NC_old213: Marketing and Delivery of Quality Grains and BioProcess Coproducts
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Objective 1 Publications
Sekhon J. K., K. A. Rosentrater, S. Jung, and T. Wang. 2018. Effect of co-products of enzyme-assisted aqueous extraction of soybeans, enzymes, and surfactant on oil recovery from integrated corn-soy fermentation. Industrial Crops and Products 121: 441-451.
Suleiman, R. and K. A. Rosentrater. 2018. Techno-economic analysis (TEA) of extruded aquafeeds. Journal of Food Research 7(5): 57-68.
Yao, H., Y. Huang, L. Tang, L. Tian, D. Bhatnagar, and T. E. Cleveland. 2018. Using Hyperspectral Data in Precision Farming Applications, Chapter 1 of Vol. IV, Advance Applications in Agricultural Crops and Natural Vegetation, in book Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Vegetation, Second Edition. Editor-in-Chief, Prasad S. Thenkabail. CRC Press.
Tao, F., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Burger, W., Rajasekaran, K., Bhatnagar, D. 2018. Recent development of optical methods in rapid and non-destructive detection of aflatoxin and fungal contamination in agricultural products. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, DOI: 10.1016/j.trac.2017.12.017. v100, 65-81.
Tao, F., Yao, H., Zhu, F., Hruska, Z., Liu, Y., Rajasekaran, K, and Bhatnagar, D. 2018. Feasibility of using visible/near-infrared (Vis/NIR) spectroscopy to detect aflatoxigenic fungus and aflatoxin contamination on corn kernels. ASABE Paper No. 1801006. St. Joseph, MI.: ASABE.
Han, D., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Ramezanpour, C., Rajasekaran, K., & Bhatnagar, D. 2018. Development of high speed dual-camera system for batch screening of aflatoxin contamination of corn using multispectral fluorescence imaging. Proceedings of SPIE, “Sensing for Agriculture and Food Quality and Safety X”, 10665-17. April 18, 2018.
Tao, F., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Liu, Y., Rajasekaran, K., & Bhatnagar, D. 2018. Rapid and non-destructive detection of aflatoxin contamination of peanut kernels using visible/near-infrared (Vis/NIR) spectroscopy. Proceedings of SPIE, “Sensing for Agriculture and Food Quality and Safety X”, 10665-18. April 18, 2018.
Poudel R, Rose DJ. 2018. Changes in enzymatic activities and functionality of whole wheat flour due to steaming of wheat kernels. Food Chemistry 263:315-320.
Full Citation: Shah, M., Eklund, B., Lima, LGC., Bergholz, T. and Hall, C. 2018. Microbial and Chemical Shelf-Life of Vacuum Steam-Pasteurized Whole Flaxseed and Milled Flaxseed. J. Food Sci. 83(2):300-308. doi: 10.1007/s11947-017-2052-7
Full Citation: Hall III, C., Bergholz, T., and Shah, M. Shelf-life of Pasteurized Flaxseed. Flax Institute of America. April 2018. Fargo, ND.
Magallanes López, A. M. (2018). Fate of deoxynivalenol during wet milling (Order No. 10974700). Available from Dissertations & Theses @ North Dakota State University. (2133955805). Retrieved from https://ezproxy.lib.ndsu.nodak.edu/login?url=https://search.proquest.com/docview/2133955805?accountid=6766
Yarbrough, D. 2018. Raman Spectroscopy: How to keep our animals and us healthy. Explorations. 10, 35-38.
Wu, T., Armstrong, P.R., Maghirang, E.B. 2018. Vis- and NIR-based instruments for detection of black-tip damaged wheat kernels: A comparative study. Transactions of the ASABE. 61(2):461-467. https://doi.org/10.13031/trans.12432. Log No. 341744
Determining damage levels in wheat caused by Sunn pest (Eurygaster integriceps) using visible and Near-Infrared spectroscopy. ARMSTRONG, PAUL R., MAGHIRANG, ELIZABETH, OZULU, MEHMET. Journal of Cereal Science, Accepted
Clohessy, J. W., Pauli, D., Kreher, K. M., Buckler V, E. S., Armstrong, P. R., Wu, T., Hoekenga, O. A., Jannink, J.-L., Sorrells, M. E., and Gore, M. A. 2018. A low-cost automated system for high-throughput phenotyping of single oat seeds. The Plant Phenome Journal In Press doi: 10.2135/tppj2018.07.0005
Manu, N., Osekre, E.A., Opit, G.P., Campbell, J.F., Arthur, F.H., Mbata, G., Armstrong, P.R., Danso, J.K. 2018. Population dynamics of stored maize insect pests in warehouses in two districts of Ghana. Journal of Stored Products Research. 76:102-110. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2018.01.001. Log No. 344434
Danso, J.K., Osekre, E.A., Manu, N., Opit, G.P., Armstrong, P.R., Arthur, F.H., Campbell, J.F., Mbata, G., McNeil, S.G. 2018. Post-harvest insect infestation and mycotoxin levels in maize markets in the Middle Belt of Ghana. Journal of Stored Products Research. 77:9-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2018.02.004. Log No. 348331
Moisture content, insect pest infestation and mycotoxin levels of maize in markets in the northern region of Ghana. (2019). N.Manu, G.P.Opit E.A.Osekre F.H.Arthur G.Mbata P.Armstrong J.K.Danso S.G.McNeill J.F.Campbell 2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2018.10.007
Tamagno, Santiago & Sadras, Victor & W. Haegele, Jason & R. Armstrong, Paul & Ciampitti, Ignacio. (2018). Interplay between nitrogen fertilizer and biological nitrogen fixation in soybean: implications on seed yield and biomass allocation. Scientific Reports. 8. 10.1038/s41598-018-35672-1.
Ortez, O & Salvagiotti, Fernando & M. Enrico, J & Prasad, P. V. Vara & Armstrong, P & Ciampitti, Ignacio. (2018). Exploring Nitrogen Limitation for Historical and Modern Soybean Genotypes. Agronomy Journal. 110. 10.2134/agronj2018.04.0271.
Objective 2 Publications
Bruce RM, Atungulu GG. 2018. Assessment of pasting characteristics of size fractionated industrial parboiled and non-parboiled broken rice. Cereal Chemistry, 95(6), 889–899. DOI: 10.1002/cche.10107
Luthra K, Sadaka S, Atungulu GG. 2018. Exploration of Rough Rice Head Yield Subjected To Drying and Retention Durations in A Fluidized Bed System. American Society of Biological and agricultural Engineers, Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 34(5):877-885. https://doi.org/10.13031/aea.12925.
Shafiekhani S, Atungulu GG. 2018. Impacts of storage temperature and rice moisture content on color characteristics of rice from fields with different disease management practices. Journal of Stored Product Research. 78 (1), 89-97. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2018.07.001.
Sadaka S, Atungulu GG. 2018. Drying of Rough Rice Using Heated Husk for Heat Transfer and Moisture Adsorption. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 34(3). 605-615. https://doi.org/10.13031/aea.12739
Sadaka S, Atungulu GG. (2018). Grain Sorghum Drying Kinetics under Isothermal Conditions Using Thermogravimetric Analyzer. BioResources, 13(1), 1534-1547.
Atungulu GG, Olatunde GA. 2018. Assessment of New In-Bin Drying and Storage Technology for Soybean Seed. Drying Technology. 36(4), 383-399. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07373937.2017.1335751.
Atungulu GG, Olatunde GA, Sadaka S. 2018. Impact of Rewetting and Drying of Rough Rice on Prediction of Moisture Content Profiles during On-Farm In-Bin Drying and Storage. Drying Technology. 36(4) 468-476. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07373937.2017.1345933.
Atungulu GG, Olatunde G, Wilson S. 2018. Engineering Methods to Reduce Aflatoxin Contamination of Corn in On-Farm Bin Drying and Storage Systems. Drying Technology. 36(8): 932-951 https://doi.org/10.1080/07373937.2017.1365726
Olatunde G. Atungulu GG. 2018. Milling behavior and microstructure of rice dried using microwave set at 915 MHz frequency. Journal of Cereal Science, 80 (2018)167-173 doi: 10.1016/j.jcs.2018.02.008.
Smith D, Atungulu GG, Sadaka S, Rogers S. 2018. Implications of Microwave Drying Using 915 MHz Frequency on Rice Physicochemical Properties. Cereal Chemistry, 95(2), 221-225 (https://doi.org/10.1002/cche.10012).
Smith D, Atungulu GG. 2018. Impact of Drying Deep Beds of Rice with Microwave Set At 915 MHz Frequency on Rice Microbial Community Responses. Cereal Chemistry, 2018(95), 130-140 (https://doi.org/10.1002/cche.10018).
Xu F, Zhang J, Wang Z, Yao Y, Atungulu GG, Ju X, Wang L. 2018. Absorption and Metabolism of Peptide WDHHAPQLR Derived from Rapeseed Protein and Inhibition of HUVECs Apoptosis under Oxidative Stress. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2018, 66, 5178−5189 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.8b01620.
Atungulu GG. 2018. Infrared Food Processing Technology: Fundamentals and Case Studies of Recent Advances in Grain Processing. In: Alternatives to Conventional Food Processing: 2nd Edition Edited by Andrew Proctor. Green Chemistry Series No. 53. The Royal Society of Chemistry; Thomas Graham House, Science Park, Milton Road Cambridge CB4 0WF, UK. Pg. 397-417.
Cheng, X., A. Vella, and M. J. Stasiewicz. 2018. Classification of aflatoxin contaminated single corn kernels by ultraviolet to near infrared spectroscopy. Food Cont. (in press, accepted Nov. 2018). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2018.11.037.
Disturbance to control insects in stored grain – Mike Sserunjogi, Tom Brumm, Dirk Maier, and Carl Bern (2018)
Wireless sensors for quality monitoring and management of stored grain inventories – Roger Aby and Dirk Maier (2018)
Testing plastic films for air tightness of hermetic storage bags – Cristine Ignacio, Sam Cook, Carl Bern, and Dirk Maier (2018)
Application of blockchain technology in agri-food supply chain – Priyanka Gupta and Shweta Chopra (2018)
Modeling traceability in the bulk material supply chain – Richa Sharma, Charles Hurburgh, Shweta Chopra, and Gretchen Mosher (2018)
Suleiman, R., C. J. Bern, T. J. Brumm, and K. A. Rosentrater. 2018. Impact of moisture content and maize weevils and maize quality during hermetic and non-hermetic storage. Journal of Stored Products Research 78: 1-10.
Ramaswamy, S.K. and G.A. Mosher. 2018. Using workers’ compensation claims data to characterize occupational injuries in the biofuels industry. Safety Science, 103(March), 352-360.
Bekkerman, A., and D. K. Weaver. 2018.“Modeling Joint Dependence of Invasive Pests: The Case of the Wheat Stem Sawfly.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 42(2):172-194
Lawrence, P. G., B. D. Maxwell, L. J. Rew, C. Ellis, and A. Bekkerman. 2018. Vulnerability of dryland agricultural regimes to economic and climatic change. Ecology and Society. 23(1):34. https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-09983-230134
Adhikari, S., T. Seipel, F. D. Menalled, and D. K. Weaver. 2018. Farming system and wheat cultivar affect infestation of and parasitism on Cephus cinctus in the Northern Great Plains. Pest Management Science. 74(11):2480-2487
Wu, T., Armstrong, P.R., Maghirang, E.B. 2018. Vis- and NIR-based instruments for detection of black-tip damaged wheat kernels: A comparative study. Transactions of the ASABE. 61(2):461-467. https://doi.org/10.13031/trans.12432. Log No. 341744
Determining damage levels in wheat caused by Sunn pest (Eurygaster integriceps) using visible and Near-Infrared spectroscopy. ARMSTRONG, PAUL R., MAGHIRANG, ELIZABETH, OZULU, MEHMET. Journal of Cereal Science, Accepted
Clohessy, J. W., Pauli, D., Kreher, K. M., Buckler V, E. S., Armstrong, P. R., Wu, T., Hoekenga, O. A., Jannink, J.-L., Sorrells, M. E., and Gore, M. A. 2018. A low-cost automated system for high-throughput phenotyping of single oat seeds. The Plant Phenome Journal In Press doi: 10.2135/tppj2018.07.0005
Manu, N., Osekre, E.A., Opit, G.P., Campbell, J.F., Arthur, F.H., Mbata, G., Armstrong, P.R., Danso, J.K. 2018. Population dynamics of stored maize insect pests in warehouses in two districts of Ghana. Journal of Stored Products Research. 76:102-110. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2018.01.001. Log No. 344434
Danso, J.K., Osekre, E.A., Manu, N., Opit, G.P., Armstrong, P.R., Arthur, F.H., Campbell, J.F., Mbata, G., McNeil, S.G. 2018. Post-harvest insect infestation and mycotoxin levels in maize markets in the Middle Belt of Ghana. Journal of Stored Products Research. 77:9-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2018.02.004. Log No. 348331
Moisture content, insect pest infestation and mycotoxin levels of maize in markets in the northern region of Ghana. (2019). N.Manu, G.P.Opit E.A.Osekre F.H.Arthur G.Mbata P.Armstrong J.K.Danso S.G.McNeill J.F.Campbell 2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2018.10.007
Tamagno, Santiago & Sadras, Victor & W. Haegele, Jason & R. Armstrong, Paul & Ciampitti, Ignacio. (2018). Interplay between nitrogen fertilizer and biological nitrogen fixation in soybean: implications on seed yield and biomass allocation. Scientific Reports. 8. 10.1038/s41598-018-35672-1.
Ortez, O & Salvagiotti, Fernando & M. Enrico, J & Prasad, P. V. Vara & Armstrong, P & Ciampitti, Ignacio. (2018). Exploring Nitrogen Limitation for Historical and Modern Soybean Genotypes. Agronomy Journal. 110. 10.2134/agronj2018.04.0271.
Objective 3 Publications
None provided for 2018.
Publications Objective 1
Sserunjogi, M. (2020). Physical disturbance as a non-chemical approach to control weevils in stored maize. Unpublished M.S. Thesis. Iowa State University, Ames, USA.
Sserunjogi, M., Bern, C. J., Brumm, T. J., Maier, D. E. (2020). Physical Disturbance Time Interval for Control of Maize Weevils in Stored Maize. ASABE Virtual Annual International Meeting. Omaha, Nebraska, July 13-15, 2020.
Sserunjogi, M., Bern, C. J., Brumm, T. J., Maier, D. E., Phillips, T.W. (2020). Mechanical Stirring of Maize Stored in on-Farm Steel Bins to Control Maize Weevils – a preliminary study. ASABE Virtual Annual International Meeting. Omaha, Nebraska, July 13-15, 2020.
Dantes, Princess Tiffany Galaura, "NIR hyperspectral imaging for animal feed ingredient applications" (2020). Graduate Theses and Dissertations. 18113. https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/etd/18113
Rosentrater, K.A. 2020. ANSI/ASABE D606 Properties and Relationships for Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS). St Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
Oliveira, M.C. and K.A. Rosentrater. 2020. An environmental and economic analysis of flocculation technology applied to a corn-based ethanol plant. Processes, 8(271), 1-20.
Sabillón L, Stratton J, Rose DJ, Bianchini A. Microbiological survey of equipment and wheat-milled fractions of a milling operation. Cereal Chemistry.
Sabillón L, Stratton J, Rose DJ, Eskridge K, Bianchini A. Effect of high-pressure processing on the microbial load and functionality of sugar-cookie dough. Cereal Chemistry.
Gulati P, Brahma S, Graybosch RA, Chen Y, Rose DJ. 2020. In vitro digestibility of proteins from historical and modern wheat cultivars. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 100: 2579-2584.
Cabas-Lühmann, P. A. and Manthey, F. A. 2020. Effect of hydration on physical grain quality of durum wheat. Cereal Chemistry, 97:877– 887. https://doi.org/10.1002/cche.10311. NIFA Support was acknowledged for this publication.
Yang Lan, Jae-Bom Ohm, Bingcan Chen, Jiajia Rao (2020). Physicochemical properties and aroma profiles of flaxseed proteins extracted from whole flaxseed and flaxseed meal. Food hydrocolloids, 104, 105731. NIFA Support was not acknowledged for this Publication.
Yang Lan, Jiajia Rao. Poster: Effect of Demucilaging Method on the Structural, Rheological and Tribological Properties of Flaxseed Protein. In: 2020 American oil chemists’ society (AOCS) annual meeting. June, 2020. NIFA Support was not acknowledged for this abstract.
López, A. M. M., Ohm, J. B., Manthey, F. A., Rao, J., & Simsek, S. Gluten extraction from deoxynivalenol contaminated wheat by wet milling. Food Control, 120, 107513. NIFA Support was not acknowledged for this Publication.
Lee, K. M., Yarbrough, D., Kozman, M., Herrman, T. J., Park, J. H., Wang, R., and Kurouski, D. 2020. A rapid and convenient screening method for detection of restricted monensin, decoquinate, and lasalocid in animal feed by applying SERS and chemometrics. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 144: 111633.
Lee, K. M., Yarbrough, D., Kozman, M., Herrman, T. J., Park, J. H., Wang, R., and Kurouski, D. 2020. Rapid detection and prediction of chlortetracycline and oxytetracycline in animal feed using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). Food Control. 114:107243.
Lee, K. M., Yarbrough, D., Kozman, M., Herrman, T. J., Park, J. H., Wang, R., and Kurouski, D. 2020. Sensitive SERS characterization and analysis of chlorpyrifos and aldicarb residues in animal feed using gold nanoparticles. Journal of Regulatory Science. 8: 1-14.
Park, J. H., Thomasson, J. A., Lee, K. M., Suh, C. P. C., Perez, J. L., and Herrman, T. J. 2020. VOCs determination by adsorbent-Raman system in food and botanicals. Analytical Methods. 12:595–1605.
Herrman, D. A., Brantsen, J. F., Ravisankar, S., Lee, K. M., and Awika, J. 2020. Stability of 3-deoxyanthocyanin pigment structure relative to anthocyanins from grains under microwave assisted extraction. Food Chemistry. 333: 127494.
Ioerger, B.P., Bean, S.R., Tilley, M., and Lin, H. 2020. Improved method for extracting sorghum polymeric proteins. J. Cereal Sci. 91, 102876.
Burgos, C.C., Cox, S., Ioerger, B., Perumal, R., Hu, Z., Herald, T.J., Bean, S.R., and Rhodes, D.H. 2020. Advancing provitamin A biofortification in sorghum: Genome‐wide association studies of grain carotenoids in global germplasm. The Plant Genome. 13, e20013
Weerasooriya, D., Bandara, A., Dowell, F., Peiris, S., Bean, S.R, Perumal, R., Adee, E., and Tesso, T. 2020. Performance of grain sorghum hybrids resistant to acetolactate synthase (ALS) and acetyl coenzyme‐A carboxylase (ACCase) inhibitor herbicides. Crop Science. In press
Xu, Y., Li, J., Xin, Z., Bean, S. R., Tilley, M., and Wang, D. 2020. Water-soluble sugars of pedigreed sorghum mutant stalks and their recovery after pretreatment. Applied Sciences. 10, 5472.
Peiris, K.H.S., Bean, S.R., and Tilley, M. 2020. Analysis of sorghum content in corn-sorghum bioethanol feedstock by near infrared spectroscopy. J. Near Infrared Spectroscopy. 28, 267-274.
Arthur, F.H., Bean, S.R., Smolensky, D., Cox, S., Lin, H., and Peiris, K.H. 2020. Development of Rhyzopertha dominica (Coleoptera: Bostrychidae) on sorghum: quality characteristics and varietal susceptibility. J. Stored Products Research. 87, 101569.
Duressa, D., Bean, S.R., St. Amand, P., and Tesso, T. 2020. Identification of α-kafirin alleles associated with protein digestibility in grain sorghum. Crop Science. 60, 2467-2478.
Peiris, K.H.S., Bean, S.R., and Jagadish, S.V.K. 2020. Extended multiplicative signal correction to improve prediction accuracy of protein content in weathered sorghum grain samples. Cereal Chem. 97, 1066-1074.
Pontieri, P., Triosi, J., Romano, R., Pizzolante, G., Bean, S.R., Tilley, M., Motto, M., Aletta, M., Del Guidice, F., Sicardi, M., Alfiano, P., and Del Guidice, L. 2020. Nutritional composition of selected white food-grade waxy sorghum variety grown in the Mediterranean area. Australian J. Crop Science. 14, 1525-1532.
Arthur, F.H., Bean, S.R., Smolensky, D., Gerken, A.R., Siliveru, K., Scully, E.D., and Baker, N. 2020. Development of Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) on sorghum milling fractions. J. Stored Products Research. 87, 101606.
Ostmeyer, T., Bheemanahalli, R., Srikanthan, D., Bean, S.R., Peiris, K.S.H., Madasamy, P., Perumal, R., Jagadish, S.V.K. 2020. Quantifying the agronomic performance of new grain sorghum hybrids for enhanced early-stage chilling tolerance. Field Crops Research. 258, 107955.
Li, J., Lin, H., Bean, S.R., Sun, X.S., and Wang, D. 2020. Evaluation of adhesive performance of a mixture of soy, sorghum and canola proteins. Industrial Crops and Products. 157, 112898.
Publications Objective 2
Wilson, S., Mohammadi Shad, Z., Oduola, A., Zhou, Z., H. J., Carbonero, F., Atungulu, G. G.*. (2020). Decontamination of Mycotoxigenic Fungi on Shelled Corn Using Selective Infrared Heating Technique. Cereal Chemistry. https://doi.org/10.1002/cche.10394
Luthra, K., Shafiekhani, S., Sadaka, S. S., Atungulu, G. G.*. (2020). Determination of Moisture Sorption Isotherms of Rice and Husk flour Composites. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 36(6), 859-867. doi: 10.13031/aea.13822
Smith, D. L., Atungulu, G. G.*, Wilson, S., Mohammadi Shad, Z. (2020). Deterrence of Aspergillus Flavus Regrowth and Aflatoxin Accumulation on Shelled Corn Using Infrared Heat Treatments. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 36(2), 151-158.
Shafiekhani, S., Atungulu, G. G.*. (2020). Effect of rice chilling on drying, milling and quality characteristics. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 36(5), 767-776. doi: 10.13031/aea.13895
Oduola, A. A., Bowie, R., Wilson, S., Mohammadi Shad, Z., Atungulu, G. G.*. (2020). Impacts of broadband and selected infrared wavelength treatments on inactivation of microbes on rough rice. Journal of Food Safety, 40(2). 10.1111/jfs.12764
Bruce, R. M., Atungulu, G. G.*, Sadaka, S. S. (2020). Impacts of size fractionation, commingling, and drying temperature on physical and pasting properties of broken rice kernels. Cereal Chemistry, 97(2), 256-269. 10.1002/cche.10241
Mohammadi Shad, Z., Atungulu, G. G.*. (2020). Physical Integrity of Long-Grain Hybrid, Pureline, and Medium-Grain Rice Kernels as Affected by Storage Conditions. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 36(4). doi: 10.13031/aea.13727
Bruce, R. M., Atungulu, G. G.*, Sadaka, S. S. (2020). Physicochemical and functional properties of medium-sized broken rice kernels and their potential in instant rice production. Cereal Chemistry, 97(3), 681-692. 10.1002/cche.10284
Smith, D. L., Atungulu, G. G.*, Mauromoustakos, A. (2020). Processing Parameters for One-Pass Drying of High-Moisture Parboiled Rough Rice with 915 MHz Microwaves. Transactions of the ASABE. doi: 10.13031/trans.14003.
Lee, H.J., C. Lee, and D. Ryu. 2020. Effects of baking soda and fructose in reduction of ochratoxin A in rice and oat porridge during retorting process. Food Control 116:107325.
Cheng, Chavez, R.A., and M. J. Stasiewicz. 2020. When to use one-dimensional, two-dimensional, and Shifted Transversal Design pooling in mycotoxin screening. PLOS ONE. 15(8) E0236668. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0236668.
Chavez, R.A., X. Cheng, and M. J. Stasiewicz. 2020. A review of the methodology of analyzing aflatoxin and fumonisin in single corn kernels and the potential impacts of these methods on food security. Foods 9(3). https://doi.org/10.3390/foods9030297
Sharma, R, C. R. Hurburgh, and G. A. Mosher. 2020. Developing Guidance Templates and Terminology to Support Multiple Traceability Objectives in the Grain Supply Chain. Cereal Chemistry (accepted)
Dolphin, C.J., G.A. Mosher, R.P.K Ambrose, and Ryan, S.J. 2020. Meeting the tolerance: How successful is coexistence in commodity corn handling systems. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 36(5), 777-784.
Salish, K., G.A. Mosher, and R.P.K. Ambrose. 2020. Developing a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to predict the contamination of GM corn in non-GM corn. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 36(1), 25-31.
Pizarro, M., E. Bowers, and G. Mosher. 2020. Isolation and segregation of non-GM feed: A cost estimation model. Presentation given virtually at the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, July 2020.
Sharma, R, C. R. Hurburgh, and G. A. Mosher. 2020 . Developing Guidance Templates and Terminology to Support Multiple Traceability Objectives in the Grain Supply Chain. Cereal Chemistry (acc).
Maier, D.E. (editor). Advances in Post-Harvest Management of Cereals and Grains. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing. https://www.bdschapters.com/webshop/open-access/developments-in-the-use-of-hermetic-bags-for-grain-storage/
Aby, R.G., & Maier, D.E. 2020. Advances in techniques for monitoring the quality of stored cereal grains. In Advances in postharvest management of cereals and grains (pp. 363-387). Burleigh Dodds Sciences Publishing, Cambridge, UK (ISBN: 978 1 78676 352 5; https://shop.bdspublishing.com/store/bds/detail/workgroup/3-190-89119
Mompremier, R.K. 2020. Field testing of PICS bag maize storage in Haiti. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers K. K. Barnes Undergraduate Student Paper Competition entry.
H.H. Tenboer, G.A. Mosher, and C.R. Hurburgh. 2020. A quantitative model to characterize granular flow behavior: A measure of grain layer mixing in storage facilities. ASABE Paper # 2000735. Doi: https://doi.org/10.13031/aim.20
H.H. Tenboer, G.A. Mosher, and C.R. Hurburgh. A quantitative model to characterize granular flow and mixing of grain layers. In process.
H.H. Tenboer. Verification of a quantitative model to characterize granular flow – A measure of mixing of grain layers. M.S. Thesis, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
Bowers, E.L. and Mosher, G.A. Role of worker decision-making in effective FSMA implementation. Prepared for presentation at 2020 NC-213.
Athanassiou, C. G., T. W. Phillips, F. H. Arthur, M. J. Aikins, P. Agrafioti and K. L. Hartzer. 2020. Efficacy of phosphine fumigation for different life stages of Trogoderma inclusum and Dermestes maculatus (Coleoptera: Dermestidae). J. Stored Prod. Res. Vol 86. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2019.101556
Hasan, M. M., Athanassiou, C. G., Schilling, M. W., Phillips, T. W. 2020. Biology and management of the red-legged ham beetle, Necrobia rufipes DeGeer (Coleoptera: Cleridae). J. Stored Prod. Res. Vol. 88, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2020.101635
Nayak, M. K., G. J. Daglish, T. W. Phillips and P. R. Ebert. 2020. Resistance to the fumigant phosphine and its management in insect pests of stored products: a global perspective. Ann. Rev. Entomol. 65: 333-350.
Ramadan, G. R. M., Abdelgaleil, S. A. M., Shawir, M. S., El-bakary, A. S., Zhu, K. Y., Phillips, T. W. 2020. Terpenoids, DEET and short chain fatty acids as toxicants and repellents for Rhyzopertha dominica (coleoptera: Bostrichidae) and Lasioderma serricorne (Coleoptera: Ptinidae). Vol. 87, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2020.101610
Ramadan, G. R. M., K. Y. Zhu, S. A. M. Abdelgaleil, M. S. Shawir, A. S. El-bakary, P. A. Edde, and T. W. Phillips. 2020. Ethanedinitrile as a fumigant for Lasioderma serricorne (Coleoptera: Anobiidae), and Rhyzopertha dominica (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae): toxicity and mode of action. J. Econ. Entomol. Online doi: 10.1093/jee/toz343
Alemayehu, S., F. Abay, K. M. Ayamut, D. Assefa, A. Chala, R. Mahroof, J. Harvey, and Bh. Subramanyam. 2020. Evaluating different hermetic storage technologies to arrest mold growth, prevent mycotoxin accumulation and preserve germination quality of stored chickpea in Ethiopia. Journal of Stored Products Research, 85, 101526. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr. 2019.101526.
Molla, A., S. Alavi, Bh. Subramanyam, and N. Gabbiye. 2020. Drying characteristics of maize grain in solar bubble dryer. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 43, 13312. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/jfpe.13312.
Molla, A., N. Gabbiye, Bh. Subramanyam, M. Admasu, K. Kalsa, and S. Alavi. 2020. Effects of grain drying methods on postharvest insect infestation and physicochemical characteristics of maize grain. Journal of Food Process Engineering 13423. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/jfpe.13423.
Anthony, K. D. J., R. Maghirang, D. W. Hagstrum, K. Y. Zhu, and Bh. Subramanyam. 2020. Using dynamic dew point isotherms to determine the optimal storage conditions of inert dust-treated hard red winter wheat. Grain & Oil Science Technology, 06.004. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gaost.2020.06.004.
Stamenković, O.S., K. Siliveru, V.B. Veljković, I.B. Banković-Ilić, M.B. Tasić, I.A. Ciampitti, I.G. Đalović, P.M. Mitrović, V.Š. Sikora, P.V.V. Prasad. 2020. Production of biofuels from sorghum. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 124: 109769. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2020.109769
Arthur, F.H., S. R. Bean, D. Smolensky, A. R. Gerken, K. Siliveru, E. D. Scully, and N. Baker. 2020. Development of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) on sorghum milling fractions. Journal of Stored Products Research, 87: 101606. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2020.101606.
Pezzali, J. G., A. Suprabha Raj, K. Siliveru, and C. G. Aldrich. 2020. Characterization of white and red sorghum flour and their potential use for production of extrudate crisps. PloS One, 15: e0234940. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal. pone.0234940
Gustin, JL, Frei, UK, Baier, J, Armstrong, P, Lübberstedt, T, Settles, AM. Classification approaches for sorting maize (Zea mays subsp. mays) haploids using single‐kernel near‐infrared spectroscopy. Plant Breed. 2020; 139: 1103–1112. https://doi.org/10.1111/pbr.12857
Al-Amery, M., Fowler, A., Unrine, J.M., Armstrong, P.R., Maghirang, E.B., Su, K., De Melo, J., Yuan, F., Shu, Q., Hildebrand, D. 2020. Generation and characterization of a soybean line with a Vernonia galamensis diacylglycerol acyltransferase-1 gene and a myo-inositol 1-phosphate synthase knockout mutation. Lipids. 12253. https://doi.org/10.1002/lipd.12253.
Hacisalihoglu, G., Freeman, J., Armstrong, P.R., Seabourn, B.W., Porter, L.D., Settles, A.M. and Gustin, J.L. 2020. Protein, weight, and oil prediction by single‐seed near‐infrared spectroscopy for selection of seed quality and yield traits in pea (Pisum sativum). J Sci Food Agric, 100: 3488-3497. https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.10389
Rodriguez, F.S., Armstrong, P.R., Maghirang, E.B., Yaptenco, K.F., Scully, E.D., Arthur, F.H., Brabec, D.L., Adviento-Borbe, A.A., Suministrado, D.C. 2020. NIR spectroscopy detects chlorpyrifos-methyl pesticide residues in rough, brown, and milled rice. Transactions of the ASABE. 36(6):983-993.
Serson, W., Armstrong, P., Maghirang, E., AL-Bakri, A., Phillips, T., AL-Amery, M., Su, K., Hildebrand, D. 2020. Development of whole and ground seed near-infrared spectroscopy calibrations for oil, protein, moisture, and fatty acids in calibrations of Salvia hispanica. J. Chem. Soc. 97: 3-13.
Publications Objective 3
Maier, D.E. (editor). Advances in Post-Harvest Management of Cereals and Grains. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing. https://www.bdschapters.com/webshop/open-access/developments-in-the-use-of-hermetic-bags-for-grain-storage/
Chikez H.B. and Maier D.E. Analyzing Post-Harvest Loss in Kenya and Tanzania: Lessons learned from the Yieldwise Initiative Data. Consortium for Innovation in Post-Harvest Loss and Food Waste Reduction (Webinar), August 26, 2020.
Chikez H.B., Maier D.E., Olafsson S., and Sonka S. Predicting the impact of various agricultural practices on Post-Harvest Loss (PHL): The case the mango value chain in Kenya. 2020 ASABE Annual International Meeting (Virtual and On Demand), July 13-15, 2020.
Chikez H.B. and Rosentrater K.A. Predicting the specific mechanical energy (SME) of a single screw extrusion process. 2020 ASABE Annual International Meeting (Virtual and On Demand), July 13-15, 2020.
Achhami, B. B., G. V .P. Reddy, J. D. Sherman, R. K. D. Peterson, and D. K. Weaver. 2020. Multiple decrement life tables of Cephus cinctus Norton (Hymenoptera: Cephidae) across a set of barley cultivars: The importance of plant defense versus cannibalism. PLOS ONE 15 (9), e0238527.
Achhami, B. B., G. V .P. Reddy, J. D. Sherman, R. K. D. Peterson, and D. K. Weaver. 2020. Antixenosis, antibiosis, and potential yield compensatory response in barley cultivars exposed to wheat stem sawfly (Hymenoptera: Cephidae) under field conditions. Journal of Insect Science 20 (5), September 2020, 9: 1-14.
Please see the attached .pdf file with all Publications. Thank you.
Objective 1
Ignacio M.C.C.D. and Maier D.E. “Ensuring Performance of Hermetic Storage Bag Technology for Food Security and Resource Sustainability” World Food Prize Foundation Graduate Student Poster Competition. Iowa Events Center. October 19, 2022 (3rd Place-Best Poster)
Ignacio M.C.C.D. and Maier D.E. “Ensuring Performance of Hermetic Storage Bag Technology for Food Security and Resource Sustainability” Norman Borlaug Lecture Poster Competition. Great Hall. Memorial Union. October 17, 2022. (2nd Place-Best Poster)
Ignacio M.C.C.D. and Maier D.E. “Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) applied to the ranking of commercially available hermetic storage bag liners” ASABE 2022 Annual Internal Meeting. Houston, Texas. July 17-20, 2022
Ignacio M.C.C.D. and Maier D.E. “Predicting Performance of Hermetic Storage Bag Technology” Consortium for Innovation in Post-harvest Loss and Food Waste Reduction. Annual Meeting. Kumasi, Ghana, June 6-10, 2022
Ignacio M.C.C.D. and Maier D.E. “Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) applied to the ranking of commercially available hermetic storage bag liners” ISU Graduate and Professional Research Conference. April 6, 2022
Ignacio M.C.C.D. and Maier D.E “Predicting the performance of hermetic storage bag technology”. NC213 2022 Virtual Meeting Student Research Competition. March 30, 2022
Ignacio M.C.C.D. and Maier D.E “Predicting the performance of hermetic storage bag technology”. ISU Consortium Webinar. February 24, 2022
Obeng-Akrofi, G., Akowuah, J. O., Maier, D. E. ., & Addo, A. 2022. Selection of an Appropriate Biomass Burner for Drying Maize in a Crossflow Column Dryer Using an Analytic Hierarchy Process. Journal of Applied Agricultural Science and Technology, 6(2), 107-119. https://doi.org/10.55043/jaast.v6i2.63
Arthur, E. Akowuah, J.O. and Obeng-Akrofi, G. 2022. "Assessment of the purdue improved crop storage (pics) bag for maize storage in Ghana." African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition & Development 22, no. 6. https://doi.org/10.18697/ajfand.111.22055
Akowuah, J. O., Boateng, H. A., Akrofi, G. O., & Maier, D. E. 2021. “Performance evaluation of a flatbed maize dryer with a biomass heat source.” International Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Technology (IJARIT), 11(2355-2022-152), 37-41.
Obeng-Akrofi G., D.E. Maier, and J.O. Akowuah. Moisture Sorption Isotherm of Shea nuts. ASABE 2022 Annual International Meeting, Houston, TX, July 17 - 20, 2022. (presenter)
Arthur, E., J.O. Akowuah, G. Obeng-Akrofi and B. Asante. Comparative assessment of cold storage and hermetic bag storage on stored maize grain viability, nutritional content, and quality. ASABE 2022 Annual International Meeting, Houston, TX, July 17 - 20, 2022.
Arthur, E., J.O. Akowuah, G. Obeng-Akrofi and B. Asante. Assessment on the adoption constraints and profitability of hermetic storage technology for storage of maize in Ghana. ASABE 2022 Annual International Meeting, Houston, TX, July 17 - 20, 2022.
Kwashie, A.A., J.O. Akowuah, G. Obeng-Akrofi and S. McNeill. Thin layer mathematical modelling and performance assessment of solar bubble dryer for drying white maize. ASABE 2022 Annual International Meeting, Houston, TX, July 17 - 20, 2022.
Lawrence J., G. Obeng-Akrofi and D.E. Maier. Quantification of over‐drying of bottom layers and under‐drying of top layers based on grain depth, airflow and bin diameter during natural air drying of corn. ASABE 2022 Annual International Meeting, Houston, TX, July 17 - 20, 2022.
Rithana, R., Bern, C., Bowers, E., Brumm T., and Maier, D. "Field testing of Purdue improved crop storage (PICS) bag maize storage in Haiti." Journal of Stored Products and Postharvest Research 13, no. 1 (2022): 1-5.
Liu S, Xu L, Wu Y, Simsek S, Rose DJ. 2022. End-use quality of historical and modern winter wheats adapted to the Great Plains of the United States. Foods 11:2975.
Haiyang Jiang, Xiaoxi Qi, Shaobin Zhong, Paul Schwarz, Bingcan Chen, Jiajia Rao* (2023). Effect of treatment of Fusarium Head Blight infected barley grains with hop essential oil nanoemulsion on the quality and safety of malted barley. Food chemistry accepted.
Olenloa, A.E. and K.E. Ileleji. 2023. Seasonal changes of abiotic and biotic factors in stored grain ecosystems during a year storage. Transactions of ASABE (in preparation).
Kulathunga, J., & Simsek, S. (2022). Dietary fiber variation in ancient and modern wheat species: Einkorn, emmer, spelt and hard red spring wheat. Journal of Cereal Science, 104, 103420.
Whitney, K., Vaca, J., Bolt, M., Turco, R., Simsek, S. 2022. Industrial hemp grain – development of cultivar quality assessment. Cereals and Grains Association Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN. USA.
Herrman, T., K.M. Lee, Y.C. Hsieh, S. Williams. 2022. Analytical uncertainty in animal feed laboratories: a current evaluation of the AAFCO proficiency testing data for select analytes. Journal of Regulatory Science 10(1) (2022) 1-13.
Nishimwe, K. V. Hoffmann, T. Herrman. 2022. Market-driven strategies for combating aflatoxins in Rwanda. 2022. Final report RWA-21162, International Growth Center.
Ncube, M.B., Taylor, J., Bean, S.R., Ioerger, B.P. and Taylor, J.R.N. 2022. Modification of zein dough functionality using kafirin as a coprotein. Food Chem. 373:131547.
Chiluwal, A., Perumal, R., Poudel, H., Muleta, K., Ostmeyer, T., Fedenia, L., Pokharel, M., Bean, S.R., Sebela, D., Bheemanahalli, R., Oumarou, H., Klein, P., Rooney, W.L., and Jagadish, S.V.K. 2022. Genetic control of source-sink relationships in grain sorghum. Planta. 255, 40.
Pontierri, P., Troisi, J., Calcagnile, M., Bean, S.R., Tilley, M., Aramouni, F., Boffa, A., Pepe, G., Guidice, F.D., Chessa, A.L., Smolensky, D., Aletta, M., Alifano, P., and Giudice, L.D. 2022. Chemical composition, fatty acid and mineral content of food-grade white, red and black sorghum varieties grown in Mediterranean environment. Foods. 11:436 https://doi.org/10.3390/foods11030436
Zhao, J., Weiss, T., Du, Z., Hong, S., Bean, S.R., Li, Y., and Wang, D. 2022 Comparative evaluation of physicochemical and fermentative responses of three sorghum varieties from dryland and irrigated land and properties of proteins from distillers’ grains. J. Cereal Sci. 104: 103432 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcs.2022.103432
Emendack, Y., Xin, Z., Hayes, C., Burow, G., Sattler, S., Bean, S., and Smolensky, D. 2022. Registration of three new bmr12 sorghum mutants from an EMS-induced BTx623 mutant population. J. Plant Registration. 16:453-458.
Li, J. Zhao, R., Xu, Y., Wu, X., Bean, S.R., Wang, D. 2022. Fuel ethanol production from starchy grain and other crops: An overview on feedstocks, affecting factors and technical advances. Renewable Energy. 188:223-239.
Ostmeyer, T.J., Bahuguna, R.N., Kirkham, M.B., Bean, S.R., Jagadish, S.V.K. 2022. Enhancing sorghum yield and grain quality through efficient nitrogen utilization – challenges and opportunities. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13:845443
Xu, X., Bean, S., Wu, X., and Shi, Y-C. 2022. Effects of protein digestion on in vitro digestibility of starch in sorghum differing in endosperm hardness and flour particle size. Food Chem. 382:123635
Ayalew, H., Peiris, K.H.S., Chiluwal, A., Kumar, R., Tiwari, M., Ostmeyer, T., Bean, S.R., and Jagadish, S.V.K. 2022. Genetic control of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] grain quality under variable environments. The Plant Genome. E20227
Akin, P. Demirkesen, I., Bean, S.R., Aramouni, F., and Boyaci, I.H. 2022. Sorghum flour application in bread: Technological challenges and opportunities. Foods. 11, 2466.
Yoganandan, M., Buenavista, R.M., Bean, S.R., Aramouni, F.M., Dogan, H. and Siliveru, K. 2022. Influence of tempering methods on waxy white sorghum kernel, milling, and flour properties. Journal of the ASABE. 65:1303-1316.
Objective 2
Mohammad Shad, Z., Venkitasamy, C., Atungulu, G*. (2022). Fungi and Mycotoxin in Rice: Concerns, Causes, and Prevention Strategies (pp. 61-77). Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-8877-5_4
Atungulu, G*., Shafiekhani, S. (2022). Rice Drying Systems. Storage of Cereal Grains and Their Products (Fifth Edition) (pp. 331-345). Woodhead Publishing, Sawston, UK. doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-812758-2.00009-X
Bruce, R., Sadaka, S., Mauromoustakos, A., Atungulu, G*. (2022). Aging characteristics of rice dried using microwave at 915 MHz frequency. Cereal Chemistry, 99(5), 1218-1233. doi.org/10.1002/cche.10584
Odek, Z., Siebenmorgen, T., Mauromoustakos, A., Atungulu, G*. (2022). Effect of post-drying tempering of rice on minimizing kernel fissuring and maximizing moisture removal. Transactions of American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 65(1), 1-9. Doi:10.13031/ja.14698
Hampton, R., Atungulu, G., Rolland, V., Wilson, S., McKay, T*. (2022). Effects of infrared radiation on germination of long grain rice. Applied Engineering in Agriculture Journal of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 38(1), 129-133. doi: 10.13031/aea.14774
Oduola, A., Callewaert, P., Devlieghere, F., Bluhm, B., Atungulu, G*. (2022). Growth and aflatoxin b1 biosynthesis rate of model Aspergillus flavus NRRL 3357 exposed to selected infrared wavelengths. Food Control, 109204. doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2022.109204
Bruce, R., Atungulu, G*., Sadaka, S., Mauromoustakos, A. (2022). Influence of harvest moisture content and milling duration on microwave-dried rice physicochemical properties. Cereal Chemistry, 99(5), 1086-1100. doi.org/10.1002/cche.10555
Shafiekhani, S., Rocha, M., Finberg, E., Shiflett, M., Atungulu, G*. (2022). Modeling heat and mass transfer of long-grain hybrid rice in a chilled environment. Applied Engineering in Agriculture Journal of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 38(1), 113-128. doi: 10.13031/aea.14440
Dey, S., Hettiarachchy, N*., Bisly, A., Luthra, K., Atungulu, G., Ubeyitogullari, A., Mozzoni, L. (2022). Physical and textural properties of functional edible protein films from soybean using an innovative 3D printing technology. Journal of Food Science, 87(11). doi.org/10.1111/1750-3841.16349
Bruce, R., Atungulu, G., Crandall, P*., O'Bryan, C. (2022). Uncooked Rice Consumption: Causes, Implications. Cereal Chemistry, 99(5), 971-984. doi.org/10.1002/cche.10580
Luthra, K., Scott, S., Graham-Acquaah, S., Siebenmorgen, T., January, R., Atungulu, G*. (2022). Development and validation of rapid visco analyzer method for rapid determination of gelatinization temperatures of Arkansas rice cultivars BR Wells: Arkansas Rice Research Studies 2021 (pp. 269).
HJ Lee, HD Kim, and D Ryu. 2023. Protective Effect of alpha-Tocopherol against Ochratoxin A in Kidney Cell Line HK-2, Journal of Food Protection, Under review.
Latanze, M.P. 2022. Dry matter loss and lipid oxidation evaluation of soybeans during storage at elevated moisture content and temperature. Transaction of the ASABE 65(5):1039-1048 (doi: 10.13031/ja.14777).
Gupta, P., C.R. Hurburgh, E.L. Bowers, and G.A. Mosher. 2022. “Application of fault tree analysis – failure mode and effect analysis to evaluate critical factors influencing non-GM segregation in the U.S. grain and feed supply chain”. Cereal Chemistry, 99, 1394-1413. DOI: https://10.1002/cche.10601
Sharma, R., C.R. Hurburgh, and G.A. Mosher. 2022. “Vulnerability analysis using evidence-based traceability in the grain supply chain.” Cereal Chemistry, 99(4), 860-872. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/cche.10545
Pizzaro, Mateus. Cost estimate models for the isolation and segregation of non-GM feed. 2022. Doctoral dissertation.
Chikez, H.; Maier, D.; and Sonka, S. Identifying most critical drivers of mango, tomato, and maize postharvest losses (PHL) and predicting their impact: An analysis of the YieldWise Initiative data in Kenya, Nigeria, and Tanzania. 2022 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Houston, Texas, July 17-20, 2022.
Chikez, H.; Maier, D.; Rosentrater, K.; and Sonka S. Decision Support Tool for Post-harvest Technologies Selection in Low-income Countries. Norman Borlaug Dialogue Lecture Poster Competition, Ames, Iowa, October 17, 2022. (3rd Place Award)
Chikez, H.; Maier, D.; Rosentrater, K.; Olafsson, S.; and Sonka S. A multi-criteria ranking of agricultural technologies for increased adoption in low-income countries. 2022 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Houston, Texas, July 17-20, 2022.
Multi-criteria decision support system: https://phldashboard.shinyapps.io/MDCA/
Techno-economic analysis (TEA) of remote sensing image-based technologies to quantify sweet potatoes left in the field in North Carolina, USA: https://phldashboard.shinyapps.io/TEASP/
Maier, Dirk E. and Jordan J.J. Wright. "Detecting spoilage with temperature sensors: The number and placment of sensors are key to detecting increasing temperatures in stored grain." World Grain November 2022: 56-60.
Maier, Dirk E. and Jordan J.J. Wright. "Temperature cable placment: Location of cables is important in monitoring grain during the aeration and storage periods." World Grain April 2022: 46-50.
Yang, Xiangbing, Liu, Yong-Biao, Singh, Rippy, Phillips, Thomas W. 2022. Nitric oxide fumigation for control of ham mite, Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Sarcoptiformes: Acaridae). J. Econ. Entomol. https://doi.org/10.1093/jee/toac014
Ramadan, G. R. M., Zhu, K. Y. and Phillips, T. W. 2022. Synergism of deltamethrin with a mixture of short chain fatty acids for toxicity against pyrethroid-resistant and susceptible strains of Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Pesticide Biochem. Physiol. 184: 105132; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pestbp.2022.105132
Edde, P.A. and Phillips, T. W. 2022. Integrated pest management strategies for cigarette beetle control in the tobacco industry – a mini review. Contributions to Tobacco and Nicotine Research. Volume 31 @ No. 2 @ July 2022 DOI: 10.2478/cttr-2022-0009
Ramadan, G. R. M., Maille, J. J. and Phillips, T. W. 2022. Sorption and desorption dynamics of ethyl formate and propylene oxide as fumigants in durable agricultural commodities. J. Stored Prod. Res. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2022.102007
Navratilova, B., Sopko1, B., Nesvorna, M., Phillips, T. W., and Hubert, J. 2022. Pesticide exposure results in bacterial changes in the microbiomes of distinct cultures of the pest mite Acarus siro . FEMS Microbiology Ecology. In review.
Jan Hubert, B. Navratilova, B. Sopko, M. Nesvorna, and T. W. Phillips. 2022. Pesticide residue exposure provides different responses of the microbiomes of distinct cultures of the stored product pest mite Acarus siro. BMC Microbiology. 22:252, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12866-022- 02661-4.
Martin, R., K. Siliveru, J. Watt, P. Blodgett, and S. Alavi. 2022. Pilot scale roller milling of chickpeas into a de-hulled coarse meal and fine flour. Processes 10 (11), 2328. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/pr10112328
Anjali, K. U., C. Reshma, N. U. Sruthi, R. Pandiselvam, A. Kothakota, M. Kumar, K. Siliveru, K. Marszalek, and A. Mousavi Khaneghah. 2022. Influence of ozone treatment on functional and rheological characteristics of food products: an updated review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/10408398.2022.2134292
Yoganandan, M., R.M. Buenavista, S. R. Bean, F. M. Aramouni, H. Dogan, and K. Siliveru. 2022. Influence of tempering methods on waxy white sorghum kernel, milling, and flour properties. Journal of the ASABE, 65(6), 1303-1316. DOI: 10.13031/ja.15221
Shivaprasad, D. P., E. Nkurikiye, B. Rajpurohit, Y. Li, and K. Siliveru. 2022. Significance of different milling methods on white proso millet flour characteristics and rheological and baking properties. Journal of Texture Studies, 1-13. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/jtxs.12717
Sajith Babu, K., K. Siliveru, and J. Amamcharla. 2022. Influence of micro and nano-bubble treatment on morphological characteristics and flow properties of spray-dried milk protein concentrate powders. Journal of Dairy Science, 1-6. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3168/jdsc.2022-0226
Rivera, J. M. K. Pulivarthi, D. P. Shivaprasad, R. Phebus, G. Aldrich, and K. Siliveru. 2022. Quantifying Escherichia coli contamination in milling equipment during lab scale milling operations. Cereal Chemistry, 1-13. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/cche.10558
Rivera, J., M. K. Pulivarthi, D. P. Shivaprasad, R. Phebus, G. Aldrich, and K. Siliveru. 2022. Significance of wheat milling operations on the distribution of Escherichia coli bacterium into milling fractions. Cereal Chemistry, 1-17. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/cche.10554 (Editor’s pick).
Pulivarthi, M.K., M. Selladurai, E. Nkurikiye, Y. Li, and K. Siliveru. 2022. Significance of milling methods on brown teff flour, dough, and bread properties. Journal of Texture Studies, 1-12. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/jtxs.12669
Nanje Gowda, N. A., K. Siliveru, P. V. Vara Prasad, Y. Bhatt, B. P. Netravati, and G. Chennappa. 2022. Modern processing of Indian millets: a perspective on changes in nutritional properties. Foods, 11, 499. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/foods11040499
McGuire, C., K. Siliveru, R. P. K. Ambrose, and S. Alavi. 2022. Food powder flow in extrusion: role of particle size and composition. Processes, 10, 178. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/pr10010178
Yao, K. D., Bh. Subramanyam, and R. G. Maghirang. 2022. Moisture content and application rates of inert dusts: Effects on dust and wheat physical properties. Food Research 6 (3): 12-20.
Berhe, M., Bh. Subramanyam, M. Chichaybelu, G. Demissie, F. Abay, and J. Harvey. 2022. Post-harvest insect pests and their management practices for major food and export crops in East Africa: An Ethiopian case study. MDPI Insects 13: 1068. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects13111068.
Alemayehu, S., F. Abay, K. M. Ayimut, R. Darnell, R. Mahroof, J. Harvey, and Bh. Subramanyam. 2023. Effects of storage duration and structures on sesame seed germination, mold growth, and mycotoxin accumulation. MDPI Toxins 15, 39. https://doi.org/10.3390/toxins15010039.
Tao, F., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., & Rajasekaran, K. 2022. Near-infrared hyperspectral imaging for evaluation of aflatoxin contamination in corn kernels. Biosystems Engineering. 221, 181 194. DOI:10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2022.07.002
Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Tao, F., Rajasekaran, K. 2022. Elucidating the Relationship between Aflatoxin Contamination and Maize Kernel Strength. ASABE No. 2201049. ASABE Annual International Meeting, July 17-20. Houston, TX.
Tao, F., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Rajasekaran, K., Qin, J., Kim, M. 2022. Identification of aflatoxin contamination in corn kernels using line- scan Raman imaging. Proc. SPIE 12120, Sensing for Agriculture and Food Quality and Safety XIV, paper No. 1212002. https://doi: 10.1117/12.2624965. June 1, 2022.
Xiaorong Wu, Paul R Armstrong, Elizabeth B. Maghirang. Predicting Single Kernel Moisture and Protein Content of Mushroom Popcorn Using NIR Spectrscopy: Tool for Determining their Effect on Popping Performance. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 38, pp 469-476. 2022. https://doi.org/10.13031/aea.14875
Armstrong, P.R., Maghirang, E.B., Chen, M.-H., McClung, A.M., Yaptenco, K.F., Brabec, D. and Wu, T., Predicting Single Kernel and Bulk Milled Rice Alkali Spreading Value and Gelatinization Temperature Class Using NIR Spectroscopy. Cereal Chemistry. 2022. https://doi.org/10.1002/cche.10587
Kai Su, Elizabeth Maghirang, Jia Wen Tan, Ju Young Yoon, Paul Armstrong, Pradeep Kachroo, David Hildebrand, NIR spectroscopy for rapid measurement of moisture and cannabinoid contents of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa), Industrial Crops and Products, Vol 184, 2022, 115007, ISSN 0926-6690, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2022.115007.
Hacisalihoglu Gokhan, Armstrong Paul R., Mendoza Princess Tiffany D., Seabourn Bradford W. Compositional analysis in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) NIR spectral techniques based on mean spectra from single seeds Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, 2022. DOI=10.3389/fpls.2022.995328
Gokhan Hacisalihoglu, Paul Armstrong. Crop seed phenomics: enabling nondestructive phenotyping approaches for characterization of functional and quality traits. Accepted to Plants. 2023.
Princess Tiffany D. Mendoza, Paul R. Armstrong, Kamaranga H. S. Peiris, Kaliramesh Siliveru, Scott. R. Bean, Lester O. Pordesimo. Prediction of sorghum oil content using near‐infrared hyperspectral imaging, Accepted to Cereal Chemistry 2023.
Application of Machine Learning for insect monitoring in grain facilities Querriel Arvy Mendoza, Lester Pordesimo, Mitchell Neilsen, Paul Armstrong, and James Campbell. Accepted to AI. 2023.
Petingco, M.C., M.E. Casada, R.G. Maghirang, S.A. Thompson, A.P. Turner, S.G. McNeill, M.D. Montross. 2022. Discrete element method simulation of wheat bulk density as affected by grain drop height and kernel size distribution. Journal of the ASABE 65(3): 555-566.
Boac, J.M., M.E. Casada, L.O. Pordesimo, F.H. Arthur, R.G. Maghirang, C.D. Mina. 2022. Effect of internal insect infestation on single kernel mass and particle density of corn and wheat. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 38(3): 583-588.
Barretto, R., K. Siliveru, M. Casada. 2023. Shape characteristics and particle size distribution: Effects on flowability and floodability of select grain dust types. Biosystems Engineering 225: 13-24.
Objective 3
Issa, S.F., Gaither, D., Raza, M.M, Lee, J., Field, W.E. (2022). Removing out-of-condition grain: An exploration and documentation of existing strategies. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 28(4): 245-259. (doi: 10.13031/jash.14897) @2022
Maier, D.E. and Wright, J.J. Temperature cable placement: Location of cables is important in monitoring grain during the aeration and storage periods. Part 2. World Grain, April 2022: 46-50.
Maier, D.E. and Wright, J.J. Detecting spoilage with temperature sensors: The number and placement of sensors are key to detecting increasing temperatures in stored grain. Part 3. World Grain, November 2022: 56-60.
Advanced Grain Elevator Operations Management Short Course, Agribusiness Association of Iowa (AAI), Ames, Iowa, August 8-11, 2022. (Maier, Ewing, Wright, Obeng-Akrofi)
Advanced Grain Elevator Operations Management – Grain Quality Management Virtual Course, Grain Elevator & Processing Society (GEAPS), February 21-25, 2022. (Maier, Wright, Obeng-Akrofi)
Best Corn (Maize) Storage Management Practices in Hot Climates, Middle East and Africa Region U.S. Corn
Harvest Quality Report Program, U.S. Grains Council, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, January 10-14, 2022 (Maier)
Feed Processing and Technology Workshop, Animal and Food Science departments, University of Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanda, May 30, 2022. (Maier; 5 lectures)
Middle East Poultry Industry Training Course, Middle East and Africa Feed Manufacturing Training Center (Tunisia), U.S. Grains Council, May 29-June 2, 2022. (Ewing; 2 lectures; 4 hands-on trainings)
Assessing Feed Mill Efficiency – Steam Utilization and Mash Conditioning, WATT Kemin Webinar, From Ames, Iowa, October 26, 2022. (Maier, Ewing)
Wong, M.-L., P. L. Bruckner, J. E. Berg, P. F. Lamb, M. L. Hofland, C. G. Caron, H.-Y. Heo, N. K. Blake, D. K. Weaver, D. K., and J. P. Cook. 2023. Evaluation of wheat stem sawfly resistant solid stem Qss.msub-3BL alleles in hard red winter wheat. Crop Science 63(Early View): 1-12 published online on November 23, 2022. doi.org/10.1002/csc2.20866
Cavallini, L., R. K. D. Peterson, and D. K. Weaver. 2023. Dietary sugars and amino acids increase longevity and enhance reproductive parameters of Bracon cephi and B. lissogaster, two parasitoids that specialise on wheat stem sawfly. Physiological Entomology 48(1): 24-34. doi.org/10.1111/phen.12399
Weaver, D. K. 2022. IPM of stored-grain insects. Outreach presentation provide Montana Seed Trade Association online in April and May.
Weaver, D. K. 2022. Consideration of safe storage of stored grain in Montana during the time of COVID. NC-213 Regional Research Project (Multi-State). Virtual Presentation, Kansas City, Missouri. March 29.
Weaver, D. K. 2022. How critical is the need for portable, small capacity local storage of dried commodities? How critical is the need for portable, small capacity local storage of dried commodities?