NE1501: Harnessing Chemical Ecology to Address Agricultural Pest and Pollinator Priorities
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Glaum P. and A. Kessler. 2017. Functional reduction in pollination services through Herbivore-Induced Pollinator Limitation and its potential in mutualist communities. Nature Communications. in press
Claflin, S, Jones, L, Thaler, J, Power, A. 2016. Crop-dominated landscapes have higher vector-borne plant virus prevalence. Journal of Applied Ecology. 10.1111/1365-2664.12831
Vannette RL and Fukami T, Contrasting effects of yeast and bacteria on floral nectar traits, Annals of Botany, accepted.
Rering C.C, Beck J.J., Hall, G., McCarthy, M., Vannette RL, Nectar-inhabiting microorganisms influence nectar volatile composition and attractiveness to a generalist pollinator. New Phytologist (early view) doi: 10.1111/nph.14809.
Glaum P. and A. Kessler. 2017. Functional reduction in pollination services through Herbivore-Induced Pollinator Limitation and its potential in mutualist communities. Nature Communications. in press
Claflin, S, Jones, L, Thaler, J, Power, A. 2016. Crop-dominated landscapes have higher vector-borne plant virus prevalence. Journal of Applied Ecology. 10.1111/1365-2664.12831
Lauren Brzozowski and Michael Maozurek. Sustaining the future of horticultural crop production through organic agroecological pest management. Sustainability. Accepted.
Brevik, K., S. D. Schoville, D. Mota-Sanchez, and Y. H. Chen. 2018. Pesticide durability and the evolution of resistance: A novel application of survival analysis. Pest Management Science 10.1002/ps.4899.
Schoville, Sean D., Y. H. Chen, M. N. Andersson, J. B. Benoit, A. Bhandari, J. H. Bowsher, K. Brevik, K. Cappelle, M-J. M. Chen, A. K. Childers, C. Childers, O. Christiaens, J. Clements, E. N. Elpidina, P. Engsontia, M. Friedrich, I. García-Robles, C. Goswami, A. Grapputo, K. Gruden, M. Grynberg, B. Henrissat, E. C. Jennings, J. W. Jones, M. Kalsi, S. A. Khan, A. Kumar, F. Li, V. Lombard, X. Ma, A. Martynov, N. J. Miller, R. F. Mitchell, M. Munoz-Torres, A. Muszewska, Brenda Oppert, S. R. Palli, K. A. Panfilio, Y. Pauchet, L. C. Perkin, M. Petek, M. F. Poelchau, E. Record, J. P. Rinehart, H. M. Robertson, A. J. Rosendale, V. M. Ruiz-Arroyo, G. Smagghe, Z. Szendrei, E. M. Szuter, G. W. C. Thomas, A. S. Torson, I. M. Vargas Jentzsch, M. T. Weirauch, A. D. Yates, G. D. Yocum, J-S Yoon, Stephen Richards. 2018. A model species for agricultural pest genomics: the genome of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Scientific Reports 8: 1931.
Brevik, K., L. Lindström, S. D. McKay, and Y. H. Chen. 2018. Transgenerational effects of insecticides – implications for rapid pest evolution in agroecosystems. Current Opinion in Insect Science. Special Issue, “Ecological Adaptation in Agroecosystems”.
Izzo, V., Y. H. Chen, S. D. Schoville, C. Wang, D. J. Hawthorne. 2018. Origin of pest lineages of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata. Journal of Economic Entomology.
Crossley, M. S., Y. H. Chen, R. L. Groves, and S. D. Schoville. 2017. Landscape genomics of Colorado potato beetle provides evidence of polygenic adaptation to insecticides. Molecular Ecology DOI: 10.1111/mec.14339
Alyokhin, A. and Y. H. Chen. 2017. Adaptation to toxic hosts as a factor in the evolution of insecticide resistance. Current Opinion in Insect Science 21:33-38.
- RJ Malik, JG Ali, JD Bever. Mycorrhizal composition influences plant anatomical defense and impacts herbivore growth and survival in a life-stage dependent manner. Pedobiologia 66, 29-35
- L Castano-Duque, A Helms, JG Ali, DS Luthe. Plant Bio-Wars: maize protein networks reveal tissue-specific defense strategies in response to a root herbivore. Journal of chemical ecology, 1-19
- D Markovic, I Colzi, C Taiti, S Ray, R Scalone, JG Ali, S Mancuso, Airborne signals synchronize the defenses of neighboring plants in response to touch. Journal of experimental botany 70 (2), 691-700
- LoCascio GM, Aguirre L, Irwin RE and LS Adler (in review). Pollen from multiple sunflower cultivars and species reduces a common bumble bee gut pathogen. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B.
- Giacomini JJLeslie J, Tarpy DR, Palmer-Young EC, Irwin RE and LS Adler. 2018. Medicinal value of sunflower pollen against bee pathogens. Scientific Reports 8: 14394. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-32681-y
- Chen, Y. H. and S. D. Schoville. 2018. Editorial Overview: Ecological adaptation in agroecosystems: Novel opportunities to integrate evolutionary biology and agricultural entomology. Overview for Special Issue titled, “Ecological Adaptation in Agroecosystems”. Current Opinion in Insect Science. 26: iv-viii. IF = 3.66, R = 12 out of 85 in Biology, R = 5 out of 93 in Entomology.
- Brevik, K., L. Lindström, S. D. McKay, and Y. H. Chen. 2018. Transgenerational effects of insecticides – implications for rapid pest evolution in agroecosystems. Special Issue, “Ecological Adaptation in Agroecosystems”. Current Opinion in Insect Science.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cois.2017.12.007. IF = 3.66, R = 12 out of 85 in Biology, R = 5 out of 93 in Entomology.
- Brevik, K., S. D. Schoville, D. Mota-Sanchez, and Y. H. Chen. 2018. Pesticide durability and the evolution of resistance: A novel application of survival analysis. Pest Management Science 10.1002/ps.4899. IF = 3.25
- Schoville, Sean D., Y. H. Chen, M. N. Andersson, J. B. Benoit, A. Bhandari, J. H. Bowsher, K. Brevik, K. Cappelle, M-J. M. Chen, A. K. Childers, C. Childers, O. Christiaens, J. Clements, E. N. Elpidina, P. Engsontia, M. Friedrich, I. García-Robles, C. Goswami, A. Grapputo, K. Gruden, M. Grynberg, B. Henrissat, E. C. Jennings, J. W. Jones, M. Kalsi, S. A. Khan, A. Kumar, F. Li, V. Lombard, X. Ma, A. Martynov, N. J. Miller, R. F. Mitchell, M. Munoz-Torres, A. Muszewska, Brenda Oppert, S. R. Palli, K. A. Panfilio, Y. Pauchet, L. C. Perkin, M. Petek, M. F. Poelchau, E. Record, J. P. Rinehart, H. M. Robertson, A. J. Rosendale, V. M. Ruiz-Arroyo, G. Smagghe, Z. Szendrei, E. M. Szuter, G. W. C. Thomas, A. S. Torson, I. M. Vargas Jentzsch, M. T. Weirauch, A. D. Yates, G. D. Yocum, J-S Yoon, Stephen Richards. 2018. A model species for agricultural pest genomics: the genome of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Scientific Reports 8: 1931. IF = 4.26, R = 10 out of 64 in Multidisciplinary Sciences.
- Izzo, V., Y. H. Chen, S. D. Schoville, C. Wang, D. J. Hawthorne. 2018. Origin of pest lineages of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata. Journal of Economic Entomology. IF = 1.82, R = 17 out of 93 in Entomology.
- Jones, A., C.J. Mason, G.W. Felton and K. Hoover. 2019. Host plant and population source drive diversity of microbial gut communities in two polyphagous insects. Sci. Reports, in press.
- Mason, C.J., D. Long, R. Lindroth and K. Hoover. 2019. Asymmetric utilization of host plants by adult and juvenile conspecific cerambycids is related to intra-plant variation in chemical defenses and resource partitioning. Journal of Animal Ecology, (in revision).
- Wei, J., Q. Zhou, L. Hall, A. Myrick, K. Hoover, K. Shields and T. C. Baker. 2018. Olfactory sensory neurons of the Asian longhorned beetle, Anoplophora glabripennis, specifically responsive to its two aggregation-sex pheromone components. Journal of Chemical Ecology 44(7), 637-649.
- Mason, C.J., A.M. Campbell, E.D. Scully and K. Hoover. 2018. Bacterial and fungal midgut community dynamics and transfer between mother and brood in the Asian longhorned beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis), an invasive xylophage. Microbial Ecology https://doi.org/10.1007/s00248-018-1205-1
- Pan, Q., I. Shikano, K. Hoover, T.-X. Liu, and G.W. Felton. 2018. Enterobacter ludwigii, isolated from the gut microbiota of Helicoverpa zea, promotes tomato plant growth and yield without compromising anti-herbivore defenses. Arthropod-Plant Interactions https://doi.org/10.1007/s11829-018-9634-9.
- Shikano, I., Q. Pan, K. Hoover, and G.W. Felton. 2018. Herbivore-induced defenses in tomato plants enhance the lethality of the entomopathogenic bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki. Journal of Chemical Ecology 44: 946-956.
- Shikano, I., E.M. McCarthy, J.M. Slavicek and K. Hoover. 2018. Jasmonic acid-induced plant defenses delay caterpillar developmental resistance to a baculovirus: Slow-growth, high-mortality hypothesis in plant–insect–pathogen interactions, Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 158: 16-23.
- Scully, E.D., Mason, C., J. Carlson, M. Tien, and K. Hoover. 2018. Host-plant induced changes in microbial community structure and midgut gene expression in an invasive polyphage (Anoplophora glabripennis). Scientific Reports, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-27476-0.
- Wei, J., Q. Zhou, L. Hall, A. Myrick, K. Hoover, K. Shields and T.C. Baker. 2018. Olfactory sensory neurons of the Asian longhorned beetle, Anoplophora glabripennis, specifically responsive to its two aggregation-sex pheromone components. J Chem. Ecol., 44(7), 637-649.
- Wang, J., M. Yang; Y. Song; F.E. Acevedo; K. Hoover; R. Zeng; G.W. Felton. 2018. Gut-associated bacteria of Helicoverpa zea indirectly trigger plant defenses in maize. J Chem Ecol https://doi.org/10.1007/s10886-018-0970-0.
- Tan, C.-W., M. Peiffer, K. Hoover, C. Rosa, F. E. Acevedo, G. W. Felton. 2018. Symbiotic polydnavirus of a parasite manipulates caterpillar and plant immunity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 201717934; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1717934115.
- Rering C, Beck JB, Vannette RL, Willms SD. Quantitative assessment of nectar microbe-produced volatiles. Role of Natural Products for Biorational Pesticides in Agriculture. ACS. Book Chapter
- Vannette RL and Fukami T, Contrasting effects of yeast and bacteria on floral nectar traits, Annals of Botany, 121 (7), 1343-1349
- Rering C.C, Beck J.J., Hall, G., McCarthy, M., Vannette RL, 2018 Nectar-inhabiting microorganisms influence nectar volatile composition and attractiveness to a generalist pollinator. New Phytologist doi: 10.1111/nph.14809.
- Mittelbach, M. & Vannette RL. Mutualism in yeasts. Springer edited edition of Biodiversity and Ecophysiology of Yeasts. In press.
- Beck JJ, Torto B & Vannette RL. 2017 Eavesdropping on Plant-Insect-Microbe Chemical Communications in Agricultural Ecology: A Virtual Issue on Semiochemicals, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 65 (25): 5101-5103.
- Rering C, Beck JB, Vannette RL, Willms SD. Quantitative assessment of nectar microbe-produced volatiles. Role of Natural Products for Biorational Pesticides in Agriculture. ACS. Book Chapter
- Vannette RL and Fukami T, Contrasting effects of yeast and bacteria on floral nectar traits, Annals of Botany, 121 (7), 1343-1349.
- Rering C.C, Beck J.J., Hall, G., McCarthy, M., Vannette RL, 2018 Nectar-inhabiting microorganisms influence nectar volatile composition and attractiveness to a generalist pollinator. New Phytologist doi: 10.1111/nph.14809.
- Mittelbach, M. & Vannette RL. Mutualism in yeasts. Springer edited edition of Biodiversity and Ecophysiology of Yeasts. In press.
- Beck JJ, Torto B & Vannette RL. 2017 Eavesdropping on Plant-Insect-Microbe Chemical Communications in Agricultural Ecology: A Virtual Issue on Semiochemicals, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 65 (25): 5101-5103.
- Rodriguez- Saona, C., Cloonan, K.R., Sanchez-Pedraza, F., Zhou, Y., Giusti, M.M., and Benrey, B. 2019. Differential susceptibility of wild and cultivated blueberries to an invasive frugivorous pest. J. Chem. Ecol. DOI: 10.1007/s10886-018-1042-1.
- Klick, J., Rodriguez-Saona, C.R., Hernández Cumplido, J., Holdcraft, R.J., Urrutia, W.H., da Silva, R.O., Borges, R., Mafra-Neto, A., and Seagraves, M.P. 2019. Testing a novel attract-and-kill strategy for Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) management. J. Insect Sci. 19(1): 3; 1–6 doi: 10.1093/jisesa/iey132.
- Pradit, N., Mescher, M.C., De Moraes, C.M., Wang, Y., Vorsa, N., and Rodriguez-Saona, C. Phytoplasma infection of cranberries benefits non-vector phytophagous insects. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution‒Chemical Ecology. Submitted.
- S Xu, CJ Liao, N Jaiswal, S Lee, DJ Yun, SY Lee, M Garvey, I Kaplan, T Mengiste.Tomato PEPR1 ORTHOLOG RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASE1 Regulates Responses to Systemin, Necrotrophic Fungi, and Insect Herbivory. The Plant Cell 30 (9), 2214-2229
- U Vidal‐Gomez, C Rodriguez‐Saona, I Kaplan. Constitutive exposure to the volatile methyl salicylate reduces per‐capita foraging efficiency of a generalist predator to learned prey associations. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 166 (8), 661-672
- LL Ingwell, DA Avila-Ruiz, R Foster, I Kaplan.Tailoring insect biocontrol for high tunnels. Biological Control 123, 76-86
- TJ Wood, I Kaplan, Z Szendrei. Wild bee pollen diets reveal patterns of seasonal foraging resources for honey bees. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6, 210
- I Kaplan, A Pineda, M Bezemer. Application and Theory of Plant–Soil Feedbacks on Aboveground Herbivores. I Kaplan, A Pineda, M Bezemer. Aboveground–Belowground Community Ecology, 319-343
- KS Ingerslew, I Kaplan. Distantly related crops are not better rotation partners for tomato. Journal of Applied Ecology 55, 2506-2516
- G Angelella, V Nalam, P Nachappa, J White, I Kaplan. Endosymbionts differentially alter exploratory probing behavior of a nonpersistent plant virus vector. Microbial Ecology 76, 453-458
- X Li, M Garvey, I Kaplan, B Li, J Carrillo. Domestication of tomato has reduced the attraction of herbivore natural enemies to pest‐damaged plants. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 20, 390-401
- Hiltpold I, Hibbard BE (2018) Indirect root defenses cause induced fitness costs in Bt-resistant western corn rootworm. 111:2349-2358. doi:10.1093/jee/toy220.
- Hiltpold I, Shriver WG (2018) Birds bug on indirect plant defenses to locate insect prey. 44:576-579. doi:10.1007/s10886-018-0962-0
- Johnson SN, Glauser G, Hiltpold I, Moore BD, Ryalls JMW (2018) Root herbivore performance suppressed when feeding on a jasmonate-induced pasture grass. 43:547-550. doi:10.1111/een.12527
- Schumann M, Ladin ZS, Beatens JM, Hiltpold I (2018) Navigating on a chemical radar: Usage of root exudates by foraging Diabrotica virgifera virgifera larvae. 142:911–920. doi:10.1111/jen.12480
- Truitt, L. L., S. H. McArt, A. H. Vaughn and S. P. Ellner. Trait-based modeling of multi-host pathogen transmission: Plant-pollinator networks. In press at American Naturalist.
- Adler, L. S., K. Michaud, S. P. Ellner, S. H. McArt, P. C. Stevenson and R. E. Irwin. 2018. Disease where you dine: Plant species and floral trait variation in pathogen transmission to bumble bees. Ecology 99:2535-2545.
- Tumminello, G., T. A. Volk, S. H. McArt and M. K. Fierke. 2018. Maximizing pollinator diversity in willow biomass plantings: A comparison among willow sex and pedigrees. Biomass & Bioenergy 117:124-130.
- Iverson, A. L., C. Hale, L. Richardson, O. Miller and S. H. McArt. 2019. Synergistic effects of three sterol biosynthesis inhibiting fungicides on the toxicity of a pyrethroid and neonicotinoid insecticide to bumble bees. Apidologie 50:733-744.
- Van Dyke, M., E. Mullen, D. Wixted and S. H. McArt. 2018. A pesticide decision-making guide to protect pollinators in landscape, ornamental, and turf management. 36 pp.
- Van Dyke, M., E. Mullen, D. Wixted and S. H. McArt. 2018. A pesticide decision-making guide to protect pollinators in tree fruit orchards. 31 pp.
- Bjorklund N., Lamke K., Gupta Vakil S., and Wu-Smart J. (2018) Alfalfa leafcutting bee (Megachile rotundata F.) arthropod pests and management. Pacific Northwest Insect Pest Management Handbook.
- Mollet K., Gupta Vakil S., and Wu-Smart J. (2018) Alkali bee (Nomia melanderi Ckll.) arthropod pests and management. Pacific Northwest Insect Pest Management Handbook.
- Lamke K. and Wu-Smart J. (2018) Blue orchard bee (Osmia lignaria Say) arthropod pests and management. Pacific Northwest Insect Pest Management Handbook.
- Brummel S., Brummel C., Scholl D., and Wu-Smart J. (in review) Getting Honey Certified in Nebraska. Neb Guide Publication.
- Lamke K., Schacht W., Wedin D., and Wu-Smart J. (in review). Conserving Biodiversity: A Bee’s Role in Prairie Grasslands. Nebraska Extension Circular.
- Mollet K., Peterson J., Schacht W., and Wu-Smart J. (in review). Pollinator Habitat Program for Public Land Managers in Nebraska. Neb Guide Publication.
- Chen, J. *, M.J. Stout, J. Beuzelin, T. Smith, D. Labonte, and J.A. Davis. 2019. Host preference of sweetpotato weevil, Cylas formicarius elegantulus (Summers): an example of Hopkins' host-selection principle. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11829-019-09704-0.
- Kraus EC, Stout MJ (2019) Seed treatment using methyl jasmonate induces resistance to rice water weevil but reduces plant growth in rice. PLoS ONE 14(9): e0222800. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0222800.
- Salamanca, J., Brigida Souza. B., Vera Kyryczenko-Roth, V., and Rodriguez-Saona, C. 2019. Methyl salicylate increases attraction and function of beneficial arthropods in cranberries. Insects, Special Issue on “Semiochemicals and Insect Behavior,” 10, 423, doi: 10.3390/insects10120423.
- Pradit, N., Mescher, M., De Moraes, C., and Rodriguez-Saona, C. 2019. Phytoplasma infection of cranberry affects development and oviposition, but not host-plant selection, of the insect vector Limotettix vaccinii. J. Chem. Ecol. doi: 10.1007/s10886-019-01137
- Brzozowski, L.J., J. Gardner, M.P. Hoffmann, A. Kessler, A.A. Agrawal, M. Mazourek. (in review) Attack and aggregation of a major squash pest: parsing the role of plant chemistry and beetle pheromones.Ecological Entomology.
- Schaeffer RN, C Rering, I Maalouf, JJ Beck, Vannette RL, Microbial metabolites elicit distinct olfactory and gustatory preferences in bumblebees, Biology Letters 15 (7), 20190132.
- Schmidt, JE, Igwe AI, Blundell R, Gaudin A, Casteel, C, Vannette RL, “Effects of agricultural management on rhizosphere microbial structure and function in processing tomato” Applied and Environmental Microbiology, AEM. 01064-19.
- Lee, C*. Tell L, T Hilfer*, Vannette RL. 2019. Microbial communities in hummingbird feeders are distinct from floral nectar and influenced by bird visitation. Proc R Soc B. 286 (1898), 20182295.
- Zemenick, A., Rosenheim, J, Vannette RL. Legitimate visitors and nectar robbers of Aquilegia formosa have different effects on nectar bacterial communities , Ecosphere e02459.
- Rering C, Beck JB, Vannette RL, Willms SD. Quantitative assessment of nectar microbe-produced volatiles. Role of Natural Products for Biorational Pesticides in Agriculture. ACS. Book Chapter
- Blundell, R, Schmidt JE, Igwe AI, Cheung AL, Vannette RL, Gaudin A, Casteel, C “Organic management promotes natural pest control through enhanced plant resistance to insects”, in revision and at biorxiv https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/787549v1
- Zemenick, A. Vannette RL, Rosenheim J. Floral visitation networks shape plant-microbe interactions, on biorxiv https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/847376v1.abstract
- Davidson-Lowe, E., Szendrei, Z., & Ali, J. (2019). Asymmetric effects of a leaf-chewing herbivore on aphid population growth. ECOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY, 44(1), 81-92.
- Stelinski, L. L., Willett, D., Rivera, M. J., & Ali, J. (2019). ‘Tuning' communication among four trophic levels of the root biome to facilitate biological control. BIOLOGICAL CONTROL., 131, (pp. 49-53).
- Helms, A. M., Ray, S., Matulis, N. L., Kuzemchak, M. C., Grisales, W., Tooker, J. F., & Ali, J. (2019). Chemical cues linked to risk: Cues from below-ground natural enemies enhance plant defences and influence herbivore behaviour and performance. FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, 33(5), 798-808.
- Paudel, S., Lin, P.-A., Foolad, M. R., Ali, J., Rajotte, E. G., & Felton, G. (2019). Induced Plant Defenses Against Herbivory in Cultivated and Wild Tomato. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ECOLOGY, 45(8), 693-707.
- Markovic, D., Colzi, I., Taiti, C., Ray, S., Scalone, R., Ali, J., Mancuso, S., & Ninkovic, V. (2018). Airborne signals synchronize the defenses of neighboring plants in response to touch. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY, 70(2), 691-700.
- Ray, S., Helms, A. M., Matulis, N. L., Davidson-Lowe, E., Grisales, W., & Ali, J. G. (2019). Asymmetry in Herbivore Effector Responses: Caterpillar Frass Effectors Reduce Performance of a Subsequent Herbivore. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 1-8.