W3150: Breeding Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) for Resistance to Abiotic and Biotic Stresses, Sustainable Production, and Enhanced Nutritional
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Astudillo-Reyes, C., A.C. Fernandez, K.A. Cichy. 2015. Transcriptome Characterization of developing bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) pods from two genotypes with contrasting seed zinc concentrations. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0137157. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0137157.
Beaver, J.S., J.C. Rosas, T.G. Porch, M.A. Pastor-Corrales, G. Godoy-Lutz and E.H. Prophete. 2015. Registration of PR0806-80 and PR0806-81 white bean germplasm with resistance to BGYMV, BCMV, BCMNV and rust. J. Plant Reg. 9:208-211.
Beaver, J.S., G. Godoy-Lutz, J.R. Steadman and T.G. Porch. 2011. Release of ‘Beníquez’ white bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivar. J. of Agric. of the Univ. of Puerto Rico. 95:237-240.
Beaver, J.C., E.H. Prophete, J.C. Rosas, G. Godoy-Lutz, J.R. Steadman and T.G. Porch. 2014. Release of ‘XRAV-40-4’ black bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Cultivar. J. of Agric. of the Univ. of Puerto Rico. 98:83-87.
Berry, M., K.A. Cichy, Y. Ai, and P.K.W. Ng. 2015. Phytoheamagglutination activity in extruded dry bean powder. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 58:1-2.
Burt, A.J., H. M. William, G. Perry, R. Khanal, K. P. Pauls, J. D. Kelly, A. Navabi. 2015. Candidate gene identification with SNP marker-based fine mapping of anthracnose resistance gene Co-4 in common bean. PLoS ONE 10(10): e0139450. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0139450.
Estevez de Jensen, C., A. Vargas, T.G. Porch, and J.S. Beaver. 2014. Evaluation of virulence of different isolates of Macrophomina phaseolina in common bean using two inoculation methods. Bean Improv. Coop. 57:227-228.
Cichy, K.A., T.G. Porch, J.S. Beaver, P. Cregan, D. Fourie, R.P. Glahn, M.A. Grusak, K. Kamfwa, D.N. Katuuramu, P. McClean, E. Mndolwa, S. Nchimbi-Msolla, M.A. Pastor-Corrales and P.N. Miklas. 2015. A Phaseolus vulgaris diversity panel for Andean bean improvement. Crop Science 55:2149-2160. doi:10.2135/cropsci2014.09.0653.
Cichy, K.A., J.A. Wiesinger, and F.A. Mendoza. 2015. Genetic diversity and genome wide association analysis of cooking time in dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics 128:1555-1567.
Ghising, K., J. Vasquez-Guzman, S. Schroder, A. Soltani, S.M. Moghaddam, S. Mamidi, P. McClean, J. M. Osorno, K. McPhee, J. Pasche, and R. Lamppa. 2015. Genome-wide approaches for identification of genomic regions associated with halo blight resistance in the USDA core collection of common bean. Presented at: Annu. Meet. American Society of Agron.-Crop Sci. Society of America, Soil Sci. Society of America (ASA-CSSA-SSSA); Nov. 15-18; Minneapolis, MN.
Ghising, K., J. Vasquez-Guzman, S. Schroder, A. Soltani, S.M. Moghaddam, S. Mamidi, P. McClean, J. M. Osorno, K. McPhee, J. Pasche, and R. Lamppa. 2015. Identifying genomic regions associated with halo blight resistance within the USDA core collection of common bean. Presented at: Bean Improv. Coop. Biennial Meeting; Nov. 2-4; Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
Guachambala Cando, M.S., M. Zapata, J.S. Beaver and T.G. Porch. 2014. Inheritance of high levels of resistance to common bacterial blight caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli in common bean. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 57:179-180.
Halvorson, J., R.S. Lamppa, and J.S. Pasche. 2015. Characterization of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum races infecting dry edible bean in North Dakota. Canadian J. Plant Path. (Accepted 11/2/2015).
Halvorson, J.M., K. Simons, R.L. Conner, and J.S. Pasche. 2015. Seed-to-seedling transmission of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum in dry edible beans. Presented at: Bean Improv. Coop. Biennial Meeting; Nov. 2-4; Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
Hart, J.P. and P.D. Griffiths. 2015. Genotyping-by-sequencing enabled mapping and marker development for the By-2 potyvirus resistance allele in common bean. Plant Genome 8:1-14.
Hart, J.P. and P.D. Griffiths. 2014. Resistance to Clover yellow vein virus in common bean germplasm. Crop Sci. 54: 2609-2618.
Hoyos-Villegas, V., W. Mkwaila, P.B. Cregan and J.D. Kelly. 2015. QTL analysis of white mold avoidance in pinto bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Crop Sci. 55:2116-2129. doi:10.2135/cropsci2015.02.0106.
Lamppa, R.S., J.M. Halvorson, and J.S. Pasche. 2015. Production of anthracnose infected dry bean seed under greenhouse conditions. Presented at: Bean Improv. Coop. Biennial Meeting; Nov. 2-4; Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
Kamfwa, K., K.A. Cichy, and J.D. Kelly. 2015. Genome-wide association analysis of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in common bean. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 128:1999-2017. doi. 10.1007/s00122-015-2562-5.
Kamfwa, K., K.A Cichy, and J. Kelly. 2015. Genome-wide association study of agronomic traits in common bean. The Plant Genome 8: doi:10.3835/plantgenome2014.09.0059.
Kelly, J.D., G.V. Varner, K.A. Cichy, and E.M. Wright. 2015. Registration of ‘Alpena’ Navy Bean. J. Plant Registrations 9:10-14.
Kelly, J.D., G.V. Varner, K.A. Cichy, and E.M. Wright. 2015. Registration of ‘Zenith’ Black Bean. J. Plant Registrations 9:15-20.
Kelly J.D., J. Trapp, P. Miklas, K.A. Cichy, and E.M. Wright. 2015. Registration of ‘Desert Song’ Flor de Junio and ‘Gypsy Rose’ Flor de Mayo Common Bean Cultivars. J. Plant Registrations 9:133-137.
Khankhum S., R. Valverde, M. Pastor-Corrales, J.M. Osorno, and S. Sabanadzovic. 2015. Two endornaviruses show differential infection patterns between gene pools of Phaseolus vulgaris. Arch. Virol. 160:1131-1137.
Mathew, F.M., L.A. Castlebury, K. Alananbeh, J.G. Jordahl, C.A. Taylor, S.M. Meyer, R.S. Lamppa, J.S. Pasche, and S.G. Markell. 2015. Identification of Diaporthe longicolla on dry edible pea, dry edible bean, and soybean in North Dakota. Plant Health Progress 16:71-72. doi:10.1094/PHP-RV-14-0045.
Pasche, J.S., R.S. Lamppa, J.M. Osorno, and P. Miklas. 2015. Multiple disease resistance in dry edible pinto bean breeding lines obtained by marker-assisted selection. Phytopathology 105(Suppl. 4):S4.108.
Porch, T.G., J.S. Beaver, G. Abawi, C. Estévez de Jensen and J.R. Smith. 2014. Registration of a small-red dry bean germplasm, TARS-LFR1, with multiple disease resistance and superior performance in low nitrogen soils. Journal of Plant Registrations 8:177-182.
Porch, T.G., J.S. Beaver, S. Colom, A. Vargas, Y. Trukhina and C. Estevez de Jensen. 2014. Development of tools for Macrophomina phaseolina evaluation and for genetic improvement of common bean. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 57:189-190.
Schröder S., S. Mamidi, R. Lee, M.R. McKain, P.E. McClean, and J.M. Osorno. 2015. Optimization of genotyping by sequencing (GBS) data in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Mol. Breeding (Accepted).
Schröder S., S. Mafi-Moghaddam, A. Soltani, R. Lamppa, S. Mamidi, P.E. McClean, J.S. Pasche, and J.M. Osorno. 2015. Alternative screening method reveals partial anthracnose resistance to race 73 in 18 genotypes of the mesoamerican diversity panel. Presented at: Bean Improv. Coop. Biennial Meeting; Nov. 2-4; Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
Singh, S.P., and P.N. Miklas. 2015. Breeding common bean for resistance to common blight: A review. Crop Sci. 55:971-984.
Soltani A., M. Bello, J.M. Osorno, P.M. Miklas, P.E. McClean. 2015. Phenotypic and molecular analysis of the transition to type II growth habit in common bean Presented at: Bean Improv. Coop. Biennial Meeting; Nov. 2-4; Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
Soltani A., S. Mafi-Moghaddam, K. Walter, K. Ghising, J. Vasquez-Guzman, S. Schröder, C.F. Velasquez, E.G. Escobar, R. Lee, P. McClean, and J.M. Osorno. 2015. Developing a waterproof dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.): identifying genotypes and genomic regions associated with waterlogging tolerance. Presented at: Bean Improv. Coop. Biennial Meeting; Nov. 2-4; Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
Soltani A., S. Mafi-Moghaddam, J.M. Osorno, P. McClean. 2015. Identifying genomic regions controlling plant architectural characteristics in dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Presented at: Plant and Animal Genome XXIII; Jan. 10-14; San Diego, CA.
Song Q., G. Jia, D.L. Hyten, J. Jenkins, E.Y. Hwang, S.G. Schroeder, J.M. Osorno, J. Schmutz, S.A. Jackson, P.E. McClean, and P.B. Cregan. 2015. SNP assay development for linkage map construction, anchoring whole genome sequence and other genetic and genomic applications in common bean. G3: 5:2285-2290. doi:10.1534/g3.115.020594.
Sousa, L.L., A.O. Gonçalves, M.C. Gonçalves-Vidigal, G.F. Lacanallo, A.C. Fernandez, H. Awale, and J.D. Kelly. 2015. Genetic characterization and mapping of anthracnose resistance of Corinthiano common bean landrace cultivar. Crop Sci. 55:1900-1910. doi:10.2135/cropsci2014.09.0604.
Traub, J., M. Naeem, J. Kelly, G. Austic, D. Kramer, and W. Loescher. 2015. Phenotyping for heat tolerance in bean (Phaseolus spp.) using new and conventional fluorescence and gas exchange parameters. Poster presented at: JAHS Annual Meeting; Aug. 1-4; New Orleans, LA.
Tvedt, C., S.G. Markell, and J.S. Pasche. 2015. Efficacy of in-furrow fungicides for management of Rhizoctonia root rot of dry bean. Phytopathology abstract (In Press).
Viteri, D., K. Otto, H. Terán, H. Schwartz, and S.P. Singh. 2015. Use of four Sclerotinia sclerotiorum isolates of different aggressiveness with multiple inoculations and evaluations to select common beans with high levels of white mold resistance. Euphytica 204:457-472.
Viteri, D. and S.P. Singh. 2015. Inheritance of white mold resistance in an Andean common bean A 195 and its relationship with G122. Crop Sci. 55:44-49.
Walter K., A. Soltani, C.F. Velasquez, E.G. Escobar, and J.M. Osorno. 2015. Identifying waterlogging tolerant dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes using chlorophyll content. Presented at: Bean Improv. Coop. Biennial Meeting; Nov. 2-4; Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
Zuiderveen, G.H., K. Kamfwa and J.D. Kelly. 2015. Anthracnose resistance in Andean beans. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 58:9-10.
Zuiderveen, G.H., and J.D. Kelly. 2015. Genome-wide association study of anthracnose resistance in Andean beans. Poster presented at: JAHS Annual Meeting; Aug. 1-4; New Orleans, LA.
Alhasan, A, A. Piccorelli, and J. Heitholt. 2016. Effect of two nitrogen levels on growth traits of nine dry bean cultivars in the field. Univ. Wyoming Agr. Exp. Stn. Field Days Bull., p. 25-26. http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2016-field-days-bulletin.pdf.
Alhasan, A., A. Piccorelli, and J. Heitholt. 2016. Influence of nitrogen fertility level on growth, grain yield, and yield components of different dry bean cultivars. Bean Improv. Coop. Ann. Rep. 59:173-174 (http://bic.css.msu.edu/Reports.cfm).
Alhasan, A., and J. Heitholt. 2016. Effect of soil nitrogen rate on leaf chlorophyll and vegetative growth of dry bean. Univ. Wyoming Agr. Exp. Stn. Field Days Bull., p. 23-24. http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2016-field-days-bulletin.pdf.
Beaver, J.S., E. Prophete, G. Démosthène, and T.G. Porch. 2016. Registration of PR1146-138 Yellow Bean Germplasm Line. J. Plant Registrations. 10:145-148.
Beaver, J.S., J.C. Rosas, T.G. Porch, M.A. Pastor-Corrales, G. Godoy-Lutz and E.H. Prophete. 2015. Registration of PR0806-80 and PR0806-81 white bean germplasm with resistance to BGYMV, BCMV, BCMNV and rust. J. Plant Reg. 9:208-211.
Berry, M., Wiesinger, J., Nchimbi-Msolla, S., Miklas, P., Porch, T., Fourie, D., and Cichy, K.A. (2016) Breeding for a Fast Cooking Bean: Study of Genotypes across Environments to Determine Phenotypic Stability in Phaseolus vulgaris. Poster Presentation, Pan African Grain Legumes Research Conference, Livingstone, Zambia March 3.
Cichy, K.A. and Rueda, J.A. (2016). “Beans as Ingredients in “Better for You” Foods” at the Michigan Agri-Business Association Winter Conference, Michigan Bean Shippers. Dramadri, I. and J. D. Kelly. 2016. Genome wide association analysis for drought tolerance responses in Andean common beans, Poster presented NAPB conference, NCSU. Meeting Jan 12.
Cichy, K.A., T.G. Porch, J.S. Beaver, P. Cregan, D. Fourie, R. Glahn, M.A. Grusak, K. Kamfwa, D.N. Katuuramu, P. McClean, E. Mndolwa, S. Nchimbi-Msolla, M.A. Pastor-Corrales and P.N. Miklas. 2015. A Phaseolus vulgaris diversity panel for Andean bean improvement. Crop Sci. 55:2141-2160.
Cichy, K.A., Wiesinger, J., Mendoza, F., Hooper, S., Grusak, M.A., Glahn, R., and Kelly, J. (2016) A Nutritional Profile of Fast Cooking Bean Germplasm. Poster Presentation, Pan African Grain Legumes Research Conference, Livingstone, Zambia March 4.
Crampton, M., Sripathi, V. R., Hossain, K, Kalavacharla, V. 2016. Analyses of Methylomes Derived from Meso-American Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Using MeDIP-Seq and Whole Genome Sodium Bisulfite-Sequencing. Front Plant Sci. 2016; 7: 447.
De Ron, A.M., Papa, R., Bitocchi, E., González, A.M., Debouck, D.G., Brick, M.A., Fourie, D., Marsolais, F., Beaver, J., Geffroy, V., McClean, P., Santalla, M., Lozano, R. Yuste-Lisbona, F.J. and P.A. Casquero. 2015. Common bean. P. 1-36. In Handbook of Plant Breeding: Grain Legumes. Springer-Verlag, New York.
Hagerty C.H., Cuesta-Marcos A., Cregan P., Song Q., McClean P., Myers J.R. 2016. Mapping snap bean pod and color traits, in a dry bean × snap bean recombinant inbred population. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 141:131-138.
Hayford, R., Osena-Ligaba, A., Subramani, M., Brown, A., Melmaiee, K., Hossain, K.G, Kalavacharla, V. 2016. Characterization and expression analysis of common bean HISTONE DEACETYLASE6 during development and cold stress response, International Journal of Genomics (In press)
Heitholt, J., A. Pierson, C. Reynolds, and A. Piccorelli. 2016. Growth and pod traits correlate with grain yield among 50 dry bean cultivars. Univ. Wyoming Agr. Exp. Stn. Field Days Bull., p. 59-60. http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2016-field-days-bulletin.pdf.
Heitholt, J., and A. Piccorelli. 2016. Yield component response to water stress among six dry bean genotypes. Bean Improv. Coop. Ann. Rep. 59:235-236 (http://bic.css.msu.edu/Reports.cfm).
Heitholt, J., and B. Baumgartner. 2016. Drought susceptibility index and canopy traits of 49 dry bean genotypes subjected to water stress. Univ. Wyoming Agr. Exp. Stn. Field Days Bull., p. 99-100. http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2016-field-days-bulletin.pdf.
Heitholt, J., and C. Reynolds, Screening and development of dry bean genotypes for drought tolerance. 2015. Univ. Wyoming, Field Days Bulletin. p. 47. http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2015-field-days-bulletin.pdf.
Jain, S., Chittem K., Brueggeman R., Osorno J.M., Richards J., and Nelson Jr B.D. 2016. Comparative Transcriptome Analysis of Resistant and Susceptible Common Bean Genotypes in Response to Soybean Cyst Nematode Infection. PloS one, 11(7), e0159338.
Katuuramu, D.N., Kelly, J.D., Glahn, R.P., and Cichy, K.A. (2016) Field Evaluation of Nutritionally Superior Common Bean Genotypes with Farmers in Three Agro-ecological Zones in Uganda. Oral Presentation, Pan African Grain Legumes Research Conference, Livingstone, Zambia Feb 29.
Kisha, T.J. and A. Egan. 2016 Genetic Diversity of North American Wild Kidney Bean (Phaseolus Polystachios) Collected in the Midwest. American Society of Horticultural Science. Abstracts: Aug 8-11. New Orleans, LA.
Kusolwa P.M, J.R. Myers, T.G. Porch, Y. Trukhina, A. González-Vélez and J.S. Beaver. 2016 Registration of AO-1012-29-3-3A Red Kidney Bean Germplasm Line with Bean Weevil, BCMV, and BCMNV Resistance. Journal of Plant Registrations 10:149-153.
Mamidi, S., Miklas P.N., Trapp J., Felicetti E., Grimwood J., Schmutz J., Lee R., McClean P.E. 2016. Sequence-based introgression mapping identifies candidate white mold tolerance genes in common bean. The Plant Genome 9 doi: 10.3835/plantgenome2015.09.0092.
Moghaddam. S.M., Mamidi S., Osorno J.M., Lee R. Brick M., Kelly J., Miklas P., Urrea C., Song Q., Cregan P., Grimwood J., Schmutz J., McClean P. 2016. Genome-wide Association Study Identifies Candidate Loci Underlying Agronomic Traits in a Middle American Diversity Panel of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Plant Genome. doi: 10.3835/plantgenome2016.02.0012; Date posted: July 25, 2016
Osorno J.M., Grafton K.F., Vander Wal A.J., Kloberdanz M., Schroder S., Vasquez J.E., Ghising K., and Pasche J.S. 2016. Improved Tolerance to Root Rot and Bacterial Blights in Kidney Bean: Registration of ‘Talon’ Dark Red Kidney and ‘Rosie’ Light Red Kidney. J. Plant Registrations (doi:10.3198/jpr2016.02.0008crc).
Porch, T.G., K. Cichy, W. Wang, M. Brick, J.S. Beaver, D. Santana-Morant, and M. Grusak. 2016. Nutritional composition and cooking characteristics of tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius Gray) in comparison with common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution doi:10.1007/s10722-016-0413-0
Soltani A., Bello M., Mndolwa E., Schroder S., Moghaddam S.M., Osorno J.M., Miklas P., McClean P.E. 2016. Targeted Analysis of Dry Bean Growth Habit: Interrelationship Among Architectural, Phenological, and Yield Components. Crop Sci. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2016.02.0119; Date posted: June 15, 2016
Nakeddi, F.J.Ibarra Perez, C. Makankusi, J.G. Waines, J.D. Kelly. 2016. Mapping of QTL associated with Fusarium root rot resistance and root architecture traits in black beans. Euphytica DOI 10.1007/s10681-1755-6
Valentín Torres, S., M.M. Vargas, G. Godoy-Lutz, T.G. Porch, and J.S. Beaver. 2016. Isolates of Rhizoctonia solani can produce both web blight and root rot symptoms in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Plant Disease 110-1351-1357.
Vandenlangenberg, KM, Bethke, PC and J Nienhuis. 2012. Identification of quatitative trait loci associated with fructose, glucose and sucrose concentration in snap beans. Crop Sci. 52:1593-1599
Vandenlangenberg, KM, Bethke, PC and J Nienhuis. 2012. Patterns of fructose, glucose and sucrose accumulation in snap and dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). HortScience 47: 874-878.
Wang, W, Cichy, KA, Kelly, JD, Mukankushi, CM. “QTL Analysis for Fusarium Root Rot Resistance in Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)”. Biennial Bean Improvement Cooperative Meeting, Niagara Falls, Canada. November 1-4, 2015
Winham DM, Florian TL, Thompson SV. Low-Income US Women Under-informed of the Specific Health Benefits of Consuming Beans. PloS one. 2016 Jan 28;11(1):e0147592.
Zhang L. Gezan S., Vallejos C.E., Jones J., Boote K., Clavijo-Michelangeli J., Bhakta M., Osorno J.M., Rao I., Beebe S., Roman-Paoli E., Gonzalez A., Beaver J., Ricaurte J., Colbert R., Correll M. 2016. Development of a QTL-environment-based predictive model for node addition rate in common bean. Theor. Appl. Genet. (Submitted).
Ai, Y., Y. Jin, J. D. Kelly, and P. K.W. Ng. 2017. Composition, functional properties, starch digestibility, and cookie-baking performance of dry bean powders from 25 Michigan-grown varieties. Cereal Chem 94:400.
Alladassi, B.M.E., S.T. Nkalubo, C, MukanKusi, E.S. Mwale, P.T. Gibson, R. Edema, C.A. Urrea, J.D. Kelly, and P.R. Rubaihayo. 2017. Inheritance of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) resistance to commonbacterial blight disease in fourselected genotypes. J. of Plant Breed. & Crop Sci. 9(6):71.
Arkwazee, H. and J. R. Myers 2017. Seedling straw test: A rapid and resource-efficient method for evaluating white mold resistance. Annu. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 60:39-40.
Arkwazee, H., J. Davis and J.R. Myers 2017. Comparison of the conventional and seedling straw tests for quantifying white mold resistance. Ann. Rep. Bean Impr. Coop. 60:41-42.
Brick, M. A., and H. J. Thompson. 2016. Toward closing the dietary fiber gap: candidate genes associated with dietary fiber content in common bean. FASEB J 30.1 Supplement (2016): 421.
Bornowski, N., F. A. Mendoza, and J. D. Kelly. 2017. Mapping and predicting color retention and other quality traits in black bean populations. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 60:151-152.
Feng, X., P. Guzmán, J.R Myers, A. V. and Karasev, 2017. Resistance to Bean common mosaic necrosis virus conferred by the bc-1 gene affects systemic spread of the virus in common bean. Phytopathology 107: 893.
Feng X., J.R. Myers, and A.V. Karasev. 2015. A bean common mosaic virus isolate exhibits a novel pathogenicity profile in common bean, overcoming the bc-3 resistance allele coding for the mutated eIF4E translation initiation factor. Phytopathology 105:1487-1495.
Haidar A., J. Myers. 2017. Characterizing a new common bean recombinant inbred population (Unidor/OSU5630) for white mold resistance. National Sclerotinia Initiative Meetings, 18-20 Jan., Bloomington, MN.(https://www.ars.usda.gov/ARSUserFiles/30000000/WhiteMoldResearch/2017meeting/2017%20Program.pdf)
Haidar A., J. P. Hart, J. Myers. 2017. Association mapping to Identify QTL conferring white mold resistance in the wnap bean association Panel (SnAP). National Sclerotinia Initiative Meetings, 18-20 Jan., Bloomington, MN. (https://www.ars.usda.gov/ARSUserFiles/30000000/WhiteMoldResearch/2017meeting/2017%20Program.pdf)
Halvorson, J., C, Tvedt, J. Pasche, R. Harveson, S.G. Markell. 2017. Fusarium root rot (PP1820-1) in: Markell, S.,Harveson, R., and Pasche, J. Dry Edible Bean Disease Diagnostic Series. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820. Pp. 3-4.
Halvorson, R., J. Pasche, R. Harveson, S.G. Markell, S. 2017. Rhizoctonia root rot (1820-3) in: Dry Edible Bean Disease Diagnostic Series. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820. Pp. 7-8.
Harveson, R., S.G. Markell, and J. Pasche. 2017. Pythium diseases (PP1820-2) in: Dry Edible Bean Disease Diagnostic Series. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820. Pp. 5-6.
Harveson, R., S.G. Markell, and J. Pasche. 2017. Bacterial wilt (PP1820-6) in: Dry Edible Bean Disease Diagnostic Series. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820. Pp. 13-14.
Harveson, R., S.G. Markell, and J. Pasche. 2017. Stem rot (PP1820-8) in: Dry Edible Bean Disease Diagnostic Series. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820. Pp. 17-18.
Harveson, R., S.G. Markell, and J. Pasche. 2017. Bacterial brown spot (PP1820-11) in: Dry Edible Bean Disease Diagnostic Series. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820. Pp. 23-24.
Harveson, R., S.G. Markell, and J. Pasche. 2017. Bean common mosaic (PP1820-12) in: Dry Edible Bean Disease Diagnostic Series. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820. Pp. 25-26.
Harveson, R., S.G. Markell, and J. Pasche. 2017. Common bean rust (PP1820-13) in: Dry Edible Bean Disease Diagnostic Series. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820. Pp. 27-28.
Harveson, R., S.G. Markell, and J. Pasche. 2017. Halo blight (PP1820-15) in: Dry Edible Bean Disease Diagnostic Series. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820. Pp. 31-32.
Harveson, R.M., S.G. Markell, J. Pasche, J.M. Osorno, and C.A. Urrea. 2017. Añublo sureño (PP1820-1) in: Diagnóstico Enfermedades del Frijol Común. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820.
Harveson, R.M., S.G. Markell, J. Pasche, J.M. Osorno, and C.A. Urrea. 2017. Pudrición carbonosa o gris (PP1820-8) in: Diagnóstico Enfermedades del Frijol Común. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820.
Harveson, R.M., S.G. Markell, J. Pasche, J.M. Osorno, and C.A. Urrea. 2017. Mancha angular (PP1820-12) in: Diagnóstico Enfermedades del Frijol Común. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820.
Harveson, R.M., S.G. Markell, J. Pasche, J.M. Osorno, and C.A. Urrea. 2017. Mustia hilachosa (PP1820-15) in:Diagnóstico Enfermedades del Frijol Común. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820.
Heilig, J.A. J. S. Beaver, E. M. Wright, Q. Song, and J. D. Kelly. 2017. QTL analysis of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in a black bean population. Crop Sci. 57: 118-129.
Heilig, J.A., E.M. Wright, and J.D. Kelly. 2017. Symbiotic N fixation of black and navy beans under organic production systems. Agron. J. 109:1-8. doi: 10.2134/agronj2017.01.0051 doi:10.2135/cropsci2016.05.0348
Hooper, S., J. A. Wiesinger, D. Echeverria, Thompson, M. A. Brick, M. A., Nchimbi-Msolla, S., & Cichy, K. A. 2017. Carbohydrate profile of a dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris l.) panel encompassing broad genetic variability for cooking time. Cereal Chemistry, 94(1), 135-141
Kamfwa, K., D. Zhao, J. D. Kelly and K. A. Cichy. 2017. Transcriptome analysis of two recombinant inbred lines of common bean contrasting for symbiotic nitrogen fixation. PLoS ONE 12(2):e0172141. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0172141
Lobaton J, D., T. Miller, J. Gil, D. Ariza J. F. de la Hoz, A. Soler, S. Beebe, J. Duitama, P. Gepts B Raatz. Resequencing of common bean identifies regions of inter-gene pool introgression and provides comprehensive resources for molecular breeding. The Plant Genome, in press
Markell, S., G. Yan, B. Nelson, J. Pasche, and R. Harveson. 2017. Soybean cyst nematode soil sampling (1820-5) in: Dry Edible Bean Disease Diagnostic Series. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820. Pp. 11-12.
Markell, S.G., R.M. Harveson, R.M., J. Pasche, J.M. Osorno, and C.A. Urrea. 2017. Mancha de Hoja/Mancha Foliar/Tizóndel Frijol (PP1820-14) in: Diagnóstico Enfermedades del Frijol Común. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820.
McClean, P.E., S.M. Moghaddam, A-F. Lopez-Millan, M. A. Brick, J. D. Kelly, P. N. Miklas, J. M. Osorno, T. G. Porch, C.A. Urrea, A. Soltani and M. A. Gruzak. 2017. Phenotypic diversity for seed element concentration in North American dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) germplasm of Middle American Ancestry. Crop Sci. 57: 3129-3144. doi:10.2135/cropsci2017.04.0244
Mendoza, F.A., K.A. Cichy, C. Sprague, A. Goffnett, R. Lu, and J.D. Kelly. 2017. Prediction of canned black bean texture (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) from intact dry seeds using visible/near-infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging data. J. Sci. Food Agric. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.8469
Mendoza, F.A., J.D. Kelly, and K.A. Cichy. 2017. Automated prediction of sensory scores for color and appearance in canned black beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) using a color imaging technique. International Journal of Food Properties 20:83-99.doi:10.1080/10942912.2015.1136939
Monclova-Santana, C. Markell, S. G., Acevedo, M., and Pasche, J. S. 2018. Uromyces Appendiculatus prevalence in dry bean fields in North Dakota. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 60: In Press.
Myers, J. R., K. Kmiecik. Economic and Academic Significance of Common Bean. 2017. Marcelino Pérez de laVega, Marta Santalla, and Frédéric Marsolais (Eds.) The Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Genome. Springer DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-63526-2.
Nkalubo, S.T., B.A. Odogwu, B.M.E. Alladassi, E. Basil, I. Dramadri, D. Katuramu, G. Luyima, K. Cichy, C. Urrea, J.Steadman and J. Kelly. 2017. Genetic improvement in Uganda’s Andean bean breeding program. Presented during the Feed the Future Legume Innovation Lab Grain Legume Research Conference 13 to 18 August 2017, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Odogwu, B.A., S. T. Nkalubo, C. Mukankusi, T. Odong, H. E. Awale, P. Rubaihayo, and J. D. Kelly. 2017. Phenotypic and genotypic screening for rust resistance in common bean germplasm in Uganda. Euphytica 213:49. doi: 10.1007/s10681-016-1795-y
Padder, B.A., P.N. Sharma, H.E. Awale, and J.D. Kelly. 2017. Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, the causal agent of bean anthracnose. J. Plant Pathol 99: 317. doi: 10.4454/jpp.v99i2.3867
Palmer S, D. Winham Consumer Definitions of a “Healthy” Food: A Pilot Survey. J Acad Nutri Dietet. 2017 Sep 1;117(9):A84.
Pasche, J., G. Yan, B. Nelson, S.G. Markell, and R. Harveson. 2017. Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) (1820-4) in: DryEdible Bean Disease Diagnostic Series. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820. Pp. 9-10.
Pasche, J., R. Harveson, and S.G. Markell. 2017. White mold (PP1820-9) in: Dry Edible Bean Disease Diagnostic Series. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820. Pp. 19-20.
Phillip E. McClean, P .E., S.M. Moghaddam, A.F Lopéz-Millán, M. A. Brick, J. D. Kelly, P. N. Miklas, J. Osorno, T. G. Porch, C. A. Urrea, A. Soltani, M. A. Grusak. 2017. Phenotypic diversity for seed mineral concentration in North American dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) germplasm of Middle American ancestry. Crop Sci. 57: 3129. doi:10.2135/cropsci2017.04.0244
Porch, T., K. A. Cichy, W. Wang, M. Brick, J. Beaver, D, Santana, M Grusak. 2017. Nutritional composition and cooking characteristics of tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius Gray) in comparison with common bean (P. vulgaris L.). Genetic Res Crop Evol 64: 935.
Raboy, V., A, Johnson, K. Bilyeu, H. Brinch-Pedersen, K. Cichy, R. F. Hurrell, C. Zeder, S. K. Rasmussen, T. D. Warkentin, P. Thavarajah, P. and J. Shi. 2017. Evaluation of simple and inexpensive high-throughput methods for phytic acid determination. JOAC 94: 353
Rossman, D.R., A. Rojas, J.L. Jacobs, C. Mukankusi, J.D. Kelly, and M.I. Chilvers. 2017. Pathogenicity and virulence of soilborne oomycetes on dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Plant Disease 101:1851-1859. doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-02-17-0178-RE
Nguyen, A. T., A. Althwab, S., H. Qiu, C. A. Urrea, T. Carr, V. Schlegel. 2017. Great northern and pinto beans lower cholesterol in hamsters fed a high fat diet by promoting cholesterol excretion. The Bean Bag. 35(2): 16.
Simons, K. J., R. S Lamppa, P. E. McClean, J. M. Osorno, J. S. and Pasche. 2018. SNPs identified for common bacterial blight resistance in dry bean. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 60: In Press.
Singh, S.P., P.N. Miklas, M.A. Brick, H.F. Schwartz, C.A. Urrea, H. Terán, C. Centeno, B. Ogg, Otto, and A. Soler. 2017. Pinto bean cultivars blackfoot, Nez Perce, and Twin Falls. J. Plant. Reg. 0. doi:10.3198/jpr2016.06.0030crc.
Shree P. S. P., Singh, P.N. Miklas, M.A. Brick, H.F. Schwartz, C.A. Urrea, H. Terán, Centeno, B. Ogg, and K. Otto. 2017. Pinto common bean cultivars blackfoot, Nez Perce, and Twin Falls. J. Plant Reg. doi: 10.3198/JPR2016.o6.0030crc.
Thompson, H.J., J.N. McGinley, E. S. Neil, M. A. Brick. 2017. Beneficial effects of common bean on adiposity and lipid metabolism. Nutrients 2017, 9, 998; doi:10.3390/nu9090998.
Tock, A., D. Fourie, P. Walley, E, Holub, A Soler, K. Cichy, M. Pastor-Corrales, Q. Song, T, Porch, J. Hart, R. Vasconcellos, J. Vicente, G. Barker, P. Miklas. 2017 Genome-wide linkage and association mapping of halo blight resistance in common bean to Race 6 of the globally important bacterial pathogen. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 1170 http://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2017.01170
Traub, J., J. D. Kelly, and W. Loescher. 2017. Early metabolic and photosynthetic responses to drought stress in common and tepary bean. Crop Sci. 57:1-17. doi:10.2135/cropsci2016.09.0746
Urrea, C.A., and E.V. Cruzado. 2017. University of Nebraska Dry bean breeding activities. The Bean Bag. 35(2): 9 & 10.
Urrea, C. A., S. Nkalubo, K. Muimui, J. D. Kelly, J. Steadman, and E.V. Cruzado. 2017. Effect of drought on bean cooking time using germplasm selected for drought, common bacterial blight, and root rot resistance forUganda and Zambia. Presented during the Feed the Future Legume Innovation Lab Grain Legume Research Conference 13 to 18 August 2017, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Urrea, C. A., and J. Steadman. 2017. Great northern ‘Panhandle Pride’ bred for blight resistance. The StarHerald. May 21, 2017.
Vandemark, G.J., M. A. Brick, J. D. Kelly, J.M. Osorno, and C.A. Urrea. 2017. Yield gains in dry beans in the U.S. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 60: 183.
Vasconcellos, R.C.C., O. B. Oraguzie, A. Soler, H. Arkwazee, J. R. Myers, J .J. Ferreira, Q. Song, P. McClean, P.N. Miklas. 2017. Meta-QTL for resistance to white mold in common bean. PLoS ONE 12(2): e0171685. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0171685
Winham D. M., A. M. Hutchins, S. V. Thompson. 2017 Glycemic Response to Black Beans and Chickpeas as Part of a Rice Meal: A Randomized Cross-Over Trial. Nutrients. 2 Oct 4;9(10): 1095.
Winham D. M., S. M. Palmer, J. L. Baier, T. A. Roe Low-income women in Iowa lack awareness of the health benefits of beans. The FASEB Journal. 2017 Apr 1;31(1 Supplement):956-12.
Yan, G. P., A. Plaisance, I. Chowdhury, R. Baidoo, A, Upadhaya, J. Pasche, S. Markell, B. Nelson, and S. Chen. 2017. First report of the soybean cyst nematode Heterodera glycines infecting dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in a commercial field in Minnesota. Plant Dis. 101:391.
Zitnick-Anderson. K., C. Modderman, L. E. Hanson, J. S. Pasche, J. S. 2018. A repeatable protocol for Fusarium Root rot phenotyping of common bean. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 60: In Press.
Kelly, J. D., E. . Wright, G. V. Varner, C. L. Sprague, 2017. ‘Samurai’: A new otebo bean variety for Michigan and Ontario [E3356]. East Lansing: Michigan State University, MSU Extension.
Peer reviewed
Alladassi, B., S. Nkalubo, C. Mukankusi, H. Kayaga, P. Gibson, R. Edema, et al. 2018. Identification of common bean genotypes with dual leaf and pod resistance to common bacterial blight disease in Uganda. African Crop Science Journal 26: 63-77.
Beaver, J.S., C. Estévez de Jensen, G. Lorenzo-Vázquez, A. González, H. Martínez and T.G. Porch. 2018. Registration of ‘Bella’ White-Seeded Common Bean Cultivar. Journal of Plant Registrations 12: 190-193. doi:10.3198/jpr2017.05.0029crc.
Bhakta, M.S., S.A. Gezan, J.A. Clavijo Michelangeli, M. Carvalho, L. Zhang, J.W. Jones, et al. 2017. A Predictive Model for Time-to-Flowering in the Common Bean Based on QTL and Environmental Variables. G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics. doi:10.1534/g3.117.300229.
Bitocchi, E., D. Rau, A. Benazzo, E. Bellucci, D. Goretti, E. Biagetti, et al. 2017. High Level of Nonsynonymous Changes in Common Bean Suggests That Selection under Domestication Increased Functional Diversity at Target Traits. Frontiers in Plant Science 7. doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.02005.
Cappa, C., J.D. Kelly and P.K.W. Ng. 2018. Seed characteristics and physicochemical properties of powders of 25 edible dry bean varieties. Food Chemistry 253: 305-313. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.01.048.
Izquierdo, P., C. Astudillo, M.W. Blair, A.M. Iqbal, B. Raatz and K.A. Cichy. 2018. Meta-QTL analysis of seed iron and zinc concentration and content in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics 131: 1645-1658. doi:10.1007/s00122-018-3104-8.
Jain, S., P. Chitrampalam, J.M. Osorno, J.S. Pasche and N.J.B. D. 2018. Interaction of Fusarium solani species complex and Soybean Cyst Nematode on Root Rot Severity in Dry Bean. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 61: 87-88.
Kamfwa, K., J.S. Beaver, K.A. Cichy and J.D. Kelly. 2018. QTL Mapping of Resistance to Bean Weevil in Common Bean. Crop Science 58: 2370-2378. doi:10.2135/cropsci2018.02.0106.
Katuuramu, D.N., J.P. Hart, T.G. Porch, M.A. Grusak, R.P. Glahn and K.A. Cichy. 2018. Genome-wide association analysis of nutritional composition-related traits and iron bioavailability in cooked dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Molecular Breeding 38: 44. doi:10.1007/s11032-018-0798-x.
Kelly, J.D., G.V. Varner, M.I. Chilvers, K.A. Cichy and E.M. Wright. 2018. Registration of ‘Red Cedar’ Dark Red Kidney Bean. Journal of Plant Registrations 12: 199-202. doi:10.3198/jpr2017.05.0034crc.
Kelly, J.D., G.V. Varner, P.N. Miklas, K.A. Cichy and E.M. Wright. 2018. Registration of ‘Cayenne’ Small Red Bean. Journal of Plant Registrations 12: 194-198. doi:10.3198/jpr2017.05.0033crc.
Lorang, J.M., C.H. Hagerty, R. Lee, P.E. McClean and T.J. Wolpert. 2018. Genetic Analysis of Victorin Sensitivity and Identification of a Causal Nucleotide-Binding Site Leucine-Rich Repeat Gene in Phaseolus vulgaris. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 31: 1069-1074. doi:10.1094/MPMI-12-17-0328-R.
Lu, H.Y., Zeng, H., Zhang, L., Porres, J.M. and Cheng, W.H., 2018. Fecal fermentation products of common bean-derived fiber inhibit C/EBPα and PPARγ expression and lipid accumulation but stimulate PPARδ and UCP2 expression in the adipogenesis of 3 T3-L1 cells. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry.
McClean, P.E., K.E. Bett, R. Stonehouse, R. Lee, S. Pflieger, S.M. Moghaddam, et al. 2018. White seed color in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) results from convergent evolution in the P (pigment) gene. New Phytologist 219: 1112-1123. doi:doi:10.1111/nph.15259.
McClean, P.E., S.M. Moghaddam, A.-F. Lopéz-Millán, M.A. Brick, J.D. Kelly, P.N. Miklas, et al. 2017. Phenotypic Diversity for Seed Mineral Concentration in North American Dry Bean Germplasm of Middle American Ancestry. Crop Science 57: 3129-3144. doi:10.2135/cropsci2017.04.0244.
Mendoza, F.A., K.A. Cichy, C. Sprague, A. Goffnett, R. Lu and J.D. Kelly. 2018. Prediction of canned black bean texture (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) from intact dry seeds using visible/near infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging data. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 98: 283-290. doi:doi:10.1002/jsfa.8469.
Modderman, C.T., S. Markell, M. Wunsch and J.S. Pasche. 2018. Efficacy of In-Furrow Fungicides for Management of Field Pea Root Rot Caused by Fusarium avenaceum and F. solani Under Greenhouse and Field Conditions. Plant Health Progress 19: 212-219.
Moghaddam, S.M., M.A. Brick, D. Echeverria, H.J. Thompson, L.A. Brick, R. Lee, et al. 2017. Genetic Architecture of Dietary Fiber and Oligosaccharide Content in a Middle American Panel of Edible Dry Bean. The Plant Genome.
Monclova-Santana, C., S.G. Markell, M. Acevedo and J.S. Pasche. 2018. Uromyces appendiculatus prevalence in dry bean fields in North Dakota. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 61: 7-8.
Palmer, S., D. Winham, A. Oberhauser and R. Litchfield. 2018. Socio-Ecological Barriers to Dry Grain Pulse Consumption among Low-Income Women: A Mixed Methods Approach. Nutrients 10: 1108.
Palmer, S.M., D.M. Winham and C. Hradek. 2018. Knowledge gaps of the health benefits of beans among low-income women. American Journal of Health Behavior 42: 27-38.
Singh, S.P., P.N. Miklas, M.A. Brick, H.F. Schwartz, C.A. Urrea, H. Terán, et al. 2017. Pinto Bean Cultivars Blackfoot, Nez Perce, and Twin Falls. Journal of Plant Registrations 11: 212-217.
Soltani, A., S. MafiMoghaddam, A. Oladzad-Abbasabadi, K. Walter, P.J. Kearns, J. Vasquez-Guzman, et al. 2018. Genetic Analysis of Flooding Tolerance in an Andean Diversity Panel of Dry Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Frontiers in Plant Science 9: 767. doi:10.3389/fpls.2018.00767.
Souter, J.R., V. Gurusamy, T.G. Porch and K.E. Bett. 2017. Successful Introgression of Abiotic Stress Tolerance from Wild Tepary Bean to Common Bean. Crop Science 57: 1160-1171. doi:10.2135/cropsci2016.10.0851.
Thompson, H.J., J.N. McGinley, E.S. Neil and M.A. Brick. 2017. Beneficial Effects of Common Bean on Adiposity and Lipid Metabolism. Nutrients 9: 998.
Tock, A.J., D. Fourie, P.G. Walley, E.B. Holub, A. Soler, K.A. Cichy, et al. 2017. Genome-Wide Linkage and Association Mapping of Halo Blight Resistance in Common Bean to Race 6 of the Globally Important Bacterial Pathogen. Frontiers in plant science 8: 1170.
Todd, A.R., N. Donofrio, V.R. Sripathi, P.E. McClean, R.K. Lee, M. Pastor-Corrales, et al. 2017. Marker-Assisted Molecular Profiling, Deletion Mutant Analysis, and RNA-Seq Reveal a Disease Resistance Cluster Associated with Uromyces appendiculatus Infection in Common Bean Phaseolus vulgaris L. International journal of molecular sciences 18: 1109.
Traub, J., T. Porch, C. Naeem, C. Urrea, G. Austic, J. Kelly, et al. 2018. Screening For Heat Tolerance In Phaseolus Spp. Using Multiple Methods. Crop Science. doi:doi:10.2135/cropsci2018.04.0275.
Vasconcellos, R.C., O.B. Oraguzie, A. Soler, H. Arkwazee, J.R. Myers, J.J. Ferreira, et al. 2017. Meta-QTL for resistance to white mold in common bean. PloS one 12: e0171685.
Wang, W., J.L. Jacobs, M.I. Chilvers, C.M. Mukankusi, J.D. Kelly and K.A. Cichy. 2018. QTL Analysis of Fusarium Root Rot Resistance in an Andean × Middle American Common Bean RIL Population. Crop Science 58: 1166-1180. doi:10.2135/cropsci2017.10.0608.
Winham, D.M., A.M. Hutchins and S.V. Thompson. 2017. Glycemic Response to Black Beans and Chickpeas as Part of a Rice Meal: A Randomized Cross-Over Trial. Nutrients 9: 1095.
Winham, D.M., A.M. Hutchins, S.V. Thompson and M.K. Dougherty. 2018. Arizona Registered Dietitians Show Gaps in Knowledge of Bean Health Benefits. Nutrients 10: 52.
Zhang, L., S.A. Gezan, C. Eduardo Vallejos, J.W. Jones, K.J. Boote, J.A. Clavijo-Michelangeli, et al. 2017. Development of a QTL-environment-based predictive model for node addition rate in common bean. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 130: 1065-1079. doi:10.1007/s00122-017-2871-y.
Book Chapters
Kelly, J.D. 2018. Developing improved varieties of common bean. Achieving sustainable cultivation of grain legumes Volume 2. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing. p. 25-40.
Kelly, J.D. and N. Bornowski. 2018. Marker-Assisted Breeding for Economic Traits in Common Bean. In: S. S. Gosal and S. H. Wani, editors, Biotechnologies of Crop Improvement, Volume 3: Genomic Approaches. Springer International Publishing, Cham. p. 211-238.
Arkwazee, H., J. Hart, T. Porch, P. Griffiths, J. Davis and J.P. Myers. 2018. Genome wide association study (GWAS) for white mold resistance in snap bean. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative. p. 85-86.
Awale, H.E., N. Bornowski, E.M. Wright, G.V. Varner and J.D. Kelly. 2018. Characterization and distribution of a new emerging race of anthracnose in Michigan. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative. p. 113-114.
Heitholt. J, A. Alhasan, A. Homer and K. Madden. 2018. 2017 (CDBN) Dry bean performance evaluation (Lingle). Wyoming Agriculture Experiment Station 2018 Field Days Bulletin. University of Wyoming. p. 98-99.
Zitnick-Anderson. K., C. Modderman, L.E. Hanson and J.S. Pasche. 2018. A Repeatable Protocol for Fusarium Root Rot Phenotyping of Common Bean. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative p. 3-4.
Moore, M., C. Reynolds, J. Sweet and A. Pierson. 2018. 2017 (CDBN) Dry bean performance evaluation (Powell). Wyoming Agriculture Experiment Station 2018 Field Days Bulletin. University of Wyoming. p. 70-71.
Myers, J., H. Arkwazee, J. Davis, P. Miklas, J. Hart and P. McClean. 2018. GWAS and QTL mapping of white mold resistance in common bean. National Sclerotinia Initiative Meetings. Bloomington, MN.
Myers, J.R., J. Davis, H. Arkwazee, L. Wallace, R. Lee, S. Mafi Moghaddam, et al. 2018. Why wax beans lack carotenoids. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative. p. 29-30.
Myers, J.R., A. Huster, L. Wallace and C. Hagerty. 2017. Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) of Fusarium solani Resistance using the Bean CAP Snap Bean Diversity Panel. 7th International Legume Root Disease (ILRD) Workshop. East Lansing, MI.
Norton, J. and J. Heitholt. 2018. Edible dry bean as part of improved crop rotations in Wyoming. Wyoming Agriculture Experiment Station 2018 Field Days Bulletin. University of Wyoming. p. 72-73.
Rosas, J.C., J.S. Beaver, T.G. Porch, S.E. Beebe, J.P. Lynch and J. Burridge. 2018. Heat tolerance of common bean lines in Honduras. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative
- 179-180.
Rosas, J.C., H.D. Martínez Figueroa, P. T.G., C. Estévez de Jensen, A. González and J.S. Beaver. 2018. Evaluation of common bean lines for heat tolerance and web blight resistance. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative. p. 47-48.
Sharma, V. and J. Heitholt. 2018. Screening dry bean genotypes for drought tolerance in Wyoming. Wyoming Agriculture Experiment Station Field Days Bulletin. University of Wyoming Agriculture Experiment Station. p. 74-75.
Simons, K.J., R.S. Lamppa, P.E. McClean, J.M. Osorno and J.S. Pasche. 2018. SNPs Identified for Common Bacterial Blight Resistance in Dry Bean. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative p. 91-92.
Urrea, C. 2018. Great northern ‘Panhandle Pride’. The Bean Bag, Scottsbluff, NE. p. 12.
Urrea, C. and E. Valentin-Cruzado. 2018. Cooking time of slow darkening beans. The Bean Bag, Scottsbluff, NE. p. 17.
Urrea, C. and E. Valentin-Cruzado. 2018. Effect of bean cooking time and water absorption of selected root rot germplasm. The Bean Bag, Scottsbluff, NE. p. 22-23.
Wright, E., J. Kelly, J. Osorno, A. Vandermal, T. Smith, T. Heitholt, et al. 2018. 2017 Cooperative Dry Bean Nursery (CDBN) results across locations. The Bean Bag, Scottsbluff, NE. p. 11-12.
Abbasabadi, A.O., T. Porch, J. Rosas, S.M. Moghaddam, J. Beaver, S. Beebe, J. Burridge, C. Jochua, M. Miguel, P. Miklas, B. Raatz, J. White, J. Lynch, P. McClean. 2019. Single and multi-trait GWAS identify genetic factors associated with production traits in common bean under abiotic stress environments. G3. doi: 10.25387/g3.7965305.
Beaver, J.S., C. Estévez de Jensen, G. Lorenzo-Vázquez, A. González, H. Martínez and T. G. Porch. 2018. Registration of ‘Bella’ White-Seeded Common Bean Cultivar. J. Plant Reg. 12:190-193.
Cappa, C., J. D. Kelly, and P.K.W. Ng. 2019. Baking performance of 25 edible dry bean powders: correlation between cookie quality and rapid test indices, Food Chemistry, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.125338.
Cichy, K.A., Wiesinger, J.A., Berry, M., Nchimbi-Msolla, S., Fourie, D., Porch, T.G., Ambechew, D., Miklas, P.N. (2019) The role of genotype and production environment in determining the cooking time of dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Legume Science, e13.
Cichy, K., J.A. Wiesinger, M. Berry, S. Nchimbi-Msolla, D. Fourie, T.G. Porch, D. Ambechew, P.N. Miklas. 2019. The role of genotype and production environment in determining the cooking time of dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Legume Science. DOI: 10.1002/leg3.13.
Dramadri, I.O., S. Nkalubo, and J. D. Kelly. 2019. Identification of QTL associated with drought tolerance in Andean common bean. Crop Sci. 59:1–14. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2018.10.0604.
Farooq, M., B. A. Padder, N. N. Bhat, M.D. Shah, A. B. Shikari, H. E. Awale, and J. D. Kelly. 2019. Temporal expression of candidate genes at the Co-1 locus and their interaction with other defense related genes in common bean. Physiol. Mol. Plant Path. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmpp.2019.101424.
Feng, X., G.E. Orellana, J.R. Myers, and A.V. Karasev. 2018. Recessive resistance to bean common mosaic virus conferred by the bc-1 and bc-2 genes in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) affects long distance movement of the virus. Phytopathology 108:1-8. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-01-18-0021-R
Harveson, R.M. 2019. Managing dry bean bacterial diseases in Nebraska with new copper-alternative chemicals. Plant Health Progress 20: 14-19.
Hooper, S.D., Glahn, R.P., and Cichy, K.A. (2019) Single Varietal Dry Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Pastas: Nutritional Profile and Consumer Acceptability. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 1-8.
Jacobs, J.L., J. D. Kelly, E. M. Wright, G. Varner, and M. I. Chilvers. 2019. Determining the soilborne pathogens associated with root rot disease complex of dry bean in Michigan. Plant Health Progress 20:122-127. doi.org/10.1094/PHP-11-18-0076-S.
Jain, S., Poromarto, S., Osorno, J. M., McClean, P. E., & Nelson, B. D. (2019). Genome wide association study discovers genomic regions involved in resistance to soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) in common bean. PloS one, 14(2), e0212140.
Jiménez-Galindo, J.C., Álvarez-Iglesias L., Revilla P., Jacinto-Soto R., García-Domínguez L.E., de La Fuente M., Malvar R.A., Ordás B., Vander Wal A.J., and Osorno J.M. 2018. Screening for Drought Tolerance in Tepary and Common Bean Based on Osmotic Potential Assays. Planta 6:24-32.
Kamfwa, K., Cichy, K.A., Kelly, J.D. (2019) Identification of quantitative trait loci for symbiotic nitrogen fixation in common bean. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. Available: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00122-019-03284-6.
Long, Y., Bassett, A., Cichy, K., Thompson, A., & Morris, D. (2019). Bean Split Ratio for Dry Bean Canning Quality and Variety Analysis. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (pp. 0-0).
Mndolwa E.J., S.N. Msolla, T.G. Porch and P.N. Miklas. 2019. GGE biplot analysis of yield stability for Andean dry bean accessions grown under different abiotic stress regimes in Tanzania. African Crop Science Journal. 27: 413-425.
Myers, J. R., Wallace, L. T., Moghaddam, S. M., Kleintop, A. E., Echeverria, D., Thompson, H. J., Brick, M. A., Lee, R., McClean, P. E. (2019) Improving the health benefits of snap beans: genome wide association studies of total phenolic content. Nutrients 11, 2509; doi:10.3390/nu11102509.
Nguyen, A.T., S. Althwab, H. Qiu, R.Zbasnik, C. Urrea, T.P. Carr, and V. Schlegel. 2019. Pinto beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) lower non-HDL cholesterol in hamsters fed a diet rich in saturated fat and act on genes involved in cholesterol homeostasis. J. of Nutr. 149(6): 996-1003. https://doi.org/10.1093/jn/nxz044.
Oladzad, A., Zitnick-Anderson, K., Jain, S., Simons, K., Osorno, J. M., McClean, P. E., and Pasche, J. S.* 2019. Identifying genotypes and genomic regions associated with Rhizoctonia solani resistance in common bean. Frontiers in Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00956.
Oladzad, A., Porch, T., Rosas, J. C., Moghaddam, S.M., Beaver, J., Beebe, S.E., Burridge, Jochua, C. N, Miguel, M. A., Miklas, P. N., Ratz, B., White, J. W., Lynch, J., McClean, P. E., (2019) Single and multi-trait GWAS identify genetic factors associated with production traits in common bean under abiotic stress environments. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 9:1881-1892.
Porch, T.G., E.I. Brisco-McCann, G. Demosthene, R.W. Colbert, J.S. Beaver, J.D. Kelly. Release of TARS-LH1 a pinto bean germplasm with resistance to the leafhopper pest. J. of Crop Reg. (accepted).
Strock C., J. Burridge, A. Massas, J.Beaver, S. Beebe, S. Camillo, D. Fourie, C. Jochua, M. Miguel, P. Miklas, E. Mndolwa, S. Nchimbi-Msolla, T. Porch, J.C. Rosas, J. Trapp, J. Lynch. 2019. Seedling root architecture predicts yield across diverse environments in Phaseolus vulgaris. Field Crops Res. 237:53-64.
Soltani, A., MafiMoghaddam, S., Oladzad-Abbasabadi, A., Walter, K., Kearns, P. J., Vasquez-Guzman, J., Mamidi, S., Lee, R., Shade, A.L., Jacobs, J.L. Chilvers, M.I., Lowry D., McClean P.E., and Osorno, J.M. 2018. Genetic Analysis of Flooding Tolerance in an Andean Diversity Panel of Dry Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 9, 767. http://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2018.00767.
Urrea, C.A., O.P. Hurtado-Gonzales, M.A. Pastor-Corrales, and J.R. Steadman. 2019. Registration of great northern common bean cultivar ‘Panhandle Pride’ with enhanced disease resistance to bean rust and common bacterial blight. J. of Plant Reg. 13(3): 311-315.
Wallace, L., H. Arkwazee, K. Vining, and J.R. Myers. 2018. Genetic diversity within snap beans and their relation to dry beans. Genes 9(587); doi:10.3390/genes9120587. http://www.mdpi.com/2073-4425/9/12/587/htm.
Wiesinger, J., Cichy, K.A, Tako, E., Glahn, R. (2018) The fast cooking and enhanced iron bioavailability properties of the Manteca yellow bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Nutrients. 10:1609.
Wiesinger, J.A., Glahn, R.P., Cichy, K.A., Kolba, N., Hart, J.J. and Tako, E. (2019) An in vivo (Gallus gallus) feeding trial demonstrating the enhanced iron bioavailability properties of the fast cooking manteca yellow bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Nutrients, 11(8), p.1768.
Winham, D.M., Tisue, M.E., Palmer, S.M., Cichy, K.A., Shelley, M.C. (2019) Dry bean preferences and attitudes among Midwest Hispanic and non-Hispanic white women. Nutrients. 11:178.
Book Chapters
- M. De Ron, V. (K.) Kalavacharla, S. Álvarez-García, P. A. Casquero, G. Carro-Huelga, S. Gutiérrez, A. Lorenzana, S. Mayo-Prieto, A. Rodríguez-González, V. Suárez-Villanueva, A. P. Rodiño, J. S. Beaver, T. Porch, M. Z. Galván, M. C. Gonçalves Vidigal, M. Dworkin, A. Bedmar Villanueva and L. De la Rosa. 2019. Common bean genetics, breeding, and genomics for adaptation to changing to new agri-environmental Conditions. pp. 1-106. In: Genomic designing of climate-smart pulse crops (Ed: C. Kole). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland. 469 pages.
Myers, J.R., L. Brewer, and M. Al Jadi. 2018. The Importance of Cosmetic Stay-green in Specialty Crops. Plant Breeding Reviews 42:219-256.
Osorno, J.M., P.E. McClean, and T. Close. 2018. Advanced breeding techniques for grain legumes in the genomics era. In Sivasankar, S. et al. (ed.), Achieving sustainable cultivation of grain legumes Volume 1: Advances in breeding and cultivation techniques, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK (ISBN: 978-1-78676-136-1; www.bdspublishing.com)
Bulletins, Proceedings, and Reports
Beaver, J.S., T.G. Porch, G. Lorenzo Vázquez, A. González and C. Estevez de Jensen. 2019. Performance of Mesoamerican beans in a low fertility soil. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 62:91-92.
Broderick, K., R. Harveson, T. Jackson-Ziems, and S. Wegulo. 2019. Nebraska plant pathology: A culture of new diseases. Crop Watch, Crop Protection Clinic Proceedings, and Crop Management Conference Proceedings, January 2019.
Godoy-Lutz, G., J. Steadman, A. Mitra, and C.A. Urrea. 2019. Examining the fungal rhizobiome associated with resilient dry beans bred for changing climate conditions in western Nebraska. The Bean Bag 37(3): 19.
Hart, J.P., A.G. Vargas, J.S. Beaver, D.G. DeBouck and T.G. Porch. 2019. Genotyping the Ex Situ genetic resources of wild and cultivated tepary bean. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 62:109-110.
Harveson, R.M. 2019. Specialty crop diseases observed after hailstorms, Extension Circular EC3029.
Harveson, R.M., and T.A. Jackson-Ziems. 2019. Puzzling out two closely related corn, dry bean diseases. 2019. Crop Watch, November, 2019.
Harveson, R.M. 2019. Specialty crops update. Proceedings of the Crop Production Clinic, University of Nebraska, Cooperative Extension, pages 46-48.
Harveson, R M. 2019. New studies on managing diseases in pulse crops in 2019. Bean Bag, Summer Issue.
Harveson, R.M. 2019. New studies for managing Fusarium root rot in dry beans. Bean Bag, Summer Issue.
Harveson, R.M. 2019. Bacterial wilt color variants, Bean Bag, Autumn Issue.
Harveson, R.M. 2019. Nebraska – A hotbed for new plant diseases. Scottsbluff Star-Herald, May 2019.
Harveson, R.M. 2019. Origin of the great northern bean. Scottsbluff Star-Herald, May 2019.
Harveson, R.M. 2019. Bacterial wilt – One for the Thumb (The Rest of the Story). Phytopathology News, October, 2019.
Harveson, R.M. 2019. The curious story of the reappearance of Goss’ wilt of corn and bacterial wilt of dry beans in the Central High Plains (The rest of the story). Phytopathology News, November, 2019.
Harveson, R.M. 2019. Did you know? The dry bean bacterial wilt pathogen can be different colors. Scottsbluff Star-Herald, September, 2019.
Harveson, R.M. 2019. Did you know? – Goss’ wilt of corn and bacterial wilt of dry beans both re-emerged in Nebraska at the same time after an absence of 25+ years. Scottsbluff Star-Herald, October, 2019.
Higgins, R., S.E. Everhart and J.R. Steadman, J. Kelly, M. Wunch, J. Myers, P. Miklas, E. Berghauer, and C. Urrea. 2019. New sources of white mold resistance derived from wide crosses in common bean and evaluated in the greenhouse and field using Multi-site screening nurseries. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 62: 27-28.
Heitholt, J., A. Pierson, C. Eberle, V. Sharma. 2019. Performance of Segregating Progeny from a Pinto-by-Pink Dry Bean Cross in the Bighorn Basin of Wyoming. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Day Bulletin.
Heitholt, J., C. Eberle, V. Sharma. 2019. Performance of Segregating Progeny from a Pinto-by-Pink Dry Bean Cross in SE Wyoming after Several Hail Storms. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Days Bulletin.
Jackson-Ziems, T.A., A.O. Adesemoye, R.M. Harveson, S.N. Wegulo, A. Timmerman, K. Broderick, S. Sivits, and T. Hartman. 2019. Plant disease management. Pages 241 281. In: 2019 Guide for weed, disease, and insect management in Nebraska. Nebraska Extension EC130. 342 pp.
Kamfwa, K., J.S. Beaver, K.A. Cichy and J.D. Kelly. 2018. QTL Mapping of resistance to bean weevil in common bean. Crop Sci. 58:1-9.
Kandel, H.J. J.M. Osorno, et al. 2019. North Dakota dry bean performance testing 2018. NDSU Ext. Serv. Doc. A-654, Fargo, ND.
Keith, J. and J. Heitholt. 2019. Potential of Seed Production of Photoperiod-Sensitive and Photoperiod-Insensitive Popping Bean Lines of Phaseolus vulgaris under Greenhouse Conditions during the Winter Months. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Days Bulletin.
Keith, J. and J. Heitholt. 2019. The Effect of Two Nitrogen Sources (and Rates) on Seed Yield of Six Greenhouse-Grown Common Bean Genotypes that Express the ‘Popping’ Trait. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Day Bulletin.
Kelly, J. D., Wright, E. M., Varner, G. V., Chilvers, M. I., & Sprague, C. L. (2019). ‘Coho’: A new light red kidney bean variety for Michigan [E3432]. East Lansing: Michigan State University, MSU Extension.
Kelly, J. D., Wright, E. M., Varner, G. V., & Sprague, C. L. (2019). ‘Cayenne’: A new small red bean variety for Michigan [E3405]. East Lansing: Michigan State University, MSU Extension.
Kelly, J. D., Wright, E. M., Varner, G. V., Chilvers, C. I., & Sprague, C. L. (2019). ‘Red Cedar’: A new dark red kidney bean variety for Michigan [E3404]. East Lansing: Michigan State University, MSU Extension.
Knodel, J. J., Beauzay, P. B., Endres, G. J., Franzen, D. W., Ikley J., Kandel, H, J., Markell, S. G., Osorno, J. M., and Pasche, J. S. 2019. 2018 Dry Bean Grower Survey of Production, Pest Problems and Pesticide Use in Minnesota and North Dakota. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication, E1902. 40 Pp.
Norton, J. and J. Heitholt. 2019. Sustainable Production Practices for Edible Dry Beans. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Day Bulletin.
Urrea, C.A., and E. Valentin-Cruzado. 2019, 2018 Nebraska dry bean variety trials. The Bean Bag 37(1): 11-20.
Urrea, C.A. 2019. National Cooperative Dry Bean Trial. 2019. The Bean Bag 37(2): 10-11.
Urrea, C.A., and E. Valentin-Cruzado. 2019. Comparison between regular and slow darkening pinto beans for water absorption, cooking time, and bean dough color. The Bean Bag 37(2): 13-14.
Urrea, C.A., and E. Valentin-Cruzado. 2018 Nebraska dry bean variety trials. The Bean Bag 37(1): 11-20.
Urrea, C.A., and E. Valentin-Cruzado. 2018 Nebraska dry bean variety trials. Nebraska Extension MP107. 12 p.
Urrea, C.A. 2019. 69th Annual report National Cooperative Dry Bean Nurseries. Crop Watch. https://cropwatch.unl.edu/2018%20CDBN%20Final.pdf
Urrea, C.A., and E. Valentin-Cruzado. 2018 Nebraska dry bean variety trials. Crop Watch. https://cropwatch.unl.edu/Varietytest DryBeans/2018%20Nebraska%20Dry%20Bean%20Variety%20Trials-Crop%20Watch%20revision%202.pdf
Acevedo, M., Pixley, K., Nkulumo, Z., Meng, S., Tufan, H., Cichy, K.A., Bizikova, L., Issacs, K., Ghezzi-Kopel, K. 2020. A scoping review of adoption of climate-resilient crops by small-scale producers in low-and middle-income countries. Nature Plants, 6(10), 1231-1241.
Addy, S. N., Cichy, K. A., Adu-Dapaah, H., Asante, I. K., Emmanuel, A., & Offei, S. K. 2020. Genetic Studies on the Inheritance of Storage-Induced Cooking Time in Cowpeas [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11, 444.
Alvares, R. C., H. S. Pereira, L. C. Melo, P. N. Miklas, and P. G. S. Melo. 2020. Induction of seed coat darkening in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and the association with cooking time after storage. Austral. J. Crop Sci. 14:21-27.
Alvares, R. C., R. Stonehouse, T. L. P. Oliveria, P. G. Melo, P. N. Miklas, K. E. Bett, L. Melo, L. A. Rodrigues, L. L. Souza, and H. S. Pereira. 2019. Generation and validation of genetic markers for the selection of carioca dry bean genotypes with the slow darkening seed coat trait. Euphytica 215: 141. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10681-019-2461-y
Bassett, A., Dolan, K., and Cichy, K.A. 2020 Reduced retort processing time improves canning quality of fast-cooking dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.10444
Beaver J.S., González A., Godoy-Lutz G., Rosas, J.C., Hurtado-González, O.P., Pastor-Corrales, M.A. and T.G. Porch. 2020. Registration of PR1572-19 and PRPR1572-26 pinto bean germplasm lines with broad resistance to rust, BGYMV, BCMV, and BCMNV. J. Plant Regist. 2020;1–7. https:doi.org/1010002/plr2.20027.
Beaver, J.S., González, A. Godoy-Lutz, G., Rosas, J.C., Hurtado-Gonzales, O.P., Pastor-Corrales, M.A., Porch, T.G. 2020. Registration of PR1572-19 and PR1572-26 pinto bean germplasm lines with broad resistance to rust, BGYMV, BCMV, and BCMNV. J. Plant Reg.: 1-7. DOI: 10.1002/plr2.20027.
Berny Mier y Teran J, Konzen E, Palkovic A, Tsai S, Gepts P. 2020. Exploration of the yield potential of Mesoamerican wild common beans from contrasting eco-geographic regions by nested recombinant inbred populations. Frontiers in Plant Science 11:346 doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00346
Berny Mier y Teran JC, Konzen ER, Palkovic A, Tsai SM, Rao IM, Beebe S, Gepts P. 2019. Effect of drought stress on the genetic architecture of photosynthate allocation and remobilization in pods of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), a key species for food security. BMC Plant Biol 19:171 doi: 10.1186/s12870-019-1774-2
Berry, M., Izquierdo, P., Jeffery, H., Shaw, S., Nchimbi-Msolla, S., Cichy, KA. 2020 QTL analysis of cooking time and quality traits in dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Theoretical and Applied Genetics Jul;133(7):2291-2305. doi: 10.1007/s00122-020-03598-w.
Bornowski, N., Q. Song, and J. D. Kelly. 2020. QTL mapping of post-processing color retention in two black bean populations. Theor. Appl. Genet. doi: 10.1007/s00122-020-03656-3
Bulyaba, R., D. M. Winham, A. W. Lenssen, K. J. Moore, J.D. Kelly, M. A. Brick, E. M. Wright, and J. B. Ogg. 2020. Genotype by environment effects on yield and seed nutrient composition of common bean. Agronomy 10:347; doi:10.3390/agronomy10030347
Cichy, K., J. A. Wiesinger, M. Berry; S. Nchimbi-Msolla, D. Fourie, T. G. Porch, D. Ambechew, and P. N. Miklas. 2019. The role of genotype and production environment in determining the cooking time of dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Legume Science 1: e13. https://doi.org/10.1002/leg3.13
Cominell. E., Galimbert, M., Pongrac, P., Landoni, M., Losa, A., Paolo, D., Daminati, M.G., Bollini, R., Cichy, K.A., Vogel-Mikus, K., Sparvoli, F. 2020 Calcium redistribution induces hard-to-cook phenotype and increases PHA-L lectin thermal stability in common bean low phytic acid 1 mutant seeds. Food Chemistry, 321:126680 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.126680
Das, S., Plyler-Harveson, T., Santra, D. K., Harveson, R. M, Nielsen, K. A. 2020. A longitudinal study on morpho-genetic diversity of pathogenic Rhizoctonia solani from sugar beet and dry beans of western Nebraska. BMC Microbiology (accepted - in press).
De Ron, A.M., V. (K.) Kalavacharla, S. Álvarez-García, P. A. Casquero, G. Carro-Huelga, S. Gutiérrez, A. Lorenzana, S. Mayo-Prieto, A. Rodríguez-González, V. Suárez-Villanueva, A. P. Rodiño, J. S. Beaver, T. Porch, M. Z. Galván, M. C. Gonçalves Vidigal, M. Dworkin, A. Bedmar Villanueva and L. De la Rosa. 2019. Common bean genetics, breeding, and genomics for adaptation to changing to new agri-environmental conditions p. 1-106. In Genomic designing of climate-smart pulse crops. Chittaranjan Kole (ed.). Springer, New York, NY.
Dramadri, I.O., W. Amongi, J. D. Kelly, and C. M. Mukankusi. 2020. Genome-wide association analysis of resistance to Pythium ultimum in common bean. Plant Breeding doi: 10.1111/pbr.12855
Feng, X., *Orellana, G.E., Green, J.C., Melzer, M.J., Hu, J.S., and Karasev, A.V. 2019 A new strain of Bean common mosaic virus from lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus): biological and molecular characterization. Plant Disease 103: 1220-1227 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-08-18-1307-RE).
Fernandes, S., G. Godoy-Lutz, J.R. Steadman, K. Eskridge, C. Urrea, C. Jochua and J.R. Herr. 2020. Root and crown rot pathogens found on dry beans grown in Mozambique. J. Of Tropical Plant Pathol. (submitted)
Gilio, T.A.S., Hurtado-Gonzales, O.P., Gonçalves-Vidigal, M.C., Valentini, G., Elias, J.C.F., Song, Q., and Pastor-Corrales, M.A. 2020. Fine mapping of an anthracnose-resistance locus in Andean common bean cultivar Amendoim Cavalo. Plos One 15(10): e0239763. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.
Haus, M.J., Wang, W., Peplinski, H., Jacobs, J., Chilvers, M., Buell, R., Cichy, K.A. 2020 Root Crown Response to Fungal Root Rot in Phaseolus vulgaris Middle American x Andean lines. Plant Disease https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-05-20-0956-RE
Heer MM, Winham DM. Bean preferences vary by acculturation among Latinas compared to non-Hispanic white women in the Southwest. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020 Jan;17(6):2100.
Heer MM, Winham DM. Food Behaviors, Health, and Bean Nutrition Awareness among Low-Income Men: A Pilot Study.2020. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(3):1039
Hufford MB, Berny Mier y Teran JC, Gepts P. 2019. Crop biodiversity: an unfinished magnum opus of nature. Annual Review of Plant Biology 70: 727-751 DOI: 10.1146/annurev-arplant-042817-040240
Hutchins AM, Winham DM. Pinto beans and green beans result in comparable glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes. 2020. Food Science & Nutrition Technology5 (1), 10.23880/fsnt-16000211
Jain, S., Poromarto, S., Osorno, J.M., McClean, P.E., Nelson Jr., B.E. 2019. Genome Wide Association Study Discovers Genomic Regions Involved in Resistance to Soybean Cyst Nematode (Heterodera glycines) in Common Bean. PLOS One 14(2), p.e0212140. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0212140
Katuuramu, D.N., G. B. Luyima, S. T. Nkalubo, J. A. Wiesinger, J. D. Kelly, and K. A. Cichy. 2020. On-farm multi-location evaluation of genotype by environment interactions for seed yield and cooking time in common bean. Scientific Reports 10:3628 doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-60087-2
Kelly, J.D., G.V. Varner, M.I. Chilvers, K. A. Cichy and E.M. Wright. 2020. Registration of ‘Coho’ light red kidney bean. J. Plant Registrations14: 134-138. doi: 10.1002/plr2.20051
Konzen ER, Recchia GH, Cassieri F, Caldas DGG, Berny Mier y Teran JC, Gepts P, Tsai SM. 2019. DREB genes from common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) show broad to specific abiotic stress responses and distinct levels of nucleotide diversity. International Journal of Genomics 28 doi: 10.1155/2019/9520642
Kuzay S, Hamilton-Conaty PA, Palkovic A, Gepts P. 2020. Is the USDA core collection of common bean representative of genetic diversity of the species, as assessed by SNP diversity? Crop Science 60: 1398-1414 doi: 10.2135/cropsci2019.08.0497
MacQueen, A.H., White, J.W., Lee, R., Osorno, J.M., Schmutz, J., Miklas, P.N., Myers, J., McClean, P.E. and Juenger, T.E., 2020. Genetic Associations in Four Decades of Multienvironment Trials Reveal Agronomic Trait Evolution in Common Bean. Genetics, 215(1), pp.267-284.
McQueen, A., J.W. White, R. Lee, J. Osorno, J. Schmutz, P.N. Miklas, J. R. Myers, P. McClean, and T. Juenger. 2020. Genetic associations in four decades of multi-environment trials reveal agronomic trait evolution in common bean. Genetics 215: 267-284.
Miklas, P.N., Osorno, J.M. Chaves, B. and Cichy, K.A. 2020 Agronomic performance and cooking quality characteristics for slow darkening pinto beans. Crop Science https://doi.org/10.1002/csc2.20220
Mukuma, C., G. Godoy-Lutz, K. Eskridge, J.R. Steadman, C. Urrea, and K. Muimui. 2020. Use of culture and molecular based methods for Identification and characterization of dry bean fungal root rot pathogens in Zambia. J. of Tropical Plant Pathol. 45: 385-396.
Mungalu H, Sansala M, Hamabwe S, Mukuma C, Gepts P, Kelly JD, Kamfwa K. 2020. Identification of race-specific quantitative trait loci for resistance to Colletotrichum lindemuthianum in an Andean population of common bean. Crop Science n/a doi: 10.1002/csc2.20191
Mungalu, H., M. Sansala, S. Hamabwe, C. Mukuma, P. Gepts, J. D. Kelly and K. Kamfwa. 2020. Identification of race-specific quantitative trait loci for resistance to Colletotrichum lindemuthianum in an Andean population of common bean. Crop Sci. doi:10.1002/csc2.20191.
Myers, J.R., L.T. Wallace, S.M. Moghaddam, A.E. Kleintop, D. Echeverria, H.J. Thompson, M.A. Brick, R. Lee and P.E. McClean. 2019. Improving the health benefits of snap bean: Genome wide association studies of total phenolic content. Nutrients 11(10), 2509; https://doi.org/10.3390/nu11102509.
Nay, M.M., Souza, L.P.O., Raatz, B., Mukankusi, C.M., Gonçalves-Vidigal, M.C., Abreu, A.F.B., Melo, L.C., and Pastor-Corrales, M.A. 2019. A Review of Angular Leaf Spot Resistance in Common Bean. Crop Sci. 59: 1376–1391. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2018.09.0596.
Nchimbi Msolla, S., P. Miklas, D. Fourie, M. Kilango, T. Porch. 2020. Description of Baetao‐Manteiga 41 and ‘Yunguilla’ superior Andean common beans for Tanzanian production environments. Journal of Plant Registrations. https://doi.org/10.1002/plr2.20072
Njobvu, J., S. M. Hamabwe, K. Munyinda, J. D. Kelly, and K. Kamfwa. 2020. Quantitative trait loci mapping of resistance to aluminum toxicity in common bean. Crop Sci. 60:1294–1302. doi: 10.1002/csc2.20043
Oladzad A., Zitnick-Anderson K., Jain S., Simons K., Osorno J.M., McClean P.E., and Pasche J.S. 2019. Identifying genotypes and genomic regions associated with Rhizoctonia solani resistance in common bean. Frontiers in Plant Sci. 10:956. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2019.00956
Osdaghi, E., Young A. J., and Harveson, R. M. 2020. Bacterial wilt of dry beans caused by Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens: A new threat from an old enemy. Molecular Plant Pathology 21: 605-621.
Osorno, J.M., Vander Wal, A.J., Posch, J., Simons, K., Grafton K.F., Pasche, J.S., D. Nelson, B.D., Jain, S., and Pastor-Corrales, M.A. 2020. ‘ND Falcon’ a new pinto bean with combined resistance to rust and soybean cyst nematode: J. Plant Reg. 14:117-125. DOI: 10.1002/plr2.20025.
Parker TA, Berny Mier y Teran JC, Palkovic A, Jernstedt J, Gepts P. 2019. Pod indehiscence is a domestication and aridity resilience trait in common bean. New Phytologist 225: 558-570 doi: 10.1111/nph.16164
Parker TA, Palkovic A, Gepts P. 2020. Determining the genetic control of common bean early-growth rate using unmanned aerial vehicles. Remote Sensing 12:1748 doi: 10.3390/rs12111748
Porch, T.G., E. I. Brisco-McCann, G. Demosthene, R. W. Colbert, J. S. Beaver, and J.D. Kelly. 2020. Release of TARS-LH1 a pinto bean germplasm with resistance to the leafhopper pest. J. Plant Registrations 14: 165-171. doi: 10.1002/plr2.20021
Sadohara, R., J. D. Kelly, and K. A. Cichy. 2020. Genotypic and environmental effects on paste quality of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) grown in Michigan. Hort Science, doi.org/10.21273/Hortsci14687-19
Sankaran, S., J. J. Quirós, and P. N. Miklas. 2019. Unmanned aerial system and satellite-based high resolution imagery for high-throughput phenotyping in dry bean. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 165: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2019.104965
Serrato-Diaz, L.M., E.D. Navarro-Monserrat, J.C. Rosas, L.A. Chilagane, P. Bayman-Gupta, and T.G. Porch. 2020. Phylogeny of Pseudocercospora griseola from Puerto Rico, Central America and Tanzania confirms the existence of an Afro-Andean clade. Eur. J. Plant Pathol. 1-15. 10.1007/s10658-020-02015-8
Song, G-q. X. Han, A. T. Wiersma, X. Zong, H. E. Awale, and J. D. Kelly. 2020. Induction of competent cells for Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated stable transformation of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). PLoS ONE 15(3): e0229909. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0229909
Strock, C. F., J. Burridge, A. S. F. Massas, J. Beaver, S. Beebe, S. A. Camilo, D. Fourie, C. Jochua, M. Miguel, P. N. Miklas, E. Mndolwa, S. Nchimbi-Msolla, J. Polania, T. G. Porch, J. C. Rosas, J. J. Trapp, and J. P. Lynch. 2019. Seedling root architecture and its relationship with seed yield across diverse environments in Phaseolus vulgaris. Field Crops Research 237:53-64
Urrea, C.A., Hurtado-Gonzales, O.P., Pastor-Corrales, M.A., and Steadman, J.R. 2019. Registration of Great Northern Common Bean Cultivar ‘Panhandle Pride’ with Enhanced Disease Resistance to Bean Rust and Common Bacterial Blight. J. Plant Reg. 13: 311-315.
Vidigal Filho, P.S., Gonçalves-Vidigal, M.C., Bisneta, M.V., Souza, V.B., Gilio, T.A.S., Calvi, A. A., Lima, L.R.L., Marcial A. Pastor-Corrales, M.A., Melotto, M. 2020. Genome-wide association study of resistance to the anthracnose and angular leaf spot diseases in Brazilian Mesoamerican and Andean common bean cultivars. Crop Sci. 1-20. doi.org/10.1002/csc2.20308.
Wiesinger, J.A., Cichy, K.A., Hooper, S.D., Hart, J.J. and Glahn, R.P. 2020 Processing white or yellow dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) into a heat treated flour enhances the iron bioavailability of bean-based pastas. Journal of Functional Foods, 71, p.104018.
Winham DM, Knoblauch ST, Heer MM, Thompson SV, Der Ananian C. 2020. African American views of food choices and use of traditional foods. American Journal of Health Behavior 44(6):848-863.
Winham DM, Nikl RR, Hutchins AM, Martin RL, Campbell CG. 2020. Dietitians vary in advising about beans to type 2 diabetes clients by counseling status. Food Science and Nutrition 00:1–9. https://doi.org/10.1002/ fsn3.1578
<b>Non-Refereed Publications</b>
Barrera, S., and C.A. Urrea. 2020. Use of tepary beans to overcome biotic and abiotic stresses in dry beans. The Bean Bag 38(2): 8-10.
Barrera, S., J.C.B. Myer y Teran, J. Diaz, R. Leon, S. Beebe, and C.A. Urrea. 2020. Identification and introgression of drought and heat adaptation from tepary beans to improve elite common bean backgrounds. The Bean Improv. Coop. 63: 21-22.
Barrera, S., P. Taming, C.A. Urrea, and M.A. Pastor-Corrales. 2020. Reaction of tepary beans to races of the bean rust pathogen that overcome all common bean rust resistant genes. The Bean Improv. Coop. 63: 43-44.
Beaver, J.S. 2020. The production and genetic improvement of beans in the Caribbean. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 63:7-12.
Beaver, J.S., Estévez de Jensen, C. Miklas, P.N. and T.G. Porch. 2020. Contributions in Puerto Rico to Bean, Phaseolus spp., research. J. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico. 104:43-111. https://doi.org/10.46429/jaupr.v104i1.18287
Beaver, J.S., T. Porch, G. Lorenzo, A. González and C. Estévez de Jensen. 2019. Performance of Mesoamerican beans in a low fertility soil. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 62:91-92.
Escobar, E, Miklas P.N., Osorno J.M., McClean P.E. 2019. Genetic improvement of dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) for resistance to white mold (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Lib de Bary) using a MAGIC population. Annual Meet National Sclerotinia Initiative, Fargo, ND.
Hamilton O., Osorno J.M., Nelson B.D. 2019. Resistance of commercial dry bean cultivars to soybean cyst nematode. APS Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH.
Hart, J.P., A.G. Vargas, J.S. Beaver, D.G. DeBouck and T.G. Porch. 2019. Genotyping the Ex Situ genetic resources of wild and cultivated tepary bean. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 62:109-110.
Harveson, R. M. 2020. Plant Pathology Research at the Panhandle REC, Scottsbluff, Star-Herald, February 2020. This publication was also picked up and re-published (March 9, 2020) in the Fence Post, a weekly regional agricultural newspaper based out of Greeley CO.
Harveson, R. M. 2020. Specialty crops update. Proceedings of the Crop Production Clinic, University of Nebraska, Cooperative Extension, pages 46-48.
Harveson, R. M. 2020. Be Prepared for Dry Bean Rust in 2020! Star-Herald, June 2020.
Harveson, R. M. 2020. Dry Bean Disease Management Recommendations for Nebraska Producers, Bean Bag, Summer Issue.
Harveson, R. M. 2020. Pulse Crop Disease Research in 2020. Bean Bag, Spring Issue
Harveson, R. M., and Urrea, C. A. 2020. Fuscous Blight, a Bacterial Disease Caused by a Variant of the Common Blight Pathogen. Bean Bag, Winter Issue.
Heitholt, J., A. Pierson, C. Eberle, V. Sharma. 2019. Performance of Segregating Progeny from a Pinto-by-Pink Dry Bean Cross in the Bighorn Basin of Wyoming. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Day Bulletin. p. 45-46.
Heitholt, J., C. Eberle, V. Sharma. 2019. Performance of Segregating Progeny from a Pinto by Pink Dry Bean Cross in SE Wyoming after Several Hail Storms. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Days Bulletin. p. 84-85.
Higgins, R., S.E. Everhart and J.R. Steadman, J. Kelly, M. Wunch, J. Myers, P. Miklas, E. Berghauer, and C. Urrea. 2019. New sources of white mold resistance derived from wide crosses in common bean and evaluated in the greenhouse and field using Multi-site screening nurseries. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 62: 27-28.
Hurtado-Gonzales, O.P., Valentini, G., Gilio, T.A.S., Song, Q., and Pastor-Corrales, M.A. 2020. Development and Validation of a marker linked to the Ur-4 rust resistance gene in common bean. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 63: 49-50.
Jain S., Zitnick-Anderson K., Oladzad A., Simons K., Osorno J.M., McClean P.E., Pasche J.S. 2019. Fusarium root rot resistant genotypes and genomic regions identified in two major common bean gene pools. APS Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH.
Kandel, H.J. J.M. Osorno, et al. 2019. North Dakota dry bean performance testing 2018. NDSU Ext. Serv. Doc. A-654, Fargo, ND.
Keith, J. and J. Heitholt. 2019. Potential of Seed Production of Photoperiod-Sensitive and Photoperiod-Insensitive Popping Bean Lines of Phaseolus vulgaris under Greenhouse Conditions during the Winter Months. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Days Bulletin. p. 11-12.
Keith, J. and J. Heitholt. 2019. The Effect of Two Nitrogen Sources (and Rates) on Seed Yield of Six Greenhouse-Grown Common Bean Genotypes that Express the ‘Popping’ Trait. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Day Bulletin. p. 13-14.
Kelly, J. D., Wright, E. M., Varner, G. V., & Sprague, C. L. 2019. ‘Cayenne’: A new small red bean variety for Michigan [E3405]. East Lansing: Michigan State University, MSU Extension.
Kelly, J. D., Wright, E. M., Varner, G. V., Chilvers, C. I., & Sprague, C. L. 2019. ‘Red Cedar’: A new dark red kidney bean variety for Michigan [E3404]. East Lansing: Michigan State University, MSU Extension.
Kelly, J. D., Wright, E. M., Varner, G. V., Chilvers, M. I., & Sprague, C. L. 2019. ‘Coho’: A new light red kidney bean variety for Michigan [E3432]. East Lansing: Michigan State University, MSU Extension.
Knodel, J.J., Beauzay P.B., Endres G.W., Franzen D.W., Ikley J., Kandel H.J., Markell S.G., Osorno J.M., and Pasche J.S. 2019. 2018 Dry bean grower survey of pest problems and pesticide use in Minnesota and North Dakota. NDSU Ext. Serv. Doc. E-1522, Fargo, ND.
Magallanes-Lopez A.M., Osorno J.M., and Simsek S. 2019. Varietal and location effects on antioxidant potential of pinto and black Beans. Cereals & Grains meeting, Denver, CO.
Miklas, P. Chilagane, L., Fourie, D., Nchimbi, S., Soler-Garzon, A., Hart, J., McClean, P., Pastor-Corrales, M, Song. Q., and Porch, T. 2020. QTL for resistance to angular leaf spot and rust in Tanzania vs South Africa for the Andean diversity panel & Rojo/CAL 143 RIL population. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 63: 83-84.
Norton, J. and J. Heitholt. 2019. Sustainable Production Practices for Edible Dry Beans. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Day Bulletin. p. 40-41.
Oladzad A., Tobar-Piñón M.G., Smasal A., Osorno J.M., McClean P.E. 2019. Genetic basis of seed size-related traits in the two major gene pools of common bean. Plant and Animal Genome Conference, San Diego, CA.
Pastor-Corrales, M.A. 2020. Epistasis between rust resistance genes in two common beans of Andean origin. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 63: 125-126.
Rai, A, V. Sharma, and J. Heitholt. 2019. Dry bean growth and yield relationships in response to irrigation gradient in the semi-arid climate of Wyoming. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Day Bulletin. p. 28-29.
Rodriguez, D., J. Beaver, C. Estevez de Jensen, and T.G. Porch. 2019. Identification of sources of resistance of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to angular leaf spot (Pseudocercospora griseola). Revista Facultad Nacional de Agronomia Medellin 72(2):8785-8791.
Rosas, J.C., Beaver, J.S. and T.G Porch. 2020. Bean cultivars and germplasm released in Central America and the Caribbean. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 63:107-108.
Sanchez-Betancourt, E., R.M. Harveson, D.L. Hyten, and C.A. Urrea. 2020. Inheritance of resistance to bacterial wilt in common beans. The Bean Bag 38(3): 11.
Sharma, V., A. Rai, and J. Heitholt. 2019. Dry bean yield dynamics in response to irrigation gradients under sprinkler and furrow irrigation system. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Day Bulletin. p. 30-32.
Sharma, V., E. Oleson, and J. Heitholt. 2019. Effects of seeding-rates and row-spacing on dry bean yield under full and deficit irrigation. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Day Bulletin. p. 36-37.
Simons K.J., Lamppa R.S., Pasche J.S., McClean P.E., Osorno J.M. 2019. Utilizing dry bean breeding populations in genome wide association studies. Plant and Animal Genome Conference, San Diego, CA.
Simons K.J., Penner W.C., Stoesz D.B., Schroeder S., Conner R.L., and Osorno J.M. 2019. Dry bean anthracnose: age-related resistance under field conditions. emerging opportunities for pulse production: Genetics, Genomics, Phenomics and Integrated Pest Management Conf., Washington St. Univ., Pullman, WA, USA.
Soler-Garzon A., Oladzad A., Lee R., Macea E., Rosas J.C., Beaver J., McClean P., Beebe S., Raatz B. and P. Miklas. 2020. Genome-wide association and fine mapping of bgm-1 gene and other QTLs for resistance to Bean golden yellow mosaic virus in dry beans. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 63:87-88.
Urrea, C.A. 70th Annual Report National Cooperative Dry Bean Nursery. http://cropwatch.unl.edu/varietytest-Drybeans/2019.
Urrea, C.A., and E. Valentin-Cruzado. 2020. 2019 Nebraska dry bean variety trials. Nebraska Extension MP109. 6 p.
Urrea, C.A., and E.V. Cruzado. 2019. Nebraska dry bean variety trials. The Bean Bag 38(1): 8-13.
Urrea, C.A., and E.V. Cruzado. 2020. 2019 Dry Bean Variety Trials. http://cropwatch.unl.edu/varietytest-Drybeans/2019.
Vidigal Filho, P.S., Goncalves-Vidigal, M.C., Sousa, V.B., Vaz Bisneta,M., Pastor-Corrales, M.A., Oblessuc, P.M, Melotto, M. 2020. Genome wide association analysis reveals markers tagging anthracnose and angular leaf spot resistance in common bean from Brazil. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 63: 81-82.
Xavier, L. F. S.; Valentini, G.; Pastor-Corrales, M. A. 2020. Simultaneous inoculation of common bean cultivars with multiple races of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 63: 115-116.
Xavier, L. F. S.; Valentini, G.; Poletine, J. P; Gonçalves-Vidigal, M. C.; Silva, J. B.; Calvi, A. C.; Song, Q.; Pastor-Corrales, M. A. 2020. Phenotype and SNPs revealed an anthracnose resistance locus in Andean common bean landrace Beija Flor. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 63: 117-118.