NCERA_old210: Improving the management and effectiveness of cooperatively owned business organizations
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 12/10/2018
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 12/01/2017 - 12/01/2018
Brief Summary of Minutes
<p><strong><em>General Training and Workshop for Cooperative Managers and Directors</em></strong></p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Boland, M. A. , Association of Cooperative Educators, "Cooperatives and Geographic Indications," Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. (July 26, 2018).</p><br /> <p>Boland, M. A. , Montana, Idaho, and Oregon Managers Association, "Current Cooperative Finance Issues," Montana State University Institute of Regulation and Applied Economic Analysis, Bozeman, Montana, United States. (July 19, 2018).</p><br /> <p>Boland, M. A. , Minnesota Association of Farm Mutual Insurance Association, "Governance of Mutual Insurance Firms," St Cloud, Minnesota, United States. (July 11, 2018).</p><br /> <p>Boland, M. A. (Author), Jacobs, K. (Author & Presenter), ICA2018 Research Conference, " Consolidation and Producer Impacts in U.S. Ag Co-ops: Is Bigger Better?," International Cooperative Alliance Research Conference, Wageningen, Netherlands. (July 5, 2018).</p><br /> <p>Boland, M. A. , Innovation in Agrifood Supply Chains: People-Planet-Profitability, "Technological Innovation in Agrifood Supply Chains in US, Europe and Emerging Markets," University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California, United States. (April 18, 2018).</p><br /> <p>Boland, M. A. , Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar Cooperative, "Capital Expenditures and Reinvestment Decisions," Renville, Minnesota, United States. (March 27, 2018).</p><br /> <p>Boland, M. A. (Author & Presenter), National Council on Farmer Cooperatives, "Defined Benefit Retirement Plans: Challenges, Changes, and Benefits of Cooperatives," New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. (February 9, 2018).</p><br /> <p>Boland, M. A. (Author & Presenter), Jacobs, K. (Author & Presenter), National Council on Farmer Cooperatives, "Equity Management and Tax Issues in Cooperatives," New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. (February 7, 2018).</p><br /> <p>Boland, M. A. , Cooperative Leadership Program, "Advanced Cooperative Finance," University of Minnesota, Morton, Minnesota, United States. (January 12, 2018).</p><br /> <p>Boland, M. A. , Cooperative Leadership Program, "Advanced Cooperative Governance," University of Minnesota, Morton, Minnesota, United States. (January 11, 2018).</p><br /> <p>Michael Boland, together with CoBank and California Center for Cooperatives, conducted educational training to 36 cooperative directors using case studies to highlight cooperatively owned business nuances impacting governance, finance, and strategy decision-making.</p><br /> <p>Brian Briggeman is the Director of the Arthur Capper Cooperative Center at Kansas State University. In that role he organizes, leads, and presents in 4 nationally recognized and attended programs. Over 350 cooperative directors, managers, and employees attended these events on topics ranging from cooperative finance to the agricultural outlook to how best to develop the next generation of employees. He also oversees the CoBank Research Fellowship program and ACCC cooperative scholarship program at Kansas State University.</p><br /> <p>Brian Briggeman received a “CoBank Cooperative Research and Education Fund,” KSU Foundation donation to the Arthur Capper Cooperative Center for $250,000. Project PI: B.C. Briggeman, 2018.</p><br /> <p>Brian Briggeman received the 2018 Apex Award, Department of Agricultural Economics at Purdue University.</p><br /> <p>Michael Cook conducted a Director Training, CRV Leadership Group, the Netherlands, July 24-25, 2018.</p><br /> <p>Michael Cook delivered Program: “GICL Summer Institute”, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, May 21-24, 2018.</p><br /> <p>Keri Jacobs collaborates with the Iowa Institute for Cooperatives (IIC) to offer training to cooperative boards of directors in Iowa. In 2018, 11 board members from 8 cooperatives participated in training on cooperative finance and equity management, and 12 board members from 8 cooperatives participated in basic training on the cooperative business model. In addition, Jacobs collaborated with IIC to offer a workshop to co-op mid-managers on the co-op model and profitability factors.</p><br /> <p>Keri Jacobs collaborates with the Nebraska Cooperative Council on basic and advanced training to cooperative board members in Nebraska. In 2018 she participated in programming on co-op financing and equity management, strategic planning, and strategic financial management and analysis.</p><br /> <p>Keri Jacobs. “Cooperative Profits and Equity Basics.” Mid-Iowa Cooperative Associate Board Training, Conrad, Iowa. February 13, 2018.</p><br /> <p>Phil Kenkel. California Center for Cooperative Development Board of Director Education- 2 day program on finance and strategy in conjunction with NCERA-210 Member Mike Boland 2-1-2-18 to 2-2-2018.</p><br /> <p>Phil Kenkel. NCFC Taskforce to Develop Educational material on profit distribution and equity management, New Orleans, 2-9-2019.</p><br /> <p>Phil Kenkel. National Webinar on the Impact of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on Cooperative and Members, May 8. 2018, attendance 190.</p><br /> <p>Phil Kenkel. State Level Educational Program: Impact of Tax Reform on Agricultural Cooperatives and members, Medford Oklahoma 4-25-2018, Weatherford Oklahoma 4-26-2018.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><strong><em>Co-op Business Model Training for Employees and Students</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Michael Boland taught LAW 6807 Cooperatives and Collective Entrepreneurship: Law, Policy and Practice to 14 graduate students and two sections of APEC 3840 Agricultural Cooperatives to 54 undergraduate students.</p><br /> <p>Keri Jacobs taught ECON 332 Cooperatives, to 45 Iowa State University undergraduate students in Fall 2018. A majority of the students are College of Agriculture majors.</p><br /> <p>Keri Jacobs employed two undergraduate students to work on projects to document cooperative consolidation and locations in Iowa.</p><br /> <p>Keri Jacobs taught a domestic travel course on cooperatives. The travel included 20 students to visit cooperatives in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Students learned about the cooperative model applied in a variety industries and heard first-hand from the management and boards of the cooperatives. Cooperative visits included Ocean Spray (processing and grower locations), CoBank, Wright-Hennepin Electric Cooperative, Great River Energy Cooperative, Riverton Housing Cooperative, Wedge Grocery Cooperative, Cooperative Partners Warehouse, and Fair State Brewery Cooperative.</p><br /> <p>Keri Jacobs presented at the IIC Cooperative Intern Day to undergraduate students interning with cooperatives. The presentation, “Foundations of Cooperatives.” Iowa Cooperative Intern Day, Huxley, Iowa. June 14, 2018. </p><br /> <p>Keri Jacobs presented to community college students: “The Cooperative Way: A Business Model.” Des Moines Area Community College, Carroll, Iowa. March 28, 2018. (with Jim Gossett, CEO, Raccoon Valley Electric Cooperative).</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><strong><em>Performance, Profitability, and Finance and Equity Considerations for Cooperatives</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Keri Jacobs. “The Sec 199A Pass-Through Deduction: What it Means for Producers and Cooperatives.” Iowa State University ProAg Series, Carroll County Extension Office, Carroll, Iowa, November 11, 2018.</p><br /> <p>Keri Jacobs. “What the Sec 199A Tax Feature Means for Co-ops and Producers.” North Central Farm Management Extension Committee, Ames, Iowa, May 18, 2018.</p><br /> <p>Keri Jacobs. “What the Tax Reform Means for Your Cooperative and Its Members.” Cooperative Network’s Dairy Issues Forum, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, April 10, 2018.</p><br /> <p>Keri Jacobs. “Understanding Cooperative Financials and Impacts to Your Farm.” Production and Marketing Risk Seminar, Iowa State Bank and Sac Realty & Insurance, Sac City, Iowa, January 23, 2018.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><strong><em>Other Extension and Outreach Presentations to Cooperatives and Associations</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Michael Boland presented “Issues with Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution Programs” National Council of Farmer Cooperatives Annual Meeting, February 2018.</p><br /> <p>Michael Boland presented “Business Merit for Agriculture Trade” and “Issues with Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution Programs”, Farmers Cooperatives conference, St Paul MN November 2018.</p><br /> <p>Michael Boland presented “Current Issues in Cooperative Finance” to Pacific Northwest joint state cooperative council meeting, November 2018.</p><br /> <p>Michael Boland presented two-day workshop on cooperative governance and finance to Kansas cooperatives, Kansas Cooperative Council, Wichita KS, February 2018.</p><br /> <p>Michael Cook presented at GICL Board of Trustees Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. February 7, 2018.</p><br /> <p>Michael Cook presented at GICL Board Chair & CEO Conference, Palmetto Bluff, South Carolina, April 11-14, 2018.</p><br /> <p>Michael Cook presented “Alternative Organizational Forms in Agribusiness”, at International Food and Agribusiness Management Association Symposium, Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 27, 2018.</p><br /> <p>Michael Cook presented “Conceptual Frameworks in Cooperative Life Cycles”, to Conaprole Leadership, Montevideo, Uruguay, June 29, 2018.</p><br /> <p>Michael Cook presented “Cooperative Health/Performance”, at International Co-operative Alliance European Research Conference, Wageningen, the Netherlands, July 2018.</p><br /> <p>Michael Cook presented “Cooperative CEO Succession Approaches”, at Cooperative Animal Genetics Meetings, Toronto, Canada, August 30, 2018.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><strong><em>Others Activities and Engagements, including Cooperative Centers and State Associations</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Sanjib Bhuyan, Keystone Development Center (KDC) - at the request of Brian Schilling (SEBS/Rutgers) and Bill Walker (NJDA), joined the Board of KDC, Pennsylvania-based cooperative development agency in February.</p><br /> <p>Sanjib Bhuyan helped KDC in obtaining funding from PA Dept of Ag via KDC, May 2018.</p><br /> <p>Michael Boland and Keri Jacobs co-chaired NCFC working group of cooperative board chairman and CFO’s on cooperative finance issues, 2018.</p><br /> <p>Brian Briggeman. “Cooperative Growth, Patronage, and Equity.” GROWMARK Senior Leadership Team, Bloomington, Illinois, November 2018.</p><br /> <p>Brian Briggeman. “Cooperative Principles.” Suurbraak Grain Farmers Cooperative Board of Directors Meeting, Suurbraak, South Africa, October 2018.</p><br /> <p>Brian Briggeman. “The U.S. Farmer Cooperative Industry and SSK.” Sentraal-Suid Kooperasie Board of Directors Meeting, Swellendam, South Africa, October 2018.</p><br /> <p>Brian Briggeman. “Sustainable Growth Rates for Kansas Farmer Cooperatives: Who is Growing Broke?” Risk and Profit, Manhattan, KS, August 2018. </p><br /> <p>Brian Briggeman. “Co-op Education and Research Update.” K-State Symposium on Cooperative Issues, Manhattan, KS, August 2018. </p><br /> <p>Brian Briggeman. “Equity Redemption Strategies.” Emerging Leaders: Building a Cooperative Finance Foundation, Manhattan, KS, July 2018.</p><br /> <p>Brian Briggeman. “Patronage Income Distribution Policy.” Emerging Leaders: Building a Cooperative Finance Foundation, Manhattan, KS, July 2018.</p><br /> <p>Brian Briggeman. “The Importance of Cash Flow.” Emerging Leaders: Building a Cooperative Finance Foundation, Manhattan, KS, July 2018.</p><br /> <p>Brian Briggeman. “Building and Analyzing Cooperative Financial Statements.” Emerging Leaders: Building a Cooperative Finance Foundation, Manhattan, KS, July 2018. </p><br /> <p>Brian Briggeman. “Thinking Like a CFO.” Emerging Leaders: Building a Cooperative Finance Foundation, Manhattan, KS, July 2018.</p><br /> <p>Brian Briggeman. “Financial Drivers Facing Cooperatives.” Emerging Leaders: Building a Cooperative Finance Foundation, Manhattan, KS, July 2018.</p><br /> <p>Brian Briggeman. “Cooperatives Finance Workshop.” Kansas Cooperative Summer Intern Training, July 2018.</p><br /> <p>Brian Briggeman. “Cooperatives 101.” Kansas Cooperative Summer Intern Training, July 2018. </p><br /> <p>Brian Briggeman. “Macroeconomic and Interest Rate Outlook.” Extension Staff Training, July 2018. </p><br /> <p>Brian Briggeman. “Weighted Average Cost of Capital and Sustainable Growth for Farmer Cooperatives.” GROWMARK Emerging Leaders Program, West Lafayette, IN, April 2018. </p><br /> <p>Brian Briggeman. “Implications of Section 199A for Agricultural Cooperatives.” National Agricultural Credit Committee, Washington, DC, March 2018. </p><br /> <p>Brian Briggeman. “Financial Outlook for Farmer Cooperatives.” GROWMARK Emerging Leaders Program, West Lafayette, IN, February 2018.</p><br /> <p>Brian Briggeman. “Implications of Section 199A for Agricultural Cooperatives.” Webinar, January 2018.</p><br /> <p>Brian Briggeman. “Issues Facing Kansas Cooperatives.” Alliance Ag Board Retreat, Mulvane, KS, January 2018.</p><br /> <p>Brian Briggeman. “Issues Facing Kansas Cooperatives.” Skyland Board Retreat, Manhattan, KS, January 2018.</p><br /> <p>Brian Briggeman. “Macroeconomic and Interest Rate Outlook.” Farming for the Future Workshop, Emporia, KS, January 2018.</p><br /> <p>Brian Briggeman. “Macroeconomic and Interest Rate Outlook.” Farming for the Future Workshop, Scott City, KS, January 2018.</p><br /> <p>Bhuyan, S. & Tarakji, M., 2018. "Pennsylvania Dairy Co-ops at a Crossroad: Some Lessons from the Trenches!". Paper presented at the NCERA-210 Annual Meeting, St. Paul, MN, November 7, 2018.</p><br /> <p>Keri Jacobs. “Sec 199A Pass-Through Decisions for Co-op Boards.” Iowa Institute for Cooperatives CFO/Controller Conference, Ames, Iowa, October 10, 2018. </p><br /> <p>Keri Jacobs. “Producer Cooperatives and Membership in a Dynamic Marketplace: What Does This Mean for Producers?” Iowa Women in Agriculture Annual Conference, Ankeny, Iowa, August 2, 2018.</p><br /> <p>Keri Jacobs. “Consolidation and Competition in Midwest Agriculture Are These Game Changers?” University of Minnesota and Minnesota Crop Production Retailers Association Crop Pest Management Short Course, Minneapolis, Minnesota, December 13, 2017.</p><br /> <p>Keri Jacobs. “Dovetailing Member Value and Expectations with Strategic Financial Management.” Minnesota Grain and Feed Association Annual Convention, Prior Lake, Minnesota, March 7, 2018.</p><br /> <ol start="2018"><br /> <li>Kenkel, Impact of Tax Reform on Agricultural Cooperatives, presentation at Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Anchorage Alaska, 6-24-2018 to 6-27-2018.</li><br /> <li>Kenkel. Cooperative Education Efforts in U.S.A, Keynote presentation at International Conference on Cooperative Education, Qingdao China, 5-28-2019 to 6-1-2018.</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p>John Park. 20 presentations. Audience of more than 675 cooperative managers, directors, and industry leaders. Topics include methods for director training, economic impacts, relationship marketing, leadership, and roles of managers and directors.</p><br /> <p>Zivkovic, S., and Luitel, K. 2018. Factors That Impact Trust Among Cooperative Members, Directors, and Managers – A Study. Paper presented at the Texas Agricultural Cooperatives Council (TACC) Managers Conference, Ruidoso, NM, 11-13 July.</p><br /> <p>Zivkovic, S., and Luitel, K. 2018. Analysis of Multidimensional Trust in Agricultural Cooperatives. Paper presented at the Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Anchorage, AL, 24-26, June.</p>Publications
<p><strong><em>Journal and Refereed Articles</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Bhuyan, S., 2018. "Assessing Organizational Effectiveness of Member-owned Enterprises in the northeast United States." Management Today: An Int. Jr. of Management Studies, 8(2):159-168.</p><br /> <p>Boland, M. (2018). Introducion a coopertaivas y mutualism. <em>Spanish version of my textbook under same name</em>. </p><br /> <p>Cook, M.L. and J. Grashuis, "Theory of Cooperatives: Recent Developments", The Routledge Handbook of Agricultural Economics, eds. Gail L. Cramer, K. Paudel, and A. Schmitz, Routledge, 2018.</p><br /> <p>Cook, M.L., “A Life Cycle Explanation of Cooperative Longevity”, Sustainability, 10(5), 2018.</p><br /> <p>Grashuis, J. and M.L. Cook, “An Examination of New Generation Cooperatives in the Upper Midwest: Successes, Failures, and Limitations”, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 89(4): 623-644, 2018.</p><br /> <p>Harris, K. and B.C. Briggeman, “Talent management in Grain Merchandising: Expectations and Perceptions of Agricultural Majors Interested in Grain Merchandising Careers.” <em>ACCC Fact Sheet Series</em>, August 2018</p><br /> <p>Kenkel, P. and B.C. Briggeman. “Impact of Tax Reform on Agricultural Cooperatives and Members.” Journal of Cooperatives 33(2018): 1-28.</p><br /> <p>Kenkel P. and M. Boland “Implications of Equity Structures on Governance of Agricultural Cooperatives” The Cooperative Accountant, Summer 2017.</p><br /> <ol start="2017"><br /> <li>Briggeman and P. Kenkel, “Impact of Tax Reform on Agricultural Cooperatives” Special Edition ACCC Fact Sheet Series, Collaborative Research OSU/KSU, December 18, 2017.</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p>McKee, G. and K. Jacobs. 2017. “Governance Structures and the Value of the Firm: The Case of Great Lakes Cooperative and Green Plains Renewable Energy.” <em>Journal of Cooperatives</em> 32:46-58.</p><br /> <p>Kenkel and B. Briggeman, “Impact of Revised Section 199A on Grain Producers, OSU Fact Sheet AGEC-1076, April 2018.</p><br /> <p>Royer, Jeffrey S. 2018. Retained earnings as a source of equity capital for agricultural cooperatives. Cooperative Accountant, 7(1):2-27.</p><br /> <p>Royer, Jeffrey S. Measuring the cost of capital in cooperative businesses. Agribusiness: An International Journal. In press.</p><br /> <p>Siebert and J.L. Park. “United Agricultural Cooperative: Considering the Sale of the Agronomy Division.” <em>International Food and Agribusiness Management Review</em>, 21(5):573-582.</p><br /> <p>Park, J.L. “Training for Excellence.” <em>Cooperative Management Letter</em>, Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, CML 18-01, January 2018.</p><br /> <p>Park, J.L. “Management Excellence.” <em>Cooperative Management Letter</em>, Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, CML 18-02, June 2018.</p><br /> <p>Dudensing, R., J.L. Park, D. Hanselka, and C.W. Carpenter. “Methodology for an Economic Contribution Study of Agricultural Cooperatives in a Value Chain: A Cotton Case Study.” Mid-Continent Regional Science Association conference. June 6-8, 2018, Kansas City, Missouri.</p><br /> <p><strong><em>Other Publications, Posters, Abstracts, Proceedings, and Academic Presentations</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Royer, Jeffrey S. 2018. Capital budgeting by cooperatives. Cornhusker Economics, February 14, 1-2.</p><br /> <p>Keri Jacobs. “A Discussion of the Sec 199A Deduction and its Potential Impacts on Producers and Grain Marketing Firms.” <em>farmdoc daily</em> (8): 13, Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, January 26, 2018.</p><br /> <ol start="2018"><br /> <li>Jacobs, G. McKee, and J. Park. “Governance and Cooperative Value: Lessons from Five Texas Cooperatives.” Selected paper, NCERA-210 Annual Conference, St. Paul, Minnesota, November 7, 2018.</li><br /> </ol><br /> <ol start="2018"><br /> <li>Boland, K. Jacobs, P. Kenkel, and G. McKee. “Analyzing the Impact of Section 199A on Agricultural Cooperatives.” Selected paper, NCERA-210 Annual Conference, St. Paul, Minnesota, November 7, 2018.</li><br /> </ol><br /> <ol start="2018"><br /> <li>Jacobs and M. Boland. “Consolidation and Producer Impacts in U.S. Ag Co-ops: Is Bigger Better?” Invited paper at the International Cooperative Alliance Research Conference, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, July 5, 2018.</li><br /> </ol><br /> <ol start="2018"><br /> <li>Jacobs. “Challenges Facing Agricultural Cooperatives: Consolidation, Efficiency and Market Power.” Invited joint seminar, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Centre for the Study of Co-operatives, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada, May 11, 2018.</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p>Keri Jacobs. “Impact of the 2017 Tax Reform and Jobs Act on Ag Cooperatives.” NCERA-210 Research Committee and eXtension Cooperatives Community of Practice Webinar, January 29, 2018.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><sub> </sub></p>Impact Statements
- Texas has completed its 9th year of the Cooperative Internship Program. One goal of the program is to improve the pool of potential future leaders and managers. Over the course of the program, 57 interns have been selected from 9 different universities across Texas. Of these, 12 have later been employed full time by a Texas cooperative.
Date of Annual Report: 01/16/2020
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 12/01/2018 - 12/01/2019
o Bobbie Severson, Cornell Universityo Brian Briggeman, Kansas State University
o Brent Hueth, University of Wisconsin-Madison
o Courtney Berner, University of Wisconsin-Madison
o Frayne Olson, North Dakota State University
o Gregory Mckee, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
o James White, University of Wisconsin-River Falls
o John Park, Texas A&M University
o Keri Jacobs, Iowa State University
o Kristi Schweiss, North Dakota State University
o Matthew Elliott, South Dakota State University
o Megan Webster, University of Wisconsin-Madison
o Michael Boland, University of Minnesota
o Michael Cook, University of Missouri-Columbia
o Phil Kenkel, Oklahoma State University
o Sanjib Bhuyan, Rutgers University
o Sanja Zivkovic, Texas Tech University
o Todd Schmidt, Cornell University
o Xudong Rao, North Dakota State University
Brief Summary of Minutes
On November 6, 2019 participants of NCERA-210 met at the Intercontinental Hotel in Saint Paul, Minnesota. During the meeting, participants and industry leaders gave presentations concerning cooperative businesses. During the business meeting portion of the meeting, participants discussed ongoing and future activities on how to improve the management effectiveness of cooperatively owned businesses. Action items included (i) developing a track session proposal for the 2020 AAEA Annual Meeting in Kansas City, (ii) developing the cooperative resources on the eXtension website, and (iii) upcoming publishing opportunities in special journals. The participants also reviewed the research priorities identified by a subset of scholars engaged in improving the management effectiveness of cooperatively owned businesses in collaboration with C-FARE. At the end of the meeting, the participants reelected the existing slate of officers of the committee to continue their terms.
<p><strong>Outputs:</strong></p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Bhuyan, S., 2018. "Assessing Organizational Effectiveness of Member-owned Enterprises in the northeast United States." Management Today: An Int. Jr. of Management Studies, 8(2):159-168.</li><br /> <li>Boland, M. (2019). Governance in Agricultural Cooperatives. <em>Western Economic Forum, 17</em>(2), 42-51. <a href="http://www.execinc.com/hosted/emails/waea/file/WEF17.2.pdf">http://www.execinc.com/hosted/emails/waea/file/WEF17.2.pdf</a></li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. and M. Dikeman, “The Impact of the “Transition Rule” on Grain Sales to a Cooperative and a Farmer’s Section 199A Deduction.” ACCC Fact Sheet Series, January 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. and R. Reid. “KSU Cooperative Financial Benchmarking Tool.” ACCC Fact Sheet Series – Special Release for CoBank, December 2019.</li><br /> <li>Clymer, A., B.C. Briggeman, and J. Leatherman, “The Contribution of Farmer Cooperatives to the Kansas Economy.” ACCC Fact Sheet Series, March 2019.</li><br /> <li>Friend, D., T. Murphrey, and J.L. Park. “Using Stories and Imagery to Impact Learning in a College of Agriculture.” Poster presentation, Annual Meeting of the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists, Birmingham, AL, February 2019.</li><br /> <li>Hanson, E. D., & Boland, M. A. (2019). Occupational Health and Safety Issues at Agribusiness Retailers. <em>Applied Economics Teaching Resources, 1</em>(1), 52-59. </li><br /> <li>Jacobs, K. “New Tax Deductions in 2019 That May Affect Your Net Marketing Price and Farm Income.” Extension publication to accompany Iowa Farm Bureau Federation and Iowa State University <em>Winning the Game</em> workshop, January 2019.</li><br /> <li>Boland, M.A., P. Kenkel, B. Briggeman, K. Jacobs, G. McKee and J. Park, “Research Priorities for Agricultural Cooperatives and Their Farmer-Members”, manuscript in review, December 2019.</li><br /> <li>Kenkel, P., K. Jacobs, G. McKee, M. Boland, B. Briggeman and J. Park, “Constructing Representative Cooperatives for Policy Analysis and Stakeholder Education” Staff Paper, Oklahoma State University, 8-11-2019.</li><br /> <li>Kenkel, P., McKee, G., Boland, M., & Jacobs, K. (2019). The New Role of Agricultural Cooperatives in Pooling and Distributing Tax Deductions. <em>Western Economic Forum, 2</em>, 16-23. <a href="http://www.execinc.com/hosted/emails/waea/file/WEF17.2.pdf">http://www.execinc.com/hosted/emails/waea/file/WEF17.2.pdf</a></li><br /> <li>Kenkel, P., Z. Crossan, “Human Resource Management in Agricultural Cooperatives”, Journal of Cooperatives, Vol. 34, p. 1-30 2019.</li><br /> <li>McKee, G. J. Parsons and P. Kenkel, “Livestock Marketing Cooperative Benefits in the 21st Century” Western Economic Forum, Fall 2019</li><br /> <li>Meier H. and P. Kenkel, Board Governance Best Practices, Institute for Cooperative Director Training, 2019</li><br /> <li>Meier H. and P. Kenkel, Monitoring Financial Performance, Institute for Cooperative Director Training, 2019</li><br /> <li>Meier H. and P. Kenkel, Roberts Rules of Order Made Easy, Institute for Cooperative Director Training, 2019</li><br /> <li>Park, J.L., D. Friend, G. McKee, and M. Manley. “A Framework for Training and Assessment of the 21<sup>st</sup> Century Cooperative.” <em>Western Economics Forum</em>, Western Agricultural Economics Association, Vol. 17(2).</li><br /> <li>Park, J.L. “A Framework for Training and Assessment for Cooperative Boards of Directors.” NCERA-210 Regional Research and Extension Committee Meetings, St. Paul, MN, November 2019.</li><br /> <li>Park, J.L. “The Multidimensional Governance Assessment.” <em>Cooperative Management Letter</em>, Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, CML 19-02, July 2019.</li><br /> <li>Park, J.L. “The Value Proposition.” <em>Cooperative Management Letter</em>, Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, CML 19-01, January 2019.</li><br /> <li>Shideler D., P. Kenkel and G. Wang, “Economic Impact of Oklahoma Rural Electric Cooperatives” AE19007, October 31,2019</li><br /> <li>Shideler D., P. Kenkel and G. Wang, “Economic Impact of Oklahoma Agricultural Cooperatives” AE19008, October 31, 201</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p><strong>Activities:</strong></p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Boland, M. A. (Presenter), Briggeman, B. (Author), NCERA 210, "C-FARE Project on Cooperative Research Needs," St Paul, Minnesota, United States. (November 6, 2019).</li><br /> <li>Boland, M. A. (Presenter), U.S. Rice Federation, "The Cooperative Model Works Globally," University of Arkansas, Little Rock, Arkansas, United States. (December 9, 2019).</li><br /> <li>Boland, M. A., 2019 Farmer Cooperatives, "Global Trends in Animal Genetics Companies," St Paul, Minnesota, United States. (November 7, 2019).</li><br /> <li>Boland, M. A., CFS Board Education, "Board Governance," Red Wing, Minnesota, United States. (July 31, 2019).</li><br /> <li>Boland, M. A., CHS Energy, "Cooperatives," St Paul, Minnesota, United States. (September 17, 2019)</li><br /> <li>Boland, M. A., Texas Agricultural Cooperative Council, "Global Governance Trends in Cooperatives," Corpus Christi, Texas, United States. (October 31, 2019).</li><br /> <li>Boland, M. A., Texas Agricultural Cooperative Council, "Governance Issues and Exercises," Corpus Christi, Texas, United States. (October 30, 2019).</li><br /> <li>Boland, M. A., Texas Agricultural Cooperative Council, "Megatrends Affecting Board Governance," Corpus Christi, Texas, United States. (October 31, 2019).</li><br /> <li>Boland, M. A., UMN Cooperative Leadership Program, "Cooperative Finance issues," Morton, Minnesota, United States. (January 9, 2019).</li><br /> <li>Boland, M. A., UMN Cooperative Leadership Program, "Cooperative Governance issues," Morton, Minnesota, United States. (January 10, 2019).</li><br /> <li>Boland, M. A., Utah Association of Farmer Cooperatives Workshop, "Megatrends Affecting Board Governance," Utah State University, Lehi, Utah, United States. (October 24, 2019).</li><br /> <li>Boland, M. conducted an employee, director, and undergraduate students at Montana State for 33 cooperative employees and directors.</li><br /> <li>Boland, M. together with CoBank and California Center for Cooperatives, conducted educational training to 42 cooperative directors using case studies to highlight cooperatively owned business nuances impacting governance, finance, and strategy decision-making.</li><br /> <li>Boland, M.A., together with Greg McKee and Keri Jacobs, conducted educational training to 64 cooperative directors in South Dakota and Minnesota. Topics were governance, finance, and strategy.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. organized the K-State Symposium on Cooperative Issues that had over 90 participants.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C., along with Michael Boland and CoBank, organized a CEO Roundtable and CFO Roundtable that was attended by over 20 different farmer cooperatives from the United States and had over 55 participants.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “A Conversation with a South African Farmer and Cooperative Board Chairman.” Invitation Only Roundtable at KFSA, Hutchinson, KS, August 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Agricultural Trade in a Time of Uncertainty.” Farmer Cooperatives Conference, St. Paul, MN, November 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Benchmarking Garden City Cooperative’s Financial Position and Sustainable Growth.” Strategic Planning Meeting, Wichita, KS, March 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Building and Analyzing Cooperative Financial Statements.” Emerging Leaders: Building a Cooperative Finance Foundation, Manhattan, KS, July 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Co-op Education, Research Update and a Financial Benchmarking Tool.” K-State Symposium on Cooperative Issues, Manhattan, KS, August 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Cooperative Business Model.” Kansas Cooperative Grocery Roundtable, Manhattan, KS, September 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Cooperative Finance Workshop.” Kansas Director Development Program, Wichita, KS, December 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Cooperative Growth.” CFO Meeting, Mid-Kansas Cooperative, Moundridge, KS. February 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Cooperative Innovation and Efficiency” Kansas Cooperative Council Youth Leadership Institute, Rock Springs 4-H Camp, KS, July 2019</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Cooperative Member Roles” Kansas Cooperative Council Youth Leadership Institute, Rock Springs 4-H Camp, KS, July 2019</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Cooperative Patronage and Equity Redemption” Co-ops 101 for Cooperative Interns, Kansas Cooperative Council, Topeka, KS, May 2019</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Cooperative Principles” Kansas Cooperative Council Youth Leadership Institute, Rock Springs 4-H Camp, KS, July 2019</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Co-ops 101.” Kansas Director Development Program, Wichita, KS, December 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Co-ops 101” Co-ops 101 for Cooperative Interns, Kansas Cooperative Council, Topeka, KS, May 2019</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Engaging Audiences in Extension with Poll Everywhere.” Extension Faculty and Staff Meeting, Manhattan, KS, January 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Equity Redemption Strategies.” Emerging Leaders: Building a Cooperative Finance Foundation, Manhattan, KS, July 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Financial Benchmarking.” CFO Roundtable, Kansas City, MO, May 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Financial Drivers Facing Cooperatives.” Emerging Leaders: Building a Cooperative Finance Foundation, Manhattan, KS, July 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Foundations of Agribusiness Finance” Syngenta Agribusiness Accelerator Program, West Lafayette, IN, April 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Impact of the Macroeconomic Environment on Agriculture.” Kansas State University/Washburn University School of Law Agribusiness Symposium, Hutchinson, KS, September 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Implications of Sustainable Growth for Cooperatives.” Strategic Planning Meeting, Ottawa Cooperative, Olathe, KS, February 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Implications of Sustainable Growth for Cooperatives.” Skyland Grain, LLC Strategic Planning Meeting, Manhattan, KS, January 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Industrial Hemp and Cooperatives.” Discussion with Phronesis Design, Kansas City, MO, August 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Issues Facing Cooperatives.” Kansas Director Development Program, Wichita, KS, December 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Issues Facing South African Agriculture – A Conversation with Dirk van Papendorp.” Risk and Profit Conference, Manhattan, KS, August 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “KSU Cooperative Financial Benchmarking Tool.” CoBank, Wichita, KS, November 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Macroeconomic and Interest Rate Outlook.” Ag Lenders Conference, Manhattan, KS, October 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Macroeconomic and Interest Rate Outlook.” Ag Lenders Conference, Garden City, KS, October 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Macroeconomic and Interest Rate Outlook.” Schools of Banking, Grand Island, NE, October 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Macroeconomics for Bankers.” Schools of Banking, Grand Island, NE, October 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Nonqualified Distributions.” Board Meeting, Farmers Cooperative Elevator Company, Halstead, KS, February 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Patronage Income Distribution Policy.” Emerging Leaders: Building a Cooperative Finance Foundation, Manhattan, KS, July 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Starting a Snack Co-op” Kansas Cooperative Council Youth Leadership Institute, Rock Springs 4-H Camp, KS, July 2019</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “The Evolving and Consolidating Kansas Farmer Cooperative Landscape.” Strategic Planning Meeting, Concordia, KS, April 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “The Importance of Cash Flow.” Emerging Leaders: Building a Cooperative Finance Foundation, Manhattan, KS, July 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “The Importance of Profitability” Syngenta Agribusiness Accelerator Program, Washington DC, June 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “The Role of Cooperatives in a Changing Landscape.” Producer Meeting, Farmers Grain Company, Caldwell, KS, February 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “Thinking Like a CFO.” Emerging Leaders: Building a Cooperative Finance Foundation, Manhattan, KS, July 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “What is a Co-op?” Ag Day, Skyland Grain, Pratt, KS, March 2019.</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “What is a Co-op?” Co-ops 101 for Cooperative Interns, Kansas Cooperative Council, Topeka, KS, May 2019</li><br /> <li>Briggeman, B.C. “What is a Co-op?” Kansas Cooperative Council Youth Leadership Institute, Rock Springs 4-H Camp, KS, July 2019</li><br /> <li>Elliott, L. M., Elliott, M. S., Options/Hedges/Contracts: Managing Revenue Risk,” First Dakota- Agrivision Beginning Farmer Program-Session II, Brookings, SD, United States. (June 14, 2019)</li><br /> <li>Elliott, M. and Elliott, L., Ag Dialogues, “Prevented Planting\MFP Impacts to SD Grain Crop Value,” Sioux Falls, SD, United States. (August 20, 2019).</li><br /> <li>Elliott, M. and Elliott, L., American Agricultural Economic Association Annual Meeting, “Using Data Analytics and Decision Tools for Agribusiness and Extension Education,” Atlanta, GA, United States. (July 23<sup>rd</sup>, 2019). Available at: <a href="https://works.bepress.com/matthew-elliott/8/">https://works.bepress.com/matthew-elliott/8/</a></li><br /> <li>Elliott, M. and Olson, F., NCERA-210, "Determinants of Risk to Northern Plains Grain Cooperatives," Saint Paul, MN, United States. (November 6, 2019). Available at: <a href="https://works.bepress.com/matthew-elliott/17/">https://works.bepress.com/matthew-elliott/17/</a></li><br /> <li>Elliott, M. S., Elliott, L., South Dakota Agronomy Conference, "South Dakota Crop Production, Marketing Outlook, and Trade Impacts," South Dakota Agribusiness Association, Sioux Falls, SD, United States. (December 12, 2018).</li><br /> <li>Elliott, M. S., Elliott, L., South Dakota Crop Insurance Conference, "The Economic Impact of Trade Issues faced by Agriculture," South Dakota Crop Insurance Adjusters Association, Club 71 Brookings, SD, United States. (September 17, 2019).</li><br /> <li>Jacobs, K. “Creating Awareness of the Cooperative Model in Your Labor Market,” Human Resources / Accountants Spring Conference, Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives, West Des Moines, May 9, 2019.</li><br /> <li>Jacobs, K. “State of Iowa’s Farm Economy,” Mid-Year Outlook – Plans, Priorities and Expectations in the Public and Private Marketplace, Gilbert & Cook, West Des Moines, July 18, 2019.</li><br /> <li>Jacobs, K. and Gregory McKee, together with CoBank and the Iowa Institute for Cooperatives, conducted the Director Certification Program workshop over 4 days to 77 participants. Topics include the cooperative business model, co-op history, legal, board governance responsibilities, strategy and planning, and finance (January 2019).</li><br /> <li>Jacobs, K. and Gregory McKee, together with CoBank and the Nebraska Cooperative Council, conducted the Director Certification Program workshop over 2 days to 51 participants (January 2019). Topics include the cooperative business model, co-op history, legal, board governance responsibilities, strategy and planning, and finance.</li><br /> <li>Jacobs, K., conducted a faculty training session for Iowa State University’s Executive MBA Faculty. Topics include management, finance, and governance of cooperatives (April 2019).</li><br /> <li>Jacobs, K., presented at the Iowa Institute for Cooperatives’ Annual Cooperative Intern Day to 84 cooperative summer interns and new employees (June 2019).</li><br /> <li>Jacobs, K., together with CoBank and the Nebraska Cooperative Council, conducted Graduate Director Seminar (February 2019) on advanced strategic financial management.</li><br /> <li>Jacobs, K., together with the Iowa Institute for Cooperatives, conducted the Board Officer Workshop to 42 cooperative board members (July 2019).</li><br /> <li>Kenkel P., G. McKee, M. Boland and K. Jacobs, “The New Role of Agricultural Cooperatives in Pooling and Distributing Tax Deductions” selected paper, NCERA-210 2019 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis MN 11-6-2019</li><br /> <li>Kenkel, P. California Center for Cooperative Development, Sacramento, January 31, 2019, presentations on Board Alignment and Board Evaluation</li><br /> <li>Kenkel, P. (Presenter), G. McKee, M. Boland, and K. Jacobs. “The New Role of Agricultural Cooperatives in Pooling and Distributing Tax Deductions.” Selected paper, NCERA-210 Annual Conference, St. Paul, Minnesota, November 6, 2019.</li><br /> <li>Kenkel, P. (Presenter), K. Jacobs, G. McKee, M. Boland, B. Briggeman, and J. Park. “Constructing Representative Cooperatives for Policy Analysis and Stakeholder Education.” Selected paper, NCERA-210 Annual Conference, St. Paul, Minnesota, November 6, 2019.</li><br /> <li>Kenkel, P. “Impact of Tax Reform on Agricultural Cooperatives”, January 16, 2019, attendance 180</li><br /> <li>Kenkel, P. K. Jacobs, G. McKee, M. Boland, B. Briggeman and J. Park, “Constructing Representative Cooperatives for Policy Analysis and Stakeholder Education, selected paper, NCERA-210 2019 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis MN 11-6-2019</li><br /> <li>Kenkel, P. Mid America Cooperative Council, Ag Credit, Fostoria, OH, August 6, 2019, presentations on governance structure, and Director Recruitment and Nomination.</li><br /> <li>Kenkel, P. R. Holcomb and M. Carvalho, “Feasibility of Feral Hog Trapping Cooperatives” selected paper, Southern Agricultural Economics 2019 Annual Meeting, Birmingham Alabama, February 2-5, 2019 https://ageconsearch.umn.edu › record › files › Contribution_178_final</li><br /> <li>Kenkel, P., D. Gardiner, M. Boland, and K. Jacobs. “Impact of Tax Reform and Section 199A on Agricultural Cooperatives and Members.” NCERA-210 Research Committee and eXtension Cooperatives Community of Practice Webinar, January 16, 2019. http://dasnr.adobeconnect.com/pq0l25qjy6fv/</li><br /> <li>Kenkel, P., Growmark Grain Division Manager Meeting, Normal IL March 27, 2019, presenation “Impacts of Section 199A and Profit Distribution on Representative Grain and Farm Supply Cooperatives”</li><br /> <li>Kenkel, P., M. Boland, K. Jacobs, G. McKee, B. Briggeman and J. Park, “Sustainable Growth Rate for Agricultural Cooperatives” February 27, 2019, attendance 25</li><br /> <li>Mckee, G., J. Parsons and P. Kenkel, “Livestock Marketing Cooperatives Benefits in the 21st Century”, selected paper, NCERA-210 2019 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis MN 11-6-2019</li><br /> <li>Park, J., “Approaching Education Through the Cooperative Business Model” NSAC Texas Chapter, Cooperative Conference for Accountants, Bookkeepers, and Controllers, Lubbock, TX, September 26, 2019.</li><br /> <li>Park, J., “Communicating Value Proposition” TACC Director Development Program, Amarillo, TX, February 4, 2019.</li><br /> <li>Park, J., “Communicating Value Proposition” TACC Director Development Program, Lubbock, TX, February 7, 2019.</li><br /> <li>Park, J., “Customer Service Workshop” United Agricultural Cooperative, El Campo, TX, November 11, 2019.</li><br /> <li>Park, J., “Disruptions Impacting Co-op Board Governance” TACC South Texas Board Chair Conference (with Mike Boland, University of Minnesota), October 31, 2019.</li><br /> <li>Park, J., “How to Start a Cooperative” Comanche area pecan growers meeting, Comanche, TX, March 20, 2019.</li><br /> <li>Park, J., “Managing the Manager” Panel Discussion, TACC Cooperative Board Chair Conference, Ruidoso, NM, July 25, 2019.</li><br /> <li>Park, J., “My Expectations of a Co-op Director” Panel Discussion, TACC South Texas Board Chair Conference, Corpus Christi, TX, October 30, 2019.</li><br /> <li>Park, J., “Personal Communication: Reducing Friction, Improving Relations” Plains Cotton Cooperative Association Agent Training, Corpus Christi, TX, June 6, 2019.</li><br /> <li>Park, J., “Prisoners Dilemma – Finding the Shared Reality” TACC Director Development Program, Amarillo, TX, February 4, 2019.</li><br /> <li>Park, J., “Starting a Business: Structures and Key Considerations” <em>The Key to Cooperatives</em>, Webinar for AgriLogic Consulting, May 30, 2019.</li><br /> <li>Park, J., “Telling the Whole Story: Economic Contributions and Cotton Cooperatives.” Southern Rural Development Center Webinar (with Rebekka Dudensing, TAMU) June 18, 2019.</li><br /> <li>Park, J., “The Economic Theory of Firm Objectives and Pursuit of the Value Proposition” NSAC Texas Chapter Meeting, Fredericksburg, TX, February 28, 2019.</li><br /> <li>Park, J., “The Most Asked Questions about the Farmer-Owned Business Model” Panel Discussion, TACC Academy of Cooperative Excellence, San Antonio, TX, January 26, 2019.</li><br /> <li>Park, J., “What Do You Value Most About Your Board President?” Panel Discussion, TACC South Texas Board Chair Conference, Corpus Christi, TX, October 30, 2019.</li><br /> <li>Park, J., “What if One of the Ag Businesses You Rely on in Your Community Went Away?” TACC Academy of Cooperative Excellence, (with Tommy Engelke, TACC), San Antonio, TX, January 25, 2019.</li><br /> <li>Park, J., “What it Takes to be a Competitive Producer” TACC Academy of Cooperative Excellence, San Antonio, TX, January 25, 2019.</li><br /> <li>Park, J., “What’s in Your Toolbox? Building a Better Board of Directors” TACC Cooperative Managers Conference, Ruidoso, NM, (with Diane Friend, TAMU) July 11, 2019.</li><br /> <li>Park, J., “What’s in Your Toolbox? Building a Better Board of Directors” TACC Cooperative Board Chair Conference, Ruidoso, NM, (with Diane Friend, TAMU) July 25, 2019.</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p> </p>Publications
<ul><br /> <li>Bhuyan, S., 2018. "Assessing Organizational Effectiveness of Member-owned Enterprises in the northeast United States." Management Today: An Int. Jr. of Management Studies, 8(2):159-168.</li><br /> <li>Boland, M. (2019). Governance in Agricultural Cooperatives. <em>Western Economic Forum, 17</em>(2), 42-51. <a href="http://www.execinc.com/hosted/emails/waea/file/WEF17.2.pdf">http://www.execinc.com/hosted/emails/waea/file/WEF17.2.pdf</a></li><br /> <li>Hanson, E. D., & Boland, M. A. (2019). Occupational Health and Safety Issues at Agribusiness Retailers. <em>Applied Economics Teaching Resources, 1</em>(1), 52-59. </li><br /> <li>Kenkel, P., McKee, G., Boland, M., & Jacobs, K. (2019). The New Role of Agricultural Cooperatives in Pooling and Distributing Tax Deductions. <em>Western Economic Forum, 2</em>, 16-23. <a href="http://www.execinc.com/hosted/emails/waea/file/WEF17.2.pdf">http://www.execinc.com/hosted/emails/waea/file/WEF17.2.pdf</a></li><br /> <li>McKee, G. J. Parsons and P. Kenkel, “Livestock Marketing Cooperative Benefits in the 21st Century” Western Economic Forum, Fall 2019</li><br /> <li>Park, J., D. Friend, G. McKee, M. Manley. “A Framework for Training and Assessment of the 21<sup>st</sup> Century Cooperative.” <em>Western Economics Forum</em>, Western Agricultural Economics Association, Vol. 17(2).</li><br /> </ul>Impact Statements
- A group of university cooperative scholars and educators met for a two-day retreat at the University of Wyoming in May 2019 to follow up on a request for reviewing strategic director and cooperative education programs. There is broad interest from the group in moving forward with new ideas for training and education programs. The group identified several keys to success of advanced cooperative director training: i. No university, state cooperative council, or organization should ‘own’ a director training program. It should be collectively owned by those developing and participating in the programs, and broad participation from academics, industry, and state councils is desirable. ii. Any director training program developed should seek to incorporate existing state cooperative council, university, and industry programs. iii. A variety of teaching methods, delivery modes, and voices are needed, including private YouTube channels and in-person workshops. iv. A curriculum approach is preferred. v. Participants should be required to demonstrate their understanding of information (e.g., via short assessments) to progress in the curriculum. vi. Certificates of completion are given for those demonstrating competency. vii. A self-certifying non-profit organization is an efficient business structure for this purpose. viii. The group believes it made most sense to begin with a target market of farm supply / grain and oilseed marketing cooperatives. ix. An advisory committee of cooperative directors, employees, and state council representatives should provide input into the curriculum. x. Directors applying to the program will demonstrate success in Co-op 101 programs (duties of directors, etc.) through prior attendance in state cooperative council, university, or similar programs. xi. Having the right instructors is critical and that likely means bringing in individuals outside academia and using talent within cooperatives. xii. Ideally, it should utilize existing industry structures such as NCFC to begin the process. xiii. Workshops should be well coordinated and advertised in advance and offered annually at 2- 3 locations. xiv. Mike Boland is the person to lead on this from the academic side. He has the deepest contacts among state cooperative councils and cooperatives. Faculty who have expressed an interest in the program (helping with the foundational coursework and class; serving as advisors, etc.) : Michael Boland (University of Minnesota); Brian Briggeman (Kansas State University); Matthew Elliott (South Dakota State University); Keri Jacobs (Iowa State University); Phil Kenkel (Oklahoma State University); Chris Kopka; Greg McKee (University of Nebraska); Frayne Olson (North Dakota State University); John Park (Texas A&M University); Will Secor (University of Georgia). A similar retreat is being planned for the week of June 1, 2020 in Denver, Colorado.
Date of Annual Report: 02/16/2021
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2020 - 12/31/2020
Matthew Elliott - South Dakota State UniversityFrayne Olson - North Dakota State University
Brian Briggeman - Kansas State University
Phil Kenkel - Oklahoma State University
Michael Boland - University of Minnesota
Todd Schmidt - Cornell University
Roberta Severson - Cornell University
Justin Gardner - Middle Tennessee State University
Keri Jacobs - Iowa State University
John Park - Texas A&M University
James White - University of Wisconsin - River Falls
Megan Webster - University of Wisconsin - Madison
Greg McKee - Brigham Young University - Idaho
Maria Boergnen - Illinois State University
Thom Worley - Ohio State University
William Secor - University of Georga
Kristi Schweiss - North Dakota State University
William Nelson - Ralph Morris Foundation
Brief Summary of Minutes
Minutes of NCERA-210 Annual Business Meeting
November 4, 2020
Meeting Conducted Online
Matthew Elliot, NCERA-210 Chair, presiding.
Matt Elliott called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.
The group provided an update of current activities. These activities include:
- Secor: research on bankruptcy and section 199
- Worley: USDA Rural Development application for WV, OH on rural broadband and wood products
- Nelson: conducting a review of UWCC, looking for ways to help fund initiatives
- Park: teaching impacted by pandemic, 50th anniversary of Roy B. Davis Chair at TA&M, UT Coop Development Center in the Rio Grande Valley and Austin
- UWCC: hosting the Farmers’ Cooperative Conference
- Schmit: research, AFRI grant, working with students on group projects specifically “Grand Challenges”
- Severson: paper on economic development and impact of cooperatives
- Schweiss: teaching a coop class, assembled a brochure, a number of “little things”
- Kenkel: 3 research projects (cotton warehouses, cooperative taxes and equity, cooperative alliances), Coop Council work on soft skills
- Kopka/Boland: coop video
- Cook: how can we bring this to market, ability to add/subtract modules, send links
- Nelson: governance, how can Ralph Morris Foundation help?
- Product-centric launch
- Coop Councils for distribution
- Not grant dependent,
- Boland: think of audience, how drive adoption
- Briggeman: skills gap analysis for direction
- What is it a director needs to be able to do? Are they getting better?
- Overlap with FCS?
- Park: student’s dissertation
- Elliott: cooperative risk, Ag leadership group
- White: teaching cooperative classes, rural broadband initiative with Cooperative Network and other groups in WI
Matt Elliott provided the Chairperson’s report:
- With Brent Hueth’s departure to ERS, we need a new Treasurer. Kenkel moved to appoint Megan Webster to this position, Park seconded. Motion passed unanimously
- The group discussed track sessions for the next AAEA meeting, specifically on the topic of risk management. The group also discussed whether we should continue to work with the lightning round format at AAEA and whether the videos were on the website.
- Olson moved the date and location for the next NCERA-210 annual meeting be coordinated with the 2021 Farmer Cooperatives Conference, Cook seconded. Motion passed unanimously
- The NCERA-210 Administrative Advisor, Dr. Allen Featherstone, has submitted a written report. The committee report has been submitted and Dr. Featherstone encouraged all committee members to document the output and potential impact of our research efforts.
Megan Webster provided the Treasurer’s Report:
- The NCERA-210 section has a surplus of approximately $4,100.00.
- Matthew Elliott will work with William Nelson on poster sessions for future section meetings.
Phil Kenkel provided a report on the Journal of Cooperatives:
- There is currently a theme issue under development, otherwise things are going well.
- Kenkel encouraged members to submit articles.
- Boland inquired whether the Journal of Cooperatives should be listed in the Social Science Information (SSI) and Scopus journal ranking systems to increase the impact factor for the journal.
- Regarding eXtension, this effort is “in remission” given the pandemic and has no new contect. Park and Gardner volunteered to help generate new content. Nelson suggested including a broader array of factors.
Justin Gardner was nominated to be the incoming Secretary and executive committee member. Olson moved that nominations cease, and a unanimous ballot be cast for Justin Gardner. Briggeman seconded the motion. Motion passed.
The 2021 NCERA-210 officers will be
- Frayne Olson – Chair
- James White– Vice-Chair
- Justin Gardner – Secretary
- Megan Webster – Treasurer
Meeting was adjourned at 2:52 p.m..
James M. White - Secretary
<p>The members of the NCERA-210 committee have been working for several years to delveop and deliver a virtual cooperative director training program. Dr. Michael Boland and Dr. Keri Jacobs have been leading this effort. Eleven comittee members, along with one industry contributer, are nearing the completion of the program curriculum and material development. The program will be available nation wide in 2021. This effort combined applied research results with the collective classroom and extension experience of the NCERA-210 committee members to prioritize and create the training materials. Multiple virtual meetings were held to discuss anc coordinate activities.</p><br /> <p>During the NCERA-210 meeting, the results from seven ongoing reserach efforts were presented and discussed.</p><br /> <p>Below is a list of professional conference presentations, book chapters, digital media products and extension/outreach activities during 2020 conducted by NCERA-210 committee members:</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Book Chapters:</p><br /> <p>Boland, M. A. (2020). Fiduciary Duties of Directors Part 1. <em>New Director Training Workbook </em>(pp. 92-99). [Accepted: December, 2020]</p><br /> <p>Boland, M. A. (2020). Fiduciary Duties of Directors Part 2. <em>New Director Training Workbook </em>(pp. 100-106). [Accepted: December, 2020]</p><br /> <p>Boland, M. A. (2020). Income or Profit Distribution. <em>New Director Training Workbook </em>(pp. 77-84). [Accepted: December, 2020]</p><br /> <p>Friend, D. and J.L. Park. 2020. “Developing New Directors for Effective Governance.” Chapter in: <em>New Director Training Workbook, </em>Edited by M.A. Boland and C. L. Kopka. Lulu.com Publishing, pp. 113-116.</p><br /> <p>Park, J.L. and D. Friend. 2020. “Strategic Thinking, Part Two.” Chapter in: <em>New Director Training Workbook, </em>Edited by M.A. Boland and C. L. Kopka. Lulu.com Publishing, pp. 124-131.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Digital Media:</p><br /> <p>Boland, M. A. (2020). Fiduciary Duties of Directors Part 1. <em>New Cooperative Director Foundations Program</em>. <a href="https://cacdd.thinkific.com/courses/copy-of-foundations-new-agricultural-cooperative-director-training%5b">https://cacdd.thinkific.com/courses/copy-of-foundations-new-agricultural-cooperative-director-training[</a> Accepted: December, 2020]</p><br /> <p>Boland, M. A. (2020). Income or Profit Distribution. <em>New Cooperative Director Foundations Program</em>. <a href="https://cacdd.thinkific.com/courses/copy-of-foundations-new-agricultural-cooperative-director-training">https://cacdd.thinkific.com/courses/copy-of-foundations-new-agricultural-cooperative-director-training[</a> Accepted: December, 2020]</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Digital Media Producer:</p><br /> <p>Boland, M. A. (2020). Fiduciary Duties of Directors Part 2. <em>New Cooperative Director Foundations Program</em>. <a href="https://cacdd.thinkific.com/courses/copy-of-foundations-new-agricultural-cooperative-director-training">https://cacdd.thinkific.com/courses/copy-of-foundations-new-agricultural-cooperative-director-training[</a> Accepted: December, 2020]</p><br /> <h3><em> </em></h3><br /> <p>(2020). In M. A. Boland & C. L. Kopka (Eds.), <em>New Cooperative Director Foundations Program</em>. <a href="https://cacdd.thinkific.com/courses/copy-of-foundations-new-agricultural-cooperative-director-training">https://cacdd.thinkific.com/courses/copy-of-foundations-new-agricultural-cooperative-director-training.</a> [Accepted: December, 2020]</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Book Editor:</p><br /> <p>(2020). In M. A. Boland & C. L. Kopa (Eds.), <em>New Director Training Workbook</em>. [Accepted: December, 2020]</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Extension/Outreach Activities:</p><br /> <p>Briggeman, B.C. and G. Mashange. “Rising Equity and Retained Earnings for U.S. Farmer Cooperatives.” <em>ACCC Fact Sheet Series</em>, December 2020.</p><br /> <p>Briggeman, B.C. “Agricultural and Interest Rate Outlook: What it Means for Co-ops.” MACC Webinar, virtual meeting, November 2020.</p><br /> <p>Briggeman, B.C. “Understanding Equity Options.” Kansas Cooperative Council Board Chair School, Dodge City, KS, November 2020.</p><br /> <p>Briggeman, B.C. “Financial Outlook for Farmer Cooperatives.” GROWMARK Emerging Leaders Program, West Lafayette, IN, November 2020.</p><br /> <p>Briggeman, B.C. “Agricultural Credit Markets in the United States.” Ukrainian Farmland Reform Summit, virtualpresentation, October 2020.</p><br /> <p>Briggeman, B.C. “Macroeconomic and Interest Rate Outlook.” Ag Lenders Conference, Salina, KS, September 2020.</p><br /> <p>Briggeman, B.C. “DuPont Profitability Model.” Syngenta Agribusiness Accelerator Program, virtual presentation, September 2020.</p><br /> <p>Briggeman, B.C. “Financial Drivers for U.S. Agriculture.” Syngenta Agribusiness Accelerator Program, virtual presentation, September 2020.</p><br /> <p>Briggeman, B.C. “Question and Answer Discussion on the Macroeconomy.” Risk and Profit Virtual Conference. August 2020.</p><br /> <p>Briggeman, B.C. “Macroeconomy, Interest Rates, and Future Inflation.” Risk and Profit Virtual Conference. August 2020.</p><br /> <p>Briggeman, B.C. “Patronage and Equity.” Key Cooperative’s Strategic Planning Session. Grinnell, IA. July 2020.</p><br /> <p>Briggeman, B.C. “Co-ops 101 for Employees.” Kansas Cooperative Council’s Co-op Academy. Wichita, KS. July 2020.</p><br /> <p>Briggeman, B.C. “Are Farmer Cooperatives Transitioning from Cost Minimizers to Profit Maximizers?” Texas Agricultural Cooperative Council’s Lunch and Learn Virtual Program. July 2020.</p><br /> <p>Briggeman, B.C. “Methods for Distributing Income in a Grain Alliance.” CoMark Equity Alliance. Virtual Meeting. June 2020.</p><br /> <p>Briggeman, B.C. “Co-ops 101 for Cooperative Interns.” Kansas Cooperative Council. Virtual Meeting. May 2020.</p><br /> <p>Briggeman, B.C. “U.S. Agriculture Outlook.” ABSA Group Limited in South Africa. Virtual Meeting. May 2020.</p><br /> <p>Briggeman, B.C. “Equity Management Options.” Board Meeting with Cooperative Grain and Supply – Bazine, Kansas. Virtual meeting. April 2020.</p><br /> <p>Briggeman, B.C. “Virtual Roundtable on the Small Business Administration (SBA) Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).” Online Video available on <a href="http://www.agmanager.info">www.agmanager.info</a>, April 2020.</p><br /> <p>Briggeman, B.C. “Economics of Agriculture During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Series of Online Gatherings – Government Stimulus Programs for Ag Producers and Co-ops.” Online Video available on <a href="http://www.agmanager.info">www.agmanager.info</a>, April 2020.</p><br /> <p>Briggeman, B.C. “Economics of Agriculture During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Series of Online Gatherings – Macroeconomic Update.” Online Video available on <a href="http://www.agmanager.info">www.agmanager.info</a>, March 2020.</p><br /> <p>Briggeman, B.C. “KSU Cooperative Benchmarking Tool – Garden City Cooperative.” Garden City Cooperative Board of Directors virtual meeting, Garden City, KS, March 2020.</p><br /> <p>Briggeman, B.C. “Federal Reserve’s Response to COVID-19 and Implications for Agriculture.” Online Video available on <a href="http://www.agmanager.info">www.agmanager.info</a>, March 2020.</p><br /> <p>Briggeman, B.C. “Introduction to the Cooperative Model.” Cooperative Academy: Merchandising, Kansas Cooperative Council, Manhattan, KS, February 2020.</p><br /> <p>Briggeman, B.C. “Value of Cooperatives.” MKC Emerging Producer Program, Manhattan, KS, January 2020.</p><br /> <p>Briggeman, B.C. “KSU Cooperative Financial Benchmarking Tool – Sublette Cooperative.” Sublette Cooperative Strategic Planning Meeting, Wichita, KS, January 2020.</p><br /> <p>Briggeman, B.C. “KSU Cooperative Financial Benchmarking Tool for CoBank Relationship Managers.” CoBank GFS COE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, January 2020.</p><br /> <p>Briggeman, B.C. “Kansas Cooperative Landscape and KSU Cooperative Financial Benchmarking Tool – Alliance Ag.” Alliance Ag & Grain Strategic Planning Meeting, Mulvane, KS, January 2020.</p><br /> <p>Briggeman, B.C. “Kansas Cooperative Landscape and KSU Cooperative Financial Benchmarking Tool – Skyland Cooperative.” Skyland Grain, LLC Strategic Planning Meeting, Manhattan, KS, January 2020.</p><br /> <p>Jacobs, K. “Cooperatives: The Workhorse of Agriculture and Champion of Capitalist Economies.” Land O’Lakes Global Food Challenge Internship Workshop. June 29, 2020.</p><br /> <p>Jacobs, K. “Thoughts on Growth and Co-op Culture Development.” Cooperative Lunch and Learn, Texas A&M University. June 18, 2020.</p><br /> <p>Jacobs, K. “Leadership Challenges Unique to Ag Co-ops.” Executive MBA Leadership Speaker Series, Ivy College of Business, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. March 27, 2020.</p><br /> <p>Jacobs, K. “Board Principles and Practices.” 21st Century Cooperative Board Retreat, Omaha, Nebraska. January 31, 2020.</p><br /> <p>Jacobs, K. “Cooperative Foundations.” Co-op Intern and New Employee Webinar, Summer 2020 Cooperatives Course, Iowa Institute for Cooperatives. May 26, 2020.</p><br /> <p>Jacobs, K. <em>Annual Board Training Workshops in Iowa, Nebraska, and Minnesota </em>“Co-op Board Strategic Engagement During Challenging Economic Conditions.” Minnesota Grain and Feed Association Annual Convention, Bloomington, Minnesota. March 4, 2020.</p><br /> <p>Jacobs, K. “Cooperative Financial Statements and Analysis.” Phase 3, Director Certification Program, Iowa Institute for Cooperatives, Cedar Falls, Iowa. January 24, 2020.</p><br /> <p>Jacobs, K. “Co-op 101: Organizational Structure, History, and Director Responsibilities and Roles.” Phase 1, Director Certification Program, Iowa Institute for Cooperatives, Storm Lake, Iowa. January 21, 2020.</p><br /> <p>Jacobs, K. “Board Leadership and Strategic Planning.” Phase 2, Director Certification Program, Nebraska Cooperative Council, Kearney, Nebraska. January 8, 2020.</p><br /> <p>Jacobs, K. “Cooperative Financial Statements and Analysis.” Phase 3, Director Certification Program, Nebraska Cooperative Council, Kearney, Nebraska. January 7, 2020.</p><br /> <p>Park, J.L. and D. Friend. “Developing Your Cooperative Strategy.” <em>Cooperative Management Letter</em>, Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, CML 20-02, November 2020.</p><br /> <p>Park, J.L. and D. Friend. “Resilient by Design.” <em>Cooperative Management Letter</em>, Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, CML 20-01, July 2020.</p><br /> <p>Schmit, T.M. 2020. “<a href="https://hoards.com/article-27036-what-do-farmers-think-about-milk-pricing.html">What do farmers think about milk pricing</a>?” <em>Hoards Dairyman Intel</em>, 20 January.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Conferences – University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives:</p><br /> <p>Farmer Cooperatives Conference, November 5-6, 2020. Offered virtually, the Farmer Cooperatives Conference hosted 170 farmer cooperative leadership to explore current issues that will share the future of farmer-owned cooperatives</p><br /> <p>Consumer Cooperative Management Association Conference, June 8-12, 2020. Offered virtually due to the pandemic, CCMA 2020 was the largest gathering of grocery cooperative leaders with 822 attendees from 95 cooperatives across the U.S. and Canada.</p><br /> <p>Cooperative Director Forums – UWCC staff pivoted to virtual events for our cooperative director education with 270 attendees over the five sessions.</p><br /> <p>MOSES Conference - In February 2020, the Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service (MOSES) invited UWCC staff to present both a full-day “Organic University” course and a shorter workshop on starting producer-owned cooperatives as part of their national Organic Farming Conference (OFC) in La Crosse, WI.</p><br /> <p>Employee Ownership Roadshow -UWCC partnered with Cooperative Development Services and University of Minnesota Extension to promote employee ownership as a business and job retention strategy. In March, the project team delivered the curriculum in an 8-stop “roadshow” to over 100 attendees in eastern Minnesota and western Wisconsin. The group followed up with a webinar in August that had 70 attendees.</p>Publications
<p>Research – Peer Reviewed - Accepted</p><br /> <p>Boland, M.A., Briggeman, B.C., Jacobs, K., Kenkel, P., McKee, G. and Park, J.L. (2021), Research Priorities for Agricultural Cooperatives and their Farmer‐Members. <em>Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy</em>. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1002/aepp.13068">https://doi.org/10.1002/aepp.13068</a></p><br /> <p>Clymer, A.C., B.C. Briggeman, and J.C. Leatherman. “Estimating the Value of Local Ownership to a State’s Economy: The Case of Kansas Farmer Cooperatives.” <em>Journal of Cooperatives</em> 35(2020): 1-39.</p><br /> <p>Grashuis, Jasper, and Jason Franken. Exit strategies of farmer co-peratives in the United States: A competing risks analysis. Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management. December 2020.</p><br /> <p>Hanson, E. D., & Boland, M. A. (2020). Safety Climate at Agribusiness Cooperative Retailers. <em>Journal of Safety Research</em>. [Accepted: September, 2020] </p><br /> <p>McKee, G., K. Jacobs, and A. Kagan. 2020. “Trade Credit Use in Agricultural Cooperatives: Pricing and Firm Performance.” <em>Journal of Cooperatives</em> 35:74-101.</p><br /> <p>Munch, D.M., T.M. Schmit, and R.M. Severson. 2020. A descriptive analysis of milk pricing attribute values for cooperative & independent milk handlers in New York State. Journal of Cooperatives 35:40-73.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Research – Peer Articles – Under Review or Submission:</p><br /> <p>Mashange, G., A.M. Featherstone, and B.C. Briggeman. “Credit Rating Transitions of Farmer Cooperatives.” Being prepared for submission to <em>American Journal of Agricultural Economics</em>.</p><br /> <p>Munch, D.M., T.M. Schmit, & R.M. Severson. <a href="https://dyson.cornell.edu/faculty-research/working-papers/">Assessing the value of cooperative membership: A case of dairy marketing in the United States</a>. Under Review (1<sup>st</sup> Revision Under Review): <em>Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management.</em> January 2021.</p><br /> <p>Newman, C., B.C. Briggeman and J. Bergtold. “The Economic Value of Trust.” Being prepared for submission to <em>American Journal of Agricultural Economics.</em></p><br /> <p>Regmi, M., B.C. Briggeman, and A.M. Featherstone. “Effects of Crop Insurance on Farm Input Use: Evidence from Kansas Farm Data.” Being prepared for submission to<em> Agricultural Economics</em>.</p><br /> <p>Schmit, T.M. & R.M. Severson. Exploring the feasibility of rural broadband cooperatives in the United States: the new New Deal? Under Review (1<sup>st</sup> Revision Under Review), <em>Telecommunications Policy</em>, December 2020.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Research – Professional Conference Presentations:</p><br /> <p>Kashyap, D. & Bhuyan, S. 2020. "Member Participation and Satisfaction in Agricultural Cooperatives: A Pilot Study of the Largest Dairy Cooperative in Northeast India." Poster accepted for presentation at the 2020 AAEA annual meetings, Kansas City, MO, July 26-28. </p><br /> <p>Bhuyan, S. 2020. "Importance of organizational effectiveness (OE) in cooperative enterprises." Invited paper, the New Agriculture-New Cooperatives: Toward a new paradigm of collaborations for the New Generation, 28th Agrotica, Thessaloniki, Greece, Jan 31, 2020.</p><br /> <p>Secor, W. and Boland, M. A. NCERA 210 research on Cooperatives, "Section 199 and Agribusiness Investment Decisions." (November 4, 2020).</p><br /> <p>Boland, M. A. Cooperative Education Workshop Webinar, "Current Issues in Agricultural Cooperatives," Texas A&M Agrilife, College Station, Texas, United States. (August 22, 2020).</p><br /> <p>Boland, M. A. Texas A&M Agrilife Cooperative Education Workshop, "UMN Director Leadership Workshop: Current Governance Topics," Texas A&M Agrilife / Texas Agricultural Cooperative Council, Amarillo, Texas. (February 2, 2020).</p><br /> <p>Boland, M. A. UMN Director Leadership Workshop, "Ethical Disclosures and Conflicts of Interest," UMN and Cooperative Network, Mankato, Minnesota, United States. (January 9, 2020).</p><br /> <p>Boland, M. A<strong>. </strong>, UMN Director Leadership Workshop, "Audit Committee Functions," UMN and Cooperative Network and CoBank, Mankato, Minnesota, United States. (January 8, 2020).</p><br /> <p>Schmit, T.M. 2020. Assessing the Value of Agricultural Cooperative Ownership. Farmer Cooperatives Conference. 05 November 2020.</p><br /> <p>Schmit, T.M. 2020. Assessing the Value of Agricultural Cooperative Ownership. Selected Paper, NCERA-210 Annual Meeting, 04 November 2020. <em>Cornell’s Cooperative Enterprise Program,</em> NECC Annual Leaders Forum, Northeast Cooperative Council, Syracuse, NY, 27 February 2020.</p><br /> <p>Schmit, T.M. & R.M. Severson. Exploring the feasibility of rural broadband cooperatives in the United States: the new New Deal? Under Review (1<sup>st</sup> Revision Under Review), <em>Telecommunications Policy</em>, December 2020.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Master of Science Thesis:</p><br /> <p>Munch, D.M. 2020. Assessing the value of agricultural cooperative membership: A case of dairy marketing in the United States. M.S. Thesis, Cornell University.</p>Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 12/13/2022
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2021 - 12/31/2021
Matthew Elliott - South Dakota State UniversityFrayne Olson - North Dakota State University
Brian Briggeman - Kansas State University
Phil Kenkel - Oklahoma State University
Michael Boland - University of Minnesota
Todd Schmidt - Cornell University
Roberta Severson - Cornell University
Justin Gardner - Middle Tennessee State University
Keri Jacobs - Iowa State University
John Park - Texas A&M University
James White - University of Wisconsin - River Falls
Megan Webster - University of Wisconsin - Madison
Greg McKee - Brigham Young University - Idaho
Maria Boergnen - Illinois State University
Thom Worley - Ohio State University
William Secor - University of Georga
Kristi Schweiss - North Dakota State University
William Nelson - Ralph Morris Foundation
Brief Summary of Minutes
Please see attached file for NCERA210's meeting minutes from 2021.
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 12/13/2022
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2022 - 12/31/2022
Brief Summary of Minutes
Please see file below for NCERA210's 2022 meeting minutes.