NCERA_old210: Improving the management and effectiveness of cooperatively owned business organizations
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Journal and Refereed Articles
Bhuyan, S., 2018. "Assessing Organizational Effectiveness of Member-owned Enterprises in the northeast United States." Management Today: An Int. Jr. of Management Studies, 8(2):159-168.
Boland, M. (2018). Introducion a coopertaivas y mutualism. Spanish version of my textbook under same name.
Cook, M.L. and J. Grashuis, "Theory of Cooperatives: Recent Developments", The Routledge Handbook of Agricultural Economics, eds. Gail L. Cramer, K. Paudel, and A. Schmitz, Routledge, 2018.
Cook, M.L., “A Life Cycle Explanation of Cooperative Longevity”, Sustainability, 10(5), 2018.
Grashuis, J. and M.L. Cook, “An Examination of New Generation Cooperatives in the Upper Midwest: Successes, Failures, and Limitations”, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 89(4): 623-644, 2018.
Harris, K. and B.C. Briggeman, “Talent management in Grain Merchandising: Expectations and Perceptions of Agricultural Majors Interested in Grain Merchandising Careers.” ACCC Fact Sheet Series, August 2018
Kenkel, P. and B.C. Briggeman. “Impact of Tax Reform on Agricultural Cooperatives and Members.” Journal of Cooperatives 33(2018): 1-28.
Kenkel P. and M. Boland “Implications of Equity Structures on Governance of Agricultural Cooperatives” The Cooperative Accountant, Summer 2017.
- Briggeman and P. Kenkel, “Impact of Tax Reform on Agricultural Cooperatives” Special Edition ACCC Fact Sheet Series, Collaborative Research OSU/KSU, December 18, 2017.
McKee, G. and K. Jacobs. 2017. “Governance Structures and the Value of the Firm: The Case of Great Lakes Cooperative and Green Plains Renewable Energy.” Journal of Cooperatives 32:46-58.
Kenkel and B. Briggeman, “Impact of Revised Section 199A on Grain Producers, OSU Fact Sheet AGEC-1076, April 2018.
Royer, Jeffrey S. 2018. Retained earnings as a source of equity capital for agricultural cooperatives. Cooperative Accountant, 7(1):2-27.
Royer, Jeffrey S. Measuring the cost of capital in cooperative businesses. Agribusiness: An International Journal. In press.
Siebert and J.L. Park. “United Agricultural Cooperative: Considering the Sale of the Agronomy Division.” International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 21(5):573-582.
Park, J.L. “Training for Excellence.” Cooperative Management Letter, Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, CML 18-01, January 2018.
Park, J.L. “Management Excellence.” Cooperative Management Letter, Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, CML 18-02, June 2018.
Dudensing, R., J.L. Park, D. Hanselka, and C.W. Carpenter. “Methodology for an Economic Contribution Study of Agricultural Cooperatives in a Value Chain: A Cotton Case Study.” Mid-Continent Regional Science Association conference. June 6-8, 2018, Kansas City, Missouri.
Other Publications, Posters, Abstracts, Proceedings, and Academic Presentations
Royer, Jeffrey S. 2018. Capital budgeting by cooperatives. Cornhusker Economics, February 14, 1-2.
Keri Jacobs. “A Discussion of the Sec 199A Deduction and its Potential Impacts on Producers and Grain Marketing Firms.” farmdoc daily (8): 13, Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, January 26, 2018.
- Jacobs, G. McKee, and J. Park. “Governance and Cooperative Value: Lessons from Five Texas Cooperatives.” Selected paper, NCERA-210 Annual Conference, St. Paul, Minnesota, November 7, 2018.
- Boland, K. Jacobs, P. Kenkel, and G. McKee. “Analyzing the Impact of Section 199A on Agricultural Cooperatives.” Selected paper, NCERA-210 Annual Conference, St. Paul, Minnesota, November 7, 2018.
- Jacobs and M. Boland. “Consolidation and Producer Impacts in U.S. Ag Co-ops: Is Bigger Better?” Invited paper at the International Cooperative Alliance Research Conference, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, July 5, 2018.
- Jacobs. “Challenges Facing Agricultural Cooperatives: Consolidation, Efficiency and Market Power.” Invited joint seminar, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Centre for the Study of Co-operatives, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada, May 11, 2018.
Keri Jacobs. “Impact of the 2017 Tax Reform and Jobs Act on Ag Cooperatives.” NCERA-210 Research Committee and eXtension Cooperatives Community of Practice Webinar, January 29, 2018.
- Bhuyan, S., 2018. "Assessing Organizational Effectiveness of Member-owned Enterprises in the northeast United States." Management Today: An Int. Jr. of Management Studies, 8(2):159-168.
- Boland, M. (2019). Governance in Agricultural Cooperatives. Western Economic Forum, 17(2), 42-51. http://www.execinc.com/hosted/emails/waea/file/WEF17.2.pdf
- Hanson, E. D., & Boland, M. A. (2019). Occupational Health and Safety Issues at Agribusiness Retailers. Applied Economics Teaching Resources, 1(1), 52-59.
- Kenkel, P., McKee, G., Boland, M., & Jacobs, K. (2019). The New Role of Agricultural Cooperatives in Pooling and Distributing Tax Deductions. Western Economic Forum, 2, 16-23. http://www.execinc.com/hosted/emails/waea/file/WEF17.2.pdf
- McKee, G. J. Parsons and P. Kenkel, “Livestock Marketing Cooperative Benefits in the 21st Century” Western Economic Forum, Fall 2019
- Park, J., D. Friend, G. McKee, M. Manley. “A Framework for Training and Assessment of the 21st Century Cooperative.” Western Economics Forum, Western Agricultural Economics Association, Vol. 17(2).
Research – Peer Reviewed - Accepted
Boland, M.A., Briggeman, B.C., Jacobs, K., Kenkel, P., McKee, G. and Park, J.L. (2021), Research Priorities for Agricultural Cooperatives and their Farmer‐Members. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. https://doi.org/10.1002/aepp.13068
Clymer, A.C., B.C. Briggeman, and J.C. Leatherman. “Estimating the Value of Local Ownership to a State’s Economy: The Case of Kansas Farmer Cooperatives.” Journal of Cooperatives 35(2020): 1-39.
Grashuis, Jasper, and Jason Franken. Exit strategies of farmer co-peratives in the United States: A competing risks analysis. Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management. December 2020.
Hanson, E. D., & Boland, M. A. (2020). Safety Climate at Agribusiness Cooperative Retailers. Journal of Safety Research. [Accepted: September, 2020]
McKee, G., K. Jacobs, and A. Kagan. 2020. “Trade Credit Use in Agricultural Cooperatives: Pricing and Firm Performance.” Journal of Cooperatives 35:74-101.
Munch, D.M., T.M. Schmit, and R.M. Severson. 2020. A descriptive analysis of milk pricing attribute values for cooperative & independent milk handlers in New York State. Journal of Cooperatives 35:40-73.
Research – Peer Articles – Under Review or Submission:
Mashange, G., A.M. Featherstone, and B.C. Briggeman. “Credit Rating Transitions of Farmer Cooperatives.” Being prepared for submission to American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Munch, D.M., T.M. Schmit, & R.M. Severson. Assessing the value of cooperative membership: A case of dairy marketing in the United States. Under Review (1st Revision Under Review): Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management. January 2021.
Newman, C., B.C. Briggeman and J. Bergtold. “The Economic Value of Trust.” Being prepared for submission to American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Regmi, M., B.C. Briggeman, and A.M. Featherstone. “Effects of Crop Insurance on Farm Input Use: Evidence from Kansas Farm Data.” Being prepared for submission to Agricultural Economics.
Schmit, T.M. & R.M. Severson. Exploring the feasibility of rural broadband cooperatives in the United States: the new New Deal? Under Review (1st Revision Under Review), Telecommunications Policy, December 2020.
Research – Professional Conference Presentations:
Kashyap, D. & Bhuyan, S. 2020. "Member Participation and Satisfaction in Agricultural Cooperatives: A Pilot Study of the Largest Dairy Cooperative in Northeast India." Poster accepted for presentation at the 2020 AAEA annual meetings, Kansas City, MO, July 26-28.
Bhuyan, S. 2020. "Importance of organizational effectiveness (OE) in cooperative enterprises." Invited paper, the New Agriculture-New Cooperatives: Toward a new paradigm of collaborations for the New Generation, 28th Agrotica, Thessaloniki, Greece, Jan 31, 2020.
Secor, W. and Boland, M. A. NCERA 210 research on Cooperatives, "Section 199 and Agribusiness Investment Decisions." (November 4, 2020).
Boland, M. A. Cooperative Education Workshop Webinar, "Current Issues in Agricultural Cooperatives," Texas A&M Agrilife, College Station, Texas, United States. (August 22, 2020).
Boland, M. A. Texas A&M Agrilife Cooperative Education Workshop, "UMN Director Leadership Workshop: Current Governance Topics," Texas A&M Agrilife / Texas Agricultural Cooperative Council, Amarillo, Texas. (February 2, 2020).
Boland, M. A. UMN Director Leadership Workshop, "Ethical Disclosures and Conflicts of Interest," UMN and Cooperative Network, Mankato, Minnesota, United States. (January 9, 2020).
Boland, M. A. , UMN Director Leadership Workshop, "Audit Committee Functions," UMN and Cooperative Network and CoBank, Mankato, Minnesota, United States. (January 8, 2020).
Schmit, T.M. 2020. Assessing the Value of Agricultural Cooperative Ownership. Farmer Cooperatives Conference. 05 November 2020.
Schmit, T.M. 2020. Assessing the Value of Agricultural Cooperative Ownership. Selected Paper, NCERA-210 Annual Meeting, 04 November 2020. Cornell’s Cooperative Enterprise Program, NECC Annual Leaders Forum, Northeast Cooperative Council, Syracuse, NY, 27 February 2020.
Schmit, T.M. & R.M. Severson. Exploring the feasibility of rural broadband cooperatives in the United States: the new New Deal? Under Review (1st Revision Under Review), Telecommunications Policy, December 2020.
Master of Science Thesis:
Munch, D.M. 2020. Assessing the value of agricultural cooperative membership: A case of dairy marketing in the United States. M.S. Thesis, Cornell University.