W4170: Beneficial Use of Residuals to Improve Soil Health and Protect Public, and Ecosystem Health
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Abdelhafez, A. A., Eid, K. E., El-Abeid, S. E., Abbas, M. H.H., Ahmed, N., Mansour, R. R.M.E., Zou, G., Iqbal, J., Fahad, S., Elkelsih, A., Alamri, S., Siddiqui, M. H., Mohamed, I. 2020. Application of soil biofertilizers to a clayey soil contaminated with Sclerotium rolfsii can promote production, protection and nutritive status of Phaseolus vulgaris. Chemosphere, 129321. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.129321.
Abercrombie, S., de Perre, C., Iacchetta, M., Flynn, R., Sepulveda, M., Lee, L.S., Hoverman, J. 2020. Sublethal Effects of Dermal Exposure to Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances on Post- Metamorphic Amphibians, Environ. Toxicol. Chem., https://doi.org/10.1002/etc.4711
Abercrombie, S.A.; de Perre, C.; Choi, Y.J. ; Tornabene, B.J.; Sepúlveda, M.S.; Lee, L.S.; Hoverman, J.T. 2019. Larval Amphibians Rapidly Bioaccumulate Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Ecotox. and Environ. Safety, EES-18-4008, 178:137-145, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2019.04.022
Alasmary, Z., T. Todd, G.M. Hettiarachchi, T. Stefanovska,V. Pidlisnyuk, K. Roozeboom, L. Erickson, L. Davis, and O. Zhukov. 2020. Effect of Soil Treatments and Amendments on the Nematode Community under Miscanthus Growing in a Lead Contaminated Military Site. Agronomy 10, 1727.
Alghamdi, A., D.R. Presley, M.B. Kirkham, and G. Hettiarachchi. 2020. Efficacy of amendments to improve soil physical properties at an abandoned lead and zinc mine. Agroecosystems, Geosciences & Environment. 3: e20032.
Anuo, C.O., Jennifer A. Cooper, Katja Koehler-Cole, Salvador Ramirez II, Michael Kaiser. Effect of Cover Cropping on Soil Organic Matter Decomposition and Stabilization: Insights from a five-year field experiment in Nebraska. Will be submitted in June/July 2021 to Soil Science Society of America Journal. Book chapter
Attanayake, C.P., G.M. Hettiarachchi, M. Palomo, G.M. Pierzynski, B. Calderon. 2021. Phytoavailability of lead for vegetables in urban garden soils. ACS Agricultural Science & Technology. 1: 173–181. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsagscitech.0c00068
Azeem, M., A. Ali, P.G.S.A. Jeyasunder, Y. Li, H. Abelrahman, A. Latif, R. Li, N. Basta, G. Li, S.M. Shaheen, J. Rinkleve, and Z, Zhang. 2021. Bone-derived biochar imprioved soil quality and reduced Cd and Zn phytoavailavility in a multi-metal contaminated mining soil. Environ. Pollut. 277:116800.
Badzmierowski, M.J., G.K. Evanylo, W.L. Daniels, and K.C. Haering. 2021. What is the impact of human wastewater biosolids (sewage sludge) application on long term carbon sequestration rates? A systematic review protocol. Environmental Evidence. 10:6. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13750-021-00221-3.
Banet, T., I. Zohar, I.M. Litaor, M. Massey, and J.A. Ippolito. 2020. Phosphorus removal from swine wastewater using aluminum-based water treatment residuals. Res. Conserv. Recycl. X. 6:100039.
Banet, T., M. Massey, I. Zohar, I. Litaor, and J.A. Ippolito. 2020. Assessing modified aluminum-based water treatment residuals as a plant-available phosphorus source. Chemosphere. 247:125949
Barnes, R.G., C.A. Rotz, H.E. Preisendanz, J.E. Watson, H.A. Elliott, T.L. Veith, C. Williams, and K.J. Brasier. 2021. Cover cropping and interseeding management practices to improve runoff quality from dairy farms in Central Pennsylvania. Transactions of ASABE, Accepted 20 April, 2021.
Basta, N.T., Alyssa M. Zearley, Jeffory A. Hattey, and Douglas L. Karlen. 2021. A Risk-Based Soil Health Approach to Management of Soil Lead. In: D.L. Karlen, D.E. Stott, and M.M. Mikha (eds). Soil Health: Vol. 1: Approaches to Soil Health Analysis, Chapter 7, Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) & Wiley International, SSSA, Madison, WI. Book chapter
Basta, N.T., I. Pepper, L.S. Lee, G. Kester, and A. Zearley. 2020. W4170 Multistate Research Committee Response to USEPA OIG Report No. 19-P-00021 “EPA unable to assess the impact of unregulated pollutants in land-applied biosolids on human health and the environment”, https://www.nimss.org/system/ProjectAttachment/files/000/000/502/original/W4170%20Response%20to%20OIG%20Report%20July%2023%202020%20final.pdf USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Research Committee W4170, June 2020.
Battaglia M; Thomason W; Fike JH; Evanylo GK; Cossel M; Babur E; Iqbal Y; Diatta AA. 2021. The broad impacts of corn stover and wheat straw removal for biofuel production on crop productivity, soil health and greenhouse gas emissions: A review. GCB Bioenergy, 13(1), 45-57. doi:10.1111/gcbb.12774.
Benli Chai, Tamara Tsoi, J Brett Sallach, Cun Liu, Jeff Landgraf, Mark Bezdek, Gerben Zylstra, Hui Li, Cliff T Johnston, Brian J Teppen, James R Cole, Stephen A Boyd, James M Tiedje, 2020, Bioavailability of Clay-Adsorbed Dioxin to Sphingomonas wittichii RW1 and its associated genome-wide shifts in gene expression. Science of the Total Environment, 712: 135525.
Betancourt, W.W., Schmitz, B.W., Innes, G.K., Prasek, S.M., Pogreba Brown, K.M., Stark, E.R., Foster, A.R., Sprissler, R.S., Harris, D.T., Sherchan, S.P., Gerba, C.P., Pepper, I.L. 2021. COVID-19 containment on a college campus via wastewater-based epidemiology, targeted clinical testing and an intervention. Sci. Tot. Environ. 779 (2021) 146408.
Brown, S., J. Ippolito, N. Basta, L. Hundal. 2020. Municipal biosolids as a tool for sustainable communities. Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health. 14:56-62.
Brown, S., J.A. Ippolito, L. Hundal, and N.T. Basta. 2020. Municipal biosolids – A resource for sustainable communities. Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health. 14:56-62.
Buchanan, C., and J. Ippolito. 2020. Utilizing long-term organic amendments to improve soil health in semi-arid, grazed grasslands. Proceedings of the Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference. Denver, CO. March 10-11.
Cannon, J., R.M. Foguth, R. Wesley Flynn; Chloe de Perre; L.S. Lee and M.S. Sepulveda. 2019. Developmental exposure to perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) selectively decreases brain dopamine levels in northern leopard frogs. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, TAAP-D-19-00419R1, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.taap.2019.114623.
Chandler, J. W., Preisendanz, H. E., Veith, T. L., Elkin, K. R., Elliott, H. A., & Watson, J. E. (2021). Role of concentrated flow pathways on the movement of pesticides through agricultural fields and riparian buffer zones. Transactions of the ASABE, Accepted 24 February 2021. doi.org/10.13031/trans.14221.
Chandler, J.W., H.E. Preisendanz, T. L. Veith, K.R. Elkin, H.A. Elliott, J.E. Watson, and P.J.A. Kleinman. 2020. Role of concentrated flow pathways on the movement of pesticides through agricultural fields and riparian buffer zones. ASABE Paper No. 2001630. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, MI. doi:10.13031/aim.2001630
Cheng, Z., G. M. Hettiarachchi, and K-H Kim. 2020. Urban soils research: SUITMA 10. J. Environ. Qual. Published online 12/20/2020. https://doi.org/10.1002/jeq2.2019.
Cheng, Z.P., H.W. Sun, H.S. Sidhu, N. Sy, and J. Gan. 2020. Metabolism of mono-(2-ethyhexyl)phthalate in Arabidopsis thaliana: Exploration of metabolic pathways by deuterium labeling. Environmental Pollution 265: 114886. doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.114886
Chao Lu, Bing Yang, and Michael Gatheru Wagi, 2020, A Fast and Easily Parallelizable Biosensor Method for Measuring Extractable Tetracyclines in Soils. Environmental Science and Technology, 54: 758-767.
Chen, C.Q., S. Hilaire, and K. Xia, 2020. Veterinary pharmaceuticals, pathogens and antibiotic resistance. In Animal Manure: Production, Characteristics, Environmental Concerns, and Management. Editor(s): H.M. Waldrip P.H. Pagliari Z. He. pp 385-407. ASA Special Publication 67. (https://doi.org/10.2134/asaspecpub67.c26). Book chapter
Cheng, F.Y., H.E. Preisendanz, M.L. Mashtare, L.S. Lee, and N.B. Basu. 2021. Nevertheless, they persisted: Can hyporheic zones increase the persistence of estrogens in streams? Water Resources Research, Accepted 26 April, 2021.
Clark, Elyse V., Carl E. Zipper, David J. Soucek, and W. Lee Daniels. 2020. Contaminants in Appalachian water resources generated by non-acid-forming coal-mining materials. p. 217-243. In: Carl E. Zipper and Jeff Skousen (ed.) Appalachia’s coal-mined landscapes. Springer. Book chapter
Codling, Eton E., Ngowari Jaja, Wale Adewunmi & Gregory K. Evanylo 2021. Residual effects of long-term biosolids application on concentrations of carbon, cadmium, copper, lead and zinc in soils from two regions of the United States, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2020.1869772
Cowger W, Gray A, Christiansen SH, De Frond H, Deshpande A, Hermabessiere L, Lee E, Mill L, Munno K, Ossmann B, Pittroff M, Rochman C, Sarau G, Tarby S, Primpke S. 2020. EXPRESS: Critical Review of Processing and Classification Techniques for Images and Spectra in Microplastic Research. Applied Spectroscopy. https://doi.org/10.1177/0003702820929064
Cowger W, Booth AM, Hamilton BM, Thaysen C, Primpke S, Munno K, Lusher AL, Dehaut A, Vaz VP, Liboiron M, Devriese LI, Hermabessiere L, Rochman C, Athey SN, Lynch JM, De Frond H, Gray A, Jones OAH, Brander S, Steele C, Moore S, Sanchez A, Nel H. 2020. Reporting Guidelines to Increase the Reproducibility and Comparability of Research on Microplastics. Applied Spectroscopy, 74: 989-1010. https://doi.org/10.1177/0003702820930292
Jennifer A. Cooper, Rhae A. Drijber, Arindam Malakar, Virginia L. Jin, Daniel N. Miller, Michael Kaiser. Evaluating coal char as an alternative to biochar for mitigating nutrient and carbon loss from manure amended soils - insights from a greenhouse experiment. Submitted to Journal of Environmental Quality. Book chapter
Cox J., Hue N., Ahmad A., Kobayashi K. 2021. Surface-applied or incorporated biochar and compost combination improves soil fertility, Chinese cabbage and papaya biomass. Biochar 3:213-227.
Eaton, W. K. Brasier, M.E. Burbach, W. Whitmer, E.W. Engle, M. Burnham, B. Quimby, A.K. Chaudhary, H, Whitley, J. Delozier, L.B. Fowler, A. Wutich, J.C. Bausch, M. Beresford, C. Burkhart-Kriesel, C. Williams, H.E. Preisendanz, J. Watson, and J. Weigle. 2021. A conceptual framework for social, behavioral, and environmental change through stakeholder engagement in water resource management. Society & Natural Resources, Accepted 13 May 2021.
Eriksson, Kenneth A. and W. Lee Daniels. 2020. Environmental implications of regional geology and coal mining in the Appalachians. p. 27-53. In: Carl E. Zipper and Jeff Skousen (ed.) Appalachia’s coal-mined landscapes. Springer. Book chapter
Filipovic, L., V. Filipovic, C. Williams, H. Preisendanz, C. Walker, J. Watson. 2020. Modeling carbamazepine transport in wastewater-irrigated soil under different land uses. DOI:10.1002/jeq2.20074. Journal of Environmental Quality 49:1011-1019.
Flynn, R., Iacchetta, M., de Perre, C., Lee, L.S., Sepúlveda, M., Hoverman, J. 2020. Chronic PFAS-exposure under environmentally relevant conditions delays development in northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens) larvae, Environ. Toxicol. Chem., https://doi.org/10.1002/etc.4690
Foguth RM, Flynn RW, de Perre C, Iacchetta M, Lee LS, Sepúlveda MS, Cannon JR . 2019. Developmental exposure to perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) selectively decreases brain dopamine levels in Northern leopard frogs. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 377:114623. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.taap.2019.114623
Foguth, R., Hoskins, T., Cali Clark, G., Nelson, M., Flynn, W., de Perre, C., Hoverman, J., Lee, L.S., Sepulveda, M., Cannon, J.R. 2020. Single and mixture per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances accumulate in developing Northern leopard frog brains and produce complex neurotransmission alterations. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 81:106907. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ntt.2020.106907
Frame, S., Pearsons, K. A., Elkin, K. R., Saporito, L. S., Preisendanz, H. E., Karsten, H. D., & Tooker, J. F. (2021). Assessing surface and subsurface transport of neonicotinoid insecticides from no-till crop fields. Journal of Environmental Quality. 50(2):476-484.
Gunn, K.M., T.L. Veith, A. Buda, H.E. Preisendanz, C. Kennedy, and R. Cibin. 2021. Integrating daily CO2 emissions in SWAT-VSA to examine climate change impacts on hydrology in a karst watershed. Transactions of ASABE, Accepted 4 May 2021.
Hilaire Sheldon. 2020. Impact of Manure Land Management Practices on Manure Borne Antibiotic Resistant Elements (AREs) in Agroecosystems. Ph.D. Dissertation, School of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg.
Iftikhar, S., Turan, V., Tauqeer, H. M., Rasool, B., Zubair, M., Mahmood-ur-Rahman, Khan, M. A., Akhtar, S., Khan, S. A., Basharat, Z., Zulfiqar, I., Iqbal, J., Iqbal, M., Ramzani, P. M. (2021). Phytomanagement of As-contaminated matrix: Physiological and molecular basis. Handbook of Bioremediation (pp. 61-79). Elsevier. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-12-819382-2.00005-3. Book chapter
Jiang, F., Drohan, P. J., Cibin, R., Preisendanz, H. E., White, C., & Veith, T. L. (2020). Reallocating crop rotation patterns maintains crop yield and improves water quality. Agricultural Systems, 187. 103015.
Jianzhou He, Yuanbo Li, Haonan Qi, Hui Li, Wei Zhang, 2020, Biochar amendment changed soil-bound fractions of silver nanoparticles and ions but not their uptake by radish at an environmentally relevant concentration. Biochar, 2: 307-317.
Jiao, X.C., Q.Y. Shi, and J. Gan. 2020. Uptake, accumulation and metabolism of PFASs in plants and health perspectives: A critical review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology doi.org/10.1080/10643389.2020.1809219
Kates, N., D. Butman, F. Grothkopp, and S. Brown. Tools to quantify the potential for phosphorus loss from bioretention soil mixtures. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment. In press
Kohmann, M.M., Saha, A., Silveira, M.L., Boughton, E.H., Swain, H., Brandani, C.B. 2021. Farm-scale phosphorus budgets of beef cow-calf operations. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystem. 10.1007/s10705-021-10130-z
Lake, L.M., N. T. Basta and D.J. Barker. 2021. Modifying Effects of Soil Properties on Bioaccessibility of As and Pb from Human Ingestion of Contaminated Soil. Special Issue “Medical Geology in the Urban Environment. ”Geosciences. 11, 126, https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences11030126
Langsha Yi, Linzi Zuo, Chenhui Wei, Heyun Fu, Xiaolei Qu, Shourong Zheng, Zhaoyi Xu, Yong Guo, Hui Li, Dongqiang Zhu, 2020, Enhanced adsorption of bisphenol A, tylosin, and tetracycline from aqueous solution to nitrogen-doped multiwall carbon nanotubes via cation-π and π-π electron-donor-acceptor. Science of the Total Environment, 719: 137389.
Lazcano-Kim, R., Choi, Y., Mashtare, M. Lee, L.S. 2020. Characterizing and Comparing Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Commercially Available Biosolid and Nonbiosolid-based Organic Products. Environ. Sci. Technol. 54(14):8640-8648. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.9b07281.
Le, H.T. V., R. Maguire, K. Xia. 2021. Spatial distribution and temporal change of antibiotics in soils amended with manure using two field application methods. Sci Total Environ. 759: 143431 (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143431).
Leonard, E., J. Botas, S. Brown and B. Axt. Carbon balance for biosolids use in commercial Douglas Fir plantations in the Pacific Northwest. J. Environ. Management. In press
Li, L., Y. Zhang, J.A. Ippolito, W. Xing, and Y. Cheng. 2020. Lead smelting effects heavy metal concentrations in soils, wheat, and potentially humans. Environ. Pollut. 257:113641.
Li, Y.C. 2020. Biochar impacts on nutrient dynamics in subtropical grassland soil: 2. Greenhouse gas emissions. Journal of Environmental Quality 49:1421-1434. DOI: 10.1002/jeq2.20141.
Lin H., Peng H., Feng X., Li X., Zhao J., Yang K.,Liao J., Cheng D., Liu X., Huang Q., 2020, Energy-efficient advanced oxidation of bio-treated landfill leachate effluent by reactive electrochemical membranes (REMs): Laboratory and pilot scale studies. Water Research, 190, 116790.
Lu. Y., Silveira, M.L., Cavigelli, M., O’Connor, G.A., Vendramini, J.M.B., Erickson, J.E., and Li, Y.C. 2021. Biochar impacts on nutrient dynamics in subtropical grassland soil: part 2. Greenhouse gas emissions. Journal of Environmental Quality 49:1421-1434. DOI: 10.1002/jeq2.20141.
Lu. Y., Silveira, M.L., O’Connor, G.A., Vendramini, J.M.B., Erickson, J.E., and Li, Y.C. 2021. Assessing the impacts of biochar and fertilizer management strategies on N and P balances in subtropical pastures. Geoderma 394 doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.115038
Lu. Y., Silveira, M.L., O’Connor, G.A., Vendramini, J.M.B., Erickson, J.E., Li, Y.C., and Cavigelli, M. 2020. Biochar impacts on nutrient dynamics in subtropical grassland soil: part 1. Nitrogen and phosphorus leaching. Journal of Environmental Quality 49:1408-1420. DOI: 10.1002/jeq2.20139.
Ma, P. and C. Rosen. 2021. Land application of sewage sludge incinerator ash for phosphorus recovery: A review. Chemosphere 274: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.129609
McDevitt, B., M. McLaughlin, C.A. Cravotta, M.A. Ajemigbitse, K.J. Van Sice, J. Blotevogel, T. Borch, and N.R. Warner. 2019. Emerging Investigator Series: Radium Accumulation in Carbonate River Sediments at Oil and Gas Produced Water Discharges: Implications for Beneficial Use as Disposal Management. Environ. Sci. Process. Impacts. 21:324-338.
McDevitt B., M. McLaughlin, D.S. Vinson, T. Geeza, J. Blotevogel, T. Borch, and N.R. Warner. 2020. Isotopic and element ratios fingerprint salinization impact from beneficial use of oil and gas produced water in the Western U.S. Sci. Total Environ. 716:137006.
Mclaughlin M.C., J. Blotevogel, R.A. Watson, B. Schell, T.A. Blewett, E.J. Folkerts, G.G. Goss, L. Truong, R.L. Tanguay, J. Lucas, and T. Borch. 2020. Mutagenicity assessment downstream of oil and gas produced water discharges intended for agricultural beneficial reuse. Sci. Total Environ. 715:136944.
McLaughlin M.C., T. Borch, B. McDevitt, N.R. Warner, and J. Blotevogel. 2020. Water quality assessment downstream of oil and gas produced water discharges intended for beneficial reuse in arid regions. Sci. Total Environ. 713:136607.
Miller, H., K. Diaz, H. Hare, K. Borton, R. Daly, J. Blotevogel, C. Danforth, M. Wilkins, K. Wrighton, J. Ippolito, and T. Borch. 2020. Reusing produced water for agricultural irrigation: Effects on soil quality and microbiome. Sci. Tot. Environ. 722:137888.
Miller H., P. Trivedi, Y.M. Qiu, E.P. Sedlacko, C. Higgins, and T. Borch. 2019. Food Crop Irrigation with Oilfield-Produced Water Suppresses Plant Immune Response. Environ. Sci. Technol. Letters. 6:656−661.
Mroczko, O., H.E. Preisendanz, C. Wilson, T.L. Veith, M.L. Mashtare, J.E. Watson, and H,A, Elliott. 2021. Spatial and temporal patterns of PFAS occurrence at a wastewater beneficial reuse site in central Pennsylvania. ASABE Paper No. 2101035. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.
Ndoun, M. C., Elliott, H. A., Preisendanz, H. E., Williams, C. F., Knopf, A., & Watson, J. E. (2020). Adsorption of pharmaceuticals from aqueous solutions using biochar derived from cotton gin waste and guayule bagasse. Biochar, 16. doi.org/10.1007/s42773-020-00070-2.
Ozores-Hampton, M., L. Cooperband, Nancy Roe, B. Faucett, J. Biala, G. Evanylo, and J. Creque. 2021. Compost Use. In Rynk et al. (ed.) Handbook of Composting. U.S. Composting Council. (In press) Book chapter
Pepper, I.L., Brusseau, M.L., Prevatt, J. et al. 2021. Incidence of PFAS in soil following long-term application of Class B biosolids: A Southern Arizona Case Study. Sci. Tot. Environ. In Review.
Pidlisnyuk, V., L. Erickson, T. Stefanovska, G. Hettiarachchi, L. Davis, J. Trögl, and P. Shapoval. 2020. Response to Grygar (2020) comments on "Potential phytomanagement of military polluted sites and biomass production using biofuel crop miscanthus x giganteus"- Pidlisnyuk et al. (2019). Environmental pollution, 261: 113038.
Saha, G., Cibin, R., Elliott, H. A. & Preisendanz, H. E. (2021). Development of a land suitability framework for sustainable manure utilization. Transactions of the ASABE. 64(1):273-285
Sammi, S.R., Foguth, R.M., Nieves, C.S., De Perre, C., Wipf, P., McMurray, C.T., Lee, L.S., Cannon, J.R. 2019. Perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) produces selective dopamine neuron neuropathology in C. elegans. Tox. Sci. 172(2): 417–434, https://doi.org/10.1093/toxsci/kfz191
Schmitz, B.W., Innes, G.K., Xue, J., Gerba, C.P., Pepper, I.L., Sherchan, S. 2020. Reduction of erythromycin resistance gene erm (F) and Class 1 integran-intergrase genes in wastewater by Bardenpho treatment. Wat. Environ. Res. 92(7):1042-1050.
Schmitz, B.W., Innes, K.B., Prasek, S.M., Betancourt, W.P., Stark, E.R., Foster, A.R., Abraham, A.G., Gerba, C.P., Pepper, I.L. 2021. Enumerating asymptomatic COVID-19 cases and estimating SARS-CoV-2 fecal shedding rates via wastewater-based epidemiology. Sci. Tot. Environ. In Review.
Sedlacko, E.M, C.E. Jahn, A.L. Heuberger, N.M. Sindt, H.M. Miller, T. Borch, A.C. Blaine, T.Y. Cath, and C.P. Higgins. 2019. Potential for Beneficial Reuse of Oil-and-Gas-Derived Produced Water in Agriculture: Physiological and Morphological Reponses in Spring Wheat (Triticum Aestivum). Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 38:1756–1769.
Shawver S, Wepking C, Ishii S, Strickland MSS, Badgley BD. 2021. Application of manure from cattle administered antibiotics has sustained multi-year impacts on soil resistome and microbial community structure. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 157: 108252.
Skousen, J., W. Lee Daniels, and Carl E. Zipper. 2020. Soils on Appalachian coal-mined lands. p. 85-109. In: Carl E. Zipper and Jeff Skousen (ed.) Appalachia’s coal-mined landscapes. Springer. Book chapter
Wang B., Shi H., Habteselassie M. Y., Deng X., Teng Y., Wang Y., Huang Q., 2021, Simultaneous removal of multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica serotype typhimurium, antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes from water by electrooxidation on a Magnéli phase Ti4O7 anode. Chemical Engineering Journal, 407, 127134.
Wang L., Lu J., Li L., Wang Y., & Huang, Q., 2020, Effects of chloride on electrochemical degradation of perfluorooctanesulfonate by Magnéli phase Ti4O7 and boron doped diamond anodes. Water Research, 170, 115254.
Wang Y., Shi H., Li C., & Huang Q., 2020, Electrochemical degradation of perfluoroalkyl acids by titanium suboxide anodes. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 6(1), 144-152.
Wasel, O., Thompson, K.M., Gaob, Y., Godfrey, A.E., Gaob, J., Mahaptra, C., Lee, L.S., Sepúlveda, M.S., Freeman, J.L., Comparison of zebrafish in vitro and in vivo developmental toxicity assessments of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs). 2020. J. Toxicol. & Environ. Health A, https://doi.org/10.1080/15287394.2020.1842272
Weeks, J.J., Jr., G.M. Hettiarachchi, E. Santos, and J. Tatarko. 2021. Potential Human Inhalation Exposure to Soil Contaminants in Urban Gardens on Brownfields Sites- A Breath of Fresh Air? J. Environ. Qual. 02/22/21, https://doi.org/10.1002/jeq2.20208.
Wenfeng Wang, Geoff Rhodes, Jing Ge, Xiangyang Yu, and Hui Li, 2020, Uptake and accumulation of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances in plants, Chemosphere, 261: 127584.
Wenfeng Wang, Jing Ge, Xiangyang Yu, and Hui Li, 2020, Environmental Fate and Impacts of Microplastics in Soil Ecosystems: Progress and Perspective. The Science of the Total Environment, 708: 134841.
Xiao L., K. Akers, I. Keenum, L. Wind, S. Gupta, C.Q. Chen, R. Aldaihani, A. Pruden, L.Q. Zhang, K. F. Knowlton, K. Xia, and L. S. Heath. 2021. AgroSeek: a system for computational analysis of environmental metagenomic data and associated metadata. BMC Bioinformatics. 22:117. (https://doi.org/10.1186/s12859-021-04035-5).
Xu, B.L., D. Huang, F. Liu, D. Alfaro, Z.J. Lu, C.X. Tang, J. Gan, and J.M. Xu. 2020. Contrasting effects of microplastics on sorption of diazepam and phenanthrene in soil. J. Hazardous Materials doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.124312
Yuanbo Li, Jianzhou He, Haonan Qi, Hui Li, Stephen A Boyd, Wei Zhang, 2020, Impact of Biochar Amendment on the Uptake, Fate and Bioavailability of Pharmaceuticals in Soil-Radish Systems. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 398: 122852.
Zhang, Xiaoqin, Elizabeth A. Dayton, Nicholas T. Basta. 2020. Predicting the modifying effect of soils on arsenic phytotoxicity and phytoaccumulation using soil properties or soil extraction methods. Environ. Pollut. 263:1-10
Zhao Ma, Juan Liu, Hui Li, Wei Zhang, Mark Williams, Yanzheng Gao, Fredrick Owino Gudda,
Zohar, I., N.B. Rose, J.A. Ippolito, and I. Litaor. 2020. Phosphorus pools in Al and Fe-based water treatment residuals (WTRs) following mixing with agro-wastewater - a sequential extraction study. Environ. Technol. Innovation. 18:1006454.