NCERA_old222: Integrated Pest Management
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
NCERA_old222: Integrated Pest Management
Duration: 10/01/2016 to 09/30/2021
Administrative Advisor(s):
NIFA Reps:
Non-Technical Summary
Statement of Issues and Justification
The need for integrated pest management (IPM) research and Extension programs can be found in the citizens of each state, growers of food, fuel, and fiber crops, independent crop consultants, agri-chemical industry representatives, and with regulatory agencies such as EPA. This need continues to grow as evidenced by the development and adoption of transgenic crops, accelerated development and detection of herbicide resistant weeds, changing regulatory environment, and emerging and invasive pests (e.g., spotted wing Drosophila, brown marmorated stink bugs, kudzu bug, 1,000 canker disease of walnut, Goss’s wilt of corn, downy mildew on basil, Palmer amaranth, etc.). New pests and the re-emergence of old pests (corn rootworms, bed bugs, gray leaf spot, soybean cyst nematode, giant ragweed, etc.) require continued refinement of economic thresholds, scouting procedures and management strategies along with development and evaluation of Extension programs for a variety of audiences. IPM requires pest identification and an understanding of thresholds, plus knowing the economic value of a pesticide application and potential effects of pesticide use on human, environmental, and economic health.
NCERA222 members continue to emphasize integrating judicious pesticide use with all available pest management strategies to minimize risks, especially in light of the recent focus on pollinator health and endangered species. IPM programs throughout the region continue to address farmers’ needs such as field crops, fruits, vegetables, nursery, greenhouse, etc., along with crop consultants, small businesses, homeowners and communities in production fields, schools, urban areas, and other public places.
This IPM community has provided critical data and professional opinion to EPA, USDA-OPMP, other federal and state agencies, collected stakeholder needs, identified emerging issues, refined state/regional/national competitive calls for proposals and reviewed/updated/prioritized regional IPM needs. With the ever-changing federal funding and programming environment, the role and responsibilities of regional IPM centers, state IPM programs and NCERA222 continues to evolve in efficient, complementary, synergistic and dynamic fashion. For example, the opportunities have never been greater for research and Extension collaborations, regular professional exchange between research and Extension professionals and multistate collaborations. In addition, the expertise and experience gained by educator and scientist members of the North Central IPM Center (NCIPMC) and NCERA222 have resulted in regular and long-term requests for participation in regional, national and international professional symposiums, conferences, and joint programming efforts. This has also led to specific collaborative opportunities with rapid communications, publications, curriculum, educational materials and innovative programs with significant impact. Specific details with programs and venues are provided in NCERA222 annual reports in NIMSS. All of these activities lead to increased continuity of efforts and enhanced quality in an era with finite resources.
Lastly, three members of the NCERA 222 committee (past Chair, current Chair, and Chair elect) attend the annual National IPM Coordinating Committee held in Washington, DC to exchange information with other regional IPM Coordinators and to shape IPM policy and direction on a national stage.
Increase the capacity of members to implement Extension based programs.
Review, prioritize and disseminate IPM research and Extension needs.
Increase collaboration and coordination between state IPM programs, NCIPMC-related working groups and relevant NC multistate committees.
Facilitate multistate programming to share curriculum and educational materials.
Procedures and Activities
Objective 1 – Members from each state will share at least one innovative project or program that is currently being implemented.
Objective 2 – Review key IPM research and Extension needs that would be useful in conducting Extension programs, informing research activities, enhancing grant applications and assisting with state, regional, national and international agendas.
Objective 3 – Focus on communicating and interacting with relevant NCIPMC-funded working groups and other NC multistate committees in an effort to reduce redundancy and create efficient streams of information exchange and proactive future activities.
Objective 4 – Provide publications, workshops and concepts that might have regional interest, enrich the knowledge base of members and positively impact end users in other states.
Expected Outcomes and Impacts
- At least one innovative program developed in one state is implemented in another state. At least one multistate collaboration is established.
- Research and Extension personnel are informed of the current needs of IPM.
- Invite at least one NCIPMC working group or NC multistate committee to attend our annual meeting to provide an update on their activities whilst listening to the activities and progress of our committee.
- Exchange verbal and written reports of state activities to provide networking and promote sharing between states in the region.
Projected Participation
View Appendix E: ParticipationEducational Plan
Because many of the committee members are Extension IPM Coordinators, there is an established network to distribute information to each state and to support the development of joint educational materials. In addition, three members of the committee serve on the National IPM Coordinating Committee, which results in further sharing of NC IPM programs, highlights and contributions to the national agenda.
The NCERA 222 committee selects one member to be Chair-elect for one year. After one year, the Chair -elect becomes the Chair for the following year, and a new Chair-elect is selected. There is one Chair and Chair-elect serving on the committee at all times. There is no election of a Secretary. Administrative guidance will be provided by an assigned Administrative Advisor and USDA NIFA Representative, if available.