Beyond the Sage-Grouse Umbrella: Short Term Effects of Moderate Rotational Cattle Grazing on Sagebrush-Obligate Songbird Reproductive Success. The Wildlife Society; Reno, NV. |
Schroeder, V., J. B. Dinkins, D. D. Johnson, W. D. Robinson, C. Boyd, T. Miller, P. Schreder, K. Davies, F. Brummer, and D. W. Bohnert. 2019. Contemporary grazing and sagebrush-obligate songbird reproductive success. Oregon Chapter of the Wildlife Society; Bend, OR |
Schroeder, V., J. B. Dinkins, D. D. Johnson, W. D. Robinson, C. Boyd, T. Miller, P. Schreder, K. Davies, F. Brummer, and D. W. Bohnert. 2019. Short Term Effects of Moderate Cattle Grazing on Sagebrush-Obligate Songbirds. Oregon Chapter of the Wildlife Society; Bend, OR. |
Schroeder, V., D. D. Johnson, J. B. Dinkins, C. Boyd, T. Miller, K. Davies, F. Brummer, and D. W. Bohnert. 2019. Grazing Season of Use Effects on Sagebrush-Obligate Avian Habitat. Society for Range Management Annual Meeting. |
Extension Publications
Bohnert, D. W., D. Johnson, C. Boyd, K. Davies, and R. Rios. 2019. Interspace/Undercanopy Foraging Patterns of Horses in Sagebrush Habitats: Implications for Sage-Grouse. Beef190. In: 2019 Oregon Beef Council Report, pp 63-65. |
Johnson, D., V. Schroeder, D. Bohnert, K. Davies, P. Schreder, F. Brummer, C. Boyd, and T. Miller. 2019. Perennial bunchgrass re-growth under different utilization seasons and intensities. Beef183. In: 2019 Oregon Beef Council Report, pp 29-36. |
Popular Press
Ranches, J., and D. Bohnert. 2020. Mineral Status of Beef Cattle: Are the Mineral Requirements being Met? Oregon Cattleman. January 2020. pp 54-62. |
Bohnert, D. W. 2019. Preparation is Key – Tips to Trouble-Free Calf Arrivals. Oregon Cattleman. February 2019. pp 48-50. |
Publications- Texas A & M University AgriLife Research, Tryon Wickersham
Housman, L.E., J.E. Sawyer, J.R. Cox, L.A. Redmon, and T.A. Wickersham. 2020. Expeller-pressed and solvent-extracted Pongamia seedcake as a protein supplement for cattle consuming a basal diet of forage. Anim. Feed. Sci. Tech 266:114521. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2020.114521
Boardman, C.J., T.A. Wickersham, L.A. Trubenbach, and J.E. Sawyer. 2020. Effects of monensin inclusion and level of intake in limit-feeding strategies for beef cows. Translational Animal Science, 4(3), p.txaa108. https://doi-org.srv-proxy2.library.tamu.edu/10.1093/tas/txaa108
Publications – University of California – Davis, James Oltjen
Klopatek, Sarah and James Oltjen. 2020. Assessing the performance of multiple grass-fed beef
production systems in California. American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting.
Klopatek, Sarah and James Oltjen. 2020. Assessing impacts of multiple grass-fed and grain-fed
beef systems. California Cattleman 103(7):46-49.
Publications – University of Idaho
Sprinkle, J. E., J. B. Taylor, P. E. Clark, J. B. Hall, N. K. Strong, and M. C. Roberts-Lew. 2020. Grazing behavior and production characteristics among cows differing in residual feed intake while grazing late season Idaho rangeland. J. Anim. Sci., Issue 1, January 2020, skz371, 9 pp. https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skz371
Karl, J. W., and J. E. Sprinkle. 2019. A low-cost livestock GPS collar from commercial off-the-shelf parts. Rangeland Ecol. Manag. 72:954-958. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2019.03.003
Sprinkle, J. E., M. J. Ellison, J. B. Hall, J. V. Yelich, C. M. Willmore, and J. R. Brennan. 2019. Are low residual feed intake cows adapted to rangelands? Transl. Anim. Sci. 3:1797-1801. DOI: 10.1093/tas/txz101
Sprinkle, J. E., J. K. Sagers, J. B. Hall, M. J. Ellison, J. V. Yelich, J. R. Brennan, J. B. Taylor, and J. B. Lamb. 2019. Grazing behavior and production for cattle on differing late-season rangeland grazing systems with or without protein supplementation. Transl. Anim. Sci. 3:1792-1796. DOI: 10.1093/tas/txz100
Hall, J. B., J. E. Sprinkle, M. Ellison, S. Goddard, B. Taylor, and J. B. Glaze. 2020. Comparison of range-based and irrigated cow-calf systems – Grazing season performance. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. 23 June 2020. Madison, WI (Virtual).
Sprinkle, J., M. Ellison, J. Sagers, J. Hall, J. Yelich, C. Willmore, J. Brennan, J. B. Taylor, and J. Lamb. 2020. Cow adaptations to the rangeland environment. University of Idaho Rangeland Center Fall Forum. 1 October 2020. Burley, ID. (Accepted).
Extension Publications
Sprinkle, J. 2019. 2019 Utilization report Poison Creek Allotment and Rock Creek Ranch. 22 pp.
Extension Videos
Sprinkle, J. Outcome-Based Management (BLM) and Adaptive Management (USFS) for Federal Grazing Permits. 41 minutes. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXaKnKWIXuc Accessed 20 July 2020.
Popular Press
Sprinkle, J., and B. Glaze. 2019. Beef cattle resource information from the University of Idaho. Line Rider Magazine, October 2019. 5 pp. 1,100 circulation.
Sprinkle, J. 2020. Cattle grazing behavior and the environment. Cattlemen’s Corner Beef Newsletter, Southern District Extension Counties, Idaho. 3 pp. May 2020. 1,200 circulation.
Sprinkle, J., E. Winford, N. Vishwanath, A. Kolok, M. Strickland, R. Findlay, and J. Lucas. 2020. U of I conducts E. coli stream contamination study. Line Rider Magazine, June 2020. 4 pp. 1,100 circulation.
Sprinkle, J. and J. Brennan. 2019. Using 3-axis accelerometers to determine grazing activity. 16 pp. Available online at https://maine.box.com/s/g8vkkrjaexyzi9r6w0xn2gw62c5lm63u
Publications – University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Ronald M. Lewis
Referred Journals
Artegoitia, V. M., A. P. Foote, R. M. Lewis, and H. C. Freetly. 2019. Metabolomics profile and targeted lipidomics in multiple tissues associated with feed efficiency in beef steers. ACS Omega 4:3973-3982. doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.8b02494
Lewis, R. M., and G. C. Emmans. 2020. The relationship between feed intake and liveweight in domestic animals. J. Anim. Sci. 98. doi.org/10.1093/jas/skaa087
Vargas Jurado, N., A. E. Tanner, S. Blevins, J. Rich, D. Fiske, W. S. Swecker, Jr., H. M. McNair, and R. M. Lewis. 2019. Diet choice can be reliably estimated using n-alkanes at two stages of growth in beef cattle in controlled (indoor) studies. Animal 13:1907-1916. doi.org/10.1017/S175173111900017X
Vargas Jurado, N., R. M. Lewis, and K. M. Eskridge. 2019. Modeling repeated measurements of diet composition. J. Anim. Sci. 97(Suppl. 2):133 (Abstr.) doi.org/10.1093/jas/skz122.236
Publications – University of Wyoming, Anowar Islam
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Khatiwada, B., Acharya, S.N., Larney, F.J., Lupwayi, N.Z., Smith, E.G., Islam, M.A., and Thomas, J.E. 2020. Benefits of mixed grass-legume pastures and pasture rejuvenation using bloat-free legumes: A review. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. (In press).
Nilahyane, A., Islam, M.A., Mesbah, A.O., Herbert, S.K., and Garcia y Garcia, A. 2020. Growth, water productivity, nutritive value, and physiology responses of silage corn to water stress. Agronomy Journal. 112:1625-1635. doi: 10.1002/agj2.20015.
Islam, M.A. and Adjesiwor, A.T. 2020. Nitrogen fertilization in tall fescue: Productivity, agronomic efficiency and relative profitability. Grassland Science. 66:67–73. doi: 10.1111/grs.12261.
Homer, A., Islam, M.A., Krall, J.M., Nachtman, J.J., and Groose, R.W. 2019. Registration of ‘WyoWinter’ Feed Pea for the US Central Great Plains. Journal of Plant Registrations. 13:128-133. doi:10.3198/jpr2018.07.0047crc.
Aryal, P. and Islam, M.A. 2019. Establishment of forage kochia in seeding mixtures with perennial grasses. Grassland Science. 65:147–154. doi: 10.1111/grs.12228.
Book Chapter (Refereed)
Islam, M.A. and Baidoo, M.M. 2020. Potassium Effect on Growth and Physiology of Alfalfa. In: Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology, 4th Edition (M. Pessarakli, Ed.). CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Publishing Company, Florida. (Accepted).
Islam, M.A. and Obour, A.K. 2020. Drought Physiology of Forage Crops. In: Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology, 4th Edition (M. Pessarakli, Ed.). CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Publishing Company, Florida. (Accepted).
Islam, M.A. and Adjesiwor, A. T. 2020. Moisture Stress and its Effects on Forage Production Systems. In: Handbook of Plant and Crop Stress, 4th Edition (M. Pessarakli, Ed.). CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Publishing Company, Florida. (In press).
Islam, M.A. and Nilahyane, A. 2020. Water Stress Effects on Growth and Physiology of Corn. In: Handbook of Plant and Crop Stress, 4th Edition (M. Pessarakli, Ed.). CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Publishing Company, Florida. (In press).
Lee, B.P., Ritten, J.P., Islam, M.A., Herreid, J.S., and Jabbour, R. 2020. Harvest Timing for Alfalfa Weevil Control. Proceedings of the Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting June 28-30, 2020. Santa Fe, NM (Western Agricultural Economics Association).
Herreid, J.S., Lee, B.P., Islam, M.A., Ritten, J.P., and Jabbour, R. 2020. Effects of harvest timing on alfalfa weevil. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of America Pacific Branch Annual Meeting April 19-22, 2020. Spokane, WA (Entomological Society of America).
Islam, M.A. and Baidoo, M. 2019. Potassium and Harvest Time Affect Forage Production, Nutritive Value, and Potassium Uptake of Alfalfa. Proceedings of the ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings November 10-13, 2019. San Antonio, TX (American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America).
Islam, M.A. and Baidoo, M. 2019. Soil Potassium Levels and Its Effect on Alfalfa Productivity. Proceedings of the SSSA International Soils Meeting January 6-9, 2019. San Diego, CA (American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America).
Extension publications
Islam, M.A. and Ashilenje, D. 2020. Grass Hay Quality and Storage. In: Basic Grass Management Strategies for Wyoming Landowners. University of Wyoming Extension Bulletin, Ed. J. Vardiman, J.S. Thompson, and S.L. Miller. University of Wyoming, Laramie (Accepted).
Islam, M.A. and Ashilenje, D. 2020. Hay Production. In: Basic Grass Management Strategies for Wyoming Landowners. University of Wyoming Extension Bulletin, J. Vardiman, J.S. Thompson, and S.L. Miller. University of Wyoming, Laramie (Accepted).
Baidoo, M. and Islam, M.A. 2019. Potassium and Harvest Management Effect on Alfalfa Production under Controlled Conditions. 2019 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 7-8. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/publications/field-days-bulletin/2019-field-day-bulletin.pdf.
Shilpakar, C. and Islam, M.A. 2019. Competitive Ability of Native and Non-Native Grasses with Cheatgrass. 2019 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 9-10. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/publications/field-days-bulletin/2019-field-day-bulletin.pdf.
Baidoo, M. and Islam, M.A. 2019. Yield Response of Reduced Lignin and Conventional Alfalfa Cultivars to Potassium. 2019 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 49-50. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/publications/field-days-bulletin/2019-field-day-bulletin.pdf.
Islam, M.A., Baidoo, M. and Shilpakar, C. 2019. Evaluating Chickpea Cultivars at Different Nitrogen Rates for Forage and Grain Production. 2019 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 53-54. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/publications/field-days-bulletin/2019-field-day-bulletin.pdf.
Islam, M.A., Baidoo, M. and Shilpakar, C. 2019. Forage Yield of Cool Season Grasses Planted in Fall Under Irrigated and Dryland Conditions. 2019 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 57-58. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/publications/field-days-bulletin/2019-field-day-bulletin.pdf.
Jabbour, R. Islam, M.A., Lee, B., and Ritten, J. 2019. Integration of Early Harvest with Biological Control for Sustainable Alfalfa Production. 2019 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, p. 59. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/publications/field-days-bulletin/2019-field-day-bulletin.pdf.
Shilpakar, C. and Islam, M.A. 2019. Establishment of Cool-Season Perennial Grasses and Legumes in Disturbed Environments. 2019 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 65-66. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/publications/field-days-bulletin/2019-field-day-bulletin.pdf.
Islam, M.A., Baidoo, M. and Shilpakar, C. 2019. Evaluation of Roundup Ready Alfalfa for Adaptability to Wyoming Conditions. 2019 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 67-69. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/publications/field-days-bulletin/2019-field-day-bulletin.pdf.
Islam, M.A., Baidoo, M. and Shilpakar, C. 2019. Evaluation of Forage Sorghum Cultivars Under Irrigated and Dryland Conditions. 2019 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 77-79. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/publications/field-days-bulletin/2019-field-day-bulletin.pdf.
Islam, M.A., Baidoo, M. and Shilpakar, C. 2019. Tall fescue-Alfalfa Mixtures for Improved Forage Production. 2019 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 80-81. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/publications/field-days-bulletin/2019-field-day-bulletin.pdf.
Horn, B., Islam, M.A., Smith, D., Jeliazkov, V., and Garcia y Garcia, A. 2019. Perennial Cool-Season Grasses under Irrigation for Hay Production and Fall Grazing. 2019 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 94-95. Available at http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/publications/field-days-bulletin/2019-field-day-bulletin.pdf.
Islam, M.A. 2020. Potassium application and cutting schedules can improve alfalfa productivity – Part IV. Wyoming Livestock Roundup, the Weekly News Source for Wyoming’s Ranchers, Farmers, and Agribusiness Community, May 30, 2020.
Islam, M.A. 2020. Potassium application and cutting schedules can improve alfalfa productivity – Part III. Wyoming Livestock Roundup, the Weekly News Source for Wyoming’s Ranchers, Farmers, and Agribusiness Community, April 11, 2020.
Islam, M.A. 2020. Potassium application and cutting schedules can improve alfalfa productivity – Part II. Wyoming Livestock Roundup, the Weekly News Source for Wyoming’s Ranchers, Farmers, and Agribusiness Community, February 29, 2020.
Islam, M.A. 2019. Potassium application and cutting schedules can improve alfalfa productivity – Part I. Wyoming Livestock Roundup, the Weekly News Source for Wyoming’s Ranchers, Farmers, and Agribusiness Community, November 30, 2019.
Islam, M.A. 2019. Establishment and management of birdsfoot trefoil - a non-bloating forage legume. Wyoming Livestock Roundup, the Weekly News Source for Wyoming’s Ranchers, Farmers, and Agribusiness Community, September 14, 2019.
Islam, M.A. 2019. Irrigation systems and nitrogen rates can improve yield and water use efficiency of corn for silage. Wyoming Livestock Roundup, the Weekly News Source for Wyoming’s Ranchers, Farmers, and Agribusiness Community, July 13, 2019.
Islam, M.A. 2019. Grass-legume mixtures can maximize farm profits – another example from a recent study. Wyoming Livestock Roundup, the Weekly News Source for Wyoming’s Ranchers, Farmers, and Agribusiness Community, May 11, 2019.
Islam, M.A., and Baidoo, M. 2019. Improving alfalfa productivity. Progressive Forage, Issue 10, November 1, 2019, pp. 29-31. Available at https://www.progressiveforage.com/forage-types/alfalfa/improving-alfalfa-productivity.
Publications – USDA ARS, Richard Waterman
Vermeire, L.T., Strong, D.J., Gates, E.A., Marlow, C.B., Waterman, R.C. Can mowing substitute for fire in semiarid grassland? Rangeland Ecology & Management. 73:97-103. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2019.08.006. 2019.
Geary, T.W., Waterman, R.C., Van Emon, M.L., Ratzburg, C.R., Lake, S., Eik, B.A., Armstrong, D.R., Zezeski, A.L., Heldt, J.S. Effect of supplemental trace minerals on novel measures of bull fertility. Translational Animal Science. 3:1813-1817. https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txz102. 2019
Book Chapter
Lardy, G. P. and R. C. Waterman. Grazing Animal Nutrition. In Forages, Volume II, 7th Edition. The Science of Grassland Agriculture. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. (Kenneth J. Moore, Michael Collings, Jerry Nelson, and Daren D. Redfearn, eds.). 2020.