NCERA_old222: Integrated Pest Management
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
See attached publication list.
Alford, A. and C.H. Krupke. 2018. A meta-analysis and economic evaluation of neonicotinoid seed treatments and other prophylactic insecticides in Indiana maize from 2000-2015 with IPM recommendations. J. Econ. Entomol. 111:689-699. doi.org/10.1093/jee/tox379
Duffy, A.G., G. Hughes, M. Ginzel and D.S. Richmond. 2018. Volatile and tactile chemical cues associated with Sphenophorus vanutusand S. parvulushost and mate recognition behavior. Journal of Chemical Ecology (Accepted).
Duffy, A.G., G.S. Powell, J.M. Zaspel, and D.S. Richmond. 2018. Billbug (Coleoptera: Dryophthoridae: Spehenophorus spp.) seasonal biology and DNA-based life stage association in Indiana Turfgrass. Journal of Economic Entomology. Journal Economic Entomology 111:304-313.
Quesada C. R. and C. S. Sadof 2018. Factors influencing insecticide efficacy against armored and soft scales. HortTechnology 28(3) 267-275
Taylor, S.V. and C.H. Krupke. 2018. Measuring rootworm refuge function: Diabrotica virgifera virgiferaemergence and mating in seed blend and strip refuges for Bt maize. Pest Mgt. Sci. In press.
Tooker, J.F., M.R. Douglas and C.H. Krupke. 2017. Neonicotinoid seed treatments: limitations and compatibility with integrated pest management. Agric. Environ. Letters. 2 (1).
Richmond, D.Sand C. Sadof. 2018. Japanese beetles in the urban landscape. Purdue Extension Publication E-75-W.
Beckerman J. 2018. Disease Management Strategies for Horticultural Crops: Fungicide Mobility for Nursery, Greenhouse, and Landscape Professionals. BP-70.
Beckerman J. 2018. Disease Management Strategies for Horticultural Crops: Fungicide Rotations for Nursery, Greenhouse, and Landscape Professionals. BP-71
Bordelon, B., Foster, R., Obermeyer, J., Turner, D., Thompson, A., Hermesch, J. 2018. Integrated Pest management Guide for Hops in Indiana. ID-462-W
Missouri IPM Website - Newsletters: Published 42 articles in the Missouri Environment and Garden (MEG), 32 articles in Integrated Pest and Crop Management (IPCM), and 14 articles in Missouri Produce Growers (MPG).
The website, which includes pest monitoring and other services accounted for 348,321 pageviews during the period (MEG - 182,653; IPCM - 111,724; MPG - 12,125).
Protecting Honey Bees and Other Pollinators from Agricultural Insecticides in Field Crops https://ipcm.wisc.edu/download/pubsPM/UW_PollinatorFactSheet_final.pdf
Pest Management in Wisconsin Field Crops (revised) https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/pat/files/2018/11/2019_A3646.pdf
Commercial Vegetable Production in Wisconsin (revised) https://learningstore.uwex.edu/Assets/pdfs/A3422.pdf
Field Crop Scouting Manual (revised)https://ipcm.wisc.edu/download/pubsPM/UW-IPM-ScoutingManual-web.pdf
Szendrei, Z. http://bit.ly/squash-bees
Szendrei, Z. http://bit.ly/Bees4Cukes
Landis, D. http://bit.ly/SavingMonarchs
Ohio State University
Acebes-Doria, Angelita L.; Arthur M. Agnello, Diane G. Alston, Heather Andrews, Elizabeth H. Beers, J. Christopher Bergh, Ric Bessin, Brett R. Blaauw, G. David Buntin, Eric C. Burkness, Shi Chen, Ted E. Cottrell, Kent M. Daane, Lauren Fann, Shelby J. Fleischer, Christelle Guédot, Larry J. Gut, George C. Hamilton, Richard Hilton, Kim A. Hoelmer, William D. Hutchison, Peter Jentsch, Greg Krawczyk, Thomas P. Kuhar, Jana C. Lee, Joshua M. Milnes, Anne L. Nielsen, Dilani K. Patel, Brent D. Short, Ashfaq A. Sial, Lori R. Spears, Kathy Tatman, Michael D. Toews, James D. Walgenbach, Celeste Welty, Nik G. Wiman, Janet van Zoeren, and Tracy C. Leskey. September 2019. Season-long Monitoring of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) Throughout the United States using Commercially Available Traps and Lures. Journal of Economic Entomology. doi.org/10.1093/jee/toz240
Emanuel, I.B., Farinas, C., Lin, S., Pierzynski, J., Crouch, J., Hand, F.P. 2019. Occurrence of boxwood blight caused by Calonectria pseudonaviculata in Ohio landscapes. Plant Disease. Plant Disease. 103(10):2670. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-03-19-0520-PDN. NIFA support.
Rosalie Sepesy, Elizabeth Long, Celeste Welty, Jim Jasinski. 2019. Monitoring and Managing Spotted wing Drosophila in Fruit Crops. https://ohioline.osu.edu/factsheet/ent-86
Ivey, M.L., Medina, R., and Bergefurd, B. ,2019. Ohio Hop Disease Management Guide 2019.
Watters, H. D., S. W. Culman, A. E. Dorrance, G. A. LaBarge, E. M. Lentz, L. E. Lindsey, M. M. Loux, P. Michel, H. E. Ozkan, P. A. Paul, A. L. Raudenbush, L. H. Rhodes, R. M. Sulc, N. J. Taylor, P. R. Thomison, K.J. Tilmon and J. F. Tooker. 2019. Corn, Soybean, Wheat, and Alfalfa Field Guide. Ohio State University Extension. Publication 827.
Pekarcik, A., E. Richer, and K. Tilmon. (2020). Entomopathogenic nematodes for control of Asiatic garden beetle in field crops. Ohio State University Extension, Wooster, OH. 1-4. https://cdn.sare.org/wp-content/uploads/20200301151529/AGB_EPN_Handout_Feb2020.pdf
Pekarcik, A. K. Tilmon, E. Richer, C. DiFonzo, and B. Mackellar. (2019). Identification, monitoring, & management of Asiatic garden beetle in field crops. Ohio State University Extension, Wooster, OH., and Michigan State University Extension, East Lansing, MI. 1-4. https://aginsects.osu.edu/sites/aginsects/files/imce/AGB%20in%20field%20crops%202019.pdf
Tilmon, K. J. and A. Raudenbush. 2019. Common Bees of Ohio Soybean. The Ohio State University IPM Program.
Spring, M.R. and M.M. Gardiner. 2019. How to Identify and Enhance Ohio’s Wild Bees in Your Landscape. OSU Extension Fact Sheet Number: ENT-85-19
Jasinski, J. 2019. Using mustard cover crops as biofumigants to control Plectosporium blight on pumpkin, 2019. Plant Disease Management Report. 14:V070.
James Jasinski, Kyle Vernot. 2020. Can Mustard Cover Crops Reduce Plectosporium Blight in Pumpkin? National Association of County Agricultural Agents. Richmond, VA.
Fully or partially supported/maintained these sites:
https://u.osu.edu/ohscn/ Soybean Cyst Nematode in Ohio
https://u.osu.edu/osusoybeandisease/ Soybean Disease Management in Ohio
https://stepupsoy.osu.edu Soybean and Small Grain Crop Production
Scientific and Outreach Oral Presentations. Include workshops, colloquia, conferences, symposia, and industry meetings in which you presented and/or organized.
Exploring relationships between pheromone trap capture and crop injury. Stakeholder Advisory Panel annual meeting for the multi-State project on brown marmorated stink bug management. Columbus, OH. 2/19/2019.
Bergefurd, B.R. (2019). Ohio Hops Research and Production Update. Great Lakes Hop Research Meeting. Blue Mountains, Ontario, Canada. 7/30/19http://ncipmc.org/partners/wgroup/hop.php. NIFA acknowledged.
Lindsey, L.E. 2020. Soybean production tips. 2020 Agronomic Outlook Meeting. Brown County, OH. Feb. 20. Attendance: 25
Lindsey, L.E. 2020. How do I get my soybeans through the glass ceiling? West Ohio Agronomy Day. Shelby County, OH. Jan. 13. Attendance: 100
Tilmon, K. J. 2019. Sink bugs and ‘hole punchers.’ Western Agronomy Field Day. South Charleston, OH. July 17. Attendance: 40.
Tilmon, K. J. 2019. Insects we need to be on the lookout for this fall. Summer Corn and Soybean Scouting Night Crawford. Bucyrus, Oh. August 13. Attendance: 25.
Tilmon, K. J. 2019. Diagnostic demonstration of soybean insect pests. Southwest Ohio Corn Growers Field Day. Washington Courthouse, OH. August 13. Attendance: 40.
Tilmon, K. J. 2019. Stink bugs and soybean defoliators. Farm Science Review/Ohio Agribusiness Association Agronomy College. 9/10/19. Attendance: 80.
Tilmon, K. J. 2019. Soybean insect pests. Ohio Department of Agriculture Inspector Training. 12/2/19. Attendance: 30.
Dorrance, A.E. 2020. Soybean disease update. Ohio Seed Improvement Association. Doubletree Inn, Worthington, Columbus, OH, OH. 70 attendees
Dorrance, A.E. 2019. Pesticide Applicator Update 2019 for Soybean Pathology. December, 10, 4-H Center, Columbus.
Dorrance, A.E. 2019. Soybean Disease Scouting. Southwest Ohio Corn Growers, August 13, Washington Court House, 100 participants, Fayette county Airport
Dorrance, A.E. 2019. Soybean diseases and SCN. Agronomy Field Day, August 21, Mt. Gilead Ohio, 20 participants.
Dorrance, A.E. 2019. Updates on SCN Management and Frogeye Leafspot. September 10, Molly Caren Farm, Farm Science Review, 60 attendees
Dorrance, A.E. 2019. Updates on SCN Management and Frogeye Leafspot. September 10, Western Ohio, 60 attendees
Michel, AP. 2019 Stink bugs and defoliators in soybean. OSU Western Ag Research Station Field Day. South Charleston, OH. Jul 17. 75 Participants.
Michel, AP. 2019 Insect Update for 2017/2018. Pesticide Applicators Training (PAT) Recertification Field Crop Conference. Sandusky, OH. Feb 22. 100 Participants
Michel, AP. 2019 Insect Management in Soybean. Carroll County Agronomy School. Carrollton, OH. Feb 21. 50 Participants
Michel, AP. 2019 Insect Management in Soybean. NE Ohio Agronomy School. Bristolville, OH. Feb 20. 100 Participants
Michel, AP. 2019 Testing for Bt using test strips. OARDC Agronomy School. Wooster, OH. Feb 8. 20 Participants
Michel, AP. 2019 Managing insects without Bt. Ohio Ag Business Association. Columbus, OH. Jan 31. 80 Participants
Michel, AP. 2019 Insect Update for 2017/2018. Pesticide Applicators Training (PAT) Recertification Field Crop Conference. Akron, OH. Jan 15. 25 Participants
Gardiner, M.M. Dandelion detectives: A youth citizen science program focused on the value of weeds. One Day Insect University. The Ohio State University. Columbus, OH. (10/29/19) (400 participants)
University of Illinois
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Dalla Lana, F., Plewa, D. E., Phillippi, E. S., Garzonio, D., Hesterman, R., Kleczewski, N. M., and Paul, P. A. 2019. First Report of Tar Spot of Maize (Zea mays), caused by Phyllachora maydis in Ohio. Plant Disease. 103:1780.
Kleczewski, N., Plewa, D.E., Kangas, C., Phillippi, E., and Kleczewski, V. 2019. First report of Red Crown Rot of Soybeans caused by Calonectria ilicicola (anamorph: Cylindrocladium parasiticum) in Illinois. Plant Disease. 103:1777.
Kleczewski, N., Chilvers, M., Mueller, D., Plewa, D., Robertson, A., Smith, D., Telenko, D. 2019. Tar Spot. Crop Protection Network. Corn Disease Management Fact Sheet. https://crop-protection-network.s3.amazonaws.com/publications/tar-spot-filename-2019-03-25-120313.pdf
Kangas, M.N. and J.R. Miller. April 2019. Pollinator-targeted conservation program supports and abundance of wild bees. Poster at the US Section of the International Association for Landscape Ecology (US-IALE) in Fort Collins, CO.
Kangas, M.N. and J.R. Miller. February 2019. Pollinator-targeted conservation program supports and abundance of wild bees. Poster at the Graduates in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Symposium in Urbana, IL. (Runner-up Poster Award)
Presentations and Lectures
Kangas, M.N. July 2019. Lunch with an Expert: The Buzz on Native Bees in East-Central Illinois. Oral presentation at University of Illinois Extension in Champaign, IL.
Kangas, M.N. April 2019. Buzzing with life: cemetery prairies as living systems. Oral presentation at the Grand Prairie Friends Annual Meeting in Urbana, IL.
Estes, K.A. November 11 & 13, 2019. Ag Pests of Illinois Corn and Soybeans: Common and Invasive Threats. Invited Lecture for Parkland College, AG 232. Champaign, IL.
Estes, K.A. August 18, 2019. How are insects responding to the wild weather in 2019. University of Illinois Agronomy Day. Champaign, IL.
Estes, K.A. April 23, 2019. Illinois Invasive Insects. University of Illinois Extension Four Seasons Webinar.
Estes, K.A. April 25, 2019. Illinois Invasive Insects. Invasive Species Workshop. Bloomington, IL.
Plewa, D. E. Sept. 5, 2019. Diagnosing Plant Problems. Master Gardener State Conference. Moline, IL.
Plewa, D. E. May 23, 2019. Top 10 Tree Diseases. University of Illinois Extension presentation. Bloomington, IL.
Other Written Articles
- 2 Chapters in the updated Field Crop Scouting Manual
- 9 articles in Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter (http://hyg.ipm.illinois.edu/)
- Phytophthora ramorum Alert (https://uofi.box.com/v/Pramorumalert) and internal information for Extension personnel and risk assessment tool
- Coauthored the Illinois Department of Agriculture press release about Phytophthora ramorum (https://www2.illinois.gov/IISNews/20290-Sudden_Oak_Death_Release_(002).pdf)
- 7 articles for various newsletters and webinars
- 7 radio and TV interviews
Purdue University’s Indiana Highlights
Regional publications.
- Morfin N, Given K, Evans M, Guzman-Novoa E, Hunt GJ. Grooming behavior and gene expression of the Indiana “mite-biter” honey bee stock. Apidologie. 2020;51: 267–275.
- Smith JL, Difonzo CD, Baute JL, Michel AP and CH Krupke 2019. Ecology and Management of the Western Bean Cutworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Corn and Dry Beans—Revision With Focus on the Great Lakes Region . Journal of Integrated Pest Management 10 (1), 27
- Mourtzinis S, Krupke, CH Esker PD, Varenhorst A, and NJ Arneson,. 2019. Neonicotinoid seed treatments of soybean provide negligible benefits to US farmers. 2019...Scientific reports 9 (1), 1-722019
Scientific and Outreach Oral Presentations. Include workshops, colloquia, conferences, symposia, and industry meetings in which you presented and/or organized.
- Johnson, W. R. Extension Weed Scientist Field Tour with Scientists from over 15 states, EPA, and AAPCO West Lafayette, on September 23,2020.
- Krupke, C. H. (Author & Presenter), Entomological Society of America, "Why IPM and IRM are occasionally mutually exclusive, and what to do about it.," Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC), St. Louis, MO, United States. November, 2019.
- Richmond, D.S. 2019. National Turfgrass Entomology Workshop - Turfgrass insect management in the era of climate change. October 14-15, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. (Organizer and Program Chair).
- Sadof, C., J. Beckerman, D.S. Richmond, A. Patton and A. Torres Bravo. 2019. A sustainable approach for creating mobile apps for diagnosing plant problems. Entomological Society of America. St. Louis, MO, November 20, 2019.
Wisconsin Fund leveraging, specifically, collaborative grants between stations and members.
- Harpur, Brock USDA NIFA CARE $299,940 (3 yrs).
Title: Which bees are best: Testing the performance of commonly available honey bee stocks for Midwestern and Northeastern beekeepers
- Managing Corn Insects When Growing Non-Bt Hybrids https://ipcm.wisc.edu/download/pubsPM/UWEX_BtFactSheet_Final.pdf
- To Bt or not to Bt: Is that your questions https://ipcm.wisc.edu/download/pubsPM/UW_ToBT_NotBt_final.pdf
- A sample powerpoint, Hemp Bootcamp
- Leveraged funding: Proactive Research to Track and Manage Corn Earworm Resistance to Pyrethroids, 3 year $10,000/year grant from Midwest Food Processors Association, Bill Hutchinson, Univ. of Minnesota and Bryan Jensen, Univ. of Wisconsin
University of Missouri IPM Program
Published Written Works
Dintelman B, Trinklein D, and K Bradley (2020) Response of Common Garden Annuals to Sublethal Rates of 2,4-D and Dicamba with or without Glyphosate. HortTechnology DOI:
Dintelmann BR, Warmund MR, Bish MD, and KW Bradley (2019) Investigations of the Sensitivity of Ornamental, Fruit, and Nut Plant Species to Driftable Rates of 2,4-D and Dicamba. Weed Technology doi: 10.1017/ wet.2019.118
Selected Oral/Online Slide Show Presentations
Investigations of the Sensitivity of Ornamental, Fruit, and Nut Plant Species to 2,4-D and Dicamba
Evaluation of Dicamba and 2,4-D Injury on Common Vegetable and Flower Species https://weedscience.missouri.edu/Vegetable%20Injury%20with%20Dicamba%20and%202,4-D%202018.pdf
South Dakota State University
- Hicks, J., P. Rozeboom, C. Dierks and A. Varenhorst. 2019. A new soybean pest in South Dakota: Soybean gall midge. 74th Annual Meeting of the North Central Branch of the Entomological Society of America. 18 March 2019. Cincinnati, OH.
- Claire, M., P. Rozeboom and A. Varenhorst. 2019. Impact of pollinators on Brassica carinata yields in South Dakota. 74th Annual Meeting of the North Central Branch of the Entomological Society of America. 18 March 2019. Cincinnati, OH.
Other Written Articles
- Twenty Weekly Pest and Crop Newsletters (https://extension.sdstate.edu/sdsu-extension-pest-crop-newsletter)
- Fifty-six Extension articles (https://extension.sdstate.edu/)
- Varenhorst, A., A. Bachmann, P. Rozeboom and P. Wagner. 2019. An identification guide to common ticks of South Dakota. South Dakota State University Extension.
- Varenhorst, A., P. Rozeboom, A. Bachmann, and P. Wagner (2019). Grasshopper Mites in South Dakota. Brookings, SD: SDSU Extension.
- Varenhorst, A., P. Rozeboom, A. Bachmann, and P. Wagner (2019). Soybean Aphids in South Dakota. Brookings, SD: SDSU Extension.
- Varenhorst, A., P. Rozeboom, E. Anderson, A. Bachmann, and P. Wagner (2019). An Identification Guide to Common Natural Enemies (Insects, Spiders & Mites). Brookings, SD: SDSU Extension.
- Varenhorst, A., A. Bachmann, P. Rozeboom, and P. Wagner (2019). An Identification Guide to Ticks of South Dakota. Brookings, SD: SDSU Extension.
- Johnson, P.O., D. Vos, J. Alms, and L.J. Wrage (2019). Sorghum Weed Control. Brookings, SD: SDSU Extension.
- Johnson, P.O. (2019). Grassy Weeds. Brookings, SD: SDSU Extension.
- Johnson, P.O., D. Vos, J. Alms, and L.J. Wrage (2019). Weed Control in Soybeans, pp. 3-34. In A. Bachmann (ed.), 2019 South Dakota Pest Management Guide, Soybeans. Brookings, SD: SDSU Extension.
- Varenhorst, A., P.A. Rozeboom, and P. Wagner (2019). Foliar Insecticides in Soybean, pp. 35-46. In A. Bachmann (ed.), 2019 South Dakota Pest Management Guide, Soybeans. Brookings, SD: SDSU Extension.
- Byamukama, E., D. Yabwalo, P.A. Rozeboom, P.M. Wagner, and A.J. Varenhorst (2019). Soybean Seed Treatments, pp. 47-58. In A. Bachmann (ed.), 2019 South Dakota Pest Management Guide, Soybeans. Brookings, SD: SDSU Extension.
- Byamukama, E., D. Yabwalo, and C. Strunk (2019). Foliar Fungicides in Soybean, pp. 59-72. In A. Bachmann (ed.), 2019 South Dakota Pest Management Guide, Soybeans. Brookings, SD: SDSU Extension.
- Johnson, P.O., D. Vos, J. Alms, and L.J. Wrage. (2019). Weed Control in Corn, pp. 3-40. In A. Bachmann (ed.), 2019 South Dakota Pest Management Guide, Corn. Brookings, SD: SDSU Extension.
- Varenhorst, A., P.A. Rozeboom, and P. Wagner (2019). Foliar Insecticides in Corn, pp. 41-56. In A. Bachmann (ed.), 2019 South Dakota Pest Management Guide, Corn. Brookings, SD: SDSU Extension.
- Byamukama, E., D. Yabwalo, P.A. Rozeboom, P.M. Wagner, and A.J. Varenhorst (2019). Corn Seed Treatments, pp. 57-64. In A. Bachmann (ed.), 2019 South Dakota Pest Management Guide, Corn. Brookings, SD: SDSU Extension.
- Byamukama, E., D. Yabwalo, and C. Strunk (2019). Foliar Fungicides in Corn, pp. 65-76. In A. Bachmann (ed.), 2019 South Dakota Pest Management Guide, Corn. Brookings, SD: SDSU Extension.
- Johnson, P.O., D. Vos, J. Alms, and L.J. Wrage. (2019). Weed Control in Wheat, Small Grains and Millet, pp. 3-38. In A. Bachmann (ed.), 2019 South Dakota Pest Management Guide, Wheat. Brookings, SD: SDSU Extension.
- Varenhorst, A., P.A. Rozeboom, and P. Wagner (2019). Foliar Insecticides in Wheat, pp. 39-46. In A. Bachmann (ed.), 2019 South Dakota Pest Management Guide, Wheat. Brookings, SD: SDSU Extension.
- Byamukama, E., D. Yabwalo, P.A. Rozeboom, P.M. Wagner, and A.J. Varenhorst (2019). Wheat Seed Treatments, pp. 47-60. In A. Bachmann (ed.), 2019 South Dakota Pest Management Guide, Wheat. Brookings, SD: SDSU Extension.
- Byamukama, E., D. Yabwalo, and C. Strunk (2019). Foliar Fungicides in Wheat, pp. 61-72. In A. Bachmann (ed.), 2019 South Dakota Pest Management Guide, Wheat. Brookings, SD: SDSU Extension.
- Johnson, P.O., D. Vos, J. Alms, and L.J. Wrage (2019). Weed Control in Alfalfa and Forage Legumes, pp. 3-16. In A. Bachmann (ed.), 2019 South Dakota Pest Management Guide, Alfalfa & Oilseeds. Brookings, SD: SDSU Extension.
- Varenhorst, A., P.A. Rozeboom, and P. Wagner (2019). Foliar Insecticides in Alfalfa, pp. 17-24. In A. Bachmann (ed.), 2019 South Dakota Pest Management Guide, Alfalfa & Oilseeds. Brookings, SD: SDSU Extension.
- Byamukama, E., D. Yabwalo, P.A. Rozeboom, P.M. Wagner, and A.J. Varenhorst (2019). Alfalfa Seed Treatments, pp. 25-28. In A. Bachmann (ed.), 2019 South Dakota Pest Management Guide, Alfalfa & Oilseeds. Brookings, SD: SDSU Extension.
- Byamukama, E., D. Yabwalo, and C. Strunk (2019). Fungicides in Alfalfa, pp. 29-32. In A. Bachmann (ed.), 2019 South Dakota Pest Management Guide, Alfalfa & Oilseeds. Brookings, SD: SDSU Extension.
- Johnson, P.O., D. Vos, J. Alms, and L.J. Wrage (2019). Weed Control in Oilseeds (Sunflower, Safflower, Canola, Flax), pp. 33-50. In A. Bachmann (ed.), 2019 South Dakota Pest Management Guide, Alfalfa & Oilseeds. Brookings, SD: SDSU Extension.
- Varenhorst, A., P.A. Rozeboom, and P. Wagner (2019). Foliar Insecticides in Sunflower & Other Oilseeds (Canola, Flax, Safflower), pp. 51-58. In A. Bachmann (ed.), 2019 South Dakota Pest Management Guide, Alfalfa & Oilseeds. Brookings, SD: SDSU Extension.
- Byamukama, E., D. Yabwalo, P.A. Rozeboom, P.M. Wagner, and A.J. Varenhorst (2019). Seed Treatments in Sunflower & Other Oilseeds (Canola, Flax, Safflower) pp. 59-66. In A. Bachmann (ed.), 2019 South Dakota Pest Management Guide, Alfalfa & Oilseeds. Brookings, SD: SDSU Extension.
- Byamukama, E., D. Yabwalo, and C. Strunk (2019). Foliar Fungicides in Oilseed Crops (Canola, Flax, Safflower, Sunflower), pp. 67-76. In A. Bachmann (ed.), 2019 South Dakota Pest Management Guide, Alfalfa & Oilseeds. Brookings, SD: SDSU Extension.
- Rozeboom, P., P. Wagner, A. Bachmann, and A. Varenhorst (2018). An Identification Guide to Corn and Soybean Caterpillar Pests in South Dakota. Brookings, SD: iGrow, SDSU Extension.
Scientific and Outreach Oral Presentations
- Rozeboom, P. and A. Bachman. September 2019. Using IPM – Pest Management Strategies for Diverse Production.
- Varenhorst, A. J. 2019. Current and potential insect pests. Northeast Research Farm Field Day.
- Varenhorst, A. J. 2019. Current and potential insect pests. Southeast Research Farm Field Day.
- Varenhorst, A. J. 2019. Current and potential insect pests. Volga Farm Field Day.
- Wagner, P. and A. Varenhorst. 2019. Insects in wheat. West River Field School. Sturgis, SD.
- Rozeboom, P. May 2019. Utilizing Integrated Pest Management PAMS Techniques to Reduce Risk of Pesticides in Surface Water and Reducing the Potential for Delivery of Chemicals into Water Bodies. Oral presentation in field at USDA site near Buffalo, SD.
- Varenhorst, A. 2019. Soybean gall midge: A new pest in soybeans. Dakota Farm Show. 4 January 2019. Vermillion, SD.
- Varenhorst, A., M. O’Neal and M. McCarville. 2019. Challenges associated with soybean aphids and Rag genes. 74th Annual Meeting of the North Central Branch of the Entomological Society of America. 19 March 2019. Cincinnati, OH.
- Varenhorst, A., C. Dierks and P. Rozeboom. 2019. Gall midge and insect pests. Soy100. 14 March 2019. Brookings, SD.
- Edwards, L. March 2019. Climate Outlook for the 2019 Growing Season. Oral presentation at the SD Independent Crop Consultant’s Annual Workshop in Brookings, SD.
- Byamukama, E. March 2019. 2018 Season Review: Role of Weather, Fungicide Efficacy and Fungicide Resistance. Oral presentation at the SD Independent Crop Consultant’s Annual Workshop in Brookings, SD.
- Rozeboom, P. March 2019. Principals of Integrated Pest Management and Why They’re Important. Oral presentation at the SD Independent Crop Consultant’s Annual Workshop in Brookings, SD.
- Varenhorst, A. March 2019. Why Scouting for Insects is Important. Oral presentation at the SD Independent Crop Consultant’s Annual Workshop in Brookings, SD.
- Johnson, P.O. March 2019. Review of 2018 and Challenges for 2019. Oral presentation at the SD Independent Crop Consultant’s Annual Workshop in Brookings, SD.
- Bly, A. March 2019. Soil Nutrient Cycling. Oral presentation at the SD Independent Crop Consultant’s Annual Workshop in Brookings, SD.
Collaborative Grants:
- Research Grant 2019, North Central IPM Center (3/1/19-2/29/20). “IPM for soybean gall midge: Understanding pest ecology and identifying management practices”. Amount requested: $50,000. PI: Anthony McMechan (University of Nebraska). Co-PI: E. Hodgson (Iowa State University), T. Hunt (University of Nebraska), R. Wright (University of Nebraska), A. Varenhorst.
- Research Grant 2019, North Central IPM Center (12/18-9/19). “Soybean gall midge: Identifying management opportunities for an emerging pest of soybeans”. Amount requested: $60,000. PI: Anthony McMechan (University of Nebraska). Co-PI: E. Hodgson (Iowa State University), T. Hunt (University of Nebraska), R. Wright (University of Nebraska), A. Varenhorst.
- Research Grant 2019, North Central Soybean Research Program (3/1/19-2/29/20). “Soybean gall midge: Surveying the north central region, adult monitoring and host plant resistance”. Amount requested: $870,000. PI: Anthony McMechan (University of Nebraska). Co-PI: K. Estes (University of Illinois), N. Seiter (University of Illinois), J. Spencer (University of Illinois), C. Krupke (Purdue University), E. Hodgson (Iowa State University), R. Whitworth (Kansas State University), S. Zukoff (Kansas State University), C. DiFonzo (Michigan State University), K. Rice (University of Missouri), B. Potter (University of Minnesota), R. Koch (University of Minnesota), T. Hunt (University of Nebraska), R. Wright (University of Nebraska), G. Graef (University of Nebraska), J. Knodel (North Dakota State University), K. Tilmon (Ohio State University), A. Varenhorst, B. Jensen (University of Wisconsin).
Michigan State University
Lizotte, Erin. Updated 2020 hop management guide available to Michigan hop growers. 2020. www.msue.msu.edu.
Lizotte, Erin. 2020 Pest Alert: European Corn Borer in Michigan Hops. www.msue.msu.edu
Sirrine, R., and Erin Lizotte. Bine and Dine monthly hop webinar series: https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/bine-and-dine-monthly-hop-webinar-series-1
Partially supported/maintained these websites: