NE1749: Enhancing Rural Economic Opportunities, Community Resilience, and Entrepreneurship
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Bauman, A and D. Thilmany. 2017. Exploring Localized Economic Dynamics: Methods Driven Case Studies of Transformation and Growth in Agricultural and Food Markets. Economic Development Quarterly. 31(3): 244-254. August. DOI: 10.1177/0891242417709530
Borden, B. and T.R. Harris. “Economic and Fiscal New Lithium Mine and Lithium Processing Operation in Humboldt County”, Nevada. University Center Technical Report UCED 2017/18-08 November 2017.
Colorado Department of Agriculture. Public Attitudes about Agriculture in Colorado. 2017. (with Chad Chriestenson, Michael Martin, Martha Sullins and Becca Jablonski). 79 pages.
Colpaart, A. and D. Thilmany. Identifying Key Drivers for Food Business Managers to Engage in the Access Economy. Selected paper for the 2017 WAEA Annual Meetings. Lake Tahoe CA. July.
Conroy, T., Deller, S.C. and Tsvethova, A. 2017. “Interstate Relocation of Manufacturers and Business Climate.” Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies. 29(1):18-45.
Das, Biswa, John Leatherman, Judith I. Stallmann, Craig Maher, Mark Skidmore and Bonnie Bressers. Fiscal Stress after the Great Recession: A Study of Rural Counties in the U.S. Mid-Continent Regional Science Association/IMPLAN Conference. Kansas City. June 6-8, 2018
Das, B., J. Leatherman, J.I. Stallmann, C. Maher, M. Skidmore and B. Bressers. “Fiscal Stress after the Great Recession: A Study of Rural Counties in the US.” North Central Regional Rural Development Center. Grant Report. August, 2017.
Deller, Steven C. and Conroy, Tessa. 2017. “Business Survival Rates Across the Urban-Rural
Divide.” Community Development. 24(1):67-85.
Deller, Steven C., Canto, Amber and Brown, Laura. 2017. “Food Access, Local Foods and
Community Health.” Community Development. 48(5):616-638.
Deller, Steven C., Conroy, Tessa and Watson, Philip. (2017). “Women Business Owners: A Source of Stability During the Great Recession?” Applied Economics. 49(56):5686-5697.
Deller, S.C. and Conroy, T. 2017. “Innovation and Economic Performance: R&D within Wisconsin.” Patterns of Economic Growth and Development Study Series No.5. Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Wisconsin – Madison/Extension.
Deller, S.C. and Conroy, T. 2017. “Innovation and Economic Performance: Policy Options for Wisconsin.” Patterns of Economic Growth and Development Policy Brief No.5. Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Wisconsin – Madison/Extension.
Deller, Steven C., Lamie, David and Stickel, Maureen. 2017. Local Foods Systems and Community Economic Development.” Community Development. 48(5):657-680.
Gallardo, R., Whitacre, B., and Grant, A. “Broadband’s Impact: A Brief Literature Review.” Purdue University Center for Regional Development Publication 001. December 2017. 18 pp.
Han, Kwideok and Brian Whitacre. “Estimating Spatial Heterogeneity in Hay Yield Responses to Weather Variations in Oklahoma.” Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Jacksonville, FL. Feb 4-6, 2018.
Han, K. and B. Whitacre. “Does School Size Matter for Student Academic Achievement? A Two-stage Spatial Quantile Regression Approach.” Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Jacksonville, FL. Feb 4-6, 2018.
Harris, Thomas R. “Incorporating Risk in Analysis of Tax Policies for Solar Power Investments”. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy. 7, (2017): 112-118.
Harris, T.R. and J.F. Packham. “The Economic Impact of Northeastern Nevada Regional Hospital on the Elko County Economy”. University Center Technical Report, UCED 2017/18-04, September 2017.
Harris, Thomas R. Analysis of Commuting Patterns and Residential Adjustment for Western Nevada Development District. University Center Technical Report 2017-18-09, December 2017.
Harris, Thomas R.” Economic Impact Analysis Report: Fallon Range Training Complex Expansion”. University Center Technical Report 2017/18-16, March 2018.
Hill, R. D. Thilmany, M. Sullins, A. Van Sandt, S. Hardesty and C. Snyder. Agritourism in the West: Outreach approaches and strategies that work for producers and communities exploring new and expanded efforts. Organized symposium for the 2017 WAEA Annual Meetings. Lake Tahoe, CA. July.
Jablonski, B. and D. Thilmany. Evaluating the Economic Impacts of Innovative Agricultural Marketing and Infrastructure Investments: A USDA AMS Toolkit. Selected paper for the 2017 WAEA Annual Meetings. Lake Tahoe CA. July.
Kandilov, I. and M. Renkow. 2018. “The Impacts of the USDA Broadband Loan and Grant Programs: Moving Towards Estimating a Rate of Return.” Paper presented at the Farm Foundation/Economic Research Service Workshop on The Economic Returns to Rural Infrastructure Investment, National Press Club, Washington, DC, April 10-11, 2018.
Lee, Kangil and Brian Whitacre. “The Impact of Unconventional Drilling on House Prices in Central Oklahoma.” Selected paper presented at the Southern Regional Science Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. Mar 15-17, 2018.
Lee, Kangil and Brian Whitacre. “Regional Employment Impacts from Recent Energy Development Activities in Arkansas, Kansas, and Oklahoma.” Selected paper presented at the Southern Regional Science Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. Mar 15-17, 2018.
Lee, H. and Whitacre, B. 2017. “Estimating Willingness to Pay for Broadband Attributes among Low-Income Consumers: Results from Two FCC Lifeline Pilot Projects.” Telecommunications Policy 41(9): 769-780.
Lim, S.H. 2018. Does Shale Energy Development Mean More Crime? The Case of The Bakken Oil Boom. Growth and Change. Forthcoming. DOI:10.1111/grow.12242.
Lin, Z, T. Lin, SH Lim, MH Hove and W.M. Schuh. 2017. Impacts of Bakken Shale Oil Development on Regional Water Uses and Supply. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. Forthcoming. DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12605.
Lin, Z., SH Lim, T. Lin, M. Borders. “A Multi-Agent System of Water Allocation and Management in the Bakken Region” Modelling for Sustainable Food-Energy-Water Systems. Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software. June 24-28, 2019, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Lin, T., Z. Lin, and S.H. Lim. “An Agent-based Model for Groundwater Allocation and Management at the Bakken Shale in Western North Dakota.” Presentation at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, December 11-15, 2017.
Lipetzky, T., M. Sullins and D. Thilmany. “Coloradans’ Perceptions About Agriculture: 2016 Survey Results & Implications,” Governor’s Forum on Colorado Agriculture, Denver, CO. February 2017.
Maher, Craig S., Steven C. Deller, Sungho Park and Judith I. Stallmann. “The Effects of Tax and Expenditure Limits on State Fiscal Reserves.” Public Policy and Administration. 32(2):130-151. 2017. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0952076716660607
Martin, M., C. Chriestenson, D. Thilmany, B. Jablonski, and M. Sullins. FSR 17-02. Perception of Trust in Sources of Information on Agriculture and Food Issues. March 2017. 9 pp.
McLaughlin, M.E. and J.M. Halstead. 2018. “The Ubiquitous Plastic Bag—and What to Do?” In Writing Arguments: A Rhetoric with Readings. 11th edition. J.D. Ramage, J.C. Bean and J. Johnson. Boston, MA: Pearson Education
McLeod, A., L.A. Harris, and J.M. Halstead. “Factors Affecting Restaurant Purchase of Locally Grown Foods.” Presented at 2018 Southern Regional Science Association Annual Meetings. March 15-17. Philadelphia, PA.
Miller, Steven, Steven Deller and Judith I. Stallmann. 2018. “Rural Exposure to Pension Reductions.” Choices. Quarter 1. http://www.choicesmagazine.org/choices-magazine/submitted-articles/rural-exposure-to-pension-reductions
Miller, S., S. Deller and J.I. Stallmann. “Impacts of Reductions in Pension Payments on County Growth.” Southern Regional Science Association. Philadelphia. March 15-17, 2018.
Miller, Steven, Steven Deller and Judith I. Stallmann. “Potential Impacts of Pension Reductions.” North Central Regional Rural Development Center Webinar. January 23, 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_lxvVIhYKQ&feature=youtu.be
Miller, Steve, Steve Deller and Judith I. Stallmann. “Potential Rural Impacts of Pension Reductions.” Policy Brief. North Central Regional Rural Development Center. 2017. http://ncrcrd.msu.edu/uploads/files/Pension_Report_17.pdf
Miller, S., Deller, S.C. and J. Stallman. 2017. “Potential Rural Impacts of Pension Reductions.” Policy Brief, North Central Center for Rural Development, Michigan State University.
Reese, J., M. Becker, J. Lightfoot, S. Wall, and B. Whitacre. “Rural Broadband Panel Session.” Oklahoma Rural Development Conference & Workshop. Oklahoma City, OK. December 5, 2017.
Shi, W., J.M. Halstead, and J-C Huang. “The Status Quo Effect in Local Agriculture Purchase Decisions.” Presented at 2017 Southern Economic Association Annual Meetings. November 9-11. Tampa, FL.
Stallmann, Judith, Maher, Craig, Deller, Steven C. and Park, Sungho. 2017. “Research on the Effects of Limitations on Taxes and Expenditures.” Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs. 3 (2): 197-222. (NOTE: Winner of the Best Paper Award for 2017.)
Thilmany McFadden, D., S. Low and M. Castillo. Rural Development Implications of Foodie Culture: What factors drive food and beverage manufacturing firm dynamics? Organized session for the 2017 North American Regional Science Association meetings. November 2018.
Thilmany, D., C. Chriestenson, M. Martin, M. Sullins, and B. Jablonski. FSR 17-01. An Overview of Coloradans’ Perceptions of Agriculture. February 2017. 9 pp. http://webdoc.agsci.colostate.edu/DARE/FSR/FSR17-01.pdf
Thilmany, D. R. Hill, M. Haefele, A. van Sandt, C. Thomas, M. Sullins and S. Low. An Overview of Agricultural and Rural Outdoor Recreation Tourism in the United States: A Framework for Understanding Economic and Employment Dynamics. Chapter for Agricultural Policies and Rural Jobs. Co-Editors: S. Davidova, K. Thomson and A. Mishra. Fall 2018 expected publication.
Van Sandt, A., S. Low and D. Thilmany. 2018. A Spatial Analysis of Agritourism in the US: What’s Driving Clusters of Enterprises? Agricultural and Resource Economics Review. Published online February 2018. https://doi.org/10.1017/age.2017.36.
Van Sandt, A., D. Thilmany and R. Hill. “Targeting Agritourism to Leverage the Unique Natural Resources Base and Heritage of the Rural West. Chapter accepted for Agritourism, Enotourism, Aletourism: Tourism Niches and Local Entrepreneurship in Peripheral Areas. Expected publication. 2019.
Van Sandt, A., M. Costanigro and D. Thilmany. Proximities to Attractions and Visitor Reviews in Determining Traveler Behavior: A Choice Experiment on Agritourism. Selected Paper for the 2017 AAEA Annual Meetings. Chicago IL. July.
Watson, Philip and Deller, Steven C. 2017. “Economic Diversity, Unemployment and the Great
Recession.” Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. 64(May):1-11.
Werner, S., S. Lemos, J.M. Halstead, and J-C Huang. “Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Locally Grown Produce in Northern New England.” Presented at 2017 NAREA Annual Meeting. June 11-14. Washington, DC.
Werner, S.L., S. Lemos, J.M. Halstead, and J-C Huang. “The Local-organic Premium for Agricultural Produce: A Northern New England Case Study.” Presented at the 56th Annual Meetings of the Southern Regional Science Association. March 30–April 1, 2017. Memphis, TN.
Werner, S.L. and J.M. Halstead. “The value of the local label in farmers’ market.” Presented at the New Hampshire Farm and Forest Exposition. February 17, 2017. Manchester, NH.
Werner, S.L., N.A. Haddad, and J.M. Halstead. 2017. Why Do (or Don’t) New Englanders Buy Local Produce? University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension. Durham, NH.
Whitacre, B. 2017. “Fixed Broadband or Mobile: What Makes Us More Civically Engaged?” Telematics and Informatics 34(5): 755-766.
Whitacre, Brian, Devon Meadowcroft, and Roberto Gallardo. “Determinants of Rural Business Innovation.” Selected paper presented at the North American Regional Science Association Conference, Vancouver, CAN. November 9-11, 2017.
Whitacre,. Brian “Loaning Out the Internet: 2 Pilot Projects in Rural Oklahoma.” Presentation for Oklahoma State University Center for Family Resiliency (CFR) Research Seminar. Tulsa, OK. April 20, 2018.
Wright, C., J.M. Halstead, and J-C Huang. 2018. “Estimating Treatment Effects of Unit-based Pricing of Household Solid Waste Disposal." Agricultural and Resource Economics Review. In press.
Bauman, A., DePhelps, C., & McFadden, D. T. (2019). Assessing a local food system: The Palouse-Clearwater Food Coalition assessment process. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(C), 1-12.
Bauman, A., McFadden, D. T., & Jablonski, B. B. (2018). The financial performance implications of differential marketing strategies: Exploring farms that pursue local markets as a core competitive advantage. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 47(3), 477-504.
Bell, K. P., Crandall, M., Munroe, D. K., Colocousis, C., & Morzillo, A. (2018). Rural forest-based communities, economic shocks, and economic trajectories.
Betz, M. R., & Jones, L. E. (2018). Wage and employment growth in America’s drug epidemic: Is all growth created equal?. American journal of agricultural economics, 100(5), 1357-1374.
Cai, Z., Stephens, H. M., & Winters, J. V. (2019). Motherhood, Migration, and Self-Employment of College Graduates.
Castillo, M. J., Low, S. A., & Thilmany McFadden, D. D. (2018). Local Foods as a Catalyst of Rural Manufacturing: The Role of New and Small Food Innovators in Employment Dynamics.
Chen, Y., Park, H., Chen, Y., Corcoran, P., Cox, D., Reimer, J. J., & Weber, B. (2018). Integrated Engineering-Economic Model for the Assessment of Regional Economic Vulnerability to Tsunamis. Natural Hazards Review, 19(4), 04018018.
Cleary, R., Goetz, S. J., McFadden, D. T., & Ge, H. (2019). Excess Competition among Food Hubs. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 44(1835-2019-067), 141.
Costanza, K. K., Crandall, M., Rice, R., Livingston, W. H., Munck, I., & Lombard, K. (2019). Economic implications of a native tree disease, Caliciopsis canker, on northeastern USA's white pine (Pinus strobus) lumber industry. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, (ja).
Das, B, and Skidmore, M. 2018. “Asymmetry in Municipal Government Responses in Growing vs. Shrinking Counties with Focus on Capital Spending”, Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, 48(4): 62-75, 2018.
Deller, S., Kures, M., & Conroy, T. (2019). Rural entrepreneurship and migration. Journal of Rural Studies, 66, 30-42.
Deller, S. C., Conroy, T., & Markeson, B. (2018). Social capital, religion and small business activity. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 155, 365-381.
Deller, S., & Whitacre, B. (2018). Broadband's Relationship to Rural Housing Values. Papers in Regional Science.
Goetz, S. J., Davlasheridze, M., Han, Y., & Fleming-Muñoz, D. A. (2018). Explaining the 2016 Vote for President Trump across US Counties. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy.
Goetz, S. J., Partridge, M. D., & Stephens, H. M. (2018). The economic status of rural America in the President Trump era and beyond. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 40(1), 97-118.
Han, Y., & Goetz, S. J. (2019). Predicting US county economic resilience from industry input-output accounts. Applied Economics, 51(19), 2019-2028.
Han, Y., & Goetz, S. J. (2019). Overlapping labour market areas based on link communities. Papers in Regional Science, 98(1), 539-553.
Hodge, T., Ballard, C., and Skidmore, M. 2018. “Changes in the Benefits of the Taxable Value Cap when Property Tax Values are Decreasing: Evidence from Michigan”, Public Finance and Management, 18(3/4): 313-335, 2018.
Jablonski, B. B., Sullins, M., & Thilmany McFadden, D. (2019). Community-Supported Agriculture Marketing Performance: Results from Pilot Market Channel Assessments in Colorado. Sustainability, 11(10), 2950.
Kang, S., and Skidmore, M. 2018. “The Effects of Natural Disasters on Social Trust: Evidence from South Korea”, Sustainability, 10, 2973.
Lim, J, and Skidmore, M. 2019. “Natural Disasters and their Impact on Cities.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Urban Studies. Ed. Richardson Dilworth. New York: Oxford University Press, forthcoming.
Lim, J., and Skidmore, M. 2019. “Flood Fatalities in the United States: The Roles of Economic Status, Housing, and the National Flood Insurance Program”, Southern Economics Journal, DOI: 10.1002/soej.12330.
Motoyama, Y., Goetz, S., & Han, Y. (2018). Where do entrepreneurs get information? An analysis of twitter-following patterns. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 30(3), 253-274.
O’Haraa, J. K., & Shidelerb, D. (2018). Do Farmers’ Markets Boost Main Street? Direct-to-Consumer Agricultural Production Impacts on the Food Retail Sector. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 49(2).
Partridge, M. D., & Tsvetkova, A. (2018). Local ability to" rewire" and socioeconomic performance: Evidence from US counties before and after the Great Recession.
Ringwood, L., Watson, P., & Lewin, P. (2019). A quantitative method for measuring regional economic resilience to the great recession. Growth and Change, 50(1), 381-402.
Rossi, J., Woods, T. A., & Davis, A. F. (2018). The Local Food System Vitality Index. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(3), 1-22.
Shideler, D., Bauman, A., Thilmany, D., & Jablonski, B. B. (2018). Putting Local Food Dollars to Work: The Economic Benefits of Local Food Dollars to Workers, Farms and Communities. Choices, 33(3), 1-8.
Shideler, D., & Watson, P. (2019). Making change through local food production: Calculating the economic impact of your local food project. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(C), 1-13.
Stephens, H. M., & Deskins, J. (2018). Economic Distress and Labor Market Participation. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 100(5), 1336-1356.
Tsvetkova, A., Partridge, M., & Betz, M. (2019). Self-employment effects on regional growth: a bigger bang for a buck?. Small Business Economics, 52(1), 27-45.
Toya, H., and Skidmore, M. 2018. “Cell Phones and Natural Disaster Vulnerability?”, Sustainability, 10, 2970.
Van Sandt, A., Low, S. A., & Thilmany, D. (2018). Exploring Regional Patterns of Agritourism in the US: What's Driving Clusters of Enterprises?. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 47(3), 592-609.
Weinstein, A. L., Partridge, M. D., & Tsvetkova, A. (2018). Follow the money: Aggregate, sectoral and spatial effects of an energy boom on local earnings. Resources Policy, 55, 196-209.
Whitacre, B. E., Alam, M. R., & Lobo, B. J. (2018). Econometric error nullifies finding of the impact of broadband speed on county-level employment. Information Economics and Policy.
Please see the list in the attached report.