WERA72: Agribusiness Scholarship Emphasizing Competitiveness
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Journal Articles:
Alizadeh, P., H. Mohammadi, N. Shahnoushi, S. Saghaian, and A. Pooya. (2019). “Investigating Factors Affecting Import Demand of Meat and Livestock Inputs in Iran.” Agricultural Economics (Iran), 13(3):1-28. DOI: 10.22034/IAES.2019.114832.1727.
Asgari, M., S. Saghaian, and M. Reed. (2020). “The Impact of Energy Sector on Overshooting of Agricultural Prices.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 102(2): 589-606. DOI:10.111/ajae.12035.
Baylis, Kathy, Linlin Fan and Lia Nogueira. 2019. “Agricultural Market Liberalization and Household Food Security in Rural China.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 101(1):250-269, https://doi.org/10.1093/ajae/aay031
Bergtold, J.S., E. Yeager and T.W. Griffin. “Spatial Dynamics in the Classroom: Does Where You Sit Matter?” Plos One (2019): https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0226953.
Boerngen, M.A. 2019. Effectiveness of paperless communication from the USDA Farm Service Agency. Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers 2019:27-32.
Boerngen, M.A. and E. Hortenstine. 2019. Risk tolerance and cheap talk in the college classroom. Natural Sciences Education 48:180022.
Boerngen, M.A. and J.W. Rickard. 2020. Assessment and perception of student farm background in an introductory agriculture course. Natural Sciences Education 49:e20013.
Brewer, B., J.S. Bergtold, A.M. Featherstone and C.A. Wilson. “Farmer’s Choice of Credit Between the Farm Credit System, Commercial Banks, and Nontraditional Lenders.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2019) 44(2): 362 – 379.
Brown, R., Na Zuo, Jordan Shockley, and Steven Buck, 2019, “An Authentic Learning Approach to Group Assignments: An Analysis of Student Attitudes”, Applied Economics and Teaching Resources, 1(2): pp1-13.
Brown, R., Na Zuo, Jordan Shockley, and Steven Buck, 2019, “The Project Manager/Private Contractor Approach to Group Assignments”, Applied Economics and Teaching Resources, 1(2): pp64-73.
Bullock, D.S., M.A. Boerngen, H. Tao, B. Maxwell, J.D. Luck, L. Shiratsuchi, L. Puntel, and N.F. Martin. 2019. The data-intensive farm management project: Changing agronomic research through on-farm precision experimentation. Agronomy Journal 111(6):2736-2746.
Chen, B., S. Saghaian, T. Mark. (2019). “Substitute or Complementary: Relationship between U.S. Farmers’ Adoption of Organic Farming and Direct Marketing.” British Food Journal, 122(2):531-546. DOI: 10.1108/BFJ-01-2019-0016
Chen, Qianmiao, Wachenheim, Cheryl, and Zheng, Shi. 2020. Influence of Land Scale, Cooperative Membership and Benefits Information on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Adoption in China. Sustainable Futures 2(100025), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sftr.2020.100025.
Curtis, K., M. Bradshaw, and S. Slocum, (2020). “The Role of Culinary Experiences in Destination Loyalty.” Journal of Gastronomy and Tourism, 4(2):67-79.
Curtis, K., T. Drugova, and R. Ward, (2020). “Producer Response to Drought Policy in the West.” Journal of Food Distribution Research, 51(1), 17-25.
Curtis, K., and D. Quarnstrom, (2019). “Untangling the Economic and Social Impediments to Producer Adoption of Organic Wheat.” Journal of Food Distribution Research, 50(1), 105-113.
Darbandi, E., R. Radmehr, and S. Saghaian. (2020). “The Impact of Consumer Beef Safety Awareness on U.S. Beef Exports.” The International Trade Journal. DOI: 10.1080/08853908.2020.1742255.
De Laporte, A., and D. Ripplinger. 2019. Economic viability of perennial grass biomass feedstock in northern climates. Industrial Crops and Products. 128, 213-220.
Dourandish, A., S. Saghaian, N. Shahnoushi, N. M. Rezazae, and S. Kuhestani. (2020). “The Relation between Property Rights, Farm Size, and Technical Efficiency for the Developing Countries’ Agricultural Sector.” Journal of International Development, DOI: 10.1002/jid.3476.
Drugova, T., K. Curtis, and S. Akhundjanov, (forthcoming). “Organic Wheat Products and Consumer Choice: A Market Segmentation Analysis.” British Food Journal.
Drugova, T., V. Pozo, K. Curtis, and R. Fortenbury, (2019). “Organic Wheat Prices and Premium Uncertainty: Can Cross Hedging and Forecasting Play a Role?” Journal of Agriculture and Resource Economics, 44(3):551-570.
Feuz, R. & R. Larsen. (2020).Even Robots Need a House: The Robotic Milking System Facility Investment Decision Case Study. Applied Economics Teaching Resources, 2(1): 32-40.
Giri, A., S. Sharma, K. Loverkamp, I. Tetteh, and J. Tiner. “Examining Agricultural Export Returns from Midwestern States”. International Journal Trade and Global Markets. Accepted for publication. Vol. 12 No. 3/4, pp. 394-411. August, 2019.
Giri, A., V. Nelson, K. Lovercamp, S. Sharma, and I. Protopop (2017) “Can Nepal Attain Self-Sufficiency in Major Crops Production?” Journal of Forest and Livelihood 15(2): 1-12.
Hansen, E. and C. Wachenheim. 2020. Industry Expectations for Beginning Agricultural Lenders. Agricultural Finance Review (in press). doi: 10.1108/AFR-07-2019-0081.
Inman, Ruth, Aaron J. Johnson, Clay Dibrell, Rodney B. Holcomb, D. Dwayne Cartmell II, Shelly R. Sitton, and Robert Terry Jr. 2019. “Toward a Scale to Measure How Food Businesses Attain and Maintain Legitimacy.” Journal of Agribusiness 37(2).
Junxuan Mao, Qianyu Zhu, Cheryl J. Wachenheim and Erik Hanson. 2020. A Credit Scoring Model for Lending Decisions in Rural China. International Journal of Agricultural Management (in press).
Kiesel, K., Na Zuo, Zoë T. Plakias, Luis Moises Pena-Levano, Andrew Barkley, Katherine Lacy, Erik Hanson, and Julianne Treme, 2020, “Increasing Student Engagement in a Changing Academic Environment”, Applied Economics and Teaching Resources, forthcoming.
Kussainova, G.B., S. Saghaian, and M. Reed. (2020). “Innovation Behavior of Agri-Food Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: The Case of Europe’s Emerging Economies.” Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, forthcoming.
Marks, B. and M.A. Boerngen. 2019. A farming community’s perspective on nutrient loss reduction. Agricultural & Environmental Letters 4:190004 (2019).
Mohammed, F., M. Barrowclough, M.L. Kibler, and M.A. Boerngen. 2020. Measuring usage of formal financial services as a proxy of financial inclusion: A case of agricultural households in Ghana. Agricultural Finance Review 80(4). doi:10:1108/AFR-09-2019-0096.
Protopop, I. and A. Shanoyan (2016) “Big Data and Smallholder Farmers: Big Data Applications in the Agri-Food Supply Chain in Developing Countries.” International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. Vol. 19, Issue A, pp. 173-190.
Protopop, I. (2014) “Human Capital Challenges Faced By Foreign Agribusinesses: Comparison of Ghana and South Africa.” Cornhusker Economics, University of Nebraska- Lincoln Extension.
Qin, Ming, Cheryl Joy Wachenheim, Zhigang Wang, and Shi Zheng. 2019. Factors Affecting Chinese Farmers’ Microcredit Participation. Agricultural Finance Review 79(1), pp. 48-59. https://doi.org/10.1108/AFR-12-2017-0111.
Robinson, Courtney N., Gregory A. Baker, Michael J. Harwood, and Lucy O, Diekmann. Forthcoming. “Food Expenditures and Consuption by Food Bank clients in Silicon Valley.” International Food and Agribusiness Management Review.
Rodriguez, D.G.P., D.S. Bullock, and M.A. Boerngen. 2019. The origins, implications, and consequences of yield-based nitrogen fertilizer management. Agronomy Journal.
Ronaghi, M., M. Reed, and S. Saghaian. (2019). “The Impact of Economic Factors and Governance Index on Greenhouse Gas Emission.” Environmental Economics and Policy Studies. DOI: 10.1007/s10018-2019-00250-w.
Ronaghi, M., S. Saghaian, M. Kohansal, M. Reed, M. Ghorbani. (2020). “The Effects of Good Governance on the Agricultural Sector.” International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research, 6(1):11-28. DOI: ijaer.in/view_archive2020.php?issue=1.
Rossi Scalco, Andrea, Gilberto Ganga, Sandra Oliveira, and Gregory Baker. 2020. “Development and validation of a scale for identification of quality attributes of agri-food products in short chains.” Geoforum. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2020.02.012.
Rossi Scalco, Andréa and Gregory A. Baker. 2019-2020. “Value capture analysis of small organic growers and their distribution channels in California.” Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura. Vol. 27, No. 3.
Saghaian, S., H. Aghasafari, M. Aminizadeh, and A. Riahi. (2020). “Factors Influencing Climate-Smart Goods Trade in Some Developing Countries in the Middle East and North Africa Region: An Application of the Spatial Panel Model.” The International Trade Journal, 34(3):281-296. DOI: 10.1080/08853908.2019.1651234.
Sharma, S., A. Giri, T. Haque, and I. Tetteh (2018) “Land Acquisition in India: A Pareto and Kaldor-Hicks Perspective”. Land, 7, 66.
Sterns, J. (2019). “Is the Emerging U.S. Hemp Industry Yet Another Boom–Bust Market for U.S. Farmers?”. Choices - A Publication of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, 34(3 (3rd Quarter, 2019)). Is the Emerging U.S. Hemp Industry Yet Another Boom–Bust Market for U.S. Farmers?
Sterns, J. (2019). “Let's take a moment to celebrate great teaching!”. Applied Economics Teaching Resources -A Publication of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, 1(1), 60-66. https://www.aaea.org/UserFiles/file/AETR_2019_002RRManuscriptProofFinal_pages_v2.pdf
Sundstrom, William A.,Shelby McIntyre., Gregory A. Baker, and Brian Avants. Forthcoming. Bearers of Bad News: Heterogeneous Effects of Alternative Front-of-Package Labeling Schemes for Nutritional Information. Journal of Agribusiness.
Tetteh, I. and M. Boehlje. “An Intergenerational Farm Transfer: When is a Good Time to Start Handing over the Reins?” International Food and Agribusiness Management Review Journal. Accepted for publication. Vol. 22 (3), pp. 429-434. April, 2019.
Van Orden, C., B. Willis, R. Bosworth, T. McCarty, R. Larsen, M. Kim. 2020. "Weather Station Locations Are Significant for Drought Insurance." Choices. Quarter 1. Available online: http://www.choicesmagazine.org/choices-magazine/submitted-articles/weather-station-locations-are-significant-for-drought-insurance
Wachenheim, Cheryl J. 2020. Operational Pause: A Teaching Tip for Administrators and Faculty in Times of Sudden and Unexpected Environmental Change Such as with COVID-19. NACTA Journal. May. https://www.nactateachers.org/images/TeachingTips/2020-0171_Operational_Pause_A_Teaching_Tip_for_Administrators_and_Faculty_in_Times_of_Sudden_and_Unexpected_Environmental_Change.pdf
Wachenheim, Cheryl J. 2020. Seeking opportunities in the remote learning environment. Teaching Tips. NACTA Journal. May. https://www.nactateachers.org/images/TeachingTips/2020-0170_Seeking_opportunities_in_the_remote_learning_environment.pdf
Wachenheim, Cheryl. 2020. The Ethical Choice: Confronting Ethical Dilemmas with Industry Participants in a Curriculum. Applied Economics Teaching Resources 2(1), pp. 26-31. doi: 10.22004/ag.econ.301863
Wachenheim, C., S. Lim, D. Roberts, and J. Devney. 2019. Landowner valuation of a working wetlands program in the Prairie Pothole Region. Agricultural Economics 50(4), pp. 465-478. https://doi.org/10.1111/agec.12503.
Wilson, Paul N. and Na Zuo, 2019, “Outstanding Seniors: Where Have All the Young Men Gone?” Applied Economics and Teaching Resources, 1(2): pp31-42.
Zheng, Shi, Zhigang Wang, and Cheryl Joy Wachenheim. 2019. Technology adoption among farmers in Jilin Province, China: The case of aerial pesticide application. China Agricultural Economic Review 11(1), pp. 206-216. https://doi.org/10.1108/CAER-11-2017-0216.
Zuo, Na, and Hua Zhong, 2020, “Can Resource Policy Reverse the Resource Curse? Evidence from China”, Resource Policy, forthcoming.
Zuo, Na, Anna Josephson, and Dan Scheitrum, 2019, “Engaging Students in Global Agriculture: Three Authentic-Learning Classroom Interventions”, NACTA Journal, 63(1a): 112-120.
Zuo, Na, Jack Schieffer, and Steven Buck, 2019, “The Effect of the Energy Boom on Schooling Decisions in the U.S.”, Resource and Energy Economics, 55 (2019): pp1-23.
Extension and Outreach Publications
Brooks, K., T. Meyer, E. Thompson, and C. Walters. 2019. “Economic Impacts of the Nebraska Ethanol and Ethanol Co-Products Industry (2015-2017).” University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Agricultural Economics White Paper.
Curtis, K., K. Salisbury, and C. Durward, (2019). “Fresh Produce Direct Sales and Pricing.” Utah State University Extension Curriculum (PowerPoint Presentations, Bulletins, and Factsheets). Online at: http://diverseag.org/direct_sales_pricing
Curtis, K., K. Salisbury, V. Pozo, R. Ward, and C. Durward, (2019). “What Determines Produce Pricing in Utah?” USU Extension Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2019-05pr.
Curtis, K., K. Salisbury, R. Ward, and C. Durward, (2019). “Targeting Farmers’ Markets in Utah: Understanding Fresh Produce Pricing.” USU Extension Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2019-03pr.
Curtis, K., E. Rice, S. Slocum, and K. Allen, (2019). “Farm Shops: A Direct-to-Consumer Extended Season Opportunity.” USU Extension Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2019-04pr.
Curtis, K., E. Rice, and D. Quarnstrom, (2019). “Adopting Organic Wheat: Grower Motivations and Concerns.” USU Extension Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2019-01pr.
Curtis, K., E. Rice, and D. Quarnstrom, (2019). “Characteristics of Organic Wheat Growers.” USU Extension Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2019-02pr.
De Laporte, A. and D. Ripplinger. Corn-Alfalfa Intercropping Tool. NDSU Extension. 2019.
Drugova, T., and K. Curtis, (2019). “Does Consumer Knowledge of Organic Production Standards Influence Demand for Organic and Non-GMO Labeled Foods?” USU Extension Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2019-06pr.
Drugova, T., and K. Curtis, (2019). “Do Consumers Who Prefer Gluten-Free Also Prefer Organic?” USU Extension Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2019-07pr.
Jansen, J., J. Parsons, and K. Brooks. January 23, 2019. “Trends in Nebraska Agricultural Land Ownership and Rental Patterns.” Cornhusker Economics: Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Ripplinger, D., A. Wick. Soil Salinity Economics. February 19, 2019.
Sterns, J. (2020). “Anticipating Changes in Distribution.” Vine to Wine COVID-19 Pandemic Special Issue – A Publication of the Oregon Wine Research Institute, Oregon State University, May 2020, https://owri.oregonstate.edu/sites/agscid7/files/owri/20200506_owri_vtow_may2020_specialissue.pdf
Sterns, J. (2020). “Shifting Approaches for Direct-to-Consumer Marketing.” Vine to Wine COVID-19 Pandemic Special Issue – A Publication of the Oregon Wine Research Institute, Oregon State University, May 2020, https://owri.oregonstate.edu/sites/agscid7/files/owri/20200506_owri_vtow_may2020_specialissue.pdf
Sterns, J. (2020). “Recalibrating Costs of and Returns to Capital.” Vine to Wine COVID-19 Pandemic Special Issue – A Publication of the Oregon Wine Research Institute, Oregon State University, May 2020, https://owri.oregonstate.edu/sites/agscid7/files/owri/20200506_owri_vtow_may2020_specialissue.pdf
Sterns, J. (2020). “Strategic Thinking is Needed Now more than Ever.” Vine to Wine COVID-19 Pandemic Special Issue – A Publication of the Oregon Wine Research Institute, Oregon State University, May 2020, https://owri.oregonstate.edu/sites/agscid7/files/owri/20200506_owri_vtow_may2020_specialissue.pdf
Wachenheim, Cheryl J. 2019. Landowner conservation attitudes and behaviors: a focus on the conservation reserve program. Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics Research Report No. 786. North Dakota State University, Fargo.
Yiannaka, E., S. I. A. Meerza, C. Gustafson, and K. Brooks. October 30, 2019. “Informing the (Willfully) Uninformed.” Cornhusker Economics: Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Miller, N.J., M. Taylor, J. Tack and J.S. Bergtold. “Forecasting Winter Wheat Basis with Soil Moisture Measurements.” Selected paper presented at the NCC-134: Conference on Applied Commodity Price Analysis, Forecasting, and Market Risk Management, St. Louis, MO, April 20-21, 2020.
Sterns, J. A. Author & Presenter, Food Distribution Research Society Annual Meeting, "Block Chain in Agri-Food Supply Chains - Where's the Added Value?," Seattle, WA. National, Accepted. (October 21, 2019).
Sterns, J. A. Presenter, Shively, G. E. Presenter, Howry, S. Presenter, Annual Meeting of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA), "Teaching Tips from AAEA Award Winners," Atlanta, GA. International, Invited. (July 23, 2019).
Sterns, J. A. Author & Presenter, Capalbo, S. M. Author & Presenter, Spring Dinner for the Society of Physicians for Wine and Health, "Can a good bottle of wine sell itself?", Waverley Country Club, Portland, OR. Local, Invited. (May 19, 2019).
Wachenheim, Cheryl. Innovation in teaching in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Western Education and Research Activities Committee on Agribusiness (WERA-072), June 23, 2020. Virtual Conference.
Wachenheim, Cheryl. Knowledge retention in agricultural finance. 2020 NACTA Conference, June 16-19, Virtual Conference.
Wachenheim, Cheryl. Culture, Entrepreneurship, and Policy in China. Fargo Garden Society. September 24, 2019.
Bayabil1, H. K., Li, Y., Crane, J., H., Schafer, B., Smyth, A. R., Zhang, S., Evans, E.A., and Blare, T. 2022. Saltwater intrusion and flooding: risks to South Florida’s agriculture and potential management practices: threats of saltwater intrusion and flooding to South Florida’s agriculture and environment. AE572. 5/2022. EDIS 2022(3).
Blare, T. and Donovan, J. (2022). Challenges for ‘going local’ by the tourism sector: Lessons from direct food sourcing initiatives in Cusco, Peru. Tourism and Hospitality Research. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F14673584221074923
Blare, T.,Rivera, M., Ballen, F. H., and Brym, Z. 2022. Is a viable hemp industry in Florida’s future? FE1116 (English) FE117 (Spanish). EDIS. 2022(2).
Blare, T., Ballen, F., Singh, A., Haley, N., and Crane, J. 2022. Profitability and cost estimates for producing Mango (Mangifera Indica L.) in South Florida: FE1115 (English) FE118 (Spanish). EDIS. 2022(2).
Boerngen, M.A. and J.W. Rickard. (2021). You’re all farmers, right? Students’ perceptions of classmates’ and instructors’ experience. NACTA Journal 65, Suppl. 1:5.
Boerngen, M.A. and J.W. Rickard. 2021. To Zoom or not to Zoom: The impact of rural broadband on online learning. Natural Sciences Education 50:e20044.
Brown, R., Hamilton, L., Kiesel, K., Treme, J., and Zuo, N. (2021). Pedagogical Pivot - Faculty Reflections on the Rapid Transition to Virtual Teaching During COVID-19. Western Economics Forum, 19(1): 120-129. (Authors are listed in alphabetical order rather than in order of contribution.)
Brown, R., Buck, S., Kibler, M., Penn, J., and Zuo, N. (2021). Course-Related Student Anxiety During COVID-19: A Problem and Some Solutions. Applied Economics and Teaching Resources, 3(1): 1-21. (Authors are listed in alphabetical order rather than in order of contribution.)
Dallin, J., Hadfield, J., Pace, M., Hadfield, J., Smith, J., Greenhalgh, L., Taylor, K., Larsen, R., & Sulser, A. R. (2021, March 01). 4-H/FFA Turkey Dressing Percentage Calculation Tool. Journal of NACAA, 14(1).
Garcia, M., Chapman, K., Heaton, K., Dallin, J., Rood, K., Thacker, E., Hadfield, J., & Larsen, R. (2021). Using GPS and Genomic Technology to Provide a More Accurate Estimate of Bull Power in Western Intermountain Beef Systems. Journal of Animal Science, 99(Supplement\_3), 28--29.
Gardner, J.G., J.R.V. Franken, and M.A. Boerngen. (2022). A research agenda for cooperatives. Journal of Cooperatives 37:38-66.
Hadfield, J., Waldron, B. L., Isom, S., Feuz, R., Larsen, R., Creech, J. E., Rose, M. F., Long, J. N., Peel, M. D., Miller, R. L., Rood, K., Young, A., Stott, R. D., Sweat, A., & Thornton, K. J. (2021, August 10). The effects of organic grass and grass-birdsfoot trefoil pastures on Jersey heifer development: Heifer growth, performance, and economic impact. Journal of dairy science, 104(10), 10863-10878.
Hoselton, G.S.W.* and M.A. Boerngen. (2021). Farmers’ awareness of and concerns about nutrient loss. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 76(5):387-491.
Mehlhorn, S., I. Lepcha, and R. Tewari (2022). Student Perceptions of Their Online Learning Experience. NACTA Journal, 66, 147-153.
Morgan, K. L., Wade, T., Athearn, K., Prevatt, C., Singerman, A., Evans, E. Blare, T., Khachatryan, H., and Guan, Z. (2021). An introduction to Florida commodity enterprise budgets: An extension tool to improve farm financial planning: FE1109. 12/2021. EDIS. 2021, (6).
Motsinger, L. A., Young, A., Feuz, R., Larsen, R., Brady, T. J., Briggs, R. K., Bowman, B. R., Pratt, C., & Thornton, K. J. (2021, July). Effects of feeding a novel alfalfa leaf pellet product (ProLEAF MAX™) and alfalfa stems (ProFiber Plus™) on feedlot performance and carcass quality of beef steers. Translational Animal Science, 5(3), txab098.
Reichhardt, C. C., Feuz, R., Brady, T. J., Motsinger, L. A., Briggs, R. K., Bowman, B. R., Garcia, M. D., Larsen, R., & Thornton, K. J. (2021, May). Interactions between cattle breed type and anabolic implant strategy impact circulating serum metabolites, feedlot performance, feeding behavior, carcass characteristics, and economic return in beef steers. Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 77, 106633.
Rickard, J.W. and M.A. Boerngen. (2022). Perceived agriculture experience impacts the learning environment. NACTA Journal 66, Suppl. 1:8.
Sant’Anna, A.C., T. Xia and J.S. Bergtold. (2022). Public Policies versus Market Factors: What Drives Ethanol Expansion in Brazil? Q Open 2(1), qoac009, https://doi.org/10.1093/qopen/qoac009.
Sant’Anna, A.C., J.S. Bergtold, A. Shanoyan, M. Caldas and G. Granco. (2022). Biofuel Feedstock Contract Attributes, Substitutability and Tradeoffs in Sugarcane Production in the Brazilian Cerrado: A Stated Choice Approach. Renewable Energy, 185: 665 - 679.
tyan, J.*, M.A. Boerngen, and M. Barrowclough. 2021. Factors influencing increased usage of cash rent leases in Illinois. Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers 2021:6-16.
Tewari, R., K. Lange, and J. Mehlhorn (2022). Curious or not? Agribusiness students’ perceptions of curiosity dimensions. Journal of Agribusiness. Accepted April 2022.
Barnes, E., R. Tewari, J. Mehlhorn and A. Delmond. (2022, February 12-15). Preserving water quality in the U.S mid-south: producer perceptions and willingness to adopt alternative agricultural practices. [Conference presentation]. Southern Agricultural Economics Association Meetings. New Orleans, LA.
Bergtold, J.S. and B. Briggeman. (2022, May 9). Active Learning in the Classroom: An Engaging Game About Agricultural Supply Cooperatives. [Keynote]. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Showcase, Teaching and Learning Center, Kansas State University.
Blare, T. (2022, September 8). Are environmental and social justice goals mutually exclusive? Exploring inclusive businesses in Peru’s cacao and coffee sectors. [Conference presentation]. International Workshop on Environmental Justice. Bern, Switzerland.
Blare, T. (2022, September 6). Application of transformative research to build inclusive and sustainable food systems: Experiences from Latin America and South Florida. [Invited Speaker]. University of Bern Center for Development & Environment Brown Bag Series. Bern, Switzerland.
Blare, T. (2022, July 20). Are agroforestry and social goals mutually exclusive? Exploring inclusive businesses in Peru's cacao, coffee, and oil palm sectors. [Conference presentation]. 5th World Congress on Agroforestry. Quebec City, Canada.
Blare, T. (2022, July 13). Are environmental and social justice goals mutually exclusive? Exploring inclusive businesses in Peru’s cacao and coffee sectors. [Conference presentation]. 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. Cartagena, Colombia.
Blare, T. (2022, May 7). What’s the Future of Hemp? Analysis of the Opportunities and Challenges to Strengthen US Hemp Markets. [Conference presentation]. Florida State Horticulture Society. Sarasota, Florida.
Blare, T. (2022, March 30). How to Market in a Digital Era: 2022 Florida Agricultural Marketing Manual. [Poster presentation]. 2022 Extension Risk Management Education National Conference. Omaha, Nebraska.
Blare, T. (2022, August 2). Effects of the COVID pandemic on agricultural markets & rural communities in the Andes. [Conference presentation]. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meetings (AAEA). Austin, Texas.
Blare, T. (2021, August 31). Challenges for “going local” by the tourism sector: Lessons from direct food sourcing initiatives in Cusco. [Conference presentation]. International Conference of Agricultural Economists (virtual).
Blare, T. (2022, April 4). Market Potential for Floridan Growers in Industrial Hemp. UF/IFAS Cooperative Extension [In-service Training]. Virtual.
Blare, T. (2022, April 8). Nine steps to create your own marketing plan. UF/IFAS Cooperative Extension [In-service Training]. Apopka, FL.
Blare, T. (2022, April 19). Can I make money growing passion fruit and dragon fruit? Tools to analyze your enterprise’s profitability. [In-service Training]. Homestead, FL.
Blare, T. (2022, June 15). How to Market in Digital Era. Multi-State Passion Fruit Conference. [In-service Training]. Homestead, FL.
Brown, R., R. Tewari, and J. Clark. (2022, July 31). Report and updated proposal from TLC curriculum innovation/accreditation award working group. [Teaching, Learning and Communication Business Meeting]. Agricultural & Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA.
Clark, J., N. Zuo, and R. Tewari. (2022, June 1). AAEA TLC Innovation Curriculum Award Developments and Survey Feedback. [Conference presentation]. WERA-72 Annual Meeting Portland, OR.
Clark, J. and Sharp, M. (2022). Using mapping tools in Excel for visual data analytics. [Conference presentation]. Applied Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA (virtual), August 2, 2022.
Hopmann, L., A. Bittel, and R. Tewari. Integrating environmental and sustainability issues in the German-English Speaking Classroom. [Conference presentation]. Tennessee Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting, Cookeville, TN, November 2021.
Johnson, A. (2022, June 1). Translating new frontiers in agribusiness to critical skills for industry ready graduates. [Conference presentation]. WERA-72 Annual Meeting Portland, OR.
Johnston, E., Keeley, M., Meeks, N., panelists, Stone, D. moderator, (2022, June 1). Agri-food industry panel on resiliency within supply chains as a core competency & strategic competitive advantage. [Conference presentation]. WERA-72 Annual Meeting Portland, OR.
Ripplinger, D. (2022, June 2). Considering global issues and the impact on food marketing, energy, trade flows, and logistics systems. [Conference presentation]. WERA-72 Annual Meeting Portland, OR.
Sterrett, T., R. Tewari, J. Mehlhorn and I. Lepcha. (2022, February). Soil carbon markets as a means to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions: perceptions of agricultural producers in the U.S mid-south. [Conference presentation]. Southern Agricultural Economics Association Meetings. New Orleans, LA.
Sterrett, T., R. Tewari, J. Mehlhorn and I. Lepcha. (2021, November, 18). Mid-south agricultural producers’ perception and knowledge of the soil carbon market to potentially mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. [Conference presentation]. Tennessee Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting, Cookeville, TN.
Treacy, E. (2022, June 1). Adapting to changes in a data-driven industry and perspective on market-ready skills agribusiness graduates need. [Conference presentation]. WERA-72 Annual Meeting Portland, OR.
Wright., M., R. Tewari, and J. Mehlhorn. (2022, February). Researching Cattle Auction Bids with Climate Data: A Study from Cattle Production Areas in the U.S mid-south region. [Conference presentation]. Southern Agricultural Economics Association Meetings. New Orleans, LA.
Zuo, Na., R. Tewari., M. Bampasidou, and J. Mehlhorn. (2022, June). Innovative teaching strategies: targeting industry skills through single credit courses? [Conference presentation]. Annual North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Conference.
Barrowclough, M., B. Messman, D. Lannin, M.A. Boerngen, and M. L. Kibler. 2023. Measuring mental health service preferences amongst Illinois dairy producers. Journal of Agromedicine. https://doi.org/10.1080/1059924X.2023.2229815
Tibbs, R. and M.A. Boerngen. 2023. Nutrient loss reduction in the Mississippi/Atchafalaya River Basin. Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers 2023:106-115.
Rickard, J.W. and M.A. Boerngen. 2022. Resource allocation concerns: Matching teaching and research needs with financial management at university farms. Journal of Higher Education Management 37(2):128-135.
Gardner, J.G., J.R.V. Franken, and M.A. Boerngen. 2022. A research agenda for cooperatives. Journal of Cooperatives 37:38-66.
Soltani, S., S.H. Mosavi, S. Saghaian, S. Azhdari, H.N. Alamdarlo, and S. Khalilian. (2023). “Climate Change and Energy Use Efficiency in Arid and Semiarid Agricultural Areas: A Case Study of Hamadan-Bahar Plain in Iran.” Energy. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2022.126553. Impact Factor: 9.
Ansarinasab, M. and S. Saghaian. (2023). “The Relationship between Environmental Quality, Sustainable Health, and Coronavirus Pandemic in the European Countries.” Sustainability, 15(12), 9412. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15129412. Impact Factor: 3.9.
Mohammadi, H., S. Saghaian, and F. Boccia. (2023). “Antibiotic-Free Poultry Meat Consumption and Its Determinants.” Foods, 12(9), 1776. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/foods12091776. Impact Factor: 5.561.
Ansarinasab, M. and S. Saghaian. (2023). “Outbound, Inbound and Domestic Tourism in the Post-COVID-19 Era in OECD Countries.” Sustainability, 15(12), 9412. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15129412. Impact Factor: 3.9.
Firoozzare, A., S. Saghaian, S. Esfandiari-Bahraseman, M. Dehghani-Dashtabi. (2023). “Identifying the Best Strategies for Improving and Developing Sustainable Rain-Fed Agriculture: An Integrated SWOT-BWM-WASPAS Approach.” Agriculture, 13(6), 1215; https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture13061215. Impact Factor: 3.6.
Zhang, W., S. Saghaian, and M. Reed. (2023). “Investigation of Export-Driving Forces and Trade Potentials of the U.S. Bourbon Whiskey Industry.” Applied Economics, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00036846.2023.2178626.
Saghaian, S., H. Mohammadi, and M.S. Jafari. (2023). “Factors Affecting Sales of Selected Agricultural Products in Network Marketing.” Journal of Food Distribution Research, Volume 54, Issue 1, pp. 1–7.
Mohammadi, H., S. Saghaian, and B. ZandiDareGharibi. (2023). “Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Consumption and its Impact on Economic Growth.” Sustainability, 15(4), 3822. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su15043822. Impact Factor: 3.9.
Shokoohi, Z. and S. Saghaian. (2022). “Nexus of energy and food nutrition prices in oil importing and exporting countries: A Panel VAR model.” Energy. DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2022.124416. Impact Factor: 9.
Zhang, W., S. Saghaian, and M. Reed. (2022). “Influences of Power Structure Evolution on Coffee Commodity Markets: Insights from Price Discovery and Volatility Spillovers.” Sustainability, 14, 15268. https://doi.org/10.3390/su142215268. Impact Factor: 3.9.
Saghaian, S., H. Mohammadi, and M. Mohammadi. (2022). “The Effects of Agricultural Product Exports on Environmental Quality.” Sustainability, 14, 13857. https://doi.org/10.3390/su142113857. Impact Factor: 3.9.
Radmehr, R., E. Baba Ali, S. Shayanmehr, S. Saghaian, E. Darbandi, E. Agbozo, and S. A. Sarkodie. (2022). “Assessing Global Drivers of Sustained Economic Development: The Role of Trade Openness, Financial Development, and FDI.” Sustainability, 14, 14023; https://doi.org/10.3390/su142114023. Impact Factor: 3.9.
Mohammadi, H., and S. Saghaian. (2022). “Factors Affecting Consumption of Different Forms of Medicinal Plants: The Case of Licorice.” Agriculture, 12(9), 1453. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture12091453. Impact Factor: 3.6.
Codjia, C.O. and S. Saghaian. (2022). “Determinants of Food Expenditure Patterns: Evidence from U.S. Consumers in the Context of the COVID-19 Price Shocks.” Sustainability, 14, 8156. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14138156. Impact Factor: 3.9
Hosseinzadeh, M., S. Saghaian, Z. Nematollahi, and N. Shahnoushi-Foroushani. (2022). “Water Consumption and Economic Growth: Evidence for the Environmental Kuznets Curve.” Water International. Doi: 10.1080/02508060.2022.2091398. Impact Factor: 3.395
Saghaian, S., H. Mohammadi, and M. Mohammadi. (2022). “Factors Affecting the Success of Entrepreneurship in Agribusinesses: Evidence from Mashhad, Iran.” Sustainability, 14, 7700. Doi: 10.3390/su14137700. Impact Factor: 3.9.
Erol, E. and S. Saghaian. (2022). “The COVID-19 Pandemic and Dynamics of Price Adjustment in the U.S. Beef Sector.” Sustainability, 14, 4391. Doi: 10.3390/su1408439. Impact Factor: 3.9.
Xing, X., and S. Saghaian. (2022). “Learning Outcomes of a Hybrid Online Virtual Classroom and In-Person Traditional Classroom during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Sustainability, 14, 5263. Doi: 10.3390/su14095263. Impact Factor: 3.9.
Adhikari, L. and S. Saghaian. (2022). “Impact of Remittance on Household Welfare: Evidence from the Western Region of Nepal.” Journal of Food Distribution Research, 53(1):41-50.
Odiase, S. and S. Saghaian. (2022). “Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Vertical Price Transmission in the U.S. Fresh Banana Market.” Sustainability, 14, 6354. Doi: 10.3390/su14106354. Impact Factor: 3.9.
Ajibade, A. and S. Saghaian. (2022). “U.S. Almond Exports and Retaliatory Trade Tariffs.” Sustainability, 14, 6409. Doi: 10.3390/su14116409. Impact Factor: 3.9.
Wachenheim, C., Parman, B., Idowu, A., and Hanson, E. (2023). “Data: What Farmers Need to Know.” Choices, 38(1): 1-5.
Wachenheim, C. J., Idowu, A., and Hanson, E. (2023). “Student Feedback on Use of Breakout Rooms.” NACTA Journal, 67: 117-123.
Jahan, M., Wachenheim, C., Hanson, E., Sun, X., and Parman, B. (2023). “Returns to Zone Management Under Varying Conditions.” Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, 129-139.
Hanson, E., Cossette, M., and Roberts, D. (2022). “The Adoption and Usage of Precision Agriculture Technologies in North Dakota.” Technology in Society, 71. Listed in Social Sciences Citation Index.
Hanson, E., and Wachenheim, C. (2022). “Predicting Performance in an Introductory Agricultural Finance Course.” NACTA Journal, 66: 71-77.
Stacanelli-Pires-Chagas-Scott, I., Scott, F., McCarty, T., & Penn. C. (accepted) Techno-economic Analysis of Various Phosphorus Removal Structures Environmental Science and Technology
Young, J., McCarty, T., Lancaster, S. Bisch, M. (2023) Modeling Soybean Planting Decisions with Network Diffusion: Does Herbicide Drift Affect Farmer Profitability and Seed Selection? Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics
Young, J., & McCarty, T. (2022) Adapting Network Theory to Fit Spatial Network Externalities in Agriculture: A Case Study on Hemp Cross-Pollination. American Journal of Agricultural Economics
Lee, W., McCarty, T., Thayer, A., Larsen, R. (2022) Milner Ranch: Is the Grass Greener in Processing?. Applied Economics Teaching Resources
McCarty, T.J., Wang, Z., Kim, M., and Evans, J., (2022) The economic contribution of Utah’s energy and mining industries: Utah Geological Survey Miscellaneous Publication 176, 12 p., 4 appendices, https://doi.org/10.34191/MP-176 .
Herchenbach, J., B.C. Briggeman, J.S. Bergtold, A. Shanoyan, S.A. Low and B. Miller. “A Qualitative Assessment of Farmer Director Skills in Agricultural Cooperatives.” International Food and Agribusiness Management Review (2023): Forthcoming.
Danelon, A.F., H.F.S. Spolador and J.S. Bergtold. “The Role of Productivity and Efficiency Gains in Sugar-Ethanol Industry to Reduce Land Expansion for Sugarcane Fields in Brazil” Energy Policy (2023) 172: 113327. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2022.113327.
Sant’Anna, A.C., J.S. Bergtold, A. Shanoyan, M. Caldas and G. Granco. “Biofuel Feedstock Contract Attributes, Substitutability and Tradeoffs in Sugarcane Production in the Brazilian Cerrado: A Stated Choice Approach.” Renewable Energy (2022) 185: 665 - 679.
Boerngen, M.A. and J.W. Rickard. 2023. The relationship between experience and perception in the agricultural classroom. NACTA Journal 67, Suppl. 1:113.
Rickard, J.W. and M.A. Boerngen. 2022. Perceived agriculture experience impacts the learning environment. NACTA Journal 66, Suppl. 1:8.
Presentations and Invited Talks:
Boerngen, M.A. and J.R. Rickard. The relationship between experience and perception in the agricultural classroom. 69th Annual North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA) Conference, Poster presentation. Las Cruces, NM, June 2023.
Tibbs, R. and M.A. Boerngen. Examining farmers’ perceptions of precision agriculture technologies and on-farm precision experimentation. Oral presentation. NC-1210 Frontiers in On-Farm Experimentation Annual Meeting. January 2023, Corpus Christi, TX.
Tibbs, R. and M.A. Boerngen. Examining the perceptions of precision agriculture technologies and on-farm precision experimentation. Poster presentation. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America International Annual Meeting. November 2022, Baltimore, MD.
Tibbs, R. and M.A. Boerngen. Farmers’ views of on-farm precision experimentation (OFPE). 5-Minute Rapid-Fire Oral presentation, American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America International Annual Meeting. November 2022, Baltimore, MD.
Rickard, J.W. and M.A. Boerngen. Perceived Agriculture Experience Impacts the Learning Environment. Oral presentation, 68th Annual North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA) Conference. June 2022, virtual.
Boerngen, M.A. 2023. Farm Management and Financial Analysis. McLean County Farm Bureau Landowner 201 Seminar Series. February 16, 2023, Bloomington, IL, hybrid.
Boerngen, M.A., C. Prins, and H. Shear. 2022. Academic and Farm Management Roundtable. American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers Annual Conference, November 2022, San Antonio, TX.
Boerngen, M.A. and B. Basting. 2022. Grain Marketing and Crop Insurance. McLean County Farm Bureau Landowner 101 Seminar Series. February 24, 2022, Bloomington, IL.
Boerngen, M.A. 2022. Farmland Leasing. McLean County Farm Bureau Landowner 101 Seminar Series. February 10, 2022, Bloomington, IL.
Lone, T., P. Xu, Q. Sun, L. Davis, and A. Levi. (2023). An Empirical Analysis of Agricultural College Students’ Perceptions of Virtual Learning. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 23-13: 1-18. https://doi.org/10.33423/jhetp.v23i13.
Zheng, S., X. Lyu, J. Wang, and C. Wachenheim. (2023). Enhancing sales of green agricultural products through live streaming in China: What affects purchase intention? Sustainability15,5858, https://doi.org/10.3390/su15075858.
Iwodu, A., C. Wachenheim, E. Hanson, and A. Sickler. (2023). The disposition of data from precision agricultural technologies: What do young agriculturalists think? Technology in Society 75, 102398. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techsoc.2023.102389.
Wachenheim, C., Parman, B., Idowu, A., and Hanson, E. (2023). Data: What Farmers Need to Know. Choices, 38(1): 1-5.
Wachenheim, C. J., Idowu, A., and Hanson, E. (2023). Student Feedback on Use of Breakout Rooms. NACTA Journal, 67: 117-123.
Jahan, M., Wachenheim, C., Hanson, E., Sun, X., and Parman, B. (2023). Returns to Zone Management Under Varying Conditions. Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, 129-139.
Tewari, R., N. Zuo, J. Mehlhorn, and M. Bampasidou. Learning by the Hour: Student perceptions on single-credit-hour agribusiness and agricultural economics courses. Journal of Agribusiness. Forthcoming.
Codjia, C., T. Woods, and Y. Zheng. (2024). Mandatory nutrition attributes labeling and consumer demand: a structural approach analysis of the U.S. soft drink market, Agricultural and Food Economics, JAFE-D-23-00450R2 accepted for publication May 2024.
Rossi, J. and T. Woods. (2024). Placing Community Supported Agriculture in Local Food Systems, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, accepted for publication, February, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1080/14735903.2024.2318936
Yang, S., K. Ujiie, and T. Woods (2023), The Impact of Visiting Local Winery on Non-Wine Products Purchasing Behavior in the Northern Appalachian States, Journal of Wine Economics, (18):315-331, doi:10.1017/jwe.2023.28
Rossi J. and T. Woods. (2023). How do residents perceive local food system activity? Perspectives of system performance and awareness using the local food vitality survey, Local Development & Society, Published online Nov 6, 2023 DOI: 10.1080/26883597.2023.2275208
Biddle, M. J., J. Kang, J. Derringer, A. Rose, D. P. Brewer, M. Chung, T.A. Lennie, G. Mudd-Martin and T. A. Woods (2023). Examining Food Security, Choices and Barriers among Community Supported Agriculture Participants during COVID- 19 in Kentucky, Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition, 18(6): 878-888, DOI: 10.1080/19320248.2021.1994084
Packer, J., Feuz, R., and McCarty, T. (2024). Western Safflower Contracting Strategies. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 56(2), 216-233.
Packer, J., McCarty, T., and Feuz, R. (2024). Mountain States Oilseeds: Can Contracts Enhance Safflower Seed Procurement. Applied Economics Teaching Resources (AETR), 6(1), TBD-TBD.
Westover, C., and McCarty, T. (2024). Renaissance Ag: Identifying the Who, How, and Where of Marketing a New Technology. Applied Economics Teaching Resources (AETR), 6(2), 47-62.
Stacanelli-Pires-Chagas-Scott, I., Scott, F., McCarty, T., and Penn. C. (2023). Techno-economic Analysis of Various Phosphorus Removal Structures Environmental Science and Technology, 57(34), 12858-12868.
Brown, R., Clark, J., and Tewari, R. (2024). We Need to Talk About Curriculum Innovation. Applied Economics Teaching Resources (AETR), 6(1), TBD-TBD.
Sant'Anna, A. C., Kim, K. N., and Demko, I. (2023). Limits to capital: Assessing the role of race on the Paycheck Protection Program for African American farmers in America. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy.
Sant' Anna, A.C., Spolador, H, Bergtold, J.S. (2023). Cost efficiency and land rental cost of sugar and ethanol producing plants – an analysis for 2021/2022 harvest year. Anais do 61º Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Economia, Administração e Sociologia Rural (SOBER). Anais. Piracicaba(SP) ESALQ/USP, 2023
Mahmoudi, M.; H. Mohammadi, H.; S. Saghaian; A. Karbasi. (2024). Factors Affecting the Waste of Selected Agricultural Products with an Emphasis on the Marketing Mix. Agriculture, 14, 857; https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture14060857.
Karamian, F., and S. Saghaian. (2024). Analysis of Barriers Facing Rural Women's Entrepreneurship in Kermanshah Province: An Application of the Grounded Theory.
Soltani, S., S.H. Mosavi, S. Saghaian, S. Azhdari, H.N. Alamdarlo, and S. Khalilian. (2023). Climate Change and Energy Use Efficiency in Arid and Semiarid Agricultural Areas: A Case Study of Hamadan-Bahar Plain in Iran. Energy. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2022.126553.
Ansarinasab, M. and S. Saghaian. (2023). The Relationship between Environmental Quality, Sustainable Health, and Coronavirus Pandemic in the European Countries. Sustainability, 15(15), 11683; https://doi.org/10.3390/su151511683.
Mohammadi, H., S. Saghaian, and F. Boccia. (2023). Antibiotic-Free Poultry Meat Consumption and Its Determinants. Foods, 12(9), 1776. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/foods12091776.
Ansarinasab, M. and S. Saghaian. (2023). Outbound, Inbound and Domestic Tourism in the Post-COVID-19 Era in OECD Countries. Sustainability, 15(12), 9412; https://doi.org/10.3390/su15129412.
Firoozzare, A. S. Saghaian, S. Esfandiari-Bahraseman, M. Dehghani-Dashtabi. (2023). Identifying the Best Strategies for Improving and Developing Sustainable Rain-Fed Agriculture: An Integrated SWOT-BWM-WASPAS Approach. Agriculture, 13(6), 1215; https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture13061215.
Zhang, W., S. Saghaian, and M. Reed. (2023). Investigation of Export-Driving Forces and Trade Potentials of the U.S. Bourbon Whiskey Industry. Applied Economics; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00036846.2023.2178626.
Saghaian, S., H. Mohammadi, and M.S. Jafari. (2023). Factors Affecting Sales of Selected Agricultural Products in Network Marketing. Journal of Food Distribution Research, Volume 54, Issue 1, pp. 1–7.
Mohammadi, H., S. Saghaian, and B. ZandiDareGharibi. (2023). Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Consumption and its Impact on Economic Growth. Sustainability, 15(4), 3822; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su15043822.
Herchenbach, J. S., Briggeman, B. C., Bergtold, J., Shanoyan, A., Low, S., Miller, B. (2023). A Qualitative Assessment of Farmer Director Skills in Agricultural Cooperatives. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 26(4), 655-672.
Hovhannisyan, V., and S. Asci, (2024). “Urbanization and economic growth in China: empirical evidence based on a SIVQR approach.” China Agricultural Economic Review. doi: 10.1108/CAER-08-2023-0234.
Reddy, K., V. Paramesha, K. Kumar, S. Asci, et al. (2024) “Econometric Modeling of Tobacco Exports in the Milieu of Changing Global and National Policy Regimes: Repercussions on the Indian Tobacco Sector.” Frontiers in Environmental Economics, 2:1216153. doi: 10.3389/frevc.2023.1216153.
Koc, A., S. Asci, and P. Uysal, (2023), “The Alcoholic Beverages Demand and Evaluation of Tax Policies in Turkey.” Eastern European Economics, 1-19; doi: 10.1080/00128775.2023.2169165.
Grants and Research/Extension Reports
Vang, K., G. Banuelos, T. Lone, and T. Centofanti. "The organic production of agretti in poor-quality soils with poor-quality water." CSU, Fresno ARI Final Report, California State University, Fresno, September 2023.
Zuo, Na (PI). “AAEA Teaching Academy: Opportunities to Improve Pedagogy and Teaching in Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness”, Funded $20,000 proposal to the AAEA Trust Fund, 2024
Shear, Hannah, Jason Bergtold, and Na Zuo (PIs). “Cultivating Impactful Teaching: An Innovative Agricultural Economics Teaching Academy.”, Funded $7,000 proposal of an Association of Public Land-grant University (APLU) Interinstitutional Innovative Teaching Award, 2024-2025
Baro, Mamadou (PI), Na Zuo (specialist) “USAID Niger Resilience and Agribusiness Master’s Program (N-RAMP)”, a team of UA faculty and partners, where Na Zuo serves as the Agribusiness curriculum and teaching specialist. Funded $6,836,460 proposal to the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), October 2023 – September 2028
Zuo, Na (PI), Satheesh Aradhyula(Co-PI). “Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience in Agricultural Economics”, Funded $6,600 course proposal to faculty grant at UA, 2023-2024
Josephson, Anna (PI), Na Zuo and Katherine Speirs (Co-PIs). “Food Insecurity Among College Students: Understanding Hunger at the University of Arizona”, Funded $35,000 proposal to the Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) Faculty Seed Grants at UA, 2022-2023.
Herchenbach, J. S., Briggeman, B. C. (2023). Research Series on Director Skills Gap Analysis (Paper 4 of 4): A Tool to Evaluate Director’s Skill Levels and Gaps. Research Series on Director Skills Gap Analysis. Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University Agricultural Economics - Arthur Capper Cooperative Center. https://accc.k-state.edu/research/fact_sheet_series.html
Herchenbach, J. S., Briggeman, B. C. (2023). Research Series on Director Skills Gap Analysis (Paper 3 of 4): Identifying the Most Important Director Skills. Research Series on Director Skills Gap Analysis. Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University Agricultural Economics - Arthur Capper Cooperative Center. https://accc.k-state.edu/research/fact_sheet_series.html
Herchenbach, J. S., Briggeman, B. C. (2023). Research Series on Director Skills Gap Analysis (Paper 2 of 4): Existing Skill Gaps. Research Series on Director Skills Gap Analysis. Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University Agricultural Economics - Arthur Capper Cooperative Center. https://accc.k-state.edu/research/fact_sheet_series.html
Herchenbach, J. S., Briggeman, B. C. (2023). Research Series on Director Skills Gap Analysis (Paper 1 of 4): Skills Needed to be Engaged and Knowledgeable Directors. Research Series on Director Skills Gap Analysis. Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University Agricultural Economics - Arthur Capper Cooperative Center. https://accc.k-state.edu/research/fact_sheet_series.html
UC-ANR Team, Fresno State Team - S. Asci (Co-PI) et al. “The Southwest Regional Food Business Center” USDA-NIFA Award (Fresno State Team budget - $2,200,000) 2023-2028.
Herzig L. (PI), S. Pooya, S. Konduru and S. Asci (Co-PIs). “The effect of a Comprehensive Nutrition Intervention Program emphasizing fruit and vegetable consumption on reduction of food insecurity, obesity, NAFLD with a focus on the mediatory role of BDNF” CSU-Agricultural Research Initiative-ARI ($295,252) 2023-2026.
Jauregui, V., I. Guarduno., S. Asci, and T. Lone. "Ready-to-Serve (RTS) Grilled Eggplant" 2nd Annual Fresno State Innovation and Entrepreneurship Summitt, Fresno, CA, April 25, 2024.
Kier, Lillian, and T. Lone. "Using drainage water to grow an alternative salt and boron tolerant crop, guayule, that produces natural latex and resin for the San Joaquin Valley in Central California, then conducting parametric analysis to investigate the economic feasibility for farmers." 45th Annual Central California Research Symposium (Outstanding Poster Presentation Winner), Fresno, CA, April 3, 2024.
Na Zuo and Lijiao Hu, “Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL): A Case Study”, AAEA Annual Meeting, Washington DC, July 23-25, 2023
Lijiao Hu, Yuqing Zheng and Na Zuo, “Relationship-Specific Learning in Private Food Safety Certification Market”, Western Education and Research Activities Committee on Agribusiness (WERA-72) Annual Meeting, Portland OR, June 6-7, 2023.
Woods, T., Azita Varziri and Shuoli Zhao, “LCM Models for Brand Positions of Local and Climate Smart Dairy Products”, WERA-72 Annual Meeting, Tucson, AZ, June 4-5, 2024
Woods, T., Jairus Rossi and Azita Varziri,“State Brand Awareness and Purchasing Determinants in Kentucky”, WERA-72 Annual Meeting, Tucson, AZ, June 4-5, 2024
Woods, T. and Jane Eastham, “Strategies for Improving Nutritional Quality Along the Food Supply Chain”, Food Distribution Research Society annual meeting, Washington, DC, November 13, 2023.
Woods, T., Azita Varziri, Favour Esene, and Shuoli Zhao“Consumer Preferences toward Local vs Carbon: A Study of Value-Added Dairy Products”, Food Distribution Research Society annual meeting, Washington, DC, November 13, 2023.
Woods, T. and Jairus Rossi, “Understanding Consumer Values of CSA Subscribers”, Food Distribution Research Society annual meeting, Washington, DC, November 13, 2023.
Woods, T., Favour Essene and Shuoli Zhao “Consumer attitudes toward state-grown promotion program: marketing implications and prospects”, FAMPS track session, American and Applied Economics Association annual meeting, Washington, DC, July 24, 2023
Woods, T., “Localisation of Local Food Systems”, Virtual symposium of local food system professionals in SW England and Kentucky, June 19, 2023
Woods, T., Favour Essene and Shuoli Zhao “A local sourcing and carbon footprint branding willingness-to-pay experiment for dairy products in Kentucky, USA”, Global Systems Institute, University of Exeter, June 14, 2023
Woods, T., “Controlled Environment Agriculture Creative Destruction? New World for Food and Agriculture”, presentation at the University of Exeter Food Group Spring Pechakucha seminar series, May 23, 2023
Woods, T., Shang-Ho Yang and Kiyokazu Ujiie “The Impact of Visiting Local Winery on Non-Wine Products Purchasing Behavior in the Northern Appalachian States”, presentation at the American Wine Economics Association annual meeting, Stellenbosch, South Africa, June 28, 2023
Feizy, Saber, Steven Buck, Jairus Rossi, Timothy Woods, “Mean Reversion and the Impact of a Community Supported Agriculture Food Program on Diet-Related Medical Expenditures”, presented paper at the Southern Ag Economics Association annual meeting, Stillwater, OK, February, 2023 (paper awarded 3rd place in the SAEA job market competition)
Woods, T., Emily Spencer, Brett Wolff, Camille Stevens, Savannah Columbia, Katie Harvey Horticulture Outlook: Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Today, quarterly CCD training and outlook for Hort and ANR agents, online, March 11, 2024.
Woods, T., Retail Pricing for Profit and Customer Value at Farm Markets, KY Farm Bureau Certified Markets Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY, March 6, 2024
Woods, T., MarketReady Core Training, Train-the-trainer; producer training, Lincoln, NB, February 19-20, 2024
Woods, T., Kentucky Horticulture Outlook 2024, KY Ag Lenders, Flemingsburg, KY, February 9, 2024
Woods, T., Emerging Marketing Approaches and Opportunities for Farmers Markets, Daviess County Farmers Market, Owensboro, KY, January 25, 2024
Woods, T., Kentucky Horticulture Outlook 2024”, Hort Culture podcast (with Brett Wolff, Ray Tackett, Alexis Sheffield), January 17, 2024.
Woods, T., “Kentucky Horticulture Outlook 2024”, Economic Subject Matter agent trainings, Winchester, Columbia, Princeton, KY (with Savannah Columbia), January 8, 9, 10
Woods, T., “Britain’s Best: Tim’s Top 10 Local Consumer Connection Innovations”, Kentucky Fruit and Vegetable Growers Annual Conference, Bowling Green, KY, January 4, 2024
Woods, T., “Kentucky Local Food Consumer Insights: 2024 Edition”, Kentucky Fruit and Vegetable Growers Annual Conference, Bowling Green, KY (with Jairus Rossi, Emily Spencer, and Brett Wolff), January 3, 2024
Woods, T. and Emily Spencer “Farmers Market Average Prices & 2023 Production Input Survey Results”, Farmers Market Short Course, KFVG Conference, Bowling Green, KY, January 2, 2024
Woods, T. and Joanna Coles “Marketing Kentucky Dairy Products”, Kentucky Farm and Home Morning Show (TV), December 13, 2023
Woods, T. and Joanna Coles “Food Inflation and Kentucky Consumers”, Kentucky Farm and Home Morning Show (TV), December 13, 2023
Woods, T. and Joanna Coles “Kentucky Horticulture Input Costs and Market Outlook”, Kentucky Farm and Home Morning Show (TV), December 13, 2023
Woods, T. and Jairus Rossi “CSA in Workplaces and Universities”, part of a KY-WV-MI Extension In-Service training on CSA to the Workplace, Lexington, KY, August 10, 2023.
Clark, J. (2024, June 25-26) Scale of Production Differences in Farm Operators' Access to Resources and Information as an Agribusiness Teaching Tool. [Poster presentation] North American College Teachers of Agriculture, Las Cruces, NM, USA.
Sant'Anna, A. C. (2023). “Top Five Strategies for a Young or Beginning Farmer” Blog Farm Credit of the Virginias
Saghaian, S., S. Yarmand1, H. Mohammadi, and M. Dehghani1. (2024). “Export Sustainability in Small and Medium Enterprise in the Agricultural Sector.” International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE2024-IAAE), 2-7 August, New Delhi, India.
Saghaian, S., H. Mohammadi, and M. Mohammadi (2024). “The Effects of Agricultural Product Exports on Environmental Quality.” IFAMA 2024 World Conference and Symposium, 17-20 June, Almeria, Spain.
Saghaian, S., R. Zhaleh1, H. Mohammadi, A. FiroozZare. (2023). “Factors Affecting Consumers' Attitudes towards Genetically Modified Food Products: The Case of Edible Oil.” 2023 IFAMA World Conference, 17-21 June, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Zhaleh1, R., H. Mohammadi, S. Saghaian, and A. FiroozZare. (2023). “Consumption of Genetically Modified Food Products and its Determinants: Evidence of GM edible oil consumption in Mashhad.” 2023 IFAMA World Conference, 17-21 June, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Saghaian, S. (2023). “International Agricultural Product Markets under the Influence of the Covid and Conflict between Russia and Ukraine.” Invited lecture, South China Agricultural University, May 29, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China.
Saghaian, S. (2023). “Infrastructure, Productivity, Competitiveness, and Clusters.” Invited lecture, South China Agricultural University, May 22, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China.
Saghaian, S. (2023). “Economics of Strategy.” Invited lecture, South China Agricultural University, May 19, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China.
Herchenbach, J. S., Briggeman, B. C., van Rooyen, J. WERA-72 Annual Meeting, "Cooperative Growth in the Agri-Food Value Chain: The Case of SSK Cooperative," Tucson, AZ. (June 5, 2024).
Herchenbach, J. S., Briggeman, B. C., Bergtold, J., Trudo, C. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Conference, "Valuing Trust in an Agricultural Lending Relationship," AAEA, Washington, D.C. (July 24, 2023).
Herchenbach, J. S. Nebraska Cooperative Council (NCC) Intern Retreat, "Cooperatives' Role and Value," Nebraska Cooperative Council (NCC), Kearney, NE. (June 14, 2023).
Herchenbach, J. S. (Author & Presenter). DesignPLUS Faculty Showcase, "DesignPLUS Faculty Showcase," UNK, Kearney, NE. (April 5, 2023).
Herchenbach, J. S. Nebraska State FBLA Conference, "Building Communication for Success," Nebraska FBLA, Kearney, NE. (April 4, 2023).
Herchenbach, J. S. and Weber, R. Frenchman Valley Cooperative Board of Directors Retreat, "Director Skills - Frenchman Valley Board," Frenchman Valley Cooperative, Imperial, NE. (March 21, 2023).
Herchenbach, J. S. and Briggeman, B. C. Nebraska Cooperative Council (NCC) Graduate Director Program, "Developing the Most Important Skills for Directors," Nebraska Cooperative Council (NCC), Kearney, NE. (January 4, 2023).
Asci, S., S. Konduru, S. Pooya and L Herzig. (2024), “Comprehensive Nutrition Intervention Program emphasizing fruit and vegetable consumption to reduce food insecurity in Central Valley of California.” Selected paper presented at the WAEA annual meeting. June 2024, San Francisco, California.
Hovhannisyan V. and S. Asci. (2023), “An Empirical Examination of the Relationship Between Urbanization and Economic Growth in China.” Selected poster presented at the AAEA annual meeting. July 2023, Washington D.C.
Hovhannisyan V. and S. Asci. (2023), “An Instrumental Variables Quantile Regression Framework for Analyzing the Urbanization-Economic Growth Link.” Selected paper presented at the WAEA annual meeting. July 2023, Whistler, Canada.
Hovhannisyan, V., S. Asci and A. Khachatryan (2023), “A Quantile Regression Approach to Analyzing the Effects of Urbanization on Economic Growth in China.” Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA) Annual Meeting, Feb 4-8, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Asci, S. (2024), “Global Marketing Challenges.” Panelist at a Roundtable Discussion. PAGG Growers Conference, May 18, Madera, CA.
Andrada J., S. Konduru and S. Asci, (2024), “An Analysis of Produce Consumption in Fresno County.” 45th Annual Central California Research Symposium, Apr 3, Fresno, CA.
Andrada J., S. Konduru and S. Asci, (2024), “Fresh Produce Accessibility in the County of Fresno.” World Ag Expo, Feb. 13, Tulare, CA.