OLD S1072: U.S. Agricultural Trade and Policy in a Dynamic Global Market Environment
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Ali, R.B., J. Luckstead, A. Durand-Morat, and E. Wailes. The Impacts of Trade and Self-Sufficiency Policies on Heterogeneous Rice Farms in Malaysia. Review of Development Economics 23:1659–1673. 2019.
Ali, R.B., A. Durand-Morat, E. Wailes, and J. Luckstead. Self-Sufficiency and International Trade Policy Strategies in the Malaysian Rice Sector: Approaches to Food Security Using Spatial Partial Equilibrium Analysis. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, 16(1), June 2019.
Bajrami, E., E.J. Wailes, B. Dixon, A. Musliu, and A. Durand-Morat. Do coupled subsidies increase milk productivity, land use, herd size and income? Evidence from Kosovo. Studies in Agricultural Economics 121: 134-143. 2019. https://doi.org/10.7896/j.1913.
Baylis, Kathy, Linlin Fan and Lia Nogueira. 2019. “Agricultural Market Liberalization and Household Food Security in Rural China.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 101(1):250-269, https://doi.org/10.1093/ajae/aay031
Clements, Y., D. Calil, and L. Ribera. “Brazil’s Agricultural Production and Its Potential as Global Food Supplier.” Choices. 3rd Quarter 34:3 (2019).
Countryman, A.M., and A. Muhammad (2018) “Chinese Trade Retaliation May Diminish U.S. Wine Export Potential” Choices 33(2): 1-7.
DeLong, K.L., K.L. Jensen, A.P. Griffith, and E. McLeod. 2019. “Beef Cattle Farmers’ Marketing Preferences for Selling Local Beef.” Agribusiness: an International Journal, 35(3):343-357. https://doi.org/10.1002/agr.21579
De Matteis, M.C., T.E. Yu, C.N. Boyer and K.E. DeLong. 2019. “Analyzing Determinants of U.S. Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles Exports.” Agribusiness: An International Journal, 35(2):168-181.
Durand-Morat, A. “Agricultural Production Potential in Southern Cone: Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay” Choices. 3rd Quarter 34:3 (2019).
Durand-Morat, A., E.C. Chavez, and E.J. Wailes. World and U.S. Rice Baseline Outlook, 2018–2028. B.R. Wells Arkansas Rice Research Studies (2018): 412-423. Agricultural Experiment Station. Fayetteville, Arkansas. August 2019.
Hejazi, M., M.A. Marchant, J. Zhu and X. Ning. 2019. "The Decline of U.S. Export Competitiveness in the Chinese Meat Import Market." Agribusiness: An International Journal Special Issue "The Twenty-First Century Agribusiness in China." 35(1):114-126. https://doi.org/10.1002/agr.21588
Kennedy, P.L., A. Schmitz, and K.L. DeLong. 2019. “Biotechnology and Demand Concerns: The Case of Genetically Modified Sugar Beets.” AgBioForum, 22(1): 1-13. http://www.agbioforum.org/v22n1/v22n1-kennedy.htm
Marchant, M.A. and H.H. Wang, co-editors, 2018. "U.S.–China Trade Dispute and Potential Impacts on Agriculture" Theme Issue, Choices. 2nd Quarter 33:2(2018), 36 pages. This theme issue was awarded the 2019 Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Quality of Communication Award.
McKay, L., K.L. DeLong, K.L. Jensen, A.P. Griffith, C.N. Boyer, and D.M. Lambert. 2019. “Restaurant Willingness to Pay for Local Beef." Agribusiness: an International Journal, 35(4): 610-624. https://doi.org/10.1002/agr.21605
McLeod, E., K.L. Jensen, K.L. DeLong, and A.P. Griffith. 2019. “A Multiple Indicators, Multiple Causes Analysis of Beef Cattle Farmers’ Information Use.” Journal of Extension, 57(3):1-13. https://www.joe.org/joe/2019june/a2.php
Muhammad, A., J. Thompson, and K.L. DeLong. In Press. “Implications of KORUS on U.S. beef in South Korea.” International Journal of Trade and Global Markets. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJTGM.2020.10023006
Muhammad, A., B. Meade, D.R. Marquardt, & D. Mozaffarian (2019) “Global Patterns in Price Elasticities of Sugar-sweetened Beverage Intake and Potential Effectiveness of Tax Policy: A Cross-sectional Study of 164 Countries by Sex, Age and Global-income Decile” BMJ Open 9:e026390. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026390.
Muhammad, A., & A. Countryman (2019) “In Vino ‘No’ Veritas: Impacts of Fraud on Wine Imports in China” Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 63: 742-58. doi:10.1111/1467-8489.12333.
Nguyen, L. and H. W. Kinnucan. 2019. The US Solar Panel Anti-Dumping Duties Versus Uniform Tariff. Energy Policy 127: 523-532.
Nguyen, L. and H. W. Kinnucan. 2018. World Price Transmission for Differentiated Products: The Case of Shrimp in the U.S. Market. Marine Resource Economics 33: 351-372.
Nguyen, L. and H. W. Kinnucan. 2018. Effects of Income and Population Growth on Fish Price and Welfare. Aquaculture Economics and Management 22: 244-263.
Okpiaifo, G., A. Durand-Morat, G.H. West, L.L. Nalley, R.M. Nayga, and E.J. Wailes. “Consumers’ preferences for sustainable rice practices in Nigeria.” Global Food Security 24. Available online December 2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gfs.2019.100345.
Sharma, A.* J.H. Grant, and K.A. Boys. 2019. “The Bright Side of the Generalized System of (Trade) Preferences: Lessons from Agricultural Trade,” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 44(1): 32-61.
Song, Baohui and Mary A. Marchant, in press/2019. “Enhancing Student Learning Using an International Trade Simulation Project." North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA) Journal- Special Issue “Engaging Students in Global Agriculture.”
Soon, B.M., and W. Thompson. “Japanese Beef Trade Impact from BSE Using a Time-Varying Armington Model.” Agribusiness: an International Journal 1-17. 2019.
Soon, B.M., and W. Thompson. “Non-Tariff Measures and Product Differentiation: Hormone-Treated Beef Trade from the United States and Canada to the European Union.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 1-15. July 22, 2019. DOI: 10.1111/cjag.12200.
Soon, B.M., P. Westhoff, and W. Thompson. “The Impact of Potential Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement Renegotiation on the Korean Rice Market and Trade.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 1-16. 2019.
Thompson, Wyatt, Joe Dewbre, Simone Pieralli, Kateryna Schroeder, Ignacio Pérez Domínguez, and Patrick Westhoff. “Long-Term Crop Productivity Response and Its Effects on Cereal Markets.” Food Policy 84: 1-9. 2019.
Wang, P., H.W. Kinnucan, and P.A. Duffy. 2019. The Effects of Rising Labour Costs on Global Supply Chains: The Case of China’s Cotton Yarn Industry. Applied Economics 51: 3608-3623.
Westhoff, P., T. Davids and B.M. Soon. “Impacts of Retaliatory Tariffs on Farm Income and Government Programs.” Choices (Quarter 4, 2019). Available online: http://www.choicesmagazine.org/choices-magazine/theme-articles/the-economic-impacts-of-trade-retaliation-on-us-agriculture-a-one-year-review/impacts-of-retaliatory-tariffs-on-farm-income-and-government-programs
Westhoff, Patrick, Scott Gerlt, Jarrett Whistance, Julian Binfield, Sera Chiuchiarelli, Hoa Hoang, Wyatt Thompson, Seth Meyer, Jong-Ik Kim, and Abigail Meffert. “Baseline Update for International Dairy, Livestock and Biofuel Markets.” FAPRI-MU Report 4-19. 2019.
Yoonho Choi, and E. Kwan Choi, “Quality Wars in the North,” World Economy 42 (2019), 2026-2938.
Yu, T.E., B. Sharma, and B.C. English. 2019. “Investigating Lock Delay on the Upper Mississippi River: a Spatial Panel Analysis.” Networks and Spatial Economics, 19:275-291.
Yu, T.E., T. Tong, and L. Kennedy. “Assessing the Potential Trade Impacts of China’s Belt and Road Initiative.” Proceedings of the Chinese Economists Society’s Annual Conference, Dalian, China. June 8-9, 2019.
Zhang, Wei* and Mary A. Marchant, in press/2019. “U.S.-China Sorghum Trade Analysis within the Trade Conflict: Growth, Trends, and Forecast.” Journal of Management Policy and Practice (JMPP). (* denotes graduate student/postdoctoral scholar)
Oklahoma State
1 Shayanmehr, S.; Henneberry, S. R.*, Sabouhi Sabouni, M.; Shahnoushi Foroushani, N.*. 2020. “Climate Change and Sustainability of Crop Yield in Dry Regions Food Insecurity”. Sustainability, 12(23), p. 9890. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12239890
2 Bragoli, G. D., M. C. Edwards, S. R. Henneberry, C. E. Watters. 2020. “Interpreting the Impact of a Professional Development Program: The Views of Entrepreneur Fellows from Kenya, South Africa, and Uganda One Year Later". Journal of Agricultural and Extension Education (JIAEE), Forthcoming (accepted on 10.19.20, manuscript # 2020-1332).
3 Fakari Sardehae, B.; Shahnoushi, N.; Mohammadi, H.; Rastegari Henneberry, S. 2021. “The Limitations and Capacities of Crops and Horticultural Production in Iran.” Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, Vol 23, Issue 4, July 2021. www.Jast.modares.ac.ir
4 Henneberry, S. R. and R. Radmehr. 2020. “Quantifying impacts of internships in an international agriculture degree program.” PLOS ONE, August 17, 2020. https://doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0237437
5 Radmehr, S. and S. R. Henneberry. 2020. “Energy Price Policies and Food Prices: Empirical Evidence from Iran.” Energies, Special Issue: Energy Policy and Policy Implications 2020, 13(15), August 4, 2020. https://doi.org/10.3390/en13154031
6 Shayanmehr, S.; S. R. Henneberry, M. S. Sabouni; N. Shahnoushi Foroushani. 2020. “Drought, Climate Change, and Dryland Wheat Yield Response: An Econometric Approach.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Special Issue: Environment and Applied Ecology Section. Published 7/21/20. doi:10.3390/ijerph17145264 https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17145264
7 Liu, W., Radmehr, R., Zhang, S., Henneberry, S. R., and Wei, C. 2020. “Driving mechanism of concentrated rural resettlement in upland areas of Sichuan Basin: A perspective of marketing hierarchy transformation”, Land Use Policy, 99:104879, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104879.
8 Wu, T.; S. R. Henneberry; J. Ng’ombe, R. T. Melstrom. 2020. “Chinese Demand for Agritourism in Rural America.” Sustainability. Special Issue: Emerging Destinations Tourism Economics, 12(7), 3052, April 10, 2020. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12073052
9 Zayone, T. I., S. R. Henneberry, and R. Radmehr. 2020. “Effects of Agricultural, Manufacturing and Mineral Exports on Angola’s Economic Growth. Energies (ISSN 1996 -1073).” 13 (6): 1494. March 21, 2020. https://doi.org/10.3390/en13061494
10 Gao, Y., Z. Zheng; S. R. Henneberry. 2020. “Is Nutritional Status Associated with Income Growth? Evidence from Chinese Adults.” China Agricultural Economic Review, CAER-11-2019-0216.R2. ISSn 1756-137X, April 28, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1108/CAER-11-2019-0216
University of Florida
1. Adams, D.C., Soto, J.R., Lai, J., Escobedo, F.J., Alvarez, S., and Kibria, A.S.M.G. (2020). Public Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Invasive Forest Pest Prevention Programs in Urban Areas. Forests, 11(10),1056. https://doi.org/10.3390/f11101056
2. Ferreira J-P, Ramos PN, Lahr ML. (2020). The rise of the sharing economy: Guesthouse boom and the crowding-out effects of tourism in Lisbon. Tourism Economics, 26(3), 389-403. Doi:10.1177/1354816619839849
3. Ferreira, J.-P, Isidoro, C., Moura Sá, F., Mota, J.-C. (2020) The economic value for cycling – a methodological assessment for Starter Cities. Hábitat y Sociedad ,13: 29-45. http://dx.doi.org/10.12795/HabitatySociedad.2020.i13.03
4. Lahr, ML, Ferreira, JP, Többen, JR. (2020) Intraregional trade shares for goods‐producing industries: RPC esimates using EU data. Pap Reg Sci. 99: 1583– 1605. https://doi.org/10.1111/pirs.12541
5. Lai, J., Morgan, S., Kassas, B., Kropp, J., and Gao, Z. (2020). Spending of Economic Stimulus Payments and Changes in Food Purchasing During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Choices, 35(3),1-8.
6. Lai, J., and Widmar, N.O., (2020). Revisiting the Digital Divide in the COVID‐19 Era. Applied economic perspectives and policy, 00(00),1-7. https://doi.org/10.1002/aepp.13104
7. Lai, J., and Widmar, N., and Bir, C. (2020). Eliciting Consumer Willingness to Pay for Home Internet Service: Closing the Digital Divide in the State of Indiana. Applied economic perspectives and policy, 42(2),263-282. https://doi.org/10.1002/aepp.13000
8. Morgan, S.N., N.M. Mason, and M.K. Maredia. (2020). “Lead-farmer extension and smallholder valuation of new agricultural technologies in Tanzania.” Food Policy 97: 1–11.
9. Moss, Charles B. and Dong Hee Suh. (2020). Effect of Compliance Cost on the Supply of Bank Credit to Agriculture: A Differential Approach. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 102(3): 713-726. [DOI: 10.1002/ajae.12074]
10. Oehmke, James F., Charles B. Moss, Lauren Nadya Singh, Theresa Bristok Oehmke, and Lori Ann Post. (2020). Dynamic Panel Surveillance of COVID-19 Transmission in the United States to Inform Health Policy: Observational Statistical Study Journal of Medical Internet Research , 22(10):e21955. [DOI: 10.2196/21955]
11. Post, Lori A., Salem T Argaw, Cameron Jones, Charles B. Moss, Denielle Resnick, Lauren Nadya Singh, Robert Leo Murphy, Chad J. Achenbach, Janine White, Tariq Ziad Issa, Michael J. Boctor, James F. Oehmke. (2020). A SARS-CoV-2 Surveillance System in Sub-Saharan Africa: Modeling Study for Persistence and Transmission to Inform Policy. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(11):e24248. [DOI: 10.2196/24248]
12. Post, Lori Ann, Tariq Ziad Issa, Michael J. Boctor, Charles B. Moss, Robert L. Murphy, Michael G. Ison, Chad J. Achenbach, Danielle Resnick, Lauren Nadya Singh, Janine White, Joshua Marco Faber, Kasen Culler, Cynthia A. Brandt, and James Francis Oehmke. (2020). Dynamic Metrics for Public Health Surveillance Are Imperative to Gain Control of the COVID-19 Pandemic in America: Longitudinal Trend Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research (In Press) [DOI: 10.2196/24286]
13. Neuhofer, Z., B. McFadden, A. Rihn, X. Wei, H. Khachatryan, and L. House (2020). Can the updated nutrition facts label decrease sugar-sweetened beverage consumption? Economics & Human Biology 37: 100867. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ehb.2020.100867
14. Schmitz, Andrew, Charles B. Moss, and Troy G. Schmitz. 2020. The Economic Effects of COVID-19 on the Producers of Ethanol, Corn, Gasoline, and Oil. Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization 18(2) [DOI: 10.1515/jafio-2020-0025].
15. Simnitt, S., L. House, S. Larkin, J. Sweeney Tookes, and T. Yandle (2020). Using Markets to Control Invasive Species: Lionfish in the US Virgin Islands. Marine Resource Economics, 35(4): 319-241.
16. Spreen, T.L., L.A. House, and Z. Gao (2020). The Impact of Varying Financial Incentives on Data Quality in Web Panel Surveys, Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 8(5): 832-850. https://doi.org/10.1093/jssam/smz030
17. Stainback, G.A., Lai, J., Pienaar, E., Adam, D.C., Wiederholt, R., and Vorseth, C. (2020). Public preferences for ecological indicators used in Everglades restoration. PLOS One, 15(6),e0234051. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0234051
18. Van Treese II, J. W. and Olexa, M.T. (2020). Application of the Florida-Friendly Landscaping Statute to Homeowner Disputes Regarding Violation of Restrictive Covenants. The Florida Bar Journal. Volume 94(6): 34-41. November/December 2020
19. Widmar, N., Bir, C., Lai, J., and Wolf, C. (2020). Public Perceptions of Veterinarians from Social and Online Media Listening. Veterinary Sciences, 7(2),75. https://doi.org/10.3390/vetsci7020075
1. Campbell, J., A. Rihn, and H. Khachatryan. 2020. Factors Influencing Home Lawn Fertilizer Choice in the United States. HortTechnology, 30(3), 296-305. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04454-19
2. Hall, C.R., Hodges, A.W., H. Khachatryan, and M.A. Palma. (2020). Economic Contributions of the Green Industry in the United States in 2018. Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 38(3), 73-79. https://doi.org/10.24266/0738-2898-38.3.73
3. Khachatryan, H., A. Rihn, G. Hansen, and T. Clem. (2020). Landscape Aesthetics and Maintenance Perceptions: Assessing the Relationship between Homeowners’ Visual Attention and Landscape Care Knowledge. Land Use Policy, 95, 104645. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104645
4. Knuth, M., B. Behe, P. Huddleston, C. Hall, R. Thomas, and H. Khachatryan. 2020. Water Conserving Message Influences Purchasing Decision of Consumers. Special Issue Water Use and Scarcity, Water, 12(12), 3487. https://doi.org/10.3390/w12123487
5. McGinnis, E., A. Rihn, N. Bumgarner, S. Krishnan, J. Cole, C. Sclar, and H. Khachatryan. 2020. Enhancing Consumer Horticulture’s Millennial Outreach: Social Media, Retail and Public Garden Perspectives. HortTechnology, 30(6), 642-649. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04697-20
6. Wei, X., H. Khachatryan, and A. Rihn. (2020). Production Costs and Profitability for Selected Greenhouse Grown Annual and Perennial Crops: Partial Enterprise Budgeting and Sensitivity Analysis. HortScience. 55(5), 637-646. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI14633-19
7. Walters, L., Wade, T., & Suttles, S. (2020) Food and Agricultural Transportation Challenges Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. Choices, 35(3).
8. Wei, X., H. Khachatryan, and A. Rihn. (2020). Consumer Preferences for Labels Disclosing the Use of Neonicotinoid Pesticides: Evidence from Experimental Auctions. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 45(3), 496-517. doi: 10.22004/ag.econ.302462
9. Zhang, X., and H. Khachatryan. (2020). Investigating Monetary Incentives for Environmentally Friendly Residential Landscapes. Special Issue Urban Environmental Policy and Planning: Land Use and Water, Water, 12(11), 3023. https://doi.org/10.3390/w12113023
Ohio State
1 S. McCorriston and I.M. Sheldon, “Economic Nationalism: US Trade Policy vs. Brexit”, Ohio State Business Law Journal, 14(1), 2020.
2 J. Eum, I. M. Sheldon and S. Thompson, “Product Quality in Food and Agricultural Trade: Firm Heterogeneity and the Impact of Trade Costs,” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, forthcoming.
3 I.M. Sheldon, “Reflections on a Career as an Industrial Organization and International Economist,” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, forthcoming.
4 D.C.K. Chow and I.M. Sheldon, “Understanding the Economic and Political Effects of Trump’s China Tariffs,” William and Mary Business Law Review, forthcoming.
5 I.M. Sheldon and J. Grant, “Global Trade in Agricultural Products: The Likely Impact of COVID-19”, in Economic Impacts of COVID-19 on Food and Agricultural Markets, CAST, June 2020.
The University of Tennessee
1. Dellachiesa, A. and T.E. Yu. 2019. “The Impact of Output, Energy and Trade on Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Mercosur Member States: A Panel Cointegration Analysis.” Brazilian Review of Economics and Agribusiness, 17:151-170.
2. DeLong, K.L., K.L. Jensen, S. Upendram, E.A. Eckelkamp. 2020. “Consumer Preferences for Tennessee Milk.” Journal of Food Distribution Research, 51(2): 111-130.
3. Ellis, J., K.L. DeLong, D.M. Lambert, S. Schexnayder, P. Krawczel, and S. Oliver. 2020. “Analysis of Closed Versus Operating Dairies in the Southeastern United States.” Journal of Dairy Science, 103(6): 5148-5161.
4. Hong, C, W Wu, and A Muhammad. 2020. “The Spillover Effect of Export Processing Zones” China Economic Review 63, 101478.
5. Koç, A.A., T.E. Yu, T. Kıymaz, and B. Sharma. 2019. “Effects of Government Supports and Credits on Turkish Agriculture: A Spatial Panel Analysis.” Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, 9:391-401
6. Muhammad, A, SA Smith, and S MacDonald. 2019. “How Has the Trade Dispute Affected the U.S. Cotton Sector?” Choices 34(4).
7. Muhammad, A., J. Thompson, and K.L. DeLong. 2020. “Implications of KORUS on U.S. beef in South Korea.” International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, 13(4): 378-393.
8. Trejo-Pech, C.J.O., K.L. DeLong, D.M. Lambert, and V. Siokos. 2020. “The Impact of US Sugar Prices on the Financial Performance of US Sugar-Using Firms.” Agricultural and Food Economics, 8(6): 1-17.
9. Ufer, D, A Countryman, & A Muhammad (2020) “How Important are Product Attributes for U.S. Lamb Imports? International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 23(3): 411-423
Michigan State
1. Ortega, D. L., Lusk, J. L., Lin, W., & Caputo, V. (2020). Predicting responsiveness to information: consumer acceptance of biotechnology in animal products. European Review of Agricultural Economics. Accepted, online
2. Lin, W., Ortega, D.L., Ufer, D., Caputo, V., Awokuse, T. (2020). Blockchain-based traceability and demand for U.S. beef in China. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. Accepted, forthcoming
Louisiana State University
1 Lazard, P.M., and P.L. Kennedy (2020), “Trouble at Old River: The Impact of a Mississippi River Avulsion on U.S. Soybean Exports,” Journal of Food Distribution Research, 51,3(Nov. 2020): In Press.
2 Kennedy, P.L., A. Schmitz, A., and F. Zhang (2020), “Sugar Recovery Rates in Louisiana, Florida, and Australia (1900–2018): Sugarcane Varietal Development and Cultural Practices,” Crop Science, 2020;1–11. https://doi.org/10.1002/csc2.20281.
3 Schmitz, A., P.L. Kennedy, and F. Zhang (2020), “Sugarcane and Sugar Yields in Louisiana (1911-2018): Varietal Development and Mechanization,” Crop Science, 60,3:1303–1312. Online version at https://doi.org/10.1002/csc2.20045.
Kansas State University
1 Perry, E.D., J. Yu, and J. Tack. 2020. Using insurance data to quantify the multidimensional impacts of warming temperatures on yield risk. Nature Communications 11(4542). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-17707-2
2 M.R. Taylor, L. Sudbeck, C. Wilson, and J. Yu. 2020. Quality Effects on Kansas Land Price Trends, Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, 167–170.
3 Goodrich, B.K., J. Yu, and M. Vandeveer. 2020. Participation Patterns of the Rainfall Index Insurance for Pasture, Rangeland and Forage (RI-PRF) Program, forthcoming, The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice (Special Issue on Agricultural Insurance), https://doi.org/10.1057/s41288-019-00149-3
4 Yu, J., and N. P. Hendricks. 2020. Input Use Decisions with Greater Information on Crop Conditions: Implications for Insurance Moral Hazard and the Environment, forthcoming, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, https://doi.org/10.1093/ajae/aaz035
5 Kim*, Y., J. Yu, and D. L. Pendell. 2020. Effects of Crop Insurance on Farm Disinvestment and Exit Decisions, European Review of Agricultural Economics, https://doi.org/10.1093/erae/jbz035
6 Chen, Bowen, Nelson B. Villoria and Tian Xia (2020). “Trade Impacts of Tariff Quota Administration in China’s Grain Markets: An Empirical Assessment.” Agricultural Economics 51:2, pp. 191-206.
7 Villoria, N.B (2019) “Consequences of Agricultural Total Factor Productivity Growth for the Sustainability of Global Farming: Accounting for Direct and Indirect Land Use Effects.” Environmental Research Letters, Volume 14, Number 12, November 2019, https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ab4f57.
8 Yu, J., N.B. Villoria, and N.P. Hendricks, The Incidence of Foreign Market Accessibility on Farmland Rental Rates, 2019 International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium Annual Meeting, Washington DC, December 8 – 10, 2019
9 Yu, J., N.B. Villoria, and N.P. Hendricks, The Incidence of Foreign Market Accessibility on Farmland Rental Rates, Agricultural Economics Seminar, Mississippi State University, February 28,2020
10 Yu, J., N.B. Villoria, and N.P. Hendricks, The Incidence of Foreign Market Accessibility on Farmland Rental Rates, National Bureau of Economic Research Conference on “Agricultural Markets and Trade Policy” (Virtual), April 30 – May 1, 2020
11 Villoria, N.B., Shourish Chakravarty* and Michael Delgado. “Land Supply Elasticity in the U.S. A Spatially Explicit Approach” Selected Paper at the 2020 AAEA Annual Meeting. Virtual. August 10-11, 2020.
12 Villoria, N.B., Shourish Chakravarty and Michael Delgado. “Land Supply Elasticity in the U.S. A Spatially Explicit Approach.” 23rd Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis. Virtual. June 17-19, 2020.
13 Yu, Jisang*, Nelson B. Villoria, and Nathan Hendricks. “The Incidence of Foreign Market Accessibility on Farmland Rental Rates.” NBER Agricultural Markets and Trade Policy Conference, Online due to COVID-19. April 30-May 1, 2020.
University of Tennessee
1. Jensen, K.L., J.N. Yenerall, X. Chen and T.E. Yu. 2021. “United States Consumers’ Online Shopping Behaviors and Intentions During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 53(3):416-434.
2. Chen, C.R., T.E. Yu, and R.J.C. Fu. 2021. “Strategic Management for Community-Based Markets: from Consumers’ Perspectives and Experiences.” Sustainability, 13(10), 5469.
3. Jensen, K.L., D. Hughes, K.L. DeLong, C.O. Trejo-Pech, M.B. Gill. 2021. “Factors Influencing Tennessee Adults’ Craft Hard Apple Cidery Visit Expenditures and Travel Distance.” Journal of Food Distribution Research, 52(2): 1-23.
4. Jensen, K.L., K.L. DeLong, M. Gill, and D. Hughes. 2021. “Consumer Willingness to Pay for Locally Produced Hard Cider in the USA.” International Journal of Wine Business Research, 33(3): 411-431. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJWBR-06-2020-0029
5. C.N. Boyer, A.P. Griffith, K.L. DeLong. 2021. “Evaluating Optimal Purchasing and Selling Decisions of Beef Cattle Replacement Females.” Agricultural Finance Review, 81(3): 430-443. https://doi.org/10.1108/AFR-08-2020-0118
6. Velandia, M., K. Jensen, K.L. DeLong, A. Wszelaki, and A. Rihn. 2020. “Tennessee Fruit and Vegetable Farmer Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Plastic Biodegradable Mulch.” Journal of Food Distribution Research, 51(3): 63-87. https://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/309030?ln=en
7. Muhammad, A, SA Smith, & JH Grant (2021) “Can China Meet its Purchase Obligations Under the Phase One Trade Agreement?” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. https://doi.org/10.1002/aepp.13180
8. Muhammad, A, SA Smith, & TE Yu (2021) “COVID-19 and Cotton Import Demand in China” Agribusiness: An International Journal 37(1): 3-24. https://doi.org/10.1002/agr.21682freference.
9. Greear, EK, & A Muhammad (2021) “Tariff Elimination and the Competitiveness of Wine-Exporting Countries in Japan” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review. 50: 76-98. doi:10.1017/age.2020.25.
10. Muhammad, A, & K Jones (2021) “The End of the Trade War? Effects of Tariff Exclusions on U.S. Forest Products in China” Forest Policy and Economics 122: 102350. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2020.102350.
University of Ohio
1. Eum, I. M. Sheldon and S. Thompson, “Product Quality in Food and Agricultural Trade: Firm Heterogeneity and the Impact of Trade Costs,” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 46(1), 2021.
2. M. Sheldon, “Reflections on a Career as an Industrial Organization and International Economist,” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 43(2), 2021.
3. C.K. Chow and I.M. Sheldon, “Understanding the Economic and Political Effects of Trump’s China Tariffs,” William and Mary Business Law Review, 12(3), 2021.
4. M. Sheldon, “The US’s Power-Based Bargaining and the WTO: Has Anything Really Been Gained?”, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, forthcoming.
5. Heerman and I.M. Sheldon, “Sustainable Agricultural Production, Income and Eco-Labelling: What Can Be Learned from a Modern Ricardian Approach,” presented at EAAE sustainability seminar, and currently in review.
6. M. Sheldon, “If the US Steps Back from ‘Power-Based’ Bargaining: What are the Implications for Agricultural Trade?” Andersons Policy Bulletin, 15(1), August 2021.
University of Michigan
1. Vroegindewey, R., R. Richardson, D.L. Ortega, V. Therieault, 2021. “Consumer and Retailer Preferences for Local Ingredients in Processed Foods: Evidence from a Stacked Choice Experiment in an African Urban Dairy Market”. Food Policy, 103
2. Signorini, G., DL Ortega, R.B. Ross, H.C. Peterson, 2021. “Heterogeneity in farmers’ willingness to produce bioenergy crops in the Midwest USA”. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 50: 367-393.
3. D. Ufer, Ortega, D.L., W. Lin, 2021. “What’s the Farmer Worth?”, Choices, 35(4)
Virginia Tech
Sabine Duvaleix, Charlotte Emlinger, Carl Gaigné, Karine Latouche, Geographical indications and trade: Firm-level evidence from the French cheese industry, Food Policy, Volume 102, 2021.
Charlotte Emlinger, Houssein Guimbard, Shipping the good agricultural products out: the differentiated impact of per-unit duties on developing countries, European Review of Agricultural Economics, Volume 48, Issue 3, July 2021, Pages 598–623
Balagtas, J.V., J. Cooper, and M.A. Marchant, editors, 2021. “Agricultural Market Response to COVID-19," Choices, Quarter 3. Available online: https://www.choicesmagazine.org/choices-magazine/theme-articles/agricultural-marketresponse- to-covid-19
Grant, J.H., K.A. Boys, and C. Xie. 2021. “A New President in the White House: Implications for Canadian Agricultural Trade,” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 69(1): 45-58
Ning, X., J.H. Grant and E.B. Peterson. 2021. “Estimating Structural Change in the Japanese Beef Import Market in the Wake of BSE: A Smooth Transition Approach," Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, doi: 10.22004/ag.econ.307461
Grant, J.H., S. Arita, C. Emlinger, R. Johansson and C. Xie. 2021. “Agricultural Exports and Retaliatory Trade Actions: An Empirical Assessment of the 2018/19 Trade Conflict,” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 43(2): 619-640
Wieck, C. and J.H. Grant. 2020. “Codex in Motion: Food Safety Standard Setting and Impacts on Developing Countries’ Agricultural Exports,” Euro Choices, 20(1): 37-47
Sharma, A*, J.H. Grant, and K.A. Boys. 2021. ”Truly Preferential Treatment? Reconsidering the Generalised System of (Trade) Preferences with Competing Suppliers," Journal of Agricultural Economics, 72(2): 500-524
1. Yeboah, O., Saleem S., Victoria T. 2021. Assessing US Agricultural Export Under North American Free Trade Agreement: A Shift Share Analysis. Journal of Applied Business & Economics Vol. 23(6) 2021.
2. Yeboah, O., Saleem S., Michael W. 2021. AGOA: Economic and Political Effects on FDI flows into Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Applied Business & Economics Vol. 23(5) 2021.
3. Yeboah, O., Saleem S., Jamal M. 2021.Impact of AGOA on Agricultural Export Growth of Member Countries: A Dynamic Shift-Share Analysis. Journal of Applied Business & Economics Vol. 23(4) 2021.
4. Yeboah, O., Saleem S., Jamal M. 2021. Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic and Poverty on Food Insecurity: Yearly Spatial Analysis. Scientific Research Vol.12, No.4
5. Yeboah, O; Saleem S. 2020.The Influence of Climate Change on the Demand for Ethanol. Renewable Energy. 164 (2021); 1559-1565.
Kansas State
Yu, Jisang, and Gyuhyeong Goh, “Estimating Temperature Impacts on Perennial Crop Losses in California: Insights from Insurance Data.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, forthcoming
Yu, Jisang, Daniel A. Sumner, and Hyunok Lee. "Premium rates and selection in specialty crop insurance markets: Evidence from the catastrophic coverage participation." Food Policy 101 (2021): 102079.
University of Connecticut
Steinbach, Sandro Exchange Rate Volatility and Global Food Supply Chains Sandro Steinbach,NBER Working Paper No. 29164, August 2021
Ahn, Soojung, Steinbach, Sandro COVID-19 trade actions in the agricultural and food sector, Journal of Food Distribution Research, 2021
Michigan State University
- Ufer, D., Ortega, D., Wolf, C., McKendree, M., Swanson, J. (2022). Getting Past the Gatekeeper: Key Motivations of Dairy Farmer Intent to Adopt Animal Health and Welfare-Improving Biotechnology. Food Policy, forthcoming.
- Herrington, C., Maredia, M., Ortega, D.L., Taleon, V., Birol, E., Sarkar, A.R., Rahaman, S. (2022). Rural Bangladeshi Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Rice with Improved Nutrition via Zink Biofortified Rice and Decreased Milling Practices. Agricultural Economics, forthcoming.
- Ufer, D. J., Christensen, S. A., Ortega, D. L., Pinizzotto, N., & Schuler, K. (2022). Stamping out wildlife disease: Are hunter‐funded stamp programs a viable option for chronic wasting disease management?. Conservation Science and Practice, forthcoming.
- Maredia, M., Goeb, J., Ortega, D., Synt, N.L.K., Zu, A. M. (2022). Preferences for pandemic recovery policies: Perspectives of Myanmar agri-food system participants. Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, forthcoming.
- Ortega, D., Sun, J., Lin, W. (2022). Identity labels as an instrument to reduce meat demand and encourage consumption of plant-based and cultured meat alternatives in China. Food Policy, 111, 102307.
- Ortega, D.L, Lin, W., Ward, P. (2022). Consumer Acceptance of Gene-Edited Food Products in China. Food Quality and Preference, 95, 104374.
- Ufer, D., Ortega, D.L, Wolf, C., Swanson, J., McKendree, M. (2022). Market Acceptance of Animal Welfare-Improving Biotechnology: Gene-Editing and Immunocastration in U.S. Pork”. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 47(2), 444-461.
Iowa State University
Yoonho Choi and E. Kwan Choi, “Why Exchange Rate Pass-Through Matters in Foreign Exchange Market, “ Economic Modelling, May 2022 (110), 105795
Yoonho Choi and E. Kwan Choi, “Selling High-Tech Inputs to the Enemy,” April 2021 (234), 108040
(I do not understand why page numbers are not given. There must have occurred a format change.)
University of Tennessee
- Yenerall, J.N., K.L. Jensen, X. Chen, and E. Yu. 2022. “COVID-19 Risk Perception and Restaurant Utilization after Easing In-person Restrictions.” Food Policy, 107:102266, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2021.102206.
- Sharma, B., E. Yu, B.C. English, and C.N. Boyer. 2021. “Economic Analysis of Developing a Sustainable Aviation Fuel Supply Chain Incorporating with Carbon Credits: A Case Study of the Memphis International Airport.” Frontiers in Energy Research, 9:802, http://doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2021.775389.
- Jensen, K.L., J.N. Yenerall, D.W. Hughes, C. Trejo-Pech, and L. DeLong. 2022. “Demographics, Alcoholic Beverage Purchase Patterns, and Attitudes Driving Hard Cider Expenditures.” Journal of Food Products Marketing, 28(5):228-241.
- DeLong, K.L. and C. Trejo-Pech. 2022. “Factors Affecting Sugar-Containing-Product Prices.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 54(2): 334-356. https://doi.org/10.1017/aae.2022.12
- Smith, K.V.1, L. DeLong, A.P. Griffith, C.N. Boyer, C. Martinez, S. Schexnayder, and R.T. Trout Fryxell. 2022. “Costs of Horn Fly (Diptera: Muscidae) Control in Tennessee and Texas, 2016.” Journal of Economic Entomology, 115(1): 371-380. https://doi.org/10.1093/jee/toab239
- Cheng, H., D.M. Lambert, L. DeLong, and K.L. Jensen. 2022. “Controlling for Inattention and Availability Bias in Attribute Premium Estimation for a Biobased Product.” Agricultural Economics, 53: 274-288. https://doi.org/10.1111/agec.12679
- Muhammad, A, M Prince, KL DeLong, T Gill (2022) “Effects of Timing, Customer, and Location on Smallholder Broiler Sales in Rwanda” Journal of Applied Poultry Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.japr.2022.100268
- Muhammad, A, & J Thompson (2022) “Whiskey, Brexit, and the Trade War” The International Trade Journal. https://doi.org/10.1080/08853908.2022.2111006
- Muhammad, A, SA Smith, & JH Grant (2022) “Can China Meet its Purchase Obligations Under the Phase One Trade Agreement?” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 44: 1392-1408. https://doi.org/10.1002/aepp.13180
- Muhammad, A, & A Countryman (2021) “Safeguard Measures and Fresh Produce Trade: The Case of U.S. Blueberry Imports” Q Open. qoab018. https://doi.org/10.1093/qopen/qoab018
University of Georgia
- Jeong, S., and M. Gopinath. 2022. “International Market Information and Agricultural Commodity Price Dynamics.” Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies (forthcoming).
- Wang, J. Chandrasekaran, F. Haberkorn, Y. Dong, M. Gopinath and F. A. Batarseh, "DeepFarm: AI-Driven Management of Farm Production using Explainable Causality," 2022 IEEE 29th Annual Software Technology Conference (STC), 2022, pp. 27-36,
doi: 10.1109/STC55697.2022.00013.
University of Connecticut
- Heidi Schweizer, Sandro Steinbach and Xiting Zhuang (2022). “A Portrait of Firms that Trade in Meat Products,” Western Economics Forum, forthcoming.
- Soojung Ahn, Dongin Kim and Sandro Steinbach (2022). “The Impact of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine on Grain and Oilseed Trade,” Agribusiness: An International Journal, first published online.
- A Carter, Sandro Steinbach and Xiting Zhuang (2022). “Supply Chain Disruptions and Containerized Agricultural Exports from California Ports,” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy (first published online).
- Soojung Ahn and Sandro Steinbach (2022). “The Impact of COVID-19 Trade Measures on Agricultural and Food Trade,” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy (first published online).
- Sandro Steinbach (2022). “Port Congestion, Container Shortages, and U.S. Foreign Trade,” Economics Letters, 213: 110392.
Texas A&M
Kafle, Kashi and Yuanhang, Wang. 2022. “Do weather shocks induce migration among small-scale farmers? Evidence from Uganda”. Draft. In preparation for submission to American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Ohio State University
- Sheldon, I.M. 2022. “The US’s Power-Based Bargaining and the WTO: Has Anything Really Been Gained?” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 44(3): 1424-39.
- Heerman, K., and I.M. Sheldon. 2022. “Sustainable Agricultural Production, Income and Eco-Labelling: What Can Be Learned from a Modern Ricardian Approach.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 44(4): 1614-36.
- Sheldon, I.M. 2022. “Ukraine: The Breadbasket of Europe,” Origins: Current Events in Historical Perspective, Ohio State University.
- Sheldon, I.M. 2022. “Filing WTO Violation and Non-Violation Complaints: A Possible Solution to China’s Market Access Commitments?”, Working Paper, Andersons Program in International Trade.
- Chow, D.C.K., and I.M. Sheldon. Forthcoming 2023. “A Private Bargaining and Efficient Breach Approach to the Problem of U.S.-China Trade: Bringing a Non-Violation Case in the WTO.” Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law.
University of Nebraska Lincoln
Azzam, A. and S. Dhoubhadel. 2022. "A Dominant-Duopoly Competitive-Fringe Model of the World Soybean Export Market." International Journal of Trade and Global Markets (in press).