NC_old1030: Sustainable Families, Firms and Communities in Times of Change
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Armstrong, C. M., & LeHew, M. L. A. (2018). Shifting the Dominant Social Paradigm in the apparel industry: Acknowledging the pink elephant. In K. A. Miller-Spillman, A. Reilly, & P. Hunt-Hurst (eds.) The Meaning of Dress (4th edition).
Carriere, D. M.I. Marshall, and J. Binkley. 2019. Response to Economic Shock: Impacts of Recession on Rural-Urban Suicides in the United States. Journal of Rural Health, 35(2):253-261.
Fiore, A. M., Hurst, J. L., Niehm, L. S., Chung, T. L., Karpova, E., Sadachar, A., & Testa, D. S. (2018). Global and entrepreneurial perspectives for enhancing retailing education: Development of a hybrid graduate course focused on US and Indian small businesses. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 18(3), 11-25.
Haynes, G. W., Danes, S., Schrank, H., & Lee, Y. (2019). Survival and Success of Family-Owned Small Businesses after Hurricane Katrina: Impact of Disaster Assistance and Adaptive Capacity, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1468-5973.12245
Hiller Connell, K. Y., & LeHew, M. L. A. (2020). Fashion: An unrecognized contributor to climate change (Chapter 6). In E. Karpova and S. Marcketti (eds.) The Dangers of Fashion: Towards Ethical and Sustainable Solutions. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
Johnson Jorgensen, J., & Ha, Y. (2019). The Influence of Electronic Word-Of-Mouth via Social Networking Sites on the Socialization of College-Aged Consumers. Journal of Interactive Advertising.
Johnson Jorgensen, J., & Sorensen, K. (In Press). Acceptance of Virtual Reality When Browsing for Apparel. International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing.
Li, W. and M.I. Marshall. Gender and Business Owner Satisfaction: The Case of Farm and Non-Farm Family Businesses in the Midwest. Accepted 2019. Journal of Family Business Management December 2018.
Manikowske, L., Lee, J., & Park, K. (2019). Use of social media by small fashion retailers and their customer engagement. International Journal of Costume and Fashion, 19(1), 51-68.
Son, J., Niehm, L.S., Russell, D., & Lee, J. (2019, April). Assessing the social media use and needs of small rural retailers: Implications for extension program support. Journal of Extension, 57(2), 2RIB2.
Sorensen, K., & Johnson Jorgensen, J. (2019). Millennial Perceptions of Fast Fashion and Second-Hand Clothing: An Exploration of Clothing Preferences Using Q Methodology. Social Sciences, 8(244), 1-13.
Tang, R., Hurst, J., Niehm, L.S., Fiore, A.M., Dore, A., & Jablon-Roberts, S. (2019). Re-conceptualizing the hierarchical service quality model: The case of agritourism events. Journal of Event Management. https://doi.org/10.3727/152599519X15506259856435
Torres, A.B., M.I. Marshall, and S. Sydnor. 2019. Does Social Capital Pay Off? The Case of Small Business Resilience after Hurricane Katrina. Journal of Crisis and Contingencies Management, 27(2): 168-181.
Valdivia, C. and Yager, K. (2019). Adapting to Climate Change in the Andes: changing landscapes and livelihood strategies in the Altiplano. Chapter 41 In Cupples, J., M. Palomino-Schalscha and M. Prieto (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Latin American Development. Routledge International. Pp. 480-499. ISBN:1138060739.
Yager, K., C. Valdivia, D. Slayback, E. Jimenez, R. I. Meneses, M. Brach, D. Romero, A. Romero, A. Palabral, A. Hubbard, P. Pacheco, A. Calle, A. Humber, G. Zeballos, O. Yana, D. Ulloa. (2019). Socio-ecological dimensions of Andean pastoral landscape change: bridging traditional ecological knowledge and satellite image analysis in Sajama National Park, Bolivia. Regional Environmental Change. 19(5): 1353–1369
Zimbroff, A., & Johnson Jorgensen, J. (In Press). A Subjective Assessment of Young Adult Attitudes toward Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh. International Journal of Entrepreneurship.
Peer Reviewed Extension Publications
Masuo, D. & Tamayose, J. (2019). The Emotional Side of Succession Planning in Family Farm
Businesses. Purdue Initiative for Family Firms Newsletter. October. (Objective 3)
Wiatt, R. and M. Marshall. (2019). “Small Business Recovery Following a Natural Disaster?”.
Purdue Agricultural Economics Report, June 2019, 14-15. https://ag.purdue.edu/agecon/Documents/PAER%20June%202019_FINAL.pdf.
Wiatt, R. (2019). “Creating a Culture of Collaboration in Family Businesses”. Indiana
Nursery & Landscape News, January/February 2019, 13-14. Available at: https://issuu.com/inlanews/docs/inla_janfeb2019_issuu?e=1826740/66793183.
Purdue Institute for Family Business Quarterly Newsletter Articles
- Sustainability: Some tips on protecting your business from a natural disasterby Holly Schrank, Anna Josephson, and Maria I. Marshall, 2018.
- More people, more problems? Governance in family business by Maria I. Marshall, 2018.
- All family businesses need some type of governance by Maria I. Marshall, 2019
- Power of attorney: Why do you need one? By Renee Wiatt, 2019.
- Does insurance aid in small business recovery following a natural disaster? By Renee Wiatt and Maria I. Marshall, 2019.
Marshall, M. I. and Wiatt, R. (2019). Small Business Values Survey [data file and codebook].
Purdue Institute for Family Business, Purdue University. Unpublished data.
Manuscripts Submitted/ In Review/Under Revision
Edobor, E.W. and M.I. Marshall. (submitted August 2019) Earth, Wind, Water, Fire, and Man: How Disasters Impact Firm Births in the United States. Natural Hazards.
Figueroa-Armijos, M. and C. Valdivia (in review) “Entrepreneurship as a Sustainable Livelihood Strategy: The Role of Acculturation for Latinos in Rural Communities in the U.S.” Change and Development.
Jorgensen, J. and Sorensen, K. (in review). Negative e-WOM Resulting from Political Posts on Social Media: A Case Study of a Small Retailer’s Crisis.
Johnson Jorgensen, J., and Sorensen, K. (In Review). Visual Communication Strategies of Urban and Rural Boutiques on Social Networking Sites.
Jorgensen, J., Masuo, D., Manikowske, L., and Lee, Y. (2019). Owner and community involvement and business success in small family-owned businesses. Competitive Research Paper submitted to United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) Conference
Marshall, M.I. and H. Schrank. (submitted April 2019) Sink or Swim? Impacts of Owner’s Post-Katrina Management Strategies on Small Business Survival and Recovery. JSBM.
McDonald, T.M. and M.I. Marshall. (submitted Sept. 2019) The Effect of Adaptation and Mitigation for Small Businesses Impacted by Hurricane Katrina. IJDRR.
Niehm, L.S., Hurst, J.L., Fiore, A.M., Son, J., and Sadachar, A. (in review).Where the rubber meets the road: Small business operators’ innovative marketing strategies and their relationship to business success. Journal of Small Business Strategy. Under review.
Norton, A., Kim, H-Y., and Zuiker, V. S. (submitted June 2019). Consumer embeddedness and motivations for farmers market patronage: A qualitative exploration in Minnesota, USA. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management
Son, J. and Niehm, L.S. (in review) Social media and entrepreneurial marketing (EM) in changing rural environments. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship.
Sorensen, K., & Johnson Jorgensen, J. (in review). “Hey Alexa, Let’s Shop”: Millennials’ Acceptance of Voice-Activated Shopping.
Valdivia, C., A. Morales, O. Rojas Perez and Lisa Y. Flores. (revising) Subjective Well-Being among Latina/o Immigrants in New Settlement Communities. Submitted to Journal of Latina/o Psychology.
Valdivia, C., A. Payen, A., and L. Y. Flores. (in preparation/revising) Individual and contextual factors explaining Latino entrepreneurship in Rural Communities of the Midwest.
Wiatt, R.D., Lee,Y., Marshall, M.I., and Zuiker, V. The Effect of Cash Flow Problems and Resource Intermingling on Business Recovery and Resilience after a Natural Disaster. Will submit to Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management at the end of October.
Zimbroff, A., and Johnson Jorgensen, J. (in review). An Assessment of Regional Entrepreneurship Ecosystems in Queensland, Australia Using a Mixed Methods Approach.
Refereed Presentations
Carpenter, C., Dudensing, R., Loveridge, S., Niehm, L.S., and McKinney, S. (2018). Community Opportunity Matching: Mining Big Data for Decision Making in Business Development. Research presentation at the Annual International Conference of the Community Development Society (CDS), July 22-25, 2018, Detroit, MI.
Diddi, S., and LeHew, M. L. A. (2018, November). Establishing research action networks to address challenges in a changing marketplace. [Special Topic Session]. Proceedings of the International Textile and Apparel Association. Online publication pending.
Fiore, A.M., Hurst, J.L., Niehm, L.S., Chung, Doreen (Telin), Sadachar, A., Pookulangara, S., Armstrong, C., and Testa, D. (2018). Addressing opportunities and challenges for retail entrepreneurship in the US and India: Innovative learning modules for a synchronous online graduate course. Research presentation at the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) Annual Conference, January 10-14, Hollywood, CA.
Haynes, G.W., Lee, Y., Marshall, M., Niehm, L., and Musser, K. (2019). Community capital and small firm success after a natural disaster. Paper was presented at the 2019 American Council on Consumer Interests (ACCI) Annual Conference, Arlington, VA. (Objectives #1 & #2)
Haynes, G.W., Lee, Y., Marshall, M., Niehm, L.S., and Musser, K. (2019). Community Capital and Small Firm Success after a Natural Disaster. Paper presented at the 2019 American Council on Consumer Interests Annual Conference. Arlington, VA, May 21-23, 2019.
Jorgensen, J.J., Masuo, D., Manikowske, L., and Lee, Y. (2020). Owner and Community Involvement and Business Success in Small Family-Owned Businesses. USASBE 2020, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 3-7, 2020.
Kim, H-Y., Norton, A., and Zuiker, V. S. (2019). Consumer embeddedness and motivations for farmers market patronage: A qualitative study. American Collegiate Retailing Association, Tucson, AZ, April 4-6, 2019.
Niehm, L.S. and Thorsson, P. (2019) Is There a “Best” Amount of Planning? A Discussion and Research Review. (2019). Research presentation at the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) Annual Conference, Saint Petersburg, FL, January 24-27, 2019.
Niehm, L.S., McKinney, S., Bakhshian, S., Hurst, J., Chung, T., Fiore, A.M., and Tang, L. (2018)Challenges, opportunities, and business needs in the changing retail environment: Assisting underserved retail entrepreneurs through business networks. (2018). Research presentation at the 75th Annual International Textiles & Apparel Association (ITAA) Conference Cleveland, Ohio, November 7-10, 2018.
Niehm, L.S., McKinney, S., Carpenter, C., Dudensing, R., and Loveridge, S. (2019). Using Big Data for Rural Decision Making and Economic Development: Opportunity Matching for Small Businesses and Communities. Research presentation at the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) Annual Conference, Saint Petersburg, FL, January 24-27, 2019.
Patwary, S. and LeHew, M. L. A. (2019, July). Dissemination of textile and apparel environmental information on facebook. Poster presented at Sustainability in Fashion: Regent’s University and ITAA Joint Conference, London, UK
Patwary, S. U., and LeHew, M. L. A. (2018, November). Consumers’ knowledge gain of environmental sustainability issues pertaining to textile and apparel industry through social networking site engagement. [Abstract]. Proceedings of the International Textile and Apparel Association. Online publication pending.
Rodriguez-Alcalá, M., S. Jeanetta and C. Valdivia. (2019). A Growing and Underreported Trend —A Growing Population — Hispanic Farmers in the Midwest. C-FARE Fall Webinar Series. September 24. Washington, DC. (invited)
Saha, K. and LeHew, M. L. A. (2019, July). A shift from fossil fuel to renewable energy in the fashion industry: A potential sustainability solutions? Poster presented at the Sustainability in Fashion: Regent’s University and ITAA Joint Conference, London, UK
Tan, H. and Niehm, L.S. (2018). Latino Bi-Cultural Entrepreneurs’ Business Integration in Iowa Communities. Research presentation for the 13th Annual Cambio de Colores Conference, University of Missouri, Kansas City, Kansas City, MO, June 6-8, 2018.
Tan, H. and Niehm, L.S. Latino retail entrepreneurs' contributions to community and economic development in Iowa: A community leader perspective. (2018). Research presentation at the 75th Annual International Textiles & Apparel Association (ITAA) Conference Cleveland, Ohio, November 7-10, 2018.
Valdivia, C., K. Yager, S. Rojas, A. Romero and K. Bedregal. (2019). Sayañas, Peatlands, and the Sajama National Park: Climate Change Adaptation in the Bolivian Andes. Session 1G. Governing Mountain Commons: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainability in Contexts of Change. In Defense of the Commons: Challenges, Innovation and Action. 17th Global Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons. July 1-5, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Lima Peru.
Valdivia, C., S. Rojas, K. Yager, and B. Bekee. (2019). Landscapes, Livelihoods and Resilience in the Context of Climate Change in the Bolivian Altiplano. Presented in track Session: Strategies to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change in Latin America. Annual Conference of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. July 23, Atlanta, GA.
Wiatt, R., M.I. Marshall and R. Musselman. “Management and Ownership Transfer: The Case of Mid-Western Family Businesses”. Selected Paper Presented at: 2019 Small Business Institute Conference, Spring 2019. Conference Proceedings, 43(1), 52-68. Available at: http://smallbusinessinstitute.biz/resources/Documents/Proceedings/2019%20SBI%20Conference%20FinalProceedings%202-11-2019%20v1%5B59759%5D.pdf.
Wiatt, R.D., and M.I. Marshall. “Culture of Collaboration and Profit in Family Businesses”. 2019. AAEA Meeting, Atlanta, GA. July 2019.
Outreach Presentations
- Marshall: January 10, 2019: From Conflict to Resolution, Green Expo, Indianapolis, IN
- Marshall: January 11, 2019: From Conflict to Resolution (Spanish), Green Expo, Indianapolis, IN
- Wiatt: January 24, 2019: Power of Attorney and Building Your Team, Succession Planning Workshop, Hancock County, Greenfield, IN
- Marshall and R. Wiatt: February 12, 2019: Succession Planning and Empowerment of the Next Generation, Horticultural Congress, Indianapolis, IN
- Marshall: February 20, 2019: Starting Your Own Ag Related Business, Women in Ag Conference, Plymouth, IN
- Wiatt: March 4, 2019: Power of Attorney and Building Your Team, Succession Planning Workshop, Benton County, Fowler, IN
- Wiatt: March 13, 2019: Contingency Planning and Getting the Best Resolution Out of Conflict, Annie’s Project, Purdue Extension – Jasper County, Wolcott, Indiana
- Wiatt and M. Marshall: May 15, 2019: Using the Thomas Kilmann Method to Reach a Resolution in Conflict, Succession Planning Team Annual Retreat, West Lafayette IN
- Wiatt: August 6, 2019: Succession Planning for Farm and Family Businesses, Copacol Cooperative Group from South Brazil, Exelencia Copacol Series, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Abstracts of Journal Articles from collaborative work with NC1030 members.
The impact of business ownership motives and goals on success in immigrant-owned family businesses.
Abstract. While the long-term economic and cultural contributions made by immigrants throughout the American history have been well documented, few empirical studies have provided information on how more recent immigrant family business owners are successful in the United States. Two large groups of immigrant small-business owners are Mexican and Korean immigrants. Mexican and Korean immigrant business owners in the U.S. might have different business ownership motives and goals that influence their business success. Employing data from the 2003–2005 National Minority Business Owners Surveys (NMBOS), this study explored the effect of business ownership motives and family goals on business success and family life satisfaction among immigrant Mexican and Korean business owners. The findings of this study indicate that Mexican immigrant family business owners reported higher levels of family life satisfaction as compared to Korean family business owners, while most of the business ownership motives are quite similar. Implications of research findings for immigrant family business researchers, practitioners, and policy makers are discussed along with future research agenda.
Wiatt, R.D., Lee, Y.G., Marshall, M.I., and Zuiker, V.S. (2020). The effect of cash flow problems and resource intermingling on small business recovery and resilience after a natural disaster.” Journal of Family and Economic Issues. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10834-020-09710-y. (Objective 1)
Jorgensen, J., Masuo, D., Manikowske, L., and Lee, Y. (2020). The reciprocal involvement of family business owners and communities in business success. Sustainability, 12(10), 4048, https://doi.org/10.3390/su12104048 [Objectives 2/3]
Haynes, G., Marshall, M., Lee, Y., Zuiker, V.S. Jasper, Sydnor, S., Valdivia, C., Masuo, D., Niehm, L., and Wiatt, R. (2020). Family business research: Reviewing the past, contemplating the future. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10834-020-09732-6 (Objectives 1/3)
Manuscripts in Preparation
Johnson Jorgensen, J., Zuiker, V., Manikowske, L., and LeHew, M. (in preparation). Impact of Communication Technologies on Small Business Success. Journal of Small Business Strategy.
Niehm, L.S., Lee, Y., Masuo, D., and Shin, E. (in preparation) The Survival of Family-Owned Business in Rural and Small Communities: Entrepreneurial and Innovative Responses to Recessionary Disruption. (Preparing for submission to JFEI, 2020).
Katare, B., M. Marshall, and C. Valdivia (in preparation) Bend or Break? Small Business Survival and the CARES Act during the COVID-19 Shock (Preparing for submission to Journal of Business Venturing).
Extension Publications
Wiatt, R. and M.I. Marshall. (2020). “Why ALL Businesses Need a Plan”. Indiana Onsite Wastewater Professionals Association Newsletter, Spring Edition, pp.12-13. Available at: https://issuu.com/iowpanews/docs/iowpa_spring2020_issuu?fr=sNTEwMzI5MDk4NA.
Wiatt, R. and M.I. Marshall. (2020). “Defining your Dreams”. Vegetable Crops Hotline, 669. Available at: https://vegcropshotline.org/article/defining-your-dreams/.
Sydnor, S., Wiatt, R., Day, J. and Marshall, M. I. (2020) Bouncing Back Better: From Resilience to Regeneration. In Purdue Institute for Family Business (PIFB), PIFB Quarterly Newsletter: 2020 Summer Edition (Special Research Edition).
Refereed Presentations
Jorgensen, J., Masuo, D., Manikowske, L., and Lee, Y. (2020). Owner and community involvement and business success in small family-owned businesses. Presentation at the United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) Conference, New Orleans, LA – Objective 2/3
Sydnor, S. and Marshall, M. (2020). Mindfulness, Socioemotional Wealth, and Family Firm Performance. Paper presented at the February, Small Business Institute Annual Conference 2020, New Orleans, LA.
Wiatt, R. and M.I. Marshall. “Love of Work or Love and Work? Workaholism among Small Business Owners”. Selected Paper Presented at: 2020 Small Business Institute Conference, February 2020. Conference Proceedings, 105-120. Available at: http://smallbusinessinstitute.biz/2020-Conference-Proceedings.